490 THE JOURNAL OF TEE SOUIETY OF UHENTUhl; INDUSTRY. CJUIIO~O.IED~. -- _ - - - - - - - - Ciistor oil ncitla ................. Olive nil iicitls .................. in the inniiufucturc oP 1110 Tiirkcy-red oil, but only to n siniill extent, wliilut on tlic 0 t h IIIIIII~, olivc nnd cotion- acctl oil nre inucli inorc nllectcd. Tlic nvcnigc dcnsity oP tlic viirioiir noids tnkcii Iiy the Wcstpliiil lirrlirnco nt 98" C. iirc I- - Nntiirc of 011. 1 Sprcilir ~iwity nlgqa C. SW'O SSI -0 Ciuttir till ................... Ollvu oil .................... Cotlnii-reed oil,, ............ Ciiuloi oil ....................... 160-IYI Olive oil ........................ li3-17d I71 -1 7.5 I Coltnii oil ....................... : 1:!41'7 2111'7 105 170'0 2OU*It 30 180'5 2M'G ?I I 'i'lic iotliiic rnluc is nlso very variiilile, iintl Iiesitles lieing clepciitlcnt oil the age, kc. of tlic oil iisctl, is liiilile to con- sitlcrnblc fliictiintioiis, liy tlic iiietlioil of prepiriiig t lie 'l'iirkcy-red oil, cspeciiilly oii tho niiiouiit of vitriol used. OII this iiccoiiiit it is not to Iic strongly rccoii~~i~ci~tlctl. )I.h iiicthoil on \vhicli tlic innst reliiiiice is to lie ~11:icctl is uritloiilitctlly tlic ncctyl viiliie. I iiiiry rciiiiiiil iiicinlicrs ~110 iiiiiy not lie ncqiiiiiiitctl with this process tliirt it consists of 111. iiitrotliictioii of ncrtyl groiips iiito tlic wiilistniicc :tiid sii~iset~ticiit cliiiiiiiiitioii Iiy siipoiiilicittion, iiiitl cstiiiiittinii of tlic nlknli rcqiiircil for this reiiioviil. It is, iint~v~tli~tiiiitliii~ tlic rriiiiirks of I.c\vkowit?;eli, n iiiost vii1ii:iliIe procws, iiiitl is . ecrtiiiiily II vcry viiliiiililc ntlilitioii to oiir iiict Iioils of csniiiiiiiiig oils iiiitl firts. Tlie process ia wnrketl iis follows : The dry fiitty iiinttc*r is Iiaitctl to 1111iIiii~ fnr niiciuitl ii Iiiilf. lioiirri uiitlcr 11 rctliis (dry) coiitlciiscr with four-liftlis of it?; \wiplit of tlry ittictic iiiiliydrid~!, niitl tlic iicctilir;ctliieiil wiislictl \ritli liot wirttrr till tlic iviisli-wiiti:r is iiciitriil to ~lrlieiitc litiiiiis piipcr, \vlicii tlit! fiitty iiiiitier ciin lie tlrictl 11s tiiiickly 11s pnssilh. A \vci#lictl qiiiiiitity of iilioilt 2.5 grins. is theii tilnitcil iii nlcoliolie soliitioii qiiite cold with sciiii-iioriiinl iilcoliolic po~iisli, iiiitl tho iiiiiniiiit iiotcil. J\ fiirtlicr tliiiiiility ot irlcolinlic ~iotiisli iiboiit I!, tiiiics iiiorc tliiin tlie lirst cliiiiiitily is ~ultleil, iiiitl thc Iliisk- kclit :10 iiiiiiutes on tlie wiiter- 11:itli wit11 IL lniig tuliu nttiiclicd~ After this tiiiiu tliu rcsitliiiil iilkiili is cstiiniitcd by ~~I~~I-II~~IIIIII Iiyclric clilariilc. ~~~I~IIo~~I~I~~III~c'~~~ is usctl us iiitlieiitor iii 110tli eiiscs. '!'lie rilkiili used iii the lirst iiistniicc is c ~ r l c ~ ~ l ~ ~ t e ~ l to niilligrniiiiiies per I grin. of fiit, iiiid is teriiictl the ncitl vuliic. 'Ylie tot111 nlkiili is ciilciiliitctl in tho fiiiino wny iriiil ia tcriiictl tlic s,\poiiifieiitioii vnlue, tho iliIlcrciiou lictwccii the two ir; tlic rlectyl vlllllu. 'rho tlircu cliicf oils for l'urkcy-rctl oil iniiiiufiicturu wliow wllell Illus tcfitetl :- Oiviiig to tlic intcrnctioiis Iictw~cii t l c glyccritles nntt 1110 vitriol in tlic iiiiiniifiictiirc of tlic Tiirkey-red oils tho diffcrciiccs nrc iiot so iippiirciit. Tlic followiiig tiililu slio\vR tlic results to Iic cspcctctl :- 'Hit dctcrrriiriiition of !lie iodine wliic lwforc niitl iihcr ncetilisiitioii, i~llortls II clieck oii tlic Iiittcr detcriiiiiiiitioii. l!sefiil iiiforiiiiitioii is nlso nITortled liy II tleteriiiiiintioii of tlic colitlif~iiig iiiitl iiieltiiig ~ioiiit Iicforc 1111 lifter iicctilisntioii. If iiiiiicriil or rosiii oil w r c prcsciit t1ic.v woiilil of coiirse be scliiiriitctl iiiitl cstiiiiiitetl iti tlic i1s111i1 itiiiiii~er, 505115 k'l~l~'l'llHlt NOTICS OK Xll'l~OCilCX IS CO.