To the WOatchmakers oF T'IE Tee~rritorv. ioulz a Bandy, No. 63 'lain street . - ,ci.,l n cormpltn t tock of all kindl of Si'I'C'H MA-TERIAL! .: . t tl :i=•-rtment of GLAS S ES AND KEYS, S..:chi wP o 'r. CHEAP TO THE TRADE! . i : -tanco will recaive car"ful 1 T tOllon. 'rif tin will be done on the most t.."::.-. i~;i irug my personal atten- r.*in , of the bhulness. I .hall be ri 't matlIr action. K. SCHULZ. WALTHAM ATH S S '-i'" .. t ttaet watchei fur the tait HA.;way Conductors. Epni. -- i."r. the rllt exacting of watch h li)tnl.natrated the strength, r.Inr" V i1th Accuracy of the Wal. I.. ,-r that clarn. in all these i.. t. *jI., stittn as toi the real S 100,000 ""t tit-..- watches are now * - - t.". in the p'cket. It. the pIet- a i".:.( arant.e ,f their sutperiority Santi great extent oft *' - % %t h9 ittlru enable tbrui S .'" *-. . t -i"e alt th renders. et.nt- *.:". t. h t- atiy *.ttr watelt " " *.i r. : . ;.r ren' it. .u.r f'."r their " . -e VV.i hant '\rtttch.h. at learn r .i. !.,yritl.tn the gtibl pice,. bef.re * - I .''-'.oth~er ?,anin.f4etttre .tf .. ny 1 .. .. e 'lIh n.n every ;mprrna-eent " * .. *r 1 . rentwe tia.. j~rntce f reat practicat IL' 1 :''I t rhe ati.al of tICarly evert in- t" +'" i.ek:ng' triyi'tatirt in this coun- F . e,' -. , h"...ta rr h'.aI'v ad..ptedl - .-.ny t. ti nri,i.t sLktllful artisans It .t ."1. ; I *i ,t ig iue (t' tIe part of the S.,-r.:".1-t t. ,Ie e...euittAl to correct and 1 r : a.t.ru-ti' + rn ."- .. tlt p r -- - i~c.:t i i rt' b-.n * tbe bt . e to thet riser~ .p r ring5 i.-4y~ I original * -* i ',t pere huuir -pringul ii, -w Uii- -- hirut ted i;v "utchiu.aukere t. be the best. ". jr.u.1.--'f t'uutihaiuu Vuateli-. 1 \\.,'! ii, \n Wit -tt h.ive d'u-itt pr-ut f eaH 11 i.r..'u iI.I-. u-I- I Iag.el inl ur " " " - . i 2 "1 iue"tlni ceaonino n.rcc4ary r.i.- IT ;ut -, ~."-r1wider or k.-) lee watch. i." ..tr.- .'.er.4" andt .u agreat nuupruTae- r. a. .,w ~tn!*i wt.-ut.. ini ie, Atnerican k' .1I; .% fTr tIe ehreajle..t watth of iI+ i_ i Ii- *it\1. IN' at ~I utauera Uis ng its pt-x "- " t i. I niteit Ltule where wuuicbmaauers do t . hI ii... atuove iz,-ntiuned u':. ii 'ciid t.. tutor -n .-i 1rae)"- i . r.u1 .:a nd c n' -iuunt.-, luiiist tery watch bearing the trade -irk or A.i!th..in is guaranteed to be a thoroughly re- -. tblr timekeeper i-" j .,. * ,~. '!a . 1,; ." r. It.:i.dt :DcRrR:ntIy ,.1.1 : .Ir* TI I., ofT gri nu'rh Z uthE'I, i. .*l** i i": r. l., \!.r % It. itra. & I rat t':it anti a'. tit-Trall v r turale at ht .i rre;.vrcabie dealer. * .. Burrr facts and ior.rrrrrt~uou ad1,rIt.- ROBBINS APPLETON, Gen'I Awent*. 132 Broadway New York. I ALTUM WATCANS P I l.,rt'.r- In.rveme-nt w rith e':ra jetr-n!s,r nr-r Ital.rrrr-. Pair-nt I)urt 'al. I'a.r-nt I Ti. mud all other latre imnlrr.vemmntrs 1 .l.i./ (,in St ri~er inrt~t,,t Casr., with 4 .L. r.r'rr-=It1. I n z.case *-tcoin. , , \\,, !t l . fl er r nt"~rI Writh e ttra t n. .mn.tr-r tlaanrr. Iat-nt Durst iarp. 1 ., eA-r- :2. In Uz.eas*e 434i win.! t r... . *r.mrrvrremt . withexira n- r.rr.rr Itaianere. Pate-nt Dust Cat- I Hut &'- in sri . Cane, (;reld S cre. I";:. In rs. i4OCr..n. 1.-.:;"'* . atrh in 1i or. It- karat Gold Wa tc. Waureb. in oz. I: karat li g~ cyst eo1c~,n. F r,.- , a tCo b. "i ah . i z. 1' karat : cats. *: cnr . ,.t",'nr gift at 61 per pift.,.r 620~ per iiinnl 14i"v ." ite alc've by ells largu 4.'1 rew. w ith bill to eullied ii. delirery " l urri:.wr tho priril.we to examine i "" +i 1 .t..rr Jt.ir.. All express charRes c-- -:. I.- psi.. by the pnrebhser. At 11 tbe jtu" l n e ."f tbe Watch it remitted to 'Tiler we will }pceay the exisjW k r..niiii5.. ..urimlr~ei. Is 5e.di34 y: + it %e Faragu & Cox are prcfrrud. ai .i , mdetateesi that 6Sas , retime %ery bout. with all I. btsa Im 1. `' '', a.t '". rid ltht they are is perfect reaming 4 y au:rr urom the w-saufacturtt actom " " a" h mt a rh) sand if nay one d.wm a.,t ;In"rma " r R ;l exchange It. or reftud the m.sey. 1t4.r PtxC that you saw thin in IL. NO TANA HOWARD & CO., Jewolasa sad Hi4wtba.. 619 Broadway .Y. , ..'dr that all m-ay addm as wmb Oaaiian ttttfrr by P =ri a&o Mama... Weltz, ra & C0'...r to sny of their tW bao C 'J55? S1yders, WigCrt & C., PIONEER TAN NERY, Mill Creek, MONTANA TERRITORY TE are now prepared to furnish a Isperio quality of the f•olluwing kind of,' enand at the PIONEER TANNERY, AND WARRANTED E.0 1 al in Tannage, Fiuish and Durability to the very best qua!ity of lester tanned ILather. FIRST QUALITY SOLE LEATHER, per lb. 51 cis FINISHED CALF SKINS, per dozen, $60 to Sitl do KIP do do $75 to 12b FAIR and COLORED SHEL• SKINS, Per dozen, $16 tol7 50 FINISHED UPPER, per Side. $6 to $6 Notice the rdnuction in price EI