THE BAIXT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: TUESDAY MORMNG, JULY 11, 1893. 7 AM B AI? ET EB. \«-k ihi' boy who »ellj»llio. papers and lie will tell you more about circulation titan all the affidavit* dial can be piihllsiictl. Just try it and yon will be convinced that the Globe leads all. WANTS CAN' RE L.XI At the Following Locations for Insertion in Daily anil Sunday Globe. M. 1). Merrill, 442 Broadway. . S. 11. Beeves, druggist, Moore block, Seven corners. C. T. Keller, druggist. 523 St. Peter street. Straight Bros., druggists, corner of Hondo Bud Giotto. \u25a0 \u25a0William K. Collier, druggist, 199 East Sev- enth street. A. T. Guernsey, druggist. 171 Dale street. Y. A. liirscher, druggist, -i" Rondo street. Parker &Westby, druggists, C7D East Third meet. \u25a0 E. McCrudden, confectionery, 476 Rice street. W. A. Frost i Co.. druggists, corner Selby and Western avenues. B. J. Wine, druggist. 390 Market, corner Fifth. SITUATIONS OFFERED _____ " Walt's. BARBERS Two iirst - class barbers wanted at once: good wages; must be Brst-elass. P. D. Boy. West Superior. Wis. BAHBER tit 687 East Third st.: none other ilia a union man need apply. W. C. Kroil. BARBER BOY wanted at 521 Selby !IV. BARBER steady place for a good man. 221 West Seventh st. BARBER— Wanted, good, steady union barber at i*>> Wabashn st. DRIVKK— A boy to drive wagon who un- -LJ derstands the butcher business, and who is acquainted in the city. Address O si. Globe. HORSESHOER— Floorman; steady wort for iir<t-t:!ass man. London. Bros., Moorhettii. Minn. SALARY OK COMMISSION* to Agents to handle the Patent Chemical Ink-Eras- ing Pencil; the most useful and novel Inven- tion of the age: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; works like magic; L"00 to 500 percent profit: agents making 550 per week; we also want a general agent to take charge of terri- tory, and appoint sub agents: a rare chance to make money; write for terms and speci- men of erasing. Monroe Eraser Aifg.Co. X 4, La Crosse, Wis. SOLICITORS -Wanted, men of energy 0 and tact to solicit for the Bankers' Life Association of St. Paul. Minn.; liberal con- tract and spii ndid territory canbe secured by addressing clarence E.Secor. St Paul. Minn. TtN<n;KAl > lii-.K>-i-oi!iT.ctent stenog- raphtrs and typewriter operators out of employment are invited to register their names and qualifications with our employ- ment department; no charge to either em- ployer or employed. Wyckofi", beamans & Benedict, '.•\u25a0) East Fourth st U," ANTED—It you are a Catholic and will work fur SI > per week write MacCon- nell Bros.. 'J3 Arch St., Boston, Mass. WANTED— For the United States Army- Able bodied unmarried men between the ages of twenty -one and thirtyyears: good pay, ration?, clothing and medical attend- ance: applicants must be prepared to fur- nish satisfactory evidence as to age. charac- ter and habits. Apply m! Room 207, No. 34 East Seventh St., St. Paul, Miun. \ Y'.VN'i'KD- A man or good boy for de- »V livering in meat market. 445 Univer- sity a v FOB SI LE. \ TWO-CHAIR liAKItKK -HOP -T\ outfit forsale cheap at 2:' l West Sev- enth st. Boii.i;k>— For sale, tow boilers in use; 40x14; to make room for larger ones; great bargain. J, T. McMillan or Franklin Machine Works. Eighth an 1 Minnesota sts. D Otis— For Bale, .-ix very fine dog pups; ball st Bernard and mastiff. Box G, Hector. Minn. FOR SALE—SOO ft. granite curbing. Ad- dress. A. A. Parker. St. Cloud. inn. I" I TAR—For sale, guitar, almost new T cheap. Address M 14, Globe. HARDWOOD LUMBER at a bargain; oak. bass and ash. common and better. Tuliiiian lirus. k Co.. Mora. Minn. MAIM. I. AM) BIRCH i- LOOKINGat -iT-L Jackson and 4th sts. Thompson &Co. TV PEW For sale. Kemington No. 2 typewriter: also mimeograph; both in good order. Add- \u25a0\u25a0<- •- i(i.(;iobe. WASTED TO REST. ROOM— For rent by a lady employed dur- ing the day, a large, airy. coo), newly furnished room, with two large closets; use 01 parlor and bath and privilege of light housekeeping in a private flat on Pleasant ay. : this is a nice house for the right party: rent only$15 per mouth: must have refer- ences. Address 3 ,':;, Globe. SITUATIONS Ot'iEREI). > ALL LADIES I ? ¥ i V DESIRING \ £ IIOUSEMAIDb £ ! * SOWING GIRLS % ! >> KITCHEN' (iIKLS X I } PANTRY GIRLS f 5 DISHWASHERS # i 5 WASHWOMEN— £ \ COOKS \ \ NURSES f ) Or n:iy other kind of HELP, can se- A ' cure them by advertising inthe X ) Globe Want Columns % Females. ! A A A —GIRLS wanting the best i .rJ iit places and wages in or out j of the city call at once. Lnrpenteur's Em- ployment office. 51 West Exchange st. i T HOTEL LAFAYETTE, Minnetonka ! Bench, laundresses, kitchen, pantry and "ordinary"' girls. Douglass' Intelligence Agency, 35 '\u25a0event!]. , C^OOK (,irl that knows something about -' cooking, and one to do plain washing; ; good wages. \u25a0V> Nelson ay. pOOK AND MKSK GIRL wanted a vy 5-1:1 Dayton ay. : cai! at once. COOKS— Three cooks want places in pr<- | vate families. Apply 03 East Seventh i ] St.. Room W. OUSEAVORK—A girlto workdays and- | Eo home nights. Good pay tocompe- \u25a0 !tent girl. 430 Oakland ay. " I HOUSEWORK— At Once— Girl for gen- eral housework; good place. Call (540 Dayton ay. HOUSEWORK— girl for general ! housework i:-. small family: good I j wages. 471) Iglehart. \u25a0 j I jl OU.SEWORK— Wanted, girl for house Ci work at once. 96 East Eleventh st. Housework— girl at once; good wages. 31 East Tenth. TWILL PAY a few ladies a salary of $10 per week to work for me in their locality at home; light work; good pay for part time. Write, with stamp, Mrs. E. K. Bassett, Suite ; '.' '4. .Marshall Field Building, Chicago. LADIES can make $25 weekly writing for i us at their homes. Address", withstamp, j | Miss Louise Fairfield. South Bend, Ind. MACHINE I RONEK— Wanted, a good j -''-I- shirt machine ironer; good wages to j the right party. 47."> Wabasha st. SECONO GIRLwanted at 15 East Tenth St.. opposite capitol; apply afternoons. SECOND GIRL Wanted, a competent I second girlat 749 summit ay. WANTED— Ladies to write at home: en- close stamped envelope. Bertha Benz, 1 Sec. South Bend, lud. | ' i WORLD'S FAIR ACCOHJIODA- i TIOXS. i- ~ . | __ I ACCOMMODATIONS \ \ AT THE 5 \ || World's Fair I ! v Can be secured in advance ifyou will \ ' ;& read the offers in the Globe. * If they » | Ij are not satisfactory, advertise under !a , ! x this i.cad yourself, and when you \ ' P reach the White City by the inland sea 9 ! I A you will find that you have saved 5> '. I x money enough to see all the sights in \ ! .p Midway Plaisauce by the 6 I Ad Inserted in the Globe Wants «^.^%^^^%^^^%^^^^ !TO WOKLD'SFAI VISITORS—Large, ' I -*- handsomely furnished front rooms pri- i vateiumily.most beaatif allocation; terms 50 cents to $1 per day, each person; 148 Fifty- ' fifth st. boulevard. Chicago, 111. For infor- ! mation call at O. Poison's, Us East Third st. I \u25a0 i REALESTATE FOR SALE. J. K. BACOH, SUCCESSOR TO liaron A Colcinan. "REAL ESTATE A.\l> LOAJfBT~ Cor. 4th and Minnesota Sts. Miscellaneous. FORSALE My valuaole improved farm, 14 miles from St. Paul on the Hudson City road; location extra; must be sold . within 00 days: terms easy. Address Guy Saulsbury, Lakeland, Minn. OBLIGED to sell four-room cottage and seven-room house for less than value of lot. Address (,» 23. Globe. I HfctLEK & ilOnV.Lr. real estate: as bargains withthem Pioneer Press Bid? C:*-) "\!)( V— ONE of the most desirable OO^t/uU cottages in the city. luqui re 633 Burr st. PEfISOXALS. ALWAYS RELIABLE— Madame Teits- worth, clairvoyant: business lest medi- um: thirty years' experience. 539 Wabasha St., city. RE YOU IX TROUBLE * Consult Madam Ina Walker, "life reader."' for faithful resume of your past, present and future. Diseases of women diagnosed and successfully treated; correspondence confi- dential; ladies, 50c: gentlemen. Si. 515 Wa- basha st.. opposite thecapito). \IKs. HARRIS- 424 Wabasha Mag- J-'l- netic and massage treatment; alcohol, oil and sea salt baths. Koom "J3. MRS. KATE HOPKINS, psychometric leader and trance medium, 225% West Seventh St.. St. Paul. . MRS. M. A. TI'SSEY, t?.'4 Wabasha St.