\I4-G.\S. llY l;k:ollll~ K. l).\vls. Foi.i.owtsc; the rcwliiig of II ~iiq'c'r nt tlir Iiist iiieetiiig of this Sectioii, 19- Ah. C. 11. Sew, oii the tlet~~r~iii~i~~tioii of iiitropii iii coiil-giis, ii tliaciissioii occiirrctl iii wliielr soiiic iloiilita werc cx~ircssetl 11s to \vlicthcr ~iicli ii liirgc iiiiioiint of iiilrogcii ns 14 pcr ceiit. coiilil 11ossilily csist iii ii gna siiplily, seeiiig tliiit l'rofessor Yiviun 14e\ves lint1 exuiiiiiictl II riiiiiplc of 1,niiilori cod-gas wliieli coiitiiiiietl less tliiiii 1 per cciit. of iiitrogeii. It WIIS iilso poiiiteil oiit by hlr. Steiilioiisc Oiiit if 15 per ceiit. of iiitriigcii were preseiit iliic to the ~miiipiiigiii of nir, tlierc s!ioiiltl lic 111 lciist 2 pcr ceiit. of frcc oxygen, tlic pwsciicc of ivliieli the rciitlcr of llie ppcr Iiiitl lint rc*cortleil. I s:iw tliiit tho iirgiiiiiciit iisctl tiy Alr. Stciilioiiwv would lit oiicu prove tliu ncciimcy or otlicrivi~e of Blr. Xca.'w results, iuid oii S:itiirtlity, hliiy 7111, tlic tliiy idler tlic rentliii?: of tlic piper, I tlecitletl to iiiiiko 1111 csiiiiiiiiiitioii of tlic giis for osygcri, iiitrogtm, iinil illiiiiii- iiiitiiig pwer, cniiciirrc*iitly. l \ t 10 nm., wii1 wlieii it iiiiglit lie siipposcc'l tliiit the iiiglit pis Iiiy 111)riiiiiiit iii the pip, I foiiiitl tlic giis t!oiiliiiiictl I * I per ceiit. Of osygeii, :iiid its i~1iiiiiiii:itiiig pntrcr 15.6 c:iiidlcw. i \ t 12.:10, nfkr tho 611s 1iii11 Iiccii liiiriiiiig tliu \vliolc iiitcrviil iii tlic lii1inriitory, ~csts were iigniii iiin11c, witti the followiiig rcnilts :- oxygcll. "'L ~itro~rii ........................... l:I'!i llliiiiiiiiiiliiig I~owt'r ................. 15'11 cniit1lt.s. I'rr owl. ............................ I tliiiik this sliows t!lcnrly ciioiigli tliiit tlicrc is II tlifrcrciico Iict\vt'cii tlic iiiglit giis uiiil tlic thy gas, iuid tliirt tlic tlilTcrc*iicc iii illiiiiiiiiiitiii~ po\vcr is cliielly the to ostgcii niiil iiitrogeii, Why this is so I do iiot lirctciitl to cs~i1:iiii. 1 Iiiivc iiiiitlu loiiie fiirtlier tt*m \vitli rcfrrciice to tlic pcrcciitiigc of iiilrogcii. Tlic dny Icstr; oil 11101Hth iiirtniit wcru 8.28 per wiit. of iiitrogcii with 1 'OH per ceiit. of osypcii. 011 tliu !?rd tho diiy giis coiituiiictl 8'67 per cciit. of iiitrogcii. 'Nio iiight tcrts eotitiiiiictl less iiitrogeii. Oii 1110 16111, titkcii iit B pm., tho ~icrc~~ii~ngc of iiitrogcii wiin 7*:1 ; oil tliu 17111 it ws 7.4, wit11 1-8 pcr cciit. of osypm ; oil tho 18111, at 7.30 p.iii., it coiitiiiiictl 5'6 per cent. of iiitrogcii ; oil tho 20tlil iit 10.:10 p.iii., it coiitiiiiictl 7.4 pcr cciit. of iiitrogeii ; uitl oii 1110 !??iid, nt 8 pm., it coiituiiictl 7-75 per cciit. Ilctwceii tlic lath nutl %rtl tho illuiiiiniitiiig p"~er viiricd rroiii 1:l.a cniiillcs iii 1110 dnytiiiio lo 18'6 cnnillcs 111 iiigbt. Coiiipiired wit11 l'rofcssor \'iviiiii l~owcs' figures of tliu Loiidoii gns, wo iip~iciir to liiivu n w r y diHereiit iiiixturu iii Salfonl, nntl tho low illutiiiiintiiig poivcr IW rccnrclcd upoii our pliotoiiictcr is olciirly cxpliiiiicd. lloiv thi~ !iitrogoii iiiid oxygen gets iuto tho gns iR n mutter I

