THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1895. & C-^^r^^-^'-J-^ ">/vrNjl*b'^^*^^J*^ § The latest investigations by W the United States and Cana- 83 the States and Caha- " ;\u25a0§§ «y 7 7' &S m dian Governments show the .. m ?f dian Governments show the m B§J :.-:\u25a0:,-.- .*: EPC m Royal Baking Powder supe-^ *m ?p Royal Baking Powder supe- || P rior to all others in purity and ;:;., H H leavening strength, § M' Statements by other manufacturers to |jj iSS the contrary have, been declared by the §S official authorities falsifications of the x *;&• M official reports. . m Ij^jj RCYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. 85 3i|j RCYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-VOfW. 7' HOT fl FAIR DEAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DIREC- TORS TAKE ACTION ON NEW _ •7 POSTOFFICE. i WANT AN INVESTIGATION | WANT AN INVESTIGATION , ' j AS TO THE BUILDING AND A RE- , AS TO THE BUILDING AND A RE- , PORT OX NECESSARY V> CHANGES. , *. '. •.•_ SIXTH STREET FRONT IS BAD. SIXTH STREET FRONT IS BAD. St. Paul Donated a Valuable Site on Certain Conditions— E. V. . *, Sinai ley Honored .'*'• ' The chamber of commerce elected officers yesterday morning, and adopt- j ed a resolution toward securing larger I appropriations for the new govern- | ment building. The president of the chamber is now E. V. Smalley, the well known editor of the Northwest >iagazine. The election was in the hands of the I Slew board of directors that was i chosen last Monday. Col. Clough, | nominated by Mr. Hodgson, declined j to assume the office' for another term, I and Mr. Smalley received the vote of j the chamber, cast by Secretary Beau- I mont. " •' j The new president made a pleasing 1 speech of acceptance, in which he ! congratulated the chamber upon the personnel of its present board the best it has had during its twenty-five ' years' existence. He believed that ! the influence of the chamber would j increase, the evident revival of trade. ! , This revival was clear for several I reasons, among which were the in- . creased activity in both wholesale and retail lines, the new business and resi- dence houses being- put up, and the augmented value of wheat.- The lat- ter item alone, on a basis of 15 or 20 cents a bushel, would add to the farm- ers* revenue $15,000,000 or $20,000,000. ' The directors next elected the re- gaining officers as follows: E. W. Peet, first vice president; C. P. Noyes, second vice president; F. W. Ander- son, treasurer. The executive com- mittee will choose the secretary. Col. Clough, the retiring president, was awarded the thanks of the cham- ber for his faithful and efficient serv- ices, and responded appropriately. In order that the committee on statistics and correspondence might be ready to co-operate in census mat- ters, it was appointed at ' once by President Smalley. Its members are H. A. Castle,. chairman; Messrs. An- drews, Wheeler, Tighe, and Prof. Gilbert. The resolution regarding the appro- priation for the new postoffice was •then introduced at the suggestion of Congressman Kiefer, who was on the floor. When the resolution had been read, Col. Kiefer briefly ad- dressed the directors, pointing out the propriety of taking the action recommended. The chamber not only adopted the resolution at once, but extended its thanks to the congress- man. The resolution in full reads": .Whereas, The city, of St. Paul do- nated to the government of the United States the present site upon which the new customs house and postoffice building is being erected; and, .Whereas, no other city of like size Comin' through the Tfcat's the way Uncle Sam's Monogram That's the way Uncle Sam's Monogram ewes to the consumer through the medium if that most nutritious grain, Rye. UMGLE SAM'S MONOGRAM RfIONOQRAM WHISKEY a of JVUSr^XyOVC AGE}, entirely tec from tusel oil poison and has a most jleasant flavor, and is of great medicinal ralue. . SAMPLE BOTTLE •it your Druggists or Dealers makes you a iiend and keeps you as such. Don't trifle with "miscellaneous" whiskies. : Get Uncle Sam's— lt is puro and good. The name on •very bottle, Ceo. Ben*; & Sons, is a guar* fcutce. \u25a0-\u25a0•'. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0!-'.. '..-..<.- ' I and commercial importance has do- I nated a site for a public building;, and, j Whereas, It is understood, that '; in consideration of this magnificent gift to the general government on the part ! of the city of St. Paul a building com- mensurate with the demands, growth and development of the city would be erected at a cost not less than $1,500,000; and, - ;Y: V- . Whereas, A bill was passed in the I senate of the United States during the Fifty-first congress appropriating the j sum of $1,500,000 for the erection of said I building, whereupon the city of St. Paul, acting in good faith, made its 1 deed of the site to the United States; and, Whereas, Late in the session of the said Fifty-first congress the house of representatives cut the appropriation to $800,000; and, Whereas, During the Fifty-second congress a bill passed the senate in- creasing the limit of the cost of said building to $1,100,000, and was also fa- vorably reported from the committee on public buildings and grounds, with an amendment to make the limit $1,300,- - and, ; ;; 77.77 ''--\u25a0 Whereas, At the last session of con- gress the committee on public build- ings and grounds reported favorably ! for an increase of $200,000 to be ap- ' propria ted for the completion of the said building; and, 7:7"';7Y | Whereas, The increasing business of the United States federal courts, | United States revenue, customs house, postoffice, surveyor general. Tenth ' division United States mail service and j other public offices render it necessary I that the building should be increased j in size, space and dimensions in order j that the public be served conveniently; i and. Whereas, Since the plans were made i whereby the Sixth street entrance is I made a rear part of the building, and | Sixth street now being the main thor- oughfare of all streets converging. at : said building, thereby rendering it the j main source of travel to and from said building; and, ' - - V 7,'Y Whereas, Said building, which is to be for the service of coming genera- ! tions, should not have a rear entrance I on a principal and leading street, and i the house committee on public build- j ings and grounds having stated in its I report at the last session of congress I the following: -.. \u0084± „.. "To erect a building which is to stand for all time to come, and leave the_rear entrance on Sixth street, would in the opinion of the committee oh the 'show- ing made before it, and on the in- formation furnished by the supervising architect, be a most serious . and un- justifiable mistake." Now, therefore, be it . . Resolved, the chamber of commerce of the city of St. Paul,' at a regular meeting held on the 3d day of June, 1895, that the honorable secretary- of the treasury be requested to detail a competent person from the office of the supervising architect -to visit St. : Paul for the purpose of examining the construction of said building, the needs of increased room in same, the neces- sity of changing the Sixth street front and all other matters as set forth in the foregoing preamble, and that the said person so detailed make a report on the entire subject to the supervising architect or to the secretary of the treasury previous to Dec. 1, 1895. An important feature of the meeting was the appointment by the new' presi- dent of fifteen members to constitute i*<- cxc -it ye committee for the en- suing year. Cf this committee the president is, ex-officio, chairman. Fol- lowing are the names of the gentle- men appointed: E. W. Feet, J. W. Bishop, C W. Hackett, H. A. Castle, Charles P. Noyes, W. H. Light ncr, John B. Sanborn, W. P. Clough, Robert A. Kirk, A. H. Ltndek" Richards Gordon, F. W. Anderson, M. •Auerbach, John D. Ludd-jn, C. 31. Power. CITY NOTATIONS. - The board of aldermen committee on streets wilj meet at 2. p. today. ' The summer school for girls at the experiment station will close in Fri- day. -\u25a0**. ..' Gen. Mason has taken up his perma- nent residence since his retirement at 554 Holly avenue. » Lieut. Sturgis, recently transferred, with Gen. Merritt, to Chicago, was at army headquarters' yesterday ton a brief official visit. Thursday evening, at Standard hall, the ladies of Mount Zion congregation will give a select literary entertain- ment, to ba followed by a hop. zX- Lieut. Col. Moale is still in charge at Fort Snelling. Col. Page is not ex-' pected to arrive before the latter end of this week or the first of next. " Lieut. Quay, of Gen." Brooke's staff, left Saturday evening for his home at Beaver, Pa.: to attend the wedding of a brother. He will return this week. ' Tb*s musical attraction at Lake Como next Sunday will Danz's band. This organization, in its new form, gave such thoroughly excellent satisfaction at Como Decoration day that it has been engaged to appear at Como for two or three Sundays to come. There will be a meeting of the board of education tomorrow night, when the list of high school graduates will be gone over and approved. The board will also consider the course of study for the coming year, especially with reference to the proposed changes in the manual school course. County Legislation Light. : " - . The session of the county commis- sioners yesterday, though of unusual- length, was confined almost exclusively to -business. Commissioner > Joyce occupied the seat heretofore held: by Robert Seng and takes Seng's place on all the committees, with the ex- ception of the committee on claims. ;-';\u25a0 No Inquest on Sopp. Coroner Whitcomb has decided to hold no inquest on the remains of John Sopp, the unfortunate young invalid- who was killed by a<,car on University- avenue last Saturday evening. He is of the opinion that Sopp came to his death by his own, negligence. 7 ' : ~^> \u25a0;\u25a0.",..-*'\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0-*»• \u25a0* - j- --v*> ". Organ Recital Tonight. - The fifth of the series of six organ recitals will be given this evening at Park Congregational " church by J. I Warren Andrews, assisted by Claude * Madden, violinist; Miss. Annie 7 Mc- Dougall, organist; ' Master : Harold S. \ Yale,- soprano, and Miss OlgaJZapf,- violinist, - 'XxllljEL >J^i^^££jCX:, HUSTONS tfEfliW. JUDGE ORR GRANTS A CONTIN- UANCE TO THE VICIOUS COL- ORED TRAMP. ADDITIONAL CHARGES MADE. IT IS ASSERTED THAT HE HAS BEEN INSULTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN. CLARENCE CARRES BAD WORK. Samuel Carr Asserts It "Was His ::'.'. Brother "Who Abused His Wife. YYTr In the municipal court yesterday ap- peared Huston Osborne, who had such a narrow escape from death by the expeditious route of the rope in the 'hands of a dozen enraged citizens at an early hour Sunday morning, for attempted assault on pretty Frieda Kachel at 1093 Iglehart street. It de- veloped yesterday that Osborne is not a total stranger in this city, at least not in the neighborhood where his de- signs were so happily frustrated. He has been loitering in and around Mer- riam Park and St. Anthony Park for more than two: weeks, and when a Globe reporter learned of this, it became evident that he has harbored the worst intentions not only against womenjut against little children, as well. Tony Dapron, an employe of the Western Union Telegraph company, who resides in the Midway district, in conversation. with the reporters yester- day morning, said: , 7 .'!'\u25a0'-?. "I am almost positive that this fel- low is the same one who has been hanging around my place during the past two weeks, and it seems so strage . to me that he was not rounded up long ago. One evening my little daughter, about eight years old, came running into the house and informed me of a man whose description agrees with that of Osborne and how he had fright- ened her and some of her little friends on the sidewalk. He did not confine himself to this, but also insulted ser- vants who happened along with babies in carriages. His remarks were of- fensive and vile, . and he was daring enough to approach almost any lady. 1 believe he should be handled without gloves, and while I am opposed to lynching under any circumstances, I believe that a long term in prison would just about give' him his deserts." Others were seen and the tales told by all conform with the story of Mr. Dapron.. Osborne's entire account of himself, it is safe to say, is a, lot of un- mitigated falsehoods. He contradicts himself continually, and the police have about arrived at the conclusion that he is indeed the worthless scoun- drel he is painted. Osborne was brought before Judge Orr yesterday morning, heavily shackled and under a double guard. He was extremely nervous and apparently not certain of the protection afforded him by the officers. He remained be- fore his honor but a few minutes be- cause of a continuance granted him until Tuesday, June 11. F. L. McGhee is his attorney, and when, the charge of assault was made, it was changed to burglary in the first degree, the in- * tent of breaking into the house be- ing criminal assault. The court fixed the bail at $1,500, in default of which Osborne was returned behind the bars. 7 ALD. MILHAM'S VISITOR. "Z During yesterday Aid. Milham told an incident of a similar nature to that which - occurred at the Kachel home as having taken place -about 3:30 of the same morning at his * house, 1615 St. Anthony avenue. The alderman's residence is about a mile further out He said that about the hour mentioned he was aroused from sleep by the screams of his servant girl. When he reached the young woman's room a rather tall, but slim and agile, light- colored man jumped out of the win- dow and ran pell-mell through the neighboring fields toward Merriam Park. . --^X^:- -.77Y7 Mr. Milham called his hired man, and after both had dressed they pro- ceeded to give chase. This, however, availed them nothing, because of the advantageous start the marauder had. Mr. Milham feels certain that the in- truder was the same person who half an hour later endeavored to gain an entrance ~ into the Kachel residence. The description given by Mr. Milham corresponds with that of the man un- der arrest, and it is not improbable that the alderman will be on hand at the time of the trial next Tuesday to; appear as a witness. 