THE PA TNT PAUL J>ATLY GLOBE: WEDNKSDAY MOKNfNO. DECEMBER }9, m4. 7 pmimnwnnimmnnnjg apuwnimmmmmmm^ ajwwwiniwiHßUHWHK |imiim%immmw!^ *m!mmmmmmm???m£ *m?mmmmmmmmm!' wmmm???m?mm!™m * f TRY ORE %mm. 1 | TRY ORE HORDAY. I | TRY ONE TBESOSY. 3 § TRY CUE WEDNESDAY 3 | TRY ONE TBURSDiSY. 2 I TRY ME FfiS I WmS^S^ wmmmmwMi Tnuuiiuuutuuuuuuuuß wmmmmmmm. Miui^iuiuiuui^ luiuuuuuuuiiuuiuiiui . - i * 3oi?:« n-::tii:.\ts. U a KMMi-Tiie handsome phplossrapha of the people con"cr!ieaiß the cele- brated Cliiis murder case, now beitin sold, an fully protected Dv copyriclkr. Aii i er»one copying them will be prosecuted?". MroujfiSc to . .Minneapolis. '-;^Bs SITUATIONS \lA>'li:i>. >!:it<-. Bakkk- .\ nood baker on cookies and bread. :.!sn candy, is tookini; fot a job. .Address 11.. MS Pleasant ay. COOK— Situation wanted by a colored man who is a tirst-class cook and waiter. B. Randoi; U. Hotel De Mink. Fourth and >». Peter »is. ; Mil iixiows orri:Ki:i». Halt's. AGENTS wanted to canvass the counties in which they live: under our new plan they can earn from fr."> to Jif> J per month; rite for particulars. Only thosd who are willing to make 11 house to house canvass in the country and towns are wanted. Ladies can do the work as well as men. From $•*> to $13 per day easily made. No capital re- ouired. Address by mat! only, Di, care of the iilobe. ACJKNTS i:i every state on sahirv and com- mission: Agents mating 525 tt> ;'\u25a0'> -j weekly. Eureka Chemical A Mfjc. i •\u25a0. LaCrosse, Wia. At.»M» -W agents for Bankers' iJfeAßsociaUou.St-Panliillnn. : strongest home company furnishing guaranteed pro- tection at lowest cost; profitable position open in St. Paol and ihroujrhout Minnesota. Lite for Hvrenev. r\HIVKR wants work drivinga delivery It wagon, or would like wort around ; some store; very useful around a place, and ! in need of work. Address Driver, -Kit} Kast i Sixth si. . ." ENGINICKK Wanted, situation us engi- neer, fireman or anything else; good reference given: Address is, o lobe. L(J < I .<IVN - Wanted, by practical electrician of experience, a permanent pot>it!on; asa also ti rat-class engineer, O 13, Globe. OFFICE IVOKK-situation wanted by young man of 10 at office work, or any- thing which is offered him; am a good peh- j mini Address Mi Kosabel St.. city. ! OFFICE WOKK—Sober, well-educated ! " young man, pleasing appearance, ex- perienced in office work and general mer- chandise, wants work at $ii per month; would wait on table. Address Kelly, 105 Kast Fifth st. AM \N in every Mvuon to sell staple Istudealers; experience uiinetvs- sarv;be<<l side line. $r.'> a month. Salary and expenses oi larcc cocimission made; for bcaled pnrtici larssend stamp. Clifi m isoap & Manufacturing Co., ;tux ."-t;. Cincinnati. t»hio. piIAUMACIvr, rexbitered. desires posi- I Uon:experienced and siric;ly temperate; highest referen es. Pharmacist, £.'1 Chest- nut st. BKSI ItltKrV l»l> SEX in town today cents nt Mrs. HcNabb's, :;i.« St Peter st.. also home-made bread, pastry. > Orders for plum puddings and fruit cake for t hristmas. PRIMTKB— Practical all-round printer of long experience wants situation. Ad- dresa Printer, ll Kaat Third st., St. Paul. SAI.KSJIAXExperienced city salesinsu \\:iiits s;>incihii;R to sell on salary or com- mission Address D l.">. Globe. SAI.I.S.V.KX. we send sample?, allow lib- eral salary and cx]ioi:sos or commission to proper applicants. Staple seller, three stores out til live will order. Address with sttiini> Lock. Box 4:'i>, New York City. SALKSMAN— Wanted, position as travel- O ins salesman, '"on commission."' by a man with many years' business experience; gentV furnishing goods, a pants line or out- ins shirts preferred. Salesman, (Hillwater, Minn.. 510 West Olive st. MM AXIOMS \V4VHI» I'4'llialCK. C^UMPA » lON—Warned, a uo«iiion as ' companion to an invalid or elderly lady. Call 7* olive. Dlsiiu ASHKK-A Kirl wrius plaoe in notel or hoarding hous« for <lisliwasliii)K or chamber work. Call at once. K75 Albe- niarle st., corner MUfonl up stairs. DK(.ss.\i.\kkk— An experienced dress- naker wauls sewing by the day In fsmi- lies. Call or address 215 Hoiido st. DKKSSMAIUK wants sewing in families or at home. Audreso ;\u25a0..'«\u25a0; L'Orieut. HOI NJ-.WOHK— Two gTrls would liKe po- sition to go to Montana for housework or hotel work. Apply C."2 East Sixth. HIHISKWOKK-a girl wiili a one-year- old baby wixhes a place in or out of the City; Will work for small Wages For partic- ulars, ur Khsi Ninth st. Hoi;sKKKKl'ici:-A competent lady do- sires a position as housekeeper or nurse, Call 70s Olive. H<'l ->!:ki:ki'l-:k a young Scandi- navian woman with a one-year-old Child would Hke a position us housekeeper. Call at 583 Bradley. L.llM)|<Kss A first class laundress would like rough-dry washing to do nt home ; clothes called for and delivered, and good work guaranteed. Address Laundress. 4 ("> Ka-t Sixth t.t. JVIKsk —An experienced nune would \u25a0!\u25a0* like a situation, lims bad experience in all kinds of nursing. Address 14'J Uoudo. OUGANIMT- Wanted—A lady desires a position as organist; references. Ad- dress I' 7, Globe. OFFICK WOKK-A youiiglady with two years' experience In office work ue»ire.s a position; cau operate a typewriter. Ad- dress :j X, Globe. yANTKD-Mfii who will work to rS"S » » per mouth or large commission. veil- ing goocis by sample to dealers: Experience unnecessary. Write '.is we will explain. For seiiitHl parti< -ul.-tra send stamp. House- hold Specialty Co., (7.") Cincinnati. O. TAJisTKK- tiood ten mater wants a job driviii"; cau hai.dle twu or four horses. 3«5 Slryker ay. UlNTrl) Canvassers for ex-Secretary I{. W. Thompson's book, "Personal »of Sixteen Presidents," written in hise.'gbty-fiftb year: clear, forcible, at- . by sutß'ription oaly. North StarSpei :.;.. Comjany, Agents, P.0.80x 44.i. Nt LAN—Reliable man wants po- » » fiition as ni^ht watchman ; best of ref- erence furnished 415 East Seven st. lITATCHSIAX—ReIiabIe man wants posi- » tion ns uigbtwatchman; beat of refer- ence furnished. 41"> EaatSerenih st. uTENOURAPtttctt —Competent Menog O rapher and typewriter wants work; can di> assistant bookkedptufi: will worn for rea- sonable salary, ti) Uermania Life Huiiding, corner Koartii and ktiuuesota sts. STKNUGKAPHKR— Young lady of col- leize education wishes position as sie- nographer and Ijrpewritisi; will work for moderate salary. B c.. ulo!>e. UrcißK FOX BUAHD-A willinpr younc mail would like to hear from a chari table family where he could wors tor his board ami attend school. I'leuso address X M.. 543 Eudicott Buildinz. 117 ASHlNG—Wanted, washing to do by VV (he day or take home. Address or call 1027 Edrertou st. rear <!>>•'[•. UT AXThli nt once. 100 good and reliable men at srood p;*«. Address at once, with st in].. E. Westph.,; & Co., -""iir.rod. Wadeim County. Minn. V\ " AN t'Kl>—Young people to learn leleg- rapby,'shorthand, bookkeeping, etc.: night school four nighis weekly. Globe Business College. Endicoti Building.! T¥7"ASHlNG—Wanted, wasiiing to take VV home by a flrst-class laundress; will work very cheap, cail or address M. \V., «^i4 Mississippi st. ••FHSO.V4f>S. AKK I»U IN TKOim.K/ Consult Madame Ina Walker, "life reader,'" for fiiithfui retidiiiK of your pa.r.L j>rev»tH and future; she will guide you In all affairs of life by power turner than human; corru- Mioiuieiice confidential: ladies. fiO cents: gentlemen. $1. f>o.> Wabasha st., opr>osite capitol ALWAYS ItKMAULK-Madamo i&iu- worth; prices reduced ,r> \u25a0 cents; thirty years'' experience, i.i Eighth st. U/OK !\u25a0\u25a0<»;; KOA«D—Wanted, a place to work for board and attend school. Address .1. A. G.. :;ii4 Bombel st.. city WASlllNii— Woman goes out washing. ironing and liouseeloKiiiiig. Inquire at 204 West Sixth st.: nt kitchen. MKs. i.i.wis— Expertenoea uiassa^ist; hours Id to 10 daily. \& Kust Sevenih, t&ooms -0 and 30. \\ <\u25a0! AKANT; you competent In \u2666 » eight weeks at Twin City Barber catalogue mailed free; tools donated. . 110 Hen nei>in, Minneapolis. S Cl.i;!!c. A (iKNT.s Wanted to canvass the counties in which they live: under our new plan they cancajn from $.V> to SI.Mi per month; write for particulars. Only those who are willing to make a house to house canvass in the country and towns are wanted. Ladies can do he work ns well as men. From 55 to 513 per day easily made. Mo capital re- red. Address by mail only, D 4, care of H«U SKWOKK—Wanted, a (riri for izen- •-•!;ii housework at :j'j.> itatitil s>t., near Wv-t Seventh. dui'Si.WOKK— Gir! wanted for general housework: .-mall family. Apply at 53J Laurel ay. Hoi BKWOKK—Wanted, giri for general housework. 29 Kast Tenth st. I 1 Ol tUsWUKK- Girl to do genera! house- II work at is."< Aurora ay. V[I"RSK GlUi. Wanted, competent -' nurse girl. ST,' Goodrich ay. FOX *\u2666!.£.. CIHRIBIMA& TREKS* For sale, two carloads Christmas trees of all sizes, at die Urand Central market. Entrance on '1 bird. Fourth and St. Peter t-ts. ri!KlM«\s 1 KKKS-For sale. Chrisl- *— inns trees f r churches and families, on Eighth st., between tVaeoutaand sioley. CIIAIKANU :>KSK—SIO takes a revoiv- V> ing spring office chair aud desk. 1012 New York Life Huilding. CMIKIS I'M \S i'KM-.S for saie; buy your - < hmtma's trees at the corner of Seventh and m. Petersts., city market. JKWKMtV— Solid gold watches and dia- mond riiiits for sale at one-third their value. Standard Loan Company, bchutte Building, 154 Kast Seventh, near ."iackt-on st. XMAB THKKS K<)K BAI.K-All sizes at a'r. prices at Uamaley's, corner Sixth rud St. Petur sts. .