Some further notes on nitrogen in coal-gas

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Page 1: Some further notes on nitrogen in coal-gas


-- _- - - - - - - -

Ciistor oil ncitla ................. Olive nil iicitls ..................

in the inniiufucturc oP 1110 Tiirkcy-red oil, but only to n siniill extent, wliilut on tlic 0 t h IIIIIII~, olivc nnd cotion- acctl oil nre inucli inorc nllectcd. Tlic nvcnigc dcnsity oP tlic viirioiir noids tnkcii Iiy the Wcstpliiil lirrlirnco nt 98" C. iirc I- -

Nntiirc of 011. 1 Sprcilir ~ i w i t y nlgqa C.


SSI -0

Ciuttir t i l l ................... Ollvu oil .................... Cotlnii-reed oil,, ............

Ciiuloi oil ....................... 160-IYI

Olive oil ........................ l i3-17d

I71 -1 7.5 I Coltnii oil ....................... :

1:!41'7 2111'7 105

170'0 2OU*It 30

180'5 2M'G ?I


'i'lic iotliiic rnluc is nlso very variiilile, iintl Iiesitles lieing clepciitlcnt oil the age, kc. of tlic oil iisctl, is liiilile to con- sitlcrnblc fliictiintioiis, liy tlic iiietlioil of prepiriiig t lie 'l'iirkcy-red oil, cspeciiilly oii tho niiiouiit of vitriol used. OII th is iiccoiiiit it is not to Iic strongly rccoii~~i~ci~tlctl. )I.h iiicthoil on \vhicli tlic innst reliiiiice is to lie ~11:icctl

is uritloiilitctlly tlic ncctyl viiliie. I iiiiry rciiiiiiil iiicinlicrs ~ 1 1 0 iiiiiy not lie ncqiiiiiiitctl with this process t l i irt it consists of 111. iiitrotliictioii of ncrtyl groiips iiito tlic wiilistniicc :tiid sii~iset~ticiit cliiiiiiiiitioii Iiy siipoiiilicittion, i i i it l cstiiiiittinii of tlic nlknli rcqiiircil for this reiiioviil. I t is, i i n t ~ v ~ t l i ~ t i i i i t l i i i ~

