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St Bernadette’ · 2017-03-17 · 2 Welcome to this commemorative booklet marking the closure of St Bernadette’s Chapel

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  • Final Mass at

    St Bernadette’s

    Chapel of Ease

    Sneinton Dale

    Sunday 26th February 2017

    Principal Celebrant;

    The Right Reverend Patrick McKinney

    Bishop of Nottingham

    Parish Priest;

    Fr. Joe Wheat

    Sacred Heart of Jesus - - We place our trust in you

    St Bernadette - - Pray for us

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    Welcome to this commemorative booklet marking the closure of St

    Bernadette’s Chapel of Ease.

    Here you will find the order of Mass, many photographs of our time

    here at the school and Chapel and some of the history of the site.

    The prayers chosen for the final Mass speak of us giving thanks to God.

    Although this will be for many people a sad occasion, we have much to

    give God thanks for; all the pupils and staff who passed through the

    doors of St Bernadette’s School; everyone who has worshipped here

    each weekend both in the main school building and for the past 30 years

    in our dedicated Chapel; all those who have been baptised here,

    received the Eucharist for the first time in this Chapel, been buried from

    here, gathered to pray ....... and quite apart from the prayer life that this

    place has seen, some of the pictures in the booklet will remind you of the

    social life of the parish that for a long time was centred on St

    Bernadette’s; the youth club that met here, the Christmas parties, Italian

    celebrations, sharing a cuppa after Mass (and playing Table Tennis to

    varying degrees of success!). There is much to thank God for.

    Our readings for Mass are simply those given for this weekend, but they

    encourage us to reflect on God’s faithful love for us; that with Christ at

    the centre of our lives, we need not fear. Trust in God’s providence will

    help us to face the future.

    Our second reading, from 1 Corinthians, maybe gives us a challenge; be

    stewards of our faith and the mysteries of God. The Church’s mission in

    Sneinton is our task – to know God and to make God known through

    the building of His kingdom. We have a unique opportunity to do

    something special; build a partnership with St Christopher’s and unite

    in ensuring that the Gospel is preached and lived in our area.

    Trusting in God, with Christ as our strength and salvation, we enter into

    a new chapter of the life of the Catholic Church in Sneinton with


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    Entrance Hymn

    883; Christ be our Light

    Welcome and Greeting

    Bishop Patrick; In the name of the Father, and of the Son,

    and of the Holy Spirit

    All; Amen

    Bishop Patrick; Peace be with you.

    All; And with your spirit.

    Sprinkling Rite

    Bishop Patrick; Dear friends, this water will be used to remind us of

    our baptism. Let us ask God to bless it and keep us

    faithful to the Spirit he has given us.

    God our Father, your gift of water brings life and

    freshness to the earth; it washes away our sins and

    brings us eternal life. We ask you

    now to bless + this water, and to

    give us your protection on this

    day which you have made your

    own. Renew the living spring of

    your life within us and protect us

    in spirit and body, that we may

    be free from sin and come into

    your presence to receive your gift of salvation.

    We ask this through Christ our Lord.

    All; Amen

    Bishop Patrick will move through the Chapel sprinkling everyone.

    Concluding prayer

    Bishop Patrick; May almighty God cleanse us of our sins and, through

    the Eucharist we celebrate, make us worthy to sit at his

    table in his heavenly kingdom. We ask this through

    Christ our Lord

    All; Amen

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    Glory to God in the highest,

    and on earth peace to people of good will.

    We praise you, we bless you,

    we adore you, we glorify you,

    we give you thanks for your great glory,

    Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

    Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

    Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

    you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;

    you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;

    you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

    For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord,

    you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,

    in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

    Opening prayer

    To which we respond

    All; Amen

    First reading

    Isaiah 49; 14 – 15; I will never forget you

    Reader; The Word of the Lord

    All; Thanks be to God


    Psalm 61

    Response; In God alone is my soul at rest

    Second reading

    1 Corinthians 4; 1 – 15; be a steward of God’s mysteries.

    Reader; The Word of the Lord

    All; Thanks be to God

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    Gospel acclamation

    Alleluia, Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia


    Matthew 6; 24 – 34; do not worry about tomorrow

    Fr Joe; The Lord be with you

    All; And with your spirit

    Fr Joe; A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew

    All; Glory to you Lord.