— Magnetic and massage treatment for paralytic rheumatism aud nervous diseases. Clairvovaui reader. Call 9a.m.to Sp. m. DIE WORKS. TTAHLERT & MINTEL— Minnesota JV Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh. F.I. ROCHEX— X. W. Steam Dye Works I X office, 416 Robert St., Kyau Block Works, I f5 and 57 Indiana ay. SITUATIONS WAHTEI>. I YOU WANT WORK. | £ Find it by using the Globe » a want Columns, and you can be > employed as X % AGENT, CLERK,' t 5 BOOKKEEPER. % £ STENOGRAPHER. \ i SECRETARY, f % Hostler, Gardener or Man-of-All- \ % Work - % ?. . DON'T BE IDLE . . $ $ While the Globe is at jour service. itlalc. BOYS VOR I'LACKs, places for boys: employment bureau for poor boys', free. Newsboys' Club I{oum,:ii:i Wabasha st. : open from II to 1. a. m.. and from 7 to >) p. m. DOOKKEEFEB Experienced book- -D keeper and office in.vi is open for posi- tion; can furnish excellent city references. Address M IG, Globe. BOOKEE -ER Experienced bookeeper is open for position or any kind of office work; married man: can furnish best of ref- erences. Address L' 66, Giobe. t'LERK. position by a young -' n.au in railroad office; have had ex- perience as clerk and stenographer In divis- ion superintendent office; willgo out of city. X 15, Globe. CLERK Position as clerk or steward in - country hotel; five years' experience. Address J. K. Bums, St. Paul. Minn. CII.KRK wanted, work by a young man \u25a0> nineteen years old; clerking preferred. Address 357 Goodrich ay. pOACHMAX-A young married man, v> sober and reliable, experienced coach- man, wants a place. Addiess C, Coachmau, ti-0 Warren st. CIOACHMAN— Wanted, position as coach- <* man by competent man; well acquainted in the city ; best of references. Address W 20. Globe. COACHMAN A young man, sober and v> reliable, experienced coachman, wants a place. Address H. Peterson, '.'OS Smith ay. COLI.KCTOK^-A chance for collector; y^ sober young man. 134 Ohio St., corner Ethel st.. West >a. Paul. COLLECTOR— Wanted, bills to collect on v-* commission. Address N 13, Globe. COLLECTOR— A chance for collector; V-/ sober young man. 134 Ohio, corner Ethel st., West st. Paul. ' pOLLKCTOK-Wanted, position as col^ v>* lector or city snlesman for wholesale house; have tine business rig; will work on salary or commission. Address W 21. Glooe. RUG CLERK— lntelligent, well edu- cated young man of twenty-one wishes to learn the drug business: best of refer- ences. Address N12, Globe. . \u25a0.'.;\u25a0*; -. C ELEVATOR MAN— Situation wanted as elevator man, well experienced and good reference. Address W 19, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— Two men of good ad- dress; permanent position for right men. 133 Globe Building. ENGINEER— A young man with state license wants position as engineer or fireman. Address X 19, Globe. FARM WORK— and wife would like to go out on a farm: woman a good cook and first class laundress; man to uiHke him- self generally useful, is a steady, sober, reli- able man. Address Charles Sorenseu, 2SI William St., city. IJ»AR3I HAND— A young man would like work on farm: any one desiring a good man please write at once to X. S.. Oao Wells st., St. Paul. OFFICE WORK— Wanted, situation in railroad ofhee by young man of good education and business" abilits: small salary; best of references. N 12, Globe. Or FICE WORK— Youug man. twenty- one, stranger, experience in office work, desires position at moderate salary. Address D 100. Globe. OFFICE WOKK— Youiik man, well ac quainted iv city, would like position in office, store or any work; small wages. Ad- dress G. P., 8 (i Lawson st. PAINTER— a good painter would like to get work by the job. Address M 17, Globe. "POSITION of some kind wanted by a JL capable and willing young man of 23: can furnish references. Address T 19, Globe. W "ANTED Aline on commission in im- >V plements or hardware. Address E 24, Globe. j_____^ HORSES A.-\l> CARRIAGES. I HAVE YOU A \ % HORSE, 5 % CARRIAGE, «££ 5 r PHAETON. tssS f £ VICTORIA. I d HARNESS, d I £>LEI<JH, 5 \ 'fJS FONT or . f f %£& -s jaunting v 0 CART 4 & To Sell, or do you want to Buy one? m A Try the columns ol £ | THE WANT PAGE. | POKSAI.K- A fine team of horses, also JL carriages and harness; cheap. Address T 12. Globe. STORES A3f» FIXTURES BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND Li I L, LIAHO SUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 and 407; Office and Factory 411 and 413 Fifth avenue south, .'.linneapolis, Minn. SITUATION'S WAJITEW. '-'.. I vitiates. \u25a0 t *\u25a0; r>OOKK£EI'IN(i— A young lady, whounj- I J-' derstands bookkeeping, desires position in inoffice; experienced; references. X .'U, j Globe. - isj \u25a0 U"~LERK— Young lady would like a steady Vv position as clerk in a dry goods, toy or confectionery store. Address L. S., 304 Hope street. * DRESSMAKER wants work; children's -L' clothes specialty: good reference; din- ingroom dresses 75 cents: will go to the bouse to lit. 350 North Exchange. DRESSMAKER with two years' experi- ence wishes sewing to do either in shop or in families, or will take sewing in. Call or address 103 North Victoria st. DRESSMAKEK— Adressmaker who uu- \u25a0LJ derstunds cutting and fitting would like sewing by the day in families. Call or ad- ares^ 185 Rondo. \u25a0 M I'LOYM EN T Woman wishes posi- J-j don of trust: can furnish references. Address G2-', Globe. :.;\u25a0„ GOVERNESS— position as day VIgoverness by experienced teacher; refer- ences given. S 24, Globe. HOUSEKEEPER A lady would like housekeeping: has got two children: no objection to going to the country. Ad- dress T20. Globe. . HOUSEKEEPER— Situation by young lady as nousekeeper ior a Catholic-cler- gyman ; will leave city. Mrs. M. C. Ryan. 1i44 Broadway. H«»l SEKEEPER— Wanted, situation as housekeeper by a middle-aged lady with good reference. Address H 76, Globe. HOUSEKEEPER Position as house- keeper wanted by lady: can furnish references. Address O .'O, Globe. HOI SEWORK- Two German girls, sis- El ters, want places for housework. Cail 201 East Thirteenth st. LADIES in need of reliable help, family cooks, housekeepers and other help waiting. Mrs. Merry weather. 543 Wabasha st. LADY wants situation; plain, rapid pen- man or some kiud of work. Address V 12, Globe. LAUNDRESS A first-class laundress wants day work. 46 West Niuthst. NURSE wants to tend sick lady. 483 St 1* Peter st. , "JV i.BSE GIRL— A girlof fourteen would 1^ like position as nurse girl with family at the lake. Address Room 7. 444 Wabasha st. FFICE WORK— Youug lady desires po- W siiion to do general office work or type- writing. Address L. P., Globe. OFFICE WORK- A young lady desires position in doctor's or dentist's office; small salary. Address P lB, Globe. •: '^-^ SECOND WORK—A place to do second work in Minneapolis, or any place not far from St. Paul. Address E. .Morrow, Gen- eral Delivery. '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-, ECOND WORK— by a compet- ent girl,second work, or light house- work. Address 166 East Congress. " S^ EWIXG—By good hand; can cut and lit. O Address M 21. Globe. S EWIXG— Wanted, sewing to take home or go out by the day; cau cut and hr. 41 West Exchange. SSiS^ SEWING Seamstress wants plain sewing in families. Call or address 177 Selby-av. SITUATION wanted by first-class cooks O in private families. 320 per mouth. Scan- dinavian Office, 102 Siblev. OTENOG-RAPHER— Wanted, position as O stenographer by young lady; salary- no object. Address L. E., Globe. ' STENOGRAPHER Lady stenographer and typewriter wants position; best of references. Address P 20. Globe.' OTENOGRAPER— a competent and ex- i-3 perienced young lady stenograper and typewriter, who owns a first-class Remington mechine. desires a position; can give A No. cityreferences. Address X 21. Globe. STENOGRAPHER— Lady stenographer, owning machine, wants office room in exchange fordoing a reasonable amount of woik: New York Life Insurance building preferred. Address C 25. Globe. OTEXOGRAPHER— Dositiou by lady stenographer on salary or part sal- ary with privilege of doing outside work. Address W -'.', Globe. ASHING WANTED—Lady will do »V plain washing and Ironing, 35 cents per dozen. G3U Mississippi St.. up stairs. WASHING— Wants to go out washing by . the day 332 Front st. j \\J As.-. ant to wash in private *V families only. 1237 Burns ay., Mrs. T. I Marlean. i \\r ASHING— Woman will do washing ! * » and ironing. 037 Mississippi st., i:i I basement. 7 ASHING wanted; family washing a V speciality: clothes washed and ironed the old-fashioned way. 50 cents a dozen, sat- isfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Sorensen, 381 Williams St.. right basement. WASH IXG—Want to lake washing Bt \u2666 V home. 499 Grotto st. WASHING wants to go out »\u2666 washing, ironing and housecleaning. 70 West Third st. ASHING wanted to do at home. Call at 701 Thomas st. :«iscei,i,a.\eous. rpilE ST. PAUL PICTURE FRAME -L Manufacturing Company. 319 Wabasha St., between Thirdand Fourth, have pictures and frames of every variety; china novelties and firing a specialty. Notice of Sale of Springfield Village Bonds. Whereas, at a special election duly held in and for the village of Spring- field, Brown county. Minnesota, on the 20th day of June. 1593, it was duly voted to construct a system of waterworks and electric lights in and for said village and to issue its bonds therefor in an amount not to exceed Eleven Thousand Dollars. . --.' ?