1 SHRINE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2019-2020 3500 West Thirteen Mile Road Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 549-2925 Fax: (248) 549-2953 www.shrineschools.com

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3500 West Thirteen Mile Road Royal Oak, MI 48073

(248) 549-2925

Fax: (248) 549-2953


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Shrine Catholic Schools are co-educational, Pre-K-12 parish schools committed to faith-based education, academic excellence and a comprehensive experience that develops the character and potential of every student.

We form a foundation of success through Catholic teachings, hands-on learning, technology, and college-preparatory curriculum. Opportunities to be a part of accomplished athletics, visual and performing arts, service projects and extracurricular activities enrich the student experience and unite our families, creating a strong sense of community. Our long-standing commitment to Gospel values, academic excellence and social responsibility prepares students to lead lives with faith, compassion and respect for all.


Rooted in the Catholic tradition, Shrine Catholic High School challenges students to integrate their academic, athletic, and artistic potential

as future Christian leaders of tomorrow.

Office Telephones: The school telephone is (248) 549-2925 and the regular office hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Automatic

answering equipment will take your calls outside of these hours and on weekends. You may leave a message.

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POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES The nature of Shrine Catholic High School requires an atmosphere of good order be maintained for effective learning to take place. The following guidelines have been designed to obtain maximum effectiveness through cooperation between School Administration, Faculty, Parents and the Student Body. ADMISSIONS Shrine Catholic High School admits students of any race, national and ethnic origin to all programs and activities generally offered students at school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin or in sex in the administration of its educational policies, admissions, and scholarship programs, as required by the terms of Title IX of the Education Act of 1972. The school shall provide integrated and quality education for all students. School Administration reserves the right to limit the capacity of class size. Once a quota is reached, students are placed on a waiting list Acceptance of the concept of a Catholic education is the main criteria for admissions. All students must take and participate in Theology classes, attend Liturgies, retreats, prayer services, etc., and complete required service hours. Parents/guardians must support the operating beliefs of Shrine High School and understand their obligations with regard to:

• Spiritual development • Sound moral values • Commitment to the

educational process • Financial duty

In a school setting it is vital for students, parents/guardians to be aware of and cooperate with established

policies/guidelines. This also calls for students to live within the general spirit of policies/guidelines. School Administration reserves the right to rescind enrollment if a student displays a habitual pattern of disregard for policies/guidelines, a negative, uncooperative or disrespectful attitude, and fails to comply with expectations. Additionally, the Principal/Pastor, acting in the best interest of the school, reserves the right to waive and/or deviate from disciplinary policies/procedures/practices. ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS Students are expected to have textbooks and materials by the first full day of class. GPA: Students must maintain an overall “C” (2.0) quarterly average for all subjects for each quarter of enrollment at Shrine High School. Should a student fall below the above stated average, the student will be placed on Academic Probation for the following quarter. The administration reserves the right to warn or place a student on Academic Probation, especially in circumstance where a student fails a class in a given quarter. ACADEMIC PROBATION: Terms: 1. A student must maintain a “C” (2.0)

grade point average during the Probationary quarter.

2. A student must not receive any failing grades during the Probationary quarter.

3. Any deficiency in the above stated criteria may result in a request to withdraw at the end of the quarter during which the deficiency occurs.

4. A student must complete a weekly eligibility form during the probationary period.

5. After 2 consecutive quarters of below a 2.0 GPA, a parent conference is mandatory.

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COURSE LOAD Drop & Adds Since course selections should be made only after careful consultation with parents, teachers and counselors, we do not anticipate changes when students return in the fall. After completion of the course selection process with the counselor in the spring and taking into account teacher recommendations, classes are planned and teachers are assigned to accommodate these requests. Schedule changes have a serious effect on class size, teacher assignments and the overall master schedule. All students are strongly encouraged to remain with the schedule they plan for themselves during the spring scheduling period. All students will attend their current classes until permission for a new schedule is granted. Schedule Change Guidelines: At the start of the school year, at the beginning of the second semester and after the end of the school year there will be a 2 week time frame for all schedule changes to be made. After the two week time frame expires, schedule changes will not be allowed.

Please note: Due to this two week time frame, students may be required to make a decision about whether or not to stay in a class without having a grade in that class. Their decision must be made based on careful review of the syllabus and understanding of the pace and rigor of a course. Students must consult with their teacher to gain this understanding. This policy is put in place to ensure that students who do change classes are able to catch up in a new class after missing a significant amount of time. Any longer time frame would result in a situation where it may not be possible to make up work missed from the beginning of a course.

Seniors who elect to change their schedule after a transcript has been sent to a college or university will be required to submit in writing an

explanation to each university giving the rationale for the course change. Parents will be charged a $40 fee for any student/parent initiated schedule changes that occur within the drop/add time frame. No charge will be assessed when a schedule change is Teacher/Administrator initiated. Teachers/Administrators may initiate changes to a student schedule for reasons including, but not limited to:

• Academic placement • A course does not fit into the

student’s schedule requiring that the student select an alternative course

• Insufficient enrollment to offer a course requiring the student to select an alternative course

Parents/Students may initiate a schedule change within the two week time frame to request a change in a course(s) only after careful reflection about student’s goals and in consultation with the teacher and the counselor. Students must discuss any schedule changes with their teachers. Schedule Changes will not be made to satisfy a student’s convenience for reasons including, but not limited to:

• Teacher preference • Class period/time of day

preference • The desire for a schedule

without a first or last period class

• Student lunch period preference Schedule Change Process: From the end of the school year to June 30th. 1. Consult with the counselor 2. Complete and Obtain Necessary Paperwork 3. Obtain the signature of parents/guardians and counselor 4. Sign the form and return it to the counseling office.

