Shoe Pop Art http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=shoe+art&offset=264#/d2pehgk One of the things that Pop Art also dealt with was the issue of recycling materials to make art. In this pop art assignment you will be creating a pair of shoes that represent today’s popular culture. You should be using an old pair of shoes that would otherwise be thrown out. We don’t want to be buying new shoes for this, recycling something old and turning it into something new is part of the art project.

Shoe pop art

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Shoe Pop Art


One of the things that Pop Art also dealt with was the issue of recycling materials to make art. In this pop art assignment you will be creating a pair of shoes that represent today’s popular culture. You should be using an old pair of shoes that would otherwise be thrown out. We don’t want to be buying new shoes for this, recycling something old and turning it into something new is part of the art project.

You can use whatever materials that you like to add to your shoes. You can use one shoe or put two shoes together to create your artwork. Think about what is popular in today’s culture with music, food, candy, celebrities, clothing fads, etc. Try to incorporate today’s popular culture into your own Pop Art Shoes.

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Step 1: First you will need to sketch out your design on the pages attached. You may need to do several sketches until you are happy with the end design.

Step 2: Once you have a design that you are happy with you are to find all of the materials that you will need: Magazine cutouts, candy wrappers, popular advertisements, etc that represent Pop Culture today that you could use to collage onto your shoe with the decoupage glue included in your kit. You also have paints and paint brushes included in your kit for your design. You will also need to find an old shoe that you can use for this assignment. If you cannot find a shoe but you have an old baseball hat you could use that instead. The purpose is to recycle something into Pop Art

Step 3: Prime the shoes. You will have to paint the entire shoe with a primer included in your kit. Once your shoe is primed you should then paint the entire shoe with the color that you will be using the most.

Step 4: From there you can start creating the shoe with each design from your original drawing.

I am expecting a high quality of work from you. I know you are capable of high quality work so make sure that you show it. I don’t want to see a mess of paint all over your shoe. Every year the Vans shoe company has a contest for High School Art Students to submit their designs. Unfortunately we live in Canada and as such cannot participate. We can still be inspired by previous students work. If you check out this website all of the shoes done for this competition were done by High School students. That is the level of work that I would expect of you. http://www.vans.com/customculture/photos/

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Marking Rubric:

Initial Sketches of the design are included. All areas of the shoe are used well. No area has been left blank Color Choice adds to the design of the shoe. Detail: The shoe has sufficient detail that is indicative of this level

of art. Craftsmanship: The artwork is without errors such as random

paint outside of a design. The glue used has been applied neatly without gobs and blobs.

The Design has been well thought out and represents today’s Pop Culture well.

You can use the shoe templates that follow for your initial sketches that I will want handed in along with the shoe art. If your shoes do not match any of the patterns below you can draw your own outline for your shoes and go from there, or search out the internet for other shoe templates.

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