11/19/2008 Integrasi Bisnis & SI/TI-MasWig 1 Integrasi Strategi Bisnis Dan Strategi Sistem Informasi Dosen: Ir. Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi, SE, MSi, MPP Program Pasca Sarjana - Magister Ilmu Komputer - Universitas Budi Luhur Kuliah Sessi – 3: Perencanaan Sistem Informasi Strategik

SK-3 Perencanaan Strategi SITI Strategi SI-TI/SK-3 Perencanaan Strategi SITI.pdf · • Business led –dilakukan oleh spesialis TI, mendefinisikan rencana investasi SI/TI berdasarkan

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11/19/2008 Integrasi Bisnis & SI/TI-MasWig 1

Integrasi Strategi Bisnis Dan

Strategi Sistem Informasi


Ir. Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi, SE, MSi, MPP

Program Pasca Sarjana - Magister Ilmu Komputer - Universitas Budi Luhur

Kuliah Sessi – 3:

Perencanaan Sistem Informasi Strategik

11/19/2008 Integrasi Bisnis & SI/TI-MasWig 2


• Membangun Sistem Informasi Strategik

• Metodologi Perencanaan

• Tahapan Perencanaan

• Permasalahan dan Hambatan

11/19/2008 Integrasi Bisnis & SI/TI-MasWig 3

Working Definition SISP

(Long et al, 2003)

• A strategic information systems plan is a vision with

directional statements and comprises a set of both

broad and detailed guidelines that provide a

framework for strategic, tactical and operational

decision-making. An IS Strategy should also clearly

link the IS goals to the strategy of a business, and

provide a detailed blueprint for acquisition,

development, deployment and retirement of IS/IT

assets over a multi-year time horizon.

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Membangun Sistem Informasi


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Types IS Strategy

• Information Systems strategy– Focuses on systems or business applications of IT and is primarily concerned with aligning business needs to derive strategic benefits

• Information Technology strategy– Concerned with technology policies including architecture, technical standards, security levels and risk attitudes

• Information Management strategy– Concerned with roles and structures for the management of IS and IT, and is focused on issues such as relationships between the specialists and users, management responsibilities, performance measurement processes and management controls

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Membangun SIS: Menetapkan

Proses Yang Efektif

• Proses memutuskan sasaran organisasi SI/TI

dan mengidentifikasikan aplikasi SI/TI

potensial yang harus diimplementasikan oleh

organisasi secara keseluruhan. (Lederer &


• Proses identifikasi portofolio aplikasi berbasis

komputer untuk diselaraskan dengan strategi

perusahaan dan memiliki kemampuan untuk

menciptakan keunggulan atas para pesaing.

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Sasaran Umum SIS

• Penyelarasan SI/TI dengan bisnis guna

mengidentifikasikan di mana SI/TI memberi kontribusi

paling besar, dan penentuan prioritas investasi;

• Memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif dari peluang

bisnis yang diciptakan dengan memanfaatkan SI/TI;

• Membangun infrastruktur masa depan yang fleksibel

dan hemat biaya;

• Memperkuat sumber daya dan kompetensi dalam

memanfaatkan SI/TI dengan sukses di organisasi.

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Proses Strategi SI/TI


Strategi SI/TI Perencanaan SI/TI

Proses Strategi SI/TI

Proses strategi SI/TI mengacu pada formulasi dan perencanaan. Sementara

strategi SI/TI menentukan perencanaan SI/TI, membangun rencana SI/TI dapat

membuka berbagai aspek yang menyebabkan strategi SI/TI harus diperiksa ulang.

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Evolusi Proses SIS

• Tahap 1 - Perecanaan Data Processing

• Tahap 2 – Kesadaran manajemen untuk memformulasikan strategi SI/TI

• Tahap 3 - Perencanaan strategi SI/TI secara detil, -> diperkenalkan helpdesk

• Tahap 4 - Pengguna memegang kendali, munculnya ide inovasi

• Tahap 5 – Menghubungkan potensi SI/TI dengan strategi bisnis

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Pendekatan Pengembangan SIS

• Business led – dilakukan oleh spesialis TI, mendefinisikan rencana

investasi SI/TI berdasarkan strategi bisnis yang ada.

• Method driven – penggunaan teknik tertentu untuk mengidentifikasikan

kebutuhan SI dengan menganalisis proses bisnis

• Technological – perencanaan SI/TI dilihat sebagai latihan dalam proses

dan pemodelan informasi, menggunakan alat pemodelan untuk

menghasilkan rencana SI yang dituangakan dalam Blueprint.

• Administrative – sasaran utamanya menentukan anggaran TI dan biaya

serta rencana sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun SI

yang telah disetujui.

• Organizational – investasi SI/TI didasarkan pada konsensus bisnis

tentang bagaimana SI/TI dapat membantu pencapaian sasaran bisnis.

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Tahap – tahap Kedewasaan

Perencanaan SIS

Taraf 1 Taraf 2 Taraf 3 Taraf 4 Taraf 5

Tugas UtamaPemetaan aplikasi SI/TI

Mendefinsikan kebutuhan

bisnisMerinci perencanaan SI



Pertalian dengan strategi


Sasaran Kunci

Pemahaman Manajemen Menyetujui prioritasMenyeimbangkan

portofoloMengejar peluang

Tercapainya integrasi

SI/TI denan strategi


Petunjuk dari

Spesialis TIInitisiatif manajemen


Pengguna bersama

Spesialis TI

Eksekutif/ manajemen

senior dan pengguna

Koalisi Pengguna,

Manajemen dan

Spesialist TI

Pendekatan UtamaBottom - up Analisa Top-down

Keseimbangan antara

bottom-up dan top-downKewira-usahaan

Berbagai metoda pada

waktu yang sama

Ikhtisar Technology led Method-driven Administrative Business led Organization led

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Dimensi Perubahan

Defend Attack

Rationalize Transform

• Focus innovation

• Competitive advantage

• Radical redesign

• Dramatic performaance


• Focused response

• Remove faults, obstacle

• Continuous improvement




Perubahan evolusioner Perubahan bertahap

Tactical Strategic

Pace of


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Metodologi Perencanaan

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What is an IS Planning


“ Proven steps to ensure that all points are

considered within an Information Systems

Planning process”

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Why an IS Planning Methodology?

