Map of the United States Locate Appalachian Mountains, Mississippi River, Great Plains region, and Rocky Mountains Westward Expansion Disappearance of the Frontier: o Manifest Destiny o Homestead Act o Transcontinental Railroad Native Americans of the Great Plains v. the White Settlers o Methods of Indian Removal: Killing buffalo Wars Reservations o Native American view of the White Settlers o Assimilation Farmers Revolt

SOCIAL STUDIES 8R€¦  · Web viewChinese Exclusion Act. Quota Acts. Job competition . Tenement housing. Jane Addams – settlement house movement. Progressive Movement. Muckrakers

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Page 1: SOCIAL STUDIES 8R€¦  · Web viewChinese Exclusion Act. Quota Acts. Job competition . Tenement housing. Jane Addams – settlement house movement. Progressive Movement. Muckrakers

Map of the United States

Locate Appalachian Mountains, Mississippi River, Great Plains region, and Rocky Mountains

Westward Expansion

Disappearance of the Frontier:o Manifest Destinyo Homestead Act o Transcontinental Railroad

Native Americans of the Great Plains v. the White Settlerso Methods of Indian Removal:

Killing buffalo Wars Reservations

o Native American view of the White Settlerso Assimilation

Farmers Revolto Populist Party [3rd party in late 1890s] o Populist Party Platform

Page 2: SOCIAL STUDIES 8R€¦  · Web viewChinese Exclusion Act. Quota Acts. Job competition . Tenement housing. Jane Addams – settlement house movement. Progressive Movement. Muckrakers


Key People o John Rockefellero Andrew Carnegieo Henry Ford

Laissez-faire Urbanization Capitalism Mass Production Assembly Line

Big Businesso Social Darwinism o Monopolieso Trusts

Effects the lack of competition has on consumer Relationship between big business and government

American factory workerso Working conditionso Formation of labor unions


Push & Pull Factors

New vs Old Immigrants

Nativismo Chinese Exclusion Acto Quota Actso Job competition

Tenement housing

Jane Addams – settlement house movement

Progressive Movement

Muckrakers Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives Ida Tarbell- History of Standard Oil Company Upton Sinclair – The Jungle

Meat Inspection Act

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Pure Food & Drug Act

President Theodore Roosevelto Trustbustero Conservationist

Economic Reform o Interstate Commerce Acto Sherman Antitrust Acto Clayton Antitrust Act

Political Reformo 17th Amendment: Senatorso 18th Amendment: Alcoholo 19th Amendment: Women

Imperialism Key Terms

o Domestic Policyo Foreign Policyo Manifest Destinyo Imperialism

Reasons for Imperialism:

o Sea power and naval baseso Christian missionaries (Social Darwinism)o White Man’s Burdeno World Markets o Raw Materials

Spanish-American Waro Yellow journalismo Maineo America becomes a world power

Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary (Big Stick Policy)

President Theodore Roosevelt and building of the Panama Canalo Economic reasons for building the canalo Application of Roosevelt Corollary to build the canalo Results of the Panama Canal

World War I

Propaganda M A N I A

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President Woodrow Wilson’s decision to enter World War Io Unrestricted submarine warfareo Lusitaniao Zimmerman Noteo Opportunity to participate in war’s peace talks

Wilson’s 14 Points and League of Nations Treaty of Versailles

Roaring Twenties

Economic growtho Production of new consumer goodso “Buy Now, Pay Later”o Consumerism

Harlem Renaissanceo Growth of jazz music and other forms of African American culture

Modernist v. Traditionalist debate [disagreement over changing lifestyles]o Scopes trialo Prohibitiono “Flappers”

Popularity of spectator sportso Baseball – Babe Rutho Aviation – Charles Lindbergh

Growth of Radioo Development of Mass Culture

Great Depression

1929 Stock Market Crasho Speculationo Buying stock on margino Bank Runs

Business cycle

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Problems of the Great Depressiono Social problemso Economic problems

• Bank failures• Decrease availability of jobs

Responses to the Great Depressiono Hoovervilleso Breadlines

Dust Bowlo Great Plains regiono Effect on Farmerso Results of Dust Bowl

President Franklin Delano Roosevelto Fireside chatso New Deal – offers welfare to the people and ignites government responsibility to

protect the people FDIC CCC WPA SSA TVA Bank Holiday

o Court-packing plano Impact of the New Deal

Hollywood: Escapism

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World War II

Totalitarian dictators:o Adolf Hitler [Nazi Party in Germany]o Benito Mussolini [Fascist Party in Italy]o Joseph Stalin [Communist Party in Soviet Union]

Axis Powers v. Allied Powers

Axis Powerso Germany, Italy, Japan

Allied Powerso United States, Great Britain, Soviet Union

Appeasement by Britain and France American neutrality – ignoring aggression in Europe and Asia

Immediate cause: 1939 Immediate cause of U.S. entry: 1941

American mobilizationo Women at work [“Rosie the Riveter”]o Conservation/rationing of food and natural resources

Military Turning Pointso Europe: D-Day Invasiono Asia: Battle of Midway; Battle at Guadalcanal, Battle of Iwo Jima & Battle of


President Harry S. Truman’s Decision to Drop Atom Bomb on Hiroshimao Reasons for dropping the bomb and results

Internment of Japanese Americans

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The Holocaust

Cold War

United States v. Soviet Union [USSR}

“Iron Curtain”

United Nations


Arms race


Bomb Shelters

Sputnik Space Race

Cuban Missile Crisiso Reasons Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev put nuclear missiles in Cubao Panic of nuclear war in the United States and around the worldo Reasons for President John F. Kennedy’s decision to blockade Cubao Results of the Cuban Missile Crisis being resolved

Vietnam Waro Reasons the United States participated in the Vietnam conflict

Similarities with the Korean conflicto Reasons for the antiwar movement and protest

Watergate scandal

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Jim Crow Segregation and the Struggle for Civil Rights

Segregation/Jim Crow laws

Jackie Robinson

President Harry S. Truman de-segregates the U.S. Armed Forces [troops]

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

Civil Disobedience

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Montgomery Bus Boycott

Martin Luther King, Jr.o SCLC

Little Rock crisis Sit-ins

March on Washington

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Middle East

Israel is recognized as democratic country in 1948o Conflict with Palestinians

Conflict between the United States and Palestinians

Persian Gulf War

September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

o President George W. Bush decides to invade Afghanistan War on Terror

o Patriot Acto Creation of Homeland Security

Issues of the 20 th /21 st Century

Baby Boom of the 1950so Increase of home construction and school population in late 1950s and 1960so Increase demand on the Social Security System in 2011

Affirmative Action

Illegal immigration

Important Supreme Court Decisions

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Korematsu v. U.S. (1944)

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

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Impact of Technology on American Society[based on historical importance and what you have learned in social studies –

NOT your personal experiences]

Henry Ford’s assembly line [mass production]

The automobile


Nuclear power

