SINCE 1818 G R O W Y O U R L I F E

sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

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Page 1: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been


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Page 2: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

[email protected] (800) 678-5779

Published every year since 1818, the Farmers’ Almanac is the go-to source for inspirational and useful tips. Time tested and generation approved, the Farmers’ Almanac is a compendium of knowledge on weather, gardening, cooking, remedies, managing your household, preserving the earth, and more. Anyone can give you advice but only the Farmers’ Almanac goes beyond today’s experts and enlightens you from its generations of perception, experience, and common sense.

The Farmers’ Almanac is not only favored for its 16 months of 80–85% accurate long-range weather forecasts, but it’s also a source of information for better gardening, best days for fishing, easy-to-make recipes, timely household tips, natural cures, and sustainable living hints and articles. It contains bits of wit and wisdom and just the right touch of folklore and humor that’s kept consumers turning to its pages for almost 200 years.

Farmers’ Almanac

the GUIDe to resoUrcefUl lIvInG sInce 1818

Page 3: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been


High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 yearsQSpend 80 minutes reading each issue QRefer back to an issue 6.6 times Q45% have been a reader for 10 or more years

Readers act on advertising Q 65.5% take action as a result of reading advertisements

Readers live off the land Q 40% own livestock Q 17% own animals to earn income or for personal food supply Q 92% garden Q 66% own a chainsaw Q 12% belong to a conservation organization Q Own 11 acres on average

Source: 2009 Custom Study

Farmers’ Almanac readers are outdoor enthusiasts Q Bird/wildlife watching, 41% Q Fishing, 39% Q Camping, 38% Q Hiking, 23% Q Hunting, 23%

Farmers’ Almanac readers invest money and time into gardening Q 92% garden; average garden size is 224 sq. ft. Q 82% list gardening articles among their favorites Q On average, annually spend $450 on gardening supplies Q 45% purchase plants, seeds, bulbs, trees, and shrubs through mail order or Internet Q On average spend 6 hours gardening each week Q 86% get their gardening information from Farmers’ Almanac

Farmers’ Almanac ReAdeRs ARe PRActicAl, eARtH-

FRiendly, vAlues-dRiven, outdooR

entHusiAsts, gARdening guRus, weAtHeR obseRveRs,

HARd woRking, HeAltH-conscious And

enjoy simPle PleAsuRes.

Page 4: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

[email protected] (800) 678-5779

% of readers

GendeR Men 44.5%Women 55.5%

education attended/graduated college 46.4%Graduated college plus 18.7%attended college 34.7%Post graduate 12.0% aGe 18-24 0.9%25-34 8.2%35-44 11.9%45-54 24.8%55-64 32.3%65+ 16.6% HoMe Home owned 83.7% Home value: $500,000+ 16.5%Home value: $200,000-499,999 24.3%Home value: $100,000-199,999 27.8%Home value: <$100,000 31.3%

MaRitaL status Married 78.3%Legally separated, widowed, or divorced 12.7%never married 8.0%

% of readers

HHi $150,000+ 12.9%$125,000-149,999 3.6%$100,000-124,999 9.4%$75,000-99,999 16.5%$50,000-74,999 19.8%$40,000-49,999 10.1%$30,000-39,999 9.0%$20,000-29,999 10.4% <$20,000 8.3% aRea of Residence county size a 7.0%county size B 17.1%county size c 30.0%county size d 46.0% size of PRoPeRty Less than 1 acre 50.0%1-3 acres 22.4%4-5 acres 7.5%6-9 acres 2.9%10-19 acres 6.5%20-39 acres 3.6%40-49 acres 1.6%50-159 acres 2.9%160 acres or more 2.3%

national Distribution: 1,000,000

total Audience: 1.03 millionSource: 2009 Custom Study

average age 54 average HHi $73,527 average value of owned home $237,029

AUDIence DemoGrAphIcs

Source: 2009 Custom Reader Study

Page 5: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been


weAtHeR: Famous for its long-range and amazingly accurate weather predictions, the Farmers’ Almanac boasts 16 months

of weather forecasts in each edition, plus average frost dates, useful tips, and ways to deal with the heat, rain, snow, and more!

