-Sifli Five to One—or more - Th[» prcpontleranc. of Clrcul*t!on-morc than ttio combined circulation of «ny five- other newt. I»pin In W«mn Counlr >nd vicinity, mallei The SUriMUvertlfinii r.lc. proporlionnlly very tow. THE WASHINGTON STAR Section One; Pages I to 8 HI 51st YEAR—NUMBER'a-!'. WASHINGTON, WAKREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 191S SUBSCRIPTION: $1.75 A YEAR Canoe Upsets With Four People Fifty Feet From Shore. EDW. S. CASTLE THE I "ally .Minnies Itclnic Itmly Is Itc- i-ovrn-il Willi <ir:ipp|lii : , Arii'i- Mui'lr Mlvlll .Miitintjitn' Lake u'lis Hie HCOIIO of Us nrst -irimnlim accident In ^1 years, last Sunday nftorunon. •The vH-i.iiii was I'M wan! Stoddnrd ensile ft l.tuiK Viilley, formerly tJorniun Valley. The accident, the; siihsiMpn-nt efforts to rw.v«r Uw body ami the (IIII off or! H at resuscitation excitement ,'iml pathetic h d f il 't| ml ,im p wd fn»ni nil urn mi-1 Hi,. j;,u... Mr. ('antic, hh wife, nml sister Kdiih win- iluri- speudlm,- tin- day as tin.-• B'.MIKW 'ur/'KiHifiii Kdwnrd .May. d d f l'I fiii Kdwnrd .May of John 1'. Mitynaid of l-'I St Kt O h B nard, sn f John y Walnut St., Kant Orange, whose fiinily Is siiiniiH'rliiK at ihe resort. The r yoiinj; people had been III 1 '"! Ill- lake 111 Ii eaitOO most «.f (lie morning where they hud eaten th'-lr Imioh and ha'l irono In haihlm,- about•!o'clock In the afternoon diir- 1 Ins which thin- nicy t> 1*yc>>t with the upturned canoe. Shortly after nel- tinu intii tlie canoe with 1 the idea of I.MVhm the lake. It upturned oppn- sitf .1. H. SoraiUonV flints court ami prob.ihjy nut more than ",it feet from llif shore. Tin. accident was treated hy tli.iii as ;t Joke until Mr. Cast] " li icli> til" Tht,- caused th cam whli iriglu. but sim.-e this "i sound nnicli different than NEW FACTORY IN OPERATION Washington I'ori-clntn <'". Hcylns.Mun iifiH-liiiT.in l*ars;i* New I'aetorles —l-'orcc lo Id* IniTCiiseil. Manufacturing operations were lie- Ktin thin week hy the Wiishlnuttm Porcelain Co. at Its l a w new plant almif,' the- MnrrEH ,fr Ksvx railroad, at Willow street iiiid .South Wandl iiveime. Tho machine shoji Is In riji- eratlon on a (small scale, and the clay department Is niso'Mi operation. Spark lilllKri and electrical porcelain are Ing made. It is planm-d t<> gradually Increase the force of employers, and to hitvi-a fair-sized iiuiiil.<-r of menund women .it work hy<i<i. j . The pl;an i: to gradually enlarge each department force IInd to push the work ahead as needed. While th.- buildings ,ne )mi . tieally complete, ihere is work to li ihnie a hunt the groundf, and aoin more machinery u> he installed. rainier Madly Injured. Wlllln,, Hill, .I,-,,,-, I.a<l;aw:inn.'i aintf-r. hi-t ullh a MTIOILS ard<l<'ni .Monday moinini; while at S th mil lug whi wh- ip >'ii ['i-« any it' nuici with t «as lump 1 -section oli ml uu iin lie II •ll ill- lira •r men -driven le trite had a li k •hv tun at in- 111 I - u[ IS l> p In rld- i-ar. olnt p teross the trai-k whll" n-paiiini: the roadl.ed. Mr. Hill\s left r.ioi was run river by the wheels ami lunlly injnnd. At the Franklin hospital It wits - >s.«;u-y to take J^ wtlt'-lus *-l<*s*> the ivoiind, ||M was hroimht u< his hoine •li W.-st AVaslilitKitiii av.nii.' Mi.ndn.v ulyht ami has sine., luen tinder Hie •tii- 'T [>r, r. i;, Smith. Ketnlnder. All l who hiivi. he - twenty- .lune "-tli and on or be Aiuinst Mth must register with their Local hoard on Saturday, August L'lth. between 7 a. tn, ami :• p. in. All iii-ti uiKler (In- juris. Local INiani No. I for War . , ., will register at tli. in swimming, it was | ai lU-vldcrt'. N. .1. -n in- STILL TALKING ABOUT Some Things the Fakirs Show Us That We Didn't Know. SOI POPULAR JMlSEMfflS rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nko to note a few thinjr- many might rwutlrffr trllle*; hut. we are so hemmed In and sur- rounded |>y trilling things, that it is well not to overlook their impui't- iliee -In the round of existence, (Hie Wlhu beuellls to bi- derived from nliigting with the iirmvil on an oo- asji.ii hke the Farmers' picnic is to oifat fitr a few hours tin- humdrum if the dully routine uml get a new outlook -nti life. The most liop«-h-s.-< oojde an- those who go into a dark Kim. shut the door an.I then say ouiplaiuhiHly. "I can'l sec n single ling." 'if course .they cannot, ami ever will, so hum us they keep ii-mselvcs shut in. I say it is good < stir ii round, look over the rest of u- people and see hf.w they (lo Personally. I do not n I tn wear its when it is ninety in the shade, neither did I envy the Wearers of the laie.st stylo in velvet coats. I reckon :hey themselves Were glad the coats Mefme.l had' been on the wounds live minute* I stopped [,• listen to one "orator" who was sHIini; a can thout it was the fact that 1 li;id owu- •d om- i>f the same devices for three ir four years am! had looked upon MORf MfN TOCAMP .Seven IVnni 1st District Co Tn IVnil- sylvan in Suite C'ollcm'. Tuclvi* others To Cninji .Mt'iule. The following men from Wnrrei histriet No. -I will be sent t" tin Pennsylvania State College toluol* I.IVV; I'jiu) IC. Wkleiior. llarrv Hart zell. Kay Derciuer. Melvideivi Willis Stevens Titluan. Maekettsiown: I !'. Collins. Ch.iiliu.-ey Smith llroad, oxford; Wlllard Thatcher, Dclauiir On' August 21, the following nioi of the same district will he s.-nt t Camp .\h-nde: .Morris Kama Wilson, Kloyd V. -Jreeiie, I-Mward Ionian, Floyd Cfiukc. .Joseph While i!< berry. ... Melvldorc: Morgan .MeI.. Mason, Kdlson .stiff. |.e«iie c. Ilank- inson. .lame Washer, llack- l . her, l ck tstown; Kloyd M. Oliver. Kreil IS. |>it!ni!fii. t>xford; Ci-or^e I). Der.-m PhillipshurK. K. 1> I'mlmlilr Democratic Xc.mince. Ceorge A. Xlbbald. of Mergen emin y. at the re(|itost of many Detiinersttl< frl Is. has announced thiit he wll Hand as a caudidiile for •'onnrcss ii the .Sixth liiHtrlet. Petitions en sing him as a candidate for th« .-(• an- now being circulated. .Mr. MIMHIM IS th... present Surrogate Morgen county and considered om. the most popular men of the com " is ii man of high character and considered one of lliu substail •itizens of Macltensaek. The district ueludes the counties nf liei-gen. Sus- sex and Warren, with two townships In I'assale comity. Xo candidate •inn Warren or Sussex oiMinty has Hieaicd tufit therefore Mr. Sibhald 111 he endorsed al the primal without opposition. 01 MAN OEAD INEXPLOSION Air Mm- Pipes Part At M'tvi'til tttluikti'K hefori' they were :ih|» ,\ll m.-n under the jurisdiction of and used It solely as a ran opem-r. !•• •itfr:f;i 'he :itt<»mi<;n of nearliy Local Ilutird So. ". fur Warren cuini- Now my vyca fftre upfned—it is an .•,,it ;u:ers. The ilrst to com^io tit*- t ty «M! r«u-|sfr at -the Lo.-a! i:.,urd Jco pick, a knife shar|n-nei\ .. A; |H- I), tlroif wl. ec.-d.-d in pulling tin- two young ladl..t and young Maynard inl<> hit; ltt.it. They wore exhausted iY,,m «-\. clu'im-nt ami llicir efforts ia olimi- im; to the canoe, and .Mnynard f"M limp whun res.-ied. H.,- had l.i'i'ii trm:t;Mng to hold tin- canoe from repeatedly turning over ;1S the ladles ( - rr»m. xttlivS mithrr. lie liad'h'nld c'f (' CaMlc's belt after the man hail emu- ( in the Pennsylvania Hallroail CALF GLU85 FOR WARREN porn" irriiMter and still opener, but I was blind to" its mani- fold virtues until this v.-mlor of opened my eyes. When I re- turned Imnii! I sharpened my butcher kuifi' ami was delighted to lind it was lots b.nter than when I scraped il ,.-•. . . - „ , ,,..,,, ,-„. , ... across a stove li'l.and the \w pick le.e |lii ?F. \Mlt ll.no l-li>i. h.\-.| pfirt SMj |(|J( .,| ,,„• Lil( . ,,|il!lln« bits fusl hllili Pii/e> iW the jiisy.-u like tii.-m loco..1 a cantaloupe Wirme nt yd ed th. U-i liMMi t.ut Wits compelled to ri'leasi.- | __AT - cvncnT o nn»irc r *r»r\cmp 1 H< - 1 ' ti -" f11 ' shariiennif; but i-xiu'd to keep his m-.,sn. 'iin.l at anoth.-r time .'.-istle ! STATE EXPERTS PRAISE GARDENS «.ntrylim until Id... •-• :—- T h e w a y t-> ilet.M-mine t!ie inosi Twciuv hiuli-Knidvi-iilvus will he.m pr *l" ll;ir r " ni1 '"' ''"lertainineiH Is to .-.shiliiiion u.-xT Tm-sUiiv- on the follmv .tin: ^.niw.i. All d..y hum' nn-n. L. All visito hadhub! .could swim inn th.- ..timid, -particularly . ( et-al yoarsayo hair been rescued ft dr-owniiiK by his father. Soon tin; whole c o i t a l colony .irmiy.'fl ;ind M.-srs. Potter. Mr.NV.ii-, i IMIIoek, Henry Ktryker and liar- | Krnvc. the latler a c-nvaicsceni sail- ! or, and Miss Winnie, a V. \| C. A. ! Vohmteer for Franc..; wh.» was vl^ Him; Mrs. 1-:. T. l.ukens. all doy int.- the water in the attempt t IV'SCIIC t!:.- bo.ly' Imt were misuc-ess ful. At this particular point th water is :•() feet deep and tln-i efforts were arduous and tin- |,rcs-nir •-rroiimls of i)n- P.elviden- grammar school. It will be the first annual in- hibition oC the Kclvldere Cull' Chili, the only etui, of its t-.ifid in Wanvn county iilKl wili.-ll is ,'\]ie''led to b- ! the nucleus of several clubs fw next .s.-as'.n. There will be ai.-n a dairy ju'lk'iuk' d.-motmnuhm :uui a inilk the calf club. The teain sii'owiiiK "tin- t..-st rcconl will be sent to Trennui at the e-M'eiirte of the Stati n fr fanciful hilllkln hildren stood f the 1 th wher nd t'uffy doll bal.ie method,' I know not how us f e'otild not i:et near enough to tind out. . Ac- cordingly, I betook myself to tlie ••Votes foi- Women" booth where I had plenty ,»f ro.nu—-In fact, was ihe only culler. Later on a woman •HCht In Her child fo; •ink of / 1 Tlu "' ! |• ll " s | SHV u , .-iilnr .livEnir »-n« I!,:,, ,,f Alls- [ '••' vvhii if. an ,. S |*rl «wli o r I " 1 " alt-r. I eom-lmled the sulfi ".'•' i etltjs of Warren county \vi;- not of '.'"ithc rami-ant type: bin. when Mrs. «iiv« her slh- •as pleniy of n I Culv f K,Mi | l nii.l .-•!>.«•« .mil •r.'arh.K.ly .mirnl : m I " ' '<"•• '"'">" '"•""••' ''"' J".lBin«t I""'- when I..-. Jlasn uiiinuiiliKil liiBIt uml IIIIM, ivi.rati'illy. I !""••>• I ln-iv :iri' 1^ iiii-llili.-rs ,.l til'-'I | mriiiliii-i.il n , 111. .MWUl L'U Inliuiti'S ':itti.T III- :ioi:l- ! I Sflvi.ifl ;il(CI ind Kt.Mio ot lh: ' i.r C:ilircirii!:i mm .ihlinir,. 1].. s:i;,i: ili.iil, I-.IISIKII (Jlmrlcs Kcimiii.n :ir- '"'.v.s h.nv imi uml tluv,.- ralvi* In I In- i,,|,,uu.« of my li in stum! ,i|r ami. liv.'il ri-i.ni lln- nilu.r si.k- i,r tin. liilii. U-iiMta-l. At tIK. i-iiii-lusi.m ol tin. | , vllUl . Uic- I.IUHI iilitya till' iiir. kn »iii-re In' Iiml l.vcn illiiltii; wllh tin' \ ivw tl"' fiilvva will til- aiu'li..ii,>il nil t t .vi'ryl)i,iiv sini; ,,in. voi-^i' of tin- family ;it AtuliTnutrs l.i.anllir.- huns,.. l.y Annsni-miB Ahivli,'S';t Tho IIU'.L.IIC.-.S , '.r.at'Uu hymn' of ihe liopulilic." II,- iiiiiekl.v took off his i-hitln^ ami i i'f tin: lli-hidi-io <jIn 1. i-i.i.-i-lvi-il i n s t n u - whfii tin; IK'UII],' -ir.isf oat' iirta •il tin.- Wiiu-r vvi'ariait "illy his ( tiiilts In ilairy himliiiinli-y ami• ilalry s[u0 ,| „„„„ ., |, ullc |,' , im | shoulVil P.. V." I.''s. Mis alfmpl were systematic and hi: y y six mouth*. Tht on his car tin The ntest will In- John W. Marl-1 ",.-li the band tn stand bandt-y the spe.-iulisl in dairy p quilt.'.. u|i|;;irtmio, fo .Statc Acrhrtiltvinil acute thai he was compelled i.- .stop College; Clifford Pol.'lte. superinietiil- tlu'iit up- .Miss Katharine Seraiittm I cut of the Pe.[iiest"-riiock farms: W. ami "th.-rs likewise made uusoci-.-ss- ,\. lh.nsi.,n, Snssev cnunty farm deni- iul atlciii|ils U) locate the body. ousLrator, and K-dward C. lirill. the l-'iualiy .P.diii (!. Anderson hnttmlu [ practical cauli-man of Stewartsville. CraltpiiiiK- irons, and the p.oy Scouts It is expected that similar clubs and iVum Alk-ntown ram|ilim in Park's eshiliitious will -In. held m-.M year in uruve supidied the ni'ces.s;iry rope. | both I lackettflown and WashiiiKion. With the assistance .of .1. II. Scran- \ c. II. Kcaylc. tlie emergency county n. Air. .Anderson dually located the I chili leader, iindci- the Slate AKriciil- | This ' i had ti better Klin •Lipcrics of 'tht elevated band liody in a di.-ep hole, when Charles Scrnnioii. followim; the rope. sue- eccded in gettiiif,' his" arm about u.nht him to the sli Ahhoujjli no heart, innntut lie del frt Tit-il, uld ulmiulmicri. und Wini- ks. wiih the energetic as- sismmie of others. dcVolcd nearly an lioiir and a half in an effort at iv- siisi-italion. When hope, had I v&'y caltcdi 'l'le issued a" burial ccr- tilicate and undertaker K. \v'shan»s nf MMY.nl look ihe Imdy Jn vUnvxa and it was; sent lo I-Ia.st (.»r;ni{;t' whore fuuei-al services were held and hurial made Tuesday afternoon. .Mr. Castle Wiifi the onlv son of [.\.uis .1. ami Matilda Powlcss Caslle of I-Iiist i.lrauKf and was UN years of :iye. He was an honor uradnnte of IViiiei.-lttn University and had been _ !:j:!.!'ried-:<jn!yv two .-j'otil's. 1 . .1[i< vouiif;' wife" WHS. formerly' MISM Klciinor [•'iinehei'. The. Castles had been residents of l.oiuv Valley for ti lltlle more than a ye.ar, where the voting "•inaii cunducl.e'd .the Willow Cirove which is owned liy his father. ui-iil Collei Stale Club lea.de cill/iiral College. d A. M. llulhwt. WHS a I KI ut I'll proceed when thy en- thtisiiiHtic bench climber called out: "let's Kinif another verso." It'is an old saying ".-straws ttdl which way the wind blows" but :i shouting ,niau 'un I" hln!i stoul Will do the sanii? thltiir. ! >rl "- Muni established tin.- |io|r" of (lie State Af,'!-i- Wh Hhiy Insucctiiu- th In Washington school riiy of Ihe Ladles' Hand of Aliei luwu bill il did not hinder I »r. .\laso from iroiii;,' on with his address, which vas full of Iin il animation. Al- foiind Hie same !l) i though I gave a resunie of his speech nod condition and declared that es- ' in last week's letter 1 think you will -Ileiit |initrn-ss h;ul lieen made in j enjoy the following story with which inir I'l-osi-ecN. he dosed, his address, lie had h lOxhiltiilons will be hekl later In lh. Tiiere :tr,- be i* u id 1,001) s school iraint,' his hearers to nutkc iiny :nry sjieriflco to bade up the vlio must push on till l-'rance is •id the Allies march lute . Me nu-mbc of the I'aint inul <>f KHSI 1 OruiiKo ami well known In amateur theairieat circles. Mes-ides his parents and wife. ; hi. is-siirvived liy iwo .sisters, •• T!ic ^I'lef-siricKcn win- and sister were-til ken to I.OIIK' Valley by .). P. Mavnard, who ; > had previously none tlii;i'(: for the father, who did imi feel tiki: leuviiiK home because of the mother's tllnews. A (lept-'-'swlMtr !jl"""! hns )»ei.'ii i-ast •""" J ' "wholeMounlaiu link in ihe various school claimed clubs in ihe cuiiuiy, ami plans are be-| ISerllu. When this happens, the d iiiH> made for a lai-Ke enrollinenl fo-j lor said, he would hum tip lh uexi year in tin; Washington Calf club, j Kaiser and tell him about .lonnl- Opera Hoii.se Notice. 'Wo wish to call the attention.of tint- motion [liciure [itiirous to the wonder- ful productions we are showiiV ilurhiK thf nionlh of AtiKimt tit [n-i.-i-s which will-, ho imiiosslble in ihe m'onth of Hi-l.tcilibor. *Our next l.U inMibtcUon foi- Tuesday,'AUK'. ^7. is "The Mitu.v- Miin." by Hall Caine. This is n It-n the whale us il hail been told him by a Mnptlst cle.r^yniiiti. The story ended this way: When the whale I'JIH: .loiinh ti|< on ihe shore, the re- leased man turned to the whale itnd (Ooniiiv.ied on jiai^e ,,7). tu'odnctiun .way's fnvufile slam; i of Kromi- ....... .-Hoy/s Skull 1'iacliircil. - from a niciTy-j,-n-rouml wldch was W- hi« erei:ted a"l I'xfonl Sunday for a carnival company, a number of hoys I>ci-.si.-.led in fceepins near Hit inc. including war A W>«"H»f v\whxv hint not I tn.\—iiudsei-' this grejii photoplay. >rk- ! In:; propcrtv and'tho omiilnvees were See our Uni'Kii'lii Show UmlRlii. ' tustl " K k ' l)uL iL Kll(ll ! l ' !l| V .exploded Nolhlns 1 like ll in ihe world for the j i n u i \ l '.•ylimler-hoad was. broken Into 1 "" MC ' U "'•' " ' '•- „' :• - •••••••• |(;'iistavi:ario,' I"'years o l d . o n t h e -•\, . , . ] i-i{,'1 it lemiile. frncturhiK his skull, soon, t (invicleil. • , ,.,„,, Oxfuni ,,iiysiclan.s wore 1 'nut of ll took the jury only one boor to town a n d t h e injured liny was brought, brini,". .in a verdic] of guilty Sunday \lliVli :iM,i ; m,;iideil by Dr. C. M. Wil- ,I.. j gainst the l»(i I. W. W. leaders, , nec.iso.l li:M Th«v'la!tei- had the bov taken ij hll h' tVmciit Plain. Caii>in FEAR SOME MAY NOT SURVIVE While repairs wen- beinW mad< about noon ycsterilay to the pipes eon- ..VyiiKf conipi-es^-.l air wiiich forces ,i,he coal in the kilns al the Kdl.son t'e- tnetU plitnl. one of the pipes parted. and. as a result, four men were badly I'tinied. all of them seriously. They were l.iken to the Kastou hos|.;tal In the cotniiany's aiubulai; Clarcuct. 'ihtuilen. the the epa um. Ml years old. of 1'hil K. ami Charles liempelio, :'S ld, nf Xew Village, were th i must seriously Injured. They hint aUolll the face ami also .lohit Schn e olf. forema III the. coal plant. (.*. years old of (I i:ri(!^M..iili(I.,lt,uhert .1. Uruv«r,.-ti, years" old. of Sn-waitsville. were the other two hi.!ureil in ihe explosion that fol- lowed the parting.of the pipe. The worst danger is thouf,'ht to be the fear thai the men Inhaled tlii^ conipresseil iilr when it was foree.d?£rd"i the pip-'. The break was n'oarone of ihe kilns. l.:iter-~.\n-. 1 Iimilen" iHi'd last ni^iit and the hospital authorities do not hold out any hope for the others. .Men Hi to oli Can Knli.M. J Men who have passed their forty- sixtk year und who have not . yet attained their . titty-sixth liirth>iy are now eligible for ac-ceptaiiee :im! enlistmeiil in ihe army. They can. according to antioiineo- ment made Saturday l.y the I'ntled Slates army recruiliny stations, enlist in .the iiiiarterinasier's corps and ordinance department, national army. corps, ihey must -IK follows: Cable telegraph ami radio operainrs; inside and outside wire- nien: electricians; maehiuisis:; ]>luHo- Kraphers. and men familiar . with construction and maintenance. of Death of Blind .Man's Wile. Mrs. Ualph PenroM- Warringum. •!•! IHE BEE ID TITLE •;IN THICKEST OF THE FIGHT nMdnctoii Colureil li'tnitli llCM-rllies n Iliiltie in n Letter tn 111-Moilicr. . The folh.whm- letter was written hy [James Anderson, who was a student -, «., «i • • c i •lames Anderson, who was a student Some Other Shining Examples m the Washington hi^-h school, class f 1 :• J v, when h- enlisted (n the :irmy I hi tin* summer "of HUT. Me is now a [ lieutenant, having hi-cn promoted for l.ntveiy. The letter says: "Dear Mother: Kindly excuse tlilx pa|icr. l.ut 1 want l<> t.-ll you about July 1 ;. lit IS, a nl«ht I'll ne.ver foix-t. Wv wrrr called to arms about I|.i;> )), in., to take our position thro- miles distant. The nltiht was cxccedinylj- diirk. The (J Noted by Capt. Jolly. ALWAYS "HDTDiFrYDUH BOW" A IVu- Tlilntts' Thai Would IH> '.Insl . .!> \\Vll ir I'ersi'vni-jiiirc Were l.ackin-. i.ttH; of the freii'.u'titly fitmteil word.': their M;; ;it!ri"l;. We h-til to c.:t ncrc;- of the dictionary Is IM-IltSKVKi:- \u Held on our way for n short cut. and ANCK. It Is a lotiK word ami also | th.- Hold wnx full of artillery and lias. CoUSidelMlde lliuiiliiim, "• t'l aiu .lolly will attempt to win WiH-k. The definition, according t<i "It was tcrribk- to tin Webster. i« thu act of perseveritin; Iiei-Klslence ill anything undertiiken; ciiiitiiiued |i u is II it or j'toseciitioii of iness or enterprise beyiiu. constant perseVeranci.. ovi.-r- liu lever his erticl niiilfcc 'en!"—AMI inn. Persewiaiiei means to coiiliniie In a uiven ve-urst in spite of dlseoiiran'-nients, ete. rroiu a desire to obtain our end. Ti persist is to continue from u de- termination of will not to ^ive up. Persist Is 1'reo.iii-nily used hi bad sense. Implying obsthnincy in pursuing •an Dr. (>c.>ni'f,'u Crabbe. an Kut; llthorfty. slates I hat |»'i<si-vt'ia slt,'nilles to he steady thiotiKhotit. in- to the end. Persist, signifies to stand >V, or do a thlnu. Pursue ami prose- :ute slmiify t<i follow after, or keep m with. To continue. Is simply to do is, we have done, hitherto: to perse- •ere is to continue without wishing to change, or from a positive desire attain an object; to persist is to tinue from a determination or will not to iifr. therefoi it-. Thf Spe ct of MIL- ie.s no cliar uteristic of the aKi;nt; that of per- .-vuriiu-' or persist ins; marks a direct temper of ininil; the former Is always used In a Kood sense, the latter hi an indifferent or bad sense.. We eon- :lmie from habit or casuallty: we !>ersevere front rellecllon and the exercise of out- Judgment; we persist from iittachuient. It is not the most exalted virtue to continue In a «ood course, merely because wo had been n the habit uf so doinK whal is donV- ruin habit merely without any Ilxed irinclpie, is always exposed lo haiif-e from the [nlluenw of passion ir evil counsel. . • .. . ..• . Tlmre Is real virtue In t'no act of lei-severance without whielt initny if mn- hest iiHentldiis would remain inftiltiiled and our best plans would ie, defeated. Those win. do not per- evere. ean do no essential j;ood; and tlp.^-'.ivJii.i do piirsevore often • ef- eet . what has appeared to be impracticable. The lliu\. "Kaiser Hill" thought America could not Kin •ady in lime lo he of :my aysistancy France ami Kiifiland: that the IN jats would defeat the ddans of aid » our brothers in distress. But American perseverance to the end in ny task undertaken is winning out rind even that I'.east of lierlin is iret- itur the same idea of this truth. The discovery'..•of Aiuerlea is another itrotii; Coltiinbu. in spite uf -Vijyery inortiticatkm, rebuff ind disSpjiohiluient, i)ersl.st.ed in ::fillins attention lo the fact that the vortii was round, and .-utracted the ttentinn of munurehs ti» his pniject, null he at length ohtained thu nec- essary financial assistance vered the neiv ' •rid. Kut his dis- •ovei-y is nothing to the disi Cernian Kultur that Amoricii is a far LlilTet-ent ciutntry from what it had been led to believe. America won't Hhl. ehl The perseverance of [.Ni- le Sain is training larne bodies of nen: having oilier lar^e bodies busy n ammunition faetorie^. wnn fat:- ories, ship yar<!s and other indus- ries em;iit,'ed in niakin.it necessary upplies to prosecute ihe war;, while iands. yes millions, of patriotic and women are persevering at the tasks aKsitrned to them In lied Cross worlc. V. M. C. A. work. Mrs. Ualph Penrose Warrington. U~\ V, M,I. of r dun bus w-i • v -1-" • •> ,-,- .• . i in i *- tv in ^ ins oi i. iiium ous wa i w o i K, years olil. WHO,,l Iw lillml ninn. , ie.1 |,|| lorls . ,.„„„ C]lm „„„, ,s.sU:iLloi. yoslcl'tlay ill her lliilnv cm IU']ykIel-L> i \,. Itlv „,. u-l,.,,,..-,.,. i.rmch nf WLI- ..v.-n..... IJOiUl, Wiis n-om « , l;rlBl.fK icHvliy t o which hcv 1 .-ivc i.,.,"i, .liaise Illwr an Illness ul ;!,1111k- more ulll | i , . „,. ,,„„„.,., TlK . f ,,,. mcr . s |K,,.. than .' i hours, she is survived by sevenuce in riiltivnin" ihn soil -mil four children:, I.en.ard Snyder. now tvorkimTin"..n'ki ^""Sf m S r." in V}}\ 1 te.^"!^"!'.^."'^'^. 111 ^. 1 " 1 "?.; «PH« of im-rltl heat and other i,n- .Mills. l';i.. and .Siewari and William Do Lone, who are inmau-s of a Slate Institution for fee- ble minded at -Spring City. 1'a. The funeral will be heldat 10 o'clock- Sat- urday'morning,'with Kev. .1. 10. Wash- abanivh olliclat iiuj. IJurial in the Wii.shlnirton cemelcry. ; : Ti p <'piiriiii;' for Loan Drive. District 7 Second l-'ederal Kes'.-rvo Uistriet. will have about JS.uuu eoni- mUtoenit?n anil l"i,0OO workers in the Foiirih Liberty Loan Drive. Kfforts will be made to double lust year's i-iptlons. Chairman (I. X, Kin- k-utt will ikt? mi oxliaiislive can- vas of each district. The counties in- cluded in.. Utstrict. 7 arc lierwun. Kn- 'ticx': litulsr.n. ' 1 luiiierdon. ...Middlesex. Jloniuouth. '.Morris. Passaic. Somer- . H(issex,.t;nion ami Warren.. I-.: ; I It- lioch.-"W.I :. over the Ihrec-inlle zone. shellit were sn ns thrnuuh the ah- J.S. PLSIEDJIil FRANCE Germans Start General Retire- ment All Along Line. FRENGH PREiVliER" SEES END American WIN Se;ue IIuil!—Xo fier- nian i;mlm:ui(« Waiitcd—Our \'cr,v Iti'it'iit Cii^nallk-s. [-..-.-iKny, the Ji... y furllier bh; ad- v.-tnres. watt <-apt(iied ycstenl.iv by the I'leueli. and ::it villages hav lie..-n re- taken li'oin the 'lermnns. Kiieiny forc- ed b.,«-H io Ki'i'itt il-j.th. KiKhty American diviMjons of -l.i.OOO each. Hon. Mai ti |.l ins to have demons let loose from bell, mid j tn l-'iance by .lunc 1. ainl ho n they burst it lighted up Hie inKyi"thi.y should be ab|» [,t i,rine tho wai: •inatini; ..f tile nlifht. It Was .1 f.-!S-[to a SlKTe.-Sflll ConclMHi., even though ' It wasjPor the |in>:ent Jt is planned to ('in death rind dcxtntciinn. ^;.n.m ind rrylni;, "Oli, my (M-rl, ii.>]p me:" Mm the litter bear- ers I'otnluu up behind us had thai work to do. .UlKht Uiruimli this hell inaiehi'il our I»>ys and we were vic- torious. We were hi the Kr-atesl brit- tle In the hUtory of the world. (i»d has answered ymir prayers, dear mo- ther. • I can't curse any more without thinking of that nlyht. <-UH\ IS cer- tainly with this regiment. .H.M. Tlni'»- Cliisscs in Draft. After a sharp d-hate Tu-sday. the House .Military Affairs Committee, hy ii vote nf !' tn 7. decided to amend the man power bill so as to establish three classes of registrants and provide for callhiL' of those from IS to nu years of ntftf after the eligible .-lasses from W to ir. years had been exhansted. The ei'<>atlou of such classilication had been opposed by lieu- .March <m iheuroimd that It would delay the draft, and pre- vent junior resist rants from Heltlm; the ro.|tiired four to six months* train- THE TAX BUDGET IS ADOPTED Common Omncll Cim. Only Tiilic Ofl' With !!)<• li-;w draff i rf inlys nd in o|ier.uton, it 1M eM o,ualiu>d for servic -ach month, mplcted d that uide the ii'-W liiws will eitiier be hi l-'rance. or in training h^re. liy ne.\t sumuiei-. N ption of marrl'-'i! i .status 1.4 simply bei-aus, <«f Uieir married ntcuiplntcd by tin- War DelJartuieiit in pfeparinL' for tho pro- posed extension ol" draft njccs. Secre- tary Maker de.-iar.Ml j n a .sintement hcfnri!"tlle" ilft.iilc. .Milit.ii-> Coimi.it ti-c- on the new Administration man-power hill. : .Mr. Maker said his previous re- marks on this subject had be,-n mis- construed, and that married men who do not sti|ip.irt their families and who :a^ed hi ireful i will cuniimm called. "Th. ire many married men in the country .vho oiiHht to z<i ami li.yht as frct-ly as <UVA\V niifii.".. he added. . The t"tiil I*. S. e;tMiiriIlii'H ]-eporte«l this mi it* r. •»L* were- killed in $2,000. InerdiM' M Thitn ^10.(10(1. MAY-MEAN A $30.00 TAX RATE There ' was a «oodly nuiui>er of hik-rt/sled la.N-payers present -Mon- day uis-'ht .-Li the iidjoiinie.l meeting of the Common Council called to ad the revision of the tax budget. This was muile. ecessary in rde to take care of the $:».0lHt jud^i Kiven .1. P. Larisou a^aitiKt the bor- oiiifh for alleiied ihtitia.ut's to his mill pt-itpei-iy uml [lie increased costs of ewer maintenance and the enhtrj;- lont of Lhe plant, as well as a few iher Items already recorded. Dr. I.. .M. LanniiiL,'. chairman of the l''inance Committee, explained the increases as told in a recent is- f tlie Star. After various lar«e taxpayers had given expressii linn in lhe army, lini. lost a I-sen, ],i(U •• d of wounds. «:M; dk-d of acci(leut. I other causes, 1.;..-.:» died of dls- ii., Ir.:'.s7 were wounded, and 1,'I'U re nilx«iiiK. IiwIurtliiK prisoners. The .... rlne casualties were: Deaths, S-lii; ! wounded, UhV.*: missing SS: prlsnn- ers. :>• There were IL',JU! casualties In ihe army and ^.T!U in the niarinu corps. It is said that the yells and claprf let mil when niaking a quielt charge, scare the I Ions almost to death. KveryC. A. !(. man who faced a elm)•(,'<• nf rebel soldiery during the Civil Wai-, in all prohablltv . knew cx- aety how the. kaiser's "siipernicn 11 feel. Twenty divisions of troops were de- manded of (iermiiny's allies by Cleti. l.iiilciidorir ilurinfi the retreat from the Aliirne. but Aiiatria-liiirtKai-y re- fused, until threats were made, and then .-'enl two divisions to the Western front. When the war was in its lirst year the Kaiser ninde the remark that after it was over there would be « py to ilK'ir opinions, ii p ; thomrlu best it'Win the lirat of the %'l.i pay men ts on the above SI 1.000 test nf ihe Iinholi tank- ami other cnlai-Kenients of the sewer plant in l!)l!i. instead r.f this year. That will make tiie a mount lo be raised by taxation this year S-S.-tilt. til 1 . or . . ... ire than last year. Tlie total appropriations will he SS1.S7!»,- :!-(. there belntr «a,«0S.7l l of antici- led revenues, My resolution lhe Council ccrtiiied to the County Moard of Taxation that .*^S,'IW.til' would he noodotl for local purposes this year. This will mean that tlie . which was %T'.. \\) last year, nearly $*<! this year, scar .Icffery in sivinj; an opinion more (Ionium eini^ration to the Unit- ed States. He can nowrepeat It wilh the fullest connection that for at li-asi once in his life iie is u-lliny the hnri- esi truth. The class .. vf desirable emigrants from IIun-Iand-[s now most mlnme. ami will not I re allowed to land here until there has been a ^rt-iU change. Military exports declare . that, th' Hi- pnu.'1-n •st of ni of the U...S. is sueh that my. Tin? sin to tlu> borough <fn of awaits tlu •f the Mritish and ch Myers is only :i joke as. cniii- il with what is coming when America is shortly io nln»w w h a t li. in do In lhal line.' There is consi.l- raldc inull in lhe -staiomeni that ie war will lie won in the- air, am! that the . supposed impregnable de- 'i-niiiiiy will by easy for AllieO Airmen, led by the Uiousanils Americans who are now rc- i-ins- tho finishing touches us charge) yards ins-tri .taled Lhal he did not think there will would be any danger of future suits ! when tin for thai if tlie present JIUILMIH-HL had! Kivc been appealed he thought- the conns' would have set tin; Merlin" aside Canadian baltalinn ca|Uu to drop, well-kno Ml favoralde oondilinns, oiiy-lit to con- vince the Huns that Perseverance in a Kood object Is belter than ihe (Jor- mnn idea. of Kultur antl the suner- A learner perseveres hi his studies, in order to arrive at the necessary degree of improvement; a. child, per- sists in making a request until he has obtained the object of his desires. There is always wisdom in persever- ance, even though unsuccessful. There is mostly folly, or obs-uiijiii persistence;.., HMV different, the ho perseveres in the eullivaiii in his tiilents. from •maintaining : supporting errors. "P.ilici I'lH-severanee overcome the dillimiUie.s 1 '—Uichardsoii. It is than 100 Gci'iiiitus during the oponiir-,' lie elithnecl iherc cmild not lie any days of tlni recent offensive.,- In a loss of power when ihe mill had been fo« Uu- Canadians became lost and in use since lSuu and tlie lilling up ^roupfMl their way into a. I'nliy niaii- if the pond ..for. US years was the tied Herman trench. A corpora! gavn •hu-f cause of tiie loss uf power. | the order to lire. a:>i the Nuns came Mayor Christine explained thai no f I'mibling up ( .ui of t,i<> trench to sur- execptions had been taken to any of | render, thinking UHJ attaeking foree. ihe evidonce and no motion made for | was more uinnei-oiis.. n ne-w trial, therefore there was no I Tlie terms of peace when Amcrl- alti'i-uativc but lo pay ihe ?r..00O j c-ans are on guai-tl in JJorlin will bo jurlgmcnt, ; rtisy. Tiio P. K. (iocs not want , The. budget ;is printed in the Star j pun ion of Coriuany. but there wo was adopted, less the ?l\un<l. taken ! be great iustico in 'dividing- it up off for Hie iirsl payim-ni on, ihe i mtttlf. i.T;ince. Melginm. Italy, Serbia. sewer Inipruvenu-nts. 1'iditnd. Kmiinanla ami those nations —•- ; wiiich litiM- snu'ereil tin- most. This Smith-li.iiiney Picnic. : will bc'ihe. result if -Germany keeps no The aiinmil picnic nnd ri-imioii of ! l he. war until ihe hi tier -end. Tli' 1 the Sinlih-Klnnny 1'V.mily Assoeiinhui i wuri.i could yet aluivg with Cioi y uld ,vas held Ssitunlay in the Clim- gro' off tin A s nap, arriving at an Atlantic ok hroimht n number "i" n from the French batllo f wliom cMircssed Ihe be- at Now VilUiHo, Al.uiii!. mu of the do- I seemla'mx uf ill-- ihj-ec Smith brothers ; I'" 1 ' 1 1:i; who married three Kinney sisu-rs, i »iiHt:iry were presetu. Those, tircsont Wt'i'i;!' 1 " 1 '"'- " ! from N'r-warl;." X e w Y o r k ; Seranioi,; | h | 1 1 I i ; : " llu "" 1|ll " i;;:: «' -i-iive.ui Westliold. Port Coldcn. I'hillii^biii^ ! bt'l'.ii-t- ClvMMmnw. Wa.-hliiKlon ami Xi-h- Vllltiue. The. iv-! HeyreUtJ'y Ujil:cr a:::io:;nccd Kri(I:iy s showed live births and ilvi.!<l»«t th- in-st all Auieneau :ur«. ) tia.U >.M. Sussex,. Union, ami Wan-en.. I*,eh ...ark of great. Insttihlllty urn- to con- ' X™ . '',, ,.,-t re iil.-ii -n -s ! >--n - composed of Anic-rlcn built »U- Ciinnty vxvwUM its qtintu last spring tinue. anythiiig we have begun. It is | ^ i ^"1-^ and in-izes Hlv.inU'di! A ! I 1 """ 11 * 1 - ; ' ml ^'Oi!! 1 !"-'' «•!»!> UU^-iy per cent. "'<•- . to prosecute wlmu-ver ii has deemed I''.I'.!"'' 1 om?. ( . i U i: e'!ected' 11 w!)n.. ilII TO-e'- l1| 'i"vii'ttVrs-, 'h:id "l a-*'H L *MC* II t""" STIIVi " " i i e i i o n 1 —— worthy 10 enter upon. Tin- addresses ' ' ' ! . N K ' il]tu . v „,• !-hf ll'ii.^Hu r-"' ! aKaiir^t liic enemy on ine W.^i- ,Makes I IK- C a r d o Double hutv. nf l'resklent Lincoln in regard to con- ";. ' ' v hll . t .||; n.,., nil ,-,f I'limhiV j ern from. The s<imidi-on ,,i t-i^lilecn Karle S. Kekel is introducing a n e w tim.lng the Civil War an<l the speech- ,„„. ' ^J m ,^ Jp ^ |];iwl; ||f H - |. m; ,,. !lim , ;! ,, n , SH1 , (l lhr , t ;,, rmjlll „„,, conlrivance known as the Power- |\ s " f '' M ' 11 '" 1 Wi win a t I h e present village;, usst. s.>c, Miss n,,holia Smilh 1 "»d I'-'m'tnnc-il for miles luck of tH<» tiihkcr.- It l» -it dcvk-o : which- idiii/.e.s - • ! " " , IT ',' 1 ," 111 !l " ••• yi - m •".'.viiiip.i*.-. ol..(1|- - x 'vnin^o: ttvas., .I-dm. IC. --'sinlth '<' •»"•'''»«" Pi-sltl,in.«. taking many nlmto the power of an. atitomoldlc b y t h e Ull ' s -. !K>int f " "in- rcmai-ks. No inmi l (f Washington. ' . IHi-aplis. a n d a l l s-mirnt-il without a. tvliit-h will .ltUc any | of farin machineiT 'whii-h re- I nuires not m o r e t h a n 10. h. p.. (moral- I»K u « m (Ctititlnited on pacr .Mayor, Christine's ( ! ;in<Iidary.. the na small board ml hi e.imi- g li:Mlls . Th«la!tei had the bov taken , ^ trial in Chicago. They were, nec.iso.l l o t l u ; i.j ilsLun husnllal. where'uu <,p- *\^<-\^ ""V l' 1 *^; «»;rn whel cr. ;v,Jiyo,. Mltrry i:hrM of. cnsniracy to disi-up. .the nation^ orilUon was performod to .vnir.Vc I lu- f ' U -- .V' """''. ^ords . u wi do what (lrUo . foi . , llomh c . r vvf- TilHirlhehle Mountain Lake e j war iiriwvun.. The de^ndiims in- I , llVssuix- of u piece of ihe skull on the !l c08ll> " ^isolmc fiigmo will .k.. ,, r f.. eeholders w(,ro , i ! l , l .- ; ,od-.lu,wilt he i.. lone time -be-I eluded. William l.»..,fVl.JlK. MlllV )..I lay-. [ \,l»u\ ,M!. __.!..-. - ^'^1;",'• ^ | ^ ^ Tw^ih^drtlV'idt ill be j Wood; (,'eneral seerMury^reasutvr of " ' —^ ] ' | signatures easily .obtained. .Il had j he decided not lo co'ntesl. Thomas oi'KitA norsic PKO(;KA.M. •..-n.xir.MT—iiig Miii-Kit fii Rbm' •'Tlie Cabin-el.' 1 iVatiu-ing Carl Wed in ('iilll'oinlii. \IN«. 1 .alira Kltihlin, daughter-"nf Mobefl- lOiehlin, of Ktowartsville. ami t?,irl Anieriiian of New lininswick were married Kriday in 1-os Angeles. ' Cal. .Mr- Aniei-lman is an Instructor in aerial gunnery al an aviation camp in California, lie was unable to come Kasl I'm-,lhe inarrliiKe, and Allss ICieh- Iin left Ktewartsvllle Aug. 10, being accompanied as far as.Chiejifto by her ronsln, Paul Piltengof|iof MiistiVn. yiiriiHil.'l j 510,00 0 iin. I erli'inis an the limit' o: each, and all loyal Am- hoping .the .hultf^froW National Mituk Kesom The total resources., of the $lT.S:i!),«M12,t|no.. an increase of ,$i,- (iSSp-lfi2,000 over the same (latelast. year. Tolaf deposits in national banks on .Inne : -0- show an inerease of £1,:H,),77tl.tjim over a year ago? Serdce 1'ljin' Days. <i«v. I'ldge (in Friday issued n prnc- lailialloii, urging lhal the llr'st. SunNlay oi'.u-uL-h'month !»•• liesigniUeil as the "Day for Mervicc Flag Prayer." iini.T lhal il lie observed as such- thrnug.V . out ilie State. That on this Sunday In : each month all patriotic lodges and societies, and tho general public,' be invited to the various churches of the Slateifor prayer for the men in mili- tary rfbrvler, an(l I'nr the fathers, mo- thers and ot hoi* of kin. who arc s Those w c.aU>s must j. cer and h: Robert P.. ( The hours. ::0 each wot ami T.:;0 li I- it k .Those. Hours ed so as m tiro.it's res retiltesls t-\'i time, foi' 11 Which can Ihe eoopci-a t ii r. \^ u- Verdlk-.ites. b desire suanr eertill- thom from thoir them ciidot'.se Kit, at the Star i wever, are -l.!!0 t gro- \ hv Ilk-o. day, except Saturday. 1>. in. on Satnr re purposolj^an to liitevfere wilh r employment. ol.c 1-1 l't-nielllbc i^>' ii - viiimdn t'V \ ly lie snccessfnl >n of tho eonitnt lays. tug- Mr. lie (he o|-I\. thru niiy. I Shields' right to lhe hciiiocralic. i [ inatlon foi- tluil" ullliV."' lii the' pri- mary the imiyoi-' will therefore o|»- pose Albert M. I'raig of Blairsiown, who lias held ilie ollico fi'!' two years, and Is seeking t'ho iiio.nln:Ulon for the full tonn or three years.. Mayor Christine is KITVIIJK his set-ond term of two years us tlie chief executive or- Washington. \lv is well known throughout -the country nnd his ox- perienees,-Jiu farm values, rural need: T-ii-- nf t.h-- ! The intlil (ii-nnan l<»s«.>n f r o m tin- ;• | Itfjiitining of i h e w a r t o t h e e n d oi: lf ' ; July, H'lK, iiru omlcrsioud I " b e O.lHM'. "'MiMMj, :;t-.:.;Or(litm--to •tile l''r.,-i,cli ']•- ' I'"" "p., • . ' . -1 ' - ' ' , IP-MMMIII.^- Ill IIH I.-, ill.ll I I I . * ' Ill Mn-niinh iin l^n^S'' vi\u,ll^\ r 1 . 1 . 11 . 11 .^:.-'--- 1 .- 1 ! 0 .^ 111 ^^ <'»'lttrVt.- 1,•!(Hi,".m stoiie" |jTi-k: "coiuoify ami ' llearsl- j mtuT'offinsiv" 1 '* iasT 1 ' 1 '(ia?cn7''^S^^^™^ I-'IM D A Y — l l e r i l.yU-H in "Tho Trail I SATPMOA V—Kxtraoruinary idlrac- I lion*,: MHiV'n.iniiMi. tk.- M, llni-n.n,.-.i- j about woman in the world. nmUv her mmion.pictm-e debut, in. "Thais. 1 a tioluwyniipieii.ro mmk' from Hi (CiMHinucd on.p ;i ge •!.) <.'ourie>,v on Kitilroads. iliiveior (leneral MeA'doo mi .Moii- ro.'ni •tMnploye'e.s to show crpurtesy in dealing wilh ihe public ami I n nil t hi * ' . I not. be toh t tied inuloi un titniiu .loal) WoodrulT is laying a. long stances on i ilhouK mult! M>\(»III- reli'lt of concreto walk's in front: of ' ment nnmol s u s lh. miln nildn^- cell a s in (own affairs. .)iialt-^ his pniperiios on- Xorih Lincoln ave- ed to n u n in ill In io£_ilu* olltwlK'vSPtfks.^.vv-.^-.J'niK 1 . ^- -. _ ' ; ^ _•__'___^_ j HOi-yjcj' _ _ _ ^ ^__ che

-Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not

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Page 1: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not


Five to One—or more- Th[» prcpontleranc. of Clrcul*t!on-morc than

ttio combined circulation of «ny five- other newt.I»pin In W«mn Counlr >nd vicinity, mallei TheSUriMUvertlfinii r.lc. proporlionnlly very tow. THE WASHINGTON STAR Section One;

Pages I to 8



Canoe Upsets With Four PeopleFifty Feet From Shore.

EDW. S. CASTLE THEI "ally .Minnies Itclnic Itmly Is Itc-

i-ovrn-il Willi <ir:ipp|lii: , Arii'i- Mui'lr Mlvlll.Miitintjitn' Lake u'lis Hie HCOIIO of

Us nrst -irimnlim accident In ^1years, last Sunday nftorunon. •ThevH-i.iiii was I'M wan! Stoddnrd ensileft l.tuiK Viilley, formerly tJorniunValley. The accident, the; siihsiMpn-ntefforts to r w . v « r Uw body ami the

( I I I I off or! H at resuscitationexcitement ,'iml pathetich d f il

' t |

ml ,im pwd fn»ni nilurn mi-1 Hi,. j;,u...

Mr. ('antic, hh wife, nml sister Kdiihwin- iluri- speudlm,- tin- day astin.-• B'.MIKW 'ur/'KiHifiii Kdwnrd .May.

d d f l ' Ifiii Kdwnrd .May

of John 1'. Mitynaid of l-'ISt K t O h

Bnard, s n f John yWalnut St., Kant Orange, whosefiinily Is siiiniiH'rliiK at ihe resort.The r • yoiinj; people had beenIII1'"! Ill- lake 111 Ii eaitOO most «.f(lie morning where they hud eatenth'-lr Imioh and ha'l irono In haihlm,-about •! o'clock In the afternoon diir-

1 Ins which thin- nicy t> 1 • *yc>>t with theupturned canoe. Shortly after nel-tinu intii tlie canoe with1 the idea ofI.MVhm the lake. It upturned oppn-sitf .1. H. SoraiUonV flints court amiprob.ihjy nut more than ",it feet fromllif shore. Tin. accident was treatedhy tli.iii as ;t Joke until Mr. Cast]

" li icli> til"Tht,- caused th

cam whli iriglu. but sim.-e this" i sound nnicli different than

NEW FACTORY IN OPERATIONWashington I'ori-clntn <'". Hcylns.Mun

iifiH-liiiT.in l*ars;i* New I'aetorles—l-'orcc lo Id* IniTCiiseil.

Manufacturing operations were lie-Ktin thin week hy the WiishlnuttmPorcelain Co. at Its l a w new plantalmif,' the- MnrrEH ,fr Ksvx railroad,at Willow street iiiid .South Wandliiveime. Tho machine shoji Is In riji-eratlon on a (small scale, and the claydepartment Is niso'Mi operation. SparklilllKri and electrical porcelain areIng made. It is planm-d t<> graduallyIncrease the force of employers, andto hitvi-a fair-sized iiuiiil.<-r of men undwomen .it work hy<i<i. j . The pl;an i:to gradually enlarge each departmentforce IInd to push the work ahead asneeded. While th.- buildings ,ne ) m i .tieally complete, ihere is work to liihnie a hunt the groundf, and aoinmore machinery u> he installed.

ra in ie r Madly Injured.Wlllln,, Hill, .I,-,,,-, I.a<l;aw:inn.'i

aintf-r. hi-t u l lh a MTIOILS ard<l<'ni.Monday moinini; while atS t hm i l

lugw h iwh-

i p



i t '


t «aslump1 -section


iinl i e

II• l l

ill- lira•r men-drivenle tritehad a




t u nat

i n -


I -

u [




pteross the trai-k whll" n-paiiini: the

roadl.ed. Mr. Hill\s left r.ioi was runriver by the wheels ami lunlly injnnd.At the Franklin hospital It wits ->s.«;u-y to take J^ wtlt'-lus t» *-l<*s*> theivoiind, | |M was hroimht u< his hoine•li W.-st AVaslilitKitiii av.nii. ' Mi.ndn.vulyht ami has sine., luen tinder Hie•tii- 'T [>r, r . i;, Smith.

Ketnlnder.All l who hiivi. he - twenty-

.lune "-tli and on or beAiuinst Mth must register with theirLocal hoard on Saturday, AugustL'lth. between 7 a. tn, ami :• p. in.

All iii-ti uiKler (In- juris.Local INiani No. I for War

. , . , will register at tli.• in swimming, it was | ai lU-vldcrt'. N. .1.

-n i n -


Some Things the Fakirs Show UsThat We Didn't Know.

S O I POPULAR JMlSEMfflSrnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r

Thinly ii Woman Writer.(liy a Wumtitii

Continuing my narrative from lastweek. 1 would Nko to note a fewthinjr- m a n y might rwutlrffr trllle*;hut. we are so hemmed In and sur-rounded |>y trilling things, that it iswell not to overlook their impui't-iliee -In the round of existence, (HieW l h u beuellls to bi- derived fromnliigting with the iirmvil on an oo-asji.ii hke the Farmers ' picnic is tooifat fitr a few hours tin- humdrumif the dully routine uml get a new

outlook -nti life. The most liop«-h-s.-<oojde an- those who go into a darkKim. shut the door an.I then sayouiplaiuhiHly. "I can'l sec n singleling." 'if course .they cannot, amiever will, so hum us they keepii-mselvcs shut in. I say it is good< stir ii round, look over the rest ofu- people and see hf.w they (lo

Personally. I do not n I tn wearits when it is ninety in the shade,

neither did I envy the Wearers of thelaie.st stylo in velvet coats. I reckon:hey themselves Were glad the coats

Mefme.l had' been on the woundslive minute* I stopped [,• listen to one"orator" who was sHIini; a can

thout it was the fact that 1 li;id owu-•d om- i>f the same devices for threeir four years am! had looked upon

MORf MfN TO CAMP.Seven IVnni 1st District Co Tn IVnil-

sylvan in Suite C'ollcm'. Tuclvi*others To Cninji .Mt'iule.

