Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case … · Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case study in Western Australia A THESIS BY: MARC

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Page 1: Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case … · Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case study in Western Australia A THESIS BY: MARC

SShheeaarr--sslliipp iinndduucceedd sseeiissmmiicc aaccttiivviittyy iinn uunnddeerrggrroouunndd mmiinneess:: aa ccaassee ssttuuddyy iinn

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Page 2: Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case … · Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case study in Western Australia A THESIS BY: MARC



Mining induced seismic activity and rockbursting are critical concerns for many

underground operations. Seismic activity may arise from the crushing of highly

stressed volumes of rock around mine openings or from shear motion on planes of

weakness. Shear-slip on major planes of weakness such as faults, shear zones and weak

contacts has long been recognized as a dominant mode of failure in underground mines.

In certain circumstances, it can generate large seismic events and induce substantial

damage to mine openings.

The Big Bell Gold mine began experiencing major seismic activity and resultant

damage in 1999. Several seismic events were recorded around the second graphitic

shear between April 2000 and February 2002. It is likely that the seismic activity

occurred as a result of the low strength of the shear structure combined with the high

level of mining induced stresses. The stability of the second graphitic shear was

examined in order to gain a better understanding of the causes and mechanisms of the

seismic activity recorded in the vicinity of the shear structure as mining advanced. The

data were derived from the observation of the structure exposures, numerical modelling

and seismic monitoring. The numerical modelling predictions and the interpreted

seismic monitoring data were subsequently compared in order to identify potential

relationships between the two.

This thesis proposes the Incremental Work Density (IWD) as a measure to evaluate the

relative likelihood of shear-slip induced seismic activity upon major planes of

weakness. IWD is readily evaluated using numerical modelling and is calculated as the

product of the average driving shear stress and change in inelastic shear deformation

during a given mining increment or step. IWD is expected to correlate with shear-slip

induced seismic activity in both space and time. In this thesis, IWD was applied to the

case study of the second graphitic shear at the Big Bell mine.

Exposures of the second graphitic shear yielded information about the physical

characteristics of the structure and location within the mine. Numerical modelling was

used to examine the influence of mining induced stresses on the overall behaviour of the

shear structure. A multi-step model of the mine was created using the three-

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dimensional boundary element code of Map3D. The shear structure was physically

incorporated into the model in order to simulate inelastic shear deformation. An elasto-

plastic Mohr-Coulomb material model was used to describe the structure behaviour.

The structure plane was divided into several elements in order to allow for the

comparison of the numerical modelling predictions and the interpreted seismic data.

Stress components, deformation components and IWD values were calculated for each

element of the shear structure and each mining step. The seismic activity recorded in

the vicinity of the second graphitic shear was back analysed. The seismic data were

also gridded and smoothed. Gridding and smoothing of individual seismic moment and

seismic energy values resulted in the definition of indicators of seismic activity for each

element and mining step.

The numerical model predicted inelastic shear deformation upon the second graphitic

shear as mining advanced. The distribution of modelled IWD suggested that shear

deformation was most likely seismic upon a zone below the stopes and most likely

aseismic upon the upper zone of the shear structure. The distribution of seismic activity

recorded in the vicinity of the shear structure verified the above predictions. The

seismic events predominantly clustered upon the zone below the stopes. The results

indicated that the seismic activity recorded in the vicinity of the second graphitic shear

was most likely related to both the change in inelastic shear deformation and the level of

driving shear stress during mechanical shearing. Time distribution of the seismic events

also indicated that shear deformation and accompanying seismic activity were strongly

influenced by mining and were time-dependant.

Seismic activity in the vicinity of the second graphitic shear occurred as a result of the

overall inelastic shear deformation of the shear structure under mining induced stresses.

A satisfactory relationship was found between the spatial distribution of modelled IWD

upon the shear structure and the spatial distribution of interpreted seismic activity

(measured as either smoothed seismic moment or smoothed seismic energy). Seismic

activity predominantly clustered around a zone of higher IWD upon the second

graphitic shear as mining advanced. However, no significant statistical relationship was

found between the modelled IWD and the interpreted seismic activity. The lack of

statistical relationship between the modelled and seismic data may be attributed to

several factors including the limitations of the techniques employed (e.g. Map3D

modelling, seismic monitoring) and the complexity of the process involved.

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This research was part of the Mine Seismicity and Rockburst Risk Management project,

which was funded by the Western Australian mining industry and the Minerals &

Energy Research Institute of Western Australia (MERIWA).

I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Yves Potvin, for giving me the

opportunity to undertake this research and his indispensable assistance and guidance

throughout this project.

I extend special thanks to Marty Hudyma, John Albrecht, Michelle Owen and the

Australian Centre for Geomechanics staff for their valuable support and help. Thanks

also go to John Hadjigeogiou for his encouragement and advice.

On a personal note, I would like to thank my valued friend Suzanne for her support and


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Abstract ..............................................................................................................................i Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................................iii Table of Contents .............................................................................................................iv List of Figures ..................................................................................................................vi List of Tables .................................................................................................................viii 1. Introduction...................................................................................................................1

1.1. Background ............................................................................................................1 1.2. Problem statement..................................................................................................5 1.3. Research objectives................................................................................................6 1.4. Thesis structure ......................................................................................................6 1.5. Deviation................................................................................................................8

2. Literature review ...........................................................................................................9

2.1. Introduction............................................................................................................9 2.2. Shear strength of planes of weakness.....................................................................9 2.3. Elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model...................................................................13 2.4. Asperity and barrier models .................................................................................15 2.5. Shear instability model.........................................................................................16

2.5.1. Loading system stiffness versus source stiffness ..........................................17 2.5.2. Shear instability mechanical model ..............................................................18

2.6. Seismic monitoring ..............................................................................................21 2.6.1. Description of a seismic event ......................................................................21 Source location.......................................................................................21 Source parameters ..................................................................................22 Source mechanism .................................................................................27

2.6.2. Description of seismic activity......................................................................30 Seismicity parameters ............................................................................30 Energy-moment relation ........................................................................31 Frequency-magnitude distribution .........................................................31 Clustering of seismic activity.................................................................32

2.7. Numerical modelling............................................................................................34 2.7.1. Numerical modelling methods ......................................................................34 2.7.2. Numerical modelling program selected - Map3D.........................................35 2.7.3. Modelling shear-slip seismicity using Excess Shear Stress..........................35 2.7.4. Modelling shear-slip mechanisms using Map3D..........................................37

2.8. Previous studies on shear-slip induced seismic activity ......................................39 2.9. Summary ..............................................................................................................40

3. Incremental Work Density ..........................................................................................42

3.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................42 3.2. Description of Incremental Work Density ...........................................................43 3.3. Numerical modelling of Incremental Work Density............................................43 3.4. Conclusion ...........................................................................................................45

4. Big Bell Gold mine .....................................................................................................46

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5. Exposures of the second graphitic shear .....................................................................51 5.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................51 5.2. Characteristics of the second graphitic shear .......................................................51 5.3. Model of the second graphitic shear ....................................................................53 5.4. Summary ..............................................................................................................55

6. Numerical modelling...................................................................................................56

6.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................56 6.2. Description of the Map3D model.........................................................................56 6.3. Map3D results ......................................................................................................65 6.4. Numerical modelling limitations and uncertainties .............................................70 6.5. Summary ..............................................................................................................70

7. Seismic monitoring .....................................................................................................72

7.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................72 7.2. Selected seismic events ........................................................................................72 7.3. Gridding and smoothing of the selected seismic data..........................................82 7.4. Seismic monitoring limitations and uncertainties ................................................88 7.5. Summary ..............................................................................................................89

8. Comparison of the modelled and seismic data............................................................90

8.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................90 8.2. Spatial distribution of the modelled and seismic data..........................................90 8.3. State of Incremental Work Density versus interpreted seismic activity ..............93 8.4. Statistical relationship between the modelled and seismic data...........................95 8.5. Summary ..............................................................................................................97

9. Conclusions and recommendations.............................................................................98 References .....................................................................................................................101 Appendix A ...................................................................................................................107 Appendix B ...................................................................................................................117 Appendix C ...................................................................................................................123

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Figure 1.1. Conditions for unstable motion (a) and quasi-stable motion (b) on a plane of weakness ...................................................................................................................4

Figure 2.1. Influence of scale on the three components of the shear strength of a rough joint (Bandis et al 1981)..........................................................................................11

Figure 2.2. Elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model ...........................................................13 Figure 2.3. Asperity model (Aki 1984)...........................................................................15 Figure 2.4. Barrier model (Aki 1984) .............................................................................16 Figure 2.5. Shear instability model .................................................................................17 Figure 2.6. Shear instability mechanical model ..............................................................18 Figure 2.7. Stress drop ....................................................................................................19 Figure 2.8. Conditions for stable (a) and unstable (b and c) slip ....................................20 Figure 2.9. Ground velocity waveform and corresponding far-field S-wave displacement

amplitude spectrum (McGarr 1984)........................................................................23 Figure 2.10. P-wave first motion distribution generated by a shear-slip event...............28 Figure 2.11. Six models for mine seismicity in Canada (Hasegawa et al 1989).............28 Figure 2.12. Four models of radiation patterns (Hasegawa et al 1989) ..........................29 Figure 2.13. Energy-moment relation .............................................................................31 Figure 2.14. Frequency-magnitude distribution..............................................................32 Figure 2.15. Conceptual stress and strength conditions along a plane (Ryder 1988) .....36 Figure 2.16. Loading System Response (Wiles 2002b)..................................................38 Figure 3.1. Concept of Incremental Work Density .........................................................44 Figure 4.1. Local geology of the Big Bell deposit (Barrett and Palyer 2002) ................47 Figure 4.2. Simplified model of the Big Bell mining geometry .....................................48 Figure 5.1. Variability of the structure thickness............................................................52 Figure 5.2. View looking east (a) and view looking north (b) showing the modelled

plane and exposure locations ..................................................................................54 Figure 6.1. Isometric view of the Big Bell Map3D model..............................................57 Figure 6.2. View looking west (a) and view looking north (b) showing the physical

dimensions of the Map3D model ............................................................................58 Figure 6.3. Mining sequence used in Map3D .................................................................59 Figure 6.4. Principal stress magnitudes ..........................................................................60 Figure 6.5. Principal stress orientations ..........................................................................61 Figure 6.6. Displacement discontinuity boundary elements along the modelled shear

structure...................................................................................................................65 Figure 6.7. Views looking west showing the distribution of change in inelastic shear

deformation upon the second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). The values are cumulative from mining step 1. ...........67

Figure 6.8. View looking east showing the distribution of normal stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step 4. .........................................................................68

Figure 6.9. View looking east showing the distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step 4. .........................................................................68

Figure 6.10. Views looking west showing the distribution of IWD upon the second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). The values are cumulative from mining step 1. ......................................................69

Figure 7.1. Seismic events recorded within 30 metres on each side of the second graphitic shear (585 Level) .....................................................................................73

Figure 7.2. Number of seismic events recorded around the second graphitic shear as a function of distance.................................................................................................74

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Figure 7.3. Source location error distribution of the selected seismic events.................76 Figure 7.4. View looking west showing the distribution of seismic events around the

second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). The seismic data are cumulative from mining step 1. .....................................77

Figure 7.5. Frequency-moment magnitude distribution of the selected seismic events .78 Figure 7.6. Energy-moment relation of the selected seismic events...............................79 Figure 7.7. S- to P-wave energy ratio distribution of the selected seismic events..........80 Figure 7.8. Time distribution of the selected seismic events ..........................................82 Figure 7.9. Gridding of selected seismic data .................................................................83 Figure 7.10. Smoothing of gridded data .........................................................................84 Figure 7.11. Views looking west showing the distribution of smoothed seismic moment

values upon the second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). The values are cumulative from mining step 1. .................86

Figure 7.12. Views looking west showing the distribution of smoothed seismic energy values upon the second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). The values are cumulative from mining step 1. .................87

Figure 8.1. Spatial distribution of smoothed seismic moment versus spatial distribution of modelled IWD upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). ....................................91

Figure 8.2. Spatial distribution of smoothed seismic energy versus spatial distribution of modelled IWD upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). ....................................92

Figure 8.3. State of IWD versus smoothed seismic moment for all the yielding elements upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4. .......94

Figure 8.4. State of IWD versus smoothed seismic energy for all the yielding elements upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4. .......94

Figure 8.5. Log of smoothed seismic moment versus IWD for all the seismically active elements upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4...............................................................................................................................96

Figure 8.6. Log of smoothed seismic energy versus IWD for all the seismically active elements upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4...............................................................................................................................96

Figure C.1. Distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step 4 for DOC = 1 .......................................................................................................124

Figure C.2. Distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step 4 for DOC = 2 .......................................................................................................125

Figure C.3. Distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step 4 for DOC = 4 .......................................................................................................125

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Table 4.1. Mean intact rock properties at Big Bell (Turner and Player 2000)................49 Table 4.2. Stress measurements at Big Bell (Barrett and Player 2002) ..........................49 Table 4.3. Rockburst history at Big Bell (Barrett and Player 2002) ...............................50 Table 5.1. Exposure data used to model the structure geometry ....................................53 Table 5.2. Position and orientation of the modelled structure and corresponding root-

mean-square value...................................................................................................55 Table 6.1. Pre-mining stress state used in Map3D..........................................................61 Table 6.2. Elastic rockmass properties used in Map3D..................................................62 Table 6.3. Structure properties used in Map3D ..............................................................63 Table 6.4. Control parameters used in Map3D ...............................................................64

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Mining induced seismic activity and rockbursting are critical concerns for many

underground mining operations. In addition to the unstable crushing of rock volumes

around mine openings (e.g. pillars, abutments), seismic activity may also arise from

unstable sliding on distinct planes of weakness (e.g. faults). Physical inspection and

measurement of rockmass deformation allow for the direct investigation of the problem

but are limited to available exposures. In a more general manner, numerical modelling

offers the possibility to simulate the rockmass response to mining and seismic

monitoring offers the ability to measure the seismic response of the rockmass to mining.

Both numerical modelling and seismic monitoring can be used to enhance our

understanding of the causes and mechanisms of rockmass deformation.

This thesis presents a case study in which the response to mining of a mine-wide and

seismically active geological discontinuity is examined. Field observations, numerical

modelling and seismic monitoring formed the basis of this study.

1.1. Background

Mining induced seismicity has been and is still a significant cause of fatalities and

damage in underground mines around the world. As active mining extends toward

greater depths and promotes higher extraction ratios, seismicity induced by mining

activities has also increased significantly.

Mining induced seismicity generally takes place where large volumes of rock are

excavated to create underground openings. During excavation, the removed rock no

longer supports the stress produced by overlying rock and tectonic movement, and the

stress is redistributed around the opening of the excavation. This redistribution may

cause areas of highly concentrated stress that may cause the rockmass to fail in a violent

and sudden manner. Mendecki et al (1999) define a seismic event as a sudden inelastic

deformation within a given volume of rock that radiates detectable seismic waves. If

such a rockmass failure causes significant damage to an opening, it is classified as a


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Rockburst source and damage mechanisms

Seismic events are created by unstable deformation processes that release a pulse of

seismic energy. The source mechanism of a seismic event describes the mode of failure

at the source of the event. Source mechanisms of seismic events can be divided into

two broad categories: volumetric and shear related events. Volumetric events are

generally associated with the unstable crushing of highly stressed volumes of rock

around mine openings while shear events are generally associated with unstable motion

on planes of weakness. Ryder (1988) describes in some detail the characteristics of

these two modes of failure.

Both types of source mechanisms can induce serious damage to mine workings. There

is no simple correlation between the event mechanism and the severity of the damage.

Physical damage to the mine infrastructure is a function of the seismic source

characteristics (e.g. ground motion properties, radiation pattern), the distance between

the source and the mine openings, and the ability of the openings to resist damage.

Based on the Canadian rockbursting experience, damage mechanisms include rock

bulking due to fracturing, rock ejection due to seismic energy transfer and rock fall due

to seismic shaking (CAMIRO 1997). The reduction of rockburst hazards should be

based on a sound understanding of the source and damage mechanisms leading to


Shear-slip instability

Spatial distribution of seismic events, radiation patterns generated by seismic events and

field observation of rockmass deformation confirm that motion on major planes of

weakness such as faults, bedding planes, shear zones and weak contacts, is a dominant

mode of failure in underground mines. Motion along pre-existing geological structures

is a very efficient way to displace large volumes of rock. It can generate large seismic

events and induce substantial damage to mine openings. Damaging events associated

with unstable shear motion on planes of weakness are usually referred to as fault-slip or

shear-slip bursts.

Shear-slip bursts have been experienced in several mining districts around the world.

This is particularly true for the South African mining industry where several cases of

shear related seismic events have been reported over the years.

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“All the major seismic events (above magnitude 4.1) are closely associated with

faults.” (Van Der Heever 1982)

“A high proportion of damaging rockbursts are thought to be underlain by

seismic events that represent shear or rupture along planes of weakness (faults,

joints, dyke contacts).” (Ryder 1988)

“Slipping on existing faults and the sudden creation of a shear rupture are the

two modes of violent unstable failure that are the source of the larger seismic

events which, under certain circumstances, are the immediate cause of major

rockbursts.” (Ortlepp 2001)

Shear-slip bursts have also been reported in North America. The Sudbury mining

district (Morisson 1989) and the Coeur d’Alene mining district (Morisson 1989, Jenkins

et al 1990, Williams et al 1992) have been particularly affected. In Western Australia,

the Mount Charlotte mine has experienced large seismic events induced by shear motion

on faults over the years. A seismic event of magnitude 3.0 on the Richter scale that was

associated with widespread shear displacement on a fault has been documented by Lee

et al (1990).

In the standard model of shear-slip instability, it is assumed that sliding begins on a

plane of weakness when the forces imposed are sufficient to overcome the shear

resistance mobilized along the plane. Once sliding initiates, the shear resistance

decreases. This strength degradation process may result in a dynamic instability

depending on the stiffness of the loading system.

Figure 1.1 illustrates the idealized stress-displacement curve of a plane of weakness

during shear deformation. Seismic energy is radiated whenever a stress drop is

accompanied by an unstable deformation process. This phenomenon can occur at

various stages during the overall deformation process: pre-peak, near peak and post-

peak. Unstable deformation processes and the release of seismic energy depend on the

stiffness of the loading system. Figure 1.1a illustrates the conditions for unstable

motion on a plane of weakness. The response of the loading system is softer than the

post-peak response of the plane. This results in an unstable motion. Figure 1.1b

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illustrates the conditions for quasi-stable motion on a plane of weakness. Stability is

achieved at various stages during the post-peak deformation process. This results in a

gradual or quasi-stable motion. Quasi-stable is used to denote the presence of small-

scale unstable processes during the larger scale gradual deformation. With a very stiff

loading system, the deformation process would be aseismic. The amount of seismic

energy released into the surrounding rockmass depends on the scale of failure, the post-

peak constitutive behaviour of the plane and the loading system stiffness. A possible

initiation mechanism for the release of large amounts of seismic energy is believed to be

the shear rupture of strong irregularities or asperities along planes of weakness.


Shear displacement

S h e a r s t r e s s Radiated seismic energy

Loading system response Plane response

Shear displacement

S h e a r s t r e s s


Radiated seismic energy Loading system response Plane response



Figure 1.1. Conditions for unstable motion (a) and quasi-stable motion (b) on a plane of


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1.2. Problem statement

The Western Australian mining industry is faced with the challenge of dealing with

mines that are increasingly seismically active. Rockbursts put both mine viability and

safety at risk. This risk is best controlled by implementing mine design strategies that

account for, and minimize the release of seismic energy. The development of such

mining strategies requires a sound understanding of the causes and mechanisms leading

to rockbursting. This may be achieved with detailed interpretation of seismic

monitoring data and the application of advanced numerical modelling techniques.

In 1999, the Australian Centre for Geomechanics created the Mine Seismicity and

Rockburst Risk Management project. The project is sponsored by the Western

Australian mining industry and the Minerals & Energy Research Institute of Western

Australia (MERIWA). The main goal of the project is to develop a better understanding

of seismicity, rockbursts and the associated risks as it relates to underground mining

conditions in Western Australia. Better understanding of the problem offers the

opportunity to reduce the probability of occurrence of a large seismic event, reduce the

damage that may be done, or reduce the risk of exposing the workforce and equipment

to the potential hazard. This thesis forms a component of this project and deals with

further understanding of shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines. In

particular, the thesis examines the behaviour of a mine-wide graphitic shear structure at

the Big Bell Gold mine in Western Australia. As this thesis focuses on the complex

mechanical aspects of shear-slip induced seismic activity, the research strategy

concentrates on a single high quality case history rather than the superficial analysis of a

number of case studies.

The Big Bell mine began experiencing major seismic activity and accompanying

damage in 1999. The mine uses a sublevel caving method and deals with a high stress

regime and a complex geological setting. Two mine-wide and low-strength graphitic

shear structures are located in the footwall and parallel the orebody. The first shear

structure is located within 15 metres of the footwall/orebody contact and intersects all

crosscut drives. The second structure is located at approximately 150 metres from the

footwall/orebody contact and crosses the development drives at several locations. The

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level of seismic activity recorded in the vicinity of the second graphitic shear clearly

indicates that the shear structure is seismically active. The behaviour of that particular

structure is believed to offer a valuable opportunity to develop a better understanding of

shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines.

1.3. Research objectives

• To gain a better understanding of the causes and mechanisms of the seismic activity

recorded in the vicinity of the second graphitic shear as mining advanced. This is

achieved by interpretation of field observations, numerical modelling data and

seismic data.