7 .'7 CLARENCE CARR?S WORK. Sam Carr Believes His Brother - Assaulted His Wife.. \ The police are somewhat reticent about any clue which might be in their possession as to the whereabouts 'of Clarence D. Carr, who is strongly sus- pected of having brutally beaten and robbed the wife of his elder brother, Samuel D., at a very early hour yes- terday morning, in her flat at 248 West Third street. \u25a0 .H77 7 -;*\u25a0-. It appears that about 2 o'clock the officer at Seven corners heard cries for help issuing from a second-story win- dow at the number given. He hurried to the room, and, being unable to open the door, forced his way in. He struck a match, and saw a woman lying on the bed in a pitiable condition. . She had been sandbagged on both sides ' of her head, and bears evidences of the force with which the blows were ad- ministered. When spoken to, she said that she was .rudely awakened by somebody moving stealthily about the room. She was ,so badly frightened that, all power of speech failed her, and before she could gain '. her ' com- posure she felt a hand at her throat, which was clutched so tightly that she almost lost consciousness. The last she remembers is that she re- ceived a terrible blow over the right eye just above the temple. It is apparent . the intruder was not satis- fied* with the effect this one blow might have on his victim, and struck her a second time over the left eye, two big lumps being the result The officer at once dispatched one of the neighbors for the woman's hus- band, who, however, arrived before the message was imparted to him. He was at a loss to understand what could have been the burglar's motive until further investigations" were made, when it was developed that Mrs. Carr's pocketbook, containing $18, was miss- ing. Suspicion was immediately aroused and pointed strongly to Clar- ence, who was the only person present when Samuel gave his wife the money, and who knew where the money was hidden. Clarence is a printer, and he has been out of employment for some time, and Sam being his only relative in the -city he made his home with the - latter whenever he was out of funds. During Sunday, afternoon there had . been company at the house, and while : Samuel Carr and his wife were enter- taining the guests _at . lnnch in, the evening Clarence busied himself around - the parlor and j playing ion the piano. The instrument had teen so placed in the room that it prevented an entrance through the door from the hallway. The key , was in the door from the : parlor side, and late yesterday it was ! observed' by Mr. Carr that the - piano - had I been" moved \u25a0 just.far enough ": to adjcait the Bliprjlpg in <;£ a person, and 4»«*WSSS®M4M'-SS®S-MM«9S9S.MM99SSeOM Ji2 "'" '?":*J *'~q'' '"'" z-XX..:.- _" There is a tide in the affairs of men if - . .32 ''MJ''" .:.*** ~ 7 .'•.-; taken at its flood, leads on to fortune." \u25a0""- yP nL p W \u25a0 r** \u25a0 © -ST of Bargains is now rolling- in in our nt & H «^ *^^ § l| -«*f^ establishment. We are more than g& '®': M Si %tV '-* 3 1 I»**J 'tLiI/ s^tisfied-with the number of custom- £& @L " " ers who took advantage of the op- gfe A , portunity.to secure good, substantial Househeld Furniture at less than second-hand gfe rfc prices. Below we quote a few bargains for today. Remember, every article is nt nt first-class, coming out of the Qainby;& Abbott stock" excepting- the second-hand nt Qt goods and Carpets. 7%7Y y -: yV |^ Elegant Brass 8ed5. .. .7 ..;.'... Former Price, $25.00. Sale Price, $16.00 A A Elegant Iron 8ed5................;.. ...... ...V. ; Former Price, .$12.50. Sale Price, $6.50 g& J**? I Enameled Brass-Trimmed Iron Beds .......... ...Former Price, 510.50. Sale Price, $5.50 Ilk '•w Enameled Brass-Trimmed Iron 8ed5. .. ......... ... .Former Price, $11.00. Sale Price, $5.75 % 9 ' Leather Easy Chair, large size, stuffed with hair 7..; Former Price, $45.00. Sale Price, $26.00 ® -^ . Leather Easy Chair, Shaw frame, stuffed with hair.Former Price, $22.50. Sale Price, $12.50 @ .QV Leather Easy Chair, Shaw frame, stuffed with hair.Former Price, $25.00. Sale Price, $14.00 fi^ nt Leather Easy Chair, Shaw frame, stuffed with Former Price, $27.50. Sale Price, $16.50 CM 5k Leather Couch, very .fine, stuffed with hair. .... ... Former Price, $30.00. Sale Price, $1 7.50 S . *p2 One of those elegant Sideboards left ;. Former Price, $125.00. Sale Price, $58.00 7*2 •fis \u25a0 7 Handsome Oak Bedroom Suits. .'. . Former Price, $60.00. Sale Price, $32.50 Q5 8 Handsome Oak Cheval Bedroom Suits. .7 ... ... .... .Former Price, $25.00. Sale Price, $12.00 © J& 15 White Ash Bedroom Suits. ..'... Former Price, $22.00. Sale Price, 0.00 (§§ £& 25 Good Secondhand Bedroom Suits, let them go at. .... ... .. .-; '. $7.50 £& ®* ' , Good Steel Bed Springs, worth $5.00, let them go at . ; .... ';... .... $2.00 M ™~~~™~ P S'T-HESE bargains must be seen in order to be ap- IT —_ ._ -***\u25a0!• C, 1 t *V @ ,7; *7 preciated. We have a complete line of Car- . iI2V3IIH^II U JOIHISOtI © Qt pets, Rugs, Folding Beds, Chiffoniers, Writing \ 777 Qt Jjl Desks, Wardrobes, Easy Chairs, Rockers, Parlor " - . : -\u0084" . x-W I¥2 Suits, Extension Tables, Center Tables and Fine ... /TfUGTION EEf^S... . S *<*P Mahogany Library Tables. All will be sold at . ... . '7V •§§) -| \u25a0 gSSpSi to those quoteil above. A" 22 and 24 E. Seventh Street. _ § (s^©@^@@©©©®@®®©©®®®®®®@#©®©®TO®©©^® SO •d^~7Y- The bustling activity in this department yester- t! w B^" tC^ day was something phenomenal, even for us. M. A "Mm. \, J Perhaps some were prevented from calling on ac- '"''\u25a0 '• •'-'-" - __ count of the threatening weather. These are for -*m,mmm***************mmwmmm***m*w' Tuesday: "m . 1 that the door key was gone. It was at first supposed that whoever the in- truder was he effected an \u25a0 entrance from the rear, but inasmuch as Clar- ence was the only person outside of the family who was aware of the key in the door, Samuel says there Is not the least doubt but that his brother is the guilty man. The latter has not been seen since Sunday evening, and where merely suspicion prevailed be- fore there exists now a determined effort to apprehend him at any cost. "He is the man, and he need not ex- pect any mercy at my hands , when he is caught," said. Samuel last evening, "because I shall have him punished to the full extent of the law. Here we have helped him along for some time, fed him when he was hungry and shel- tered' him when he had no place to lay his head, and then to turn around and show' such an ingratitude; it Beats all." Mrs. Carr has been shown all con- sideration at the hands of the neigh- bors, and two of the ladles in the vicinity are constantly In attendance upon her. Dr. Jones has also admin- istered' to her during the entire day, and, while he has worked hard to diminish" the ; swelling, he has sue*;. .ceedectbut little. It is evident that the fiend did not stop short of anything to render the woman .unconscious, be- cause : the J marks his finger nails have left are sure to remain for a long time. ; *| Clarence D. Carr is described as -a. young man about twenty-one years of age, 5 feet 7 inches \in height, and weighing about 135 pounds.: .His hair is light brown, a la pompadour, his eyes are gray and his upper lip is adorned with a slight stubby.* mus- tache. 7"':\ r'; 7Y 77 ' rY-Y7-; -~ One J fact .which \ makes Samuel, so certain that it was the work . of his brother, is that a necktie pin Clarence always wore * was found on.the floor near the bed where the struggle took place. It also turned out that he struck the woman with a sock filled with gravel stories. 7 Samuel is at sea as to the where- abouts of his .brother, but he is firm in the 'belief that the rascal is some- where in hiding in the city. . REGISTERED TRAVELERS. At the Ryan— ' Hull, Albany, N. : V. ; , Henry - Feig, - Atwater; E. J. Chapel, ' Farmington,' Minn.; Smith Hoyt, Farmlngton, Wis.; Fred West- phal, Dubuque. - \u25a0 : Registered .yesterday at the Com- mercial club were: S. S. Breed, Roch- ester, N. Y. Christ Campbell, Mena- sha, Wis.; C. K. Danvers, Kansas City; C. W. Van -Tuyl, Minneapolis; \u25a0 H. H. Tuechter,' Cincinnati. 7 At the Ryan— J.' F. Vaile, Denver; F. H. Rockwell,* Warren, Pa.; J. D. Far- rell, Spokane; D. A. Holmes, Sioux City; R. W. , Breckenridge, John D. Howe, Omaha; H. •R. Holmes, . Port- land, Or.; H. A. Clover, St. Louis; H. -BY Hill, Faribault; L. B. Morehouse, New York. '.-. X;': .\u25a0..-.-\u25a0 ; -7 At the Merchants'— B. McLlrder, Duluth; C. D. .Wright Fergus Falls; F. L. Brlden, Neche, N. D. ; J. H. Up- ham, Duluth; Davis Willson, Boze- man, Mont.; J. V. Rosser, San Fran- cisco; J. Johnston . and wife, Fargo; Joseph Roach, Northfield; W. J. Ives, Hutchinson; W. C. Jensen, Fairmount. At the Windsor— P. Utley, New York; Fred Gallup, Milwaukee; S. ;L. Drake, Chicago; Dr. E. B. Jackson and daughter, Menominee, Wis.; A. S. Churchill and wife, Omaha; »E. T. Likes, Dcs Moines; J. K. Kew, Eau Claire; James Cammack, Marshall- town, Io.;;C. C. Follit, Fergus Falls; J. E. Jones. Portage, Wis. At Hotel Metropolitan— O. C. Harper, Dubuque; D. J. Martin, Chicago; Daniel Buck, Mankato; Raymond Bar- torch; Jackson, Mich.; R. H. Dillon, Chicago; C. N. Goddard, Decorah, la.; C. M. Whipple, New York; F. G. Green, St. Louis. At the Sherman— W. B. White, Staples, Minn.; E. E. Daniels, Staples. Minn.; D. P. R. Strong, East Grand Forks, Minn. ; George Knudson, Sleepy Eye, Minn.;'Lorner Semper and wife, Dubuque, la. ; ; C. M. Cartley. Milton, N. D. ; G. M. Lampland, Hayfield, Minn. All the Comforts of Home. The Chicago Great Western Railway | has placed in regular service. beautiful new Compartment Sleeping Cars of the very latest pattern." . - Excursion tickets now on sale to the principal points East, West and South. Dining car service ala carte. City Ticket Office, 364 Robert street, corner Fifth. .7 \ ;'- _-,..: . ' Iff. P. REORGANIZATION. 7t^ Chairman Adams - Talks of His Recent Conference With Mor- gan, : .., . NEW YORK, June Chairman Ed- ward D. Adams, of \u25a0 the Northern Pa- cific reorganization committee, who re- turned from Europe on Saturday even- ing, said today to an Associated Press representative he was called ';. abroad unexpectedly by. cable and had a con- ference in London with J. Pierpont Morgan, representatives of the Deut- sche bank, and the Great. Northern railway interests. "After that I went to Berlin and conferred with four sep- arate Northern Pacific committees. . All I care ; to say now is t,hat I have returned with full authority •to - con- tinue my work in the preparation of a plan jfor | the . reorganization :of . the Northern^ Pacific Railway company. I am not now prepared to ; talk of jthe affairs of the Northern. Pacific road any more than I have just done." \u25a0\u25a0'"-..':.' \u25a0 .... '. . -v -.'\u25a0•* 7 -'\u25a0-\u25a07-i -' WeckJs Earnings of C, M. & St." P. 7 CHICAGO, June 3. -East-bound ship- ments . last week amounted- to : 38,009 . tons,:' against 47,213 -. for -the " preceding week J and 1 49,417 1 for the corresponding ; "week of last year. - Tho roads carried tonnage as follows: Michigan Cen- tral, 2,542; Wabash, 1,879; Lake Shore,* 3,999; Fort Wayne, 7,995; Panhandle, i 3,116; Baltimore & Ohio, 4,007; Grand - Trunk, 5,452; Nickel Plate, 3,281; Erie, ; 3,846; Big " Four, .-\u25a0 2,800. \u0084 1 - Shipments were made up of the fol- : lowing articles,* in tons: Flous, 1,896; •„. grain and millstuffs, : 13,923; provis- ' ions, lard, etc., 6,185; dressed beef, 7,742; ; butter, 1,618; hides, 1,021; lumber, 5,335; 1 miscellaneous, 1,189. Lake shipments i for the week amounted to 74,092 tons. t TWIN CITY ASSOCIATION. ; Meeting Will Probably De Called ! Friday. I .CHICAGO, June 3.— lt is probable j that a meeting will be held in St. Paul ; Friday to form a local passenger . as- '. sociation for St. Paul and Minneapo- : lis. V /:'-; '. :"Z 7 '[.-. '\u25a0 ''--'.' I j WeekS East-Bound Shipments. Week's East-Hound Shipments. CHICAGO, June 3.—The earnings of . the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul '. for the fourth week of May were $716,- - a decrease of $32,565 from the cor- responding week of last year. ; \u0084 ir- \u25a0 . . - : . \u25a0- " ;'-Y Passenger Association for Chicago Pnssenger Association for Chicago CHICAGO, June 3.