Connect with us Online! Get the newest updates from The Speech and Stuttering Institute and connect with others! @SpchStutterInst The Speech & Stuttering Institute In this issue: Articuliscious Meet Michelle, Clinician & Clinical Coordinator Stuttering in Young Children Conference & More.. Moreover, the model would extend the numbers of sessions typically provided by the agencies. In addition, the proposal included a mentoring and teaching compo- nent where clinicians from both York and Toronto regions could be trained by Insti- tute staff in the provision of comprehensive fluency treatment. We are thrilled to report that almost 80 children and their families have been reached since September and that six Speech-Language Pathologists from the community have been fully trained to provide full assessment, treatment and follow-up for children with fluency disorders. “This has been a truly rewarding experience”, said Lori-Scott Sulsky, the lead S&SI clini- cian and project instructor. “I hope that we can continue to provide this most vital service for those kids most at risk.” Discussion has already taken place with Ministry officials pertaining to the continuation of the program. The Speech and Stuttering Institute has nev- er received any public funding for preschool children who stutter. Recently, Robert Kroll, in collaboration with Margit Pukonen and preschool coordinators from York Region and Toronto, submitted a proposal to enhance both system capacity and clinician capacity within the Preschool Speech and Language Services system. The proposal included providing direct and comprehensive services to families who are referred to agencies beyond the cut off dates due to strains on the system. Ministry of Children and Youth Services Funds New S&SI Initiative for Preschool Children who Stutter oneword spring newsletter 2012 The Speech & Stuttering Institute Olena Sapojnikova, Creator

S&SI Spring Newsletter

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The Speech and Stuttering Institute's Spring 2012 Newsletter.

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Page 1: S&SI Spring Newsletter

Connect with us Online! Get the newest updates from The Speech and Stuttering Institute and connect with others!

@SpchStutterInst The Speech & Stuttering Institute

In this issue:ArticulisciousMeet Michelle, Clinician & Clinical CoordinatorStuttering in Young Children Conference& More..

Moreover, the model would extend the numbers of sessions typically provided by the agencies. In addition, the proposal included a mentoring and teaching compo-nent where clinicians from both York and Toronto regions could be trained by Insti-tute staff in the provision of comprehensive fluency treatment. We are thrilled to report that almost 80 children and their families have been reached since September and that six Speech-Language Pathologists from the community have been fully trained to provide full assessment, treatment and follow-up for children with fluency disorders. “This has been a truly rewarding experience”, said Lori-Scott Sulsky, the lead S&SI clini-cian and project instructor. “I hope that we can continue to provide this most vital service for those kids most at risk.” Discussion has already taken place with Ministry officials pertaining to the continuation of the program.

The Speech and Stuttering Institute has nev-er received any public funding for preschool children who stutter. Recently, Robert Kroll, in collaboration with Margit Pukonen and preschool coordinators from York Region and Toronto, submitted a proposal to enhance both system capacity and clinician capacity within the Preschool Speech and Language Services system. The proposal included providing direct and comprehensive services to families who are referred to agencies beyond the cut off dates due to strains on the system.

Ministry of Children and Youth Services Funds New S&SI Initiative for Preschool Children who Stutter

oneword spring newsletter 2012 The Speech & Stuttering Institute Olena Sapojnikova, Creator

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Why did you choose to work at The S&SI?After graduating from University, I worked at the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa where I happened to attend a conference on PROMPTs (a therapy technique used to guide the children’s speech/oral motor movements with tactile cue-ing ). The guest speaker was in fact the director of The Speech Founda-tion of Ontario (now Speech and Stut-tering Institute). I was impressed with her presentation and how this therapy technique was helping children with severe speech production difficulties. I knew that if I ever moved to Toronto, that ‘ s where I would want to work.

Interview with Michele Meloche-Kelly Clinician and Clinical Coordinator at The Speech and Stuttering Institute

How long have you been working here at The S&SI? I first started working here 24 years ago when it was called The Speech Foundation of Ontario. I then left to go on maternity leave and raise my sons. 12 years ago I came back to the Institute and to this day, I would not want to work anywhere else.

Where did you receive you degree?I went to McGill University for my un-dergrad in Child Psychology and Lin-guistics, and UBC for my Masters in Audiology and Speech Sciences.

What do a lot of the parents say once they’ve completed therapy?They are always thrilled to see that their children are communicating success-fully. Many parents even say that now they can’t get their child to STOP talking!

Tell us about your two roles at The S&SI.As a clinician, I have a caseload of childen I see for therapy. I am as passionate about helping children communicate as I was when I first started working...

...in this field .It is such a rewarding expe-rience to see their ability to express them-selves improve. After all these years , I fee like I learn something new everyday.

