Short pass A short pass on the surface of the field is the easiest, and most reliable, way to pass the ball between players. To perform it press the regular pass key (3) and indicate the direction in which the ball is to be passed. Use it while playing the ball in the region of your own goal, to send it possibly as far from your half as quickly as possible. Also, you should use it while attempting 1-2 passes. Through ball A long pass is especially useful to perform swift counter-attacks and plays in order to with the intent to let the ball through the player that it was originally aimed at. To perform a long pass, press and hold down the short pass key and specify the direction in which you want to pass the ball. Lobbed pass The lobbed pass is a perfect way to play the ball if you want it to go above the players standing in the way of a regular ground pass, and also a perfect choice in situations when you want to get the ball to the other half of the field. To perform it, press the key for centering and the direction in which you want to send the ball. At the same time, pay attention to the strength bar. Often, this kind of techniques are risky because of the problems to catch the ball and diminished precision. That is why they are to be used only if you are sure that a prospective failure will not enable a direct attack at your goal. Perpendicular pass over the surface

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Short pass

A short pass on the surface of the field is the easiest, and most

reliable, way to pass the ball between players. To perform

it press the regular pass key (3) and indicate the direction in

which the ball is to be passed. Use it while playing the ball in

the region of your own goal, to send it possibly as far from

your half as quickly as possible. Also, you should use it while

attempting 1-2 passes.

Through ball

A long pass is especially useful to perform swift counter-

attacks and plays in order to with the intent to let the ball

through the player that it was originally aimed at. To perform

a long pass, press and hold down the short pass key and

specify the direction in which you want to pass the ball.

Lobbed pass

The lobbed pass is a perfect way to play the ball if you want it

to go above the players standing in the way of a regular

ground pass, and also a perfect choice in situations when you

want to get the ball to the other half of the field. To perform

it, press the key for centering and the direction in which you

want to send the ball. At the same time, pay attention to the

strength bar. Often, this kind of techniques are risky because

of the problems to catch the ball and diminished precision.

That is why they are to be used only if you are sure that a

prospective failure will not enable a direct attack at your goal.

Perpendicular pass over the surface

A perpendicular pass over the surface works perfectly when

you want to pass the ball to an empty field and use the player

attempting to use the uncovered area - this especially concerns

situations played along the sides of the field. It is also a good

way to play the ball to the forwarding forward who is

attempting to escape defensive players trying to catch him on

the offside. To perform a perpendicular pass over the surface,

you need to press the perpendicular pass key and select

the direction in which you want to send the ball.

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Lobbed perpendicular pass

The lobbed perpendicular pass is a good way to avoid defense

in the case when you experience problems finding a gap

between defensive players of the other team. It is also a great

way to perform a swift counter-attack where you can distance

the opponents returning to their own half, by performing a

lobbed pass. To perform a perpendicular lobbed pass press

the perpendicular pass and the modifier - you should also

indicate the direction in which the ball is to be sent.


The cross is used mainly for sending the ball into the penalty

to the players in the opponent's penalty field, who can then

hat-trick the ball into the opponent's goal. To perform it, you

need to press the cross key and indicate the direction in which

you want to send the ball. Do not exaggerate with the strength

- kicking the ball too hard will send it outside of the field. You

should also avoid centering under the opponent's pressure, the

chances that it will be successful are very low.

Mid cross

Low cross is a perfect way to finish an attack with the

spectacular flying header or a volley kick - the ball goes then

at the height of the abdomen. To perform it, double-tap the

cross key and indicate the direction in which you want to send

the ball. At the same time, try to pass the ball in this way to a

specific player - it is a bit more difficult than lobbed

centering , because it requires you to be more precise. You

should use it especially to pass the ball to the short post, when

a player who is not covered by anyone, is in line.

