SNOW DAY PACKET .... WRtTING DAY 1~This is your first snow day this year! What did you do today? Write a paragraph telling us about your day. Give plenty of details to help us understand. Day 2- Have you built a snowmanyet? Write a "How To". Give all the steps in the process of . building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes lazy days around the house. They are great days for hot chocolate, reading, playing games, and watching movies. What are your favorite things to do errthese days? Day 4- What is your favorite book or movie? Telling us the characters, setting, and what itis about. Give enough detail so that we want to read the same book, or watch the movie. Day 5- Use this starter to a narrative story- As the sun came up, I could see a blanket of thick snow everywhere. Finish the story. Don't forget to add actions, dialogue, thoughts/questions/worries, and sounds. Remember ...stories have problems and the ending should have a solution.

SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

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Page 1: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes


DAY 1~This is your first snow day this year! What did you do today? Write a paragraph tellingus about your day. Give plenty of details to help us understand.

Day 2- Have you built a snowmanyet? Write a "How To". Give all the steps in the process of. building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there!

Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes lazy days around the house. They are great days forhot chocolate, reading, playing games, and watching movies. What are your favorite things todo errthese days?

Day 4- What is your favorite book or movie? Telling us the characters, setting, and what itisabout. Give enough detail so that we want to read the same book, or watch the movie.

Day 5- Use this starter to a narrative story- As the sun came up, I could see a blanket ofthick snow everywhere. Finish the story. Don't forget to add actions, dialogue,thoughts/questions/worries, and sounds. Remember ...stories have problems and the endingshould have a solution.

Page 2: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

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Day 1

The Rights of Citizens

You are a citizen of your school. You are also a citizen of your town, state, andcountry. Citizens in the Unites States have rights. Rights are the things you can do. Noone can take away your rights as a citizen.

You have the right toga to school. You have the right to go to the park or ride ona bus. When you grow up, you will have the right to vote. People in the United Stateshave the right to vote for anyone they choose.

1. What are rights?a. The citizens in your schoolb. The people you vote forc.. The things you can dod. The country where you live

2. What are some rights you have as a citizen of the UnitedStates? _


The Responsibilities of Citizens

Citizens have both rights and responsibilities. Responsibilities are jobs that youneed to do. As a citizen of your school, you have the responsibilities at school. Youneed to do your work. You need to be nice to other people.

As a citizen of your town, you have responsibilities in your town. You need to putyour trash in a trashcan. You need to follow the rules of your town.

As a citizen of your country, you have responsibilities, too. When you grow up,you will have the responsibility to vote.

1. What are responsibilities?a. Thiflgs you can dob. Trash in trashcanc. Citizens who have rightsd. Jobs you need to do

2. What are some responsibilities you have as adfizen? --~----------------------------------------------

Page 3: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

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3. He tells good jokes and is very hl11Jm©f@u~.

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1. grow, shrink

2. mystery, puzzle .__

3. i and [essico have did all the cleaning

4. shannon drunk-the punch and eats her sandwich

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Page 4: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes


Speak Up for Your Rights

As a citizen of your school, you have the right to learn. You also have the right tobe safe. Sometimes, someone at your school might act like a bully. A bully might teaseor hurt you so that it is hard to learn or to feel safe. A bully wants to take away yourrights.

You need to speak up for your rights. If a bully is mean to you, you can walkaway. You can say, "Stcp!l" You can also ask a teacher for help.

1. "Speak Up for Your Rights" is MAiNLY abouta. How to be safe from a bullyb. How to stop being a bullyc. Why bullies take away other people's rightsd. When to talk to your teacher

2. How could you stand up for your rights if someone bulliedyou? ~-------------------------------------------


Making a Better Neighborhood

Good citizens try to fix problems. James Ale was nine years old when he saw aproblem in his town. There was no park in James's neighborhood. Children played ball inthe street. One day, a car hit a boy. The boy got better. Yet James wanted a park in hisneighborhood.

