THE SAISTT PAUL BAIL"? GLtfBE: SATtTfiDAV tftfESEJa, -&Oi?fMEEft. 11, ism. V A SIKKRABOKETEB. Aik flicboy who sells the papers riid lie will toil you more about «irculatlon than ail Use affidavit* tlifit tan be puMhbed. JuMtrylt and you will he convinced tliat ilie Clcbe leads all. WANTS CAN RE LEFT At the Following Locations fop Insertion in Daily and bunday Globe. W. I. Merrill, 44' Broadway. S. 11. Beeves, druggist, Moore block. Seven corners. C. T. Heller, druggist F2S St. Peter street. Straight Bros., druggists, corner ofHondo flidGiotto. William K. Collier, druggist, 19!) East Sev- nth street. A. T. Guernsey, druggist. 17! Dale street. V.A. Hirscher. druggist, SS&Bondo street. Porker &Webtl.y, diuggisls, IT'JEast Third meet. E. McCrudden, confectionery, 495 Rice, tticet. W .A.Frost &Co., druggists, corner Selby and Western venues. B. J. Wilte, druggist, SOO Market, corner Fifth. SITUATIONS OFFERED Kales. AGKKTB wanted lor the -'Life of Phillips Brooks." One lady sold at! books in six hours. An agent in taking S3 orders only met with six refusals. Our new booK of Photographs beatstbem all; contains twice as many pictures at half the price. We have best World's Fair book, sDo pictures, and best Holiday books. Lowest prices, largest com- missions; premium with every bock. Don't remain idle au hour. We can put you in the way to make money. Position witrTus should be worth SlOil v month. Address at once John K. Hastings, 4? Corn hill, Boston, .Mass. AGENTS wanted for a quick-selling pat- entea invention just being put on the market: sold only through agents; good profits and a clear licld: sample bymail. 25 cents. The Ohio Novelty Co., D 6. Cincin- nati, O. AGJiNTS Salary or commission: the greatest invention of the age: the New fatem Chemical Ink-Erasing Pencil; sells on sight: works like magic; agents are mak- ing from $.r-. to 5325 per week. For further particulars write the Monroe Eraser Manu- facturing Con:) X 4. T.n Crosse. Wis. BAKBKR wanted at once. Jesse Mar- XJ tin. 90 south w abnsba Bt.,West SLPaul. l»AKHi;ii wanted. at SOS li.ist Seventh st. BAKU: barber immediately. Ad- dress William Pankonfn. Stillwater. Minn. GiiOl), hot meals for He, lf.c, 20c and -.sc; '. potatoes, bread, butter and a large cup of good coffee with the above: hot meals ferved all day: 10 percent off on meal tick- ets; hot cakes, sc. Central Restaurant, 414 Jackson. MEN to sell baking powder: steady em- ployment : experience unnecessary; £75 salary or com. 17. S. Chemical Works. MO Van Huron. Chicago. TJJtINTKit wanted, boy or man. with little i- experience, for small jobprinting. Ad- dress Larson. 471 East Fifth St.. city. SALESMAN— Wanted, an experienced shoe salesman: no other need anply. Address, stating salary wanted, P. J. Broder- lck. Ashland, Wis. UOJ.l('nui^ -Wanted, men of energy O and tact to solicit for the Bankers' Life .Association of St. Pirn .Minn.: literal con- nsel and splendid territory can be secured by rddregbiny Clnrenoc K. Pecor. ft. Paul. Minn. STOVK MOU.VTfcS at once. Minnesota O Stove Company, Snakopee, Minn. OTKKOtiItAI'uKKS— < stenog- O mDhers and typewriter operators out of employment are invited to register their names and qualifications with our employ- ment department; no. charge to either em- ployer or employed. Wyckoff. Seamana & Benedict, M bast Fourth st. WK WANT a traveling salesman to sell our spring line of goods on rommis- lion. We make Jeans, Cassimeres, Drills, Damasks, Ginghams, Cheviots and Dress Goods. South Philadelphia Woolen Co.. Box i::4l. Philn. WA.vThD- Four young men to learn » * telegraphy: can make board. Globe Business College. Endicott Building. \u25a0:;\u25a0.-\u25a0•: - . FIfIfAWCIAI- BANK STOCKS a specialty: bonds, com- mercial paper mortgages, securities bought and sold. George W. Jenks, Invest- ment Banker. Minnesota Loan and Trust Building, Minneapolis. i OA.NS on Furniture, Pianos, Diamonds. XJ etc. i::-U First National Hank Building. M * «•- V l.x A , uon life insurance po J.»J- Jcies; or Looght. L P. Van Normnu I 1 Guaranty Lean Building, Minneapolis. MOKKY M>ANKl> on personal property, household goods, pianos, watches diamonds, etc.. in amounts from $10 to 830. American Mortgage Loan Company, Uoorn 7. First >"at:or.iil Bank, Corner Fourth and Jackson sis.; take elevator. 111 OKBY on HAM) to loan on city prop- XTX city and farms: lowest rates; no delay W . F. Merit/:. 1013 Pioneer Press. -P-£-I-V-A-T-£ Money loaned en diamond*, watches, pianos, furniture or goods in storage at lowe»trates. 11 \u25a0'. mall monthly return payments; notes end mortgages bought: most private loan rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com* pany. i:m;:obo bunding; take elevator. rpo LOAN «ti,COO on well-located im- X proved property: will divide into smaller amounts if desired: nothing but \ 1 implication* will be entertained. Address X I .:-•. <;ioh6- LOST A>l> FOtl.Tf I>. BLACK HOUSE. BUGGY ANI) llAli- nci-8 Lost— port to Boxwood's Livery 21C South Third st.. Minneapolis. F> !N<; LOST— Near Hastings, on morning «- of trept. 12. i y dropping from the Bur- lingtontrain, a jreuUenian's diamond ring. Fall value of the ring will bts t>aid to any one returning to W. E. Magraw, Globe counting room. MISCELLANEOUS. Filling <:iu..\r— Warned, piaco to put 300 loads i.i sand. Aj>ply:o B. F. Anderson, planti: trees on Summit ar., be- tween Kent and Lexington. SITttTATIO^S OFFERED. Females. DINING KOOM GlßL,—Wanted, a -L' Scandinavian dining room girl at 60 East l'"ourtn .-t. . HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a strong Ger- man girl; good cook. At 3-ii East Tenth st. Ljoi'SEWOKK- Wanted, girl to do O chmnberwork, wash and iron and help wait on table. 151 Summit nv. HOtJSKWottK Wanted at once, com- petent German or Norwegian girl for general housework. 849 Grand ay. /.-.' : . rtOOSKWORK— Wanted, a girl for ecu- LJ. eral housework; Apply 570 Broadway. HOUSEWORK— girl for general JLJ housework. No. .''3 l)Dnyiou ay. HOGBKWORK Wanted, a girlfor house- work; family of three; call at once. 210 Martin st. OUSKWOKK— Wanted, a girl for light LI work: small wages and a good home. 3CS Nelson ay. HORSES A*l>CARRIAGES POX SALE BY OWNER— SI,SOO— Good -L harness shop, includingharnesses, sad- dles. roles blankets, etc. first mortgage or clear property will take it. Address V 134, Globe. MraW L?o a sale Hone, buggy, harness and C sleigh at a great sacrifice; fine driver and sadler; would sell separate. Address C 130, Globe. I^Oii SALE-Good road cart. 309 Rondost. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE— Good building, brick (color, yellow), for heavy young breed- ingmares; must be first-class. Address N 122. Globe. O K.\CHAN(iK- Houses and lots in different pans of the city for vacant property; call and see us before buying real estate. 11. H.'Sehr.ite &C0.,;i03 East Fourth street. p OSTRLCTIOSS. ST. AGATHA'S ACADICSIV"O F .Ml » i O and Art, 36 East Exchange St., St. Paul— Piano, violin,guitar and mandolin taught. Lessons given in drawing and painting. Call or send tor prospectus. ' BOARD W.UTED. - BOARD— Wanted, board and three rooms 1 in private family for six adults within five minutes' walk of postoffice. Address G 13:1. Globe. Xi: 15, ESTATE FOIISAI/E It* YOU HAVE a little cash to put into real estate, where a large returu is certain.ad- dress V 124. Globe. i>a :»•<». WALTZING TAUGHT EASY- Private VV . lessons given in ballroom dancing. Address James Bodka. 53? Cedar. "\u25a0_•- DYE WORKS. Alll.KliT & MI.NTEL, Minnesota IV Steam Dye Works, 244 East Seventh. THE ST. PAUL TUUST CO-HPAIV* —Offices, JEndicott Block, Fourth street a* executor, admin- istrator, guardian, trustee, as- sigiifce, receiver, etc. STATE OP MINNESOTA, RAMSEY County—ln District Court, Second Judi- cial District. .. . •.. •-..; Inthe matter of the assignment of the Stand- ard Investment Company, insolvent. At Chambers. November yd, IM)3. The above entitled proceeding came on to be heard this day, upau the petition of the St. Paul Trust Company, as the Assignee of said Insolvent Corporation, with a Schedule ot all claims filed by creditors of said insolv- ent, with said Assignee, with the amounts allowed and disiilloweu, and the account of said Assignee, to Oct. 31, 15«.)3, leferred to iv siiid petition, aud tiled therewith. And it upbearing to the satisfaction cf the Court, that under the existing orders as here tofore entered iv said cause, no time is fixed or limited, within which creditors shall rile claims ii^uinst suid Insolvent Corporation, or releases thereof, but that certain creditors of said insolvent, who have heretofore filed their claims, have heretofore petitioned this Court, that all creditors who have, or shall, duly lile their snid claims, may be allowed to share m the assets of said insolvent, without riiius: releases of then claims, and that upon the hearing of said last named petition, on June 3. Ibs:, this Court, by its order of that date, appointed a referee to take evidence on the said application, and thereby directed suid referee to make due report "inereof to this Court. And it further appearing from the petition of said Assignee, this day tiled, that the said referee so appointed under said order of June 3d, lSiK.has not taken the said evidence, or made any report thereof to this Court, and that no further order has been made upon the petition of said creditors. And it further appearing from the petition of said Assignee, that it has converted all of the assigned property into money, and that it has no property of any value in" its hands belonging to said insolvents, except the bal- ance ofmoney, to wit,5i,5&).(50, according to the said account filed with said petition, and save and exeept-any liabilitywhich may ex- ist against certain persons, firms and corpor- ations, as the owners and holders of the cer- tificates of the Capital Stock of said Insolvent Corporation, and that a list of the names and places of residence of the holders of said cer- tificates of stock, with'the amounts owned and held by each, respectively, so far as they are disclosed by the books of said insolvent corporation, or otherwise known to said Assignee, is annexed to its said petition this day tiled, as "Schedule A," thereto. Now, on"the application of said Assignee, it is ordered. First. That all creditors of said Standard Investment Company, insolvent, who have not heretofore presented to said Assignee, duly verified claims, do present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to said The St. Paul Trust Company, assignee, at its office, in the City of St. Paul, on or be- fore the 3'Jth day of November. A. D. 1893. Second. Further ordered, that the account of the said assignee, this day tiled, be ex- amined by this Court, at a Special Term thereof, appointed to be held at the Court House, in the City of St. Paul, in said Ram- Bey county, on Saturday, the 2d day of De- cember, A. I).1893, at the opening of said Court on that day. or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, when and where all objectors to the allowance thereof, will be heard. Third. Further ordered, that all such creditors as have heretofore filed their claims with said Assignee, as well ns such creditors as may hereafter so file their claims within the time limited by this order, show cause before this Court, at a Special Term thereof appointed to be held at the Court House in the City of St. Paul, iv said Ramsey county, on Saturday, the nth day of December, 189:*, at the opening of said Court ou that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, \u25a0why ail such creditors shall not file releases of their said claims, within a time to be then limited and fixed, as a condition upon which such claimants .shall receive any benefit from the assigned estate, or any pay- ment of any share or distribution of the pro- ceeds thereof. And at the same time and place last afore- said the Stockholders of said insolvent cor- poration show cause, if any they, have, why the said Assignee should not be*ordered and directed to enforce any liability which may exist upon the said shares of the Capital Stock", and which may be enforced by the Assignee. Fourth. Further ordered: That a copy of this order be served by the publication there- of, once in each week, for three successive weeks, in the St, Paul Daily Globe, a pubic newspaper, printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in said County, before the date herein appointed for the hearing and exami- nation of said account. And that a copy of this order be served, by molt upon each of the creditors of said insolvent corporation and upon each of the bolder! of shares of the Capita! bled: of said Corporation, so far as the mime and places of residence or post- ;office Rdtirvss of paid creditors Bad stock- holders ;;:i. known to the officers of said As- signee, by depositing « copy of this order in the U. S. l'ostotlice in the City of St. Paul, duly enveloped, directed and mailed, postage prepaid, within live days after the dale hereof. (Signed,) CIIAS. D. KERR, District Judge. " Dated Nov. 3d, 'U3. SITUATIONS WASTED. A PPKHl«TlC*:—situation wanted by a young man that wants to leftrn the civil engineering or Eurv<«°iig trade; hHS had some experience in iieid work. Address D 12D. Globe. DOORKEEPER, thoroughly competent, i-» temperate, accurate, good penman and correspondent; excellent city references. Address G lilt. Globe. DOOKKtKPING- Wanted, by practical -U bookkeeper, & set of books to post dur- ing two or three evenings of the week. Ad- dress A 13-', Globe. BOY of sixteen would like to get a job of jinykiud. 