Ground cross

Ground cross allows you to play the ball a few centimeters

above the surface - the ball's speed is very high, which allows

you to take a shot at the opponent's goal. To perform it,triple-

tap the cross key and select the direction, in which you want

to send the ball. Use it when there are many opponent players

in the penalty field, and you do not have a clear option to play

the ball - a strong kick of this kind may surprise the opponent

and cause commotion within the field. This is also a good

substitute for the perpendicular pass - a ball played low into

the area of the fifth meter in front of the goal, may allow to

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finish the attack with a simple kick that will send the ball into

the goal.

Strong shot

A strong shot is the easiest way to encourage threat to the

opponent's goal. A well-aimed kick that is strong enough, sent

into one of the corners of the field, causes massive problems

for the goalie, who will have to go to great lengths to prevent

his team from losing a goal. In the case of a lack of any ideas

for the attack, it is a good idea to attempt surprising the goalie

with a shot from a larger distance - a powerful kick from the

fortieth meter, even into the center of the goal, may result in a

corner kick for your team, or in a situation where the goalie

"spews" the ball to one of your players in the penalty field. To

perform it, press the shot key and indicate the direction in

which you want to send the ball.

Finesse shot

The finesse shot is a perfect choice for players with

appropriate technical skills who can precisely send the ball

into the specific corner of the goal. The technical "spinner"

into the selected region of the goal is a chance to avoid the

goalie who is desperately defending the goal, and to shoot at

the predetermined spot. This is also a great opportunity to use

the one-on-one situations by sending the ball next to the

goalkeeper in front of you or catch him in half-step to make it

impossible for him to react to the attack suitably. To perform

this shit, press the shot button and the modifier of the

finesse shot, and then the direction in which you want to send

the ball.

Chip shot

This attack proves to be immensely effective when performed

by a very skilled player. It proves to be effective mainly in

situations when the goalie walks off the goal, goes down and

tries to shovel the ball from you - then, sending the ball over

him usually ends in scoring a goal. This is also a good way to

finish the attacks at the moment when you take a shot at the

empty goal and a defender attempts a desperate slide to defend

the shot. Lobbing the defender slightly helps then prevent

failing a 100% chance at the goal. To perform the chip pass,

press the shot key and the modifier, and indicatedirection in

which you want to send the ball.

Effective defense - basic terms

Although it goes without saying that your main aim, in playing

a game, is to win, it is key to make sure that when it comes to

the defense, everything works like a well-maintained machine.

Effective stopping of the opponent's attacks requires you, first

of all, to create a well coordinated defense and to adopt a

proper strategy tailored to fit the opponent's attacks.

FIFA 14 puts definitive emphasis on the fight in the midfield -

to the extent it is possible, try to attack the opponent already in

the region of the center circle, and put your stakes on pressing

the opponent right after you enter his half.

Do not skulk from shoulder to shoulder contact and attempts

to seize the ball in this region of the field - the chances of

taking it over are quite high and there are no serious

ramifications involved in foul play.

Use the defensive midfields - they are a big help when it

comes to stopping attacks. What is even more, they can often

open you the way to the opponent's goal with a cross pass.

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Do not forget to set offside traps - although it is quite risky,

with the score to your advantage and a good defense, it is a

good idea to attempt catching the opponent's forwards in the

offside position.

Try to ensure the cooperation of defense and midfielders - the

opponent's players will be eager to take advantage of gaps and

empty fields, and tightening the cooperation between these

two lines, make the opponent find it more difficult to reach

your penalty field.

Use tall defense players on the stopper position -this one is a

vulnerable position, whose meaning is often a key for

destructive attacks. A well-built defender is, first of all, a good

opportunity to send a crossing pass away from the penalty

field, or to block the opponent with his body.

Sliding tackle

The sliding tackle is one of the most effective and radical

techniques of regaining the ball - well performed, it lets you

immediately stop the attack of your enemy and usually gives

your team members a good chance of returning to their normal

position, as it often causes the ball to leave the field. In order

to perform it, press the sliding tackle button. Always try

doing a clean tackle - a badly performed sliding tackle can

result is receiving a yellow or even red card. Avoid tackling

from behind, sliding into a running enemy without much

thought. However, if the situation is hopeless and the only

chance of stopping an enemy is a sliding tackle from behind,

you should try taking the risk, especially if you're winning.


