Revista Română de Materiale / Romanian Journal of Materials 2014, 44 (3), 283 – 291 283 STABILITATEA MASELOR FOSFATICE FLUORURATE PE ALIAJE DE CoCrMo ABOUT STABILITY OF ELECTRODEPOSITED FLUORIDATED PHOSPHATE MASSES ON CoCrMo ALLOYS DANIELA COVACIU ROMONŢI, GEORGETA VOICU , DANIELA IONIŢĂ, IOANA DEMETRESCU Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucureşti, str. G. Polizu, nr. 1, 011061, sect. 1, Bucureşti, Romania CoCrMo alloys are extensively used in tissue engineering in both dental and orthopaedic applications and are highly recommended due to the good ratio quality /price comparing with other metallic biomaterials. The present approach is related to electrodeposition of fluoridated phosphate masses with good ratio calcium to phosphorus close to the one existing in bone. SEM and EDX analysis confirm that the electrochemical method for deposition of fluoridated apatite on CoCrMo is efficient and the results were quantified using electrochemical and mechanical measurements. Aliajele de CoCrMo sunt des utilizate în ingineria tisulară, atât în aplicaţiile stomatologice cât şi în cele ortopedice şi sunt recomandate datorită raportului bun calitate/ preţ comparându-le cu alte biomateriale metalice. Abordarea actuală este legată de electrodepunerea maselor fosfatice fluorurate cu raport bun calciu fosfor, apropiat de raportul molar existent în os. Analizele SEM şi EDX confirmă că metoda electrochimică pentru depunerea maselor apatitice pe aliajul de CoCrMo este eficientă iar rezutatele au fost cuantificate prin măsurători electrochimice şi mecanice. Keywords: CoCrMo alloys, electrochemical deposition, SEM, EDX, artificial saliva, physiological serum 1. Introduction Having very good mechanical properties as castability, corrosion and wear resistance CoCrMo alloys [1] noowdays, are extensively used in tissue engineering in both dental and orthopaedic applications [2,3]. Even as heads in artificial joints. CoCrMo alloys have been introduced in bioapplications at the begging of the last century, but due especially to its problems with ion release for a period of time was used with limitations. A remarkable comeback was known in its using after introducing largely the surface engineering procedures [4,5] and the type of Ni-free alloy according to ASTM F-75 standard [6]. In medicine regeneration, CoCrMo alloys are highly recommended due to the good ratio quality /price and comparing with other metallic biomaterials as stainless steels [7] which have disadvantage in corrosion resistance or with titanium alloys which have demerit in wear resistance [2], despite the large variety of surface modifications proposed for enhancing their performance especially at the surface level [8]. The wear resistance of the CoCrMo alloys is due to the carbide structure found in both cast and wrought alloys. The hardness and elongation is attributable to the ɛ martensite transformation induced by strain [9]. The resistance to corrosion is due to its passive film formed at the surface in various bioliquids [10]. The existence of a small amount of nickel as an impurity, despite the fact International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nickel is carcinogenic [11], is able to maintain workability. More recently, taking into account the bacteria extension, and knowing the silver effect in enhancing antibacterial function new coatings having antibacterial inhibition effect were elaborated on the CoCrMo alloy surface [12] including hydroxyapatite (HA) as bioactive component and silver as antibacterian agent as well. Hydroxyapatite as bioactive coating was elaborated via various procedures [13,14] leading to various properties. It has been reported that plasma-sprayed HA coatings dissolve and degrade quickly, resulting in the weakening of the coating- substrate bonding or the implant fixation to the host tissues [15]. For this reason any changes to the HA that result in a higher chemical stability would be an advantage. Impregnations to the HA crystal structure the chemical elements such as Fluoride by substituting OH groups was performed successfully on various alloys [16,17]. The present approach is related to electrodeposition of fluoridated phosphate masses with good ratio calcium to phosphorus close to the Autor corespondent/Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected]


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  • Revista Romn de Materiale / Romanian Journal of Materials 2014, 44 (3), 283 291 283



    DANIELA COVACIU ROMONI, GEORGETA VOICU, DANIELA IONI, IOANA DEMETRESCU Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucureti, str. G. Polizu, nr. 1, 011061, sect. 1, Bucureti, Romania

    CoCrMo alloys are extensively used in

    tissue engineering in both dental and orthopaedic applications and are highly recommended due to the good ratio quality /price comparing with other metallic biomaterials. The present approach is related to electrodeposition of fluoridated phosphate masses with good ratio calcium to phosphorus close to the one existing in bone.