James wrote letters to the leaders in his town. He talked with the leaders in histown. At last, the town made a park in James's neighborhood. James was a good citizen.He helped fix a problem.

1. Another name for "Making a Better Neighborhood" might bea. "Citizens Can Fix Problems"b. "Writing Letters"c. "Problems in Town"d. "Neighborhoods Need.Park"

2. What problem did James Alefix in-his neighborhood?

Page 5: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

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3. The car drove quickly down the narrow alley. - ..__

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2. TV : watch .: radio: --- .-.,;......-----

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Page 6: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes


A Class of Good Citizens

Like James Ale, a class of fifth graders saw a problem. A man had a trashdump next to their school. Some days the trash dump smelled bad. On thosedays, it was hard for children to learn.

The fifth graders and their teacher talked about how to fix the problem.They did what good citizens do. The class wrote letters to the leaders of theirtown. Because of the letters, the town's leaders told the mad to fix the trashdump. These fifth graders were good citizens.

1. What problem did the fifth graders have in "A Class of Good Citizens"?a. They did not know how to write lettersb. There was no trash dump near their schoolc. A trash dump near their school smelled badd. Aman fixed the trash dump near their school

2. How did the fifth grade class fix itsproblem? _

Page 7: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

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Page 8: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

Name _

3 as a Factor6-2


Find the product.

1. 1 x 3 2. 3 x 7 3. 6 x 3 4. 8 x 3 5. 10 x 5

6. 3 x 2 7. 4 x 3 8. 3 x 0 9. 2 x 7 10. 3 x 3

11. 5x 3

12. 10x 3

13. 2x 3

14. 3x 915. 9

x 3

16. A bicycle store also sells tricycles.It has 6 tricycles in stock. Howmany wheels do the tricycles havein all?

17. There were 5 people who boughttickets to a football game. Theybought 3 tickets each. How manytickets were bought all together?

18. Model What addition sentenceis equal to 4 x 3?

19. How many small squares arein the figure below?

20. Construct Arguments Maria said 7 x 3 = 21.Connie said 3 x 7 = 21. Who is correct? Explain.

21. Which number is a multiple of 3?

A 16 B 20 C 24

•D 28

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Page 9: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

Name _

3 as a FactorYou can use an array to show 3s facts.

35 Facts

3xO=O 3 x 5 = 15

3 x 1 = 3 3 x 6 = 18

3x2=6 3 x 7 = 21

3x3=9 3 x 8 = 24

3 x 4 = 12 3 x 9 = 27



Multiply 2 x 3 using arrays.


You can also use a 2s and a 1s fact to find a 3s fact.

Find 7 x 3.

a. Find a 2s fact with 7: 2 x 7 =14

b. Find a 1s fact with 7: 1 x 7 = 7

c. Add the facts: 14 + 7 = 21

Find each product.

1. 3 x 2 2. 3 x 4

6. 6 x 9 7. 7 x 3

3. 3 x 5 4. 3 x 1 5. 3 x 9

8. 0 x 3 9. 8 x 5 10. 3 x 3

11. Reason How can you use a 2s fact and a 1s fact to find 3 x 8?

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Page 10: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

PracticeName _

4 as a FactorFind the product.

1. 2 x 4 2. 4 x 5


3. 3 x 4 4. 4 x 4 5. 5 x 8

6. 4 x 6 7. 1 x 4 8. 4 x 3 9. 0 x 4 10. 4 x 7

11. 10x 4

13. 2x 4

12. 1x 4

16. What multiplication fact can youdouble to find 4 x 7?

18. Jillian sold 4 books of raffletickets. Each book had 9 tickets.How many tickets did Jillian sellall together?

14. 4x 9

15. 8x 4

17. Each square table can seat4 people. How many people canbe seated at 8 square tables?

19. The soccer team has practice4 times each week during theseason. If the season is 10 weekslong, how many practices doesthe team have?