Tackling is the easiest way of stopping an enemy action - it's a

great way of using physical superiority in a direct duel.

Stopping the with your leg lets you perform an immediate

counter attack. In order to tackle the ball, press the tackle


Knocking the ball out of the penalty area

What's the best way of getting rid of a ball going directly into

the penalty zone? It's of course knocking it away with a firm

header. Half of success here is properly setting yourself

against the ball and covering the enemy to whom the ball is

heading - even if you can't manage to intercept the ball, you

will disturb the enemy and make scoring a goal much harder.

In order to clear the ball out of the penalty, press the header

button. Avoid shooting the ball to the area in front of the goal

- it might end with an immediate shot at the goal which can

surprise your goalkeeper.

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Overtaking an enemy

Overtaking an enemy is a hard technique which requires you

to foresee the possible variants of the enemy's behavior. It's

worth trying to run in front of the enemy and taking over the

ball during a pass, especially on the enemy's side - the defence

gap can be easily filled and doesn't lead to a dangerous

situation. It's also a chance of beginning a fast counter attack

and surprising the enemy who can't reorganize his defence in a

matter of seconds.

Teammate contain

Often attacking the enemy individually isn't enough - there's

always a change that the enemy will dribble past you or pass

the ball to a teammate. That's when you should use your own

teammate's help which will eliminate the possibility of passing

the ball and limit the enemy's options. This tactic is especially

effective when the enemy is nearby a corner - taking over the

ball with two players is much more effective and easier then.

In order to use your teammate's help, press and hold

the contain button.

Blocking a shot in the penalty

Blocking a shot in the penalty with a sliding tackle is

exceptionally difficult and very risky - carelessly sliding into

an enemy in the penalty zone automatically ends with a

penalty shot the only way to succeed is performing a

completely tackle. Timing is essential here, as you have to

slide right at the moment when the enemy is preparing to

make a shot - in the penalty zone, the difference between a

foul and a clear intervention is measured in split seconds, you

have to somewhat predict what your enemy is going to do.

Goalkeeper - interventions

Charge out

Properly heading out of the goal and lowering the angle at

which the enemy can shoot can give you - without

exaggeration - 70 to 80% success in defence. Timing is

essential here - heading out too late will give the enemy a field

to shoot, while doing it too early might end up in the ball

being lobbed above the goalkeeper. In order to head out of the

goal, push the charge button. Don't move back to the goal

during an enemy's attack - it usually ends up with catching the

goalkeeper during a wide step and is a straight way to scoring

a goal.

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Defending penalties

Let's be honest here - there's pretty much now good way of

defending a penalty. In fact everything depends on luck and

whether you feel the enemy's intentions. Having said that, it's

a fact that the enemy usually aims at both lower corners of the

goal and there's where you should search for any luck. Other

than that, it's all luck.

Throwing the ball

Throwing the ball is the easiest way of resuming the game and

passing the ball to nearby players. It's also a good way of

beginning a fast counter attack by throwing the ball to a

running player. In order to resume the game with a throw,

press the pass button and point

the direction and strength with which the ball will be thrown.

Kicking the ball

A long shot is the most popular and at the same time the

easiest way of resuming the game and quickly moving the

focus onto the enemy's side. A well played ball and a won

battle in the air can get you a chance of a fast and surprising

attack. In order to shoot out the ball, press the drop kick

button and fill the strength meter depending on how far you

want to kick the ball.

Resuming the game with a pass

Resuming the game with a pass is the easiest way of passing

the ball to the player closest to the goalkeeper and at the same

time making sure that the ball doesn't end up in the enemy's

possession after a lost header fight. In order to resume the

game with a short past, press the pass button and choose

the direction in which you want to send the ball. Look out for

enemies charging from behind the player to whom you're


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Kicking out the ball with the goalkeeper

Sometimes the situation will require you to pass the ball back

to the goalkeeper because of a lack of other possibilities.