N G PRACTICAL TANNERS OUR- 1 SELVES, and determined that Montana shall supply her own Leather, we are daily turning out flnished leather ofall clusses which for quality and price we DEFY ('OMIPETITION.' LEATHER BELTING Kept constantly on handnd ant cut to any, desired size to suit customers. We have appointed the following persons as Agents for the sale of stock. where monufacturers and c.nsumers are respectfully solicited to call and examinne. NICK MILLEN, [Gurney & Co.1 - HELENA W. P ARMSTRONG, Wallace St.. - VIRGINIA s Y-DE!V, I 1 I _IVGE'TI 7': "O. PIroprietors, PIONEER TANNERB, Mill Creek, M. T. Feb 1. wly James F. Dane, Wm. Westlake. Jno P. Covert Dase, I'exrtlcrke J Corert Mlanfaoturers of Plain,- Stamped, Japanned, Amd PlaaIlaed Tin Ware. •WESTLAKE'S PATENT LANTERN with loose globe and detachable guards. bholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of Stoves & Hollow Ware Nor . 95, .Aichigara Avenue. Chicago. ' Agents for the celebrated Home Co•m- fort Stoves..4]j i Dies for Stamping and Gleas Engraving made to order. epV lIdly FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HE ENA. Designated Depositor)- For Disbursing Officers AND FINANCIAL AGE NTS OF TrilE UNITED STATES. Paid in Capital, --- $100,0(00 Authiorized Capital, 3$500,000 S. T. HAPI'•R. S. M. HALL. Iretsident. Vice-President. JNO. 8. AC(iHI ON; Cashier. First National Bank Minerals and Ores correctly Asayed. GOLD AND SlLVER BAlR Guarant.ed L. 8. Staadardt AU GUST(U STEITZ BELANGER & ALLEN, SILVER BOW CITY, F-1:K LO.D(IE ( OU'NTY. MONTANA. L at-tirn 111 ( I. ER A L MER IIA NV ISE .4 all e l •ertd Stuek of GroCeri.s. HARDWARE, 6ADDLERY. I licquiol,. ' Tobaccos Always o hlaad. The oIIy PreOletors OUTFITTING HOUSE. Is Upper DPr Loadg Valley. Jaldltwlf OB WOu OW 3VRT3 DMIIIPTIOO , Ntoeay MAd tper ly er a"tw at tui OAme* LUPERIOo IM1VATIM G• 0, lURINTMO WATOlat the Ober.Wateh FOTO RY gOIDE Cass, n .ly-discovesm o..o .- tion, wkows only to ourselves, preisly like gold is appensee, keephg its color as lag as worn, and as well fnished as the best. old ones. These Watchb are is Hunting naes, made at our own F~ctory, flom the best mateils, of the latest sad most approved styles, are jeweled sad well finished, with a view to the best result ia regard to wear sad time. For Appears.se, d trabl•ty and time, they have rer been "alled by Watches co•ting rive times as muooh. ah one warranted by special certifteate to keep aeeurate time. Price 81i Getleeme'sa and Ladies' sies. For this small sum any o0 o can have as excellent Watch equal is appeareece and as good for time as a Gold one costing 1iJ0. Also. a Watch of extsa Iee and -Superior Finish, for $2 0 Equal in appearace to ue* oustig 02001 Alee, Oroide Chains, as well made as those of Gold from 6 to $6. Watches and Chains to be paid for is resr y. Goods set to ans part of the United States by Express. Money need not be seat with the order, as the bills can be paid when the goods are delivered by tbe Express. Customers must p.y all the Express charges. C. E. CCLLIN8 A CO., 37 and 39 Nassau St , N. Y., opposite P. 0.. UP STAIRS. To clube-Where six Watchs are ordered at one time. we will send one Extra Watch, mak. ing seven Watches for ninety dollars. Catkion !-Gie* our Oroide Wathee lhave attained so bihih a repuation, and the demand for them has greatly increased, many persons are offering common and worthless watehes for sale, representing them to be Oroide Wathes, in some instances stating that they are our Agents. We will state most positively that we employ as Agerts, and that no one else does or can make Oroide: consequently these represestations are fise. The genuine Orode Watchbee an only be obtained by ordering directly from us. nov•lwtf KING & GL L.ETT (HELENA, - "- * p "/holesaNle DEAIEl.t! Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, F'arnuiug -inplciaeunts, Liquors and Cigar". Money advanced on merchandise, and goods stored in I Are-prof wrehbouse. National Hotel! One-eighth ot a mile south of Sno River crosm- lug, and four miles east of FORT 8HAW, M. T. C. A. B L I1 & CO., Proprietors. NOW open for guests, and fitted up in first class style. A No. 1. twostory bones entirely new. fitted up with oo'amodios, finely finished and furnusbed bed rooms, and spread with the best the market affords. Every attention shown to our guests. (GIVE US A ('ALL: Wepronmie you good meals, clean bed+ g*ood usage and moderate bills at the "NATIONAL." (-•ob0 ,TABLE ANI) CORRIAI Feed. Rtabllng and Good Groo.almg, without EXTRA CHARCE.. SATISFACTIONO t'ARANTE AI.I) To WE (GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO S TO C K. A GENERAL FURNISHING STOR E Connected with the above Establishment. Frrigh'ers, Travellers' and Residents supplied with Dry Goods, MARKET RATES. Provilioas, Milk, Butter sad all kiamd of pe duite kept eostsntly on hand. I shbort we per- wome to make the NATIONAL HOTEL Neadquarters ror Everybody, And rspstlhlly solicit Poabl patroeage. GlveWl a Call! EAGLE WORKS ! P. W. GATES A CO., C*UCACO. --- 8T Il O l~0 IYS, AJi oerey ass. id Mining NRschiw! 