tlic rriiiiirks of I.c\vkowit?;eli, n iiiost vii1ii:iliIe procws, iiiitl is . ecrtiiiiily II vcry viiliiiililc ntlilitioii to oiir iiict Iioils of csniiiiiiiiig oils iiiitl firts. Tlie process ia wnrketl iis follows : The dry fiitty iiinttc*r is Iiaitctl to 1111iIiii~ fnr niiciuitl i i Ii i i lf . lioiirri uiitlcr 11 rctliis (dry) coiitlciiscr w i t h four-liftlis of i t?; \wiplit of tlry ittictic iiiiliydrid~!, niitl tlic iicctilir;ctl iieiil wiislictl \ritli liot wirttrr t i l l tlic iviisli-wiiti:r is iiciitriil to ~lrlieiitc litiiiiis piipcr, \vlicii tlit! fiitty iiiiitier ciin lie tlrictl 11s tiiiickly 11s pnssilh. A \vci#lictl qiiiiiitity of iilioilt 2 . 5 grins. is theii tilnitcil iii nlcoliolie soliitioii qiiite cold with sciiii-iioriiinl iilcoliolic po~iisli, iiiitl tho iiiiiniiiit iiotcil. J\ fiirtlicr tliiiiiility ot irlcolinlic ~iotiisli iiboiit I!, tiiiics iiiorc tliiin tlie lirst cliiiiiitily is ~ultleil, iiiitl thc Iliisk- kclit :10 iiiiiiutes on tlie wiiter- 11:itli wit11 IL lniig tuliu nttiiclicd~ After this tiiiiu t l iu rcsitliiiil iilkiili is cstiiniitcd by ~ ~ I ~ ~ I - I I ~ ~ I I I I I I Iiyclric clilariilc. ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I o ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I I I ~ c ' ~ ~ ~ is usctl us iiitlieiitor i i i 110tli eiiscs. '!'lie rilkiili used iii the lirst iiistniicc is c ~ r l c ~ ~ l ~ ~ t e ~ l to niilligrniiiiiies per I grin. of fiit, iiiid is teriiictl the ncitl vuliic. 'Ylie tot111 nlkiili is ciilciiliitctl i n tho fiiiino wny iriiil ia tcriiictl tlic s,\poiiifieiitioii vnlue, tho iliIlcrciiou lictwccii the two ir; tlic rlectyl vlllllu.

'rho tlircu cliicf oils for l'urkcy-rctl oil iniiiiufiicturu wliow wllell Illus tcfitetl :-

Oiviiig to tlic intcrnctioiis Iictw~cii t l c glyccritles nntt 1110 vitriol in tlic iiiiiniifiictiirc of tlic Tiirkey-red oils tho diffcrciiccs nrc iiot so iippiirciit. Tlic followiiig tiililu slio\vR tlic results to Iic cspcctctl :-

'Hit dctcrrriiriiition of !lie iodine wliic lwforc niitl i ihcr ncetilisiitioii, i~llortls II clieck oii tlic Iiittcr detcriiiiiiiitioii. l!sefiil iiiforiiiiitioii is nlso nITortled liy II tleteriiiiiintioii of tlic colitlif~iiig iiiitl iiieltiiig ~ioiiit Iicforc 1111 lifter iicctilisntioii. I f iiiiiicriil or rosiii oil w r c prcsciit t1ic.v woiilil of coiirse be scliiiriitctl iiiitl cstiiiiiitetl iti tlic i1s111i1 itiiiiii~er,

505115 k ' l ~ l ~ ' l ' l l H l t NOTICS OK Xll'l~OCilCX IS CO.\I4-G.\S.

l l Y l ; k : o l l l l ~ K. l).\vls.