When you do, you have to make sure to kick it out as fast as

possible. Of course the easiest solution here would be passing

to a nearby player, but remember that goalkeepers usually

aren't great in terms of technique and even the simplest pass

can cause them some trouble, especially under enemy

pressure. Don't risk losing the ball - in dangerous situations,

just kick the ball out of the field to give your teammates time

to regroup.

Dragging the opponent's players into own half

A good positional play starts, first of all, with a creative and

sober-minded playing the ball in the defensive line. In case of

no options to play the ball towards the opponent's half, try to

exchange several passes between your defenders - sooner or

later this will draw the opponent's attention, who will be more

and more encouraged to leave their positions and moving

towards the goal, which will create a few additional variants to

play the ball. Try then, to play a long pass perpendicular to the

forwarding opponents or pass the ball to the playmaker, who

will be able to extend the attack to wings or towards the

penalty field.

1-2 Passing

1-2 passing in a small area is one of the best and, at the same

time, immensely flashy way to confuse the opponents trying to

seize the ball. Playing the bal in a small area requires you to

make decisions quickly and, above all, a good idea about what

should follow. Try to exchange short, swift passes (red

arrows) between players within short distance, and

eliminate, at the same time, those of the flayers from the

defensive play, who do not follow your actions anymore and

start roaming. After you have exchanged several passes, try to

use the available options and variants to play the ball (blue

arrows), which often create an opportunity to launch an

interesting attack along the wings.

Finishing actions

Short pass around the 16 meter

A well played ball in the penalty area is the basic of a good

final attack. A very effective tactic here is using short passes

right next to the penalty zone - a short pass to the closest

player (orange arrow) gives you a chance of quickly running

into the penalty (blue arrow) and at least two possibilities

afterwards - you can play the ball to the player below, giving

him an almost perfect opportunity of scoring a goal (brow

arrow) or finish it yourself with a low shot into the corner of

the goal (green arrow).

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A penetrating pass into the penalty area

Drawing the defenders' attention and focusing it on a single

player gives you multiple possibilities of playing the ball and

can open a straight way to scoring a goal. As you can see in

the above screenshot, the player passing the ball gained the

attention of as much as 4 enemies, who left the other two

players running into the penalty uncovered. A straight pass

into the middle of the penalty (blue arrow) gives you a

chance if a fast shot from a small distance (orange arrow). It's

also a good idea to extend the pass and play the ball to the

further player.

Passing to the far post

Playing the ball to the "far post" is a very specific action - the

ball has to be passed so that it doesn't end up in the enemy

goalkeeper's range. If it comes down to it, you usually have

two options - you either hit straight at the goalpost (orange

arrow) or pass the ball to a teammate in the penalty area (blue

arrow) and try to shoot the ball from as close as possible.

Reaching a clear position

Disorganizing the enemy's defence is a basic thing to do when

you want to finish your action. Quite often everything comes

down a single well passed ball, matching the pace and giving

the player a clear shot. Playing a ball to an empty area (orange

arrow) in many cases can give your player more space which

he can immediately use by charging into the penalty zone and

shooting at the goalpost (blue arrow).

How to effectively use the flanks?

Effectively using the flanks is very often the basis of success

in a given match and a possibility of surprising the enemy with

an uncommon action using holes in the defence. Enemies

often tend to leave an empty area at the very sides of the field,

so you should effectively use that chance and often use that

part of the field to your advantage. Of course the basic way of

using the speed of wingmen would be an accurate short

pass and an early start of the wingman which can give you a

few seconds of advantage and the possibility of playing the

ball into the penalty zone.

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A great way of using the width of the field is a quick lob to

the other side - it's difficult and requires much precision, but

at the same tame it lets you easily surprise the enemy' defence.