22 Main Street, - - Helena, Montana. HERE'S TOUR STOVES! Buck & VVright's BRIILIANT AND PEERLESS COOKIN(G STOVE ! Also, all patterns of HEATING AND PARLOR STOVES 'I' T T W AT E We have the best and largest stock in the market. RID T77 ARE In this line we have nothing but the best, and ask FARMERS, MINERS AND - MECHANICS! to call and examine my extensive stock. JO IB NT7 OR I done IN TIN, SHEET ION() AND COPPER, by The BDet of Woi-nmen, All of which will he Cho ap for Cash. ANAFUAND EMT1ACINE WORKJRl 1anufiacturersl s of SPortalel a Slalion laly Sl ENCINES, Ste'anI Primps, Saw and (xrrist Mills, I"ONv .1Bl H NS8 COdBTIN01GS, and General Machiner', I-elena,, ItoiZt a a. On hand one GATES CRUSHIER; two GAII)DNER ('liUSIlEit and one COLRISII CRIUSIIER; two Tsbtu*se W1ste*r Wseels, One pair of Mill Burrs, one FIVE STAMP MILL tor sale at low rates. A good assortmeut of Gum Belting, Hose, Packing, Gas Pipe and Fixtures, Boiler Flues, Sheet Copper, Steam Pumps, Lifting and Force, Pumps, Circular Saws from 24 to 60 inches, with and without inserted teeth; Patent Tire Shrinkers, Jack Screws, Shoes, Dies, Cams, &c., kept nonatantly on hand. OWNERS OF THE RIGHT TO MANUFACTURE In Montana Territory The Ceebrated Wheelr & RandaU Pans. 4l fy**lo Bankruptcy Notice. nen No. 42. S t Coer of the Territory od Mortut s- I ls the ~um of bat r~hews.,-Balkrutps. Tertry and DIatrtet of Meotana, s: TrHIS I to give Nteoo that on thi 4th day o Jamaury A. D. 18 warrant Ir Bakrapt)" was iroed ot of tihe seapme Court dof the Tr tory of Montaa. against the Estates of Blu mrod Brothers, a o-partnershbip eempoeed of James M. Ellis, of Helema, i te eanoty of Lewis and Clarke, mad Territory of Mestaa; Beast Irs, of the City of USa Frasaelas I tohe St dt o al- forlia, and Nathan Elis jf Great Salt Lake iOty. in the Territory of Utah, who have been adjudged Bankrupts, on the petition of the said James M. Ellis; That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to such Bank- rupts, to them, or for their use, and the trla .fer of any property by said Bankrr.pts, are forbiddem by law; and that the meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupts, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more asigmaes of their estates. (which was on the 4th day of January A. D. ltE•, ordered to be held on the 6th day of February A. D. 1869.) has been adjourned, by the order of Theo. Mufly. Register in Bankruptcy for said Distriet, until the 12th day of Mareh A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the U. 8. Court Room, in the City of Virginia. County of Madison and Territory of Montana. before said Register, when and where, at a Court of Bankruptoy. them and there to be holdes, the first meeting of Creditors of the said Bankrupts,. to prove their debts and to choose one or more amigmees of their estates will be held, and all par- ties i in terest nader the said Bankruptcy may attend Dated at Virginia City. in said Territory, on this 6th day of February, A. D. 1069. NEIL IIOWIE, U. 8. Marshal (as Messenger) for said T't'y. Davis Thoroughman & lioemer. ad dWoolfolk & Toole solieitors for Petitioners. Fel lwtf Appllcation tor Patent. U. 8. LAnD OFFICE. HuL EA. M. T., Nov. .5, 1868. NOTICE Is hereby given that the ' NORTH AMERICAN GOLD AND ILVER MINING COMPANY OF MONTANA,' incorporated under the laws of the Stat of New York, have this day, through their authorited agent Willard Bradway, of Meagher Co ,M. T., made application for patent under act of Congress approved July 26, 1866, for 1800 linear feet on the Western Star Lode, and a Mill-site for the same, sitnate upon unsurveyed lands in Belt Mountain Mining Dis- trict, Meagher county M. T., and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, where copies of diagram and notice are posted, whence Initial Point for said District bears N 68 deg 30 min E, distant !199 feet and running thence parallel with appa- rent general course of lode, 8 5 deg E 300 feet; thence 8 85 deg W 100 feet; theece N 5 deg W 1400 feet; thence N 85 deg E 100 feet: thenre 8 b der E 1100 feet to place of beginning-including claim No. 1 South. Discovery olaim, and claims Nes. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 North on said lode. Also, beginning at a post whence 8 E corner of above survey bears N 5 deg W 400 feet distant and running thenoe 8 5 deg 3 400 feet; theoe S 85 deg W 100 feet; thence N 5 deg W 400 feet. thence N 85 deg E 100 feet to place of beginning. including claims No. 4 and 5 South on said •ode. Also, a Mill-site of 10 acres for said lode, be ginning at a post where copies of diagsr• andt notice are posted. whence 8 E corner of Lot No. 44 (Dexter Lode) bears N 1 deg 15 min W, 47: feet distant, and running thence 8 660 feet; thence W 660 feet; thence N f;)t feet; thence K 660 feet to place of beginning. There are no known claim- ants adjoining the above described property. The total area of land elaimed aith lode and Mill-site is 14 13-100 acres; and the same is more fully described by the diagram and notice filed in this office, and poeted upon said lode and mill-sate as above mentioned. O. B. O BANNON. dl-w3m Begister. SUMMONS. Territory of Montana. County of Lewis andl Clarke-In Justice's Codt before A. J. Edwards Justiee of the Peace. George Montgomery, Plai n ti# -- John Carr. Defendant. In the name and by the autbcrtly ci the Territory of Montana-To the above ramed Defendant Greeting. ,'OU are hereby Summoned t be and appear Sbefore me, A. J Edwards, Justice of the Peace in and for said County of Lewis and Clarke. at my office in Helena. on Wednesday, the 10th day of Mareb A. D. ~189, at 10 o'elock A. M.. of sid day. then and there to make answer to the complaint of George Montgomery. the abovy a.ned Plaintiff is a civil action, to recover the sum of Fifty-eight dollars, and'in dofault thereof judgment will be rendered against you John Carr. the above named defendant, for the said sum of Fifty-eight dollars and costs of suit in his behalf expended. Given under my hand this 10th day of February 1869. A. J EI]WAKlDS, Febllw4t Jnutice the Peace. NOTICE TO SETTLERS. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. HELENA. M. T. Dec. 14th Id. ) NOTICE is hereby given that the following de- scribed Township Plats have teen filed in this office, and lands therein will be open for entry under the Homestead and Pre-emption laws ironi and after the j1th day of December. A. D. ]t8f: Township No. Nine, (9,) North of Range No. Two, (2,) West. Township No. Nine, (9,) North of Range No. Three. (3,) West. loth of the above described Townships are re- turned by the Surveyor General as Miners lands." Settlers upon lends in the aforesaid Townships are hereby notified to tile their I)eclar- story Statements and Homestead Applications at at this office, within three months from the 15th day of December. A. D. lt~i; otherwise their rights will be forfeited. 0. B. O'BANNOUN. dl t-w3mo Register. Notice to Settlers. U'. S. LAND OPFICL, MONTANA DISTRICT ? Helena. M. T.,April 3, 16i'J. ) N•TOTICE is hereby given that the folla.wing de- scribed Township Plats, have this day beet. filed at this otfice, to-wit: Township No One South of Range No three East Township No. One South of Range No. four East Township No Two South of Range No four East Township No. two South of Range No. fiveEast Township No. three South of Range No.tlve East Priancipal Meridina. Settlers upon lands inthe above described Towu- ships are hereby notified to file their Deolaratzry Statementa or make their Holmetead Applioa- tions at this olfice, within three months from this date, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. 0. . O'BANN' 'N, .l2w:tmo Reister: NOTICE TO MINE!RS. U. S. LAND OFFICE, tlelena. St. T., Jan. 19, 1i5;9. HORATIO N. FREEMAN, having thin day made applleatimn to show that the south halt of the Nortm West qstarter o Vetiotln N,. tweot)- six. to Towshbip No. Nine (9) North of Range No. three (3) W . is aon-mineral land. all nparies having elaim, thereto, are hereby notiied to a•p- pear at this office at 10 u clhck A. l.,on Wednesday the .Mth day uf Fe•rary. A. D. 169, to oontest the same. FRANCIS M. DURFEE, is also hereby oUtifled to appetr at the same time sd place to eoutest theb tight of the said Freeman, to the alove described ract o. B. O'BANNON. Jan.d law30d Register. Bankruptcy Notice. Ca& @ N. 41. in the SuprmlP COart ,f the T'erritory of Mun- taun-Ju Baiakruly. ey - In the inater of W illiam iIto, buj J I leuil, Ilank- ruptu- In Bankruptcy. To whom it may Concern. r[HE underuiged hereby give. vvutae of his a rointmest am the Asigaee of Williiam MLo mad J 1) 1.ll, ol Gold reeCI, *a fte riunty u( Dowr Lodge. and Territory ot Mat toeo; v. ko have be" adjudged Ilektrulsts u" lbe1: esu s .9111., by tb. buprew Coort or as 4r?1l.or Datedat Virgaie City M# VrE. it-' Y',r 01f Marob A D MO. fllvIlT ?Te NOW3r -4 . -- o.