— Chairman Cald- ! well, of the Western Passenger Lines i Passenger association, has called a j meeting for Wednesday of this week ! for the purpose of forming a local association similar to those formed re- cently in St. Louis* and -Kansas City. LOCAL, RAILROAD NOTES. V . '.- John T. Conley, .. assistant general passenger and commercial agent of the -Milwaukee, is' attending to official i business in : Chicago, but will return j in a day or two. V " 1 ' Supt. B. F. Egan, of the Chicago .Great .Western' railway, at South. Des 'Moines, is in the city. \u25a0-.- -Y.,'7... ' \u25a0 .. One of the passengers on the first \u25a0voyage of the elegant new steamer North-West to arrive at Duluth on the \u25a0 16th : inst. ": is F. I. Whitney, of the Great Northern passenger depart- ment. He has been on a flying visit throughout the East. 7*7 The slashing « of the freight rates to points in Texas by. the Missouri, Kansas & Texas and the Cotton Belt roads is demoralizing that business on all the Northwestern connecting lines, and much' uneasiness and appre- hension is manifested; as to the final outcome of the reductions. 7 TWIN CITY BONDS GILT-EDGED. New York Savings Banks May. Now Invest in Them. \u25a0'-.-' ALBANY, N. V., June 3.—Gov. Mor- ton has affixed his official signature to a bill which will be of some inter- est, and possibly financial importance, to Minneapolis and St. Paul. In a word, it is a bill designed to enlarge the list of securities in which savings banks in the Empire state may invest < their deposits andvthe accrued interest, and the list of - securities \u25a0 thus made available by savings banks includes "the stocks or bonds of the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.". There Is one clause in the bill, which became a law by the governor's signature, which the city authorities wil do well to bear in mind - if they contemplate doing business with the New York savings institutions. It is this: "If at any time the indebtedness of any of said cities, less its water debt and sinking fund, shall exceed 7 per centum of its valua- tion for purposes of taxation, its bonds and stocks shall thereafter, and until such indebtedness shall be reduced to 7 per centum of the valuation for the purposes of taxation, cease to be an authorized investment for the moneys of savings banks, but the superintend- ent of the banking department may, in his discretion, require any savings bank to sell such bonds or stocks of said city as may have been purchased prior to said increase of debt." G. A. R. AT ATLANTA. G. A. It. AT ATLANTA. Immense Crowds 'Expected at the Opening' of Exposition. *.:, ATLANTA, Ga., June 3.— C.E. Har- man, general passenger agent of the Western & Atlantic railroad, notified the exposition company today that he had closed a contract for hauling 25,- - members of the G. A. R. from Chattanooga to Atlanta on the 20th i of September. The Confederate vet- erans will come from all points to meet the G. A. R. . men, and It is thought not less than 50,000" visitors will be here on that occasion. It is estimated that on the opening day, Sept. 18, when ' President Cleveland and his cabinet will be here, the crowd will not be less than 100,000.7 J. DISTRICT COURT ROUTINE. NEW CASES. 61,691— the matter of the application of Anna Walla to opportion taxes. on certain real estate; order allowing re- demption. '"7 "7 7 ~ '\u25a0:-( 61,163— Weyerhaeuser & Co. vs. Anoka Timber and Supply Company; action to recover $545.15 on a note. COURT OF APPEALS. Cases Heard, Opinions Rendered and Orders Made. .7.7 The 'United States circuit court of appeals yesterday heard- cases, an- nounced ". opinions and made orders as follows: . V.7 OPINIONS ANNOUNCED. . . 530—The American Employers' Lia- " bility Insurance Company, plaintiff in error, vs. William P. Barr. Error to j United " Sltates . circuit 'court, " District of Colorado.' ' ': Affirmed with costs. j ; Opinion by Judge" Thayer. - 541—William V Roggenkamp, appel- I lant, vs.; John Roggenkamp et al.7Ap- j \u25a0 peal from United ; States ; circuit court, ' : District : of ; Nebraska. , Reversed with- out costs* and remanded for ; further proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of the court. Opinion by Judge Sanborn. $ 77 I 557—First National Bank of Lonsdale, I Perm., plaintiff in error, vs. The Board j of County Commissioners of Wyan- I dotte county. Error to the United j States circuit court, District of Kan- sas. Affirmed with costs. Opinion by Judge Thayer. 553— Wisconsin Trust Company, ap- pellant-, vs. Robinson-Cary Company. Appeal from United States circuit court, District of North Dakota. Af- firmed with costs. Opinion by Judge Sanborn. 586— William McFarlin, plaintiff in error, vs. The First National Bank of Kansas City, Kan., et al. United States circuit court, district of Kan- sas. Reversed with costs and remand- ed with direction for a new trial. Opinion by Judge Thayer. The following orders were entered by the presiding judge: 3SB— B. Kohnweiler et al., vs. The J Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook- j lyn. Error to United States circuit court, .district of Kansas. Petition for rehearing by defendant in error i denied. [f. Francis I. Gowan, receiver, plain- tiff in error, vs. W. N. Bush. Error j to. United States court, Indian Terri- j tory. Continued to December term, 1895, by stipulation. 590—George .;H. Hastings, attorney I general et al., appellants, vs. Oliver I Ames et al. 591— George H. Hastings, attorney \u25a0 general, et al., appellants, vs. Henry L. Higginson et al. Appeal from United States circuit court, district of Ne- I braska. Submitted on statements of points unsolved, without argument. [ 591—Cudahy Packing Company, plain- | tiff in error, vs. Sioux National Bank j of Sioux' City, 10. Error to \u0084U nited j States -circuit court, district of Ne- I braska." Argued by T. J. Mahoney for I appellant, by R. W. Breckenridge for appellees, and cause submitted. GOl— R. Hardy, plaintiff In error, vs. United States court, Indian Territory. | Continued to adjourned term, on mo-' tion of plaintiff in error. Kuox County, Mo., plaintiff in error, . vs. , W. H. Norton. Error to United States circuit court, Eastern district of Missouri. Argued by plain- tiff in error and submitted on. brief by i defendant in error. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, DEATHS Marriages. Daniel Byrnes Sarah Lee Daniel Byrnes Sarah Lee I G. R. O'Reilly.... Katherine F. O'Leary I E. E. Jones, Min'eap's..Mrs. P. A. Noel | Otto Schmalzbauer Ida Chappatter ! Adolph J. Fetsch Laura Barbeau i James Noskadny Mary Harof : Jamen I ummer ..Rosey Harof Jad Olson Alfreida S. Carlson B. McCabe, Spok?.--e. Wash.... J. Parle .77: IHrtlis. j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lefedie Boy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lefedie Boy I Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gillis... Girl j -Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Clapp Boy j Mr and Mrs. Kaufer Girl j Mr. and Mrs. John Strecker Boy j Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Berg Girl j Mr. and Mra Meschter Boy I Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sauerwein Girl i Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Jordan Boy I Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. De Corsay.Boy | Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce Girl i Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Klassell. ..Girl | Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dana Girl | Mr. and Mrs. August Shirdin Boy Mr. and Mrs. Simon Llpschitz Boy 1 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Oestreich Boy Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kaufmann Girl Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Fritschle...Boy Mr. and Mrs. John Grybowski Boy Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mirve Girl Mr: and Mrs. Thorwald Dahl Girl Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindquist Boy Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perrard. Girl Mr. and Mrs. John Beissel Boy Deaths. Mabel Furey, 735 Burr 9 mos, Mabel Furey, 735 Burr 9 mos. B. Di Bene, 730 Ravine... ;........ 42 yrs, Sarah McNaughton, Woodbury.. 29 yrs. Lizzie Conlin, 1895 Walthorn 30 yrs. Edward Cota, St. Joseph's :..ll yrs. John Sapp, c. and c. hospital 38 yrs. Emma Nagel, Belmont and 0hi0. 3 yrs. DIED* 1 PARKS— EIIen Josephine Parks, June 2d, 1895, . daughter of Charles E. and Josephine Parks, 354 Jenks st. Fun- eral from the house June 4th, 2 o'clock, fi.'77'i .77 AMUSEMENTS. Metropolitan. Metropolitan, THIRD WEEK I Two performances daily, the |EELSTONE Alhambra Vaudevi les. •IrfirMi-Sa Alhambra Vaudevilles." NELSON FAMILY Trilby Heart Souvenirs for GREATEST all .ladies who purchase ON seats for the Matinees this. EARTH. I week. Another Packed House. ; 7-; QtGRANBHw, THE Tonight, Tomorrow Matineo THE Tonight, Tomorrow Matiueo BEST 7-20-8. BEST 7-20-8. PLAY Thursday and balance of YET PRE- week< SENTED. A Scrap of Paper. ' Sat. Mat— LITTLE LORD FAUN'TLEROY. Next Sunday— CAPT. SWIFT. BASE BALL BASEBALL TODAY. TODAY. St. Paul vs. Toledo! Ctauio Called at 4 O'clock, - Gain© Called at 4 O'Cloe**,, MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR- «BSa f*nra-l-o The SI quality for 0 -if 10§3S1 lb Colored Dress Goods Dept* Wondrous Price Changes in Summer Fabrics. Today we offer our entire stock more than 8,000 yards of *fl £& . choicest styles of French Printed Ail-Wool Challies, at I SFC The usual 50c and 60c qualities, dark and light grounds. YARD. Our stock of WORSTED STORM SERGES and CHEVIOTS, in Navy and Black, has been replenished. We are showing, without doubt, the best values at 25c, 50c, 59c, 63c :*'*-* 78c '>• yard to bo found anywhere. Corner Sixth anil Rofiert Sts., St. Paul, niinn. * xmmmxtttamut^ \u25a0 ii-m^.«.*mm— ——»»—— .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0m^m i in \u25a0\u25a0 ********************** mmmmmmmmm \u25a0—^mmmmmmm mount Vernon.:::::: Rye whisky is made from rye and rye malt only. In the open market, in barrels, it commands a higher price to the trade than any other brands, on account of its recognized superiority. It is bottled at the distillery with the guaranty label of the distillery company on each bottle, vouching for its purity and original condition. It costs something more than most other whiskies. The paying this advance insures to the buyer The Best Rye Whiskey Made, with a guaranty that will be found entirely satisfactory. Buy the distillery bottling, in square bottles, the caps of which are wired and sealed. •\u25a0 SS SS ss & \u25a0 ss ss ss I It Is tylefely g g It Is Merely s| S3 S3 2^& V* *T\ tf*. T3"V "H"H"B"^ 1 Jf &b^ ssl-vl 11 11 1 H In A H ss ssilllllll n/l-L ss ss ss S3 S3 S3 . ss ss That beautiful Gom-ss §pSeXion is JtE/\LTH-,8 r~ f^*^ 8 preserved by Ripans g SS *e»3 § Tabules. g 8 Ripans Tabules puri-|s ss ss gfy the blood, clear theg gfy the blood, clear the g 8 skin of blemishes andss ss §make life more worth 8 £?• sS ss living. ss ss living. ss *«**»*>Y^ *^***i £?*& **s^2 2C& Gents a Yard ffiO At 8:30 A.M. Our 49c quality White Habutai, 24 inches wide. 39 Cents at 8:30 A. HI. What's left of that 24-inch $1 Black Surah. \u25a0fcO Cents a Yard. t'2oo pieces— l,ooo yards— Pure Jap- 200 pieces— l,ooo yards— Pure Jap- anese . Habutai Wash Silks. The latest ideas in Stripes, Checks and Cable Cords.. *§& Cents a Yard. All our $1.75, 81.50 and 81.38 Pure All ourSl.7S, 81.50 and 81.38 Pure Sewing Silk Grenadines. Nearly 100 patterns to choose from. *\%W*9 Cents a Yard. 1 case of 50 pieces extra fine 26- --inch wide Pure Silk Shantong, for Ladies' Skirts and Waists and for Children's Wear. The regular price was 50c. Wash Goods Dept. Wash Goods Dept. REMNANTS OF Shirting Percales, worth 12i-»c; Zephyr Ginghams, 'worth 10c and j 12><c; Flemish Lawns, worth 15c, and Corded Batiste worth P*» 15c; all short lengths,from I*^ /X recent special sales. Will (Jfy go this morning at 9 o'clock for. YARD, j .^""We are .agents for Revnier Kid Gloves, Perrin's Peerless Walk- ing Gloves and Maggioni Gloves. 53 *2> Gents a Yard. Over 300 pieces Taffeta Figured and Changeable Silks, Stripes and ChineoPrinted Silks. Were ail tha way from 75c to §1.50. 88 Cents a Yard. Over 300 pieces carefully selected Printed Warp Taffeta Chine Silks, fine Cannele Stripes, Gros de Lon- dres, Fancy Taffetas, Fancy Stripes, with Pompadour figures. Our rich- est, most stylish silks all the new designs- many worth up to 92.50 a yard. The new price for Tuesday will be 88c a Yard. \u25a0 5F Cents a Yard. 50 pieces Pure Silk Black Habtl* tai. The regular price was 48c. SW Cents a Yard. 25 pes. 24-in. extra quality double warp Black Surah. The actual value is SI. OO. BLACK SILK REMNANTS. A big double table full at nearly | half-price. | Hosiery and Underwear Department. Greatest assortment of Ladies' and Children's Thin Hosiery and Underwear in the Northwest. Prices guaranteed lowest for equal qualities. DEEP CUT IN UNION SUITS Your choice of best qualities Ypsi- lanti or Phyllis Sea Island Cotton and Lisle Thread Union d»-j QP" ! Suits; 84 and $4.50 quali- A|,Q!) ties x §1.00 quality Union suits, 49 cents. '.) ic quality Silk Vests, in cents. We otter the best Stockings In America— tans and fast black— for '2~>c, 33 and i>Uc a pair.