A well addressed ball not only opens free space on the other

side of the field, but also lets your attacker reach a clear

position and pass the ball to an incoming teammate. Despite it

being a very difficult pass to receive, a successful attempt can

lead to a very simple and yet highly effective offensive action.


Sending the ball away from the line of defense

The key to success in the case of virtually each counter-attack,

lies in extracting the bal from the line of defense in front of

your goal and play the pass opening the variant of playing the

ball, of your choice. The greatest number of ways to surprise

the enemy is provided by playing the bal along the middle of

the field - this gives you the opportunity to lead the ball into

the furthest distance (brown arrow), allowed by the retreating

defenders. There also is an option to play the ball to the wings

(red arrows) or to pass the ball to the forwarding striker (blue

arrow). The way of playing the ball depends only on your

idea on the attack.


Changing the executor

In order to change the corner executioner, press R2 (RT,

Shift) and choose a different player from the list. Pay attention

to the skills of given players.

Classic cross

A classic corner doesn't require too much effort - the most

important factors are choosing the right direction and strength

with which you want to kick the ball. In order to perform a

classic corner, press the throw in/cross button. It's a good idea

to play the ball towards the sixteenth meter - usually there's a

lonely player there who can perform a clean and strong shot.

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Low cross

A low cross can be useful to play the ball to the near post

towards an incoming player who can try to surprise the enemy

goalkeeper with a sharp angle shot. To perform a low

cross, press the throw in/cross button twice.

Ground cross

A ground cross can be done when you're sure that the player

who you pass the ball to is in a straight line from you, with no

enemy able to intercept the ball. In order to perform a ground

cross, press the throw in/cross button three times.


A simple pass is a good option when you don't want to shoot

another goal, but rather keep the score at the current level -

after passing the ball to the nearest player you can try keeping

the ball in the corner or pass it to the back, trying to draw

enemies away from your side of the field. In order to call in a

player, press the run button.

Using additional players

FIFA 14 allow for combinations when executing free kicks

with as much as three players. In order to use their skills is this

set piece, you can add a second - the run button - and a third

player - the finesse button.

Changing the player

You can change the free kick executioner by pressing

the sprint button.

Strong free kick

It's the simplest but also the most effective way of scoring a

goal from a free kick. In order to shoot at the goalpost, press

the modifier and shoot button. Try matching the power with

which you want to kick the ball. Try choosing the upper

corners of the goalpost - it's hardest for the goalkeeper to catch

the ball there.

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Finesse free kick

A technical free kick is a good choice for player with good

technique. This type is good for free kicks maximally 20

meters away from the goalpost. In order to perform such a

shot, press the shoot and finesse modifier buttons.

Powerful free kick

Sending a "torpedo" at the goalpost from afar is the domain of

strong and athletic players. Such a shot are good from big

distances, when the most important thing is not necessarily

precision, but the sole power which can cause problems to the

enemy goalkeeper. In order to send a straight torpedo, press

the shoot, modifier and finesse buttons.

Penalty kicks

Strong penalty

The easiest way of using a penalty is of course a strong kick

into one of the corners. In order to shoot at the enemy

goalpost, press the shoot button while making sure that the

marked ends up as close to the green field in the lower left

corner as possible. Try shooting possibly close to the post and

as strong as possible - even if the goalkeeper predicts what

you want to do, a strong shot will be much harder to defend.

Finesse penalty

A finesse penalty is delicate, but at the same time very precise

and with the proper rotation it can spectacularly avoid the

goalkeeper's glove. Such a shot is particularly effective when

you try to shoot the ball at one of the upper corners. To

perform such a shot, press the finesse and shot button.

Panenka chip shot

An Antonin Panenka inspired penalty shot is a great way to

humiliate your enemy by fooling him into jumping into one

corner, while you calmly shoot right in the middle. In order to

perform a chip shot, press the modifier and shot buttons.

Remember that it's a very risky technique, but at the same time

very spectacular.

