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Speech on Smoking

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Speech on Smoking

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Page 1: Speech on Smoking

Good morning everybody , today as the President of the consumer club, I would like to give a speech on the the dangers of smoking and ways of overcoming its all effect.

As we all know, smoking is bad for health, smoking can cause our lungs to be infected, This may even devellop into something more deadly, like cancer of the lungs.

There is tobacco and nicotine inside a roll of cigarette. These are the things people who amoke get addicted to. These two things are deadly and harmful to our body and brain. A person who smokes usually dies earlier then someone who doesn’t. Smoking can lead to blood clotting in the brain and blocked arteries.

The government should impose various laws on smoking, smoking in piblic places should be banned and people caught smoking should be fined a minimum fee of RM500. This should teach the people as it is quite an expensive lesson!

School are also good places to teach about the dangers of smoking. I suggest that smoking and its ill effects should be made part of the physical education curriculum . The teacher could show the students some pictures of what a smoker’s lungs look like. Trust me, this will certainly work as a smoker’s lungs are often charred black. Nobody would want their lungs to end up like that.

Also , students found in possession of cigarettes should be expelled without for the warnings if we give them a chance, they may make the same mistake over and over

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again. Any student caught smoking should also be expelled. The student might just burn the whole school any day!

So ladies and gentlement, lets all do our part and ban smoking. It is good for everyone, whether it is the smoker oe the people around him. Thank you.

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Everyday in Great Britain about 450 children start smoking, 1 in 4 who turn into regular smokers by the age of 15. Would you want your child to become addicted to smoking?Cigarettes smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals and 69 are known to cause cancer. So why do people smoke?Why is smoking so harmful?1. Nicotine: is a highly addictive drug which stimulates the nervous system. It also for a certain amount of time improves alertness, memory and much more.2. Tar: is a Sticky substance contains many toxic chemicals and causes cancer.3. Carbon monoxide: is a Poisonous gas which reduces amount of oxygen blood can carry. Sometimes leaving you breathless.Fact 30% of all cancer deaths are because of smoking.Smoking kills almost 6 times as:

road accidents,  suicide, murder,man slaughter,  poisoning, overdose 

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And HIV put together.The number of smoke related deaths is also equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing everyday of the year!

That is about 330 people each day. 120 thousand people every year.

How would you cope if your parents died, as a result of smoking?How to quit smoking?1. By using nicotine patches, gum and other nicotine replacement therapy products (NRT).2. If these don't work call 0800 169 01969 for help and advice.

Fact smokers have 2-3 times more of a chance of having a heart attack then non-smokers.And 8 times more likely to die from lung cancer.

Would you want to die before you were 20?In 1994 over 1154 million cigarettes were smoked by 11 to 15 year olds. Which cost around 135 million pounds and provided the government with 108 million pounds in tax

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revenue? That is more than 30 times than the amount the government spent to reduce the number of children smoking.

Fact in 1997 the Government earned 10 thousand 305 million pounds from tax revenue.

So what did the government to with that money? Where has it gone?

1.7 billion pounds is spent by the National Health Service to treat diseases caused by smoking every year.Every day 9,500 beds are occupied by people suffering smoke related diseases.And every year 285 thousand people are admitted to NHS hospitals for treatment.

Fact ever year 1,000 non-smokers die because of second hand smoking or passive smoking.Health benefits from smoking?While smoking is connected damaging one's health, a few marginal health benefits have been observed in smokers. This was the reduction in the risk

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Good morning to my audience.Today i want share about my informative speech .My topic for informative speech is effects of smoking .Before i start my information speech ,i ask my audience one question .*You know smoking is harmful to our health right ?The introduction is smoking could kill 1 billion people this century .There are about 1.15 billions smokers worldwide .The World Health Organization ,tobacco became one of the biggest causes of death worldwide .Tobacco contains a substances called nicotine addition causes .Among the scenarios and smoking in Malaysia is almost half of all Malaysian men smoke .Okay ,after i explain about introduction effects of smoking .I telling about main point about effects of smoking.*Main point about effects of smoking :  a) Nicotine is one of the primary effects of smoking.  b) It heightens his risk of having cancers of the mouth.