17!) Carroll at. BOYS FOR. I'MCEs, places for uoys; employment bureau for poor boys, free. Newsboys' Club l{oom,3Ki Wabasba St.: open from ;i to v a. m.. and from 7 to ') p. m. BOQKK KKPKB—"Competent bookKeep- er" is open for engagement; acquainted with the "Safeguard System;" fifteen years' experience; best of cityreference. Address V K'!i, Globe DOOKKKEFKK—competent bookkeeper -L* ana office man, with good references, vants employment of any kind to support nis family. Address C 134, Globe. CAKI'ESTEK would like to see some one that would have house built or burn, or repairing done of any kind; is willingto take groceries as part payment. Address Z131, Globe. poMPOSLTOR- Lady compositor wants v> situation. C 131, Globe. COOK— situation wanted by a good, ail- round cook; in or out of city: references. Address A130, Globe. CiOACIIMAK— A young married man like \u25a0* to get n position as coachman or to take care of furnace ; good reierenee ifrequired. No. 1 Hied Court, Selby ay., up stairs. CIOACHMAX— Situation wanted as coach- •> man by sober, steady young man that thoroughly understands his business: good references. Address Coachman. -67 Williams £N(.INEKK who has been engineer on a traus-Atlainic steamboat line wants a pos-ition: best of references. Address D133, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— Position wanted : young man, twenty-two, talks Scandinavian, Euellsh and some German. L. 11., 301 Robert st., care Morphv. FMPLOYML.NT - Wanted, by a young \u25a0L-i man, employment of any kind where there is a chance for advancement; under- stands bookkeeping; can come recommend- ed. Address Z 133. Globe. ENGJNKKII Situation wanted by young man as stationary eugiueer, or 'to take care of beating plant: Ims state license, and can give reference. Address J 131, Globe. (7MrL.OYMiSNT-Wanted.work by an old -Li soldier; any kind: is a general worcnian with tools; would like work in store; have had experience, Address 3US Bunker St., St. Paul. C*IUE>IAN—A middle-aged man wants \u25a01- work around hotel or boarding house: can manage furnaces, fireboilers or do yard work; wages no object; is poor, wants a home. M. Roberts, 'Jo Eaton ay.. St. Paul. piKKMAX- Wanted to take care of fur- i- naces for the winter. John Mellin, 075 Hague nv. GUIDK— Wanted, to go hunting as guide with party who would like to have one with thirty-live years' experience on the trail through the Northwest. Address Old Ilunt- er, 3i>B Bunker -st.. St. Paul. HOTEL, CLEKK- Position wanted as hotel clerk or head waiter, by trust- worthy young man of experience; speaks English, Swedish and German. Address N lUs, Globe. HOMTLUII— Situation wanted ~ty honest young man to «ire for horsee. Address 1007 Greenbriar ay.. city. ROSTLEK— A. young man would like a place to take care of horses aud work around the house; is honest and sober. Ad- dress 3150 JacKson st., t>t. Paul. MAN AGEK- Wanted, a situation as man- ager of a good hotel by a gentleman and wife, or clerk by gentleman: first-class references furnished. Address Commercial House. Luverne. Minn. OFFICK BOY -Situation wanted by a boy of fifteen as office boy; eau furnish best ot references. Address .1. *8., SUO Edmund st. DHAKMACI^T, registered in Minnesota i and North Dukola. seeks position; fifteen years' exjerience; French end German; highest references. Address It 40, Globe, Minneapolis. DKINTEK— First-class printer and all- JL around newspaper man would like situ- ation in country office at moderate salary, witlxi view to purchasing interest in same. Address "M,";-ss." Robert st., St. Paul. Minn. SALESMAN— Wanted, a position by a No. 1 grocerymau, with fifteen years' experi- ence, as head salesman or window trimmer; can furnish first-ciass reference; disengaged I"-*hinst. Address J . li., 402 E. Division St., Chicago. 111. SALESMAN— Ifwanting strictly reliable, energetic single inidale-aged man, with large city experience In several lines, good salesman, who will work for small pay, ad- dress li.. Room f>, 293 West Seventh st., city. Salesman Wanted, position by experi- enced man. speaking German and Eng- lish, traveling or city salesman, or store, iv any brunch. I). M., 544 Jackson. OECKKTAItY Anexcellent penman and O a thorough bookkeeper wants position; excellent city references. Address X 12a, Globe. females. WOMAN Or UEFINEMENT would take care of ohildreu or invalid going South or to California. Address X 130 Globe. poOKKKEFKK- Young lady desire* po *J sition as bookkeepper; understands single and double entry bookkeeping, aud can furnish good references as to character and ability. C. M.. 224 St. Anthony ay. BOOKKKKPKR— bookkeeper. -D stenographer and typewriter: correct and quick; also had experience in fire insur- ance; moderate salary expected; best of ref- erences. Address P 13), Globe. _^ L) OOKKKEPKK—Wanted.by young lady. JJ situation, assistant bookkeeper or cash- ier; several years' experience. Address N I^7. Globe. C~tOOK— First-class cook -wishes employ- / meut iv a private family or hotel; best of references. Si. \V.. 4150 St." Peter st. COOK— A German girl cook would like \u25a0> place in private family. Address G. N., BIS Somerset st. ' \u25a0• .- " \u25a0> COOK A tirst-clas? cook and dining room girl wouldlike a place in a restau- rant. Address X 131. Globe. ("•OOK— A first-class cook wishes employ- - mentin hotel or private family; best of references. M. W., 4(iJSt. Peter st. COOK— A middle-aged woman, good cook ' and lauudress; reference. Address F 135, Globe. I^KKSSES made to order on short notice; U first-class work guaranteed. 500 West Seventh st. DKESSMAKKK— A competent dressma- ker would like a few engagements to sew in families. No. 5 9 Wabasha st. DKKSSMAKKU— A dressmaker wishes dressmaking or plain sewing. 162 St. Albans st. rvItESSMAKKK— A competent dressmak- l-- 1 er wants sewing by the" day in families. Call or address SIS Rondo. piRKSSMAKEIt would like sewing in XJ families; cutting and fitting a specialty. Address M. P., Colonnade. DRESSMAKING wanted by an experi- XJ enced dressmaker at home or in fam- ilies, (all 272 Rice St.. Eoom I. DiJKSs.MAKER— Competent dressmaker would like to so out by the day. Apply 145J Van liuren St., Mainline. DRESSMAKER— An experienced dress- maker wishes sewing in families; does cutting ana lilting; references. Call or ad- dress '-'80 Aurora ay. . HOUSEKEEPER- A lady witheducation and refinement wants a position of trust; is perfectly acquainted with now to manage a house with servants and children Address T131, Globe. >:; SITUATIONS WASTED. I Wcimalcs. '.*.y-.'si! EJII'I.OYJIKM- Any kind of work by a J~J . German: speaks English. 57t>Pnrkav. BOUiIKWOKK— i young woman in need - of a home desires light employment' where heavy work, as washing or sweeping carpets would not be required. Address W 31. Globe. , . . . . : ;=m ; \u25a0pjinoyMENT- Woman wants any fclud J-i of day work; good references. Call'or address corner Forest and Wells sts.' V \u0084.<-, j EMPLOY-UhNT- Young lady, good peri- J-i man, wants position. Address S ?7, ; Globe. |i ' LjOLSEKKtPKh-Youne woman with LI small baby would like a position as housekeeper or -work of some kind;, would work for very low wages. Call or address 181 South Wabasha St., West St. Paul, city. HOUSMVORh- Young girl wants gen- eral housework or plainlaundry. Ad- dress 359 Frituklin St.. city. II OUSEWORK Two girls would like *\u25a0!\u25a0 any kind of day work or housework where they can go home nights, (ail or «d- --dress 221 West Seventh st., Second floor, 1 loom 4. OUSEWOKK- Agirl would like position to do light housework and take care of baby ; can furnish references. Address V 130, Globe. :;\u25a0--- . . LJ OUSEWOKK— Swedish girl wants place .LX to do general housework. 783 Sims st. HOUSKWOKK— A good girl would like a AA place to do general housework; is a. good plain cook; or would like to do sewing and help with housework: can furnish good reference. 057 East Seventh st. II OIEL VVOKK-Twoyoung ladies would X 1 like to go to Washington or Montana as dining room girls or chambermaids. Ad- dress 65S East Sixth St., City. BOH EKKKPER- situation as Lr housekeeper In a small family; can give reference: city preferred, or short . dis- tance out. Address V125. Globe. _^ LADY'S MAlD— Wanted, a situation as lady's maid with party going South or Southern California for the winter: a first- class hairdresser, and manicure; references Riven. Address Mimic Smith. Duluth, Minn. TVTURSK—A middle-aged woman wishes a 1* postion to take care of a bo by several hours each day. Address 421> Blair st. \u25a0 r NURSE— Experienced nurse would like situation; will work for $1 per day. Ad- dress Z 133, Globe. NURSE by an experienced pro- i~ fessional nurse, invalid nursing; no ob- jection to traveling. Address Dr. M.P. Mc- Leod, 1303 Second ay. south, Minneapolis. IVUKSE—lntelligent lady 25 years of age I^l wants position as nurse in doctor's office, or to assist as day nurse in private hospital, or responsible place of some re- spectable kind; moderate wages. Address W I*l, Globe. "VTUItSK GlßL,—Wanted, by a capable 1™ young girl, a situation as nurse and sec- ond girl in small family. Address Yl3O, Globe. o .' OFFICE WORK— Young lady would like a desirable office position; salary to suit employer. 725 Con way St.. city. . 'y FFICK WORK- Young lady who is a V-J good plain writer would like position In store or office; experience more au object than wages. Address S 130, Globe. . \u0084 OFFICK.0 FFICK. WORK— Wanted, by a reliable young lady, office .work of some sort; un- derstands shorthand, also typewriting; need position soon; salary to suit employer; Ad- dress M., ail .Martin st. SECOND GlßL—Competent girl wishes situation in private family as second girl; can furnish references. Inquire at 57 East Tenth st. * '•- " i ECOND WOUK—Girl would like second work, or general Housework, iv private family. Call or address 301 Geranium St.. SEAMsTicJSSS— Plain sewing wanted by an experienced seamstress. Call No;38t» East Sixth st. . \u25a0 , . -.« SEWING— A lady would like work to do of any kind, plain sewing or mending, or work in a restaurant. Call 286 Grove st. SEWING— Experienced dressmaker would like sewing in families. Call or ad- dress 688 St. Peter st. CTESOGKAI'HEK- Competent steuog- O rapber wants position for half a day. 333 Banfil st. OTKNOGRAPHER— Wanted, a position O as stenographer and typewriter by a young lady who nas had experience. L. B. C, 21 West Tenth st. -'-;,; rKXOGKAI'HKR Experienced lady O stenographer desires a position; can give best city references, and willing to do general office work ; small salary for the winter. F 132. Globe. STENOGRAPHER— Situation wanted by O a thoroughly competent and experienced stenographer and typewriter; furnish first- clnss references. Address A 133, Globe. ' OTENOGRAPHER wants a position at 6 once: can operate both Remington and Smith-Premier machines; salary according to the times. Address C 133, Globe. TENOGRAFHKR Experienced lady stenographer wants situation; good ref- erences; will work cheap. Address P 133, Globe. ' (JTENOGKAPHER- Kapid and accurate O stenographer desires re-engagement; has had several years' experience, and can fur- nish first-class references. Address W l2B. Globe. class lady sten- ographer.witn several years' experience, desires position at once'; salary moderate. Address P 132, Globe. STENOGRAPHER— position by U experienced lady stenographer, who is rapid and accurate; can furnish good refer- ences. M134, Globe. OTENOGBAPiIKR - Competent stenog. kj rapher desires a position at once. Ad- dress Frankie 11. N., 228 East Tenth st. city- ASHERVVOHKS- would like to go out washing by day. 12 East Ninth st. WOMAN wishes work by day. Address Mrs. Smith, 59 West Tenth sr. ANTED— middle-aged lady of good **' address, position of trust: good refer- ence. Address 707 Hennepin ay., Minneap- olis. ":;•-' ASHING ANDIRONING wanted to take home: called for and delivered 200 East Thirteenth st. - .. \FASHEKWOMAN Woman wants »» washing to do at home, or will go oat by the day. 039 Mississippi st. " " - 117 asuerwoman-a woman would ** like to go out washing. Address 531 Charles St., no stairs. . !Sl ». VX7" ASHING—A girl would liKe to go ou »» washing and housecieauiug. Call at 16 West Exchange st. ;;; WASHING— Wanted, washing or ironing \u2666 » by the day. 55G Wabasha St., room 10, third floor. -^ ' _?\u25a0 WASHING Young girl, cook, wants washing and ironing in a very nice fam- ily. Address O 134, Globe. y WASHING— Young woman wishes toho »V washing. 12 East Ninthst. c .'"' WAS ill and ironing wanted at 114 , West College ay. ; r /..,. 117" ASHING— A girl wants to go out by the » » day washing and housecleaning. Call 40 West Ninth. \u25a0• -z* GREAT PIAiSO BARGAIN. ONE ELEGANT upright Decker Bros piano, style 10, at about one-half its value; it has only been used a few months; must be sold soon. K.C. Hunger, 107 East Third st " . -•\u25a0• WA^TEP TO IUTY. DOG— Want to buy a Great lJiiiiu or l\ew- foundlaud dog: answer, giving age ar.d price; must be cheap. Address T 134, cilone. OHOWCASES— Wanted, to buy plate glass \u25baJ showcases, counters nnd shelving suit- able for cisar business. Address X., care of No. 3;i7 Jackson st. WANTED— One pair secoi,d-huiul boiler beudinß rolls, forty inclics wide: must be cheap. Audrey ii ox ZiS, ixeuyoii, Uiuu. TVTOTICEOF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE I'l1 'I Sale— A mortgage was dated, executed and delivered on the First day of February. 1889, by Rufus J. Reid and Abbie F. Reid, his wife, as mortgagors, to Walter Cary Tucker- man, of New York City, as mortgagee, which said mortgage was duly recorded in the office cf the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the First day of February, 188K, at two o'clock and fifteen minutes p. m., in Book 204 ofMortgages, on page 127. Subsequently, to wit, on the 4th day of Feb- ruary, 18s9, the said lnortgaze was duly as- signed by the said Walter Cary Tuckerman to Joseph Tuckerman by an instrument in writ- ing, which said instrument of assignment was duly recorded in the office of the Regis- ter ol Deeds of said county ou the Bth day of February, ISS9, at three o'clock and forty-five minutes p. m., in Book L'B of Assignments, at page 70. On the First day ot February, 1892, an agreement in writing was eutered into be- tween the said Joseph Tuckerman aud tbe said Rufus J. Reid aud Abbie F. Reid, his wife, whereby the payment of the principal sum named in said mortgage was extended to the First day of February, I8d">, in ac- cordance with certaiu terms and conditions in said mortgage nnd said instrument of ex- tension enumerated, and on the 22nd day of April, 1892. at ten o'clock a. m.. said instru- ment of extension was duly recorded iv the office of the Register ofDeeds of said County, in Book 30 of Miscellaneous, at pages 541 to 543. Default has beeu made in the conditions, agreements and covenants in said mortgage and said instrument of extension contained, and there is claimed to be due and is due the subscriber at the date of this notice upon said mortgage the sum of eighteen thousand seven hundred and thirty- five dollars and twelve cents. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that Dy virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and of the statute in such case made and provided, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged prem- ises described therein and hereinafter de- scribed to satisfy the amount which shall fit the date of sale be due on said mort- gage, together with the costs and expenses of said sale as allowed by law, and the fur- ther sum of Two Hundred Dollars (8200) as an attorney's fee *hich is agreed in said mortgage to be paid in case of foreclosure. Said sale willbe made at the Fourth Street Entrance to the Court House and CityHall in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Min- nesota, on Monday, tne 20th day of Novem- ber, 1893, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of %aid day by the Sheriff of said Ramsey County, "at public auction to the highest bid- der for cash. The premises described in said mortgage and so to be sold are situated in the County ofRamsey and State of Minnesota, and are known and described as follows: Lot Numbered Five (5) in Block Num- bered Seventy-one (71). Dayton & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on tile and ofrecord in the office of the Register ofDeeds in and for said County ofRamsey. Dated October 7, 1893. JOSEPH TUCKERMAN. Assignee ofMortgagee as Aforesaid. Ambrose Tight, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. Globe Builtling, St. Paul, Minn. TATE OF MINNESOTA. COl'NTi* OF Kamsey— District Court, Second Judicial District. In the matter of the receivership ofHolland A Thompson Manfacturiug Company— P. V- Dwyer, receiver. On reading the petition of P. V.Dwyer, re- eeiverof the above-named Holland &Thorn d- sou Manufacturing Company, and examin- ii>? all the files and proceedings in said action and the final account of said receiver filed in said action, it is hereby Ordered: That said petition and account be presented to aud heard by this Court on Saturday, the nintn day of December, A. D 18U3, at a special term of this Court to be held on said day at the Court House, in the city of St. Paul. Ramsey county, Minnesota, and that all persons interested in suid estate then and there appear and show cause, if any there be why said account should not be allowed and said receiver directed to distribute the pro- ceeds of said estate as prayed in said petition. That this order be published in tne St. Paul Daily Globe for three successive weeks, once in each week, commencing Saturday, the eleventh day ofNovember, 18d3: and that a copy hereof be mailed to each of the credit- ors of sani estate who have filed their rlnims with said receiver, at least twenty days before said day of hearing. JOttS W. WILLIS. Dißlrict Judge. AVCTIOIX SALES. Kavaixagla tV Johnson, Auction- eers. ... IKNITIKK, CAKPETJ*, RUGS. Healing Stoves, Etc.. at Auction— We will sell at publicauction on the mart, north of i he Market house, on Saturday morning at 10 a. m., the contents of a twelve-room house, consisting of tine bedroom suits, ele- gant parlor suit, easy chairs, rockers, lounges, solas. Domestic sewing machine, a fine lot of toilet ware, dishes, glassware, leu heating stoves, cooking range, cupboards, : etc., and the finest and best lot of body Brus- set, Moquette and ingrain carpets and rugs offered on the mart this war. Kavanagh & Johnson, Auctioneers; office, 180, 186 and 190 East Sixth st -..y.;^ Miscellaneous. A UCTIONSALE of the Dickinson stock -TV today at 2:31) p.m., in Lowry Arcade (Fourth st. entrance). ACCOUftTAJiTS. H^;. Ti-.3iFi.i-j, -ji. lieriuania Life lusar » Bnre Building, expert and, iinditworK STOKES A.\l> FIXTURES |jEjnllElsf^ 'QjU iliii iTh— ln* f lurs? BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND BIL LIARD SUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 and 4o7; Office and Factory 411 and 413 Fifth avenue outb. liiinne.qpolis. HI inn. THE ST.PAUL TRUST COMPAIVf —Offices, Endleott Block, Fourth street— Acts as executor, admin- istrator, guardian, trustee, as- signee, receiver, etc. Notice ofMortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the payment of the sum of five thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars and seventy cents (55.325.7C). which is claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal and interest upon a certain Mortgage duly executed and delivered by John Christenseh and Johanna Christensen, his wife, to The St. Paul Trust Company, itcorporation duly incorporated and organized under the laws ofMinnesota, bearing date the third day of April, A.D. 1891, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, on the sixth day of April,A. D. 1891. at 11:10 o'clock a. m., in book "205" of Mort- gage*, on page 291 of the records of said Kamsey County. And which said mortgage, together with the promissory notes and the indebtedness there- by secured, was afterwards duly assigned. sold and delivered by said The St. Paul Trust Com- pany to John Cornell, by an assignment iv writing dated May 15. 1891, and which was thereafter duly filed for record in the office of said Register of Deeds for said Ramsey County on May 22d, 1891, at 1:20 o'clock p. m., and was duly recorded in Book "40" of Assignments, on page 32 of the records of said Ramsey County. And Whereas, the said mortgage was giv- en to secure the payment of the sum of five thousand dollars, and interest, at the rate of 6 percent per annum, payable semi-annually, according to the terms and conditions of one (1) Note for the principal Bum of five thou- sand dollars, payable on the third day of April, 1896, and ten (10) coupon interest notes thereto annexed, each for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, and payable on the third days of October and April of each year, after the date of said principal note, and which said promissory notes are fullydescribed in the said mortgage, as so recorded ; and Allof which were payable at the Office of The St. Paul Trust Company, in the City of St. Paul. And Whereas, the said principal note, as well as the said mortgage, contained a pro- vision and condition that ifany or either of said coupon interest notes shall remain un- paid for ten days after maturity thereof, the holder of said principal note mar, at its op- tion, and without notice to the maker there- of, declare the said principal sum, as well as any or either of said past due coupon notes, as fully due and payable, as fully as If said principal note was payable on demand, and may proceed and collect the same by fore- closure of said mortgage, either under the power of sale therein contained, .or-by suitor other proceedings in Court, or otherwise, as he or they may elect And Whereas, the said coupon interest notes, which became due and payable ac- cording to the conditions of said mortgage, on the 3rd day of April, 1593, and on the 3rd day of October, 1893, each for the sum of one hundred and fifty(SloO) dollars, were not paid at the maturity thereof, respectively; and by reason of default in the payment of such two coupons, and more than ten days after said October 3rd, 1893, tne said owner and holder of said principal note, and of said two past due coupon notes, did duly declare the whole of said principal note for five thou- sand (S\UOO) dollars, as fully due and paya- ble, and did then and there present the same for payment at the place of payment therein named, and payment thereof was then and there duly demanded and refused; and said John Cornell is now the lawful owner and holder of the said principal note, and of said past due twocoupon interest notes,aud no ac- tion or proceeding at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: Now, Therefore, Notice is Hereby Given, That dv virtue of a power of sale contained in said" Mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the prem- ises described iv and covered by said Mort- gage, viz: All that tract and parcel of land lying and being in Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, described as follows: Commenc- ing at the Northwest corner of Block Eleven (II) of Bell's Addition to West St. Paul, ac- cording to the recorded plat thereof on file and ot record in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Ramsey Comity ; thence South- erly along the Westerly line* of said Block Eleven (11) to a point midway between the Northwest corner and the Southwest corner of said Block Eleven (11): thence Easterly on a line equi-distant from the Northerly and Southerly lines of said Block, one hun- dred (100) feet to a point midway between the Northerly and Southerly lines "aforesaid; thence Northerly on a line parallel to the Westerly line of said Block Eleven (11) to the Northerly line thereof; thence \\ esteriy along said Northerly line one hundred (100) feet, to tne place of beginning, with the hereditaments and appurtenances, will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said debt and interest and seventy-fire ($75) dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated in and by said Mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursements al- lowed by law; which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Ramsey County, at the Fourth street front door of the Court House, in the City of St Paul. in said County and State, on Tuesday, the twelfth (!2th) day of. ! December. A.D.1593, at ten o'clock a. m. of that day, subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as pro- vided by law. Dated October 27th, A. D. 1893. JOHN CORNELL, Assignee of Said Mortgage. Harvey Officer, Attorney for Assignee. Endicotl Block, Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minn. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0'-/.,-•, STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF k5 Ramsey— ss. In Probate Court, Special Term, Nov. 9,1893. Iv the matter of the estate of Ellis Stone Gorman, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Richard L. Gorman, administrator of the es- tate ofEllis Stone Gormnn, deceased, repre- senting among other things that he has fully administered said estate, and praying that a time and place- be fixea for examining and allowing his final accountof administration; and for the assignment of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled thereto; Itis ordered that the said account be ex- amined, and petition heard, by the Judge' of this Court, on Monday, the" 4th- day of December, A.D. 1893. at 10 o'clock a. in., at the Probate Court Room in the Court House in St. Paul, in said county.. ; And it is further ordered that notice thereof be given to all persons interested, by pub- lishing a cony of this order for three succes- sive weeks, once In eacii week, prior to said day of hearing;. In the St. Panl Daily Globe; a daily newspaper printed aud published at St. Paul, in. said county. ... -• By the Court: JOHN B. OLIVIER. ; ; [£.*} Judge of Protmte. PF«SOSAI.S. _ A XX YOU IN Titoum,is ?—Consult .TjL Madame. Ina Walker, "life render." for faithful reading of : your past, present and future; she 'will guide you in all affairs of lifeby a power higher than human; corre- spondence confidential: Indies, 50 cents: gentlemen, 51. 515 W&basha St.. opposite capitol. ALWAYS R KUABLK- Madame Teits- XX. worth, clairvoyant: business test medi- um: thirty years' experience. 'JXJ Wabusba St., city. \u25a0\u25a0-.•,\u25a0.••.!.\u25a0 - ; A A -mi, LA TERSE gives mas- xjl» sage treatments and improved Turkish baths, 42 Sixth st. south, Minneap- olis. Two lady operators. :."-i-.' : '. rpHK MISSKS MAUItIsK, alcohol and -L - massage bath's, 251 Heunepiu ay., third floor, Minneapolis. Minn MRS. JACOBS, clairvoyant and trance medium; tells past, present and future; gives advice on all Kinds of business matters; speaks English and Scandinavian. 230 Lvndale ay. norm, Minneapolis; take Western ay. car. . ; .;-.' MKs. M.A. TfssKY- Wabasha Si Magnetic and massage treatment for paralytic rheumatism and nervous diseases. Clairvoyant reader. Call i) a in. to 3p. in. MRS. ALICK F. BAGN ELL. massage and vapor baths, Koom 7,159 West Sev- eutn st., St. rani. Minn. . BOABD OFFERED. BOAKJD— Two front rooms, with board; furnace heat, bath and* gas. 228 East Tenth st. •'.- ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0.; BOARD— Summit Ay.— Two very sunny rooms, with board and steam heat. BOAKD— Nice furnished room, with board, in strictly private German family: Cath- olic preferred: house has all modern im- provements. Address J 133, Globe. BOARD— For strictly first-class board, room with steam heat, bath rooms and accommodations, at mode. ate prices, call at No. 7 Lyons court, on Sibley, between Ninth and Tenth sts. BOARD— To rent, comfortably furnished rooms with board. 522 Cedar st. Li OAR D— Choice front rooms, well fur- -D nished, with board. Those who wish day beard only can be well accommodated at 145 Pleasant ay.. with ti clock dinner. FOB WAIUE. OAT—For sale, lady's fine Dlack cloth ' coat, trimmed in "black fur: medium size; worn only a few times. Address 11 133. Globe. : \u25a0 IXTURKS AND FUKNITUKE- The \u25a0T fixtures and furniture used in the Seven Corners bane, including two cherry roller- top desks; wire railings: the latest improved Remington Typewriter No. 5, with desk; letter file, table ana desk; lame directors' table; seven cherry chairs; Brussels carpet; Hall's latest improved time-lock, burglar- proof safe; all the fixtures needed for con- ducting a banking business; for sale sepa- rately or together. Call or address William P. Westfall, Assignee, No. 23 Globe Build- ing. . . \• ' . MAPLE AXD lIIKCII * LOOKINO at Jackson and 14th sts. Thompson & Co. TWO liAKULK CHAIRS and fixtures for sale cheap ; going out of the business. 'S'SH University. miSCEIjI-AMEOCS. [VTASQUERADE AND THXAT COS- -1»-L tumes, wigs and grease paint Mrs. Louisa Neitmauu, 56 East Seventh st. SAN DIEGO, CAt.