    SEM and EDX analysis confirm that the electrochemical method for deposition of fluoridated apatite on CoCrMo is efficient and the results were quantified using electrochemical and mechanical measurements.

    Aliajele de CoCrMo sunt des utilizate n ingineria

    tisular, att n aplicaiile stomatologice ct i n cele ortopedice i sunt recomandate datorit raportului bun calitate/ pre comparndu-le cu alte biomateriale metalice. Abordarea actual este legat de electrodepunerea maselor fosfatice fluorurate cu raport bun calciu fosfor, apropiat de raportul molar existent n os.

    Analizele SEM i EDX confirm c metoda electrochimic pentru depunerea maselor apatitice pe aliajul de CoCrMo este eficient iar rezutatele au fost cuantificate prin msurtori electrochimice i mecanice.

    Keywords: CoCrMo alloys, electrochemical deposition, SEM, EDX, artificial saliva, physiological serum 1. Introduction

    Having very good mechanical properties as

    castability, corrosion and wear resistance CoCrMo alloys [1] noowdays, are extensively used in tissue engineering in both dental and orthopaedic applications [2,3]. Even as heads in artificial joints. CoCrMo alloys have been introduced in bioapplications at the begging of the last century, but due especially to its problems with ion release for a period of time was used with limitations. A remarkable comeback was known in its using after introducing largely the surface engineering procedures [4,5] and the type of Ni-free alloy according to ASTM F-75 standard [6]. In medicine regeneration, CoCrMo alloys are highly recommended due to the good ratio quality /price and comparing with other metallic biomaterials as stainless steels [7] which have disadvantage in corrosion resistance or with titanium alloys which have demerit in wear resistance [2], despite the large variety of surface modifications proposed for enhancing their performance especially at the surface level [8].

    The wear resistance of the CoCrMo alloys is due to the carbide structure found in both cast and wrought alloys. The hardness and elongation is attributable to the martensite transformation induced by strain [9]. The resistance to corrosion is

    due to its passive film formed at the surface in various bioliquids [10]. The existence of a small amount of nickel as an impurity, despite the fact International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nickel is carcinogenic [11], is able to maintain workability. More recently, taking into account the bacteria extension, and knowing the silver effect in enhancing antibacterial function new coatings having antibacterial inhibition effect were elaborated on the CoCrMo alloy surface [12] including hydroxyapatite (HA) as bioactive component and silver as antibacterian agent as well. Hydroxyapatite as bioactive coating was elaborated via various procedures [13,14] leading to various properties. It has been reported that plasma-sprayed HA coatings dissolve and degrade quickly, resulting in the weakening of the coating-substrate bonding or the implant fixation to the host tissues [15]. For this reason any changes to the HA that result in a higher chemical stability would be an advantage.

    Impregnations to the HA crystal structure the chemical elements such as Fluoride by substituting OH groups was performed successfully on various alloys [16,17].

    The present approach is related to electrodeposition of fluoridated phosphate masses with good ratio calcium to phosphorus close to the

    Autor corespondent/Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected]

  • 284 D.C one existingto dissolutiotrying to electrochemcorrosion prelease evacomparisoncoated allosolution is d

    2. Experim


    were used polished on1200) and aFor 15 minuacetone anfrom the Srinsed in dtemperaturewas (NH4)2CaCl22H2Oelectrolyte ufluoridated titanium [18order to encoating by thydroxyl ioCoCrMo all

    2.1. Coatin

    The different te22oC (sam(Figure 1.)electrode (aand CoCrMWorking pathe experimpotentiostatequipped w

    Aftecalcinated Thermal trethe crystalCoCrMo safor strengthFigure 2 selectrochemcoatings on