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  c) Individual can acquire as an effect of smoking are cataracts ,heart problems ,andimportance .Learning about the effect of smoking is an excellent way to persuade an individual to break the said harmful habit .by doing so ,he will become fully aware of the health risks he and his loved ones may face because of smoking .First of all ,addition to nicotine is one of the primary effects of smoking .Cigarettes contain nicotine ,which is a highly addictive substances .The persistent smoking of a person can lead to the development of his dependency to the said chemical ,and if not attended to immediately ,it could lead to other grave results .Once the smoking habits of a person has become an addiction ,his chance of acquiring numerous health problems will increase .The first of which involves his respiratory system .Smoking without restraint damages his lungs ,which in turn results to regular

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worn-out and difficulty in breathing .In addition ,it heightens his risk of having cancers of the mouth ,throat ,and lungs .This is due to the fact that aside from nicotine ,cigarettes contain more than 50 chemicals that are carcinogenic ,which means that they cause cancer to those who are habitually exposed to them .A part from these ailments and diseases ,other illnesses which an individual can acquire as an effect of smoking are cataracts ,heart problems ,and importance .Moving on ,smoking affects not only the person who has the habit but the people around him as well .Passive smoking happens when the cigarette smoke ,which a person breathes out ,is inhaled by other people .Non-smokers that are exposed to hit may face the same harmful results of smoking ,which are mentioned above .After i finish telling a main point about effect of smoking to my audience .So the conclusion is long-term measures are to be arranged immediately for the welfare

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of the people .Campaigns and the media are very useful in providing accurate information about the dangers of smoking .Okay ,after i finish telling the conclusion .I tell my audience how dangers if we a smoking .That all for today .

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Smoking is very dangerous for our health. Smoking is more dangerous, especially to the immediate family, society, environment, and economic.It has more than 700 chemical additives in cigarettes.Some of them are classified as toxic and are not allowed in food. Once lit, cigarette reaches a temperature about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.High heat helps releasethousands of chemical substances, including toxins such as carbonmonoxide and hydrogen cyanide, at least 43 carcinogens and mutagenslot. All this has been provided to the body when smokers inhale. Today, I want to inform my audience about the effects as danger of smoking.It wills effects of smoking during pregnancy are still some women smoke.You may have your reasons for smoking, but the effects of smokingduring pregnancy. It is not only seen on our health, but also on your babyup to a large extent. It is also, will have an adverse effect on your baby. Allpeople like to have a healthy baby. The first and most important mattersyou need to do are to stop smoking if you are planning to have children.Do not play with you and your child's health. This is important for your healthy birth defect or illness. When your baby is born, there is a need to protect children from smoking. Not lead to a reduction in milk supply, and can prevent breastfeeding. Also, babies get fair dose of nicotine throughbreast milk. This can cause the disease in the form of nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea and so on.

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Second is not good for babies, because it affects the lungs through the nicotine they inhale. You do not want your baby to experience respiratory problems.  Second it will effect starting from the brain to the toe. Cigarettes are addictive in nature because of the effect they have on the brain of a smoker. Nicotine, present in the cigarettes, travel to the brain within 8 seconds of the first inhalation. The brain is considered your body’s center for mood and conscious thought. It controls most of your voluntary and involuntary movements and makes thinking and physical, emotional feelings possible. It also regulates unconscious body processes, such as digestion and breathing. When you smoke a cigarette it sends chemicals to the brain, changing its chemistry, which affects a smoker’s mood. It only takes 10 seconds for nicotine to reach the brain after being inhaled into the lungs.Lastly it wills effects the human body is not affected by chemicals in cigarettes that you smoke. Let us visit you to see how your body does not affect the digestive. System also affected. Tar in the smoke can causethroat cancer. Smokers have pancreatic cancer death rate is higher. Manycarcinogens from cigarettes are excreted in the urine where their presencecan cause bladder cancer, which often bring high blood dead. Pressurefrom smoking can damage the kidneys. This will cause the body easilyface the disease of smokers.In my conclusion smoking is a habit which individuals find difficult to quit. Many people make preparations for months in

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their effort to get rid of the habit, making painstaking plans to eliminate their dependence on nicotine. However making an effort to give up the habit of smoking all on a sudden is far more likely to yield satisfactory results. Spontaneous efforts to end the habit of smoking have a greater rate of success in comparison to planned attempts made by individuals to give up the habit. This can be attributed to the fact that prior planning gives rise to tension, making it difficult for smokers to kick the habit. Giving up the habit of smoking is one of the most crucial things that an individual can probably do. Quitting smoking ensures a longer and better life. People who quit smoking have reduced risks of suffering a heart attack, stroke or cancer. Pregnant women who give up smoking enhance the likelihood of having healthy baby.

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In this class four people had lost a loved one because of smoking. Another ten people in this class often inhale second hand smoke. Why should you leave a loved one die or even worse, why should you let them poison you with their sick habit? I used to smoke for eleven years, since I was eleven years old, and I never thought of the dangers caused by smoking. Finally I quit smoking four months ago. The first thing I noticed was the deeper breaths I could take, the cleaner smell of my clothes, my bedroom, and my car. I really want to thank my girlfriend Katerina because she is the reason I stopped smoking. My survey shows that only two people smoke in this class, but I am sure we all have a loved one, relative or a friend that smokes. I am going to discuss several diseases, statistics, and ways that you can help somebody to quit smoking hoping that I will persuade you to go home and make that smoker you know to live longer.