- \u25a0 Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that sealed bias top- the purchase and negotiation of said bonds will be re- ceived by the village council of said village at the office of the Recorder of said village up to the first day of Au- gust, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. when the same will be opened and considered. -^v Dated. June 23d, 1803. J. C. KOTUENBURG, 7, c ' Attested: President.. Gko. J. Uuimm, Recorder. ,Yv AUCTION SALES. | Going Away 4 And don't want to store your fur- niture for the summer because you W expect to have new furnishings in # the fall ? Good sales and princely A prices can be obtained by adver- - tisiujr your p Household Furniture, Stoves, I a Kitchen Furniture. Ranges, I x Parlor Furniture, Dishes x Dining Room Furniture, and 5 Bed Room Furniture, Chairs, - 5 X Or anything elie you want to sell, by \ P lettingthe public Know it through the w 0 Auction Columns of the Globe. A li aTanagh&JolinsonS Auctions "PLEGAXT HOUSEHOLD FURXI- -Lj ture. piano, carpets, etc., at public auc- tion. We willsell at public auction at the residence No. 232 Charles st., on Tuesday, July 11, at 10 a. m.. all toe fine furniture, consisting of an elegant upright piano, per- fect in tone and condition; fine rug parlor suit, lady's writing desk, center tables, dra- peries, lace curtains, upright folding bed, dining room set, easy rocsers, conch, a nice lot of pictures.all the bedroom suits, springs, mattresses, tedding, glass and silverware, dishes, etc.: ali the body Brussels, ingrain carpets and rugs, one new Singer sewing machine, square heater. Peninsular cooking range, line refrigerator, furnace, etc. If yon want bargains this is an elegant oppor- tunityto get them in good goods. Kavanagh A Johnson, auctioneers, ISO, 188 aud 190 East Sixth st. Jebb A Shatter, Auctioneers. PIKSITIKE AND CARPETS AT -I- public auction at the residence No. 153 West Sixth st. Tuesday morning, July 11, at I 10 o'clock: all the furniture of a ten-room j bouse, consisting of bedroom suits, parlor furniture, center tables, Brussels and ingrain carpets, kitchen utensils, etc. Jebb & Schauer. auctioneers. 422 Wabasha st. I FIJfA>CTAI^. | * HONEY 1 A May be tight and hard to get. bat i you can get all you want by asking f V for it through the Globe Finan- f 6 cm Columns, to either buy or sell d \ f STOCKS, BONDS. d 4 MORTGAGES. % %. BANK STOCKS. ? \ GOVERNMENT BONDS f } of any kind or character that the •> I * financial world ha? to offer or to A A get rid of. \ j A A -LOANS on furniture, pianos, xi» horses, diamonds, watches, all good collateral and commercial paper; par- tial payments, lowest rates. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, Rooms 13-14. First I National Bank Building, corner Fourth and ! Jackson sts. Mackc-y, Manager. . ~~\ A —THE STANDARD LOAN" •-£*••\u25a0'*\u25a0• Co., 323 Robert, corner Fourth room 5, willloan you money on furniture j pianos,' diamonds, watches, etc.. at less rates j and better terms than can be had elsewhere. BANK STOCKS a specialty: bonds, com- -IJ nißrcial paper, mortgages, securities bought and sold. George W. Jenks, Invest- ment Bauker. Minnesota Loan and Trust I Building. Minneapolis. MONEY ON HAND to loan on city prop- i-"X erty and farms: lowest rales; no delay, W. F. Moritz, 1013 Pioneer Press. i\ I ONEY Loan on life insurance po ML icies: or bought. L. P. Van Normau 'I Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis i -P-R-I-V-A-T | Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pianos, i furniture or goods in storage at lowestrates, i and Email monthly return payments; notes j and mortgages bought; most private loan i rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com- ! pany. 132 Globe Building; take elevator HEELEK&HOWELL.real estate; list , bargains with them. Pioneer Press Blda I Q'jnn TO SSOO WANTED for six or i v>JUU eight months on rhattel security '• worth 51. 700. Address C. 11. & P.. Globe. C!"^ (\(\(\ OF 7 I'ER CENT SCHOOL 'JfJ^\J\J\J bonds for sale. Address Ira C. Richardson. Thief River Falls. Minn. PROFESSIO.\Af.. Mrs. BALDWIN" permanently removes superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec- tricity;references given. 202.Merrill Building, Fifth and St. Peter st". USE THE DAILY AND SUNDAY GLOBE LINER COLUMNS! FOR REST. | . WHITAKKR «Sfc PARKER, Renting Agency, Manhattan Builainc-. J. IV. S]i<-|»ai'«l. 91 East Fourth Street. T> ENTS HOUSES, STORKS, OFFICES. XV apartments and rooms, withand without steam heat, in all parts of the city; acts as j owners' agent; collects rents. j * You Can Rent 5 HOUSES, i £ ROOMS, $ STORES, ! A OFFICES, 1 " DESK ROOM, 5 FLATS. r attics, d BARNS, d FARMS, \ Or Even Your Last Sum- X mer's Straw Hat, w If you willadvertise them in the * d Rent Columns of the GLOBE 0 i WANTS. 5 Houses COTTAGE For rent, a fine seven-room cottage, 253 Spruce St., corner Canada. HOUSE— For rent, house, 698 John St., with all modern conveniences. In- quire 607 Westminster. HOUSE— For rent, house, 635 Westmin- ster: all modern conveniences, includ- ing furnace. Inquire 607 Westminster st. HOUSE rent, house oflive r00m5.697 Mississippi st. ; all water connections; one door fromPerm ay. Inquire 55S Broad- way. HOUSE— Five-room house for rent in Eood O. repair, 690 East Sixth St., Dayton's Bluff. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGENCY GLOBE BUILDING WE RENT HOUSES, STORES, OFFICES, TAKE ! CHARGE OF RENTED PROPERTY AND ! MAKE COLLECTIONS. Koom*. —HOTEL BRUNSWICK, for gentle- men only; fifty modern steam-heated roosm by day, week or month. T CORNER SEVENTH AND AVA basha, over bank, furnished rooms, «in | gle or en suite, fronting on Wabasha or Sev ; enth. . DAYTON AY., 686 For rent, cheap, nicely furnished front room, suitable for two persons. DELOS, 1-16. EAST—Two Blocks From Street Pleasant front room; fur- nished. EIGHTH. Js9— Nicely furnished rooms; convenient location; bath, pleasant lawn and shade trees. ELEVENTH ST., 00, EAST— One nicely furnished room; all conveniences; also roommate for youns lady. DLKVEXTHST.. 'JO EAST— Small fur- -Cj nished room; all conveniences; also I roommate fer young lady. \u25a0piFTIISTREET.imVICST— Three large, . \u25a0i- airy, richly furnished rooms: modern conveniences; every thing first-class. Alil.B()H()l(i!l Apartments in the MarlDorougb, the new Hat buildingon Summit ay., near Sixth st. : everything first- class. See plans at office of Ross Clarke, 014 Pioneer Press Building. '\u25a0--:\u25a0'-. \u25a0\u25a0:?.?. DLEASANT AY., 282— Pleasant room; ! JL suitable for two; use of baih. SELBY AY.. •.".!()—Furnished room, suitable ' j 0 for two, on cable line: private family. rpHOMAS ST., 453—For rent, live rooms. ILTON ST., tj-'— One nicely furnished room in a private family. \VABASIIA ST.. 430— Over Bank— Fur- VV nished rooms by the week or mouth. | ABAS HA, 5231,2— Corner Tenth St.— . j Furnished rooms lor rent: place quiet. [ Stores . EAR PART of A. D. T.s cigar store for -CV rent, 349 Robert st. ; apply at the prem- ises^ LAKE RESORTS. . IT/-HITE BEAR LAKE, ten miles from I >V St. Paul, St. P. ADuluth R. R , Fre- | quent trains; twenty-five trip tickets 15 cents j each way. Hotel Chateausay. an unequaled 1 family resort for health and comfort, front- !ing the lake; shady, beautiful grounds: spa- I cious piazzas; boating, excellent fishing; no nuisances of any kind: large, airy, hand- somely furnished, front rooms; excellent table; very moderate terms; come aud see; I three minutes' walk from depot. TICKET OFFICES llt l!J»^S^s^f£dilr cr;^ t'm° n Depot "ALWAYS ON TIJIE." The OnlyLina ?o r rFirs"a n as 3 v p^ P ? speot BAGGAGE CHECKED ££ . a t ce H i esi ' tDailv. {Except Sunday. 1 Leave i Arrive (Ex. Monday. xEx. Saturday. I St. Paul St. Paul St Joseph and KnnSiis City.... t " S3 am t 7 40 am St. Joseph and Kansas City.. . t7s6pmt 740 am Sioux City Local Express -— t 7Soam f 6 10 pm Sioux City.Omaha &. Btk Hills t 753 pm t 7 40 am Pipestone and Sioux Falls --173H am i610 piu Winnebago and El morn - - -tt 735 am f 610 pra Xew Tim, Tracy and Pierre -- x 7 55 pm \ 1 40 am DiiliiMi, Ashland ana i-nperior 900am;5 00 pm Duluth. Ashland and Superior til 00 pm } 6 50am Jlarslilield and 'Waasau - -- -H a 00 am {1030 pm f CHICAGO TRAINS- I -Badger State Express"- -tSOO am :10 30 pm I "World's Fair Express 1'- M 625 pm t!2Mspra I"North-Western Limited" »10 pin f 7 20 am Minneapolis, St. Paul &Sault St Marieß y j^^^ From Union Montreal __£*g3%3& ni "^ Boston Express leaves st. Paul I^^^B^W^V daily ii 1\u25a0 p. in.; Minneapolis, ti 45 g<MI \WM p.m. from soo line ]>epot, -Jd st. iMi^WS^Ssl anil Ith ay. X. Minneapolis— Wis. nlTl. I*B I)iv - Local leaves daily ex. r-nn- L^^c^UaH day, >:: - ' ) a - m - : Mln esnui Div, M &&"*z~Z±&\ Local leaves Minneapolis daily 3 **""^^ "' x Sunday). 