    At the end of the Gospel

    Fr Joe; The Gospel of the Lord

    All; Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

    Please remain standing until Fr Joe has taken the

    Book of the Gospel to Bishop Patrick to kiss.


    Bishop Patrick


    I believe in one God,

    the Father almighty,

    maker of heaven and earth,

    of all things visible and invisible.

    I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

    the Only Begotten Son of God,

    born of the Father before all ages.

    God from God, Light from Light,

    true God from true God,

    begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

    through him all things were made.

    For us men and for our salvation

    he came down from heaven, (bow during the next two lines)

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    and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

    and became man.

    For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

    he suffered death and was buried,

    and rose again on the third day

    in accordance with the Scriptures.

    He ascended into heaven

    and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

    He will come again in glory

    to judge the living and the dead

    and his kingdom will have no end.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

    who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

    who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

    who has spoken through the prophets.

    I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

    I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

    and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

    and the life of the world to come. Amen


    The response to each prayer;

    Reader; Lord, in your mercy

    All; Hear our prayer

    Offertory Hymn

    608; Take my hands

    Eucharistic Prayer

    The prayer will be one for special occasions;

    ‘God guides His Church along the way of Salvation’

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    Holy Holy

    Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts.

    Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

    Hosanna in the highest.

    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

    Hosanna in the highest.

    Memorial Acclamation

    When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup,

    we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.

    Communion Hymns

    720; Be still for the presence of the Lord

    627; This is my body

    If, for any reason, you do not wish to, or are unable to receive Holy

    Communion, do feel free to come forward for a blessing. As you approach the

    altar, just place an arm across your chest to indicate you want to receive a

    blessing rather than Holy Communion.

    Prayer after communion

    To which we respond

    All; Amen

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    As part of our final prayers, Bishop Patrick will move to different places around

    the Chapel and lead a prayer of thanksgiving at each point;

    The font; for all who have been baptised in St Bernadette’s

    The Lectern; for all who have heard the Word of God proclaimed here

    Statue of St Bernadette; for the protection of our patron Saint

    The door; for the welcome we have all received here

    The Altar; for all who have been nourished by the Bread of Life in St


    To each short prayer we respond

    Bishop Patrick; Blessed be God forever!

    All; Blessed be God forever!

    Bishop Patrick will remain on the Sanctuary and invite three people to come

    forward to receive items that will come with us to St Christopher’s;

    A Chalice; received by a Eucharistic Minister to symbolise the Eucharist we

    will continue to celebrate

    The Lectionary; received by a reader to symbolise the Word of God that we will

    continue to hear and proclaim in Sneinton

    A Hymn Book; received by a welcomer to symbolise the welcome we have

    received from St Christopher’s and the welcome we will continue to extend to

    the people of the area.

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    Bishop Patrick will then give us his blessing.

    Bishop Patrick; The Lord be with you

    All; And with your spirit.

    Bishop Patrick; Blessed be the name of the Lord

    All; now and forever

    Bishop Patrick; Our help is in the name of the Lord

    All; Who made heaven and earth

    Bishop Patrick; And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and

    the Son, + and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and

    remain with you forever.

    All; Amen

    Fr Joe; The Mass is ended, go in peace,

    glorifying the Lord by your life

    All; Thanks be to God

    Final hymn

    864; God’s Spirit is in my heart

    When the final hymn has ended, you are invited to come forward and

    venerate the altar with a kiss.

    The altar represents Christ, the altar and the sacrifice. At the start and end of

    each Mass, the Bishop or Priest kisses the altar as an act of veneration of He

    who is at the centre of our life and worship.

    If you wish to make the same act of devotion – which will be our final sign of

    faith in this building – then please simply come forward with reverence and kiss

    the altar before leaving the Chapel.

    After Mass, everyone is welcome to make their way downstairs. There

    are mugs of tea, bacon or sausage cobs and plenty of cake to help us celebrate the

    life of the parish.

    There will also be a film playing of the final Mass at St Bernadette’s School –

    you might spot some familiar faces.

    The table tennis tables will also be up and running!

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    The history

    Details of the history of this site are sketchy, but this will give you some

    sense of what these buildings have seen.