The following men from Wnrreihistriet No. -I will be sent t" tinPennsylvania State College toluol*I.IVV; I'jiu) IC. Wkleiior. llarrv Hartzell. Kay Derciuer. Melvideivi WillisStevens Titluan. Maekettsiown: I!'. Collins. Ch.iiliu.-ey Smith llroad,oxford; Wlllard Thatcher, Dclauiir

On' August 21, the following nioiof the same district will he s.-nt tCamp .\h-nde: .Morris Kama Wilson,Kloyd V. -Jreeiie, I-Mward Ionian,Floyd Cfiukc. .Joseph While i!<berry. ... Melvldorc: Morgan .MeI..Mason, Kdlson .stiff. |.e«iie c. Ilank-inson. .lame Washer, llack-

l. her, l c k

tstown; Kloyd M. Oliver. Kreil IS.|>it!ni!fii. t>xford; Ci-or^e I). Der.-mPhillipshurK. K. 1>

I'mlmlilr Democratic Xc.mince.Ceorge A. Xlbbald. of Mergen emin

y. at the re(|itost of many Detiinersttl<frl Is. has announced thiit he wllHand as a caudidiile for •'onnrcss iithe .Sixth liiHtrlet. Petitions en

sing him as a candidate for th«.-(• an- now being circulated. .Mr.

MIMHIM IS th... present SurrogateMorgen county and considered om.the most popular men of the com" is ii man of high character andconsidered one of lliu substail•itizens of Macltensaek. The districtueludes the counties nf liei-gen. Sus-

sex and Warren, with two townshipsIn I'assale comity. Xo candidate

•inn Warren or Sussex oiMinty hasHieaicd tufit therefore Mr. Sibhald111 he endorsed al the primal

without opposition.

0 1 MAN OEAD IN EXPLOSIONAir Mm- Pipes Part At

M'tvi'til tttluikti'K hefori' they were :ih|» ,\ll m.-n under the jurisdiction of and used It solely as a ran opem-r.!•• •itfr:f;i ' h e :itt<»mi<;n of nearliy Local Ilutird So. ". fur Warren cuini- Now my vyca fftre upfned—it is an.•,,it ;u:ers. The ilrst to c o m ^ i o tit*- t ty «M! r«u-|sfr at -the Lo.-a! i:.,urd Jco pick, a knife shar|n-nei\ .. A ; |H-

I), tlroif wl.ec.-d.-d in pulling tin- two youngladl..t and young Maynard inl<> hit;ltt.it. They wore exhausted iY,,m «-\.clu'im-nt ami llicir efforts ia olimi-im; to the canoe, and .Mnynard f"Mlimp whun res.-ied. H.,- had l.i'i'ii• trm:t;Mng to hold tin- canoe fromrepeatedly turning over ; 1 S the ladles (

- rr»m. xttlivS mithrr. lie liad'h'nld c'f ('CaMlc's belt after the man hail emu-

• • ( •

in the Pennsylvania Hallroail


porn" irriiMter and stillopene r , but I was blind to" its mani -fold vir tues until this v.-mlor of

opened my eyes. When I re-tu rned Imnii! I sharpened my bu tcherkuifi' ami was delighted to lind it waslots b .nter than when I s c r aped il

• ,.-•. . . - „ , , , . . , , , ,-„. , . . . a c ro s s a stove l i ' l . a n d the \w pickle .e | lii?F . \Mlt l l . n o l-li>i. h.\-.| p f i r t S M j | ( | J ( . , | ,,„• L i l ( . ,,|il!lln« bi ts fusl

hllili — Pii /e> i W the j i i sy . -u like tii.-m loco. .1 a can ta loupeWirme

nt yd ed th.U-i

liMMi t.ut W its compelled to ri'leasi.- | __ A T - c v n c n T o n n » i r c r *r»r\cmp 1 H<-1'ti-"f11' shariiennif; but i-xiu'd to keeph i s m - . , s n . ' i i n . l a t a n o t h . - r t i m e . ' . - i s t l e ! S T A T E E X P E R T S P R A I S E G A R D E N S « . n t r y l i m u n t i l I d . . .

•-• • :—- T h e w a y t-> i l e t . M - m i n e t ! i e inosiTwciuv hiuli-Knidvi-iilvus will he.m p r * l " l l ; i r r " n i 1 '" ' ' '"lertainineiH Is to

.-.shiliiiion u.-xT Tm-sUiiv- on the follmv .tin: ^.niw.i. All d..y hum' nn-n.

L. Allvisito

had hub!.could swim inn th.-

..timid, -particularly . (et-al y o a r s a y o hair been rescued ftdr-owniiiK by his father.

Soon tin; whole c o i t a l colony •.irmiy.'fl ;ind M.-srs. Potter. Mr.NV.ii-, iIMIIoek, Henry Ktryker and l iar- |Krnvc. the latler a c-nvaicsceni sail- !or, and Miss Winnie, a V. \ | C. A. !Vohmteer for Franc..; wh.» was vl^Him; Mrs. 1-:. T. l.ukens. all doyint.- the water in the at tempt tIV'SCIIC t!:.- bo.ly' Imt were misuc-essful. At this particular point thwater is :•() feet deep and tln-iefforts were arduous and tin- |,rcs-nir

•-rroiimls of i)n- P.elviden- grammarschool. It will be the first annual in-hibition oC the Kclvldere Cull' Chili,the only etui, of its t-.ifid in Wanvncounty iilKl wili.-ll is ,'\]ie''led to b-

! the nucleus of several clubs fw next.s.-as'.n. There will be ai.-n a dairyju'lk'iuk' d .-motmnuhm :uui a inilk

the calf club. The teain sii'owiiiK "tin-t..-st rcconl will be sent to Trennui atthe e-M'eiirte of the Stati

n frfanciful hilllkln

hildren stoodf the 1 th whernd t'uffy doll bal.ie

method,' I know not how us f e'otildnot i:et near enough to tind out. . Ac-cordingly, I betook myself to tlie••Votes foi- Women" booth where Ihad plenty ,»f ro.nu—-In fact, was iheonly culler. Later on a woman

•HCht In Her child fo; •ink of


Tlu " ' ! | • l l " s| S H V u ,. - i i l n r .livEnir »-n« I! , : , , ,,f A l l s - [ '••'

• vvhii if. a n , . S | * r l « w l i o r I " 1 "

alt-r. I eom-lmled the sulfi

".'•' i etltjs of Warren county \vi;- not of'.'"ithc rami-ant type: bin. when Mrs.

«iiv« her slh-•as pleniy of

nI Culv f K,M i| l

nii . l .-•!>.«•« .mil • r . ' a rh .K. ly . m i r n l :m I " ' '<"•• ' " ' " > " '"•""••' ' ' " ' J". lBin«t I " " ' - w h e n I..-. J l a s nui i inui i l iKil liiBIt u m l I I I I M , i v i . r a t i ' i l l y . I !""••>• I ln - iv : i r i ' 1^ iiii-llili.-rs , . l til'-'I | m r i i i l i i i - i . i l n , 111.

.MWUl L'U Inl iui t i 'S ' : i t t i .T I I I - :ioi:l- ! I Sflvi.ifl ; i l ( C I i n d Kt.Mio ot l h : '

i.r C:ilircirii!:i mm.ihlinir,. 1].. s:i;,i:

ili.iil, I-.IISIKII (Jlmrlcs Kcimiii.n :ir- '"'.v.s h . n v i m i uml tluv,.- ralvi* In I In- • i,, | , ,uu.« of my li in stum! ,i|r ami .liv.'il ri-i.ni lln- nilu.r si.k- i,r tin. liilii. U-iiMta-l. At tIK. i-iiii-lusi.m ol tin. | , v l l U l . Uic- I.IUHI iilitya till' iiir. kn»iii-re In' Iiml l.vcn illiiltii; wllh t in ' \ ivw t l " ' fiilvva will til- aiu'li..ii,>il nil t t.vi'ryl)i,iiv sini; ,,in. voi-^i' of tin-family ;it AtuliTnutrs l.i.anllir.- huns,. . l.y Annsni-miB Ahivli,'S';t Tho IIU'.L.IIC.-.S , '.r.at'Uu h y m n ' of ihe l iopul i l ic ."II,- iiiiiekl.v took off his i-hitln^ ami i i'f tin: ll i-hidi-io <jIn 1. i-i.i.-i-lvi-il i n s t n u - w h f i i tin; IK'UII], ' -ir.isf oat ' i ir ta

•il tin.- Wiiu-r vvi'ariait "illy his ( tiiilts In ilairy himliiiinli-y ami• ilalry s [ u 0 , | „ „ „ „ ., | , u l l c | , ' , i m | shoulVilP.. V." I.''s. Mis a l f m p lwere systematic and hi:

y ysix mouth*. Tht

on his car tinThe

ntest will In- John W. Marl-1",.-li the band tn stand

bandt-y thespe.-iulisl in dairy

pquilt.'.. u|i|;;irtmio, fo

.Statc Acrhrtiltvinilacute tha i he was compelled i.- .stop College; Clifford Pol.'lte. superinietiil-tlu'iit up- .Miss Katharine Seraiittm I cut of the Pe.[iiest"-riiock farms: W.ami "th.-rs likewise made uusoci-.-ss- ,\. lh.nsi.,n, Snssev cnunty farm deni-iul atlciii|ils U) locate the body. ousLrator, and K-dward C. lirill. the

l-'iualiy .P.diii (!. Anderson hnttmlu [ practical cauli-man of Stewartsville.CraltpiiiiK- irons, and the p.oy Scouts It is expected that similar clubs andiVum Alk-ntown ram|ilim in Park 's eshiliitious will -In. held m-.M year inuruve supidied the ni'ces.s;iry rope. | both I lackettflown and WashiiiKion.With the assistance .of .1. II. Scran- \ c. II. Kcaylc. tlie emergency county

n. Air. .Anderson dually located the I chili leader, iindci- the Slate AKriciil- | This ' i

h a dti be t te r Klin

• L i p c r i c s o f ' t h t elevated band

liody in a di.-ep hole, when CharlesScrnnioii. followim; the rope. sue-eccded in gettiiif,' his" arm about

u.nht him to the sliAhhoujjli no heart, innntut

lie delfrt

T i t - i l ,uld


und Wini-ks. wiih the energetic as-

sismmie of others. dcVolcd nearly anlioiir and a half in an effort a t iv-siisi-italion. •

When hope, had I

v&'y caltcdi ' l ' le issued a" burial ccr-tilicate and undertaker K. \ v ' s h a n » snf MMY.nl look ihe Imdy Jn vUnvxaand it was; sent lo I-Ia.st (.»r;ni{;t' whorefuuei-al services were held and hurialmade Tuesday afternoon.

.Mr. Castle Wiifi the onlv son of[.\.uis .1. ami Matilda Powlcss Caslleof I-Iiist i.lrauKf and was UN years of:iye. He was an honor uradnnte ofIViiiei.-lttn University and had been

_ !:j:!.!'ried-:<jn!yv two .-j'otil's.1 . .1 [i< vouiif;'wife" WHS. formerly' MISM Klciinor[•'iinehei'. The. Castles had beenresidents of l.oiuv Valley for ti lltllemore than a ye.ar, where the voting

"•inaii cunducl.e'd .the Willow Cirovewhich is owned liy his father.

ui-iil ColleiStale Club lea.decill/iiral College.

d A. M. llulhwt.

WHS a I KI ut I'll proceed when thy en-thtisiiiHtic bench climber called out:"let's Kinif another verso." I t ' i s anold saying ".-straws ttdl which way thewind blows" but :i shouting ,niau 'un

I " hln!i stoul Will do the sanii? thltiir.! > r l " - Muni established tin.- |io|r"

of (lie State Af,'!-i-Wh

Hhiy Insucctiiu- thIn Washington


riiy of Ihe Ladles' Hand of Alieiluwu bill il did not hinder I »r. .\lasofrom iroiii;,' on with his address, whichvas full of Iin il animation. Al-

foiind Hie same !l) i though I gave a resunie of his speechnod condition and declared that es- ' in last week's letter 1 think you will-Ileiit |initrn-ss h;ul lieen made in j enjoy the following story with which

inir I'l-osi-ecN. he dosed, his address, lie had hlOxhiltiilons will be hekl later In lh.

Tiiere :tr,- be i* u id 1,001)s school

iraint,' his hearers to nutkc iiny:nry sjieriflco to bade up thevlio must push on till l-'rance is

•id the Allies march lute

. Me nu-mbc of the I 'aint inul<>f KHSI1 OruiiKo ami

well known In amateur theairieatcircles. Mes-ides his parents and wife.

•;hi. is-siirvived liy iwo .sisters, ••T!ic ^I'lef-siricKcn win- and sister

were-til ken to I.OIIK' Valley by .). P.Mavnard, who;> had previously nonetlii;i'(: for the father, who did imi feel

• tiki: leuviiiK home because of themother 's tllnews.

A (lept-'-'swlMtr !jl"""! hns )»ei.'ii i-ast•""" J ' "wholeMounla iu link

in ihe various school claimedclubs in ihe cuiiuiy, ami plans are be - | ISerllu. When this happens, the diiiH> made for a lai-Ke enrollinenl fo-j lor said, he would hum tip lhuexi year in tin; Washington Calf club, j Kaiser and tell him about .lonnl-

Opera Hoii.se Notice.'Wo wish to call the a t ten t ion .of tint-

motion [liciure [itiirous to the wonder-ful product ions we a re showiiV ilurhiKthf nionlh of AtiKimt tit [n-i.-i-s whichwill-, ho imiiosslble in ihe m'onth ofHi-l.tcilibor. *Our next l.U inMibtcUonfoi- Tuesday , 'AUK' . ^7. is "The Mitu.v-Miin." by Hall Caine. This is n It-n

the whale us il hail been told himby a Mnptlst cle.r^yniiiti. The storyended this way: When the whaleI'JIH: .loiinh ti|< on ihe shore , t he re-leased man turned to the whale itnd

(Ooniiiv.ied on jiai^e ,,7).

tu'odnctiun.way's fnvufile slam;


of Kromi-

....... .-Hoy/s Skull 1'iacliircil. -

from a niciTy-j,-n-rouml wldch was W-hi« erei:ted a"l I'xfonl Sunday for acarnival company, a number of hoysI>ci-.si.-.led in fceepins near Hit

inc. including war A W>«"H»f v\whxv hint not Itn.\—iiudsei-' this grejii photoplay.

>rk-! In : ; p r o p c r t v a n d ' t h o o m i i l n v e e s w e r e

S e e o u r Uni'Kii'lii S h o w U m l R l i i . ' t u s t l " K k ' l ) u L i L K l l ( l l ! l ' ! l | V . e x p l o d e dN o l h l n s 1 l i k e l l i n i h e w o r l d f o r t h e j i n u i \l™ ' . • y l i m l e r - h o a d was . b r o k e n I n t o

1 " " M C ' U "'• ' " ' '•- „ ' :• - •••••••• | ( ; ' i i s t a v i : a r i o , ' I " ' y e a r s o l d . o n t h e-•\, . , . ] i-i{,'1 it l e m i i l e . f r n c t u r h i K h i s s k u l l ,

s o o n , t ( i nv ic l e i l . • , , . , „ , , O x f u n i , , i iys ic lan.s w o r e 1 ' n u t ofll t o o k t h e j u r y o n l y o n e b o o r to t o w n a n d t h e i n j u r e d liny w a s b r o u g h t ,

brini,". .in a v e r d i c ] of g u i l t y S u n d a y \lliVli : i M , i ; m , ; i i d e i l by Dr . C. M. W i l -, I . . j t

gainst the l»(i I. W. W. leaders,, nec.iso.l

l i : M Th«v'la!tei- had the bov takenij h l l h '

t V m c i i t P l a i n . Caii>in

FEAR SOME MAY NOT SURVIVEWhile repairs wen- beinW mad<

about noon ycsterilay to the pipes eon-..VyiiKf conipi-es^-.l air wiiich forces,i,he coal in the kilns al the Kdl.son t'e-tnetU plitnl. one of the pipes parted.and. as a result, four men were badlyI'tinied. all of them seriously. Theywere l.iken to the Kastou hos|.;tal Inthe cotniiany's aiubulai;

Clarcuct. 'ihtuilen. thethe epa um. Ml years old. of 1'hil

K. ami Charles liempelio, :'Sld, nf Xew Village, were th

imust seriously Injured. Theyhint aUolll the face ami also

.lohit Schne

olf. foremaIII

the. coal plant. (.*. years old of (Ii:ri(!^M..iili(I.,lt,uhert .1. Uruv«r,.-ti, years"old. of Sn-waitsville. were the othertwo hi.!ureil in ihe explosion that fol-lowed the parting.of the pipe. Theworst danger is thouf,'ht to be the fearthai the men Inhaled tlii^ conipresseiliilr when it was foree.d?£rd"i the pip-'.The break was n'oarone of ihe kilns.

l.:iter-~.\n-. 1 Iimilen" iHi'd last ni^iitand the hospital authorities do nothold out any hope for the others.

.Men Hi to oli Can Knli.M. • J

Men who have passed their forty-sixtk year und who have not . yetattained their . titty-sixth liirth>iyare now eligible for ac-ceptaiiee :im!enlistmeiil in ihe army.

They can. according to antioiineo-ment made Saturday l.y the I'ntledSlates army recruiliny stations, enlistin .the iiiiarterinasier's corps andordinance department, national army.

corps, ihey must -IKfollows: Cable telegraph ami radiooperainrs; inside and outside wire-nien: electricians; maehiuisis:; ]>luHo-Kraphers. and men familiar . withconstruction and maintenance. of

Death of Blind .Man's Wile.Mrs. Ualph PenroM- Warringum. •!•!

IHE BEE I D TITLE •;IN THICKEST OF THE FIGHTnMdnctoii Colureil li'tnitli llCM-rllies

n Iliiltie in n Letter tn111-Moilicr.

. The folh.whm- letter was written hy[James Anderson, who was a student-, « . , «i • • c i •lames Anderson, who was a student

Some Other Shining Examples m the Washington hi -h school, classf 1 :• J v, when h- enlisted (n the :irmyI hi tin* summer "of HUT. Me is now a[ lieutenant, having hi-cn promoted forl.ntveiy. The letter says:

"Dear Mother: — Kindly excuse tlilxpa|icr. l.ut 1 want l<> t.-ll you aboutJuly 1 ;. lit IS, a nl«ht I'll ne.ver foix-t.Wv wrrr called to arms about I|.i;>)), in., to take our position thro- milesdistant. The nltiht was cxccedinylj-diirk. The (J

Noted by Capt. Jolly.

ALWAYS "HDTDiFrYDUH BOW"A IVu- Tlilntts' Thai Would IH> '.Insl

. .!> \\Vll ir I'ersi'vni-jiiircWere l.ackin-.

i.ttH; of the freii'.u'titly fitmteil word.': their M;; ;it!ri"l;. We h-til to c.:t ncrc;-of the dictionary Is IM-IltSKVKi:- \u Held on our way for n short cut. andANCK. It Is a lotiK word ami also | th.- Hold wnx full of artillery andlias. CoUSidelMlde lliuiiliiim, "• t'laiu .lolly will attempt to winWiH-k. The definition, according t<i "It was tcrribk- to tinWebster. i« thu act of perseveritin;Iiei-Klslence ill anything undertiiken;ciiiitiiiued |i u is II it or j'toseciitioii of

iness or enterprise beyiiu.constant perseVeranci.. ovi.-r-liu lever his erticl niiilfcc'en!"—AMI inn. Persewiaiiei

means to coiiliniie In a uiven ve-urstin spite of dlseoiiran'-nients, ete.rroiu a desire to obtain our end. Tipersist is to continue from u de-termination of will not to ^ive up.Persist Is 1'reo.iii-nily used hi bad sense.Implying obsthnincy in pursuing •an

Dr. (>c.>ni'f,'u Crabbe. an Kut;llthorfty. slates I hat |»'i<si-vt'ia

slt,'nilles to he steady thiotiKhotit. in-to the end. Persist, signifies to stand>V, or do a thlnu. Pursue ami prose-:ute slmiify t<i follow after, or keepm with. To continue. Is simply to dois, we have done, hitherto: to perse-•ere is to continue without wishing

to change, or from a positive desireattain an object; to persist is totinue from a determination or

will not toiifr. therefoi

it-. ThfSpe

ct of M I L -ie.s no cliar

uteristic of the aKi;nt; that of per-.-vuriiu-' or persist ins; marks a direct

temper of ininil; the former Is alwaysused In a Kood sense, the latter hi anindifferent or bad sense.. We eon-:lmie from habit or casuallty: we!>ersevere front rellecllon and theexercise of out- Judgment; we persistfrom iittachuient. It is not the mostexalted virtue to continue In a «oodcourse, merely because wo had beenn the habit uf so doinK whal is donV-ruin habit merely without any Ilxedirinclpie, is always exposed lohaiif-e from the [nlluenw of passionir evil counsel. . • .. . ..• .

Tlmre Is real virtue In t'no act oflei-severance without whielt initnyif mn- hest iiHentldiis would remaininftiltiiled and our best plans wouldie, defeated. Those win. do not per-evere. ean do no essential j;ood; andtlp.^-'.ivJii.i do piirsevore often • ef-eet . what has appeared to be

impracticable. The lliu\. "KaiserHill" thought America could not Kin

•ady in lime lo he of :my aysistancy• France ami Kiifiland: that the INjats would defeat the ddans of aid» our brothers in distress. But

American perseverance to the end inny task undertaken is winning out

rind even that I'.east of lierlin is iret-itur the same idea of this truth. The

discovery'..•of Aiuerlea is anotheritrotii; Coltiinbu. inspite uf -Vijyery inortiticatkm, rebuffind disSpjiohiluient, i)ersl.st.ed in::fillins attention lo the fact that thevortii was round, and .-utracted thettentinn of munurehs ti» his pniject,null he at length ohtained thu nec-essary financial assistance

vered the neiv ' •rid. Kut his dis-•ovei-y is nothing to the disiCernian Kultur that Amoricii is a farLlilTet-ent ciutntry from what it hadbeen led to believe. America won'tHhl. ehl The perseverance of [.Ni-le Sain is training larne bodies ofnen: having oilier lar^e bodies busyn ammunition faetorie^. wnn fat:-ories, ship yar<!s and other indus-ries em;iit,'ed in niakin.it necessaryupplies to prosecute ihe war;, while

iands. yes millions, of patrioticand women are persevering at

the tasks aKsitrned to them In liedCross worlc. V. M. C. A. work.

Mrs. Ualph Penrose Warrington. U~\ V, M , I . of r dun bus w-i • v -1-"• •> ,-,- .• . i i n i * • - tv i n i n s o i i. i i i u m o u s w a i w o i K ,years olil. WHO ,,l Iw lillml ninn. , ie.1 | , | | l o r l s . ,.„„„ C ] l m „„„, ,s.sU:iLloi.yoslcl'tlay ill her lliilnv cm IU']ykIel-L> i \ , . I t l v „,. u-l,.,,,..-,.,. i . rmch nf WLI-..v.-n..... IJOiUl, Wiis n-om « , l;rlBl.fK icHvliy to which hcv 1 .-ivc i.,.,"i,. l i a i s e Illwr an Illness ul ;!,1111k- more u l l l | i , . „,. ,,„„„.,., T l K . f , , , . m c r . s |K , , . .than .' i hours, she is survived by sevenuce in r i i l t ivnin" ihn soil -milfour children:, I.en.ard Snyder. now tvork imTin" . .n 'k i ^ " " S f m S r." inV}}\1 te.^"!^"!'.^."'^'^.111^.1"1"?.; «PH« of im-rltl heat and other i,n-.Mills. l';i.. and.Siewari and William Do Lone, who areinmau-s of a Slate Institution for fee-ble minded at -Spring City. 1'a. Thefuneral will be h e l d a t 10 o'clock- Sat-urday'morning, 'with Kev. .1. 10. Wash-abanivh olliclat iiuj. IJurial in theWii.shlnirton cemelcry. ; :

Tip<'piiriiii;' for Loan Drive.District 7 Second l-'ederal Kes'.-rvo

Uistriet. will have about JS.uuu eoni-mUtoenit?n anil l"i,0OO workers in theFoiirih Liberty Loan Drive. Kffortswill be made to double lust year's

i-iptlons. Chairman (I. X, Kin-k-utt will ikt? mi oxliaiislive can-

vas of each district. The counties in-cluded in.. Utstrict. 7 arc lierwun. Kn-'ticx': litulsr.n. ' 1 luiiierdon. ...Middlesex.Jloniuouth. '.Morris. Passaic. Somer-

. H(issex,.t;nion ami Warren.. I-.:;

I It- lioch.-"W.I :.over the Ihrec-inlle zone.

shellit were sn ns thrnuuh the ah-


Germans Start General Retire-ment All Along Line.

FRENGH PREiVliER" SEES ENDAmerican WIN Se;ue IIuil!—Xo fier-

nian i;mlm:ui(« Waiitcd—Our\'cr,v Iti'it'iit Cii^nallk-s.

[-..-.-iKny, the Ji...y i» furllier bh; ad-v.-tnres. watt <-apt(iied ycstenl.iv by theI'leueli. and ::it villages h a v lie..-n re-taken li'oin the 'lermnns. Kiieiny forc-ed b.,«-H io Ki'i'itt il-j.th.

KiKhty American diviMjons of -l.i.OOOeach. Hon. Mai ti |.l ins to have

demons let loose from bell, mid j tn l-'iance by .lunc 1. ainl hon they burst it lighted up Hie inKyi"thi.y should be ab|» [,t i,rine tho wai:

•inatini;..f tile nlifht. It Was .1 f.-!S-[to a SlKTe.-Sflll ConclMHi.,

even though ' It wasjPor the |in>:ent Jt is planned to('in death rind dcxtntciinn. ^;.n.m

ind rrylni;, "Oli, my(M-rl, ii.>]p me:" Mm the litter bear-ers I'otnluu up behind us had thaiwork to do. .UlKht Uiruimli this hellinaiehi'il our I»>ys and we were vic-torious. We were hi the Kr-atesl brit-tle In the hUtory of the world. (i»dhas answered ymir prayers, dear mo-ther. • I can't curse any more withoutthinking of that nlyht. <-UH\ IS cer-tainly with this regiment. .H.M.

Tlni'»- Cliisscs in Draft.After a sharp d-hate Tu-sday. the

House .Military Affairs Committee, hyii vote nf !' tn 7. decided to amend theman power bill so as to establish threeclasses of registrants and provide forcallhiL' of those from IS to nu years ofntftf after the eligible .-lasses from Wto ir. years had been exhansted. Theei'<>atlou of such classilication had beenopposed by lieu- .March <m iheuroimdthat It would delay the draft, and pre-vent junior resist rants from Heltlm;the ro.|tiired four to six months* train-

THE TAX BUDGET IS ADOPTEDCommon Omncll Cim. Only Tiilic Ofl'

With !!)<• li-;w d r a f fi

r f inlysnd in o|ier.uton, it 1M eM

o,ualiu>d for servic

-ach month,mplcted

d thatu ide

the ii'-W liiws will eitiier be hi l-'rance.or in training h^re. liy ne.\t sumuiei-.

N ption of marrl'-'i!i

.status 1.4simply bei-aus, <«f Uieir married

ntcuiplntcd by tin- WarDelJartuieiit in pfeparinL' for tho pro-posed extension ol" draft njccs. Secre-tary Maker de.-iar.Ml j n a .sintementhcfnri!"tlle" ilft.iilc. .Milit.ii-> Coimi.it ti-c-on the new Administration man-powerhill. :

.Mr. Maker said his previous re-marks on this subject had be,-n mis-construed, and that married men whodo not sti|ip.irt their families and who

:a^ed hi ireful iwill cuniimm called. "Th.ire many married men in the country.vho oiiHht to z<i ami li.yht as frct-ly as<UVA\V niifii.".. he added. .

The t"tiil I*. S. e;tMiiriIlii'H ]-eporte«l

this mi it* r. •»L* were- killed in

$2,000. InerdiM' MThitn ^10.(10(1.

MAY-MEAN A $30.00 TAX RATEThere ' was a «oodly nuiui>er of

hik-rt/sled la.N-payers present -Mon-day uis-'ht .-Li the iidjoiinie.l meetingof the Common Council called to ad

the revision of the tax budget.This was muile. ecessary in rdeto take care of the $:».0lHt jud^iKiven .1. P. Larisou a^aitiKt the bor-oiiifh for alleiied ihtitia.ut's to his millpt-itpei-iy uml [lie increased costs ofewer maintenance and the enhtrj;-lont of Lhe plant, as well as a fewiher Items already recorded.

Dr. I.. .M. LanniiiL,'. chairman ofthe l''inance Committee, explainedthe increases as told in a recent is-

f tlie Star. After variouslar«e taxpayers had given expressii

linn in lhe army, lini. lost a I-sen, ],i(U•• d of wounds. «:M; dk-d of acci(leut.

I other causes, 1.;..-.:» died of dls-ii., Ir.:'.s7 were wounded, and 1,'I'Ure nilx«iiiK. IiwIurtliiK prisoners. The

.... rlne casualties were: Deaths, S-lii;! wounded, UhV.*: missing SS: prlsnn-

ers. :>• There were IL',JU! casualtiesIn ihe army and ^.T!U in the niarinucorps.

It is said that the yells and claprflet mil when niaking a quielt charge,scare the I Ions almost to death.K v e r y C . A. !(. man who faced aelm)•(,'<• nf rebel soldiery during theCivil Wai-, in all prohablltv . knew cx-aety how the. kaiser's "siipernicn11

feel.Twenty divisions of troops were de-

manded of (iermiiny's allies by Cleti.l.iiilciidorir ilurinfi the retreat fromthe Aliirne. but Aiiatria-liiirtKai-y re-fused, until threats were made, andthen .-'enl two divisions to the Westernfront.

When the war was in its lirst yearthe Kaiser ninde the remark tha tafter it was over there would be

« p yto ilK'ir opinions, ii

p; thomrlu best

it'Win the lirat of the %'l.ipay men ts on the above SI 1.000

tes t nf ihe Iinholi tank- ami othercnlai-Kenients of the sewer plant inl!)l!i. instead r.f this year. That willmake tiie a mount lo be raised bytaxation this year S-S.-tilt. til1. or. . ... ire than last year. Tlietotal appropriations will he SS1.S7!»,-:!-(. there belntr «a,«0S.7ll of antici-

led revenues, My resolution lheCouncil ccrtiiied to the CountyMoard of Taxation that .*^S,'IW.til'would he noodotl for local purposesthis year. This will mean that tlie

. which was %T'.. \\) last year,nearly $*<! this year,

scar .Icffery in sivinj; an opinion

more (Ionium eini^ration to the Unit-ed States. He can now repeat It wilhthe fullest connection that for at li-asionce in his life iie is u-lliny the hnri-esi truth. The class .. vf desirableemigrants from IIun-Iand-[s now mostmlnme. ami will not I re allowed toland here until there has been a ^rt-iUchange.

Military exports declare . that, th'Hi- pnu.'1-n

•st of niof the U...S. is sueh that

my. Tin? sin

to tlu> borough <fn of

awaits tlu•f the Mritish and

ch Myers is only :i joke as. cniii-il with what is coming when

America is shortly io nln»w what li.in do In lhal line. ' There is consi.l-raldc inull in lhe -staiomeni thatie war will lie won in the- air, am!

that the . supposed impregnable de-'i-niiiiiy will by easy for

AllieO Airmen, led by the UiousanilsAmericans who are now rc-

i-ins- tho finishing touches uscharge) yards ins-tri

.taled Lhal he did not think there willwould be any danger of future suits ! when tinfor thai if tlie present JIUILMIH-HL had ! Kivcbeen appealed he thought- the c o n n s 'would have set tin;


asideCanadian baltalinn ca|Uu

to drop,well-kno


favoralde oondilinns, oiiy-lit to con-vince the Huns that Perseverance ina Kood object Is belter than ihe (Jor-mnn idea. of Kultur antl the suner-

A learner perseveres hi his studies,in order to arrive at the necessarydegree of improvement; a. child, per-sists in making a request until he hasobtained the object of his desires.There is always wisdom in persever-ance, even though unsuccessful.There is mostly folly, or obs-uiijiiipersistence;.., HMV different, the

ho perseveres in the eullivaiii


his tiilents. from•maintaining :

support ing errors. "P.iliciI'lH-severanee overcome thedillimiUie.s1'—Uichardsoii. It is

than 100 Gci'iiiitus during the oponiir-,'lie elithnecl iherc cmild not lie any days of tlni recent offensive.,- In aloss of power when ihe mi l l had been fo« Uu- Canadians became lost andin use since lSuu and tlie lilling up ^roupfMl their way into a. I'nliy niaii-if the pond ..for. US years was the tied Herman trench. A corpora! gavn•hu-f cause of tiie loss uf power. | the order to lire. a:>i the Nuns cameMayor Christine explained thai no f I'mibling up (.ui of t,i<> trench to sur-

execptions had been taken to any of | render, thinking UHJ attaeking foree.ihe evidonce and no motion made for | was more uinnei-oiis..n ne-w trial, therefore there was no I Tlie terms of peace when Amcrl-alti'i-uativc but lo pay ihe ?r..00O j c-ans are on guai-tl in JJorlin will bojurlgmcnt, ; rtisy. Tiio P. K. (iocs not want ,

The. budget ;is printed in the Star j pun ion of Coriuany. but there wowas adopted, less the ?l\un<l. taken ! be great iustico in 'dividing- it upoff for Hie iirsl payim-ni on, ihe i mtttlf. i.T;ince. Melginm. Italy, Serbia.sewer Inipruvenu-nts. 1'iditnd. Kmiinanla ami those nations

— • - ; wiiich litiM- snu'ereil tin- most. ThisSmith-li.iiiney Picnic. : will bc'ihe. result if -Germany keeps no

The aiinmil picnic nnd ri-imioii of ! lhe. war until ihe hi tier -end. Tli'1

the Sinlih-Klnnny 1'V.mily Assoeiinhui i wuri.i could yet aluivg with Cioi


,vas held Ssitunlay in the Clim- gro' off tinA s

nap,arriving at an Atlantic

ok hroimht n number "i"n from the French batllof wliom cMircssed Ihe be-

at Now VilUiHo, Al.uiii!. mu of the do- Iseemla'mx uf ill-- ihj-ec Smi th b r o t h e r s ; I'"1 '1 1 : i ;

who marr ied t h r ee Kinney sisu-rs, i »iiHt:irywere presetu . Those, tircsont Wt'i'i;!'1"1 '"'- " !

from N'r-warl;." X e w Y o r k ; Seranioi, ; | h | 1 1 I i ; : " l l u " " 1 | l l " i ; ; : : «' -i-iive.uiWestliold. Port Coldcn. I 'hi l l i i^bi i i^ ! bt'l'.ii-t- ClvMMmnw.Wa.-hliiKlon ami Xi-h- Vllltiue. The. iv - ! HeyreUtJ'y Ujil:cr a:::io:;nccd Kri(I:iy

s showed live b i r ths and ilvi.!<l»«t t h - in-st all A u i e n e a u :u r« . ) t i a .U>.M. Sussex,. Union, ami Wan-en.. I*,eh ...ark of great. Insttihlllty urn- to con- ' X™ . ' ' , , ,.,-t re iil.-ii -n -s ! >--n - composed of Anic-rlcn built »U-Ciinnty vxvwUM its qtintu last spring tinue. anythiiig we have begun. It is | i ^"1-^ and in-izes Hlv.inU'di! A ! I1"""11*1- ; ' m l 'Oi!!1!"-'' «•!»!> UU^-iy

p e r c e n t . "'<•- . t o p r o s e c u t e w l m u - v e r i i • h a s d e e m e d I ' ' . I ' . ! " ' ' 1 o m ? . ( . i U i : e ' ! e c t e d ' 1 1 w ! ) n . . i l I I T O - e ' - l 1 | ' i " v i i ' t t V r s - , ' h : i d "l a-*'HL*MC* II t""" STIIVi " " i i e i i o n 1

— — w o r t h y 10 e n t e r u p o n . T i n - a d d r e s s e s ' ' ' ! . N K ' i l ] t u . v „,• !-hf ll'ii.^Hu r-"' ! a K a i i r ^ t l i i c e n e m y on i n e W . ^ i -, M a k e s I IK- C a r d o D o u b l e h u t v . n f l ' r e s k l e n t L i n c o l n in r e g a r d t o c o n - ";. ' ' v h l l . t . | | ; n . , . , n i l ,-,f I ' l i m h i V j e r n f r o m . T h e s<imidi -on ,,i t - i ^ l i l e c nK a r l e S. K e k e l i s i n t r o d u c i n g a n e w t i m . l n g t h e Civ i l W a r an<l t h e s p e e c h - , „ „ . ' J m , ^ J p | ] ; i w l ; | | f H • - | . m ; , , . ! l i m , ; ! , , n , S H 1 , ( l l h r , t ; , , r m j l l l „ „ , ,

c o n l r i v a n c e k n o w n a s t h e P o w e r - | \ s " f ' ' M ' 1 1 ' " 1 W i win a t I h e p r e s e n t v i l l a g e ; , u s s t . s .>c, M i s s n , , h o l i a S m i l h 1 " » d I ' - 'm ' tnnc - i l f o r m i l e s l u c k of tH<»t i i h k c r . - I t l» -it d c v k - o : w h i c h - idiii / .e.s - • ! " " , •IT','1 , " 1 1 1 ! l " •••yi-m •".'.viiiip.i*.-. o l . . (1|- - x ' v n i n ^ o : t t v a s . , . I - d m . IC. - - ' s in l th '< ' •»"• ' ' '»«" Pi-slt l , in.«. t a k i n g m a n y n l m t ot h e p o w e r o f a n . a t i t o m o l d l c b y t h e U l l ' s - . ! K > i n t f " " in- r c m a i - k s . N o i n m i l ( f W a s h i n g t o n . ' . IHi -ap l i s . a n d a l l s -mi rn t - i l w i t h o u t a.

tvliit-h wi l l . l t U c a n y |of f a r i n m a c h i n e i T ' w h i i - h r e - I

n u i r e s n o t m o r e t h a n 10. h . p . . ( m o r a l -I»K u « m

(Ctititlnited on pacr

.Mayor, Christine's (!;in<Iidary..the na

small boardml hi e.imi-

g l i : M l l s . Th«la! te i had the bov taken , ^trial in Chicago. They were, nec.iso.l l o t l u ; i . j i l s L u n husnllal. where 'uu <,p- * \ ^ < - \ ^ ""V l'1*^; «»;rn whel cr. ;v,Jiyo,. M l t r r y i:hrMof. c n s n i r a c y to disi-up. .the nat ion^ o r i l U o n w a s performod to .vnir.Vc I lu- f'U-- .V' " " " ' ' . ^o rds . u wi do what ( l r U o . f o i . , l l o m h c . r vvf-

T i l H i r l h e h l e Mountain Lake e j war iiriwvun.. The de^ndi ims in- I , l lVssuix- of u piece of ihe skull on the !l c 0 8 l l > " ^isolmc fiigmo will .k.. , , r f..eeholders w(,ro, i! l, l.- ;,od-.lu,wilt he i.. lone time -be-I eluded. William l.»..,fVl.JlK. MlllV )..I lay-. [ \,l»u\ ,M!. __ . ! . . - . - ^ ' ^ 1 ; " , ' • ^ | ^ ^T w ^ i h ^ d r t l V ' i d t ill be j Wood; (,'eneral seerMury^reasutvr of " ' — ^ ] ' | signatures easily .obtained. .Il had

j he decided not lo co'ntesl. Thomas

oi'KitA norsic PKO(;KA.M.•..-n.xir.MT—iiig Miii-Kit fii Rbm'

•'Tlie Cabin-el.'1 iVatiu-ing Carl

Wed in ('iilll'oinlii.\IN«. 1 .alira • Kltihlin, daughter-"nf

Mobefl- lOiehlin, of Ktowartsville. amit?,irl Anieriiian of New lininswickwere married Kriday in 1-os Angeles.

' Cal. .Mr- Aniei-lman is an Instructorin aerial gunnery al an aviation campin California, lie was unable to comeKasl I'm-,lhe inarrliiKe, and Allss ICieh-

• Iin left Ktewartsvllle Aug. 10, beingaccompanied as far as.Chiejifto by herronsln, Paul Piltengof|iof MiistiVn.


j 510,00 0 iin.I erli'inis anthe limit' o:

each, and all loyal Am-hoping .the .hultf^froW

National Mituk KesomThe total resources., of the

$lT.S:i!),«M12,t|no.. an increase of ,$i,-(iSSp-lfi2,000 over the same (latelast .year. Tolaf deposits in nationalbanks on .Inne : - 0 - show an inereaseof £1,:H,),77tl.tjim over a year ago?

Serdce 1'ljin' Days.<i«v. I'ldge (in Friday issued n prnc-

lailialloii, urging lhal the llr'st. SunNlayoi'.u-uL-h'month !»•• liesigniUeil as the"Day for Mervicc Flag Prayer." iini.Tlhal il lie observed as such- thrnug.V .out ilie State. That on this Sunday In :each month all patriotic lodges andsocieties, and tho general public,' beinvited to the various churches of theSlateifor prayer for the men in mili-tary rfbrvler, an(l I'nr the fathers, mo-thers and ot hoi* of kin. who arc


Those wc.aU>s must j.cer and h:Robert P.. (The hours.::0 each wotami T.:;0 li


.Those. Hoursed so as mtiro.it's resretiltesls t-\'itime, foi' 11Which canIhe eoopci-a



u- Verdlk-.ites. b

desire suanr eertill-thom from thoir

them ciidot'.seKit, at the Star iwever, are -l.!!0 t

gro-\ hvIlk-o.

day, except Saturday.1>. in. on Satnr

re purposolj^anto liitevfere wilhr employment.ol.c 1-1 l't-nielllbci >' ii - viiimdn t'V • \

ly lie snccessfnl>n of tho eonitnt


l ie(he


I Shields' right to lhe hciiiocralic. i[ inatlon foi- tluil" ullliV."' lii the' pri-

mary the imiyoi-' will therefore o|»-pose Albert M. I'raig of Blairsiown,who lias held ilie ollico fi'!' two years,and Is seeking t'ho iiio.nln:Ulon for thefull tonn or three years. . MayorChristine is KITVIIJK his set-ond termof two years us tlie chief executiveor- Washington. \lv is well knownthroughout -the country nnd his ox-perienees,-Jiu farm values, rural need:

T-ii-- nf t.h--

! T h e in t l i l ( i i - n n a n l<»s«.>n f r o m t in- •; • | I t f j i i t i n i n g of i h e w a r to t h e e n d oi:l f ' ; J u l y , H ' l K , iiru o m l c r s i o u d I " b e O.lHM'."'MiMMj, :;t-.:.;Or(litm--to • t i le l''r.,-i,cli' ] • - ' I ' " " "p . , • : . ' . -1 • ' - ' • ' , I P - M M M I I I . ^ - I l l I I H I . - , i l l . l l I I I . * 1 '

I l l Mn-niinh i i n l ^ n ^ S ' ' vi\u,ll^\ r1.1.11.11.^:.-'---1.-1!0.^111^^ <'»'lttrVt.- 1,•!(Hi,".m

stoiie" |jTi-k: "coiuoify ami ' l lears l - j mtuT'offinsiv"1 '* i a s T 1 ' 1 ' ( i a ? c n 7 ' ' ^ S ^ ^ ^ ™ ^

I-'IM DAY—lleri l.yU-H in "Tho Trail I

SATPMOA V—Kxtraoruinary id l r ac - Ilion*,: MHiV'n.iniiMi. tk.- M , l l n i-n.n,.-. i- jabou t woman in the world. nmUvher mmion.p ic tm-e debut, in. "Thais.1

a t ioluwyniipiei i . ro mmk' from Hi

(CiMHinucd on .p ; i ge •!.)

<.'ourie>,v on Kitilroads.i l i iveior ( leneral MeA'doo mi .Moii-

ro.'ni •tMnploye'e.s to show crpurtesy indeal ing wilh ihe public ami I

n n i l t hi

* ' . I not. be toh t tied inuloi u n t i t n i i u.loal) WoodrulT is laying a. long s tances on i i l h o u K mul t ! M>\(»III-

reli'lt of concreto walk's in front: of ' ment n n m o l s u s lh. m i l n n i l d n ^ -cell a s in (own affairs. .)iialt-^ his pniper i ios on- Xorih Lincoln ave- ed to n u n in ill Inio£_ilu* olltwlK'vSPtfks.^.vv-.^-.J'niK1. ^- -. _ ' ; ^ _•__ '__ _ _ j HOi-yjcj' _ _ _ ^ _ _


Page 2: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not

K=set«;.,. ,»af,.,





P HT T I I P S R IIR O m\.&***^tet>*******^^..•••• .•*"*• •*•. •*"•* J™"'. A ^ •*-* V - . A V V J jt^l < V j » f ~ ~~ : r ~ T ; • • . - "~ ~ '• " : ; ; ' : : ; ; • — - — — — """"*•*•>

N e w s of the Biff, Growing Town on the Delaware u& «*«.*» • *E7" fc W T ATHI V W -'tiRk' lH1^ v « v o • •• v»>

M Margiiri ' t llou.-ton, t lait^li tcr <>r!•Mrs. Cnttiiirliiv llousllii nf Lewi* Si., iIt-fi Smnhty for (MveK»> X. V,. wi»,vv:

M i M f position in ibis <lu>*|ili;tl. It i«likely whe will tie M-nt ov.-r^cim nhnrt-]y. While Miss Houston t* a ln.ul jilrl.s*he ivprfs twi l froin l'li!la<l<-l]ilit:i, >>nticctHtni* «tf lioiiiK :i {iiMiIitato of llu<Meiliro-Chl ll(i.-<iiitalr iiinl shor t ly af-t e r her I'lirt'liiiH-nl «lu* roi'oivi-il m*-

Kutiti£, ylu> wiw a iiiiiri in thi." hullivavwill! :t IIirlit.-.I iiiulih. Wlivii nhv cal l-etl, t he man ran oiu uf the fivnt ilnor.

..f uiH'Ml|i!".vi'.Ih f h

i to1-rlvati' V, II. Mitt, ..f IV . c . ::n:uii

In fan t ry , win* was.wnmiili'il .inly ^1 inF r a m e , has (Hi I of tils \vt>::n.!s. W'-'n!\v;is si-nt by ,i Oanadfan c h a p h i t i toMrs. ftil!, \vh>. Is now ro^ ld i r s in l - im-l.ertvtlk', tiw WJW on.- «»f tliu t i mtlnu'lcM inn ; for Philtip.-Mtrir. An-(itlif-r I'hilipsl*tirs si»l»lU»r u-otnifloil inK r a m v is I ' l lva t - Ainh-rw. 1-Vnn. r -iCo.• A, L'lith Infantry, who was wmpnl-c.l imttm tiimi In July. W " n l to this.•nV.'I w;ts si-ill tllK slsti-r. Mrs. S.unit.-l-Yotma. of Alain MIV,-I . >!•• is w r v l m :his th i rd .•nliMiiK'lil .iiul w:is on t h -MV\1L-IIII iMirtlor. .' .

his" ho lms tilt* ih'lhtuh IM.-i."*K,*,ft h i v .wars he h;ul no.-n lit partni-!1-!slll|J With 1'itllltfl' T. Ik' lI iT ill tlU'l.iau:m'i'ltl<'!lt <if the tn.U-I. Prarl i . 'a l ly

. till ins lift- ha , | W u i -sx-nt In I'liillii,.'-lmrir. llt> f..nn«.r |y .-"n.hn1 , .-! H, . . |...,.

. House and also th*' lu.trl . still l.-.-aviiu-Ills natm- on Marl;.-t st ivt ' t . Ho was )t

l ie It-avos .i \vif..> anil "ii.•' sbtiM*. ,Mi-«.Sarah Vunni; *if .li'i-scy i.'ity.

Miss Marmii'K \\Pilmm "f 1'itrk nvv-mil' and i-'rank K. iSnyduni "t Mun-.-fstruct wt'i't' imtrt'li'il S.ttiii'-liiv' itt Hi-'itiiivonaKf of Si. ,1,,hn'* l.inli*'i-.m

•fhurcli . Kiistcin, liy tin' K-v. I'r.Kmiikl iu K, I-"i-ftz. Tlii' l'rtd.« is th.-diumliU'i- of Mr. and .Mi.-. .I"hn l i . n ry

.AVllKiMi of i'hiltii.siuir:.-. ill-. SuMlaiu.whu is i-mpUi.wcl •i,y tii-- Iniri'i-sutl-

' Katid Co.; is t he s'»n <if .Ms'.iiml Mrs.u s e a r 'i.'. ^r.ydani. . '

A. ,M. IltilbiTt. u ( ilu- N. J . i:xt.-Ti-mon t Station a t N'mv lirunswii-k, aftfi*a wn- fu l !ns| ttoii »>f .-iu-ti iinllvidnalplot in tht? l*ht!H[»s1iiirir w a r ^:ir.!i>ns,

. di'i-lai-t'd tha t they uvmh- llu- Imtt inIho Stall-. I I - di-.-lur-.-d t l i a t ' t h f i"i;tlpardons a r c l»<>tu-r uri:iHilxt-iI :md lin-omlro tuuiortjtkiin,' i.s liriim '(.n-iiu-n-d

-Vew Jersey .Air. and Mw. Manin i i . Tliistnini.

rcs id l i r j tin tin* .\h.-rri.-- turnpilvt', i i a vbrH-n ••ni*-r(.'iIrwiiir hi- Ha-jL-htcr. Mrs.Claivm-t- -ItulnTtjit f New <>ri,.;,n.-'.Who I'Xpi'flt* tli tK> .i.iillfd hy IHT lllTS-Itand possibly nt'Si. Wi4-N: a].-<«. hi- ~"i!Ji'iiui <>i Cantuii, i ',. wlios.' vhit willlie l imited t o a furtniuht . Xchhci1

h a s IJIVH ln-i-o i'of"i-i' hi nv.» years.An iiuuiiiK.d-H*- ti'itfk (•'•imv-'inu io a

triiiKspttt'tiilioii (.•oiniumy ;U Ni>w l innis-;-tt-k'U jiot b-yi'tid HIM ren t rn t "f tln>

drivel ' l''rkhi.y moniiny mi .Mnrris Sr.and ••rash.'d inu. t he ' s t ah io .if 'i'U<li:.Xl'Wttl.-ni,1 nt1 Tili'M! S'l!);-!'!.'. • Tw(. lut-'itwere " » tln> tnu-k hit: in-ithor wus•injurwl.

A wmiMiiniratioii w;is n-i-.-i^'d att h e local Kt'iK'i-al I ^ imr Unfoaii .\n-JioniK'iiiK i\v.a it is i-nntrary tn law in

iulvtri'tisint.' for IIt> 11•, ti> suit*.- thy ynjji-sID l.f paid. Nt'liliL-f is it jillnwald"for out' iMnpnvvr to solii-it IK-MI fi-om*>:1HT indiistrk.s.

IViviity. rciwnod K. Sliilhunn, ?on ofMr. and -Mrs. I-:. [;. si i l l lm.in t,( I'hU-lipsiiiir^, Wfi.s woinntcd in I-'i-an'--- <-i-Jiin« ::<>. llo wast ;( M.MHII.M- of th..

• 'Hus ton City Guards . In his M O r I f. m o m i o n s tha t Win. U'("f!*•!•. :i!si» ,,f

This place, u-as slightly w o u n d - d int h e siun*.1 lnutli?.

-Mrs; TIios. C.'oi'iiish of Cfda r strr-t-iwas a r o u n d Fr iday IUOHI 'MP l»y i ! fnoise of .«<.uno cuiy duwnsta i r s . Invosli- '

tah> .Mr*. Oorin-tltis Kt-IIy of Ihdn-n-II,III<)U:I. I'a.. a n d .l..s«-ph .1. K.-ni-.-dy.si-n of .Mr. and .Mr:-. I 'avid h\ Kt'itn»«1yof T l f i i i a s s t ivct , I'liiMSt'xlMii-j,-, wi-iv:nian-i'Hl Thm-.-d.iy muht . •

Mrs. i/li;i!\ Lilly of t h o m a s (.:iv. 'flu« r-t'v'iv.'d :i it-itiT from h - r s-xti. .1.i,'. I.ill.v. in i\iii'-h li.:-;iy.- lit* lias U-i-nl-i-tmiK'.-i! f» (hi* rani; •>( scj .pty s-r-m-iint in Tro.-p f. ::->ist O n . i l r > . Tiv-

Ttii1 St . i i idanl Sn-d i*on iorati im hasjn*; tini-ilu-d :h-.' i'n-,-;i.>n •>( a l : u w•,idditi"!i to lin ' i r new p la in . \vhi>h Is•HM.IJ f,--l. T h - n-w Imlliliir-' will U-iivt-.i to st.'H- viihial 'i" patti-rns andi.th'.'t- iii-iirio-. ;

..Mm H. Ad.m.u. Wr \1 .wars In thef i n p l n y i'!' t \ !•:, CrilliM. ill*' I*I1HHIj i i n i . i n - • s ru ' - ^ i . - u h<i» ln-i-ii H'.Uilt-i; i h . i :ht> ha,< p a - s - d a n . - . . m i i i i a t i ' - n a s a "r.'i'J.it<'i-..,i i .h:irni . i .-!«t .