00 a, in. and r,::i> p. m. From Broadway Depot, foot ofCable Lin Si. Paul— St. Croix F. Accommoda- tion, daily (ex. Sund-iy). sp. m. City Ticket Of- fices—Mi nneapoli", Xo127 Third st. So. (Guar auty (Building;; £tPaoLXo3SB Robert st H'ctelKjan lost asp rors i>. CAPK LOST—On Sunday, lady's black broadcloth any one finding same please leave at No. 2 Crocus Hill. DOG LOST—Greyhound, answers to name Tom: two scars on back. Return to 62 East Seventh st. and receive reward. Dan- nie Needham. NOTE LOST— One certain promissory 1~ note, bearing date May 2.">. 18s)3, dated at Rock Island, 111., made payable to Rev. N. O. Grunden, at Bernadotte.'Minu., and maker of said note is the Lutheran Augustana Book Concern, and said note was placed in a little poctetbook, which also contained SlO in cash and also half railroad fare permits; and said book and contents are supposed to have been lost at the St. Louis depot, St . Paul; and finder willplease return said book and receive reward at lS7East Seventh st. " St. Paul, Minn. \u25a0 y rpiBKKLLA— The gentleman who left vJ an umbrella in the Globe office can have the same by callingand proving prop- erty^ GREAT riAXO BARGAIN. ONE ELEGANT upright Decker Bros. . piano, style 16. at about one-half Its value; it has only been used a few months; must be Bold soon. JR. C. Munirer, 107 East Third st. " ACCOUNTANTS. Hm.Ti.Hl'i.K, 90 Germauia Life lnsur a nee Bgilding, expert and andttworl POAIBI> OFFERED. \ YOU (^AN B OARD * % RICn MAN. % i POOR MAN, S \ BEGGAR or V $ THIEF, 0 3 AND THEY d A CAN" FIND i \ ROOMS AND 5 r HOUSES THAT V WILLGIVE S A THEM RELIEF. % BOARD— Front alcove room for rent with board. 301 West Third st. BOARD— Front alcove room with board; all conveniences. 522 Cedar st., Lytle Terrace, opposite Capitol. BOARD rooms with board, in laree modern house. 210 East Ninth st. BOARD and rooms: good location; large grounds and trees. 403 Summit ay. BOARD and jiicely furnished rooms, beautiful shaded lawn. 0:30 dinner; ref- erences. 151 Summit ay., corner Sixth st. BOA Nicely furnished room: all modern conveniences, withboard. No. JiGS Nelson ay., near Western. BOARD Furnished rooms, bath, parlor, piano and board, $4 per week. 04 Isle- hart st. YTLE TKKKACK- 388 Cedar— For rent. one front room; also single rooms, with board: gas, bath, etc. - % Ticket Offices: rSSL street, corner Fifth, and Union Depot, St. Paul. \u2666Daily. . tEx. Sunday. ", Ex. Monday.JEx.Saturday ___^_^ Le.— Paul— Chicago "liny" express -isiubaui Tl'.i:i>pm Chicago "Atlantic" express *2 sopm *U3sam Chicago ' 'Fast Hail" ... *0-.» \> m *-2:15 p m Chicago "Vestibule" Lim... *S:l9p m *7ioara Chicago via Austin and Du- buque _ \u0084. *4:ODp m *7:43 ara Dubuque via La Crosse 18 01 am f10:45 p 111 St. Louis and Kansas City.. *9:15 :im '6:30 p m St. Louis and Kansas City.. :7:li p m 17:45 a m Cnlnißr and Davenport t*.t:ls am f i>:Mpin Mjlbankand Aberdeen tS:OO a m tO:W p m Miibanknnd Aberdeen *C:35 pin -7 4"i m Miuueaoulis trains . leave *T:;JL', t3, tO a. m., *i2m., *3, *5:35 and +10:50 p. m. t«'or detail information call at ticket offices. \u25a0Sj Leaves Union Depot for ipf*\' ; II Chicago and down-river B flU lmlllS^Kl P°' n| *, :i ::i " p.m. Ar Hlt-4lilißl rives from same points MgESgSfiaffeßl 1:"O p. 1:1. Daily. Leaves B|hHß II Union Depot forChicago §gßa SltllaliSSl :lll ' i st - Louis, 7::!') p. in. jß|i^wJQtM| Arrives from same points jjJs2s^s£ Sal 7:35 a.m. Daily. f DESPISE NOT 7 1 LITTLE . f THINGS. "LINER" ADS ARE LITTLE THINGS, But great results surely followupon their use. Repeated trial has proved their value. A k ONE GENT A WORD H BUSINESS CHANCE V- I BUY or SELL t % HOUSES, I £ HOTELS, % \ SHOPS, f ? FARMS, f # STOKES. C 0 RESTAURANTS, d. 1 BUILDINGS, V J BARNS, X P Or anything else that you -may #> 3 have to sell or wish to buy, by a 0 using the . ;:;,:; S % Business Columns of the Globs. 5 Miscellaneous. UNDID OI'I'OKTUNITY Ail established book, stationery and cigar store in an A I location for sale; doing a (rood business; don't call unless you mean business. 134 East Fourth St. . BLACKSMITH wanted in the village -D of Simpson. Minn., on Winona &South- western railroad; good shop and tools for sale or rent. Address S. 11. Brown, Simpson, Minn. ..•;;\u25a0 - "pOIt SALE—Dairy of 60 cows; good cen- \u25a0L tral routes; horses, wagons, etc. WIT, Globe. --\u25a0•. \u0084 -:. > 7 >~- . .^ ' FOX SALE-A saloon, first-class in every respect: fine bar fixtures and best loca- -1 tioii. Inquire at corner Concord and State. FOX SALE— FIat of twenty-one rooms, central location, nicely furnished 1 throughout, full of good paying roomers I clearing $75 per month. Will sell for 527;. I down and the balance on very easy terms or I trade. Address W 10. Globe. GOOD livery business for sale cheap. O. G. vT Mack, Stewartville. Minn. Til Xgood willof my business of twenty- \u25a0L fiveyears' standing willbe given away without money or price; fixtures for sale cheap: to the right parly I will take a small interest as special partner. 11. P. Grant, No. -•"> East Sixth st. MUSICAL. PRANK SXOLLWKRK,piano tuner, re-- * pairer of all kinds of art instruments; first-class work guaranteed: music furnished for parties, receptions, etc. Office at Fred Kult's Drug Store. 440 sVabasha st ; Tele- I phone 1125-4; residence. 712 York st. ' IASTRLCTIO3S. ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MUSIC . ana Art. 20 East Exchange St., St. Paul— Piano, violin,guitar and mandolin taught. Lessons given in drawing and painting. Call or send for prospectus?. .-rffl^jßEkw STEAMER Morton Will leave St. Paul for St. Louis and inter- " mediate points Thursday. July 13tli, at 10 A.M. For full information regarding passenger and freight rates apply to C.R. B ROCKWAY A«;ent. Office foot of Sibley street, opposite j Union Depot. ST. PAUL. Telephone 3«" GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY TlPkotc 30 ° Xleollet ay., Minneapolis: 193 E. 3f! IIUnCIQ st. , St. Paul. Union depots both cities. -\u25a0 leave St. Paul Union Depot, arrive. Willmar.Morris, Brown's bS :05 am Valley &Breckinridge. b3:4opm . _ Fergus Falls, Fargo and bs :3o am Grand Forks b0:05 am Osseo, Clearwateraud bS:3oam Cloud b11:55 am Anofca, St. Cloud and b4:3opm Willmar b10:55 am j bl:dJpm Excelsior & Hutchinson. b11:55 an Willmar, tSioux City. JFargo, Winnipeg, Pa- j aC :3O pm ciflc Coast a7:40 am JOsspo, St. Cloud, Fergus Falls, Crookstou, G. Forks, Kalispell. Spo- i kane. Great Falls, Ilel- »i j ena, Butte and Pacific a7:4spm Coast a?:13 an. EASTERN MINNESOTA. Duluth, West Superior, Elk River, .Milaca, Hinckley, Princeton. bl:ospm §Anoka. : b7 :00 a, daily;b, except Sunday; §Uuffet parlor cars on trains to Duluth and W.Superior; tßuffet sleepers. (Dining cars, palac sleep ers and free colonist sleeping cars. NORTHERN PACIFIC! THE DIMM; (IK MM.; To Far;*o, Winnipeg, Helena, Huttc and the Pacific "North _, . St. Paul. Dining Cars on Winnipeg and Pacific Coast Trains. .. Lv. Ar. Paciuc .Mail daily tor Kurgo, , Jamestown. Livingston,Helena. Butte, Missoulu, Spokane. Ta- 9:00 6:0 coma, Seattle and Portland. ... a. m. p. m. Dakota and Manitoba Ex ores- (daily) forFergus Fulls. Wah De- ton, Crookston, Grand Forks, Grafton. Winnipeg, Moorhead, 6:40 7:25 Fargo and Jamestown p. m. a. m. Pacific Express (daily) for Fargo, Jamestown. Livingston, Helena. Butte. Mlssonla, Spokane. Ta- 7:30 12:15 coma. Seattle nnd Portlaud p. m. [p.m. TlieDakota and Manitoba Express does not run west of farm on Sunday. Pullman Sleepers daily between St. Paul nntl Grand Forks, Grafton, Winnipeg, Fergus Falls, Wabpeton and F:irj.i. Pullman First-Class and Tourist Sleepers are run on through Pacific Coast Trains. C. li. Sl'OJln., City Ticket Agent, 162 East Third Street St, Paul. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES, 5:00 Arrive am! St. Paul. |T:'.'s Depart- 5:00 pm 8 :00amj St. Paul. I 1:'.T> pm .':lSpm s:4.)ptn|-':l> am|Minneap'lis|l2:4') pm o:2s pm Direct Line to Kan riuire, O»Uito»h and .Milwaukee. VESTIBULED SLEEPERS "? : AND DININGCARS. - All Trains Run Daily. pEICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY V^ Co. Trains leave Union Depot City Office, 364 Robert Street, corner Fifth. \u2666Daily. tDaily ex. Sund. [Leave. | Arrive! tChicago Fast Express 7:S> ami U:ospn: tlowa, Mo. & Kansas Ex. .. 7:25 am ! ll:05pn;; i »Dodge Center Local 4:35 pm 10 :0.">ain •Chicago Limited 7:30 pro! 7:3satii *Dcs Moines. St. J. &K.C.. 7:30 ptni T:3saiii CAN THERE BE ANY QUESTION WHICH IS THE BETTER MEDIUM? r ' :) * ••- \u25a0 -.'-"\u25a0.-.'.'7- - ~* CAN THERE BE ANY QUESTION - WHICH IS THE BETTER MEDIUM?