    1883 St Patrick’s Church opened on London Road

    School opened 1874, Presbytery 1879

    1933 9th December

    Foundation Stone of St Bernadette’s School laid by Bishop McNulty

    (St Bernadette had been canonised the previous day)

    This was a replacement for the Boys School at St Patrick’s site on London

    Road which had to be closed due to the poor state of the buildings. It

    was originally built to primarily serve Colwick – where there was a lot

    of house building going on and forecast.

    1934 27th August

    St Bernadette’s School opens for business as an all-age school

    6th September – official opening.

    225 pupils on roll

    The first Headteacher was Dan Casey – but only for a short time as he

    fell ill and die. He was succeeded by his brother, John (Jack) Casey.

    1935 Mass began to be celebrated in St Bernadette’s school as a Mass centre,

    served from St Patrick’s on London Road.

    1961 St Bernadette’s re-modelled as a Bilateral school.

    New science block, craft rooms, gym, boiler house and kitchen provided.

    Infant and Junior pupils transferred to St Edward’s.

    Secondary intake of 151 pupils admitted.

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    1975 St Bernadette’s designated as a 11 – 18 Comprehensive.

    465 pupils on roll.

    1979 St Patrick’s earmarked for demolition

    The care of St Bernadette’s Mass centre passed to

    Sacred Heart Parish, Carlton.

    The official date of the handover was 31st December 1978

    Pentecost Sunday 3rd June; final Mass in the old St Patrick’s.

    Bishop McGuinness presided and during Mass presented Papal

    Blessings from Pope John Paul to Colin Campbell, Florence Goodall, Mr

    & Mrs Donald King, Andrew Long, Joan Maddock, Ethel Needham,

    Mary Teresa O’Donnell, Noreen Osborne, Mr & Mrs Vincent Pykett and

    Mr & Mrs Edward Swaby. He also presented Bene Merenti Medals to

    Alf Jackson, Audrey Muir, Winifred Murrin and Laurence Taylor.

    1981 New St Patrick’s Church built in the Meadows

    Consecrated by Bishop McGuinness on 22nd October

    1985 St Bernadette’s school closed due to diminishing numbers.

    11th July – Mass of Thanksgiving held.

    Bishop James McGuinness presided, assisted by Fr Brendan O’Sullivan,

    Mgr. Atkinson and Canon Soar.

    From the booklet for Mass the Mass of Thanksgiving;

    ‘Our joy must, however, at this time be alloyed with sadness when we consider

    the occasion of our coming together ... but we are not gathered here to mourn

    our loss, but to give thanks to God for all the gifts and blessings he has showered

    upon us ....... When the French Revolution was at its most violent, the

    Archbishop of Paris was apparently unmoved by the reports of arrests,

    humiliations and executions. When asked why he seemed untouched by all the

    horrors around him he replied: “Le bon Dieu prepare quelque chose”

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    1987 Thursday 2nd July

    Dedication and Blessing of the Chapel of St Bernadette.

    Celebrated by Bishop James McGuinness

    2017 Sunday 26th February.

    Final Mass in St Bernadette’s and closure of the building.

    Principal Celebrant, Right Reverend Patrick McKinney,

    Bishop of Nottingham,

    assisted by Fr Joe Wheat,

    Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Parish, Carlton.

    Mass in Sneinton continued to be celebrated from the 5th March 2017 in

    St Christopher’s Anglican Church, Trent Lane through a formal

    agreement between the Catholic Diocese of Nottingham

    and the Anglican Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham.

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    Memories of St Bernadette’s

    Mary Clare

    The first headmaster was Dan Casey, who sadly died at an early age. The

    position was then taken by his brother John (Jack) Casey who was there for

    many years.

    My father, Harold Andrews, was the first caretaker at the school. He left,

    temporarily, during the Second World War, but resumed again after the war

    and remained until his retirement in the 1960s.

    I started school at St Bernadette’s in late 1940 but was there for only six

    months. At that time, other teachers in the school were Leslie Clark, Miss

    Hogan, Miss Hurley, Miss O’Neill and Miss Whelpton – who was in

    charge of the first year pupils.

    I remember my father going to the school every Saturday afternoon to set

    out the hall with chairs and kneelers for Sunday Mass. I would go with him on

    Sunday afternoons to move everything out again.

    After the war, there was a prisoner of war camp on Colwick Woods. Most

    of the ‘prisoners’ were Ukrainian, and they had an excellent choir who attended

    Mass at St Bernadette’s on Sunday’s to sing and join in the services.

    Happy memories.