    Covaciu Romon

    g in bone, inon. Firstly the

    establishmical behavparameters ialuation withn of electrooy in saliva discussed as


    r electrodeposamples o

    n SiC abrasafter that etcutes the sam

    nd ethanol inSiC paper. distilled watee. The cont2HPO4 0.025

    O 0.042 M,used in litera

    hydroxyap8]. A volumenhance the dthe release oons. The oy its accord

    ng process coating proc

    emperatures:mple B) usi) with a panode), Ag/AMo as worarameters arments were pt/ galvanosta

    with Volta Maer electrode

    at 4000C eatment wasllinity and amples. Calchening the shows variatmical deposn CoCrMo sa

    WorkoCrMo Sample

    Proba CoCrMo

    A B

    ni, G. Voicu, D. order to proe aim of pres a relaiour of sucn bioliquids

    h mechanicaochemical sand in phy

    s well.

    osition of phoof CoCrMo. sive papers hed in HF 4%

    mples were un order to reFinally the er and drietent of elec5 M, NH4F , almost siature for elecatite on s

    e of H2O2 3%deposition prof H2 gas anchemical c

    ding to ASTM

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    platinum plaAgCl as referking electrre presentedperformed usat controlled ster 4 Softwa

    eposition all temperature

    s made in orthe purity

    cination was bonds of ation of poteition of fluo


    ing parameters Cur


    Ioni, I. Deme

    ovide resistasent researction betwh coating frand from i

    al propertiesstability of ysiological N

    osphate masSamples w(600, 800

    % for 2 minuultrasonicatedemove partic

    samples wed at the roctrolyte solu 0.012 M milar with

    ctrodepositiostainless s

    % was addedrocess of dend productioncomposition M F75 [6].

    erformed at mple A) androchemical

    ate as counrence electroode (cathod

    d in Table 1.sing a PGZ

    by a compuare. samples w

    e for 1 horder to increof the coaalso, benefi

    patite coatinntial in timeoridated apa

    for coating procrrent Density itate de curent[mA/cm2]


    etrescu / About CoCrM nce

    ch is een rom ons

    s. A the


    sses were and tes. d in cles

    were oom tion and the

    n of teel d in nse n of


    two d at cell nter ode de). . All 301 uter

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    ated icial ngs. e of atite






    cess/ ParametriEle

    time / Tim

    t stability of elecMo alloys

    ig. 1 - ElectrolyCoCrMo), 2-REotentiostat/ galvelulei electrochCoCrMo), 2-ERoteniostat/ galv

    ig. 2 - Coating p

    Curvehown below8oC have stecond equaave standard

    = - 0.80368 += - 0.88625 +

    The man be descrieactions.

    i de lucru pentruectrodeposition

    mp de electrodep[min]


    ctrodeposited flu

    ytic cell scheme E (Ag/AgCl), vanostat, 6-magimice folosite

    R (Ag/AgCl), 3-vanostat, 6-agita

    process/ Proces

    e equations w; equation (tandard devition (2) for d deviation, R

    + 0.1388 e0.07+ 0.43206 e-0

    mechanism ofbed as a ser

    u procesul de de


    uoridated phosp

    used in coating3-CE (Pt), 4

    gnetic stirrer, 7n procesul de CE (Pt), 4-soluator magnetic, 7

    sul de depunere

    for coating 1) for coatediation, R2 = coated CoCR2 = 0.92



    f electrolytic ries of electro

    epunere Deposition tem

    Temperatura de[oC] 28 22

    phate masses on

    g process: 1-W4-electrolyte, 57-stirrer/ Schem

    depunere: 1-Euie electrolit, 57-agitator.


    process ard CoCrMo a0.65 and th

    CrMo at 22oC

    (1) (2)deposition ochemical


    mperature e depunere


    WE 5-

    ma EL 5-

    re at e C

    ) )


  • D.Covaciu Romoni, G. Voicu, D. Ioni, I. Demetrescu / Stabilitatea maselor fosfatice fluorurate pe aliaje de CoCrMo 285

    The possible sources of OH- at the cathode are [19] O 2H O 4e 4HO (3) NO H O 2e 2HO NO (4) 2H O 2e H 2HO (5)

    Hydroxide ions, generated during the electrodeposition process, resulted in an increase of the pH in the vicinity of the cathode; which led to the occurrence of the following reactions: H PO e HPO H (6) H PO 2e PO H (7) H PO HPO H (8) HPO PO H (9)

    The precipitation of phosphate ions occurred due to the acid-base reactions, which are vital for the crystallization process of formation of FHA coating film according to the following reaction: H PO HO HPO H O (10)