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1893-07-11 [p 7]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1893-07-11/ed-1/seq-7.pdfTHE BAIXT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: TUESDAY MORMNG, JULY 11, 1893

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1893-07-11 [p 7]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1893-07-11/ed-1/seq-7.pdfTHE BAIXT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: TUESDAY MORMNG, JULY 11, 1893



\«-k ihi'boy who »ellj»llio. papersand lie will tell you more aboutcirculation titan all the affidavit*dial can be piihllsiictl. Just try it

and yon willbe convinced that theGlobe leads all.


At the Following Locations forInsertion in Daily anil SundayGlobe.M.1). Merrill,442 Broadway.

. S. 11. Beeves, druggist, Moore block, Sevencorners.

C. T.Keller, druggist. 523 St. Peter street.Straight Bros., druggists, corner of Hondo

Bud Giotto.\u25a0 \u25a0William K. Collier, druggist, 199 East Sev-enth street.

A.T. Guernsey, druggist. 171 Dale street.Y. A. liirscher, druggist, -i"Rondo street.Parker &Westby, druggists, C7D East Third


E. McCrudden, confectionery, 476 Ricestreet.

W. A. Frost iCo.. druggists, corner Selbyand Western avenues.

B. J. Wine, druggist. 390 Market, cornerFifth.



Two iirst-

class barberswanted at once: good wages; must be

Brst-elass. P. D.Boy. West Superior. Wis.

BAHBER tit 687 East Third st.: noneother ilia aunion man need apply. W.

C. Kroil.

BARBER BOY wanted at 521 Selby!IV.


steady place fora good man.221 West Seventh st.

BARBER—Wanted, good, steady unionbarber at i*>>Wabashn st.

DRIVKK—A boy to drive wagon who un--LJ derstands the butcher business, and whois acquainted in the city. Address Osi.Globe.

HORSESHOER— Floorman; steady wortfor iir<t-t:!ass man. London. Bros.,

Moorhettii. Minn.

SALARY OK COMMISSION* to Agentstohandle the Patent Chemical Ink-Eras-

ingPencil; the most useful and novel Inven-tion of the age: erases ink thoroughly in twoseconds; works likemagic; L"00 to 500 percentprofit:agents making 550 per week; we alsowant a general agent to take charge of terri-tory, and appoint sub agents: a rare chancetomake money; write for terms and speci-men of erasing. Monroe Eraser Aifg.Co. X4, La Crosse, Wis.

SOLICITORS -Wanted, men of energy0 and tact to solicit for the Bankers' LifeAssociation of St. Paul. Minn.; liberal con-tract and spii ndid territory canbe secured byaddressing clarence E.Secor. St Paul. Minn.

TtN<n;KAl>lii-.K>-i-oi!iT.ctent stenog-raphtrs and typewriter operators out of

employment are invited to register theirnames and qualifications with our employ-ment department; no charge to either em-ployer or employed. Wyckofi", beamans &Benedict, '.•\u25a0) East Fourth st

U," ANTED—It you are a Catholic and willwork fur SI> per week write MacCon-

nell Bros.. 'J3 Arch St., Boston, Mass.

WANTED—For the United States Army-Able bodied unmarried men between

the ages of twenty -one and thirtyyears: goodpay, ration?, clothing and medical attend-ance: applicants must be prepared to fur-nish satisfactory evidence as to age. charac-ter and habits. Apply m! Room 207, No. 34East Seventh St., St. Paul, Miun.

\ Y'.VN'i'KD-A man or good boy for de-»V liveringin meat market. 445 Univer-

sity a v


\ TWO-CHAIR liAKItKK -HOP-T\ outfit forsale cheap at 2:' lWest Sev-enth st.

Boii.i;k>—For sale, tow boilers in use;40x14; to make room for larger ones;

great bargain. J, T.McMillan or FranklinMachine Works. Eighth an 1 Minnesota sts.

DOtis— For Bale, .-ix very fine dog pups;ball st Bernard and mastiff. Box G,

Hector. Minn.

FOR SALE—SOO ft. granite curbing. Ad-dress. A. A. Parker. St. Cloud. inn.

I"ITAR—For sale, guitar, almost newT cheap. Address M 14, Globe.

HARDWOOD LUMBER at a bargain;oak. bass and ash. common and better.

Tuliiiian lirus. k Co.. Mora. Minn.

MAIM.I. AM)BIRCH i-LOOKINGat-iT-L Jackson and 4th sts. Thompson &Co.

TVPEW For sale. KemingtonNo. 2 typewriter: also mimeograph;

both in good order. Add- \u25a0\u25a0<-•- i(i.(;iobe.


ROOM—For rent by a lady employed dur-ing the day, a large, airy. coo), newly

furnished room, with two large closets; use01 parlor and bath and privilege of lighthousekeeping in a private flat on Pleasantay. :this is a nice house for the right party:rent only$15 per mouth: must have refer-ences. Address 3 ,':;, Globe.






i5WASHWOMEN— £\ COOKS \\ NURSES — f) Or n:iyother kind of HELP, can se- A'

cure them byadvertising inthe X)Globe Want Columns %

Females. !

A A A —GIRLS wanting the best i• .rJ • iit places and wages in or out jof the city call at once. Lnrpenteur's Em- •ployment office. 51 West Exchange st. i

T HOTEL LAFAYETTE,Minnetonka !Bench, laundresses, kitchen, pantry

and "ordinary"' girls. Douglass' IntelligenceAgency, 35 '\u25a0event!].• ,C^OOK

—(,irlthat knows something about-' cooking, and one todo plain washing;

;good wages. \u25a0V> Nelson ay.

pOOK AND MKSK GIRL wanted avy 5-1:1 Dayton ay. : cai! at once.

COOKS— Three cooks want places in pr<- |vate families. Apply 03 East Seventh i

] St.. Room W.OUSEAVORK—Agirlto workdays and- |

Eo home nights. Good pay tocompe- \u25a0

!tent girl. 430 Oakland ay."


HOUSEWORK— At Once—Girl for gen-eral housework; good place. Call (540

Dayton ay.

HOUSEWORK— girl for general !housework i:-. small family: good I

j wages. 471) Iglehart. \u25a0 jI jlOU.SEWORK— Wanted, girl for house

Ci work at once. 96 East Eleventh st.

Housework— girl at once; goodwages. 31 East Tenth.

TWILL PAY a few ladies a salary of$10per week to work for me in their locality

at home; light work; good pay for part time.Write, with stamp, Mrs. E. K. Bassett, Suite ;'.' '4. .Marshall Field Building,Chicago.

LADIES can make $25 weekly writing for ius at their homes. Address", withstamp, j

| Miss Louise Fairfield. South Bend, Ind.

MACHINE IRONEK— Wanted, a good j-''-I- shirt machine ironer; good wages to

j the right party. 47."> Wabasha st.

SECONO GIRLwanted at 15 East TenthSt.. opposite capitol; apply afternoons.


Wanted, a competent Isecond girlat 749 summit ay.

WANTED—Ladies to write at home: en-close stamped envelope. Bertha Benz,

1 Sec. South Bend, lud.



~.| __

IACCOMMODATIONS \\ AT THE 5 \|| World's FairI!

v Can be secured in advance ifyou will \'

;& read the offers in the Globe.*

Ifthey » |Ijare not satisfactory, advertise under !a ,!x this i.cad yourself, and when you \

'P reach the White City by the inlandsea 9 !

IA you will find that you have saved 5> '.Ix money enough to see all the sights in \ !.p Midway Plaisauce by the 6

I AdInserted in the Globe Wants

«^.^%^^^%^^^%^^^^!TO WOKLD'SFAI VISITORS—Large,

'I -*- handsomely furnished front rooms pri-i vateiumily.most beaatif allocation; terms 50

cents to $1 per day, each person; 148 Fifty-'

fifthst. boulevard. Chicago, 111. For infor- !mation call at O.Poison's, Us East Third st. I



liaron A Colcinan."REAL ESTATE A.\l>LOAJfBT~

Cor. 4th and Minnesota Sts.



My valuaole improved farm,14 miles from St. Paul on the Hudson

City road; location extra; must be sold. within 00 days: terms easy. Address GuySaulsbury, Lakeland, Minn.

OBLIGED to sell four-room cottage andseven-room house for less than value of

lot. Address (,» 23. Globe.

IHfctLEK &ilOnV.Lr.realestate: asbargains withthem Pioneer Press Bid?

C:*-) "\!)( V—ONE of the most desirableOO^t/uU cottages in the city. luquire633 Burr st.


ALWAYS RELIABLE—Madame Teits-worth, clairvoyant: business lest medi-

um: thirty years' experience. 539 WabashaSt., city.


Madam Ina Walker, "life reader."' forfaithful resume of your past, present andfuture. Diseases of women diagnosed andsuccessfully treated; correspondence confi-dential; ladies, 50c: gentlemen. Si. 515 Wa-basha st.. opposite thecapito).

\IKs. HARRIS-424 Wabasha Mag-J-'l- netic and massage treatment; alcohol,oil and sea salt baths. Koom "J3.