^AI.I-; of second-hand stoves O Hiid carpels at Hyun Furniture nnd Ex- change L'ompauv, 142 and 144 "seventh st. . ItKOl'l ICON a:;d masic lantern out- O tits for illustrating lectures, exhibitions and street, advertising: complete outfits at about !i;i!r manufacturer's price: 1,500 ;i!ain and colored slides iv lots to suit; new and second-hand outlits bought, sold and ex- changed. Richards & Birch, 200 Nicollet ay., Minn apolis, .Minn. HOAR!) OFFKRK!). BOAKDFurnished fr-jiu rooms with board. Sh'i Nonh Washington st. :>\rti»- L'topia, 4M St. Peter St.—Steam- -1 heated rooms with board. ROARD—Pleasa'ut front room with alcove, also sunny side room: excellent board ; i.yc;tble; be?.t references. 155 Nina \u25a0venue. fcWIiIIK MINK .."—Pleasant rooms, with X boiird: centrally located for business people. Ifj; College av rt corner Sixth. Notice of Mortsajje Salo. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the conditions of a certain indenture of mortgage maae by John Johnson and Anne »,1. Johnson, his wife, mortgagors, to Edith •iiv mortgagee, dated April 15, imi.and 1 led for record aud recorded in ihe otlice ot the Recisterol Deeds in ami for the County ot l.'aiusey and state of Minnesota, on the Ifetb day of April, ltt»l, at 4 o'clock p. m., in hn k su. of Morigagen. on pa«<; SJo, and, whereas, said Editb K. Stuart is now de- cea&ed, »:,ii letters tertameutaryon the estate I Edith K. Stuart have been duly issued to George B. Kilter, executor, ana autben- ; said letters testamentary were ou Uieautb day of November, lUM.duly filed for record and recorded In ihe office of BKid Register of Deeds, In Book 33, of Mis- cellaneous Records, -. ii page 54; and, wliere- aa, such default has continued for more than ten days, nnd there is claimed to be due and uayable, ajid there is due and payable on said mortgage in- debtedness at the dale of this notice the sum of kix hundred and fifty six and H-joo i;> dollarp.and uokproceeding or action at law or otherwise having been Instituted to : tbe debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof; now, therefore, notice is heret.y given tbat by virtue of the power of aale m said mortgage contained, and the t . 111 such case made aud provided, the t»\'\ mortgage wiil be foreclosed by h sale of the premises [herein described, to wit: All thiii tract or parcel of land lying and being in tbe County ofKamsey and State of Min- nesota, described as follows: The west half n1) \u25a0 f lot numbered three c<> of p. R. bfc- ponneli's liearraug :meut (if block numbered two B2) of Banning & Olivier's Addi- tiori 10 v\'i.si st. Paul, according to the plat ihereol on file «nd of record intbeoffiae of the Register of Deeds iv nnd for Knid Ramsey County, together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on Thursday, tije iTth day of Januiiry, IHK, nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the Oedar street entrance to the Uftinsey County Court House, in the City of st. Paul. County of Kameey atid state of MiuueMHa. to i-uns-fy the amount tnat will then be due on suij mortgage debt, and the siiui of fifty dollars attorneys' ices stipulated in Mud mortgage, to be paid In case of the foreclosure of s,ii(! mortgage, together with the cost* snd disbursements uilowed by law. J^uted December Hid, IHH. GEORGE B. RITTEH, Executor gTRtMW.K i {c bKTMOCB, Attorneys for Execu- lor, St. Paul, Minn. lIfSTRIXTIOXS. bt 11/ I OZZAKA'S ' DANCING ACAI)- --1»1 emy, 830 Central Park. East—Pupils can enter class at any time; private instruc- tion. SV. At;A i HAS ACADK.MY OF MUSIC and Art. -»> Ea.st Exchange St., St. Paul- Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin taught Lessons Riven in drawing and paint- in?. Call or send for prospectus. I i:\A*ClAi\. FOR SAl.fe I'HEAV-Stock in the Rob- erts Manufactakiog Company. Apply to the Capital City Ornamental Iron, Wire and Brass Works. 183 Eighth St. \1 ONK* LOANKD on life Insurance pol- i»l icies. or bought. L. P. Van Norman. 41'.'l> Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis C I i'» (300 .short-time loans procured *i?*J\J on personal property. Ohio Invest- ment Company, Seventh floor Globe Build- ing. to j;.\i ii.i. Xii;. T K\V goods for sec'a-nnnd.liyan Furniture I nnd Kxciiange Co.. 14: nnd 144 E. Tth st. tIfHEtUEAS, DEFAULT HaS BKKN »V made in certain conditions of a mort- gage in writing and under seal, whereby the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, which mortgage bears date September 35th, 1889. and wasexecuted by Caspar Oehrleiu and Catherine Oehneiu, his wife, to William Rinck. to secure the pay- ment of §1,500.10 and interest at the rate of eiaht i>er cent per annum, the principal and interest of which is long since past due; which mortgage was duly recorded in the otlice of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey Comity. Minnesota, in book ISO of Mortgages, on page GiK. on September 2Kth, 1S8 1.-; and whereas said Mortgage was by the said Wiljiam Rinck, by written instrument bearing date August 27th, 18i»0. and recorded iv the office of said Regis ter of Deeds on October ad. 180(), in book 111 of Assignments, ou page 126, duly assigned, with the indebtedness which the same was given to socure. to the mule:signed Auton Mies-eu; aud wherean.said Anton Miesen.by a written instrument bearing date October 4th, IW, and recorded in the office of 6Hid Regis- ter of Deeds on October Oth, IS9 >, in book ;?> I of Assignments, ou page l<i\ duly assigned said mortgage to Peter J. Miesen; and where- as. Peter J. Miesen. by an Instrument iv writ- ing beating date October 25th. IM9?, and te- j corded in the office of said Register of Deeds on November t-th, 1894, in bock Hi of Assign- ments, on page :W4. duly assigned said mort- gage to said Anton Miesen, who is now tne holder and owjier thereof, together with the indebtedness which the same was given to secure; and. whereas no action or proceed- ing has been iusrituted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by said mort- gage, and there is now claimed to be due on said mortgage sixteen hundred and thirtv- eight dollars and thirty-three cents, and the undersigned assignee has paid at the date of | this notice S4l IH-l'iO taxes on the property- described In said mortgage. Now. therefore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foieclosed by sale of the niorisratjed premises therein described at public reudue to the highest bidder d> the Sheriff of said county, at the Fourth street door of the Court House, in the City of St. Paul, iv said county, on the ad day ofJanu- t ry, IHiCi. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day,to pay said sum of $1,500.00 with in crest at the late ot ei«ht per cent per an- num from September 24th, U-OT. and said Mini of $41 18-100 taxes paid, as aforesaid, with in- terest thereon from the time of payment, and the costs und disbursements as provided by law incurred in the foreclosure of said mort- Kase. and also the sum of seventy-five dollars solicitors fees for foreclosure of saidmort- gage (said mortgagor having covenanted in said mortgage to pay the sum" of one hundred dollars as such solicitor't> fcesi. The piemises so to be sold are situated in said Ramsey County, and nre aescribed, and described in said mortgage as follows: All thai part of the west oue-iinlf i W. 14) of the southwest <iuarter (S. W 14) ol ihe northeast <ii:Hrter iN IC. ti) of section number seven- teen (lT.i, townshipnnmbertwenty-nine (29). range number twenty-two 122> west, in said County and stß'.e. described n> follows: Be- ginniug at a point on the north and south center line of said section seventeen (17). three hundred and thirty (33(!) feet north of the center of sikl section.and running thence east six hundred sod sixty (M0) feel to the east line of said west one-half iW.i?i cf said southwest quarter (s. W. i& lof the northeast quarter (N.B.Vk)of said section; thence north nloiig said last-mentioned line three imiidred aud ninety-six <3M) feet; thence west six I hundred and sixty (SO) feet to the north and Fouth center line ol said section: thence south along said center line of said section three, hundred and nineiy-ets (395) feft to the place of beginning; containing [fi) six acres of laud, more or less. Also, beginning at the northeast corner of the piece hereiuabove deocribod and con- reyed (being a point on the east line of said west one-balf (W. t'i) of said southwest quarter (£. W. %) of the northeast uuartaf (N. E. Mj 1 of said section seventeen M7i, seven bundled and twenty-six <T**>» feet north of ihe eastand west center line of said section, and running thence north along *aid east line of said west half (W. *t< of said southwest quarter (8. W. 14 > of the north- east quarter (N. E. 14) of said section, five hundred and ninety-four (a;i4) feet, to the north line of saiil southwest quarter fS. W. Ml.) of the northeast quarter (St. X, 14 lof skid section; thence west, along said la>:t- nieniioned line w\e hundred and forty-six and sixty-six hundreriths (146.66) feet; thenoesouth, parallel wiihsaid taht line of sad west lislMW.igi of fcdid soathwest quarter (S. W. U) of the northeast quarter (N. E. Vi) cf said section seventeen (17), live hundred and ninety-four (901) feet; thence east one hundred and forty six and sixty-six bun(iredths.(l4»,.(ti) feet to the j.lace of be- ginning; containing two (>) acres of land, more or less. Dated November 19th, 1804. ANTON MIESEN, Assignee of Mortgagee. Jno. II Iveb, Attorney for AsiiKueeof Mort- gagee. \\J ami !M> wanted to lake home, or will *V go oat washing or scrubbing. 