    H PO H O 2e H PO 2HO (11)

    The suitable local chemical environment in the vicinity of the cathode enabled the HPO42- ions to react with the Ca2+ ions [17]. Ca HPO H O CaHPO 2H O (12)

    The coating, after alkaline treatment, was converted to HA according to the following reaction: 10CaHPO 2HO Ca PO OH 4PO 10H (13)

    Calcium deficient hydroxyapatite was formed as follows [20] 10 x Ca 6 x PO

    xHPO 2 x HO Ca HPO PO OH (14) where 0 < x 2.

    Addition of NaF into the electrolyte led to the occurrence of the following reactions. At the early stage, Ca2+ ions rapidly consumed the F ions in the electrolyte to form CaF2 which can be expressed as follows [20] Ca PO OH 10F 7 n H

    5CaF H O 3 n H PO nH PO (15)

    CaF2 particles reacted with the HPO42- ions in the solution to form FHA [20] 5CaF 3 n H PO nHPO

    1 x H O Ca PO OH F 10 x F 7 x n H

    where (0 < x < 1, 0< n < 3) (16) Combining reactions (15) and (16) resulted in the formation of FHA via the following reaction: 10Ca 6PO xF 2 x HO Ca PO F OH (17)

    3. Results and discussions 3.1. X-Ray Diffraction Analysis X-Ray Diffraction analysis was performed for the coated samples of CoCrMo at 22C with Empirean PANalytical Diffractometer with radiation Cu (=1.5406). The acquisition was done from 10 to 80 degrees 2 with 0.02 degres step and acquisition time with 2 seconds step. Incidence angle was 1 degree. In Figure 3 is presented XRD analysis for coated CoCrMo samples.

    From the XRD analysis it can be observed the deceleration of the mineralogical crystalline phases of fluorohydroxyapatite and CaHPO4.

    Fig. 3 - XRD analysis of coated CoCrMo/ Analiza XRD a probelor acoperite de CoCrMo.

    3.2. Scanning electron microscopy analysis

    Coated samples of CoCrMo alloy were investigated with a scanning electron microscope HITACHI, S-2600N Model coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) for morphology determinations. In Figure 4 are presented images with SEM characterization.

    The coated CoCrMo samples shows morphologies which are characteristic to hydroxyapatite according to literature data and the synthesized deposit on CoCrMo alloy consists of spherical particles formed of plaques with very small dimensions (Figure 4). The coating is not uniform on all over the surface probably due to deposition conditions.

    The fluoride presence was not observed in elemental analysis, due to the fact that the scanning electron microscope used was limited and does not detect halogens, but the fluoride existence in the coating was confirmed from FT-IR spectra at 719 cm-1. In the literature, Freund, describes a relation between the introduction of fluoride in hydroxyapatite and the increase of a band around 720-740 cm-1 [21].

    The difference between coated CoCrMo at 28oC and the coated CoCrMo at 22oC shows a better adherence on the metallic substrate and a more uniform deposition for the electrochemical deposition carried at 22 degrees.

  • 286 D.C

    Fig. 4 - SEM ia), b)

    Fig. 5 -EDX

    FiguCoCrMo saraports Ca/

    Covaciu Romon

    images of apatiCoCrMo acope

    spectra of apati

    Fig. 6 - T

    ure 5 showamples and pP.

    ni, G. Voicu, D.

    te coatings: a), erit la 28oC, c), d

    ite coatings: a)

    Tafel plots for co

    ws EDX spepermit la calc

    Ioni, I. Deme

    b) Coated CoCd) CoCrMo acop

    Coated CoCrMo280C; b)

    oated and uncoa

    ectra of coaculation of mo

    etrescu / About CoCrM

    CrMo at 28oC; c)perit la 22oC.

    o at 280C; b) Co) CoCrMo acope

    ated CoCrMo a

    ated olar


    t stability of elecMo alloys

    ), d) Coated Co

    oated CoCrMo aerit la 220C

    lloy/ Curbele Ta

    The resence of cresence of io

    ctrodeposited flu

    CrMo at 22oC/ I

    at 220C/ Spectru

    afel pentru aliaju

    EDX spectrcalcium and ons substrate

    uoridated phosp

    Imagini SEM de

    ul EDX: a) CoC

    ul CoCrMo.