20. Writing to Explain If you know that 4 x 5 = 20, how can youuse the Commutative (Order) Property of Multiplication to find 5 x 4?

21. Aaron changed the tires on 5 cars. Each car had 4 tires.How many tires did Aaron change?

A 12 B 16 C 20 D 24

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Page 11: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

Name _

4- as a Factor



If you know a 2s multiplication fact, you can find a 4smultiplication fact.

4s Facts When you double an array of 2 x 1,you get an array of 4 x 1.

4xO=0 4 x 5 = 20

4 x 1 = 4 4 x 6 = 24

4x2=8 4 x 7 = 28

4 x 3 = 12 4 x 8 = 32

4 x 4 = 16 4 x 9 = 36


(2) 0o(1)



(2) 0oYou can double a 28 fact or adda 28 fact by itself to find a 48 fact.


Find 4 x 3 by adding a 2s fact byitself.

Find 4 x 3 by doubling a 2s fact.

a. Find a 28 fact with 3 as a factor.a. Find a 2s fact with 3 as a factor.

2x3=6b. Double it.

2 x 6 = 12b. Add the fact to itself.

6 + 6 = 12

Find each product.

1. 4 x 6 2. 8 x 4 3. 4 x 5 4. 9 x 4 5. 4 x 1

6. 4 x 3 7. 4 x 7 8. 12 x 2 9. 0 x 4 10. 4 x 4

11. Reason How can you use 2 x 8 to find 4 x 8?

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Page 12: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

PracticeName _

6 and 7 as Factors6-4

Find the product. You may draw pictures to help.

1. 5 X 6 2. 6 x 3 3. 6 x 8 4. 3 x 7 5. 7 X 10

10. 6 x 69. 7 x 88. 5 x 77. 6 x 46. 7 x 4

15. 2x 6

14. 7X 7

13. 10x 7

11. 7X 6

12. 10x 6

17. The chicken eggs that Raul'sscience class is watching take3 weeks to hatch. There are 7 daysin each week. How many days willit be until the eggs hatch?

16. Reason What multiplication factcan be found by using the arraysfor 2 x 9 and 5 x 9?

19. At a picnic there are 6 tables setup. Each table can seat 8 people.How many people can be seatedat the tables all together?

18. Emily has 7 apples. She cut eachapple into 6 slices. How manyslices in all does she have?

20. How could you use 5 x 6 = 30 to find the product 6 x 6?

21. Barry takes 7 minutes to ride his bicycle one mile. At this rate,how long would Barry take to ride his bicycle 4 miles?

B 24 minutes C 27 minutes o 28 minutesA 21 minutes

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Page 13: SNOW DAY PACKET WRtTING . building a snowman. Don't .... building a snowman. Don't forqefhis hat.iscart, and mittens ...it's COLD out there! Day 3- Snow days are fun and sometimes

Name _

6 and 7 as Factors



--You can use multiplication facts that you already know to findother multiplication facts.

You can use a 3s fact to find a 6s fact. Find the 3s fact and thenadd the product to itself.

Find 6 X 9.

a. Find the 3s fact with 9: 3 x 9 = 27.

b. Add the product to itself: 27 + 27 = 54.

You can use a 2s and a 5s fact to find a 7s fact.

Find 7 x 5.

a. Find the 2s fact with 5: 2 x 5 = 10.

b. Find the 5s fact with 5: 5 x 5 = 25.

c. Add the products: 10 + 25 = 35.

Find each product.

1. 2 x 7 2. 6 x 7 3. 7 x 9 4. 6 x 4 5. 6 x 8

6. 7 x 7 7. 6 x 2 8. 8 x 7 9. 3 x 7 10. 6 x 6

11. 5x 612. 7

x 413. 6

x 914. 7

x 315. 7

x 6

16. Construct Arguments Harold says, "To find 6 X 8, I can use the facts for5 x 4 and 1 x 4." Do you agree? Explain .

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