844 td- mund st. ASHING wanted to do at home. Call at 226 Rondo st. WAs. j i><i wanted i<i do at uome. Mrs. Kagerer, 7.'7 Charles st. U/ aitkkss- Wanted, work waiting din- ners or evening parties, by good col- ored woman. Address or call 18*6 East sSev- eiuh 5.4 LOST I>J» foi;hi>. U'MIJUKLXA— Between my residence and ' union depot, last evening, a silk umbrella, with horn handle, silver tip and I num. Lib- eral reward will be paid finder if returned to George \V. Freeman, with v. <;ot/iun & Co. Notice ol".?Iort<ra««i" Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the conditions of a certain indenture of mortgage made by John M. Rohmaun and Louise Rohmauu. bis wife, mortgagors, to Elizabeth lluntiuglou, mortgagee, dated July Ist. lt&\ and tiled for record and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and lor the County of Ramsey and State of Minne- sota, on the I'lst day of July. ISA", at 4:15 o'clock p. m., in Book Si of mortgages, on page SOI: And. whereas said Elizabeth Huntmgton is now deceased.and letters, testa- mentary on the estate of said Elizabeth Hunt- ingion, deceased, have been duly issued to William D. Harbour, Nunaaa Barbour and Thomas.!. Barbour. executors, and authenti- cated conies of said letters testamentary were on the Gib. day of July, 1891, duly recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds, in Book 27 of Miscellaneous Records, on pa^e K7; And, whereas said n.ortgage was by the said executors duly assigned to Elizabeth Dorler by an instrument in writing, bearing date of December 11th, 1801, and liled for record and duly recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds on the 15th. day of December, lS'Jj. at 10:3) o'clock a. m., in Book 3d of Assign- ments, on page 55*2; And. whereas there is claimed to be due and pa? able, and there Is due and payable on said mortgage indebtedness, at the date of this notice, the sum of eight hundred two and 68-100 (802.68) dollars, and no proceedings or action at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; .Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale in' sail mort- gage contained, and the statute in such case made ana provided, tue said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein described, namely: Lot numbered twenty-seven C-'T), of Brown's subdivision of block numbered tour (4), ot Stinson. Brown & Ramsey s addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for , said Ramsey County, Minnesota, together with all the hereditaments and appurte- nances thereunto belonging.at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Thursday* th3 -'7th day of December, 1*94, at 10 clock iv the forenoon of said day. at the Cedar street entrance to the Ramsey County court house, in the City of St. Paul. County of Ramsey aud State of Minnesota, to satisfy j the amount that v. ill then be due on said mortgage debt, and the sum of fifty dollars attorney's fees, stipulated to be paid in case of the foreclosure of said mortgage, together with the costs and disbursements a. lowed by law. Dated Nov. 14th. 1894. ELIZABETH FARSSWORTH (formerly Elizabeth Dorler), Assignee of Mortgage. Stringer & Seymour. Attorneys for Assignee, St. Paul, Minn. Notice of Jlortzrajje Sale. DEFAULT HAYING BEEN MADEIN THE U conditions of a certain indenture of mortgage made by John Kaftan and Bridget Eagau, hi* wife, mortgagors, to Luther E. Newport, mortgagee, dated August Ist, 18S8, and tiled for record and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the Coun- ty of Ramsey. State of Minnesota, on the "d Cay of August, 1888. Nt ft o'clock p. m., in Book 203 of Mortgages, on page 101. which said mortgage was duly unsigned by the said Luther E. Newport, mortgagee, to Mary E. Potter, by an Instrument la writing bearing date October '..'4th. 1888. and tiled tor record and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of sail County on the 24th day of Oc- tober, 18S8, in Book "V" of Assignments, on page 608. And, whereas, there is claimed to* be due and payable, and there is due and payable at the date of thin notice, on said mortgage in- debtedness, the sum of Twenty four hundred seventy-seven aud 54-100 (a,477.54) dollars. of which amount the sum of fifty-six and 3C-108 (St.3o) dollars was paid by said as- signee as and tor insurance premiums on said property, and no proceeding or action »t law or otherwise having been in-titiited to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, now, therefore, notice ii hereby given, that under aud by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and the statute in such case made mid pro- vided, the .said mortgage will bo foreclosed by the sale of the premises therein de- scribed, to wit: All that tract or parcel of laud lying and being in the County of Ram- sey, Slate of Minnesota, described as fol- lows: lot numbered twenty (iii) of block numbered eighteen (18), of Msckubin & Mar- shall'a Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey, together with all the heredita- ments and appurtenances thereunto belong- ing, at public auction.to the highest bidder for cash, on Thursday, the 34th day of January. 1£95, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Cedar street entrance to the Ram- sey County Court House, in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minne- sota, to satisfy the amount that will then be due on said mortgage debt, and the turn of seventy dollars attorney's fee* stipulated In said mortgage to bo paid la case of the foreclosure thereof, together with the costs and disbursements allowed by law. Dated December ICtti, 1804. MARY E. POTTER, Assignee. Si kingn & Seymour, Attorneys for Assignee, St. Paul, Minn. J\l Its. I.OMSK NEUMANNMas.,ue- Itl rade and theatrical costumes, masks. wigs, hoards and rrease paint. 50 East ;*ev- entli si. IYIUN. AI,I(!K AUSTIN, clairvoyant; A'l card readings 25 cents. No. lti West Ex- change st.. near Wabasha. MMX. St. JOHNS, clairvoyant and i-»l magnetic healer; readings. and .A) rent-*. 130 West Fourth st. V] «». Die. F. Uj,.v;;.;o\ at East Ser- i»A enth. Itoom 101— .Massage, vapor and electric baths; 1) to 9 p. in., including Sun- days. 1/1 « . A. (it *SKY) li A X A »— itl t24 Wababha St.—Magnetic ami .uassaga treatment for paralytic, rheum aud nervous diseases: also ba'.ha i a.m. to '. n.;a for iti:vi. ' Minus ft*. C. ii. \vi\« jii;i,s. The lt«>utiil Agent, Millies a >p<« iaUj of' KeiiliiiK l"rop<»rly. 30ft Manhattan Itiiildi J. W. >li«|>:ir«l, »l Kant It It St. RKNis hoiisk*. sr<»Ri;\ •kfm;.:s. acts an owners' agent, collects rents; Hlcain healed apartments for $",'O, $£), ;£& aud &> : reduced rental. House*.. HOT SI-:— For rein, foe the balance of the winter, furnished house, 410 Laurel ay.; cheap to responsible person. TAVI.OK'S UKNTING AUKMCI 1 GLOBE BUILDING —WE RENT HOUSES. STOKES. OFKICKB. TAKE CHAHOEOir UENTED I'UOPERTr AND MAKE COLLECTIONS. __^ ftouins. A— HOTKI, liItU.NSWiCK. for KOiltle- men only; fifty modern steam-heated rooms by day. week or month. CKOAK ST.. 637— Nicely furnished front V-/ alcove room for rent, opposite Central park. ROOMS— Lady living ill Minneapolis will rent nicely furnished rooms to auiet parties.: transients accommodated. Address M. C. Daily Globe, .Minneapolis'. SKVK»TH, 415. KANT— Corner Locust— K> A few pleasant rooms, en suite or single, furnished or unfurnished: also rooms for housekeeping: nil conveniences. 18OKSKS ADO) CAetlglAClES. OKSKS. aoitSKS-50 to 100 head con- stantly on hand, consisting of heavy draft horses, farm mures, general purpose horses and drivers. Private sales daily. Auc- tions held every Tuesday and Saturday at 1 n. in. Minnesota Horse Auction and Com- mission Stables, 116 Fifth si. south. Minne- apolis. Window & Zimmerman. Proprietors. REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.K. lig £.*><• eII:>HO«ms. A HOT! O.\—The four-story brick and stone block, 3d mid 28 Chicago aw; this prop- erty will be sold Dec. SB, by order of the pro- bate court, on the premises. J. 11. Moroug, administrator. :!'.'S Hubert st. Siii>nrl>aii. FJ»JJ SAI,. —Thirty acres cheap, Miniit;- apoli« stockyards. Actus K. Barlow, New Brighton. Minn. iil ()()() SECUKW bait interest ion- *l\'l)\.'\J\J established business; monop- oly: nets that amount mouihlv; irill-edge se- curity given for money; investigate mouth before purchasing: . sickness cause (selling. M '.'!. Globe. . TYPEWRITERS. RtJUNGTON TYPSWKITKKS Al- ways the standard of comparisoa, al- ways the best and always have the latest im- urovemenls. Typewriter paper and supplies ot all kinds. Machines for rent. WyckotT Seaman* & Benedict SM East Kourth at /^^^a ISFE 1 »l;tUB a Well i Hivßl L.I •.« THE GREAT BOth Day.''ll^^^pf FRENCH REMEDY sothDay. Produces the Above Results in 30 Days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young men will regain their lost strength and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surety restores Lost Vitality, Lost Power, Failing Memory, etc., and is a positive cure for Nervousness, Wasting Dis- eases, and all effects of indiscretion. Wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having VITAL.I 3, no other. Can be car- ried in vest pocket. By mail, $1.00 per package, or six for $8.00, with a Positive "Written Guarantee to Cure or Refund the Money in every box. Circular free. Address (\u25a0'•TTMRT REMEDY (tt.ChW«»n. Tr For Sale by Latlirttp Itlusset- ter, Fourth and \Vnl>a*ha. I\|KS. K.VTK HUSKIES, No. 14W2 West I*l. Sixth St. —Psychometric reader and trance medium. rpilK (.KKATKvr CI.AIUVOYANT of •- the.nge, the young Madame i;om«iine, is iv this city, and can be consulted on all affairs of life; her predictions never fail; she makes a success where others fail; cor- rect advice on business, matrimonial and all family affairs: brings the separated together: causes happy marriage with the one you love; future plainly revealed; lovers united; troubles healed: those in trouble should not fail to call and be convinced on the above Statements; business strictly confidential; letters containing stamp promptly answered; hours '.! to !•. Addres.- or call sisj Jackson St., between Eleventh and Twelfth. •>'J(; HAST SEVENTH ST—.Expert 'v'JU massage. Magnetic and alcohol baths. Anna of Chicago. OIK WOftRS. A.