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Schedule Change Process: Within the first two weeks of a semester, after classes have already started. 1. Consult with the teacher of the course and receive their approval for the change. 2. Consult with the counselor 3. Complete and obtain necessary paperwork 4. Obtain the signature of parents/guardians, teacher(s) and counselor 5. Sign the form and return it to the counseling office MAKEUP TESTING Students who are absent when a test is given in class, must make up that test during the Before or After School Testing time. Makeup testing is supervised by an adult. Students may not make up tests during their Prep Time or other classes. There is never make-up testing on Fridays or the day before a day off. There may be other cancelled test days on announcements. Make up testing takes place during the following times and on announced days:

• Before School 7:00-7:45am in Room 203

• After School 3:15-4:00pm in the Library

Students must be on time for makeup testing. Students who arrive late will not be given additional time to complete their tests. EXAMS Students are not permitted to take Mid-term and Final Exams early, that is, prior to the scheduled exam time/day. If a student is not able to be present for scheduled exams, the Counseling Department is to be contacted in order to make appropriate arrangements for the student to take the missed exam(s) after the scheduled exam time/day. GRADUATION/PROMOTION, END OF YEAR ACTIVITIES To ensure a student’s participation in graduation/promotion to the next grade level, the following must be completed:

• Financial obligations must be met, no later than May 1st of the current year.

• Class requirements must be met • Service/Ministry hour

requirements must be met by the end of 3rd quarter

• Textbooks/school materials returned in good order or assessment fee paid

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Academic misconduct is not acceptable at Shrine Catholic High School. Part of a Catholic education is the formation of a student’s character and integrity. The faculty and staff at Shrine Catholic High School take this responsibility very seriously. Definitions/Examples: Cheating – Giving, using, or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids, or other devices in any academic exercise including unauthorized communication of information. Fabrication and Falsification – any unauthorized alteration or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Plagiarism – Knowingly presenting the work of another as one’s own (i.e., without proper acknowledgement of the source). This includes the misuse of information obtained from printed materials, Internet sources or other student’s work. The sole exception to the acknowledging of sources is when the ideas or information are common knowledge. Facilitating Academic Misconduct – Giving or attempting to help another commit any act of academic misconduct. Tampering with Materials, Grades or Records – Interfering with, altering or attempting to alter records, grades or other documents without authorization from a teacher for the purpose of changing, falsifying or removing the original information found in such records.

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Examples of Unacceptable Behaviors in an Academic Atmosphere follow. (The list is not limited to the examples):

• Electronic cheating of any type • Any talking during a test or a

quiz • Use of un-approved study

guides during a test or a quiz • Wandering eyes • Passing along information, in

any form, to other classes regarding tests, quizzes or assignments

• Plagiarism • Copying of any assignments • Creation and distribution of

“cheat sheets”

Consequences for such violations may include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following: • Zero credit for test, quiz or

assignment • Academic/Behavioral Probation • Loss of academic credit for the

marking period • Removal from the National Honor

Society • Ineligibility for selection and

admittance to the National Honor Society

• Removal from elected or appointed position of leadership

This policy is modeled after the principles established at the University of Kansas. “Academic Misconduct. From: The University of Kansas Student Handbook.” Rules and Regulations of the University Senate. 4 June ’03. http://www.writing.ku.edu/instructors/docs/ku_handbook.html. Shrine Catholic High School – Copyright The consequences listed above will be administered to students actively engaging in dishonest behavior, as well as, to complicit students (those supplying completed homework to another with the intent to copy). Incidents of academic misconduct will be recorded and reviewed regularly.


Students are expected to attend every class in its entirety. The school parking lot and cars parked in the lot are

considered Off-Campus during the school day. Parent or guardian must call the school office (248) 549-2925 Ex. 2360 to report a student tardy, absent or dismissed for any period of the day. Parents who anticipate an absence or early dismissal must notify the school office by phone or email the attendance office at [email protected]. Absences from school, even legitimate absences, affect classroom success. Vacations, “skip days”, “take your child to work days”, etc., are examples of days away from school and considered as absences. In cases of extended illness, hospitalization, or family emergencies, exceptions may be granted after verification from physicians, therapists and parents and in consultation with the Principal/counselor. PRE-APPROVED ABSENCES: Shrine can be flexible with absences for certain circumstances like club competitions, non-shrine sports related absences, leadership workshops and other opportunities. Students must get pre-approval from the Dean of Students before the absence for it to be considered “non-chargeable”. Students must also get pre-approval from the Dean of Students for any college visits. Students will need to bring back proof of the college visit to have the absence considered “non-chargeable.” The Administration reserves the right to have absences counted if attendance habits dictate. The student must be responsible to contact his or her teachers ahead of time to make-up missed work and discuss a plan to remain on schedule should an absence, tardy, or early dismissal be planned ahead of time. Such aforementioned absences do affect student performance and should be kept to a minimum. Parents may monitor classroom tardies and absences on PlusPortals at any time. The following list determines the consequences for absences to a single class in a semester:

• 5 “counted” Absences in one class (in a semester) Parents

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will receive an email from teacher. Dean of Students meets with student.

• 8 “counted” Absences in one class (in a semester) = Parents are asked to come in for a meeting with the Principal and/or Dean of Students. An attendance contract will be signed which states if a student reaches 10 “counted” absences they will be ineligible to participate in Shrine extracurricular activities (e.g. sports, musical, dances etc.) for the remainder of the semester.

• 10 “counted” Absences in one class (in a semester) = Attendance contract is enforced.

“Counted” vs. “Not Counted (Non-chargeable)” Absences: All absences are counted except in the following cases:

• The day that the student returns to school they bring the Dean of Students and/or Attendance office a doctor’s note stating that the absence(s) were medically necessary.

• The student was attending the funeral of a family member.

• The student was attending a school sponsored event (e.g. Kairos, Goliard Field Trip)

The school day begins at 7:52am. It is the shared responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to ensure promptness. Parents may produce written and signed doctor's, dentist's note, etc., which will result in an excused tardy, whether in the morning or the following morning for an afternoon dismissal. Although parents are encouraged to call the school with a reason for a student’s tardiness, students are still considered tardy. Students must report to the main office to receive a tardy slip for entering a classroom late.

After a minimum of 20 minutes of missed class time, a student will be considered absent for that class. The following list determines the

consequences for tardies to FIRST HOUR in a semester.

• The first 3 tardies are considered “free”. There is no consequence for these tardies to account for unforeseen circumstances such as weather, traffic, car trouble etc.

• 4 tardies = Student receives a detention. Parents will be notified via email by the teacher with the tardy policy.