Feint penalty

Feinting when running to the ball is a great way of tricking the

goalkeeper - as your player runs, he suddenly stops for a

moment, takes another look and then shoots the ball. In order

to feint, press the shot button when running.

Changing the player

If you want to change the player performing the penalty, press

the sprint button. You can change anytime before beginning

the run-up. Remember that you can't change the player during

a penalty shoot-out where the order is set.


Less experienced players are sure to gladly welcome the

option of using a sight which shows you the exact place where

the ball will fly. In order to use the sight, press the pace


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Protecting from a free kick

Moving the wall

Moving the wall is the basic way of defending a free kick and

helping your goalkeeper. Using it you can better cover and

secure the free space in the goal and make a successful

intervention much easier. In order to move the wall, press L2

+ R2 (LT + RT, MMB + Left Ctrl).

Wall creep

Decreasing the distance between the player and the wall made

by the members of you team is a good way of making it harder

for the enemy to score a goal. You however have to do it

discretely, as each bigger move will be rewarded with a card

for one of the players. To move the wall to the enemy,

press R1 (RB, D).

Charging out of the wall

Charging out of the wall gives you a chance of disorienting

your enemy and taking away his chance of scoring a goal. In

order to run out of the wall when the enemy starts charging at

the ball, press the pass button.

Adding players to the wall

If you think there aren't enough players in the wall, you can

always increase the size of the natural barrier - for that, press

the trigger button. Keep in mind that the bigger the wall is,

the fewer players can cover enemies found in the penalty area

or in line of the shot.

Tricks and feints

FIFA 14 has a much easier way of performing tricks than

previous installments in the series, as some of them have been

moved to the right analog stick, making it much easier to

avoid enemies in this very effective way. Below you will find

the most popular and interesting tricks together with

instructions how to perform them.

Elastico - a great way of tricking the enemy and suddenly

changing the direction you're running. To perform it,

move the analog stick right and afterwards left along its

lower perimeter.

Roulette right - a very spectacular trick which often lets you

watch a replay including it. To perform it, move the analog

down and move along 3 of the perimeter, counter-


Roulette left - just like above - to perform it, move the

analog down and move along 3 of the perimeter, clockwise.

Ball roll left - it's a trick used mostly to dodge an enemy's

attempt to take over the ball possession. To perform it, move

the analog stick left.

Ball roll right - just like above - to perform it, move the

analog stick right.

Heel flick - a spectacular way of lobbing the ball over a

disoriented enemy and continuing your action while leaving

the enemy behind. To perform it, move the analog stick up

and then quickly down.

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Rabona - an extremely effective trick. To perform it, press

the following combination: pace control and throw in,

followed by: pass and left analog stick down.

Sombrero - a wonderful trick which lets you bounce off the

ball with your back in the direction opposite to the one

you're running at. To perform it, hold the left analog stick

and choose the direction in which you want bounce off the

ball which is flying towards you.

Around the world - a trick which can be performed only

when juggling the ball (hold down the pace control button

and press the finesse modifier button), consisting of

moving your leg around a bouncing ball. To perform it,

perform a complete turn with the right analog stick.Celebrations

Celebrations are the best way of showing your happiness after

scoring a goal. FIFA 14 includes a few dozen different options

of free celebrations. Below you will find some of the more

interesting propositions:

Bottom dance - One of the most attractive ways to celebrate a

goal in the south American style. To perform it, press the

modifier and double press the tackle slide/throw in button.

Shone shine - polishing the shoes of the one who scored is a

great way of showing respect. To perform it, press the pace

control button and the shot button.

Standing and pointing to sky - a celebration used mostly

by Brazilian and Argentinean players. To perform it, press

and hold the pace control button and the shot button.

Double back flip - an option for fit players to boast their

skills after scoring a goal. To perform it, press the modifier

button and turn the analog stick right.

Violinist - players with weakness towards classical music

can use this celebration. To perform it, press the pace

control and the throw in buttons at the same time.

