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Situational Leadership Day 1 Pm - Surie

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Situational Leadership Day 1 Pm - Surie

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Situational Leadership

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. . . is one’s behaviorwhen trying to infuence

the perormance oanother.

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Ken Blanchard and PaulKen Blanchard and Paul

HersheyHersheyEffective leadership requiresEffective leadership requires

flexibility; different situationsflexibility; different situations

require different leadershiprequire different leadershipapproaches and tactics.approaches and tactics.

Situational Leadership Model

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most effective style ill depend on themost effective style ill depend on thelevel of development of the folloers!level of development of the folloers!

leader must match his or her approachleader must match his or her approach

to hat is needed by the folloer"s#.to hat is needed by the folloer"s#.

Situational Leadership Model

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Our Behavior can be:









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#our Basic Leadership Styles

$. irecting  %igh &as'

Low (elationship

). Supporting  %igh

(elationship Low &as'

*. elegating  Low

(elationship Low

+. !oaching  %igh &as'

%igh (elationship

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Four Maturity Levels of

Followers$. $

+. +

). )

*. *

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Criteria for Maturity

$. ,nowledge o the wor' andappropriate e-perience o

the person.

). illingness and ability tota'e


+. !apacity to set highand

attainable goals.

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$* +olloer $* +olloer 

High CompetenceHigh Commitment

, experienced at the -ob

, comfortable iththeir on ability todo it ell

, may even be mores)illed than the


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$ +olloer $ +olloer 



, experienced and

capable!, may lac) the

confidence to 'oit alone! or themotivation to do it

ell / quic)ly

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$0 +olloer $0 +olloer 




, may have somerelevant s)ills!but on&t beable to do the -ob ithout help

, tas) or situation

may be ne tothem.

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$1 +olloer $1 +olloer 




, 2enerally lac)in' thespecific s)illsrequired for -ob

, lac)s confidenceand / or motivation totac)le it.

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/ppropriate Leadership Styles

$. irecting . . .

. .

+. !oaching . . .

. .). Supporting. .

. .




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$1 +olloer3 Lo 4ompetence$1 +olloer3 Lo 4ompetence

Lo 4ommitmentLo 4ommitment

Leadership Style3

S1 5ellin'/$irectin'

Hi'h tas) focus! LoHi'h tas) focus! Lo

relationship focusrelationship focus

may also provide amay also provide a

or)in' structure!or)in' structure!

both for the -ob and inboth for the -ob and in

terms of ho theterms of ho the

person is controlled.person is controlled.

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$1 +olloer3 Lo 4ompetence$1 +olloer3 Lo 4ompetence

Lo 4ommitmentLo 4ommitment

Leadership Style3

S1 5ellin'/$irectin'

may first find out hy the personmay first find out hy the person

is not motivated and if there areis not motivated and if there are

any limitations in ability..any limitations in ability..

Less focus on relationship toLess focus on relationship to

avoid confusin' the folloer aboutavoid confusin' the folloer about

hat must be done and hat ishat must be done and hat isoptional.optional.

 maintains a clear &do this& positionmaintains a clear &do this& position

to ensure all required actions areto ensure all required actions are


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$0 +olloer3 Some competence$0 +olloer3 Some competence

6ariable commitment/unable but6ariable commitment/unable but

illin' or motivatedillin' or motivated

Hi'h tas) focus! Hi'h relationshipHi'h tas) focus! Hi'h relationship


&tellin'& them hat to do may&tellin'& them hat to do may

demotivate them or lead todemotivate them or lead to


&sell& another ay of or)in'!&sell& another ay of or)in'!

explainin' and clarifyin' decisions.explainin' and clarifyin' decisions.

Leadership StyleLeadership Style

S03 Sellin' / 4oachin'S03 Sellin' / 4oachin'

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$0 +olloer3 Some competence$0 +olloer3 Some competence

6ariable commitment/unable but6ariable commitment/unable but

illin' or motivatedillin' or motivated


 spends timespends time listenin'listenin' and advisin'and advisin'and! here appropriate! helpin' theand! here appropriate! helpin' thefolloer to 'ain necessary s)illsfolloer to 'ain necessary s)illsthrou'h coachin' methods.throu'h coachin' methods.