Foi.i.owtsc; the rcwliiig of II ~iiq'c'r nt tlir I i ist iiieetiiig of this Sectioii, 19- A h . C. 11. Sew, oii the t l e t~~r~i i i~ i~~t io i i of iiitropii i i i coiil-giis, ii tliaciissioii occiirrctl iii wliielr soiiic iloiilita werc cx~ircssetl 11s to \vlicthcr ~ i i c l i i i liirgc iiiiioiint of iiilrogcii ns 14 pcr ceiit. coiilil 11ossilily csist i i i i i gna siiplily, seeiiig tl i i it l'rofessor Yiviun 14e\ves lint1 exuiiiiiictl II riiiiiplc of 1,niiilori cod-gas wliieli coiitiiiiietl less tliiiii 1 per cciit. of iiitrogeii. I t WIIS iilso poiiiteil oiit by hlr. Steiilioiisc Oiiit if 15 per ceiit. of iiitriigcii were preseiit iliic to the ~miiipiiigiii of nir, tlierc s!ioiiltl lic 111 lciist 2 pcr ceiit. of frcc oxygen, tlic pwsciicc of ivliieli the rciitlcr of llie p p c r Iiiitl lint rc*cortleil. I s:iw t l i i i t tho iirgiiiiiciit iisctl tiy Alr. Stciilioiiwv would lit oiicu prove tliu ncciimcy or otlicrivi~e of Blr. Xca.'w results, i u i d oii S:itiirtlity, hliiy 7111, tlic tliiy idler tlic rentliii?: of tlic piper, I tlecitletl to iiiiiko 1111 csiiiiiiiiiitioii of tlic giis for osygcri, iiitrogtm, i in i l i l l i i i i i i- iiiitiiig p w e r , cniiciirrc*iitly. l \ t 1 0 nm., wii1 wlieii i t iiiiglit lie siipposcc'l tliiit the iiiglit pis Iiiy 111)riiiiiiit iii the p i p , I foiiiitl tlic giis t!oiiliiiiictl I * I per ceiit. Of osygeii, : i i i d its i~1iiiiiiii:itiiig pntrcr 15.6 c:iiidlcw. i \ t 12.:10, nfkr tho 611s 1iii11 Iiccii liiiriiiiig tliu \vliolc iiitcrviil iii tlic lii1inriitory, ~ c s t s were iigniii iiin11c, witti the followiiig rcnilts :-

oxygcll. "'L ~ i t r o ~ r i i ........................... l:I'!i l l l i i i i i i i i i i l i i ig I ~ o w t ' r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15'11 cniit1lt.s.

I'rr o w l . ............................

I tliiiik this sliows t!lcnrly ciioiigli tl i i it tlicrc is II tlifrcrciico Iict\vt'cii tlic iiiglit giis u i i i l tlic thy gas, iuid t l i i r t tlic tlilTcrc*iicc iii i l l i i i i i i i i i i t i i i ~ po\vcr is cliielly the to ostgcii n i i i l iiitrogeii, Why this is so I do iiot lirctciitl to cs~i1:iiii. 1 Iiiivc iiiiitlu loiiie fiirtlier t t * m \vit l i rcfrrciice to tlic pcrcciitiigc of iiilrogcii. Tlic dny Icstr; oil 1110 1Hth iiirtniit wcru 8.28 per wiit . of iiitrogcii with 1 'OH per ceiit. of osypcii. 0 1 1 tliu !?rd tho diiy giis coiituiiictl 8'67 per cciit. of iiitrogcii. 'Nio iiight tcrts eotitiiiiictl less iiitrogeii. Oii 1110 16111, titkcii iit B pm., tho ~icrc~~i i~ngc of iiitrogcii w i i n 7*:1 ; oil tliu 17111 i t w s 7 .4 , wit11 1 - 8 pcr cciit. of osypm ; oil tho 18111, at 7.30 p.iii., it coiitiiiiictl 5 ' 6 per cent. of iiitrogcii ; oil tho 20tlil iit 10.:10 p.iii., it coiitiiiiictl 7.4 pcr cciit. of iiitrogeii ; uitl oii 1110 !??iid, nt 8 pm., it coiituiiictl 7-75 per cciit. Ilctwceii tlic lath nutl %rtl tho illuiiiiniitiiig p " ~ e r viiricd rroiii 1:l.a cniiillcs iii 1110 dnytiiiio l o 18'6 cnnillcs 111 iiigbt.