• To identify potential relationships between the numerical model predictions and the

seismic data. This is achieved by comparing the modelled and seismic data.

This thesis introduces the Incremental Work Density (IWD) as a measure to evaluate

the relative likelihood of seismic activity upon major planes of weakness. IWD can be

determined from numerical modelling results and is calculated as the product of the

average driving shear stress and change in inelastic shear deformation during a given

mining increment or step. IWD is expected to correlate with shear-slip induced

rockmass damage and accompanying seismic activity.

The thesis is based on the premise that there is an observable link between mining

induced stresses, permanent shear deformation upon the second graphitic shear and

recorded seismic activity in the vicinity of the shear structure.

1.4. Thesis structure

Literature review

Chapter 2 reviews literature on shear-slip mechanics (e.g. shear strength of planes of

weakness, asperity and barrier models, shear instability model), seismic monitoring and

numerical modelling. Previous studies on shear-slip induced seismic activity have also

been reviewed.

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Incremental Work Density

Chapter 3 introduces the concept of Incremental Work Density (IWD) and presents how

the parameter can be calculated using numerical modelling.

Big Bell Gold mine

Chapter 4 marks the beginning of the case study and provides background information

related to the Big Bell Gold mine.

Exposures of the second graphitic shear

Chapter 5 describes the physical characteristics of the second graphitic shear. The

information was collected from underground inspection of the structure exposures. The

chapter also describes the work undertaken to construct a model of the structure

geometry. The information collected and work done in this chapter provided important

input data for the numerical modelling and seismic analysis.

Numerical modelling

Numerical modelling was conducted in order to simulate the inelastic behaviour of the

second graphitic shear in response to mining induced stresses. The three-dimensional

boundary element code of Map3D was used. The numerical model required

information on the mining and structure geometries, pre-mining stress state, mining

sequence, rockmass elastic properties and structure mechanical properties. An elasto-

plastic Mohr-Coulomb material model was used to describe the behaviour of the shear

structure. During automatic discretization, the modelled structure was divided into

smaller elements. Stress and deformation components were calculated for each element

and mining step. IWD upon the shear structure was subsequently calculated from the

numerical modelling results. Chapter 6 presents and discusses the results.

Seismic monitoring

A total of 1476 seismic events were recorded in the vicinity of the second graphitic

shear between April 2000 and February 2002. The seismic events were analysed and

subsequently gridded and smoothed. Gridding and smoothing of individual seismic

moment and seismic energy values resulted in the definition of indicators of seismic

activity for each element of the shear structure and each mining step. Chapter 7

presents and discusses the results.

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Comparison of the modelled and seismic data

The modelled Incremental Work Density (IWD) was compared to the interpreted

seismic activity (measured as either smoothed seismic moment or smoothed seismic

energy) in order to identify potential relationships between the numerical modelling

predictions and seismic data. Chapter 8 presents and discusses the results.

Conclusions and recommendations

The final chapter discusses and summarizes the findings. It also provides

recommendations for further research.

1.5. Deviation

One of the main aspects of the initial project was to physically monitor the distribution

of shear displacement along the second graphitic shear to compare to the modelled and

seismic data. Unfortunately, the proposed monitoring could not be undertaken due to

technical problems encountered at the mine site. It is believed that these measurements

would have given important insights into the structure behaviour.

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2.1. Introduction

Literature on seven main topics has been reviewed in this chapter. The first section

examines the factors which influence the shear strength of planes of weakness. The

second section describes a material model appropriate for the explicit modelling of the

second graphitic shear at the Big Bell Gold mine. Section three describes the asperity

and barrier models. The fourth section presents a model of shear instability. The fifth

and sixth sections review literature in the area of seismic monitoring and numerical

modelling respectively. Finally, previous case studies of shear-slip induced seismic

activity have been examined.

2.2. Shear strength of planes of weakness

Mechanical shearing on major planes of weakness such as faults can induce substantial

seismic activity. Shear movement on a plane is initiated when the shear stress

overcomes the shear resistance. In order to examine the phenomenon of shear-slip

induced seismic activity, it is necessary to understand the factors that control the shear

strength of planes of weakness. These questions are addressed in the following

discussion. For more details, the reader should refer to available texts such as Hoek and

Brown (1980), Scholz (1990), Bouchard (1991), Brady and Brown (1994) and Hoek et

al (1995).

The shear strength of a plane is controlled by: the magnitude of the applied normal

stress, the persistence or extent of the plane, the roughness of the adjacent surfaces, the

nature of the host rockmass itself, the degree of weathering or alteration, the aperture or

distance separating the adjacent surfaces and the properties of the filling material.

Normal stress and pore water pressure

The shear strength of a plane increases with increasing normal stress. The relationship

takes the following general form:

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σ )(

When pore water pressure is present, the plane is forced apart and the normal stress is

reduced. The reduced normal stress is usually called the effective normal stress.

However, in underground mining, the influence of water is generally insignificant

because of drainage into mine openings.

Roughness and influence of scale

The roughness of the adjacent surfaces may have an important influence on the shear

strength of a plane. Roughness is particularly important when the plane is clean, closed

and constrained. Alternatively, the influence of roughness declines with increasing

aperture, filling thickness and previous displacement. Roughness can cause the shear

strength to be a directional property. Sliding on asperities and shearing/crushing of

asperities are generally combined in varying proportions during mechanical shearing.

The shear strength of a rough and closed plane is therefore strongly influenced by the

strength of those asperities.

Barton and Choubey (1977) studied the behaviour of natural rock joints and proposed

an empirical relationship based on three components: a residual frictional component, a

geometric component and an asperity failure component. The geometric and asperity

components combine together to give an effective roughness component. Based on the

same relationship, Bandis et al (1981) proposed that the shear strength of rough joints

decreased as the scale increased (Figure 2.1). This strength reduction was attributed to a

decrease in the effective roughness component.

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Asperity failure component

Geometrical component

Roughness component

Total frictional resistance

Residual frictional component Shear deformation

Shear stress

Figure 2.1. Influence of scale on the three components of the shear strength of a rough

joint (Bandis et al 1981)


The host rockmass is in its strongest state when unaltered. When weathered or altered,

it becomes weaker and softer. The shear strength of a plane can be reduced drastically

when the asperities are altered. The depth of penetration of alteration depends on the

host rockmass type. Its permeability is particularly important.


The aperture is the distance separating the adjacent surfaces of a plane. The aperture of

a natural plane of weakness is likely to vary widely over the extent of the plane and can

be extremely difficult to measure. The aperture has an important influence on the shear

strength of a plane. A large aperture can result in shear displacement of a plane having

significant roughness.

Filling materials

Filling materials can have an important influence on the shear strength of planes of

weakness. Planes filled with relatively strong materials (e.g. calcite, quartz, pyrite)

usually have higher shear strength. However, such planes may have broken up again,

forming new planes. On the other hand, planes filled with soft materials (e.g. fault

gauge, chlorite, clay, silt) generally have lower shear stiffness and shear strength than

comparable clean and closed planes. The shear strength of such planes is influenced by

the thickness of the filling material relative to the amplitude of the asperities of the

adjacent surfaces. For a rough plane, the filling thickness has to be greater than the

amplitude of the asperities before the shear strength is reduced to that of the filling

material. For a smooth plane, a thin filling layer can result in a significant shear

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strength reduction. Low-friction materials such as chlorite, graphite, talc and

serpentine can markedly decrease friction angles especially when wet.

At a laboratory-scale, Ladanyi and Archambault (1977) studied the behaviour of

discontinuities filled with soft and weak materials. They reached the following


• For a filled discontinuity, the peak shear strength envelope is normally located

between that of the filling material and that of a similar unfilled discontinuity.

• The stiffness and shear strength of a filled discontinuity decrease with increasing

filling thickness, but always remain higher than the stiffness and shear strength of

the filling material alone.

• The shear stress-shear displacement curve of a filled discontinuity often has two

portions. The first reflects the deformability of the filling material before any rock-

to-rock contact. The second reflects the deformability and shear rupture of the rock

in contact.

• The shear strength of a filled discontinuity does not always depend on the thickness

of the filling material. If the contacting surfaces are flat and covered with a low-

friction material, the weakest shear surface will be located at the contact between the

filling material and the rock.

• Swelling clay is a dangerous filling because it loses strength on swelling and can

develop high swelling pressures if swelling is inhibited.

Residual conditions

The residual shear strength represents the minimum shear strength remaining after a

considerable shear displacement. In the case of a clean, rough and closed plane, the

asperities of the adjacent surfaces are destroyed during mechanical shearing and the

residual plane can be considered as smooth and planar. At residual conditions, the shear

strength depends only on the effective normal stress and residual friction angle. The

residual friction angle is a property of the contacting surfaces. In unaltered conditions,

it corresponds to the basic friction angle. The value of the basic friction angle for most

smooth unaltered planes lies between 25° to 35° (Barton and Choubey 1977). The basic

friction angle does not apply for weathered or filled planes. When the plane is altered

or filled with a soft material, the value of the residual friction angle can decrease

drastically. Figure 2.1 shows that the residual shear strength is independent of scale.

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Morisson (1989) reported that large shear-slip seismic events are usually found to

occur on strong planes. The loss in strength from peak to residual can potentially

generate large and sudden stress drop. Lee et al (1990) studied a large fault-slip event

that occurred at the Mount Charlotte mine in Western Australia. They concluded that

mechanical shearing on a thin rough plane is more likely to generate more energy more

suddenly than a thick planar fault or shear zone. In the same way, Ryder (1988)

reported that seismically active faults are said to be in tight contact and free of gauge.

2.3. Elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model

The factors controlling the shear strength of a plane of weakness were reviewed in the

previous section. When a numerical method is used to simulate the non-linear

behaviour of a plane, it is necessary to use an idealized material model to describe the

mechanical properties of the plane. A material model relates the deformation state to

the stress state at any point along the plane. Several models exist in rock engineering

and are always simple representations of real and complex problems.

Figure 2.2 represents an elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model.

(a) (b)

Shear deformation σn




Figure 2.2. Elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model

Figure 2.2a is the idealized shear stress-shear deformation curve for a given state of

normal stress. Shear deformation is linearly elastic and reversible up to a limiting shear

stress and then perfectly plastic. Shear stress reversal after plastic yield is accompanied

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by permanent shear deformation. The constant relating shear stress and shear

deformation in the elastic range is referred to as the shear modulus.

The relationship between normal stress and normal deformation is linearly elastic up to

a limiting value of normal deformation. The plane separates when the normal stress is

less than the tensile strength of the plane (usually zero). The constant relating normal

stress and normal deformation in the elastic range is referred to as the normal modulus.

The relationship between the limiting shear stress and normal stress is given by a linear

Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion (Figure 2.2b). The criterion is assumed to be

cohesionless and can be described by the following empirical relationship:











The shear strength is a function of two parameters: the friction angle and the normal

stress. The slope of the Mohr-Coulomb relation defines the friction angle. The normal

stress across the plane increases the shear strength by an amount proportional to the

magnitude of the normal stress. The strength envelope divides the stress space into two

separate domains. The domain below the envelope is the elastic domain within which

the shear deformation is reversible. The domain above the envelope is the inadmissible

domain. A stress state above the line is impossible since the shear stress would have

been already dissipated in inelastic shear deformation.

The elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model presented here may be appropriate for smooth

discontinuities such as faults at residual states of shear strength (Brady and Brown

1994). This material model was used in this study to examine the non-linear behaviour

of a mine-wide and low-strength geological structure (i.e. the second graphitic shear at

the Big Bell Gold mine).

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2.4. Asperity and barrier models

Many investigators in earthquake and rockburst research suggest that a possible

initiation mechanism for the release of considerable amounts of seismic energy is the

shear rupture of large-scale irregularities along major planes of weakness.

Seismologists often refer to asperities to describe such irregularities (Scholz 1990,

Gibowicz and Kijko 1994).

Asperities are defined as strong regions that resist slip movements and where stress

builds up prior to an eventual rupture. Figure 2.3 illustrates the asperity model. Initial

stress concentrations exist at the asperities that lock up the plane. After the rupture of

the asperities, the stress is uniform over the plane. The breaking of asperities can be

seen as a smoothing process.

Asperit ation)y (strong region of stress concentr

After rupture Before rupture

Figure 2.3. Asperity model (Aki 1984)

Asperities are often mentioned together with barriers. In contrast to asperities, barriers

are defined as strong regions that remain unbroken after a rupture. Barriers may arrest

the rupture or the rupture may skip over them. Figure 2.4 illustrates the barrier model.

In this model, the initial state of stress over the plane is uniform. After the rupture,

stress concentrations exist at the barriers. The presence of barriers may be seen as a

roughening process.

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Barrier (strong region of stress concentration)

After rupture Before rupture

Figure 2.4. Barrier model (Aki 1984)

Van Aswegen (1990), Van Aswegen and Butler (1993) and Dennison and Van Aswegen

(1993) have shown that the asperity model may be applicable to fault behaviour

observed in South African gold mines. From seismological observations, they noticed

that large-scale asperities are characterized by either the clustering of small seismic

events of relatively high apparent stress (due to stress concentration) or by seismic

quiescence. On the other hand, they noticed that regions that deform under lower stress

are characterized by small seismic events of relatively small apparent stress. Geometric

complexities, local areas of high friction and mining induced areas of high normal stress

have been mentioned by these authors as potential asperities. Urbancic et al (1992b)

noticed that asperities and barriers correspond to higher values of seismic moment and

static stress drop without increases in source radius.

2.5. Shear instability model

A conceptual shear instability model is shown in Figure 2.5. The model assumes that

shear-slip begins when the shear resistance is reached. Once slip initiates, the shear

strength drops to a reduced level and is accompanied by an unstable shear deformation.

This strength drop is also termed the shear stress drop. Both the magnitude and rate of

this strength degradation process influence the potential for violent shear deformation.

The amount of seismic energy radiated from the source during the dynamic process

depends on the scale of failure, the loading system stiffness and the strength degradation

process (i.e. source stiffness). The strength degradation may be considered in terms of a

displacement-weakening process or in terms of a velocity-weakening process (Scholz

1990, Gibowicz and Kijko 1994, Brady and Brown 1994).

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Shear deformation

Source strength degradation (source stiffness)

Slip initiation point

Loading system stiffness

Unstable shear deformation

Shear stress drop Radiated

seismic energy


Figure 2.5. Shear instability model

The shear instability model is an important concept in mine seismicity. Seismological

theories and some numerical modelling techniques (e.g. Local Energy Release

Density/Loading System Stiffness concept) are based on similar models.

2.5.1. Loading system stiffness versus source stiffness

Cook (1965) discovered that a violent failure of rock occurs when an excess of energy

becomes available during the post-failure deformation stage. The amount of excess

energy available is a function of the loading system stiffness and the post-failure

response of the collapsing rock itself.

Stable shear motion occurs when the loading system response is stiffer than the post-

failure response of the yielding plane. The strain energy stored in the loading system is

consumed in the yielding process and dissipated as heat. There is no excess energy that

has to be liberated as kinetic energy in the surrounding rockmass.

Unstable shear motion occurs when the loading system response is softer than the post-

failure response of the yielding plane. The strain energy released by the loading system

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is greater than the energy that can be absorbed by the yielding process and the slip is

sudden and violent.

2.5.2. Shear instability mechanical model

The concept of shear instability can be described using the simple mechanical model

shown in Figure 2.6 (Hedley 1993). A block under a constant normal stress (σn) rests

on a flat surface. A shear stress (τ) is applied through a spring of stiffness k. The

stiffness of the spring represents the stiffness of the surrounding rockmass or loading

system. Movement of the block is initiated when the shear stress (τ) reaches the static

shear strength (τs) between the block and the flat surface. Once movement is initiated,

the shear strength falls and a new equilibrium is achieved when the shear stress (τ)

reduces to the dynamic shear strength (τd).



Spring τs, τd


Figure 2.6. Shear instability mechanical model

Figure 2.7 illustrates the shear displacement history of the block. The stress drop (τs -

τd) is a necessary condition for violent shear instability.

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Dynamic strength


Shear deformation

Static strength

Stress drop Stress drop



Static strength envelope

Dynamic strength envelope

Figure 2.7. Stress drop

Figure 2.8a illustrates the conditions for stable slip. In this case, the high stiffness of the

spring permits stable loading and displacement of the block. No excess energy is

available during the post-failure deformation stage.

Figure 2.8b illustrates the conditions for unstable slip. In this case, the spring is softer

than the post-failure response of the block and causes unstable loading of the block.

The area between the unloading curve of the spring (dashed linear curve) and the post-

failure response of the block (non-linear curve) represents the excess energy that has to

be liberated has kinetic energy (WK) in the surrounding rockmass.

Figure 2.8c illustrates the conditions for unstable slip if the spring stiffness is reduced.

In this case, both the displacement of the block and the amount of kinetic energy

released are increased. By analogy, Hedley (1993) noted the importance of the loading

system stiffness on both the amount of slippage and seismic energy released during a

shear type event.

It is important to note that this model has a single degree of freedom. In a more

complicated multi-dimensional loading situation, the other components of loading must

be considered. The model also assumes that the shear motion is simultaneous

everywhere on the failure surface. On a major plane, the slip is more likely to progress

in a non-uniform fashion.

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(b) (c)

Shear deformation









Shear deformation





Shear deformation



Figure 2.8. Conditions for stable (a) and unstable (b and c) slip

Hedley (1993) studied the influence of the loading system stiffness with respect to fault-

slip instability. Assuming a circular dislocation and based on the simple shear

instability mechanical model, he found that the loading system stiffness is inversely

proportional to the fault size subject to slip.

Esterhuizen (1994) carried out two-dimensional numerical analyses in which a tabular

excavation and a fault plane were simulated. He found that the loading system stiffness

decreases as the fault length subject to slip increases.

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2.6. Seismic monitoring

Mining activity induces elastic (i.e. reversible) and inelastic (i.e. permanent)

deformation within the rockmass. The potential energy stored during elastic

deformation may be released gradually or suddenly during the inelastic deformation

processes. These processes are associated with fracturing and frictional sliding and

radiate seismic waves. The frequency and amplitude of these seismic waves depends on

the strength, state of stress, size and rate of deformation of the seismic source.

Seismic monitoring is a tool used to measure the seismic response of the rockmass to

mining. Seismic monitoring provides only information about the seismic component of

the inelastic deformation processes i.e. the portion of the processes associated with the

radiation of seismic waves and recorded by the seismic network.

A seismic network consists of an array of sensors that record ground motions in real

time. Sensors used are accelerometers and geophones. They are either uniaxial or

triaxial. Uniaxial sensors measure ground motions along one axis while triaxial sensors

measure ground motions along three orthogonal axes (full tensor). Depending on the

type of sensor used, the original seismograms or waveforms provided by a seismic

system are either ground acceleration records in the case of accelerometers or ground

velocity records in the case of geophones.

Proper processing of the recorded waveforms permits quantitative description of the

seismic events and seismic activity. These seismological observations contribute to

understanding the causes and mechanisms of rockmass deformation.

2.6.1. Description of a seismic event Source location

The source location of a seismic event is assumed to be a single point within the seismic

source that triggered the set of seismic sensors used to locate it. Seismic source location

is a fundamental piece of information because all subsequent seismological processing

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depends, to some degree, upon the event position and distances to the sensors.

Basically the source location of a seismic event is retrieved from the P- and/or S-wave

arrival times, the velocity model and the seismic station coordinates. Several source

location techniques are presented and discussed by Gibowicz and Kijko (1994). Source parameters

The source parameters are used to describe quantitatively each individual seismic event.

The source parameters can be estimated in time and frequency domains based on signals

recorded from triaxial sensors. However, the source parameters are usually estimated

from the spectral parameters of the seismic records. The spectral parameters are

calculated from the amplitude spectra of the recorded waveforms. The amplitude

spectra are obtained from the Fourier transformation of the seismic waveforms from the

time domain into the frequency domain. Gibowicz and Kijko (1994) and Mendecki

(1997) describe in more details the techniques used for the determination of the source


Figure 2.9 illustrates a typical ground velocity waveform for a particular seismic event

and the far-field S-wave displacement amplitude spectrum computed from it. The

displacement amplitude spectrum remains constant at low frequencies and becomes

inversely proportional to some power of frequency at higher frequencies. The key

spectral parameters are the low frequency spectral level (Ωο), the corner frequency (fo)

and the energy flux. The source parameters are calculated separately for the P- and S-

waves on the basis of these spectral parameters.

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Figure 2.9. Ground velocity waveform and corresponding far-field S-wave displacement

amplitude spectrum (McGarr 1984)

Seismic Moment

The seismic moment is a scalar that measures the co-seismic inelastic deformation at the

source assuming a double-couple shear source mechanism (Mendecki et al 1999). The

seismic moment is the most reliable and useful measure of the strength of a seismic

event (Gibowicz and Kijko 1994). Seismic moment can be expressed as (Aki and

Richards 1980):









In practice, the seismic moment is usually calculated from the low frequency level of

the displacement amplitude spectra of the body waves radiated from the source:

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ρπ 34

The total seismic moment is then calculated as:
















The seismic moment tensor is a more robust expression of the seismic moment. Its six

independent components contain all the information about the point source mechanism.

The moment tensor concept has not been used in this study. Reliable moment tensor

analyses need exceptional source coverage from triaxial sensors.