gARdening: When’s the best time to plant, weed, or transplant? It’s in the Farmers’ Almanac. Exclusive gardening calendars

and “Gardening by the Moon” charts are only in the Farmers’ Almanac. AstRonomy: When is the Harvest Moon? Will there

be a Blue Moon this year? What is a Blue Moon? All these, plus times of sunrise/set, meteor showers, eclipses, and more are in the

Farmers’ Almanac. ReciPes/HelPFul Hints/tRiviA: Each new yearly edition of the Farmers’ Almanac contains

mouthwatering recipes and helpful hints on everything from shortcuts in the kitchen, to living with less, to removing stains, to

conserving water. best dAys/nAtuRAl cuRes: Farmers’ Almanac tradition and Moon lore states there are best

times to mow your grass, cut firewood, dig post holes, quit smoking, ask for a promotion, cut your hair, and more! A year’s worth of

best days are included in each edition. Plus there are natural cures and home remedies for a plethora of common ailments (head-

aches, colds, stomachaches, etc.). ResouRceFul/ResPonsible living: Always close to the earth and always

informative, each edition of the Farmers’ Almanac contains valuable tips and original articles on ways to live with less, reduce your

waste, care for the earth, embrace nature, and live in harmony with the planet and your neighbors.

In every eDItIon

Being the fi rst after bissextile, or leap year, and until the

Fourth of July, the 236th year of the Independence of the United StatesEdited by Peter Geiger, Philom., and Managing Editor, Sondra Duncan, Philom.,

Successors to Ray Geiger, Philom., and David Young, Philom.

$5.99 Display until April 1, 2011


Since 1818G R O W Y O U R L I F E






S’ A















What parts of the country will get the most snow?

• 16 Months of Weather Forecasts • Gardening & Fishing Calendars • Resourceful Living Ideas • Best Days, Recipes • Wit & Wisdom

Get ready for a most unusual winter…

• 16 Months of Weather Foreca• Gardening & Fishing Calenda• Resourceful Living Ideas • Best Days, Recipes• Wit & Wisdom

ountrryyy ww???


aasttss s arrs

0 71896 48405 2

1 1




tHe FARmeRs’ AlmAnAc HAs been tHe AutHoRity on “gReen” And “sustAinAble

living” long beFoRe tHose woRds eveR becAme tRendy.

Page 6: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

[email protected] (800) 678-5779

PRINTED IN FOUR-COLOR ON WHITE GLOSSY PAPERPlace your company’s logo or product image with up to 50 words. Special size is designed for businesses with smaller color ad budgets. Ideal if your company sells hardware, gardening supplies, or specializes in vacation home properties, outdoor adventures, and other recreational activities or hobbies.$2,090 1 7/8” W x 2 1/8” H

FLEA MARKET DIRECT RESPONSE SECTIONPRINTED IN BLACK ONLY ON NEWSPRINT Great section for direct response companies.$1,430 1 7/8” W x 2 1/8” H$1,100 1 7/8” W x 1” H

CLASSIFIED ADS$12 per word, 10-word minimum. Prepayment required.

Advertisers will be billed August 1, 2011, net payable within 30 days. All rates gross. 15% commission paid to recognized advertising agencies. Special discounts apply for nonprofits and direct response advertisers. Please call your sales representative for pricing.*Rates based on 1 million distributed.

Front Color Section - Printed four color on white glossy paper

Four color Rate

2-page spread $9,658 Full page $8,176 1/2 page $4,688 1/4 page $2,576

Interior Pages - Printed black only on newsprint

Black and White Rate

2-page spread $6,380 Full page $5,235 1/2 page $2,5751/4 page $1,685

Covers Rate

Inside front cover $17,500Inside back cover $10,900Outside back cover $25,355

prIntdisPlAy - u.s. edition

sPeciAlty Ad section


Being the fi rst after bissextile, or leap year, and until the

Fourth of July, the 236th year of the Independence of the United StatesEdited by Peter Geiger, Philom., and Managing Editor, Sondra Duncan, Philom.,

Successors to Ray Geiger, Philom., and David Young, Philom.

$5.99 Display until April 1, 2011


Since 1818G R O W Y O U R L I F E






S’ A















What parts of the country will get the most snow?