    ra analysis phosphoruse, cobalt, chr

    phate masses on

    epuneri apatitice

    rMo acoperit la

    revealed th, but also thromium and



    e e

  • D.Covaciu Rom

    molybdenumcoated CoCat 28oC and

    EDXcoating at 2CoCrMo sacalcium, beCa/P in characterizaperformed o

    3.3. Stabili


    3.3.1. ElectAppl

    (FHA), Ca10degree of fHA coating,seen from determinatio

    CoCsamples w(NaCl 0.9%electrochemelectrochemcyclic voltaartificial sal


    in the intervcircuit pot2mV/seconusing the ssystem usesaliva and pelectrolytes


    The3) were recimmersed ithe coated a

    Fig. 7




    moni, G. Voicu,

    m. Molar ratCrMo alloy ad 1.88 for coaX analyses s

    28oC is a littleample at 22eing much

    bones. Nation of thon coated Co

    ity of CoCrMses in salina trochemicalication of 0(PO4)6(OH)2fluoridation , could providelectrochemons. CrMo samp

    were charac% wt %) amical methomical impedammetry. Thiva Afnor is pfel plots e Tafel plots val 200/+ 2tential and ds. The detesame three ed for coatipsysiologicals. e polarizatir 4 Software

    e smallest cucorded in cain artificial salloy has a g

    - Protective effi


    , D. Ioni, I. De

    ios of phospare 1.40 for cated CoCrMoshows that Ce bit deficien2oC is easilcloser to thNext deterhe coated oCrMo at 22

    Mo coated wne solution

    l characterizfluoridated

    2xFx where 0 (FHA) in c

    de better stamical data an

    ples and cocterized in and in artifods, such adance spece chemical presented in

    determinatio200mV in ref

    with a erminations w

    electrodes ing process l serum (NaC

    on curves are presenturrent densitase of coatedsaliva, but ingood corrosio

    ciency/ Eficien

    emetrescu / Sta

    phate massescoated CoCro at 22oC. CoCrMo samt in calcium, ly overcome

    he molar raprminations CoCrMo w


    with phosphn and artifi

    zation hydroxyapa

    < x < 2 is thcomparison wability as cannd ions relel

    oated CoCrsaline solu

    ficial saliva as Tafel plctroscopy compositionTable 2.

    on were carference to oscan rate were performsystem as using artifi

    Cl 0.9% wt%

    obtained ed in Figure ty values (Tad CoCrMo an both solution resistance

    a acoperirii.

    abilitatea maselo

    s of rMo

    mple but

    e in port

    for were

    hate icial

    atite e with n be ase

    rMo tion by

    ots, and n of

    ried pen

    of med

    the icial ) as

    by 6.

    able alloy ons e.










    or fosfatice fluor

    Accorlots it is obvase of coateoverage wi

    mprove the aThe c

    lloy is coatehan in artifggressive. Py phosphatealues are lectropositiveassive chara

    As faorosity is a

    he interactionspecially thllows a deeiomaterial, ttachment cae a way to appens for ossible to

    materials, to hus limiting t24].

    The sstimated by

    he following e


    esistances oating/substotential diffenodic Tafel c

    The orosity fromsted in Table

    The ce calculatequation [25]:

    Whereesistances oubstrate. Thquation 19 is

    FHA cfficiency in aliva. It ca

    CoCrMo imprhe corrosivehysiological ubstrate. FHorrosive meecline the co

    rurate pe aliaje

    rding to obvious that coed alloy andith fluoridat

    anticorrosion corrosion raed and in sficial saliva,

    Polarization re masses adisplaced fe domain, acter. ar as the bcrucial parans at the impe reaction eper penetraand thus

    an be reachetune the stifnatural bonereduce the match that

    the so-called

    urface porosy potentiodyequation:

    e Rp and Rof the barate pair, re

    erence betwecoefficient ofcalculated

    m the potente 2. coating proteed using th:

    e Rop and f the uncoate

    he protectives shown in Fcoating shophysiologican be seen roved, after Fe action of

    serum froHA coating reedium into thorrosion rate

    de CoCrMo

    btained datarrosion rate we can conted phosphproperties.