Radiated Seismic Energy

The radiated seismic energy is the portion of the energy released or work done at the

source that is radiated as seismic waves (Mendecki et al 1999). Like the seismic

moment, the seismic energy is a measure of seismic event strength. The seismic energy

is better related to the damage potential while the seismic moment provides a better

description of the overall size of a seismic event (Boatwright and Choy 1986).

In practice, the seismic energy can be estimated from the energy flux as:

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ρπ 22


The total radiated seismic energy is then calculated as:









The ratio of S- to P-wave energy is recognized as an important indicator of the source

mechanism (Urbancic et al 1992b, Urbancic and Young 1993, Gibowicz and Kijko

1994, Cai et al 1998). Seismic events with an S- to P-wave energy ratio greater than ten

are dominated by a shearing component of failure. Any enrichment of P-wave energy

and/or depletion of S-wave energy indicate that additional non-shearing volumetric

components have been added to the failure mechanism.


According to Hanks and Kanamori (1979) the magnitude of a seismic event can be

determined from the seismic moment as follows:






−= 0.6log32

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Source Radius

Estimates of the source dimensions are model dependent. In mine-induced seismicity,

the source is usually modelled as a simple circular dislocation where a uniform stress

release over the entire source area is assumed (Brune 1970, Madariaga 1976). The

source radius of such a dislocation is inversely proportional to the corner frequency of

either the P-wave or S-wave and is expressed as:













Static Stress Drop

The static stress drop can be defined as the difference between the initial and final stress

levels during faulting. The static stress drop is a model dependent measure of stress

release. It assumes a complete stress release along the fault surface and is calculated

from the seismic moment and source radius. According to Brune (1970), it can be

estimated from:











σ 3167

Apparent Stress

The apparent stress is another measure of stress release. It is recognized as a model

independent measure of the stress change at the seismic source (Mendecki et al 1999).

The apparent stress is estimated from the radiated seismic energy and seismic moment

as follows:

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σ Source mechanism

The observed direction of first motions of seismic sensors provides information on the

rupture mechanism at the source. The direction of the P-wave first motion can be

determined at each sensor from recorded waveforms. The first motion (polarity) is

either up (positive) or down (negative) depending whether the rockmass was in

compressional or dilatational mode. Different types of seismic events produce different

first motion distributions around the source. Stereographic projections are usually used

to interpret these distributions.

First motion distributions or radiation patterns generated by fault-slip and shear-slip

events have a particular signature. Figure 2.10 illustrates the P-wave first motion

distribution generated by a shear-slip event. As shown, the space around the source is

divided into four quadrants with respect to the direction of the P-wave first motions.

Two quadrants are compressional and the other two are dilatational. The two

orthogonal lines separating the compressional and dilatational quadrants are the nodal

planes. One of them corresponds to the rupture plane and the other is referred to as the

auxiliary plane. The distinction between the rupture plane and the auxiliary plane

cannot be made from first motion analysis alone. Seismological and geological

observations can give additional information. Estimates of the dip, dip direction and

slip direction of the rupture plane are determined from a stereographic projection. An

adequate coverage of the source is essential.

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Compression First motion up

Dilatation First motion down

Dilatation First motion down

Compression First motion up


Source Fault trace

Figure 2.10. P-wave first motion distribution generated by a shear-slip event

Hasegawa et al (1989) proposed six specific models for mine seismicity in Canada.

Figure 2.11 illustrates the proposed models and Figure 2.12 shows the corresponding

radiation patterns for both the P-wave and the S-wave. In practice, rupture processes

are complex and first motion analyses reveal more complex radiation patterns.

Figure 2.11. Six models for mine seismicity in Canada (Hasegawa et al 1989)

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Figure 2.12. Four models of radiation patterns (Hasegawa et al 1989)

First motion analyses provide more information about the source mechanisms and can

be used to outline seismically active geological planes (Urbancic and Young 1995, Trifu

and Urbancic 1997). Solutions can coincide with known orientation of planes of

weakness or can reveal the presence of previously unknown planes.

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2.6.2. Description of seismic activity Seismicity parameters

The seismicity parameters are used to describe quantitatively the seismic activity within

a volume ∆V over a period ∆t. The seismicity parameters characterize the changes in

the stress and strain regime within the rockmass affected by the seismic radiations.

Seismic activity can be described quantitatively by at least the following four

independent parameters (Mendecki 1997):

• Average time between seismic events

• Average distance between seismic events

• Sum of seismic moment

• Sum of seismic energy

Several other parameters can be derived from these four basics quantities (e.g. seismic

stress, seismic strain, seismic viscosity, seismic Deborah number, seismic Schmidt

number). Mendecki (1997) describes and discusses these parameters. Basically, the

procedure for calculating these parameters includes the selection of seismic events

associated with a particular volume of rock and the gridding/smoothing of seismic

energy and seismic moment values.

These parameters can be applied for the characterization of fault behaviour. Simser

(1997) used the seismic viscosity parameter (i.e. the rockmass resistance to the flow of

co-seismic inelastic deformation) to analyse the seismic behaviour of a large normal

fault in South Africa.

Mercer (1999) used a smoothing procedure to compare seismic and numerical

modelling data. He described the procedure as a method for eliminating some of the

local variation in the seismic data and therefore facilitating the linkage with modelled


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31 Energy-moment relation

The energy-moment relation describes the relationship between the log of the radiated

seismic energy and the log of the seismic moment for a given population of events

(Figure 2.13).

Log (seismic moment)

Log ( seismic energy)

) Molog(dc)Elog( +=

Figure 2.13. Energy-moment relation

The relation takes the form of:








In general, the parameter c increases with stress while the parameter d, known as the d-

value, increases with the system stiffness (Mendecki et al 1999). Frequency-magnitude distribution

The frequency-magnitude distribution describes the relative number of small and large

events in a given population as a function of magnitude (Figure 2.14).

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Moment magnitude

Log (cumulative frequency) bma)nlog( −=

Figure 2.14. Frequency-magnitude distribution

Introduced by Gutenberg and Richter (1954), the relation takes the following form:






The parameter a is a measure of the level of seismic activity. The parameter b, known

as the b-value, is the slope of the distribution in the magnitude range over which the

distribution is linear. In general, the b-value is influenced by the stiffness, the level of

stress, and the rockmass heterogeneity of the geomechanical system under consideration

(Mendecki et al 1999).

Spatially, a decrease in the b-value has been attributed to regions under higher stress

(Urbancic et al 1992a), whereas temporally, decreasing b-values have been observed

prior to the occurrence of impending large events (Trifu et al 1997). Clustering of seismic activity

The spatial distribution of seismic activity can be used to delineate seismically active

zones within the rockmass and can possibly lead to the identification of particular

hazardous geological structures (Van Der Heever 1982, Joughin and Jager 1984).

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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of microseismicity can be used to outline

seismically active geological structures (Urbancic et al 1993, Trifu and Urbancic 1996,

1997). PCA is a statistical technique based on the spatial distribution of seismic events.

The method is used to quantify the degree of clustering and shape and orientation of

seismic clusters. A cluster associated with a geological discontinuity would typically

have a planar shape and orientation parallel to the structure. The method assumes that

seismic events occurring close to each other in both space and time are related. PCA

derived solutions have been found to correlate well with fault-plane solutions and

mapped structures. The main benefit of using PCA is the rapid identification of active


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2.7. Numerical modelling

Computer-based numerical modelling methods are normally used for the analysis of

mining induced stresses. Numerical modelling is a tool used to simulate the rockmass

response to mining and contributes to understanding the causes and mechanisms of

rockmass deformations. Numerical modelling can be used to provide explanations for

the recorded seismic activity (Wiles 2002a).

2.7.1. Numerical modelling methods

Computational methods of stress analysis can be divided in two classes: boundary

methods and domain methods. The mathematics and the detailed description of the

boundary and domain methods are well documented by Brady and Brown (1994).

Boundary methods

Boundary methods include the direct boundary element method, the indirect boundary

element method and the displacement discontinuity method. These methods require

only the problem boundaries to be divided into elements. The rockmass is considered

as an infinite continuum and distinct discontinuous planes can be modelled explicitly

using the displacement discontinuity approach. The boundary methods are ideally

suited to model complex geometry problems where the rockmass is considered as

linearly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic. The simplicity of these methods is due to

the small number of parameters involved in the analysis.

Domain methods

Domain methods include the finite element method, the finite difference method and the

distinct element method. These methods require the entire problem domain to be

divided into elements. In the finite element and finite difference methods, the rockmass

is treated as a continuum where each element inside the domain can be described by a

non-linear constitutive model. Distinct discontinuous planes can also be represented

explicitly using specific joint elements. In the distinct element method, the rockmass is

treated as a discontinuum where an assembly of quasi-rigid blocks interacts through

deformable joints. The domain methods are well suited to model the more complex

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overall behaviour of the rockmass but are generally limited to more simple geometry


2.7.2. Numerical modelling program selected - Map3D

Numerical modelling was used in this study to examine the behaviour of a mine-wide

shear structure in response to mining. The following guidelines were set regarding the

choice of an appropriate numerical modelling program:

• The program must be capable of modelling large-scale, complex, three-dimensional

geometry problems.

• The program must be capable of incorporating multi-step mining sequence


• The program must be capable of including the non-linear constitutive behaviour of

distinct discontinuous planes.

Map3D (Wiles 2002b) was selected for the purpose of this study. Map3D is a three-

dimensional numerical modelling program based on the boundary element method. The

program uses an indirect boundary element solver. Both fictitious force and

displacement discontinuity elements can be employed. In Map3D, the rockmass is

considered linearly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic. The non-linear or plastic

behaviour of distinct discontinuous planes can be modelled using the displacement

discontinuity method. Fictitious force elements are used to specify the location of

excavation boundaries and displacement discontinuity elements are used to specify the

location of distinct discontinuous planes. The program is used to build models, run

models and view the results. Stress, strain and displacement values can be displayed on

grids or displacement discontinuity elements.

2.7.3. Modelling shear-slip seismicity using Excess Shear Stress

Ryder (1988) introduced the Excess Shear Stress (ESS) concept. The ESS method is a

technique used to estimate the likelihood of shear-slip related seismic activity.

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Figure 2.15 summarizes the ESS concept. Shear stress and strength conditions along

a plane are shown. The static strength (τs = c + σNtanφs) is represented as an irregular

line to show the effects of irregularities or asperities on the plane. The dynamic strength

(τd = σNtanφd) is shown as a smooth line and represents the resistance that pertains once

the static strength is overcome and slip initiates. Also shown is the variation in shear

stress along the plane. The shaded zone corresponds to the ESS or stress drop and is

expressed as:














Stress drop

ESSDynamic friction

Static strength Shear stress (MPa)


Distance along fault/rupture (m)


Shear stress prior to rupture

Figure 2.15. Conceptual stress and strength conditions along a plane (Ryder 1988)

Ryder (1988) describes the ESS as a measure that controls the initiation, propagation,

and termination of shear-slip events. According to the concept, rupture initiates at some

point along the plane when the shear stress reaches the static strength or when the ESS

reaches a critical value at that point. Once rupture begins, the shear stress drops to the

dynamic value. It is now assumed that the dynamic strength pertains and that

continuation of rupture depends on the ESS distribution. The extent of the zone of

rupture is assumed to correspond approximately to the zone of positive ESS.

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In this concept, it is assumed that the forces and energies needed to propagate the

rupture are small compared to the other forces and energies involved. This means that,

once the rupture is in motion, the halting effects of strong barriers are ignored. Another

assumption is that the dilatation effects of the rupturing plane have been neglected.

Finally, the dynamic effects have not been considered. This restrains the rupture to

overshoot the zone of positive ESS, as it could be the case with a soft loading system.

ESS analyses can easily be carried out with elastic numerical models. Beforehand,

further assumptions or estimations must be made:

• Dynamic friction properties of planes must be determined. A working assumption

of 30°, until better evidence becomes available, is proposed (Ryder 1988).

• Applied stress on planes must be modelled with appropriate mining and plane

geometries and initial stress field.

• The critical value of ESS or difference between the static strength and dynamic

strength must be established. For unstable slip on planes of weakness, a working

assumption of 5 to 10 MPa is proposed (Ryder 1988). For unstable rupture of intact

rock, a working assumption of 20 MPa is proposed (Ryder 1988).

As proposed by Ryder (1988), the likelihood of seismic activity can then be evaluated

after the maximum ESS and extent of the positive zone of ESS.

The ESS concept has been widely used in the South African mining industry to evaluate

fault stability. Ryder (1988) observed that ESS analyses tend to produce conservative

results. High levels of ESS do not always result in seismic activity. Webber (1990)

noticed that the concept is very sensitive to the virgin stress levels and the friction

properties of faults. Van Aswegen (1990) concluded that ESS analyses can predict

locations of movement on faults but cannot predict whether the slip is seismic or


2.7.4. Modelling shear-slip mechanisms using Map3D

For a given seismic event, the loading system response can be determined in a

numerical model by comparing the load-deformation state before the event with the

load-deformation state after the event. This is done in Map3D (Wiles 2002b) by

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specifying an energy test volume or surface with a special material code. This special

material code is used to temporarily alter the material properties in the test surface to

cause the model to deform. This approach is known in Map3D as the Local Energy

Release Density (LERD)/Loading System Stiffness (LSS) technique.

For example, consider a simple one-dimensional model in which a shear-slip seismic

event is simulated. The load-deformation response of the loading system is illustrated

in Figure 2.16. Stage I corresponds to the load-deformation state before the event. At

this stage, the fault is intact. Stage II corresponds to the load-deformation state after the

event. At this stage, the model has flexed due to a reduction of the fault strength to its

residual value. From stage I to stage II, a stress drop and a shear displacement have

occurred on the fault surface. The load-deformation state at stage I is compared to the

load-deformation state at stage II. Assuming that the post-peak constitutive response of

the fault is brittle (i.e. the loss in strength from peak to residual occurs with no or very

little shearing displacement of the fault surface), the following values can be deduced

from the load-deformation response of the loading system:

• WK = excess energy released as seismic energy

• WF = energy dissipated in the frictional deformation

• WT = WK + WF = total energy released

• LSS = Loading System Stiffness

Stage II

Stage I






Figure 2.16. Loading System Response (Wiles 2002b)

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Since Map3D calculates the stresses acting on the boundary elements, the

contribution from each element on the energy test surface must be considered. For a

multi-dimensional loading situation, the contribution from the normal and the two shear

components on each element must be considered. Then, in a general manner, the

components of the energy released can be calculated as follows:

( )(∑ ∑= =





1 1 21







Iij uuttWK )

( )( )∑ ∑= =





1 1i





IIij uutWF

( )(∑ ∑= =





1 1 21







Iij uuttWFWKWT )







The WK and WF components for multi-dimensional loading situations are easily

calculated in this way. The calculation of the loading system stiffness is more

ambiguous because the LSS value is different for each element and for each direction in

the model.

The technique may be used to simulate the shear rupture of a potential large-scale

asperity along a major plane of weakness. Seismic source parameters (e.g. modelled

seismic moment, modelled seismic energy) can then be estimated.

2.8. Previous studies on shear-slip induced seismic activity

Dennison and Van Aswegen (1993) examined the seismic behaviour of a major fault in

a South African mine. An elastic model was used to calculate the distribution of Excess

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Shear Stress upon the fault and a discontinuum model was used to simulate the non-

elastic behaviour of the rockmass. Seismic and numerical modelling data were

subsequently compared. They concluded that shear deformation of the fault, as

predicted by the distribution of Excess Shear Stress and modelled shear displacement,

was aseismic in areas of low normal stress and seismic in areas of high normal stress.

Simser (1997) examined the stability of a large normal fault at the President Steyn Gold

mine in the Welkom Goldfields in central South Africa. Seismic monitoring and

numerical modelling formed the basis of his study. An elastic model (modelling of

Excess Shear Stress) and an inelastic model (explicit modelling of shear deformation)

were used to predict the shear displacement of the fault under mining induced stresses.

The results indicated that the shear deformation of the fault was seismic in areas of high

clamping stress.

By analogy, Yabe et al (2003) studied the activity of acoustic emission during stable

sliding of a granite specimen with a pre-cut fault. Several acoustic emission events

were found to be generated on the pre-cut fault during mechanical shearing of the

sample. The composite focal mechanism solution of the acoustic emission events, as

determined from a first motion analysis, was consistent with that expected for the slip

on the pre-cut fault. They also suggested that the activity of acoustic emission on the

pre-cut fault was directly related to the surface roughness and normal stress level.

2.9. Summary

This chapter reviewed the factors influencing the shear strength of major planes of

weakness. An elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model was proposed as a material model to

describe the behaviour of the second graphitic shear at the Big Bell Gold mine.

Asperities and barriers were presented as strong regions of stress concentrations along

planes of weakness and as potential sources of large seismic events. The standard

model of shear instability was introduced. It was shown that the strength of a seismic

event is related to the scale of failure, the loading system stiffness and the post-failure

source stiffness.

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The relevant aspects of seismic monitoring and numerical modelling were also

reviewed. Seismic monitoring provides information about the seismic component of the

dynamic processes within the rockmass. Numerical modelling gives an overall view of

potential rockmass behaviour. Both techniques contribute to understanding the causes

and mechanisms of rockmass deformation. These techniques are therefore appropriate

for investigating shear-slip induced seismic activity.

Previous studies clearly demonstrate that seismic deformation along planes of weakness

occurs in areas of higher shear resistance. Both the frictional properties of a plane and

the level of confining normal stress along the plane serve to increase the shear resistance

of the plane.

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3.1. Introduction

Mechanical shearing along major planes of weakness is associated with rockmass

damage and degradation. This very complicated phenomenon can generate substantial

seismic activity. In this study, rockmass damage is defined as the damage induced

around the plane region during mechanical shearing and does not necessarily refer to the

damage caused to underground excavations.

Denison and Van Aswegen (1993) and Simser (1997) examined the seismic behaviour

of major faults in South African mines. Elastic modelling was used to calculate the

distribution of Excess Shear Stress and non-linear modelling was used to examine the

distribution of inelastic shear deformation upon the faults. The distribution of shear

displacement, as predicted by either the distribution of Excess Shear Stress or the

distribution of modelled inelastic shear deformation, was subsequently compared with

the observed seismic activity upon the faults. Comparison of the modelled and seismic

data indicated that fault-slip induced seismic activity occurred predominantly in areas of

higher confining normal stress.

The work by Denison and Van Aswegen (1993) and Simser (1997) showed that the

distribution of inelastic shear deformation alone is not sufficient to describe the

mechanical consequence of shear movement along major planes of weakness. Shear

motion may be seismic or aseismic depending on the level of confining normal stress

and the frictional properties along the planes.

Based on these observations, the Incremental Work Density (IWD) is proposed as a

measure that can be used to evaluate the relative likelihood of seismic activity during

mechanical shearing on pre-existing planes of weakness. IWD adds another dimension

to predicting the shear displacement alone. IWD is a function of both the level of

driving shear stress and the change in inelastic shear deformation during mechanical

shearing. IWD is expected to correlate with the level of rockmass damage and seismic

activity induced during inelastic shear deformation. This chapter describes IWD in

more details and presents how it can be modelled using Map3D.

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3.2. Description of Incremental Work Density

Work is done and energy is transferred when a force acts through a distance. The

amount of work done or energy transferred depends on the amount of force exerted and

the distance over which the force is applied. The displacement must be in the same

direction of the applied force.

IWD is related to the work done by the loading system during mechanical shearing.

IWD measures the work done per unit area during a given increment of inelastic shear

deformation. IWD is calculated as the product of the average shear stress and the

change in inelastic shear deformation during a given mining increment or step. The

general equation takes the following form:

)ndeformatioshearinelasticinchange()stressshearaverage(IWD ×=

IWD is directly related to the frictional properties and the magnitude of the applied

normal stress along a given plane of weakness. At low confining normal stress the

plane displaces under low driving shear stress while at high confining normal stress the

plane displaces under high driving shear stress. The effect of increasing the confining

normal stress increases the frictional resistance of the plane. The plane then requires a

greater shear stress to move. When the plane does move, it has the potential to induce

more damage in the surrounding rockmass. IWD is intended to simulate the general

phenomenon leading to rockmass degradation during mechanical shearing and is

therefore expected to correlate with induced seismic activity.

3.3. Numerical modelling of Incremental Work Density

IWD is readily calculated using Map3D. The plane of interest must be modelled using

displacement discontinuity boundary elements and allowed to undergo inelastic shear

deformation as mining advances. A multi-step mining sequence is required in order to

simulate the progressing mining extraction. IWD is intended for planes of weakness at

residual conditions. An elasto-perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb material model is

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therefore well suited to describe the plane behaviour. IWD is calculated for each

boundary element of the plane.

The nature of the solution for a given element is illustrated in Figure 3.1. The element

deforms under a variable shear stress as mining advances. IWD compares the stress-

deformation state of the element before and after a given mining step. IWD is simply

taken as the area below the stress-deformation curve. IWD, between two subsequent

mining steps (say mining step I and mining step II), is calculated as the product of the

average shear stress and the change in inelastic shear deformation as follows:

( )
















⎛ +=


Mining Step

41 2 3


Inelastic shear deformation (DS)




Figure 3.1. Concept of Incremental Work Density

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3.4. Conclusion

The concept of Incremental Work Density (IWD) was developed to examine the seismic

behaviour of a mine-wide and low-strength geological structure (i.e. the second

graphitic shear at the Big Bell Gold mine). The modelled IWD was subsequently

compared to the interpreted seismic activity in order to identify potential relationships

between the numerical modelling predictions and the seismic data. The application of

IWD to the case study of the second graphitic shear at the Big Bell Gold mine is

described in the subsequent chapters.