• 16 Months of Weather Forecasts • Gardening & Fishing Calendars • Resourceful Living Ideas • Best Days, Recipes • Wit & Wisdom

Get ready for a most unusual winter…

• 16 Months of Weather Foreca• Gardening & Fishing Calenda• Resourceful Living Ideas • Best Days, Recipes• Wit & Wisdom

ountrryyy ww???


aasttss s arrs

0 71896 48405 2

1 1




U.s. editionNational Distribution: 1,000,000

Page 7: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been


Interior Pages - Printed black only on newsprint

Black and White Rate

2-page spread $2,000 Full page $1,025 1/2 page $8001/4 page $525

Covers Rate

Inside front cover $5,500Inside back cover $6,800Outside back cover $9,075

CLASSIFIED ADS$12 per word, 10-word minimum. Prepayment required. Ads are published in both U.S. and Canadian editions.

Advertisers will be billed August 1, 2011, net payable within 30 days. All rates gross. 15% commission paid to recognized advertising agencies. Special discounts apply for nonprofits and direct response advertisers. Please call your sales representative for pricing.*Rates based on 115,000 distributed.

disPlAy - cAnAdiAn edition



canadian editionNational Distribution: 130,000

Farmers’ Almanac TV is a weekly 30-minute magazine-format series that covers fascinating personalities, unique events, and admirable endeavors from both the familiar and remote corners of the North American land-scape. Peppered throughout are hints and tips that span a dozen varied lifestyle categories—gardening, cooking, natural cures, weather, and others—taken straight from years of actual Almanac pages..

FARmeRs’ AlmAnAc tv

Tune into Farmers’ Almanac TV now airing on RFDTV. For local viewing times, check www.rfdtv.com

Advertise on our tv show. call today to find out how.

Now airing on


Being the fi rst after bissextile, or leap year, and until the

Fourth of July, the 236th year of the Independence of the United StatesEdited by Peter Geiger, Philom., and Managing Editor, Sondra Duncan, Philom.,

Successors to Ray Geiger, Philom., and David Young, Philom.

$5.99 Display until April 1, 2011


Since 1818G R O W Y O U R L I F E






S’ A















What parts of the country will get the most snow?

• 16 Months of Weather Forecasts • Gardening & Fishing Calendars • Resourceful Living Ideas • Best Days, Recipes • Wit & Wisdom

Get ready for a most unusual winter…

• 16 Months of Weather Foreca• Gardening & Fishing Calenda• Resourceful Living Ideas • Best Days, Recipes• Wit & Wisdom

ountrryyy ww???


aasttss s arrs

0 71896 48405 2

1 1




Page 8: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

[email protected] (800) 678-5779

Ad siZes

1/2 Horizontal


Full Page


1 7/8” x 1”

1 7/8” x 2 1/8”

AD Types sizes

Full page/covers 4 1/4” x 7”

2-page spread 9 1/2” x 7”

1/2-page horizontal 4 1/4” x 3 7/16”

1/2-page vertical 2 1/16” x 7”

1/4-page horizontal 4 1/4” x 1 11/16”

1/4-page vertical 2 1/16” x 3 7/16”

specialty ad section 1 7/8” x 2 1/8”

Flea Market 1 7/8” x 2 1/8”

Flea Market small 1 7/8” x 1”


5 1/4” x 8”

• Single hole drilled top left corner.• Four-color ads are printed on the outside back, inside front

and back covers, and in white glossy paper sections only. PMS inks are not available.

• The Farmers’ Almanac is printed using Web offset method and is perfect bound.


2 Page Spread


2011 issue And closing dAtes

Ad Close Materials Due On Sale DateMay 15, 2011 May 19, 2011 Aug 30, 2011

BLEED REQUIREMENTSA single full-page ad that bleeds must extend 1/4” beyond the publication’s trim size on all sides. That would make the ad size needed at 5 3/4” x 8 1/2” with trim marks on the art set at 5 1/4” wide, 8” high.

Live text must be kept inside an area of 4 1/4” x 7” to avoid getting nicked by the hole drill-ing and so that it doesn’t come too close to the edges and gutter. That provides a generous safe margin of a 1/2” on all sides.