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1895-06-04 [p 8]...THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1895. C-^^r^^-^'-J-^">/vrNjl*b'^^*^^J*^ The latest investigations by

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1895-06-04 [p 8]...THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1895. C-^^r^^-^'-J-^">/vrNjl*b'^^*^^J*^ The latest investigations by


C-^^r^^-^'-J-^ ">/vrNjl*b'^^*^^J*^

§ The latest investigations by Wthe United States and Cana- 83the States and Caha- " ;\u25a0§§«y 7 7' &S

m dian Governments show the .. m?f dian Governments show the mB§J :.-:\u25a0:,-.- .*: EPC

m Royal Baking Powder supe-^ *m?p Royal Baking Powder supe- ||P rior to all others in purity and ;:;., H

H leavening strength, §

M' Statements by other manufacturers to |jjiSS the contrary have, been declared by the |§§S official authorities falsifications of the x *;&•M official reports. . m







— '



*. '. •.•_


St. Paul Donated a Valuable Site

on Certain Conditions— E. V.. *, Sinai ley Honored


' The chamber of commerce electedofficers yesterday morning, and adopt- j

ed a resolution toward securing larger Iappropriations for the new govern- |ment building. The president of thechamber is now E. V. Smalley, thewell known editor of the Northwest>iagazine.