• Tardies, 5 - 9 = Student will receive a detention for each subsequent tardy.

• After 8 tardies = Parents are required to come in for a meeting with the Principal and/or Dean of Students to sign an Attendance Contract. The contract states that when the student reaches the 10th tardy to first hour the student will be ineligible for extracurricular activities each day that they are tardy to school.

• 10th Tardy = Student is ineligible for extracurricular activities each day that they are tardy to school.

• Habitual morning tardies are subject to further consequences.

For tardies to periods B-H, students will receive a detention for every 4 tardies. CO-CURRICULAR PARTICIPATION: Participation in co-curricular activities is a privilege. It completes a student’s educational experience. Participating in athletics, music, art, drama, and a variety of other clubs and organizations, students develop pride in their school community and a greater understanding of how their personal talents contribute toward a positive school atmosphere. Additionally, students learn how to work as a member of a larger group in pursuit of a common goal while developing transferable life skills and personal values.

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In order to sign-up for and participate in co-curricular activities the following may not be in arrears:

• Tuition payments • Co-curricular/Club fee (if any) • Current Physical on file • Athletic fee • Uniform fee

Field trips for academic classes, which are not optional, are not included in this policy. Participation in any group or on any team carries certain responsibilities. It is expected that all members will be students in good standing within the school community in order to maintain eligibility. The three major areas in which students must maintain compliance are: • Academic Eligibility

The minimum academic standards for co-curricular participation are: students must have a 2.0 GPA and not have a failing grade in any course.

Academic standing will be monitored throughout the school year. Eligibility for participation (grade checks) will be determined at Progress Reports of each marking period and at the end of each marking period (a total of eight times during the year). Should a student fall below minimum standards at any of these periods, students may either be placed on academic probation or his/her eligibility may be immediately revoked until the next grade check. The Administration and the coach or moderator will work in conjunction with each student to monitor probation or eligibility.

• Behavioral Eligibility Students who have been placed on Behavioral Probation may be denied the opportunity to participate in co-curricular activities as deemed appropriate by the Administration.

• Student Attendance The expectation of School Administration, Teachers, Coaches, Club Moderators follows:

Students attend all of their daily classes prior to any practice, rehearsal, game or performance. Unless it is a non-chargeable absence, students who miss any part of school on a given day will not be eligible to participate with their club, team or group on that day. Coaches and Administration reserve the right to disallow full participation if deemed necessary.

NOTE: Should special circumstances arise that would cause a student to be out of school for any portion of the day, it will be the responsibility of the family to receive a pre-approval from the administration for the student to be allowed to participate that day.

DISCIPLINE The Administration is authorized, in all cases, to impose appropriate student discipline, up to and including expulsion for conduct on and off Campus that is deemed detrimental to the school community. This includes, but is not limited to: blogging, instant messaging, or statements on social networking sites that do not conform to Catholic/Christian standards. Detention:

• Scheduled Tues/Thurs before or after school from 7:00-7:45am or 3:15 to 4:00pm

• Spent in silence. Detentions are normally served the next detention day following the offense. Students are not admitted late to detention and must be in compliance with the Dress Code Students who receive 6 detentions for classroom behavior in a semester will meet with the Dean of Students and parents will be notified. Violations subject, but not limited, to detention: 1. In halls without a pass/skipping

class 2. Four (4) tardies to a class 3. Classroom misbehavior 4. Minor vandalism

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5. Eating or drinking outside the Cafeteria.

6. Dress Code violation 7. Parking lot violation 8. Other minor infractions of school

rules In School & Out of School Suspension: Suspension may be designated as in-school, or out-of-school In-school suspension may be applied for any infractions at the discretion of the Assistant Principal. Work missed during the in-school suspension period may be made up, unless otherwise determined. Students excluded from class are not permitted to:

• Return until the student’s parent/guardian confer with the Assistant Principal or designee

• Participate in co-curricular activities for that time period

Violations subject, but not limited, to In-School Suspension: 1. Being off campus without school

authorization (NOTE: The school parking lot is considered off campus)

2. Fabricated attendance verification 3. Skipping 4. Other chronic infractions (excessive

tardies, not serving detentions)

Out of School Suspension:

Work missed during the period of suspension from school may not be made-up unless otherwise determined. Students may be readmitted after a conference with the Principal, Assistant Principal and/or designee.

Suspended students are not permitted to:

• Return to school for a minimum of one school day and an indefinite maximum period, as determined by School Administration

• Participate in co-curricular activities while on suspension

Violations subject, but not limited, to suspension: 1. Use or possession of tobacco on


2. Verbal, physical or web-based threats toward another student

3. Vandalism 4. Minor larceny 5. Habitual disrespect for school

personnel, school regulations or school property

6. Other conduct deemed detrimental to Shrine Catholic High School students or staff

Probation: Students may be placed on either an Academic or Behavioral Probation Plan for any duration of time stated in the probationary notice at the discretion of the Administration. Probation may be continued beyond the stated period.

Participation in co-curricular activities will be reviewed while the student is on an Academic or Behavioral probation plan. . Requested Withdrawal: Students may be asked to withdraw without prejudice to their record. There are no tuition refunds for students who are requested to withdraw.

Violations subject, but not limited, to withdrawal: 1. Violation of probation 2. Chronic violations of items

mentioned in Suspension 3. Major larceny 4. Possession of a weapon or item

deemed to be used or to look like a weapon

5. Committing an act defined as criminal under the law including, but not limited to: • Cyber-bullying • Possession • Sale • Attempted sale • Transfer of any controlled substance (including alcohol), drug paraphernalia, or look-alike substance.