Spanish archer - an option for fans of athletes and Usain Bolt

- it is, after all, his trademark. To perform it, press and hold

the pace control button and at the same time push the

perpendicular pass/goalkeeper charge button.

Ai Se Eu Te Pego - a celebration in the rhythm of the well

known Brazilian music hit. To perform it, press the sprint

button and the right analog stick at the same time.

Why always me - a celebration referring to the famous "Why

Always Me?" t-shirt wore by Mario Balotelli, at that time

playing in Manchester City. To perform it, press finesse

modification button and double press the perpendicular

pass/goalkeeper charge button.

Cradle swing - a classic way of celebrating a goal when your

teammate is having a baby. To perform it, hold down the

sprint button and press the perpendicular pass/goalkeeper

charge button.

The salute - players who like military customs might salute

towards the crowd. To perform it, press the finesse modifier

and the perpendicular pass/goalkeeper charge buttons at

the same time.

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Choosing the right team and formation on the fieldChoosing the team

You can set the basic team which will appear on the field at

the start of the match and also the ones that will wait in line on

the bench, ready to change the ones which don't fulfill your

expectations on the field or fit your strategy during the marc.

Of course the main factors deciding whether or not a given

player is usable is whether he's suitable for a given position

and his stats. You can't forget about other factors that decide

who is best for a given role - stoppers should have

good strength and jumping, with wingers sprint speed and

agility are important, while a good attacker should have

great acceleration and reactions.

When choosing the reserve bench, remember about taking

players of each type, including a spare goalkeeper - you need

to ensure yourself a wide choice and flexibility. You should

also consider taking young players to the game, even if their

role eventually limits to the reserve bench. It gives them a

chance of earning experience which will help in their



The choice of a formation depends on multiple factors, but

mostly on your staff, strength of the enemy and the score

which you plan on achieving in a given game.

Focusing on defence is not only about setting as many

defenders as possible, but also - or even mostly - effectively

using defensive midfielders which will help you in controlling

the middle of the field and at the same time strengthen the line

of defence when needed. The best options here would be 3-5-

2, 4-5-1, 5-4-1 and 4-2-3-1.

Focusing on offence is mostly about using the flanks and good

cooperation between midfielders and attackers. Above all, you

should adjust your offensive tactic to the defensive potential of

the enemy and the number of attackers ready to play at your

disposal. The best offensive formations would be 4-4-2

(diamond), 3-4-3, 4-2-4 and 4-2-1-3.

Own tactics, quick tactics and player roles

Own tactic

The tactic panel lets you define a few important factors from

the point of view of how actions are lead out - using it you can

set the offensive orientation on ending attacks in various ways,

preferences as to whether attack in the middle or using the

flanks, stick to the ball or quickly pass it on. It's also a way of

forcing pressure, discipline when forcing offsides and how

high the defensive formation should stand.

Quick tactics

Quick tactics let you assign specific options of dynamic play

to given buttons - using it you can arrange your tactics, both

defensive and offensive, to different buttons and self-prepared


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Player roles

The player role menu lets you assign set pieces to given

players - that way you can choose who should perform

corners, free shots and throw-ins. You can also set the team

captain here.Playing in the field

Holding your position

The basic criteria of your usefulness on the field is marked by

the grade by the name of your player. It's affected by multiple

factors, but one of the main ones is keeping and controlling

the position on which you play. The area where you should be

is defined by arrows appearing by the mark - the more there

are, the further you are from your nominal position and your

grade will continue to go down. You should stick to the

formation and follow the tactic - otherwise you can

prematurely leave the field during the game.

Fighting for a position during set pieces

Fighting for the best possible position during free shots or

corners is usually associated with pushing your way through

the enemy players while looking for a suitable position for

taking a shot at the goal, and so it looks in FIFA 14. Before

the ball is shot, you have to constantly keep in motion and be

sure that the enemy doesn't block you completely - try

overtaking him and block him with your own body, depriving

him of the possibility of completely covering your player.