MRS. KATE HOPKINS, psychometricleader and trance medium, 225% West

Seventh St.. St. Paul. .MRS. M.A.TI'SSEY, t?.'4 Wabasha St.—

Magnetic and massage treatment forparalytic rheumatism aud nervous diseases.Clairvovaui reader. Call 9a.m.to Sp. m.


TTAHLERT & MINTEL—MinnesotaJV Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh.

F.I. ROCHEX— X.W. Steam Dye WorksIX • office, 416 Robert St., Kyau Block Works,I f5and 57 Indiana ay.


IYOU WANT WORK.|£ Find it by using the Globe »a want Columns, and you can be <£> employed as X% AGENT, CLERK,' t5 BOOKKEEPER. %£ STENOGRAPHER. \i SECRETARY, f% Hostler, Gardener or Man-of-All- \% Work- %?. .DON'T BE IDLE.. $$While the Globe is at jour service.


BOYS VOR I'LACKs,places for boys:employment bureau for poor boys', free.

Newsboys' Club I{oum,:ii:iWabasha st.:openfrom II to 1. a. m.. and from 7 to >) p.m.


Experienced book--D keeper and office in.vi is open for posi-tion; can furnish excellent city references.Address M IG, Globe.


Experienced bookeeperis open for position or any kindof office

work;married man: can furnish best of ref-erences. Address L' 66, Giobe.


position by a young-' n.au in railroad office; have had ex-perience as clerk and stenographer In divis-ion superintendent office; willgo out ofcity. X 15, Globe.


Position as clerk or steward in-country hotel; five years' experience.

Address J. K.Bums, St. Paul. Minn.


wanted, work by a young man\u25a0> nineteen years old; clerking preferred.

Address 357 Goodrich ay.

pOACHMAX-A young married man,v> sober and reliable, experienced coach-man, wants a place. Addiess C, Coachmau,ti-0 Warren st.

CIOACHMAN—Wanted, position as coach-<* man bycompetent man; well acquaintedin the city;best of references. Address W20. Globe.


A young man, sober andv> reliable, experienced coachman, wantsa place. Address H.Peterson, '.'OS Smith ay.

COLI.KCTOK^-A chance for collector;y^ sober young man. 134 Ohio St., cornerEthel st.. West >a. Paul.

COLLECTOR— Wanted, bills to collect onv-* commission. Address N13, Globe.

COLLECTOR—A chance for collector;V-/ sober young man. 134 Ohio, corner Ethelst., West st. Paul.

'pOLLKCTOK-Wanted, position as col^v>* lector or city snlesman for wholesalehouse; have tine business rig; will work onsalary or commission. Address W 21. Glooe.

RUG CLERK— lntelligent, well edu-cated young man of twenty-one wishes

to learn the drug business: best of refer-ences. Address N12, Globe. . \u25a0.'.;\u25a0*;-.C

ELEVATOR MAN—Situation wanted aselevator man, well experienced and

good reference. Address W 19, Globe.

EMPLOYMENT—Two men of good ad-dress; permanent position for right

men. 133 Globe Building.

ENGINEER—A young man with statelicense wants position as engineer or

fireman. Address X 19, Globe.

FARM WORK— and wife wouldliketo go out on a farm: woman a good cook

and first class laundress; man to uiHke him-self generally useful, is a steady, sober, reli-able man. Address Charles Sorenseu, 2SIWilliam St., city.

IJ»AR3I HAND—Ayoung man would likework on farm: any one desiring a good

man please write at once to X.S.. Oao Wellsst., St. Paul.

OFFICE WORK— Wanted, situation inrailroad ofhee by young man of good

education and business" abilits: small salary;best of references. N12, Globe.

Or FICE WORK— Youug man. twenty-one, stranger, experience in office work,

desires position at moderate salary. AddressD100. Globe.

OFFICE WOKK—Youiik man, well acquainted iv city, would likeposition in

office, store or any work; small wages. Ad-dress G. P., 8 (iLawson st.

PAINTER— a good painter would like toget work by the job. Address M 17,


"POSITION of some kind wanted by aJL capable and willingyoung man of 23:can furnish references. Address T 19, Globe.


Aline on commission inim->V plements or hardware. Address E24,

Globe. j_____^


IHAVE YOU A \% HORSE, 5% CARRIAGE, «££ 5r PHAETON. tssS f£ VICTORIA. Id HARNESS, dI £>LEI<JH, 5\ 'fJS FONT or . ff %£& -s jaunting v0 CART 4& To Sell, or do you want to Buy one? mA Try the columns ol £

|THE WANT PAGE. |POKSAI.K-A fine team of horses, alsoJL carriages and harness; cheap. AddressT 12. Globe.


BILLIARDANDPOOL TABLES AND LiIL,LIAHO SUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 and 407;Office and Factory 411 and 413 Fifthavenuesouth, .'.linneapolis, Minn.

SITUATION'S WAJITEW. '-'..I vitiates. \u25a0 t *\u25a0;

r>OOKK£EI'IN(i—A young lady, whounj-I J-' derstands bookkeeping, desires positionin inoffice; experienced; references. X .'U,

j Globe.-

• isj\u25a0 U"~LERK—Young lady would likea steady

Vv position as clerk in a dry goods, toy orconfectionery store. Address L. S., 304 Hopestreet.*DRESSMAKER wants work; children's-L' clothes specialty: good reference; din-ingroom dresses 75 cents: willgo to the bouseto lit. 350 North Exchange.

DRESSMAKER with two years' experi-ence wishes sewing todo either in shop

or in families, or will take sewing in. Callor address 103 NorthVictoria st.

DRESSMAKEK— Adressmaker who uu-\u25a0LJ derstunds cutting and fitting would likesewing by the day in families. Call or ad-ares^ 185 Rondo. \u25a0


Woman wishes posi-J-j don of trust: can furnish references.Address G2-', Globe. :.;\u25a0„

GOVERNESS— position as dayVIgoverness by experienced teacher; refer-ences given. S 24, Globe.


A lady would likehousekeeping: has got two children:

no objection to going to the country. Ad-dress T20. Globe. .HOUSEKEEPER— Situation by young

lady as nousekeeper ior a Catholic-cler-gyman ; will leave city. Mrs. M.C. Ryan.1i44 Broadway.

H«»l SEKEEPER— Wanted, situation ashousekeeper by a middle-aged lady with

good reference. Address H 76, Globe.


Position as house-keeper wanted by lady: can furnish

references. Address O.'O, Globe.

HOISEWORK- Two German girls, sis-El ters, want places forhousework. Cail201 East Thirteenth st.

LADIES inneed of reliable help, familycooks, housekeepers and other help

waiting. Mrs. Merry weather. 543 Wabasha st.

LADY wants situation; plain, rapid pen-man or some kiud of work. Address V

12, Globe.


A first-class laundresswants day work. 46 West Niuthst.

NURSE wants to tend sick lady. 483 St1* Peter st. ,

"JV i.BSE GIRL—Agirlof fourteen would1^ like position as nurse girl withfamilyat the lake. Address Room 7. 444 Wabasha st.

FFICE WORK— Youug lady desires po-W siiion todo general office work or type-writing. Address L.P., Globe.

OFFICE WORK-A young lady desiresposition in doctor's or dentist's office;

small salary. Address P lB, Globe. •: '^-^SECOND WORK—Aplace to do second

work inMinneapolis, or any place notfar from St. Paul. Address E. .Morrow, Gen-eral Delivery. '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-,

ECOND WORK— by a compet-ent girl,second work, or light house-

work. Address 166 East Congress."

S^ EWIXG—By good hand; can cut and lit.O Address M21. Globe.

S EWIXG—Wanted, sewing to take home orgo out by the day; cau cut and hr. 41

West Exchange. SSiS^


Seamstress wants plain sewingin families. Call or address 177 Selby-av.

SITUATION wanted by first-class cooksO in private families. 320 per mouth. Scan-dinavian Office, 102 Siblev.OTENOG-RAPHER— Wanted, position asO stenographer by young lady; salary- noobject. Address L.E., Globe.



Lady stenographerand typewriter wants position; best of

references. Address P 20. Globe.'OTENOGRAPER— a competent and ex-i-3 perienced young lady stenograper andtypewriter, who owns a first-class Remingtonmechine. desires a position; can give A No.cityreferences. Address X 21. Globe.

STENOGRAPHER— Lady stenographer,owning machine, wants office room in

exchange fordoing a reasonable amount ofwoik: New York Life Insurance buildingpreferred. Address C 25. Globe.OTEXOGRAPHER— Dositiou by

lady stenographer on salary or part sal-ary with privilege of doing outside work.Address W -'.', Globe.

ASHING WANTED—Lady will do»V plain washing and Ironing, 35 cents

per dozen. G3U Mississippi St.. up stairs.

WASHING— Wants to go out washing by. the day 332 Front st.

j \\JAs.-. ant to wash in private*V families only. 1237 Burns ay., Mrs. T.


i \\r ASHING— Woman will do washing! *» and ironing. 037 Mississippi st., i:iI basement.

7ASHING wanted; family washing a•V speciality: clothes washed and ironedthe old-fashioned way. 50 cents a dozen, sat-isfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Sorensen, 381Williams St.. right basement.

WASHIXG—Want to lake washing Bt\u2666 V home. 499 Grotto st.


wants to go out»\u2666 washing, ironing and housecleaning.70 West Third st.

ASHINGwanted todo at home. Callat 701 Thomas st.


rpilE ST. PAUL PICTURE FRAME-L Manufacturing Company. 319 WabashaSt., between Thirdand Fourth, have picturesand frames of every variety; china noveltiesand firinga specialty.

Notice of Sale of SpringfieldVillage Bonds.