The election was in the hands of the ISlew board of directors that was i

chosen last Monday. Col. Clough, |nominated by Mr. Hodgson, declined jto assume the office'for another term, Iand Mr. Smalley received the vote of jthe chamber, cast by Secretary Beau- Imont. " •' j

The new president made a pleasing 1

speech of acceptance, in which he !congratulated the chamber upon thepersonnel of its present board thebest it has had during its twenty-five 'years' existence. He believed that !the influence of the chamber would jincrease, the evident revival of trade. !

, This revival was clear for several Ireasons, among which were the in- .creased activity in both wholesale andretail lines, the new business and resi-dence houses being- put up, and theaugmented value of wheat.- The lat-ter item alone, on a basis of 15 or 20cents a bushel, would add to the farm-ers* revenue $15,000,000 or $20,000,000. '

The directors next elected the re-gaining officers as follows: E. W.Peet, first vice president; C. P. Noyes,

second vice president; F. W. Ander-son, treasurer. The executive com-mittee will choose the secretary.

Col. Clough, the retiring president,was awarded the thanks of the cham-

• ber for his faithful and efficient serv-ices, and responded appropriately.

In order that the committee onstatistics and correspondence mightbe ready to co-operate in census mat-ters, it was appointed at ' once byPresident Smalley. Its members areH. A. Castle,. chairman; Messrs. An-drews, Wheeler, Tighe, and Prof.Gilbert.

The resolution regarding the appro-priation for the new postoffice was•then introduced at the suggestion ofCongressman Kiefer, who was onthe floor. When the resolution hadbeen read, Col. Kiefer briefly ad-dressed the directors, pointing outthe propriety of taking the actionrecommended. The chamber not onlyadopted the resolution at once, butextended its thanks to the congress- •man. The resolution in full reads":

.Whereas, The city, of St. Paul do-nated to the government of the UnitedStates the present site upon which thenew customs house and postofficebuilding is being erected; and,

.Whereas, no other city of like size

Comin' throughthe

Tfcat's the way Uncle Sam's MonogramThat's the way Uncle Sam's Monogramewes to the consumer — through the mediumif that most nutritious grain, Rye.


WHISKEYa of JVUSr^XyOVC AGE}, entirelytec from tusel oil poison and has a mostjleasant flavor, and is of great medicinalralue. .

SAMPLE BOTTLE•it your Druggists or Dealers makes you aiiend and keeps you as such. Don't triflewith "miscellaneous" whiskies. : Get UncleSam's— lt is puro and good. The name on•very bottle, Ceo. Ben*; & Sons, is a guar*fcutce. \u25a0-\u25a0•'. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0!-'.. '..-..<.- '

I and commercial importance has do-I nated a site for a public building;, and,

j Whereas, It is understood, that '; inconsideration of this magnificent gift

to the general government on the part

! of the city of St. Paul a buildingcom-mensurate with the demands, growth

and development of the city would beerected at a cost not less than $1,500,000;and, - ;Y:V- .

Whereas, A bill was passed in theI senate of the United States during theFifty-first congress appropriating the

jsum of $1,500,000 for the erection of saidI building, whereupon the city of St.Paul, acting in good faith, made its

1 deed of the site to the United States;and,

Whereas, Late in the session of thesaid Fifty-first congress the house ofrepresentatives cut the appropriationto $800,000; and,

Whereas, During the Fifty-secondcongress a bill passed the senate in-creasing the limit of the cost of saidbuilding to $1,100,000, and was also fa-vorably reported from the committeeon public buildings and grounds, withan amendment to make the limit $1,300,-- and, ; ;; 77.77 ''--\u25a0

Whereas, At the last session of con-gress the committee on public build-ings and grounds reported favorably

! for an increase of $200,000 to be ap-' propria ted for the completion of the

said building; and, 7:7"';7Y| Whereas, The increasing business ofthe United States federal courts,

| United States revenue, customs house,postoffice, surveyor general. Tenth

' division United States mail service andjother public offices render it necessary

I that the building should be increasedjin size, space and dimensions in orderjthat the public be served conveniently;

i and.Whereas, Since the plans were made

i whereby the Sixth street entrance isI made a rear part of the building, and| Sixth street now being the main thor-oughfare of all streets converging. at

: said building, thereby rendering it thejmain source of travel to and fromsaid building; and, ' - - V 7,'Y

Whereas, Said building, which is tobe for the service of coming genera-

! tions, should not have a rear entranceIon a principal and leading street, andi the house committee on public build-jings and grounds having stated in its

I report at the last session of congressI the following: -.. \u0084± • „..

"To erect a buildingwhich is to standforall time to come, and leave the_rearentrance on Sixth street, would in theopinion of the committee oh the 'show-ing made before it, and on the in-formation furnished by the supervisingarchitect, be a most serious . and un-justifiable mistake." Now, therefore,be it . .

Resolved, the chamber of commerceof the city of St. Paul,' at a regularmeeting held on the 3d day of June,1895, that the honorable secretary- ofthe treasury be requested to detail acompetent person from the office ofthe supervising architect -to visit St. :Paul for the purpose of examining theconstruction of said building, the needsof increased room in same, the neces-sity of changing the Sixth street frontand all other matters as set forth inthe foregoing preamble, and that thesaid person so detailed make a reporton the entire subject to the supervisingarchitect or to the secretary of thetreasury previous to Dec. 1, 1895.

An important feature of the meetingwas the appointment by the new' presi-dent of fifteen members to constitutei*<- cxc -itye committee for the en-suing year. Cf this committee thepresident is, ex-officio, chairman. Fol-lowing are the names of the gentle-men appointed: E. W. Feet, J. W.Bishop, C W. Hackett, H. A. Castle,Charles P. Noyes, W. H. Lightncr,John B. Sanborn, W. P. Clough,Robert A. Kirk, A. H. Ltndek"Richards Gordon, F. W. Anderson, M.•Auerbach, John D. Ludd-jn, C. 31.Power.

CITY NOTATIONS. -The board of aldermen committee on

streets wiljmeet at 2. p. today. '

The summer school for girls at theexperiment station will close in Fri-day. -\u25a0**. ..'

Gen. Mason has taken up his perma-nent residence since his retirement at554 Holly avenue. »

Lieut. Sturgis, recently transferred,with Gen. Merritt, to Chicago, was atarmy headquarters' yesterday ton abrief official visit.

Thursday evening, at Standard hall,the ladies of Mount Zion congregationwill give a select literary entertain-ment, to ba followed by a hop. zX-

Lieut. Col. Moale is still in chargeat Fort Snelling. Col. Page is not ex-'pected to arrive before the latter endof this week or the first of next. "

Lieut. Quay, of Gen." Brooke's staff,left Saturday evening for his home atBeaver, Pa.: to attend the wedding ofa brother. He will return this week. '

Tb*s musical attraction at Lake Comonext Sunday will Danz's band. Thisorganization, in its new form, gavesuch thoroughly excellent satisfactionat Como Decoration day that it hasbeen engaged to appear at Como fortwo or three Sundays to come.

There will be a meeting of the boardof education tomorrow night, whenthe list of high school graduates willbe gone over and approved. Theboard will also consider the course ofstudy for the coming year, especiallywith reference to the proposed changesin the manual school course.

County Legislation Light. : " -. The session of the county commis-sioners yesterday, though of unusual-length, was confined almost exclusivelyto -business. Commissioner >Joyce occupied the seat heretofore held:by Robert Seng and takes Seng's placeon all the committees, with the ex-ception of the committee on claims. ;-';\u25a0

No Inquest on Sopp.

Coroner Whitcomb has decided tohold no inquest on the remains of JohnSopp, the unfortunate young invalid-who was killed by a<,car on University-avenue last Saturday evening. He isof the opinion that Sopp came to hisdeath by his own, negligence. 7 ' :~^> \u25a0;\u25a0.",..-*'\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0-*»• \u25a0* - j- --v*> ".

Organ Recital Tonight. -The fifth of the series of six organ

recitals will be given this evening atPark Congregational "church by J. IWarren Andrews, assisted by Claude *Madden, violinist; Miss. Annie 7 Mc-Dougall, organist; 'Master : Harold S. \Yale,- soprano, and Miss OlgaJZapf,-violinist, - 'XxllljEL>J^i^^££jCX:,








Samuel Carr Asserts It "Was His

::'.'. Brother "Who Abused His

Wife. YYTr

In the municipal court yesterday ap-peared Huston Osborne, who had sucha narrow escape from death by theexpeditious route of the rope in the

'hands of a dozen enraged citizens atan early hour Sunday morning, forattempted assault on pretty FriedaKachel at 1093 Iglehart street. It de-veloped yesterday that Osborne is nota total stranger in this city, at leastnot in the neighborhood where his de-signs were so happily frustrated. Hehas been loitering in and around Mer-riam Park and St. Anthony Park formore than two: weeks, and when aGlobe reporter learned of this, itbecame evident that he has harboredthe worst intentions not only againstwomenjut against little children, aswell. Tony Dapron, an employe of theWestern Union Telegraph company,who resides in the Midway district, inconversation. with the reporters yester-day morning, said: , 7 .'!'\u25a0'-?.