Expulsion - Any student who fails to withdraw at the request of school officials shall be subject to formal expulsion proceedings, which will

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become a part of the student’s permanent record. There are no tuition refunds for students who are expelled. Complaint Resolution: A student may appeal a disciplinary procedure to the Principal of the school. Requests for hearing of appeals must be made in writing and addressed to the School Principal. The student will be notified of the time and place of the appeal hearing. DRESS AND PERSONAL APPEARANCE Shrine Catholic High School students are ambassadors for Shrine Catholic Schools. As such, they should be well-groomed, neat, clean, and modest – during and after school, while on campus and at all school-related functions. Students are required to wear uniforms and must abide by the Dress Code & Personal Appearance policy. The objective of the Dress Code and Personal Appearance Policy is to create a consistent, professional look across student body. The following information identifies the required elements of the school uniform. However, the Administration reserves the right to rule on the appearance of any student as it relates to the interpretation of this policy. • Dress Code remains in effect until

3:05 p.m. • Dress Code begins on the first day

of classes. • A student in the building during the

school day is required to be in Dress Code regardless of whether the student has a Prep Time.

• Dress Code remains in effect during detention and during exam days.

• Students need to display IDs on lanyards at all times.

High School Boys • Brown or Black shoes • Black, Blue or Khaki dress solid

socks (NO ATHLETIC SOCKS) • Light Khaki dress pants (no

outside pockets) • Black or Brown belt

• White oxford and business neck/bowtie

• Navy Blue polo with logo (long/short sleeve; cotton or dry-fit)

• Outerwear – Navy/Burgundy sweater/vest with logo; uniform navy ¼ zip (NO SPORTS RELATED QUARTER ZIPS) with logo

• Mass Uniform – White oxford with tie; with optional sweater/vest or ¼ zip ** Varsity sweaters or Navy Sport Coats permitted

• Spirit Day Uniform– any Shrine top with uniform bottom with purchased Spirit Pass from SLEC

High School Girls • Brown, Black or Navy shoes • Navy/White/Gray dress solid

socks/tights (over ankle or higher) (NO ATHLETIC SOCKS)

• Freshman/Sophomore – plaid skirt; Junior/Senior – Gray Uniform Skirt of modest length.

• Light Khaki pants (no outside pockets)

• White oxford • Navy Blue polo with logo

(long/short sleeve; cotton or dry-fit)

• Outerwear – Navy/Burgundy sweater/vest with logo; Uniform Navy ¼ zip with logo (NO SPORTS RELATED QUARTER ZIPS)

• Mass Uniform – White oxford; with optional sweater/vest or ¼ zip ** Varsity sweaters permitted

• Spirit Day Uniform – any Shrine top with uniform bottom with purchased Spirit Pass from SLEC

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Spirit Day Uniform (Fridays for students who purchase a Spirit Pass)

• On Fridays that are not Mass days, students who purchase a Spirit Pass may wear any Shrine top with uniform bottom. No hoodies. Spirit Passes are available through Student Council at the beginning of each school year.

Personal Appearance Boys

• Hair - neatly trimmed and styled; must be above the ears & collar; no extreme colors or cuts • Jewelry – no visible chains,

earrings, or piercings • Facial Hair – no facial hair; no

sideburns below the earlobe Girls

• Hair – no extreme colors or cuts • Jewelry – of a discreet nature;

ear piercings only • Make-up – no excessive make-

up General Shrine Apparel: School Administration must sanction apparel for Co-Curricular groups (i.e. Athletics, Vocal Music) before it may be worn during a normal school day. Out of Uniform: When a serious reason does not permit a student to conform to the Dress Code, an Out of Dress Code Permit may be issued upon the presentation of a note from a Parent to designated School Administration. An out of Dress Code Permit will not be issued to any student who does not present him or herself in appropriate dress for our school setting. Jeans Days: On designated days jeans will be allowed. Students are advised to dress appropriate and use good judgement. Dress up Days: On designated days students are permitted to dress up with the intent to elevate the standard of appearance for a special reason such as a field trip or presentation given in

class. Students are advised to dress appropriate and use good judgement. Dress Code Violations: A student not conforming to regulations is subject to detention and/or other disciplinary action as deemed by School Administration. The Administration reserves the right to rule on the appearance of any student as it relates to the interpretation of these regulations. PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY Electronic Devices Radios, tape, CD players or recorders, mp3 players, iPhones, and iPods are only permitted for proper academic use. Pagers, beepers or cellular phones are not to be used in the building during the school day, 8:00 a.m. to 3:05 p.m. These devices and other alternative devices may be confiscated if used during the school day. Cell Phones: With the exception of students’ lunch, Cell phone usage is not allowed during the school day (7:52 a.m–3:05p.m.) without the express knowledge and permission of the Teacher. This includes, but is not limited to, texting and the use of social media. Any student found to be using their cell phone in any manner other than instructed, will be asked to put the device away, or have it confiscated until the end of the school day. Repeated offense will be asked to turn in the device at the beginning of each day to the Dean of Students. E-Reader Usage: Students will be permitted to use e-readers in the classroom. The devices include iPads, Kindles, Nooks or any e-reader or tablet device. Cellphones will not be considered as e-readers for the classroom, even though they have the capability. Any student found to be using their e-reader device in any manner other than instructed, will be asked to put the device away or be confiscated until the end of the school day. Continued abuse of an e-reader will result in the student losing the privilege of using it in the classroom.

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Any device used as an e-reader falls under the guidelines of Acceptable Use Policy for Technology (see page 19). After School: Students are to be out of the building by 3:30 p.m. (and by 12:30 on half-days). It is not the responsibility of the school to supervise students after the designated school day. Alcohol & Drugs: Alcohol, narcotics, controlled substances, drug paraphernalia or look-alike substances are not to be brought on to, purchased, sold, consumed or used on the property of the school. Nor shall anyone who is under the influence of or in possession of such substances or devices be permitted on the property of the school. This regulation applies both to students who have reached the age of majority as well as to minors. Any violation of this policy is subject to immediate expulsion. Assemblies/School Masses Normally students will be called to the auditorium at the end of the class preceding the assembly. Students are to sit in assigned seating. Assemblies are mandatory for all students who are normally in school at that time. Book Bags: Book Bags must be able to fit in lockers. Book Bags may not be carried to classrooms, Library, Cafeteria or Gym or anywhere else in the building. Book Bags may not be left outside of a student’s locker. Cafeteria: The Shrine Catholic Academy students occupy the Cafeteria for their lunch period and high school students are not permitted to enter the Cafeteria at that time or when no adult is present. The Senior Lounge is a privilege only for Seniors. Field Trips: Well-supervised field trips, under the direction of the school staff are permitted upon approval of Schools Administration. All reasonable and prudent steps to safeguard the welfare of participating students shall be

