Since Katy the waitress : became an aviatress

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Since Katy The WaitressBecame An Aviatress

Music by



I p J) J) Mi) J n i

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All ^1,^ T _. _ -L.-.x . i-x ^1 /. . , ^ , , VAll the boys are craz-y a -bout a lit -tie dais - y who used to be aBus-ness is de-press-ing it sure-ly is dis-tress-ing the way the boys just

walt-'Tess on Broad -way,

fol ~ low her a - round

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She craved a new sen - sa-tion so she took tip a - vi-At night or in the daytime dur-ing bus-ness hours or

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a - tion and now she's some high fly - er . so they say -play- time where Kat - y is that's where the boys are found.

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I« When ev - er the pro -

The girls have fig-ured




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^^ ^pel -ler starts to buzz _out a lit - tie scheme

P ^p IP M MP p~n'^mil ^1 !- J * k. *' ••

The res-tranthas to close its doors be r cause..

They're go in' to buy up all the gas- - line. _


Copyright MCMXIX by Irving Berlin. Inc., 1587 Broadway, New York GityInternational CopyHgM Secured All Ris-liU Reserv.


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iSince Kat - y the wait- res s lie - came an a - viSince Kat - y the wait-ress he - came an a - vi

a -tress the hoys are all up in the

a- tress the . hoys are all up in the

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She used to give the fel-lows a smile now and thenOne fel- low's got it fixed with the mail in the moon.

But since she took to

To let them hide he-

fly-ing she looks down on the menhind a cloud so that they can spoon

How you gon-nakeep 'em down on the ground.When their

How y(m gon nakeep 'era down on the ground-When their

hearts fol-low her ev -'ry wherehearts fol-low her ev -'ry w^here

J^^ mmThe hoss says sne can have her joh hack an - y daj''—They say she goes in hath-ing in the milk-y wav—

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i_ But she says he - ing- on the fev-ei does- n't pay Since Kat - y the wait-ress he-Biit she says he - mg on the fev-ei does- n't pay_ I houj^ht my self a"^ hrand new tel - e - scope to day.

4Since Kat - y the waitSince Kat ~ y the wait

• ress he-ress he-

came an a - vi

came an a - vi

a -tress the hoys are all upa- tress the hoys are all up

in the air.

in the air.I

Since ainSince air.

Since Katy The Waitress etc. 2


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NOBODY KNOWS)(And .Nobody Seems To Care),


Man-y's the time I feel so lone some But no-bod- y knows,

^^V rr^f! p- p'T°

. And no -bod- y cares.

pv (^.^r i ^'ti^^p 4iJ ^i j J

iVegrownso tir-ed of be - ing by my

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4" J -JaHr r I T'^own some'L— I want some- bod -y to hug,

r i p'^^Ppr ip^TFTpr,-rJ i rr'rrirrMCud-dle and snug as com-fya?a bug in a rug,

Copyright MCMXIX by IRVING BERLIN. Idc.,1o87 BVay.N.Y.IntfTrmtionnl Copyright Seciirtid ju Highls Hti-i^^nud

Th* PubHshtr r«itrv0S t/it right to the usf ofthis CopyrightetHvork tipon thu jtart* <^JnstrunJ^its sarmng to uprodnc« \t Mec/muieatlH


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