Flea MarketSmall

Flea Marketand Specialty Ad

Page 9: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been


submitting your Advertising MaterialMaterials must be received on or before May 19,2011. If using US mail or an overnight shippingservice please send your advertising materials to:Ad Coordinator - Ogden Publications1053 SW 42nd St.Topeka KS 66609-1265

AD REQUIREMENTSOur production department is Macintosh computer based. Documents and/or files created in Adobe InDesign CS4, Adobe Illustrator CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, and Adobe Acrobat 9.0 or earlier are preferred. QuarkXpress 6.5 documents are also accepted. MS Word documents are accepted for Classified advertising only. For technical questions call 207-755-2025.• Please set Adobe Distiller job option settings to “Press Quality.”• For best reproduction of screen tints on newsprint, do not use tint values greater than 30%.• 4-color images must be submitted as CMYK and not RGB or PMS.• All images must be uncompressed and be in TIFF or EPS format, not JPG. 133-line screen is recommended for halftone tints in the newsprint section of the Almanac. For the cover, 175-line for halftone and 4-color separations (Dot gain 15%), 133 for screen tints (Dot gain 20%). For scanning dpi, 200 for 100-line output and 262 dpi for 175-line output is recommended.

Please include ad agency name along with contact person’s name and phone number, product/service being advertised, and size of the ad.

Documents or files smaller than 5 MB should be sent by email to: [email protected]. For files larger than 5 MB, please upload them to our FTp site. Using your FTp client, enter: geiger ftp1.geiger.com for hostname, fa for the username, almanac for the password. Ads should be placed in the folder named “2012 Farmers’ Almanac incoming Ads” please be sure to email [email protected] to notify us that your file was placed on the FTp site and what the file name is.

Ad materials may also be submitted on a CD or DVD. Please be sure to include all images, screen and printer fonts used to make up your ad. Please be sure to include all fonts embedded in PDF files. We cannot accept a laser printer output as print ready material. It can be used only as a proof of your ad when being submitted. A current one-sided laser proof at 100% of the ad’s original size must also be provided. All ads must be professionally designed. Ads requiring copy changes or other alterations will be charged a minimum of $75 per hour for production work.

NOTE: All ads are subject to our approval. We reserve the right to decline any ad you may submit and also reserve the right to place the word “Advertisement ” above any ad that resembles Farmers’ Almanac editorial material. We are not responsible for spelling or other errors and for making key code changes on submitted advertising materials.

mAteRiAl sPeciFicAtions

a. Advertisers may not cancel orders for, or make changes to, advertising after the closing dates.

b. Publisher reserves the right to charge advertiser the cost of pro-duction and film work.

c. All insertion orders are accepted subject to pro vi sions of our current rate card. Rates are subject to change upon notice from the publisher. Should a change in rates be made, space reserved may be cancelled by the ad ver tis er or its agency at the time the change becomes effective without incurring short-rate charges, provided the ad ver-tise ments published to the date of can cel la tion are con sis tent with the appropriate fre quen cy or vol ume rate. Can cel la tion of space reservations for any other reason in whole or in part by the advertiser will result in an ad just ment of the rate (short-rate) based on past and sub se quent insertions to reflect actual space used at the earned frequency or volume rate in that contract year.

d. All contents of advertisements are subject to pub lisher’s approval. Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any ad ver tise ment, insertion order, space res er va tion or po si tion commitment at any time without cause. Publisher reserves the right to insert the word “ad ver tise ment” above or below any copy.

e. The publisher will not be bound by any conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on con tracts, orders or copy in struc tion, that conflict with set policies.

f. Advertisements received after closing date will not have the priv i lege of OK or revision by the advertiser or its agency.

g. Failure to make the order correspond in price or otherwise with the rate card is regarded as a clerical error and the advertiser will be billed under the terms of the schedule in force without further notice.

h. All advertising is published upon the un der stand ing that the adver tiser and the agency assume full and com plete re spon si bil ity and liability for advertising sub mit ted, print ed or pub lished.

i. The liability of the publisher for any error for which the publisher may be held legally re spon sible will not exceed the cost of the space. The publisher spe cif i cal ly assumes no liability for errors in the key numbers or in type set by the publisher.

