1 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Reverend Jeff Meeuwsen, Pastor [email protected] Your Parish Staff: Pastoral Asst. For Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano : Deacon Jesús Espinoza 503-330-0576 [email protected] Bookkeeper/Office Administrator: Carmen Orozco 503-649-9044 [email protected] Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroqúial: Lorena Serrano [email protected] For Sacramental Emergencies call (971)998-5841 3145 SW 192nd Avenue Aloha, Oregon 97003 Parish Office 503.649.9044 Fax: 503.848.2915 www.seas-aloha.org Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas: Saturday/Sábado Spanish/Español 5:30pm Sunday/Domingo English/Inglés 8:00am & 11:00am Spanish/Español 1:00pm Daily Mass/Misa entre semana Monday-Friday 8:00am Holy Days/ Días Sántos Usually /Usualmente 8:00am & 7:00pm (Watch Bulletin for updates) Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo Friday/Viernes 9:00am-9:00pm Confessions/Confesiones Saturdays/Sábados 4:00pm-5:00pm Jóvenes Para Cristo Martes 7:00pm Grupo de Oración Carismática Jueves 7:00pm Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 15, 2018 Décimo Quinto Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Office Hours Monday & Friday 9:00am-2:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm. Horario de Oficina Lunes y Viernes 9:00am-2:00pm Martes, Miércoles y Jueves 9:00am-4:00pm. Parish Mission Statement “As a diverse and welcoming Catholic community, we are dedicated to continue the mission of Jesus Christ through sincere worship, service and education.” “Como una comunidad diversa y acogedora que somos estamos dedicados a continuar la misión de Jesucristo por medio del culto sincero, servicio y educación.” Pastoral Council Chair Richard Brixey (503) 646-9818 [email protected] Finance Committee Chair Jim Rossetti (971)777-1208 [email protected] Liturgy Committee Chair Chris Elford (503) 610-8224 [email protected]

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church · 15/07/2018  · St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Reverend Jeff Meeuwsen, Pastor [email protected] ... malo para el bienestar

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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Reverend Jeff Meeuwsen, Pastor [email protected]

Your Parish Staff: Pastoral Asst. For Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano : Deacon Jesú s Espinoza 503-330-0576 [email protected] Bookkeeper/Office Administrator: Carmen Orozco 503-649-9044 [email protected] Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroqúial: Lorena Serrano [email protected]

For Sacramental Emergencies call (971)998-5841

3145 SW 192nd Avenue

Aloha, Oregon 97003

Parish Office 503.649.9044

Fax: 503.848.2915


Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas: Saturday/Sábado

Spanish/Español 5:30pm

Sunday/Domingo English/Inglés 8:00am & 11:00am

Spanish/Español 1:00pm

Daily Mass/Misa entre semana

Monday-Friday 8:00am

Holy Days/ Días Sántos Usually /Usualmente 8:00am & 7:00pm

(Watch Bulletin for updates)

Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo

Friday/Viernes 9:00am-9:00pm


Saturdays/Sábados 4:00pm-5:00pm

Jóvenes Para Cristo

Martes 7:00pm

Grupo de Oración Carismática

Jueves 7:00pm

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 15, 2018

Décimo Quinto Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

Office Hours Monday & Friday 9:00am-2:00pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm.

Horario de Oficina Lunes y Viernes 9:00am-2:00pm

Martes, Miércoles y Jueves 9:00am-4:00pm.

Parish Mission Statement “As a diverse and welcoming Catholic community, we are dedicated to continue the mission of Jesus

Christ through sincere worship, service and education.”

“Como una comunidad diversa y acogedora que

somos estamos dedicados a continuar la misión de Jesucristo por medio del culto sincero, servicio y


Pastoral Council Chair

Richard Brixey (503) 646-9818 [email protected]

Finance Committee Chair

Jim Rossetti (971)777-1208 [email protected]

Liturgy Committee Chair

Chris Elford (503) 610-8224 [email protected]

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Registration forms are in the back of Church or available from the office.

Notas de la Semana Weekly Notes


Mon. July 16 Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9,16-17,21,23; Mt 10:34—11:1

Tue. July 17 Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24

Wed. July 18 Is 10:5-7,13b-16; Ps 94:5-10,14-15; Mt 11:25-27

Thu. July 19 Is 26:7-9,12,16-19; Ps 102:13-21; Mt 11:28-30

Fri. July 20 Is 38:1-6,21-22,7-8; (Ps) Is 38:10-12,16; Mt 12:1-8

Sat. July 21 Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4,7-8,14; Mt 12:14-21

Sun. July 22 Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34

Cultivating the Fruit of Kindness

This summer we continue cultivating the garden of our souls so

that they might produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit. If we are not

willing to do the work there will be no fruit. This week let’s

take a look at the spiritual fruit of known as goodness. This word

comes from the idea that goodness relates to human wellbeing

and moral excellence. That which is good promotes our well-

being. The fruit that is goodness describes the person who pro-

motes all types of wellbeing: spiritual, emotional, social, physical

and any other type. The Christian with the spiritual fruit of good-

ness promotes the moral excellence of all including himself. The

weeds of evil and immorality, not promoting wellbeing, need to

be pulled up so that God’s goodness can grow in us.