    ates are lowaline solutio, the latterresistances aand corrosiofrom electro


    bioactivity ismeter, since

    plant host tissrate. A po

    ation of celhigher lev

    ed [22]. Poroffness of a mes [23]. In t

    stiffness ot of natural d stress shi

    sity fraction namic polar

    Rp0 are theare substraespectively, een them, af the substratvalues of tiodynamic a

    ective efficiehe using t

    Rp are theed/ substrate

    e efficiency cFigure 7.

    wed a highal serum thathat the cor

    FHA coatingf the artificm penetrateduce the dihe substrate.


    a from Tafeis smallest infirm that thhate masse

    wer when thon are higher being lesare enhanceon potentialonegative t

    a possibl

    s concernede it influencesue interface

    orous coatinls inside thvels of ceosity can alsmaterial, as his way, it i

    of biomedicabone tissue

    ielding effec

    for FHA warization usin


    e polarizatiote and thEcorr is thand a is thte. the coatin

    analyses ar

    ency (Pi) cathe followin

    (19)e polarizatioe coated barcalculated fo

    her protectivan in artificiarrosion rate o. FHA inhibitial saliva oing into thffusion of th

    e and hence


    el n e


    e er ss d s o e

    d, es e, g e

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    as g

    n e e e

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  • 288 D.C



    Fig. 9 - Bode acope

    Covaciu Romon





    EcorRp [

    Vcorr [P(

    . 8 - Nyquist dia

    diagrams for Cerit i neacoperi

    ni, G. Voicu, D.

    mical compositiotance Naty (g/L) 0.


    rodes A/cm2] rr [V] /cm2] [mm/Y] %)

    agrams for CoCCoCrMo acop

    CoCrMo and coit n soluie de s

    Ioni, I. Deme

    on of artificial saaCl KCl7 1.2

    al paramettres fArtificial

    CoCrMo 0.258

    -0.481 10.63104

    2.9610-3 -

    rMo and coatedperit i neacope

    oated CoCrMo saliv artificial i

    etrescu / About CoCrM

    aliva Afnor/ ComNa2HPO


    from Tafel plots/saliva (Afnor)




    d CoCrMo in arterit n soluie de

    in artificial sal

    i soluie salin.

    t stability of elecMo alloys

    mpoziia chimicO4 NaHCO3


    / Parametri elec

    o/FHA C99 55 104 310-3 541

    tificial saliva and saliv artificial

    iva and in salin

    ctrodeposited flu

    saliva artificialKSCN 0.33

    ctrochimici din cPhysiologica

    (NaCl 0.9CoCrMo

    0.546 -0.381

    33.58103 5.4610-3


    d in saline soluti soluie salin

    ne solution/ Dia

    uoridated phosp

    l Afnor CH4ON2


    curbele Tafel al serum 9%) CoCrMo/FHA

    0.125 0.111

    11.42104 1.7210-3


    ion/ Diagramele

    agramele Bode

    phate masses on



    e Nyquist pentru

    pentru CoCrM






  • D.Covaciu Rom

    Fig. 10 - Cylicacope


    Spectroscousing workiKHz, final fThe three Ag/AgCl, Pt

    Figucoated andand in salin

    Figuand uncoatsaline solut

    EleelectrochemdeterminatioRsol (R1) transfer reCoCrMo/ ephase elemat the interfconstant phinterface.

    Thesurface is consisting ohigh impedprotection, impedance,in bioapplic

    moni, G. Voicu,

    c Voltammetry perite i neacope

    ctrochemicae Electrpy (EIS) deteing parameterequency 50

    electrodes t, CoCrMo anure 8 presd uncoated e solution. ure 9 presented CoCrMotion. ctrochemica

    mical imons are preis solution resistance (pelectrolyte inment (electricface CoCrMhase elemen

    e EIS results composedof an inner dance and and an ou

    , which can sation, includ

    EleSolutions/ Solu

    Electrodes Electric circui

    Rsol (R1) [/cmRp (R2 ) [/cm

    CPE1 n1

    CPE2 n2

    , D. Ioni, I. De

    plots for coated rite

    l Impedancerochemical erminations ers for initial

    0 MHz and 1system w

    nd CoCrMo csent Nyquist

    CoCrMo in

    nt Bode diago in artificia

    l parammpedance esented in Tresistance, Rpolarisation terface), CPc double layo/ electrolyte