Whereas, at a special election dulyheld in and for the village of Spring-field, Brown county. Minnesota, on the20th day of June. 1593, itwas duly votedto construct a system of waterworks andelectric lights in and for said villageand to issue its bonds therefor in anamount not to exceed Eleven ThousandDollars. .--.' ?- \u25a0

Now, therefore, notice is hereby giventhat sealed bias top- the purchase andnegotiation of said bonds will be re-ceived by the village council of saidvillage at the office of the Recorder ofsaid village up to the first day of Au-gust, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m. of saidday. when the same willbe opened andconsidered. -^vDated. June 23d, 1803.

J. C. KOTUENBURG, 7,c'Attested: President..

Gko. J. Uuimm, Recorder. ,Yv


|Going Away4 And don't want to store your fur-J£ niture for the summer because youW expect to have new furnishings in# the fall? Good sales and princelyA prices can be obtained by adver-- tisiujr your

p Household Furniture, Stoves, Ia Kitchen Furniture. Ranges, Ix Parlor Furniture, Dishesx Dining Room Furniture, and5 Bed Room Furniture, Chairs,


X Or anything elie you want to sell, by \P lettingthe public Knowit through the w0 Auction Columns of the Globe. A

liaTanagh&JolinsonS Auctions"PLEGAXT HOUSEHOLD FURXI--Lj ture. piano, carpets, etc., at public auc-tion. We willsell at public auction at theresidence No. 232 Charles st., on Tuesday,July 11, at 10 a. m.. all toe fine furniture,consisting of an elegant upright piano, per-fect in tone and condition; fine rug parlorsuit, lady's writingdesk, center tables, dra-peries, lace curtains, upright folding bed,dining room set, easy rocsers, conch, a nicelotof pictures.all the bedroom suits, springs,mattresses, tedding, glass and silverware,dishes, etc.: ali the body Brussels, ingraincarpets and rugs, one new Singer sewingmachine, square heater. Peninsular cookingrange, line refrigerator, furnace, etc. Ifyonwant bargains this is an elegant oppor-tunityto get them in good goods. KavanaghA Johnson, auctioneers, ISO, 188 aud 190 EastSixth st.

Jebb A Shatter, Auctioneers.PIKSITIKE AND CARPETS AT-I- public auction at the residence No. 153West Sixth st. Tuesday morning, July 11, at

I 10 o'clock: all the furniture of a ten-roomj bouse, consisting of bedroom suits, parlor

furniture, center tables, Brussels and ingraincarpets, kitchen utensils, etc. Jebb &Schauer. auctioneers. 422 Wabasha st.


* HONEY 1A May be tight and hard to get. bat iyou can get all you want by asking fV for it through the Globe Finan- f6 cm Columns, to either buy or sell d \f STOCKS, BONDS. d4 MORTGAGES. %%. BANKSTOCKS. ?\ GOVERNMENT BONDS f

}ofany kind or character that the •>I*

financial world ha? to offer or to AA get rid of. \

j A A -LOANS on furniture, pianos,• xi» horses, diamonds, watches, allgood collateral and commercial paper; par-tial payments, lowest rates. MinnesotaMortgage Loan Company, Rooms 13-14. First

INational Bank Building,corner Fourth and! Jackson sts. Mackc-y, Manager. .

~~\ A —THE STANDARD LOAN"•-£*••\u25a0'*\u25a0• Co., 323 Robert, corner Fourth

room 5, willloan you money on furniturejpianos,' diamonds, watches, etc.. at less ratesj and better terms than can be had elsewhere.

BANK STOCKS a specialty: bonds, com--IJ nißrcial paper, mortgages, securitiesbought and sold. George W. Jenks, Invest-ment Bauker. Minnesota Loan and Trust


MONEY ON HAND to loanon city prop-i-"X erty and farms: lowest rales; no delay,W. F. Moritz,1013 Pioneer Press.i\IONEY Loan on life insurance poML icies: or bought. L. P. Van Normau'I Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis i

-P-R-I-V-A-T -£| Money loaned ondiamonds, watches, pianos,i furniture or goods in storage at lowestrates,i and Email monthly return payments; notesj and mortgages bought; most private loani rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com-!pany. 132 Globe Building; take elevator

HEELEK&HOWELL.real estate; list, bargains with them. Pioneer Press Blda

IQ'jnn TO SSOO WANTED for six oriv>JUU eight months on rhattel security '•

worth 51. 700. Address C. 11. & P.. Globe.

C!"^ (\(\(\ OF 7 I'ER CENT SCHOOL'JfJ^\J\J\J bonds for sale. Address IraC. Richardson. Thief River Falls. Minn.


Mrs. BALDWIN" permanently removessuperfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec-tricity;references given. 202.Merrill Building,

Fifth and St. Peter st".






Renting Agency,Manhattan Builainc-.

J. IV. S]i<-|»ai'«l.91 East Fourth Street.

T>ENTS HOUSES, STORKS, OFFICES.XVapartments and rooms, withand withoutsteam heat, inall parts of the city; acts as jowners' agent; collects rents. j



5 FLATS.r attics,d BARNS,d FARMS,\ Or Even Your Last Sum-X mer's Straw Hat,w Ifyou willadvertise them in the

*d Rent Columns of the GLOBE 0iWANTS. 5



For rent, a fine seven-roomcottage, 253 Spruce St., corner Canada.

HOUSE— For rent, house, 698 John St.,with all modern conveniences. In-

quire 607 Westminster.

HOUSE— For rent, house, 635 Westmin-ster: allmodern conveniences, includ-

ing furnace. Inquire 607 Westminster st.


rent, house ofliver00m5.697Mississippi st. ;all water connections;

one door fromPerm ay. Inquire 55S Broad-way.

HOUSE— Five-room house forrent inEoodO. repair, 690 East Sixth St., Dayton'sBluff.





—HOTEL BRUNSWICK, for gentle-• men only; fifty modern steam-heatedroosm by day, week or month.

T CORNER SEVENTH AND AVAbasha, overbank, furnished rooms, «in

|gle or en suite, fronting on Wabasha or Sev;enth. .DAYTON AY., 686

—For rent, cheap,

nicely furnished front room, suitablefor two persons.

DELOS, 1-16. EAST—Two Blocks FromStreet

—Pleasant front room; fur-


EIGHTH. Js9— Nicely furnished rooms;convenient location; bath, pleasant

lawn and shade trees.

ELEVENTH ST., 00, EAST—One nicelyfurnished room; allconveniences; also

roommate for youns lady.

DLKVEXTHST.. 'JO EAST—Small fur--Cj nished room; all conveniences; also Iroommate fer young lady.

\u25a0piFTIISTREET.imVICST— Three large, .\u25a0i- airy, richly furnished rooms: modernconveniences; every thing first-class.


Apartments in theMarlDorougb, the new Hat buildingon

Summit ay., near Sixth st. :everything first-class. See plans at office of Ross Clarke, 014Pioneer Press Building. '\u25a0--:\u25a0'-. \u25a0\u25a0:?.?.DLEASANT AY., 282—Pleasant room; !JL suitable for two; use of baih.

SELBY AY..•.".!()—Furnished room, suitable'j0 for two, on cable line: private family.

rpHOMAS ST., 453—For rent, live rooms.

ILTON ST., tj-'—One nicely furnishedroom ina private family.

\VABASIIA ST..430— Over Bank— Fur-VV nished rooms by the week or mouth. |

ABASHA,5231,2— Corner Tenth St.—.jFurnished rooms lor rent: place quiet. [

Stores .EAR PART of A. D. T.s cigar store for

-CV rent, 349 Robert st.;apply at the prem-ises^


. IT/-HITE BEAR LAKE,ten miles fromI >V St. Paul, St. P. ADuluth R. R ,Fre-|quent trains; twenty-five trip tickets 15 centsjeach way. Hotel Chateausay. an unequaled1 family resort forhealth and comfort, front-!ing the lake; shady, beautiful grounds: spa-Icious piazzas; boating, excellent fishing; no

nuisances of any kind: large, airy, hand-somely furnished, front rooms; excellenttable; very moderate terms; come aud see;

I three minutes' walk from depot.


lltl!J»^S^s^f£dilr cr;^ t'm°n Depot


The OnlyLina ?orrFirs"anas 3vp P̂?speot


tDailv. {Except Sunday. 1 Leave i Arrive(Ex. Monday. xEx. Saturday. ISt. Paul St. PaulSt Joseph and KnnSiis City.... t

"S3 am t 7 40 am

St. Joseph and Kansas City... t7s6pmt 740 amSioux CityLocal Express-—

t 7Soam f 6 10 pmSioux City.Omaha &.Btk Hills t 753 pm t 7 40 amPipestone and Sioux Falls --173H am i610 piuWinnebago and Elmorn

- --tt 735 am f610 pra

Xew Tim,Tracy and Pierre--

x7 55 pm \ 140 amDiiliiMi,Ashland ana i-nperior 900am;5 00 pmDuluth. Ashland and Superior til00 pm }6 50amJlarslilield and 'Waasau

- ---H a 00 am {1030 pm

fCHICAGO TRAINS-I-Badger State Express"- -tSOO am :10 30 pmI "World's Fair Express 1'-M625 pm t!2MspraI"North-Western Limited" »10 pin f 720 am

Minneapolis, St. Paul &Sault St Marieß yj^^^ From Union Montreal

__£*g3%3& ni"^ Boston Express leaves st. PaulI^^^B^W^V daily ii1\u25a0 p. in.;Minneapolis, ti 45g<MI\WM p.m. from soo line ]>epot, -Jd st.iMi^WS^Ssl anil Ith ay. X. Minneapolis— Wis.nlTl.I*B I)iv- Local leaves daily ex. r-nn-L^^c^UaH day, >::-') a- m-

: Mln esnui Div,M&&"*z~Z±&\ Local leaves Minneapolis daily

3**""^^ "'x Sunday). :» 00 a, in. and r,::i>

p. m. From Broadway Depot, footofCable Lin Si. Paul—St. Croix F. Accommoda-tion, daily (ex. Sund-iy). sp. m. City Ticket Of-fices—Mi nneapoli", Xo127 Third st. So. (Guar auty(Building;; £tPaoLXo3SB Robert st H'ctelKjan

lost asp rors i>.