        First I would like to start with what nicotine is. Nicotine is a naturally occurring colorless liquid that turns brown when burned and acquires the odor of tobacco when exposed to the air. Nicotine is a high powered stimulant and one of the most addictive drugs. In fact, the Surgeon General concluded that nicotine addiction is comparable with the addiction of heroin or morphine. When a cigarette is smoked, nicotine first enters the lungs and bloodstream. Within seven seconds, about 15 percent of the nicotine travels directly to the brain. When it arrives, the brain triggers a number of responses in the body, including an increase in heart rate and breathing. Each puff provides the smoker with a dose of nicotine. Smokers sustain a continuous dose of nicotine throughout the day by smoking more when the nicotine levels in the blood are decreasing and less when they are stable or increasing. Cravings occur approximately every 20-30 minutes.

Did you ever wonder what's in the cigarette that millions of people love to smoke every day? Well, there are over 4000 toxic substances

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in a cigarette. Some of these are: Arsenic (found in rat poisons), Acetic acid (found in hair dye developer), Ammonia (found in household cleaners), Benzene (found in rubber cement), Butane (found in lighter fluid), Carbon Monoxide (found in car fumes), Hydrazine and Methanol (both found in rocket fuel), Tar (found in roads), Formaldehyde (used to embalm dead bodies), and thousands more. These toxic substances go in the lungs and blood of our friends and relatives. The result of this unhealthy habit is different types of cancers.

        The center of disease control and prevention reports that cigarette smoking is responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths. Smokers not only die of lung cancer but also of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, cervix, and leukemia.

Now I am going to talk about different diseases that smoking could cause. Let's start with bronchitis. When a smoker has bronchitis, his/her bronchial tubes become inflamed or irritated. They produce too much mucus. This mucus blocks the tubes, and the smoker coughs a lot. Emphysema is a lung disease that has no cure. A person with this disease has difficulty breathing because the walls of the small air sacs in the lungs are being destroyed. This makes big air surfaces. A person with emphysema gets tired very easily. The person uses so much energy just to breath. Imagine getting tired of breathing. As the disease gets worse, the person cannot breathe in enough oxygen from the air and has to breathe through tubes attached to an oxygen tank. Heavy smokers also increase their chances of getting Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). In this disease the arteries that lead to the arms and legs keep getting narrower. As a result, not enough oxygen-rich blood goes to the arms and legs. It also makes it harder for the body to fight off infections. When an arm or leg is hurt, it cannot heal well. If the arteries get closed and no blood gets to a limb, the person gets gangrene. The limb dies and must be cut off.

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        According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse on average, someone who smokes a pack or more of cigarettes each day lives seven year less than someone who never smoked. That statement gives us one more reason why we should help our loved ones to stop smoking. I don't think any of us would like to see a friend or a relative die sooner than they have to. To avoid this from happening, we should help them quit. If you want to help them, first you should know how to make them quit. According to Daniel McMillan in his book "Teen smoking, understanding the risk", smoking is a physical addiction and a psychological habit. This is what makes it so difficult to stop. The nicotine in tobacco smoke is addictive. The pleasure of smoking for regular smokers is really the relief of satisfying the body's craving for nicotine. Smoking also becomes a habit. It becomes associated with various emotional occasions, situations, and events. For some people, the habit can be harder to break than the physical addiction. It is better to give up completely rather than cut down slowly. Nicotine is eliminated from the body as quickly as 48 hours after the last cigarette, so the withdrawal symptoms tend to be more intense for the first 2- 3 days. Trying to quit slowly just makes the withdrawal process longer. The nicotine replacement therapy is a way for a person to quit smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy products provide a supply of nicotine at a controlled dose to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. These products can be used in different forms such as chewing gum, patches applied to the skin, tablets or lozenges, and nasal spray. The withdrawal symptoms are: Mood swings, Weight gain, Insomnia, Coughing, Constipation, Headaches and dizziness, Difficulty concentrating, fatigue. Laurence Pringle mentions some "Quit tips for smokers" in his book "A risky business: smoking". Some of the tips that he mentions are to decide positively that you want to stop. Try to avoid negative thoughts about possible difficulties. List all the reasons why you want to stop. Every night before going to bed, repeat one of the reasons ten times. You should know what to expect. Have realistic expectations-stopping isn't easy,

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but isn't impossible either. Understanding that withdrawal symptoms are temporary and are healthy sings that the body is repairing itself from its long exposure to nicotine. Throw away anything that has to do with cigarettes (ashtrays, lighters, tobacco). Clean all your clothes to rid them of the smell of smoke. Develop a clean, smoke- free environment around yourself. Stay away from other tobacco users because they can weaken your resolve. Alcohol can weaken your willpower. Avoid it. Refuse to allow anything to change your mind.

        I did the research, you do the job. Just remember it can be done. According to the Center of disease control and prevention more than 3 million people in the United States stop every year, and in England There are now 13 million ex smokers. Go home and pass them the messages that you got from here today. I am sure they will listen to you. They can do it- I did it. Go and save them.