-X inroiigh the Globe's (.iuaranteed \Van,s. and it wlil 1c given. An ad on this page will bring resulip, or your money will he returned to you. JMAVi: your "Want" witii the nearest -^ <jlob3 asjeut. See list on iliih page. K~AHLIi.HT Si MINTKIi Minnesota I> Steam Dye Works. .'44 East Seventh. Notice of IWortgajie Sale. DX VAU LT IIA VI It BERN MADE *. IN the conditions of \u25a0 certain iudesitute of mortgage made by Antouia Sauerwein and John Saner wein, her husband, mortgagors, to Samuel B. Pierce, mortgagee, date.d April sth, A. D ISSN and filed for record and rec-- oru- d in Hie ornee of the Register of Deeds ill and for tbe County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on the -'d day of May, i«>»K;ai l': 111 o'clock p. m., in Book 14s of Mortgages, on page 311; And, whereas, such default has continued for more than thirty days, and there is claimed to be due and payable, and there is due and payable on s.iid mortgage indebtedness at the date of this notice the sum of three thousand one hundred forty and 22-100 (3,l4'J.^J) ttoiiar*, and no proceed- ing or action at Inw or otherwise ,-iiav- ing been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any. |>..rt thereof, and whereas the property in kmKI mortgage described, was and is ali"tl*» 4riua or parcel or laud lying and being. iv (he County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, described as follows: Lots numbered four- teen (14), fifteen <;!")) and sixteen (16), in block numbered two (ii). of Deer Park Divi- sion to St. Paul; and lot numbered nine (9) of block numbered two (5) of Elbra Division to St. Paul, according to the recorded plats thereof on hie in the office of said Register of Deeds, and whereas, by instrument in writ- ing bearing date of March 25th. 1890, and re- corded in the office of said Register of Deeds on the '-Sib. day of April. 1890. in book J, of Partial Releases, on page 31?. said mortgagee did release and discharge from the lien of said mortgage said lot numbered nine (<J). of block numbered two ('.') of Eibra Division to St. Paul, and did retain the lien of said mortgage on the remainder of said properly in Siiid mortgage descried, now. therefore, notice is hereby given that by vir- tue of the power of saie in said mortgage contained and the statute in such cases made and provided the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale '.ol the premises here- inafter and in said morteage described, to wit: Ail that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, described as follows: Lots numbered fourteen (14), fifteen (15 and sixteen (16) of block numbered two i 2). of Deer Park Division to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the said County of Ramsey, to- gether with all tha hereditaments and ap- purtenances thereunto belonging, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, ou Thursday, the 17lli day ol January, 189.5. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Cedar street entrance to the Ramsey"County court house, in the City of St. Paui, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to satisfy the amount that will then be due on sain mortgage debt, and the sum of seventy-five dollars attorneys" fees stipulated in said mortgage to be paid in case of the foreclos- ure of the same, together with the cost and disbursements allowed by law. Dated Dec. ;»rd, 1894. SAMUEL B. PIERCE, Mortgagee. Stringek & Seymour, aJI SPELL-BOUND I^^tF^Psßr A\ VyjL Listening to the Instrumental flusic in 44The World's . '^^ftil Sweetest Songs" riii vv 'Bb *^»—g^r^^F SEJ*? cvtv w|^ fft vwL jft i jS fi "*^E% Zc fB*V I _^^Lr Attorneys for Mortgagee. St. Paul. Minn. [VfOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOS- 1* ure Sale— A mortgage was dated, ex- ecuted and delivered on ths 25th day of Feb- ruary, 1880, by Martin Matbisen, unmarried, as mortgagor, to William F. Peel, as mort- gagee, which said mortgage was duly re- corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 2Sth day of February, 1689, at 11 o'clock and 40 minutes a. in , in Book 203 of Mortgages, at page -'22. Subsequently, to wit, on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1889, the said mortgage was duly assigned by the said William V. Peet to Elizabeth Curnmiiias. by an instrument in writing, which said instrument of assign- ment was duly recorded in the office the Register of Deeds of said County, on she loth day of March, A. D. 18S9, at 5 o'clock! p. in., in Book .'8 of Assignments, at page 148. Subsequently, to wit, on the 13th day of February, 18;»;j, the said Elizabeth Cummings having died testate, and a resident of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, letters 'testa- mentary were duly issued by the Register for Probate of Wills and granting letters of ad- ministration of said Dauphin County, Penh- sylvauia, to James Ilagau, a duly certified copy of which said letters testamentary was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey County, Minnesota, au the l-.'th day of iSovember. lk)4. at 2 o'clock and 20 minutes p. in., in Book 34 of Miscel- laneous, at page 266. :- gfai ; Default has been made in the conditions, agreements and covenants of said mortgage, find there is claimed to be due, and Is."" due. the subscriber, at the date of this notice, upon the said mortgage, the sum of one thousand and fifty dollars and rJfty-six cents. Now. therefore. Notice is hereby givan that by virtue of the power of sale contained in stii'l mortgage, and of the statute iv such case made and provided, Faid mortgage will bo foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged prem- ises described therein and hereinafter de- scribed, to satisfy the amount which shall at the date of said sale be due oil said mortgage, together with the costs and expenses of said stile ah allowed by law, the taxes, if any. paid by the subscriber.and the further sum of Fif- ty dollars (3:0.00) as an attorney's fee, which is acrced in said mortgage to be paid in one of foreclosure. Said sale will be made at the Fourth Street entrance to the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul. Ramsey County, Minnesota, on Thursday, the 27t day of December, 1694, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said any, by the Sheriff of sntd Ramsey County, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cath. The premises described in Mid mortgage and bo to be sold are situated in the County or Ramsey mid BUM of Minnesota, and are known and described as follow*: Lot numbered tweuty-livu (25) til Block numbered four <4). ot uravs Addition to McKenty's Out Lots to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file In the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Bald County of Karaiey. V Dated >«•» 14,1894. . . JAMIS IIAQAJf, As Executor of tbe Estate of Elizabeth Cum- mings.- UiMtiid, Assignee of Mortgage*. Ambrosi Ttaiia, CUorney for Executor of As/tgnf 9 o^Mort- Agajjee, «lob» Bttildtog, St. hkt&&Mn% DR. FELLER, 180 East Seventhst, St. Paul Mini Both Vocal and Instrumental. Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronic and blood and skin diseases of both sexes, without the use of mercury or hindrance from business. NO CUES I?, NO PAY. Pri- vate diseases and all old, lingering cases where the blood has become poisoned, caus- ing ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth. pßin.s in the head and bones, and all diseases of the kidneys and bladder are cured for life. Men of all ages who are suffering from the result of youthful indiscretion or ex- cesses of mature years, producing nervous- ness, indigestion, constipation, loss or mem- ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanently cured. . Dr. Feller, who has had many years of ex- perience in this Specialty, Is a graduate from one of the leading medical colleges of the country. lie has never failed in curingany cases that he has undertaken. Cases and correspondence sacredly confidential. Cal or write for list of questions. Medicine sent by mall and express everywhere free from uk and exposure. Have you seen People? Get It at the Globe Counting Room, 1 - .-- .- x„. > \u25a0 It is designed, not for professional musicians, societies or church choirs, but is pre-eminently adapted to increase the pleasure of the home-circle and render home tenfold more at- tractive to the young and doubly enjoyable for the older mem- bers of the family than it otherwise would be. WHY PAY A BIG RENT ? Is not that what you do when you go to a big store and pay 50 cents for only one song in- stead of taking advantage of the "GLOBE'S" great distribu- tion of "The World's Sweetest Songs" at a cost to you of less than Half a Cent Each ? Why this immense difference; do you ask? The rent of a big store is enormous, and printing music in very small edi- tions is costly, to say nothing of a force of stylish clerks that must be in waiting to serve one single piece of music, neatly wrapped and tied with a silk cord. While we pay no rent, print this series in enormous editions, and distribute it by the thousands daily. Think of It! Patti's Favorites, 20 Lovely Songs, Excellent Paper, Handsomely Printed, Ele- gantly Bound, Worth, at Sheet Music Prices, About $10.00. THE FULL SET, TWENTY PARTS, NOW READY. boSkib /I ILLUMINATED embellished *#\u25a0 PORTRAITS OF with \u25a0 STAR MUSICIANS. Out-of-town purchasers will save time and postage by sending for the whole series at once. We will then be able to place this prize complete in your hands in ample time for the holidays. Do not miss getting this work, because it is easily worth 50 times our price. NO COUPONS. 10 cents in silver (not stamps) secures each part. Address Art Department, Daily Globe. Back numbers supplied at same rate, postage paid.