All advertising insertion orders are ac cepted sub ject to the condition that the publisher should have no liability for failure to execute ac-cepted advertising or ders because of acts of God, gov ern men tal re stric tions, fires, strikes, ac ci dents or other oc cur renc es beyond the publisher’s control (whether like or unlike any of those enumerated herein) that prevent the pub lish er from partially or com plete ly pro-duc ing, pub lish ing, or dis trib ut ing.

coPy And contRAct RegulAtions


Page 10: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

[email protected] (800) 678-5779

www.FarmersAlmanac.comEverything the Farmers’ Almanac represents is found online at www.FarmersAlmanac.com. Visitors access long-range weather predictions, current weather conditions, historical weather, and average frost dates, and learn when the best days are to plant, quit a habit, watch for meteor showers, or discover what a Blue Moon is. Average Monthly Page Views: 1.5 millionAverage Monthly Unique Visitors: 325,000

newsletter (weekly)Rates: $2,500 per month or $850 per issueCurrent Circulation: 80,000


siZes FoR website AdveRtising:Leaderboard (728 x 90) Jumbo box (300 x 250)Skyscraper (160 x 600)

siZes FoR e-newsletteR AdveRtising:Banner Ad (468 x 60)

File siZe:File size of 40kb or less at 72 dpi (larger for Flash)

cuRRently AccePted Ad FoRmAts:GIF, GIF89, Animated GIF, JPEG. All ads should include a click-through URL. All ads may include an alternate text description.(website only) HTML/JavaScript (DHTML)/Flash (URL embedded). Locally hosted on ad servers, these HTML and JavaScript ads can consist of text, images, pull-down menus, and/or formats.

aRticLe PaGes


HoMe PaGe

728 x 90

300 x 250

728 x 90

300 x 250160 x


468 x 60

AdveRtising sPeciFicAtions

mAteRiAl submission:send all ads to: [email protected] the e-mail please note the following: Company name, contact name, contact number, website the ad will be running on, and expected start date.

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promotIonAl AlmAnAc


(209) 723-0704STANISLAUS

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Promotional Farmers’ Almanac - your exclusive advertising vehicle!Our promotional version of the Farmers’ Almanac contains the same famous long-range weather outlooks, gardening and fishing advice, articles and tips, but also offers your company the ability to customize the front and back covers with your logo, message, directions, special offers, or whatever you want. The best part is, you’re the only advertiser in this version!

not convinced? consider these Facts:

• 82% of Farmers’ Almanac readers keep their Almanacfor at least one year.

• 71% pick up their Farmers’ Almanac six or moretimes in a year.

• 90% of people who receive a promotional Farmers’ Almanac continue to do business with thefirm that gave it to them.

Features: 96 pages of content – no other ads in the Almanac other than yours on the covers. Generous ad space. Printed on 10% postconsumerrecycled/recyclable paper.

Imprint area front cover: 4 1/4” x 1 1/2” Back cover: 4 1/4” x 7” Publication size closed: 8 1/4” h x 5 1/4”


Since 1818G R O W Y O U R L I F E

Being the fi rst after bissextile, or leap year, and until the

Fourth of July, the 236th year of the Independence of the United StatesEdited by Peter Geiger, Philom., and Managing Editor, Sondra Duncan, Philom.,

Successors to Ray Geiger, Philom., and David Young, Philom.

Pricing and options available through your ad representative.

Page 12: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

[email protected] (800) 678-5779

360o mArKetInG

The Farmers’ Almanac is more than a publication, it’s a way of life. For all of our customers, we offer 360° experiential marketing solutions that extend well beyond the page. From innovative online tools and sweepstakes to event marketing and sampling, let us design the promotional package that maximizes your ROI.


onlineWe’ll partner with you to develop a 3600, 24/7 online destination that meets your company’s goals and needs.

PrintLet our sales team work with you to create a print campaign that will reach your target audience.

television Reach even more of the

growing rural market by advertising on our

weekly Farmers’ Almanac TV show now airing on


branded ProductsPartnering with us can provide new audiences

and instant authority, as well as huge

promotional vehicles through our media.


Page 13: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been


Page 14: sincen 1 · High level of engagement Q Have read the Farmers’ Almanac for at least 6 years Q Spend 80 minutes reading each issue Q Refer back to an issue 6.6 times Q 45% have been

almanac publishing company

P.O. Box 1609, Lewiston, Maine 04241