.lo.-.-pii M.t r tn i . i t i or .Murrl* s t r . - r t .> l i - f i t o

.ir Hi.'X v . . I,, i i i lo r sii.'1-iiil M-vt'i'ii'tn-nt i n " I'.'J'i i r -ni-f-m-i l I"

Mr lu'.i .Mr--, Javol. I-M.T ••{ M.irrlisi,.t.,,[ i , . , \ r ri.r..,;,.,.,[ ,v,tr,l thai t l f i r

-ri.,[ i lvn! I I , - !

I-;. :;n:it FI>Artsilt'i '.v.

Ai-lhiii- ,M». in-y "f i- . -^ ' i s 'MffOt h a sii:i:U|y « o t u - h »»<» tin- . - ' " H i " " of h i ".- . . i intry. i t " I n s - n l i r i r d in th . - r a . l i . .>.-I'll.>ii a n d !s i t w a l i i n ^ a ' a l l !•.< i v p u r tfur d m y .

I l i r r y ,lv S h u l n i a n h . ^ n - s i ^ i i f d hi- 'j . i . s i t inn l:i t l i - S l a m k i r d Si lk Mil l , ui!- 'will u'iv.- h i ' l i i i f f t in- t t i : i t m u . ' n ' r n iof hi-- c r w v r . v s t u i ' ' *'ii i 'h:tiiii>i ' t>>-ii't'ct.

C V. .-I(.;nl. fLuJi i iUrd ..> -1 fJcfi i ill

t h . ' ' f i ' . ' i a h t mil >!' 'tht- O - n h . d n i l -rmii t . S u t u h Alfiln J- 'J-I-I-I. h . i s l» i>nUMti^f.-rri d i " t h e mli i 'c a t \"ul .vui i i f .

,r«w. Aid . . . cl.-rK a t tin- l 'hii i i i i .- l ' in-4l l o t H . w h i t i - tWhhi i : a t . M o u n t a i n l .ak.-ca i ic l i t ;i l-ass wt-iL'hiJis; :il>otu ' s i \lu .u i ids . l i - is h a v i n g !)l>- tisli n t o i i n t c d .

P h i l l i p - d ' t u y V tniai-d " f r jhU ' . i t iun i-<

havhm u h,ii-.t l i l ll ' j; ' ' !n | ' t ' '-V|1i ' '-; !

iIs ' '

: ' ' ;1iji '

!,!.,•!!' h u r ' n o ' l u l - hLii aiVpIl'-.i f..i;it'.-Mr-* i l i ' i - a l d i i ' i ' i i i i i i u r » f -M' -n -v r S i .

IVi'l o n r . . K - : r . ' i : r r ! d : t y n t e h l :ii:>lw a s r a l n r u i ' . y i n j i i r . ' d . A t-liitil f l i c

.hi*-'!' V;n 'u ' . i " . i f ' ( V i l i i - r > t P ' f i t lh -d 1»MT ! n i r - d a y n l ^ l i t .-iit.i w a s M i r i f t l a t A l -p h a F r i d a y a n . . - 1 - n - m n .

J . d i i i L. W a s u l . c . d . s . ' t i i ' t o . i i n i i n .W a n t h i d d , h a s '-••"ti n p | n . i l U - ' d t i . <'"f-jK i ra ! H i - i--- s t a t i o n e d fit F u n S i i t t l 'H i ' ^ - I ' i n . '1VX.

S u s a n n a V o p p f . n v i l t w o y e a r s , a •d a u w h l i ' l - ' i f Mr. a n . ! - M r s . . I " - - \»V]»'..f I ' a y o t t t ; ' .-ir-.-f t . di<-d l a s t W i ' d i U ' s d a y

A l I ' r c - l ' . i M i i l . ' S _ } i a < i i r r i v c d oyi»r . - . -as . =

h i s ' i v l : i " l i v , - s \ ' i n d ' l ' r i - ' i i d s I ' r i d . i y . * '

hiiin..-i-- S i -4a i< i . . - . i t > . i i i o r ' - u ! iu- f .

S. S . A l l u h t K i t i i . w » n l a U v n iH w h i l e o n

F u ' - m . i n I : . \V i i l i . iU!>o : t . M.MI >tf A l . - :iMtii W i l l i . i i n s M i i . i i . i s i i v r i o M o v e r s e a . - .I t , ' k f i M a y - S r.-i- r a m p I n x . •

> ' >


• •• • • « • •


< £ • « • *

o ••••>

H- tUi, , , ," ' : , h; tsi1. n , s . . , -his-

iu AUni i l i i ' l. 'ity , is ;, will- mi l ' s .A l . t l--I ' -ai'l'i,•!•.<' rXi ' . ini l ia i i

;.o h - i . l in IMiini i^i-ni- i ; ^ i t u r . i . i y .«ill

ALLAJUTIIV. ^ j , , , „,„, J I ra. ,,.„.,,,„., ,;„,,, .„-,,„,Sirs, r .mma l-urfl-r-.,iilwt.-,[i,i..l ihi. | Morris anil il.•;-. Al Koliln-an .,.'

J ™ : " 1 '""• «<»•• Win. lY.jiniT nrll'tl.iunuli.'lil in'i' »-i-.li ilu'lr.iai-. ' i i t . ' . Mi-.. t r , . ! i , | i » nhi | ,y:,nls, l-hlliiilvl|ihl;i:' a l n . unil Mrs. r a i d , l:i:r.l. rui- fi-i-.-r..I il.-iv*.

licr .lauKlilvr. .Mrs. J lax S:un.li.|' - ,m

J o h n r tnnn roiurnnf to r a t e r ^ m >m- Mr. and .Mrs. .l.din M i n ^ ' r of Phil- * •*<•*/ ( Suntlny f.-tlluwincn jnnnrhV visit with : liiwhui-i; w.-n- i,v,:r-Sunday visit.,™ uf: 7 •

his Krandiiiirifnts. Mr. and .Mr- J o h n Mr, and .Mrs. Alinim 1-unsfi*. i +1* +J>ii. Unnn. . Mr. ami Mrs. t ' l a r c i n v l''ish*!r havo : A •*

.MiisliM-s Wal t - r nntl Ch-^t.-r P m i i h 1 ^ : ' KU'^t tvr twt. WCUHH -Miss KIHUIM i Wof Johiif-'onl.tit-u .•!!•.• "i icsts .-.f t h e i r ' l-';edvr of i-'haitinkiii. I'a. :**»«*<»HnuiiIiMii-pnts. .Mr. ami .Mrs. I:. IU-y- Mrs, I..ml^» Smith ont<Ttiiin*>a h.T • ^ *nolds. ' i nil".1*?. Mr.-, ilny Kinneyniati "!•' • i'oi'l fyptj'

Mr. ami .Mr.--. Hai ry St:i'tT..)'d ni'ii •• .Murray, on Wciinc-sday. ;***1 :"»f laush ie r of KinVira, .\\ y., a r - visitliu? ! Aloi]j». Uarl'tci' uf X.-wark ]>:iss.'d 'f ••*Ills iiaru-nts. .Mr. ; , n . l Jh>-. .tos. St.ifi'cird. : llu: wi"ik-f-'iul wi th his parcntr--. .Mr.. *T«s'.» '

Mr. and- Mrs. .John it. Dunn sp-n t ', ami .Mrs. Win. IJarimr. i ? >Pnnday .with1 i ln-i r daiiiriitfr. .Mrs • M". a:-.'.. Mrs. l-'loyd Crovolini; nfi V * V *F r a n k K"is!ip;ti;v-li ;ii ,lohn>on!iiirir. ' I U ' . ^ I H U ' - O I I W.M-.' s i ies ts Sniiil.iy of Mr. j 4;T4 ,

1 sie spent from Friday Jill Sunday "in : -Mr:- ii-.-wis Cok/man was a visitor i *'-'•**<$:\!firriiit..iwn and X.-ivark, • | sov.-r.H .lays last w.-id; of hi-'i1 .son l!i/rl ; ,-- • ;ft

fiis Wiidrii 'k. in Vienna. ' . M l"s i-'|nv«l Wilh'ver, in W a s h i n g t o n , ! it".-!••Cluus, .JInrnn: in ,'if Tnnn.d, X. V., i ,,„ \v,.,im>sday. !*>*"•;-*

tho r i.Iforire and family. i ,.,,,Mi i,,v-. -vopk with her aun t Mrw 1 ~"II 1 - 1 !„„ I . . . . . . , . . , . . • t ' ( I ' ' • > ' ' • * • » * ' . l - " " U N " I I . 1 1 . 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 , " . , rt -Mr. and "Mrs. .1

ton, Stmdj]


ts of Mr. and .Mrs.-O*.. ' - " ^ ^ v ^ : ' Hardy had .is sncsi' i s visi ts - - ° V l ' : ' S l i n i l ! l > * ih>ii ••^'l< ! '" ( 1 1 1 l- ' iirdi 'll '

:, h e r . ^ r a n d i - a r c m s , Iti-v. ;\n<\ M.rs,. J o l m ,' ",V , \ \ \ . \ v k L . » j . s . i t - \V"1nf»* ' . ' ny in H»>1-

Mrs! . l a s . t J ih i i s r t 'ml son C a r l of S t a - • «!'li?j? W l t h ! " S < i ; " l t : l n " ' % ' M l f - ' " ' " •

° l ' l S s " A l l l . " n l ' I | ' ; n , a . i n of t r<.<-k<-I t s - ! ' " ' j l ' r^ . ' isV-i.i-.- ' i J a r r o n i ias«,"l F r i d a y I «$•<&•,lmvn i.s il i-'UMI ufMlsH IVar l (;]1>1.H I willi Mr. and .Mrs Win. lluuj ' l l . • ? • • ! •for a few day.«. j Miss I l awl .Muyli,'n\v is. \isillnj, ' .Mrs. ^ |

.Mr. and Airs. Win. M-n-yicar f,i' S.uVir li, 'ls in ili ' l \ ld, 'rf. •**<*+*

-• S o n ' M ™ S - M ' ' 1 ' v l s i l l" ! 1 . 1 ! l ' - . 1 1"'' J I r s -1 ...:V1 ,;|'1,-,MK',',"i!'i'< sl":'"- Ku:l y " Y " ^

o U u f K u w !vitilLinw t h e i r inot l ici- . M r s . A l - j

CJltest. !c.Vur'KXTKisvii.i.i-:.

W. Itmhcrfard anilsnn^ari passinK | '"!" '!.™; '.'• " ' S l l l » » " 1 U S S I M :a ftnv days at KhhinoliiT <

Kev. J. H, Oardncr anil son .laim.1-clnrlieil lo Soaford. DoJ., Satni-day.


„ Mr-_iiiiil...ylr.s....Alo!ii;o.. yiuK'l'. J»

Mi's. W. V. Xa:vi,-, al wharton.Miss Malx'l Hodiiu- of Hook

siifiu fnai, Friday until Sunilay.Mr. mill Mrs. F. ,W. Slirnina


Of course, not a complete showing,just a "peek" at what you may expect forearly Fall wear.

These features will be noted:—Thekeynote is straight, youthful lines. Somecoats have unevenly cut bottoms that givea very graceful swing to the straight linesilhouettes. Others are more tailored.Novel bells and partial belts make thesemodels most attractive. The lengths ofcoals varies.: About finger tip length orlonger depending upon the particular styleof the garment.

A iit'W and complete linool the renowned QueenQuality Switches :ire nowready.

Dark and medium. 'I'hix'e-s.t i-11 n d . separate stemswitches. 2-j ami ^1! indu1:-,Sli.OO and .Sll.OO.

Diirk. medium and lijthlshades. Three strand, sep-arate stem switches. IS to2! in.. S2. *:! . #-!, SM.OO.

(jrey mixed willr black,lirown and lighter shades.Th re e strand, separatestein. 20 to i\ in.. i-.l.OO.

Snuu'L'are the new feather tui'lians.These are effectively trimmed with'vin^s of s;ime niaterial. l'urpie andTan with hi;,'!) winjr oli'ecls.

Enulisli I'lieasmU and Ostrich areunion!; iiie newest mo'iels.

Priced at 815.00In velvet the tain turban and poke

cll'ect are in yreat favor; turbans.hiivinj; open or braided tassel, wlulethe yoke has s.iitc'iiny- oi' wool and em-broidery of '.•hsnille. beads and silk.Xariovv1 biindri of ribbon and velvetfruit. ' KS.OO to SM.00

rHoya! Society Package Outfits

Our entire stock of lull skirts has lioon Ri'oatlyreduced for the August Sales. Tho.v liavo li'ien re-duced a third less than half of the roiriilar prices.

Choicest styles, finest inn!eii;ils. bestlailoriii!,', siuartest anc! newest pocket andbell ellecls. You will lind all Hint is new.uniiiue and original in this collection.

Tiicotirie. gabardine, sntinette and linen.

Former prices .S.'i.i)."i to'?10.00.

Suie prices .Sl.il.'i. l?;>.!l."i and SI.H.'i.

Fine sheer voile and batiste blouses in scores of pretty styles.Some are simply made will! tucked fronts and hemstitched collar andcull's: others are of embroidered voile with vest front, square neck androll or Hat collars slip-over style of line cross-bar with pique baud tolinish square neck. 01 hers have tucked and lace trimmed fronts withstylish lace trimmed, collars in one of the numerous styles of Hat orroll ellecl. Sizes :jli to Hi. Special" Values, S2..10


A wise mother will replenish her youny daugh-ter's wardrobe now for the early fall school da ' s .Today's prices will seem \'<^vy low then.

You wiil_ now lind an unusual assortment of chil-dren's .uinsham dresses. The smartest of styles inline checks to dnshiiijr plaids in a wonderful lilend-in'j of color..

Also smart striped eii'eels in effective color com-binations. Triniminfjs are of material iircoiilrnstinycolor and buttons.

•Sizes 2 to G

Sizes (i t o M

Line -•. vtiilj;.-. jiiirl c r e p e s .

fi!)e to S3.7.")

. OSc to i?6.:>(;

S.s.nn to )JI2.r»;

The quality and value of the materials insurebeauty and service through usage and laundering.Every package contains the stamped article to beembroidered, either made up or ready for making1,sufficient floss to complete and embroidery, andexact instructions. •

a . . ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ , , „ , . _ ,.. -|IM . ™_mm___^.__ ^S

Gives-"a Distinctive" M a r k "of" •-.•.-"-.-•.•••• • • • • • •••• - '•'•• •• - - - - S m a r t n e s s - ' - " - „ • • •• •• •• - : ;

'' TJic early autumn days arc truly '^Sweater Days.'.' Ono canwcr.i- the s! merest waist oi* irock and bo (lujteconii'pi't.ciljlejvi.tlva KweaieV. Tlie new"i^^iT\Viiri)e~\vel{ibni(jcl for their unusualsmarLncso and certain to make the sweater a moi*c popular gar-ment than ever.

--Sweater;; of -Shetland and Zephyr in a!!' the popular shades.-Vai1oukJstylL'tl-0Oila]>Hiai'"'sciir"niatGriai"'ori"Angora"in "same CM;"con-"'"trasting; color. Uelts trimmed with button.<1lor saslics finishedwith tassels. .SS.oO 1o $15.00

Pure silk and (Hire silk 'sweaters iii plain and i'aney siJtch.

Many and many a woman lias been wailing for this sale to buy thatodd chair or table or whatever piece that raiy be needed to add a desiredcompleteness to the. room, and it is by adding- these separate pieces fromtime to time that keeps the home fresh and new—keeps the interestin the home constant.

Oil!' assortments of sopanite pieces offurniture are especially good, as we havospecialized on these Hues for n'numbci- ofyears .-And now with the special lowprices -which are a part of the August sale.Vit makes one of the best-buying periods ofthe half year. .,. '.

Living Room Furniture •

Dining Room Furniture

'-"•••-- Bed Room- Furniture''" ~~~

Library Furniture

Hail Furniture


• • • • • • • K


Just a "Peek" at the

At Greatly Reduced Prices

Formerly $3.95 to $10.00




TV• ; • • ; •ft'• • • v• •


y f

•>• ; •>




f ff Y

— - . ' . M l . M i l l - v i i n , i . i i . O 1 I 1 1 I 1 I . . - J ' - . "

A m o t o r l i . ' u ' ly c o n a l a l m s o f M r . a n d | „ , K M ^ I ' . O - , ! , ' U H I - 1 I » u f I-Iilliil»»—

?','if jjJI'Vn'")rd'w"k>r -uul rtTlldivi1''] Iiu''lv';i|"-'"t l!"' »'°«k-t'1"1 »J|11' J l r s : c -Jlrsl'KlKle Mowdcr, Mr. and Mr.s. Win' ' ' ' .ni ' ' ' ' , ' ' , , . , ,.,.,.nin-Wr,; 'i.ln-sLon I'-i, . . _ _ _ , ! _.l-.n.l..« rt..t £?.it-w?.i.. .T-i.l > 1 U > > . | I I U * 1 I . I L I I I I J ^ I U I l i l J I r t - I - ' I ' l " - .i-biiiini~" Artliur S. Cnlvin uml t'atnlly.

Mrs. Wui-. !0. Cnl.j'in i.s enjoying aIliiTo woi'lifi" vacaiio'n at Ashnry i'ar'n.

Btird nntl cliiUIron spent Sumlay with.Mr. nntl .Mrs.. Harry Colcman. tit LakuITopatt'oncr.

Mr. uml MifJ. Win. . Hummer ntnl . ^

anil" family aiVsitonOinif'Uicii-' i-nry- j Tin- Slai- :uul Tlirl'oo-a-Weok A\ "y..tlou with Mr. itml Mva. C. CHummi'i ' . UVovlil, y2.2o in advance.




Page 3: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not


Diplomas ofHonor

Even il- you can't win a decorationfor bravery, on the field of battle, yonwill have .secured "Diplomas of •Honor",if you save and invest in 'LibertyIJonds jiiul War Savings Stamps.

Save NOW to holp win Llii! win1.•••'Insure for the u-sfoty ol' your family.

Insure—-and s;tv<;-~\rO\V\


o.vroiED.(-oloiiliil Al. K. fjlturcli notes—I'ev.

•T .C . Iliifur, miHlnr. nn»l« nuhool,Silttiliiy innrniltK a t ',i.:Ui; '•.Jviinlul.itlil's I ' lval," will be Hie. li-i'l'/- "fthu Junior sermon at 10,ISO, and "Thelie.] '" of I1M< World" l)\o wrt lnr K<M-tnon Huhjcit. \v. If. S|miiK«>il)ortf willMid tin- Kjjwortlrl.c;ti,'it'> nu-i'iiiiK nt"I.:!" p. m., "kemiMlleH for Inteiiiper-

- " i.i tlic ti.jiUr. "A ( ' r ea l 'will li" the(he t>Vi!illliK.

Unr the wr n In

Ihuir JH-UUOIIM tiled for tlumis nllici*. Tlnmuix K. Cry«n

Jr.. wiifuifitln nv*tk tin* "Illw of tuxllll'.'ftoi :iiid It. \Y. ll(;ti<l<-rHOM. Hr,~,i n t t ' - r tin- Mill.:.- of

l>. I:. Cooper will iiKnlri l.<-:i e;ifur JLLsUi.'-' of Hie |M-:II-C tohiinyMlf. Herman Iliiirinau 1M

! l'»r Ui>. dllirc of Awill MUfly !-•• luxl In tliu i»rl-

AI)I>IT!O.V.\h LOCALS.»Mrt). lSniarniulSnydc'r In very ill at

lior home in IJrasx Caulk-,Dr. Ucilrlck IM miMou* to obtain ;i

sii(?(M>.sMor iiM Humiinm.-nor for th<Uoy SutitilH.

Illi-vi-ii Coy ScfuiiH will J(-tiv<; nextMonday for tt wci'lc'ii outing in wimrat .Mountain l.:tltr.

A K"vcrmrii'i!t Intik will he s<-'-it lioperation ihl.s year nt tins StromlM-hum full*. Sept. •J-t',.

Mm. (,'aiTlf <.'ool:, 'widow, nf IraCool; ol* IlmHijtlitiry, niin>n;d u para-lytic wlroki' last week.

Kpi.scopal Sunday M iUllUIIti^ p/i.-Jl/ir cm till'

Tlir-nr an- iplaiir yIn

Mm. Uzzio I Iind ; I , , . I Toiti Ciiiiuln.Milton n. 'drhk, WII " "-

i r k ol* Nuwiirlt, for,ill lln> Aliirln

|t\t II. C. i

xMciit. is

-\MK. Alary I*. Philhrnvcr. da'iKht'Ilady* mid KRIIHIMOII, Alhert II. Do. .•her. J r . . of Newark, a iv Mpendintf » I w i " '""I1

. fi-w wi-fkH with Airs. Klleii l-'itzi,-i-ratd fil

ion .\!iii- Hill, wli- tv lnrotr-11 I'hllliower! '" l J f l W"d,f h-ta tift«ii vinithm fo/•three we.fd;.s. Th"i party **.\j t,s lo b»? 'oilifil tlil.s weekJ i#y John Cnn;oi-.iii and .sixter, AIIM-S\ \ l a r y Coivoran of Mint* HIM, .Mori-I*

l r .Main ,ui |w tiiilnlni; cani|> a t1'aiis [shnul. Eolith l-jirollna.

AMicrt NnliiiiiiM. ivsi'lin;,- on tit.->:ul rrntn I-'ivtr \U\\»i\ Io liattzvill.-.

of nil hi,; liv<- ^tix-k amililfiiifiit.s' iit J.ubliu <nW.

Airs. Axford .1, Wood uricJ ilntiKlitorKlith «f KiirrMvlIlti. and .Miss .Mao

, Kcuiit.Hfy of i'tiillliiiiliiir^- sjir*nt Kitn-j day with Air. itml Air.-. Hurry Wil-

l i

''f*r::Li'.has return•'tjri^ in J!i;rnardH-(if Air. sm-l »Alr«.

Tlif rarnival which Is holding forthIH-IV on ilu-. Kuiplr** St-cl ami Inttien. Im Is (h'.iwhiK inri,rf) crowds every

•tly t<iKlVf- up his tiosiiinii hi ,\\KIV shop to take a ('lcrical positionwilh the I*i'hl!?li . t .Vvw llriiilitml rall-roarl at l vn Avnyl.

Tli-- WIIITCII Couniy lU'iniiillcfinvlitliwill hold a inwtiiiff a t :: oVloel;. S i l -in-tlay il tenioun m liot-oii^h hall . Aspi-akcr of ppnniiu'iu-u will Ijr.- sent liythe State '•onmiittce.

I 'CII. I,, l ie. . . id i^ (••inifmr this waytiKain. This 1-atnIidiit.. Tor tlu* Hi - - IMiiMltHiii It, S. S»miTor'i!l M<tnifn:i- Itfon will I 'h'ii hi.-i ti-nt In i 'hi | l i | js-ImrB Wodnuxdfiy.nlKtit. I

AitK.i .\lalifl 1,1-wi.H. who has lau-^htfor several y.-firs in th.; pul.lli.; s^houi-here, lias tak'-n a ,Jiinilur [io.sil!on :t

J o i n t , \ I p . \ V : i r , i . n e o f i h e t i l d t - i < t j A l l i i n t l i ; C i t y a n d w i l l l e a v . ; f o r t h a t 1

- • i l i z e n s o f o x f o r d , i s w u i f l m - i l t o h i s I ' ' U y i i h m i t t l i < - ( i r - s t - - f > V | i U ' i t i > i i t r . ;1 - • !( " " ' ' "

wears longest, is most efficientWe have just received a lar^u cunsiRnmcnt of the widely known Hilrake Lining!) in all widths-Ihe best and the cheapest on theN'otwithstundinK that UaybL'sttisis the 'best brake lining rminu-facturcd, since it contains morunsbeston and wire than anv otherand is scientifically made, the

: prices remain unchnnftcd.

. " Raybestos Fails toLast a Full Year

from the time it is placed upon .'vftir car, we w,il! furnii-ii newlining* without 'cliitrgc, Thisguarantee applies to all typesand weights ol' pleasure card andto ail light tnieks.

liuying Ilayhestns Linings in-sures the greatest brake eilierieyand saves the trouble and ex-pense, that is incurred throughfrequent renewiila when otherlinings are usud.

Snfoty Is insured mid t-conomy is ' secured,when you buy Rnyboctoa Lined C-m Brnk'-s


K 29 South 3d St.



li'inu! im .\xiV)nl avfiiiu.1 with *ic|{-

.Mr. .ind Ah>\ Jnn. I'rvaii of Tn-n(•!••: wot-iv-'.-iiH visitm-i) of hi« ]jar-

ins. Afr. and Airs, llir-,'li CVyun.TlH' J r . K|nv.n-Ui l,t-at;ii(.- of ihi.*

'olonlal .M'-Uioillst clnin-h will pk-tiJi;iil.U'lllilinm' (Jrovc il-,\[ Montlay.

Air. and Mm. .li'lm WiHchurn anilfamilyy W m t n H

Mir-. Win. liunlye..Wttt. J. MuLfiin iind


lmiKliLur "i1

vl.^itini; her |.:n*.-ntH, Air.ami -Mrs. Ch;.s. W o u n d s . ' • .

Win,1 linii^lieriy .of S.-ranion ifypcudhi:," his vtitMtloii with his Mstoi\Alr>-. -\«IU'H Moriitn.

.la mi '.s ho liberty of I'attM-sun wartvl«itliiir n f"W <ta.v.s a t tin- liumc ofIMtrk-i; Mumm.

'AIISK KlIwiliL'th ctvoi-Hu of NVwarkiA vL-iillnii her iiir>thur, .Mr*. "William

T i n i Uii i\v nnd family nf 1< An. ami Airs. Tl

Ki-ow.-rs In tli- vicinity uf.(Ircat Al-adows say that the rrop thlri \ywir will In- the latucst In a v.-rylomr tlnif. iind. thv. prices holnv; hteh,til-.- crop will in;- a v r y pct»(H:i1>]c

way Hpem Sunday in Nmvton ami liasslm:- spoKen very favorably uT thelint* strii.whtjfrlfs now heiti^ ralstnl in j)thatpleasur

n ; d II n and which lie h:ul thuof cathiir.

I NiV,

UKST I'OK'I'Ah.Air. ind Airs. I". I*. Ualryiupl..- wi-vi-

wi'i'li-i.'itd cut-sis •til' hiri pai-L-iits. Mr..-KIN1 -Mm. K! r 1 talrympl. ' . at IMus-

MlMvn Hinii-I ILIKI Alildi-etl Xip.T of• i \vn. . ' ' .

p . . {(ionenntr' .siiiiport for SL-IIOOIK of nil I

U'nnl<>s .luring war time H uriivd liy!I'ri'Sidyiu Wilson in a letter to Heo- Jrotary Unie, aptirovinic the- hiifCLii <of education 's plan for an educational(.'itmiiak'ii this .siinnnvr and full.

Morri.H i-ounty is. in tin; lead thusfar III tile membership drive of the In-dependent 'Order of Odd l-Vllow*ihroMKhout tbt! -State. Alanslk-ldI.iidt,'<> of W.'ishfnyton has sfiivrnlrandidiitcs and will nmku extra t>IToriHdnrinir the full.

William " . (.'revi'liiiK lias Wen In aui'i'i"iis i-ouditioH fur j-evcr-d days inill,- Post (irailimti- MoHpItiil In NVwVk l ;il

•M»«-'. \\\ Uat'liclt.. Aliss llawl will r«;-tllllill for SOlltr lilll.'.

AlUs i:lanch<> Uid.ll.- <,f MaiiipiDilp:i*iml a r-w days last WvU U'ilii MisM

Mr*, i:. :ind and Aliss Mali",.' nf........ d . .. ..• . I

wilh ih.iv tu r

-• u'ti l-'rldiiy.••>. WI-IKIH ,»r lirookly

imr the smiuiti'f with lior ai| M I A Frank WuiU.vkf. Hp._-iii, a fow dayrf

is one of the many erected

by us. Our aim is to give

the very best material and

workmanship obta inable

at the lowest prices. You

will not make a mistake

in placing: your order with


l a r - t w e k

'Mrs. U-in

u y . Hp.iu, :i few dayth frieml.s In I'lainlicld

t Huff mid family ofX.'wnrk sj.eni a (i>\v .l;iys last weekWill her mother. Air*'. .1. .1. IHiiT. She

ll pii-s soiiK' lime with Airs. A. K.nic-k ut Asl.m-y before retm-niiiK to

I.-Ie KdirifforljHkott of Aslmry weref Air. iind Airs, P.us.s*.'ll l

C h f i ' . v Cm In and: S|h h

nd Prnmlay ^

r.son.nc'cr Kd


J'YItl.'ty. Mis ci)||ililf(j|] In still' i-HtftMlthis inonihm: and tlu- l'umlly has litik-lioiiu nr his rcc.viMr. . .

, In ordt 'r t'.» fivjiti.*1 an tfiitci'Kfiifyfund. <>a(.;h itifiitiift- of the hnprnn-dUnk't* of Kfd .\l..-n was unfitted ',0(•.•iit.s which is intended . t.i a.s.-,istwcaUrr triln'S 'which have tnemhot-.sin tin; Coi'.'1-nnn.'iiL scrviee, (.'t.-Trihp wilt i«iy this ^iiin o i i i t s ?.-ltl

As liisu-iot 1'i-osldl'iit, 'Miv. RWmnI':ilio.I ;. <!K>)-ic! nif-•! ini;-mlK.'S of llfliflialiM ill thisn'li will si'inl thi-(!« ik'K-

., \V<'din"sil;ty nis lu to at-IT'11.1 til.' iiii-ciilit; iti tlio hall of War-ii'it Lnilm* .No. I;:J, uht'ii a .mn.-t.-i'ssoi-to .Mrs. Ss'i-vcr will 1K> i''..-.-cfd,

Afi-opiani's inriy shortly he soontlyinjf ovf.-r WashiiiKton. The avi -ators in c-hai-Kc of tln> nvill rdalics b otwi^i'n New York and Chlcatfii usual-ly follow ihe'Aiiierjran tole.i,'rtiph andt.'l.-idt.'iic lines. Tho one soon over-tho . upper end nf ihc eomity lastwee!; was prohaldy a mull jilaiic.

l lonry V<M-tl \* preparing' to KpomliDlllitms of dolllars to d.nvlo]. thewau-r pinvor of ilie United s tn t f s .His In-st link hi the chain* will "he ;

DO YOU CARRY AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE?Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Fire and Theft

'Another risk you run is that yourc a r m a y injure or destroy property

belonging to others. Such accidents are as likely to occuras those involving personal injuries.

f/lvtna-Auto Property Damage Insurance protects you againstsuch claims just as effectively as .'Etna-Auto Liability Insur-ance does against claims for personal injuries.

Chaiiiifi'y Cnth? and. Spencer Kddy .>?:•,.MHI.IHHI i r a d o r plant in [lantilton.of l-:tizahoili have, returned jii'tL'r iiiifs- (Hiin, tii-ln- n|»ei'atod l»y water. Meim; tlic simimei- with iheir ^ randpar - ,, |W) | , | ! t ns . to have several similarMilrf. -Mi". . . t id.Mrs.. C. U liniirk, who f i l ( . torie s in various parts of thocniertiiliUMl iliolr (KniKluor. -Mrs. Jas . country.ICdtiy. and sou JaiiK-s, Jr. . nf iciiza- ^i r . s . ' \ym. 'Monhonnht of NazarethIj.-ih. last (•Viday. loxi hoi* wedding riiif,- 20 years ami.

C. Jonailmn llaiu-k. Jr., of K tan ton she then resided a l WVst Pen ArpylI

n-k, Jr., of Ktantoi'j lime with his li

A. \V. H;uic'k f»f l-:iiz;il)tnh was ;Sunday Sliest of his parents. Air. amAlrrf. C. L. llaiu'k.

Aliss I.m:i!!e ntill has ivtunied at-tar .siiciidiim a week with rehitivos iiJersey City.

.Misses Klnronce and Margaret Hulll r e nquests of Ihrs. G. Kieii i fa

icie, iy.^i'.'iViiii]lily

E. G. HILDEBRANT, General InsuranceICr/fc Ol Pimm and IWill'Call. 130 Railroad Ave., Wellington, N . I

J I I I . . v>. i w u iLini uiiiiity siiL-ui. a IOWdays last wec-k with her sister, Airs.J. II. J'oraon.

Miss Dorothy O'ltura of. Knato'nHjient the1 week-onil with her parents,Air. and Airs. Jos. O'lliira.

•liUAIKSTOW.N.Airs. John a rover of Hanlwiek

township, who Una hcun ill, has Rimeto-Tin? seashore fur the IjonetU of herhealth.

The pear erop in this vicinity is yei'y'riotl this year. ' "'• • •" ' • " '

David Shotwell lost a cow last "Wed-nesday.by lioinn- struck iiy liyhutins.

.Mrs. Clias. Latiliac-h and daughter' of Sfi-anion have boon visiting thu t'or-| tiier's Vn-other, .las. 11. Shannon. .I -\hram Wilson will.take a course illI forestry a t . ^yraeuse Univursity thefortsl





-FOlt Mi:M»t:it 01'".-

Board of Chosen Freeholders


Primaries, September 24Lh, 1918ljolli0pi.n fioinT \ M to H» M

(I'aiii for by AIULTI li. Craij;)

: Mtiiulsiy with r[Their tlaushier| lhu-r week'.s vi.sit

.Mr. ami Jh-s. '/,.yaclv, X. V., aiv v


from Thursctay iintilntivM m Xyack. -\. V.

h h fXyack. -\. V.there f'H-;in-

II. .MuMurlric ofiUiiK1 tiiL'ir datiyh-b

j The iVlairsto'wn M! 10. Sunday school} will piunie. ;ti .!-lemloi:.|c , tTlen. neariunie. :ti

ViHk'y A!: , (.Tlcn, nuarSUVITUI other

, ,vl!l picnie with them.The Wiinui Valley Kpwortii League

• • ;il at the Ki'hocdlu-u^-

saiiih I .anet' of Walnut Vallf.v fellin a ladder while wurkim;- al. .Ulair

recently, disloealint,' hislvlor.v.'Milry Siniste visiting her sis-


Iloschee's German Syrup.Why use ordinary cough remedies.

wlu'ti nnsniHM.;;*' .(•tii'iinin Syi'iip hasbeen used so .successfully for (Ifty-tjvoyears in all parts of. the United States

in tho throat, especially hint? troubles.It gives the patient ji sood^ night's

Teacher Wauled.The Hoard of Kduent'iou'"' nf the

Ytwnship of While 'desires a teachernr the'PeiiueBt school which


plications to <.!. S.l 'erry, I.', C liuttz-V i l l e , N . . J . . ; . , . „ . „ ; _ : . , . . ••• - . S - C S - i l

'dtVlnv ri'im- 20 -iide.l a l West I

and lost Hie rhiK while hn.skinsr m m ,Last Week tlie present oecupun; of(h.> fill-Ill. wiliU- illt-fillipr ]«>i:iln«it. sa \vthe rliiR mi the prouf: of the fork,lie made inquiries and returned .thelost baud of Kulil.

Air. and Airs. John Nixon of. New-ark, who were visiting their sun anddn lighter, Charles Nixon and ALrs.Herbert Opdyke. were called to



h a tton on Sunday by word that. Walter, uf Xewark. was to

nilt?rici> a stn-glcal operation. Wordi nee received here slates th.it. tho

tio w t p f o d dere slates th.it. tho

as not performed, andimproving untler treat-

i nee recope rationthat he iment. . .

l-'iro Chief .lueob Grimm of New-ton has'ljuen exonerated by the TownCoinmitieo of the ehjirpe of beinsI'rn-German. He was al.so exoner-ated of ihe charge of inelHeiency.The uhai-h'o was m.-idc t;-; «i»muof:- the .members of the steamerliompiiny. The ru'solution adoplcd bythe uointnittee states that it. is provenelearty that he'is ;i staimeh Amerl-ean. -tl -

Tho "Uniwiiinff. at sioinilaln Lakelast Sunday recalls the death of Carl•Johnson, a brother of Mrs. FrankSkiuner of Lincoln 'avenue., this bor-ough. ..Me had driven the team whichconvoyed ;i puny of Oxford hoys'to

'the lake as the guest of .1. JI.. Sera 11-ton, lie eould swim but he sud-denly culled for ;i hunt and im medi-ately disappeared under water and it

v l h b f hi b dn

his; bodypp der

everal hours befowas recovered. '

Food administration circles expectthe price..of beet to «o tumbling, soon( h t th d ) " b f Lithe pr(hiiste

e..ofth day) because of ^..^.

, . . . .he market of m'eat uuan-tlties of liyht uttik'. Heavy steers

beluu sold in Haslern markets atti $2ii lo ijiiS ]>er HHI lumnds.le ihA'lHwi'ifj-ht sieers bring- only

8M to .? tS . The (lilYerenc.' ii{ retailprices! nunlit to be in proportion ifconsumers would demand moat fromcuttle, that .dreys under ,-175 ..pounds. •.

,,,.?..Thcv-.. •Stiilc"1.-Christi:i:;;:."J2r,£lcavorConvention will be. held in .'the. Fii-KtPresbyttirljin Church ;U Alorristown.N\ .!., on October t, I! and •!. Ainonp(hose who will speak are Dr. Cailman,of liniolilyii: Or.Sbaw. of Host on; Hr.Oharlos U.'i-ltowart, id" Nuwark, and

n f i j T v r UTin latest and best "O>sh from th

Wesier K r o i u . Ut i rh i fT t h i t" " w i l l In


1 therest, free from couching, with easyexii'eeiorati^n in the morninff, sivea ijnn 'a'i'iatriotie servii'e' will be licUlniittirn a. chauee to - j-nnthn tho In- W|,en the New. Jt-rsoy KlaLr O K.tinmoil parts, throw ott the disease, service V]»n will he unfurled andliephip the iVationt. to rogain his (lrdlriiedheallhil. Sold by Jenkins '&. Aleoker. ' ; * — ,

p Oiulnul;.An • pxiieptioiiiilly H:ood , harvest is

ndictUed by tln^reportrt in l\3r,j;laml11(1 Wales. Tlu1 reports all tend tonllrni the expectations nf a yield

twqlve pup!!;;; j cquivaKmt to forty we.t-ks Supply offood HtulVs."Tl hwit •op wilt be.phm'ttntifiiany tarwe. The potato, crop

THE BRYANT STORES25-27-29-31 E. Wa«lnnglon A \ c , Waslunglon, N J.

Greet Seiei-Aeiiual SaleOF


15th, and continuing until Saturday, Aug.31st, we make the following attractive offers:

Not necessary to go into any details as to whatManhattan Shirts are; they are the best known every-where, and everywhere known as the best. Ask anyone.

R e g u l a r $ 2 . 0 0 S h i r t s n o w . . . . . $ 1 , 6 5R e g u l a r $ 2 . 5 0 S h i r t s n o w . . . . . $ 1 , 8 5R e g u l a r $ 3 . 0 0 S h i r t s n o w . . . . . $ 2 , 1 5R e g u l a r $ 3 . 5 0 S h i r t s n o w $2,85

R e g u l a r . . 4 . 4 ' . 5 Q S h i r t s n o w . . . . . $ 3 , | 5R e g u l a r $ 5 . 0 0 S h i r t s n o w . . ' ; . . $ 3 . 8 5R e g u l a r $ 6 . 5 0 S h i r t s n o w ' . . . . . $ 4 . 8 5

A large stock to select from, but we advise you to makeyour selection early as sizes may soon be broken.


AUGUST WATCH SALECan you afford to wait? Realize the force of the foregoing statement. Don'tread and forget. The saving is real, actual and practical. . : .Over $5,000 worth of new and artistic design watches, at 15% to 25% under price.If every man or woman would realize -the condition of the watch market and thecontinual rising prices, there wouldn't be a watch left on the last day of this sale of


Military watches for the boy in the army or navy, and ladies' gold wrist watchesall bear the same reduction.





4 4 6 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa.

Opposite Colonial Theater




Miss. Lucy E. Gurrison luis been ap-pointed' by rrosident Wilson asposiniastoiv ;ii l>e!:iwure.. Hiss' Gar.i-iaou. who has two In-oihcrs in thoarmy in (•'"ra.neo. \vas been asyi.sl:intto the postmaster. ;it Delaware-and a'petition signed by pruutkiilly '(.>veryputron of that, ollim- wsis ;iii-"-!ifi--favor, Arthur Dean, who al«u nuitloappliciition for appointment and whowas culled in the lirwt draft, hasiiftou .sent to ;Cnmp" AV;ul.sworUi-,by.-the local draft board after.an inter-val of over a year.



Laborers for EssentialIndustry. Good Wages'and Steady Work.

Apply at

• :•••• -STANDARD PROCESS STEEL CORPORATION" North Broad Street, Phillipsburg, N. J .


322 South Main Street, Phillipsburg, N. J.

vemltie 11I I he Idle ivsideiieo. IIS West.Wn.Hhiuu'loii jivonue. W:i.sliini;loll, X.•I., ironnnoneiiij;1 al t p, 111.. on

: •-:.-.• Smiinlny, AIIB:. :tl jiis f.dtttws: Oak bedroom juiii. -wal- 'tnil beilro.mi^ suit, ii'on heds*. s p i ' i u ^ , j

1iv ' ; i : ivSr?i ih ! >w^etninle.riifines, i|il!!ls, pjH'lur suit, rim's. 'enrpeis, New Hume sewing niiirlilue.L' ivrfrelloii nil liefucrs. Nil of ol«!

I The Quality investmentI Tho firm of J. L. Pottyjohn & Co. stands for thoI'uality invcBttnunt onjy-iho Investment Hint in

riio Quality Invuatmcnt RimrnntccR n peaceful,nind—loss Drofitj lnj* B ™r*.niEt7..;h=t ysar.siar.cy-vili;bB*atrectcd neither by piinic, nor cntnatroph

mannsctnciit, . ' . /,',

l'inli>r nruan .

(Vin'irs.'u'iieii'.'i'i elKilrx'. 'iVit.-kl'ru. esirpf"

i'1V1 \> iV *.ht rs]" • u 1:1 v i1 ;t!i'tl piii1;'VuuV lio/i-iii;u'fl .:{iuni<d I'niii, I'i.-ir <)o/eii i:tr.s i,-1-lies, •: jin-H ewjrs, ! I 'ilnzeu; I,.I »-,f yn>-ecrk-s. lot of i-oit! in oellar, (i lint InTns.pip.^'wiviu-li. KliiMswiire. ^ in loy lool«.pictures, (IOIUI-H, lalile linen, pads. :u»lotiier tliinnH lor, imni^njiiH 10 mention.

P., II, riKVOI':, AdinintslHiirtr.

Thin company dcnls in Firat MortparcB plnced onhiKhly Improved farm lands in Eastern Knn»aB-aterritory whose productivcncfiii'itnd co:i9i«tencyofcrop yield Viiive hcen tout.si throughput ft perimi

Wo have oneratcd in tlits on,) tieltl for 35 yenrs andhavi! lonnwl over K5,OC0,0W We have confinniour loans to thin territory, tn'cmiao Merc we knew,

We filiall Lo t-'cascd to tell you nbatitour "QunlliyInveBttnuUis." Uost lluunciul iind «H«ntolo rcf er-BDCCI>. • <Q ( .

We Guarantee Our Mortgages

J. L. Pettyjohn & Co,

•••; NOTICE "

In tlio Jlattcr of the EB-tate of Samuei:RIne

of the EB- 1 p

asod. J

u e l o r c v e r u a r r e n e i MIP o r.igalnat tho" said oxeoutor.

,, ,. OSCAR JEFFEl.Y;, Executor,, ' ^ Washington, R J.

Datoil: July 2-1, ]918.


of April, A. D. nineteen hundred andnineteen, being nine, months from thodate of said order; and nny creditorneglecting t bring In and exhibit his

• The Star (ind Thrice-a-'Week -N. y .

Page 4: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not



Professional CardsIndex to those Prom-

inent in Uiw, Medicine,.Dentistry, Optometry.Insumni'iv ff Unilert-.ikim;


'Hit: I-UIHV-SI\TII ANNUAL on i.nur.ipiK-.il,. I • lnniKlTiillM in Slln-I I ' l r i w |.- . « s ' n • i nt-cl.HlniiH by llii- l i ivK.m I 'oaid Dl AlUMFn ff\D FDAWfFl 'I'*:irliK-i-H itf I hh titTtlnn haw- Ipiiru-- \ f r ' A 1 i n c h l 1 I T ' ' f I F a l P • " ' *'•«••"" f<>ll<.w. tin- i.. tl«tniiif8: rLANNtU rUK rKAnLC n\ iiui-lni; Hit- past uvok tliat It iso I l U U U o U U I 4J l u l l I i-liilin upln-iirliii; Ili.-t ami lliv I'oar.lV ! (Continued from paso 1.) ilaiiKi-i-ims In start Ilrt-M "lit In tin- i

« 1 ileelsUm m,.-..|iil: . ' - • - i)|"-ii. KvcrylliliiK In III.- Ili-lil.-i Is a s.\lai-.-h JT HI .linii! I , tin- . l l i -nnans ilry :w tlnil.-l- rrmn llti-(li-iiiilslit i-iPliill-

. . . . , 1 * . I...... I.. i in., i.iii, I . 111. . . I r . . . - - » - , . • * » ,

, K. A. Jli-yi-r*. Sii-tt-:irwilli-: .-In

«I : I :AT. I.IVKSTOI'K EX'IIIIIT-;!',',!,,,!,^;!,.'1 ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' : ' - ' ' i ' ' 1 " 1

llki- v<-u-ian«. mill iinly wlli-n iiitllillncii. Tin lel.ls w'.-rc- lim-iie.P•r.ili..iii IVMV woiinili-il .-inil llii- „!•<.,.. rlM,( I I , , . ii,,, t,TO „,,,.,, „.„•„/„ -.-, '

. ' I ' " " " fl-l-l ,.( till- 1..HI.S llllll HIIIL-IIK llf ,11-11I. NIMI-II-I-II IIIIU..H.X .Vllliniill when Htn|i|l|.|l l.y l l i .- lV.-sl . lv.

C< I A


L^T^™™''^^^'- Tr^^HHir^^ When-.-T.»-V.;S!WT -^! : 3 ,:::'•-• " • • '^ - • rss^^ 'Res t

n a s e n . [ | „ ,.|,.,,,u.,. ,,f vvin,l save,I the spaai.nVj Leu 11. \'ii!i!i:ii;a. \V;,shiiii,'!ini: u. ,u>lerer f.,r Ihe last ^ i^ years, I 1.,. t l ], ,,,• K 1 . ; , j , , ;unl Ihe il-i i iri-e AVIS uo l

: I . :\V ".Nil XOVi ' l . \ T T ! M C T I ( ) W : | l | : l i r i l l i | 1 ' " - " I U | 1 - i l .- | -» ' l .- . . l | .ar- isu.-s . ill.- folks !.:..•!, hu .ne il,,,,i«lll I ! |,,.,,v>.. • m / i l i y u - M l l . ' r h a s ' l . e e i ii , . , ,, " ' , , " ' e a t s mill skilled imhl.--.rial ia l te lvr ; .•lva« K->il for m,thill);. Mill new 1 i h a n l ,.n eora . |nilat<i..--. e le . T h e MIII.W-

• I . , I K - I U - I ! !<>• :lu- ManaKcnifllt t" . | - A hn.l II-1>, >liu!l.- wltliesu i l .- i i i-ml--u:-l i y,,a u, ,nl , l wi'iie in .nher r..r inc | , , r s h.tvi-In-.-n s.'allereil iinl--«,,ihi' « i - e :

) Kiiti-riaia a:!i] I n s t n i c t : ,-ni re l . i i iv .s ; sMU.a in.liislrlal MIM'I .iiwl leii her I ma.le unnil." { l i e n s have liail lltllehe !

• ; ' " < • : v . ! ;

hKiiti-riaia a:!i] I n s t n i c t : ,-ni re l . i i iv .s ; sMU.a in.liislrlal MIM'I .iiwl leii her I ma.le unnil." { l i e n s have liail lltlle ni iu I'lu- u,,,,-,.

! laiioivr. Ki-iiish i",,re,.s frnm Persia have ! t i l ; t t i ;, t}, | , f.j ..^Unialeit thatn t C I ' t i l i n m i ' I l l I l nd Ai l l l lSe l l iCn t ; Tli,m...-< Jl . in. l .y nf I ' l . in i lv l . l l i^ : : lali.-n i » r t h e ilefenw .if the rleh "II i , !„ , |,,,t.,,,, ,.,,,,, u-| |i m i t i,,. „„„., . ,!,.,„

, . , . v . , , , . , . . , , . ,. ., : ••'ahn.-.l I l l - K : I-K, iniLklll.-.l. I I I - , . - , . , I , , I I T ,,r i:iiki-r....i th.- .-asl.lan «•> I ( , , , , , 1 , ,.f an average en , | , In i h l s '•'•").. V " ' • • ' ; • , " : • "•• •' ( ,lu."lrlul I.. -i-r. ' a m i llniv 1.1...-K-.1 <lei,nan al ien, , , !* le [ s i . . . . , , , „ , A . . , , , ; , | 1TOiI; |,1K valiv (,f .-.-.l.iy.-

- '' '•• '•- : I r . v . ' • •'•" - j i e . i eh iinlia, l o r two wonltl hi1 \i'i'le,,nieil l,v [he• • : T l i n i - l.ll..-1-iy U I I I I I , In Yi-ar. T h e fiiet iha t (!.-ii.-ral Hans VI.II I rnritic-i-- w inn- sa the iv . l lh,. l.ir-

i v i : i ; v n i i N ( ; r s r . u . i . y S I : I ; X \T- Tonnusvi.- i-ians ..r. me u-easury i:..-i.m. ii». i i . t » -;r«ivni »,,«•.[ ; . ( , s l .„„,',10., , , .„„„[ , , . l l s l l l v < , ' ; r e . , , ' , ; ,. ' M O I ' ^ i I N V\Ul A m i T h e n S t - t i e - : iTrri-.id,.. m i - t n r e e L i b e r t y l . f a n I ' a n r - l a i i s t , " 1,.,^ ',»•<•,, . , | , | . . . i i i l . : . l t , , t h e . m , , v . tU,<iv^ n i l u ! n n n i t n . t h a t i h e , , , n ri " h f t i v r . Y u u D o — D . i a ' l . M i s s I : . 1 ! P i i B n s u l l h l . i t i n - m - M y e a r . , - , i . -h t o M I I U - . - U I . - l i e r m a n . - . . i i i i i i i i iu l . . .l III.- j , , , , , v ,,,. | , , . , i , . | i t , . , | • , , n , | t h e y m a y h e c h i

O S I' li OP AT II V•I Xti'ii'uf II at; "• Ikiiltl

OK. 0. W. RhADE, OnlrapnlhCm .K. Wi.«hi.t.L'"-n ,.nil .Ini't-.m .\M.-n.lH.v- .,»• T. . .1 ' ••;!>• '••:<" n !•• •• ' :<• '

\ r . - i . ie , . . i I t , . - . i . -i

DR. T. K. N'W,.\ RP

! \.M1-U-: AfCOM.MUHAriU.SS FOl:

" 'r.Vl'.r KKSTIYAL

: WRIWKSOAY.j FIKKJIEX'S DAYI Local a n ! Visiting Firemen will lie! o-i |i:;n.l. II,)!i. Kuconi! C. Mmniiwi'll.j IYiviilrnt i'l" I'nni.-yh'ania State Kire-

::'h'» Ari.-OCint'"!!, Illlll 1 li-IVKHTatVii-'i'Va',- I'.-i- I t o v r a i r . will I).- tlr

. ' c : - .'.:i .' u'.or.'.o'jile— I-'rcc

ie,\i >*.(ll. ,-ii, ll u> .-»',••> ... • >.. -• ) may I,;1 ••rnrllii'll atui- tii,.iv. it \v:i* : S.ii-.n.' f ront is lightly skMi tcan t . t ! l l . ,-;|U , , 1 , , ^ , , ^

DR, WM. -a. , K . VLLIM;

DRS. 1'.

DR. M. S SI-.IIKYI sl'l fl.il ;--•/••


ICni.^iT I-^IIKI* T a k c i i . ' O i r r . i -T h f <>si:m- ..f c;,iufrir»l Krui 'utT. nf

NVwark. X. •.!., v.dmM at n l-\vr;Uniiiluin (Julliiry, was t aken m v r Sat -urdiiy l.y thf alU-n pr- 'porty <.•usti.nl- ;

\ lux. An Jimiinnirrlin'ttt »t till- ciiw-i uul iun ' s ntlitv .KiU tha t a l t h o Mr. .I K I - I K ' C T is ill! Aiu-M-icjin cit izen, lie isI ulii-y^.l as mi enemy •Hf.'jtiwf ,.f • lih;

I Miv K r u l e r ' s prtM»'i'(ii's. it wus ;i Htitt^d, inchnlt* tlK' f i i l i f i l • StiiU-n" '! l i tvwln^ I'timpmiy, iho LynnX- ^ensi Hi-cu-lriL,- I 'oinpany ami lurjro iitti 'i 't^ts• in ilii ' l.'nfnn itri<\vlnu t.'i 'inpaiiy tm.li ihf lluiiu' liivwliu; i.\im|uiiiy, all " f! Ni-WHi-k. L m w Jitildln^s in M'wrali .Wn- .li'i-Hoy n'itlry runci/rtiH ;\Un woiv / /1 tHk.'II >.\Tl\ ' / /I Tin- sci/.iifi' w;.s- matl- iimlt-r a pi'f-^', vision of llii.' (ratUiis-\vit1i-tln-y*'.t'iViy

• n-si'li-jit in an fju'iny r . . innry/ i s ani an.'.,. • [ ;

. M a n y N u r - . - s W a t l t i ' i l . j

i ' l l ' i y [ l n . n s i n . l w . . m . , | i A ' i l l . !•<•<-i!.-il Ii> . I n l y 1 in-.M y . - a i ' / t a a s s h - t

-lay In :mnU'iSli i l

Why not ? The Ford Store has thisweek received another lot of ROYALEASY CHAIRS. Once yuu'ait in oneyou will quite agree with u.s when we say''•"'The; best."'