"I am almost positive that this fel-low is the same one who has beenhanging around my place during thepast two weeks, and it seems so strage. to me that he was not rounded up longago. One evening my little daughter,about eight years old, came runninginto the house and informed me of aman whose description agrees withthat of Osborne and how he had fright-

ened her and some of her little friendson the • sidewalk. He did not confinehimself to this, but also insulted ser-vants who happened along with babiesin carriages. His remarks were of-fensive and vile, . and he was daringenough to approach almost any lady. 1believe he should be handled withoutgloves, and while I am opposed tolynching under any circumstances, Ibelieve that a long term in prison wouldjust about give' him his deserts."

Others were seen and the tales toldby all conform with the story of Mr.Dapron.. Osborne's entire account ofhimself, it is safe to say, is a, lot of un-mitigated falsehoods. He contradictshimself continually, and the policehave about arrived at the conclusionthat he is indeed the worthless scoun-drel he is painted.

Osborne was brought before JudgeOrr yesterday morning, heavilyshackled and under a double guard. Hewas extremely nervous and apparentlynot certain of the protection affordedhim by the officers. He remained be-fore his honor but a few minutes be-cause of a continuance granted himuntil Tuesday, June 11. F. L. McGheeis his attorney, and when, the chargeof assault was made, it was changedto burglary in the first degree, the in- *tent of breaking into the house be-ing criminal assault. The court fixedthe bail at $1,500, in default of whichOsborne was returned behind the bars.

7 ALD. MILHAM'S VISITOR. "ZDuring yesterday Aid. Milham told

an incident of a similar nature to thatwhich - occurred at the Kachel homeas having taken place -about 3:30 ofthe same morning at his *house, 1615St. Anthony avenue. The alderman'sresidence is about a mile further outHe said that about the hour mentionedhe was aroused from sleep by thescreams of his servant girl. When hereached the young woman's room arather tall, but slim and agile, light-colored man jumped out of the win-dow and ran pell-mell through theneighboring fields toward MerriamPark. . --^X^:- -.77Y7

Mr. Milham called his hired man,and after both had dressed they pro-ceeded to give chase. This, however,availed them nothing, because of theadvantageous start the marauder had.Mr. Milham feels certain that the in-truder was the same person who halfan hour later endeavored to gain anentrance ~ into the Kachel residence.The description given by Mr. Milhamcorresponds with that of the man un-der arrest, and it is not improbablethat the alderman will be on hand atthe time of the trial next Tuesday to;appear as a witness. 7 .'7


Sam Carr Believes His Brother- Assaulted His Wife.. \

The police are somewhat reticentabout any clue which might be in theirpossession as to the whereabouts 'ofClarence D. Carr, who is strongly sus-pected of having brutally beaten androbbed the wife of his elder brother,Samuel D., at a very early hour yes-terday morning, in her flat at 248 WestThird street. \u25a0 .H77 7 -;*\u25a0-.

It appears that about 2 o'clock theofficer at Seven corners heard cries forhelp issuing from a second-story win-dow at the number given. He hurriedto the room, and, being unable to openthe door, forced his way in. He strucka match, and saw a woman lying onthe bed in a pitiable condition. . Shehad been sandbagged on both sides 'ofher head, and bears evidences of theforce with which the blows were ad-ministered. When spoken to, she saidthat she was .rudely awakened bysomebody moving stealthily about theroom. She was ,so badly frightenedthat, all power of speech failed her,and before she could gain '. her ' com-posure she felt a hand at her throat,which was clutched so tightly thatshe almost lost consciousness. Thelast she remembers is that she re-ceived a terrible blow over the righteye just above the temple. It isapparent . the intruder was not satis-fied* with the effect this one blowmight have on his victim, and struckher a second time over the left eye,two big lumps being the result

The officer at once dispatched one ofthe neighbors for the woman's hus-band, who, however, arrived beforethe message was imparted to him. Hewas at a loss to understand what couldhave been the burglar's motive untilfurther investigations" were made,when it was developed that Mrs. Carr'spocketbook, containing $18, was miss-ing. Suspicion was immediatelyaroused and pointed strongly to Clar-ence, who was the only person presentwhen Samuel gave his wife the money,and who knew where the money washidden. Clarence is a printer, and hehas been out of employment for sometime, and Sam being his only relativein the -city he made his home with the -latter whenever he was out of funds.During Sunday, afternoon there had

. been company at the house, and while :Samuel Carr and his wife were enter-taining the guests _at . lnnch in, theevening Clarence busied himself around -the parlor and jplaying ion the piano.The instrument had teen so placed inthe room that it prevented an entrancethrough the door from the hallway.The key , was in the door from the

: parlor side, and late yesterday it was !observed' by Mr. Carr that the -piano-had Ibeen" moved \u25a0 just.far enough ": toadjcait the Bliprjlpg in <;£ a person, and

4»«*WSSS®M4M'-SS®S-MM«9S9S.MM99SSeOMJi2 "'" '?":*J *'~q'' '"'" z-XX..:.- _" There is a tide in the affairs of men if - . .32

''MJ''" .:.***~ 7 .'•.-; taken at its flood, leads on to fortune." \u25a0""- yP

nL p W\u25a0 r** \u25a0 © -ST of Bargains is now rolling- in in our nt

& H «^ *^^ § l| -«*f^ establishment. We are more than g&

'®': M Si %tV '-* 3 1 I»**J 'tLiI/ s^tisfied-with the number of custom- £&@L " " ers who took advantage of the op- gfeA , portunity.to secure good, substantial Househeld Furniture at less than second-hand gferfc prices. Below we quote a few bargains for today. Remember, every article is ntnt • first-class, coming out of the Qainby;& Abbott stock" excepting- the second-hand nt

Qt goods and Carpets. 7%7Y y • -: yV

|^ Elegant Brass 8ed5. .. .7 ..;.'... Former Price, $25.00. Sale Price, $16.00 AA Elegant Iron 8ed5................;.. ...... ...V. ;Former Price, .$12.50. Sale Price, $6.50 g&J**? I Enameled Brass-Trimmed Iron Beds .......... ...Former Price, 510.50. Sale Price, $5.50 Ilk

'•w Enameled Brass-Trimmed Iron 8ed5. . . ......... ... .Former Price, $11.00. Sale Price, $5.75 %9 ' Leather Easy Chair, large size, stuffed with hair 7..; Former Price, $45.00. Sale Price, $26.00 ®

-^ . Leather Easy Chair, Shaw frame, stuffed with hair.Former Price, $22.50. Sale Price, $12.50 @.QV Leather Easy Chair, Shaw frame, stuffed with hair.Former Price, $25.00. Sale Price, $14.00 fi^nt Leather Easy Chair, Shaw frame, stuffed with Former Price, $27.50. Sale Price, $16.50 CM5k Leather Couch, very.fine, stuffed with hair. .... ... Former Price, $30.00. Sale Price, $1 7.50 S

. *p2 One of those elegant Sideboards left ;.Former Price, $125.00. Sale Price, $58.00 7*2•fis \u25a0 7 Handsome Oak Bedroom Suits. .'. . Former Price, $60.00. Sale Price, $32.50Q5 8 Handsome Oak Cheval Bedroom Suits. .7 ... . . . .... .Former Price, $25.00. Sale Price, $12.00 ©J& 15 White Ash Bedroom Suits. ..'... Former Price, $22.00. Sale Price, 0.00 (§§£& 25 Good Secondhand Bedroom Suits, let them go at. . . . . ... . . .-;'. $7.50 £&®*' , Good Steel Bed Springs, worth $5.00, let them go at . ; .... ';... .... $2.00 M

• ™~~~™~ PS'T-HESE bargains must be seen in order to be ap- IT—_ ._ -***\u25a0!• C, 1 t *V@ ,7; *7 preciated. We have a complete line of Car- . iI2V3IIH^II U JOIHISOtI ©Qt pets, Rugs, Folding Beds, Chiffoniers, Writing \ 777 QtJjl Desks, Wardrobes, Easy Chairs, Rockers, Parlor " - . : -\u0084" • . x-W

I¥2 Suits, Extension Tables, Center Tables and Fine ... /TfUGTION EEf^S... . S*<*P Mahogany Library Tables. All will be sold at . ... . '7V •§§)

-| \u25a0 gSSpSi to those quoteil above. A" 22 and 24 E. Seventh Street. _ §(s^©@^@@©©©®@®®©©®®®®®®@#©®©®TO®©©^®

SO •d^~7Y- The bustling activity in this department yester-t! w B^"tC^ day was something phenomenal, even for us.

M. A"Mm. \, J Perhaps some were prevented from calling on ac-'"''\u25a0 '• •'-'-" - __

count of the threatening weather. These are for-*m,mmm***************mmwmmm***m*w'

Tuesday: "m. 1

that the door key was gone. It wasat first supposed that whoever the in-

truder was he effected an \u25a0 entrancefrom the rear, but inasmuch as Clar-ence was the only person outside ofthe family who was aware of the key

in the door, Samuel says there Is notthe least doubt but that his brother is

the guilty man. The latter has notbeen seen since Sunday evening, andwhere merely suspicion prevailed be-fore there exists now a determinedeffort to apprehend him at any cost.

"He is the man, and he need not ex-pect any mercy at my hands , when heis caught," said. Samuel last evening,

"because I shall have him punished tothe full extent of the law. Here wehave helped him along for some time,fed him when he was hungry and shel-tered' him when he had no place to layhis head, and then to turn around andshow' such an ingratitude; it Beatsall."

Mrs. Carr has been shown • all con-sideration at the hands of the neigh-bors, and two of the ladles in thevicinity are constantly In attendanceupon her. Dr. Jones has also admin-istered' to her during the entire day,and, while he has worked hard todiminish" the ; swelling, he has sue*;.