taken. Field trips outside of school further enhance their educational experience. A signed permission slip must be on file at the school in order for a student to participate. A note from home is not acceptable. When valid school bus transportation is not available and private vehicles are used, qualified volunteer drivers over 21 years of age must complete and be in compliance with all the stipulations on the Volunteer Driver Information Form and complete a Volunteer Background Check Form. Families must be current on tuition for their student to participate on an overnight school activity. Gambling: Gambling of any kind is not permitted. Cards, dice or any other gambling paraphernalia can be confiscated and not returned. Hallways: In order to facilitate orderly class change and also to permit classes in session to continue uninterrupted, students must move in the halls in an orderly manner. This includes no running in the halls and no unnecessary noise or other types of disturbances. Hazing- Which is defined as: To persecute or harass by means of meaningless or humiliating tasks or actions, as a way of initiation or as a condition for continued membership or acceptance in a school organization, club, or activity. Participation in such behavior will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion for school. Library, LRC, & Study Halls: The school Library and LRC are open during the entire school day and for a limited time after school. These facilities are available to all of the students and they are encouraged to use them. School Administration reserves the right to close these facilities when necessary. Eating or drinking in the Library or LRC is not allowed. Detention will result when this infraction occurs. Quiet and order must be maintained at all times.

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Students are assigned to Study Hall times during their free periods and expected to report. Study Hall Times are to be used for studying. Ministry/Christian Service Hours: Every year students are required to perform a minimum of 10 hours of Ministry/Christian Service reaching out to the larger community. Ministry/Christian Service Hours must be documented through a pre-approval process and follow-up verification in order to receive full credit This verification form must also be signed by a parent/guardian and by the adult moderator of the event. Ministry/Christian Service hours will not be counted without the required documentation. Ministry/Christian Service hours must be completed by the end of 3rd quarter in order to qualify for SLEC elections or receive an invitation to the Honors Banquet. PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE When you register your student for Shrine Catholic High School and Academy, you are asked to sign “Photographic Release Form”. Based upon your request on the release form, please realize Shrine Catholic High School and Academy may release photos or videos of your student to the National Shrine of the Little Flower, the Archdiocese of Detroit or to the Michigan Association for Nonpublic Schools (MANS) for publicity PERFORMANCE ENHANCING DRUGS: The possession and/or use of any performance enhancing drug is not permitted and shall subject the student to the same penalties that Shrine High School has established for possession and/or use of: tobacco, alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.. SEXUAL HARASSMENT: It is a policy of the Archdiocese of Detroit and Shrine Catholic High School to make every effort to provide an

educational environment as well as a work environment free from all forms of harassment. This policy applies to the actions of all faculty, staff and students at Shrine Catholic High School, as well as others who may be in a working relationship with the school. The Archdiocese of Detroit and Shrine Catholic High School are open to and respect the complaints brought under this policy. Respect for the dignity and worth of each individual is a basic tenet of Shrine Catholic High School. Each individual faculty and staff member, student or others who are in a working relationship with the school, are entitled to work and/or attend school in an environment free from discriminatory practices, including sexual and other forms of illegal harassment. All will be held to standards of conduct, which ensure that the school is free from sexual and other forms of illegal harassment. Shrine Catholic High School will neither tolerate sexual harassment nor will it tolerate reprisals against any employee, student or other persons who make a sexual harassment complaint. Any faculty or other staff member who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment. Any supervisor or faculty member who receives a complaint of sexual harassment and fails to take corrective action pursuant to this policy is also subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment.

Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to others, including administrators, teachers, parish and school employees, volunteers, parents and students, in all of their interactions. Students who engage in name-calling, threats, bullying, intimidation, or other conduct or communication that has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile, offensive or abusive atmosphere, including, but not limited to online postings on social-networks, will be disciplined, up to and including expulsion. Students are expected to treat all persons, including each other, with respect and dignity. Accordingly,

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sexually inappropriate behavior directed at faculty, staff or other students will not be tolerated. Such behavior will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from school. Student Identification: Student identification cards will be issued at the beginning of the school year. I.D. card are to be worn at all times for security reasons. I.D cards are used for cafeteria services and admittance to school functions and should be carried at all times. I.D. must be surrendered to school personnel upon request. Student Lockers: The following are rules pertaining to lockers: 1. Each student is assigned to a locker

at the beginning of the school year. This is his/her responsibility. Students must not exchange lockers without permission from the high school office. Lockers are the property of the school.

2. Lockers must be kept orderly, clean, free of writing or decals inside and out. Students are expected to clean their lockers periodically.

3. Students may go to their lockers only during the change of classes.

4. Lockers may be inspected at any time without notice.

5. Students are advised to keep their locker secured by using the lock provided. Students are responsible for the contents of the locker to which they are assigned.

Student Offices: Students may not seek/hold two of the following offices at the same time:

• SLEC Senior Officer • National Honor Society Officer • Spirit Bone Holder

In addition, all students seeking office must • hold a minimum grade point

average of 3.0 and 3.5 for NHS • Not have exceeded 10 “chargeable”

absences in a single class in a semester.

• Attend the Mandatory SLEC/NHS Retreat in August and regular SLEC meetings

• Service hours are completed • Must be a paid registered student

for the next school year Student Parking: All students who wish to park in the school parking lot must obtain a parking tag and register their vehicle. Parking tags must be properly displayed in the windshield of the vehicle. There is a $10.00 cost to obtain a parking tag. It will be refunded each year when the tag is turned in. There are designated row/spaces for faculty, staff, visitors and students. Violations in parking may result in the loss of this privilege. School Visitors: The following procedures should be followed for the admittance of a visitor to the school: 1. The day before the arrival of the

visitor, the student who is bringing a guest must have a visitor pass signed by the student’s teachers verifying the teacher’s agreement to have a guest in the class.