.That simple, yet xfreetive,1 arrange-ment by which the back is instantlyadjusted to just the position you want it,then that foot rest, out for use now, andin out of sight once you are. thrui'" It's'a marvel of comfort in chairs, there'sno disputing that. Prices $22.50, $25,$2S. 830, $32, all subject to ourcustumary10',t cash discount. Be sure you get

. yours before winter sets in.

The Ford Store• c. • R. ror .n , I'mp.

VVASH1NC1ON, N. J.i ' l i rni t i i re , ( tu i -s . C a r p o i s

H. alHt lltll 'T IIOIIK' iiMI'-ftS


T, F. BRAY &

YDU :tre also invited to ca

an I inspect our f;i 1 iinu "fan I in<pet:t our fail iinu "f ' . ; ' i f f I(1 | ^ g H . H ^ S ? , .

Readv-to-Wcar 'f| ^ ^ ^ ! » « p » :

ri(»lhtnn il .^^^mkP^m".

tlu-iitiiit,' 1as hospital assisiai.l:-. •|"hi' itKi.iorliy"

!iur,«c.-< ami availul-le for sfi'vi<-e i-wv-ti-us, Tu sti|ii>]<>iiu'iit Hi" --npply . nrKnttliiut..' m i r e ' s Ui- ur iny inclU-at =il.'l.artnit 'tit iias t:stali|[s!]fil the a r m y «

; si-hoi.] of nursiiii; ai wliu-lt pliys-:• icnlly Hi y..«u.u woitt.-n l^iwocn

i ;.^.' will ho tratm-d a'n.'i M-tIt''ai.ni:irlj as ihf .W'.'i nrlw. . l-'ully .lu.nO'l! wpmfii ci'in !»• IIH'<I ;is h»i>])ital us-

Free Auto Deliveries

Don't forget that we do abijruml yatisfiiftory busine.sseven' war in

ICavtdn Sc'ulay Tall.

i i!i-- u- i ' Jn! r . , - .v ; i l j j o r s l i in ' Al!»e:l ' r i v , ' l . > A n . l c . - w K o b i n - o r i ,,f i l . . ,

• •n i .\l;ir[n.-.-i. f » . r n u - r l \ - of •-^

Roman's BackThe .\ihiee of 'iliK Waslilnu Wi.l.i-

:m is ill Cerlain \allle.

& ail\ft .U aU\* y , , ; ; : ; ; „ : ; , ' : „ ; ; . V n - •,„. • l i , . , : . . * . . . i V y . U i t , - x - w i t h /, - ^ w i W l i h i . . , l h : . I r " w l . I I * - • ' ^ ^ _ « - h y l . u . m - s K i i l n t - y I M I l s a n -

in vvhicli .I'llk-in!.-••,- Uiiii; iv.nn:.l..a i;i a ["i.-sc-h ii-.;<i,i(:il. - -^(t • I i l

sat.' w ill l-t> Tii.- t-i.ini-f.<:iti..:i n-^-al;..! in tit.- -Mitny W -w:ti- >'|.--:al- I1!;.-.-(..VIT.V Uia: \-\h » n v from I'liila- ; l h l -i(.Miti.«n to tU-li.iii.i. jjini. wii.i; i>- ni ' .rc ivmurl . - i 1 : ' ' ; u ] « I l ;

nevei till- to p.eflSO the

mo.-t partieuljii*' man'.

i ^s|i.-i;.-(^ ami leans crat of I!T>,•]>. i.l-l..w tin- .<J-t,"«J(l. inirsi- u a s.>. 'tilt- lii.Vi'l-llilii'Ilt l> t'.'MIil tile 1

ni l

in- h.is to .-ay ulmtit it.• Vrk-.s :»-"• K. S i fwa r t

the I u-i;.-^: . I.

:1s. TlK- ' lifiin« ln-avy llitn^s Tiinna th-- Inms:ii'l;. In;; • I ^HIT, .^ . . ! from t.-rriMf jtain-: jtcrn.

!i::iy -osr." d;ty cliasm..- tl-r i;a:n<-. •" ui'n-n | .•.•tooiml, ii. JVlt a s tlif.uuli.•i;;. U<-n- Kourk, ihr F n , n r h .,vi- | v,v,-- |.r,':tHim,'. My kiun.-ys a.-U-.l g

slrni ,!,,v.-!! ihi-i-o I'u-rniiiti nir-Mrrf?^'ul;u'Iy. \VIi*-n i'.li'.t work ' tha i,,- in. ..m- i',.,y i,,,-.iuiy. ' Tlwi") ,..-!„;,•,.,! .Mnmiiin: .»%>r a IH>; ,-tov,,•-"ht his ioi.il iuiiiil.L-r of air v k - ; l,.;-rram- v - ry n.-rv.Dia ;iiul . l i m ; 1 my H

. to i|.|icy • I'ilN m

! D r II. .1,' Ms.rkl.iii.!. | . ; ^ 1 : . - - wt1 i l ^ - C . n - i;i in i l .•liinvh1. .\.-w:Mk. ami um- -f i h - !. f-.r.-iuu^ .\tl'lll..ili>t. iTi-. trl;.•!•-•, of th;il ' ,

r-i»-n>l.;nt n.*\ KUHI.] . ! jrot hoanV:iu> smm<it'r; the O[u-ra lluusu- I'll,1,-al'li: in all hnx J-IVO relief. I hnvo l akcn Iman ' sllio iKitiiOjiit fliftVivin liiiii-;; sinr..- ami thi-y h;

i Kiiniin- i"a hJtl.ii•=.lt!Ml rulHi;r;..H 1

u- CoVcrmhoril iniiniiiiii-i-'s tha t a ; s!ni|>iy a s k ' for a kiiliit-y' i-\

' ' vill in-r.'af:-.'!- lie M.'ixed fo r jU ia t .\irs. IX-Vrios* h;iO. Fcistr-r^MI!- |' M)TIC*U,1 In tilt- Math.-!1 i.f t!io K>-• tu le uf Alek .\lonar ' Illy ral ly s.

•"•• i'aiiir .Si'ianish jiliiv toi-petlouil. j Mirn Co.. .Mt'^rs.1; Buffalo. N. V.

;!':', • IMMIU'O mt,r!ins thi- ;il..;i:iiloiinifiu of thu ! " ^.-7^.7^7*;,-;. n fo r t to R-;n:h channt.-l ] iuns. " 1 ] n u u . A W U c r ,,r J,,J t!^.

^ S '


Groceries, Vegelables and Fresh FruitAll lit fuir ii-.-iccs and tliu crt-i.m uf thi- m:u!;i.t. FUKK DKI.IVKKlKd..

FANCY TABLIC SUGAR SYKUP--An excoili-nt subsli-mte'for sugar; i-;m he ii;«l in tea. cull'i-e. bilking, can-ning, or for KWeetening or i'ui'ainiusLaiiy iiiii-po.s,-. 1-Ji-insomething to (fet it in Ijy the pouncl. !K-: gallon, 00c

l-'nnty Slmd Hoc. ran :i.V.'-'Kaney ll.-tul Uii-c. In t icKiiiii-y Sloal: S-alnioii. can :iO,- y,,.^ T ; 1 I l i , , r a , ||j ; lRt.Jlosl Pink Salmon. (-an 20<- ,-. .. • , , ,„Sardinw. in Oil or Musttii-,1. lai-t;.. : ' ' " ' " S l ; " r h - ' * " I 0 ' '

,-;in v..'..U!'.i- • Ii:i'-: t'loi:!', Hi. 1'c"11" Ditinil In.-frt i'o.vilor liic Hurley Flour. Hi 8c

Extra Fiint-y New Orleans Molasses, t|t 2,'ic

Ui-ictl Hei-r. U Hi : ISc i Hirst IVitmit iitittc-r. 1!,. .'iOcS'.niinier l:o[oj,'nu, V, II, lik- Sour I'ii'kifs, 'I,)-'. l"'i-lloik-il Ham. >.i Hi. .....: llic Iliil l'ii-lil.-s. ii.!:-. 20i:lies;, Sic-ciltil Uaiiiin.-,•!!..' : !."«• | .Sutrt I'ii-H,~, iloz. .: 12c

J'rcniioi- Mayonnaise Dressing '. 15c, :>r>c

, ' : V i ( K A M I , i K 1 , . / 1 : 1 . -

P > r A P>-,1 v i ( i i ; ' - > n

: a ' ' " - V - t ' t l ^ ' F [ • l i ' » " i f i \ | i l k V \ i ' S r ^ V a t ' - ^ ' ' '•"•• ^ ' ^'- •'*1";"'-"i' ' ' ' ] - "•• "'"' ' ' " i i ' - ' H in ' t i n ; I •(.-.! i>jf ' o f ' i i - m V v s C l c n i u i i - ; u - » > » e l « i ! i i . I m m l r t i l n i i d ' y i K i i t t i e i i . ' i n j -

n t t i i o , - a i i i e t - i t!i<? s u b . _a d m i n i a t n i t o r . n n o r b e f o r e ; - t h . ; T h e C h r i s t i a n ^ m l ' . ' a . v o i 1 w i l l m o i - i ' t h :

\H. d a y o f A | » r i l . A , I X n i i K ' t e v n " j , , l l u , ^ i , ; ^ ^ . ! ; i l I ; , ; ; , I ; l , . ; , . , ] , . , ^ , ( J h . i r k ' H | A i i

j>li will ho won during i Ji ' Jauy i ;" r" iatu"(.Vt"ui<r L'"mi"iiiy'"of "\v"itr-iii yi-;ir by tiit* iinii.s ol the t TL-II, tlecuJisuil, lo i>ri;.si;nt. thu samu Lo1 amulK'i1 vt-tr has !i-i ---i-il i ur ti*:r<>ri- tin: 'twt-aty-^i-^i.ini i luy ' ot

to tin- liiHlVrsiaiulinR n'aVii-1 -^l'1 ' '1 ' A- IJ- wnet^ ' i i tminired nti.1 nlnc-

' "V.f'" ' " ' """* " ' '' '"" '"*••"

il:.k:-" :. .'

BHi;.:.;.. •

B i : ' ' ' - •

» : •

^ • ^ • ^ • • • • : "

THE ,;•:.••-^rr:v-,t^\

"A iVIbrie Beir f rom (

This Stockand You Display

;" ~ Good Judgment -Let. our y-nnc warrinrs carry

their valuables with safety, whut-. ever you do. ,, . . .

Our Money Relts are of leather.

vanetUii codon matfrial—his tinsand duruble. ' ii

Come io us. See this big lineof Money Belts to select from.

65c to $2 50 each

C1 A f~* tT 1 C Leatherj A U £. «J St ortfe; 3rd & Ferry Sts., Easton, Pa.|.

lo : • ; , Co,Savins-:.s BankOi-g:ini;:ed Jlal'c-li IS.' 1ST-!

s or fu-r'action nyiilnst the said ad j ^"^JlJ"'".];;,,'."^',...'^.]"'^-!^^ ' ' ^ v ^ ^ i ^ i c ' l ' i willl him. . \'h[~ sjisT ut t !i*''tt_-oii vZ-rrf V-1 n'^tl'uj ;iiVia'so'l!!iii'ie.l',L wi'll b^Voi^vcrEDWAlin- \v. SHARPS, j s;i^'e nna ;t euniml w^k'nuu-. : U(JM- Y'1 1 ' , l ' ? t ' Li<l."-S('iu "} ' , K ('I'-'l!ii..|i-! ..•ui'd'^uhiiiiilatmlnrs U L l " " d B " " l i > l l ll" •

"r - - , AdmlnlHlrator i TlK' u-onifn nf tlio c-ilin-fli in"! ye s - ; l , n l ; n J S '"- ' '" " ' ' ^ ' l 1 U ) -K' ;^ s -" l l l i l 1 - j HI.Clu.N N. aiCVLEI-..!.;it.-'lr .li]l.v JO, 151S. ^ 1 Lv}'d;i>' j1 .1 ^lu* k '1 ' t l!!' i ' V'1"!!1 ; l n ( l ^1^-nt : ',',','i, . ' ' ^ . | ' | \ ^'i^l'H-^Lcw!.^. I ht. I 'l^-J, • ltAl'.MOXU U yiCVLEH, .•

O i f i . n r S ;..!." I n 1 0 « ~ l i o m v in .iiujyiisi ; A'lili'rii-uli troulis .ill lilt' luLttloll'ul.l il'lii I i>atcd: July 22, .l'Jl's."' ' " " '.r _ — _ _ JX . ._. . . . . . •-. 7 . .--.-......_-... , l ln l^l l . l i i . l i l i l icu. ; mtirt- to teiT'irizi; Oenna in ' t han tnv 1 :

Services SiuliSiy at linUi'l-'s Hall at oIlHT tllliK Iho Olluniy h:i's nun. ll'..1 V.'.-I-K-I- i11 ( ) \ !u fk ; KUliK't'l; ".Mill,!." r.Mkk'il nai.l l.'i •in,... hail .-verv I'milidelio.. now' ' .MHH.1'-. !l e s t : . I I Coi-inlhiaa.^ i : i . | l . UcMmn-. thai, th is war was ,,n tin: way to Im- i " , ' l ' '

l?. |S 1s"»"i °A 'vHol'1* -v "'."." l " n " r

— i « O J to l-ri.Klili-ni \Vils.m and tin! Ji'oo- j ^„','..*T.V""l'n.'""rlii'Itlv'"Vir""-\ViirVi"i '"'Si••Lei's Si-.- > mi.- I.lit-.IM'.'' : |)1.. or I he I'nlcrd Slates. I ,,i, iho auvcnlcciilli' day of .him.-, A. U.

More than l.",(l autiiiiiid.il.-s wi-re At t h e pri:*em rale of shipment.* , nlileleen liuiulrci lual ci^lueiiii, nullcei Mtulipt-.l Snnday a l l e m o m i In Ihe a vesseMs IIM\ inn r . S. j.in-la cv..-1-.v 10 j '», licrclij- Klvjii^lu nil iiOra.ms liavlnB^

r a ; e of F I J I ; ! ! |HT cent 122,r.!lll.bi j J ; , " " , ' . " " | !ut"-! ,n\"i n'oi'l" t h j ' o "li.'-l'ii^''!.1!: ' "'•-' '•"<- tile l isnres."al .so" L-iveB "ll'ic ! Jil 'neten "lium'lVl-il' nml" niiu'i'e'iii'. i.elaB

:.;.:: OIL STOVE..Xo wicks, no wnste. HoroV

. irtlcn:;c .heat immediately, under thecooking utensil at the touch of thematch—nearest thine; to real cityKas service. .Saves fully 25 pertiofit.:ol" fuel cost. Durable anneal-,eil iron iutrnci'f; become KIOWI'IIH!red and give blue :flame withoutsoot or snioll, >Sitriple, safe, con-vcnicn'j'j Burn either kei;oseno orgasolene witliouL change of Inirn-ers. Foi- i-ale only by

;Wi!son Stove S Mfg. Co.


p u ,I thf t r u t h uf the st:itciu».-iH that tli|

i;^M^oimi1'l-MflTm'^-o^°i<?'iYolOO« '"ihfni'l^t-n'VnnUo.ir^Onfy .mo " prrsim ["""''""' , riinl nr Thanks. ofIlM8°or "hur'^ictkm 'ugimiar'tlie'^uKtw ' - siivinrrli si • i m m "!" i m i i i l l n c ' 1 ' ' ili** <"^V« Ktou t ni I'liil-! w " »*i"li "•' lmhlleiy thank : tlio executrix. •

' 'PI-! -;,>' «. , ,i V . ! lUislnu--;, who was (irivim; without a i m. Minors asui otlu-r.s. wlin hcliK-d put E1JKAHETII D. VLIKT, Uxecutrlx,.Hunt hl.im]>h. • , - l i i ^ n s e u r permit. Sli« was lined $r. ! "in th.? lir.i u]n>n our prutuiscM l(ml • Dloomsbtiry, N. J.

'[•'.il l:. PIKl!f?ON*. [ ' res ident ;i,ii:y M1NTOX. ViiT-I'i-csidont

] and cd.sts l.ij*1 ilet:oi'(l»f !•!. .A. .Barl je i ' . ;Bloonisl

d:1- J'.mc l7,-i:iui..-:

Philip K. Huffman Krnnci^ S. Hoy t Miners1 1'iiion Xo. L'Tfl for the \m~. uf i Will SIHIII lit' Ovi-r Mm'. 1 \E'lgene S r K u r k e Alfrct] E lmer Mills picnlQ grounds . Kni]iin- Steel * li;mi j Aitifrlciin -ti-Moim in a surprisedGuy Minton Henry C Pi tney J r . ! fn . , for ih<- li ! ;ht^; i.'rynn's* n r c . n^ t rn • a t t ack .Satin-day, dn,v.> the Oermans j -

; Pni lander !'. Pit'r.«'»n.'Gefirpe W. Sliclllc • Tor t h f mus ic : in fact, all of llio |u;o- , had ; ru-arly half w milo on a frunl j •.! .i John H Bonsall i I'1" n i : "NlVird a.id vi.Onlty w h o in : ,.f t h i v o i|i;arl,.rs of a mile, n a p t u r - j - '; . . ' . ' • any way awsistod in mak ing my 1»t;m.-j mix t h e yilUims «>f Ti'nin-llur in !>

Cont!aclors"to the Gbvorhnic*nt~

; i;>I-:i'osn\S made on or. before tlio : j - , t " .,third biiHincsHd.-iy of any month drrtw i THOMAS .!'«ititiTost fro in the 'first clay of such | oxford, X. .1.


only imir inilt'H fnnn ' (hei tft-nMiin lior.lor. on tn UorHn!

The Star and Tlirfce-a-Week,.N._,Y.'.World, 52.25 In advance...,,.;;,;„,., ... .'; ".

Dnlrymoii Tnl«? Xntlrc.;l f h i l[Enrico Carilsn, tin1 j;rjind oppru ' All • inoinlicrs of tlu* .iJiilrymen's '

iiiKiT, was marriud Tuostlay in N\uv j rioa^iti- of SVowartsvillo are reiiucsUMl i'orU-l.0 A!IKS Dorothy I'.irk JJenjamhi, Mu.-meet in .SUrwartavilio on Tticstluy'auKhter of ii ,\'cff York patent u l : ovrnln^. ' AIIHUKI L'T. ': l'roiitiii)


CELERYASPARAGUSfj F A S T C O L O R S'!.. Tnpt« For All PurrDSL's. • .

Hoffman-Gorr.Tapc Mfc. Go.. 312 Matkal Sli-col. Phlliulolphh ,- .

Business ::Mefi^Talie:H<oteHere you will (ind the most complete nnd up-to-date line of Blank Honks,

• Eitiilei'M itiul I.ousi! Leaf 'Sliuels in-'Kastun' vv stirrutu'iding country; whil«our slock of Writing Kliiici, l»kJVV^lls^lMi3,j2ViI^licr2^il^31?t Gitrbon^

"T'TilieTs'amV^'iirci^dlh'eirrrcO^ -—— - -


Page 5: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not


Jfaaljtmjtmt 8>tuvCharles I/. Stryker, Owner.

On Mtlo at tho Offlco of Publicationnnd at thesa news-stands: O'XeiU's,Washington; Bragnr'H -and Nolan'n,JlaekcHstown; LluenberRer'B, Belvl-dcrc; lU'litel's, Oxford; Vclelcy'fl,l ' l l H l b Tomer's I'ort Coldcn*


CliuteH. lit lit-nil nf the first rltflit-lmmlutrcut almvo "Hotel Windsor.

' Waxlihigloii, N. X, Jtily ]S, 1018.Buckwheat , JiJ.fifi per ton•Pea .vfi.Tfi por tonCliRstnut 7.00pertonStove C.90 per tonKKK «.9O per tonlira lit / . J 5 per ton

STOVK \VOt>r> 'promiit ilcllvcrlis whim requested,


COAL AND LUMBEROdlco nttil yard Belvtilere avenuo and

Morrl* Cnnni: Telephone Bl..Washington, N. J., July 10, 1018.

nncltwltciitPea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , .$<ri.7!i por tonClicstnut 7.00 per tonKtovo C.30 per tonKgK ami Urato fi.90 per ton



A rtiitiRiitm* was born to Mr, ami.\lrrf. Kdivjinl kecso on Taylor structlust Thursday.

Tin; •I'liwancmtitlt of Miss Carriel.otilsa Must of Columbia and Mr.ll.-rbert I.. .Smith of Ilfoii. X. V., hii»ll-'.'M J l l i n r j l l l l C l ' l l .

Win. Annbivcht nf * i.xford hasyrii'.'-d half of the Frank W. Chain-luTlin huiiso >MI W'i'.Hl .Stewart .streetand will move ills f.imily lien- nextweek,

The receipts of the Spruce KlinLutheran .harvest1 home last. Thurs-day won1 $.$fi*J.:M. The expenses wereiL'Oti.l':. Ii-avdtK the net receiptsjr.rni.os.

Theiv will be no service In Hie jMiiseonetrontf Valley I'reshytorinn Ii-huivh mi AUK. '-»• ''"he Sacrament Iof the Lord's Supper will he illspenseri |<m Sept. 1st. !

Harry UIVIH, 17 year* old, HOII ofKlijah Davit* of l.:ti':i>vuc, was in-1Htanlly killed I; i!-1 w<".]{. |lt> iAtrurk l'.v I lull I n I ill.' wlitlH • wurklnB[lie l-'lnyil llevan farm.

Tin1 pltr ro.'iNt ami chleken supperof the .Mnnstleld H;iplisL church atI'nrt Mui-ray wilt ue held Tuesdayi.-v.-niiiK of next uvuk. and tho Wash-ington Hand will furnish musle.

Tho Ked Crow is desirous of hav-ing iill Kftrtneius. hospital or knitted.llniKlioil. or uiiiinlsmed IIMHIKIU in totin* roiim.s next week as a lar^o .ship-ment' is to be imule the lirst nf Kep-ti'iiihor.

Mrs. J. M. Chambertin, having du-eiiti'tl t<t discontinue housekeeping",will offer all her desirable householdpimls at piibllr sal.- at 7» WestStewart street • next 'Saturday after-

. iK.-'ii at 1 oVIoek . . . . . .The terms of both John IS. Sjentt.

lh» liorou^h iiss.'Hsr,!-, and Win. Iliinl.ill- tiix .-nllwinr, 'explri* this year.i\Vliner has yet made any definite^tiUeiuonl as ivnardiiiK being a can-

,„ iliiliu.' for re-eb-etiun.Those who attend the harvest home

of the KumnierlH-li! M. K. ehurcliWi-dni'.siiiiy ••veiling of m-xi week wilthave tin.- pleasure of partaking of aunm!, old fashinncd dinner. Therewill I - ii, fancy table and refresh-ments will hi? on sale.

Nicholas l-'inelli. 70 years nld. awe!I-known Kalian of I'.an^or. com-

-initted siuciili- last week by drown-iiit;. Worry over the war prumpu-ilihe act. Hi- has two sons in the serv-ice ami brooded over thu fear thattwo others would be drafted by thefXteiisk.ii of the age limit.

Gilbert Melfnrd. formerly of the.nuiiity Clerk's ollitre. He!videre. mu\winner in the Star's autoinuMle. con-test of nearly two years ago, is amongthe few Warren coimly boys in. thearmy eainp at Vancouver. Washlni;-n.n. It,- writes Ibal }•<• likes tile lifev r v imieli and would be glad to re-

Veivf Ii-Ho'rs from his old friends.. His street, address is. 005 LCasl 17th

street.I.I..-IU. Kmini'tt II. Summers, a for-

mer Washington boy, has written tohis friends here that he has been inI-Vanee ' for two months. Me statesthat he has had but one mail fromthe r . .S. but none, as yot from his

• Immediate family. Me is situatedin the army school of the line forollkers and West Point men, afterwhich college work he enters activeservice.

in this issue Albert If. Craig of'Mlairstowri, who has served the pastthree years as one. of the threemembers of the Hoard of ChosenFreeholders; announces that he is acandidate for re-nomination . on theDemocratit>. ticket. He is generally{•iveti credit with having filled the

. utllei.' conscientiously and faithfully.Me is popular at home and standswell in his party.

There has been danger of a raceriot1 on a small scale being .startedin Washington during the, past-week,due to the desire of "some geni'ii ofcolor" for u light. When they wen;in tlaiiKer of being accommodatedthey lost the desire for a conflict.Koine of .the southern soldiers here.Monday iil^ht liearing of the expectedtight, asked in he allowed to lake abund, or.at least.actias referees.

More than ^00 Hnl'tllcra ,nnd 100aiUomobiles wore encamped Mondaynight in the borough park. The sol-diers were -members'-of Company A.iind I', of the lOSth Supply Train.They had been sent from Camp

••' "Wheeler in Georgia to Detroit, totake the autos to Metuehen. lion-,day night, ttie boys were guests of

--hi>::or ::it-;!L-d!ince-in-Maker Hall, ar-raugeil by a committee of local wp-

During1 tlip past few days, WilliamS. Howl by, representing Clyde I'\'Sandt,. has sold and delivered the fol-lowing cars: Ovorlands—Model HO, to.

- William.II..Cool, Harmony; 90,-Depe.wS. Walters. I'lainesburg; SG, .Osborn

• Knnble, lieadihgtou:" ST. ((1-cyljnder),David Sutlon, Itiegelsvillo; seven-pas-senger Willys-Knight, Kugone Cole-man. Tran.niillly; 7f., Mrs. Stella. IIiil-dcrinaiii U'asliingion. l'"ord.s—Tour-Utti, Cieo. 1'ursL'll, I'hlllipsburg; Hev.U, J-3. Whitnio.re, Harmony; J o h n UiijjL-

"~sT'>7"AV;ishingionf^~\Mbiine—Unlversiii"'I'rauior, Henry Bowlby. Annandaie.

Woi'd was received here on Mon-day by Mr. and Mrs. W'ni. S. Hldnnerthat their son, Itnbert* .Skinner, .nowin the Ambulance t.'orpe. • at CiLinpCrane, was about to be transferredniul if they wanted to see him tncome nt once. Mr. Skinner securedan automobile and with Mrs. Skin-ner arrived there in camp to fceo"Hob" Just four : minutes. They re-ceived the information the boys, woreto go "on a hike or ho .transferred toanolher:_ciiinp__or..overseas serylco.«. .A'1olier"""rei:"efvi'd. yenterday shows Unitthe boys nroon a hike nhd In camp

- tiiiqyo. Allento\yn, 2000 feet, above tho j

A daughter wni* burn Sunday nightto Mr. and Mm O. K. Snyder.

Mi«» Hanoi VanFieet rtpralnod herright wrist while cranking an autc-moblle. , . /

Private Kenneth Weller ha.s beentratiHfcrrcd from Fort Slocum toCamt) Humphrey, Va.

Tho frnprovemcjitu to the Howerplant are expected to be completedin -from jtiO to 70 dnys,

Llnyil Thorpe Is now acting" asbaggitgema.ster for the I,ackuwannarailroad at"l^t];c"'iropatconK>

The property of the lat«- l-;il«lia IIHunt nt lloiirintf Hock was nut soldSaturday. It wan bid up to $300.

With tomatoes now .spiling at >!'}cents a h»lf bustiel basket in I-'iwUininarketK, larger 'iiuintitie.s of thevegRtuble.s nru being imeit by thriftyhousowIveH.

The Foreign MlsHionnry .Society ofthe. M. K. church will hold theirri-gular monthly mi-etlng- a t the lirmieof Mrs. leayiimml Major on Hniadstreet Hil.i afternoon at 3 n'clock.

Frank Fehr. :m Kasttm barber,formerly nf Washington. \vn« struckby an autumoblle Sunday morning.H« received .slight injuries and the.driver, Frank Keimi-i-, of Kut/.town,settled with the barber by paying him9 n o . . . . . . .

In his sermon Kundiiy niglit on"Armagedilon" liev, Ur. A, L Mooreof the. Fln;t llaptlst cluif.li advoejiteda new .society to be known us'theK. S. K. Koclety. whleh \n Hitcli-ty forthe Suppression of Superfluous So-cieties.

Unusual preparations uro bolngmade by the larcft number nf ladles(.'onii-nainK- tho King's Uaughter.i so-ciety of iho M. II. (•hurcli for a har-vest linme to be held on Thuradity,Sept. \'J, A spk-nilld hot supper willbe a. feature.

Win. V. UuHh of Philllpsburg,county dlstrllnitur of liuick ears, hasrecently made delivery of MridelKtJ-l.Vs to .Miller Mann of Washing-ton, H. II. Terry nf Port Murray it ml.1. II. Welghorst and ICd. Korp. .Jr.,of l'hillli)sburg

Word wns received here recentlyof the marriage of Mrs. .1. S. -Mc-Cain, widow of Prof. ,j. s. McCain,who taught here a number of yearsago. lu Air. Fred ('•: IMrd of Piitorson.They were married on Aug. Sth andwill reside hi Paterson.

I/iibor Day will bo observed sit Ox-ford with n picnic by .Miners' iminnNo! L'70. H will be feaiured with astreel parade at '1 p. m., two bandsparticipating.1 In the evening therewill be a big danee. the music beingfurnished by two orelu-slras.

The annual reunion of the descend-ants of Philip and Jonas Schneiderwill be held on Labor Day at thehomo of Mrs. .1. (J. l,acey\.n KaslWashington avenue. She Is adescendant of Philip Schneider.There are about 1011 descendants.

The riTcm hot weather caused aloss of about $100 to Charles Nixon.Three of his highly prized WhiteU'yaudotie hens died frnni the ox-tremt* heal. They were found deadon the nests in the hot enops. Twowere prize winners from-tho Madisonh.'ittiiire shows.

Koland Schiller, son of Mr. andMrs. Ambrose .Schiller, has been ap-pointed supply sergeant at CampLee, in Virginia. Clarc-nee Schiller,another son, who Is at Paris Island,in the marine corps, has taken aspecial course of Instruction to lithimself as u pay clerk.

Mr. W. H." A." 'Wheeler of I&Htonhas rented the I teed property nowowned by Jlr.s. . M. K, K.-u-ham ofMendham. .with''the privilege of buy-ing and will mow his family hereshortly. Mr. Wheeler is the ihtnticJalagent for the Titan Automatic Too!Co., with olllees in New Vnrk.

Au.scin K. Fisher, who has beenmrichlne fore-man at the factory ofthe American .Sanitary' Works for17 y.'i.rs, resigned last week. lie issucceeded by George Morris. Mr.Fisher plans to take another position,but has not yet announced the natureof it. For the present he is takinga vacation of a week or two.

Walter D. CJtillck. as executor ofthe. estate of his late father. hT. P.Gulick. will sell the homestead InVienna, together with alt the house-hold effects, ui public sate on Tues-day. Sept. ::. The real estate con-sists of . ten acres of tillable laudwhich Is Improved with a good house,small store building, barn, and otherout-huildintis.

The Franklin Township Hoard ofEducation has given Nicola Coluceiof New Village the contract to traris-'-port the ^S children of the GoodSprings sclmol to the New Villageschool for $70 a mouth. Win. C..tViirgin of Asbury was given the con-tract t« transport V2 • high schoolpupils from. Asbury to Washingtonfor $S'i a month.

The committee in charge of theFresh Air Children sent hero by theNew York Tribune are gratified bythe number of invitations receivedfor the children; places have beensecured for IS boys and girls. All ofthe churches are represented In thiswork and they have done well.Plans are now under way for thework on a, larger scale next year.

(Other locals on page :i).

NOTICE—One cent n word cneli In-sertion. No advertisement '.acceptedTor less tlmn 15 cents per week, liaeliInitial iiixl group oT figures, includingaddress, slionkl l>c counted as a word.

-Unless advertiser1 lias a regularcharge account with the Star, postage.stamps, money order'or chock shouldaccompany all mail orders. Markedcopies ol" tlio Star will not no sent,or receipted bills returned, unless ex-tra po.HUige is lnctudcd.

t'OR.SAbK—Seven Chester WhiteliiyK. live to .six weeks od. Robert• llomin, • neat1; Anthony. - ..-' - . lt|>

FOit HALE—Two-horse treailpow-er. shaker and cylinder: also rye andoats straw. W. J. At tokens, Port Mur-ray. ' ' . up

KG It 11ENT— Four-room housenear . lira BK'- Cast to, $3 monthly,, tosmall family. ".lohii itemvoTrt. Wash-ington, K. D. , & 8-22-llp-lf

AT LIAUGAIN' PRICES— fl'lireeline coaches, 1! coaches, in fair con-dition, 2 surreys, 3 depot wagons,•t sets nf double harness, blankets,.whips and robes. -.Plainlleld Cab Co.,S07- North Avenue, Plainileld, X. J..

"FOR SALE—Scotch collies; twodogs 10 weeks old. with' pedigree.Win. Savson; Sunimmoriiclil; i'. O..Mehidere, Ii. D. ltp

Philip Philhowor announces thathis cider mill nt Glen Gardner willbe ready for business on Sept 1.

SATURDAY, AUG. 24—Public"*Haieof household ROOIIH by Mivs. .1. M.Chantbcrlln at her residence, 70 WestStewart street, 'Washington. .SI. A.Plenum, auc.

LOST—Crocheted, handbag .withpurse'insideY at" the ~ Fanners"" ricif-'i'u,'1Itelvtrlere. Return to Slur olllue or.Reynolds.. &.,Lurell Silk: Mill,-; Phllpx-.|

. KOH SALB—UlRht Jlohilcm COWH: anil one registered Holstein bull, all

young, good milkcrtf, nnd well bred| from TramiuIUty Farms Block. Wai-! lor R. I'VamhcH, near Sunimorfield

church; I*. O., IJelvldere. 8-22-11FOU SALE, or will exchange for

real entatc—A well eHtablinbed bak-ery business In a thriving Warrencounty town.' doing between twelvnami fifteen thousand dollars of husl*OSH a ye»r, all cash; equipped! with nilmodern machinery; auto and hnrsn

'delivery;. Will stand;iHost*'Inspectionus this IK a rare chance for Hoineonuto mnhn money. Poor JiwillJ) rowanfor Kclling1. For piirtlcubus ad-dress, "M. O." care of Star. S-22-lHp

STItAYEl)—nin'ek and white IIol-stein calf, r> months old; IIburn 1 re-ward for its retuin nv Informationas t« Its wheroitbouif, ltobert CI.McClure, Asbury, N'.'.-'.r. 8-22-lt

i^MIOrt DAY—Annuni Plnnic ofMiner's Union Xo. 270, Gardner'sCJrove, Oxford. , -

HOUSIO for Ilnnt. Mrs. V. Frosln,HI* So. Lincoln avenue. It

FOR SAL!-:—One Haynns tnurlnKear in llrst-class condition. Call atKekel'H Clnntge, Washington. S-22-21

I-VJlt SALK One latest type pa-per bailer. Kckelu Garage, Wash-ington. ' . . ; * . , S-22-21

FOR SALT-:-—Fnrm of r.S acres;some Wood land. Good live-roomhouse equipped with hot and coldwmor; barn and other mit-bulldings;about lifte.en ruintites* walk fromChiinKcwiiiftr: price $2,800. Ray-mond Ilackett, Glen Gardner, It.1 D.

. • • : •• / ' . ; - • , • , ; • . ' . : - . • • "• • l t p

WANTED—Country board for, twocouples mid two children, four andeight years of aye, for two weeksin .September; must bo reasonable:small place preferred. Address Win.Muhlhitdh, "ill Htinterdon HL, New-ark. X. ,L ltp

Ff ill SALH—Seven -room framehouse on lot :H)xi00 ft., PhlllipsburK.about -0 minutes from In^orsoU-Randwnrka. Inquire 271 Warren street;1'hllllpsburK', X. J. S-22-3tp

l'"ARMICUS ATTENTION—Do yourealize that the engine of your auto-mobile Is a portable power plantwhich will run any machine, nnd thatyou are failing to take advantaRc ofthe fact. All ynu need is a methodof harnessing the tremendous powerlying dormant when your car Is notIn use. All you require is theI'OWKIlMAKBIt, which In a dimpleall metal device consisting of a strongiron frame with a crossed shaft ofsteel, on each cm] of which is adriving pulley which engagca with

.the rear wheels of the car. In thecenter uf tho driving shaft Is a mov-able eight-inch pulley with a six-inch face. All you do Is push thePowermaker under the rear axlehousing and 'pruws down on the backof the frame. This automaticallyjacks up the cur and engages therear wheels. Put your Idle powerplum to work. Karle S. fiukel, Oar-age. Washington. S-2B-1H

FOR SALh' or lOxchanpe—Twohorses, harness and wat;on.< Wiltexchange for cattle or pigs of equalvalue. Augustus1 i.'astner. Change-writer; P. O. I Sox 10S. S-'J2-ltp

l.'JST—Gold filigree brooch withsmall diamond set in platinum nightof soldiers' dance. Liberal, rewardFlorence P. Yawger, care Star Otliee.

•-- -ltpFOR SALK—Full roun-1 reed baby

carriage,'good as new; also crib andsprings, and hand garden cultivator.Mrs. M. A. Tucker, S Rroart street.

8-22-21WAXTIOI")—Man to learn storage

battery work, to take charge of ourWashington branch. Macau JuniorCo.. 129 Ferry St.. Haston. Pa. H

HORSES for Sale—Choice of .six.all draft horses, mostly young. D.M. Wyekoff,: Washington. TelephoneM7-U3. S-22-2tp

THUCK1XG—Having recently pur-chased a Ford truck 1 am now pre-pared to ilo all kinds of trucking In-eludfng long di.stanee movings; care-ful hnndling, moderate ehurges. D. M.Wyckolf. Washington, TelephoneM7-KH. S-L'2-3tp

W. V. Rush, the Warren countydistributor nf liulek automobiles andthe Morris Streel garage man In Phil-llpsburg. says. "I have for sale someFoija and other louring cars which iami., offering at . attractive, prices.

/Us'eaVci'rs' of this elass are growingscarcer1 every day and prices will behigher later." S--'2-2t

TAKE XOTrCE—Having bought uFord auto bus. we are prepared to•take . parties on, (tshlng enul1 oiliertii]».s—nights, Saturday afternoonsand Sundays; charges moderate. D.Andrews, George Dailey. S-^2-2t

FOR SALK—A large number ofline Rarrod Rock pullets, Aprilhatched; high quality utility stock;$1.25 eae.li. Robert Douglas. Long.Valley, X. .1. . .S-22- •: WANTED—To rent a. good two-horse farm for two or three yearswith option to buy, by tirst-classfarmer with good reference; from \ito 8 miles from Phlllipsburi?. Apply100 Itroad street, Stroudsburg. Pa.

S-22-3tpI still have sonic Ford touring cars

at bargain prices. M.. A. ricrson,Washington. .. it

SATURDAY, AUGUST 31—Admin-istrator's sale of household goods toh-ettle Iho estate of the late Mrs.MaHa D. Mavis at MS West Wash-ington avenuo, Washington, X. J. 13.II. DeVoe,.,. administrator, Harvey.Coleman. auctioneer. ;

THURSDAY, SLOPT. 1!)—Harvesthome under auspices of the King'sDaughters, M. 10. chapel, Washing-ton, ,. , ; r

WANTED—Boys and girls to sellphonograph'records and receive WarSaving Stamps In payment. Sendself addressed envelope and get. fullparticulars to. "Saving," SI0 ' BroadSt., Newark, X. .1. lip

.TUESDAY, SKI'T. 3—Public saleof. the real1 estate and personal prop-erty of tho'late 15. P. Gulick, atVienna. • ' '., .

. FOlt SALE—Bicycle*1 of the mostapi>roved type, also Firestone andGoodrich bicycle tires. Yon will tlndthe best values hore. Kckcl's Garage,,Washington.. -S-la-IU

THURSDAY, AUG. L1!)—Pig roastand chicken supper at the JlanslleldBaptist church, Port Murray.

FOR SALI5—A good farm mare;will work anywhere, single or double;am overstocked. K. C. Vough,

-.(Crlsman-farmV-ltlairatowu.—N'. ^.I..vIirD"." !;---•";-- • -- --•- s-15-41ji"FOR SA.LH Cheap—Two horses,

harness and wagon. Little used.Washington Steam Laundry. S-lfi-tf

FOR SALK—bay colt, 3 .years old;price reasonable. Inquire of JudsonBowlby, Hampton, N. J. S-15-3tp

FOK SALK—Tomatoes, "by thequart or basket, llenj. F. Castner,Belvldero Ave., Washington. S-15-3ti>:

FOR SAL15—Pure bred Berkshire !

pigs, 10 weoka old: sire, "Waverly Uoy.of.Betdinlnstor, the,6th!';.dam.-"Smith- ;sbirSupcrbiiH Spring'Belle." Certifl- ;eajo of- registry furnished. S. S. Kees--;leiyJackBon Valley;-Oxfonl.-Iv-P- : j

VOn HALE— i-year-old Colt, 1200lba., broken double; al«o B-year-oIil,-Kood size. John Steel, Rocksburft; P.O.. Phllllpsburf,', R. P. 2. . 8-U.2t]>

WEDXESDAY, AUG. 2S— PublicSal« of live stock, farming implements,etc., by Albert Xnhoum adjoining Na-tlma ifoyt'K farm, road from FrticUnion to HutlsiVille. F, T..Wrd, auc :J. (I, Anderson, clerk.

FOR SALE—Overland car, justoverhauled, newly painted, A-l con-dition,', juta rant ted. ""Etliv!'* OUIUKICWashington.;.. /, S-1C-2C

FOR SAM-:—20 Barred Rock roo-sters—thy B. M. Tliomson utrain.Elmer Clayton, Hnckettstown, It. 1).

S-15-RFOR SALE—New Silver Trumpet

Cornet, Ij-ilat; a :.nd c attachment?complete with tr.«e. Inquire »JS You-mans avenue. 8-15-Jtp '

CAHBAGE—Wn have about 2.000 \headtt for sale at r> and 10 cents a |head. Smith & Apgar, Washington, j

8-lH-tfFOR KAI'H—Knwkcr'H fertilizer.

Call nt Osmun's Oarage, llaekctts-town or at my pine*! at Roekport.Elmer Clayton, Hackeltstown, R. I>.

S-15-ltFOR SAL!£—Ford e<iitippe<l with [

Smith Form-Ji-Tnick, one ton capa- Iitv. in Rood order. O. .1. Ilowcll. |Washington, Telephone MS. S-S-tf I

CROCHETERR, silk anil wool;steady, Rood pay homework. Oold-L&mlth,"46.Eaflt'20th St.', New York.

8-8-3LWEDNESDAY, AUG. 23— Harvest

Tlornc by the cnngrcRatlon at the M.R. church at SummcrfloM.

FOR SAI.K—I/ite 1017 Ford tour-ing car. A-l condition; has shockabsorbers, demountable rims, etc.OrviHe Cole, WashinKton, N. J. S-S-tf

FOR SALE—1010 three-speed Ex-celsior motorcycle, all equipped; price$125. Inquire Lav/aon Alpaugh, Hamp-ton. ' 8-8-3tpl

FOR SALE—Harlcy-Davltlson mo-torcycle, almost new; owner Jn navy. IOscar Tampfer, Hampton. 8-8-3tp

FOR SALE—Horse, live years old,"guaranteed to work in all harness.J. B. Wintermute, Stewartsvillo, X.J.. S-3-tf

USED CAnS FOR SALE—Wo havetwo light (.'.erland touring cars, bothfuHy eQUlpped aai1. in flrst-clnas con-dition, one- newly painted. Clyde F.Sandt, at Overland Sales Room,Washington. 7-25-tf

FOR RENT—Store room next toEmily Skinner'H store. Jamea IT,Johnston. , 7-lS-tf

FOR SALIC—Stock bull. Holstclnspringer, second calfi fresh Holstelncow, and 18 pigs 7 weeks old. OrvllleColo, Washington, N. J. 8-S-tf

WANTED—Throe teachers forschools In Independence township.Warren county, N.J.; good ealary, tonmonths school. Address George E,Dorcas, D. C, Great Meadows, N, J.

1 . : 7-ii-trWANTED—Girls to learn weav-

ing; paid whilo learning. Apply toWashington Silk Mill. ' 4-4-tf

WANTED—Fat b-- t cuttle andveal calves. Frank G. Riddle, Hamp-ton, N. J, 4-25-tr

FOR SALE—Fertilizer for farm andHarden. Cattelle,.<t Schulze CoalLumber Co., Washington. 4-lS-tf

UUBHKK STAMPS, Fountain Pens.Typewriter, Ribbon, Carbon Paper,Free Catalogue. Brunner & Brun-ner,1 Eautun, Pa. 11-19-tf

LARGE, pnddod Motor Vans fo:long distance inovings. Rates reason--ible. Sisser Bros., office and ttarage,K!4 E. .Main St., Somerville, N. J.;'nhone Som. 33. . 6-3-tf

WANTED—Hewn or sawed squares--3.\3, 4x4, 6x5, C.\6; any hardwood.The Summer Co., Washington. N. J.

6-14-tfFREE TROLLEY trip to Easton

with J2.00 glasses at Dr. Selp's ofllci—Centre Square. 4-4-tf

WANTED—Fully equipped farm:fur which I have customers. Communlcato at once with Harry Chris-tine, Real Estate Agent, Washing-ton. X. J. 4-10-tf

FIRE! Life. Accident and Healthinsurance. Only the best companies.•lohn E. Uehlein. .agent. G-S-tf

WOOL WANTED—Having takenout a government permit, we are nowready to buy wool according to gov-ernment regulations. • C. A. Conove:.t Son, Lebanon, X. J." L'ell phone

. ' C-13-tf.ONE TWENTY-FIVE will buy

good second-hand leather Ffynet. I:quire.at Star oillce.

CARDS OF THANKS are publishedin this newspaper for 50 cents, whensame do not exceed seven lines (sixwords to the line), and seven (7)cents for each additional line. tf

$25.00 WILL BUY a fine, big En-terprise Coffee Mill which ,_ Is fittedfor power; condition fine In everyway, but the owner has no use for It.Inquire for Mr. Groat at Star oflice,Washington. 12-20-tf

FOR REXT—Eight-room house.bath, gas, and electric lights; at 52East Washington Ave. Howard Fritts.

5-D-tf- PRESSMAN—We want a man orboy who Is experience^ In makingready and feeding platen presses;permanent Job and good .pay.. Ad-dress or call on Mr. Groat, Star office.

7-2G-vtpFOR SALE—Double house, Xos.

43 And 45 Broad street, Washington.Apply to Joseph Cresaman, 340 Heck-man St., PhilliusburK, X. J.

FOR SALE—Six H P. gasoline en-gine; used very litlle, excellent con-dition. ' Clark Bowers, Washington.N. .T. C-13-tf

BIG- BARGAINS—To sell quickly, Ioffer1', six-room, slate-roof house, newtwo-horse barn and garage; large lot,at Roekport, for JSOO; also eight acrestillable land nearby for J^25. J. H.ITemlershot, 3-1 Evergreen Ave., Mor-ristown. 7-11-tf

FOR RENT—One o'thG finoststoiorooms In Washington. Jacob Weller.

6-lC-tfWANTED—Chickens, veal calves,

fat cattle, pigs. O. J. Howell, Wash-ington. 5-9-tf

CARLOAD nf. 3 ."nnd- 4. 6; and --S-inch tites just Iaiided. Cattello &Schulze Coal and Lumber Co., AVash-ington. . r' 7-18-tf

GROCERVMEX, ATTENTION —There is an opportunity to buy a. No.largo Enterprise Coffee Mill, littleused, equipped for motor driving, for

HARRY "ii. SMITH, successor toex-Mayor Henry Johnston with tho

II-known Northwestern MutualLife Insurance Co. See, mo beforeclosing elsewhore. -Washington. N..J.

•••.-. ' ' 12-14-tfF O R SALE—Two player p ianos ,

Ilrst-dass makes, and one . fine up-right piano. On account of going- outof piano business these'1 will bf> soldat a sacrillce. If interested, call at.onco and. see them t.nt No. 3 East rWashington avenue, Washington. W.S. P.nwlby. . —fi-fi, tji .

DELIVERY CLERK Wanted—lto- iliable man for Auto Delivery. Ex-

Harnessing Opportunityand Determinationto Thrift

.... .People - are infinitely moreinteresting than things or theo-ries. There died in New Yorfcrecently William H. Newmanwho had been President ofthree trans-conlinentnl railroadsystems and the highest paidrailroad official in the world.The interesting thing at.outNewman was that he did notinherit wealth or own railroads.He began his career as aswitchman on the TexasPacific, "worked up," andwhen the job ahead loomedup young Newman was ready.You can well believe thatNewman was never loafingon th'*. job for in a few yearshe was vice-president of theentire "Gould System" inTexas. Then he went to theGreat Northern, the C. and N.,

; and then to the New York, ., Central as president of the- "Vanderbelt System." His

salary was $120,000 a year.Some jump from waving a redflag in the vast lonesomenessof Texas! To opportunityand determination he had har-nessed THRIFT. With thefirst month's pay as a switch-man he opened a bankaccount and that was ever thebarometer of his accomplish-ment. The thing the

Old First National Bankof Washington

wants you to do is to harnessYOUR opportunities and de-termination to THRIFT and touse its exceptional facilities indeveloping that thrift.

FOR RENT—Desirable nat, smallfutility. G. R. Uehloln. 5-fl-tf

WANTED—In family of two, wo-man for general work anil cooking;good wages, Address-^S. A. W., Staroffice, Washington, N. J.

FOR SALE — platform-springtruck wagon with pole and shafts,capacity 1500; also set heavy truckharness, set heavy double harness. J.C. Thorpe, Washington. 7-25-tf

FARM for Sale—To close an estate,about 75 acres plow land and 15acres woodland, J. C. Cougle,Rloomsbury, N. J. 7-25-Gt

FOR SALE—Seed Wheat: A smoothvariety known as "Pride of St. Louis."This wheat has £or a number of yearsled all varieties in the groat wheatgrowing county of, I'ortage, Ohio, win-ning the State prize Cor two consecu-tive years .averaging over f!0 uti. peracre. It has yielded on our farms herethis year over . 4 0 bushels. Price,while it lasts, 3.1.00 per bu. Tranquil-ity Farms. Arthur Daiiks, 31 gr.; Tel.SR-IS, Ilackettstown. S-1--H

IF YOU want to rent or buy a housein Hampton or Glen Gardner, applyto Albert Seeschaaf,' Glen Gardner,K. J. . " • . 8-1-tf

NO NEED of wearing readingglasses that require you to peerover the top to see diatunt things.Wear


which combine near nnd far vi-sion in one solid smooth lens.

A. Davidson, 0. D.OPTOMETRIST

Washington - New Jersey

Japanese PerfumesR . ^

. —. OrangeLamps I PvkoeTea

LampShades E Yo-Sa Coffee

_-_lnccnse_.v._lN__Hf.tn!iiiichin»:Burners r-r\

XKimonos" A

'•• Novelties



STORE37 South Third St.

rOne;minute from Circle- :



G.W. BEERS'New line'.Bungalow Aprons at. §1.39, $1.50, $1.75, S2.00New line Ladies' (Jowns at .„ SI.25, SI.50, S2.00New line Envelope Chemise „ ; S1.00 (o'$l.f!9..Corset Covers, worth 75c; at .: „ _ 50cSilk Camisoles ...'$1.00 to SI.50White Underskirts ...: ..' :.. „ Sl-00 to S3.00Colored Underskirts, extra large, at ..•: _ : , SI.00

SUNDRIES AND NOTIONSWhite and Colored Crochet Cotton ' 10c and 12cColjfales Tooth Paste".121.1 iLZ...!;.'.~.!lT.r...!.'._.~lZ".idc and 25cTooth Brushes ; 25c to 35cTalcum Powder •..:•. : ;:..... _ „ _ 10c-to 50cFace Powder _ '...15K

Powder Pud's : ; ; „ lOc









Khaki Varn for Sweaters, at hank : $1.00Natural Yarn for Socks, at hank........ ;„ $1.00Germantown Yarn, hall ' : .,..:.. 50cIn the |iopoul:ir .-liarlcs, iiichulin^ Wi.stm-ia, lituok, Old iiosc, lTnnU'i'.s'

,L Gi-tien, Salmon, I^acock i31uc.White and.Colored Shetland Floss, skein.....: :..:... 20c

SPECIALS IN HOSIEYLadies' Black Lisle at „...:„ "25cLadies' White Lisle at : 25cLadies' Brown Lisle at 29cLadies' Grey Lisle at 29cLadies' Black Lisle and White '. ' 35c7 Doz. Foot Rest Pure White Silk Hose at $1.35.




| |




Early Fall Shoes




James H. JohnstonTHE LEONARD DINNER PAILS are made

out of "excellent tin, heavy and strong._Si_zj. pii__the..^Qttoni,. S.^ inchej_J)_y.G jjnehes^.Price $1.00. We also carry in, stock theEnamel Agate Dinner Pails, Price $1.50. v

AXES—Wo will make a speci-il I ALASKA WlKttXKItS which have• . - „ , ; , - - , , •„•.,„•!-„!•. <. . r.,,.- ''"".on-tried In this wjeltun for r.- i n ice un-oui -.UUIUILU a.\ih IUI y o a | , 8 l | .u , | . ,n ] ( , f m i | ] l l U) b e llr.st

the next ten (lays 01 ,S1.7r». fiass: :: qt., $:t--">; •! nt., Si : 'iThcsu ;ixos arc guaranteed. Thoprice will bo higher Sept. • J.

lU'llUKlt 1IOSK— We hsi'vo :i"• C.oiKlyoar JiulibiT Hose, punntn-

Oi'jiin Criitllos . .ifo- timi 40-MI. jnik Ciins. ;,Jti'tiitntUcm \ o . " 'i'yjiowrjtt'r, sec-

.onil liuiitl, in tiihly nood unlfer:prli-V] ' . . . • SliO

Fly Oil. to kill flics on cattle.Peach Baskets. •

1 "Glass FruiL '.Inrs, 'pints, $1 doz.;quiirts, $1.1(1 dozen.

l^crfoetion Oil Stoves nnd Ovens.Hammocks; ' .,

. . . >.".. Theso Jcr.'! have a perforated fcpouawhich jmlverlzes the cream andmakes iL delicious. .