- Very choice ten-acre fruit ranch for sale; modern house, barn, etc.; everything complete. Address J 130, Globe. MEDICAL.. LADIES! Clilclie»ter':»l£i:<;lisla Pen- nyroyal I>lllh (Diamond Brand), are tlie Best. Safe, Reliable. Take no other. Send 4c (staniDs) for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," in letterby Keturu mall. A Druggists. CHIOHESTEK CIiETII- ( AL CO., Philadepiila, Fa. CHIROPODIST. GOOD THING for sore feet; Good Luck Salve; ifyour druggist does not keep i: send or cull on W. 11. Lockwood, chiropod- ist, Endicott . Arcade Building. St. Paul, Minn. ; 25 cents. 50 cents and Si box. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF* O Ramsey— District Court, Second Judi- cial District. In the matter of the assignment of E. C. Varney &Company, a corporation, to John W. Lave v Assignee. On reading and tilingthe petition of John W. Lane, Assignee ofE. C. Varney & Com- pany, a corporation, which said petition Is dated the 9th day of November, ISD3, it is by the Court Ordered, That said assignee. John W. Lr.ne, advertise for and receive bids for the sale in bulk of the stock In trade of said E. C. Varney &Company, a corporation, which has come into his possession as such as- signee, save and except such of the stock, the ownership of which is claimed by other parties, and the title to which is in litigation. That said assignee give notice ofhis inten- tion to receive such bids by an advertisement I to be published in the St. Paul Daily Globe | and the St. Paul Dispatch for three successive days, the last of said publications to be made not later than the 15th day of November. 1893, and by mailing a copy of said advertise- ment to each of the creditors of said E. C. Varuey & Company, a corporation, as pro- vided by the rules of this court. That said assignee receive such bids lip to and includ- ing the 24th day of November, 1893. That he report all of said bids to this court, nt a spe- cial term thereof, to be held at the court house, in the City of St. Paul, said County and State, on Saturday, the 25th day of No- vember, 1893, at ten o'clock a. m.. and that at said time and place all parties interested in said estate ana assignment show cause bf- fore this court, ifany there be, why said as- signee should not be directed to accept the highest bid so received by him, and why a safe of said stock in trade under said bid by said assignee should not be directed and con- firmed. Provided, that said assignee shall have the right to reject any and all bids re- ceived by him. That this order be published in the St Paul Dale* Globe and St. Paul Dispatch on the 11th and 13th days of November, 1893, and a copy thereof be mailed to each of the credit- ors of said E. C. Varney &Company, whose names appear ou the Fchedule of creditors filedin said matter, or who have' filed their claims with the said assignee, directed to said creditors at their respective addresses on or before the 17th day of November. 1893, Dated St. Paul, Minn., November ICth. 1893. JOHN W.WILLIS. District Judge. Ambrose Tighe, Attorney for Assignee. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY—District Court. Second Judi- cial District. In the matter of the assignment of E. C. Varney & Company to John \V\ Luue, As- signee. Application having been made tothis^onrt by John W. Lane, assigned of K. C. Varney &Company, insolvent, for an order limiting the time within which the creditors of said insolvent shall come in and prove their re- spective claims, it is by the court Ordered, That all persons, whosoever, hav- ing claims against the said E. C. Varucy & Company, a corporation, existing on the '.d day of September, 1893, such being the date Of the qualification of said John W. Lane as assignee of said insolvent present the some, duly verified, with proof thereof, to the said John W. Lnne, nt his otiice. Room 81. in the Globe Building, in the City of St. Pan!. Ilum- sey County, Minnesota, on or before the first day of December, 1893; for allowance. It is further ordered, that all persons fail- ingto so present their claims on or before the time herein limited be . barred from any participation in the assets of said E. C. Var- ney &Company, unless by- futther order of this court. Itis also ordered, that the said John W. Lane, assignee as aforesaid, give due and proper notice of this order by publishing the same for two weeks, on Saturday in each week. In the Si. Pant D.mli- (ir.oBK, a news- paper published inthe City of St. Paul; and. further, by depositing in the mail a copy of this order addressed to each creditor whose name appen.ru in the- list of. creditors filed in the above entitled matter.-' at his place of residence-, therein mimed. Dated lUSt. Paul.. .Mi :i;:.. Nov. lOtlj.iS'.)3. . JOHN \\ . WILLIS. District Judge. Ambrose TinuK. ----- Attorney for Assignee. '-.- -- \u25a0--. .. ' : NORTHERN PACIFIC! The Dining Car Line to Fargo. Winnipeg. Helena, Butte and the Pacific Northwest. _. . St. Paul. Dining Cars on Winnipeg and ' . Pacific Coast Trains. t, v . Ar. Pacific Mail (daily) lor largo, i Jamestown, Livingston, Helena, Butte, Mlssoula. Spokane. Ta- 4:15 12:{1 coma, Seattle and Portland. ... p. m. p.m. Atlantic Express (daily) from Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spo- kane and Montana and North 5:10 > Dakota points ... p.m. Dakota and Manitoba Express (daily) for Fergus Falls. WallDe- ton. Croofcston, Grand Forks, Grafton. Winnipeg, Moorhead, 8:00 7:»5 Fareo and Jamestown... . p. m. a.m. Fargo local (daily except Sun- .• day / ,for.St.Cloud,Braiuerdand 0:00 6:13 Fargo a. m. jp. in Dakota Express ilr.e-j not run went o: Fanso Stint days. .Pullman Sleepers daily between sit. Pan, :iidGrand Forks.Graiton. Winnipeg, Fergus Falls- Wahiieton i.ml Funto. Pullman First-Class aui Tourist Sleepers are run on through Pacific Co:i?» Trains. C. K. STONK, City Ticket Ageut, ltU Esut ThirdStreet St, Paul. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Tlf»!f of C SCO Kicollet ay., Minneapolis. :93 E. 31 llbnClo st. .St. I'auL Union depots bo'ii ciltej. leave St. Paul Uuiou Depot, aiuuvk. Willmar.Morris. Brown's bß:osam Valley b7:oopm '._ Fergus Falls. Fargo aud bS:3oam Grand Forks. . b6:osam Osseo, Clearwaterand St. bß:3oam Cloud b6:93pm AnoKa. St. Cloud aud b3:3opm Willmar blO:s> am b4:3opm Excelsior &Hulcbinson. bU:J5am Willmnr. Sioux Falls, b8:05 am Yankton, Sioux City.. b7:oopm Breck., Fargo, Grand a6:3opm Forks. Winnipeg *I:iJ&ai JOsseo, St. Cloud. Fergus Falls, Crookston, \u25a0G. Forks, Kalispell, Spo- kane. Seattle, Great. Falls. Helena. - Butte a7:4spm and Pacific Coast aio:3oam EASTERN MINNESOTA. Dulutta, West Superior, Elk River. Milaca, Hinckley, Princeton. bi :05pm §Anoka.*.. W:V-pn» a. daily;b, except Sunduy; |Butfet parlor cars on trains to Dulutb and W. Superior: tßuffet sleepers. (Dining and Bullet cars, palace eleepers, tourist cars. ifejs^ Ticket Offices: r&£ fir "\u25a0\u25a0«sjpw> fcs^ street, corner Fifth, and iMILWAUXZEj^ion Depot, St. Paul. *Lc^Sj:pAU£' / 'Daily. tEx. Sunday. / lEx. Monday.tEx.Saturday \u25a0 Le. St. Paul— Ar. Chicago •'Day" express ... I »g7f> Bin .M';:»>p ill Chicr.no '•Atlantic" express *255 pin1*12:10 pin Chicago "Fast Mail" *G-."i5 p m 1 *-i:lsp iv Chicago "Vestibule" Lira... *8:10pm *7:2U.i ia Chicago via Austin and Dv- Imque _ 14:19pm Dnbuque viaLa Crosse ........ TSo>aai 1 10.15 ;> m St Louis and Kansas City.. *B*>h in *t>:ij |> m Calniar and Davenport f&33am |i 2~> pin Mil bank and Aberdeen " ; i);j3 aiu iv.-.» pm Milbunk and Aberdee'i .. f*3S p in I \~. 4> a ra Miuneanolis trains leave *7-.:ij, t<. a. mT •J2:15, «J. t0:35 and +10:00 p. m. for detail information call at ticket oilicaj WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. . Arrive- , Depart . pm|s:.>; ainj St. Paul. I 1 :.." prnj. :15pm 4:L" i;in[-:4 am;Mii>:ieap'!is| '- :t"-i.mj ::spm JUirect Une to Kan Claire, «/»*•*»«* anil JTlilwaukeu. VESTIBULED SLEEPERS AND DINING CARS. All Trains Run Daily. /"CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY v Co, Trains leave Union Depot City ; Office. H64 Robert Street, corner Fifth. : \u2666Daily. tUaily ex. bund. jLeave. Arrive '\u25a0Chicago Fast Express.. ... .::.'.> nm i) :(>.'>pin j tlowa. Mo. &Kansas Ex. .. 7:-. ) 5 am 11:05pm | Center Local 3:35 pm 10:0."-am \u2666Chicago Limited. J7:3l>prn 7:3Jarn i; *Dcs; Monies. St. J. 4 K. C..i7:Jj pnjl 7:3 jain > ' M I j . £££BSBSS£3SnI Leaves Union Depot for Jj"^S2§2"tSSSJ?s?s*;' Chicago ami down-river ~ Jiil JJjißilllii livf -' s from same points &QjSjss§32/gs£?! ' •"" I'- "'• Daily. I.c-itves '«*«9p^©^ i^ Union Depot forC'hicago ;in<l St. l.onis,7:3'j"p. ta. Arrivest'rom -«mii poiuU e ;"l FOR REST. D~ ' : : : : S J. W. Shcpard, O4 East 4th M., D EMS HOUSFS, STOKES, OFFICES. ,1-V acts as owners' agent: collects rents: -sieam-heated apartments forS^O, 525. $30 and -S&>;. reduced rental. ..*\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 / ' Houses. /nARPKT CLEANING, refitting and lay- ,\s ing. Electric Carpet Cleaning Works, I'D West Third. Telephone lino. - \u25a0 COTTAGE— For rent, five-room cottage , No. 702 York st. Apply 6/7 Westmin- ster. HOIJSi-.— and 75 South Ninth—Twenty- eight rooms, modern, ingood condition; newly papered. Apply1904 Second ay. south. Minneapolis. " '. HOUSE for rent, No. 659 East Fourth st J. G. Schwartz, Room 31, Merchants' National Bang Building. HOUSE— Eight rooms, city water; pleas- antly located: cellar and woodshed; $13. 271 Williams St.. corner Pine. ?.;-',- HOUSE— For rent. No: 181 Fourteenth St.; all conveniences; inquire next door. HOUSE For rent, a fourteen-room brick bouse; 547 Canada. Call 221 East Sev- enth. , .. . , HOUSKS— For rent, five and eight rooms; modern; half-price; Walnut, corner Pleasant ay. Esterley, 22 East Fourth. HO I" HE- Comfortable, handy house for rent, furnished or unfurnished ; or will sell furniture in house very cheap. Address M. G. R., Globe. \u25a0 . \u25a0•; - - HOUSE— Brick house for rent. Apply 460 \u25a0 Virginia ay. '\u25a0PAYi.OR'S KENTIJiG AGEMCt- X GLOBE BUILDING—WE RENT HOUSES, STORES, OFFICES, - TAKE CHARGE OF RENTED PROPERTY AND MAKE COLLECTIONS. ; \u25a0 ; -- \u25a0 UCHBOEDBB & DICKINSON, 16 East O Sixth, for carpet cleaning, feather and mattress renovating and upholstering. - Fiats. L'LAT- live-room flat Call 422 St. -L Anthony ay. or 74 Globe building. FLAT— A four-room flat: also an eight- room flat on John st. ; both on first floor. Inquire 404 Eighth st. ' Rooms. A— HOTEL BRUNSWICK, for gentle- Ai men only; fifty modern steam-heated rooms by.day, week or month. A UKORA AY., 878—For rent, first or sec- -l\- ond story of pleasant house: furnished if desired: both city and cistern water. LUFTH ST., 143, WEST— Nicely furnished •L rooms; five minutes walk from post- office; modern conveniences. OILFILLAN ROW -414 East Tenth— VJ Rooms, furnished, S4 to §10 per month; one front with alcove. JGLEHAKT ST., NO. Four or five i- nice rooms; nice in every way; cheap rent. IVriNTH. ST., 317, EAST—Near Broadway I^l —Heated room with clothes closet, §5; private family. INTH ST., 12. EAST— Furnished rooms for rent. jVfINTH ST., 170, WEST— For rent, one 1* furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; rent cheap. - INTH 5T:,"234 WEST— For rent, five unfurnished rooms, with water, with or without barn. \u25a0 ROOM- room with alcove; one block from Albion, corner of Western and Selby.' Inquire at 417 and 419 Wabasha St.; references required. "Q EVENTHST., NO. 255 WEST— Corner O Walnut— or without board, choice furnished rooms; modern; every comfort; central: no car fare: detached stone resi- dence: low rent: : ', •\u25a0 •" \u25a0\u25a0 CCMMIT AY., 26 Nicely furnished O rooms: pleasant location; modern con- veniences; with or without board. Till i:i) ST.. 150, WEST— nicely fur- X nished rooms for light housekeeping cheap. ABASIIA, 553V?—Corner Tenth St.— *V Furnished rooms forrent; place quiet. 1G BARGAIN-^ will buy a telegraph school complete in every respect; good location; cheap rent; apply at once. Loom M>. Court Block. \u25a0 \u25a0•-, >\u25a0.-..\u25a0 JWILL SELL oi rent the Hotel Tourist at Rice Lake. Wis. : only $-' a day house in city of 4.000 population; waterworks, electric lights and steam heat. Address R. W. Bull Rice Lake, Wis. & \u25a0 ' 117 ANTED—Live, well-located real estate ** man to take hold of Everett addition Address, for three day*. H 132. Globe. -«jt i_ TICKET 11 rrinr d f^fsT sMMafflT 48°; and Uai °n k^atAß^ag. Paul /. ipill?BEST EQUIPPED T 7«n in£i MOST POPITLIR Liftij "ALWAYS ON TiriE." f CHICAGO TRAINS. ~" 7 ' < Badger State Express *S:00 am tlO :33pm ! Atlnntic&bouthernEx +6:25 pm *12-Ch")pru I, North-Western Limited *S:intm *7:208 m Alarshfield and Wausau. . t* -.00 am +10:35 pm Green Bay. Stevens Point tß.ou am tli)-35DU» Ashland, Washb'n. Bay'ld +9:00 am +500 pm Dtiluth and Superiors. ... +0:00 am +5:00 Duluth and Superiors *li :0.) *6 50 am Pipestone &Sioux Fnlls. +7:35 am +6-lonni Winnebaso & Elmore . t7:3T) m +6:'l0p m Omaha, St.Joe, Kan. City »7:35 am *7--lOam Omaha. St Joe, Kan. City *7::spm *7:4oam Soo City &Worthington. *7 am *6:lopm boo City & Worthintrton. *7:"spm *7-40nm Tracy. Watertown, Huron §7:55 pm J7 :40 am Minneapolis, St. Paul ' & Sault_Sie Maria R/. RWlij3'<: ITYTICKET OFFICE, jfe^figgS^ 3»S Hubi-rt St. 1 fg^ 3^^ Telephone, 1053. Leave. St. Paul Union Depot. Arrive. Atlantic Limited Ve.rti- baled through train, daily, lot Escanaba, sault Sic. Marie, Montreal, Boston, New York ar.d all Eastern 6:19 p. m. poll ts ; 55 a. n, Pacific Limited Vestibuled through train, daily, lor "' Valley City, Minot, Van- couver, Seattle, Tacoma, Fortlnid. San Francisco and all Pacific Coast point*). 7:Cop. m. Chiiia,Jiii<un and Australia. 8:41 a. m \Vi». uiv.. If cal. daily ex- cept Sunday, via Bt. P. & I). K. 11. and Bald Eagle, or Turtle Lake, Prentice and 820 a. m. Rliinelauaer ..... 6:25 p. m. Broadway Depot, Foot 4tli st St. Cmix Falls Accommo- -6:00 p.m. dation, daily except Sunday 13:10 a. m. Soo Line Depot, 2d st. and 4th ay. north, Minneapolis. Minn. Div., local, daily ex- cept Sunday, for l;m!.il.>. \u25a0•/\u25a0\u25a0.-.'•-'\u25a0 Paynesville, Olenwood and 6:3). a. m. Oakes b-d p. m y/})\ \Mr M^ : s?4'^§^\'&