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1894-12-19 [p 7]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1894-12-19/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · • • rapby,'shorthand, bookkeeping, etc.: ... she

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pmimnwnnimmnnnjg apuwnimmmmmmm^ ajwwwiniwiHßUHWHK |imiim%immmw!^ *m!mmmmmmm???m£ *m?mmmmmmmmm!' wmmm???m?mm!™m *f TRY ORE %mm. 1 | TRY ORE HORDAY. I | TRY ONE TBESOSY. 3 § TRY CUE WEDNESDAY 3 | TRY ONE TBURSDiSY. 2 I TRY ME FfiS I WmS^S^wmmmmwMi Tnuuiiuuutuuuuuuuuß wmmmmmmm. Miui^iuiuiuui^ luiuuuuuuuiiuuiuiiui . -

i*3oi?:« n-::tii:.\ts.

U a KMMi-Tiiehandsome phplossrapha*» of the people con"cr!ieaiß the cele-

brated Cliiismurder case, now beitin sold, anfully protected Dv copyriclkr. Aii i er»onecopying them will be prosecuted?". MroujfiScto . .Minneapolis. '-;^Bs

SITUATIONS \lA>'li:i>.


Bakkk- .\ nood baker on cookies andbread. :.!sn candy, is tookini; fot a job.

.Address 11.. MS Pleasant ay.

COOK— Situation wanted by a colored manwho is a tirst-class cook and waiter. B.

Randoi; U. Hotel De Mink. Fourth and >».Peter »is. ;Mil iixiows orri:Ki:i».


AGENTS wanted to canvass the countiesin which they live: under our new plan

they can earn from fr."> to Jif> J per month;rite for particulars. Only thosd who are

willingto make 11 house to house canvass inthe country and towns are wanted. Ladiescan do the work as well as men. From $•*> to$13 per day easily made. No capital re-ouired. Address by mat! only, Di, care ofthe iilobe.

ACJKNTS i:i every state on sahirv and com-mission: Agents mating 525 tt> ;'\u25a0'> -j weekly.

Eureka Chemical A Mfjc. i •\u25a0. LaCrosse, Wia.

At.»M» -W agents for Bankers'iJfeAßsociaUou.St-Panliillnn. : strongest

home company furnishing guaranteed pro-tection at lowest cost; profitable positionopen in St. Paol and ihroujrhout Minnesota.

Lite for Hvrenev.

r\HIVKR wants work drivinga deliveryIt wagon, or would like wort around

; some store; very useful around a place, and! in need of work. Address Driver, -Kit} Kasti Sixth si. . ."

ENGINICKK— Wanted, situation us engi-neer, fireman or anything else; good

reference given: Address is, olobe.

L(J < I .<IVN- Wanted, by practicalelectrician of experience, a permanent

pot>it!on; asa also tirat-class engineer, O 13,Globe.

OFFICE IVOKK-situation wanted byyoung man of 10 at office work, or any-

thing which is offered him; am a good peh-j mini Address MiKosabel St.. city.

! OFFICE WOKK—Sober, well-educated! " young man, pleasing appearance, ex-perienced in office work and general mer-

chandise, wants work at $ii per month;would wait on table. Address Kelly, 105Kast Fifth st.AM\N in every Mvuon to sell staple

Istudealers; experience uiinetvs-sarv;be<<l side line. $r.'> a month. Salaryand expenses oi larcc cocimission made; forbcaled pnrtici larssend stamp. Clifi m isoap& Manufacturing Co., ;tux ."-t;. Cincinnati.t»hio.

piIAUMACIvr,rexbitered. desires posi-I Uon:experienced and siric;ly temperate;highest referen es. Pharmacist, £.'1 Chest-nut st.

BKSI ItltKrVl»l> SEX in town todaycents nt Mrs. HcNabb's, :;i.« St

Peter st.. also home-made bread, pastry.> Orders for plum puddings and fruit cake fort hristmas.

PRIMTKB—Practical all-round printer oflong experience wants situation. Ad-

dresa Printer, ll Kaat Third st., St. Paul.

SAI.KSJIAX—Experienced city salesinsu\\:iiits s;>incihii;R to sell on salary or com-

mission Address D l.">. Globe.

SAI.I.S.V.KX. we send sample?, allow lib-eral salary and cx]ioi:sos or commission

to proper applicants. Staple seller, threestores out til live will order. Address withsttiini> Lock. Box 4:'i>, New York City.

SALKSMAN—Wanted, position as travel-O ins salesman, '"on commission."' by aman with many years' business experience;gentV furnishing goods, a pants line or out-ins shirts preferred. Salesman, (Hillwater,Minn.. 510 West Olive st.



C^UMPA » lON—Warned, a uo«iiion as

' companion to an invalid or elderly lady.Call 7* olive.

Dlsiiu ASHKK-AKirl wrius plaoe innotel or hoarding hous« for<lisliwasliii)K

or chamber work. Call at once. K75 Albe-niarle st., corner MUfonl up stairs.

DK(.ss.\i.\kkk— An experienced dress-naker wauls sewing by the day In fsmi-

lies. Call or address 215 Hoiido st.

DKKSSMAIUK wants sewing in familiesor at home. Audreso ;\u25a0..'«\u25a0; L'Orieut.

HOI NJ-.WOHK— Two gTrls would liKe po-sition to go to Montana for houseworkor hotel work. ApplyC."2 East Sixth.

HIHISKWOKK-a girl wiili a one-year-old baby wixhes a place in or out of the

City; Will work for small Wages For partic-ulars, ur Khsi Ninth st.

Hoi;sKKKKl'ici:-Acompetent lady do-sires a position as housekeeper or nurse,

Call 70s Olive.

H<'l ->!:ki:ki'l-:k — a young Scandi-navian woman with a one-year-old

Child would Hke a position us housekeeper.Call at 583 Bradley.

L.llM)|<Kss — A first class laundresswould like rough-dry washing to do nt

home ; clothes called for and delivered, andgood work guaranteed. Address Laundress.4 ("> Ka-t Sixth t.t.

JVIKsk—An experienced nune would\u25a0!\u25a0* like a situation, lims bad experience inall kinds of nursing. Address 14'J Uoudo.

OUGANIMT-Wanted—A lady desires aposition as organist; references. Ad-

dress I'7, Globe.

OFFICK WOKK-A youiiglady with twoyears' experience In office work ue»ire.s

a position; cau operate a typewriter. Ad-dress :j X, Globe.

yANTKD-Mfiiwho will work to rS"S» » per mouth or large commission. veil-

ing goocis by sample to dealers: Experienceunnecessary. Write '.is we will explain.For seiiitHl parti< -ul.-tra send stamp. House-hold Specialty Co., (7.") Cincinnati. O.

TAJisTKK-tiood ten mater wants a jobdriviii";cau hai.dle twu or four horses.

3«5 Slryker ay.

UlNTrl) Canvassers for ex-SecretaryI{. W. Thompson's book, "Personal

»of Sixteen Presidents," writtenin hise.'gbty-fiftb year: clear, forcible, at-. by sutß'ription oaly. NorthStarSpei :.;.. Comjany, Agents, P.0.80x44.i. Nt

LAN—Reliable man wants po-» » fiition as ni^ht watchman ; best of ref-

erence furnished 415 East Seven st.lITATCHSIAX—ReIiabIe man wants posi-

» • tion ns uigbtwatchman; beat of refer-ence furnished. 41"> EaatSerenih st.

uTENOURAPtttctt —Competent MenogO rapher and typewriter wants work; candi> assistant bookkedptufi: will worn for rea-sonable salary, ti) Uermania Life Huiiding,corner Koartii and ktiuuesota sts.

STKNUGKAPHKR—Young lady of col-leize education wishes position as sie-

nographer and Ijrpewritisi; will work formoderate salary. B c.. ulo!>e.

UrcißK FOX BUAHD-A willinpryouncmail would like to hear from a chari

table family where he could wors tor hisboard ami attend school. I'leuso addressX M.. 543 Eudicott Buildinz.

117 ASHlNG—Wanted, washing to do byV V (he day or take home. Address or call

1027 Edrertou st. rear <!>>•'[•.

UT AXThli nt once. 100 good and reliablemen at srood p;*«. Address at once,

with st in].. E. Westph.,; & Co., -""iir.rod.Wadeim County. Minn.

V\ " AN t'Kl>—Young people to learn leleg-• • rapby,'shorthand, bookkeeping, etc.:

night school four nighis weekly. GlobeBusiness College. Endicoti Building.!

T¥7"ASHlNG—Wanted, wasiiing to takeVV home by a flrst-class laundress; will

work very cheap, cail oraddress M. \V., «^i4Mississippi st.


AKK I»U IN TKOim.K/ ConsultMadame Ina Walker, "life reader,'" for

fiiithfuiretidiiiK of your pa.r.L j>rev»tH andfuture; she will guide you In all affairs oflife by power turner than human; corru-Mioiuieiice confidential: ladies. fiO cents:gentlemen. $1. f>o.> Wabasha st., opr>ositecapitol

ALWAYS ItKMAULK-Madamo i&iu-worth; prices reduced ,r> \u25a0 cents; thirty

years'' experience, i.i Eighth st.

U/OK !\u25a0\u25a0<»;; KOA«D—Wanted, a placeto work for board and attend school.

Address .1. A. G.. :;ii4 Bombel st.. city

WASlllNii—Woman goes out washing.ironing and liouseeloKiiiiig. Inquire

at 204 West Sixth st.: nt kitchen.

MKs. i.i.wis— Expertenoea uiassa^ist;hours Id to 10daily. \& Kust Sevenih,

t&ooms -0 and 30.

\\ • <\u25a0! AKANT; you competent In\u2666 » eight weeks at Twin City Barber

catalogue mailed free; tools donated.. 110 Hen nei>in, Minneapolis.

S Cl.i;!!c.

A(iKNT.s Wanted to canvass the countiesin which they live: under our new plan

they cancajn from $.V> to SI.Mi per month;write for particulars. Only those who arewillingto make a house to house canvass inthe country and towns are wanted. Ladiescan do he work ns well as men. From 55 to513 per day easily made. Mo capital re-

red. Address by mail only, D4, care of

H«U SKWOKK—Wanted, a (riri for izen-•-•!;ii housework at :j'j.> itatitil s>t., near

Wv-t Seventh.

dui'Si.WOKK—Gir! wanted for general

housework: .-mall family. Apply at 53JLaurel ay.

Hoi BKWOKK—Wanted, giri for generalhousework. 29 Kast Tenth st.

I 1 Ol tUsWUKK- Girl to do genera! house-II work at is."< Aurora ay.

V[I"RSK GlUi. — Wanted, competent

-' nurse girl. ST,' Goodrich ay.

