THE GOLDEN AGE OF SPANISH LITERATURE Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature Professor: Zane U. Segle E-mail: [email protected] Office: 202 Richardson Telephone: 953-7083 Office Hours: MW: 1330- 1500* *If a student is unable to meet with Dr. Segle during the appointed office hours, there are two ways to communicate with the professor: (1) By e-mail (2) By telephone or leave a message

Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature...THE GOLDEN AGE OF SPANISH LITERATURE Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature Professor: Zane U. Segle E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature...THE GOLDEN AGE OF SPANISH LITERATURE Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature Professor: Zane U. Segle E-mail: seglez1@citadel.edu



Spanish 421

The Golden Age of Spanish Literature

Professor: Zane U. Segle E-mail: [email protected] Office: 202 Richardson Telephone: 953-7083 Office Hours: MW: 1330-1500* *If a student is unable to meet with Dr. Segle during the appointed office hours, there are two ways to communicate with the professor: (1) By e-mail (2) By telephone or leave a message

Page 2: Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature...THE GOLDEN AGE OF SPANISH LITERATURE Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature Professor: Zane U. Segle E-mail: seglez1@citadel.edu


Texto: “Antología de autores españoles: antiguos y modernos", vol. 1 Autor: Antonio Sánchez-Romeralo y Fernando Ibarra Evaluación: Participación/Deberes.............................10% Ensayos cortos (3)...................................30% Ensayo Final …………………………..10% Exámenes (3) .........................................30% Presentación Final……………………...20% Balanza de notas: A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 0-59 _____________________________________

Objetivos: Se estudiarán algunas obras ejemplarizantes de la literatura de España durante el famoso periodo del Siglo de Oro. Se estudiarán los autores más destacados de este período y algunas de sus obras correspondientes. El estudiante obtendrá una perspectiva de la trayectoria de la literatura del Siglo de Oro desde la época renacentista del siglo XVI hasta el momento cumbre del Barroco del siglo XVII. La clase será dirigida en español.

Política del curso: (1) Participación/pruebas/deberes - Es sumamente importante que el estudiante asista a clase con los deberes cumplidos. La falta de preparación se reflejará en la nota final. La participación activa en clase también refleja la preparación del estudiante. Además, un estudiante que suele faltar a clase no sólo perderá información importante del curso, sino también sufrirá una nota más baja en la categoría de participación, preparación, los deberes y asistencia. Además de anunciarse en clase, los deberes siempre se publicarán en la Red.

Page 3: Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature...THE GOLDEN AGE OF SPANISH LITERATURE Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature Professor: Zane U. Segle E-mail: seglez1@citadel.edu


(2) Ensayos - El estudiante escribirá cuatro ensayos; tres menores y un ensayo final. Los menores serán de dos páginas y el mayor de un mínimo de 5 páginas. Todos sobre temas aprobados por el profesor. Los ensayos deben ser escritos a máquina, de doble espacio con cuatro márgenes de una pulgada cada una, letra de tamaño 12 y estilo "Times Roman" (de acuerdo con el formato del MLA). No se permitirá en absoluto la entrega tarde del trabajo de los estudiantes. Hay que entregar todo al principio de la clase el día de la fecha límite. Una nota de 0 será la consecuencia de las entregas tardes o la falta de entregas. (3) Exámenes - Habrá tres exámenes durante el semestre que se basarán en las discusiones, los artículos y las selecciones de literatura estudiadas en clase. (4) Presentación Final – La presentación final se basará en un tópico tomado de las obras, los apuntes y la discusión durante las clases. Si un estudiante se encuentra en circunstancias especiales y/o urgentes que evitan su asistencia a clase (especialmente un día de una prueba o presentación del mismo estudiante) o la entrega de un informe escrito, es la responsabilidad del mismo de avisar al profesor 24 horas antes o después del día en cuestión con una explicación. El profesor se reserva el derecho de evaluar las circunstancias y las explicaciones del estudiante para determinar si el estudiante merece consideración especial y una exención de la política del curso. El profesor también se reserva el derecho de modificar cualquier aspecto del sílabo para mejor acomodar las necesidades intelectuales del estudiante. Durante la hora de clase, el profesor también se reserva el derecho de despedir a cualquier estudiante cuyo comportamiento afecta negativamente el ambiente de la clase. El profesor anotará estas despedidas como una ausencia para el estudiante. Al matricularse en esta clase, el estudiante acepta la política escrita en este sílabo.