My second role is as Clinical Coordina-tor where I review referrals, liaise with Speech-Language Pathologists in the community as well as with parents. I am also responsible for managing the waits list, coordinating assessments, and pro-gram planning. The two aspects of my role complement each other very well.

Do you have an inspirational story that showcases why you love work-ing at The S&SI?I think it is impossible to choose just one story. I get inspired all the time. The children are so young yet work so hard, are so brave and so very deter-mined. When they become success-ful at communicating it changes so many aspects of their life. They gain confidence, develop friendships with peers, are able to express their clever ideas and feelings. It’s wonderful! I can never get over the pure joy of see-ing them understood when they speak.

In September of last year, Robert Kroll, Executive Director, presented a paper at the Oxford Dysflu-ency Conference in Oxford England. At that conference, Kroll had occasion to talk with professionals from the Michael Palin Centre in London. He invited Willie Botterill, Clinical Manager at the Centre to come to Canada to address community clinicians in the Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy meth-od of treatment. “We are very excited to have Willie address our community,” said Kroll. “As a lead-ing agency in teaching, treatment and research, it is important to expose and train our colleagues in all of the varied approached to stuttering and motor speech disorders. The Palin approach, although very well known in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, has not received as much atten-tion in North America.” The conference is being held on May 28 & 29, at Le Parc in Thornhill, ON. Contact Robert Kroll at [email protected] for additional information.

S&SI to Host Conference on Stuttering in Young Children

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On the evening of Monday, April 2, 2012, The Speech & Stuttering Institute will be hosting its second annual Articuliscious dinner at North 44 restaurant. This event offers participants an intimate, private and upscale dining experience in support of in-dividuals with speech related challenges. “We were so delighted with the outpouring of support from last year’s dinner that I knew we had to make Articuliscious an annual event,” said Mary-Martin Morris, Articu-liscious Co-Chair. “This is a cause that has touched my family in a very personal way, and it has been incredibly heart-warming to see so many people and companies extend themselves so generously. I feel very honoured to be associated with this event.” The evening will feature the culinary sophistication and elegance that is characteristic of Mark Mcewan’s acclaimed North 44 restaurant. Barry Critchley, of the National Post, will be sharing his thoughts on the importance of communication, in work and in life. “We are thrilled to be hosting this event for another year,” said Rose Baker, the Articuliscious Co-Chair. “While The Speech & Stuttering Institute treats hundreds of children and adults each year, the funds raised allow the organization to extend its scope of service, and particularlyto provide subsidy support to families who cannot afford treatment.”

Corporate sponsors of the event include CIBC, BMO Financial Group, TORYS, GMP Capital Inc., Heidrick & Struggles, Raymond James, and National Bank Financial Markets. It is expected that Articuliscious will raise approximately $75,000 in support of The Speech & Stuttering Institute.

If you are new to our programand you would like to be paired witha mentor family OR if you com-pleted our program and would like

to be a mentor, please contact Bob Kroll at the institute at

[email protected]

2 Facts and a Myth. Can you get the myth right? 1. a) There are more males who stutter than females. b) Children learn to stutter from watching others or from their parents. c) Stuttering can be controlled by direct therapy and environmental changes.

2. a) Stuttering is found mainly in North America. b) Between 0.5 and 1% of the population stutters. c) There are no differences in intelligence between people who stutter and people who do not. (Answers: #1 b #2 a)


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2-150 Duncan Mill Road,Toronto, Ontario M3B 3M4www.speechandstuttering.comPhone: 416 491-7771 Fax 416 491-7215Charitable Registration # 199159358RR0001

The Speech and Stuttering Institute re-ceived a two year grant from Ministry of Children and Youth Services to train Speech-Language Pathologists from across Ontario in motor speech therapy and then study the effectiveness of the treatment ap-proach. Sixty clinicians participated in the training and the majority are now collecting data. We will have information on approxi-mately 90 children which is a first in the field. This is truly an unique project as there have been no published studies that have attempted to report on such a large number of children. The challenges involved in this multicentre re- search are indeed great, however our research team has been up to the task!

Important questions we hope to answer include: Can we train others to do the type of therapy we do at The S&SI? Does the treatment result in significant change in the children’s speech skills? Are out-comes better with once a week or twice a week therapy sessions? Do children’s functional communication skills improve with the therapy? “ This information will help us deliver the best programs possible for children with motor speech difficulties and guide practice in Ontario”, said Margit Pukonen, Program Director.

S&SI Leads the Way in Children’s Motor Speech

Please help us to give the gift of speech. The Speech & Stuttering Institute does not turn people away due to an inability to pay fees. We provide subsidy support to individuals who qualify so that our fee for service programs can be available to everyone. But to do so, we must rely on the generosity of people like you.

It starts with one gift

Did you know that incorporating rhyming

into games greatly helpes support literacy develop-ment in preschool aged