FOX *\u2666!.£..

CIHRIBIMA& TREKS* — For sale, twocarloads Christmas trees of all sizes, at

die Urand Central market. Entrance on'1 bird. Fourth and St. Peter t-ts.

ri!KlM«\s 1 KKKS-For sale. Chrisl-

*— inns trees f r churches and families, onEighth st., between tVaeoutaand sioley.

CIIAIKANU:>KSK—SIO takes a revoiv-V> ing spring office chair aud desk. 1012New York Life Huilding.

CMIKIS I'M \S i'KM-.S for saie; buy your- < hmtma's trees at the corner of Seventh

and m. Petersts., city market.

JKWKMtV—Solid gold watches and dia-mond riiiits for sale at one-third their

value. Standard Loan Company, bchutteBuilding, 154Kast Seventh, near ."iackt-on st.

XMAB THKKS K<)K BAI.K-All sizesat a'r. prices at Uamaley's, corner Sixth

rud St. Petur sts.

.^AI.I-;of second-hand stovesO Hiid carpels at Hyun Furniture nnd Ex-change L'ompauv, 142 and 144 "seventh st.

. ItKOl'l ICON a:;d masic lantern out-O tits for illustrating lectures, exhibitionsand street, advertising: complete outfits atabout !i;i!r manufacturer's price: 1,500 ;i!ainand colored slides iv lots to suit; new andsecond-hand outlits bought, sold and ex-changed. Richards & Birch, 200 Nicollet ay.,Minn apolis, .Minn.


BOAKD— Furnished fr-jiu rooms withboard. Sh'i Nonh Washington st.

:>\rti»- L'topia, 4M St. Peter St.—Steam--1 heated rooms with board.

ROARD—Pleasa'ut front room with alcove,also sunny side room: excellent board ;

i.yc;tble; be?.t references. 155 Nina\u25a0venue.

fcWIiIIK MINK .."—Pleasant rooms, withX boiird: centrally located for business

people. Ifj;College avrt corner Sixth.

Notice of Mortsajje Salo.

DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE INthe conditions ofa certain indenture of

mortgage maae by John Johnson and Anne»,1. Johnson, his wife, mortgagors, to Edith

•iiv mortgagee, dated April 15, imi.and1 led for record aud recorded in ihe otlice otthe Recisterol Deeds in ami for the Countyot l.'aiusey and state of Minnesota, on theIfetb day of April, ltt»l, at 4 o'clock p. m., inhn k su. of Morigagen. on pa«<; SJo, and,whereas, said Editb K. Stuart is now de-cea&ed, »:,ii letters tertameutaryon the estate

I Edith K. Stuart have been duly issuedto George B. Kilter, executor, ana autben-

; said letters testamentarywere ou Uieautb day of November, lUM.dulyfiled for record and recorded In ihe office ofBKid Register of Deeds, In Book 33, of Mis-cellaneous Records, -. ii page 54; and, wliere-aa, such default has continued formore than ten days, nnd there isclaimed to be due and uayable, ajidthere is due and payable on said mortgage in-debtedness at the dale of this notice the sumof kix hundred and fifty six and H-joo

i;> dollarp.and uokproceeding or actionat law or otherwise having been Instituted to: tbe debt secured by said mortgage or

any part thereof; now, therefore, notice isheret.y given tbat by virtue of the power ofaale m said mortgage contained, and thet . 111 such case made aud provided, thet»\'\ mortgage wiil be foreclosed by h sale ofthe premises [herein described, to wit: Allthiiitract or parcel of land lying and beingin tbe County ofKamsey and State of Min-nesota, described as follows: The west halfn1) \u25a0 f lot numbered three c<> of p. R. bfc-ponneli's liearraug :meut (if block numbered

two B2) of Banning & Olivier's Addi-tiori 10 v\'i.si st. Paul, according to the platihereol on file «nd of record intbeoffiaeof the Register of Deeds iv nnd forKnid Ramsey County, together with all thehereditaments and appurtenances thereuntobelonging, at public auction, to the highestbidder forcash, on Thursday, tije iTth day ofJanuiiry, IHK, nt 10 o'clock In the forenoonof said day, at the Oedar street entrance tothe Uftinsey County Court House, in the Cityof st. Paul. County of Kameey atid state ofMiuueMHa. to i-uns-fy the amount tnat willthen be due on suij mortgage debt, and thesiiui of fifty dollars attorneys' ices stipulatedin Mud mortgage, to be paid In case of theforeclosure of s,ii(! mortgage, together withthe cost* snd disbursements uilowed by law.

J^uted December Hid, IHH.GEORGE B. RITTEH, Executor

gTRtMW.K i{c bKTMOCB, Attorneys for Execu-lor, St. Paul, Minn.


--1»1 emy, 830 Central Park. East—Pupilscan enter class at any time; private instruc-tion.

SV. At;A i HAS ACADK.MYOF MUSICand Art. -»> Ea.st Exchange St., St. Paul-

Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolintaught Lessons Riven in drawing and paint-in?. Call or send for prospectus.

I i:\A*ClAi\.

FOR SAl.fe I'HEAV-Stock in the Rob-erts Manufactakiog Company. Apply

to the Capital City Ornamental Iron, Wireand Brass Works. 183 Eighth St.

\1 ONK* LOANKDon life Insurance pol-i»l icies. or bought. L. P. Van Norman.41'.'l> Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis

C I i'» (300 .short-time loans procured*i?*J\J on personal property. Ohio Invest-ment Company, Seventh floor Globe Build-ing.

to j;.\iii.i.Xii;.T K\V goods for sec'a-nnnd.liyan FurnitureI nnd Kxciiange Co.. 14: nnd 144 E. Tth st.

tIfHEtUEAS, DEFAULT HaS BKKN»V made in certain conditions of a mort-

gage in writing and under seal, whereby thepower of sale contained in said mortgage hasbecome operative, which mortgage bears dateSeptember 35th, 1889. and wasexecuted byCaspar Oehrleiu and Catherine Oehneiu, hiswife, to William Rinck. to secure the pay-ment of §1,500.10 and interest at the rate ofeiaht i>er cent per annum, the principal andinterest of which is long since past due;which mortgage was dulyrecorded in theotlice of the Register of Deeds of RamseyComity. Minnesota, in book ISO of Mortgages,on page GiK. on September 2Kth, 1S8 1.-;and whereas said Mortgage wasby the said Wiljiam Rinck, bywritten instrument bearing date August 27th,18i»0. and recorded iv the office of said Register of Deeds on October ad. 180(), in book 111of Assignments, ou page 126, duly assigned,with the indebtedness which the same wasgiven to socure. to the mule:signed AutonMies-eu; aud wherean.said Anton Miesen.by awritten instrument bearing date October 4th,IW, and recorded in the office of 6Hid Regis-ter of Deeds on October Oth, IS9 >, in book ;?>

I of Assignments, ou page l<i\ duly assignedsaid mortgage to Peter J. Miesen; and where-as. Peter J. Miesen. by an Instrument iv writ-ing beating date October 25th. IM9?, and te-

j corded in the office of said Register ofDeedson November t-th, 1894, in bock Hi of Assign-ments, on page :W4. duly assigned said mort-gage to said Anton Miesen, who is now tneholder and owjier thereof, together with theindebtedness which the same was given tosecure; and. whereas no action or proceed-ing has been iusrituted at law to recover thedebt now remaining secured by said mort-gage, and there is now claimed to be due onsaid mortgage sixteen hundred and thirtv-eight dollars and thirty-three cents, and theundersigned assignee has paid at the date of

| this notice S4l IH-l'iO taxes on the property-described In said mortgage.

Now. therefore, notice is hereby given thatsaid mortgage will be foieclosed by sale ofthe niorisratjed premises therein described atpublic reudue to the highest bidder d> theSheriff ofsaid county, at the Fourth streetdoor of the Court House, in the City ofSt.Paul, iv said county, on the ad day ofJanu-t ry, IHiCi. at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofthat day,to pay said sum of $1,500.00 with increst at the late ot ei«ht per cent per an-

num from September 24th, U-OT. and said Miniof $41 18-100 taxes paid, as aforesaid, with in-terest thereon from the time of payment, andthe costs und disbursements as provided bylaw incurred in the foreclosure ofsaid mort-Kase. and also the sum ofseventy-five dollarssolicitors fees for foreclosure of saidmort-gage (said mortgagor having covenanted insaid mortgage to pay the sum" of one hundreddollars as such solicitor't> fcesi.

The piemises so to be sold are situated insaid Ramsey County, and nre aescribed, anddescribed in said mortgage as follows: Allthai part of the west oue-iinlf i W. 14) of thesouthwest <iuarter (S. W 14) ol ihe northeast<ii:Hrter iN IC. ti) of section number seven-teen (lT.i, townshipnnmbertwenty-nine (29).range number twenty-two 122> west, in saidCounty and stß'.e. described n> follows: Be-ginniug at a point on the north and southcenter line of said section seventeen (17).three hundred and thirty (33(!) feet north ofthe center of sikl section.and running thenceeast six hundred sod sixty (M0) feel to theeast line of said west one-half iW.i?i cf saidsouthwest quarter (s. W. i&lof the northeastquarter (N.B.Vk)of said section; thence northnloiig said last-mentioned line three imiidredaud ninety-six <3M) feet; thence west six

I hundred and sixty (SO) feet to the northand Fouth center line ol said section: thencesouth along said center line of said sectionthree, hundred and nineiy-ets (395) feft tothe place of beginning; containing [fi) sixacres of laud, more or less.

