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As American as apple pie As easy as ABC As plain as the nose on your face (Sing) like an angel

As big as an elephant As fit as a fiddle As playful as a kitten (Act) like an animal

As black as coal As fast as lightning As pleased as Punch (Eat) like a bird

As blind as a bat As free as a bird As proud as a peacock (Fight) like cats and dogs

As bold as brass As fresh as a daisy As quick as lightning (Work) like a dog

As boring as watching paint dry As gentle as a lamb As quiet as a church mouse Like a dream

As brave as a lion As good as gold As regular as clockwork (Soar) like an eagle

As bright as a button As happy as a dog with two tails As scarce as hen's teeth Like fingernails on a chalkboard

As busy as a bee As hard as nails As sharp as a razor Like a fish

As cheap as dirt As heavy as lead As sick as a dog (Racing) like a frightened rabbit

As clean as a whistle As helpless as a baby As silent as the grave (Have eyes) like a hawk

As clear as mud As honest as the day is long As slippery as an eel (Sing) like an angel

As clear as crystal As hot as blue blazes As slow as molasses in January (Act) like an animal

As cold as ice As hungry as a bear As sly as a fox (Eat) like a bird

As cool as a cucumber As innocent as a lamb As smooth as a baby's bottom Eat) like a horse

As crooked as a dog's hind leg As large as life As snug as a bug in a rug (Sleep) like a log

As cunning as a fox As light as a feather As solid as the ground we stand on Like a moth to the flame

As cute as a bug's ear As long as a month of Sundays As sour as vinegar (Eat) like a pig

As dead as a doornail As loose as a goose As stiff as a board Like a pile of rocks

As deaf as a post As mad as a hatter As straight as an arrow Like a rose

As difficult as nailing jelly to a tree As mad as a hornet As strong as an ox Like a screaming baby

As dry as a bone As nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs As stubborn as a mule Like stars

As dull as dishwater As nutty as a fruitcake As sturdy as an oak (Meandered) like a stream

As warm as toast As old as the hills As sweet as pie Like two peas in a pod

As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party As pale as death As tall as a giraffe Like a volcano

As white as snow As wise as an owl As thin as a rakeAsimileis a figure of speech that compares two things or persons which are not similar. The simile is usually in a phrase that begins with "as" or "like."

As tight as a drum As timid as a rabbit As tough as old boots

As useless as a chocolate teapot As happy as clam As agile as monkey



Defining Qualities


Shhh It Is A Top Secret

Little Birdy Told Me

Refers to Knowing a piece of information through a secretive source.

Refers to someone not wanting to expose the source of information.

Illustration: How did you know that I play chess? Let's just say I know because a little bird told me.

Be All Ears

Refers to someone paying close attention / showing interest in what is being said.

It also refers to someone who is always eager to know about the happenings in others life.

Illustration: You heard about the new boy in class? Shoot girl, I'm all ears.Spill The Beans

Leak out something that was meant to be a secret.

Give away a surprise.

Illustration: We are doomed; Paul spilled the beans about the party.

It Is A The Blame Game

Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Refers to a mistaken emphasis in a context.

Making a wrong assumption about someone/something.

Illustration: If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Its Raining Cats and Dogs

Pants On Fire

Refers to someone who is lying to someone.

Someone who is good at something.

Illustration: On the dance floor, he moved like his pants were on fire.