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The Big Bell Gold mine is located in the Murchison province of Western Australia

approximately 30 km west of the township of Cue. The gold deposit was discovered in

1904 and substantial ore production started in 1916. Historical production involved

both open pit and underground mining. This chapter introduces to the Big Bell mine.

Background information about the geological setting, actual mine setting, rockmass

properties, stress state and rockburst history is included.

Geological setting

The Big Bell deposit is hosted by a regional greenstone and sedimentary sequence

within the Murchison mineral field of the Yilgarn block (Handley and Cary 1990). The

greenstone sequence forms the west limb of a regional anticlinal structure and is

strongly attenuated and locally overturned. The greenstone is enclosed on either side by

granite and, in the vicinity of the mine, is 1500 metres thick (Barrett and Player 2002).

The lithological contacts adjacent to the orebody generally strike at around 30° from

magnetic north and dip at around 72° to the east. The orebody dip varies locally from

55° to 80°. Foliation is omnipresent but variably developed throughout the deposit

(Barrett 1999). The local stratigraphy consists of several rock types. The geology of

the deposit is illustrated in Figure 4.1 (Barrett and Palyer 2002). The mineralisation is

hosted within potassium-feldspar schist (KPSH), altered schist (ALSH) and biotite

schist (BISH). The mineralised zone has been defined along strike for over 1000 metres

and to a depth of 1430 metres (Turner and Player 2000). In plan view the lode system is

lensoid varying from 5 to 8 metres in width at the extremities and up to 50 metres in the

central area of the deposit (Turner and Player 2000). The footwall sequence consists of

cordierite schist (CRSH), felsic volcanic (FLVL) and amphibolite (AMPH). The CRSH

unit is 1 to 6 metres thick while the FLVL unit is 5 to 10 metres thick (Barrett 1999).

The CRSH unit forms the direct footwall followed respectively by the FLVL and

AMPH units. The footwall excavations are predominantly located in the AMPH unit.

Two major graphitic shears are located in the footwall of the orebody. The first

structure forms the boundary between the AMPH and FLVL units and is located 5 to 15

metres from the footwall/orebody contact. The second structure is hosted within the

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amphibolite unit and located at approximately 150 metres from the footwall/orebody

contact. The hangingwall consists of intermediate schist (INSH). Several pegmatite

dykes (PEGM) are also found to intrude all rock units.

Lode Footwall Hangingwall

Figure 4.1. Local geology of the Big Bell deposit (Barrett and Palyer 2002)

Mine setting

The Big Bell Gold mine is a low grade, high tonnage operation using a longitudinal

sublevel caving method. The underground infrastructure consists of a series of

sublevels. Access to each sublevel is provided by a footwall decline from an adit that

can be accessed via the open pit. The mining procedure follows a top-down approach.

A starting slot is cut and a series of ring patterns are subsequently drilled and blasted.

The broken ore is drawn off after each blast and the method relies on the hangingwall to

cave as mining progresses. Production is undertaken from one or two ore drives

depending on the orebody width. The method is described as a high-production and

low-cost method.

This study covers the time period between April 2000 and February 2002. Figure 4.2 is

a simplified model of the mining geometry showing the mining sequence used in the

analysis. As illustrated, mining occurred in the lower levels and southern side of the

upper levels. Mining step 1 corresponds to the production period prior to the

installation of the seismic system. Mining step 2 corresponds to a period of extensive

mining in the lower levels. This period was followed by a production shutdown.

Production resumed in the upper levels at mining step 3 and resumed in the lower levels

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at mining step 4. In Figure 4.2, the arrows indicate the direction of mining within the

multi-step sequence. In the lower levels, mining retreated outwards from a central slot

and inwards from the extremities of the orebody. In the upper levels, mining progressed

from both extremities as indicated in Figure 4.2.

Mining Step 1

Mining Step 2

Mining Step 3

Mining Step 4

Lower Levels

Upper Levels

- Level 410 - Level 380 - Level 350 - Level 320 - Level 275 - Level 244

- Level 535- Level 510

- Level 435

- Level 485- Level 460

Dec 2001 to

Feb 2002

Dec 2000to

Dec 2001

Apr 2000to

Dec 2000

Up to Apr 2000

Figure 4.2. Simplified model of the Big Bell mining geometry

Rockmass properties

The rockmass at Big Bell can be divided into two broad domains: the footwall and the

ore zone (Player 2000). The footwall is foliated but more massive. The ore zone is

schistose with mica well developed on foliation planes. Seven joint sets have been

identified within the mine. At any location two or three joint sets plus the foliation are

generally present. The joints are usually planar, rough, clean and widely spaced. All

rock units have a Rock Quality Designation (RQD) between 90% and 100% (Player

2000), which is classified as excellent. The Rock Tunnelling Quality Index (Q) ranges

usually from 2.1 to 15.0 within the footwall (Player 2000) and is considered to be poor

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to good. The value of Q ranges from 0.4 to 12.5 within the ore zone (Player 2000)

and is considered to be extremely poor to good. The mean intact rock properties of

some of the major rock units are presented in Table 4.1 (Turner and Player 2000).

Rock Type UCS 50 Young's Modulus Poisson's Ratio DensityMPa GPa kg/m3

Amphibolite (AMPH) 123 67 0.28 2870Altered Schist (ALSH) 121 45 0.21 2800Biotite Schist (BISH) 103 51 0.23 2900

Cordierite Schist (CRSH) 137 52 0.18 2820

Table 4.1. Mean intact rock properties at Big Bell (Turner and Player 2000)

Stress state

Stress measurements were undertaken at four sites using the HI cell overcoring method.

The results are presented in Table 4.2 (Barrett and Player 2002). The results indicate

that the stresses are high and deviatoric. The results also indicate that, at depth, the

major principal stress is oriented perpendicular to the strike of the orebody.

Site Principal Stress Depth Magnitude Dip Direction Dipm MPa ° °

1 Major (S1) -350 74.3 215 6Intermediate (S2) 38.1 306 7

Minor (S3) 19.3 86 812 Major (S1) -380 52.5 242 16

Intermediate (S2) 29.6 338 19Minor (S3) 22.8 114 65

3 Major (S1) -483 69.1 274 27Intermediate (S2) 34.3 7 6

Minor (S3) 29.9 109 634 Major (S1) -570 86.3 266 10

Intermediate (S2) 37.9 170 29Minor (S3) 31.4 14 59

Table 4.2. Stress measurements at Big Bell (Barrett and Player 2002)

Rockburst history

The Big Bell Gold mine started experiencing relatively large seismic events and

accompanying damage in February 1999 (Turner and Player 2000). Table 4.3 presents

the rockburst history. The table has been reproduced from Barrett and Player (2002). A

total of nineteen rockbursts were reported between February 1999 and May 2002. The

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majority of these rockbursts were located in the footwall drives in the northern half of

the mine. The mining step sequence used in this study is also shown in Table 4.3.

Seven rockbursts were recorded during mining step 1, height rockbursts were reported

during mining step 2, one rockburst occurred during mining step 3 and one rockburst

was recorded during mining step 4.

Table 4.3. Rockburst history at Big Bell (Barrett and Player 2002)

MStep 3

MStep 4

Date of rockburst Magnitude

(Australian Geological Survey Organization)

Cubic meter fallen/ejected Location

12 February 1999 4 Level 460 – Ore drive

16 June 1999 5 Level 435 – Footwall drive

7 July 1999 2 Level 485 – Footwall drive

9 August 1999 1.9 12 Level 485 – Footwall drive

22 August 1999 2.2 20 Level 460 – Footwall drive

25 November 1999 1.7 8 Level 460 – Footwall drive

25 November 1999 2.4 40 Level 485 – Footwall drive

6 April 2000 3 Level 510 – Footwall drive

11 April 2000 1 Level 485 – Footwall drive

8 May 2000 15 Level 535 – Footwall drive

23 May 2000 0.2 Level 535 – Footwall drive

17 June 2000 2.2 60 Level 535 – Footwall drive

4 July 2000 1.7 2 Level 510 – Footwall drive

9 July 2000 2.1 300 Level 510 – Ore drive

2 September 2000 10 Level 510 – Ore drive

5 May 2001 0.1 - 0.5 Level 410 – Access drive

6 February 2002 3 Level 560

31 March 2002 2 – 3 Level 560

26 May 2002 2 Level 585

MStep 2

MStep 1

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5.1. Introduction

The second graphitic shear at the Big Bell Gold mine intersects the development drives

at several locations within the mine. Underground inspection of the structure exposures

provided valuable information regarding its characteristics while surveyed exposure

data were used to construct a model of the structure geometry. The structure model was

essential in subsequent numerical modelling and seismic analysis. Interpretation of the

shear resistance of the structure from the information collected was also incorporated in

the numerical modelling.

This chapter describes the characteristics of the second graphitic shear and details how

the structure geometry was modelled.

5.2. Characteristics of the second graphitic shear

The second graphitic shear is a major, mine-wide, continuous structure. The structure

parallels the orebody. It is located in the footwall of the orebody at approximately 150

metres from the footwall/orebody contact. The structure is hosted within the

amphibolite rock unit (AMPH) and intersects the development drives at several


The second graphitic shear is variably developed within the mine. The thickness of the

structure varies from a few millimetres (Figure 5.1a) to several centimetres (Figure

5.1b). The filling consists of sheared rock materials within a graphitic matrix. The

filling material is particularly weak and the graphite can serve as a lubricant on

individual slip-surfaces within the shear zone. Physical degradation of the structure

exposures is observed at several locations within the mine.

Given the nature of the filling material, the second graphitic shear is believed to have a

very low shear resistance. Sandy and Lee (1997) stated that small perturbations by

mining are likely to initiate shearing on the structure. From visual inspection, no clear

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apparent movement has occurred on the structure since mining started. This may be

attributed to the limited number of exposures. Morrow et al (2000) carried out sliding

experiments for fault gauge minerals at a laboratory scale. A friction angle of 8° was

reported for the graphite mineral.



40 cm

Figure 5.1. Variability of the structure thickness

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5.3. Model of the second graphitic shear

The second graphitic shear was modelled as a planar feature by linear regression of

surveyed exposure data. Each exposure was assumed to be a single point within the

exposure area. The coordinates of each exposure are summarized in Table 5.1. The

location of exposure E4 deviates from the average of the overall data set and was not

used to model the structure geometry. Exposure E4 was interpreted as a local

irregularity along the structure. Given the very few exposure data available, it was

difficult to verify the persistence of that irregularity and it was decided to reject this

exposure location. The model was then constructed by linear regression of the

remaining exposure locations. The plane was modelled to fit the points as well as

possible. The plane with the smallest root-mean-square value or with the smallest

normal distance from all points to the plane was selected.

Exposure Northing Easting Depthm m m

E1 3716 508 -316E2 3411 559 -413E3 3512 557 -431

E4 (Rejected) 3646 598 -507E5 3712 591 -518

Table 5.1. Exposure data used to model the structure geometry

Figure 5.2 shows the modelled structure (i.e. fitted plane) and the exposure locations.

Table 5.2 details the position and orientation of the plane and gives the corresponding

root-mean-square value. Considering the calculated root-mean-square value and extent

of the structure within the exposure array, the fitted plane was assumed to be

representative of the actual structure geometry. Comparison with the seismic activity

recorded around the second graphitic shear confirmed the position and orientation of the

modelled structure (Chapter 7).

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E2 E3

E4 (Rejected)E5

C2 Second Graphitic shear

E4 E5

E3 E2


Second Graphitic shear



Figure 5.2. View looking east (a) and view looking north (b) showing the modelled

plane and exposure locations

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Corner Northing Easting Depthm m m

C1 4250 423 -150C2 4250 673 -760C3 3150 707 -760C4 3150 457 -150

Dip Direction 88 °Dip 68 °

RMS Value 2 m

Fitted Plane Corner Coordinates

Fitted Plane Orientation

Fitted Plane Root-Mean-Square Value

Table 5.2. Position and orientation of the modelled structure and corresponding root-

mean-square value

5.4. Summary

Exposure data of the second graphitic shear were essential for the study. Underground

inspection of the exposures provided a means to describe the characteristics of the

structure. Information collected clearly suggested that the second graphitic shear is

potentially very weak in shear.

Surveyed exposure data were used to model the geometry of the second graphitic shear.

The structure was modelled as a planar feature through the surveyed exposure data.

This work was used in subsequent numerical modelling and seismic analysis.

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6.1. Introduction

It is likely that the stability of the second graphitic shear was influenced by the

geometry and sequence of the stopes, the geometry and nature of the shear structure

itself, the pre-mining stress state and the nature of the rockmass. Numerical modelling

was undertaken in order to investigate how mining induced stresses contributed to

generate seismic activity in the vicinity of the second graphitic shear. A multi-step

model of the Big Bell Gold mine was created using the three-dimensional boundary

element code of Map3D. The model was used in order to simulate the non-linear

response of the second graphitic shear. An elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb material

model was used to describe the behaviour of the shear structure. The model was

designed to provide a high definition of the structure, which was automatically

discretized into 2048 displacement discontinuity boundary elements. The stress and

deformation components upon the structure were calculated for each element and

mining step. The Incremental Work Density (IWD) was subsequently calculated from

the numerical modelling results for each element of the structure and each mining step.

This chapter presents the numerical model that was created for this study. The

modelling results are then presented and discussed. Space contouring is used to display

the results.

6.2. Description of the Map3D model

The numerical model required information on the mining geometry, the geometry of the

second graphitic shear, the mining sequence, the pre-mining stress state, the elastic

properties of the rockmass and the mechanical properties of the shear structure.

Mining and structure geometries

The model geometry is illustrated in Figure 6.1. The model consists essentially of an

open pit, underground stopes and the second graphitic shear. The second graphitic

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shear was physically incorporated within the model in order to simulate its non-linear


The open pit and underground stopes were constructed using Fictitious Force blocks (FF

blocks) while the second graphitic shear was constructed using a single Displacement

Discontinuity plane (DD plane). The model of the second graphitic shear was created

from surveyed exposure data and has been described in Chapter 5. For modelling

purposes, the shear structure was given a very low thickness (i.e. 0.000001 metres) in

order to prevent any elastic deformation to occur on the plane. The physical dimensions

of the model are given in Figure 6.2.

The local influence of the development drives was ignored because the analysis focused

on modelling the mine-scale behaviour of the second graphitic shear. The influence of

the localized cave zone was also ignored because of the high strike length to thickness

ratio of the mining geometry. The influence of other major structures (e.g. first

graphitic shear) was deemed negligible due to their significant distance from the second

graphitic shear. It could be demonstrated that these influences are not significant on the

modelled response of the second graphitic shear.

Underground stopes

Open pit

Second Graphitic Shear (Modelled area = 726000 m2)

Figure 6.1. Isometric view of the Big Bell Map3D model

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(a) Mining Blocks




Second Graphitic Shear




Mining Blocks

Figure 6.2. View looking west (a) and view looking north (b) showing the physical

dimensions of the Map3D model

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Mining sequence

A multi-step mining sequence was incorporated within the model. The mining steps

were determined from the production-blasting database. The four mining steps used in

the model are illustrated in Figure 6.3.

Mining step 1 included the mining prior to the installation of the seismic system. This

mining step was essentially used to initialise the model. Mining step 2 included the

subsequent mining until the production shutdown. Mining occurred predominantly in

the lower levels during step 2. Mining resumed in the upper levels at mining step 3 and

resumed in the lower levels at mining step 4.

Upper Levels

Lower Levels

Mining Step 4

Mining Step 3

Mining Step 2

Mining Step 1

Figure 6.3. Mining sequence used in Map3D

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Pre-mining stress state

The pre-mining stress state was determined from previous stress measurements. The

results have been listed in Table 4.2. The first measurement was rejected because it

deviated from the normal trend observed at depth. The measurements 2, 3 and 4 were

relatively consistent with each other and were assumed to more accurately describe the

pre-mining stress state.

The principal stress magnitudes were determined from the best-fit lines illustrated in

Figure 6.4. These lines were forced to intercept zero. The principal stress orientations

were determined from the stereographic projection illustrated in Figure 6.5. The pre-

mining stress state used in the model is summarized in Table 6.1. Depth is negative


Principal Stress Magnitude VS Depth













Depth (m)



l Str




de (M




Figure 6.4. Principal stress magnitudes

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Figure 6.5. Principal stress orientations

Principal Stress Magnitude Dip Direction DipMPa ° °

Major (S1) - 0.146 x Depth 260 18Intermediate (S2) - 0.070 x Depth 170 1

Minor (S3) - 0.058 x Depth 79 72

Pre-mining Stress State

Table 6.1. Pre-mining stress state used in Map3D

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Rockmass properties

The rockmass behaviour was modelled using a linearly elastic constitutive scheme. The

general theory of linear elasticity is based on the assumption that the stress components

at a point are directly proportional to the strain components at that point. The

proportionality constants are the Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio. The

Young’s modulus defines the gradient of the stress-strain curve while the Poisson’s ratio

defines the ratio of radial to axial strain. Linearly elastic materials are characterized by

the absence of mechanical failure regardless of the stress applied and by the reversibility

of the deformation when the stress is removed.

The two elastic constants used in the model are given in Table 6.2. These elastic

constants have been determined from previous laboratory measurements and are typical

of the footwall amphibolite rock unit (AMPH).

Young's Modulus (MPa) 67,100Poisson's Ratio 0.28

Elastic Rockmass Properties

Table 6.2. Elastic rockmass properties used in Map3D

Properties of the second graphitic shear

The second graphitic shear was modelled using a linearly elastic-perfectly plastic

constitutive scheme. A standard Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion was used as the yield

function. This material model was introduced in Chapter 2. According to this model,

the structure is deemed to behave in a linearly elastic fashion up to the point where it

reaches its strength and after that, the structure behaviour is deemed to be perfectly

plastic. This model requires four parameters: the normal modulus, the shear modulus,

the cohesion and the friction angle. The normal and shear moduli are used to describe

the response of the structure in the elastic range. The cohesion and friction angle are

used to define the Mohr-Coulomb linear strength envelope. The linearly elastic-

perfectly plastic constitutive behaviour is only a gross approximation of the actual

structure behaviour.

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The structure properties used in the model are given in Table 6.3. In practice, the

normal and shear moduli are rather difficult to determine. However, these values were

not of high importance given the very low thickness assigned to the structure plane. For

modelling purposes, the normal and shear moduli were estimated from the rockmass

Young’s modulus and Poison’s ratio as follows:

( )

( )










The residual values were set equal to the peak values in the model because the shear

structure was considered to be at a residual state of shear strength.

Normal Modulus (MPa) 50,800Shear Modulus (MPa) 26,200Cohesion (MPa) 0Friction Angle (°) 8

Structure Properties

Table 6.3. Structure properties used in Map3D

Control parameters and discretization of the model

The control parameters are used to control the discretization process, the lumping

processes and the accuracy of the model solution. The parameters NLD, NIT, STOL

and RPAR are the basic solution parameters. During the discretization process, the

model geometry is divided into boundary elements and grid planes are divided into a

series of field points. The parameters DOL and DON control the FF blocks, DD planes

and grid planes discretization based on their proximity to other FF blocks, DD planes

and grid planes. The parameter AL is used to control the minimum boundary element

length and should be set equal to twice the smallest pillar or stope width. The parameter

AG is used to control the minimum grid spacing and should be set equal to the smallest

dimension of interest. The parameters DOC, DOE and DOG are related to the lumping

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processes. All the control parameters directly impact on solution accuracy, model

size and run-time.

The control parameters that were used in this study are given in Table 6.4. The

parameters NLD, NIT, STOL and RPAR were set as recommended by the Map3d

manual. The parameters DOL, DON, DOC, DOE and DOG were set as recommended

by the Map3D manual to expect a numerical solution with less than 5% error. AL and

AG were set to 5, which was within the guidelines previously described. The parameter

DOR was set to 5 as recommended by the Map3D manual. A maximum element width

of 30 metres was assigned to the shear structure in order to generate a fine and uniform

discretization of the plane. The structure was therefore divided into 2048 equal-area

boundary elements as illustrated in Figure 6.6.

The complete Map3D input file (INP) is given in Appendix A. The input file is an

editable ASCII file and contains all the input data required by Map3D to perform an

analysis. The file is organized into seven sections: project title, control parameters,

block specification list, coordinate specification list, material properties list, grid

specification list and mining step specification list. Appendix B contains the complete

Map3D log file (LOG). The log file records the activity during a Map3D analysis. The

accuracy of the model solution was found to be particularly affected by the parameter

DOC. Appendix C illustrates the distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic

shear for different values of DOC. DOC was set to 4 in this study in order to maximize

the accuracy of the model solution.

Maximum Number of Load Steps (NLD) 10,000Maximum Number of Iterations (NIT) 10,000Stress Tolerance (STOL) 0.1Relaxation Parameter (RPAR) 1.2Element Length (AL) 5Grid Spacing (AG) 5Grid Discretize (DOL) 4Element Discretize (DON) 1Matrix Lumping (DOC) 4Element Lumping (DOE) 8Grid Lumping (DOG) 8Aspect Ratio (DOR) 5

Control Parameters

Table 6.4. Control parameters used in Map3D

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2048 equal-area elements

Figure 6.6. Displacement discontinuity boundary elements along the modelled shear


6.3. Map3D results

The stress and deformation components upon the second graphitic shear were calculated

for each element and mining step as part of the modelling process. The Incremental

Work Density (IWD) was subsequently computed from the numerical modelling results.

