President Nic McCaskill: I would like to be President of South Hall Council because it will allow to meet new residents of South and meet their needs. I recognize that there are first years in South. I believe I would do a great a job helping continue their transition through various activities. Also, because I am the Out Reach Coordinator for another Simmons organization, I have the experience to plan events. I attended leadership training which prepared me for a position such as President of South Hall Council. I think I would be a great fit for the position. Hi! My name is Amanda Gordon and I am very interested in being President of South Hall Council. When I selected to live in South over the summer I loved the idea of this hall being a real community. I’d love for us to host events such as in-your- pajamas movie nights, hall game nights, maybe even an open mic or dance party in the lounge. As a first year, residing in South Hall has been a wonderful place for me to live while adjusting to the hectic life of a Simmons student. I feel I have the leadership capabilities and the creativity to be a great representative of the hall we live in. I am completely open to new ideas and very accessible when it comes to working in partner with the other residents of South and creating a residence of friendship, comfort, and fun!

South Hall Council

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Page 1: South Hall Council





Nic McCaskill: I would like to be President of South Hall Council because it will allow to meet new residents of South and meet their needs. I recognize that there are first years in South. I believe I would do a great a job helping continue their transition through various activities. Also, because I am the Out Reach Coordinator for another Simmons organization, I have the experience to plan events. I attended leadership training which prepared me for a position such as President of South Hall Council. I think I would be a great fit for the position.  

Hi! My name is Amanda Gordon and

I am very interested in being President of South Hall Council. When I selected to live in South over the summer I loved the idea of this hall being a real community. I’d love for us to host events such as in-your- pajamas movie nights, hall game nights, maybe even an open mic or dance party in the lounge. As a first year, residing in South Hall has been a wonderful place for me to live while adjusting to the hectic life of a Simmons student. I feel I have the leadership capabilities and the creativity to be a great representative of the hall we live in. I am completely open to new ideas and very accessible when it comes to working in partner with the other residents of South and creating a residence of friendship, comfort, and fun!

Page 2: South Hall Council

Vice  President    


  Casey  Gilman:  When  I  was  younger  and  people  asked  me,  “Casey,  what  do  you  want  to  do  when  you  grow  up?”  The  common  response  of  most  little  girls  my  age  was  “I  want  to  be  a  dancer  or  a  princess  or  an  astronaut!”  I  responded,  “I  want  to  help  as  many  people  as  possible  as  I  possibly  can.”    My  main  goal  in  life  is  to  make  a  difference  in  the  world,  but  that  goal  starts  with  small  steps.    Running  for  hall  council  is  one  of  those  small  steps.    I  would  love  to  be  South  hall  vice  president  because  I  want  to  make  it  the  best  hall  at  Simmons  for  all  the  people  who  live  here.    I  want  to  be  the  voice  of  our  hall  so  I  can  help  its  residents  be  heard.      South  is  such  a  wonderful  hall  filled  with  a  community  of  people  who  I  would  be  proud  to  represent.  Vote  for  Casey!  :D    


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Hi South Hall residents! My name is Rachael Amos I am from Lexington Ma. I am majoring in Physical Therapy and am on the novice crew team. I love living in south so far and wanted to get involved in organizing events to get to know everyone else I live with. I would like to be your treasurer for this school year. I have some experience dealing with balancing events and budgets because in high school I represented my peers in the student faculty senate. Additionally I was the co-president of my high schools Amnesty International. I along with other club members had to plan events for the school including Jamnesty, Food for Thought, and protests in New York. Anyways a Vote for Amos won’t be wasted!  

Hi! Hi! My name is Sarah Kinney and I’m a Sophomore and a Writing Communications major. Last year I was Vice-President of Mesick Hall Council and helped my dorm win Simmons Cup. I hope to do the same with South this year. I also write for the Simmons Voice and am a part of the Honors Program. I am really excited to get involved with the dorm and already have some ideas in mind. If you have any questions for me, just stop by room 216.

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 My name is Ashley Hatcher and I am a sophomore with a double major in Biostatistics

and Mathematics. Last year, I was on the Mesick Hall Council and helped the hall to win the Simmons Cup; hopefully we will have similar luck for South this year! Please

stop by my room if you'd like and say hello--South 216.                    .                  

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Publicity Rep    


Hey  South  Hall  Residents!  My  name  is  Megan  Ludgate.  Have  you  ever  missed  out  on  fabulous  events  because  you  didn’t  know  they  were  happening?  Throughout  the  past  four  years  of  high  school,  I  spread  the  word  about  a  variety  of  events  and  reached  people  though  a  wide  range  of  media.  Are  you  a  Facebook  fanatic?  Do  you  like  to  read  colorful  posters?  Whatever  it  is,  I’ll  do  my  best  to  get  the  word  to  you  about  exciting  events  happening  in  your  hall.  If  you  vote  for  me  don’t  worry  about  

missing  anymore  exciting  hall  events!        


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Sustainability  Representative    

 Did  you  know  that,  each  year,  Americans  throw  out  about  100  billion  plastic  bags  and  those  bags  go  into  the  landfill,  seeping  chemicals  into  the  ground?  Do  you  also  know  that  thermal  receipt  tape  papers—like  those  that  come  out  of  the  cash  

registers  at  stores—are  non-­‐recyclable?  These  very  papers  contain  the  chemical  BPA,  a  color  receiver  that  is  also  a  carcinogen.  Receipt  tape  is  usually  recycled  by  consumers,  but  the  BPA  seeps  into  the  recycling  system...which  lends  to  the  idea  that  there  may  be  traces  of  the  chemical  in  products  listed  as  BPA-­‐free  (like  tissue  


 I  use  these  receipt  tape  papers  for  art.    

I'm  Kim  Lopez,  residing  on  the  3rd  floor  of  South  Hall,  and  I'm  from  the  New  Jersey-­‐New  York  area...in  a  suburban  area  that  is  environmentally  aware  and  sustainable-­‐conscious.  For  the  past  two  years,  I  was  both  a  volunteer  and  

employee  of  Ten  Thousand  Villages,  a  Fair  Trade  designated  and  environmentally-­‐conscious  retailer  of  under-­‐represented  and  often  under-­‐appreciated  people  of  developing  countries.  While  employed  there,  I  studied  the  methods  with  which  artisans  developed  their  products  and  how  they  obtained  such  from  their  

environment,  often  using  such  methods  in  customary  practice.  As  a  Social  Work  major,  I  study  social  systems  and  their  effectiveness  of  access    to  benefits  for  

groups  of  people.  As  a  committed  sustainability  representative,  I  will  combine  both  passions  from  my  practice  and  work  towards  producing  and  improving  an  efficient  

environmentally-­‐friendly  system  for  South  Hall!    

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   I'm Becca Scheetz, and I'm running for Sustainability Representative. I would like this position because the environment has always been an interest of mine. I have been working at a Boy Scout Camp for 4 years now in the position of Nature Director, and my major is also environmental science. I have not lived in a city before, so the recycling system here is going to be different than what I'm used to at home, so I'll have to look into that, but I promise I will learn. I'm also interested in holding a few conservation projects to help raise awareness of the impacts we leave on the sparse wildlife of Boston, in addition to the over all environmental health of our country. I really look forward to all the different sorts of things I could do for the sustainability of South Hall