SPortalel Slalion Sl...To the WOatchmakers oF T'IE Tee~rritorv. ioulz a Bandy, No. 63 'lain street.- ,ci.,l n cormpltn t tock of allkindl of Si'I'C'H MA-TERIAL!.: . tl t :i=•-rtment

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Page 1: SPortalel Slalion Sl...To the WOatchmakers oF T'IE Tee~rritorv. ioulz a Bandy, No. 63 'lain street.- ,ci.,l n cormpltn t tock of allkindl of Si'I'C'H MA-TERIAL!.: . tl t :i=•-rtment

To the WOatchmakersoF T'IE


ioulz a Bandy, No. 63 'lain street

.- ,ci.,l n cormpltn t tock of all

kindl of

Si'I'C'H MA-TERIAL!.: . t tl :i=•-rtment of

GLAS S ES AND KEYS,S..:chi wP o 'r.


. i : -tanco will recaive car"ful1 T tOllon.

'rif tin will be done on the mostt.."::.-. i~;i irug my personal atten-r.*in , of the bhulness. I .hall be

ri 't matlIr action.



'-i'" .. t ttaet watchei fur the taitHA.;way Conductors. Epni.

-- i."r. the rllt exacting of watchh li)tnl.natrated the strength,

r.Inr" V i1th Accuracy of the Wal.I.. ,-r that clarn. in all these

i.. t. *jI., stittn as toi the real

S 100,000 ""t tit-..- watches are now* - - t.". in the p'cket. It. the pIet-

a i".:.( arant.e ,f their sutperiority

Santi great extent oft*' - % %t h9 ittlru enable tbruiS .'" *-. . t -i"e alt th renders. et.nt-

*.:". t. h t- atiy *.ttr watelt" " *.i r. : . ;.r ren' it. .u.r f'."r their

" .-e VV.i hant '\rtttch.h. at learnr .i. !.,yritl.tn the gtibl pice,. bef.re

* -I .''-'.oth~er ?,anin.f4etttre .tf .. ny

1 .. .. e 'lIh n.n every ;mprrna-eent" * .. *r 1 . rentwe tia.. j~rntce f reat practicat

IL' 1 :''I t rhe ati.al of tICarly evert in-t" +'" i.ek:ng' triyi'tatirt in this coun-

F . e,' -. , h"...ta rr h'.aI'v ad..ptedl- .-.ny t. ti nri,i.t sLktllful artisans

It .t ."1. ; I *i ,t ig iue (t' tIe part of theS.,-r.:".1-t t. ,Ie e...euittAl to correct and

1 r : a.t. ru-ti' + rn ."- .. tlt p r

-- -i~c.:t i i rt' b-.n * tbe bt . e to thetriser~ .p r ring5 i.-4y~ I original

* -* i ',t pere huuir -pringul ii, -w Uii--- hirut ted i;v "utchiu.aukere t. be the best.

". jr.u.1.--'f t'uutihaiuu Vuateli-.

1 \\.,'! ii, \n Wit -tt h.ive d'u-itt pr-ut f eaH11 i.r..'u iI.I-. u-I- I Iag.el inl ur

" " " - . i 2 "1 iue"tlni ceaonino n.rcc4ary

r.i.- IT ;ut -, ~."-r1wider or k.-) lee watch.i." ..tr.- .'.er.4" andt .u agreat nuupruTae-

r. a. .,w ~tn!*i wt.-ut.. ini ie, Atnericank' .1I; .% fTr tIe ehreajle..t watth of iI+

i_ i Ii- *it\1. IN' at ~I utauera Uis ng its pt-x"- " t i. I niteit Ltule where wuuicbmaauers do

t . hI ii... atuove iz,-ntiunedu':. ii 'ciid t.. tutor -n .- i 1rae)"-

i . r.u1 .:a nd c n' -iuunt.-, luiiist

tery watch bearing the trade -irk orA.i!th..in is guaranteed to be a thoroughly re--. tblr timekeeper

i-" j .,. * ,~. '!a . 1,; ." r. It.:i.dt :DcRrR:ntIy,.1.1 : .Ir* TI I., ofT gri nu'rh Z uthE'I,

i. .*l** i i": r. l., \!.r % It. itra. &I rat t':it anti a'. tit-Trall v r turale at

ht .i rre;.vrcabie dealer.* .. Burrr facts and ior.rrrrrt~uou ad1,rIt.-

ROBBINS APPLETON, Gen'I Awent*.132 Broadway New York.

I ALTUM WATCANSP I l.,rt'.r- In.rveme-nt w rith e':ra jetr-n!s,r

nr-r Ital.rrrr-. Pair-nt I)urt 'al. I'a.r-ntI Ti. mud all other latre imnlrr.vemmntrs

1 .l.i./ (,in St ri~er inrt~t,,t Casr., with4

.L. r.r'rr-=It1. I n z.case *-tcoin.

, , \\,, !t l . fl er r nt"~rI Writh e ttra

t n. .mn.tr-r tlaanrr. Iat-nt Durst iarp.

1 ., eA-r- :2. In Uz.eas*e 434i win.!t r... .*r.mrrvrremt . withexira

n- r.rr.rr Itaianere. Pate-nt Dust Cat-I Hut &'- in sri . Cane, (;reld

S cre. I";:. In rs. i4OCr..n.