IWD was calculated for each element of the shear structure and each mining step as the

product of the average driving shear stress and the change in inelastic shear

deformation. The procedure followed was described in Chapter 3.

The numerical model predicted permanent or inelastic shear deformation upon the

second graphitic shear as mining advanced. Figure 6.7 illustrates the distribution of

change in inelastic shear deformation after mining step 2, mining step 3 and mining step

4. The values are cumulative from mining step 1. The changes in inelastic shear

deformation ranged from 0 to 0.025 metres.

The change in inelastic shear deformation was higher upon a zone below the stopes

during the overall period considered. Shear deformation occurred predominantly upon

the northern half of the zone below the stopes during mining step 2. The zone extended

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to the south during mining step 3 and continued to grow during mining step 4. The

highest values of shear deformation were recorded upon the southern side of the zone

below the stopes. The model also predicted permanent shear deformation upon the

upper zone of the shear structure. However, shear deformation upon the upper zone was

less significant than upon the zone below the stopes.

Figures 6.8 illustrates the distribution of normal stress and Figure 6.9 illustrates the

distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step 4. These

figures indicate that shear deformation upon the zone below the stopes was triggered by

a decrease in normal stress and an increase in shear stress. Shear deformation upon the

upper zone was associated with a significant decrease in both normal and shear stresses.

Mining created a stress shadow effect that reduced the stress levels upon the upper zone.

Figure 6.10 illustrates the distribution of IWD upon the second graphitic shear after

mining step 2, mining step 3 and mining step 4. The values are cumulative from mining

step 1. The IWD values ranged from 0 to 250000 Joules per square metre. IWD was

higher upon the zone below the stopes during the overall period considered. IWD was

higher upon the northern half of the zone below the stopes during mining step 2. The

zone extended to the south during mining step 3 and continued to grow during mining

step 4. The highest values of IWD were recorded upon the central part of the zone

below the stopes. The low values of IWD upon the upper zone of the second graphitic

shear were attributed to the stress shadow effect created by mining. The confining

normal stress was reduced by the stress shadow. Therefore, the driving shear stress

needed to cause shear deformation was lower upon the upper zone. Low values of IWD

were therefore predicted upon the upper zone of the shear structure.

Inelastic shear deformation is expected to induce more significant rockmass damage and

seismic activity upon areas of higher driving shear stress. IWD is related to both the

level of driving shear stress and the change in elastic shear deformation and is therefore

expected to correlate with the level of seismic activity induced during mechanical

shearing. The distribution of IWD upon the second graphitic shear indicates that shear

deformation was most likely seismic upon the zone below the stopes and most likely

aseismic upon the upper zone of the shear structure.

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Figure 6.7. Views looking west showing the distribution of change in inelastic shear

deformation upon the second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b)

and mining step 4 (c). The values are cumulative from mining step 1.

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Figure 6.8. View looking east showing the distribution of normal stress upon the second

graphitic shear as at mining step 4.

Figure 6.9. View looking east showing the distribution of shear stress upon the second

graphitic shear as at mining step 4.

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Figure 6.10. Views looking west showing the distribution of IWD upon the second

graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c). The

values are cumulative from mining step 1.

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6.4. Numerical modelling limitations and uncertainties

In this study, numerical modelling was undertaken to simulate the response of the

second graphitic shear to mining activity and to investigate how mining induced stresses

contributed to generate seismic activity in the vicinity of the shear structure. In order to

use the techniques presented, one must have a reasonable degree of confidence in the

model predictions.

The applicability of numerical modelling techniques is limited by the lack of detailed

knowledge of the input parameters, the approximations in the model formulation, the

inherent limitations of the modelling approach and the error in the numerical solution.

Due to model limitations and uncertainties, numerical modelling does not provide

absolute results. Even the most complicated model cannot predict exactly the very

complicated response of the rockmass to mining.

However, it is commonly accepted that numerical modelling provides valuable

information about the rockmass response to mining activity and remains a powerful tool

well adopted at exploring the behaviour of major geological structures subject to various

loading conditions.

6.5. Summary

A multi-step Map3D model was created in order to examine the effect of mining

induced stresses on the second graphitic shear. The shear structure was divided into

2048 elements. Stress components, deformation components and Incremental Work

Density (IWD) were calculated for each element and mining step.

Numerical modelling predicted permanent shear deformation upon the second graphitic

shear as mining advanced. Higher values of change in inelastic shear deformation and

IWD were recorded upon a zone below the stopes. Permanent shear deformation was

also predicted upon the upper zone of the shear structure but occurred under lower

normal and shear stresses due to a stress shadow effect created by mining. This stress

shadow effect directly resulted in low values of IWD upon the upper zone of the shear

structure. The distribution of IWD upon the second graphitic shear indicates that shear

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deformation was most likely seismic upon the zone below the stopes and most likely

aseismic upon the upper zone of the shear structure.

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7.1. Introduction

The Big Bell Gold mine uses an ISS seismic system to monitor the seismic activity

within the mine. The system was installed in April 2000 in response to increasing

seismic activity and rockburst severity at the mine. The system has been upgraded

several times as mining advanced. The initial seismic sensors were located in the lower

levels to provide an adequate coverage of the mining front. When mining started in the

upper levels, additional sensors were installed in both the upper and lower levels. The

system was comprised of 12 sensors in April 2000 when it was first installed. In

February 2002, the seismic array consisted of 15 sensors. Several types of sensors have

been used over the life of the system including: triaxial accelerometers, uniaxial

accelerometers, triaxial geophones and uniaxial geophones.

The seismic activity recorded in the vicinity of the second graphitic shear between April

2000 and February 2002 was back analysed in order to examine and characterize the

seismic behaviour of the shear structure. This chapter presents and discusses the


7.2. Selected seismic events

Figure 7.1 is a plan view of the 585 Level illustrating the spatial distribution of seismic

events that were recorded on this level during the overall period considered. The first

and second graphitic shears are also shown. For ease and clarity of presentation, the

seismic events recorded within a distance of 30 metres on each side of the second

graphitic shear are shown in red. The clustering of seismic events around the shear

structure clearly indicates that the structure was seismically active during the period


Figure 7.2 illustrates the number of seismic events recorded around the second graphitic

shear as a function of distance away from the shear structure. The density of seismic

events decreases as a function of distance and reaches a plateau at a distance of 30

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metres from the shear structure. This suggests that the seismic events recorded within

a distance of 30 metres of the second graphitic shear were predominantly induced by the

shear structure and that the seismic events recorded at a distance greater than 30 metres

from the second graphitic shear were not caused by the shear structure. The seismic

events recorded within a distance of 30 metres on each side of the second graphitic

shear were therefore selected from the seismic database. A total of 1476 seismic events

were selected from the database during the overall period considered.

Plan View - 585 Level











Northing (m)





Second Graphitic Shear

First Graphitic Shear



Figure 7.1. Seismic events recorded within 30 metres on each side of the second

graphitic shear (585 Level)

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Number of Events Versus Distance















0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

Distance (m)


ber o

f Eve


1476 seismic events were recorded within a distance of 30 meters on each side of the

second graphitic shear

Seismic events were predominantly caused by the second graphitic shear

Seismic events were not caused by the second graphitic shear

Figure 7.2. Number of seismic events recorded around the second graphitic shear as a

function of distance

Source location errors of the selected seismic events

The location of a seismic event is calculated from the P- and/or S-wave arrival times,

which are determined from recorded waveforms, the P- and/or S-wave velocity model

and the seismic sensor coordinates. These data have associated errors that can reduce

source location accuracy.

Source location accuracy also depends on the number of seismic sensors used to locate

the event, the distribution of sensors with respect to the position of the event, the nature

and complexity of the event mechanism and the numerical method used to locate the

event. Poor location accuracy can severely limit seismic data interpretation.

It is recognized that seismic events recorded with an optimised array can be used to

delineate areas of seismic activity within a mine and can be used to identify geological

structures that are activated as a result of mining. Event location is usually sufficient to

relate events to a particular structure. It is also accepted that reasonable location can be

obtained for events within half an array diameter outside the array.

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The Big Bell seismic system was established in 2000 to record seismic activity

around active excavations. In order to keep a rigid control on the collected seismic data,

the following processing guidelines were undertaken:

• Only signals that triggered at least five seismic sensors were manually processed.

• Blasts and mining noises were rejected.

• P- and/or S-wave arrivals times of seismic events were manually determined from

recorded waveforms.

• Seismic events were processed using a calibrated velocity model. Albrecht (2000)

determined the seismic wave velocities using signals from blasts with known

locations. The average velocities for the P- and S-waves were evaluated to be

approximately 6250 m/s and 3670 m/s respectively.

The second graphitic shear is located at some distance from the mine workings. In this

context, one must recognize that the seismic sensors are not optimally distributed

around the shear structure. However, the level of clustering on each side of the shear

structure clearly indicates that the structure was active during the time period considered

and suggests that one must be able to accept the errors in source location calculation and

use the data with a reasonable level of confidence.

Figure 7.3 illustrates the source location error distribution of the selected seismic events

as calculated by the ISS seismic system. The computed location errors were found to be

generally small with eighty-nine per cent of the seismic events having an error of less

than 6 metres.

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Source Location Error Distribution of Selected Seismic Events

552 563


6139 34 27

2 1 20









0 - 2 2 - 4 4 - 6 6 - 8 8 - 10 10 - 12 12 - 14 14 - 16 16 - 18 18 - 20

Source Location Error (m)


ber o

f Sei




89% of the seismic events

Source Location Error < 6m

11% of the seismic events

6m < Source Location Error < 20m

Figure 7.3. Source location error distribution of the selected seismic events

Space distribution of the selected seismic events

The spatial distribution of seismic events upon the second graphitic shear as mining

advanced is presented in Figure 7.4. The data were incrementally increased for each

subsequent mining step to account for the past seismic activity and more recent activity

around the shear structure. The mining geometry is also shown. For ease and clarity of

presentation, the seismic events are divided into three intervals of moment magnitude.

Figure 7.4 indicates that the seismic events predominantly clustered upon a zone below

the stopes during the overall period considered. Seismic events predominantly clustered

upon the northern half of the zone below the stopes during mining step 2. The

seismically active zone extended to the south during mining step 3 and continued to

grow during mining step 4. Seismic shear deformation, as predicted by the numerical

model (i.e. modelled Incremental Work Density), was found to follow a similar pattern

as mining advanced.

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View Looking West











2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300

Northing (m)


th (m


MoMag < 00 =< MoMag < 1MoMag >= 1

View Looking West











2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300

Northing (m)


th (m


MoMag < 00 =< MoMag < 1MoMag >= 1

View Looking West











2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300

Northing (m)


th (m


MoMag < 00 =< MoMag < 1MoMag >= 1




Figure 7.4. View looking west showing the distribution of seismic events around the

second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c).

The seismic data are cumulative from mining step 1.

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Source parameters of the selected seismic events

Figure 7.5 shows the frequency-moment magnitude distribution of the selected seismic

events. The moment magnitudes ranged from -1.7 to 1.3. A straight line of parameter a

(2.0) and parameter b (1.9) was fitted to the slope of the distribution. The distribution

indicates that the sensitivity of the seismic network began to fall off at approximately

moment magnitude -0.6 in the vicinity of the shear structure during the period


Figure 7.6 shows the energy-moment relation of the selected seismic events. The

seismic moments ranged from 3.8E+06 to 1.1E+11 Newton-metres and the seismic

energies ranged from 1.4E-01 to 8.5E+05 Joules.

Frequency - Moment Magnitude Distribution






-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

Moment Magnitude


ber o

f Eve


Log (n) = a - b (MoMag)

a = 2.0b = 1.9

The sensitivity of the seismic network began to fall off at

moment magnitude -0.6

Figure 7.5. Frequency-moment magnitude distribution of the selected seismic events

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Seimic Energy - Seismic Moment Relation











1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12

Seismic Moment (Nm)






Figure 7.6. Energy-moment relation of the selected seismic events

Source mechanisms of the selected seismic events

The S- to P-wave energy ratio is recognized as an important indicator of the mechanism

of a seismic event. A seismic event with an S- to P-wave energy ratio greater than ten is

dominated by a shearing component of failure. Any enrichment of P-wave energy

and/or depletion of S-wave energy indicate that additional non-shearing volumetric

components have been added to the failure mechanism.

Figure 7.7 illustrates the distribution of the S- to P-wave energy ratio of the selected

seismic events. The distribution indicates that 20% of the seismic events were

dominated by a shearing component of failure and that the remaining population of

events contained additional non-shearing volumetric components of failure. The

distribution simply reflects the diversity of the seismic failure mechanisms that

accompanied the overall shear movement of the second graphitic shear. Seismic failure

mechanisms may have included frictional sliding, shearing and volumetric fracturing.

Albrecht (2001) conducted a first motion analysis on the largest seismic events recorded

in the vicinity of the second graphitic shear. The combined fault-plane solution roughly

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matched the orientation of the second graphitic shear/foliation planes. His results

suggest that the mechanism of the largest events was shearing or sliding and that it may

have occurred on the second graphitic shear structure or foliation planes.

S:P Energy ratio












1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03

S:P Energy ratio



y (%


80% of the seismic events

S- to P-wave energy

ratio < 10 20% of the seismic


S- to P-wave energy ratio > 10

Figure 7.7. S- to P-wave energy ratio distribution of the selected seismic events

Time distribution of the selected seismic events

The cumulative number of seismic events recorded in the vicinity of the second

graphitic shear during the period considered is given in Figure 7.8. The overall period

is further divided into the mining steps. The geometry of the stopes for each mining

step has been shown in Figure 6.3. The time of the production blasts taken in the lower

and upper levels are also shown in Figure 7.8. The slope of the cumulative curve

indicates the rate of occurrence of seismic events. A steeper slope corresponds to a

higher rate of occurrence.

• Mining Step 1 (up to April 2000)

Mining step 1 was the period prior to the installation of the seismic monitoring system.

Obviously, no seismic events were recorded during this period.

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• Mining Step 2 (April 2000 to December 2000)

Extensive mining occurred in the lower levels during mining step 2 (April 2000 to

August 2000). A relatively high occurrence rate of seismic events accompanied this

period. Mining was subsequently followed by a production shutdown (August 2000 to

December 2000). When mining ceased in August 2000, the occurrence rate decreased

slowly. A relatively constant occurrence rate was attained after five months of

inactivity when mining resumed in the upper levels.

• Mining Step 3 (December 2000 to December 2001)

Production resumed in the upper levels at mining step 3. The occurrence rate was

relatively constant and the lowest recorded during the overall period considered.

• Mining Step 4 (December 2001 to February 2002)

Production resumed in the lower levels at mining step 4 and was accompanied by an

increase in the occurrence rate.

Time distribution of the selected seismic events gave important insights into the seismic

behaviour of the second graphitic shear. It was shown that the seismic activity recorded

around the shear structure was strongly influenced by mining and was predominant

when mining occurred in the lower levels. The decreasing rate of occurrence of seismic

events during the shutdown period may indicate that the shear displacement of the shear

structure in response to mining activity was time-dependant.

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Cumulative Number of Events VS Time










2000/01/25 2000/05/04 2000/08/12 2000/11/20 2001/02/28 2001/06/08 2001/09/16 2001/12/25






ber o

f Eve


Blasts - Upper Levels Blasts - Lower Levels




1 Mining Step 21049 Events

4.2 Events/Day

Mining Step 3311 Events

0.8 Events/Day

Mining Step 4116 Events

2.4 Events/Day


Figure 7.8. Time distribution of the selected seismic events

7.3. Gridding and smoothing of the selected seismic data

Gridding and smoothing were used to examine the spatial distribution of seismic

activity around the second graphitic shear as mining advanced. Seismic activity upon

the shear structure was interpreted from individual seismic moment and seismic energy

values. The gridding and smoothing techniques are described below.


Gridding was used to generate a two-dimensional ordered array of values from the

three-dimensional irregularly distributed seismic data. A grid containing 2048 equal-

area elements was fitted to the modelled structure. The grid provided by Map3D during

the discretization process was used. The grid has been shown in Figure 6.6. The grid

spacing was 17.2 metres along the strike and 20.6 metres along the dip of the plane.

Each grid element was 354.3 square metres. Each seismic event was assumed to be a

point in space and time with a given seismic moment value and seismic energy value.

The sum of seismic moments and sum of seismic energies were calculated for each

element and mining step from the seismic events included within the corresponding

element. Figure 7.9 illustrates the gridding technique.

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Seismic Event

Figure 7.9. Gridding of selected seismic data

The gridded values were calculated for each element and mining step as follows:


















Smoothing was used to reduce the local variability of the gridded values due to the local

complexities along the shear structure. Smoothing also accounted for source location

accuracy and source size, which was initially ignored in the gridding process. A simple

inverse distance weighting method was used. For each node and mining step, the

gridded values were smoothed by averaging the weighted sum of all the nodes included

within a search radius. A node was taken as the centre point of a given element. Close

nodes were heavily weighted and more distant nodes were lightly weighted. In this

study, the search radius was set to 30 metres. To eliminate the outliers, only smoothed

values estimated from at least three seismic events were kept. Figure 7.10 illustrates the

smoothing technique.

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Search Radius (R)

Weighting Distance (di)

Figure 7.10. Smoothing of gridded data

The smoothed values were calculated for each node or element as follows:

































The gridding and smoothing techniques were used to interpret the seismic behaviour of

the second graphitic shear in space and time. These techniques also provided a means

to compare and identify potential relationships between the numerical modelling

predictions and the seismic data (Chapter 8).

The spatial distributions of smoothed seismic moment and smoothed seismic energy

values upon the second graphitic shear as mining advanced are presented in Figure 7.11

and Figure 7.12 respectively. The values were incrementally increased for each

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subsequent mining step to account for the past seismic activity and more recent

activity around the shear structure. The distributions of smoothed seismic moment and

smoothed seismic energy values were found to be very similar. This was expected since

seismic moment increases with increasing seismic energy.

By comparing the unprocessed seismic data (Figure 7.4) with the manipulated seismic

data (Figures 7.11 and 7.12), it can be seen that the gridding and smoothing techniques

have not changed the character of the original dataset. In particular, the zones of low

and intense seismic activity were preserved.

The interpreted seismic monitoring data indicate that seismic activity was predominant

upon a zone below the stopes during the overall period considered. Seismic activity

occurred predominantly upon the northern half of the zone below the stopes during

mining step 2. The seismically active zone extended to the south during mining step 3

and continued to grow during mining step 4. The recorded seismic patterns were found

to be very similar to the predicted modelled patterns (Chapter 6). However, the seismic

patterns were more complex than the modelled patterns. The seismic patterns reflected

the spatial and temporal variation in stress and displacement along the shear structure,

while the numerical model only gave an overall view of the structure behaviour. The

complexity of the seismic patterns may have been attributed to the presence of

irregularities along the shear structure.

A zone of low seismic activity has been outlined in Figure 7.11 and Figure 7.12. This

zone can be justified by multiple explanations. For example, the zone may indicate the

presence of an asperity. The low level of seismic activity recorded within the asperity

region may indicate that shear deformation was arrested in that region. However, the

high level of seismic activity outside the asperity region may indicate that the

surrounding part of the shear structure deformed. This may indicate that shear stress

was building up within the asperity region and that an eventual violent rupture of the

asperity could have occurred. This asperity would have radiated a considerable amount

of seismic energy if it yielded. Another explanation for this zone of low seismic activity

may be the presence of a weaker region that deformed mainly aseismically.

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Zone of Low Seismic Activity




Figure 7.11. Views looking west showing the distribution of smoothed seismic moment

values upon the second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and

mining step 4 (c). The values are cumulative from mining step 1.

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Zone of Low Seismic Activity




Figure 7.12. Views looking west showing the distribution of smoothed seismic energy

values upon the second graphitic shear after mining step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and

mining step 4 (c). The values are cumulative from mining step 1.

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7.4. Seismic monitoring limitations and uncertainties

It is commonly accepted that seismic data provide important information about the

rockmass response to mining activity. However, the applicability of seismic monitoring

techniques to mining induced seismic activity involves significant inherent limitations

that can reduce the usefulness of the seismic data.

The applicability of seismic monitoring techniques is limited by our lack of knowledge

about source rupture characteristics. The use of simplistic source models to characterize

the nature and complexity of such rupture processes limits the amount of useful

information that can be obtained from the recorded waveforms.

The applicability of seismic monitoring techniques is also limited by the inability of the

seismic system to retrieve all useful information about the rockmass behaviour within

the volume of interest. There are several factors limiting the resolution or sensitivity of

the seismic system. These factors include characteristics of the seismic system in terms

of frequency range and amplitude range, rate at which seismic events can be recorded

and processed by the seismic system, distribution of seismic sensors around or

throughout the volume of interest and mine ambient noise level.

In this study, individual seismic energy and seismic moment values were used to

interpret the seismic activity recorded around the second graphitic shear. In order to use

the approach presented, one must have a reasonable degree of confidence in the

calculated source parameter estimates.

Source parameter estimates are affected by several factors including the characteristics

of the seismic system in terms of frequency range and amplitude range, the number of

seismic sensors used for source parameter calculation, the source location accuracy, the

seismic sensor coordinates, the signal-to-noise ratio, the P- and S-wave velocity model,

the P- and S-wave attenuation, the P- and S-wave scattering, the rock density at the

source, the window length used for source parameter calculation and the uncertainties

between the processed data and the source model fit. Since many of the influencing

factors are uncertain or variable, the measured source parameter estimates will also

reflect that uncertainty. However, it is recognised that the variation in source parameter

estimates is significantly greater than the uncertainty in the data (Mendecki et al 1999).