CAPK LOST—On Sunday, lady's blackbroadcloth any one finding same

please leave at No. 2 Crocus Hill.

DOGLOST— Greyhound, answers to nameTom: two scars on back. Return to 62

East Seventh st. and receive reward. Dan-nie Needham.

NOTE LOST—One certain promissory1~ note, bearing date May 2.">. 18s)3, dated atRock Island, 111., made payable to Rev. N.O. Grunden, at Bernadotte.'Minu., and makerofsaid note is the Lutheran Augustana BookConcern, and said note was placed ina littlepoctetbook, which also contained SlO incash and also half railroad fare permits;and said book and contents are supposed tohave been lost at the St. Louis depot, St.Paul; and finder willplease return said bookand receive reward at lS7East Seventh st. "St. Paul, Minn. \u25a0 y

rpiBKKLLA—The gentleman who leftvJ an umbrella in the Globe office can

have the same by callingand proving prop-erty^


ONE ELEGANT upright Decker Bros.. piano, style 16. at about one-half Itsvalue; it has only been used a few months;must be Bold soon. JR. C. Munirer, 107 EastThird st.


ACCOUNTANTS.Hm.Ti.Hl'i.K,90 Germauia Life lnsur• a nee Bgilding,expert and andttworl





BOARD—Front alcove room for rent withboard. 301 West Third st.

BOARD—Front alcove room with board;all conveniences. 522 Cedar st., Lytle

Terrace, opposite Capitol.


rooms with board, inlaree modern house. 210 East Ninth st.

BOARD and rooms: good location; largegrounds and trees. 403 Summit ay.

BOARD and jiicely furnished rooms,beautiful shaded lawn. 0:30 dinner; ref-

erences. 151Summit ay., corner Sixthst.

BOA Nicely furnished room: allmodern conveniences, withboard. No.

JiGS Nelson ay., near Western.


Furnished rooms, bath, parlor,piano and board, $4 per week. 04 Isle-hart st.

YTLETKKKACK-388 Cedar— For rent.one front room; also single rooms, withboard: gas, bath, etc.


%Ticket Offices: rSSLstreet, corner Fifth, andUnion Depot, St. Paul.\u2666Daily. . tEx. Sunday.",Ex.Monday.JEx.Saturday


Le.— Paul—Chicago "liny"express -isiubaui Tl'.i:i>pmChicago "Atlantic" express *2sopm *U3samChicago

''Fast Hail" ... *0-.» \> m *-2:15 p mChicago "Vestibule" Lim... *S:l9p m *7ioara

Chicago viaAustin and Du-buque

_\u0084. *4:ODp m *7:43 ara

Dubuque viaLa Crosse 18 01 am f10:45 p 111St. Louis and Kansas City.. *9:15 :im '6:30p mSt. Louis and Kansas City.. :7:li p m 17:45 amCnlnißr and Davenport t*.t:ls am fi>:MpinMjlbankand Aberdeen tS:OO a m tO:W pmMiibanknnd Aberdeen *C:35 pin -7 4"i m

Miuueaoulis trains .leave *T:;JL', t3, tOa. m., *i2m., *3,*5:35 and +10:50 p. m.

t«'or detail information call at ticket offices.

\u25a0Sj Leaves Union Depot foripf*\'; IIChicago and down-riverB flUlmlllS^KlP°'n|*, :i::i

" p.m. ArHlt-4lilißlrives from same points

MgESgSfiaffeßl 1:"Op. 1:1. Daily. LeavesB|hHß IIUnion Depot forChicago

§gßa SltllaliSSl :lll'ist

-Louis, 7::!') p. in.

jß|i^wJQtM| Arrives fromsame pointsjjJs2s^s£ Sal 7:35 a.m. Daily.





But great results surelyfollowupon their use.Repeated trial hasproved their value.




IBUYor SELL t% HOUSES, I£ HOTELS, %\ SHOPS, f? FARMS, f# STOKES. C0 RESTAURANTS, d.1 BUILDINGS, VJ BARNS, XP Or anything else that you -may #>3 have to sell or wish to buy, by a0 using the . ;:;,:; S

% Business Columns of the Globs. 5Miscellaneous.


Ailestablished book, stationery and cigar

store in an A Ilocation for sale; doinga(rood business; don't call unless youmeanbusiness. 134 East Fourth St. .BLACKSMITH wanted in the village-D of Simpson. Minn.,on Winona &South-western railroad; good shop and tools forsale or rent. Address S. 11. Brown,Simpson,Minn. ..•;;\u25a0

-"pOIt SALE—Dairy of 60 cows; good cen-\u25a0L tral routes; horses, wagons, etc. WIT,Globe. --\u25a0•. \u0084 -:. > 7>~- .—.^


FOX SALE-A saloon, first-class in everyrespect: fine bar fixtures and best loca-

-1 tioii. Inquire at corner Concord and State.

FOX SALE— FIat of twenty-one rooms,central location, nicely furnished

1 throughout, full of good paying roomersIclearing $75 per month. Will sell for 527;.Idown and the balance on very easy terms orI trade. Address W 10. Globe.

GOOD liverybusiness forsale cheap. O. G.vT Mack, Stewartville. Minn.

TilXgood willof my business of twenty-\u25a0L fiveyears' standing willbe given awaywithout money or price; fixtures for salecheap: to the right parlyIwilltake a smallinterest as special partner. 11. P. Grant, No.-•"> East Sixth st.

MUSICAL.PRANK SXOLLWKRK,piano tuner, re--* pairer of all kinds of art instruments;first-class work guaranteed: music furnishedfor parties, receptions, etc. Office at FredKult's Drug Store. 440 sVabasha st ;Tele-

I phone 1125-4; residence. 712 York st.


ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMYOF MUSIC. ana Art.20 East Exchange St., St. Paul—Piano, violin,guitar and mandolin taught.Lessons given indrawing and painting. Callor send for prospectus?.

.-rffl^jßEkw STEAMER

MortonWillleave St.Paul for St. Louis and inter-" mediate points

Thursday. July 13tli,at 10 A.M.For fullinformation regarding passenger

and freight rates apply to C.R. BROCKWAYA«;ent. Office foot of Sibley street, oppositej Union Depot. ST. PAUL. Telephone 3«"


°Xleollet ay., Minneapolis: 193 E.3f!IIUnCIQ st.,St. Paul. Union depots both cities. -\u25a0

leave St. Paul Union Depot, arrive.Willmar.Morris, Brown's

bS :05 am Valley &Breckinridge. b3:4opm._ „ Fergus Falls, Fargo andbs :3o am Grand Forks b0:05 am

Osseo, ClearwateraudbS:3oam Cloud b11:55 amAnofca, St. Cloud andb4:3opm Willmar b10:55 am

j bl:dJpm Excelsior &Hutchinson. b11:55 anWillmar, tSioux City.JFargo, Winnipeg, Pa-

j aC :3O pm ciflc Coast a7:40 amJOsspo, St. Cloud, FergusFalls, Crookstou, G.Forks, Kalispell. Spo-

i kane. Great Falls, Ilel- »ij ena, Butte and Pacifica7:4spm Coast a?:13 an.

EASTERN MINNESOTA.Duluth, West Superior,

Elk River, .Milaca,Hinckley, Princeton.bl:ospm §Anoka. : b7 :00

a, daily;b, except Sunday; §Uuffet parlorcars on trains to Duluth and W.Superior;tßuffet sleepers. (Diningcars, palac •sleepers and free colonist sleeping cars.


To Far;*o,Winnipeg, Helena, Huttcand the Pacific "North

_, . St. Paul.Dining Cars on Winnipeg and——

Pacific Coast Trains. . . Lv. Ar.Paciuc .Mail daily tor Kurgo, ,

Jamestown. Livingston,Helena.Butte, Missoulu, Spokane. Ta- 9:00 6:0coma, Seattle and Portland. ... a. m. p. m.

Dakota and Manitoba Exores-(daily) forFergus Fulls. Wah De-ton, Crookston, Grand Forks,Grafton. Winnipeg, Moorhead, 6:40 7:25Fargo and Jamestown p. m. a. m.

Pacific Express (daily) for Fargo,Jamestown. Livingston, Helena.Butte. Mlssonla, Spokane. Ta- 7:30 12:15coma. Seattle nnd Portlaud p. m. [p.m.TlieDakota and Manitoba Express does not run

west of farm onSunday.Pullman Sleepers daily between St. Paul nntl

Grand Forks, Grafton, Winnipeg, Fergus Falls,Wabpeton and F:irj.i. Pullman First-Class andTourist Sleepers are run on through Pacific CoastTrains. C. li.Sl'OJln., CityTicket Agent, 162 EastThirdStreet St, Paul.


Arriveam! St. Paul. |T:'.'s

Depart-5:00 pm 8:00amj St. Paul. I1:'.T> pm .':lSpms:4.)ptn|-':l> am|Minneap'lis|l2:4') pm o:2s pmDirect Line to Kan riuire, O»Uito»h


"? : AND DININGCARS. -AllTrains Run Daily.

pEICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAYV^ Co. Trains leave Union Depot CityOffice, 364 Robert Street, corner Fifth.

\u2666Daily. tDailyex. Sund. [Leave. |Arrive!tChicago Fast Express 7:S> ami U:ospn:tlowa, Mo. &Kansas Ex. .. 7:25 am!ll:05pn;;i»Dodge Center Local 4:35 pm 10:0.">ain•Chicago Limited 7:30 pro! 7:3satii*Dcs Moines. St. J.&K.C.. 7:30 ptni T:3saiii



— — • r':)* • ••- \u25a0 • -.'-"\u25a0.-.'.'7-- ~*