http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1898-07-04/ed-1/seq-1/ Library of Congress www.loc.gov/teachers

Spain’s Fleet Destroyed, Ladrone Islands Are Ours Of the Spanish defense is the mom admirable. sides have learned the the Atmirnnte Oquendo. the "Playa del July 3.—Sfboney f Theresa,

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Page 1: Spain’s Fleet Destroyed, Ladrone Islands Are Ours Of the Spanish defense is the mom admirable. sides have learned the the Atmirnnte Oquendo. the "Playa del July 3.—Sfboney f Theresa,


Library of Congress www.loc.gov/teachers

Page 2: Spain’s Fleet Destroyed, Ladrone Islands Are Ours Of the Spanish defense is the mom admirable. sides have learned the the Atmirnnte Oquendo. the "Playa del July 3.—Sfboney f Theresa,


Library of Congress www.loc.gov/teachers

Page 3: Spain’s Fleet Destroyed, Ladrone Islands Are Ours Of the Spanish defense is the mom admirable. sides have learned the the Atmirnnte Oquendo. the "Playa del July 3.—Sfboney f Theresa,


Library of Congress www.loc.gov/teachers

Page 4: Spain’s Fleet Destroyed, Ladrone Islands Are Ours Of the Spanish defense is the mom admirable. sides have learned the the Atmirnnte Oquendo. the "Playa del July 3.—Sfboney f Theresa,


Library of Congress www.loc.gov/teachers