Window SiVreens, oOt', l\r>c and "."K:

.Wator Mauir Washing jiacluufh',

Second-liand Liffht Truck Wagon.Salvet, for liorsesi'and cattle.Atito Tires,' Ford sixes. ,'" " '"Earthen AV.-iro, such as l io Plates.

Uutter L'ots and Baking .Howls. 'Fla? Stones, sq. ft ."(-•

•t.Fish Oil Soap, to kill lice on vines.Aw'ning jMtiterial. ,. . '''IIOK Troughs. -1 to 6 ft. long;.... .:

Auto service charged extra when we do plumbing or tin work"out of town.

Page 6: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not



»he Stewart Unit Power Plant •• A 25 h.p. ions1 etrolie tnotur, :t''*

!>.iu» .x •! •-; stroke. I'urntslir* ll.;:

' v m ? t : i ! J L r d ! a l ! S b U ; 1 : < V o \ ) ^ ' t ^ W ' ' 1 * ' l k 0 ; ' f l" i -^^iv;(iv(>t>. Kuiii|)tv.-<1 wIUi hlitU toil- .Mi..ii -infisneto. Onwasi t K'Vvi el'.--ir.'A pysu-m, fill;!!-'.! ami force foi-a

iii-y cnii!strin.t(>»l W d'cilvtjry ser-vice, special attention h-Mmr paidIn larjrc !'.;•;•.rhri,- sui'tan-. httirn:;-.-•

e.ii^iWfkm" '•T!:e cUxtcb. ami traissnii^iim a r -

li-iilitl Fi.'curi'lv to tlsi umt'ip. Clutchis of tl:t> multiple disc ;\-;i": a.!l ad-justments nutouiiUlf. T!;o sears am!

"ntvkvi ytotl/llii'tl ojierato.uti ikar- •inss desi«ii':'l to carry Co V-ff"iit. mure strain tlriin can poasi-KV..1II> s'th.'eetod lo ilifiii.

'n, I ' i ton c'.Kirais, SISSO

.QUIG MOTOR CAR CO.-139 Northampton SI. Easton, Pa.


(Continued from pa go 1.)Mid hi' eOIItetlUd

i-tMi-iii fvorytlilnK InKM' he is Ilhlf.

State* In -tliis-rCKiipVl. " T l i o |ieH*b-vimilice of Cmincllmiiti IL-tV-l-itiinlni?is re.-mltliifc In mure ;iml IJL-UOI* *Iilu-

rO x . wnlUs. A -Mule, inon.' iii'rHc ve.ru nee.'. .„ at Union woulil be u trooil .thhiK for

Ith himself, j thu n ' ! l " who 'wives II|J tun'vastly ami•H. inn in1 "ho unly looks nt tlie present ami.

M p hel in t .KOt ' the

h f

y l k * m tin presont ami,the duvl; sliU*. ami who hits

' h l k f lU .-tn look fofwunl

' i- OIK Yo ltow.

Olio sttltrv il;iy a fanner 's hoy.Was iKiuhiff in a tlelil nf eorn;Ami nnxiiniMy Itii'l waited J o n sTn Hear ill.- weieome h<>nt.

Tin- weleome viitt WJW heard itt litsiAmi flittvu lie iiuirkjv ilrnjijpcil his hoe'I'll.' farnn-r slii.ut!-.! in his ear,'•Miti' nut yrmr rim'!,'1 lint* tmt. youi

niw!" " " ••'

Altlluuch ;i hard

to tho future ami persevere to'ittuiinthat which ho desire*.

Xow thoru in iinnthcr Hide. Hero:ire SOUK* oxaiunit's of iiur.se ver.'ine.ethat we would Just :m lief see iiban-a«inc(i;i.y-tho"|<ruiii.»tiTH. It in any-thintr IMU wise to persevere to a I'aclI'rul. Perseverance in tho. Kiimblcnthabit will result In Unit rendezvousaf'triK tlie* canal helm? broken up ami.voiue'of the lioy.H anil yoiiiiK men who

now iu-i|ttitiiiK >>a<) habit* ami "

wan t h e row.

•- '• '• ' Hill One. Wiiy ;'VTIwre. U "lint '(in.! Movut'ii'iiiui'tdkliiKoiifiy, oiiu national Instrument,through mid liy which tin- UnitedStatcH van WUKC wiir for tho tieM twoand u,half years, mid itliui 1H tin* Ad-ininlstration which wan Dhiued injiinvor at the last nnUimal eluuUon.-Any weakening of the InlUiotmt* niut

|ire»tltfc vf .tlie Administration lx uweakening of tho political,power andhuluonee nf this imtiou' with othct-na thms—a wvakonliiK "f our war

Our soltUci-M "will Ilnlit UH Nrnvolyand otlk'icuHly, ntn* siil!orn hrnvti' thc>|daiiKcr-s of the Hiihmarlni'il scan withthe Mttnv (.'(Utrufff mill Hiiwesn. «nitlu> )i(illtk'itl and moral stivumh i>( tlunation's «overnnicMit, its . powor tflil'hitf pi'aui' won hy our IIKIIIIIIK mIIIK. t he i r WIIBCS will i c n r n - t h a t Iliu " " " I f I 'miui-won li>" our IIBIIIII IB niMi,

aiitliorlllvH will lltinlly 1JI> l /rutmht wi*"' lll> wpiikenuil l.y the ilcfrail .if tliuu • i-«niKiilini i.r tliolr ilmy nnil Hint lm«y ' ' f l l i u Ailiiilnlntnitliiii..> >^. . ' \ n l l i i i i . i . II . . . M Iti l i l t i» . i l . H I I


Hi- rallrii hot-,

man. pleaded, now smiled u

; evil, which is in many u<xj than that of hitt-inpornn

, I lirokon up.

! Tin* fai'm.r's liny IWH- om hU r', Tin- lad the text r.Mti.-mtk.|v«] ]

Ami ofiiMi pr«'V«>fl tin* moral -U1•In Hf,-V uroat . !l.»M .if v:,rird


• ft istli.'U III:Inf tin- I,tiPI'ly lit

i l o o u tMil.

As Tloost'Wlt'HiiM In ISl'S,nation* will look at our voles tliUyaif fruni only om* viowiiofiit. Theywill diiiw no i!n<> distinrtiuas. TnKnrope tin- CUTIIOII of a llopuhllfanCon^rosH this year woiilil mojin a dl-

Tho perseverance of CU'Niian h'nl- 1 v i ( k l ( I nation, a refusal to i-minr.se aniltin- in spri'iidiiiK Its propairanda can N l I u l t I '•>' l"1 ' I'l'Iiifiples 1'iv.sident Wll-

' has proclaimed as tin- principle*nr nation ;ind ihe ;iims :iiul pur-of our country,

ily Isiiveran

dispenstid wiih. This iKrwas used In ftirrim; up

. . . . . . ! trouble iM'tweeu Knslnild ittnl lie-- i land. Himveen Kni^tand and Cantulti,

\ ti.'lWfou KtiKhitul nnti Iiullii. Iwlwevnand the t'nitt'tl Htutes'. lie-

of «

. i;.<

t,>imrtiMle or War Drives.i -riu-iv- tin, • titi'/vim_- i,i.p i -'iv.Mri.' mm uiu . .uiiiitid iiniius,. ue- The week of Xovenilior 11 hasi

•' the l imn" •'he «.!il <i ! -v! l w < ' t i n -'"I'an «ml America, liotwcwi Hie [ hooii set .fur the Kivat union war fiuul i•t \ ... i '.t, iv.i,. ' u-iti • S n t " h Amorlran nuimrfes iind tin- I*. ] drive in ' miso ?i::::.'i'0'».'HIO for war

Vul kiml ill- rosiil ! S- F 1 " l l l ' . v H't.1""-' li'ies are dedicnteil j work uf the V. .\l. C. A., the WniM'anip•• - . , j , nv,V |\mv l i t - - ' 1 0 " U > •-'•"i'h-nt.s (.f Washington whn Conmiunitv Soi-vlet-'mi.! ilie Attiri-lcim

tli. m o . m m in- i l t ) ) U t l ,. i i (b] i , . i , , ( . k l , n s h | l [ who d o j u i u - a r y A^o-jiaii-in, necimllni,' to miMUf a tifcu Kiinlun. The persover- i annonnenient m a d e in Xuw York Hintane.«? «il* the eiiMltftis owned liy nelBK- {Thursday 'liy ivprcrii-lttativox of theImr.x and whieh said 'chitfUons are not t fmir i)ry;ini>:rttionsKt ' iu 'a t l ionuv 'Mil pL'i'xlM. vtiinilnue Thi '-Y. Al. ('. ,\. wtl! roeelw ?Il'l ' .mid [persevere in leavinir Iheir own *,vai«!> mnl early in the iimrninK arefound iiU-Uim; at Hie \f«etah!es that

had n htu'it time Nirvlvhif; th

lu iv sot ,.-(i 1'ar in advance that Int'i'»U :i nap and t!ie >lmv i»ut ' ."tin)>]u,i-lhm i,,riHU' .MII^IU up ;ind pass-c l the il'-'-t-fontt'il linrc ami wan out,Wi.'h-i7:i t:i;{ni!n»!ise of Mill'ord has :itnii- >[.iry nf ;i turtnisc and its trav-els, l-'ur six y.-ars then- w;is a turtUin ills ^;f.-.'.-u. i:.-c«mlii^ tiiv.l

ihf fund, the Y. \\\ r..\. ?i;..Odd.ono. the War Ciimp Cuin-

nity Service ?iri,0n'',O(lll ;tiifl

raised ;u e.msldenihle expense and j ' i . (mijirv V" 1'I " 'lime. I'eiseVenuice in ^t'eiiii; tiial i

iiiik-s from its usual haunts.murks u-t-tv pl.icci] <»i Its l>:tek lic-foi-f it was taken aivay tin- last linif.'I'liref suinmurs |ias.-'e<l and .Mr.Tiirili' was aintint,' th.- missing. LastWvi-k .Mrs. IlitU-iilmus.' stw* thefallilliar clijeut erawllni; up thewird.'ii path. The marltM showt-dPlainly that it • was the nlil friend"mine hiiek. I f s pi'i-xevvniuce will lieivuimli'il this time fur l.oth .Mr. andMrs. llitti-nHuii.


• -aii_-]U and punteL-il by stid residents. !CAPTAIN*'.!' H.I.V. j

S|t:iimcnlici% Iteunlnn.The annual ^iihimuiihori; reunion

was held at ,\Ir. ami .\lr«. 1>. S. .Span-^enlji-rtiV. near ihiKen. Saturday. Uhi-n.M- was served upon the lawn to near-ly \»" .quests. Those present were as ._ , ... _follows: .Mrs. Christim' Smith, .Mr. I Although tlie price nf mini-

pl'.tldlm,- will a|

l-\rl.lill!"l• IKII'I

, ... j iuul -Mrs, Ilert Smith and <-liilih Vll..,,l.-iilaiv that it wil ...M,.KI A l e n H m , , h 1>r Vl.]HW;lVv•• j |

imam, (.ontlnua! ; : i n i l M r s < W | n ooutse >m<\ elillilrpn.

sun (MIIU^ rp.l>-d prieu UHUIVS inudo puMie j

I-Vi<lay l.y the imreau of lal.or statistics'show further IncroiiHi-s in June, lite |mentest a.Ivaiic,- liolus •'•- por tent!for potatoes. An uwiMKit im-rease of \T por eeni in, food prices is sliuwn fur Itin* year endeO .June l.'i. the' nivaiest |atnoiiK . .tWL-my-uiKhl articU-s listed !.

per com fur round steak. !iloelined

win. "With Mrs. Walle:

\.ii.-id, ",

. -., . . •-• •ti-i. Lannirtir and• • n';1" V tnutuK. ! U I l l r n n i | I o i u . k l ( f opntwrvlllo; .Mr.;l the phllosoiihet-, it. l : . , | 1 ( i > h , s Marshall .Spanu.riil.erH. -Mrs,

Fn-tl s-M'htii-ti'r :ind ehlltlrcri anil .Mrs, IIIerl.i'i-t (iarrtM.n and (lauW!u<-i- Kihui !of IJ.'lvidviv; .Mrs. Amzl S|mnt«mtiei^

ml iwofhili lren. l-'rank

ill IT per cunt during the .vi-ar, Itiead . in—

UuriiiB Hi

• yon wiintfd t" curry, c.mhl yon d<> it with 'rtainly, "can

1 lust foodOf ilR'IV

M\ .

lia\ patl.--II you ha

until il•hen carry . il with .*JII'.SIIILT any of lii

hi juhllt'

• to d"Mh lo Wail•id you eanml without


and (I:IIIMliter Uoroiliy of i'hilail>-l-I'hla; Air. and .Mrs. *ii(."t, < "ressiuaiiand daughters . Sadie and Alice. JointK b K . Dayrell. Ali i Li

! hannini,' df ' im'ion: -Mr. and -Mrs.'i W ' l M

in. back

Ireat Oaks from Little Acorns Grow



Ami luil

rdi-rit up with hard<ik:i/c,'<t in this

th II vhirk.

»V TI1M (illVKUMIIt i


ut a joint nu'titliii; of tlie 'Lujjislaturcof ihe State of Ntiw Jersey,-helil on thetwenty-ninth day ot January, A. D.one thousand nine I u m l i t l a i t l lHenry lieors, DeW'itt W'otvi-rton. Mr.

j anil Mrs. Wm. Hush and uhiklren ufi -Mnntana: Mr. ami Mrs. Henry lUice.I :uul family. Mr. and Mrs. Kniest Iliu-e•an.I daimhtor of Cornffh: Mr. :uui' .Mrs. Wm. ypaii«eniiery iiml family of[Oxford; Mrs. Theo. (Ireone ami chil-Mivu ••( Nfivai-k; Mr. ;un! .Mrs. il..-nry , ..... ..' Si-'hari-.-r of I'hlllii'sluti-fi; Mr. and | lnK n

Mrs. (Joo. Paul ami <l.->UKhu.<r Anna. ? , , ' , ,Mrs. ArtHnVFiilMi MMU chlMreu. M.v U E JU^o iVg .XwAI / rER E. EDGE. !:im! .Mrs. \). S. .S|iant,'.'iiherf,' and fam- i Governor nC. tlie atate of Sew .lertsuy, ,ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. U SpaiiKonliert,-) pursuant to law, do hereby issue this! r

1 and family. Mr. ami Mis, John Itlddle "}>' I-Toclamatlon. directing that an jami famil'y. Mr. ami Airs. Fran!;. liltl- \ "ft** s? n Vof N c w ^ v ' ^ V i S S h v '

•"Hi* and children, Mr. ami Mrs. .fas. ' .ti1(J nrth'day of iSovinibc'r next ensu- ;" : " ' ' ' " ' • • " : " ; " inir tlifiilsuu.hereof..for the purpose of !

cleutinK it iiK'mber of the United States !Senate, to till- tho vacancy caused by jtlie -death of tlie said "WILLIAM !

thouK.iiid nlno amulrtiil anil tlilr-leen, declared <>I«ctctl it Member of theUnited States Uvimt« from the Btatoor New Jersey, and stibatifiuontly dulyqualified Itimself as such Mombcr oftho United States -Snnatc, and aftersuch election ami (luiilillwitton, to wit,on the thir t ieth day nt Jatmary, A. P. <one thousami nine lnindreil-and oi^'lit- !

n, 'ilvimritid tins lii';,. tiiereby caiis- \aimy to exist hi the repru- ,>C this State in tlie Senate of ;

[(.'ph: Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur lln.sli. jUiiyiuonU and datiKhter Kilith;!

The man with a good savingsaccount can leave his loved oneseach day with a clear conscienceand a happy disposition.

He knows that his family willbe protected from immediate wantno matter what befalls him.

Ii you haven't given your fam-| \ - ^ ! ^ | ^ ^ ily this well-deserved protection,

open an account with us at once.

National BankUnion Square—Near Delaware Bridge

ic iwsfverance of hornets. Imin-hees, yellow jackets, vie, when

tcrmiufd t«.» stim: you. isvv[l known, l.iuw thoy iiorsi.si in ;ijob V.-IUMI thoy once an: suirtod. ilar- ; Ik-rtha. Miidredv.-y t.\ Klcrc-y can heaf witni'.-s lo this- ' "Whit.> using tho iioso to cool off thgrounds about I-'lorey UroUiers. f:Ur-;Mr. ami Mrs. C«o. Paul ami daughtertory this Avcol; lie (listurlied a hivo'• Anna, all of llaxen: Mr. and Mrs.

1 of .l>mnl.ile lie-*'s under thr* caves of!. Kranli fc'taatrt ami sons. J'tnytun ami| il»- factory. They had u disadvant- Harold, of Kasion.\W when tlir-y started to j,'ol revenue,: Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins eriter-! t>fc.rLiiso Mr. Kloroy was al>!e to dt- j taiiunl on Sunday Mi: alui Mrs. Ji).«.

ftsml himself with the inch stream , Oliver, daughter (lladys. Airs. Annie! ,.f water and a itnod pressure. Not. { Xniin. Air. ami Airs. "Ueriiian • Numi; <" ilu- luvk of the men whu were ! ami Air. ami Airs. Sovern and two, early t.i work iho next morn his. Tin; ! daughters of Newark, ami Air. and' Hilary l.mnhi.- l.t-t-s hail hold a council "I Airs. Josiah Park.]Mi war all niuht (if lices do sutli j .\ fr-stival and auction' i'<; tilings.) ami were on the oilVnslve in i lit of the Hod Cros- will Ii the morninti. Wht-n they wont "over j a. AIHIOI-ROII'.S OIL Satunln{ Lhft top" ut" ilu* eaves, ami into tin

ami duimhtur ,Miriam. altof Hay.fii, ami Air, ant] Mrs. JosephShoe-maker and Htildrcn -'i' Aloumain

il(e. An enjoyalt!,.' lime was had.-*~ :' j GjfvJiN*under my hand ami tlioCiroat j

MOt'NTAlX LAKH. ] .Seal of tho State of New Jersey, at->, , Al . u , , t. . , Trenton, this sixteenth day of July, inMi. .iml Alls. .1 Jslioi-muhui ontci- t J i e y L .a r Of our. Lord one thousandmud mi hunday her parents. Air. ami i nine hundred and eiKliteen and of tlie

Airs. Joseph StKin^iTit'tjrs. ilau«hlors, s Indepuiidenee of tlie United Slntoa the,1 ]-"-uh,.r and son o n o hundred and fortyrtiiinl.


Governor.By tlie Governor.

TH0.\rAS V. AIAUTIN... . Secretary of State.

.Endorsed:"Filed.Inly IC, I31S.

THOMAS F. AiAKTIN,Secretary of Slate."

I t'ai;[(ji-.\' ilio men wen:- uiljen l>r *ur- j i-(! tu oon.o ;nnl ht'liii prl-^o- <:aK .Mmuu Jiuai-fl a .sons" ut Un- urn- l i o y nvoi- Ui: Ll'liunpll IT..ill 111.. Ira.k-r uf the at- I M,v. J ; iy 'V. lluvl .: I.-KU .-111(1 was iM'CFlei! u-llll n' flu!rp. : the olllbrc'.kU.ry cllth

stln^ini; lit.nv on iho IH-L-U. l ie Wi'diicsdnv •(f[(.-riKjun: kni-iv msiantly thin hi- hart' been '. ' ;

stunt ' Ku.nl :iml -1II'..|,L.|'. His lirsti l lu .uuhi was iliai A.Iain•• •Willcvcr! liuil lii

Stulc of X«w Jirrncr. jDepart incut of Stnte. |

I, THOMAS F. MARTIN, Secretaryof tlie State1 of Now Jersey., do

.. ,„.,,,.. hereby certify that . the foreyoins Iheld -IL i' ! l a a t r u e c°nv oC Proclamation by tlie |

\\, «i I Governor, and Lite' umloi-FementH tlicre-Auf. -.1. on, as the *nme, is taken from anil I

nvit-j compared with the oriKinrtl tlled_-;ln

Wm. t:.-tnnwr. Ti

y aiul.»>)i

.-lVn.li-.iyf ina l ly i.

I I-:nsi^ii clirus. .Sonuuuii and I-Mwanl- ;-•- - - 1 Maynard rciiurtod in New Vork nn

ll it I.,.nil. Ml M M kind at ! Wednesday fur iissluunioiu 111 tile nil.vy. havniy yunuiluUMl" tlu-ir ten-day

their yr;uiuaiion from I'Jlham liiiy.*"-Mrs. Scar reu and a u r Munis of

KasL Di-anyu were the quests of Or..1 I :.'mks over fcumUy. Thoy!tii>y thu Banks .-otiaffc the

tht« work! my otllce on the sixteenth day of July,A. D. .l'JIS, ana now roiualnlns on file

i(HMl hfv,--\ therein. . •IIKU IKU. . ( S I S A L ) -.aware on) 1 N TEST1AIONY .WHEREOF. I-havo

hereunto set my lianil and afllxed myOtllcial Seal a t Trenton. thi3 eieliteentliday or July, A. D. 1018.- .

THOS. .F. ArARTIM.Secretary of S ta te

Endorsed:"Filed July 20,' 1918. • • .


;!iop wa^ full uf thu mudami the men we.ro1 also

fin im*i of the morniiiH i Winifithe salieui.- The Hun j „., 1 V

AmeriofmH oiul. and ntif tho lijitllL' then

Noi tin


»rihngr. InvpNiiyatiun Klunvctl that.

jthfi.H-es iKulmude a hivu in it .bird'snest iliac had ht-on filuiinlom-d after

j the sin-in^ hatch. •;


I Some exampleThe; persevumni/

C55: .M.'-Sful l on" t h i s li

betterTiKM-e is ;i :.'caii\\ and it ^..vcni.-;'to i;.- an iiH'i'c.-ir.in.n1, <!oni:iti(l

['or Cainlic.-i oi1 (in1 !'f.ift,c-r port. unC i.l:c:v we ninkf a specialty in

•• ClGGETT'S and BELLE MEADC a n i l i f s . t h f i t m o s l | . 'enp!i> w i l l I n i y ' T o r i i i v i r n w n . t ' l i t i n ^ a r p

"•\Vh»ryouii.u:Ti7iy7»r n"i l"hul'y'"fi*V-'"li'.aT'lnaitf-V-rVs no! i^lSitcii

. w l i i d i M',.- : ' ' ' . , . . • •

A SCREAKING SUCCESS^"'"""•' oiul-that is, tltc \<'ddy. -lU-^a CiK»c(Mfiif)"'ClfpvH'oS7"wiriBT^elPKtr^r:

only -I!) cents ;t jitniml box. I.f you liavr hi'wv irU'A tlmse choco-l;ito ciicrrios you rio"not know what lino mcdium-iiriccil candies

3 you have iicslei/lwl to buy. v .

Jenkins & Meeker

of perseverance.of Gem I'Vich and

i L p t f l l L .

-Mr. •and Mr.-:. Str'ykvr ami duushturuwi'iu liy auiomi>bile to IMniiir ynSal-urdiiy. where the young ladies ;irc^Jt-'iuling two weolis' with .Mr. and.Mrs. Charles ThaU-lior.

City Kdilor Pare of iho Xciwark'ICvoniii1,'. News ;intl wife were yiipsis• <( -Mi1, and Mrs. John Muyiunvl overSunday.

Ur. Hanks and family leiive tmlayfor nn atlto trip u» GctiyHl'iim. I1". "

if it takes a l l ' s u m - i y>Vi

'••• OoWitt, iid

Miss Kelly fells'How'Lydia, ;E.<Pin^ham'8 Vegetable

Compound Restored; Her Health.

iiiPi-."--lVr>;i k:io-.v.thr-rc:",tlll!n.n;r-lir.vv-^-.!''ii1!'-iei- and fruit grower .riMhe J'hil-(Irmit saved . the union. The perse- j lipsbm'K- ..vicinity, slates thai he .duesv w u i c e ol" the lout! lisherman. whn 1 " f t iiolieve iliat tin;. ne:ifH crop insiis'1:!!! diiy-waitini; for thi> hiie thnt (.ll>ut section will he mure than ^0.!in;tlly lands the hlK n«h.' The ' por- j I"-*'1 "'-flit, of what It .should ho. Tiesfvt-ranco o|" those, early pioneers in ; attrilmlus ilie Rroat shrinUiise to thoI'm- tempi'i'.'inee movements ;IIH! j "yelltuv.s," a disease thut luis attjiek-ollier.s who liave lakon up the liyht. .' <-'(l the trees, ami ihe extreme dryami' who are now to .shortly see tin? i went her. In many orehtirds there:il | ty'nf their (lri-aiVis-of--r..'t.eiVipi-r- ' .drought .has Iioon' so •aovpre.thni sun-n n w nation. Tho persevorance o f t h e : l"irninK ;uid M'aldhiy nf tin? \\\>\wr•fnvoiuor.s. ": ' I ' he - / pprsovoi'dntM; -oi";^'"i.-n of ihe "«recri""rru'it'h:iV roHuUo>lri~:7:i

Farmer James Maninc, who •ihiaUyl 'rite KrciU variulinn in sizes of thu ' •• *laiHlL'd in the l.\ S. Senate fur one pwichux thai have rip^iiofl if* altr i-lerni. The perseverance of ,,uther ; huted to the unusually .severe weath-eamlidalew. who are sUII reeeiuive • ('i* of last winter loiyolhn- with thisiuid a.s SIM.n as, like ihe Trenton HUnnnfr's droiiKiu. .-•• •Filir, " I ' - N O - f S , " • vietory ' \vii l! • • • • ' • • ' — W ^ • '•crown their anihliinns, O. I., llct-oril j _ J ' a rn iva l .Man .Murdei'iMl.

—FM i i i s r • Sii"i i liTr^a'-rni- n Vv;i T"ciii V i oy'opfwhn was hore with the Coroy Nhows,WiiK murdered last week in ' l i l s lentat JCenvll. ' He had hopn Slruok on"he head with a d n h or stone anil

j in the quest for ollieo. Thenee of the United Ktatos in

; for war - and prose, en tin;.'with viKtir is a

. ?.'Theto in

is herehy. .... towns .that,

ft" it little Lit liaekward in this iv-oct. Tlie ]>orsevorfinc« of Presi-nt WIN n in dial ing n i t h ihe

«oii!e towns iof •'Kxe.e.lskir

lendetl to Ihose

aiiout SlaO he ir;- ;-«tl,|™t..--hliii !ii.s possession a.s treasurer of thu.shows, was stolen. llt> was '10 yesirsdid. lie wiis a. unlive of ISothlelHiin.Thi^re is no ek-w to the murderer .

O n Coiinti\ is onr of the In IqlmM , ^imn p i ti-xaniiples in Hie history of Uie^Uniiotl j week.

p k (sut to le-

will be u lo i sod

Newark, N;.'J.—"For 'abowt throeyears I suffered from nervous break-

down and, not so>yftak I.cdulahardlystand, and had head-aches every day. ,1.tried everything Icould think of, and,\va3. under a phy-sician's care for two•years. "A girl friendnad used .Lydia E.Pinlcham's Vege-table Compound andalie told.me aboutit.-From ;the firstday I tqokitlbeganto fee!J)ettei:.:andno\v"I am~wcll~ian<rJibloto do most anyk ind of work. • :I jhavebeeii rccom- |

, mending the :.Com- •pound everaince and give you my per- >mission to publish this letter."—Miss .Fi.o KELLY,.47GSo. ldth^St, Newark, •

N . J . . . • . . • ; ; . • • • : . • , j , ; , • • • . ;•

• The reason this famous, root and herb '

I normal health condition and a,s a resultI her nervousness disappeared, i

We Esteem HA Compliment•, to Iiavo people lay claim

to this Institution asTheir Bank. Is it alsoYours ? If not, we willbe glad to have youcall and open an account.

Even a dollar is agood beginning. •,;.,


4th & Northampton Streets Enston, Pa.

•. To Ford OwnersThere are attachments and accessories for Ford .cars

upon tlio market without number. Many of them have littleor no value. We wish to speak ot two that are of the Highestmerit and wln'cli wo recommend without the least qualifica-tion, namely: " •_ • - • • • '

Minute Demountable WheelsWith the iisc of four hubs of special design, the wheels

of your Ford car can lie made demountable; and a changeof wheels can positively be made in one minute. An extrawheel with the improved hub is part of the equipment. Theextra wheel can be used in place of a front or rear wheel.

An Absolute Necessity for Safety'The other is "The Improved Emergency Brake," which

is easily attached to the rear hub drum. A pair of these isguaranteed to stop the car and hold the load on any hill.Every high-grade car lias external brakes, and every Fordcar should have them. These brakes are used in goingdownlong hills instead of tho foot brake; for they are more effect-ive and the linings can be replaced much easier than thatof the foot brake. In these days of heavy traffic, good emer-gency brakes are becoming more and more a necessity. Theexpenditure of $10.00 will insure you absolute safety andwill in other ways pay for themselves in a short time.

EARLE S. ECKELEckel's Garage, Washington, N. J.


Through recent purchases, embodying the lat-est ideas, we unquestionably have the largestand finest selection of

Auto and Sun Glassesin the Lehigh Valley, and the price range is

: very moderate..Our optical department is also at your service for themore particular adjustments of glasses to correct de-fective vision. • . . " • ' " . '

Fox & Fulmer421 Northampton St.EASTON, PA.




Until November 9th

The Hiackettstown National Bank• -. OF HACKETVTSTOWN, N. J. V.

will exchange for. its customers and patrons, First,. ;;First Converted and Second Liberty Bonds paying3'A and 4% interest, .for new issues bearing iH%.Those .wishing to make.conversion will kindly bringBonds to Bank. Receipt will be given and the. new.A]i'/o Bonds will bo dehveied as soon as received

Page 7: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not

f "> '


DELAY May Be COSTLYE VERYTHING we lead and all information obtained from

private sources convince us that there will be n decidedscarcity, of. good. Fertilizers-and < high-grade Timothy

Seed. It therefore behooves the farmer in this section ofthe Stale to provide the needed supply of both;'Tor as thescarcity becomes more apparent,'prices arc quite sure to gohigher. . . ,

FORESEEING THE PRESENT CONDITIONand anticipating a growing shortage and uncertainty inshipment, we placed orders for both Fertilizers and TimothySeed several months ago. They are now here—with thelargest carload of timothy seed we have ever seen and evena greater quantity of

Swift's FertilizersIn these we have two of the most wanted grades, viz.:0-14, a t . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . $25.00 a ton1-81, at $35.00 a ton

These are fertilizers in which you can place the utmostconfidence.

We would strongly advise that you place your ordorwithout delay for both Timothy Seed and Fertilizers, evenif you do not wish to use them just now.

FLOYD MAJOR Major BuildingWashington, N. J.


C'liantatKpiti IH assured for the coin- ] tivest at Annamlale.Int; yenr, tlic I'OO Biuimntrtra being we- { Mr. ami Mr*. JOH. Klot/. are cutetm-d. The people of HaeliettHlown: tiiinltiK their (,'ninddaUKhter, Miriam:a ml vicinity have hail opportuulticH In I red ell of Scranton,tliln year's (Jliautauinia which they! Mrs. Wm. Hnnkinsoh ami childi.h a w never hud before. A Hulnt' vote j left yesterday for a visit wltlr relatives I

tuffen ut tfio clow nuking for dm i in f't-nnsytvanla.Ciirrlo Dovine and dangli111 are visiting her sinter, .M

was tufrcri lit tlio clow usftfntf for U'O i In f't-nnreturn of Dr. Itolin, the MiiperiiitiMHl- j .Mr.s.cut . cf thin yciir'H CliamaiHiiia, who Kllzaln'lhad niadf! a great Impi-ensUm on ll;people of tliu town by his elm-lentHer vice. More than 1.001) persons wereIn attendance Tuesday evening,

Tito enKatieiiii-ut of MISK AugustaMolines Martin, y»uiiKOHt daughter of

A. J. -aMiss kuth Ctitnmins lists taken a

position with the Chodes, HohinHonCo. of Newark.

l>r. and Mrs. C. Cllne retiirnpd Sat*rday night from a iw» weeks* «tay at, y K t s g t e r y ght f

Dr. ami Mrs. A. I'.. .Martin, and John • Astmry Park,c.illheri Stout or Newton, n o \ t with the j l.yman I'tirk Is with hi* daughter, i

, V. K. ICngincorct corps, was announced \ Mrs. Xlxon, hi Arlingluti, for an iu-lasl week. Mr. Stout, before Joining definite may.

engineers wa« bookkeeper ai theIjickawanna Leather AVorkn.

A Child's Welfare league has i»oenThe Hrst meeting

day afternoon in tin

Mr.*.1-etiiM. Coivn

I in in'tt and HiiMren of KHzii-sts of hnr sister, .Mrs. M.

started Inwill lie held Mopuliili- xchool building, nt• whluh lime ' in town.lialiictf will he brought Tor iiiHiieuilmi. I Miss Lilliantheir weight ' "

MI-H. C. I!, iirnwn and daughter offWii-shington spent Sunday with frlcndni

andfor healthierbetter children.

M r . am! .Mrs. Younians anil ' son f rd u-nrd last week"have been spending a week with Air.find .Mrs. Orville Cox. Mr. Voimia

llridgchari. a formeren spending the weel; j

if Koy llanltlnsou reeeiv-

*lFred Knwlel* is at a saiiltarlnni neiirj

Is a former pay tor of the Vienna M. Ilaukensiiek for .several weeks' stay,!•:. eluireh. He now lias a charge In Mfss Viola (.'owley haw been npond-Citiiiuiii. Uev. Vnumans occupied the Ing a w<>ek at IMT homt' in Waterloo,pulpit nf the Port .Murrls church mi f .Mr. ami Mr.s. John Deroinm- ciilcr-SuntUiy. mined friends from Kaston. Sumlay.

Mrs. Fowler returned this week fol- Albert Maker. Kt\. of Xew York spentlowing a visit of several weeks with I the week*end with his family hen-,her .Mister, .Mrs. Jitsen, near line-ken- Alftmaxer Diekerson Is night man.sack. Thts death of .Mr. Jitsen occur-; at the High street crossing now.red during her visit Iheie, Mrs. .Mtsen ; Mrs. *Ai|ttllla Hertolet has been tho

• • • . . I n | , , t


Special Sale Notions for AugustThe Biggest Values—The Greatest Bargains

Our constant effort is to save you all the money we can.We lend every energy at all times to serve the best interestsof our customers. Our regular stocks are most interestingat this time. The Merchandise is right, the intrinsic valueis there, and above all, each article is guaranteed of STAN-DARD QUALITY.

We Invite Your Inspection Through Our Complete Line of NotionsVarnished Coat l l a H. 2 for Tic

-•11* Pins in paper :ieHair Brushes 2."k" upM-in. Tape Mon^tintf 5cSnap l-'a.steiu'r.s, per doz ocMy Killers free to nil.Polishing Mitts. ; 10c. MeTraveling Cases 10c to ?lAsbestos Iron Holders ; ."icWill-o-Wiyp Hair Nets H)cHump Huh' Pins , ">e, 10cWlifl>>!!»]ii-Vi}ils..v, ,*«!••-.»10e, 25c,.Ladies' LonV W«ck' Silk Gloves,

Porch Sc t. Porch Seal*. Hnnt

Wire Coat HmiKt'i-s, a for 5cSlipper Trees, :..... 10cIihio Hfiil-Viiselinti1 5 cWliito Vaseline 10c'Hair XeU ."ic, 10c. 15c1!. M. C. Crochet Cotton, hall \i)cDish Cloths .......:........7c, !0c, l"icCoats' Crochet Cotton, ball. 15cHooks and Kyos, per cnrd.;....5cKnittinff Needles, pi\, 10c lo 25cInfants* Kattlcs 5c, 10c. 25c

.Infants' Shoes1. _ ,"i0c, 7">cInfants' Sock-lots 5c. 10cAdjustable Skirt Forms ....SI.'JS

Awninua. Bnllimtf Cap*. Shot., Etc.


J.D. FLOCK, Inc.156 Main Street Phone 44 Hackettstown, N. J.

Lulu ml Wit.slier has been ealled Intomilitary service uyain. Me was givena furlough snine months utfo owing tothe illness of his father, proprietor ofthe lower .Main street grocery, wherethe young man lias been assisting.

Mr. and Mr.s. .1. A. Cummins ofMeadow \'le\v were quests of theirdaughter, .Mrs. Souders, several daysthis week-. .Mr. and Mrs. Win. I.om-masoii of Pumptou Lake* were• week-

A- union .service was held Sundaynight in the chiiiaaiKiua tent. A sa-cred cimwrt was held before tin; serv-ice. Musie- was furnished hy theHerUley sextette.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther I'ark enter-tained lust week their ilaugliter. Mr**.Wm. Park, aad daughter, Aliss Leila,of I'oit Morris. Mr. I'ark was a week-end tfuest there,

Mr.-. Ktlw. Woiilvorton and ilniifc'li-ler of ''ontesvillc. I'a., are quests ofher parents. Air. and Mrs. Chas. Stiff.Mr. Wuolvertim was a week-end guestthen-.

Miss Kleanor Crane will lake Wept. 1the position of librarian ut the publiclibrary. Mbw Crane i-ompleted a .sixweeks' course in library work in Tren-ton. • ' . • „ .

AlrA Irvln Ayers <ti Newark spentthe --.Vfek-end with her mother. Mrs.IStaekwell. who recently returned froma visit to her HUH in Qtiakertown. fa.!

lU'V. J. (.». Kijanion left on -Monday jfor t >(.'ean Grove fur n .. week's" stay.;Kev. Mnsuu •will' have charge of the |pastoral work during his absence. I

Mr. and Mrs.. A. G. Winters visitedfor several days last week his sisl«Alift- Caroline -Winturn, and Mr.s. Win-ters' sister. Mr.s. Leslie Cook.

I'erry llrownhii;, who has been inthe einplov of Mr. Ulake of Selmoley.-Mrnintuin and Marris'jn for II years.

Mr.s. Hannah f.roff spent last weekwith lu-r li]-nlli<>r, JameX Fislior.

MI-K. Mary Smitli has rettirncd fromuvn woftit.' stay at Aslniry I'ark.

Miss L.Ium Oichran is H|iL>tidiiiK«('V-oral weeks :it Ciiiybrook. Ii. I.:

Thtio. Voorhins mid family moved onWednesday to l.ethk-hfm. I'a.

.MIHH Ilia Maltf.soM of Morristown Isspemlinif a ft;w ilays In town.

Aim I Inure of Newark spent thoweett-end at-Jits lumin hero.

.Miss Sanih Illrd ol" Kcnvll spent Hieweek-end at her Imme liure.

Mrs. .Inhn Mi-CioviTn 1« visitfnK inNewark, her fortm-r hitine.

Miss Hay of Mrooklyn spent lustweek wltli friends here.

Mm. J. • >. Sparnon is entertiiliiiiiKfrieiuls .frn i.'avo IK*.

• hits taken a pu-

tt re visit- j

Miss .Jennie Wellsition in Newark.

Mrs-. OolctI anil childiiifr in New York. j

Km I ik K't'iniliee IIHK laUen employ-'ment In Newark. i

.John .Murphy of I'liillipslnirs spent •Sunday in town. !

.Mrs. Hayes of MelvldtM'e. is vIsitiliR;

her »»n ilenry. iMiss Helen Lawrence spent Sunday'

in New York..Mrs. SpemtiiPve j-pent Sunday at '

Kast Liranve.Mrs. Amanda .Somlers Is vLsitlny at

Free V.nUm.' Mis'-* .ivKsle Olirlstian la recoveringfrom iltnoss.

Harry Apj,-ar is driving a newliaynes ear.

Women's Low Shoesworth up to $4 and $6 leave

"FARR'S" Friday & Saturday

AT 1 and



Including High and Low Heel Styles in the VariousLeathers. Every Pair is an Extraordinary Bargain.

Men's & Boys' ^n^u^nS Black and Tan- — - . - - « w•» **. —. « leathers; worth up to $G.LOW SHOES (Sizes 5, Z'A ami 0) n.i

Final Clearance of Women's High-grade

Low Shoes in the First Floor

Departmental . . . . .

Children's Low Shoes at Reduced Prices

Center SquareEASTOV





Military Wrist 'Watchesare a necessity to the Soldier and give him a great dc.il of com-fort (luring his lone hours of duty us the time can be read na wellduring the niRht as during the day. We have a very large stockto select from and quote u few prices, as follows :

Nickel Case, Kitchener St rap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .$5.00Nickel Case, Kitchener Strap, American Make $6.00Nickel Case, Kitchener Strap, 7 Jewels $12.50Silver Case, Khaki Strap, 7 Jewels .$14.00Nickel Case, 7 Jewel Waltham Movement.... $ 18.50Silver Case, 7 Jewel Elgin Movement. $20.00Silver Case, 15 Jewel Elgin Movement $23.00

A. B;. BIXLER & GO.4th & Northampton Sts. EASTON, PA.

Very good assortment ofreliable makes ofRKFRIGLLRATORS amiOIL STOVES

Chidsey | t 'Green, Inc.212'Northampton StreetEASTON, "l'ENNA."

LIVE.BA1T•and everything else that suc-cessful fishermen use will befound here—at right prices.

BASEBALL" :' • " • " • ' A N D . . . . . . .. .. •.'

Tennis Goods

.Mr.<aml -Mrs. Cha:Wilmihyion. Del., avtvacation with her pMrs. Wn'i. Trimmer.

Isaac- Hherer of Meatyostowtpurehiised tiio Neats bungalow 0:1Prospect street. The price is said td

At the recent local option incetinir.a committee was appointed to preparer; petition to be circulated for the elec-tion in Oeiotmr

Mr. and .Mrs. Carrol Deremor anddaughter of Orange are-spcndinK thisweek with his parents, Mr. and Airs.Jacob Deretner.

The tennis court on the .wrmimls ofthe Uabreakahle Mirror factory was• 'lieneti this week for the beneilt "iftiie eniployee-s.

Miss KIMU* Doreiner of Kaston isspeiulhW a two weeks" viieation withher • parents. . -Mr. and -Mrs. JohnHerein


Naylor, whry service, is

h hi h

is in thpending


l\ S.shorty pg

furlough ill his home on tho Allaniii-dciiy road.

The liu-Kt'stirinir t he reconday ni.triit,

ntlance- ut any liment C i i a i i t a |when "PiuaCtn'e wa






\V. E. ChiirchmanK. E. Eckert


Administration;" Cioit'Service 'Take a coin-so with us and youc

i ill h I d d•do-

ppor-l t c e p :



a coinso with us awill -he In demand,

cannot near supply- thef dimtca

i1 nnprocedeuted-. . . . well tValued hnoRKeeii--:

era and stenogriiplii ' is..SltllPllILT .SdKIIll NOW III SfNNlUll

FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3• Sond ' for our now Illustratedcatalog*—it is free and it willintercut you."

f ^

Willnir Hryan and DoWitt Kveritt.wlio are in military training in NewVork I'Uy, spent Sunday with relativeshere.

I lev. Uobert liohiuson of Asburywill occupy the i'resbytorliLii pulpll onSunday. Uev. Martyn i.s on his vaca-tion.

Miss Marie Tunison, a- pupil nurseat the .Methodist hospital, llrooklyn. i.s.spending .some time with her mother.

Ciaronce Vest-olius haw left the em-ploy of I'. IJumberger &. Co. in New-ark and taken a position a l Kenvll.

Ciaronce Hoover, who is {with, theA. K, !•'.. in a loltur recently to rela-tives here ways.lie is blacksmithin^.

Mr. and Mrs. Knink Cook of NowYork were \vook-t>ml quests of hispariMHri. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1. Cook.

Uohert l.oatty Htistained a fractureof his left a r i n h y a fall.from a .tree,

L his homo oii'Mtunuain iiveiiue.Mrs, A. Drake in at her homo here

ir a short stay following two monUis"[ay with her son John at Ilolmar.

Saturilay IIIKIH will elone the "series

tiie Church <>( the Assumption.- Ase'eiision masses were held Tlutrs-

day moniiUK at R anil S o'clock in theChurch of th

Mr, ul Mrs. Davitl l.undy ml .sonwove visitors from Saturday unliV.Mon-

... ;'.\ihs .Pearl -Guild*.,has been enter-liiiniiitf for two weeks her cousin, MissAyors o r Whites tone, L, I. •

Miss Knilly Kpoinliovo returned on'Hunday from .several weeks" stay withrcda.tivfs.iiv Knst .Orani:e. . r .

•Mrs. Sarah.Parks returned last weektn her ho'uuV Jiere J'olkiwimi—Kiiveriil.

" ^ H s s 'lCmiim Con'oran or Phillipt*-luirK was a week-end guest of herfather. Al. AL C.nvoivtn.

.Mrs C. Sinidt of •Urooklyn lias beenspending a week wil Ii'.- h"r mother,-siv>>.- fiitru ViinKyekltv"- • ••'•

Mr; ami Mrs. llradley Kirley andliiiu^hUM- ol' Newark were -week-endKitests nf friends hero. i;

MI-H. ' Patiiel AiU-r nf l.onjr Valleyspenl .scvcriildiiys lust wook- with her

! sun' Henry and fiiniily.! Mrs. John Johnson and son ("Jeoi-Bo

of ()r-. Misses Kathryn M.-u-I.Iri.leiinse i ind 'Kthel Smith andHaire. a I] teacher.--, have l»m"*n hiivliif;an enjtpybly vacation at Asbury Park.Tin* latter two have desirable posi-tions in Uloomlield, boarding in New-ark. „

We learn that Chas. Laubach iseonwideriiif,' moving to Huston beforeSept. 1 on account of convenience tobusiness. He lias recently had an in-crease in salary.

Itossmore Thatcher, the grandsonof Mrs. Adelaide Thatcher, hus enlist-ed in the Naval lioserves and will be-

tiH a petty Jllieer. ' . •• . 'Mr.s. Wnu Miller and daughter Heii-

trice of Newark have been spendingtwo weeks with Mr. and Mrs. HtlivimlWerner. Mr. Miller was here Satur-day and Sunday.

Miss Naomi Petty has returned af-ter two weeks' outins; at the summerhome of .Mr.s. Wm. Cnrling a t .Moun-tain Luke. AliMH Petty is their niece.

-Mrs. IClizabeth K. Cllne and son Al-fred returned lo Philadelphia Sutur-lay after two nuuiths' stay with Mrs.


(Continued from pnpe 1."

yCline'.s sister, Mrs. .las. L.

L i t JLiUtc JJI L. velinu'the [mitt'

elebratodekhis ilfih birthiiay

IMS rthai he very much appreciated.

UitrriHun i.Unviby. who liashaving his home with Mrs. .Sara.Cul-larri in Dover, visited his Mister, MWm. T. Vlict. the past week.

Mrs, .Mathias Kissmiller and chil-dren 'have been spending the pastweek with her mother, Mrs. Geary, inKaston.

The tenant holi.se of Mrs. JuliaCroveliny near tiie lime kiln propertyis lioin.vr papered and rei'airetl.

Mr Bertha Schael'fer and childrenbeen spending several days with

relatives in .Martins Creek.McClellan ..liutt. son of llev. and


iind Mi

J. Scott Hut I, spent two hours.Sunday K ,

iml Mrs. .1. S. fickle and Mr,liussell Pickle spent Sunday

e beetcousii

in Hackettsiown,Ur. and Mrs. Ai: K*. Mann ha

entertaining: the post week.herl'l-oiu I-Jethleheni.

Mr. jintl Mrs. Harry .Smith enjoyed:i few days" outint? at Asbury Park thepast week.

Mrs. UOKO Mouse was a guest overSunday of Mr. and Mrs. ilorvey Kieein ICaston.

l rrank . llaiiKhart. Jr.. .passed Sun-1

ilay with his parents.

Uev. Dr.'.Moore of Hampton prouuh-hore -Muiulny night. . It will be

nounced in Sunday school Sundaywhat nisht hi' will pi-eaclt here nextweek.

M i si:\vdd ::

ma Yu .V hv r.-tiiweeks* visit1 with re la-

Mrs. Frank Anderson 11

last week with horniothoiUounsayilte.

id daughter^feWMliiyn, ,Mrs. Anna

Miss ISrliih Ci-eveling has returnedto Newark after passing a fortnightwith her mother. Mrs. IX C Groveling-.

Mrs. MilliM- RiiMh is spendiiiK an iu-dellnite tiini ' with he r b ro thor . Whi t -

Hlowond a r e .stieiulinf; a week • wi th

Marshall ' C.-'isiner' nf PhilliiisburH:spent Siiudny with Ids fa ther . Wil l iamCiiXtner.", .Mrs." 1'riith ( iarey -Is- olHc-rl(Un|ni; tn-vi«*- -iiher s is ter . .Mrs. Wni . 1 Miller of 1 l a r - I adiiuiedniony. • •

C u m ' ! ! l i ia ine of UrinUerhotY, N . Y . .speni Sundtiy1 with Mrs. J e n n i e Ciear-hart. , , '

A diiupluor Wii.s horn-to Mr. and Mrs,Wm. Carling nn Friday.__.Sidm\v.-..lUt;lU'i'-.()f. Uonkiiway passedStmtlay -\vUli-!ii::-ira;i;!ly: hen \

Miss Mury Knisiier--in- vifiltinjv 'ivla

said rei.r.iachfiill.v. "If yott li.td keptyimr moiitli whut this would neverhave happened."

When President James I. Conk v(Alt. 'l-leriiKPii started ulf ihe after-noon's >rot,'iam lie allowed himselfthe privilege of introducing .Mis.Colviu to the audience after whichlie modestly retired,- turning nver thehonors to .lud^c Ileiley, to whom hereferred as a "new. man." When the

.ferred to as a "new man." but saidhe WMiild try to live up to H. NowI have wondered ever since what theyboth meant. I'm sure he did notlook as new as .liiinea II. Johnstonor Dr. MeKinsny. all dressed -up incream lla'jinels, who stood nearby,and L think I even saw some tfre-yhairs adorning his noble brow. Thewoman Who tries to acrquire enlijjht-enmenl often liinls herself in the dark,and I presume Hie only remedy willhe £M|Uiil suffrage wiiieh implies apolitical vocal HI larly comprehensiveenoutrli to explain the various, shades• if meaning- included in the terms,old j.iif! pew,

I was -strongly imtire.ssed w\i\\ thefact thai. tiolwtthsljindinK the n<plse.dirt and the destruction of the sea-son's growth of grass in the- park.tho runne r s ' ,1'ieinc is a big thiim'for Be.1 vide.ro. Thousands of peoplevisit the pretty shiretown on thoseoccasions who otherwise would sel-dom if ever come there, ami manyhundreds of dollars are left in thetills of business men and others. Iwas pleased to learn that the liedCross had taken in more than $7iH).through the system- of lagging, andthe Methodist, people had nettednearly a third of this sum thnmghtho sale..of dinners.1 This surely ' isa splendid showing.


..•;.- :.•- T EXECUTOR'S SALE '

Personal Property!

i i u.•nrleilie si<le atN. .1., comniion

'I'tlf!a:> follows:



^ / B


Up lo SS.OO. Vatitcs Up to .?S.O» Values

When (iroKKi's :is Liiylisli, IVA root and as low in price us tlic^e arooll'ered they immediately (imt favor, ' i icre\; a splendid UP.soi'tmenl ofthese drosses in voHc, Kingham and poplin, charming; stylos." simirllytrimmed in summer •ed'ects.

ADVANCE FALL STYLESHere arc new- dresses for present wear

or fall in satin?, goi'gotte sleeves; they em-body the • newest, features aiitt are-dialint1-

:tivo!y_ smart. Kvery popular shade in the.selection. Whether'you. arc ready to buy adresJi'nmv or later, we ask you.to conn1 heretomorrow and sec those wonderful values.You'll ajjfreo that these dresses arc worth$1*J,5(J for the material aloiie. We want iodouble oiir luisiness, therefore, these doublevalues.

We Will Surely DoubleOur Business With These

Powerful Values

ncklii'gl i



tttlM-lltrv .aoimt' io


(iinixr. flimill nh>iv Min i l l iw lulji.iiilusr,ing,<Hu>r With hi in i ; SIKMI. chlr l icn-

We have been notified by the manufacturers " |j"uT"Gi-uvt;r's-Sht)eS~tifat~"tney^iirblfArnir6ie^^to accept any new orders for several months '*'and that prices will continue .to increase^_^JLWe have on hand almost all si7.es in best self- $

Iing- numbers and we advise you to buy now:


'iSSNorthaniptori Street, Enston, Pa. •

Page 8: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not


kXSSOSiXSSVg I M i * Miiin,- H..1.M1 ,,r n.iv.'i- l» vl-ll- .Mr. an.l Jin.. T. W. l liilil . ' imn Imvi..t i l l l i r i l T l / M i 5 '">•' " l l s «•••'* *'f" • l " 1 ' " " ' "•>;::>". . .''"Ml rlirilillilK .< »<'ii. I" Tliiini|» .