 7 8ote3 S1 and S0 are leader%driven.8ote3 S1 and S0 are leader%driven.

 Leadership StyleLeadership Style

S03 Sellin' / 4oachin'S03 Sellin' / 4oachin'

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$ +olloer3 Hi'h competence$ +olloer3 Hi'h competence

6ariable commitment/able but unillin'6ariable commitment/able but unillin'or insecureor insecure

Low task focus, highLow task focus, highrelationship focusrelationship focus

 7 concerned with finding outconcerned with finding outwhy the person is refusingwhy the person is refusing

and thence persuadingand thence persuadingthem to cooperate.them to cooperate.

Leadership Style 3Leadership Style 3

S3 Participatin' /S3 Participatin' /


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$ +olloer3 Hi'h competence$ +olloer3 Hi'h competence

6ariable commitment/able but unillin'6ariable commitment/able but unillin'

or insecureor insecure

key is very much aroundkey is very much around


Finds and addresses theseFinds and addresses these

spends timespends time listeninglistening, praising, praising

and otherwise making theand otherwise making the

follower feel good when theyfollower feel good when they

show the necessary commitment.show the necessary commitment.

 Leadership Style 3Leadership Style 3

S3 Participatin' /S3 Participatin' /


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9* +olloer3 Hi'h competence!9* +olloer3 Hi'h competence!

hi'h commitment/able andhi'h commitment/able and

illin' or motivatedillin' or motivated

Leadership Style3Leadership Style3

S*3 $ele'atin'/observin'S*3 $ele'atin'/observin'

Low task focus, low relationshipLow task focus, low relationshipfocusfocus

leave them to do ob, althoughleave them to do ob, although

they also may need to keep athey also may need to keep a

relatively distant eye on things torelatively distant eye on things to

ensure everything is going to plan.ensure everything is going to plan.

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9* +olloer3 Hi'h competence!9* +olloer3 Hi'h competence!

hi'h commitment/able andhi'h commitment/able and

illin' or motivatedillin' or motivated

Leadership Style3Leadership Style3

S*3 $ele'atin'/observin'S*3 $ele'atin'/observin'

!ives less support or fre"uent!ives less support or fre"uent

praise, although as withpraise, although as with

anyone, occasional recognitionanyone, occasional recognition

is always welcomeis always welcome

F B i L d hi St l

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   S   !   "   "      R   T   I   V   E

   B   E   H   A   V

   I      R



Four Basi# Leadership Styles


D  I  R  E  C  T   I  $  %  

C    A  C  H  

I  $  %  

  S  !  "  "

    R   T

  I  $  %

  D  E  L  E

  % A  T  I  $


#$ #% #& #'

Hi'h :oderate Lo

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%ow to Ma'e Situational Leadership a

ynamic Model

$. Set 0oals

+. "raise

). (eprimand

& Se#rets

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%ow to Ma'e Situational Leadership a

ynamic Model

$. Set 0oals1settingperormance inthe right direction

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%ow to Ma'e Situational Leadership a

ynamic Model

+. "raising1 permits

gradual changerom directing to

coaching andsupporting anddelegating

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%ow to Ma'e Situational Leadership a

ynamic Model

). (eprimands1 stops poorperormance by

more support andmore direction

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 Are you ready

to be a real


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A leader is 'est whe( people'arely )(ow he e*ists+

(ot so ,ood whe( people o'eya(d a##lai- hi-+worse whe( they despise hi-.

But of a ,ood leader who tal)slittle whe( his wor) is do(e/his ai- ful0lled/ they will say1

23e did it ourselves45

Lao Tzu, Tao te Ching

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:i'ratory birds are 'ood example:i'ratory birds are 'ood example

of situational leadership andof situational leadership andoutstandin' folloership. s theyoutstandin' folloership. s they

fly! they )eep chan'in' the lead!fly! they )eep chan'in' the lead!

yet they reach their destination.yet they reach their destination.

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