Also, beginning at the northeast corner ofthe piece hereiuabove deocribod and con-reyed (being a point on the east line of saidwest one-balf (W. t'i) of said southwestquarter (£. W. %) of the northeast uuartaf(N. E. Mj 1 of said section seventeen M7i,seven bundled and twenty-six <T**>» feetnorth of ihe eastand west center line of saidsection, and running thence north along *aideast line of said west half (W. *t< of saidsouthwest quarter (8. W. 14 > of the north-east quarter (N. E. 14) of said section, fivehundred and ninety-four (a;i4) feet, to thenorth line of saiil southwest quarter fS. W.Ml.) of the northeast quarter (St. X, 14 lofskid section; thence west, along said la>:t-nieniioned line w\e hundred and forty-sixand sixty-six hundreriths (146.66) feet;thenoesouth, parallel wiihsaid taht line ofsad west lislMW.igi of fcdid soathwestquarter (S. W. U) of the northeast quarter(N. E. Vi) cf said section seventeen (17), livehundred and ninety-four (901) feet; thenceeast one hundred and forty six and sixty-sixbun(iredths.(l4»,.(ti) feet to the j.lace of be-ginning; containing two (>) acres of land,more or less.

Dated November 19th, 1804.ANTON MIESEN,

Assignee of Mortgagee.Jno. II Iveb, Attorney for AsiiKueeof Mort-gagee.

\\J ami !M> wanted to lake home, or will*V go oat washing or scrubbing. 844 td-

mund st.

ASHING wanted to do at home. Callat 226 Rondo st.

WAs. ji><i wanted i<i do at uome. Mrs.Kagerer, 7.'7 Charles st.

U/ aitkkss- Wanted, work waiting din-ners or evening parties, by good col-

ored woman. Address or call 18*6 East sSev-eiuh 5.4

LOST I>J» foi;hi>.

U'MIJUKLXA—Between my residence and' union depot, last evening, a silk umbrella,

with horn handle, silver tip and I num. Lib-eral reward will be paid finder if returned toGeorge \V. Freeman, with v. <;ot/iun & Co.

Notice ol".?Iort<ra««i" Sale.

DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE INthe conditions of a certain indenture of

mortgage made by John M. Rohmaun andLouise Rohmauu. bis wife, mortgagors, toElizabeth lluntiuglou, mortgagee, dated JulyIst. lt&\ and tiled for record and recorded inthe office of the Register of Deeds in and lorthe County of Ramsey and State of Minne-sota, on the I'lst day of July. ISA", at 4:15o'clock p. m., in Book Si of mortgages, onpage SOI: And. whereas said ElizabethHuntmgton is now deceased.and letters, testa-mentary on the estate of said Elizabeth Hunt-ingion, deceased, have been duly issued toWilliam D. Harbour, Nunaaa Barbour andThomas.!. Barbour. executors, and authenti-cated conies of said letters testamentary wereon the Gib. day of July, 1891, duly recorded inthe office of said Register of Deeds, in Book27 of Miscellaneous Records, on pa^e K7;And, whereas said n.ortgage was by the saidexecutors duly assigned to Elizabeth Dorlerby an instrument in writing, bearing date ofDecember 11th, 1801, and liled forrecord anddulyrecorded in the office of said Register ofDeeds on the 15th. day of December, lS'Jj.at 10:3) o'clock a. m., in Book 3d of Assign-ments, on page 55*2; And. whereas there isclaimed to be due and pa? able, andthere Is due and payable on said mortgageindebtedness, at the date of this notice,the sum of eight hundred two and 68-100(802.68) dollars, and no proceedings or actionat law or otherwise having been instituted torecover the debt secured by said mortgage, orany part thereof;

.Now, therefore, notice is hereby given thatby virtue of the power of sale in' sail mort-gage contained, and the statute in such casemade ana provided, tue said mortgage willbe foreclosed by a sale of the premisestherein described, namely: Lot numberedtwenty-seven C-'T), of Brown's subdivision ofblock numbered tour (4), ot Stinson. Brown& Ramsey s addition to St. Paul, accordingto the recorded plat thereof on file in theoffice of the Register of Deeds in and for ,said Ramsey County, Minnesota, togetherwith all the hereditaments and appurte-nances thereunto belonging.at publicauctionto the highest bidder for cash, on Thursday*th3-'7th day of December, 1*94, at 10 clockiv the forenoon of said day. at the Cedarstreet entrance to the Ramsey County courthouse, in the City of St. Paul. County ofRamsey aud State of Minnesota, to satisfy jthe amount that v. ill then be due on saidmortgage debt, and the sum of fifty dollarsattorney's fees, stipulated to be paid in caseof the foreclosure of said mortgage, togetherwith the costs and disbursements a. lowed bylaw.

Dated Nov. 14th. 1894.ELIZABETH FARSSWORTH(formerly Elizabeth Dorler),

Assignee ofMortgage.Stringer & Seymour.

Attorneys for Assignee, St. Paul, Minn.

Notice of Jlortzrajje Sale.

DEFAULT HAYINGBEEN MADEIN THEU conditions of a certain indenture ofmortgage made by John Kaftan and BridgetEagau, hi* wife, mortgagors, to Luther E.Newport, mortgagee, dated August Ist, 18S8,and tiled forrecord and recorded in the officeof the Register of Deeds in and for the Coun-ty of Ramsey. State of Minnesota, on the "dCay of August, 1888. Nt ft o'clock p. m., inBook 203 of Mortgages, on page 101. whichsaid mortgage was dulyunsigned by the saidLuther E. Newport, mortgagee, to Mary E.Potter, by an Instrument la writing bearingdate October '..'4th. 1888. and tiled tor recordand recorded in the office of the Register ofDeeds of sail County on the 24th day of Oc-tober, 18S8, in Book "V" of Assignments,on page 608.

And, whereas, there is claimed to* be dueand payable, and there is due and payable atthe date of thin notice, on said mortgage in-debtedness, the sum ofTwenty four hundredseventy-seven aud 54-100 (a,477.54) dollars.of which amount the sum of fifty-six and3C-108 (St.3o) dollars was paid by said as-signee as and tor insurance premiums onsaid property, and no proceeding or action»t law or otherwise having been in-titiited torecover the debt secured by said mortgage,or any part thereof, now, therefore, notice iihereby given, that under aud by virtue of thepower of sale in said mortgage contained,and the statute in such case made mid pro-vided, the .said mortgage will bo foreclosedby the sale of the premises therein de-scribed, to wit: All that tract or parcel oflaud lyingand being in the County of Ram-sey, Slate of Minnesota, described as fol-lows: lot numbered twenty (iii)of blocknumbered eighteen (18), of Msckubin & Mar-shall'a Addition to St. Paul, according to therecorded plat thereof, on file in the office ofthe Register of Deeds in and for said Countyof Ramsey, together with all the heredita-ments and appurtenances thereunto belong-ing,at public auction.to the highest bidder forcash, on Thursday, the 34th day of January.1£95, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of saidday, at the Cedar street entrance to the Ram-sey County Court House, in the City of St.Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minne-sota, to satisfy the amount that will then bedue on said mortgage debt, and the turn ofseventy dollars attorney's fee* stipulatedIn said mortgage to bo paid la case of theforeclosure thereof, together with the costsand disbursements allowed by law.

Dated December ICtti, 1804.MARY E. POTTER, Assignee.

Si kingn & Seymour,Attorneys for Assignee, St. Paul, Minn.

J\l Its. I.OMSK NEUMANN—Mas.,ue-Itl rade and theatrical costumes, masks.wigs, hoards and rrease paint. 50 East ;*ev-entli si.

IYIUN. AI,I(!K AUSTIN, clairvoyant;A'l card readings 25 cents. No. lti West Ex-change st.. near Wabasha.

MMX. St. JOHNS, clairvoyant andi-»l magnetic healer; readings. and .A)rent-*. 130 West Fourth st.

V] «». Die. F. Uj,.v;;.;o\ at East Ser-i»A enth. Itoom 101— .Massage, vapor andelectric baths; 1) to 9 p. in., including Sun-days.

1/1 « >« . A. (it*SKY) liA X A »—itl t24 Wababha St.—Magnetic ami .uassagatreatment for paralytic, rheum audnervous diseases: also ba'.ha i a.m. to '. n.;a

for iti:vi. '


C. ii. \vi\« jii;i,s.The lt«>utiil Agent,

Millies a >p<« iaUj of' KeiiliiiKl"rop<»rly.

30ft Manhattan ItiiildiJ. W. >li«|>:ir«l, »l Kant ItIt St.

RKNis hoiisk*. sr<»Ri;\ •kfm;.:s.acts an owners' agent, collects rents;

Hlcain healed apartments for $",'O, $£), ;£&aud&> : reduced rental.


HOT SI-:— For rein, foe the balance of thewinter, furnished house, 410 Laurel ay.;

cheap to responsible person.



A—HOTKI, liItU.NSWiCK. for KOiltle-• men only; fifty modern steam-heatedrooms by day. week or month.

CKOAK ST.. 637— Nicely furnished frontV-/ alcove room for rent, opposite Centralpark.

ROOMS— Lady living ill Minneapolis willrent nicely furnished rooms to auietparties.: transients accommodated. Address

M. C. Daily Globe, .Minneapolis'.

SKVK»TH, 415. KANT—Corner Locust—K> A few pleasant rooms, en suite or single,furnished or unfurnished: also rooms forhousekeeping: nil conveniences.


OKSKS. aoitSKS-50 to 100 head con-stantly on hand, consisting of heavy

draft horses, farm mures, general purposehorses and drivers. Private sales daily. Auc-tions held every Tuesday and Saturday at 1n. in. Minnesota Horse Auction and Com-mission Stables, 116 Fifth si. south. Minne-apolis. Window & Zimmerman. Proprietors.



AHOT! O.\—The four-story brick and stoneblock, 3d mid 28 Chicago aw; this prop-

erty will be sold Dec. SB, by order of the pro-bate court, on the premises. J. 11. Moroug,administrator. :!'.'S Hubert st.


FJ»JJ SAI,. —Thirty acres cheap, Miniit;-apoli« stockyards. Actus K. Barlow,

New Brighton. Minn.

iil ()()() SECUKW bait interest ion-*l\'l)\.'\J\J established business; monop-oly: nets that amount mouihlv; irill-edge se-curity given for money; investigate mouthbefore purchasing: . sickness cause (selling.M '.'!. Globe. .