-. i - i 11 i i i f j u l i r t l N I I I IIJ 5 l Mr. W. .1. Shariili'y wim1 In Mrlmiil.' lawn. I'n. . : ,\t I LIVJV/llrtL i l l L l l l l V / l i 5 I'a.. ..vcr Hi.' w.'i'k-.'iMl, • .Mr* .1. II. Ilnni'ptnii l« xpotitlliiKr * ^

—y\ ail-n Kliiri'iHT Tlmi'in' Is vl»lili'K nv.i day* with Jlrn .1. I), lii-off :U

WEEK'S Record of the J.I


. ... . . . . ;:: , : : : : :TI IT un||QC TU/IT ur\ i rp D I I I I TI flu nUUot ItiHI IVtLLtn DUILI


and Musical Goods ExclusivelyStella Tlirar nf Kitxtt'ii way a t Mr*. Henry MoOlury. , "nnc wi-ri' Ktu-'-tn fur M?\vr:il .laysvisitor in town im Sntnlay. i .Mi-* i:i|-/;ihftli Nl\,-lt was tin- Klicl last woi'li w.lli lu-i- f ixl . ' r - . Mis i i -^

.III H. . \VI I IU Sliair .r ..r lSiittKVlil- l«( .it h . r hr.illi.'r. 1'pHoli Nlxi.n, In Kilitll an.l JMIIIIIOII • Rllllrk.. Tlwlr - , , , . . , , „ , - _,-• . . I t r . i . - ,IU.-IIU..M .if .Mr... l:ayi.i.MHl.lIai-|..-r.' I ltain|il..n. , . ivr Snn.lay. lirollier. l '.ir|irr:il I i l l n m M I Ii. TEMPLE OF MUSIC

.Mr*. KII.'IL OitilU'W'H j o w ; ! l a s t ! Mr. anil .Mrs. Siiimtrl l lamum llnvi- " atIII,' Trail.. TralnlllB lli'la.-lmu'lil. |

a nuoait on Silniliiy.

The came old laws oftrade hold good here.Principles do notchange. Therefore."in spite of all that hashappened to men, andwool, and labor, andkingdoms, and repub-lics, the unsold bal-ances of our Springand Summer Suits areto be sold at


Many of them are inweights and colorsthat may be wornduring Autumn.

• Broken lines must notbe allowed to linger.The space they occupyis needed for newmerchandise in fullassortment.

Find your style andyour size among ourSpring and Summerremainders and you'll

save money.

Mr. Win. Cait..>r .•iit.'rl.iaii'.i I'vVr! V.lzflt- "y."triit'y"..V i>'.>vV'r".tin- vvt'.'l...'ii'l Ins " in i'lv.I.'..t Xfwar!;. i Mrs, n.iw .r.Y nuril an.l .s.,n I'luul,';. - — .—

Mr. .in.l .Mis. 1'.,I»;I:IS* I'll, ',. 1,'av.'- a iv «|«.iulinir « w.'i'k In Amlali'liil.'. :/-• VI I 'X .Wtrulav Cm- a slii 'tt ,-iAl a t Atlantic • l-'l.-niiiictiiii an.l .M.'titi'l.tlr. ^ .,., „• , ' " ' , , , • •'' i tv \ I K J .[.....I,.. \..,.r.. i* .Mii.Tfiliilnc I'H'i'.' will 1'.' a «|i.'i'ial pa t r inu f .

Mrs. var.I s.nUI. ,,,t.',t:,i, as, ! 1,4 ,-'-.,"m. >!l« l-rari" Vli tleic. " r : -,-' " - ' "'.•»" »'• ' " '*»"* "",« *»"•».-••!* Ii .r »i»UT. .Misi l.ln C.ik' ,.f .\Vv.- • tliM'ki-llKltitvn. for tin- woi'K. ' I i y I""™1"-; wlu-r. a M'rrliv ll:m- willVilla--.'. I Mrs. S.ira X,inn ami s.,n Karl i.f ''•' l>ri'«enl.-il t " !>"• ••iimvll >•>• l lir

Mr. iTKils J lar lnt t Is visltimr "wtili ' Newark i.i-».'.l Hi.' week I with l-l'w.n-tli l . . a sne . Itei'. Svinnan, aIlls uivle. Mr. Tli'11'...s CI-IIK. in ; li.'r sistir Mrs l . i n r e n . v Mann. ("iin.i- i.astnr. will piva.'h In t in ' -

. ""MS"AH,,. .Ms,, ,,f X.,,,,', ;.L, ^,^'Mr';r !Mrs'^:,v;!;nn;:r' '"!rni:;n,. Mrs. .I,,,,,, T. I.,.,,, i

' <l»'ii.llnu :. (••» .lays ivlth Ml<s I'l. ' i '-wlyke tlie I . I I I .T | ,arl "f last week. '"..I Mrs. Win. i lnr lal l atten.le.l the ;; I'm'.-. Va im. r . ; Hivlil \V. 1:11,1.1... i i n inan . win. r e . : nlnih wnMIno annlv . r sa ry uf Mr. ami

Mrs I-Mw.nl i t l i ske of Scr niton .'enlli' ri'lifTnetl from I ' r im'e silent -Mrs. l-'iank Snii.U'rs, at ll;ieKetl't.nvn.1 is the 1:11.-1 ilii« wi'.-li ..f Mr -iml Mr. 1 sinnViv ivlth Ills niolhcr Mrs. S. A Tin-iitli.-i'Kile m i l were .Mr; anil :

].-'\vis Slie.irs. ; i;ii.!.!i- Mrs. \ \ ' n . . l.-'mmnsdii of rciiii.t.in ">lr. an.l Mr>. Win. l ."»:s nf Htew- : Til..' Mlswa Mlanelie .in.l Ili'len l . ikes. .Mr. anil .Mrs. .lii.-i.l,

ai-t-vllU' visite.l .Mr. ,m.l Mrs. All In j Kenner .'f .l..nes!..ivn ivere iveek-enil "f .\ril' 'l.ll( |ivn. Mr. anil Mrs. I h i r r y ,: \V ; ii-k.MI Snn.lay. [ un.-sts ..t tlu-lr a n m . -Mrs. I.esier Siniilcrs. -llr. anil .Mrs. V..nm,'S. .Mr.;! Alusti-r Pan! Slret.t.'i' <M' lirltkel ' .-rl . I I'L.tls. Senders an.l Mrs. Miller •>(" Knstnn '

('..nn.. Is vlsiiinn wl:li Mr. ami Mrs.: .Mr. an.l Mrs. A. Vallet nt Mas- I lU'.nrt ' I'arton anil .li.s.'lih Wlliiaii.-,: J. ' '.. lialryiiuvle. ,1a-. n l l e k l n s Were iveek-i'inl wit Ii tln'lr families, sii.nl last Th ins - ii Mis. Samuel II.K,V,.|- |.,IS.«HI several : KUests uf Mr. an.l Mrs. AiiBllste ,| ;, v.vltli ili.< r.iriner's i. nvni- . Mr. an.l ;

•llnys wnh frlen.U In K-nt.-m Ih.- t l rs lMl a-. ' ".Mrs. A. .1. llarl..w. i: I ' a" "I' Hie week. Airs. Murlh.i Valiilalla an.l III. : .Mrs. Win. Marlail wenl las! Sail- '•! Ml.-s AH,-.. l|..riil..-iUi.r has .'illlste.l ; Miss Kl.'ivli.'e I'.n.k.'. a re liasslns ,!„,- , , , « I a lew .lays with her :am' a . .' .-tU'l'in In I'hili'eliiiiaii'.' liiismess! til-- »eek at llinl.l l.alie an.l •llnek- ; K.iu-.. Marlau, at I 'nit ' Murray.: foil. ai. Ill liisiun. ; HtKliiivn. . : Kre.leri.'li llai;w|-|y left Tne.s.lay for

Jlr. llar.,l.l l l a rev visH'-I l,l< siMer. i Mrs. Ki,,;.l . ' r . I ..•Ihl's enlertall le,! , , , „ | . , , . , . s „.„,.;.,. ,„. , , , | S •,„.;.,.,„.i Mrs. Nurinan Drake, at I'.'i-I .Morris. Mrs. I ' l t l le r ine lli.wit anil ilillch- ,.,| a |>n<l!l..n In till' nl:.,.|. nf tile In:-: .iver Ihe n-.'eli-eii.I. , t.-r l le iaxlna ,.( llr, way a |,art . . ; , , „ ,„ , | . m v , i , , r t-,,. . • ••

M r s . l.eliiui'1 l l o f fn i an is | -ass !n= . l l l e w e e k . , : : .Mrs. Sle | , | i , ' l i T r l i e s , l eH of | i . . - . ••,Use '.i-.-ek w i t h lii'l- s ls t i-r . .Mr:-'. A i t h n r .Mi's. Mli to l l T l i t i r p of i l ra l l i l Jive- <i,,. | ,t , ' i e l o r e n i i ' t ef l l le w e " k -vitli '1 In N e w a r k . - I MIL. h a s I n v l s l t l n s M r . Thorp 'K h e r I., ,, ' ,l,er. 1., 'ster S t l . h v o r t l i y . '

viM'.e.l : i n o t l l e r in I l a . k . ' l . s i o w i i fo r t h e His : . , . , „ . I . ; I .»- . . I - | I I I .eaKile w i l l " h a v e n Iami Mr tl|in ivrs.

*:f •

n.l Mrs. Win. Farloy.Mr. anil Mrs. Chat, l .aanin

' U IW.'il.-r n.'Xl H"

of '. .Miss i-Yan.'is |l»Wltl>




Grands, Player Pianos, UprightsSEND FOR CATALOGS

219-221 NORTHAMPTON ST.219-221 NORTHAMPTON ST., Itar.219-221 CHURCH ST., Piano FacKry

228-30 Northampton StEASToN i..v : PENNA.

s o n t . ' l y . l e j ip i ' i i t S m

, . , , , , . . : f t i t ' : i l < ti;i i( ' | i*lif.: '^.

I';is--:tU i ;ii';.' s p n i i l i n j : a w(H'k w i t h h i s l n i r i ; i.< v l s i t i i i ! : .\li.-is . M a r y T l m n n p - i i j u . i / c t i ^ t m v i i c | n ' i « t S i n n t i i y w i t h h i s

Mr.-- K ' l u a n l \\\ i'.Ahus . . f N , . u : ( i k '• T i v n t o n . \ . . v m : i l S t - h o r l . 1 M I » I H . . i l l . J I M H A H >. M \ t n , 1 it . n . i u .!.>- n i i ik l i iK ;. v i s i t w i t l i i v l a t h V H m u l i A l l w V I I . I M I.. K u l ; ,-r is .>nh>r ln i i i - ^ r . a n . l .\lr»=. K. Hcn.lfi-.-<un « f . I , . r -I ' r i f i t t l s in t h i s v i>- in i tv . <• i n i ; .Mrs, .\W\, . 1 . I ' n i l ' t «•[' W n i V t ' S l e r . f;".v <"•>'• « " « » ! ! i l v

M r . K n m k l : ; i !K:o , -k «.f I V n A r u y l : .Mii-s. Sht- w l l j n i s i , v i - i t lit-i- s l r t o r l:i l o r t n l u ' l i l - w l i l i l\wlr . l i i t i u -h to r . M i > . :nin-n i S i in i l j i y w i t h H i - f . u n i l y <-i . \ l r . . K i i i m n 1.cf f ir.. i t ' t u r n l m : h i n i i c • " t i l t ^ r l l n n - I . - r . r c t t i r i i t ' t i h » n n > !;i--i :a n . I . .Mrs, \V. I>. ( ; ; i r . . 'y . ! .Mr. a m i M w , I I , I.. C i i s t n . ' r " f . ^ t u r - i i i y .

M r . a m ! .Mrs . .h i i t j . .« N I X . M I a n - . . » - • .NVwiirk i n . . t n i v . l t n W a s i i i i i i i t n n l l M *"»* ^ n " » ' H » u - i . ] l I - f i u o r i i t l i i i n u ;ivr is i in l i iL- i h . - l f . I j n i K l i f r , Mr.«, H w i r f ' H t i r d a y a m i s i c m t h o w w c k - i - n d li i-r . n k ' c i - . . . M i ^ ( J . . r t r u i l -> Mi l l . « l W a t - • "f h i t r h i n y > . o f U V y t l l . - M . • w i t h .Mr. a m i .Mrs . l i n i n t . M n o r c . l l l t t > ; i U i i y . : " i ( '

. M i s s i s A l i i v iiiwl Sin- S ! r v | i i . r a n - I A r t h u r S h v a t s , u l i . i is a i n i l i t i i r v • O I S t ' l i t t t t ( ' " -i n i r s t t i j ; t h i * *v(M>!t -.vlth M r . a n r l .Mr;-. : iml i f t i a t ( ' a n i l ' C r . n i . m in U . - n r c i a .r h : i s . T l ; i i u : h f i - in H . ' l m a r . : f« uti u f i i - . l a y f i i r i m i c h v l s i i l n u !)is .

M r . a n . l ' M r s . C h u - . l i r o w t i ,ns~r. ] [ .a i - i in ts . . \ ! r . a n i l .Mr.-., l - . - u i s S l u - i u s . 't : i i i i ' ' ( l m i S u n d a y M r . a m i .Mrs . K!- : .Mr. a n d .Mrs . M . A . IM.-rs im an-1 h i t in-w i - n i A l l t c l i c t l o f i: t i tuit i! i<>hi. . ,Mr. . l o h n M n U - r o f N e w a r k s | i c i ] t ' \'.si;t\

M r . M m v a r r l V J U K . V I - I - . .f s t r . u n l s - , Snml i i 1 . ' w i t h h . - r p r i r ' - i u s . M r . a n d I ' u v ^l. t i ru s p e n t .Mi.nOiiy w i t h lil< p i n v n t s . : .Mrs . .1 . W a n - l l i n i r . nt S c h n n | . - y s • l ' l i r s u s i H I I . . H I - • • f i - r vt th<- S:Air . m i d M r s . W i n . . V a i i n v v r . . • M<>unt i i ln . • r. 'L-uii- -n tli.> ' l . ' in . t .v n \ V i » r n ' » . m :

. \ h > . .1 . (J . i M i r y t r i f N - mul « ' ! ) i l>lrcn t ( IWv. . 1 . K. \\ ' .-i»<hiili.iiiul] U-ft .M"l i - : '/," ,-,\ ? l ' \ ' "V.'iV .'.' " ' ' „ ' , ! !?,*ul'

I M i t h a n . l 1 ' iuil . w«- iv nwfit* •>( f r i - m i a : t h t y f . . r \Vavn« - s l 'Qn> . I ' a . . l.y a u t u - : . : „ . !'.' Z V ' •'.,," " ! , ' t . V - • M l - " " 1

in K a s t . m a p a r t . .f l a s t w,•..-!;. ' t xo l . i l . - a m i h i s l a n i i l y n - i u r i i f . 1 w i t h . h a v i i m '-•!• l m - i i ^ m . - i.Mr. a m i M r s . H a r p e r C a l l t - y i.f \ h i m . a f l r r s p . . n < l l n i : >«'V.-n w . - t -ks In M a i ia [p. i m v i - . Uitv \>t

Cal ' lu - . 'M s j i . - n t ;i pa i - l .if H i . ; w c « - k : ; l : a - v k - l u l t y . Wjn-i-.-i), .I . . . 'wi>^-1. i n ;n-.w i t h I H T s i . - i . . r . M i > . W i n , \ i \ n f i . ! Al lss H i ' h ' i i f h i i n i l M - r s i v l u r n . - i i ! " ' I ' 1 " ^ • i ' " 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 " ' ' ' h " '

M r s . A r t h u r P h t i - n i , v r [ • ' • turnt ' i l ' i ^ u - ^ l n y iVmn a i t r t t ' o w r f k s ' v i s i t I n :l imi t . ' uii S a i u r t l a y a i ' f r a t w o i v i . i s 1 • l l n . n l i l y n . S l i " w a s ac<v i s l i w i t h r r k ' i H l s a t S o u t h l : « i i - l i . •• .Miss l i L i m - h S p i l l a i i " . v . i l h w h n m s l i - . ,,, M.lUi , , . - , [ , ,

M r s . T . V. f . r . p l - n I- ' ' m - " r t : i ! » ! i i y ' U : i t M . , ( . . » w . - i i i i m . ' • • •• ' U T I ' I H I . ' Ih e r a r a i i i M a i i i r l i i t r . l i t t b - Mls 'x l -Mit l i . . .Ml«« I t j T t h t i : n « - f l l h - n v o i M i l a y ' h>-K;im.>U..i)f X f i v a r k . f o r s . - v e r : . ! i v - H ; s . f o r H v a c - a i i n t i In !>.- s p " l U w i l l ) M r s . " i

M r . a m i .Mrs . A m e s l: t*:wn a m i s u n f . f . i h n S t i i n n s . a t i V < - k s k i l t . X . V. Sin? *'%t'K ' " "W i l l i a m n|" X e w a r k w o r e v i s i t o r s «>n • w i l l a ! s n t a k e a n n n i h o r o f siiK- t r i p s . i t a i l l l l ! - 1

S u n d a y vt" .Mr. a n d M r s , J o h n D . ; ln-:'nri> r e m r n i n ^ ' h t u n o . :i:..wnt'. . i Mrs. i.\ \V. 'i-.ano will sp.MHl t h e '

Mis.-i Ktith J enk in s left yes ten iay to I wcok-t'tnl with lu-r sisu'rs, .\h-s. Ititr-visit t lip family of Mr, A. M. Smith, j ham Williamson ami Mrs. KM a Me- '.."Jr.. at tlu-ir s u m m e r IH-UK' in Ma>.-;a- : Creu. of nu.oinsl.ury. ami .Mrs. l \ W. •

latt.u at Wi-sl 1-ortal. , J

Important U

Women's $3White CanvasLov/ Shoes

for $1.95'•' Oxfords and Pumps,

High and Low Heels,at our..

Annual Low Shoe Sale.

Better Hurry,

'< Miss l.uiijso Minton. who has iioen • Air. and .Mrs. .1. K. .Aleelc..; leaeliinir a i P.ath tWnvh fur the pjusL ; .lauu'lr.er Alary |,-ft ,,n Sunday for•'six weeks, wilt pn i in i to her home ( a vaniiitm to l'if SJK-IU at KL-IUI'halo-.; here on Saturday. i They will also visit o ther points uC! .Mr. ami .Mrs. Ka> Ciirlinir am! Mr. interest Uvtorc ivtnnilni, ' liniiu>.' a m i Mrs. Chun. .Sliroj,,; of I 'hil l ips-! Airs. 11. K. Taylor spi-nt tin., wi-ok-• Imrj; .-Pont tin- woek-t'iid .-i«hl s w i oml in X(>w Vork with Mr. Taylor.. iim' in I'hilmk'Iiihia. ; who is now .-iipm.Ml in puhiiciiy work: .Mr. Arthur. A. Tiiisman . and Miss ; for thv V. M. C. A., ami .:-x|K'trts t o .. c;V»c..- A. Vates of .Trenton w,, re ; .-•!,,,rtly sail f.ir ov-rseas worK.; inn-sis on Sunday of his moth'.-r. Aiiv. ! .Mr. ami Airs. !•', .1. Hutirii-k and• Martha .1. Tinsnmn. . .i [;t-v. Wahl -.f Xorioii mwl Ali.-s HCLMI: Mi>, .1. \". Waslilmru and Air.-'. • Whitnn»r.f ami Masii-r Kveritt Hillr Anno ISmvniiin left yesterday for it i of Ka-'t ' >ran"e wt-n- visitnrs "f A!r: two weeks' visit with ' ivlutivos an.l ; ami Airs. f. W, Cam. ln.«t Thursday. •: CrIt'lld.s in Hazelton. I'a. ! Air. and Mrs. Alfred V.-uimi^ ami

Mr, and .Mrs. l.eon (V.Well and son of ClilVnrd. I 'anada. passeii s>'V-tbuiKhu-i- ..f rvckviilf. I'a.. a i v s\wiul- \ era! daj-s last week with Mr. and Mrs.

. inn- a iwii we(..|;s' vacation with hi* ; W, K. Tcfl. Airs, .iolin I'miholo ormother, Mrs. Wm. Cowt'M. j iilrx.inlifid is th.-ir sjtH'St for lliis

i -Mr. ami Mrs. Preston ..\Mxon :unl : m-.-ii.. littif • da lighter Kliznht'ih of Hampton | Mi: >imi .Mrs. tjr-.ir^o liutlt-r AIH«i are I-HMIIII.- .the wuek with his p a r - j R u i J i Wihiriek of I'hillil'sl.nri:. Aliss: i-m,s. Air. and Mrs. Wm. Xixon. Sadie I'astm-r nf Kasmn and Mr.

Aiiss Helen Teel and hrntiior Ar- : Krvin outhnn^o nf Newark will oi--ihiir of Harkettstnu' i i and Aliss Sinn ' ,.,ipy tin- Knclietimver ' e o u a - e -n

j Oarey -s|jenL last week ^ a t Ashm-y ; Alcuninin Lake 'f»r' two weokVM r . m l .\[,.

rip to ManVork. thv

1'i.rl,. The trin was mailo by ni iu^i: and Airs. Ijjtvin Aliiehell ;

d.iuuhtcr ,iane of Mlnomiliihl art.- i r i s t e r coimtv Xev. -po , ,d in« t h e i r v a c a t i o n w i t h h e r p a r - u ' f U n - w e e k . " V [ - . m t h « I r . r t - t i in i t h e v .e m s . Mr . a n d Airs. W i n , .1. C a s w o l l . | w o r e u e e o n i p a n / e d l,y Air. a.ul Mr -

A i r . ' a n d Mrs.. -I. AL S n y d e r a n i l j S i l a s I t i n e h a r t . 'iiu> luttt ' i- a s i s t e r i.fd a a s ' u e r Un t i l of I ' o r t -Morris. , m o t o r - ; ,\| r s , R a y m o n d .vt't i i e re in t h e i r ii"W Kuiok e a r o n ; Airs. A r t h u r I! l ' .- i ; \- of VCWIM-';Fri-I.-iy : a m i s p e n t t in- d a y w i t h Ai r s . W j i s j , , W a . - h i n v i o n las i w e e k , ^o in i :A n n a I 'anl l i r . , f ron t h e r e m P o c f - < h i ] i " wliei 'e >•]•••

Jll.-.s .Mur^ . r . - l I .uniiy.1 lu-iicl i i lK lu ,„ VIBIUIIK h.'i- i n n i l i o r - i n - l r n v . 'MK.'i .u rs . ' : I I Ih.- h a s l n n li(.»|iil i i l . IlilK I .„ . , , . , . s , . , . „ , . j , , , , . , .Iwt'i! snoni l lns , ' ;L t.-ii iliiy V I I U I I i .m : S ' l i n n l n v m i l . . . . . . . . . i , ,wli l i h.'i- : iniH. -Mrs. Kiimiii . l u l u - • ' ' - . " ' • " "itn.l wich lri.-mlh- ill X o w V.n-Ii.


vvi[V• :ill.l lllullHM'.

Oln-.s[^ iit th... l u i t n e of Mr .

Boy lite'Best-


Iv'ill errrlvs ,

MissesAl ^ss .'


his-is ac

triil so<ira<>'



''n'v.'in..C-nnili:,;., -wh

n ' Itand



A! r:

wrel i••cil'Lfl!



s. .1.1 llnllill s.

• ,


end Al r sKries; a• i'! r e

a i l

:umv.'t-k-i-1. I.i.t b y"(.'lid

ell U'. of


)ilk-Kr<i ho

. AnnaIso the•al' ;intlJersL-y



M m !•:. Mrmlm. M m i y onAir. Al. .1. I'.inncy andM l I M

nday' .lal e of:

St'llna Vi-omaiisJnd dai^-iiii.-r Carolyn of .Ww Vurk :

-it>, Mr. Oriir.t C'iia])inan and Alh


The QualityWaist Shop5 I 2 Norilwirpton Street

Latlon, Penna.

1 lie only Slorc in Eastondevoted exclusively to theSale of Waists."

Klemior of Chapi i Quarries. I'a.

to Jorsuy L'iiy nflor ,u 'visit 10" Ills i tn tho Mutter of tlic Es- („„, ,„ „clmiKl.toi'. .Mrs! I.. S. All..;i'ts ,.n r,,r|. ' ("to »' Honnoh Carey, • g ? ^ , " ' 1 'tontnirumic. Misa r'hiisiiiw i-.'n'd.ill. ' "'ce'-'SCil. . I :

i i I i W I I'lirwiuint to tlip rder o[ th Sumic a hiisii i

't' 'inii Irvim;- W' i h r IV

cntt'naiiK'd at the hussie of-.his and1 undo . - • • - - ; by f,-iven" to all persons Inivlng elalrnas. Mr. and Airs, .Morris Krius. Private Harold Uoyd of Kan l-'ra»- | afiainsL the OBtiiio nf Hnnntih Ctirey,.'

niadi- tlif irl]i to WiislilnKton hi Plwn, who is uonn-'Mcd 'wkh itio < l«le of t'te County of Wnrron, rtew-Bfl-J

of the highest grade are ,•always the cheapest. }'.

. T . - n l y u . - s t s a l i h . --Mrs. 1.. S. Albe r t s* 1

I P i!-f-r f,f N'.-u' T I -ivi-' ' r

11 costs no more to put'(.hum(in, while cheap grades meimuarly rujinires,, and frerjimnt

Come, and sec us when youd t b S h i l

: IliikiT, of Jcrspy CHy. i) ':Ui>-. Xiiiicy i:.';aiy".---' hi-iuhor :imi

runl ly, Mr. -Siiiiiiii'l \V..lv.-riiin fniin- ^ .H i " -w—'• -I'-h'^.t-.'!-.,' .•>-..,.,.,,.,| I,,,,,; Un-

;! \'isil, Will pfJSLlKMH' Ul.'il' vis if

<if .Mr. [ *'!V<-«H iluys u-llli ills uii.-lc, .Mr. .l:is. ; toiltl'i""ii:Hy"or"Ai>r]'i'"-\'. r>.' n'l'netVcn"liun- iMr. K i - | ',- ,, ' '" ! ' '1- ,| |jj" 5|«IIIIB limn IVIIK nil- i ,|r..,i t tti.l nlnlueeii, IIDIIIB nino montlia |

iVv *..kn I ''lu'-stoi- I'Phr of lljutd'oiilh'M w.is JIIKC | croilltor ' iK-glecllng tn lirinff In a n a• ' ! mist for scvt'l'ul JIIJ-M Ililx wrak ur !.fxlill.l 1. 1,1s or her clulinn unilBr onlh

... .. i i..,,.,,, ! i"nr .'itlirmiitlrin, wlililn tlie time HO llrn-' ' ! " """"• -nod, will lie forever IIIUTCII of hla or

Ir. :ind Mr-s. I'.crl I-:. W'jisscll ;iiul her ncllon asu ins l the suld executor.Khlor and their liif(•'.'. .Ml»s K a l e ; CHAS. n. BRADY, EKocutor.lor, .'ill i.r l'hilii(lcl|ihii) ; spci i t I D M . e ^ -Inly i p ^ . i a i g , , • _

.-xt unm..,- on iuTimiRof Mr. Wolverion.

the paronls.'Mr. ami Mrs. Tims. W»nwll.w e M t <lf tr»\vn,l!who on Ti.osday PTJ-tormlnod Mr. and .Mrs. O I i

we will tell you which mn-terinl ia most suitable; forturinl is most auitiiblc for j Mr. ami Mrs. J u s II. Kit.-Jien j oriS!n«.''.Mi'.'Vimi' M'TH."j'ohii Tl'nsniVii

You a r e .sure to Ret sntisfnc- j yrm n m n n . n l d home hy llu-ll i | ' " i c C!tv --nciu'^l!,".! , iv "v.-..ln« with.- . ; r - t i b h m 13'rjtn pr ice arid quality; , ] in.-'fi.'s. i h c .Miwsc-n [.cna . ani l Jess ie ' ^ h . , |]1{I' "> M r s , , \- ' wveckof f on

" i •'^y11'1'' " 'hn will m a k e them a visit of | ' . r ( i i U | Mtre*ct ' Mr Tlns i i i an ' s sun

E M/ illpflPP's Sftll i several weeks. .. . I Ilownrd'. who oiillsicil ln!th(! ii'ni'y ill

. »I. rtllClJCI 3 JUll Ji,-. ,,,ul .Mrs, Kdwam I'.oliersiiii and Cnnloii, Is now a t I'elham liny, New

Broad SUl Washington | S ^ ' ^ ^ . ^ . "^ 5 S xille T ^ & ^ ^ ^ ' V ^ji • j n_ohorKdn_ and son Wesley,, a n d Mrs , forrod tn New London. Conn . Mr.

of l l ap t l s l l invn mid Mrs. T lnmnnn and Airs. MatheivjiKmida.v hy Mrs. e a m e fivi'n C'nmmt in Hicir a i i tomo-


Ibotel WUnbsorWM. EHRET. Prop.


Belvldcre Ave. Neur SQMATO.WASHINGTON, N.J.




8 E. Washington Avo. lYtiiow Fromi Washington, N. .1. '—


CATSUP16C bot.I ' u t s t h o i

O I I K U on ill!kin.Ls of roldmeats , f i1 c s )i

^, me.

Good Quality

Laundry Soap4V2C Cake ;

Mccdcd iiaisins, pkg- 1,'JcHtirsticy Cocoa, pktf Sc, Meli:V;ei-'s Chocolute, cake,

10c, IScPm!ui:n'. pkg !)c

,Kasy-,I«?l!,_ pkj; : Sc1

Jcito (assorted Ikivors), perpackage .'.- , 10c

•lollies, Khiss 12c•Spiced Wafers, llj '22cPeanul IHtttor, glass I HeCocoanttt, pkg. ..iic, 9c


COFFEE22c lib.

'Host Barley, lb. •':.',.:. 7c•franco-American Potted

Mecf, can 10cTotted .Meals, can .;....;.")<:, 10cTuna Fish, can.!..l!tc, 22c, :1.1cSardines (in oil or nuiij-»tard), can ; 8c, 15c

Tomato-Puree, can 7cHcinx. Spaghetti, can, HJc, l!lc

-1 ?f r k I r . i ~ 0 n f o 11 MV ! JO L LI u":". ;;T: 12C" A s c n " Reans , can ;.;.10c, 15c

Hcinx. Beans, can . . . . l ie , 20c


S O U P SI O C Can

"A- Word to the Wiseis Sufficient"

If you have never looked into our 1*110-PUCKI. TO COXS.L-MKR PLAX-pi'.rnerchun-disin,';, it will !io i:ici:cy in yoi:i' poi'het to t!o

By direct buyinjj v.*e ln'in^ the Fanner, llh?Piifkci* ;:ind the Manuractitror to your very('•uoy. GtuinintcoinsU) you the lli/rhe.si Qualityi i l d l at prices that will cut down your

i i dl:iL:i": ecs ' i ' to a decree,dThe elimination of the middleman onal>!os-tis-

to nive you the advantages through the me-dium of our 1200 .stores.

BUST CORN STARCH, US : 8cA dolighful, wholesome and very nutritious

summer desert. Sold as a "".substitute wiihwheat (lour or separately, as you wish.


Wheat substitutes recommended by the FoodAdministrator,

W H I T E • • D I S T / V I N K G A K , b o l l l e . . 1 2 cPuts the ctlyc on your potato salad, sliced

tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. ;= .

RICH CHEESE, LB..-. :.3()iv. A nutritious siimmcr food—:vcry nourishing.

CHOICE PEAS, New Puck, can ., 17cAH tho Kimlcn fi'csiinoiis of pous.JLifiL-frpK!!

frnnV Ilio iliiti;." •";"": ".'.:"."'~'.:1''.". ' -.

MACARONI, PKG...: ....We, 12cFI-OKII nmdc—vory nutr i t ious disli.

MASON JAUS, DOZV'l ..; :. SOc/Siic. . Rubbers and . Caps complete—if., you., linedJ a r s our advice \n buy now. "*

OLEOJl UICAR1NE, II). iOc, .iic

Corn MealBest Yellow or White

.W.ionul'OutH, oktf !();•Ma/.olu Oil ( rovsa lar l s atu!

cookinc) . pt. can H",cSalad Oil. bot t lo J | t , 22c"Asci" IJiiltinj : i'owder. pr.;p

«in :n;l.kPix-purctl Jlu.stiird.'f.'lass.-

7c, 12cTable Sauce, Iml "c, 10cChow Chow, bijj Itot. \'>c.Mixed Pickk-s, but. .., 12i-fftuft'cd Olives, Iml KU-, i:k*Plain O'livi»s bot !)c. !;ic



I.ye, can .....;..;.....i>c, 10cChloride of'Lijno; can : 9e"AKCO" Bluing, bot. „;„'.!!.„ ."n-Ammonia, hot •. «)cWa.sliiiiK.SiMla, ib V/n-Witch .I Hazel, bot. .'. Mel/mndry Soap, cake '..-I'/.ci \ I a s o n ! r > . , K l ] i o f ' . - . . . [ ) r <

is « i i i i p . . ^ . ~ - • • •

' •••"(wfii t 'ori1)l iTcit"o~r '"UmT . . . H rS c r u b Hi-usliOK," - 1 c , i ) c . l i e. S t o v e B r u s h e s , e a c h l a c


15c Can


Meat Specials for Thursday, Friday and SaturdayRump Steak, lb,Round Steak, lb .Sirloin Steak, lbSmoked Picnic Shoulders, )b 20c

Rib Roast, lb . i '.•',Chuck Roast, lbPot Roast, Hi

,-Soup Reef, lb .,.. V...... ,,- .., . . ...'.:.. . •.-.-,-v:-;-.~2:

Page 9: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not

WHEN YOU CONSIDERlli«l Ilia Slur IIOC< Inlo lhi home, of more f.rai.tt

conblmd, II. «ifu. • • a medium of THE Section Two : -Pages 9 to 12



j Tuesday, Sept. 3,18

i;xi'i:.\si:s, iNcr.iinixo


I $5.50 Per Week(Tuition p«.i. Ijy tho State)I.cciiii.'ic of tlif! thoroughness

of otir work aiu! tho excellenceof our tmiiiiiif; for tent-hint: woC.IAI.I.KNfiK COMPARISON

E with any other Normal SchoolF in Pennsylvania.*• Why not ir.v<\>ti#fito our[; mhoolV A rani will liririjr ourt school catalogue and booklet of

I'or pjit:ilfif:u(! and other infnr-; niation suMi-css

!•:.• 1.. K K M l \ i*rlnci|i:i1.. j

, f i r i i i i o i i , v.-u• fiaw nlwiiy* irmilu goaii our word

— in miality and service.

If thii luul nut k>eii the cane, .t.ntrbiisiiifsawmiMiiitLliuvuKi'own'urn! pro.-pcred SJ.

Hut—after all—it's whututliurss:iy that r'jally counts. Ask thusyfor whom we havo done work.

D. J. HOWELL'S SONSouth Front Street

Near Delaware Bridge, Easton, Pa.

News Gleanings of Interest atLong and Short Range

.\lrw. .1. K. l:;innlKtiT Is lln> tii-w ! lmunls .if .-.Im-allim [it n>l<>n-..> l.nv*Sheriff (if I'.,I.•MI:,ii (.•nimty, T.-s».». ] mill Klrls m w If. yen™ i.r IIKC ilnriiii;All wllii Kn'.u- ln-r. Niy Dial vvlii-n slii-l Ki.|.li.iiil,,.r. | , , unik !n 111., .-nnllliii;MK-kK-a on her KUMIIIUIKT tin.) mn-H ! ImliiKiry. imrllctiinrly In yuuili .l.-r-ulit tn make an airi'.II the iiff.-iul.T ' si-y. w.iuM p-.sillt In il Turin ..f lali.it-)lail lii-llt-r inaKi* ja-al'i-fiil sum-ll.liT i 'll*crlmtri;iU'»u. Ill" yt;i[.- lioar.l nf i'il-If hi' ItlniWK \vhal Is t'liO'! for lllln. j In-alluii Salunlay r.-fiw.l tn l.itxK aIt IK tint UK-ant hy tills that ,Mrn. ! r.-mlmloii ihat wnnlil tiav- iiiTinilti'ilI'.illinlsli-i- Is il wninali nf th... inuicli ( KIK-II i.|n[.liiyinciH.typo. On till' .nnlrary. ' nlic In nn. | A alccvir timiirrilni; l.aml in In, worniiHHliinliiB. quiet anil uriMninivwIm:. I.by those . wirnnvlni.' fur wilillcm li.ntMid bellmen to II wnok nf Wc-slfin-! ul.rnnl hns a | . |«ni«l In .New York. Il

'« thai lines tint klimv feai- when It r.iinl.it* nt a liaml nf I.Iaek In-oaileliitliineji ti» ilnlln; I Illelal ililty. Her | nil which Is spweil ii litnt.. KM|(| mnr

hiMl.itltil win. .lleil r flitly iv:is iilwi The n r « liaml nf the kind was nnteilhlliTlfl. |a t l Week lit! tile 111111 nf II yoiilli; Wil-

Nitilsliimi Is th - Intent slat" tn I man MirullliiK imsl a l-'lfth avenueratify tile Nailimal I'nihllillliin j Phu|i. Th.- Idea Is lukliiB huld lln-iiiiBli-Aiiienilnient. I Ills i-lnycs tile I.-nix- | ui!i the i-utititiw. ,I.Hill- iiollmi nil the iMiestlini fi,|- this | Clal|-i- (iulllKi'in nf .W-W York milledyear, with fi.urteen stales ratlfylni; Satunliiy tn liei- lanr»lH In the seinnil(Mil of il total uf fniirl that liuvi. , | , , j . ,.Vi.|ila nf the I l.'inss li.-ltelitvnteil—a elean sent.-; Til ily | .wlinniln-,- n t at Hell.iar when she.-olitheni stiu.s that have nni yet . i,,w,.,,.,| , | , , . WI1,. |, | 'H ,.,.,.„,.,! | , , ,„,. > v . -aet.-.l are Ninth Hm.llna, T-ni!es.-e. Vin-,l event fur wnmen tn 13 inlmileyArkansas, nklahnma ami |-|.il'iili>. 1 ;: 1 |.r. seininls, as afainst her furTh- ,h« fnnr ,„-,. , m , l , . r l-nihlldllmi | „ . , , ,„ , ,„• ,.-. ml,,,,,,.," ir. n,.,.,,,,,!,. Hluanil will |ir<uii|itiy ratify, nn \v\\\ .Icffut-nl u nowMe INT-IV (if mcrin-iiiU

&•,«Kj.tf,;?;.,«:!». ."'-iu ass. fcT^rwK r ,,s:'eiirue u . .Niehnumi ,,f . Phlla- , . , | )„.,. n 0 IHHIII.1 hnslianil with wlfe-

ilelphla hus l«'.-ci refnsi.,1 f,,r anny |,,.,,,I,,K. sit Imllteil she hadservl,-e ,e<.-anse Ills heart Is nn the , | l r uwii I1I1 t of the wlndi.w whenrlitht slile. whleh Is wrtiin. fur well 1 h t . ,.,„„,. n,,,,,,. |,n..xleat,..l, andli.-haveil li.-aits They Hlionld In- on , t n v [ ; v , | tlait ' lie :>it even by bum.tile left slile. Mr. , | . | | . Itally tl,.. hin.ll[nx „„. house with l.rlelis.-\ainlnliu; stu-fci'iiii. ni:nle the ills. \

inanii IlrotliiT.H* iract at Alidiano on(In1 •f.rt.uc .*ifi*Jnl(nvK. n*« ii f-.j,- y<-iirfor tin* Kn.Wfiff, In \Vnrr*pii county.

Win;.. AltliMi A!. 1'utter. HOII "fU-ymi.ii I'c.tt.-r <.r ISarahoo, WK,rvci-ntly iM.IIsh'ii in Iht- nrmy In- wanIII'- tiflll lili.th.-f lu ><ne r.itnllV

whoA broth r l !

will alsI1IKI1 I I

Ciller tin

On An«nst istli. the State Itiuinl nfthe New Jersey Wninali SlllfnineAssnelatlon i-idi'liraled the blrthilayot* l.ni-y Stone. Pli.neei- .sntrniKlsL amifoiiinler nf the Assn.-lniion. by an itll-

l-y. Me h.'Ul luevinilsly I ||tar 1 ilown OWIIIK tn tielnfr ' innler-welKht. Xli.hdlMuii, who Is :tri years1.hi, shnweil his heart was l.eatlni,'|irn|ierly wllh Die senlhin-nts of thediiy when lie pleaileil des ately 10 '.';'•' " " " ' ' " I K "i •"•• " ;•""•

?Si&^*^^K11 is : .n - (>nl l im ' tn t h - r i t l -s tlui"t nil , . ' • " ! ' li\*' i]\\v' , , t l "" - [

i h >\* >'(>»ra;l-atlt-nts mus t llr.-i takt- 11 bath If :.M<- \l';tnk , ' ' . A W " " ' H-l- ' iLliran. amito iU> MI. H - |ir<fti^li<*1 vinni-Miislv J : i " M " N M> (-MS- l ' ' -niu-r; i l . will u|>p»wi-K'lVliiif • "I iii-ver tonk 'i I>nt Ii iii tn'v I '1""'1 "llii-r hit' I lit' 1 Jiivi'i'iiin'j'hi|» <*l'" ' > ' " * "

% 1 l l ' " ' l \ • ! I ' l l ! II 111 III > . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . , . , 1 . . .

yir<'." AftiT tli«> inuro than n

i of dii-t hail h<><>;i n-il |

iHi... lii.th ivc.'ivi'.l the nrniilnatltiu

hi tltf S l a t - with- prltnarlr.-. last wc-l . .In IHN Willis iti<fi>ali'<l l


FARM STOCK•n-f sul .s .-r i( . i ;r . iiimiit _i<> q u i t f ; t rm-

V - ^ - ' n f i l l! Ins l i w ' a u i r U . I'iiVininii 1 in -i.ii-iiiclit.**. ,-tv., jit i-Ulitjc s:li. ' ll|iMll Vli.'it•>V;L* f 'u-rnorl j- I1*. K. l>iMiii. ' 's f i imi , on

• tin; rua. l f n i m F ivn . C u l m i to l U n t z -v,:i. . . :nlj.ijnlNfr t i t " h"in '- fnn- i «-r N;i-ih . i i i l l t . y t . CDiiuiK'lU'lllif ;U 1 u 'olmrlis i i . i rp oi,

MVlltH'Sllll}-, AllKIIM 1'S.•M: f r .Hows: -I1.'' II. I'. Ul . ln . ^as f i lhU 'niKiti.- . i l l s . . ! i'. II. IV «:;mi>liui!.•ti«Iiif, .liilui.stnn liltulfi-, i l i n - s l i ' T . r u n i

• Min'llcr. ! ' : imi!IJK mill . !>«•'! Krin.l ' . ' r .

nv..-IinrKi- i-i i i ins n i l l i v a t u r . ' w t - o i r r !^.•v'.'i'id ] i l .nvs . p o t a t o i.liiiU'-!-. potnlf t

v.-itu' i'. I'li'lljttT i i i ta i - i ' i iHi ' in /h 'ay f o r k s .I W I T . H V , wli-.-W Mct'iltT. Ih ' l . av i i l i:ri:iim

Otic ..'[• i in . r o w s id T ' il . l : pantaimili.-i- Jlvi- yours nl.l: tWo a re pant

y.-iirMti^.'iim! tuiu1 a will' l-uni in l-'cb-

.\V\\- Acinf WHKi'li. f:ipa"i>iiy ilTiOO:tcw-wlu'rl wan1 ' new lniKrJy. i>liil.utfify, Kfi of slnwli' lianuiHs, sut ofilmil.l.- l ianiuss. sleds, hulili?!^, sintv-.•1H, fiifk:., vi'oiul HIIW, sttntj-iTH. Kflml-

l.:.i of t imothy mill clovor.li'ti:*. emi»-iv fruit Jars and Jelly HIHJWI'H. IIM-KCn'n.l Mmiili wirlhcii nols*.- milk \mi\»,vliilhi. nli:kul uii'l irlnws lai»p«. ln"-n-rns; wooil. cuul mid oil-.HIOVOH. HOW.lotil.lc hrnsH ijotl uml otlier itrticles tooinim.nitts n n u ! 1

A ] j | | tK j r j , XAltOl'.M. .

K r. mm. •«"''. . ...1. (i. .Aiulerson, clerk.


,; Easton, Pa.

^^rd/-^^&> Teeth extracted• .S««^*i«fc-A«|^. . a | jaO)u t o iy without

T('ttlh"i.iiit ran l)u ,niii(li! at Any Price

• • I I ' r o i n h i s l u i i l y , h > < i i v i i . i n - i i n i > i t - i t - - - • - , - • - ; • , - • • • , - • ; • ;

"Imlly." anil wntil.-.l tuioth.-r Imth. ' ' " Jn 1 ' " 0 ! ' " " I l d ' " ' '" K t l " f ) ' l l l < " 1

"1 illtln't Ittmw il \V»H siu-li I1.111. MI- 1'ilJ ^» 'H" . tl»*l» ( i" \vni .>r .tnkfii a l>iitlt toni; UK"." In- 't<- iTi 'sMciil Wilsi.n liari 1 ti l-'lllni;

><1 with a <-hii<-kl<>. Ih- h;nl lived i frl*<iiils that lit- hits t'ltjoycU tin- most- rur yi 'urs. - . ' I rt-stl'til mititm: in yi-iirs. Ci'Hini:•ttt'i'al a u t h o r i t i e s lust Thiirsilny ! Hway l 'nun thf liiti'iisi- liisit hi Wash-l nii'lt'tl vii.'t* ij.-ns in Nor th i imp- j inKtuii. lw fumul i-m.l wea th .T iilnny:ll..'ii:lits, i icur Hctlih'lu'tn. aijrl ; i s ' ihi- riurtli SII.DIV hi .\l:iss;icht]si.-tls.suit HIOIV t h a n KM) illssnltit,, ivii-! Hi.- h a s I i tht* un-s t of '. '"I. K .M.and ni.-ri, (.•;ai«ht hi t h - net that i Housi; at IIH- ].itt«-r"s MIIUMI.-I- h imi"

. skillfully w o w n without a word I « t UasHai-lnis.'tt*.nf wa rn ing ri<ai>hhiK tlu-m. wen* taken ! '-Mrs. IC. K. U.i-I.lar.l. wife nf ato Kaston aihi |<lai-f.l in tail. T h - plan sun-el s.-rvk-i- WM In l".-tnvi\ Iswas 1'iiri'iiHl nut l>y cllU-ials UIHUT <\Titi*t. I I'i'otii] ot ht'i- war Kard.-u. ami shi ' hasCiiiuiiMuliaiit a n d iMi -^uI ims of sul- ! Jn^t prhl*-. " m - l.tr.^f ca r iH" ci.ni was

la ry b:iniols. In o n l . T in s tap vk'u mm- j ^eruor one was pi'i-fr.-ct, l.iit tin- inlineilltlons in t l ia t ainiiiniiit l .ui center. I l 'c>1"' w''tt' *lM\Uy iliitt^in-il^ when.'

A l..i| t of llh-iitliif,'. it was• ot luT ilayj t u r c a shn,. nt't' thi' Mrs. Ah • ty

s t n i . ! ] ; ' l . y t h . - l . i . l t o f•m,l I'nork'^l'un^:;;,^;;;), v*l™iS? f!"o».l7.ffi!IlSu-Tn»V.ri.nO«u|I<!n h"r

an.l lxnly. Tht- la<;. j it ;is if it had lit!Military Rtmnls

was I'otniil in aiiutlifi- p;

id' .lacks

of thf


" Tli ft Stnr nhd, Thrlco-a-Wook N. Y,^'yVl.!; S2.2R1 In advance^ •~,^1_-..,3.; ['„„.-

• Capt. Iliiy:• i\' l'ain|i Uifayotto, Kiislnn; wasMH-ln..-,,..] I., hiiv«. iiiaiTi..-.! Miss UntilFrltts of that i:Ity until ills iv;ilwife Vaino lii Kastnn ' fn.uii Virginiato look up II.T hiisliaiul ' after lu-fail.id to s.-nd her the regular rc-initianees, Thf military aiithoritiosare looking up tlu- Captain's ilonu's-tle affairs an,I he will |.roki|.|y he.t-fiiiovcil from Cau!|. l.-ifnyeite.

"Aincrifaii City". After a hiuerUnlit of mnr« than n year, tho mm-«-iiu'iit ftir tho .Vinerk-anisni of thoI'lty won a Ms victory last week,when Liu* sfhnol hoard votctl to eli-niinato fori.-li;n laimuaH-os* in allunities after .lutu; HU'J. Tho (late

dismiss thflarffo mmitn'r of foreign

With 1*1.000 employt'es al work infai.'tnrliis oovorins ;!;! 1-^ 'acres, "theMiilvale Steel Company at Hddystone.Pa., is now Uirnins out finished rillesat tlur rate of a million a year. Fivothousand two hundred t'. S. modelrilles are hein^ turned out everywcirliini,' day. While the slogan i.sone inlillini ritles in I!HS, tho Ki>noralmanager experts to add a lifin moreto tlie year's oiilpnt.

Travelers from IIoll:in<l rejiorL anacme food shortage llierr. They alsodeclare that the Dutch Holieve Germa-ny will he beaten l.y next April,through the iiKTea.sing streiiKlti nt tin;AiiH'i'iean forces in Frantre. Il is sail!that !>() per cent, of the Hollanderstoday aro pro-Ally. This is due large-ly to the fact I hiit TOO Dutch sailorsImve been killed by submarine tit-tacks,

.MiKK Olive Rhodes, hi years old.daughter of a .director of a largemillim; company in Indiana, offeredher services as an enRineer when theregular engineer became ill. With-"out experience, and after brief iu-sU'iK'Hon, she began work on July -I,anil has 'kepl th." mill in iiperalionslnee, even acting as her own tire-men. Should women vote?

The Itev. Henry Martin Farley, anaged llaptist minister of lUinlington,\V. \'a., charged with making inoon-.shlne . whisk'ey, defended himself\;'> h^niu-MiiiLunfil'iH1—iMat—hi'^ iiiitilu-only tlie very bent andi'that'1 he didnnt seek riches in the making. UivFarley is a. tynical mountain preach-er and1 belongs lo the sect known asthe.'•llardyhell",.. liaptists.

• .Ionn iV:• JIcMonuUl ' ^^nd . .MartinMouaghiih, nbout ten years old,saved, a passe.nger.Jrnin. frniii-:beiimwVeaked' " neiu1 She mm don h, Pa.While playing they saw a brnkenmil. iind heard a irniji eoming. Onewaved a red sweater'and the other ucoat, and sioppod the train in time,tlraleful'- passengei's - Illlud • theirpockets with coins. •

Through action of Congress, thol'\«dera-l\ Hoiird of Vocational Kdu-eation iias taken charge of the greatinsU of ruedueating and rehabilitat-ing for civil life and usefulness suchof our wounded... soldiers and sailors.

j them'.\vi|. ii'is nm.de intti.-, expert 'iirt-•Isans, mochftiikrs nml sentl-jn'ofess-In'nls. . , . , . .' .

:J."tGlioviiiLr'- Hint to auUiorinn- local

the Clu ship

from severe injury by his fellow em-ployees. He had refused to take hishal off when "The . Star HpangiediU.imer" wa* played. lie was i'um!iito kiss a small Hag and make anapology. 1-aier he was disc-bur god.

' Unfitted with clubs, revolvers andhandai lK Xew Vork's first uniformedpiiHeowointin. sis. went on duty I-Yldny..Oonunissioncr Tn right, annoiiin-ingthe appoinlments, said four oilier

police duty. They will pay special at-tention ifj the welfare of girls.

A. Knights of Columbus secretarytells (if his exporieui.'e in managing acircus at Camp Dix.' by staling thatwhen appointed he had no idea sue.,would be his duties at an hour's no-tice, However,-he made -good. Sm-his lht> varieil work of secretaries, bothV. M. C. A. and K. nf C.

(.uai'EU .1. Whitlen. of New YorkCity, was drowned latts Wednesdayafternoon in the Delaware river at..Water Cap. Young Whale.ii, in com-pany with a I'riend, Vincent lleagen.of.Huuen Island, was canoeing in theDelaware. The boat upset and Wha-len wont to tiie bottom.

Rev. \h: Henry A. Hutw. presidentof Drew Thoolugical Seminary Cormany years, and actively identillodwith that institution for' HO years, hasresigned his Drew professorship andconcludes his active earoer as a teacli-f»r. Hewiis preslilent of the seminaryI'rom ! SSO lo 1,11 :\

An invasion of Japanese beetles,tliought to have ronched the localityin soil around Hie roots of Japaneseiris, has aroused tlie farmers of lit.Holly vicinity. The pest has spreadover nn area of 10.000 acres and hascaused Miousnnds of dollars 1<" .

Drafted men : from all over ineCountry hnye protested against thebooks of Arthur tiny Kmpoy beingcireulnted in Hi" .vuiloninents. Hisremarks reflect ing; upon the courageand patriotism of the drafted menhave proved offensive to the latter. *

Fed. fern I Judge Dooling sentencedChris Ammer, a wealthy HumbohUcounty ranchor, to tlve years at IIc-Xeil's Island Federal Pcnlicnjiliiryfor milking seditious mieranues.A miner's daughter was the eoiu-

To aid further in crop movements,the 'wrir linnnce corponttiou reducedFriday from ii to fi per cent the annu-al interost rale on short-term ad-vances lo bunks to cover loans madeto farmers or merchants for market-ing" wheat and other crops.

\\'hen i.he annual encampment of

land, Ore., there wore two candi-dates for Coniniander-in-Chief. Theywere C. V". Adams of Nebraska andT. II. Him. of.Seattle.

.. ..Five irsiu-'rntlons .were representedThurwday'TiVthe celebration of theI04th birthday anniversary of Jlvs.Catherine Yourth, ut her home, 10l.uiryeu street. N'ttwnrU. She was bornin Switzerland.