• Reduces risks of failure

• Ensures all IS Plan stake holder are involved

appropriately in the process

• Reduces dependency on people, more on processes

and objectives

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SISP Methodologies - Varieties

• There are many methodologies

• Each methodology have different emphasis

different underpinnings

• Some methodologies are objective-oriented,

others are prescriptive

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Success Factor of Methodology

• Need a single coordinator

• Need to be ‘headed’ by management

• Need steering committee coming with majority from

management, headed by President Director or CEO.

• Attitude of coordinator must be as ‘facilitator’

• Resulting plan must be “owned” by management, not

by IT department (especially where the plan is more

strategic in nature)

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Typical Structure of a Business

Strategy-Plan (Tozer, 1996)

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Basic Planning Process

1. Identify and agree Corporate and goals

2. Establish an overall strategy to achieve them

3. Identify business functional areas and associated responsibilities

4. ‘Cascade’ the strategies down the resulting hierarchy

5. Establish functional:

• Objectives, tracking criteria, quantified goals and performance measures at each level

6. Develop procedures for:

• Monitoring achievement versus objectives/measures

• Selecting and implementing control/rectification actions

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Planning Cycles Happen


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Required Information

• Business Strategy

• Business Plan

• Business Process Definition

• Organization structure and breakdown

• Information about external parties

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Tahapan Perencanaan

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Phase I: Development of IT Vision

• IT must support the business goal of the firm

• The first thing to do is to identify the business strategy, and by having an appreciation of the business strategy determine the IT vision of the organization

• The IT Vision must also be accompanied by the IT constraints and limitations, must be driven by the organization philosophy

• Use tools and industry knowledge to see how IT can be used to create advantage for the organization

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Phase II: Understanding the

Current Business

• Identify the critical business process of the organization

• There is a need to understand:– Business Processes: concerned with relationships between processes, average execution time of each process, number of participants involved in each process, available IT support, major activities, and input and output information of each activity

– Organization and Management: concerned with department objectives, organizational structure, human resources and IT resources, as well as the relationships and cooperation among units within and outside.

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Phase II: Understanding the

Current Business (cont.)

– IT Application: concerned with limitations of

existing information systems, cost of each IT

application, development methods (in-house or

out-sourced), names and functions of each

module, the scope and boundaries of business

processes supported by each application, and

interfaces among those applications

– Technical Architecture: concerned with current IT

infrastructure, platform, database and network

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Phase III: Strategic Information

Systems Planning

• Consist of three (3) main areas:

– Application Architecture Strategic Planning: Comprises

the set of IT applications (bought or built) that delivers the

business process, and technology that integrates the various

applications and links them with a coherent data model

– Technical Architecture Structure Planning: the technical

architecture is the foundation upon which the application

architecture was built. The technical architecture should be

further decomposed into “layers”, such as applications

systems, database, IT service, network and platform.

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Phase III: Strategic Information

Systems Planning (cont.)

– Organizational Strategic Planning: the

organizational architecture is the remaining

component, which is important but often ignored in

practice. The organizational architecture refers to

the IT organizational structure, as well as the set

of management process or governance rules.

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Phase IV: Delivery of Final Report

• The results from all phases are consolidated into a formal final report that documents the strategic and operational plans for IT development

• The report addresses the following areas: – business strategy and IT drivers,

– IT vision and mission,

– Application architect strategy,

• Potential list of applications

• The priority of these applications

• Recommendations for development alternatives (outsourcing, in-house?)

– Technical infrastructure strategy,

– IT organization and management strategy

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Example IT Planning Team

Source: Long (2003)

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Permasalahan dan Hambatan

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Problem dan Hambatan - 1

• Manajemen puncak

– tidak memahami pengaruh SI/TI terhadap keunggulan


– Dihinggapi “kesenjangan harapan dan kenyataan” SI/TI

– tidak melihat informasi sebagai sumber daya yang harus

dikelola untuk memperoleh manfaat jangka panjang

– masih meminta justifikasi manfaat keuangan dari investasi


– orientasi aksi untuk mengatasi persoalan jangka pendek.

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Problem dan Hambatan - 2

• Pada setiap tahapan perencanaan (launch, development,

implementasi) mengalami penyimpangan

• Launch:

– Tidak ada dukungan manajemen puncak

– Tidak ada komunikasi intensif antara

• Development:

– Mengabaikan sasaran bisnis

– Tidak mampu mentransformasikan rencana menjadi aksi

• Implementasi:

– Tidak dilaksanakan sepenuhnya

– Memerlukan waktu yang panjang

– Hubungan orang SI/TI dan user tidak harmonis

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Pendukung vs Penghambat

• Eksekutif senior mendukung TI

• TI terlibat dalam pengembangan strategi

• TI mengerti bisnis

• Hubungan erat Bisnis –TI

• Proyek TI mendapat prioritas

• TI menunjukkan leadership

• TI/Bisnis tidak memiliki hubungan baik

• TI tidak menjadi prioritas

• TI gagal memenuhi komitmen

• TI tidak mengerti bisnis

• Ekskutif senior tidak mendukung TI

• Manajemen TI tidak memiliki leadership

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