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Therefore, these uncertainties should not prevent the interpretation and comparison of

seismic data collected by the same seismic system.

If seismic monitoring techniques are to be of any use, one must accept the fundamental

limitations of these techniques and accept the inherent uncertainties of the measured

seismic data.

7.5. Summary

The seismic behaviour of the second graphitic shear was examined. Back analysis of

the seismic data indicated that the seismic activity occurred predominantly upon a zone

below the stopes. The failure mechanism of individual seismic events included shearing

and non-shearing volumetric processes. Time distribution of the seismic events showed

that the shear deformation of the structure and accompanying seismic activity were

strongly related to mining activity and were predominant when mining occurred in the

lower levels. Time distribution also indicated that the shear deformation and

accompanying seismic activity were time-dependant.

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8.1. Introduction

The modelled Incremental Work Density (IWD) was defined for each element of the

second graphitic shear and each mining step in Chapter 6. The interpreted seismic

activity (measured as either smoothed seismic moment or smoothed seismic energy)

was defined for each element of the shear structure and each mining step in Chapter 7.

This chapter examines the relationship between the modelled IWD and the interpreted

seismic activity.

8.2. Spatial distribution of the modelled and seismic data

Figure 8.1 (smoothed seismic moment) and Figure 8.2 (smoothed seismic energy)

illustrate the spatial distributions of interpreted seismic activity upon the second

graphitic shear as mining advanced. The seismic values were incrementally increased

for each subsequent mining step to account for the past seismic activity and more recent

activity around the shear structure. In order to facilitate the comparison of the modelled

and seismic data, the zone of IWD greater than 100000 J/m2 is highlighted.

A satisfactory relationship was found between the spatial distribution of interpreted

seismic activity (measured as either smoothed seismic moment or smoothed seismic

energy) and the spatial distribution of modelled IWD. The seismic events recorded in

the vicinity of the second graphitic shear predominantly clustered around a zone of

higher IWD upon the shear structure as mining advanced. The IWD parameter was

found to be reasonably successful in delineating the seismically and non-seismically

active zones upon the second graphitic shear.

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IWD > 100 000 J/m2

IWD > 100 000 J/m2

IWD > 100 000 J/m2




Figure 8.1. Spatial distribution of smoothed seismic moment versus spatial distribution

of modelled IWD upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining

step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c).

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IWD > 100 000 J/m2

IWD > 100 000 J/m2

IWD > 100 000 J/m2




Figure 8.2. Spatial distribution of smoothed seismic energy versus spatial distribution of

modelled IWD upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining

step 2 (a), mining step 3 (b) and mining step 4 (c).

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8.3. State of Incremental Work Density versus interpreted seismic activity

Figures 8.3 (smoothed seismic moment) and 8.4 (smoothed seismic energy) illustrate

the state of IWD for all the elements of the second graphitic shear. The values are

cumulative as at mining step 4. The cumulative values were calculated at the end of

each mining step but revealed similar patterns as the ones illustrated in Figures 8.3 and

8.4. Therefore, only the cumulative values as at mining step 4 are presented. Each

coordinate point on the graphs corresponds to a yielding or shearing element of the

second graphitic shear. The x-axis scales the change in inelastic shear deformation

while the y-axis scales IWD per unit shear deformation. IWD per unit shear

deformation is also equivalent to the average level of driving shear stress during

mechanical shearing. For ease and clarity of presentation, the seismically active

elements are divided into four smoothed seismic moment intervals in Figure 8.3 and

divided into four smoothed seismic energy intervals in Figure 8.4. The curve for a

constant IWD of 100000 J/m2 is also plotted on the graphs.

A high proportion of elements with high values of smoothed seismic moment and

smoothed seismic energy clustered in the top right zone of each corresponding graph.

The elements in that zone are characterized by higher values of IWD. It was found that

87% of the total smoothed seismic moment and 94% of the total smoothed seismic

energy occurred on the elements with an IWD value higher than 100000 J/m2. These

observations further demonstrate that a satisfactory relationship exists between the

distribution of interpreted seismic activity (measured as either smoothed seismic

moment or smoothed seismic energy) and the distribution of modelled IWD. The

results indicate that the seismic activity recorded around the shear structure was most

likely related to both the change in inelastic shear deformation and the level of driving

shear stress during mechanical shearing.

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State of Incremental Work Density VS smoothed seismic moment (MStep 4 - MStep 1)










0.00E+00 5.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.50E-02 2.00E-02 2.50E-02 3.00E-02

Change in Inelastic Shear Deformation (m)




er S





n (J




IWD = 100000 J/m2

3E07 Nm < Mo < 3E08 Nm

3E08 Nm < Mo < 8E08 Nm

8E08 Nm < Mo < 2E09 Nm

2E09 Nm < Mo < 3E10 Nm

Figure 8.3. State of IWD versus smoothed seismic moment for all the yielding elements

upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4.

State of Incremental Work Density VS smoothed seismic energy (MStep 4 - MStep 1)










0.00E+00 5.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.50E-02 2.00E-02 2.50E-02 3.00E-02

Change in inelastic Shear Deformation (m)




er S





n (J




IWD = 100000 J/m2

1E00 J < E < 4E01 J

4E01 J < E < 2E02 J

2E02 J < E < 2E03 J

2E03 J < E < 5E05 J

Figure 8.4. State of IWD versus smoothed seismic energy for all the yielding elements

upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4.

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8.4. Statistical relationship between the modelled and seismic data

A statistical approach was used in order to assess the strength of the relationship

between the interpreted seismic activity and the modelled IWD. Figure 8.5 (smoothed

seismic moment) and Figure 8.6 (smoothed seismic energy) compare the interpreted

seismic activity and the modelled IWD of all the seismically active elements upon the

second graphitic shear. The values are cumulative as at mining step 4. The cumulative

values were calculated at the end of each mining step but revealed similar trends as the

ones illustrated in Figures 8.5 and 8.6. Therefore, only the cumulative values as at

mining step 4 are presented. Each coordinate point on the graphs corresponds to a

seismically active element of the shear structure. The best-fit lines, which were

calculated by linear regression of the data sets, are also shown on the graphs.

The strength of each regression was determined using the R Square value (i.e. the

coefficient of determination). The R Square value represents the fraction of the

variation about the mean that is explained by the fitted regression model. The R Square

value can range between 0 and 1. A R Square value of 1 indicates that 100% of the

variation from the total variation is attributed to the regression model. A R Square

value of 0 indicates that 0% of the variation from the total variation is attributed to the

regression model.

Figure 8.5 compares the log of smoothed seismic moment and IWD for all the

seismically active elements of the second graphitic shear. The measured R Square value

indicates that only 29% (R Square = 0.29) of the variation in the log of smoothed

seismic moment is explained by the linear regression model.

Figure 8.6 compares the log of smoothed seismic energy and IWD for all the

seismically active elements of the second graphitic shear. The measured R Square value

indicates that only 24% (R Square = 0.24) of the variation in the log of smoothed

seismic energy is explained by the linear regression model.

The high variability of the interpreted seismic data around the regression models

resulted in very low R Square values. Therefore, no significant statistical relationship

was found between the numerical modelling predictions and the interpreted seismic


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Log of Smoothed Seismic Moment VS Incremental Work Density (MStep4 - MStep1)

R2 = 0.29








0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000

IWD (J/m2)


0 (S




in N


Figure 8.5. Log of smoothed seismic moment versus IWD for all the seismically active

elements upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4.

Log of Smoothed Seismic Energy VS Incremental Work Density (MStep4 - MStep1)

R2 = 0.24








0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000

IWD (J/m2)


0 (S



E in


Figure 8.6. Log of smoothed seismic energy versus IWD for all the seismically active

elements upon the second graphitic shear. Values are cumulative as at mining step 4.

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8.5. Summary

The relationship between the modelled Incremental Work Density (IWD) and the

interpreted seismic activity (measured as either smoothed seismic moment or smoothed

seismic energy) was examined:

• A satisfactory relationship was found between the spatial distribution of interpreted

seismic activity and the spatial distribution of modelled IWD. The IWD parameter

was found to be reasonably successful in delineating the seismically and non-

seismically active zones upon the second graphitic shear. The finding indicates that

the seismic activity recorded around the shear structure was most likely related to

both the change in inelastic shear deformation and the level of driving shear stress

during mechanical shearing.

• However, no significant statistical relationship was found between the modelled

IWD and the interpreted seismic activity. The lack of statistical relationship

between the modelled and seismic data may be attributed to several factors

including the limitations of the techniques employed (e.g. Map3D modelling,

seismic monitoring) and the complexity of the process involved.

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Numerical modelling and seismic monitoring were undertaken in order to gain a better

understanding of the causes and mechanisms of the seismic activity recorded in the

vicinity of the second graphitic shear and to identify potential relationships between the

numerical modelling predictions and the seismic data. The thesis introduced the

Incremental Work Density (IWD) as a measure to evaluate the relative likelihood of

seismic activity upon major planes of weakness. The distribution of modelled IWD was

expected to correlate with the distribution of interpreted seismic activity upon the

second graphitic shear.

Behaviour of the second graphitic shear

Numerical modelling provided an overall understanding of the behaviour of the second

graphitic shear. The numerical model predicted inelastic shear deformation upon the

shear structure as mining advanced. Relatively high IWD values indicated that shear

deformation was most likely seismic upon a zone below the stopes and relatively low

IWD values indicated that shear deformation was most likely aseismic upon the upper

zone of the shear structure. Within the zone below the stopes, shear deformation was

triggered by a decrease in normal stress and an increase in shear stress. Within the

upper zone, shear deformation was induced by a decrease in both normal and shear

stresses. Mining created a stress shadow effect that considerably reduced the stress

levels upon the upper zone of the shear structure. Since inelastic shear deformation

occurred under lower stress levels, the modelled IWD values upon the upper zone were

relatively low.

Seismic monitoring verified the above predictions and provided information about

individual seismic events and overall seismic activity. The seismic events recorded in

the vicinity of the second graphitic shear predominantly clustered upon a zone below

the stopes. The distribution of S- to P-wave seismic energy ratio indicated that shearing

and non-shearing volumetric components of failure were involved during the overall

shear displacement of the structure. Fracturing, crushing, shearing and sliding may

have been involved in the seismic event mechanisms. Time distribution of the seismic

events indicated that shear deformation and accompanying seismic activity were

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strongly influenced by mining, were predominant when mining was undertaken in the

lower levels and were time-dependant.

The results indicate that the primary cause of seismic activity in the vicinity of the

second graphitic shear was the overall shear displacement of the shear structure under

the influence of mining induced stresses. The spatial distribution of interpreted seismic

activity upon the shear structure was found to be related to both the level of driving

shear stress and the change in inelastic shear deformation as mining advanced. The

overall shear displacement of the structure was gradual at a mine-scale and

accompanied by unstable processes at a smaller scale. By analogy, the observed

phenomenon was found to be very similar to the release of acoustic emissions during

frictional sliding on laboratory samples (Yabe et al 2003).

Normal stress versus interpreted seismic activity

The confining normal stress was found to have an important influence on the seismic

behaviour of the second graphitic shear. The seismic activity predominantly clustered

around a zone below the stopes where the shear structure deformed under higher normal

stress. The change in inelastic shear deformation combined with a higher level of

normal and shear stresses caused the zone below the stopes to deform seismically.

However, the upper zone of the shear structure deformed mainly aseismically during the

time period considered. The stress shadow effect created by mining decreased the

confining normal stress upon the upper zone. The combination of normal and shear

stresses was sufficient to cause the shear structure to deform but insufficient to generate

detectable seismic waves.

Incremental Work Density versus interpreted seismic activity

A satisfactory relationship was found between the spatial distribution of modelled

Incremental Work Density (IWD) and the spatial distribution of interpreted seismic

activity (measured as either smoothed seismic moment or smoothed seismic energy).

The IWD parameter was found to be reasonably successful in delineating the

seismically and non-seismically active zones upon the second graphitic shear. The

findings indicate that the seismic activity recorded around the shear structure was most

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likely related to both the change in inelastic shear deformation and the level of

driving shear stress during mechanical shearing.

However, no significant statistical relationship was found between the modelled IWD

and the interpreted seismic activity (measured as either smoothed seismic moment or

smoothed seismic energy).


A parameter to evaluate the relative likelihood of shear-slip induced seismic activity

was presented. Modelled IWD is intended to describe the seismic behaviour of major

planes of weakness at residual states of shear strength. The parameter was applied to

the case study of the second graphitic shear at the Big Bell Gold mine.

A satisfactory relationship was revealed between the spatial distribution of modelled

IWD and the spatial distribution of interpreted seismic activity upon the second

graphitic shear. The results indicate that seismic activity predominantly clustered

around a zone of higher IWD upon the shear structure as mining advanced.

However, no significant statistical relationship was found between the numerical

modelling predictions and the interpreted seismic data. The lack of statistical

relationship between the modelled and seismic data may be attributed to several factors

including the limitations of the techniques employed (i.e. Map3D modelling, seismic

monitoring) and the complexity of the process involved. The results obtained may

indicate that the technologies used in this study are not advanced enough to allow

sophisticated correlation.

The relationship between the Incremental Work Density (IWD) and shear-slip induced

seismic activity remains to be demonstrated in other case studies. The practicality and

significance of the IWD parameter need to be further demonstrated and investigated in

real mining applications.

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Map3D Input File

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108* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* MAP3D Version 1.48

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* PROJECT TITLE - one line of data (maximum 70 characters)

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'Big Bell - GrSh2 Plastic Model 2003:05:23 '

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* CONTROL PARAMETERS - one line of data

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* NLD - number of load steps (10000)

* NIT - number of iterations (10000)

* NPS - number of planes of symmetry (0)

* RPAR - maximum relaxation parameter (1.2)

* STOL - stress tolerance (0.1% of far field stress) [MPa:psi]

* AG - minimum grid side length (dimension of interest) [metres:feet]

* AL - minimum element side length (dimension of interest) [metres:feet]

* DOL - D/L ratio for grid-element discretization (1)

* DON - D/L ratio for element-element discretization (0.5)

* DOC - D/L ratio for coefficient lumping (1)

* DOE - D/L ratio for element-grid lumping (2)

* DOG - D/L ratio for grid-element lumping (2)

* DOR - maximum element aspect ratio (5)

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* NLD,NIT,NPS, RPAR,STOL, AL,AG must be specified

* DOL,DON,DOC,DOE,DOG,DOR are optional

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10000 10000 0 1.2 0.100000 5.00 5.00 4.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 5.0

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* BLOCK SPECIFICATION LIST - one line per block - end list with N=0

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N - block identification number - also defines colour 1,6,11 etc. ... blue

* 2,7,12 etc. ... green

* 3,8,13 etc. ... yellow

* 4,9,14 etc. ... red

* 5,10,15 etc. ... grey

* 'BLOCK NAME' - maximum of 20 characters must appear in single quotes

* I1,I2,I3,I4 - coordinate numbers of corners of plates

* I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6,I7,I8 - coordinate numbers of corners of blocks

* TYPE - block type - 1 for Fictitious Force elements - excavation surfaces

* 2 for Displacement Discontinuites - fault planes

* 98 for inactive blocks (excavations)

* 99 for inactive planes (faults)

* THICKNESS - thickness for TYPE 2 blocks [metres:feet]

* WIDTH - maximum width [metres:feet]

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N, I1,I2,I3,I4 must be specified


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 '1 ' 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 8 7 6 5 12 11 10 9 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 12 11 10 9 16 15 14 13 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 16 15 14 13 20 19 18 17 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 20 19 18 17 24 23 22 21 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 22 26 25 23 18 28 27 19 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 18 28 27 19 14 30 29 15 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 14 30 29 15 10 32 31 11 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 11 7 6 10 31 34 33 32 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 6 33 34 7 2 36 35 3 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 35 37 38 36 34 39 40 33 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 34 39 40 33 31 42 41 32 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 31 42 41 32 29 44 43 30 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 29 44 43 30 27 46 45 28 1 1.000000 0.000

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109 1 '1 ' 27 46 45 28 25 48 47 26 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 37 50 49 38 39 52 51 40 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 50 54 53 49 52 56 55 51 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 54 58 57 53 56 60 59 55 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 58 62 61 57 60 64 63 59 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 62 66 65 61 64 68 67 63 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 66 70 69 65 68 72 71 67 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 70 74 73 69 72 76 75 71 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 39 52 51 40 42 82 81 41 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 52 56 55 51 82 84 83 81 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 56 60 59 55 84 86 85 83 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 60 64 63 59 86 88 87 85 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 64 68 67 63 88 90 89 87 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 68 72 71 67 90 92 91 89 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 72 76 75 71 92 94 93 91 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 44 43 97 98 42 41 81 82 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 82 84 83 81 98 100 99 97 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 84 86 85 83 100 102 101 99 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 86 88 87 85 102 104 103 101 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 88 90 89 87 104 106 105 103 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 90 92 91 89 106 108 107 105 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 92 94 93 91 108 110 109 107 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 94 96 95 93 110 112 111 109 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 96 114 113 95 112 116 115 111 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 114 118 117 113 116 120 119 115 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 98 97 43 44 126 125 45 46 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 98 100 99 97 126 128 127 125 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 100 102 101 99 128 130 129 127 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 102 104 103 101 130 132 131 129 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 104 106 105 103 132 134 133 131 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 106 108 107 105 134 136 135 133 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 46 126 125 45 48 142 141 47 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 126 128 127 125 142 144 143 141 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 128 130 129 127 144 146 145 143 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 130 132 131 129 146 148 147 145 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 132 134 133 131 148 150 149 147 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 134 136 135 133 150 152 151 149 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 4 1 2 3 204 203 202 201 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 203 202 201 204 208 207 206 205 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 36 35 3 2 210 209 201 202 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 112 116 115 111 266 265 264 263 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 95 113 114 96 274 273 272 271 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 110 112 111 109 286 285 284 283 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 290 289 288 287 154 292 291 153 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 93 95 96 94 296 295 294 293 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 310 309 308 307 73 312 311 74 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 110 109 107 108 316 315 314 313 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 320 319 318 317 152 154 153 151 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 144 146 145 143 394 393 392 391 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 142 144 143 141 396 394 391 395 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 48 142 141 47 398 396 395 397 1 1.000000 0.000

1 '1 ' 48 47 400 399 398 397 402 401 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 113 114 252 251 117 118 254 253 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 266 265 264 263 270 269 268 267 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 274 273 272 271 278 277 276 275 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 286 285 284 283 138 140 139 137 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 138 140 139 137 290 289 288 287 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 296 295 294 293 300 299 298 297 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 303 306 305 304 310 309 308 307 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 316 315 314 313 138 137 135 136 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 136 138 137 135 320 319 318 317 1 1.000000 0.000

2 '2 ' 38 49 50 37 366 365 364 363 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 37 157 158 38 159 160 161 162 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 163 165 166 164 50 54 53 49 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 165 167 168 166 54 58 57 53 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 167 169 170 168 58 62 61 57 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 169 171 172 170 62 66 65 61 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 333 334 335 336 169 171 172 170 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 354 353 352 351 167 169 170 168 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 166 168 167 165 358 357 356 355 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 359 360 361 362 164 163 165 166 1 1.000000 0.000

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110 3 '3 ' 159 163 164 162 363 364 365 366 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 367 368 369 370 159 163 164 162 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 382 381 380 379 386 385 384 383 1 1.000000 0.000

3 '3 ' 161 162 159 160 388 373 371 387 1 1.000000 0.000

4 '4 ' 116 120 119 115 246 245 244 243 1 1.000000 0.000

4 '4 ' 251 252 256 255 253 254 258 257 1 1.000000 0.000

4 '4 ' 76 301 302 75 297 298 299 300 1 1.000000 0.000

4 '4 ' 302 301 76 75 306 305 304 303 1 1.000000 0.000

4 '4 ' 337 338 339 340 341 329 332 344 1 1.000000 0.000

4 '4 ' 378 377 376 375 382 381 380 379 1 1.000000 0.000

4 '4 ' 390 378 375 389 382 382 379 379 1 1.000000 0.000

102 'GrSh2 ' 443 444 445 446 0 0 0 0 2 0.000001 30.000


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* COORDINATE SPECIFICATION LIST - one line per coordinate - end list with N=0

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N X (East) Y (North) Z (Elev) [metres:feet]

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 844.224976 3456.000000 0.000000

2 737.222900 3456.000000 -80.000000

3 520.463867 3456.000000 -80.000000

4 386.589355 3456.000000 0.000000

5 843.803406 3561.000000 0.000000

6 752.229980 3561.000000 -80.000000

7 520.373901 3561.000000 -80.000000

8 384.851227 3561.000000 0.000000

9 857.386047 3699.000000 0.000000

10 745.828918 3699.000000 -80.000000

11 518.875488 3699.000000 -80.000000

12 393.012787 3699.000000 0.000000

13 858.601135 3708.000000 0.000000

14 745.098755 3708.000000 -80.000000

15 519.342712 3708.000000 -80.000000

16 393.745361 3708.000000 0.000000

17 852.176514 3852.000000 0.000000

18 721.133057 3852.000000 -80.000000

19 541.403564 3852.000000 -80.000000

20 413.147888 3852.000000 0.000000

21 723.859985 4036.235107 0.000000

22 676.182983 3968.904053 -80.000000

23 593.109985 3970.659912 -80.000000

24 573.250000 4051.050049 0.000000

25 625.746460 3960.000000 -160.000000

26 660.075439 3960.000000 -160.000000

27 603.831726 3852.000000 -160.000000

28 673.577271 3852.000000 -160.000000

29 601.549927 3708.000000 -160.000000

30 696.281799 3708.000000 -160.000000

31 602.288696 3699.000000 -160.000000

32 696.368469 3699.000000 -160.000000

33 688.793091 3561.000000 -160.000000

34 604.897217 3561.000000 -160.000000

35 601.572693 3456.000000 -160.000000

36 676.998291 3456.000000 -160.000000

37 630.455139 3456.000000 -238.449738

38 672.320801 3456.000000 -238.449738

39 635.767700 3561.000000 -241.842438

40 679.622559 3561.000000 -241.842438

41 682.009338 3699.000000 -242.653259

42 637.213135 3699.000000 -242.653259

43 683.090576 3708.000000 -242.472992

44 637.138428 3708.000000 -242.472992

45 668.843994 3852.000000 -241.805939

46 638.358154 3852.000000 -241.805939

47 671.216309 3960.000000 -238.896545

48 653.647705 3960.000000 -238.896545

49 678.189636 3456.000000 -273.468475

50 642.681702 3456.000000 -273.468475

51 686.853866 3561.000000 -275.520477

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111 52 648.885198 3561.000000 -275.520477