Glass factories in the Millville dis-trict will resume,Jiwork the lirst of.Se.ut.ember .Oir.la..Jinxe__!}C.en__aske!:l..to taki.1 the place"or-'b"oy>i""w;!rirHre'nn\v"iii.tminlng camps.ami trenches.. . ,.. ..


has il(in:u>-<t S.'.ffi) f> the AiiiciUanIlllilf Soci.-ly for the clr.iUlaliuil ofth" jiorki-t T-'Htunu-nt a in on t; tin?solilt.-rc.

At tin1 :ii-'<> "t KZ yi-arw A. N. liar-l»-r, a Civil War wtt-ran of Duliith.Minn., has .,.•••,> maUiiig Mrenotisrlfortf* to enlist in the itriny.

V, S. Senator ';alla«li<-r, SI. and amember of tin* S.-iifit- sln«- iv;ni, ,i(fi|iSaturday from heart dlscaso, In the jFranklin, N. H.. hospital. !

S'II;\V.\I:TSVIM.I:.Mrs. Sadie r o . . . wiu-rtahn-.l Smnlay

Mr. i.nd Mrs. Win. Wolfe of Milfuid..Mrs. A. K. Co!.- ami son Kdgiir ofrnltmtowM aint Air. ami .Mrs. W i l m e r ,I 'alrympli1 ami tlaiighlertf, IVanres, !lit-ssie iiinl .l.-ssle, and Mr. and Mrs, |Ira I'ole - f th i s IIIIH-I... t

Mrs. . laeob S h i p m a n and family of!Morr is T u r k vi.-iitt-d li.-r sist.-r, .\Ir.«. il-mil Kiniicy. Sunday. In the aft.-r-.'noon th>y au toed to .Siimtnerliehl, v is - jiliiig their p a r e n t s . Mr. and Mrs. Wi

Ml-Hl t.









,* ; • ! ;


. 1 UWlltiiu- :I.. l . . . » l

i\- wllh r«.nnmi:ili.r Hi-- I.IInv cv.-nliin nml IE

-Mrs. .M. 1:.rai-iiniH•nihMl-

llWIlmillii rvTl'ii

ii- 1.



• IKid i

• nf i;im"I-'M SlSt.Ti-r, .li-s«i-

i». lii-i-l.i,-i-[mil Hi"•lit Tl

Iili-Mli-'Ullil'lllliy : i t 111iuhi-1 I

tlu'i'iii i. .Mrs.Smith.

. iiml .Mr.". II , inI'll iif Kasuni sniy with

l!-i!-h::-..• i i l l l l i t i i l

. i i t h i M i i i i i

her KI-

.StiitilitvIllll < II

•h Inwn Snmi-ila

s.".,lnri;.-iri-iiiimili.<i- iliiiinlit•hllili

v i •:•-.-Sin. v

M\ .Ml-:Will. K

-I'lil'I'l.icwliiyj lii-i-iuf tinl-lllll-l

Ii- himHil-l-lv.

lillllil-.' viAIIHM'I

I'-IH Siiaiiihni

' K l l l l l l

was 1y urii

•li-r luHIM Hi<. .Ins.' I l l 1111

b'ur.son anilnf (-•.-nti-iilnml WVI-

ill WHS lll'lllH'Ut.MlKSI.-.-

il.'iiiKlni'i-sitlnK llH'

lUish, ami

I'll nml » . I Itili-itiiv millitln-r. .Mi-rf.

nil- i.r1.-1(1. nil till-•riHHiii ami

m ri-tiii'lii-l•,-,,i|i|imii,.il

il;t- a visitthere.

.Mrs. .M:iri:ar«t W.irman left lustWednesday for Sci-autuii to spend nnIndeiinite tiiue wltti lief sUtcr. .Mrs. .1.Vi h.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hawk audehil-iln-n S|ient Sunday with hi.s pureuts.Mr. and .Mrs. 1. Hawk, nt Sprltmtown.

Mr. and Miv. II. Apple^ate amidiiuxlitiM*' sjient Sun-lay with her«randmother. Mrs. Kuw Ih'ller.

.Mrs. Wm. WmidnnV and .lan^ht'-fni.ri.tliy jipeii! Wcdm-sday and Tliurs-

Miss MjiiMKiivL Whiptnaii spi'ti't Sat-urday and .^iintlay wiiii Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Wm-tnmi at Hath;

ilarolil Kuebler. f. S. X.. speutSun-ilay with his jiai-ents. .Mr. and .\lr.-\I'M. Knebler.

Irs. (Irare .Kiml-.-ll of I'hillip.siiiirj,'i a .Sunday tftiewt of Mr. ami Mis.

Win. Willis.

XKW VIl.l.ACi:..lacf.b K'. Smith of .Seninton spent

tlie Week-end with iiis sister. Mrs. J..V, Hawk. Mr. Smith mine to'attend.he Sinkh-KInnoy Kith reunion. He•etunied home on Tuesday.

ii..- with her musins.'.Mr. and Mrs.lorrit; Fills, fi.t- a vai-alton before en-•ritiK ,1'blllipsbur!; hUh school.Mi>s Vida, rrnsel relurned from her j

i.-atujii Moml.-iy. aceompauit'il liy lierytei\ Mrs. .John SehmiU, ami son \>i- !d of Connect!^

s t/uiherine Sinitii is speiniint;;ue time wilh her aunt. .Mrs. Tlieo.'i.ndlini;. ut. I.lrass Castle.:v!r. and Mrs. .John A. IC. Smith arelarding ue:ir liristol. I'a.. where lieis tal.cn .i position.C In- is top her I_>ittmar nf I.aston .:all-i upon ills father, P. C. Diltmar, onii'iny afternoon.The Sunday school will hold its pic-

nic in Chile's ffrove, .Saturday after-noon.

Miss ICIizabetli Pur.sel returned Mat-iniay. from a two weeks' vacation.

Ti:e Cyphers family held their re-iniO'i in Cline's H'I'OVO on• .Sunday.

i-'iti-.i'. r x i o v ,Albert .Vahoun will have a sale of

•arm stock ami machinery next Wed-icsday. A us1. '.'S, on Hie farm whieli:ie recently purciiased of Fred K. Oil-llnt'. He will move back to New

irk.Marvin Kishpatitrh was nn si fur-

ion gh and spent the time with histareiHs, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kishpaus;...le has been transferred from Fortilociim to Wesl VirKlnla.

Mrs. John Cummins, daughter l.ilaml son Virsil of Vienna spent Sim-

lay with Mr. and Mrs. Ue.uben IUIII-.•on. : .

Win: KishpaiiKh Injureil his- rightha ml quite iiadly on the saw while en-gaged at work in his suwmill recently.

Our Sunday •school hold its picnicith the Peciuest Valley picnic Asso-

ciation a l Wil l iams P a r k yesterday.Mrs. Rober t T lehenor of Hamburg;

'isiteil her pa ren t s - in -law, Mr. find-Irs. M: II. T ichenor , last week.

SAI.ICPTA.Mrs. Win. Bailey and .laughter

Trace of Allainuehy passed last week..yitlvlier tiau^litor, Mrs. Roy lOaryc.

Mr. ami Mrs. I'.dsur Specr of New-irk- spent Saturday and Sunday at Wil-iam HaiiKhart's.

Miss Clarabell Kostenbader of Hopespent Sunday with Miss. Irene Craifi1,._ .Mrs.. W.. l.i,...ti.uilc;k_of .Xewark .is.yisr,lins:"lier~s.slevr'M"''a:i"Goo~ K.-l-'ulnior.]

Mr. ami Mrs. Aaron Labur of Mont-dsiir are visitiiiK relatives here.; Mrs. Kdllh Allen of Bolvidere spenthe week-end a t Prall Hoam's.

Milton Cralp; and John Lossih spentSunday iU--WuU.r Cap. ."

Miss Helen (TiiiKten is spend ing; twoV C e k «•;!!, t , . > 1 o n . t i-1 ii j r , - ; ; ^ : i - ^ _ _ _ - - . , - - - - : ....•••• ••;:-

Kdw. Denoc Vorneil Clilford, .T. L.nunlleld and IX O. VanScoten wore atIIaekeH«town Friday, each soouring uilrivei-w license. . '!••-•

• ' .Iolin Denee l ias pone lo Heth lehemas a. clerk in the oilices of the Beth-lehem Steel Co.

V. II, Kwnyae came up Saturday to.spend a week with his family nt theDmiHehls1.

Wm. -Merlcle was bit by an auto in

™"SVG"~a"f7" £1 a i r ' V(™YiTT\re~~XlT lS;f i-a If

i r . ^ l r s . : Sara h^CjJfiKc™',dt;;.....-™

EASTON, PENNA.Close Wt-dncsdays al Noon. Close. Saturdays al 9 P. M.

eao a oenes


THRUOUT ALL DEPARTMENTSInteresting lots, of Summer Wearables-in fact, all summer

merchandise lots have their prices considerably lessened these days.In some cases lots have been lowered to cost prices.

, This'year of all others it is essential for all of us to spend wiselyand to save wherever possible. You can buy what you may need now—and many things that will answer splendidly for future use.


Suits TrimmingsCoats SweatersDresses BlousesWhite Goods Lingerie

White SkirtsWash GoodsDomesticsSilks, etc.

However, AH Lots Cannot be Advertised, so That a Persona! Visitto the Store Will be to Your Advantage.



3 0 6 to 3 1 2 N o r t h a m p t o n Streef, E a s t o n , P a .

to Havp Complete Undermuslin StocksDuring the Hot Weather Period

—so if you have a need for undermuslins, you can imagine the satisfactionof being able "to secure what you want. All the various Summer Modelsare still to be had. all sizes, both regular and extra sizes- and, please bearthis in mind: prices provide the same satisfying values as at the beginningof the season. ,

DAINTY ENVELOPE CHEMISE. Made ot Silk Crepe de Chine: pink, white

'" ' '• ' ' .- C H E M I S E • ' • • ' • ;:

of fine quality nainsook and batiste, pret-

tily-einb.oit.ered, lace .trimmed.•-•

" FLUFFY, LACY PETTICOATSWhite nainsook, with frilly llounces oflace and emhrnid.i'y; splendid value at


CORSET COVERS 'Made of fine batiste, iaceand embroidery

••••-' trimmed, in a variety of styles, at

PRETTY NIGHT GOWNSBig.-assortment,'made of fine nainsook, pink and .whitc,--".~d> * -daintily embroidered and lace-trimmed «B -A


n n c e - a - vVeek N . Y.

Page 10: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not


r.Page Ten THE WASHINGTON STAB, WASHINGTON. N . J., • THURSDAY, A U C l ' S T • » . I l l l s

;r \vAiim;>. IM-:ATVICNTIIW.\.INCH imiiuii:, \siuitv. ,

T h e tlmt »f t h o K - T I M "f i>.tirhilli* 1'iilon * « T V I » ' . - u<>i<> hWtl in tin* A i - 1 K. I*, t ' ttitn an,I I-IP-HT, M I X . .Mimt J i l r ...ul .MIX W M . . I;.-.-.! ,,inl . -h i i .

-.l I " I

KUvrnl.ti ' Pa rk , when mi auillciu-f of I.. lf,.win>. It. P. , »f i:.--. u n u i p - . whit I Air*. ,ia«. **litif « r l lhll!(|"*i>ur£. ;u

iil»um KSOO'WUM j.n-M'ni. Tin- im-. ' l - , iw «/"hu>-t !•••! w i th i lw Kv.niKHltm! AI1I»K n|»(-i)"vil wi th pmyt-1- l.y Hcv. S. W. * li;in.-" w..rii, «)».]<•• l» th-* IY."i 'X<ri ;nToWUN'Mnl. |i:i*tor nf t h " .Mftho.lM • . h u n - i i in tin- M">rnliiK • ' ! ' tin- i m p . i t - ; nc h u r c h . r»llou«'tl l»y a 4 h'TUH of lint j d t i v i.f S.i

•>.;.!• 11 S m u t t y ufi.>,,,.1 u . . | - u-.lU'M. .-I' I l l - (.-.ivt .T, Mr«. , \ i ' " M .*Vhi>.<[.->,

M-II,",1 la»t >.in-. uilt .-lit. 1- III" \ . -.i l l. N.irm.il .-i. I I lit ti i.t.11,1.. 1.

M I M l t l I l l M l

c h u r c h , f u l l i m - c i l l .y a 4 ' h n r u N n f l l t i t j u t i v - ( . f S . i t . L a t U l>;i> u b « < r v i u i < ' « un>l \ V m n . a l . v ; in<t * W < T H , . M a n i a .Y o l c r M . . M a y o r H l m U i . n * I i 1 e « l i t m l u t i i c i u . i i i n m u > i - i ' « i i i m a > * » i i » t o f t h e ! , , , , , , , „ , ^ | i l t . v ; t M , t w m . M , . I H ! > . T , , I .l u U r c v * WIIH Hi in l i t !•>• I t c v , A . M l i r n l n j w o r k t l l . i t S I . . ' I n n t!r*u<' ' s t i l - . \ l i h - ! u - iu l . - t l l !n* I ' - a i k m '"£'*!• i<<. n l - ' ,«t i l l . '

' . \ l m m * o f l l u i n p t ' i n . « l n > l t u . 1 f<-r I l l s a m « - . T i n * • • v c t i l i i t ; i - c n i * * ^ it* t i n - AI. ] . . l u n c ><(• M I A I ' . t . - r U « i l U . . M . - n i sM l l i j w l " T I K > l l n t y W a r a i i - l i l l - M»A-\ K. , l i i i r v h « c r . - i n *-Untn*> " f H i - K c v . | . t l l i i S M i u . U y n l u h t . ' ••( H U L I - T H " e r e U U . - K I * .<r .Mr, i . m l 't - r n ( V u M t l i / s . " M r . M<n>r» N .1 H t i c j K . i : . . M n - " i t . i . . ^ t , . r . - r t i n - l ' n - t < y - ; \ \ r uu*\ M r - <:* >'ii>>"m.»K<-r a m i i M r * , . W U . . 1 1 ti.-.-.i >m S n t n i . i v , "•

H.caKcr. • A\a> • nWM'tliU? M,1H--,1 ;<l t , [.Tian .Ittit* h. i Mk« .I0.111I1 i Sl turm.ik .T iiHli»'il t " T l n - V Acltlcy ri-ltirn. <f i» i'ltlllil1-'-

. .in.I .Mi-. .1. Ki,

i.MI-« .Mn.li'tlli.' I:.Mil mill .Ml", MI

1 w i t h i. . ' i t n . i A l u m n i t l < " - . ' tth.t M ' - n t " ' • • u - . k . I , v , , w a r l l u * . Y l m i ' » . . | ; i j a n - 1 M H - I I I I h - hum S - m . U y t 'Vi-iilim' n f i . Tc . i r t t-y tlit* T . i y t » r > W h : t r l t i t i l*-iti*l, T h f j »-mt ;H | ) n l r I K O T M - l i n t - M » < I V H - . w - l U i» j u a i i M l . - r . . f t i n - u . - . - ! v w i t h n<I: i t tv<-«. w . i U ' i - n . I n t l i i* lii>in<- h t - r cU f V . C a r r c i t C t t l l ' H ' f i ' o f A- f> .» iy I ' . i l - ) ; • S h r i ' l ' t - - f i : i , . . . i j v n , i l . t . v . u . i M . . z c u ' l ! \ t i ' . a m i v h > , 1". S l c i li .-f ;>inl i n . . 1^ i<tt W h h i - r c i n r n . - . l !»t W. i . ^hOiK*t i l f i T i ' i ! • Hit* c j t ' i l i i i ; l i r . t y c r . I ' . m t - . - t i n - : - • i .f J i - i x - y i * : i \ . Air1. I ' . i i U <•£ i : i U . i l ^ : l i , i . h l l - l i . t i . n i - t M r - - A n n a l : t i « h a t • i » i t , l»- t ' . , Un- l i r s i ».( - I , , \v. . U ; t | i - fi t i i ^ U n u x w i l l !« • h . - M , t n h r r . - ( i M a t i . - i ^ ; M r . ; . ; t , i M , - ' . N ; | tn \v i i<-* o f H - t l i ! " - I ! . n . l . - . l th*< . - • ( i i i l l i - K i i i i i ' > r « u n l » i i i n i f - ^ u n : lii-i v a . . , i l i . t i U-w.w i l l f"- p i v - i t ' i l l n > ' \ l S u t n t . i V . ; fn ' i i i . M i * - ' - i A n n a f!. H H ! - ; . ' « T >•( I v » i t - >"!iii>-N «c*<\.- . > ' • •* Vi t l i tK ' 1 . A i l i i n l a y - T h < t " u i l i In- it t ' ! i - l i i ' — ' i j ^ ' t - l i t t u MC

A l a r u i * c p n v . i n a s | . r > - " i l l a t t i n - f v i l .Hi. l K i - i ' - S i » u t l i <>( t ^ i - t - i i , - a ( . I : W i n . l : . i t i » - r , . i l N - . - . M . u u : t i v t i iu ' . l i U h - O . K. KMfi.-ty t u r i * . n . . n . y . - n i h i :f . . r i u n l n j i f n i i i i : . . f t h - • I i i N i r - i i * - ; ; l . < - ! . - r ' ' l . i l - . - ! i f - . - : M . - i h ? " ! : . m . ; . \ I ; . r v IJ . tr* ••-•- - .Ec. i W i t ; , M . ' I « I I ' . T \ \ . ' i " . - [ . i ! M; -" . ! :< . ' » if Snti<>:i"Ki . I a > K i e i l l t « U <»II ; l i - . ' i ' 1 » " - i f - " ! ' ! • • " f ' - T h * - K o l ( ' I » I » « •H».-I I I I l i t . n w u i " l : - M y• ; . t r*!«-.i^ l i i t < : t . . u - S ' i n . 1 t y a f t , ' r n . . - n . j . M - K i l i - S l n T i - r r M - i ' i t t t h . - v , - . - k -lhi> r h v r ( m m i : i \ . r . - i . l . - i'mk UHX , H . . ! . i r . l . i> i - v i t l n i f ; t M H » ! « - i i i f « f M r « . .Md<> K ' » - l - . . f M i - N t - I l l - H a n i ! , i . | i , l v i l h J ( i s i - u . - n ! - . . \ ( r .UI<1 A H , - . .T h U l X ' l a y l i l t i U t . A | . [ ' i i ' j ' i i ; U - j t O - : A . l'-r'.*u>l w,\<.• .t -•;<.. '*-< i f l h : ; j i . -M'i . i f- A i i** i t . l t i i i l i a i n E l t i I i . t* l>«'«-n v W - ; ! > , . , ; • , • S l i ' - n - r .t l ro . sM'x W I T » in i t i l t* t.y l : * s . A . I . . | v mu\ «.. . i a f l > , T l i . - h i u - ! « : d | t - m ; r . - i m iunu Mi- K U M S t n i i l i i n l ! f h M . - i t - ? , i | | - , a , i . t M r s . l , t -u l-V.-i-i h . t \ i - t i c . ' i i.\hH>t<* o r H u m t ' t " ! ! . Kri»>\ T.i>'!.-tk i i l i ' l : I-..U) i m . i t . u r - i m - i r u i i i - t i t ! u ; r . ^» i\v . t m t l l i . 1 . m i - i u , M i — K.i t ! i< t v'11 S f l i t- i r n l i - t M i u f i i u ! i i - f .»i l . . - ' \ K J V . {/ .*i*M i i y n f l i l . i r k . T i t . - . ' V - t C - - - i . ( . . ' ! i . - . ! . - n t i t t . i M . riu •;• S !•!•» •.•*-<K ' m - r . * ( " . - : " r . <t A - l > i i : > . M V . t i t " ' I l u v i ->it : . M w i t h * . - ! . . . - t l " ! i - t-v t t i . ' T t i V f - t - : \U — • M r .1 .;;.< - Ui . f . ! ! . -* ' i i Af i - - I! : . i t : : - . t i . - . ; i . . p . . - - .! U * . . ! - \ (^ : l , t , W t . r t - , . , . - . » - . . i c t < » n l-"*lu n - I

III...Mr.-, t'rn-iv.il ."liry-U- tt.i- r.>ii:n-

f.l it* '.iKtlnil.m .If Th- . illUMliill^l!r H ] i

'• Sit


. • , ! . . «ls.. |« : , t.ti-,,11. tti.•

yinlwi! In 111" l.'.'ii.- ..( III..«h.' «ii« .1 f.ilthlul :il!.'t>.l.iilt.

' X,


• ' - • M . - | f . . ! > ; ) ' - •

Aihlx- r All.i!). iin- W,>1 lii.,;,iii w

was* *tU't • tivci w-i-ffc^ a o ?<y TiiMinby '* , . , . , . , . ' -: .(.,•"('•! ••'•••',-,h.Many, a fi 'll 'tw • t p u n t r y i i u t t . 'I1--.1 in • i- t ' . . . 'M , \ i ' ,^ ' , . ' y,\ ;•'«• \ .The KiiMun h . 'M'h- ' t K l i . t cn . Tho(H*-V r,, , ' . ,!, | t . , . . r ,- , . r KU-

. K lit 111- I'lt-MiiiiUtMii j . t i l a w . a i h i u h i - . «•,,,=r4.,.„,. u i : i l , ( ! . , A .t r i a l ni'M1 nu rml i , T h l i wil l I"- : i ni '-T- im; i,,.,- '•. „-, , . ; - ' \ i i t i ' i t Mi1- Mili-r t r i a l f.if Hunt-TiSi ' i i t . . . m ! y , ' ^ n i i l ! j r't-.u- tuns' : ' '

Tf ic tv WTH a iari:*' a;t!>ii<i;iii.«: l.i-t . ,\ii.-> T r i U i v ^ i i : , !

\-i.-u Wh»r t-n:. ruin. . ! ..» ; ...I'^'J*1' il,t''V>!ii'i' 'i'-'.'v'1 '!!• •' 'sytl'^V^'. , i t . . n . f i L M i - > . - V . - i n . , . i n } , , , , . , , , .

• - ) • . • » ! ( ! • . - ^ i i m i i L . r i n • ' M i t u - t u . t M . i i i i - K ' H - . - H i . f S i . - w . u i - - , J J . , . , , i ^ r i r . t . h I ; V M : - U h:; •• a - - ^ . 1 . - : -I M ^ r M ! • ' ! ! S . r l . j n l - . y ' V l l l r , , \ J , ^ ' , , , | \ | , U.iVV, -v t t t . i . . i h - T - . ' I•..»u h.-ivtnrr -it-. .-I't.-ii An- • : ) i . ! -H. - ,tii.i Mi>. l:, r \ , . , , i r t i. , ; : h . ' l ' l i i v . ! > i l . . I I M . V . I ! . i t x l . l i i u l i t - r -|M>nt T l n ! l - i | , . > : , , , . * < l ( l , , l l ( l W p i | , h ; , , , j . . | 1 ( , . „ .

- . . ! t ' . n A i v y l -AM» : . n : w i t h M ' - ^ M . i r . : . u v t l ' . , . r l - . - r . ! i;. i , , t h i i n - A m t - t l ; n : « - . - . ' e n -• -,i W-*..; \ : ; t \l Mill- : All'.-'. I '. K, S) i l ) .Hl , t M \ l , i * r ( . t . ' l ' l a l l i

. ' l - i i . - . l i i i l.y Ali-» M.r t l . . , II A l \ t > l ; l 1:1;.

ili-i. ,

• ! - v; ~U v\ .••: .ln!:<! ••. i:1 , Mi-, ;,«,» M ; -

Win. l : ym- f " .It n \ . - ) H n ^ : . . ! , . I ' . t\

lli.'S* Ail! . (U-I.'f,1 ; . ! ! . ! .-*.IU|-.-^;Ut..Jl Li1 ,,*.„'.- \l,.t , *tli<- -M.'th...li.-t c h u r c h .it t!i- ' iu inu . i ! - . , . , ' "

' t>icni<v in lllv.-rsi.l.- 1'ark, T h - •!.;> j»,.^ , , , [•.,.-,.wn.« pU-iiN-mfty .*(».• ut ami a t in- .l:ti- | , , , l l i V ' j - b l , w

n.-r was >.->rv.-| i i : 1 i,. „;., . . . . , , ,„, , : . , , ,T(»murrMW--iiii-»Xiimhu(UiMt r«r tk. ' \ , t . . - , ( l , , .

It. S:tnt!i in W.i- lui i i ;

.Mr-, Alii'.i l l a rn lc i i .n-.l . l .umliu- i

lit.. u-ii<-.l ,Mr«, . ta-. t ' t t n . ' m r l n i -

.>l'i;i^ l.tM 'rhiii-wi|.'i,c

Mi-- Kt!t!t:.t ln>rlir . u.i> . r ; : . ' i l . i i i i -

( h . i . l . a - . . " t ' ] V * l i ; K ' | Y : ' (r j ' - ' ' Uy - M K " « * ' • " » » • ' - I ! " " -

I , , , . , , , . , - • - ^ m [ - ' * J ' H1 ' ; ^ i i h i ( . ( ( i i [ ) | ! | - i ( i i u i ^ ' j i n M . I t * w i t h I J . ' v . W H 1 . - V . . I - . . f l ' . , t . .•-

V 1 . . 1 . . U 1 I : I I - - i . . . . i [ l - ' i M . - i y , ( t M a u d " ' " " i l * - i ' i i - I . t > . M - I \ 1. • - »'-;•.< ? * : i n i l - i v

( . , , , . ; ; . . l i J U l l t .

' ^ • ' W i t h ' j l l V . l l ' i r f . M ; > . ) ' . f t ' H r l . l t ',,,• M i i ' i t i , , , " I 1 K, Shl i i i ts.- t t . w-lit. h . ' - 1'.-<-M i t ! . - I -o i ' - of M r " • " • • t l i ' i : | . i - . ' \ . i l .

Th" V.-UJIU-SIL'ftVnniin t -

,,I I.. .M.ifl. "jli'«. .M...l'illnl- iM

„ " • „ , ,. -'"'I ;Mtv. I.-""- I-V

I- 1IIJII A l l W.\ V.

, . Mr! , Mr. ..,,.1 Mrs. Ki.rl Kii,,,,v w

: in, . i i ., - i i ivi-.- l.y II i.iiinlir i.flll.

•«••• • • " • ' .M^ .A I -WK. . , , ,

. • • • ! l . i u r r i . . - ral.-1'..in a

' ' | ' ^ . , " " " " " " l " " ' ' " " '1 Alii . Arvillii Slnltli ..n.l .

- in --in

•)!••• • •« • ' .« ; , „ , ,nciv-a l . ly w d i . Mr. ami Mr.-, il.'u. \ r.-i'l.in.l tin.l : ili.y.

i il l l l l f \ V h l h i i ! :

Tn , i i S ™,,, in i, „ , vfr .nl t i.f t h " r . ' - i i l - iu ( l i « • t i l t - l l ' i i . v 1.. V . u i d i « , ! , n c i v a l l yI " . r m t is li.iU-lli niiuVli. , .! ' W i - - ' l l | . r i " - . l I..M T h i n s . l a y ..v.-nliia. t i l . ' i l l ! ' - .•llll . l ivn .,f \Vhl t i -h . .ns" visil , , ,! :

m a c k i . i i r n nntl h is a s s i s t a n t s a n - , 1 - . • • " " " ' • -"»-• HI-- -•>-•• 1 ' l l th. lay. Mr. a m i i . M , , . -Ar.lim- l!.-,,,l ,.„ s u n . l u y ,i n " t h " w u r k Al '- iui :{ii f r ! " m i s in.", t., . -uimi-at i i ia t" Air.-, i.;;•>-.!,, I t iytni- .ni.l s e n .l , .hii r . . .

Miss H a 2 . , l \ t . | ; a r M i - Mara . l . ' i - l l^ h " " - > I " ! - ' ' ' ' " " I - " ' " - " " " 1 - l i l . lulu- !-n n-.l h.nn.- -niiii-sil.,.. ; , („ . , • s i i . -n . l l in : :

Li i.,1 l.r..th. ' .r .M>k i-.-ti,,-,,..! ' •••! In a m i , , . f , v s h a i . . , i t s s-rv. . , ! . . r . i r tn l i ih i « ! . | , I,.-,- s,,i, < - | v . . l ;Si l n

•I'lti' nllii-,- u-i'iii-ii i.f HiW h a r t . i n |.I;int a i in i ' in^ n l•rtiylor t h i s w . - k . - I l l - m.-iithi' ,-. ' last w,,"k.

•Mrs. .M.'f.iitn. t! 111.1iilll-.s". |..is-i,,l I'-nilii)- .11 Kas t .m , 1 , , , , . .v|.<rrItlliL' III" I'lnnt nf t in. T.iyl . i l-AVhal- . M i > s L i l l l l ,1,111 I1,,. s i l t l ! , ^ i t

Waltt ' i- I ' . ' i l l" "f t h " I" S. S. l m l i - '" v|,. . . . .a ' \\,- | i , , ; . . , , a | , . • . . , . . .

a i m | . a s s , H l t i n - l a t t , . , - p a r t o f t h " » k n , , , . , ; , , s l . , , , ' i , . r • V, - i - - . . l " v v

w i t h h i s i . a i v n t s . A i r . ., m l . M r s . J . K. . , , „ ! \ | - , r j , , , . | . . 1 , > - - i n , l ' l i . i ' k . ' ' f l r i l l - ' A i r s . . l . i . . , . l , f , , l , . a i i . l t w , , . h l h l r . - n i . r

1 ' i . o i " ' - A N ' V l * '

-W'nioN^.y\\-> AI;a-j'.n-|»' Ki<itar«i>

th Ali-s Vit.!*»" I t i l l L C r a i l ' l I ' T ' i t h * * ! " . 'n lv 'K r » ' t t n ' ! l * ' . i * l < l l l < l I ' - i i i ' M i i U 1 ' ! ! ^ ,--"'fck' 'M. •' i " i U H ^ I H " . ' u u»-i ^ " ' i i . ' i ' * ' " ; . ! ! ! . ! , . ! ^ . ; . w i t h V H * ' v • i i ? H ' l i i . t

i u m l i i y ( i - . i i n , . U - . - K - . 1..I > [ . , y i i | . H i . ' . M i - - . l - . n l W y , , i ; . n : n i . l f i n i i l l y r . i i . l ' n ' " " ' 1 - i •. t i < - . . - K r . - i l i h l i n w ; | i ' " . l . ' „ , . . „ „ , ' j , , a i . ; , , ; , , . ) , ' , • ' w . m . i l i i . i :l l i i l s i . i i u n i l i n .s - . ' iv V ' . r k , i l l - - . , | . . . . . . S m i t h i , , , , | . 1 . - i - ^ l t t . - i - . M n - ' • ' l ' ; ' " ' l » " >-. - V l l i ' . l i w " i i ' l • , , r | . , i n r , , | , | , , n . , , . , „ . j i - i m l - n - \ > l l l i

• I ' l i i ' o l l h ' i - u - i ' i i i . - i i i . f H i . . T i i v l . i . - . i l , ! , M-! i , , i n , - , - , . ! . . . , . „ - i , , . | , , l i m : i l l , - > " " A I U ' - I n r - - I ' . - m l i i i i : t h . - l r l > v . . ; M , . j , r - . . . n . K i i l i n -, !! , , , , - in ,

1111 r ->i:ii -Mrs. rii . i- . Sniitii. r . - .. i i . . | t,. .v-uar l i ,-n I-Vl'lay.•,,,„. ,„„,,.„ ,;,,,,., „.„, ,,. „„.,.,„

s , , i , . . . k A , , . , s . ' a r l " . a l i ' l i w n " h i l - ••. v | .< r r i s a m i A l l , . , , i.f 1 i . - lv i . l . . , . - .

w i t l i t i t . i . . f . . r .

AIH-.I , , - . , ' ? , . i i r , , , , . i , - .«-";,;„:;;;,, i,V.-"<V. i ..-"K ..V,V,""• » - v . " i i I I ' I I I w i t h r'-I.i". iv. ' - : :i t .%• '?• \ [ j - • f 11 i I tn ' t i • ' ) ! ' • •

! ; : " " " • ; ' ; . ' ; . . , . , . . , „ , . , . . „ , <•••'<• "t ' l i ' i . - i i . i i . fi-..n', . i . ' i '

n> i i i i i i . . n > . a , I ' . n i i i i M i i ,in*J 1 ' i ' r t h • \ i r l i j - 1 ' . . , - . . . , ^ j . . h . i

i . i i ' l i | . | t . ' . . l . M i - . ili-l M r - , i " -a. . . :Air. all.I Mr Al. atl'l "lull! .

,f .Mr ai,,|

i1'i.oi", ..I- Alti.-.i. N. V.. la.-:

vl""'"-» "f Mr. ami

y.Mis. ' M m - l i ' i l l , K . - I I I I . - , !

I 1 " lOl t e i l . i - l - i a f t . - rI n y a t W . I ' . H F i . v l . f - -

\ u i , , i i , i i t i k , , i i n , •' „ . , ^ ^ . . . . . . , n i r , ,

-. T l T '

W"s i , . n ,I'- ; "1 ' 1 | , ; . - - . . , l S i i n . l n y w i t h I l l s l u i i j l i

Mr . a m i Mrs . A. I:. H M V I T > ..f IMilt- l ! . ' V , ' \' '• ' • v l t ! l ^ ' ^ ^ -, , l

J i t s .Mi,- , ' l i . - i - . i n l . i - l c r k i n Hi •- " " ' • - » ' • ' • ' • -.-nt.-l-iiiilii-il l .y All1. , , i i ' l : l l . . | . | . , , , i ; .H o c i l l t i n . st . - . - l i . l a i u . H i ' i>J . ' .v lni ; a M'"- '''• '•'•• ' i : i r i - i . - NISI »-.-.-k. : I : . I I . n - i n , .„• W n s l i i i i L - n . i ii w.i uv.-ks- yiu-iiiiMii, ,\ir. .ui.i .\ir... i : , i . . . i i A . .-,,,,k,. ..,,i,i ; vi.-ii,.i- ,,f Air. ..ii.i Air.-, i'. r . I.-....K on • If y o u suffer with l a m e m u s c l e s o r

I,,,r'»o5«' li'w !„:• 'j!'i!;;"'',"'"'.f s 2 v ' ^ S : ; ; ' ; " o ™ . r ' v ( b i t " . H U S " - , , i , i M,-S. ,I H. ,-,•„•» ,,,,,k I,/ "'^."^ioi"^ lookout for impmi-Som.-rviii, ' . ii..u-:,i-,i I:,.;M1 ..." x.-wt-.n s i^ i i i h i - . i h - MI ; ! ) , - ;n i.-i;.!i,i l'ui-k s imikiy. t i e s i n t h e blood, b e c a u s e e a c h a t -

;hJ''trlmmlivi A '" ! i"' ' '"""""' '" • vlai'.'i,"" " " " l l i " ' : "" l i ' -"''"• l 'V;" l l ; > — > I T n i °n i i - | tack gets more .-.aite ami stubborn.

FTFF.F.F, is* n "fine, rnoiny. cnnifortable . carA Ilml simiily provides for every motor cur

I'sscnliiil. .

I l looks well." iff ides c:\A\\\ it is simple to han-'dlo, it is powerful 'and il is cHicictit.

T<i .-ill lln'sc virlno.-i add ils advaiilaRc of ccon^omy and you UIKIOI-SIIUHI why more lb;ui 100,000Mod'.'l 00 cars have already been sold. : ,

llluus electric Aiilo-Lile. slarliiig aud lightiu^vaeiiniii gasoline syalcm, larj;o tires, non-skid rcur« .lOli-incL wheell^asc and cantilever springs.

-•ljjpfar/iiiri*, Performance',C'unifrtrl, Svrvice and Price

Ltthl Fcut. Mettl CO Ttvirll Cit

I I I tiFkn<V A I

V ' r i ^ T i ^ " . ' •'•••t-> i - " ~ V i — ' ^ ^ r i ' l ^ ^ i ^ i n v ' T ' " - ? !

WAHHE.N CIOITNTV IIVKULAND "AI.KS ISOOMC L Y D E F. S A N D T , Proper. On tlu-Sti^src, Wdsliir.iiiiiii. N I.



i i v . ; : i , , l .Mr.--. J ; i » . .Mil ls i v . . | v . . n - A l - -, , | . I \ l . - l-i,-, I, 1 ' , . , , - v l l , -< . * " ' " " " ' • l ! l c u l n ; l t i s ' " J"OU l l l U S t

fri.iiM.-i! i.y n-ii'inis in i:.-i--i.i-i-'-1-.-i! .[,•».,.'xii,..,••,ii.i'w.'ii mm Air. V.i'i,iiir»! • improve your genera l heal th a n d

i ..f Ha.-ic'-ust'-wti. purify your blood; the cod liver oil"irii'.'ii -,. hi« i,i-H-.- ' " Scott's EmuUion is N a t u r e ' s

.\-.,»- Y.ii-k'"ift..r ii.it- great blood-maker wh i l e i t a l s o

^ lirrr/.vii.u-:.P.,-.-. Air. >;:,i-Iii,ii .iii.l lamily in-,. " "I'-^.V..,,,... «-. , | . , , , - .„• |.-.,r, X n - , . - , ' . " ' " ' " ^

• [ „ " ; ; ; , !,v h.";"s'«t.'i-<"'Th»"i-»Vi'i'iikB- " " • " i " ' • • «-^--<"> »»i> i i , / i - a , m i y . ; ' " ; ^ , i ; 'f rom l l rnuk ly i i . !;.•>•. t ' a i l l n - I 'r-a.-iil i i i- . i n i Manil.-iy a i 1 1 a. in. I of l.uslia n from l lmoklvn I;.'V ' a i i i n - I l ' a . i i i n ^ , , ,s t Knmlay at l i a. ,„. I ,.f l.usin.s.s in .Ww Y.irk nf t . r visit- g er w h i l e I t a l s o I . . ^ { G : ^ O(I.V= R...1,, DIJ,:. S I . • ^ : A A

Iir.-acll-ii an -xi-il.-tit s.-rmon T..1- us '••• l!.-v. .1. il. Ar.'li.l.'ii.'iiii .if I'aullna. . inn his sist 'T for two itn-lis. i EtrcnSthenS the Organs to expel t h e \ • i ' ^ i i . ^ f - ' ^ t EASTON. PA. K l | ?'.- ' is! • • , |

Slinilny ,n..r , , i , ,^ . Mtv. Win. V, ;nll, ,n, lias !,..,•„ vis- i Mrs. Aumn lllll ..( \ ™ , , . - k has .impnritius. Scotfs is helping tlwus- ' fjj ^ f ^ g S L ' IV.-lV.'ti.: lv,l -... i:., fj 1 . ^ V

.Mr.-. (!„„. N..yh;iri is " i i i m i i i i m ! «• -• •"< ~;n A I Mr .it i a . i - i « ,,,.,.„ at th" hi.tn.' ..f • AI is- I -Myn Hill n u i l s who could not fiml oilier relief. M ' - ' - > S » V s B ».T.- ;- . ,=, ,,;.:,f.,,..; JtjJ —t w u nil-!-,'.-, Allss . -s l l " l " i i ' i i i ' l A l a n , - ' - H I l..t!M"i m a n h a s 1 1 ",1 . s in.- . - A h m . i a y i.l I n s : u v i - k . : - £ e o t t i E o - « e . Bloomielcl.N.J. u I t > " - " - . ^ .'y,-iv:l,i I'v t-..-,-.. - , fA^a=^rr. .L

\Viiit"riiinii', an,I tii.rir !ir,,rh,-i- Ans- ' n-'.ui ill- im-aslcs. : Air. ami Airs. ,I.,hn I!,,II Ilartiu-li • - " ' - ™ - '- : — — ^


n v , tMiiijirisin

ni'-lil. ill thi.- • , ; : . : ; i,.' y.. -I.

f rom I ' l -n i l sy lvania . l o r ; \v, . ' " ; ~ :u- ,n l , . ra i i i i i i iv ; h is a u n t f rom I1

-Mi.-is F lnss i . ' Shlll.M- a m i ni.-c-r-. i l i s s Au-ain I h i - l,,\vn is -h . -u- int ' i l - | , ; i - i i h i i i u - ! i l . iu- .-ry a m i u-if.. , , ; ' WaUM-- :

l'atli.'1-ilK- S h u l o r . a r t ' PUS.-IIIL: a tVu- t r i" t | . , -n . -Ml "I" , m r v,.iu,^ ni'-n hav,- : 1"" "',•!•<• i:m.s!s ,,[' h i s h|-. . lh,.r I ;.rn-i;, ,. l a y s w i th Airs. -Inhn l l ih i . s ; u ( i i n - ,n; , . r , - , i or a r o ah . iu i n i ' - u t , - ! - in i l i - ' ov. t r Suii.la\-. ':. ,•ll 'll... . . . . I:1i-y j - ' i -vl . . . . a m i m.u- onv ..f - : ill-, nil Alls. .Ins. lh . | i , l , - i - shol nf

passh l i r u v o \v,;-,-k- w i t h t l i . - ir a n i l ! . . - , ! ,,il ,,\-ai,iir,atl,-,:is i.n.l h o l . l s h,•,-.-, if Hinulay,

.Ml-S. J o s . II . Klu.'li.. |i. in »-;iKliiimlnii. in r iin..-.- I I . i,,k.' in. i r i i i u i l i u ' n i a il l>» l : , - nha .Mli.-ii.-ll is \ i « h i n a h'-rMl-, mill Mrs . J,..-. II. Kl tch . -n ..f I:,-,] i T o s s n i i r s i v in v--~|...II.--.- l.i 111,- par i ' i i i s . Jli- . . - . . . , ! .Mrs. Sanni i ' l .Mil-1

l V a s h i n m . ' i i « , . i - v i s i m r s ,,f \::f i-. us. ,-. ,1! for S.-.IIIIII v..hnit,-.-r.--. i l i , s ••h-l l .iHT-hi'»-. Siiii.M, Skyl .-r . mi S u n , l a y . . \ .h l i . . i.-,i.-t s , , . , « , , » . , a r lir.-t n -ur i . - • '»•••. I , r u m ' is . i ryina 1,.-_-.•: h i s I n - -

Jl isst-s .May II»>l II : ,ui i- Wll . l r l . -k ».-::;:,ti-, ,• h. t is ini ; : . fr,,i..i H i , . ' l i a l n i v n y f a r n ,iLl-t- vnur ln in l i iL- .Miss K.-i:.>y an,I : ,n- . ; . - . , , t i, •,.,.,in',..,i. •!„... •<•, h.jiiiu- i-nns- I ' n . n k l l an i i nf Wilki..,- ll.m-.i h: isothi 'I- yonii!.- l.uly of X ' . u a r k . . . , | l.y , | , , . : , , ( u s a l of ill., - p o i v . - r - t h a i , Ivi ' i i v l s l i l i n h i s Lroih . - r A r t h u r .

Mi-.s. l.iilii. l i n y t a m i f r i i n i l h a v I.,11 ! , . ,.|l..\v hui i - . , -uhc< in hav , - t h r i r i l l s . I 'nl l in K.ncl i i r N ; l - m . - t ofIVIMI vlsiliiiK .Mr. an,I Airs. i ' . 1:. s. 'c. 'inl . u i n i n a a i l o i n , , , i a ,,r - n - a - i l l1 , ninl Airs I ' l l : ,- l'm-k

J l o y t Him'.- l.-isi w.-,hi->,l:i>.. un t i l s-i.i ,-iii!, , .r . It i s ' ni'.-.l.-.l ni .w. i « ' m . l lnr . l l i i i ; is ln i | i r . .vhiu - l o w l v

Rev . S. T . I-iisr.-ii-.l ;,n,l - i - t n - l , , l i a : , ; th, . l , , . i , ' |u ,,f ih, . tr tht . -i-asoii a f t - r his lotm si,k,.^-.

visUoil Air. iiiul Air-, il, . . , . 1:. .--ttiitli r h l , K-. , , , , , , ^ ^ , , , 1 , . i |,i . '• .. - r ~ " -

,1 few day.-- l:ts' >• ,.,a.:. r | l i I . . ,,,,.'..;';',',„ ^ . j j ' j , ' ' ^ j ^ ' ^ ' j - t ' p v ! , ' ^ ; ' I ' l .i:ASANT (;iui\-l.;. '.

Ll"' r". t in '. ""1 . '1"' '" t h>'' an- with h.'i- ,;'m.!in~,u "" ' ;! ' ,„. ' hnVuTi --Vm'." I 'i"kV : '•<' '<m\\"""'\*."v'" \:£vnjn*& 'ih" '" - l ' " - ' - - - v '.I Ui,. fonii of an until]1,.. u..,(-k-,-n,I by Air. and Airs. I rvln!

ill-, r tvdinnr , . -if Xi.uai-k is Ihi- ! ^!i:ir|>.

"f u'-'.r-hf'".^ " • ' " " • " • ' " " " •""""" .UII.-KI nf Ansi'I I 'ark. .-llnl Airs. 51 , - ! Airs. Eil»-. <',in<l,.ii and sm, Kdu-ard I

' -Mrs I- liihln* ,.f V.-ivuk v| ,i - 1 * 1 ' " " " l " 1 ' lailphu-r I.anra "f llu- I " ' UUVIT an- l.assins: a f.-w day:1 llDr BramlliHMlU'r. i l , V Ali'.-!- Wiii.i:.,. f;'""1 I"?.111 a'1- s,:,yi,l, n i . h Airs. I'. ! Hor mo,h,,r. Airs. M. 13. ! ' „ . , .

' " • " i f r r ^mi , , , Wi,l,t.,- of Allainrnhv , , , , V 1 - ! " l l l ' B ' A i l l " r

Avid, , ' , ' , 1 " ' ' ' 1 ' ' " '* ' " ' S I " H ' " ! M l ' " ' J " " ' '"" n i l s ' .-ifli-rn t llu- liuiiK' o f ! Mr. iiiiii Airs. Win. I C ' I I . T h a d a s\ l i I 'm ln - i c l - r l-l ' . ln, , „,] p Mr"- l 1 " " " " " " ' ' • - • ' • -JII.-HIS I - I - I - I I I IJ - Mr. a m i Airs, l l ' l n i s .i l l . - , l . m l n . i t l , of l . i . -hn iond . l . , . . M , , M d a u s h l . - r s . I .S l ikn- of Alidill,. \ - I I | | , -

Ml-. Iimi


ill-. llaL-i'i-iilan a n d daiutliti ' i- l l n l h iDanvi l l , . : " f I'mti'i-sviltr, u-i.rc rtm-sls IT-iiiay o f !

with iI;ui{;hUM\ Mrs... JIunt.

Mrs. IVrlt'- iidd ' d;uii,'l!('iti'p1 visitiiii; h'.'i- sistt-r. Mr


an-l .Ivan," of Xut l i -y , a n - ; Air. an . ! Airs. Win . Klli.snn a n . r n -: - i " -n , l i im ' ., f.v.- d a y s v-iih Mr. :,!itt ; t .-riainim.- Hi.-h- ni,,,.,., .\n«H i t o n o n

.Mrs. l ie . . . H e n r y . j iin.l fi-ii-iti], of X m v a r k .Air. M.-rriti of IMiilmii-Irl h a s iolni.ii I ' Wiii.-ion1 I IOI I ITSOII of Hover is p a s s -t j . . . . . . . . • • . . • • ^ . . . • L I l l l l l l l i ' l . , 1 1 1 4 . T ff.'lll*'T«l - . T . • . . . I I . v l . - . ' | | " I I | I I I M ' I i r » J T l | ^ ^ -

Jlto.-.Vi'itl,. Shaff,.r is visiting Airs. ^ ':'"'":• "'.!}"• ..'"V""-- Vf, J l , ' ' " L i " i , ! " ' " ' n ' " " k s "'i'-1" ' " ' Sr.m,lmmh<:,:

• inymoml i t i i r w r ,m Wiishm--ton. . , / . l N l | ," ; , | | | , ^ 1 - " • ' " • ' . " ! ' -»>™»°<lj • .<,,.„. '"i;,,.,,!.,-*'-tll,1['*ililti1-liter- Uorotliv

POUT ' l l l - l l l l i v Aliss ila.-thil Klus,. has lifi'.i sni i , - : of Xou1 Vo,-k ar. ' fiti.cls1 of .AJr. and

I u u .Ml i t H A l . | m d i n h,.r honii- in Kasl .Alnri.du-s! Mrs. SliufiV.r Smith.. A party i-onslstmi.- i.l S.-imucI I V r y , on .-nvoiint ,,r ih,. illm.s.s of h t r Urn- I llunnld Kmlili of I'.mM I.ako was a.

: nnd family.- Miss -Mildn:,! • Mtivbcrrvrr thnr i:t:;!ni|-,l-. — - ~ - "--• :" - - • • ^rc-ceiir visitni •• of- hir.-- i;r i inlmuini-r 'M r . -.11111 Mrs. Sivn-toss am] fnniily. Air. Bull., llrmvci- has piir<-ha«cil -I lU-wj i l r s - Jinn- SIIHoi- ' " ;

nnd Mrs. ( 'has. Willcv,..|- anil family, track and ulin-fd a rack thi-n.-on for i » s s .li'sili- Ct.hh nf x>»'ai-k is.-^Jl;:-it.l-u'.Alr-?:J'Jl-1'i\;i-;.lJ.!.'-i 'i?1.'.^'^-''-"''.^*1^ i t ! l ' - ' Il-Miisportatii'li i,f i.'-h-ry. eti1, ' iliakiii^- an Indvlinlti* stay with ilis^.

. kill Kail's. Tli|.y attend,..-.! yei-vires at , visilhi^"Tiia' iaot^ii-r' {{<•<? '/.'\\'i!]Zuu* ' i l l ' s ? 'A . W. o'.".'.TA"nd,.rsnn passedTrainiiiillty, whi'i-o Kov. James , ,-i for- y Kilw. Amer has sol.l his residenee, I"iid.iy u-lili he r mother in Phillips-mcr pastor here, is pastor. : to Hnihi lirower. i btiri.'.

-rile iinniial harvest honte. jiiir roast : -Miss Ailalino smith is visltim;- at f .laeoh Kiiin.;y passed .Sunday wilhillld I'hk'ken slipper uf Hie ilunsliold : Aaron l.i'ifhV.. '' relatives at 1 laukouslown.Uaptlwt ehtir.ih will he held on Thiirs-

l.nnd has I. I eniti.j:e,l. All h-t-rvii-rs i Mrs Wm MeC-tn ind inn h ive ,-e '

i-htirell and Sunday sehool will l.e n - : turned- lioi'li- "nfl.'r .r'"]...n'liilK' soin," : " •


• of tho Ba-

Vldn i-ellll-ni.,1 from Chi'ster Snnii-day; t I r , C e Puracll h i -1 anil will rriiiiiin h i the iioine nl Mr; : a f l e r a twii weeks1''v

,,f h,,,, ,o' I^nrsuiiiit to the orijer of tlm Stir: i. i..i.. ffate. of the CollllLy of Warren, nil

Sei, inton| ,,„ U u , tenth j a y of July, A. D. nl..- teen huntlro.l and eighteen, notice l.s

In these times of high prices we feel that our sale will' be rather a welcomesurprise for our many, friends and customers. We/have endeavored to obtainfor this Annual Sale, goods that, are reliable, substantial, and still be sold at asale price. We wish to emphasise the fact that we have not sacrificed quality:to give youany article at a so-called sale '-price;- =; •= = --=;-=T: == --•==---U


i1-.I..Ct!--."42-Piece DININER SET—Worth-$15.6d"""l

Page 11: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not


.'.MlttyAUro Monm mut Ml*KIOIH<>

LIIIMI*>r tin

. Miiluyii »H cl rkH nt ihciHti. iiiirrmvly i-Hniport ln>lnnI the rallruiiii ii'JtchH in front.uJ'Mi t.int 1-YUIuj* murnlnK.

'I'hf ytmtiK liulli'S wen* un tlii'lr wayimifit. for lunch HIM) In crofwhm tin-(I-IM'UK Htc|t|ifil nut tin* wuy of irfrHtfhtit.iii. i l l ir . i ly IT, from nf the llurrlN-l.tin; ilyi-r wliU'li t l i 'T'lItl inn HIM* cum*ftiu ;ii-"tiini th" <'iirvc. My iircHi'iU'*1

• >r iiilrnl .\ii-.-*..Muinn . MHIMIXMI , Inn:);,ulvtiiK Ally* n.-mtiliiM wtiriilwr. '>">ltKivl* lu-lnx only ihn-<< fi-t-l from tin*••ucln'f. ' l i ny ttfiv v.-i-y iiiiirli friKlit-t iml . ' . t n . . ' t'iiN»U>|i Ul.ltM IlllVI' I'OMtHe tit ih'-ir IU-*. TUN In ••illy »»<* l«i-'UUttt K« other* d:iv<> l-.-cii afitjuut ktli-•-•I. mi.- niiin IK-IIIU lifllt'.! iMrrylnK th>>itt.iiL Thlf «<!<•« to shmv Unit mi over-Jl.-.ii) hriOtif Is Hlii- of ill*' liHkrit uri'ildlhri|H1..V.ih«-iilN that lluniploii nhmilri

I! t, "II nf-Mr. i lit .Ml"

J Thw.runenil of .Mra. AVni. .SOKHIIIO ' ... Joint U>l«b niul JklltN MIMrctl .lohn- |tnuK place irom- hor late honm on j son nf I'ort Cheirtriv N/ J., nml Mr*.Prjiiic Hirt-ei TuoKduy.afternoon, Thf1 John lurlltiK ut New lirltion. Conn.,i:e\v W. l \ .hiim-M, uf tin.- .Mothmlint; iii'i< Khriiiilnjr twuw time with MmHuireh, till)t'Ittled, H I T tii-uth too); "11luff at Ccirn-ll's hbxhltal laM. I-Vlda)'-Ight, nfter tmdrrxolni; n HcrloiiH

cmtifln, which <<ndi»il In hor deathfrom, blood [KitafiiiltiK. Fur t)u< firstfi'W . (liiyn iifiitr tim. oNi'ratloh sliofd-eiti<>(1 to In* doing well. Herwait 30 >curs nml : In



Hurry" in,JLu'.-l-l Uwk i.f 1'lalnlh'hl HIKI!

