Siomai House

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  • 8/11/2019 Siomai House


    SIOMAI HOUSEFrequently Asked Questions Q: WHAT I S THE BERNABEST F RANCHI SE AGREEMENT? A: The Franchise Agreement grants to the franchisee the right to operate a specific Siomai House, at a singleaddress, for a period of 3 years. These rights include the use of Siomai House trade name and trademarks,

    proprietary products, store design, signage, and use of Siomai House methods of operation.

    In return the franchisee agrees to operate the business in accordance with the Siomai House established standards ofquality, service, cleanliness and customer service. The franchisee is expected to do his utmost best to operate hisstore to achieve the fullest potential of the store in terms of profitability and customer delight.

    Q: WHAT DOES SI OMAI H OUSE LOOK FOR IN A PROSPECTIVE F RANCHI SEE? A: Siomai House looks for a franchisee applicant with the following characteristics:

    1. Highly motivated and shares the same values as Siomai House in terms of commitment to quality and service.2. Dedicated to running the business on a full time basis, not as an investor but as a hands-on operator (owner /manager)3. Financially capable of meeting the financial requirements.4. With an entrepreneurial drive willing to take calculated risks, and with the strong desire to succeed.5. With business management skills preferably with food or retail experience.6. Very good interpersonal relationship skills.7. Willing to operate within the Siomai House system.

    Q: HOW MUCH I S THE F RANCH ISE FEE? A: The franchise fee, which is paid upon the signing of the franchise agreement, is for the rights to use thefranchisors trademark and business system as well as for the activities at the start of the franchise agreement such assite evaluation, assistance in recruitment and training for the initial store team.

    Franchise fee for the standard outlet is P 250, 000.00.

    The franchise fee includes the following:

    1. Food cart and all the equipments that will be needed in the operation2. Two sets of uniforms for the sales crew3. Free delivery, 3x a week

    Q: WHAT I S THE IN VESTMENT COST FOR A SIOMAI HOUSE F RANCH ISE? A: Investment costs will vary depending on the size of the store, the location, type of store and several other factors.

    Investment cost for a standard Siomai House Booth is estimated at P 300,000 to 400,000.

    Investment cost will cover the following:

    1. Franchise fee2. Lease hold improvements3. Operating equipment4. Security bond5. Store launching activities

  • 8/11/2019 Siomai House


    Q: DOES BERNABEST PROVIDE F I NANCI NG? A: No, Bernabest does not provide financing.

    Q: HOW LONG IS THE F RANCHI SE TERM? A: The franchise term is for three (3) years.

    Q: WILL TRAI NI NG BE PROVIDED? A: Siomai House will provide training for the crew who must all successfully complete the Store OperationsTraining Program.

    The training for the initial batch of hires will be free of charge but all succeeding training for new employees will becharged.

    Training excludes salaries, meal, transportation, lodging cost of the employees and out of pocket expenses oftrainers for training activities conducted outside of Metro Manila.

    The Franchisees Managing Director and store crew will also be required to attend trainings during the duration ofthe franchise term to upgrade their skills.

    A Siomai House Operations Manual will also be provided for reference purposes and will be updated as needed.

    Q: WIL L SIOM AI HOUSE PROVI DE TH E MA NPOWER TO OPERATE THE STORE? A: Siomai House will assist the franchise in the recruitment of its team free of charge for the initial store team butrecruitment cost will be charged for succeeding hires.

    The store personnel will be directly hired by the franchisee and will be responsible for their salaries and benefits.

    Q: WHO LOOKS FOR THE LOCATI ON? A: When you apply for a Siomai House franchise, you may propose a site location but it will be subject to site

    assessment and analysis.

    Q: WHAT ARE THE REQUIRED SIZES OF TH E STORE SPACE? A: Standard store requires 2x2 Square Meters

    Q: I S THERE A STANDARD STORE DE SI GN? A: Yes, there is a standard Siomai House store design, lay-out, equipment and facilities requirements for each typeof store.

    Q: WHAT CONTI NUIN G SUPPORT WIL L I RECEI VE? A: On going support includes regular in-store visits to help you identify areas of improvement, assistance in the

    development of marketing and customer relations programs and activities, new operating procedures, and muchmore.

    Q: WHAT WILL MY RETURN IN INV ESTM ENT BE? A: Although the brand name of Siomai House is a strong sales inducing factor, the amount of money a franchiseecan expect to make will greatly depend on the ability of the franchisee to manage the business, drive sales volumeand control operating costs.