Using opportunities and playing the ball

Your main focus on the field depends mostly on what position

you're assigned to. If you're an attacker for example, you will

get the most point for shooting at the goal and scoring points -

that is' after all, the main responsibility of the most forward

players. Middlefield player are rewarded for good passes, and

considering they're most often on this position, you should

keep an eye on their accuracy. The basis of grading a defence

player are successful takeovers and interceptions - however

keep in mind that each unnecessary foul will lower the overall

grade by a few decimals. Playing as a goalkeeper

Basic interventions

The basis of playing as a goalkeeper and receiving a high

grade is of course successful interventions which let your

whole team keep a clean sheet. Basic jumps along the goal

line can be performed by pushing the pressing button and

choosing the direction. Heading out of the goal to stop the

enemy attack on your own can be done by pressing

the charge button, while pressing the tackle button will cause

the goalkeeper to jump underneath an incoming player and

collecting the ball before he can make a shot.

Heading out of the goal for a corner

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When the match is about to end soon with an unfavorable

result for your team and a corner happens to occur, you should

try to take the goalkeeper to the other side of the field and

back up the other players in the penalty zone. In order to move

your goalkeeper to the other side of the field, play the finesse

modifier button, trying to fight for a possible best position for

your player. In case of a failed attempt to score a goal, return

to your position as fast as possible.

Watching your position

In order to avoid making an easy mistake and remain ready at

all times should your enemy try a quick attack, it's worth

keeping a ready position just in case. If the goalkeeper is in a

proper position, it will be signalled by a round marker

appearing when danger occurs - you should follow the game's

recommendations as it influences your grade and lets you

intervene should you need to.Forming of the team

FIFA Ultimate Team is the most popular mode available in the

game. Apart from a standard game, it also offers several

elements which make the whole more interesting. The most

important of these elements is the option to form your own

team, which you then will be able to lead to the champion


One of the most important tasks ahead of you is to position

your players on their nominal positions. Next to the card slots,

there are the names of the zones (e.g. CAM, CF or DM),

which change depending on the formation. The same markings

can be also found on the cards themselves. Each one of the

players is matched with a position where he plays best. You

can change using special disposable cards. Matching a player

with the position in which he plays is depicted with the red dot

directly below that player's card. There are the levels of match:

- green corresponds to a perfect match and guarantees the

highest possible bonus to teamwork.

- orange corresponds to a position similar to the nominal one.

The player receives a lower bonus to teamwork.

- red corresponds to a mismatched position and the player

receives no bonus

Then, you should focus on successive increasing of teamwork

within the team. The quality of teamwork is reflected by

means of lines that connect individual cards. There are three

connection-forming parameters, and at least one parameter

must be identical fir cards placed in neighboring slots. Just

like in the case of the players' positions, teamwork is color-


- green lines refer to the maximum bonus to teamwork. To

create such a connection, you need to match two or three

parameters. Therefore, it is enough for the players to play for

the same team and their league and the club match

automatically. It is also permissible to play in different clubs,

as long as it is in the same league and country.

- orange lines refer to partial teamwork and you can receive it

with, at least, one parameter matched.

- red lines means that there are no bonuses to the teamwork

involved and mismatched parameters.

In the upper-left corner of the screen, you can change the

mode in which the cards are displayed. This way, all of the

information that you need is contained on one screen. Apart

from that, there are two more icons to appear on the cards.

The first one refers to the loyalty bonus and the second one -

manager bonus. Unlike the connections and positions in the

field, these here may only come in two colors. Green that

refers to the bonus being granted, and white when you do not

meet the requirements to receive it. All the cards that have

been drawn by you in the packs, receive loyalty bonus

automatically. To receive this bonus, you need to play, at

least, 10 games in your team.

<br>The players of the same nationality as the manager, and

who play in the same league, in which the team led by him

plays, receive another bonus to teamwork.