1.-.:;"'* . atrh in 1i or. It- karat Gold

Wa tc. Waureb. in oz. I: karatli g~ cyst eo1c~,n.

F r,.- , a tCo b. "i ah . i z. 1' karat: cats. *: cnr

. ,.t",'nr gift at 61 per pift.,.r 620~ per

iiinnl 14i"v ." ite alc've by ells largu4.'1 rew. w ith bill to eullied ii. delirery

" l urri:.wr tho priril.we to examinei "" +i 1 .t..rr Jt.ir.. All express charRes

c-- -:. I.- psi.. by the pnrebhser. At 11 tbejtu" l n e ."f tbe Watch it remitted to

'Tiler we will }pceay the exisjWk r..niiii5.. ..urimlr~ei. Is 5e.di34

y: + it %e Faragu & Cox are prcfrrud.ai .i , mdetateesi that 6Sas

, retime %ery bout. with all I. btsa Im 1.`' '', a.t '". rid ltht they are is perfect reaming

4 y au:rr urom the w-saufacturtt actom" " a" h mt a rh) sand if nay one d.wm a.,t ;In"rma

" r R ;l exchange It. or reftud the m.sey.1t4.r PtxC that you saw thin in IL. NO TANA

HOWARD & CO.,Jewolasa sad Hi4wtba..

619 Broadway .Y., ..'dr that all m-ay addm as wmb Oaaiian

ttttfrr by P =ri a&o Mama... Weltz, ra&C0'...r to sny of their tW bao

C 'J55?

S1yders, WigCrt & C.,


TAN NERY,Mill Creek,


TE are now prepared to furnish a Isperioquality of the f•olluwing kind of,'

enand at the


E.01 al in Tannage, Fiuish and Durability to thevery best qua!ity of lester tanned ILather.

FIRST QUALITY SOLE LEATHER, per lb. 51 cisFINISHED CALF SKINS, per dozen, $60 to Sitl

do KIP do do $75 to 12bFAIR and COLORED SHEL• SKINS,

Per dozen, $16 tol7 50FINISHED UPPER, per Side. $6 to $6

Notice the rdnuction in price

EI N G PRACTICAL TANNERS OUR-1 SELVES, and determined that Montana shallsupply her own Leather, we are daily turning outflnished leather ofall clusses which for quality andprice we


LEATHER BELTINGKept constantly on handnd ant cut to any, desired

size to suit customers.

We have appointed the following persons asAgents for the sale of stock. where monufacturersand c.nsumers are respectfully solicited to call andexaminne.

NICK MILLEN, [Gurney & Co.1 - HELENA


s Y-DE!V, I 1 I _IVGE'TI 7': "O.PIroprietors,


Feb 1. wly

James F. Dane, Wm. Westlake. Jno P. Covert

Dase, I'exrtlcrke J CorertMlanfaoturers of

Plain,- Stamped, Japanned,Amd PlaaIlaed Tin Ware.

•WESTLAKE'S PATENT LANTERNwith loose globe and detachable guards.

bholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of

Stoves & Hollow WareNor .95, .Aichigara Avenue. Chicago.

' Agents for the celebrated Home Co•m-fort Stoves..4]j

i Dies for Stamping and Gleas Engraving made toorder. epV lIdly



HE ENA.Designated Depositor)-

For Disbursing OfficersAND


OF TrilE


Paid in Capital, - - -$100,0(00Authiorized Capital, 3$500,000

S. T. HAPI'•R. S. M. HALL.Iretsident. Vice-President.

JNO. 8. AC(iHI ON; Cashier.

First National Bank

Minerals and Ores correctly Asayed.


Guarant.ed L. 8. StaadardtAU GUST(U STEITZ



L at-tirn 111


.4 all e l •ertd Stuek of GroCeri.s.


I licquiol,. ' Tobaccos

Always o hlaad. The oIIy PreOletors

OUTFITTING HOUSE.Is Upper DPr Loadg Valley. Jaldltwlf

OB WOu OW 3VRT3 DMIIIPTIOO ,Ntoeay MAd tper ly er a"tw at tui



WATOlatthe Ober.Wateh


gOIDE Cass, n .ly-discovesm o..o .-

tion, wkows only to ourselves, preisly likegold is appensee, keephg its color as lag asworn, and as well fnished as the best. old ones.These Watchb are is Hunting naes, made at ourown F~ctory, flom the best mateils, of the latestsad most approved styles, are jeweled sad wellfinished, with a view to the best result ia regardto wear sad time. For Appears.se, d trabl•ty andtime, they have rer been "alled by Watchesco•ting rive times as muooh. ah one warrantedby special certifteate to keep aeeurate time. Price81i Getleeme'sa and Ladies' sies. For thissmall sum any o0 o can have as excellent Watchequal is appeareece and as good for time as a Goldone costing 1iJ0. Also. a Watch of extsa Iee and-Superior Finish, for $2 0

Equal in appearace to ue* oustig 02001Alee, Oroide Chains, as well made as those of Goldfrom 6 to $6. Watches and Chains to be paid foris resr y. Goods set to ans part of the UnitedStates by Express. Money need not be seat withthe order, as the bills can be paid when the goodsare delivered by tbe Express. Customers mustp.y all the Express charges.

C. E. CCLLIN8 A CO.,37 and 39 Nassau St , N. Y., opposite P. 0..

UP STAIRS.To clube-Where six Watchs are ordered

at one time. we will send one Extra Watch, mak.ing seven Watches for ninety dollars.