Coiiipiired wit11 l'rofcssor \'iviiiii l~owcs' figures of tliu Loiidoii gns, wo iip~iciir to liiivu n wry diHereiit iiiixturu iii Salfonl, nntl tho low illutiiiiintiiig poivcr IIW rccnrclcd upoii our pliotoiiictcr is olciirly cxpliiiiicd. lloiv t h i ~ !iitrogoii iiiid oxygen gets iuto tho gns i R n mutter I

Page 2: Some further notes on nitrogen in coal-gas

Iiiivc no! COn8~dCrCd, nod tlicsc fiictR seems to be borno out by sonic fiirthcr figures froin I'rofcssor Imvcs. IIc fiiitls tliiit 100 volunies of giie require nbout $30 volumes of either iiir or iiitrogeii to rcdiicc its luiiiinosity to nil, :I qiiiiiititg wliicti ccrtiiiiily docs not iigrce with tlic enrlicr notions of RIM engineers. In tlic Sulford ~ L L B tlicrc cxistR iit t l ir iitiiiost 1.1 voliiiiie~, niitl, US II yncrnl thing, 7 tn H voliiiiics, wliicli is iilioiit the proportion iicccsrnry to rctliicc the illiiiiiiiintiiig poivcr froiii 18 to 14 ciiiitllcw, if rcckoiicil nr u diliicIit, coiiiliiiictl with ii ccrtiiin iiiiioiiiit of light-ilentroyiiig poivcr. Iliiiitcr, iii his Icctiirc iit Sd- fort1 (piiblislietl by .I. rind I'. Cornisli, .\liriiclieater) i i i l ~ i 8 rtiitcs ( 1 1 . :t3) tliiit 10 per cciit. of iiir iitldctl to ?:,-c:iiitlle p i s rctliicctl its illiiiiiiiiiitiiig power to 8.25 ciuitllea. I *iitIi*r cxtixortliiiiiry coiitlitioiis this iiiiglit IIC sol but I think I Iiiive slio\vii tl i i it i t is possililc to Iiiivc 1.1 per ceiit. of iiitrogeii iiiitl:! per cciit. of nsygcii iii 1~l-ciiiitlle g i ~ .

4'. C/fllc*cr. J. II. Colomnn. C. Ii. Field. Ji . Porlli. E. Yrniit.is. 8. J. l'eiitecosl.

l ~ i s l ~ l l s 5 l l i s .

Mr. S~C:SIIOII~C: (I:oclit~~~lc) sirit1 tliirt afrrr liciiriiig Nr. 1)iivis's i i i it l l lr . Stw's p:ipws relit1 i it the liist iiicctiiig, lie lii i i l olitiiiiird two siiiiiples of p i s froiii I~liiclifriiirs Street, i i i r t l very cirrefiilly tlctcriiiiiieil tlic iuiioiiiit of oxygen, 11ii!l- iug 0 . 6 pcr cciit. iii eircli miiiplc. I f tlicrc w r c oxygen in the girs tlierc iiiiist lie iiir ~iresciit, i i i it l there coultl not be ;I Iiirgc qiiiiiitity of iiitrogcii i i i tlic pis witlioiit tlicre Iiciiig II corrcqiotiiliiiK qiiiiiitity of oxgpii. Siicli II liirge Iicrceiitngo of iiilroguii wiis wry rciiiiirkiilile, eslicciiilly froiii Siilford giw, wliere it sviis very ciircfiilly iiiiiilc niitl wlicrc tlierc \vo i i l t l be 110 I I I ~ I I I I ~ of iiir riisliiiig i i i witlioiit its being kiio\vii. I f they tlitl p i s s iiir iii t l i q woiilil oiily IISC just Yiitlieiciit to revivify tlie piiriticrs, wlietlicr oxiilc of iron or liiiic were i i w t l ; iiiitl wi th tliiit ciitl i:. view it woultl lie folly to iitltl iii(ire tliuii foiir or live per ceiit. iiltogctlicr. Iieciiiiac I i i i l f :I per cciit. of riir coiiltl ii'jt poAliIy lit* tiikcii u p Iiy 1i:irtIy r b ~ ~ l c l l ovitli.. I t iiiiylit lie riiitl t l i i i t t h y iiiiiitc II wry ~ o o t l giis iit Siilforil, iiii11 tlicii reiliicctl its illiiiiiiiiirtiiig powr Iiy piissiiig iiir iiito i t , 1iiit t h t woiiltl be II very cxlicii?;ivc proccss, :iiitl if Alr. 1);ivis's tipurea were correct, or which tlirre coultl lie sciircely iiiiy tluiibt, i t woiiltl irppeiir tlint n h g c tjiiiiiitity of :iir viis liciiig ~i:issciI iiito tlic fins. Nr. I h v i s :iji~icnrvtI to Iiirvc fniiiitl I I Iiirgc qiiiriitity of iiitropeii iii thc iiiiiriiiiig. I t WIS ilitliciilt to iiiitlerritiiiitl why tlicre slioiiltl lie iiinrc iii tlic iiioriiiiig th i i i i 111 iiiglit, for if t l i q 1i:itI to p r s iiir i i i i t woiilil lie in rcgiiliir t~iiiiirtiti~s, i i i i i l it \voiiltl 111: iiii~io~sililc~to siiy iiito wliicli Iiolilvr it Ii i i i l Iiirssctl.