.ceedectbut little. It is evident that thefiend did not stop short of anything torender the woman .unconscious, be-cause : the J marks his finger nailshave leftare sure to remain for a longtime. ; *|

Clarence D. Carr is described as -a.young man about twenty-one years ofage, 5 feet 7 inches \in height, andweighing about 135 pounds.: .His hairis light brown, a la pompadour, hiseyes are gray and his upper lip isadorned with a slight stubby.* mus-tache. 7"':\r';7Y 77 ' rY-Y7-;-~ One J fact .which \ makes Samuel, socertain that it was the work . of hisbrother, is that a necktie pin Clarencealways wore *was found on.the floornear the bed where the struggle tookplace. It also turned out that hestruck the woman with a sock filledwith gravel stories. • 7

Samuel is at sea as to the where-abouts of his .brother, but he is firmin the 'belief that the rascal is some-where in hiding in the city.


At the Ryan— 'Hull, Albany,N. : V. ; , Henry -Feig, -Atwater; E. J.Chapel, ' Farmington,' Minn.; SmithHoyt, Farmlngton, Wis.; Fred West-phal, Dubuque. - \u25a0

: Registered .yesterday at the Com-mercial club were: S. S. Breed, Roch-ester, N. Y. Christ Campbell, Mena-sha, Wis.; C. K. Danvers, KansasCity; C. W. Van -Tuyl, Minneapolis;

\u25a0 H. H. Tuechter,' Cincinnati. 7At the Ryan— J.' F. Vaile, Denver; F.

H. Rockwell,* Warren, Pa.; J. D. Far-rell, Spokane; D. A. Holmes, SiouxCity; R. W. , Breckenridge, John D.Howe, Omaha; H. •R. Holmes, . Port-land, Or.; H. A. Clover, St. Louis; H.

-BYHill, Faribault; L. B. Morehouse,New York. '.-. X;': .\u25a0..-.-\u25a0 ; -7

At the Merchants'— B. McLlrder,Duluth; C. D. .Wright Fergus Falls;F. L. Brlden, Neche, N. D. ; J. H. Up-ham, Duluth; Davis Willson, Boze-man, Mont.; J. V. Rosser, San Fran-cisco; J. Johnston .and wife, Fargo;Joseph Roach, Northfield; W. J. Ives,Hutchinson; W. C. Jensen, Fairmount.

At the Windsor— P. Utley, NewYork; Fred Gallup, Milwaukee; S. ;L.Drake, Chicago; Dr. E. B. Jacksonand daughter, Menominee, Wis.; A. S.Churchill and wife, Omaha; »E. T.Likes, Dcs Moines; J. K. Kew, EauClaire; James Cammack, Marshall-town, Io.;;C. C. Follit, Fergus Falls;J. E. Jones. Portage, Wis.

At Hotel Metropolitan— O. C. Harper,Dubuque; D. J. Martin, Chicago;Daniel Buck, Mankato; Raymond Bar-torch; Jackson, Mich.; R. H. Dillon,Chicago; C. N. Goddard, Decorah, la.;C. M. Whipple, New York; F. G.Green, St. Louis.

At the Sherman— W. B. White,Staples, Minn.; E. E. Daniels, Staples.Minn.; D. P. R. Strong, East GrandForks, Minn. ; George Knudson, SleepyEye, Minn.;'Lorner Semper and wife,Dubuque, la. ; ; C. M. Cartley. Milton,N. D. ; G. M. Lampland, Hayfield, Minn.

All the Comforts of Home.The Chicago Great Western Railway |

has placed in regular service. beautifulnew Compartment Sleeping Cars of thevery latest pattern." . -Excursion tickets now on sale to theprincipal points East, West and South.Dining car service ala carte. City

Ticket Office, 364 Robert street, cornerFifth. .7 \ ;'- _-,..: . '

Iff. P. REORGANIZATION. 7t^Chairman Adams - Talks of His

Recent Conference With Mor-gan, : • .., .

NEW YORK, June Chairman Ed-ward D. Adams, of\u25a0 the Northern Pa-cific reorganization committee, who re-turned from Europe on Saturday even-ing, said today to an Associated Pressrepresentative he was called ';. abroadunexpectedly by. cable and had a con-ference in London with J. PierpontMorgan, representatives of the Deut-sche bank, and the Great. Northernrailway interests. "After that I wentto Berlin and conferred with four sep-arate Northern Pacific committees.

. All I care ; to say now is t,hat I havereturned with full authority •to - con-tinue my work in the preparation of aplan jfor |the . reorganization :of • . theNorthern^ Pacific Railway company. Iam not now prepared to ; talk of jtheaffairs of the Northern. Pacific roadany more than I have just done."

\u25a0\u25a0'"-..':.' \u25a0 .... '. . -v -.'\u25a0•* 7 -'\u25a0-\u25a07-i -'WeckJs Earnings of C, M. & St." P.

7 CHICAGO, June 3. -East-bound ship-ments . last week amounted- to : 38,009

. tons,:' against 47,213 -. for -the "precedingweek Jand 149,417 1 for the corresponding

; "week of last year. - Tho roads carried

tonnage as follows: Michigan Cen-tral, 2,542; Wabash, 1,879; Lake Shore,*3,999; Fort Wayne, 7,995; Panhandle,

i 3,116; Baltimore & Ohio, 4,007; Grand- Trunk, 5,452; Nickel Plate, 3,281; Erie,; 3,846; Big "Four, .-\u25a0 2,800. \u0084

1 - Shipments were made up of the fol-: lowing articles,* in tons: Flous, 1,896;•„.grain and millstuffs, : 13,923; provis-' ions, lard, etc., 6,185; dressed beef, 7,742;; butter, 1,618; hides, 1,021; lumber, 5,335;1 miscellaneous, 1,189. Lake shipmentsi for the week amounted to 74,092 tons.t


; Meeting Will Probably De Called! Friday.

I .CHICAGO, June 3.—lt is probablej that a meeting will be held in St. Paul; Friday to form a local passenger . as-'. sociation for St. Paul and Minneapo-: lis. V /:'-; '. :"Z 7 '[.-. '\u25a0 ''--'.'Ij WeekS East-Bound Shipments.Week's East-Hound Shipments.

CHICAGO, June 3.—The earnings of. the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul'. for the fourth week of May were $716,-- a decrease of $32,565 from the cor-

responding week of last year. ; \u0084

ir- \u25a0 . . -—— :—. \u25a0-" ;'-Y

Passenger Association for ChicagoPnssenger Association for Chicago

CHICAGO, June 3.— Chairman Cald-! well, of the Western Passenger Linesi Passenger association, has called aj meeting for Wednesday of this week! for the purpose of forming a local

association similar to those formed re-cently in St. Louis* and -Kansas City.


. '.- John T. Conley, .. assistant generalpassenger and commercial agent ofthe -Milwaukee, is' attending to official

i business in : Chicago, but will returnj in a day or two. V "1 ' Supt. B. F. Egan, of the Chicago.Great .Western' railway, at South. Des'Moines, is in the city. \u25a0-.- -Y.,'7... '


.. One of the passengers on the first\u25a0voyage of the elegant new steamerNorth-West to arrive at Duluth onthe \u25a0 16th : inst. ":is F. I. Whitney, ofthe Great Northern passenger depart-ment. He has been on a flying visitthroughout the East. 7*7• The slashing « of the freight rates topoints in Texas by. the Missouri,Kansas & Texas and the Cotton Beltroads is demoralizing that businesson all the Northwestern connectinglines, and much' uneasiness and appre-hension is manifested; as to the finaloutcome of the reductions. 7TWIN CITY BONDS GILT-EDGED.

New York Savings Banks May. NowInvest in Them. \u25a0'-.-'

ALBANY, N. V., June 3.—Gov. Mor-ton has affixed his official signatureto a bill which will be of some inter-est, and possibly financial importance,to Minneapolis and St. Paul. In aword, it is a bill designed to enlargethe list of securities in which savingsbanks in the Empire state may invest <

their deposits andvthe accrued interest,and the list of - securities \u25a0 thus madeavailable by savings banks includes"the stocks or bonds of the cities ofMinneapolis and St. Paul.". There Isone clause in the bill, which became alaw by the governor's signature, whichthe city authorities wil do well to bearin mind - if they contemplate doingbusiness with the New York savingsinstitutions. It is this: "Ifat any timethe indebtedness of any of said cities,less its water debt and sinking fund,shall exceed 7 per centum of its valua-tion for purposes of taxation, its bondsand stocks shall thereafter, and untilsuch indebtedness shall be reduced to7 per centum of the valuation for thepurposes of taxation, cease to be anauthorized investment for the moneysof savings banks, but the superintend-ent of the banking department may,in his discretion, require any savingsbank to sell such bonds or stocks ofsaid city as may have been purchasedprior to said increase of debt."


Immense Crowds 'Expected at theOpening' of Exposition. *.:,

ATLANTA,Ga., June 3.—C.E. Har-man, general passenger agent of theWestern & Atlantic railroad, notifiedthe exposition company today that hehad closed a contract for hauling 25,-- members of the G. A. R. fromChattanooga to Atlanta on the 20th i

of September. The Confederate vet-erans will come from all points tomeet the G. A. R. . men, and It isthought not less than 50,000" visitorswill be here on that occasion. It isestimated that on the opening day,Sept. 18, when ' President Clevelandand his cabinet will be here, the crowdwill not be less than 100,000.7


NEW CASES.61,691— the matter of the application

of Anna Walla to opportion taxes. oncertain real estate; order allowing re-demption. '"7 "7 7 ~

'\u25a0:-( 61,163— Weyerhaeuser & Co. vs. AnokaTimber and Supply Company; actionto recover $545.15 on a note.


Cases Heard, Opinions Renderedand Orders Made. .7.7

The 'United States circuit court • ofappeals yesterday heard- cases, an-nounced ". opinions and made orders asfollows: . V.7

OPINIONS ANNOUNCED.. . 530— The American Employers' Lia-

" bility Insurance Company, plaintiff inerror, vs. William P. Barr. Error to

j United " Sltates . circuit 'court, "Districtof Colorado.' ' ': • Affirmed with costs.

j; Opinion by Judge" Thayer. -541—William V Roggenkamp, appel-

I lant, vs.; John Roggenkamp et al.7Ap-j \u25a0 peal from United ; States ; circuit court,

': District : of; Nebraska. , Reversed with-out costs* and remanded for; further

proceedings not inconsistent with theopinion of the court. Opinion by JudgeSanborn. $ 77I 557—First National Bank ofLonsdale,

I Perm., plaintiff in error, vs. The Boardj of County Commissioners of Wyan-I dotte county. Error to the Unitedj States circuit court, District of Kan-

sas. Affirmed with costs. Opinion byJudge Thayer.