Catkion !-Gie* our Oroide Wathee lhaveattained so bihih a repuation, and the demand forthem has greatly increased, many persons areoffering common and worthless watehes for sale,representing them to be Oroide Wathes, in someinstances stating that they are our Agents. Wewill state most positively that we employ asAgerts, and that no one else does or can makeOroide: consequently these represestations arefise. The genuine Orode Watchbee an only beobtained by ordering directly from us. nov•lwtf


(HELENA, - "- * p

"/holesaNle DEAIEl.t!


Dry Goods,


Boots and Shoes,




Liquors and


Money advanced on merchandise, and goods storedin I Are-prof wrehbouse.

National Hotel!One-eighth ot a mile south of Sno River crosm-

lug, and four miles east of


C. A. B L I1 & CO., Proprietors.

NOW open for guests, and fitted up in first classstyle. A No. 1. twostory bones entirely new.

fitted up with oo'amodios, finely finished andfurnusbed bed rooms, and

spread with the best the market affords. Everyattention shown to our guests.


Wepronmie you good meals, clean bed+ g*oodusage and moderate bills at the


Feed. Rtabllng and Good Groo.almg,









Connected with the above Establishment.

Frrigh'ers, Travellers' and Residents supplied


Dry Goods,


Provilioas, Milk, Butter sad all kiamd of pe

duite kept eostsntly on hand. I shbort we per-

wome to make the NATIONAL HOTEL

Neadquarters ror Everybody,

And rspstlhlly solicit Poabl patroeage.

GlveWl a Call!


C*UCACO.--- 8T Il O l~0 IYS,

AJi oerey ass. id

Mining NRschiw!

22 Main Street, - - Helena, Montana.


Buck & VVright's


Also, all patterns of


'I' T T W AT EWe have the best and largest stock in the market.

RID T77 AREIn this line we have nothing but the best, and ask

FARMERS, MINERS AND - MECHANICS!to call and examine my extensive stock.


The BDet of Woi-nmen,All of which will he

Cho ap for Cash.



1anufiacturersl s of

SPortalel a Slalion laly SlENCINES,

Ste'anI Primps, Saw and (xrrist Mills,


and General Machiner',

I-elena,, ItoiZt a a.


Tsbtu*se W1ste*r Wseels,One pair of Mill Burrs, one

FIVE STAMP MILLtor sale at low rates.

A good assortmeut of Gum Belting, Hose, Packing, Gas Pipe andFixtures, Boiler Flues, Sheet Copper, Steam Pumps, Lifting and Force,Pumps, Circular Saws from 24 to 60 inches, with and without insertedteeth; Patent Tire Shrinkers, Jack Screws, Shoes, Dies, Cams, &c., keptnonatantly on hand.


The Ceebrated Wheelr & RandaU Pans.

4l fy**lo

Bankruptcy Notice.nen No. 42.

S t Coer of the Territory od Mortut s- I

ls the ~um of bat r~hews.,-Balkrutps.

Tertry and DIatrtet of Meotana, s:TrHIS I to give Nteoo that on thi 4th day o

Jamaury A. D. 18 warrant Ir Bakrapt)"was iroed ot of tihe seapme Court dof the Trtory of Montaa. against the Estates of Blu mrodBrothers, a o-partnershbip eempoeed of James M.Ellis, of Helema, i te eanoty of Lewis andClarke, mad Territory of Mestaa; Beast Irs,of the City of USa Frasaelas I tohe St dt o al-forlia, and Nathan Elis jf Great Salt Lake iOty.in the Territory of Utah, who have been adjudgedBankrupts, on the petition of the said James M.Ellis; That the payment of any debts, and thedelivery of any property belonging to such Bank-rupts, to them, or for their use, and the trla .fer ofany property by said Bankrr.pts, are forbiddem bylaw; and that the meeting of the Creditors of saidBankrupts, to prove their debts, and to chooseone or more asigmaes of their estates. (which wason the 4th day of January A. D. ltE•, ordered tobe held on the 6th day of February A. D. 1869.)has been adjourned, by the order of Theo. Mufly.Register in Bankruptcy for said Distriet, until the12th day of Mareh A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock A. M..at the U. 8. Court Room, in the City of Virginia.County of Madison and Territory of Montana.before said Register, when and where, at a Courtof Bankruptoy. them and there to be holdes, thefirst meeting of Creditors of the said Bankrupts,.to prove their debts and to choose one or moreamigmees of their estates will be held, and all par-ties i in terest nader the said Bankruptcy mayattend

Dated at Virginia City. in said Territory, on this6th day of February, A. D. 1069.

NEIL IIOWIE,U. 8. Marshal (as Messenger) for said T't'y.

Davis Thoroughman & lioemer. ad dWoolfolk &Toole solieitors for Petitioners. Fel lwtf

Appllcation tor Patent.U. 8. LAnD OFFICE.

HuL EA. M. T., Nov. .5, 1868.NOTICE Is hereby given that the ' NORTHAMERICAN GOLD AND ILVER MINING

COMPANY OF MONTANA,' incorporatedunder the laws of the Stat of New York, havethis day, through their authorited agent WillardBradway, of Meagher Co , M. T., made applicationfor patent under act of Congress approved July26, 1866, for 1800 linear feet on the Western StarLode, and a Mill-site for the same, sitnate uponunsurveyed lands in Belt Mountain Mining Dis-trict, Meagher county M. T., and described asfollows:

Beginning at a stake, where copies of diagramand notice are posted, whence Initial Point forsaid District bears N 68 deg 30 min E, distant!199 feet and running thence parallel with appa-rent general course of lode, 8 5 deg E 300 feet;thence 8 85 deg W 100 feet; theece N 5 deg W1400 feet; thence N 85 deg E 100 feet: thenre 8 bder E 1100 feet to place of beginning-includingclaim No. 1 South. Discovery olaim, and claimsNes. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 North on said lode.