    May Queen



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    St Bernadette’s primary school. 1954??

    Little angels!

    First Holy


    group from


    With Fr


    and Mr Casey


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    More angels! This time from June 3rd 1956

    See anyone you recognise? Teresa Brett on her First Holy

    Communion Day

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    A class in 1957?? Can you put a name to any of the faces?

    An early music

    lesson in St


    Are you in this


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    Mass in the school hall before the move across the drive

    After the move into the current building, before the Chapel was created

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    Notice anything missing?

    Even before the trees had grown

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    Life in the Chapel – Baptisms

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    Making music

    Fr Trevor Clarke and servers .... poised to process

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    All ready for Christmas

    The late Bishop McGuinness flanked by the late Fr Brendan O’Sullivan

    and Fr Sean Hanratty??

  • 22

    The late Fr Dave

    Everitt looking


    ‘Big’ Brendan beaming

  • 23

    Big Brendan with


    This young boy was

    actually very tall for

    his age – 6ft 3 in fact.

    However, not a

    match .......

    No idea.

    Not even sure I

    want to know.

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    Christmas party?

    See anyone you recognise?

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    Alf Jackson The large framed photo of St Bernadette was from the original school. The

    smaller picture (in the sacristy) was from Canon Needham at Tollerton

    Seminary. The Tollerton priests said Mass most Sundays for us.

    The large benches in church (around the sides) came from St Hugh’s,

    Tollerton. The smaller ones, the central altar and tabernacle came from the

    convent at Ollerton when it was closed. The Sacred Heart statue came from

    Leicester and St Bernadette’s statue was ‘smuggled’ in from Lourdes, in the

    coach spare tyre.

    The tables in the community hall were rescued from Sacred Heart School,

    wooden chairs (downstairs) came from Nottingham City Schools department

    (sweet talk and a pint of beer), the long kitchen worktop and sink came from St

    Bernadette’s kitchen. The gas stove from City Council School Department and

    the freezer and fridges etc just rescued.

    50% of the crockery came from the Italian club when it closed. The rest of

    the pots etc came from the Royal Hotel when they had a clear out to make way

    for some better Pots. The petrol lawnmower was paid for second-hand, other

    mowers donated (it saved parishioners having to use their own mowers!). The

    bags of salt kept in the boiler room were donated by a film company.

    Various other items were begged, borrowed or acquired. The vestments

    were all new and other items for church came from St Patrick’s – we got half the

    items and the rest went into the new St Patrick’s in the Meadows. The

    processional cross was made by a parishioner with a rescued figure of Christ

    and the wood used was to match the church furnishings. It was made to a small

    scale to cope with the low ceiling in the Chapel.

    £100 was given to purchase the Stations of the Cross. This was probably

    only enough to purchase the hooks to hang them on! The donor was taken to

    Liverpool, shown round the church furnishings company and taken for lunch.

    During the course of which he said ‘I know why you have brought me here!’ He

    took out his cheque book and donated £1000 to cover the Stations of the Cross.

    The crib figures came from Mount St Bernard’s Abbey for £200.20p, the

    proceeds from a ‘sale’ event for Christmas. The price was what was in the bag

    with all the money from the event. The Brothers at the Monastery couldn’t

    believe they were being paid in ‘cash’. We did negotiate the price, saying that

    was all we had!!

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    A word of thanks

    To Bishop Patrick for being with us today

    To all those who have worked hard to prepare our liturgy and lead

    it so beautifully ...... musicians, servers, sacristans, readers,

    Eucharistic Ministers, welcomers ........ to those who contributed

    photos and memories for this booklet .......

    To everyone who came on Friday to clean and prepare the Chapel

    and downstairs rooms

    To the band of parishioners who have sorted out the refreshments

    after Mass

    And finally, to every member of the parish who has over the years given

    their time and efforts here at St Bernadette’s ..... it is only through their

    dedication that we have such a good legacy to build on and take us into

    a new chapter of our life in Sneinton.

    The final word belongs to our Patron Saint;

    ‘If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces... never be afraid to

    pick one of those pieces up and begin again. That's the beauty of being alive...

    We can always start all over again. Enjoy God's amazing opportunities

    bestowed on us. Have faith in Him always...’ St Bernadette Soubirous

    St Bernadette; pray for us

    Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; we place our trust in you

    Que soy presto – I am ready