553— Wisconsin Trust Company, ap-pellant-, vs. Robinson-Cary Company.Appeal from United States circuitcourt, District of North Dakota. Af-firmed with costs. Opinion by JudgeSanborn.

586—William McFarlin, plaintiff inerror, vs. The First National Bank ofKansas City, Kan., et al. UnitedStates circuit court, district of Kan-sas. Reversed with costs and remand-ed with direction for a new trial.Opinion by Judge Thayer.

The following orders were enteredby the presiding judge:

3SB— B. Kohnweiler et al., vs. TheJ Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook-j lyn. Error to United States circuit

court, .district of Kansas. Petitionfor rehearing by defendant in error

i denied.[f. Francis I. Gowan, receiver, plain-tiff in error, vs. W. N. Bush. Error

j to. United States court, Indian Terri-j tory. Continued to December term,

1895, by stipulation.590— George .;H. Hastings, attorney

I general et al., appellants, vs. OliverI Ames et al.

591— George H. Hastings, attorney\u25a0 general, et al., appellants, vs. Henry L.• Higginson et al. Appeal from United

States circuit court, district of Ne-I braska. Submitted on statements ofpoints unsolved, without argument.[ 591— Cudahy Packing Company, plain-| tiff in error, vs. Sioux National Bankj of Sioux' City, 10. Error to \u0084Unitedj States -circuit court, district of Ne-

I braska." Argued by T. J. Mahoney forI appellant, by R. W. Breckenridge for

appellees, and cause submitted.GOl—R. Hardy, plaintiff In error, vs.

United States court, Indian Territory.| Continued to adjourned term, on mo-'

tion of plaintiffin error.Kuox County, Mo., plaintiff in

error, . vs. , W. H. Norton. Error toUnited States circuit court, Easterndistrict of Missouri. Argued by plain-tiff in error and submitted on. brief by

i defendant in error.


Daniel Byrnes Sarah LeeDaniel Byrnes Sarah LeeI G. R. O'Reilly....Katherine F. O'LearyI E. E. Jones, Min'eap's..Mrs. P. A. Noel| Otto Schmalzbauer Ida Chappatter! Adolph J. Fetsch Laura Barbeaui James Noskadny Mary Harof: Jamen I ummer ..Rosey HarofJad Olson Alfreida S. CarlsonB. McCabe, Spok?.--e. Wash.... J. Parle

.77: IHrtlis.

j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lefedie BoyMr. and Mrs. Joseph Lefedie BoyI Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gillis... Girlj-Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Clapp Boyj Mr and Mrs. Kaufer Girlj Mr. and Mrs. John Strecker Boyj Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Berg Girlj Mr. and Mra Meschter BoyI Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sauerwein Girli Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Jordan BoyI Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. De Corsay.Boy| Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce Girli Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Klassell. ..Girl| Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dana Girl| Mr. and Mrs. August Shirdin Boy

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Llpschitz Boy1 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Oestreich Boy

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kaufmann GirlMr. and Mrs. J. Albert Fritschle...BoyMr. and Mrs. John Grybowski BoyMr. and Mrs. Martin Mirve GirlMr: and Mrs. Thorwald Dahl GirlMr. and Mrs. Peter Lindquist BoyMr. and Mrs. Nick Perrard. GirlMr. and Mrs. John Beissel Boy

Deaths.Mabel Furey, 735 Burr 9 mos,Mabel Furey, 735 Burr 9 mos.B. Di Bene, 730 Ravine... ;........ 42 yrs,Sarah McNaughton, Woodbury.. 29 yrs.Lizzie Conlin, 1895 Walthorn 30 yrs.Edward Cota, St. Joseph's :..ll yrs.John Sapp, c. and c. hospital 38 yrs.Emma Nagel, Belmont and 0hi0. 3 yrs.

DIED*1 PARKS—EIIen Josephine Parks, June

2d, 1895, . daughter of Charles E. andJosephine Parks, 354 Jenks st. Fun-eral from the house June 4th, 2o'clock, fi.'77'i .77


Metropolitan.Metropolitan,THIRD WEEK I Two performances daily,the|EELSTONE Alhambra Vaudevi les.•IrfirMi-Sa Alhambra Vaudevilles."NELSONFAMILY TrilbyHeart Souvenirs forGREATEST all .ladies who purchaseON seats for the Matinees this.EARTH. I week.

Another Packed House. ; 7-;

QtGRANBHw,THE Tonight, Tomorrow MatineoTHE Tonight, Tomorrow MatiueoBEST 7-20-8.BEST 7-20-8.PLAY Thursday and balance ofYETPRE- week<SENTED. A Scrap of Paper.


Next Sunday— CAPT. SWIFT.


St. Paul vs. Toledo!Ctauio Called at 4 O'clock,-Gain© Called at 4 O'Cloe**,,

MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR- «BSa f*nra-l-oThe SI quality for 0 -if 10§3S1 lb

Colored Dress Goods Dept*Wondrous Price Changes in Summer Fabrics.

Today we offer our entire stock —more than 8,000 yards of *fl£&. choicest styles of French Printed Ail-Wool Challies, at ISFCThe usual 50c and 60c qualities, dark and light grounds. YARD.Our stock of WORSTED STORM SERGES and CHEVIOTS,

in Navy and Black, has been replenished. We are showing, withoutdoubt, the best values at 25c, 50c, 59c, 63c :*'*-*78c '>• yard to bofound anywhere.

Corner Sixth anil Rofiert Sts., St. Paul, niinn.* xmmmxtttamut^ \u25a0 ii-m^.«.*mm— ——»»——.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0m^m i in \u25a0\u25a0 **********************mmmmmmmmm \u25a0—^mmmmmmm

mount Vernon.:::::: |§Rye whisky is made from rye and rye malt only. In

the open market, in barrels, it commands a higher priceto the trade than any other brands, on account of itsrecognized superiority.

It is bottled at the distillery with the guaranty label ofthe distillery company on each bottle, vouching for itspurity and original condition.

It costs something more than most other whiskies.The paying this advance insures to the buyer The BestRye Whiskey Made, with a guaranty that willbe foundentirely satisfactory.

Buy the distillery bottling, in square bottles, the capsof which are wired and sealed. •\u25a0

SS SSss&

\u25a0 ssss ss

I It Is tylefely gg It Is Merely s|S3 S32^&V* *T\ tf*.T3"V "H"H"B"^ 1 Jf &b^ssl-vl 11 11 1 H In A H ssssilllllll n/l-L ssss ssS3 S3S3 . ssss That beautiful Gom-ss§pSeXion is JtE/\LTH-,8r~ f^*^8 preserved by Ripans gSS *e»3§ Tabules. g8 Ripans Tabules puri-|sss ssgfy the blood, clear theggfy the blood, clear the g8 skin of blemishes andssss§make life more worth 8£?• sSss living. ssss living. ss*«**»*>Y^*^***i £?*&**s^2

2C& Gents a YardffiO At 8:30 A.M.

Our 49c quality White Habutai,24 inches wide.

39 Cents at 8:30 A. HI.What's left of that 24-inch $1

Black Surah.

\u25a0fcO Cents a Yard.t'2oo pieces— l,ooo yards— Pure Jap-200 pieces— l,ooo yards— Pure Jap-anese . Habutai Wash Silks. Thelatest ideas in Stripes, Checks andCable Cords..

*§& Cents a Yard.Allour $1.75, 81.50 and 81.38 PureAll ourSl.7S, 81.50 and 81.38 Pure

Sewing Silk Grenadines. Nearly100 patterns to choose from.

*\%W*9 Cents a Yard.1 case of 50 pieces extra fine 26-

--inch wide Pure Silk Shantong, forLadies' Skirts and Waists and forChildren's Wear. The regularprice was 50c.

Wash Goods Dept.Wash Goods Dept.

REMNANTS OFShirting Percales, worth 12i-»c;

Zephyr Ginghams, 'worth 10c and j12><c; Flemish Lawns, worth 15c,and Corded Batiste worth P*»15c; all short lengths,from I* /̂Xrecent special sales. Will (Jfygo this morning at 9o'clock for. YARD, j

.^""We are .agents for RevnierKid Gloves, Perrin's Peerless Walk-ing Gloves and Maggioni Gloves.

53 *2> Gents a Yard.Over 300 pieces Taffeta Figured

and Changeable Silks, Stripes andChineoPrinted Silks. Were ail thaway from 75c to §1.50.

88 Cents a Yard.Over 300 pieces carefully selected

Printed Warp Taffeta Chine Silks,fine Cannele Stripes, Gros de Lon-dres, Fancy Taffetas, Fancy Stripes,with Pompadour figures. Our rich-est, most stylish silks —all the newdesigns- many worth up to 92.50 ayard. The new price for Tuesdaywill be 88c a Yard.

\u25a0 5F Cents a Yard.50 pieces Pure Silk Black Habtl*

tai. The regular price was 48c.

SW Cents a Yard.25 pes. 24-in. extra quality double

warp Black Surah. The actualvalue is SI.OO.

BLACK SILK REMNANTS.A big double table full at nearly

| half-price.

| Hosiery and UnderwearDepartment.

Greatest assortment of Ladies'and Children's Thin Hosiery andUnderwear in the Northwest.Prices guaranteed lowest for equalqualities.

DEEP CUT IN UNION SUITSYour choice of best qualities Ypsi-

lanti or Phyllis Sea Island Cottonand Lisle Thread Union d»-j QP"

! Suits; 84 and $4.50 quali- A|,Q!)ties x

§1.00 quality Union suits, 49 cents.'.) ic quality Silk Vests, in cents.We otter the best Stockings In America—

tans and fast black— for '2~>c, 33 and i>Uc apair.