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1893-11-11 [p 7]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1893-11-11/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · V A SIKKRABOKETEB. Aikflicboy who sells the papers

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THE SAISTT PAUL BAIL"? GLtfBE: SATtTfiDAV tftfESEJa, -&Oi?fMEEft. 11, ism. V


Aikflicboy who sells the papersriid lie will toil you more about«irculatlon than ail Use affidavit*tlifit tan be puMhbed. JuMtrylt

and you will he convinced tliatilieClcbe leads all.


At the Following Locations fop

Insertion in Daily and bundayGlobe.W. I.Merrill, 44' Broadway.S.11. Beeves, druggist, Moore block. Seven

corners.C. T. Heller, druggist F2S St. Peter street.Straight Bros., druggists, corner ofHondo

flidGiotto.WilliamK. Collier, druggist, 19!)East Sev-

nthstreet.A.T. Guernsey, druggist. 17! Dale street.V.A. Hirscher. druggist, SS&Bondo street.Porker &Webtl.y, diuggisls, IT'JEast Third

meet.E. McCrudden, confectionery, 495 Rice,

tticet.W.A.Frost &Co., druggists, corner Selby

and Western venues.B.J. Wilte, druggist, SOO Market, corner




AGKKTB wanted lor the -'Life of PhillipsBrooks." One lady sold at! books in six

hours. An agent in taking S3 orders onlymet with six refusals. Our new booK ofPhotographs beatstbem all; contains twiceas many pictures at half the price. We havebest World's Fair book, sDo pictures, and bestHoliday books. Lowest prices, largest com-missions; premium with every bock. Don'tremain idle au hour. We can putyou in theway to make money. Position witrTus shouldbe worth SlOil v month. Address at onceJohn K. Hastings, 4? Cornhill, Boston, .Mass.

AGENTS wanted for a quick-selling pat-entea invention just being puton the

market: sold only through agents; goodprofits and a clear licld: sample bymail. 25cents. The Ohio Novelty Co., D6. Cincin-nati, O.


Salary or commission: thegreatest invention of the age: the New

fatem Chemical Ink-Erasing Pencil; sellson sight: works likemagic; agents are mak-ing from $.r-. to 5325 per week. For furtherparticulars write the Monroe Eraser Manu-facturing Con:) X 4. T.n Crosse. Wis.

BAKBKR wanted at once. Jesse Mar-XJ tin. 90 south w abnsba Bt.,West SLPaul.l»AKHi;iiwanted. at SOS li.ist Seventh st.

BAKU: barber immediately. Ad-dress William Pankonfn. Stillwater. Minn.

GiiOl),hot meals for He, lf.c, 20c and -.sc;'. potatoes, bread, butter and a large cup

ofgood coffee with the above: hot mealsferved all day: 10 percent off on meal tick-ets; hot cakes, sc. Central Restaurant, 414Jackson.

MEN to sell baking powder: steady em-ployment :experience unnecessary;

£75 salary or com. 17. S. Chemical Works.MOVan Huron. Chicago.

TJJtINTKit wanted, boy or man. with littlei- experience, for small jobprinting. Ad-dress Larson. 471 East Fifth St.. city.

SALESMAN— Wanted, an experiencedshoe salesman: no other need anply.

Address, stating salary wanted, P. J. Broder-lck. Ashland, Wis.UOJ.l('nui^ -Wanted, men of energyO and tact to solicit for the Bankers' Life.Association of St. Pirn.Minn.: literal con-nsel and splendid territory can be secured byrddregbiny Clnrenoc K.Pecor. ft.Paul. Minn.

STOVK MOU.VTfcS at once. MinnesotaO Stove Company, Snakopee, Minn.OTKKOtiItAI'uKKS—< stenog-O mDhers and typewriter operators out ofemployment are invited to register theirnames and qualifications with our employ-ment department; no. charge to either em-ployer or employed. Wyckoff. Seamana &Benedict, M bast Fourthst.

WK WANT a traveling salesman to sellour spring line of goods on rommis-

lion. We make Jeans, Cassimeres, Drills,Damasks, Ginghams, Cheviots and DressGoods. South Philadelphia Woolen Co.. Boxi::4l. Philn.

WA.vThD-Four young men to learn» *

telegraphy: can make board. GlobeBusiness College. Endicott Building.\u25a0:;\u25a0.-\u25a0•:

- .


BANKSTOCKS a specialty: bonds, com-mercial paper mortgages, securities

bought and sold. George W. Jenks, Invest-ment Banker. Minnesota Loan and TrustBuilding,Minneapolis.i OA.NS on Furniture, Pianos, Diamonds.XJ etc. i::-U First National Hank Building.

M*«•- V l.x A ,uon life insurance po

J.»J- Jcies; or Looght. L P. Van NormnuI1 Guaranty Lean Building,Minneapolis.

MOKKYM>ANKl>on personal property,household goods, pianos, watchesdiamonds, etc.. in amounts from $10 to 830.American Mortgage Loan Company, Uoorn 7.First >"at:or.iil Bank, Corner Fourth andJackson sis.; take elevator.111 OKBY on HAM)to loan on city prop-XTX city and farms: lowest rates; no delayW.F. Merit/:. 1013 Pioneer Press.

-P-£-I-V-A-T-£Money loaned en diamond*, watches, pianos,furniture or goods in storage at lowe»trates.11 \u25a0'. mall monthly return payments; notesend mortgages bought: most private loanrooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com*pany. i:m;:obo bunding; take elevator.rpo LOAN

— «ti,COO on well-located im-X proved property: will divide intosmaller amounts ifdesired: nothing but \ 1implication* willbe entertained. Address XI.:-•. <;ioh6-

LOST A>l> FOtl.Tf I>.

BLACK HOUSE. BUGGY ANI) llAli-nci-8Lost— port to Boxwood's Livery

21C South Third st.. Minneapolis.

F> !N<; LOST—Near Hastings, onmorning«- of trept. 12. iy dropping from the Bur-lingtontrain, a jreuUenian's diamond ring.Fall value of the ring willbts t>aid to any onereturning to W. E. Magraw, Globe countingroom.


Filling <:iu..\r— Warned, piaco toput 300 loads i.i sand. Aj>ply:o B. F.

Anderson, planti: trees on Summit ar., be-tween Kent and Lexington.


DINING KOOM GlßL,—Wanted, a-L' Scandinavian dining room girl at 60East l'"ourtn .-t. . •

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a strong Ger-man girl;good cook. At 3-ii East

Tenth st.

Ljoi'SEWOKK- Wanted, girl to doO chmnberwork, wash and iron and helpwait on table. 151 Summit nv.


Wanted at once, com-petent German or Norwegian girl for

general housework. 849 Grand ay. /.-.' :.rtOOSKWORK— Wanted, a girl for ecu-LJ. eral housework; Apply 570 Broadway.

HOUSEWORK— girl forgeneralJLJ housework. No..''3l)Dnyiou ay.


Wanted, a girlfor house-work; family of three; call at once. 210

Martin st.

OUSKWOKK— Wanted, a girl for lightLI work: small wages and a good home.3CS Nelson ay.


POX SALE BY OWNER— SI,SOO— Good-L harness shop, includingharnesses, sad-dles. roles blankets, etc. first mortgage orclear property will take it. Address V 134,Globe. MraW

L?o a sale—

Hone, buggy, harness andC sleigh at a great sacrifice; fine driver andsadler; would sell separate. Address C 130,Globe.I^OiiSALE-Good road cart. 309 Rondost.


TO EXCHANGE—Good building, brick(color, yellow), for heavy young breed-

ingmares; must be first-class. Address N122. Globe.

O K.\CHAN(iK-Houses and lots indifferent pans of the city for vacant

property; call and see us before buying realestate. 11. H.'Sehr.ite &C0.,;i03 East Fourthstreet. p


ST. AGATHA'S ACADICSIV"OF .Ml »iOand Art,36 East Exchange St., St. Paul—

Piano, violin,guitar and mandolin taught.Lessons given in drawingand painting. Callor send tor prospectus.



BOARD— Wanted, board and three rooms1 in private family for six adults within

fiveminutes' walk of postoffice. Address G13:1. Globe.


It*YOU HAVE a little cash toputinto realestate, where a large returu is certain.ad-

dress V124. Globe.

i>a :»•<».WALTZING TAUGHT EASY-PrivateVV. lessons given in ballroom dancing.

Address James Bodka. 53? Cedar. "\u25a0_•-

DYE WORKS.Alll.KliT & MI.NTEL,— Minnesota

IV Steam Dye Works, 244 East Seventh.

THE ST.PAUL TUUST CO-HPAIV*—Offices, JEndicott Block, Fourthstreet

—a* executor, admin-

istrator, guardian, trustee, as-sigiifce, receiver, etc.

STATE OP MINNESOTA, RAMSEYCounty—lnDistrict Court, Second Judi-

cial District. .. . •.. •-..;Inthe matter of the assignment of the Stand-

ard Investment Company, insolvent.At Chambers. November yd, IM)3.

—The above entitled proceeding came on to

be heard this day, upau the petition of theSt. Paul Trust Company, as the Assignee ofsaid Insolvent Corporation, with a Scheduleot all claims filed by creditors of said insolv-ent, withsaid Assignee, with the amountsallowed and disiilloweu, and the account ofsaid Assignee, to Oct. 31, 15«.)3, leferred toivsiiid petition, aud tiled therewith.

And itupbearing to the satisfaction cf theCourt, that under the existing orders as heretofore entered iv said cause, no time is fixedor limited, within which creditors shall rileclaims ii^uinst suid Insolvent Corporation, orreleases thereof, but that certain creditors ofsaid insolvent, who have heretofore filedtheir claims, have heretofore petitioned thisCourt, that all creditors who have, or shall,dulylile their snid claims, may be allowed toshare m the assets of said insolvent, withoutriiius: releases of then claims, and that uponthe hearing ofsaid last named petition, onJune 3. Ibs:, this Court, by its order of thatdate, appointed a referee to take evidence onthe said application, and thereby directedsuid referee to make due report "inereof tothis Court.

And it further appearing from the petitionof said Assignee, this day tiled, that the saidreferee so appointed under said order ofJune 3d, lSiK.has not taken the said evidence,or made any report thereof to this Court, andthat no further order has been made uponthe petition of said creditors.

And it further appearing from the petitionofsaid Assignee, that it has converted all ofthe assigned property into money, and thatit has no property ofany value in" its handsbelonging to said insolvents, except the bal-ance ofmoney, to wit,5i,5&).(50, according tothe said account filed with said petition, andsave and exeept-any liabilitywhich may ex-ist against certain persons, firms and corpor-ations, as the owners and holders of the cer-tificates of the Capital Stock of said InsolventCorporation, and that a list of the names andplaces of residence of the holders of said cer-tificates of stock, with'the amounts ownedand held by each, respectively, so far as theyare disclosed by the books of said insolventcorporation, or otherwise known to saidAssignee, is annexed to its said petition thisday tiled, as "Schedule A," thereto.

Now, on"the application of said Assignee,it is ordered. First. That all creditors ofsaidStandard Investment Company, insolvent,who have not heretofore presented to saidAssignee, duly verified claims, do presentthe same, duly verified,as required by law, tosaid The St. Paul Trust Company, assignee,at its office, in the Cityof St. Paul, on or be-fore the 3'Jth day ofNovember. A. D. 1893.

Second. Further ordered, that the accountof the said assignee, this day tiled, be ex-amined by this Court, at a Special Termthereof, appointed to be held at the CourtHouse, in the City of St. Paul, in said Ram-Bey county, on Saturday, the 2d day of De-cember, A.I).1893, at the opening of saidCourt on that day. or as soon thereafter asCounsel can be heard, when and where allobjectors to the allowance thereof, willbeheard.

Third. Further ordered, that all suchcreditors as have heretofore filed their claimswith said Assignee, as well ns such creditorsas may hereafter so file their claims withinthe time limited by this order, show causebefore this Court, at a Special Term thereofappointed to be held at the Court House inthe City of St.Paul, iv said Ramsey county,on Saturday, the nth day of December, 189:*,at the opening of said Court ou that day, oras soon thereafter as counsel can be heard,\u25a0why ail such creditors shall not file releasesof their said claims, within a time tobe then limited and fixed, as a conditionupon which such claimants .shall receive anybenefit from the assigned estate, or any pay-ment ofany share or distribution of the pro-ceeds thereof.

And at the same time and place last afore-said the Stockholders of said insolvent cor-poration show cause, if any they,have, whythe said Assignee should not be*ordered anddirected to enforce any liabilitywhich mayexist upon the said shares of the CapitalStock", and which may be enforced by theAssignee.

Fourth. Further ordered: That a copy ofthis order be served by the publication there-of, once in each week, for three successiveweeks, in the St, Paul Daily Globe, a pubicnewspaper, printed and published in the CityofSt. Paul, in said County, before the dateherein appointed for the hearing and exami-nation of said account. And that a copy ofthis order be served, bymolt upon each ofthe creditors of said insolvent corporationand upon each of the bolder! of shares ofthe Capita! bled: of said Corporation, so faras the mime and places of residence or post-

;officeRdtirvss of paid creditors Bad stock-holders ;;:i.known to the officers of said As-signee, by depositing « copy of this order inthe U.S. l'ostotlice in the City of St. Paul,duly enveloped, directed and mailed, postageprepaid, within live days after the dalehereof.

(Signed,) CIIAS.D.KERR,District Judge."

Dated Nov.3d, 'U3.


APPKHl«TlC*:—situation wanted by ayoung man that wants to leftrn the civil

engineering or Eurv<«°iig trade; hHS hadsome experience in iieid work. Address D12D. Globe.DOORKEEPER, thoroughly competent,i-» temperate, accurate, good penman andcorrespondent; excellent city references.Address Glilt. Globe.DOOKKtKPING-Wanted, by practical-U bookkeeper, &set of books to post dur-ing two or three evenings of the week. Ad-dress A13-', Globe.

BOY of sixteen would like to get a job ofjinykiud. 17!) Carroll at.

BOYS FOR. I'MCEs, places for uoys;employment bureau forpoor boys, free.

Newsboys' Club l{oom,3Ki Wabasba St.: openfrom ;ito v a. m.. and from 7 to ')p.m.

BOQKKKKPKB—"Competent bookKeep-er" is open for engagement; acquainted

with the "Safeguard System;" fifteen years'experience; best of cityreference. AddressVK'!i, Globe

DOOKKKEFKK—competent bookkeeper-L* ana office man, with good references,vants employment of any kind to supportnis family. Address C 134, Globe.

CAKI'ESTEK would like to see some onethat would have house builtor burn, orrepairing done of any kind; is willingto

take groceries as part payment. AddressZ131, Globe.poMPOSLTOR- Lady compositor wantsv> situation. C 131, Globe.

COOK— situation wanted by a good, ail-round cook; in or out ofcity:references.

Address A130, Globe.

CiOACIIMAK—Ayoung married man like\u25a0* to get n position as coachman or to take

care of furnace ;good reierenee ifrequired.No. 1 Hied Court, Selby ay., up stairs.

CIOACHMAX—Situation wanted as coach-•> man by sober, steady young man thatthoroughly understands his business: goodreferences. Address Coachman. -67 Williams

£N(.INEKK who has been engineer on atraus-Atlainic steamboat line wants a

pos-ition: best of references. Address D133,Globe.

EMPLOYMENT—Position wanted:youngman, twenty-two, talks Scandinavian,

Euellsh and some German. L.11.,301 Robertst., care Morphv.

FMPLOYML.NT- Wanted, by a young

\u25a0L-i man, employment of any kind wherethere isa chance for advancement; under-stands bookkeeping; can come recommend-ed. Address Z133. Globe.