53 684.846191 3456.000000 -314.224945

54 656.240479 3456.000000 -314.224945

55 695.479431 3561.000000 -315.691925

56 664.531860 3561.000000 -315.691925

57 691.988281 3456.000000 -343.398346

58 664.352661 3456.000000 -343.398346

59 701.476257 3561.000000 -344.311340

60 675.252380 3561.000000 -344.311340

61 701.478210 3456.000000 -374.938293

62 675.999634 3456.000000 -374.938293

63 709.917297 3561.000000 -377.075989

64 682.138367 3561.000000 -377.075989

65 710.053772 3456.000000 -407.964905

66 693.816650 3456.000000 -407.964905

67 716.218201 3561.000000 -406.579041

68 696.127319 3561.000000 -406.579041

69 719.288147 3456.000000 -434.850250

70 705.127136 3456.000000 -434.850250

71 729.596375 3561.000000 -435.625397

72 709.018066 3561.000000 -435.625397

73 724.925537 3456.000000 -453.299744

74 711.758911 3456.000000 -453.299744

75 740.324646 3561.000000 -455.557190

76 717.571777 3561.000000 -455.557190

81 690.427312 3699.000000 -275.664673

82 648.437828 3699.000000 -275.664673

83 701.577996 3699.000000 -319.392517

84 663.306371 3699.000000 -319.392517

85 708.706594 3699.000000 -347.347595

86 672.811786 3699.000000 -347.347595

87 716.453818 3699.000000 -377.728638

88 683.142088 3699.000000 -377.728638

89 722.916748 3699.000000 -403.073273

90 691.759888 3699.000000 -403.073273

91 738.992371 3699.000000 -433.245789

92 705.551514 3699.000000 -433.245789

93 753.056580 3699.000000 -458.496460

94 719.797302 3699.000000 -458.496460

95 765.577271 3699.000000 -480.046387

96 732.978760 3699.000000 -480.046387

97 691.133949 3708.000000 -274.605652

98 647.778736 3708.000000 -274.605652

99 702.391760 3708.000000 -319.579742

100 662.671316 3708.000000 -319.579742

101 709.299965 3708.000000 -347.177490

102 671.809947 3708.000000 -347.177490

103 716.847821 3708.000000 -377.330597

104 681.794753 3708.000000 -377.330597

105 723.114258 3708.000000 -402.364532

106 690.084412 3708.000000 -402.364532

107 738.543274 3708.000000 -432.752747

108 705.197510 3708.000000 -432.752747

109 753.043274 3708.000000 -458.635406

110 718.649414 3708.000000 -458.635406

111 765.683716 3708.000000 -479.777283

112 733.853333 3708.000000 -479.777283

113 779.894470 3699.000000 -507.659485

114 748.828796 3699.000000 -507.659485

115 780.850281 3708.000000 -507.765717

116 748.910828 3708.000000 -507.765717

117 792.627563 3699.000000 -536.217102

118 762.269470 3699.000000 -536.217102

119 793.969849 3708.000000 -536.215332

120 762.973267 3708.000000 -536.215332

125 676.199394 3852.000000 -270.722198

126 648.969664 3852.000000 -270.722198

127 687.793335 3852.000000 -316.301422

128 665.696045 3852.000000 -316.301422

129 699.556274 3852.000000 -349.770752

130 679.095703 3852.000000 -349.770752

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112 131 710.785459 3852.000000 -376.553040

132 689.394503 3852.000000 -376.553040

133 720.969421 3852.000000 -400.842407

134 698.734680 3852.000000 -400.842407

135 737.853760 3852.000000 -430.153870

136 717.529602 3852.000000 -430.153870

137 753.877563 3852.000000 -457.135040

138 733.892761 3852.000000 -457.135040

139 769.163330 3852.000000 -483.244690

140 747.593323 3852.000000 -483.244690

141 679.062145 3960.000000 -270.217285

142 662.767558 3960.000000 -270.217285

143 690.140137 3960.000000 -314.440857

144 675.644409 3960.000000 -314.440857

145 704.221863 3960.000000 -347.971497

146 689.478943 3960.000000 -347.971497

147 715.892029 3960.000000 -374.829102

148 700.581970 3960.000000 -374.829102

149 726.176270 3960.000000 -398.113373

150 710.307983 3960.000000 -398.113373

151 739.404724 3960.000000 -428.036011

152 723.275024 3960.000000 -428.036011

153 751.285278 3960.000000 -455.305603

154 736.848450 3960.000000 -455.305603

157 614.090302 3456.000000 -194.000000

158 674.971074 3456.000000 -194.000000

159 630.882568 3407.000000 -234.640762

160 616.513977 3407.000000 -194.000000

161 644.199036 3407.000000 -194.000000

162 657.269043 3407.000000 -234.640762

163 643.540466 3407.000000 -272.141266

164 667.173157 3407.000000 -272.141266

165 655.717957 3407.000000 -313.203217

166 678.631226 3407.000000 -313.203217

167 665.313782 3407.000000 -344.552582

168 688.059998 3407.000000 -344.552582

169 675.380188 3407.000000 -373.843170

170 697.116455 3407.000000 -373.843170

171 687.320618 3407.000000 -407.265472

172 707.613831 3407.000000 -407.265472

201 533.070007 3366.399902 -80.000000

202 718.177002 3372.427979 -80.000000

203 801.333008 3270.121094 0.000000

204 418.169006 3260.628906 0.000000

205 468.059998 3087.398926 0.000000

206 579.630005 3178.340088 -79.949997

207 617.609985 3177.080078 -79.650002

208 742.169983 3125.918945 0.000000

209 614.846985 3396.000000 -160.000000

210 651.200012 3396.000000 -160.000000

243 780.819924 3713.751709 -507.740180

244 793.645386 3724.166748 -536.354980

245 764.775879 3724.166504 -536.354980

246 749.567270 3713.751721 -507.740180

251 779.668562 3697.238229 -507.661095

252 748.706744 3697.238537 -507.661095

253 790.460388 3686.804932 -536.326233

254 762.101379 3686.804932 -536.326233

255 779.032149 3692.275101 -507.665630

256 748.362864 3692.275647 -507.665630

257 789.575623 3681.827148 -536.370850

258 762.032959 3681.827393 -536.370850

263 766.322821 3734.450436 -480.414225

264 780.658447 3744.346680 -507.604340

265 753.059143 3744.347412 -507.604340

266 736.377076 3734.450656 -480.414232

267 767.499505 3783.149408 -481.586924

268 780.404419 3792.540527 -507.389984

269 758.559204 3792.540527 -507.389984

270 741.023583 3783.149404 -481.586928

271 731.350261 3661.920167 -479.838313

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113 272 745.556763 3651.777832 -507.702637

273 773.839233 3651.777588 -507.702637

274 762.326232 3661.919909 -479.838310

275 729.184282 3612.602285 -479.561565

276 742.131226 3602.343262 -507.748352

277 767.500793 3602.343262 -507.748352

278 758.002254 3612.602299 -479.561562

283 753.587964 3802.014651 -457.655848

284 768.171692 3810.968994 -482.256836

285 743.677917 3810.968750 -482.256836

286 728.601431 3802.014162 -457.655853

287 752.406950 3913.268795 -456.097194

288 766.116943 3903.708740 -482.364502

289 749.365479 3903.708496 -482.364532

290 735.569541 3913.269035 -456.097190

291 762.801453 3960.000000 -481.405609

292 751.295349 3960.000000 -481.405609

293 718.469935 3616.692865 -456.743396

294 728.999580 3608.396734 -479.537965

295 757.633504 3608.396474 -479.537961

296 745.462850 3616.692414 -456.743386

297 717.728905 3570.743162 -455.764710

298 727.069031 3564.439209 -479.291290

299 753.779541 3564.439697 -479.291290

300 741.223557 3570.743195 -455.764711

301 726.917542 3561.000000 -479.271912

302 753.477844 3561.000000 -479.271912

303 737.930072 3544.672411 -455.206155

304 716.667869 3544.672372 -455.206154

305 726.479736 3551.541016 -479.161377

306 751.966675 3551.541260 -479.161377

307 713.083052 3479.918468 -453.813979

308 723.576294 3488.876953 -478.428497

309 741.954102 3488.876953 -478.428497

310 728.433313 3479.918040 -453.813970

311 722.052673 3456.000000 -478.043640

312 736.701050 3456.000000 -478.043640

313 715.667823 3830.260284 -430.546223

314 737.957855 3830.260495 -430.546219

315 753.807941 3839.983157 -457.260246

316 732.620675 3839.982929 -457.260248

317 738.005032 3862.533692 -429.947306

318 753.805350 3855.008535 -457.084078

319 733.975084 3855.008063 -457.084086

320 718.089978 3862.533708 -429.947306

329 693.432218 3270.089111 -402.693567

332 706.886991 3270.088379 -402.693542

333 679.264025 3366.000004 -373.798054

334 689.818481 3366.000000 -405.660736

335 707.256897 3366.000000 -405.660736

336 697.967814 3366.000001 -373.798054

337 686.608582 3216.000000 -372.534149

338 693.981995 3216.000000 -401.545227

339 706.989136 3216.000000 -401.545227

340 697.430054 3216.000000 -372.534149

341 685.583252 3257.554688 -373.045807

344 698.116089 3257.554199 -373.045807

351 687.911802 3355.000002 -343.948382

352 698.196228 3355.000000 -373.785950

353 680.306030 3355.000000 -373.785950

354 669.896610 3354.999992 -343.948382

355 658.566223 3319.000000 -313.089447

356 673.069336 3319.000000 -343.530090

357 687.809204 3319.000000 -343.530090

358 677.712158 3319.000000 -313.089447

359 666.484425 3365.999998 -271.675974

360 643.102378 3365.999997 -271.675975

361 657.044990 3366.000000 -313.150211

362 678.203024 3365.999998 -313.150211

363 630.532803 3447.096700 -237.757647

364 643.061784 3434.312978 -272.881063

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114 365 673.313779 3434.312762 -272.881057

366 669.585837 3447.096506 -237.757632

367 631.280412 3358.671140 -236.020117

368 642.886292 3345.776855 -271.446472

369 666.144714 3345.777100 -271.446472

370 657.422305 3358.671385 -236.020110

371 631.467041 3336.000000 -236.667175

373 657.494202 3336.000000 -236.667175

375 631.648453 3314.000000 -237.294662

376 642.547241 3314.000000 -271.085846

377 665.611206 3314.000000 -271.085846

378 657.563896 3314.000000 -237.294662

379 633.304749 3266.000000 -225.558548

380 646.867737 3266.000000 -270.325256

381 665.067383 3266.000000 -270.325256

382 654.930176 3266.000000 -225.558548

383 642.839722 3182.000000 -225.598282

384 654.429321 3182.000000 -268.994385

385 664.116150 3182.000000 -268.994385

386 655.220703 3182.000000 -225.598282

387 625.172974 3336.000000 -218.075867

388 652.264709 3336.000000 -218.075867

389 627.855835 3314.000000 -225.535828

390 654.763550 3314.000000 -225.535828

391 690.140137 3984.000000 -314.440857

392 704.221863 3984.000000 -347.971497

393 689.478943 3984.000000 -347.971497

394 675.644409 3984.000000 -314.440857

395 679.062145 3984.000000 -270.217285

396 662.767558 3984.000000 -270.217285

397 671.216309 3984.000000 -238.896545

398 653.647705 3984.000000 -238.896545

399 639.697083 3960.000000 -199.448273

400 665.645874 3960.000000 -199.448273

401 639.697082 3984.000000 -199.448273

402 665.645874 3984.000000 -199.448273

443 422.615007 4250.000000 -150.000000

444 672.865628 4250.000000 -760.000000

445 707.089890 3150.000000 -760.000000

446 456.839288 3150.000000 -150.000000


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* MATERIAL PROPERTIES LIST - 3 lines per material - end list with N=0

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* LINE 1 - STRESS STATE SPECIFICATION - 1 line per material

* N S1,S2,S3 dS1,dS2,dS3 T1,P1,T3,Surf S=S+dS*(Z-Surf)

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N - material number - 1 host rock mass - 2,3... for other materials

* S1,S2,S3 - far field stress values at depth Surf [MPa:psi]

* dS1,dS2,dS3 - variation with depth S = S + dS.(Z-Surf) [MPa/metre:psi/foot]

* T1 - trend of S1 from Y (north) towards X (east) [degrees]

* P1 - plunge of S1 (+) positive down from horizontal plane [degrees]

* T3 - trend of S3 from Y (north) towards X (east) [degrees]

* Surf - elevation for S1,S2,S3 [metres:feet]

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* MT=0, 0,0, 0,0, GN,GS (element type 1 or 2)

* MT=1, Ep,Er, PRp,PRr, GN,GS (element type 1 or 2)

* Ep,Er - Young's modulus - peak and residual values [MPa:psi]

* PRp,PRr - Poisson's ratio - peak and residual values

* GN,GS - viscous modulus - normal and shear components [MPa:psi]

* MT=2, Bp,Br, Sp,Sr, GN,GS (element type 1 or 2)

* Bp,Br - Bulk modulus - peak and residual values [MPa:psi]

* Sp,Sr - Shear modulus - peak and residual values [MPa:psi]

* MT=3, KNp,KNr, KSp,KSr, GN,GS (element type 2 only)

* KNp,KNr - normal stiffness - peak and residual [MPa/metres:psi/feet]

* KSp,KSr - shear stiffness - peak and residual [MPa/metres:psi/feet]

* 'MATERIAL NAME' - maximum of 20 characters must appear in single quotes

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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115* LINE 3 - STRENGTH PARAMETER SPECIFICATION - 1 line per material

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* MF=0 no strength parameters specified (elastic response only)

* MF=1, Top,Tor,Cop,Cor,Sop,Sor,PHIp,PHIr for Mohr-Coulomb (element type 1 or 2)

* To - tension cut-off - normally 0 or negative [MPa:psi]

* Co - pillar strength - field scale [MPa:psi]

* So - joint cohesion - only use for type 2 elements [MPa:psi]

* PHI- friction angle - rock mass value [degrees]

* MF=2, Top,Tor,scp,scr,mp,mr,sp,sr for Hoek-Brown (element type 1 only)

* To - tension cut-off - normally 0 or negative [MPa:psi]

* sc - unconfined compressive strength - lab scale [MPa:psi]

* m - mi*Exp[(RMR-100)/28] - Hoek-Brown parameter

* s - Exp[(RMR-100)/9] - Hoek-Brown parameter

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N, S1,S2,S3 must be specified, GN,GS are optional

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N S1,S2,S3 dS1,dS2,dS3 T1,P1,T3,Surf,P,dP S=S+dS*(Z-Surf)

* MT 0 1,Ep/r,PRp/r,GN,GS 2,Bp/r,Sp/r,GN,GS 3,KNp/r,KSp/r,GN,GS 'MATERIAL NAME'

* MF 0 1,Top,Tor,Cop,Cor,Sop,Sor,PHIp,PHIr 2,Top,Tor,scp,scr,mp,mr,sp,sr

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Host Material

1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 -1.46E-1 -7.00E-2 -5.80E-2 260 18 79 0.000000 0.00E+0 0.00E+0

1 6.71E+4 6.71E+4 2.80E-1 2.80E-1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.00E+0 1.00E+0 'Host Material '

0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 3.00E+1 3.00E+1

2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 -1.46E-1 -7.00E-2 -5.80E-2 260 18 79 0.000000 0.00E+0 0.00E+0

4 5.08E+4 5.08E+4 2.62E+4 2.62E+4 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.00E+0 1.00E+0 'GrSh2 '

1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.00E+6 1.00E+6 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 8.00E+0 8.00E+0 0.00E+0


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* GRID SPECIFICATION LIST - 1 line per grid - end list with N=0

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N - grid number

* 'GRID NAME' - maximum of 20 characters

* I1,I2,I3,I4 - coordinate numbers of corners of grid plane

* I5,I6,I7,I8,TYPE,THICK - not used

* WIDTH - maximum width [metres:feet]

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* MINING STEP SPECIFICATION LIST - 1 line per block - end list with N=0

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* N - block identification number (1 - 32000)

* MC - material code

* MC= 0 for zero surface stresses (mined out)

* MC=-M to set surface stresses of block N to stress state of material M

* MC=+M to insert material number M into block number N

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'2000-MAR-30 6PM '

1 0

2 1

3 1

4 1

102 2


'2000-AUG-26 6PM '

2 0


'2001-DEC-20 6PM '

3 0


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'2002-FEB-10 6PM '

4 0


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Map3D Log File

Page 127: Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case … · Shear-slip induced seismic activity in underground mines: a case study in Western Australia A THESIS BY: MARC

118INFO Loading input file:

F:\BB - GrSh2 Plastic.inp

<<<<<<<<<<< MAP3D Version 1.48 >>>>>>>>>>>

INFO: Reading job title

INFO: Reading block list

INFO: Reading coordinate list

INFO: Reading material property list

INFO: Reading grid list

WARNING: No grids

INFO: Reading mining steps

INFO: Reading mining step 1

INFO: Reading mining steps

INFO: Reading mining step 2

INFO: Reading mining steps

INFO: Reading mining step 3

INFO: Reading mining steps

INFO: Reading mining step 4

INFO: Reading mining steps

INFO: Checking coordinates

INFO: Checking for duplicate surfaces

INFO: Reordering negative volumes

INFO: Generating surfaces

INFO: Grouping blocks

INFO: File load completed

WARNING: No grids

INFO: Deleting common sides

Deleting common surfaces complete, # surfaces is 352

INFO: Delete duplicated elements

INFO: Deleting duplicates complete

Number of surfaces is 352

INFO: Collapsing elements on single interfaces

INFO: Collapsing elements complete

Number of surfaces is 352

INFO: Testing for edge intersections

INFO: Block edge intersection testing complete

Number of surfaces is 378

INFO: Testing for edge intersections

INFO: Block edge intersection testing complete

Number of surfaces is 378

INFO: Testing for edge intersections

INFO: Block edge intersection testing complete

Number of surfaces is 378

INFO: Delete duplicated elements

INFO: Deleting duplicates complete

Number of surfaces is 342

INFO: Checking element shapes

INFO: Resequencing block numbers

INFO: Grouping blocks

INFO: Checking for element size and shape

INFO: Checking for double defined surfaces

INFO: No unclosed surfaces found

INFO: Checking for contacts

INFO: Checking mining sequence

INFO: Intersection analysis completed

INFO: Lumping pass 1

INFO: Lumping pass 2

INFO: Lumping pass 3

INFO: Block discretization

Block discretization complete

Number of boundary elements is 4020

INFO: Grid discretization

INFO: Grid sorting

Grid discretization complete

Number of grid points is 0

Primary swap drive is F:

CGM solver will be used

Accelerated solver will be used

Amount of RAM requested 200 MBytes

Testing calculation rate for this computer

Measured calculation rate 49.595 MFLOPS

Testing disk read rate for this computer

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119INFO: asynchronous I/O was achieved

Measured disk rate (DIO) 9.961 MB/second

Number of mining steps 4, maximum number 40

Number of block surfaces 342, maximum number 128000

Number of lump surfaces 977, maximum number 128000

Number of coordinate points 446, maximum number 128000

Number of material types 2, maximum number 100

Number of field point grids 0, maximum number 1000

Number of boundary elements 4020, maximum number 333333

Number of boundary nodes 6150, maximum number 333333

Number of field points 0, maximum number 333333

Number of seismic points 0, maximum number 333333

Estimated space required 71.106, available space 30696.000 MBytes

Estimated analysis time 0.913 hours

INFO: Discretization analysis completed

-rn Renumber negative volumes

-cc Collinearity checking

-co Collapse elements

-Npc No Planarity check

-cl Closure check

-Nms No MSpoint calculations

-Nlerd No LERD/LSS calculation

-Ninit No initialize calculation

-Nlc No Lumping calculations

-la Lumping accuracy required

-Ncreep No Creep calculations

-cgm CGM solver

-accel Accelerated solver

-Nzsp No Zero strain placement

-Nlinear No Linear elements

-Nvo No Verbose output

-mp Move points

-ram 200 MBytes

INFO: Begin BEM Analysis

INFO: VirtualAlloc 49397760 bytes, successful

INFO: VirtualAlloc 151000000 bytes, successful

Primary swap drive is F:

Accelerated solver will be used ( 24 MBytes)

CGM solver will be used ( 24 MBytes)