Page 4: Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature...THE GOLDEN AGE OF SPANISH LITERATURE Spanish 421 The Golden Age of Spanish Literature Professor: Zane U. Segle E-mail: seglez1@citadel.edu
Zane Segle
COURSE POLICIES, EXPECTATIONS, AND REQUIREMENTS Disability Policy: The Citadel complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities who seek accommodations must make their request through Services for Students with Disabilities in the Student Success Center (117 Thompson Hall, 843-953-6877) to verify their eligibility and to identify appropriate accommodations. Students should speak to his/her professor and also make requests for academic accommodations to Services for Students with Disabilities during the first three weeks of the semester, except for unusual circumstances, so we can ensure these accommodations and facilitate student success. Weather & Campus Emergencies: In case of adverse weather, or other campus emergency, critical information will be posted on the Bulldog Alert homepage, as well as pushed to email addresses and phone numbers of those people who have updated their contact information within the Bulldog Alerts section of the Lesesne Gateway (or CitLearn). If you have not yet updated your contact information, or set up course notifications within CitLearn, you should do so immediately. Continuity of Instruction: During a pandemic or catastrophic event, and after all face-to-face instruction has been suspended, communication for our class will continue to take place through Citadel email and CitLearn. In the event of such an emergency, check your Citadel email account and CitLearn course announcements for instructions. Code of Conduct: Responsibility for professional conduct rests with students as adult individuals and as members of The Citadel community. CGC students and cadets are expected to conduct themselves as responsible adults. All members of the campus community are expected to use reasonable judgement in all aspects of campus life and activity and to show due concern for the welfare and rights of others. Students are expected to adhere to all federal, state, and local laws. The Citadel protects freedom of action and speech, so long as the exercise of this freedom is not of an inflammatory or demeaning nature and does not interfere with the operation of the College. The Citadel’s Conduct Policy prohibits the possession of drugs, destruction of property, making false statements of emergency situations, physical or verbal abuse, or harassment of any sort. Students who violate the rules and regulations of The Citadel are subject to expulsion or lesser sanctions. These rules and regulations are published in “Regulations for Non-Cadet Students for Fall and Spring Semester And All Students, Including Cadets, for Maymester or Summer School,” which can be found online at: http://www.citadel.edu/root/images/cgc/cgc_catalog/cgc-academic-catalog.pdf Academic Integrity Statement: Students will submit only their own work for evaluation in this course, except as appropriately documented. All rules and stipulations of The Citadel’s Honor Manual and Honor Code apply to this course, including its definitions and policies related to cheating, lying, stealing, and non-toleration. Cheating or evidence of academic dishonesty on any work submitted for evaluation will result in an "F" for both the assignment and the course. To ensure academic integrity, you must abide by both the letter and spirit of all honor, documentation, and citation requirements. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable, as it fails to meet any standard of academic work. It is your responsibility to read and understand what constitutes intentional and negligent plagiarism. Plagiarism, intentional or negligent, will, in almost all cases, will result in a 0-point F for the assignment, and may be referred as an honor violation. The complete Honor Manual may be found at: http://citadel.edu/r3/honor/manual.shtml and the Honor Code can be found in the Course Catalog; http://www.citadel.edu/root/images/cgc/cgc-academic-catalog.pdf Student Use of Electronic Devices: (optional) Students may use laptop computers or tablets for taking notes so long as they do so in a manner that does not interfere with the learning of others. Students may not play games, work on other assignments, or use their electronic devices during class except for taking notes and/or completing instructor-assigned work. Missed or Late Work Policy: Clearly articulate the department’s or instructor’s policy for evaluating late submissions and penalties for and/or how to make up missed assignments.
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Zane Segle
Intro al curso, La Celestina
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Zane Segle
La Celestina
Zane Segle
La Celestina
Zane Segle
La Celestina
Zane Segle
La Celestina
Zane Segle
La Celestina
Zane Segle
La Celestina,Examen #1�
Zane Segle
Intro a la literatura picaresca,“Lazarillo de Tormes”,trabajo escrito #1�
Zane Segle
“Lazarillo de Tormes”�
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Zane Segle
“Lazarillo de Tormes”�
Zane Segle
“Lazarillo de Tormes”�
Zane Segle
“Lazarillo de Tormes”�
Zane Segle
“Lazarillo de Tormes”Examen #2㪀
Zane Segle
Intro a “Don Quijote”Trabajo escrito #2�
Zane Segle
“Don Quijote”�
Zane Segle
“Don Quijote”�
Zane Segle
“Don Quijote”�
Zane Segle
“Don Quijote”�
Zane Segle
“Don Quijote”�
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Zane Segle
“Don Quijote”�
Zane Segle
“Don Quijote”Examen #3仐
Zane Segle
Intro a Lope de Vega“Fuenteovejuna”Trabajo escrito #3쪑
Zane Segle
Zane Segle
Zane Segle
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Zane Segle
Presentaciones ypreparación para eltrabajo escrito final�
Zane Segle
Zane Segle
Zane Segle
DUETrabajo escrito final