Situation wanted by youngman as stationary eugiueer, or 'to take

care ofbeating plant: Ims state license, andcan give reference. Address J 131, Globe.(7MrL.OYMiSNT-Wanted.work by an old-Li soldier; any kind: is a general worcnianwith tools; would like work in store; havehad experience, Address 3US Bunker St., St.Paul.C*IUE>IAN—A middle-aged man wants

\u25a01- work around hotel or boarding house:can manage furnaces, fireboilers or do yardwork; wages no object; is poor, wants a

home. M. Roberts, 'Jo Eaton ay.. St. Paul.piKKMAX-Wanted to take care of fur-i- naces for the winter. John Mellin,075Hague nv.

GUIDK—Wanted, to go hunting as guidewith party who would like to have one

with thirty-liveyears' experience on the trailthrough the Northwest. Address Old Ilunt-er, 3i>B Bunker -st.. St. Paul.

HOTEL, CLEKK-Position wanted ashotel clerk or head waiter, by trust-

worthy young man of experience; speaksEnglish, Swedish and German. Address NlUs, Globe.

HOMTLUII—Situation wanted ~ty honestyoung man to «ire forhorsee. Address

1007 Greenbriar ay.. city.

ROSTLEK— A. young man would like aplace to take care of horses aud work

around the house; is honest and sober. Ad-dress 3150 JacKson st., t>t. Paul.

MANAGEK-Wanted, a situation as man-ager of a good hotel by a gentleman

and wife,or clerk by gentleman: first-classreferences furnished. Address CommercialHouse. Luverne. Minn.

OFFICK BOY -Situation wanted bya boyof fifteen as office boy; eau furnish best

ot references. Address .1. *8., SUO Edmund st.

DHAKMACI^T,registered in Minnesotaiand North Dukola. seeks position; fifteenyears' exjerience; French end German;highest references. Address It 40, Globe,Minneapolis.

DKINTEK—First-class printer and all-JL around newspaper man would like situ-ation incountry office at moderate salary,witlxiview to purchasing interest in same.Address "M,";-ss." Robert st., St. Paul. Minn.

SALESMAN—Wanted, a position by aNo.1grocerymau, with fifteen years' experi-ence, as head salesman or window trimmer;can furnish first-ciass reference; disengagedI"-*hinst. Address J.li.,402 E. Division St.,Chicago. 111.

SALESMAN—Ifwanting strictly reliable,energetic single inidale-aged man, with

large city experience In several lines, goodsalesman, who will work forsmall pay, ad-dress li..Room f>, 293 West Seventh st., city.


Wanted, position by experi-enced man. speaking German and Eng-lish, traveling or city salesman, or store, iv

any brunch. I). M., 544 Jackson.


Anexcellent penman andO a thorough bookkeeper wants position;excellent city references. Address X 12a,Globe.


WOMAN Or UEFINEMENT wouldtake care of ohildreu or invalid going

South or to California. Address X 130 Globe.poOKKKEFKK-Young ladydesire* po*J sition as bookkeepper; understandssingle and double entry bookkeeping, audcan furnish good references as to characterand ability. C. M..224 St. Anthony ay.

BOOKKKKPKR— bookkeeper.-D stenographer and typewriter: correctand quick; also had experience in fire insur-ance; moderate salary expected; best of ref-erences. Address P 13), Globe.


L)OOKKKEPKK— Wanted.by young lady.JJ situation, assistant bookkeeper or cash-ier; several years' experience. Address NI^7. Globe.

C~tOOK—First-class cook -wishes employ-/ meut iv a private family or hotel; best

ofreferences. Si. \V.. 4150 St."Peter st.

COOK—A German girl cook would like\u25a0> place inprivate family. Address G.N.,BIS Somerset st.

'\u25a0• .- "



A tirst-clas? cook and diningroom girlwouldlike a place ina restau-

rant. Address X 131. Globe.

("•OOK—A first-class cook wishes employ--

mentin hotel or private family; best ofreferences. M. W., 4(iJSt. Peter st.

COOK— Amiddle-aged woman, good cook'and lauudress; reference. Address F

135, Globe.

I^KKSSES made to order onshort notice;U first-class work guaranteed. 500 WestSeventh st.

DKESSMAKKK—A competent dressma-ker would likea few engagements to

sew in families. No. 5 9 Wabasha st.

DKKSSMAKKU—A dressmaker wishesdressmaking or plain sewing. 162 St.

Albans st.rvItESSMAKKK—Acompetent dressmak-l--1 er wants sewing by the" day in families.Call or address SIS Rondo.

piRKSSMAKEIt would like sewing inXJ families; cuttingand fittinga specialty.Address M. P., Colonnade.

DRESSMAKING wanted by an experi-XJ enced dressmaker at home orin fam-ilies, (all272 Rice St.. Eoom I.

DiJKSs.MAKER— Competent dressmakerwould like to so out by the day. Apply

145J Van liuren St., Mainline.

DRESSMAKER— An experienced dress-maker wishes sewing in families; doescuttingana lilting;references. Call or ad-

dress '-'80 Aurora ay. .HOUSEKEEPER- A lady witheducation

and refinement wants a position oftrust; is perfectly acquainted with now tomanage a house with servants and childrenAddress T131, Globe.


Wcimalcs. '.*.y-.'si!

EJII'I.OYJIKM-Anykind of work by aJ~J . German: speaks English. 57t>Pnrkav.

BOUiIKWOKK—iyoung woman inneed-of a home desires light employment'

where heavy work, as washing or sweepingcarpets would not be required. Address W31. Globe. , . • . . . : ;=m ;\u25a0pjinoyMENT- Woman wants any fcludJ-i ofday work; good references. Call'oraddress corner Forest and Wells sts.' V \u0084.<-, j

EMPLOY-UhNT-Young lady, good peri-J-i man, wants position. Address S ?7,;Globe. |i


LjOLSEKKtPKh-Youne woman withLI small baby would like a position ashousekeeper or -work of some kind;, wouldwork for very low wages. Call or address 181South Wabasha St., West St. Paul, city.

HOUSMVORh- Young girlwants gen-eral housework or plainlaundry. Ad-

dress 359 Frituklin St.. city.


Two girls would like*\u25a0!\u25a0 any kind of day work or houseworkwhere they can go home nights, (ailor «d---dress 221 West Seventh st., Second floor,1loom 4.

OUSEWOKK- Agirlwould likepositiontodo light housework and take care of

baby ;can furnish references. Address V 130,Globe. :;\u25a0--- . .LJOUSEWOKK— Swedish girl wants place

.LX to do general housework. 783 Sims st.

HOUSKWOKK— Agood girlwould like aAA place to do general housework; is a.good plain cook; or wouldlike to do sewingand help withhousework: can furnish goodreference. 057 East Seventh st.IIOIELVVOKK-Twoyoung ladies wouldX 1like to go to Washington orMontana asdining room girls or chambermaids. Ad-dress 65S East Sixth St., City.

BOH EKKKPER- situation asLr housekeeper In a small family; cangive reference: city preferred, or short .dis-tance out. Address V125. Globe.


—̂LADY'S MAlD—Wanted, a situation as

lady's maid with party going South orSouthern California for the winter: a first-class hairdresser, and manicure; referencesRiven. Address Mimic Smith. Duluth, Minn.

TVTURSK—Amiddle-aged woman wishes a1* postion to take care of a bo by severalhours each day. Address 421> Blair st. \u25a0


NURSE— Experienced nurse would likesituation; willwork for$1per day. Ad-

dress Z 133, Globe.


by an experienced pro-i~ fessional nurse, invalid nursing; no ob-jection to traveling. Address Dr. M.P. Mc-Leod, 1303 Second ay. south, Minneapolis.

IVUKSE—lntelligent lady 25 years of ageI^l wants position as nurse in doctor'soffice, or to assist as day nurse in privatehospital, or responsible place of some re-spectable kind; moderate wages. AddressW I*l,Globe."VTUItSK GlßL,—Wanted, by a capable1™ young girl, a situation as nurse and sec-ond girl in small family. Address Yl3O,Globe. o .'

OFFICE WORK— Young lady wouldlikea desirable office position; salary to suitemployer. 725 Con way St.. city. . 'y

FFICK WORK-Young lady who is aV-J good plain writer wouldlike position Instore or office; experience more au objectthan wages. Address S 130, Globe. . \u0084

OFFICK.0 FFICK. WORK— Wanted, by a reliableyoung lady, office .work of some sort; un-

derstands shorthand, also typewriting; needposition soon; salary to suit employer; Ad-dress M.,ail .Martin st.

SECOND GlßL—Competent girl wishessituation in private family as second girl;

can furnish references. Inquire at 57 EastTenth st.

* '•- —"i

ECOND WOUK—Girl would like secondwork, or general Housework, iv private

family. Call or address 301 Geranium St.. •

SEAMsTicJSSS— Plain sewing wanted byan experienced seamstress. CallNo;38t»

East Sixth st. . \u25a0 , .-.«

SEWING— A lady would like work to doof any kind, plain sewing or mending,

or work ina restaurant. Call 286 Grove st.

SEWING— Experienced dressmaker wouldlike sewing in families. Call or ad-

dress 688 St. Peter st.CTESOGKAI'HEK- Competent steuog-O rapber wants position for half a day. 333Banfil st.OTKNOGRAPHER— Wanted, a positionO as stenographer and typewriter by ayoung lady who nas had experience. L.B. C,21 West Tenth st. -'-;,;


Experienced ladyO stenographer desires a position; can givebest city references, and willingto do generaloffice work;small salary for the winter. F132. Globe.

STENOGRAPHER— Situation wanted byO a thoroughly competent and experiencedstenographer and typewriter; furnish first-clnss references. Address A 133, Globe.


OTENOGRAPHER wants a position at6 once: can operate both Remington andSmith-Premier machines; salary accordingto the times. Address C 133, Globe.


Experienced ladystenographer wants situation; good ref-erences; will work cheap. Address P133,

Globe. '

(JTENOGKAPHER- Kapid and accurateO stenographer desires re-engagement; hashad several years' experience, and can fur-nish first-class references. Address W l2B.Globe.

class lady sten-ographer.witn several years' experience,

desires position at once'; salary moderate.Address P 132, Globe.

STENOGRAPHER— position byU experienced lady stenographer, who israpid and accurate; can furnish good refer-ences. M134, Globe.OTENOGBAPiIKR -

Competent stenog.kj rapher desires a position at once. Ad-dress Frankie 11. N., 228 East Tenth st. city-

ASHERVVOHKS- wouldliketo go out washing by day. 12 East

Ninth st.

WOMAN wishes work by day. AddressMrs. Smith, 59 West Tenth sr.

ANTED— middle-aged lady of good**' address, position of trust: good refer-ence. Address 707 Hennepin ay., Minneap-olis. ":;•-'

ASHING ANDIRONING wanted totake home: called for and delivered

200 East Thirteenth st.- . .


Woman wants» » washing to do at home, or will go oatby the day. 039 Mississippi st.

" " -117 asuerwoman-a woman would** like togo out washing. Address 531Charles St., no stairs. . !Sl».VX7"ASHING—A girlwould liKe to go ou»» washing and housecieauiug. Call at

16 West Exchange st. ;;;

WASHING— Wanted, washing or ironing\u2666 » by the day. 55G Wabasha St., room 10,

third floor. -^ '_?\u25a0


Young girl, cook, wantswashing and ironing ina very nice fam-ily. Address O 134, Globe. y

WASHING—Young woman wishes toho»V washing. 12 East Ninthst. c .'"'WASill and ironing wanted at 114

, West College ay. ;r/..,.117" ASHING—Agirlwants to go out by the» » day washing and housecleaning. Call40 West Ninth. \u25a0• -z*

GREAT PIAiSO BARGAIN.ONE ELEGANT upright Decker Brospiano, style 10, at about one-half itsvalue; ithas only been used a few months;must be sold soon. K.C. Hunger, 107 EastThird st

" . -•\u25a0•


DOG— Want to buya Great lJiiiiu or l\ew-foundlaud dog: answer, giving age ar.d

price; must be cheap. Address T134, cilone.OHOWCASES— Wanted, to buy plate glass\u25baJ showcases, counters nnd shelving suit-able forcisar business. Address X., care ofNo. 3;i7 Jackson st.

WANTED—One pair secoi,d-huiul boilerbeudinß rolls, forty inclics wide: must

be cheap. Audrey iiox ZiS, ixeuyoii, Uiuu.

TVTOTICEOFMORTGAGEFORECLOSUREI'l1 'I Sale— Amortgage was dated, executedand delivered on the First day of February.1889, by Rufus J. Reid and Abbie F. Reid, hiswife,as mortgagors, to Walter Cary Tucker-man, of New York City, as mortgagee, whichsaid mortgage was dulyrecorded in the officecf the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County,Minnesota, on the First day of February,188K, at two o'clock and fifteenminutes p. m.,inBook 204 ofMortgages, on page 127.

Subsequently, to wit,on the4th day of Feb-ruary, 18s9, the said lnortgaze was duly as-signed by the said Walter Cary Tuckerman toJoseph Tuckerman by an instrument in writ-ing, which said instrument of assignmentwas dulyrecorded in the office of the Regis-ter ol Deeds ofsaid county ou the Bth day ofFebruary, ISS9, at three o'clock and forty-fiveminutes p.m., in Book L'B of Assignments,at page 70.

On the First day ot February, 1892, anagreement in writing was eutered intobe-tween the said Joseph Tuckerman aud tbesaid Rufus J. Reid aud Abbie F.Reid, hiswife, whereby the payment of the principalsum named in said mortgage was extendedto the First day of February, I8d">, in ac-cordance with certaiu terms and conditionsin said mortgage nnd said instrument of ex-tension enumerated, and on the 22nd day ofApril,1892. at ten o'clock a. m.. said instru-ment of extension was duly recorded ivtheoffice of the Register ofDeeds ofsaid County,inBook 30 of Miscellaneous, at pages 541 to543.

Default has beeu made in the conditions,agreements and covenants in said mortgageand said instrument of extension contained,and there is claimed to be due and is duethe subscriber at the date of this notice uponsaid mortgage the sum of eighteen thousandseven hundred and thirty-five dollars andtwelve cents.

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given thatDyvirtue of the power ofsale contained insaid mortgage and of the statute in such casemade and provided, said mortgage will beforeclosed by a sale of the mortgaged prem-ises described therein and hereinafter de-scribed to satisfy the amount which shall fitthe date of sale be due on said mort-gage, together with the costs and expensesofsaid sale as allowed by law, and the fur-ther sum ofTwo Hundred Dollars (8200) as

an attorney's fee *hich is agreed in saidmortgage to be paid in case of foreclosure.Said sale willbe made at the Fourth StreetEntrance to the Court House and CityHallin the City ofSt. Paul, Ramsey County, Min-nesota, on Monday, tne 20th day of Novem-ber, 1893, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of%aid day by the Sheriff of said RamseyCounty, "at publicauction to the highest bid-der for cash.