RtJUNGTON TYPSWKITKKS — Al-ways the standard of comparisoa, al-

ways the best and always have the latest im-urovemenls. Typewriter paper and suppliesot all kinds. Machines for rent. WyckotTSeaman* & Benedict SM East Kourth at

/^^^a ISFE1 »l;tUB a Well

i Hivßl L.I•.«

THE GREAT BOth Day.''ll^^^pfFRENCH REMEDY sothDay.

Produces the Above Results in 30 Days. Itacts powerfully and quickly. Cures whenall others fail. Young men willregain theirlost strength and old men will recover theiryouthful vigor by using VITALIS. Itquickly and surety restores Lost Vitality,Lost Power, Failing Memory, etc., and is apositive cure forNervousness, Wasting Dis-eases, and all effects ofindiscretion. Wardsoff Insanity and Consumption. Insist onhaving VITAL.I3, no other. Can be car-ried in vest pocket. By mail, $1.00 perpackage, or six for $8.00, with a Positive"Written Guarantee to Cure or Refund theMoney in every box. Circular free. Address(\u25a0'•TTMRT REMEDY (tt.ChW«»n. Tr

For Sale by Latlirttp Itlusset-ter, Fourth and \Vnl>a*ha.

I\|KS. K.VTK HUSKIES, No. 14W2 WestI*l. Sixth St. —Psychometric reader andtrance medium.rpilK (.KKATKvr CI.AIUVOYANTof•- the.nge, the young Madame i;om«iine, isiv this city, and can be consulted on allaffairs of life; her predictions never fail;she makes a success where others fail; cor-rect advice on business, matrimonial and allfamily affairs: brings the separated together:causes happy marriage with the one youlove; future plainly revealed; lovers united;troubles healed: those in trouble should notfail to call and be convinced on the aboveStatements; business strictly confidential;letters containing stamp promptly answered;hours '.! to !•. Addres.- or call sisj Jackson St.,between Eleventh and Twelfth.

•>'J(; HAST SEVENTH ST—.Expert'v'JU massage. Magnetic and alcoholbaths. Anna ofChicago.


A.-X inroiigh the Globe's (.iuaranteed\Van,s. and it wlil 1c given. An ad on

this page will bring resulip, or your moneywill he returned to you.

JMAVi: your "Want" witii the nearest-^ <jlob3 asjeut. See list on iliih page.

K~AHLIi.HT Si MINTKIi— MinnesotaI> Steam Dye Works. .'44 East Seventh.

Notice of IWortgajie Sale.

DXVAULT IIAVI It • BERN MADE *.INthe conditions of \u25a0 certain iudesitute of

mortgage made by Antouia Sauerwein andJohn Saner wein, her husband, mortgagors,to Samuel B. Pierce, mortgagee, date.d Aprilsth, A. D ISSN and filed for record and rec--oru- d in Hie ornee of the Register of Deedsill and for tbe County of Ramsey, State ofMinnesota, on the -'d day of May, i«>»K;ai l': 111o'clock p. m., in Book 14s of Mortgages, onpage 311; And, whereas, such default hascontinued for more than thirty days, andthere is claimed to be due and payable, andthere is due and payable on s.iid mortgageindebtedness at the date of this notice thesum of three thousand one hundred fortyand 22-100 (3,l4'J.^J) ttoiiar*, and no proceed-ing or action at Inw or otherwise ,-iiav-ing been instituted to recover the debtsecured by said mortgage, or any. |>..rtthereof, and whereas the property in kmKImortgage described, was and is ali"tl*»4riuaor parcel or laud lying and being. iv (heCounty of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,described as follows: Lots numbered four-teen (14), fifteen <;!")) and sixteen (16), inblock numbered two (ii). of Deer Park Divi-sion to St. Paul; and lot numbered nine (9)of block numbered two (5) of Elbra Divisionto St. Paul, according to the recorded platsthereof on hie in the office of said Register ofDeeds, and whereas, by instrument in writ-ingbearing date of March 25th. 1890, and re-corded in the office of said Register of Deedson the '-Sib. day of April. 1890. in book J, ofPartial Releases, on page 31?. said mortgageedid release and discharge from the lien ofsaid mortgage said lot numbered nine (<J). ofblock numbered two ('.') of Eibra Division toSt. Paul, and did retain the lienof said mortgage on the remainder of saidproperly in Siiid mortgage descried, now.therefore, notice is hereby given that by vir-tue of the power of saie in said mortgagecontained and the statute in such casesmade and provided the said mortgage will beforeclosed by a sale '.ol the premises here-inafter and in said morteage described, towit: Ail that tract or parcel of land lyingand being in the County of Ramsey andState of Minnesota, described as follows:Lots numbered fourteen (14), fifteen (15and sixteen (16) of block numbered two i2).of Deer Park Division to St. Paul, accordingto the recorded plat thereof on file and ofrecord in the office of the Register of Deedsin and for the said County of Ramsey, to-gether with all tha hereditaments and ap-purtenances thereunto belonging, at publicauction, to the highest bidder for cash, ouThursday, the 17lli day ol January, 189.5. at10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at theCedar street entrance to the Ramsey"Countycourt house, in the City of St. Paui, Countyof Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to satisfythe amount that will then be due on sainmortgage debt, and the sum of seventy-fivedollars attorneys" fees stipulated in saidmortgage to be paid in case of the foreclos-ure of the same, together with the cost anddisbursements allowed by law.

Dated Dec. ;»rd, 1894.SAMUEL B. PIERCE, Mortgagee.

Stringek & Seymour,

aJI SPELL-BOUNDI^^tF^Psßr A\ VyjL Listening to the Instrumental flusic in

44The World's. '^^ftil Sweetest Songs"

riii vv

'Bb *^»—g^r^^F SEJ*? cvtv w|^ fft vwL jft i jS fi "*^E% Zc fB*V I _^^Lr

Attorneys for Mortgagee. St. Paul. Minn.

[VfOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOS-1* ure Sale— A mortgage was dated, ex-ecuted and delivered on ths 25th day of Feb-ruary, 1880, by Martin Matbisen, unmarried,as mortgagor, to William F. Peel, as mort-gagee, which said mortgage was duly re-corded in the office of the Register of Deedsof Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 2Sthday of February, 1689, at 11 o'clock and 40minutes a. in , in Book 203 of Mortgages, atpage -'22.

Subsequently, to wit, on the 15th day ofMarch, A. D. 1889, the said mortgage wasduly assigned by the said William V. Peet toElizabeth Curnmiiias. by an instrument inwriting, which said instrument of assign-ment was dulyrecorded in the office theRegister of Deeds of said County, on she lothday of March, A. D. 18S9, at 5 o'clock! p. in.,in Book .'8 of Assignments, at page 148.

Subsequently, to wit, on the 13th day ofFebruary, 18;»;j, the said Elizabeth Cummingshaving died testate, and a resident ofDauphin County, Pennsylvania, letters 'testa-mentary were duly issued by the Register forProbate of Wills and granting letters of ad-ministration of said Dauphin County, Penh-sylvauia, to James Ilagau, a duly certifiedcopy of which said letters testamentary wasrecorded in the office of the Register ofDeeds of said Ramsey County, Minnesota, authe l-.'th day of iSovember. lk)4. at 2 o'clockand 20 minutes p. in., in Book 34 of Miscel-laneous, at page 266. :- gfai ;

Default has been made in the conditions,agreements and covenants of said mortgage,find there is claimed to be due, and Is."" due.the subscriber, at the date of this notice,upon the said mortgage, the sum of onethousand and fifty dollars and rJfty-six cents.

Now. therefore. Notice is hereby givan thatby virtue of the power of sale contained instii'l mortgage, and of the statute iv suchcase made and provided, Faid mortgage willbo foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged prem-ises described therein and hereinafter de-scribed, to satisfy the amount which shall atthe date of said sale be due oilsaid mortgage,together with the costs and expenses of saidstile ah allowed by law, the taxes, ifany. paidby the subscriber.and the further sum of Fif-ty dollars (3:0.00) as an attorney's fee, whichis acrced in said mortgage to be paid in oneof foreclosure. Said sale will be made at theFourth Street entrance to the Court Houseand City Hall, in the City of St. Paul. RamseyCounty, Minnesota, on Thursday, the 27tday of December, 1694, at ten o'clock in theforenoon of said any, by the Sheriff of sntdRamsey County, at public auction, to thehighest bidder for cath.

The premises described in Mid mortgageand bo to be sold are situated in the Countyor Ramsey mid BUM of Minnesota, and areknown and described as follow*:

Lot numbered tweuty-livu (25) til Blocknumbered four <4). ot uravs Addition toMcKenty's Out Lots to Saint Paul, accordingto the recorded plat thereof on file In theoffice of the Register of Deeds in and forBaldCounty of Karaiey. V

Dated >«•» 14,1894.. . JAMIS IIAQAJf,As Executor of tbe Estate ofElizabeth Cum-

mings.- UiMtiid, Assignee of Mortgage*.Ambrosi Ttaiia,

CUorney for Executor of As/tgnf 9 o^Mort-Agajjee, «lob» Bttildtog, St. hkt&&Mn%

DR. FELLER,180 East Seventhst, St. Paul Mini

Both Vocal andInstrumental.

Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronicand blood and skin diseases of both sexes,without the use of mercury or hindrancefrom business. NO CUES I?, NO PAY. Pri-vate diseases and all old, lingering caseswhere the blood has become poisoned, caus-ing ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth.pßin.s in the head and bones, and all diseasesof the kidneys and bladder are cured forlife. Men of all ages who are suffering fromthe result of youthful indiscretion or ex-cesses of mature years, producing nervous-ness, indigestion, constipation, loss or mem-ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanentlycured. . •

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People?Get It at the GlobeCounting Room,

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It is designed, not for professional musicians, societies orchurch choirs, but is pre-eminently adapted to increase thepleasure of the home-circle and render home tenfold more at-tractive to the young and doubly enjoyable for the older mem-bers of the family than it otherwise would be.

WHY PAY ABIG RENT ? Is not that what you do whenyou go to a big store and pay 50 cents for only one song in-stead of taking advantage of the "GLOBE'S" great distribu-tion of "The World's Sweetest Songs" at a cost to you of lessthan

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