Ual)>h Itunl «.f Uil« I>hi<'<> left •Snliir-td y for ( t t l u lUlTal" Th-y

lici* tiUNhsind. her mother.; Uvidi'TH. Tin.in;.x and lluriou Hluifcr,.,n<! iw» Klsti-r*. . M M . Alunxo J* «ntnml AH** MnhH Shaf.T, Ijotti of Het-vhl*'i-e. Slit* WIIH ii ; yotinK woitmtiHighly pHU'ftiu-d by ulf «'tio fsni'ivher-jitiitl Jiur, death IK lium-iin-cl.

Sqtihv U'ni. I.. :lloti<trk-tis<m liiH'ilMm. .liicub Klt'ckner til) In his c"iirt Mix. Win.tin; In nor part of the week, on (lie Mr. tiini Mr*.' .lojiilmrKe' df ili^urdi'fly rnmluci. whl«-h I .\H»TK, 1 Inward IlJuiitlir' iii;fKhlMirs iillfcrd she wim KUlliy J tfuuili-j. l.linliil.iiiy

day'Tot-fin iintu lil|i "lt» lUilTal".Tiu-yfX|»ei;t tt» l»e KVliv »l»oiil two W»-

.Mr. tirnl Mr*. Krvlu A|»ifnr(laughter of I ton nil llrt>uk<mul •StryUer of Hiuini'VUIt; VWUIMI Air*,>Klixiibrtli IIIKW* on Sumltiy. j

-\. .M. ],>-\K\>, wh«» lias lieiMt'MH'iullntriHi- -iiMmt.T with hln ilau'^lttiT, Mi.<:llitvry .Mcl-'itrlitml, ntnrnci l tu liath,

j X. Y., mi Siituriliiy. iMix blxoii iiiwiuwtilt arid ilaimh-r

UT of Unroll" I'.nk tiiul -Ml-s .Miil>e)!

; Whltl.ila-i- uf i:i»»Myti ni(>- viailintcj

i rni|ii>i\ oliveniul sen ;m<l

SundayM"ward \:<->;\ <•( this |.).n'-. who I'-f "f. Sit.- atxl li-r two riautrhtfitt livt>|»is .n 1,'uinl' 1>1.\.i';itni' IfK Jmif :: for lYsmi-t'. ami itr- <>II Paul uln-.-t itinl th<> ovldt>m->> a<l- ' Mr. ati.l .MIN. S. II. [-Imtn.iiiH andtl-..-.| tht-n- )n July. \vrm<- hortii* h s t j tltiood u*'-nt to .slum- ihat tln:iv ttiis.Mr. and Mi>. I*. T. W»-st and •lunch-•

nf tlof}«'

• Mint ilinVriMil ;irli :irtii h- unit cav

He 1 pb-jil.Vn t» |H iHr hnuii*. T»i.- j|i.«t

i if »•!"• h.;li;iv«.'<l li.-rxHth.- IIiu* wtmM h.- t-i-i

M.i..nilM-.l to .lo. Tli

nt Snmliiy with i'li.l

aM itti-H. This N1H> I

i\yo cfrlH willny in .Ii- City.

• tut-'

s. : p t bt-u.-r ini» r can In- r.-li<d

K 111 -•--. tfititi lii I". .-•. iiH.n.-v nii'l al<J"-;n-.-.l.r,.r ih>- ]«nw**«-utl«ni. Mis* Sl-!l;i UitflTiniiti of X-W;til; J« ;i!x"trt-.-iv.-it ,i iM.i-kririi! "f t'liiintlf in e \ . j Al a wile of bitnlt Muck held la ft vifilfiii; tli'Ti-.• ii:ihi.'.- .Mr, 1( I U ft iM-nit»-r MfjAil i inlay nft»nti.mi liy r inn-m-. . <*.' .\|t-, ; t l | ( | suv. K. .t I '-nvl «-iit-r-

ds «..lw.-tiiu'liiiMMi,,. i. J I U , ilff

f Smith, .•xc.-ittdt' Mf file liit'«u!t fin-.|i;ii--i I'«»H "f Hi-lvldiTu, 2S ,s|iare« nf i h ",-.i liiiM'hiirt. i IV:v|, | . . r . . Ntitltiimi slu.-k and l lwMI KIMIII. K. : sh:u-f:i ..f Ml- S* ... |Mt NUKHIIIII itftiints. ai ill.- rlttl"r»*ln!rn »'•-'(••• Mt|il ;is fi>llnu-.s:nl;iy ni t w o . f" .Huuvy t.r .Mix r;i:irfc Smith for• i.tir.-li..s".| ! tIOO.Hl : t Wini-e: .r>.Hli;iri'rt .tii Win.

• ' Mi'J.'iIn at *!»'* a Khan- .N ah-.n-w u<I r. ' . i . .W. iriimtulns in »»ft anl i iu-v.

SIIIIM-Ullilts at *'.•:•.!<<lim-f.- T h - S shiire.H ,.r t |u- I'hll-

. dmi-K-. h;tnkC!l:i relict- Smi th al 11.10 pt-i- j<lian-, '

ii .in*, i. r»,iihu. ,.r tin- Me ;Hi.* .'..ni-T.-.i I'liniHTK1 I ' icnic A^.M-latl-.n. and nil .

hiitvU will holil :i 1 the .oth.-r ifllli'liilM.dno.TV)!' II. vme nf.'

1 llli'.lMrs. A

' Mr.liilin-.

• ! Air.*»-n.li.}

Air,'fin i>l: -'.s

MI I'rlili• •Mill .l.tn

nl'lil Al IK.n ..f .fTnI.M'I .Mrs

•'mil AhM.i::i»»n 1


.Mr.".an.) 1

.•ivl*Isvl l l .




'I,,1,1• • l<ri.-. .mi



• 1 ' i

Sin-1 Vl»



:ir ill.. mif>•k*;ir

mril .•"ItiMK I. ijfnr

.Mr. .-Hid .Mrs. Chas. Ili.n'inan •<[l'|!n?fit;inin .slum Sinnlay with iliffor-nirr 's iiiotlit-i', MiU Thos. lloiTnian.

.Mr. ;inil Mrs. . l i w l«tk>- ami t-hil

n h . |>inn, th

•twlhj. Snmlav .-v.-ninK Ii111'.1 |»ll|>iL of the .M.;t hor list

'nt; n» a larst; i:uni;n'-ntr (i.

md • many «n<-I I.M-ls oil how HaiiipOll <

:. h.Ut'T lioioiiKh.Snniiny. sent, i , ii.

• <f Mr. ami Mr;

otlld l>t

iir; .ill.

. ) . .• '!John

>il, this l»l;i<-.-, will say IIKISH fur•«t time in Si, Ann's chuivlr atrvu-fs In ilia in urn Inc.. ,Th«uv.tn has ju»t h->t'ii onliilnt'd asi. . • '

l,'>i-i-Ua .M'M'iHi >'on<liKl.'il :i twovisit Sa tnn lay l«i .Mr. and .Mr«.IV.- in I'lulnllelii. She wiiH a.'-•lifit IHHIII- i»y h.-r e'uiisin, .Missivhti will ivinalii for u two>!:iy. • '. . . ' .

In Kib'hwi l]a.s-.lfHri)iitInnod liiisi liiciiiim In the .'•Ifi-trlcitl de-ni ;a the st.-.-l |»lant a t HIKIIunit is now t'iii|)|nyeil as t«twer-

llit- L'i'ntnil niKri):ii\.at,Xoith

.Mr. :III.I .Mi-ri. Waller Iliiiiimell ami.Mi-, anil -Mrs1. Ahinin Hrvhi. Jr.. :m*p.is^in^' tli>- A.'t-i'k »L-L,II;M lluputiuii^..Mi.-! Miirtln Krviu, Si\, H|KMU the\v-..|;-(-nil ilii'H'.. .. , j ..

Hiimiil Smith ot Hie urooldyti NavyV;inl spent Saturday and Sunday with

' • Af" " ""ills faili-r. T. Itl.-'||K ofSmith h.nu-.

TIIO-J. Connolly,' wlat Indi.ina Hir

ith.is u

h< Uiitiier hnikoiti.-n :t,li!l'<>;i(i,

!'Mw:in! Klloy.'"»iy in ..the trenc«w in ih.- roil nilTninKton of Hi'-;h


Lillian;t :it the

• ra l

ill tiiki* J*|MTIII1 traliiiiiK Yoi-under the rolors. I'sml Widi-nm-willtnhft up ' ihu work of ftirthiu" prepur-Injr hiniwelf an .an Htieliieiiin.

.Lloyd IJitVlH. whi le ' . , driving ,llinhor."e and i-aniacw in town Sundayat 'J |>. ni.. with nn liuhl on the. v i -hfcle, w.iM run JiU!> by an o-iitoniolMlt-and h:u! th.- >vafjqn sniushi'd. : Thflnti'to nin Into .Itlitir.'s bin board fencehut was nut niucli damnK'Ml. DavisM-as slightly Injtired.

)-. liijWIu Taylor ;MarKiiorlte nre spondiiweeks in Canada a n d i . _dml^RiHU'rii States. Th.;y visited Mi>

hart..Mrs. Ktljali Tcvier is vivftliiK lu-r

siHtf-r-fn-taw. Mrs. Ira Tt-ct^r, In .NVw-jnrli. • • . j

•-Miss '.NVHii. Torus Ifft Tti.-pday f o r ,a two w-cks" stay at Anbury I'ark, j

.Mi.«. Mary Ai>Hiir of Xewark spentSitnilay wiih Mrs. Sarah A. Tlwnv

M ICl iU l iMr IC.ln vl.-ii d ln*-.-kVo

ther in New VW.i.vd .NdinKoii uf .V,

:lannhter i Su'ji.ay in luwn.

Ide of ! * i**rIfa*•"-'- . I l v r r y '•" v I s i t I n K " ' •

CiliidyH TaylorKnrt-i who Iff p

y MMsiur of Miss .M

't'lilirltlf,' MiTHi'ir fOIlied Cross work in hospital ;Wll.MO.

I'atil JahiOK of lVlvittpre,111 tht; iiitvnt

-vim 1.-Was here ovpr

'Sii'ndiiy witli a frleiui , visiting, hisjiaVt-nts. lie hiiM l»oon in the rti'rvifctwo yi-iirs and has been stationed InI'nlKt for ji t-nnslderable time, but hasnow been eulled tu [''hiliidulhiu.

.Murjiiiy Annw. nurhlKh diver', willliive a" ili-intinstration at Hawketts^town (in Saturday. He did not makea dive here on I'linner;*' l*ay on au-oount of tbe srart'ity of fundH.

A shipntoni of Jleil1 Cross proilucUwas made )iy tin:, Incal /ihiiptcr' lastWt.'t'k.. The .ladies "are. hard ai workknlltinff sttii'liliiKs and olho'r itjianilfur tin? M)ldk*r..bo>v. I

N"o. .M:LUU dear, thero wasn't any,icaiiiblinp in the park un i-'nrmers'l>hy. Vnu k'n'riw; we ilo;i'l allow suchthliiKs tu su on in li.'ividuri1. Jiurytin •''

.Mr. and Mrs, .Frank i:i«!d!l-l.ir-- ami Air. ;ind Alts, .faitt'-s f>iddt<>ami .Mr.-iind Mrs. Krt;d Sinmk of As-t.iiry niu'.ored to I'.nnp Dix on Sunday.

Fr:mk' Hurley and ditimlu.'r, AlissLillian Ktissel], and .Mi.ss Kiltie JUK-

. «ins. all of Jt*rHey Sity, wt-rc Sunday.liiitMts «>f .Mrs. Margaret Uurloy.

lli-v. Hi-. A, Lincoln iltioru .willureiii-h in Hi.- iianimm, Cami»tchurchat -'.-I' Sunday afU'l-nnoii. Ilissuliif-cLwill I'.- -TIK- I.:iiiib uf <U>\\."

Mrs. l...ui^' Vleil inov.'d Tlmv-sdayr'roin Mrs. Klizabeth Ti-rni berry'slioii.-i' to die on<y rot-fiuJv vacated IjyHarry llossanl and family..

.MIMS A!ir.- «;.-rard. .-1,-rk at the steelldrtnt. is taking a t\vi> weeks' vair:uiou.liart of which she Is spending withf.-i.uivcs at I-:iizalH-tli.

.Miss Cl;ir;i HhtKln* .-ame, .SaUirdnyiVnm Jersey. i.'ily to imilie her limn*1

• with her unu-le and aunt, Mr. and Mrs..laim-.s i n f i l l s / - " . . . .

Arthur I-.ossird and ; sist.'r,. Mis-s-Mabel, IIiv KpundhlK a vai'iilioti withAir. and Airs. \\\ H. ilossard in Kns-ton.1

Aliss Iteatrire Herry and[•;i'.':uinr tjannin^ passed •i=iin<ln>Airs. Al.-uny Sechrist at Hifflt II

"Airs. Howe ICaiiH-and (lauRhtcrOjitherim*. are siit'iHlin's JI. weekivMthvs in i'laiullL'Ul.

Aliss Anna. Mm-aii was IIOIIIL- si.-wral. days lasL wook front .k-rwoy Cily tut

accmilH of illness-. ..Miss Helen Lireosu of IClizalieth was

a Kucst lasi week of her cousin, AlissKdti.-t. Halley. . , ,

Aliss Kilith Hunt loft SiUtirday for nvisit of soveral WOOIHJ to rckulvcH InI'lilllips'niry. ' . • .

Air. and Airs. Wm. Sell, Si;, arc cn-teriainiiiK Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Oliverof Newark'. '•'• . '

V. Xiisioir.is 'biitertainintr'

I Jos. Sniith, » son of ourias tnj-u on j towhViuah. -r.oecher'' Smith,i i-'raneo. Is Warriln Iloimc. and wifo, wtIs 1-iiwroiife. | last Wt'uk and met a nuinljcr

, well known; old friends.The lied Cross, yoitnff ladie

• of this ( ut-MSfcuUHi with inti'ch • ear-nTai,--I>ay in the park last Wtilraised ?7U3. This tfoes to -tin


iidpe., Alias


b.-r sister, "Airs. AlwiUia. Hvcrltt.N'eWiil-lv.

Miss. J[iixul..\Vn11andi>r~-onlPrtiili

sm -iay.i M

•st oCj. Mr. and Mrs.* Theo.

me whore In

Aliss Mary KtirKOSon.of IMifllipslI s I h o . •• • "' - ' '' • ' •

Hardy.John Mornn, who is a

. •• T'*IMni*o, h a s lusoti p r n n i n t o d

, . - • . . . .Mr:s..An(hony Moran sppiil. Paiiiniay•vviiii .Mr. and Airs. Janu'S l-'on in I'lain-l l e h l . ' . • . , '• •>* .

Miss Alay KiU\v passt'd the.wi'i.'k-end.with Aliss ..May K'ilcy in 1'lain-

• • - H e l d ; : r

Mrs. Ihiny jMrm'lorjind jinn, t'anl,.-m^^, ._ ,"^^_^...-q ;rft -1 ~ iH M i i yi'ViH"*! K I tT" r o I .• 111 v P"H ;Ti t - 1 ' ,T i to i l -~

burs. . ,-Mr. and Mrs, Hiu-1 Kenwiek tied t'hil-

drt'ii were visitors in Kaston Krida.v.W'oi'd has hucn nu'-cived froin John

-••-•-:•.-•.••-—r-,"i3i;KxtroC;his safe, arrival ovevscas. •" •• Aliss Aline Kfish of Xowark-'.lK <lm,

KUOML of Miss Marian.Gordon.,, . •>I'alrh'k. l.'owon of Camp'. L)ix'passed

the week-end. In town. -. ;•

OASTOBIA.BoarBthOBlgnaturoofOhaslH.Plotoher,In, use for ovor tlilrty jyonrfli nnd*1

• The Jiind' y6ulldfc~Mw~ay5-li'oughi,i;f

of thee horijf their



has h


kobt-rta . Harris Large, whoi-n .»n it visit tr> frit-mis in IJrl-. left the Inttt-r part of thet'ot Itoston. .Her homu is ini ' \

Tht; local J\. of 1\ have beoii in-viu-d. lo atu-tid the- bin K. "I" V. dem-onsti-iuloh io be held in Washington••ii St<in.. •' and will be there in force. • -:

Dr. ]•;,, C. I-ocKnrd. Republican .-an-j f.


COMMIilA.Mrs. .las. riniiKor anil wran

t.M'. .Miss (inu-f Klnm-y. awoMrs. i;oun«-r's MI-|J1I.-W, Chaman,, in his lioin»! at lireeni-. N. V., IAlotiday morniiiK- traveling bv auto, j.Mr. Hai'tiilan hall spent on» wt-.-k <h*'iv. Miss 1Klnn"y will sp.'ml a we.'kbut Airs, t'oiiut-i- will r<-iuaiu for alouK.-r visit.

IMrs. John havii!«oh ontortainnrt ln*rbrother, |:oh«*rt i'l»-rson. ami tuiUKh-tor. Mrs. Uiihifi'l. and his un-at-nraiui-Ohllil of. PhftlliMMirff. ovitr Snn'lay. t

ftov. Mr. Willevcr of i'alt-rson now jIs a tnicst. at th.1 parsona^i* and will ;fxehantff pulpits with it.-v. .Mr.Quimby iwxt Sunday innrninn. '•*

Columbia. Ilaiiiesbun; and WfilnutValh-y will hold their annual pieuleat Hemlock Olull, AUK. SS.

Andn-w ami Oilhurt UeWitt of ,Spring Ik-Id. Ahiss., mv visitinf? thei r 'mother. Airs: tJeii. lx-\Viu. j

.lay Swayao'of (.'liatham spent from !Saturday until Sunday with his mo- jUiPi*. Ai rs\ Anna Swayxe. j

Airs. Anna Wiizcl rec-iv.-d a letterjfruin hi*r soil John soim-wlu'r.- In jFram-e, lust \voek. [

Mrs. Evu Glhljs of Rrnoklyn visit- \i'd old frk-mlK here tlio past U

Ii. I!. Smith of Kasion wasSunday. • .

didatf. ,fur thtinj;- .slfiiiers "tjihv ready f,

A.s: n!y.

XOTICII.In tlio Alatlt'r of the l-'a-'Vi,^;-.-;-.; •»'.,;:"*

ttuc of William Jl. fcrintoiw

PufMiiant to tlio order of tlio Hur-rogate of tlit; Couniy of Warren, madeon tlio nluoltitiiith day nf .tune, A. I->.nineteen" hundred' :iiid 'ri.uliteen. urtticf;Is hereby fc-iven ti» cill »<

1. APB"

n ti»ainst HIPIntc of i


t b i

Newark si.eand Airs. (!

The indlrleiil-fd 5^7•Ml on l-*;,ii• IX'vv. Hr .tain' Luke p

primary olei-tirm. •i and Floyd -Iones n:it llu» week-end wiili Mr

]•:. I'hm-tti*of the Aloff the binrs' Hay.. W. .loltntti•iichi'd -here

Of Moil ti-nt Sunday

\". I!. ]t \-vll ot .11. Kxrs., to Hans

vcy« liind in I'ohatconK;. SH'iO..I'iiulim: Jticannct tii Mary A. Fa-

Raii. fliitofl July>..8J.,r l!US, 'oonvoys loti t ' h l i n M *SOO0

y . . , r l!Ui s : *S.OO0.

Koiini'th J. Tobin to ChristopherTolii". dated Apr. fi, 1!MS, coiivuys lotin I'hiliiii.shurtf: ¥100.

Wni. 'fihuucIt-aiKl wifii to Vrud Mil-Ivr. iuid wifivihiU'd.AiiK. .". 1!I1S.'ootl-VO.VH h;ml iit LoimUioiiK: S-.-^O.

I'r.inn \Vi:klnuin.U> KlVvood U. "Wcid-iniiii. uittLHl May l~i. 1 VIS, convoysl.-uiil in Liii^tcoii«'; ?luO. ',

Tbo.s. AluCorhiiuk and wife to .I OH.IS, Oiivin et ul .- i lated-May •-•!,• 1918.L-onvt-ys lot in Plilillpsimw: M7,0.

Ooo.l. I'V'it and wifn in .las. l . Mon-ahail.',tinil;' vifePilii.'Ujd AUK- S, "19IS,oonviiys lot 'in PhillipHlmrp;, ?1.

J. Kdw. Shfiner and wife to Frank0 . iililmer et nl, tinted. JiilS- ^ 1 . . in IS.•LMVnvyyH*lpViii"'neryfar'fo':''"'?l1. "

GoorKiahini. Crater .uf al to Win. A.fcoller iiini wife, 'riatqcl AUB. 1.1, I01S,I'onvuys'lfitJn ThllUpshurg; 5-1,500.

"\Vm. IC. Tliompson fit al to Cha.s. .0.App'ar, dated Oct. r», 1H17, conveysland in 'tlroemviiih: ?1. ;

:; JOlINSONUUltO.Kev., Glon O. Ho not he win Rave, his

ronKi'i'Kation on'Sunday mornitiR ahexct'tlont putrliitle. sermon. Attendtho.«t> sorvlces for yotir own'.sake.. .Mi'M. Isaac Jliriilon, on the. Alla-

»V»chy.-v6aiir-h:^Jic>.r.vviMt:nK-oV-ni.nt--ihei". Anfos Hurdle, at Townslniry.

[Edward Cool, Jr., lias returned after•ndlng soveriil weeks iit,f!itnada and

wiih reluliyes. in Mouth Dakota.Itcv. .1, A. Dohhlme of. Pliillipalnirj*;:eaolied to an attentive audienOc IIIHI

Sunday at the Christian church.;.T.wor-aivnlanes.ha.yc» erossod in this

vicinity1 diii-ins the- past weuk.. JL isa novelty to s«e,these..birds.

Airs, Chas, JjyotiH ' entertained the..Ladies',, Aid of. :the MVlh'odiat churchlasl Saiurdav after noun, , ,

Mr. and Mrs. CJhas..'Hush visited:(hylr. ..l»roiher,M.J.„.!>.•„J^iish, over-Uiow 1 e e k . - ' e i u i . " : ' " 1 ' • - • " ' • . '•; '• ' , ' ' • . • ' • • • • • i . -

liefore tinA. IX uiiibclns- nln

su limited, wiof his or her


U'ashhiiDated: Juno 10, 101S.-

MienYour Liver is

You know the signs—aneavy head, sick stomach,bad taste in the mouth;,latent dyspepsia. Fay strict,

.jitte^tioilj^..thi?sp.sy_mptpms."'"arid" get: prompt relief byusing Beecham's Pills. tiAfew doses will stimulate theliver, help the stomach, reg-

~ulate-the~.bd\yelsrand~make-a great difference in yourjgeneral feeling;. Nothingwill put you on your feet soquickly.as a 'close or, two of

sLirtHt S.le.of Any Medicine in >tlut World.

Sold everywhere. ID boxn, 10c.,25e.

Tho Slar1'Viini Thrico-a-Wocli X. Y."World, $2.^5 in advinice.

I .


Clearly Points the Way to the Greatest EconomicsOffering1 huge, well-chosen assortments ol1 thorough reiiabie Wearing Apparel at far lower

prices than you will find in any other store.

Women, Look!Can You Afford to Miss

This Sale of

DRESSESValues $12.00 to $16.50

Materials are rich, S:ilins. Taffetasand Silk Poplins. All sixes anil colors:up-to-the-minute styles. Nothing bet-ter, nothing greater has ever beenoffered. Wotimn from far nnd neiir shouldhustun to this opportunity. Cofni1 and petthem while thuy hist at $7.95.


Georgette Crepe Waists

andHandsome filet-trimmed models, as well as stunning

beaded and embroidered styles. Some have FrenchNeckline ''effects. And the color range is superb-Flesh, White, Bisque, Maize; Tea, Rose and Grey.

WOMEN'S S2.98 CREPE DE CHINEJBLOUSESMany fetching styles to choose from in any .It-- dj» i Q Q

thed shade, all sizes. Speeial nt.'. i]/i;7O

Women's SI.69 Voile Waists... L.25

Are You Aware

ol' the amount you can SAYK onyour Cl.OTlIINC liy buying inthis store'.'

ALL WOOL SERGE SUITS—conservnitw nH>d<:!l»oth for the Vand h M

in >s!i size.*, thirde V K »

and thccMLTiVfinci. >'!".•.•' C (\ ft ftto ¥l».(Mi V.NIIU-S Whih- 4>U u IIthey Inn at U , U U

Yuung Mcn'c $25 Fancy Belled Modelswith slash pocket!*, ?iru:tu <»i- Cj 1 Q(iuul)Ie lirvaatciJ. Special a t . . . *)p -t O

$20Men's $25.00 All Wool Scrtfc Suit:

(,'omorviitivo nr heltcil modflH, hati-lcwtxi. Serge is of Krcnoh .*|uality..

Men1* $10.00 Work Suits, specta) a t . . . . $ 6 . 5 0

Men's $20 Fancy Mixture Suitu ill CJ? 1 Cnil desirable stylus nnd colors.. — .. %$ JL O

SHIRTSsuch as will never bebought again at the price. Come andget them. 11: you can't come, sendyour wife or someone else.

Men's S1.50 Pcrcalo ShirtA vitlui! sucli as this

r ' f O j C

Men's $1.75 Sport Shirtsof hi(!h gnul.. 1'iTcalountt PonKcc ut

High-gradtt Negligee Shirts

of printed and woven madras withcolored snipes, donbli' ff | o rturn-back full's, a t . . . > ' - ^ 3

S2.50 Silk Bosom ShirtsSpecial at $1.98

Men's S2.50 Pongee andPercale Shirts, fflj i ycspecialat »P - ' • . • ' » '

Men's S3.50 Silk FibreShirts

Special at

Boys' SuitsSi/e= 0 to lfi


)ec>al $ 3 . 9 8 DEPARTMENT 5T0REEASTON. PA.


S2.50 MEN'S Sturdy

TrousersSpecialat ".

Official Service StationOi 'i in

Storage Battery Co.We are in a position to furnish New Batteriesin exchange for old ones of any make or size,making an allowance for the old battery.In addition to handling the distribution of thesebatteries in this vicinity, we have

First-class Charging andRepair Equipment

lor batteries of all makes and types, and ourbattery work is handled by thoroughly experi-enced storage battery repair men. If you havea battery which does not work,:properly, youcan bring it to us with the assurance that it willreceive the prompt and expert attention neces-sary to. putit in good working order.

' Oil)1 chnri*cs:irc consistent.>yi Hi. first -c!iiss.\vorli , j . . . .

MACAN JR. CO.71 E. Washington Ave., Washington, N. .1


as i




FAMOUS (or mo;c ili.-Ji half a csniwy (or iheir wonderfullone quality, easy ,ict;' i and rsltrraely Jn:.y life. Once youinstall one of these brviit:!1.:! •n^rttmrnti in your home, you

will icaWzc ilia! /jot; have vxui: a rrwe choice. There is nolli-, inp like a CORNISH for veil, permenent, year in and year outsatisfaction. The more you play it, cr hear olhcrs play it, ihe

: you will ndmire it, nnd apptrcialc what Cornish Qualityii. We will send you any o! our latest style instruments for



sy c!wo;c your ow-n Icrmj of payment,ve you a handsome sun cri (lie pur-use we si-JUn yoii.iItiKl, at factory

i tnaf you JCVC Lit: n^cccii^m* hi^ profits*CORNISH indtumtnl h granted for

ttecntuJito uttri. Voa a n ' i lose a dollar, youeon t nuke n mi;:.ij;c. you «=,!; nnjhiac in dsiBnij«n!h (he t.rini'h Co. We aWli;li-ly v:u.irori(coenliie Mlii.J\nik-rt. It vuu :wnnt' ilic very batvalue lor >our tnency, c/rowc a Coiiihh.

V/rilcfor -M new CORNISH COOK, the hand-tnmal Piano :inil Orf:an calalcHuc ever iwucr!Contain; much viluabli: infotmalion [hat ccerii

i-'-'haMiis nn inslru-

of ollVl^hlc/lCwuiJiSly!^1111 U " " ^ J "

l)N, N. J.

Write far it tods:

* gO."


is making a decided hit at Seip's Popular Restaurantand Cafe. It affords every patron a choice varietyof seasonable delicacies at.a most moderate price.It • eliminates the necessity of worrying; what toorder arid offers a combination of the best thereis to eat. /w, - •

S E I P ' S ^ M A ^ Restaurant and Cafe- 31-33 SOUTH•iVHllUJ STUEET,'EASTON, PA.;

There are so many things we all think wemust have. The result is often bad.

^ y 7 y _ q \ r p : ^ n ? t h n r y o e a r p . v ^or more than your income ? Is this wise orprudent? You know it is not. Why not cut

the amount you spend until you save something?r<J Deposit this with the B a n k o f Serv ice andwatch the fund grow. We pay 3% Interest. ,

The East©n Trust Company

Page 12: -Sifli One—or more THE WASHINGTON STAR · rnirrrni^ ol' l.adicV Hand .Mori* ,\r Thinly ii Woman Writer. (liy a Wumtitii Continuing my narrative from last week. 1 would Nk o t not



Afli-r ;i iiiiuilh'rt ht.iy with IHT -H- f: - T . :.I:.-. !'i::i .is:. ?!:-. >\i:::.:'! ! : JCnulMi ami m>n I^'wH h.ivi; ii.-tiini«'.rlo tlit-ir ilium- in C\itiMiiii.

ArtiT u iivi. wt-t'lo*'fUiy with Mr.-uml Mr*. i:..t,n-i Mili.-r, Mr*. UI-I». S.v !* . i * uml mm r.'imii.-.l to NVw Vuri;f.<>)h<liiy w-n im: :

Mr. ami Air*. Win, Hioiit mtd tvvi.Hiil.tr.-u --r I'JiillM^i.nif,' wfif iivcr-

, . ' . : , - : .•. •. I V n

? ' - "'iir!- : ' * :


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Thi-i •'V.-riin^r *U S oYlm-k a i'.ni*;u •tit.n.tl ni.-..•tin*.- will !><• !;.-l.t for !'!•-p-irpu:-- nf .-ailing :i pastor, if :!;•• w.ty •

IUni-1 Itt-.i..;^ ..ml r<in;ily .••; K-\.ii^-

'* utri! iUni .f.illil AiN.-y uf St.-u;u'!*-wl'.r• v .mv cii.-.-fK1 i.f Mr. :wid Mrs. , M.itl

Ani.'.v mi .^uiuhiy.Mr. and Mrs. -Win. C w l , Mr ami

Mis . l vp in - Hill and .t.i*uht«'r i !i a.-.-a m i ' Mrs. Anvnnl.i Kimiey :i4,,i f.uiiilvfttito,..,! in Willow C n . v ' n n Sa tu rday .

A h a r v , - t tioim- will !•<• Iiel.l in t h -1.,.^-nient <,r t in ' I'lv.-hyrvrl.iii f l m n It

All', and Mis . Mi-iTis. Fil t^ iiiitl i iiil- ,«l-,-ini.r I'as-'a;.' ^•••t\\ r'Vhlny willi Mr,:-nd Airs, .'Itt'i.-i-t i:usli.

Mi: and Mrs. 1 .-••-.t-r !.,.mi[i:(s"?isii.-iit Sinid: iy-\ \ t th Mr. .iii.i Mrs. Win.Alii'--.- in • IVnii-ylvaiii.i,. Mr. a n d . Mrs. Kuh.vt Hush a i f lr-hlMi-'ii siiwii Smi'lity with ivl,Ulv.-s;ir Stewartsvilh.-.

r a r r u l l l.vwill nf -liii-hiii'-iitl. -Va..sj>.-nt List w.-ek with his n.othvr, M:>.

Haul' Lonininwn andI ' h i l l t l i s ln i r i i sj...'iu Si :nd;

l.-r a t Khini.TvilK' fr.uu

fiimily ofiy with his

Saturday nil

Miss'vi.-l; t IJur'l •>•; Alpha sp.-n: l-'n-<}•,•;, w i t h M r . : t n - I M i > . 1 '

. M r s . | . ; n ; i - i ( i - ' l a i l k l t t l n

"* J o h i t ' ' A i r i t ' t t i ' r f ' j ' h i M JSnt:d:iv with Arh-v i '.-m'

Miss I>onitii\- I Vivien <<ivisitlusr Miss Grace Stuji|i. Miss Ktish of -South K'.i

Jnir Miv. JUm-.trd ('line.


iu1-n.-d'"u> ' rhiUipsliuri"1

aftw spesulinu' lli-lr viu-;w,,-<-ks with th-if ^rand'and Mrs. JVter JU-lrov,

•Alt-, and-Mrs . Xol;:n liaMr. and Mrs. Kussell Cuily of M,miiis Cr-^1; nvf-.-w UMVS with tlicir i^irt*Mrs. Win, Col-s

Mr. :tnd Mrs r-Llvin 'Sundity In Wns.-liir:irt(»n. lauehtt 'P. Mrs. Wm.. M.;.

hospital.Mr.<. Wm. S..-ipk- of I!.-*

nor and m'.-tnds-wi. WIMHJof C\-ford sp..-m T'R-siiasisti-r. Mrs1 Monr»'ji )ii!t^i

tor IJt-rvl and Miss-s* K!siAnu-ndt of !'hinijis!,!!i-« *-liiiv wi th Mrs. Fr .- l llrost• V.v. and Mrs. Kul.,.]-MifiH piiri of .hist, wtin;.;s.-n^ :.nd f:i"iily.( Ah-. :tn.i_

Air. and Mrs.' < >. <;,

• .Miss Uir.h ThaiVln-i- isome lime in V.'a-iiin-jnjnt 'ousin, Alr.i. Wti-. •Alatht-w

Mrs. Ar.iia ' '.,!.• :in• 1 <ln'the- wpt'k-f-i-id in Ht'lviiK-and Mrs. .ih-nrv Mil!,..-,

Tin- ihito of ill.' I m r vSuniiiiortU'ld is Aim. ^ ;next fair nislit

Mrs. ifarrv Sh.-ir *-nt.-sifter :m,i djiiiiihu-r of' .J,.-r

Ki'.war-l Rush ami n

.-rkrr Miii,-r.i .I;rrs,-y r t ty

H.^urii'f'i'-nti n .' .\i;tt:iw:iii is

stun i.s visit-

lllun nf tvvnl.aivnis. Mr.

rj,,]. ;ind S'Tlir.' • alld t':i ITi-- -pi-ndiii" ;iats, Mr. ;uid

(;•;«(> «J |(T t

f i l - W . _ wli«>

* l l l% ' - - t h t n n

r t i i i a n ' s C'or-•• J ! i - ' id"r - i i inv %-,-! cfi. h<*]-

ih^u-ei- .nut iVarl.l.fiit Thnrs-

I. V;uii*i:inawith ih.-lr

Mi's. 1\M\W\

with h-i '

li-'ln-1" u'lO'i-i-,-.' with ' Ah".

•sr imnur .itif Monny, :

rt a in ..-•([ ht.'i*•soy City th" '

'Ifllil SiM'Ilt :

aiiindiiy tit tlu> Ix-Uiwiiru Wate r Gap. • ett-h.t

Sale of FurnitureBetter Values i

It's the old story over again, as it must ever be, better values cannot fail to gain recognition and are bound, in the end, to be appreci-ated. While there are other factors that are entitled to a certain share of credit, among them that of superior selection being particularlynotable, it is the better values featured in our August Sale >l' Furniture that, after all, have played and are playing the principal part in thegreat triumph that is again being scored by this <• .

All Our Wash SkirtsWe are ooinin.*,' towards ilu' end ui' mir summer

felling season. Iiuleeil, ihe lime has arrived when wemust begin to prepare for the cominif fall season.To this end we are now closnj; mii nur entire remain-der stock of Women's Wash Skirts at sharply reducedprices. The savings in this case are iar«;e enough, itwould seem, to interest every woman, while the as-sortments are sutricienily large to insure you sntis-\ \ y ! ,i] factory selection. \ ••" •'

'•£•*——Tr'fNearly all ihe best .selling ^—r*^ S

styles we've had this season •/ r \~-\are comprised in these assort- (J , \niems and all the most sought- i, j

j for materials, such as White •* !! Pique, Linen, Gabardine, j j j• Tricotine, Satin Cords, Fancy S ].

White Plaids. Russian Cords, ^ Jetc. Most models have wide *|7 /belts and are trimmed : with i \*"-'beautiful.pearl buttons. >y

I'OU can he titled, for there <are all sizes, both regular and ' /extra large, though not all ysizes in each style. .It will pay /{you better than you have anyidea, perhaps, to buy WashSkirts now for next summer,for prices will then be very,much higher llr.ui they havebeen heretofore, while theyare now very muchilower thanheretofore. •

Regularnow special

Regularnow special

Regularnow special

Regularnow special

Regularnow special

$2.50 lo $2.95 Wash>Skirts (111 IQat . . . . , . _ _ tP 1 . 1 «7$3.50 to $4.95'Wash Skirts flJO 1 Q

$5.00 to $6!75'Wash Skirtsat =$6.95 to $8.75 Wash Skirts &A Qg

$10.00 to $12.50 Wash Skirts Q(* A C

1 Q. 1 Z)

If tliere were any who were imMined to doubt what .we said of the values in this.sale al the outsel, all those doubts haveI'een resolved ere this, if those who were skeptical have since been here and have seen with their own eyes the furniture weare offering in this premier of all August Furniture Sales. There is no doubting .what your own eyes see—-which is the sole andsullK'ient rrfisun why we here again urge you to come and seeand examine and compare this furniture in* this* August Saleat l.aubaclrs with anv to be found elsewhere in this or anv other

'lily today.\\'e have advantages such as are enjoyed by only a very lim-

ited few furniture'stores, aiul we are turning these advantages tovuiir account.' As you know, most furniture stores base theirprices on the instalment or some sort of credit system, and thainecessitates very high prices to cover the cost of"collections andthe unavoidable'losses on "bad accounts." Here it is different, ourFurniture Hcpt. being conducted along the same lines as our

. other departments, savins our customers money both by ourInning and our selling methods, saving you many dollars on anyConsiderable purchase of furniture at'our regular prices, savingyou many more dollars now, in this August Sale of Furniture, inwhich we offer—

Our Complete Stock of High-Grade Furniture at10 to 40 Percent Less Than Our Regular Prices

Notice that we say "our COMPLETE slork." And it is complete, very complete, comprising suites and individualpieces of all kinds, for every room in the home, in all woods and finishes and all the Period and modern styles now in vogue.

Everything from a simple little Tabourette. to u magnificentS5l5.O0Solid Mahogany Diningroom Suite is embraced in this sale,every piece of furniture on our floors and in our warehouse, andevery piece at a substantial saving.

-.. And since we have no duplicates of a large part of thesestocks, the advantage of immediate selection will be apparent toall. Each day the assortments are likely to grow narrower andnarrower, down to the end of the sale, Saturday night, August3 tSt. *• •• •• • ;

Furniture Sold in Our August Sale Will Be Delivered Free Anywhere

•During July and AugustThis Store Closes Daily at

ExceptWednesdays at Noon and

Saturdays at 9 P.M.

All Our Smocks Nowat Reduced PricesAlmost every woman can find use for one or

two and perhaps more of these very pretty Smocks.

The assortment is very good, comprising :t fullline of colors, as well as white. Our entire remain-der stock. All the latest styles and all sizes, reducedas follows:

Regular $2.50 Smocks now $1.69Regular $3.50 Smocks now $2.69Regular $4.50 Smocks now $3.69Regular $5.00 Smocks now $3.69Regular $6.50 Smocks now $4.69

, Easton, Penna.I IOI 'K. jsl i . ' iu Uii- \i'..i.|i-i'iiil witli !

.V. Uii; srlioul |,,..<.|ini; S,, t l | nln.V | •" •< -'":i" "1 | ' i«..ILlllO

l i t l . i r s to t W ; l u ' ; * < : i ' !


'J. ami Wm.Tnwnsbury

t in-

c 1,1 l i t - l inar , X . .1.

rnllH.i-, w . II. I'.akcr.' ^ '•l>^i;i\varf I .Mi-, ami .MI-K. .1. H. iCMnn

k-ciKl u'lilililiiiiL-litcr l»il,i. | iii-i. visui'iK rrk-ml:!'at''h(pf;lt('. I.. I.

Mrs. .lohu (.'. W'ulsh and Mrs. (.1hal-U l e I.. Crist wive an ietion lirid!;,;

•MT. IO:i!.MOX.l .nvycr C. K. Koiul and family vo-

1urn.. tl In HiLMi- hoitif hi Uidi^iieldIMrk las! Tuc-sdny. Mrs. l t o a j umlfamily have npnnt the past, month ' '''*• i'"11'wi th Mrs. SriniiiL'l Ili'.nl. . ^•'•! l l l | 1 ' i 1

r.:iwy.'r qiitforil .N'Win.m and fam- w i U l *^11'- :i

Ily of 1'atoi-son hav(- liot-n Hiji-mlini,' a •''a1 '-.'! li ' ' 'n

Mr. and Mr.s. A, A. V'.mjlnni r-nU-i--ill'.il ul] Hntriay th.-ir *on, K. T. Vim-•irii and family nf Nuwfouiullanil ami'• ami l l iv . I), x . Oliapin mill n r a

;.the im«t tu-u

ri. \ ' . llrnvr-ll.

.h!,-;- JH^ Kl>i,; am, st,na sh.,-,- * | K S { S £ ° r ; :''\"lm,'-i"i''',','.k ""' " >VC S"J»>"*» » l ; » r « awar.k'd UK. wlmiors.; ' '.Mis.; Hi'i'.mi, T « l « and J.iiAS Smasiill •I!l!lll>'* XallKlinslu has (slvon lip his' "I' I lover vNiit-'d Mr Si-isSTiY « lmmi- l'"^'t;i»n ;is inarl i inist ;i t SnvtdOiii tuor s

I U " M t - s u - ^ i U s 1>°'»u l i wi l l ^ iko omi. loyinbnt withCIJNTO.V.

T!io tV.siiviil ;il tiit! old KeliilciU'in I ] ; i s l u-(

•r«l,:?Lorliin r lu in-h . lust - T h u m l n y ; i;n-s !-erri.-r. ! ' S N Is visi l ln" 'U I U l l > Alin'-n invr ill-civ « IIII-BO crowd an.l nddi-d j iliM h, ,mc nea r town .Inr ;i shor t i irn,, ! C t l -

ew ,IletiKnsl.'


iiti.ilHa.lur'l •!>• (.\-catu-iuh-.l illi?tnwii, \\1V.\'!V

.H oL.A. .,.itu

(u the - IniMtlu-r Utrsic n-ovL hnnif at Quiikt-ipifcrt (,r thf. r . '

Harvey llnlsizor of C:uiI; Siimiiiy iit his home iK-iv.

jink- !•". .\'fiui;hright of Wilni ing-hfl;. and Aiiiow Nau^hriKhl of

•\. U. Hildr.lir.-nu s|.


family. Mr.'and Mrs.' Arthur "Unsh and j hf

Ur. and .Mr.s. Franklin' Hartzull orkllcntown.artf visitors at ilu* LuUifran

.Mr.'and Aim. .Mm ITellVr of Dovertsittnl last wot'k their partMit-s.MisLi .Maulc I'.imn is at -L.'anip Tuy-

DI1. Hitrh llridyc, for n wool;.Mr. -mm Mr.s. Danl.'l Ader pawsod

ho woL-k-ctul imiKnelinwiiy.

M i will romiiin anothr

in:i.A\v.\i'.i:. ,:il..rv.A. C. •i\i;ltoKK cMiulucted w.-r\

u:?ti in the Htowiirtsvinc ' rrt'shytorliiclmrch hist Sunda;

.Mr. and .Mrs. lVrcy opilyko and sonnf W'tiKhiiiKKHi visiUMl hiM- uinihor,,Mrs., Win. •llfiinfi'trd, on Htuultty.

. .Mr.s. Jacoh UrolT of Wusliitiwl""spoilt Wodiujsilny with her daughter,•Mrs. Chiis. O. I-'oroc.

.Miss Klrnviuie Hush of Phillipslmmis spi-iifJinvr tin- wool: with \w iinnt,.Mrs. M. \1 Jiuah.' . .

}• .Mr.s. Adam SUIIK of 1 [auhcttstcnvii InI passing UiiH week with .Mr.s. Alburf


sisu-r iititl hnsltiind

if Hii7.cn took chartf'o of 11'

i ;?;v i -v?^.rr I ^ r o : v a n i l T ; i t ; ; K n o w i t " n ^~ ; : ^ : ^ : ; : : ^" } ^•1 their! ''Vnrik HiirtunK JIIHI family of Oy

.Mr Campiiell , M .I;u-oi» Kurw luft Tuesday •K)r"-- ;~~'""" t |ill IIMI lilllliMD . . . . . . . »..*^.^J. • . •

Knslainl stal,'H. • days m Washington. I'l.'f:.. last w.-i-l; '""> " " ' • " ' • > ' ""'-i » i " l " " ' ' " 1-oai-; i-llildia.n. .Ml-, and Mrs. Cm,. Piuil and ilauirl i lrr from Xflc-im" -ind* (Vd-n- " . ' K l ' " ? >-l'<-'">"»K 'i f<i», » s « » "

n-i'o^'^^-z s - "'iiiT1?,!!:-:-" £ f^v,^r .^m!rvK- - ">•::»» ^'-sirs::;,™ir ;SS«SK ^ - S r,1 s ^ i s s ^ ' . s (irrr r w 7"^, , "•>"»"•"»" -^""""ffisS;,on!h,^.fe,;i£l^^^^^•Li-o I ' lumowclt and Jaim:s I. , s l,,.,,i i . l s t «x...k in this plan,. Ho li.-is p a n y ,.:,- n,,y B,'onl.s who are i-anipiiif;; " , , , " j - 1 M"r" '*- J h - • " " ' ""- '«'"• m'.s. l-lr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Hoffman, ton nro Kiiciiillne t he wenlt with his

l'a'-l; (.( Ilu.' .\!*.tluidist ohurtdl. A la- • ' |.-|-'a'n]i Sn-uvt-nlHTK of IMiihdolnhi-i '-%lrs- I'-H^a Mt-l.i'an will f.|ffil('l UK- jl»a rents llf.'ro.ciM'tion wi,s tend.-rod thoni l.y ladies i passe! KaliinlnY and Siinclny 'with his wlim-i- with hoi- diumhlor, Mrs. Alon- Mr- " '"I •Mi-"- Oliver . C. Trosollof the .ihon-h Friday cvoniiiK and m piironis Mr i.iiil "irs u (I Kp"nK"i - "• «. Kn-i-man, in Unoiilon. "I10111 l™« ' " l i l s l W T O k '» Atlantli-pli-iisatj_t_llint. wiis_«|i«!ni, _ Lll0fi;._ __' . ' _— •_, : . -_l—_-- , . . I - . . i . . . . . j , . . , . , ^ . . _ t f . . « . vl-l"n— • ' J i ^ = - = ~ ^ ? ^ - - r ~ - k

'-—"rn<i----nTminir- •f-HHoyor-Viiiicown--|-"Vln"Sj;mi;;*F^f*inmo(]n"l;ov. Dr. John - j Ids iiiints. Airs. r.illiVrt T. W e l s h mill *~^ " ^ "h',v,.,i :famil.\- rfimion was, hold on t h e i s o n will deliver an IHldi-csa ill OLIr'.Miss Annie Hell. ,;, -! ISKASS (.'AH'I'I.V:.

P. .... .W«n?.,m«,™,l for ,he , u^v^. '{IZUZlr^ '" ' " " " " "wci-H-eml his sisters. Sul.lo anil l l ln - : Harold Storm i-nl..rt-i innd II.,, ,„„,„

reitirnod with thTTformierVVon'^Chas. Hartman, to Oroc-no. X. V. | oir, Swift-so» wlio is nmt- ^i-,tinnr,i

T\w -Moravian Oniniro or 1 lope will at Uay.'mn^ «'m r in- t e F1,'c "hiph o , „ plenie on Atig. ni in Os,,,un , , :llildeLiranl s Mrovi.'. I uity.

Mr. nilf! ' Mrs. John Marine of ! -T

^ S , - . S . . i , ; n

M r . am! - Airs; John Marine of! •-'The .innital iiinilc nf Dm r/h^,.Havdivlck visited hi« hrother Jaeuh on J Knion am! J2he. .-Sn- Knnd.v <#h > NSun.iuy. i.' - | will I,,, hHrt aL Silver l , a £ i f c •

Fran!; Swayzo and [amily of Phila- John K. Usu-turiK •ir^^nnv' nfileiphfii spout Sunday at I. I!, mhle-• Jorscy Ciiy were over-Sumhv ciio^fbrant 's. . v, • - • . Of -Airs. Hnrtie llarliu-.K ' ' ' '

. . ' M(•«,'.Johnson Wllliiun-s- of iiuOaio IK Mrs. Wllliainn nf ' l''iiff-i>o vfsttcdvisiiinK her sister. Mrs. .Mary lira nils. -Mrs, K. J, Vu.sler and Mr.s.'C..W. liar-

- Thp JJCUIIPH' Aid met .Monday ,eve- j ion last week. ...„, i met lloning tn jtrninfjtf-ror a supiie


l)r. .1. II. (iihhs on Sii> alioiu 7;"i present." pn-p;tr;ttlons nvi

U>v ivpairhiK Clinton \W

ay. j cliurrh at :w.'(-lock. ' V- ., I Mr.Kev. S. M. Cooper preached in Wash- i Hie

work (s to ,vhil(T h e : , , r i

p p iHnnday ami visited-«t the II

Ci '

Anthony visitedk-eiidi,\\ith .Mr. and .Mr.s. S. is.

I'.ti'k in KastoRurnet Larne has foi

Mi-N. Ar thur Kiish and children Inweatlierirominues-. •" • // : spent \s\K\ Tlitirwiny with -Mrs. J. I,, : uf I'hillip.sluii'K.

-\ pic-xsa.nl. .surprise party wmJ Riven j .SpanK-f?nlier^." I,, .Mr.-;init -Mrs. IMr.s, r « iviliiu' liaison IUKI Wedm.'sdayj .Mr. .and Mrs. David Tr immer null1 ter laininn their s<liy a mi.ailier of her relatives ("roni uut fainily are a!, their UOIUIKC at Motin- j ily of IClizahelh. ; v" r " ' " " " ' l a in Lake . " . i .Miss Mar.iorh- nniTord l.s .1'fcr '

•r, Miss Irene [.ante

ins 1'arUer n r r en-1 IVilliam a n d fnm-

. .Miss DnrolTiy Fri t ts . wlm has ';ABbiiry. I'.-irk, ] vlK!tIn£ a t J'. \\. Uaylor 's.

•etiirnen'. home .^n t l i rday . ' .. __ .. I Mio.-.V.'.-ColG-oC"-i;c-lvidjpMlast's... Ik'lcirTincI.; J lnr j ' i ' r io 'smiur 'o ' r JiiR friends here .

Mrs. Kllm Knydor of Wnslilnh'Lon Is hm- K!HIUI\ Mr.s. Howard Piorson, inltl t J' U U l ' Mi i• _•_ . Morr is town.

i i l ' " " " " ' M r ~ Mher iiopjiuw, Floyd Cnitor,. of

Mr. jiiid Mrs. M. 1,. Rush ontortain-ed those rolntivos Sunday: Mr.; amiMrs. Alex Wuolf and children oflinloiHown, Mi-, and Mr.s. LeudrmiItn.sh ami son of Easinn and Mr. midMrs. Manning Kusli of Ktowai-tsvillo.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Klnnanmii and'children, Mildred and Willla,ni, nfWnshiiiKion pussod Saturday '"iiftor-noon and Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs.llarvoy Knyder....ChUB. ittniKc returned to West *llo-bulferr'Moinlay'"after", n," weel;-'«.,«taywith Mr. ami M,r.s. Albert fHohboDni.

• Ulitu'i1 C. Snyder has boon coniinetlto his honiL' with a Hevero ullai'U ofmalaria.

.Miss .Mary It. Hush passed Tiicsdiiywith .Ml.ss .Mary Thump-sini in Waslir

•"•"Misii" MiLl»ul'"\Viito-of".Trctiitoii''i.4:X-Is-"".ilinK her aunt , .Mr.s. Belle Ilowinuii.

Mrs. KmaiHiel Knydor Js very illwith pncnmoiiia. ',;•>..

r;™?.Vo7: offer •.Or|.n .Hi!!!drD'J^!>r?!!!»r!i;r;.T!i'.r.i:wni'tl-for any wise of Ciitnrrh thutenn-not he jCiiretl by Haifa Catarrh JloiH-

i'llail's Ciitnrrh Modlciim lm« heon ,'tnltcn by catarrh Hultcrci'H for; tlio printtltlrty-Hvc years, .nnd,.-. has .. boconi.o.known ;IH Hie most reliable rqmedy I'tirC t h l t t l ' C t h M d f i t

oxpollliiR: the Poison from tli«> itloodan<l lipallnicr the dlmmsod portionn.

After ynt'i havo taken Hall's Cularrh!\rodiciiio for fi short time ynjt will •"•»a f^rent Improvement .In yoiii" Ronoralhoiilth. ' Htnrt "tnkhitT ITnli'M " CnturrliMedicine at mice and pel rid of ca-tnrrh. Soml for tosllmonlalH, freo.

F. J. CHENBY. &. CO., Toldtlo, Ohio.Sold by all Drusgiata, 75c,