The premises described in said mortgageand so to be sold are situated in the CountyofRamsey and State of Minnesota, and areknown and described as follows:

Lot Numbered Five (5) in Block Num-bered Seventy-one (71). Dayton & Irvine'sAddition to St. Paul, according to the platthereof on tile and ofrecord in the office ofthe Register ofDeeds inand forsaid CountyofRamsey.

Dated October 7, 1893.JOSEPH TUCKERMAN.

Assignee ofMortgagee as Aforesaid.Ambrose Tight, Attorney for Assignee of

Mortgagee. Globe Builtling,St. Paul, Minn.TATE OF MINNESOTA. COl'NTi*OF

Kamsey— District Court, Second JudicialDistrict.Inthe matter of the receivership ofHolland

AThompson Manfacturiug Company— P.V-Dwyer, receiver.On reading the petition of P. V.Dwyer, re-

eeiverof the above-named Holland &Thorn d-sou Manufacturing Company, and examin-ii>? all the files and proceedings in saidaction and the final account of said receiverfiled in said action, itis hereby

Ordered: That said petition and accountbe presented to aud heard by this Court onSaturday, the nintn day of December, A.D18U3, at a special term of this Court to be heldon said day at the Court House, in the cityofSt. Paul. Ramsey county, Minnesota, and thatall persons interested in suid estate then andthere appear and show cause, ifany there bewhysaid account should not be allowed andsaid receiver directed to distribute the pro-ceeds of said estate as prayed in said petition.

That this order be published in tne St.Paul DailyGlobe for three successive weeks,once in each week, commencing Saturday,the eleventh day ofNovember, 18d3: and thata copyhereof be mailed to each of the credit-ors of sani estate who have filed their rlnimswith said receiver, at least twenty days beforesaid day of hearing.

JOttS W. WILLIS.Dißlrict Judge.

AVCTIOIXSALES.Kavaixagla tV Johnson, Auction-


Healing Stoves, Etc.. at Auction— Wewillsell at publicauction on the mart, northof ihe Market house, on Saturday morningat 10 a. m., the contents of a twelve-roomhouse, consisting of tine bedroom suits, ele-gant parlor suit, easy chairs, rockers,lounges, solas. Domestic sewing machine, afine lot of toilet ware, dishes, glassware, leuheating stoves, cooking range, cupboards, :etc., and the finest and best lot ofbody Brus-set, Moquette and ingrain carpets and rugsoffered on the mart this war. Kavanagh &Johnson, Auctioneers; office, 180, 186 and 190East Sixth st -..y.;^

Miscellaneous.A UCTIONSALE of the Dickinson stock

-TV today at 2:31) p.m., in Lowry Arcade(Fourth st. entrance).

ACCOUftTAJiTS.H^;.Ti-.3iFi.i-j,-ji.lieriuania Life lusar

» Bnre Building,expert and, iinditworK


|jEjnllElsf^'QjU iliii iTh—ln* f lurs?

BILLIARDANDPOOL TABLES ANDBILLIARD SUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 and 4o7;Office and Factory 411 and 413 Fifth avenueoutb. liiinne.qpolis. HIinn.

THE ST.PAUL TRUST COMPAIVf—Offices, Endleott Block, Fourthstreet— Acts as executor, admin-istrator, guardian, trustee, as-signee, receiver, etc.

Notice ofMortgage Sale.

DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE INthe payment of the sum of five thousand

three hundred and twenty-five dollars andseventy cents (55.325.7C). which is claimed tobe due at the date of this notice for principaland interest upon a certain Mortgage dulyexecuted and delivered by John Christensehand Johanna Christensen, his wife, to TheSt. Paul Trust Company, itcorporation dulyincorporated and organized under the lawsofMinnesota, bearing date the third day ofApril,A.D. 1891, and duly recorded intheoffice of the Register of Deeds in and for theCounty of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,on the sixth day of April,A. D.1891. at 11:10o'clock a. m., in book "205" of Mort-gage*, on page 291 of the records of saidKamsey County.

And which said mortgage, together with thepromissory notes and the indebtedness there-by secured, was afterwards duly assigned. soldand delivered by said The St.Paul Trust Com-pany toJohn Cornell, by an assignment ivwritingdated May 15. 1891, and which wasthereafter duly filed forrecord in the officeofsaid Register of Deeds for said RamseyCounty on May 22d, 1891, at 1:20 o'clockp. m., and was duly recorded in Book "40"ofAssignments, on page 32 of the records ofsaid Ramsey County.

And Whereas, the said mortgage was giv-en to secure the payment of the sum of fivethousand dollars, and interest, at the rate of6 percent per annum,payable semi-annually,according to the terms and conditions of one(1) Note for the principal Bum of five thou-sand dollars, payable on the third day ofApril,1896, and ten (10) coupon interestnotes thereto annexed, each for the sum ofone hundred and fifty dollars, and payableon the third days of October and April ofeach year, after the date of said principalnote, and which said promissory notes arefullydescribed in the said mortgage, as sorecorded ;and Allof which were payable atthe Office ofThe St. Paul Trust Company, inthe City ofSt. Paul.

And Whereas, the said principal note, aswell as the said mortgage, contained a pro-visionand condition that ifany or either ofsaid coupon interest notes shall remain un-paid for ten days after maturity thereof, theholder ofsaid principal note mar, at its op-tion, and without notice to the maker there-of, declare the said principal sum, as well asany or either ofsaid past due coupon notes,as fullydue and payable, as fully as Ifsaidprincipal note was payable on demand, andmay proceed and collect the same by fore-closure of said mortgage, either under thepower ofsale therein contained, .or-by suitorother proceedings inCourt, or otherwise, ashe or they may elect

And Whereas, the said coupon interestnotes, which became due and payable ac-cording to the conditions of said mortgage,on the 3rd day of April,1593, and on the 3rdday of October, 1893, each for the sum ofonehundred and fifty(SloO)dollars, were not paidat the maturity thereof, respectively; and byreason of default in the payment of suchtwo coupons, and more than ten days aftersaid October 3rd, 1893, tne said owner andholder of said principal note, and of said twopast due coupon notes, did duly declare thewhole ofsaid principal note for five thou-sand (S\UOO) dollars, as fully due and paya-ble, and did then and there present the sameforpayment at the place of payment thereinnamed, and payment thereof was then andthere duly demanded and refused; and saidJohn Cornell is now the lawful owner andholder of the said principalnote, and of saidpast due twocoupon interest notes,aud no ac-tion or proceeding at law or otherwise havingbeen instituted to recover the debt securedbysaid mortgage, or any part thereof:

Now, Therefore, Notice is Hereby Given,That dv virtue of a power of sale containedin said" Mortgage, and pursuant to the statutein such case made and provided, the saidMortgage will be foreclosed, and the prem-ises described ivand covered by said Mort-gage, viz: Allthat tract and parcel of landlyingand being in Ramsey County, State ofMinnesota, described as follows: Commenc-ingat the Northwest corner of Block Eleven(II)of Bell's Addition to West St. Paul, ac-cording to the recorded plat thereof on fileand ot record in the office of the Register ofDeeds forsaidRamsey Comity ;thence South-erly along the Westerly line* of said BlockEleven (11) to a point midway between theNorthwest corner and the Southwest cornerof said Block Eleven (11): thence Easterlyona line equi-distant from the Northerlyand Southerly lines of said Block, one hun-dred (100) feet to a point midway betweenthe Northerly and Southerly lines "aforesaid;thence Northerly on a line parallel to theWesterly line of said Block Eleven (11) tothe Northerly line thereof; thence \\esteriyalong said Northerly line one hundred (100)feet, to tne place of beginning, with thehereditaments and appurtenances, will besold at publicauction, to the highest bidderforcash, topay said debt and interest andseventy-fire ($75) dollars attorney's fee, asstipulated inand by said Mortgage in caseof foreclosure, and the disbursements al-lowed by law; which sale will be made bythe Sheriff of said Ramsey County, at theFourth street front door of the Court House,in the City of St Paul. in said County andState, on Tuesday, the twelfth (!2th)day of.

!December. A.D.1593, at ten o'clock a. m. ofthat day, subject to redemption at any timewithin one year from the day of sale, as pro-vided by law.

Dated October 27th, A.D. 1893.JOHN CORNELL,

Assignee of Said Mortgage.Harvey Officer, Attorney for Assignee.

Endicotl Block, Fourth Street, St. Paul,Minn. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0'-/.,-•,

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OFk5 Ramsey— ss. In Probate Court, SpecialTerm, Nov. 9,1893.Iv the matter of the estate of Ellis Stone

Gorman, deceased.On reading and filing the petition of

Richard L.Gorman, administrator of the es-tate ofEllis Stone Gormnn, deceased, repre-senting among other things that he has fullyadministered said estate, and praying that atime and place- be fixea for examining andallowing his final accountof administration;and for the assignment of the residue ofsaidestate to the persons entitled thereto;Itis ordered that the said account be ex-

amined, and petition heard, by the Judge'of this Court, on Monday, the" 4th- day ofDecember, A.D. 1893. at 10 o'clock a. in., atthe Probate Court Room inthe Court HouseinSt. Paul, in said county..

• ;And itis further ordered that notice thereof

be given to all persons interested, by pub-lishinga cony of this order for three succes-sive weeks, once In eacii week, prior to saidday of hearing;. In the St. Panl Daily Globe;a daily newspaper printed aud published atSt. Paul, in. said county. ... -•

By the Court: JOHN B. OLIVIER.;; [£.*} Judge of Protmte.

PF«SOSAI.S. _A XX YOU IN Titoum,is ?—Consult.TjL Madame. Ina Walker, "life render." for

faithful reading of :your past, present andfuture; she 'will guide you in all affairs oflifeby apower higher than human; corre-spondence confidential: Indies, 50 cents:gentlemen, 51. 515 W&basha St.. oppositecapitol.

ALWAYS R KUABLK-Madame Teits-XX. worth, clairvoyant: business test medi-um: thirty years' experience. 'JXJ WabusbaSt., city. \u25a0\u25a0-.•,\u25a0.••.!.\u25a0


A A -mi, LA TERSE gives mas-•xjl» sage treatments and improvedTurkish baths, 42 Sixth st. south, Minneap-olis. Twolady operators. :."-i-.':'.

rpHK MISSKS MAUItIsK,alcohol and-L

-massage bath's, 251 Heunepiu ay., third

floor, Minneapolis. Minn

MRS. JACOBS, clairvoyant and trancemedium; tells past, present and future;

gives advice on all Kinds of businessmatters; speaks English and Scandinavian.230 Lvndale ay. norm, Minneapolis; takeWestern ay. car. . • ;.;-.'

MKs. M.A. TfssKY- Wabasha SiMagnetic and massage treatment for

paralytic rheumatism and nervous diseases.Clairvoyant reader. Call i)a in. to3p. in.

MRS. ALICK F. BAGNELL. massageand vapor baths, Koom 7,159 West Sev-

eutn st., St. rani. Minn. .


BOAKJD—Two front rooms, with board;furnace heat, bath and*gas. 228 East

Tenth st. •'.-;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0.;

BOARD— Summit Ay.—Two verysunnyrooms, with board and steam heat.

BOAKD—Nice furnished room, with board,in strictlyprivate German family:Cath-

olic preferred: house has all modern im-provements. Address J 133, Globe.

BOARD—For strictly first-class board,room with steam heat, bath rooms and

accommodations, at mode. ate prices, call atNo. 7 Lyons court, on Sibley, between Ninthand Tenth sts.

BOARD— To rent, comfortably furnishedrooms with board. 522 Cedar st.

LiOAR D— Choice front rooms, well fur--D nished, with board. Those who wishday beard only can be well accommodatedat 145 Pleasant ay.. with ti clock dinner.

FOB WAIUE.OAT—For sale, lady's fine Dlack cloth'

coat, trimmed in "black fur: mediumsize; worn only a few times. Address 11 133.Globe. : \u25a0

IXTURKS AND FUKNITUKE-The\u25a0T fixtures and furniture used in the SevenCorners bane, including two cherry roller-top desks; wire railings: the latest improvedRemington Typewriter No. 5, with desk;letter file, table ana desk; lame directors'table; seven cherry chairs; Brussels carpet;Hall's latest improved time-lock, burglar-proof safe; all the fixtures needed for con-ducting a banking business; for sale sepa-rately or together. Call or address WilliamP. Westfall, Assignee, No. 23 Globe Build-ing. . . \•


Jackson and 14th sts. Thompson &Co.

TWO liAKULK CHAIRS and fixturesfor sale cheap ;going out of the business.

'S'SH University.


[VTASQUERADE AND THXAT COS--1»-L tumes, wigs and grease paint Mrs.Louisa Neitmauu, 56 East Seventh st.

SAN DIEGO, CAt.-Very choice ten-acrefruit ranch forsale; modern house, barn,

etc.; everything complete. Address J 130,Globe.


LADIES!Clilclie»ter':»l£i:<;lisla Pen-nyroyal I>lllh(Diamond Brand), are

tlie Best. Safe, Reliable. Take no other.Send 4c (staniDs) for particulars. "Relieffor Ladies," in letterby Keturu mall. ADruggists. CHIOHESTEK CIiETII-(ALCO., Philadepiila, Fa.


GOOD THING for sore feet; Good LuckSalve; ifyour druggist does not keep i:

send or cull on W. 11. Lockwood, chiropod-ist, Endicott . Arcade Building. St. Paul,Minn.;25 cents. 50 cents and Si box.

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF*O Ramsey— District Court, Second Judi-cialDistrict.In the matter of the assignment of E. C.

Varney &Company, a corporation, to JohnW. Lavev Assignee.On reading and tilingthe petition of John

W. Lane, Assignee ofE. C. Varney & Com-pany, a corporation, which said petition Isdated the 9th day of November, ISD3,it is bythe Court

Ordered, That said assignee. John W.Lr.ne, advertise forand receive bids for thesale in bulk of the stock In trade of said E.C. Varney &Company, a corporation, whichhas come into his possession as such as-signee, save and except such of the stock,the ownership of which is claimed by otherparties, and the title to which is inlitigation.That said assignee give notice ofhis inten-tion to receive such bids by an advertisement

Ito be published in the St. Paul DailyGlobe|and the St. Paul Dispatch for three successivedays, the last ofsaid publications tobe madenot later than the 15th day of November.1893, and by mailinga copy of said advertise-ment to each of the creditors of said E. C.Varuey & Company, a corporation, as pro-vided by the rules of this court. That saidassignee receive such bids lip to and includ-ing the 24th day of November, 1893. That hereport all of said bids to this court, nt a spe-cial term thereof, to be held at the courthouse, in the City of St. Paul, said Countyand State, on Saturday, the 25th day of No-vember, 1893, at ten o'clock a. m.. and thatat said time and place all parties interestedin said estate ana assignment show cause bf-fore this court, ifany there be, why said as-signee should not be directed to accept thehighest bid so received by him, and why asafe of said stock in trade under said bid bysaid assignee should not be directed and con-firmed. Provided, that said assignee shallhave the right to reject any and all bids re-ceived by him.