2. Student and guest must come to the Office at the beginning of the day to receive their pass.

3. Guest must be appropriately dressed for a school visit.

4. A limited number of passes are available.

TOBACCO: Students are not allowed possession of tobacco products (including chewing Tobacco, e-cigarettes and vaping products) within any part of the school building or school grounds. Students found in possession of tobacco products on school grounds, including the school parking lot, will be suspended. WEAPONS: Possession of a weapon or an item deemed to be used as a weapon or that looks like a weapon including a substance harmful to students is subject to immediate expulsion.

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Shrine Catholic High School 2018-2019 Calendar

August August 21 Orientation Day Full Uniform 7:52 a.m. – 3:05 p.m. August 22 ½ day of school, Students dismissed at 12:05 pm

Senior Cap & Gown photographs, Counseling Afternoon

August 23-24 August 24

Full Days of School High School & Academy Picture Day

7:52 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.

September Aug. 31-Sept. 3 NO SCHOOL Labor Day September 4 Classes Resume September 5 Academy Meet the Teacher Night 7:00 p.m. September 12 High School Meet the Teacher Night 7:00 p.m. October October 1 Feast of St. Therese All Schools Mass / Senior Brunch 9:00 a.m. October 4 ½ Day of School for Student

Parent/Teacher conferences 1:30-4:00 p.m. 5:00-7:30 p.m.

October 5 NO SCHOOL – Shrine Service Day (OPTIONAL) October 8 -12 High School Spirit Week October 10 All School Testing – Students dismissed at Noon, No School for Seniors October 12 Homecoming Football game October 13 Step by Step Run

Homecoming Dance 8:00 a.m.

October 15 NHS Induction Ceremony 7:30 p.m. October 17 All Schools Fall Band Concert, Sanders Auditorium 7:00 p.m. October 20 Prep Bowl at Ford Field October 26 ½ day of School - End of 1st Quarter 7:00 p.m. November November 1 All Schools Mass, Shrine Basilica 9:00 a.m. November 2 Hootenanny 7:00 p.m. November 4 HIGH SCHOOL & ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE November 5, 7, 8 HS RAD Training November 9 NO SCHOOL November 16, 17 SHS Fall Play 7:30 p.m. November 17 High School Placement Test (HSPT) 8:00 - Noon Nov. 22-23 Thanksgiving Break December December 1 High School Placement Test (HSPT) 8:00 - Noon December 5 Mother’s Club Christmas Mass & Tea, Chapel, Library 7:00 p.m. December 6 Instrumental Christmas Concert 7:00 p.m. December 7 All Schools Mass, Shrine Basilica 9:00 a.m. December 8 Vocal Christmas Concert 7:00 p.m. December 12 Reconciliation, Grades 7, 8, 9 Period C

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December 13 Reconciliation, Grades 10, 11, 12 Period C December 14, 15 Academy 8th Grade Musical Performance 7:00 p.m. December 19 Academy ½ day, HS Mid-Term Exams, Professional Dev. In Afternoon Dec. 20-21 HS & Academy Mid-Term Exams 7:52 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Dec. 21-Jan. 6 Christmas Vacation January, 2019 January 7 Classes Resume – Quarter 2 continues January 8-11 Kairos Retreat January 11 End of 2nd quarter, Semester 1 January 14 Classes resume, Semester 2 January 18 March for Life, Washington D.C. January 21 NO SCHOOL/ Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 27 CSW Concert at Basilica 3:00 p.m. Jan. 27 – Feb. 2 Catholic Schools Week January 29 All Schools Mass, CSW, at Basilica 9:00 a.m. February February 2 Junior / Senior Prom February 4 No School, Teachers report for Professional Development February 15-18 Winter Break February 19 Classes resume February 20 Freshman Registration Night 6:30 p.m. February 27 Parent / Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 7:30 p.m. March March 3` Mothers’ Club Fashion Show (Tentative) March 6 Ash Wednesday March 13 March 14

Reconciliation, Grades 7, 8, 9 Reconciliation, Grades 10, 11, 12

Period C Period C

March 21 Junior Retreat March 22 3rd Quarter Ends, ½ day of School March 26 Spring Musical Grade School Preview 9:00 a.m. March 29- 31 Spring Musical, Auditorium 7:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. April

April 10 Junior Job Shadow Day (Tentative) April 15 – 22 Easter Break, No School April 23 Classes Resume April 26-May 1 7th Grade Washington D. C. Trip (Tentative) May May 3 High School Field Day, Academy ½ day May 6 – 17 AP Testing May 8 Spring Vocal Concert and Art Show May 9 Spring Instrumental Concert May 15 End of Quarter for Seniors May 16 Honors Banquet, Ukrainian Cultural Center 6:30 p.m. May 20 Senior Exams

Senior Video, Alumni Panel, Cap & Gown Walk at Shrine Grade School Graduation Practice, Basilica

7:52 – 10:00 a.m. 10:30 – 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

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May 21 Senior Ball May 23 Honors Convocation, Auditorium

Graduation Class of 2019, Basilica 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

May 24-27 No School – Memorial Day Weekend June June 5-7 High School & Academy Final Exams June 7 Summer Vacation Begins After Last Exam

SHRINE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL & ACADEMY Electronic Information Access and Use for Educational Purposes Policy

Shrine Catholic High School & Academy encourages and strongly promotes the use of electronic information technologies in educational endeavors. The School provides access to electronic information resources in a variety of formats, and for the development of information management skills. Together these allow learners to access current and relevant resources provide the opportunity to communicate in a technologically rich environment and assist them in becoming responsible, self-directed, lifelong learners. The School has developed this Electronic Information Access and Use for Educational Purposes Policy to govern the access, use and security of School Systems. Every User agrees to abide by this Policy by accessing or using the School Systems.

For the purposes of this Policy, the following capitalized terms have the meanings ascribed to them below. Additional capitalized terms are defined within this Policy.