St. Paul describes goodness as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians

5:22). He also states that goodness belongs with righteousness

and truth (Ephesians 5:9). The good news is that the Holy Spirit

let’s this fruit grown in us! From the beginning of creation God

has always done things for us to promote our wellbeing and moral

excellence. He gave us life. He gave us custody of creation. He

gave us the gift of each other. He gave us the commandments.

He gave us His Son and now He gives us his Spirit. With his

Spirit we can weed out evil and promote our wellbeing and moral

excellence by feeding off of goodness. The devil does not want

our wellbeing, but our hell-being (that’s a word I just made up).

He wants chaos in all aspects of our life so that goodness might

be choked out by all that is bad for us. He wants our damnation

not our salvation.

This week, start pulling out the weeds of all that is bad for well-

being and journey toward moral excellence in all aspects of your

life so as to promote the growth of goodness. Goodness will give

your lives a purpose. With that, God’s goodness will shine

through the promotion of our ultimate wellbeing, salvation. Try


Cultivando el Fruto de la Amabilidad Este verano continuamos cultivando el jardín de nuestras almas

para que puedan producir los frutos del Espíritu Santo. Si no esta-

mos dispuestos a hacer el trabajo, no habrá fruto. Esta semana

echemos un vistazo a la fruta espiritual conocida como bondad.

Esta palabra proviene de la idea de que la bondad se relaciona

con el bienestar humano y la excelencia moral. Lo que es bueno

promueve nuestro bienestar. La fruta que es bondad describe a la

persona que promueve todo tipo de bienestar: espiritual, emocion-

al, social, físico y de cualquier otro tipo. El cristiano con el fruto

espiritual de la bondad promueve la excelencia moral de todos,

incluido él mismo. Las malas hierbas del mal y la inmoralidad,

que no fomentan el bienestar, deben levantarse para que la bon-

dad de Dios pueda crecer en nosotros

San Pablo describe la bondad como un fruto del Espíritu (Gálatas

5:22). También afirma que la bondad pertenece a la justicia y la

verdad (Efesios 5: 9). ¡La buena noticia es que el Espíritu Santo

permite que esta fruta crezca en nosotros! Desde el comienzo de

la creación, Dios siempre ha hecho cosas para que promovamos

nuestro bienestar y excelencia moral. Él nos dio la vida. Él nos

dio la custodia de la creación. Él nos dio el regalo del uno al otro.

Él nos dio los mandamientos. Él nos dio a su Hijo y ahora nos da

su Espíritu. Con su Espíritu podemos eliminar el mal y promover

nuestro bienestar y excelencia moral alimentándonos de la bon-

dad. El diablo no quiere nuestro bienestar, sino nuestro infierno

(esa es una palabra que acabo de inventar). Él quiere el caos en

todos los aspectos de nuestra vida para que la bondad pueda ser

estrangulada por todo lo que es malo para nosotros. Él quiere

nuestra condenación, no nuestra salvación

Esta semana, comience a sacar las malas hierbas de todo lo que es

malo para el bienestar y viaje hacia la excelencia moral en todos

los aspectos de su vida, a fin de promover el crecimiento de la

bondad. La bondad dará a tus vidas un propósito. Con eso, la bon-

dad de Dios brillará a través de la promoción de nuestro bienestar

supremo, la salvación. Intentalo

Padre Jeff

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Adapted Liturgy

You are invited on July 22 to the St. Pius X Adapted

Liturgy, a shorter Mass that celebrates the lives and gifts

of all people, including those with physical and developmental

disabilities and illnesses. Every effort is made to accommo-

date the inclusion and participation of each person.

This liturgy is an opportunity for anyone and everyone, a

place for those with special needs, both seen and unseen, to

celebrate and participate in the Mass as they are able. The

church is accessible for wheelchairs, and listening devices

are available.

The Adapted Liturgy is offered the 4th Sunday of nearly

every month at 2:45 pm at St. Pius X, 1280 NW Saltzman

Rd, Portland, OR; call 503-644-5264 for more information.

Future dates are Aug. 26 and Sept. 23, 2018. All are

welcome to this joyful gathering.