That this order be published in the St PaulDale* Globe and St. Paul Dispatch on the11th and 13th days of November, 1893, and acopy thereof be mailed to each of the credit-ors of said E.C. Varney &Company, whosenames appear ou the Fchedule ofcreditorsfiledinsaid matter, or who have' filed theirclaims with the said assignee, directed tosaid creditors at their respective addresses onorbefore the 17th day of November. 1893,

Dated St. Paul, Minn., November ICth. 1893.JOHN W.WILLIS.

District Judge.Ambrose Tighe,

Attorney for Assignee.


cial District.In the matter of the assignment of E. C.

Varney &Company to John \V\ Luue, As-signee.Application having been made tothis^onrt

by John W. Lane, assigned of K. C. Varney&Company, insolvent, foran order limitingthe time within which the creditors of saidinsolvent shall come in and prove their re-spective claims, itis by the court

Ordered, That all persons, whosoever, hav-ing claims against the said E. C. Varucy &Company, a corporation, existing on the '.dday of September, 1893, such being the dateOf the qualification of said John W. Lane asassignee of said insolvent present the some,duly verified, with proof thereof, to the saidJohn W. Lnne, nt his otiice. Room 81. in theGlobe Building,in the Cityof St. Pan!. Ilum-sey County, Minnesota, on orbefore the firstday ofDecember, 1893; forallowance.Itis further ordered, that all persons fail-

ingto so present their claims on or beforethe time herein limited be .barred from anyparticipation in the assets of said E. C. Var-ney &Company, unless by-futther order ofthis court.Itis also ordered, that the said John W.Lane, assignee as aforesaid, give due and

proper notice of this order by publishing thesame for two weeks, on Saturday in eachweek. In the Si. Pant D.mli- (ir.oBK, a news-paper published inthe City of St. Paul; and.further, by depositing in the mail a copy ofthis order addressed to each creditor whosename appen.ru in the- list of. creditors filed inthe above entitled matter.-' at his place ofresidence-, therein mimed.

Dated lUSt. Paul.. .Mi:i;:..Nov. lOtlj.iS'.)3.. JOHN \\. WILLIS.District Judge.

Ambrose TinuK.-----Attorney for Assignee. '-.-

- - —\u25a0--. .. ':

NORTHERN PACIFIC!The Dining Car Line to Fargo. Winnipeg.Helena, Butte and the Pacific Northwest._. . „ St. Paul.Dining Cars on Winnipeg and

' .Pacific Coast Trains. t,v. Ar.

Pacific Mail (daily) lor largo, iJamestown, Livingston,Helena,Butte, Mlssoula. Spokane. Ta- 4:15 12:{1coma, Seattle and Portland. ... p. m. p.m.

Atlantic Express (daily) fromPortland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spo-kane and Montana and North 5:10 >Dakota points ... p.m.

Dakota and Manitoba Express(daily) for Fergus Falls. WallDe-ton. Croofcston, Grand Forks,Grafton. Winnipeg, Moorhead, 8:00 7:»5Fareo and Jamestown... . p. m. a.m.Fargo local (daily except Sun-

• .•day

/,for.St.Cloud,Braiuerdand 0:00 6:13Fargo a. m. jp. in

Dakota Express ilr.e-jnotrun went o: Fanso Stintdays. .Pullman Sleepers daily between sit. Pan,:iidGrand Forks.Graiton. Winnipeg,Fergus Falls-Wahiieton i.mlFunto. Pullman First-Class auiTourist Sleepers are run on through Pacific Co:i?»Trains. C. K.STONK, City Ticket Ageut, ltUEsutThirdStreet St, Paul.

GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAYTlf»!fofC SCO Kicollet ay., Minneapolis. :93 E.31llbnClo st. .St. I'auL Union depots bo'ii ciltej.

leave St. Paul Uuiou Depot, aiuuvk.

Willmar.Morris. Brown'sbß:osam Valley b7:oopm

'._ Fergus Falls. Fargo audbS:3oam Grand Forks.. b6:osam

Osseo, Clearwaterand St.bß:3oam Cloud b6:93pm

AnoKa. St. Cloud audb3:3opm Willmar blO:s> amb4:3opm Excelsior &Hulcbinson. bU:J5am

Willmnr. Sioux Falls,b8:05 am Yankton, Sioux City.. b7:oopm

Breck., Fargo, Granda6:3opm Forks. Winnipeg *I:iJ&ai

JOsseo, St. Cloud. FergusFalls, Crookston, \u25a0G.Forks, Kalispell, Spo-kane. Seattle, Great.Falls. Helena.

- Buttea7:4spm and Pacific Coast aio:3oam

EASTERN MINNESOTA.Dulutta, West Superior,

Elk River. Milaca,Hinckley, Princeton.

bi :05pm §Anoka.*.. W:V-pn»

a. daily;b, except Sunduy; |Butfet parlorcars on trains to Dulutb and W. Superior:tßuffet sleepers. (Diningand Bullet cars,palace eleepers, tourist cars.

ifejs^ Ticket Offices: r&£fir"\u25a0\u25a0«sjpw> fcs^ street, corner Fifth, and

iMILWAUXZEj^ionDepot, St. Paul.*Lc^Sj:pAU£'/ 'Daily. tEx. Sunday.

/ lEx.Monday.tEx.Saturday\u25a0 Le.

—St. Paul—Ar.

Chicago •'Day"express ... I »g7f> Bin.M';:»>p illChicr.no '•Atlantic" express *255 pin1*12:10 pinChicago "Fast Mail" *G-."i5 p m 1*-i:lsp ivChicago "Vestibule" Lira... *8:10pm *7:2U.iiaChicago viaAustin and Dv-


14:19pmDnbuque viaLa Crosse ........ TSo>aai 110.15 ;> mSt Louis and Kansas City.. *B*>hin *t>:ij|> mCalniar and Davenport f&33am |i2~> pinMilbank and Aberdeen ";i);j3aiu iv.-.» pmMilbunkand Aberdee'i .. f*3S p inI\~. 4> a ra

Miuneanolis trains leave *7-.:ij, t<. a. mT•J2:15, «J. t0:35 and +10:00 p. m.

for detail information call at ticket oilicaj

WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES.. Arrive- • , Depart .pm|s:.>; ainj St. Paul. I 1:.."prnj. :15pm

4:L" i;in[-:4 am;Mii>:ieap'!is| '- :t"-i.mj ::spmJUirect Une to Kan Claire, «/»*•*»«*


AND DINING CARS.AllTrains Run Daily.

/"CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAYv Co, Trains leave Union Depot City

;Office. H64 Robert Street, corner Fifth.: \u2666Daily. tUaily ex. bund. jLeave. Arrive

'\u25a0Chicago Fast Express.. ... .::.'.> nm i) :(>.'>pinjtlowa. Mo. &Kansas Ex. .. 7:-.)5 am 11:05pm| Center Local 3:35 pm 10:0."-am

\u2666Chicago Limited. J7:3l>prn 7:3Jarni;*Dcs; Monies. St. J. 4 K. C..i7:Jj pnjl 7:3jain

>' ———


Ij.£££BSBSS£3SnI Leaves Union Depot for

Jj"^S2§2"tSSSJ?s?s*;' Chicago ami down-river~JiilJJjißilllii livf-'s from same points&QjSjss§32/gs£?! '•""I'- "'• Daily. I.c-itves'«*«9p^©^i^ Union Depot forC'hicago

;in<lSt. l.onis,7:3'j"p. ta.Arrivest'rom -«miipoiuU

e;"l FOR REST.D~

—': :


—S J. W. Shcpard, O4 East 4th M.,DEMS HOUSFS, STOKES, OFFICES.,1-V acts as owners' agent: collects rents:

-sieam-heated apartments forS^O, 525. $30 and-S&>;.reduced rental. ..*\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0


Houses./nARPKT CLEANING,refitting and lay-,\s ing. Electric Carpet Cleaning Works,I'D West Third. Telephone lino.


COTTAGE— For rent, five-room cottage, No. 702 York st. Apply 6/7 Westmin-


HOIJSi-.— and 75 South Ninth—Twenty-eight rooms, modern, ingood condition;

newly papered. Apply1904 Second ay. south.Minneapolis. "

'. •

HOUSE for rent, No. 659 East Fourth stJ. G. Schwartz, Room 31, Merchants'

National Bang Building.

HOUSE— Eight rooms, city water; pleas-antly located: cellar and woodshed;

$13. 271 Williams St.. corner Pine. ?.;-',-

HOUSE— For rent. No:181 Fourteenth St.;all conveniences; inquirenext door.


For rent, a fourteen-room brickbouse; 547 Canada. Call 221 East Sev-

enth. , . .. ,

HOUSKS—For rent, five and eight rooms;modern; • half-price; Walnut, corner

Pleasant ay. Esterley, 22 East Fourth.

HOI"HE- Comfortable, handy house forrent, furnished or unfurnished ;or will

sell furniture in house very cheap. AddressM. G. R., Globe. \u25a0 .\u25a0•;

- -

HOUSE— Brick house for rent. Apply460\u25a0 Virginiaay.




\u25a0 ;--


UCHBOEDBB & DICKINSON, 16 EastO Sixth, for carpet cleaning, feather andmattress renovating and upholstering.


L'LAT- live-room flat Call 422 St.-L Anthony ay. or 74 Globe building.

FLAT—A four-room flat: also an eight-room flat on John st.;both on first floor.

Inquire 404 Eighth st.'


A—HOTEL BRUNSWICK, for gentle-Ai men only; fifty modern steam-heatedrooms by.day, week or month.A UKORA AY.,878—For rent, first or sec-

-l\- ond story of pleasant house: furnishedifdesired: both city and cistern water.

LUFTH ST., 143, WEST— Nicely furnished•L rooms; five minutes walk from post-office;modern conveniences.

OILFILLAN ROW-414 East Tenth—VJ Rooms, furnished, S4 to §10 per month;one front with alcove.

JGLEHAKT ST., NO. Four or fivei- nice rooms; nice in every way; cheaprent.IVriNTH.ST., 317, EAST—Near BroadwayI^l —Heated room with clothes closet, §5;private family.

INTHST., 12. EAST—Furnished roomsforrent.

jVfINTHST., 170, WEST— For rent, one1* furnished room, suitable for one or twogentlemen; rent cheap. -

INTH 5T:,"234 WEST— For rent, fiveunfurnished rooms, with water, with

or without barn. \u25a0

ROOM- room with alcove; oneblock from Albion,corner of Western

and Selby.' Inquire at 417 and 419 WabashaSt.; references required.

"QEVENTHST., NO. 255 WEST— CornerO Walnut— or without board, choicefurnished rooms; modern; every comfort;central: no car fare: detached stone resi-dence: low rent: : ', •

•\u25a0•" \u25a0\u25a0


Nicely furnishedO rooms: pleasant location; modern con-veniences; with or without board.

Tilli:i)ST.. 150, WEST— nicely fur-X nished rooms for light housekeeping


ABASIIA,553V?— Corner Tenth St.—*V Furnished rooms forrent; place quiet.

1G BARGAIN-^will buy a telegraphschool complete in every respect; goodlocation; cheap rent; apply at once. Loom

M>. Court Block. \u25a0 \u25a0•-, >\u25a0.-..\u25a0

JWILLSELL oi rent the Hotel Tourist atRice Lake. Wis. :only $-' a day house incity of4.000 population; waterworks, electriclights and steam heat. Address R. W. BullRice Lake, Wis. & \u25a0


117 ANTED—Live,well-located real estate** man to take hold of Everett additionAddress, for three day*. H132. Globe.


i_ TICKET 11rrinrd

f^fsT sMMafflT 48°; and Uai°n

k^atAß^ag. Paul /.ipill?BEST EQUIPPED T 7«nin£i MOST POPITLIR Liftij




< Badger State Express *S:00 am tlO:33pm!Atlnntic&bouthernEx +6:25pm *12-Ch")pruI, North-Western Limited *S:intm *7:208 mAlarshfield and Wausau. . t*-.00 am +10:35 pmGreen Bay. Stevens Point tß.ou am tli)-35DU»Ashland, Washb'n. Bay'ld +9:00 am +500 pmDtiluth and Superiors. ... +0:00 am +5:00Duluth and Superiors *li:0.) *6 50 amPipestone &Sioux Fnlls. +7:35 am +6-lonniWinnebaso &Elmore . t7:3T) m +6:'l0pmOmaha, St.Joe, Kan. City »7:35am *7--lOamOmaha. StJoe, Kan. City *7::spm *7:4oamSoo City &Worthington. *7 am *6:lopmboo City &Worthintrton. *7:"spm *7-40nmTracy. Watertown, Huron §7:55 pm J7 :40 am

Minneapolis, St. Paul'&Sault_Sie Maria R/.

RWlij3'<:ITYTICKET OFFICE,jfe^figgS^ 3»S Hubi-rtSt.1fg 3̂^^ Telephone, 1053.

Leave. St. Paul Union Depot. Arrive.

Atlantic Limited Ve.rti-baled through train, daily,lot Escanaba, sault Sic.Marie, Montreal, Boston,New Yorkar.d all Eastern

6:19 p. m. poll ts ;55 a. n,Pacific Limited Vestibuledthrough train, daily, lor

"'Valley City, Minot, Van-couver, Seattle, Tacoma,Fortlnid. San Franciscoand all Pacific Coast point*).

7:Cop. m. Chiiia,Jiii<un and Australia. 8:41 a. m\Vi». uiv.. Ifcal. daily ex-cept Sunday, via Bt.P. & I).K. 11. and Bald Eagle, orTurtle Lake, Prentice and

820 a. m. Rliinelauaer ..... 6:25 p. m.Broadway Depot, Foot 4tli st

St. Cmix Falls Accommo--6:00 p.m. dation, dailyexcept Sunday 13:10 a. m.

Soo Line Depot, 2d st. and4th ay. north, Minneapolis.

Minn. Div., local, dailyex-cept Sunday, for l;m!.il.>. \u25a0•/\u25a0\u25a0.-.'•-'\u25a0Paynesville, Olenwood and

6:3). a. m. Oakes b-d p. m

y/})\ \Mr M^:s?4'^§^\'&