(a ) “PEDs” means portable electronic devices, including, without limitation, laptop, computers, cellular telephones, tablets, watches, pocket personal computers, handheld computers, cameras, video recorders, sound recording devices and all forms of personal digital assistants (“PDAs”). (b) “School Confidential Information” means all confidential and/or proprietary information and materials of the School, its faculty, administrators, students, employees and/or third parties with which the School does business. (c) “School Electronic Information” means all electronic information (including the School Confidential Information), communications or activity created, sent, received, stored and/or otherwise used on behalf of the School, whether or not the School Systems are used to create, send, receive, store or otherwise use that information or those communications. The School Electronic Information includes voicemail messages on the School Equipment. (d) “School Equipment” means any and all electronic devices owned, leased or operated by or for the benefit of the School, which have the capability of creating, sending, receiving, storing and/or otherwise using electronic information, materials and/or communications, including, but not limited to, pagers, computers, servers, disk drives, scanners, photocopiers, printers, fax machines, telephones and PEDs. School Equipment includes all operating software, application software and firmware owned and/or licensed by the School, which resides and/or is embedded in any the School Equipment. (e) “School Networks” means all School voice and data systems, including, without limitation, the School’s Internet, wireless, intranet and extranet systems. (f) “School Systems” means the School Equipment and the School Networks. (g) “Users” means any individual who accesses and/or uses School Systems, including, without limitation: (i) School full time, part-time and temporary faculty and/or employees; (ii) School third party contractors, vendors, consultants, representatives and agents, as well as their full time, part-time and temporary employees; and (iii) parents, students and volunteers. (h) “User Equipment” means electronic devices that are continuously or intermittently connected to School Systems, or a component thereof, which are not owned or leased by the School, including, without limitation, User-owned computers, pagers, telephones, fax machines and PEDs. User Equipment without connectivity to School Systems does not fall under the purview of this Policy.

This Policy applies to all Users and to all School Systems, User Equipment, School Confidential Information and School Electronic Information. To the extent this Policy applies to School faculty and/or employees, this Policy supplements, but does not replace, the School’s policies, handbooks, and/or manuals. The terms of this Policy will govern any conflict or inconsistencies with the terms of such policies, handbooks, and/or manuals. Any School faculty and/or employee who violate this Policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

To the extent this Policy applies to students, this Policy supplements, but does not replace, the School’s Code of Conduct. The terms of this Policy will govern any conflict or inconsistencies with the terms of such Code of Conduct. Any student who violates this Policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion. To the extent this Policy applies to third parties, this Policy supplements, but does not replace, School’s agreements with such third parties. The terms of this Policy will govern any conflict or inconsistencies with the terms of such agreements. Third parties who violate this Policy may no longer be considered eligible for access to and/or use of School Systems, School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information. A third party’s violation of this Policy shall also be considered a material breach of its agreement with School, entitling School to terminate such agreement for cause.

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The School Systems, School Confidential Information and School Electronic Information are the School’s property and may be used solely for educational purposes and/or the School’s operational activities. Each User must take all necessary steps to prevent unauthorized access to or use of School Confidential Information and School Electronic Information. Unless otherwise directed by School, or permitted or required by this Policy, Users may not: (a) take, retain or use School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information for User’s own benefit; (b) disclose School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information to any other entity or unauthorized person without the written permission from a School officer; (c) delete, encrypt, password protect, or retain electronic files containing School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information (including emails and attachments); (d) give or attempt wireless access to an unauthorized device; or (e) take any other action that impairs, restricts, limits, or impedes School’s ability to have full access to and use of its School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information. Upon request, User shall return to School all School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information, and otherwise fully cooperate with and assist School in ensuring School’s ability to have full access to and use of School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information. Such cooperation and assistance may include, but is not limited to, removing any password protection, encryption or other proprietary format on School Confidential Information and/or School Electronic Information. The School retains the right to search, monitor, access and/or review all School Systems, School Electronic Information and all other electronic and voice mail communications, computer files, databases and any other electronic transmissions contained in or accessed by School Systems, at any time, with or without notice, at School’s sole discretion. This may include, without limitation: (a) viewing, printing, downloading and/or listening to emails and voicemails created, sent, received, stored and/or otherwise used in or through School Systems; (b) viewing, modifying and/or removing a User’s electronic mailbox; and/or reviewing audit trails created by School Systems. No email, voicemail or other information, whether received, sent, stored or used on or through School Systems, is private. Users have no expectation that any information contained on any School Systems is confidential or private to them. The School's System is not a public forum and access to the technology is a privilege and not a right. By using School Systems, Users consent to the access and disclosure of email messages, voicemail messages and other information within School’s organization without restrictions, but subject to School’s legal and contractual obligations of confidentiality. Users should not use School Systems to create, send, receive and/or store information that is personal if it is confidential or sensitive, since such personal information will be considered School Electronic Information if created, sent, received and/or stored using School Systems. The School makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for any reason regarding the access to, or use, quality or availability of, School Systems, including but not limited to the loss of data. All School Systems are provided on an “as is, as available” basis.

School Responsibility

The School will designate a system administrator who will manage the School Network and Wireless Systems and make the final determination as to what is inappropriate use based on this Policy. The system administrator may close an account at any time for infractions or temporarily remove a User account and/or a User’s access to or use of the School Systems for any reason, including, without limitation, to prevent unauthorized activity. The School will implement filtering software intended to block minors’ access to materials that are obscene, child pornography, harmful to minors, or that the School determines to be inappropriate for minors. However, the School does not guarantee that it will be able to fully prevent any User’s access to such materials, or that Users will not have access to such materials while using School Systems. The filtering software operates only within the School wide area network (WAN) or local area network (LAN). The filtering software does not operate during dial-up access.

The School does not take responsibility for resources located or actions taken by any Users that do not support the purposes of the School. It shall be the responsibility of all members of the School staff to supervise and monitor usage of the School Network and access to the Internet in accordance with this Policy and the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Shrine Catholic High School & Academy Network Users Users will be granted access to appropriate services offered by the School Network. In addition, the following people may become account holders or members of the School Network: 1. Students. Students who are currently enrolled in the School may be granted a School Network and/or wireless account upon agreement to the terms stated in this Policy and the Wireless Network Agreement for Student Access. 2. Faculty and Staff. Staff members currently employed by the School may be granted a School Network and/or wireless account upon agreement to the terms stated in this Policy. 3. Others. Anyone may request a special account on or use of the School and/or wireless Network. These requests will be granted on a case-by-case basis, depending on need and resource availability.