Prayer for our Courts and Judges

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of our nation.

You alone rule the world with justice,

Yet you place in our hands the solemn duty

Of participating in the shaping of our government.

I pray today for our President and Senators

Who have the responsibility of placing judges on our courts.

Please protect this process from all obstruction.

Please send us men and women of wisdom,

Who respect Your Law of Life.

Please send us judges with humility.

Who seek Your truth and not their own opinions.

Lord, give all of us the courage we need to do what is right.

St. Thomas More, PRAY FOR US!

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Vacation Bible Camp/Ora et Labora Escuala Biblica de Verano / Ora et Labora

July 31-August 03 Del 31 de Julio al 3 de Agosto

Registration deadline is July 31st Ultimo dia de Inscripcion Julio 27

Sign up for Ora et Labora. Registrate para Ora et Labora

Registrations Now Available

Registraciones Ahora Disponibles

Las formas para

registrarse las encuentra

Disponibles en

[email protected]

Online registration

forms now available at

[email protected]

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Felicidades por el bautismo de su niño/a! El bautismo es el sacramento de entrada

a la Iglesia.

Tiene que traer consigo el acta de Nacimiento

del niño (a). Al igual tiene que traer información

de los padrinos: nombres completos, y su certifi-

cado de matrimonio. ”Papás y Padrinos tienen

que asistir a platicas (clases) de bautismo. Si

van asistir a clases de Bautismo en la Iglesia de

Santa Elizabeth. Hay una cuota de $30.00 dlls.

Se necesita un PASE para entrar a las clases, el

PASE se le otorga una vez se haya registrado en

la oficina. Los Bautismos se celebran cada

Sábado del mes y en algunos Domingos déspues

de Misa de 1:00PM. Las platicas son el primer

Domingo de cada mes.

Toda documentacion necesita ser entregada

30 dias antes de la fecha a bautizar.

Las próximas fechas para bautismo en Sábado son: Agosto 4,11,18 y 25

Septiembre 1,8,15,22 y 29

Octubre 6,13,20 y 27


La próximas fechas para platicas son:

Agosto 5 2:30pm

Septiembre 2 2:30pm

Octubre 7 2:30pm


Para presentaciones, por favor lláme ó pase por la oficina por lo menos dos semana antes

para darnos la fecha deseada para la presentación de su niño (a). NO se necesita ningún otro

requisito. Las presentaciones son déspues de la Misa de la 1:00 pm los Domingos.

QUINCEAÑERAS: Favor de pasar a la oficina para llenar una solicitud por lomenos 6 meses

antes de la fecha deseada.

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LIFE:PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE Matt Cato, Director of the Office of Life, Justice & Peace,

Archdiocese of Portland

Everything is connected; everyone is connected. We are a

caring community where everyone is meant to be con-

nected. We are meant to be interdependent, a community,

a caring community. We are responsible for one another.

Life is not about me; it's about us.

Life is also our first gift from an infinitely loving Creator.

That alone provides the foundation for our human dignity.

Catholic teaching recognizes the inherent value of all

human life. Each of us – regardless of age, race, physical or mental ability, or economic status – is inherently

valuable. No stage of life is insignificant. None is a burden. Instead, it's all very good, as we learn in Genesis

when, on the 6th day, God looked at everything he made and found it very good.

This is why the Catholic Church believes that we must protect the environment, that we must ensure that

everyone has dignity, and that we must protect life – because these are gifts from God that are very good.

We cherish these gifts. Therefore, regarding the gift of life, the Church opposes state-assisted suicide – which

is also known as capital punishment or the death penalty – so does the Church oppose physician-assisted

suicide, which some soften by calling it death with dignity.

We must protect all gifts of life, because life is very good. As a caring community of connected, inter-

dependent neighbors, we therefore mourn the loss of a life from one's own suicide, from state-assisted suicide,

or from physician-assisted suicide. A connected, caring community is, by definition, compassionate, especially

with those facing the most vulnerable time in their lives.

This compassion does not equate with facilitating suicide. This compassion does not require us to look the

other way when suicide is being considered. This compassion does not mean that we legalize suicide because

"everyone has a right to make their own decisions."

No, this compassion requires us to be present with each other until the end.

All lives are valuable, significant, and a gift of God, which God found very good.

Check out new resources at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at


Upcoming Events in the Archdiocese

7/21 Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Healing Healing from abortion. Our Lady of the Lake parish

in Lake Oswego. Go to [email protected] for details.

7/25 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae

8/5 Human Trafficking Silent Prayer Vigil: St. Andre Bessette Catholic Church, 601 West

Burnside Street, Portland, August 5, from 11:15-11.45 AM. Please join together to pray for victims and an end to human trafficking.