Also, beginning at a post whence 8 E corner ofabove survey bears N 5 deg W 400 feet distantand running thenoe 8 5 deg 3 400 feet; theoe S85 deg W 100 feet; thence N 5 deg W 400 feet.thence N 85 deg E 100 feet to place of beginning.including claims No. 4 and 5 South on said •ode.

Also, a Mill-site of 10 acres for said lode, beginning at a post where copies of diagsr• andtnotice are posted. whence 8 E corner of Lot No.44 (Dexter Lode) bears N 1 deg 15 min W, 47:feet distant, and running thence 8 660 feet; thenceW 660 feet; thence N f;)t feet; thence K 660 feet toplace of beginning. There are no known claim-ants adjoining the above described property.

The total area of land elaimed aith lode andMill-site is 14 13-100 acres; and the same is morefully described by the diagram and notice filed inthis office, and poeted upon said lode and mill-sateas above mentioned. O. B. O BANNON.

dl-w3m Begister.

SUMMONS.Territory of Montana. County of Lewis andl

Clarke-In Justice's Codt before A. J. EdwardsJustiee of the Peace.

George Montgomery, Plainti# -- John Carr.

Defendant.In the name and by the autbcrtly ci the Territory

of Montana-To the above ramed DefendantGreeting.

,'OU are hereby Summoned t be and appearSbefore me, A. J Edwards, Justice of the

Peace in and for said County of Lewis and Clarke.at my office in Helena. on Wednesday, the 10thday of Mareb A. D. ~189, at 10 o'elock A. M.. ofsid day. then and there to make answer to thecomplaint of George Montgomery. the abovya.ned Plaintiff is a civil action, to recover the

sum of Fifty-eight dollars, and'in dofault thereofjudgment will be rendered against you John Carr.the above named defendant, for the said sum ofFifty-eight dollars and costs of suit in his behalfexpended.

Given under my hand this 10th day of February1869. A. J EI]WAKlDS,

Febllw4t Jnutice the Peace.


HELENA. M. T. Dec. 14th Id. )NOTICE is hereby given that the following de-scribed Township Plats have teen filed in

this office, and lands therein will be open for entryunder the Homestead and Pre-emption laws ironiand after the j1th day of December. A. D. ]t8f:

Township No. Nine, (9,) North of Range No.Two, (2,) West.

Township No. Nine, (9,) North of Range No.Three. (3,) West.loth of the above described Townships are re-

turned by the Surveyor General as Minerslands." Settlers upon lends in the aforesaidTownships are hereby notified to tile their I)eclar-story Statements and Homestead Applications atat this office, within three months from the 15thday of December. A. D. lt~i; otherwise theirrights will be forfeited. 0. B. O'BANNOUN.

dl t-w3mo Register.

Notice to Settlers.

U'. S. LAND OPFICL, MONTANA DISTRICT ?Helena. M. T.,April 3, 16i'J. )

N•TOTICE is hereby given that the folla.wing de-scribed Township Plats, have this day beet.

filed at this otfice, to-wit:

Township No One South of Range No three East

Township No. One South of Range No. four East

Township No Two South of Range No four EastTownship No. two South of Range No. fiveEastTownship No. three South of Range No.tlve East

Priancipal Meridina.Settlers upon lands inthe above described Towu-

ships are hereby notified to file their DeolaratzryStatementa or make their Holmetead Applioa-tions at this olfice, within three months from thisdate, otherwise their rights will be forfeited.

0. . O'BANN' 'N,.l2w:tmo Reister:


tlelena. St. T., Jan. 19, 1i5;9.HORATIO N. FREEMAN, having thin daymade applleatimn to show that the south halt

of the Nortm West qstarter o Vetiotln N,. tweot)-six. to Towshbip No. Nine (9) North of Range No.three (3) W . is aon-mineral land. all nparieshaving elaim, thereto, are hereby notiied to a•p-pear at this office at 10 u clhck A. l.,on Wednesdaythe .Mth day uf Fe•rary. A. D. 169, to oontestthe same.

FRANCIS M. DURFEE, is also hereby oUtifledto appetr at the same time sd place to eoutest thebtight of the said Freeman, to the alove describedract o. B. O'BANNON.

Jan.d law30d Register.

Bankruptcy Notice.Ca& @ N. 41.

in the SuprmlP COart ,f the T'erritory of Mun-taun-Ju Baiakruly. ey -

In the inater of W illiam iIto, buj J I leuil, Ilank-ruptu- In Bankruptcy.

To whom it may Concern.r[HE underuiged hereby give. vvutae of his

a rointmest am the Asigaee of Williiam MLomad J 1) 1.ll, ol Gold reeCI, *a fte riunty u(Dowr Lodge. and Territory ot Mat toeo; v. ko havebe" adjudged Ilektrulsts u" lbe1: esu s .9111.,by tb. buprew Coort or as 4r?1l.or

Datedat Virgaie City M# VrE. it-' Y',r 01fMarob A D MO. fllvIlT ?Te

NOW3r -4 . - - o.