N r . I ) i l s i * \ s iisketl if tho iiitrogcii iiiiglit liuvc 601 tliere Iiy tlilTiisioii ?

Nr. C.\I~I*ES.~C:I~ siiitl tliitt lie rwiciiiberetl it oiicc Iiciiig siigp!stetl t l i i i t evcry giis iiiaiiiifiietiirer \rho IiroposctI to p i t iiir iii his p i s slioiild ciiri~fiillg iiieiiriiirc it, Iiiit it \viis quite IioY4blc t1i:it iiir iiiiglit get iiito tlic p i s throiigli criickctl retorts.

3lr. S r ~ s i i ~ i i ~ s i ~ : : 'I'lint \roiiltl lie iiii iraliitcil ciisc; \vliiw:is Jlr. Ihvis Iiirtl ijiintcil iiiiiiiy iiisttiiices.

11r. Ciiiiws : I s:iiil t l i i i t uiitloiilitctlly tlierc wcrc ccrtiiiii ~it~rititls wlicii p i s coiitiiiiictl Iiirge tjiiniitities of iiir, liut how tlic iiir got tlierc Iic coiiltl not riiy, iiiilcss it \viis tliroiigli criicli~tl rctnrts. IIe hid jus t Iicnrtl cvitlciicc givcii liefore I I I'iirliiiiiiciitiiry Coiiiciiittcc wi th rcpirtl to tlic 1Cceles i i i i t l Siviiitoii districts wliicli verilicil tliu fiict.

Arr. l).\ris, iii reply. &I tliiit Iic coiiltl lint see why it woiiltl be foolisli to p i t iiir iiito pis, so loiig iis tlic coii- siiiiicrs wrc ~ircliiiretl to iicccpt II iiiistiirc of giia ir i i t l iiir. I t \viis :iu iiiiiIoii1itetl fiict tliiit pis liiitl I I low illiiiiiiiiiitiiig p n w r tit ccrtitiii timet; of tlic thy ; irntl it \viw iilso 1111- tloiilitctl t l iut tlic tests ~irove11 t l iu prcscnce of iiir, l i i i t \vlictlicr i t got tlicrc liy tlilTiisioii tliroiigli t l iu pipes or joiiits iis s ~ i g ~ c ~ t c i l ~ liy Nr. I ) i i i i c i i i i , lie wiia l int ~ireliiircil to my.

A'. IK .S I~ ld! ,

11. J. Btnlilus. C. Tirylor. Sir Joliii Tiiriiuy. J. T. Wood.

__.___ _____ . . . . __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .

#)ottirrgham Bettion,

Tilo IID.IICJ iii itnllcv nro tlinw or inciiibcrs of Comiiiittco wlio rrtiro n t lie ciitl or tho ciirroiit Ycsainii.

Tho (ollbuiiig linvc Lcuii clcrted to nil tlic vncuiicirs, uiill will tiiko olllco iii July iiuxt :- I'ice.l%ni~riiait : F. Clo\rer. Coiiiiiiitfrd: y. J. It. C'ti~ii l lu, Y. I). Mortllr, iiii~l ( s . .I. \Burtl. -

fiESS1OX 1flD.i.