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Sacramento del BautismoLas fechas siguientes están programadas para celebración de el Sacramento del Bautismo en sábados. Es necesario tener todos los documentos requeridos 30 días antes de que se le pueda dar fecha por concreto.

Agosto 4,11,18,25 10:00am Septiembre 1,8,15,22,29 10:00am Octubre 6,13,20,27 10:00am

*Tengan en cuenta que también pueden ser

celebrados el día domingo durante la misa de la 1:00pm:

Las platicas para Bautismo son las siguientes


Agosto 5 2:30pm Septiembre 2 2:30pm Octubre 7 2:30pm

*Para mas información favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.

MASS INTENTIONS/Intenciones de la Misa

Mon July 16 8:00am Poor Souls Tue July 17 8:00am Poor Souls Wed July 18 8:00am Poor Souls

Thu July 19 8:00am Poor Souls Fri July 20 8:00am Poor Souls Sat July 21 5:30pm Poor Souls Sun July 22 8:00am +Donald Speight 11:00am Holy Father Francis 1:00pm People of the Parish

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill: Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones a los enfermos:

Deena Creamer, Vincent & Mario, Kathleen Casey, Tim Niver, Marie Tran,

Laurie Barlean, Angela, Crisman, Jacob Benedict, Francis Tu Ngo, Qui Nguyen, Jerry,

Sharon Clifton, Dave Mitchell, Ben Petrick, Mary Gillilan, Bernadette Taylor, Al Denfeld,

Monica & Jean, Sher Bauman, Noe Orozco, Romesh Jinadasa, John McDonald, Kim Fitz-

gerald, Louise Stangel, Mary Graves, James Waylen, Jose Pinto, Fred Lau IV, Sandra

McPeak, David Dooley, Jaime Maguire, Layne Chesney, Brady, Matilda Burgard, Kendal

Wheeler, Molly Bitter, Taylor E, Jennie Blake, Mary Jo Hopkins, Diane Matson, Yvonne

Morgan, John Zuercher, Miguel Reyes, Daniel Callaghan, Caleb Bailie, Fortunato Sanchez,

Fabiola Contreras, Anna Nguyen, Thanh Ha, Isis and Family, Kurt Kaul, John Land-

strom, Anne Cummings, Vinny Castro, Miranda Castro, Romero Estrella, Daniel Estrella,

Tayanna Estrella, Clark Smith, Susan Cook, Gaby Contreras, Ivan Loock, Olivia Melgar,

Joel Rivera, Margie Herron, Mariano Vargas Martinez, Andrea Christina Martinez, Zhane

Knight, Amelia Contreras Jackson, Eleonor Kaul, Devinder Khalsa Bonsquet, Lynn &

Whitney Symingto, Jenny Jonson, Leroy Nuckles, Cheri Erdkanp, Betty BVanderkn, José

Antonio Enciso, Bill Diss and Family, Karen Sofia Peralta, Shauri Lamkin.

Please let us know when a person’s circumstance has changed and they

need to be removed from the prayer list.

Por favor dejenos saver cuando las circunstancias cambian y necesitan ser

removidos de la lista de oraciones.

MILITARY PRAYER LIST Please remember in your prayers, those who are serving our country, and their

families. Por favor recuerden en sus oraciones, a los que sirven a nuestro pais, y a sus familias.

Randon Berg Army Iraq

Matt Tardio Army United States

Robert DeLeon Army Iraq

David Green Army Afghanistan

Xavier Martian Coast Guard United States

Leonardo Gonzalez III Marines USA

Danielle Clevidence Navy USA

Michael Purcell Navy USA

Mario Ortiz USAF Belgium

Ryan Brace USAF USA

Paulo David Army Afghanistan

Boris Raykhel USAF South Korea

Taylor Matteson Army USA

Chris Singleton Army USA

Thomas Baker Marines Japan

Jose Roberto Contreras Jr. Marines USA

Nicolas Vaughn Army USA

Camillo Loyuk Army USA

If you have a family member or loved one to add to our military prayer list, please call the office.

Si tiene a un miembro de su familia para agregar en la lista de oraciones militar, por favor llame a la oficina.

Bautizos en Español

“Giving Our First Fruits to God” “Dando Nuestros Primeros Frutos a Dios”

Total Contribution for the Week of 7/08/2018


Last year, same week Año Pasado, misma semana


Property Development—Capital Campaign Fund account balance as of 5/20/2018 Balance de cuenta del Fondo de Desarrollo al día de 5/20/2018


Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por su generosidad!

Baptisms and Classes

English Baptisms are every

Sunday during the 8:00 and

11:00am Masses. Classes are by

appointment only. Please call the

church office for more information


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