Amount of RAM allocated for matrix 151 MBytes

INFO: Matrix assembly

Matrix assembly complete

mcnt= 0

Matrix size 190.316544 MBytes

Lumping ratio R1 0.245090

Time factor F1 0.000104 seconds

Matrix assembly 0.114701 hours

INFO: Matrix solution

INFO: Pre-conditioning matrix

INFO: Building accelerator

is=1 it=1 ser=-7.49E+01 fer= 0.00E+00 rms= 1.31E+01 ratio=1.000 converging

is=1 it=2 ser=-5.24E+01 fer= 8.50E-07 rms= 5.77E+00 ratio=0.440 converging

is=1 it=3 ser=-2.24E+01 fer= 1.36E-06 rms= 2.13E+00 ratio=0.370 converging

is=1 it=4 ser=-7.31E+00 fer= 1.38E-06 rms= 1.27E+00 ratio=0.597 converging

is=1 it=5 ser=-6.79E+00 fer= 1.75E-06 rms= 1.07E+00 ratio=0.838 converging

is=1 it=6 ser=-6.24E+00 fer= 1.71E-06 rms= 9.57E-01 ratio=0.896 converging

is=1 it=7 ser=-5.69E+00 fer= 1.61E-06 rms= 8.65E-01 ratio=0.903 converging

is=1 it=8 ser=-5.22E+00 fer= 2.07E-06 rms= 7.90E-01 ratio=0.913 converging

is=1 it=9 ser=-4.79E+00 fer= 2.85E-06 rms= 7.22E-01 ratio=0.915 converging

is=1 it=10 ser=-4.40E+00 fer= 2.63E-06 rms= 6.62E-01 ratio=0.917 converging

is=1 it=11 ser=-4.06E+00 fer= 2.99E-06 rms= 6.10E-01 ratio=0.920 converging

is=1 it=12 ser=-3.75E+00 fer= 3.02E-06 rms= 5.62E-01 ratio=0.923 converging

is=1 it=13 ser=-3.48E+00 fer= 2.93E-06 rms= 5.19E-01 ratio=0.923 converging

is=1 it=14 ser=-3.22E+00 fer= 2.80E-06 rms= 4.80E-01 ratio=0.925 converging

is=1 it=15 ser=-2.99E+00 fer= 2.78E-06 rms= 4.45E-01 ratio=0.927 converging

is=1 it=16 ser=-2.78E+00 fer= 3.02E-06 rms= 4.13E-01 ratio=0.927 converging

is=1 it=17 ser=-2.59E+00 fer= 3.03E-06 rms= 3.84E-01 ratio=0.929 converging

is=1 it=18 ser=-2.41E+00 fer= 3.15E-06 rms= 3.57E-01 ratio=0.931 converging

is=1 it=19 ser=-2.25E+00 fer= 3.64E-06 rms= 3.32E-01 ratio=0.931 converging

is=1 it=20 ser=-2.10E+00 fer= 3.14E-06 rms= 3.10E-01 ratio=0.932 converging

is=1 it=21 ser=-1.96E+00 fer= 3.08E-06 rms= 2.89E-01 ratio=0.933 converging

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120 is=1 it=22 ser=-1.83E+00 fer= 3.17E-06 rms= 2.70E-01 ratio=0.933 converging

is=1 it=23 ser=-1.71E+00 fer= 3.70E-06 rms= 2.52E-01 ratio=0.934 converging

is=1 it=24 ser=-1.60E+00 fer= 3.17E-06 rms= 2.35E-01 ratio=0.935 converging

is=1 it=25 ser=-1.49E+00 fer= 3.35E-06 rms= 2.20E-01 ratio=0.935 converging

is=1 it=26 ser=-1.40E+00 fer= 3.10E-06 rms= 2.06E-01 ratio=0.935 converging

is=1 it=27 ser=-1.30E+00 fer= 3.58E-06 rms= 1.92E-01 ratio=0.935 converging

is=1 it=28 ser=-1.22E+00 fer= 3.25E-06 rms= 1.80E-01 ratio=0.936 converging

is=1 it=29 ser=-1.14E+00 fer= 4.11E-06 rms= 1.69E-01 ratio=0.936 converging

is=1 it=30 ser=-1.07E+00 fer= 4.76E-06 rms= 1.58E-01 ratio=0.936 converging

is=1 it=31 ser=-1.00E+00 fer= 5.50E-06 rms= 1.48E-01 ratio=0.937 converging

is=1 it=32 ser=-9.38E-01 fer= 4.85E-06 rms= 1.39E-01 ratio=0.937 converging

is=1 it=33 ser=-8.79E-01 fer= 5.64E-06 rms= 1.30E-01 ratio=0.937 converging

is=1 it=34 ser=-8.23E-01 fer= 5.19E-06 rms= 1.22E-01 ratio=0.937 converging

is=1 it=35 ser=-7.71E-01 fer= 5.77E-06 rms= 1.14E-01 ratio=0.937 converging

is=1 it=36 ser=-7.23E-01 fer= 5.12E-06 rms= 1.07E-01 ratio=0.937 converging

is=1 it=37 ser=-6.78E-01 fer= 5.25E-06 rms= 1.00E-01 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=38 ser=-6.36E-01 fer= 5.01E-06 rms= 9.41E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=39 ser=-5.95E-01 fer= 5.00E-06 rms= 8.82E-02 ratio=0.937 converging

is=1 it=40 ser=-5.58E-01 fer= 5.24E-06 rms= 8.27E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=41 ser=-5.24E-01 fer= 5.38E-06 rms= 7.76E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=42 ser=-4.91E-01 fer= 5.65E-06 rms= 7.28E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=43 ser=-4.60E-01 fer= 5.96E-06 rms= 6.83E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=44 ser=-4.32E-01 fer= 4.96E-06 rms= 6.41E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=45 ser=-4.05E-01 fer= 5.09E-06 rms= 6.01E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=46 ser=-3.80E-01 fer= 5.66E-06 rms= 5.64E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=47 ser=-3.56E-01 fer= 5.35E-06 rms= 5.30E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=48 ser=-3.34E-01 fer= 5.22E-06 rms= 4.97E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=49 ser=-3.13E-01 fer= 5.76E-06 rms= 4.67E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=50 ser=-2.94E-01 fer= 5.64E-06 rms= 4.38E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=51 ser=-2.76E-01 fer= 5.81E-06 rms= 4.11E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=52 ser=-2.59E-01 fer= 5.60E-06 rms= 3.86E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=53 ser=-2.43E-01 fer= 5.78E-06 rms= 3.62E-02 ratio=0.938 converging

is=1 it=54 ser=-2.28E-01 fer= 5.26E-06 rms= 3.40E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=55 ser=-2.14E-01 fer= 5.44E-06 rms= 3.19E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=56 ser=-2.01E-01 fer= 5.43E-06 rms= 3.00E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=57 ser=-1.88E-01 fer= 5.60E-06 rms= 2.81E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=58 ser=-1.77E-01 fer= 5.48E-06 rms= 2.64E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=59 ser=-1.66E-01 fer= 5.38E-06 rms= 2.48E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=60 ser=-1.56E-01 fer= 5.68E-06 rms= 2.33E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=61 ser=-1.46E-01 fer= 5.59E-06 rms= 2.19E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=62 ser=-1.37E-01 fer= 5.81E-06 rms= 2.05E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=63 ser=-1.29E-01 fer= 5.49E-06 rms= 1.93E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=64 ser=-1.21E-01 fer= 5.72E-06 rms= 1.81E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=65 ser=-1.13E-01 fer= 5.65E-06 rms= 1.70E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=66 ser=-1.06E-01 fer= 5.58E-06 rms= 1.60E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=67 ser=-9.98E-02 fer= 5.75E-06 rms= 1.50E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=1 it=68 ser=-9.37E-02 fer= 5.26E-06 rms= 1.41E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=2 it=1 ser=-8.79E-02 fer= 8.83E-07 rms= 1.32E-02 ratio=0.939 converging

is=2 it=2 ser=-7.81E-02 fer= 1.02E-06 rms= 1.06E-02 ratio=0.806 converging

Matrix convergence achieved

Load step convergence achieved

Total iterations 70

Time factor F2 0.000004 seconds

Matrix solution 0.342248 hours

INFO: Matrix solution

INFO: Pre-conditioning matrix

INFO: Building accelerator

is=1 it=1 ser=-5.33E+02 fer= 3.83E-07 rms= 2.94E+01 ratio=1.000 converging

is=1 it=2 ser=-8.76E+01 fer= 8.55E-07 rms= 5.17E+00 ratio=0.176 converging

is=1 it=3 ser=-1.31E+01 fer= 9.67E-07 rms= 1.20E+00 ratio=0.232 converging

is=1 it=4 ser=-4.68E+00 fer= 8.23E-07 rms= 4.85E-01 ratio=0.404 converging

is=1 it=5 ser=-1.68E+00 fer= 9.76E-07 rms= 2.66E-01 ratio=0.549 converging

is=1 it=6 ser= 1.40E+00 fer= 1.04E-06 rms= 2.09E-01 ratio=0.787 converging

is=1 it=7 ser= 1.23E+00 fer= 9.85E-07 rms= 1.81E-01 ratio=0.866 converging

is=1 it=8 ser= 1.08E+00 fer= 1.10E-06 rms= 1.63E-01 ratio=0.897 converging

is=1 it=9 ser= 9.52E-01 fer= 1.25E-06 rms= 1.46E-01 ratio=0.897 converging

is=1 it=10 ser=-8.44E-01 fer= 1.07E-06 rms= 1.31E-01 ratio=0.899 converging

is=1 it=11 ser=-7.58E-01 fer= 1.08E-06 rms= 1.18E-01 ratio=0.903 converging

is=1 it=12 ser=-6.82E-01 fer= 1.25E-06 rms= 1.07E-01 ratio=0.904 converging

is=1 it=13 ser=-6.16E-01 fer= 1.05E-06 rms= 9.69E-02 ratio=0.905 converging

is=1 it=14 ser=-5.58E-01 fer= 1.20E-06 rms= 8.81E-02 ratio=0.909 converging

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121 is=1 it=15 ser=-5.06E-01 fer= 1.25E-06 rms= 8.01E-02 ratio=0.909 converging

is=1 it=16 ser=-4.60E-01 fer= 1.22E-06 rms= 7.29E-02 ratio=0.911 converging

is=1 it=17 ser=-4.19E-01 fer= 1.27E-06 rms= 6.64E-02 ratio=0.911 converging

is=1 it=18 ser=-3.82E-01 fer= 1.21E-06 rms= 6.06E-02 ratio=0.913 converging

is=1 it=19 ser=-3.49E-01 fer= 1.28E-06 rms= 5.54E-02 ratio=0.913 converging

is=1 it=20 ser=-3.19E-01 fer= 1.54E-06 rms= 5.07E-02 ratio=0.915 converging

is=1 it=21 ser=-2.93E-01 fer= 1.12E-06 rms= 4.64E-02 ratio=0.916 converging

is=1 it=22 ser=-2.68E-01 fer= 1.21E-06 rms= 4.25E-02 ratio=0.916 converging

is=1 it=23 ser=-2.46E-01 fer= 1.19E-06 rms= 3.90E-02 ratio=0.917 converging

is=1 it=24 ser=-2.26E-01 fer= 1.34E-06 rms= 3.57E-02 ratio=0.917 converging

is=1 it=25 ser=-2.08E-01 fer= 1.25E-06 rms= 3.28E-02 ratio=0.918 converging

is=1 it=26 ser=-1.92E-01 fer= 1.43E-06 rms= 3.02E-02 ratio=0.919 converging

is=1 it=27 ser=-1.76E-01 fer= 1.21E-06 rms= 2.77E-02 ratio=0.920 converging

is=1 it=28 ser=-1.62E-01 fer= 1.51E-06 rms= 2.55E-02 ratio=0.920 converging

is=1 it=29 ser=-1.50E-01 fer= 1.19E-06 rms= 2.35E-02 ratio=0.921 converging

is=1 it=30 ser=-1.38E-01 fer= 1.06E-06 rms= 2.17E-02 ratio=0.921 converging

is=1 it=31 ser=-1.28E-01 fer= 1.32E-06 rms= 2.00E-02 ratio=0.922 converging

is=1 it=32 ser=-1.18E-01 fer= 1.19E-06 rms= 1.84E-02 ratio=0.921 converging

is=1 it=33 ser=-1.09E-01 fer= 1.17E-06 rms= 1.69E-02 ratio=0.922 converging

is=1 it=34 ser=-1.01E-01 fer= 1.22E-06 rms= 1.56E-02 ratio=0.922 converging

is=1 it=35 ser=-9.32E-02 fer= 1.32E-06 rms= 1.44E-02 ratio=0.923 converging

is=1 it=36 ser=-8.62E-02 fer= 1.38E-06 rms= 1.33E-02 ratio=0.922 converging

is=2 it=1 ser=-7.99E-02 fer= 8.18E-07 rms= 1.23E-02 ratio=0.922 converging

is=2 it=2 ser=-7.27E-02 fer= 8.86E-07 rms= 1.12E-02 ratio=0.916 converging

Matrix convergence achieved

Load step convergence achieved

Total iterations 108

Time factor F2 0.000004 seconds

Matrix solution 0.189041 hours

INFO: Matrix solution

INFO: Pre-conditioning matrix

INFO: Building accelerator

is=1 it=1 ser=-1.53E+02 fer= 8.54E-07 rms= 7.88E+00 ratio=1.000 converging

is=1 it=2 ser=-3.59E+01 fer= 1.11E-06 rms= 2.13E+00 ratio=0.270 converging

is=1 it=3 ser=-6.96E+00 fer= 9.52E-07 rms= 6.33E-01 ratio=0.297 converging

is=1 it=4 ser= 3.74E+00 fer= 8.93E-07 rms= 3.90E-01 ratio=0.617 converging

is=1 it=5 ser= 2.97E+00 fer= 9.80E-07 rms= 2.90E-01 ratio=0.743 converging

is=1 it=6 ser= 2.43E+00 fer= 9.70E-07 rms= 2.38E-01 ratio=0.821 converging

is=1 it=7 ser= 2.01E+00 fer= 1.03E-06 rms= 2.01E-01 ratio=0.845 converging

is=1 it=8 ser= 1.68E+00 fer= 1.45E-06 rms= 1.73E-01 ratio=0.858 converging

is=1 it=9 ser= 1.41E+00 fer= 9.87E-07 rms= 1.49E-01 ratio=0.864 converging

is=1 it=10 ser= 1.19E+00 fer= 1.12E-06 rms= 1.30E-01 ratio=0.869 converging

is=1 it=11 ser= 1.02E+00 fer= 1.12E-06 rms= 1.14E-01 ratio=0.877 converging

is=1 it=12 ser= 8.78E-01 fer= 1.26E-06 rms= 9.96E-02 ratio=0.876 converging

is=1 it=13 ser= 7.58E-01 fer= 1.69E-06 rms= 8.79E-02 ratio=0.882 converging

is=1 it=14 ser= 6.58E-01 fer= 1.36E-06 rms= 7.76E-02 ratio=0.883 converging

is=1 it=15 ser= 5.74E-01 fer= 1.55E-06 rms= 6.89E-02 ratio=0.888 converging

is=1 it=16 ser= 5.01E-01 fer= 1.51E-06 rms= 6.13E-02 ratio=0.890 converging

is=1 it=17 ser= 4.40E-01 fer= 1.19E-06 rms= 5.48E-02 ratio=0.894 converging

is=1 it=18 ser= 3.87E-01 fer= 1.41E-06 rms= 4.91E-02 ratio=0.895 converging

is=1 it=19 ser= 3.41E-01 fer= 1.51E-06 rms= 4.41E-02 ratio=0.899 converging

is=1 it=20 ser= 3.01E-01 fer= 1.17E-06 rms= 3.97E-02 ratio=0.901 converging

is=1 it=21 ser= 2.67E-01 fer= 1.36E-06 rms= 3.59E-02 ratio=0.904 converging

is=1 it=22 ser= 2.37E-01 fer= 1.89E-06 rms= 3.25E-02 ratio=0.905 converging

is=1 it=23 ser= 2.11E-01 fer= 1.49E-06 rms= 2.96E-02 ratio=0.909 converging

is=1 it=24 ser= 1.88E-01 fer= 1.40E-06 rms= 2.69E-02 ratio=0.911 converging

is=1 it=25 ser= 1.69E-01 fer= 1.46E-06 rms= 2.46E-02 ratio=0.913 converging

is=1 it=26 ser= 1.51E-01 fer= 1.62E-06 rms= 2.25E-02 ratio=0.914 converging

is=1 it=27 ser= 1.36E-01 fer= 1.87E-06 rms= 2.06E-02 ratio=0.916 converging

is=1 it=28 ser= 1.22E-01 fer= 1.55E-06 rms= 1.89E-02 ratio=0.918 converging

is=1 it=29 ser= 1.10E-01 fer= 1.61E-06 rms= 1.73E-02 ratio=0.919 converging

is=1 it=30 ser= 9.98E-02 fer= 1.34E-06 rms= 1.60E-02 ratio=0.920 converging

is=1 it=31 ser= 9.04E-02 fer= 1.90E-06 rms= 1.47E-02 ratio=0.921 converging

is=2 it=1 ser= 8.20E-02 fer= 1.11E-06 rms= 1.35E-02 ratio=0.921 converging

is=2 it=2 ser= 7.58E-02 fer= 9.40E-07 rms= 1.24E-02 ratio=0.914 converging

Matrix convergence achieved

Load step convergence achieved

Total iterations 141

Time factor F2 0.000004 seconds

Matrix solution 0.166092 hours

INFO: Matrix solution

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122INFO: Pre-conditioning matrix

INFO: Building accelerator

is=1 it=1 ser=-5.48E+02 fer= 3.79E-07 rms= 2.07E+01 ratio=1.000 converging

is=1 it=2 ser=-9.33E+01 fer= 8.89E-07 rms= 2.33E+00 ratio=0.113 converging

is=1 it=3 ser=-7.01E+00 fer= 8.21E-07 rms= 3.52E-01 ratio=0.151 converging

is=1 it=4 ser=-1.27E+00 fer= 1.00E-06 rms= 1.02E-01 ratio=0.291 converging

is=1 it=5 ser= 4.05E-01 fer= 8.63E-07 rms= 4.77E-02 ratio=0.466 converging

is=1 it=6 ser= 3.50E-01 fer= 9.33E-07 rms= 3.63E-02 ratio=0.762 converging

is=1 it=7 ser= 2.95E-01 fer= 8.82E-07 rms= 3.13E-02 ratio=0.861 converging

is=1 it=8 ser= 2.54E-01 fer= 8.32E-07 rms= 2.80E-02 ratio=0.894 converging

is=1 it=9 ser= 2.18E-01 fer= 9.80E-07 rms= 2.51E-02 ratio=0.898 converging

is=1 it=10 ser= 1.89E-01 fer= 8.77E-07 rms= 2.27E-02 ratio=0.902 converging

is=1 it=11 ser= 1.65E-01 fer= 8.85E-07 rms= 2.05E-02 ratio=0.903 converging

is=1 it=12 ser= 1.45E-01 fer= 8.84E-07 rms= 1.86E-02 ratio=0.908 converging

is=1 it=13 ser= 1.28E-01 fer= 8.59E-07 rms= 1.69E-02 ratio=0.908 converging

is=1 it=14 ser= 1.14E-01 fer= 9.36E-07 rms= 1.54E-02 ratio=0.912 converging

is=1 it=15 ser= 1.02E-01 fer= 8.56E-07 rms= 1.41E-02 ratio=0.913 converging

is=1 it=16 ser= 9.07E-02 fer= 8.99E-07 rms= 1.29E-02 ratio=0.915 converging

is=1 it=17 ser= 8.15E-02 fer= 9.59E-07 rms= 1.18E-02 ratio=0.916 converging

is=2 it=1 ser= 7.35E-02 fer= 8.51E-07 rms= 1.08E-02 ratio=0.916 converging

is=2 it=2 ser= 6.68E-02 fer= 8.98E-07 rms= 9.92E-03 ratio=0.918 converging

Matrix convergence achieved

Load step convergence achieved

Total iterations 160

Time factor F2 0.000005 seconds

Matrix solution 0.100678 hours

Total cpu time 0.915099 hours

Total clock time 1.313881 hours

Disk read time 0.604509 hours 66% of total time

INFO: asynchronous I/O was achieved

INFO: asynchronous I/O was achieved

INFO: asynchronous I/O was achieved

Map3D analysis complete

INFO: Map3D analysis completed

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Influence of the control parameter DOC in the accuracy of

the Map3D model solution

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The parameter DOC controls the way in which the boundary elements are lumped

during matrix assembly. Small values of DOC provide maximum lumping but stresses

near excavation surfaces deteriorate in accuracy and matrix conditioning is reduced.

Larger values of DOC provide less lumping but accuracy and matrix conditioning are

maintained (Wiles 2002b).

The parameter DOC was found to have a significant impact on the accuracy of the

model solution. Figures C.1, C.2 and C.3 illustrate the distribution of shear stress upon

the second graphitic shear as at mining step 4 for DOC = 1, DOC = 2 and DOC = 4

respectively. The results varied from checkered (Figure C.1) to smooth (Figure C.3).

To maximize the accuracy of the model solution, DOC was therefore set to 4 in this


Figure C.1. Distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step

4 for DOC = 1

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Figure C.2. Distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step

4 for DOC = 2

Figure C.3. Distribution of shear stress upon the second graphitic shear as at mining step

4 for DOC = 4