Notlcav of Papers and Coinmuuicationi for the Meetings l o bo miit to the Lncal (lecretury.


us i r ~ ~ ~ c ~ I A S U ~ ~ ' ~ \ C T U I ~ 01: i~oirrI,iisi) c x i l w r E'liOaI ALKALI WAs'rl.: .\p'l'ISlL TlLI.:.\TI\II.:ST HY TI1 I: c I I A X I . : s u 1 4 1 ' 1 I u I t I t IICO\'lm I' l'lt0C liSH.

T i i ~ ncciiiiiiilatioiie of w:istc froiii the iiiiiriiifiictcire of sotlit by tlic I.clilnnc Iirocesu liirvc loiig bceii II wiircu of 1111- twisiiig troiililc iiiii1 cslwiirc to tlic iiiiiiiiifiletiircr~, nntl tlic iiroposiiI to iiiiilte use of this wiiatc the liinc coiistitiicat of I'ortliiiitl ceiiiciit is iiot iiew. 111 II book on I'ortluiitl cciiieiit by 11. I(cii1, ]iiibl~slict~ i i i I R 7 7 , rcferciicc in i11nt1c to ex~icriiiiciits cirrricil nut at St. tlcleiin soiiie yciirs lire- viously with u vicw to its iitilisirtion for tlii* ~~iirpose, wliicli were iiot sii~ccssfiil, 11s tho sitl~iliiite of liiiie inter- fcrctl with tlic Iirotliictioii of u ~ierfcctly Iigtlriui!ic cellleiit.

A piper tlcscriliiiig his prnaess fnr tlic iiiiiiiiihictiiro of eciiiciit from iilkiili wiirtc \virs rciiil licforc tlic I.iverpool Scctioii of this Society liy .I . S. Iligliy (this JOII~IIII~, 7, :)01), iii \~liicIi tlit! iiiitlior ntiitcs tliiit his irtteiiipta to proiliicc ceiiieiit with tlic iiii~iiiritic~l WIIR~C were iiiiriicc~~ssfiil.

" 1 t ~irotluccil II ceiiiciit of II very iiiicertiiiii qiiiility ; r l i c i i inntlc into Iiritjiicttcs iiiitl plucctl iii w t c r they frcqiiciitly criiiiiblctl iiwiry, or if tlicy liclcl togctlicr iit 1111 II wry slight btnriii ciiiisccl tliciii to lirciik. 'l'liu cciiiciit lint1 iilao iii i iiiililciisiiiit slippery feel wi th it wlicii tiikcii froiii tho wutcr 1 i t iilao cviilvctl s111~i1111r~tte11 1iylro~eii v l i c i i trciitcil with iiii iiciil." Ceiiieiit of gout1 qiiiility WIIS, Iio\rcvcr, obtuiiicd by piirifjiiig tlic \viistc. 'l'liis wiin uiiiil to bo iiccoiiililislietl by ~iiiswiiig cnrboii tliositlo olitiiiiictl froiii the ciilaiiiiitioii of II Iirevioiik: kilii of ceiiiciit tliroiigli tlic ~ciiii-lii~uid wirste, citlier lwforc or iifter it Iiud lieen iiiisctl with tho requirc~l qiiiiiitity of Clll)..

A wcoiitl Iiiipcr, by tliu ~ i i i i i o iiutlior (this Jouriiul, 9, ?54), cniisitlcrr tho iictioii of ciilciuiii wiilpliutc oii ccuiciit, uiid tlclicrilm ir CoiititiuoiiR process of ciilciiiutioii.

111 hlr. chiiiice's piilicr describiiig hia fiilpliur recorcry prot:csr, tlireu iriiiilyace of tho wirnte uftcr trcutiiicnt by this Iirwesw iirc givcii (this hiiriiul, 7, 16i!), iwt l rcfereuco i w iiiirdc to tliu IioHsiIiility of iitiliniiig it for tlic iiiiiiiitfuctiiru uf ceiiiciit. Iii this piqior 1 Iiropau to briufly coiiciitlcr this aulijcct, i i i i t l to givu tho rcritlt of UII uctunl cxlieriiiicut.

llr CII*III.ES sl ' .~Cl iN.w.