Privileges and Responsibilities of Users Privileges Subject to the terms of this Policy, Users have the privilege to:

• use all authorized School Systems for which they have received training to facilitate learning and enhance educational information exchange.

• access information from outside resources which facilitate learning and enhance educational information exchange.

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• access School Networks and the Internet to retrieve information to facilitate learning and enhance educational information exchange.

User Responsibilities Users are responsible for:

• using School Systems only for facilitating learning, appropriate personal growth and enhancing educational information exchange consistent with the purposes of the School.

• attending appropriate training sessions in the use and care of School Systems. • seeking instruction for the use of any available technology with which they are not familiar. • adhering to the rules established for the use of School Systems, in the School or through remote access outside of the School. • refraining from disclosing, using or disseminating personal identification information regarding students over the Internet without

parent or guardian authorization. • maintaining the privacy of passwords and are prohibited from publishing or discussing passwords. School wireless and Network

accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account for the authorized purposes. • using e-mail, chat, instant messaging, and other forms of two-way electronic communications only for educational purposes,

and if User is a student, only under the supervision of an adult. • having all electronic media scanned for virus, dirt, damage or other contamination which might endanger the integrity of School

Systems before they are used in School Systems. • material received, created or distributed using School Systems. • maintaining the integrity of the electronic messaging system (voice, e-mail, etc.), deleting files or messages if they have

exceeded their established limit, reporting any violations of privacy and making only those contacts which facilitate learning and enhance educational information exchange. If a User remains in non-compliance, the system administrator may delete files and messages, freeze the account, and/or close the account.

• preventing material considered pornographic by the School, inappropriate files or files dangerous to the integrity of the School's Systems from entering the School via the Internet or from being reproduced in visual, digital or written format.

• awareness of and adhering to copyright laws and guidelines and trademark laws and applicable licensing agreements in the use of School Systems and in the transmission or copying of text or files on the Internet or from other resources. Users must also comply with all other applicable laws, both state and federal, with respect to their use of the School’s Systems.

• using caution (Buyer Beware) when considering the purchase of goods or services over the Internet. The School is not liable for any for any financial obligations made nor any personal information provided while using School Systems.

• financial restitution for unauthorized costs incurred or damages or repair necessitated by inappropriate use or access. • any damages to, or incurred on, User Equipment. Users accessing School Systems on User Equipment do so at their own risk. • abiding by the rules set forth in this Policy, general School rules, and additional rules as may be established by the School. Local

School Committee policies, staff manuals, departmental procedures, and student handbooks may include such rules. Users are prohibited from:

• using the technology for a “for-profit” business, for product advertisement or political lobbying. • the malicious use of technology to disrupt the use of technology by others, to harass or discriminate against others and to

infiltrate unauthorized computer systems. • using School Systems to draft, send, or receive inappropriate communications and material including but not limited to, items

which are pornographic, obscene, profane, vulgar, harassing, threatening, defamatory or otherwise prohibited by law. • participating in hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks and other antisocial behaviors on the network. • vandalizing School Systems or any other information technologies (the School's or any others). Vandalism is defined as any

attempt to harm, destroy, or disrupt or hack the operation of the School's Systems. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to, the creation or intentional receipt or transmission of computer viruses.

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FULL DAY (48 minute classes) HALF DAY (29 minute classes)

Period A 7:52 – 8:40 Period A 7:52 - 8:21

Period B 8:43 - 9:31 Period B 8:24 - 8:53

Period C 9:34 - 10:22 Period C 8:56 - 9:25

Period D 10:25 - 11:13 Period D 9:28 – 9:57

Period E 11:16 - 12:04 Period E 10:00 - 10:29

Period F 12:07 – 1:23 Period F 10:32 – 11:01 LUNCH “A” 12:07 – 12:32 Period F Class 12:35 – 1:23 -OR- Period G 11:04 – 11:33 Period F Class 12:07 - 12:55 LUNCH “B” 12:58 - 1:23 Period H 11:36 – 12:05

Period G 1:26 - 2:14

Period H 2:17 - 3:05

The all school Masses at the parish this year will be

October 1st, November 1st, December 7th and January 29th

MASS Day +HOUSE TIME (38 min. classes) CLASS MASS / CLASS MEETING (43 minute classes)

7:52 - 8:30 PERIOD A 7:52 – 8:34 PERIOD A

8:33 - 9:11 PERIOD B 8:38 - 9:21 PERIOD B

9:14 - 10:10 MASS 9:24 – 10:07 PERIOD C

10:11 - 10:31 HOUSE 10:10 – 10:53 PERIOD D

10:34 - 11:12 PERIOD C 10:56 – 11:39 PERIOD E

11:15 - 11:53 PERIOD D 11:42 – 12:52 PERIOD F

11:56 - 12:34 PERIOD E 11:42 – 12:06 LUNCH “A” 12:09 – 12:52 PERIOD F CLASS -OR- 12:37 - 1:43 PERIOD F 11:42 – 12:25 PERIOD F CLASS 12:37 - 1:02 LUNCH “A” 12:28 – 12:52 LUNCH “B” 1:05 - 1:43 PERIOD F CLASS -OR- 12:37 - 1:15 PERIOD F CLASS 12:55 – 1:35 CLASS MASS / CLASS MTG 1:18 – 1:43 LUNCH “B” 1:46 - 2:24 PERIOD G 1:38 – 2:21 PERIOD G

2:27 - 3:05 PERIOD H 2:25 – 3:05 PERIOD H (note: 41 min.)

PEP RALLY SCHEDULE (42 minute classes) 7:52 – 8:34 PERIOD A 11:37 – 12:47 PERIOD F

8:37 – 9:19 PERIOD B 11:37 – 12:02 LUNCH “A” 12:05 – 12:47 PERIOD F CLASS –OR- 9:22 – 10:04 PERIOD C 11:37 – 12:19 PERIOD F CLASS 12:22 – 12:47 LUNCH “B”

10:07 – 10:49 PERIOD D 12:50 – 1:32 PERIOD G

10:52 – 11:34 PERIOD E 1:35 – 2:17 PERIOD H

2:20 – 3:05 PEP RALLY

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