    nt of the coa

    s indicated thd of a bibarrier layeresponsible

    uter porous sustain a suiing cell adhe

    ectrochemical pii Arti


    m2] 29.7m2] 11.54


    - -

    emetrescu / Sta

    and uncoated C

    e SpectroscopImpeda

    were performl frequency 0mV amplitu

    was the sacoated. t diagrams

    artificial sa

    rams for coal saliva and

    meters frspectrosc

    Table 4, whRp (R2) is lo

    resistance PE1 is constyer capacitae) and CPE2

    ating/ electro

    hat the CoCr-layered ox

    er associatede for corros

    layer of loitable behavesion.

    paramettres fromificial saliva/ Sa

    CrMo C



    10-3 91

    abilitatea maselo

    CoCrMo sample

    py nce

    med 100 ude. me:

    for aliva

    ated d in

    rom copy here oad

    at tant nce 2 is


    rMo xide d to sion wer iour


    m EIS diagramsaliva articifial CoCrMo/FHA

    119.31 27.52104 10.0310-5

    0.99 50.3410-5


    or fosfatice fluor

    es/ Curbele de

    ig. 11 - a) Ca2+ rNaCl 0.dissolutiionilor de

    s/ Parametri elecS





    rurate pe aliaje

    volatametrie cic

    release in NaCl9%; b) An emon at interface/e calciu la interf

    ctrochimici din dSaline Solution/ CrMo


    07103 010-5 91 - -

    de CoCrMo

    clic pentru pro

    0.9%/ Dizolvarmpirical model / Un model emfa.

    diagramele EIS Soluie salin


    15.31 10.29104 9.7310-5

    0.81 93.2510-5



    obele de CoCrM

    rea ionilor Ca2+ iof calcium ion

    mpiric al dizolvr





    in ns rii


  • 290 D.C

    In bin artificial resistance values are Tafel plotsmaterials ccorrosion rserum. Canphysiologicaof magnitudsaliva, indcharacter on2 we can electrolyte interface odiffusive ch


    working pa800mV, E2mV/seconvoltammetryCoCrMo saphysiologica

    All confirm thaimproved aggression to the fact aggressive solution, wh 3.3.2. Ca2+


    sample obpresented imodel of dtime was uthe evolutiostate.

    Fig. 12 - ConCoCpen(b).

    Covaciu Romon

    both cases, saliva, the of the subscorrelated

    s. In artificovered and resistance cn be noticedal serum thede smaller dicating a of the serum.say that at thexist a capa

    of CoCrMo/Faracter throu

    clic Voltammr cyclic voltaarametters wE2 = 150ds. In Figuy curves famples in soal serum.

    electrochat the phospcorrosion rof the solutthat that scharacter

    hich causes a

    ion release%) cium ions r

    btained at 2in Figure 11issolution atntil 100 hou

    on in time re

    ntact angle valCrMo sample (ntru proba CoC

    ni, G. Voicu, D. in physiologcoating layetrate (Rp vawith valuescial saliva, uncovered,

    compared tod that in cae Rp value ithan the Co

    much mo. From the vhe interface acitive charaFHA/electrolyugh obtained

    metry ammetry detwere: E0 = -0 mV anure 10 arefor uncoateolutions, artif

    emical cphate massresistance. tions studiedsaline solutio

    due to frea stronger co

    e in saline

    release on c220C in sal together w

    t interface. Turs and it is epresents a

    ues for uncoat(b)/ Valorile un

    CrMo neacoper

    Ioni, I. Deme

    gical serum er improves alues). Also obtained fr

    both studshows a beo physiolog

    ase of CoCrs with an oroCrMo/ artifiore aggressalues of n1 of the CoCr

    acter and at yte we haved porous laye

    erminations -800mV, E1nd scan re shown cyd and coaficial saliva

    haracterizaties coating Regarding

    d the results on has a mee Cl- ionsorrosion.

    solution (N

    coated CoCrine solutionith an empir

    The observato mention ttrend to ste

    ted (a) and conghiului de conrit (a) i acop

    etrescu / About CoCrM and the Rp

    rom died etter gical Mo/ rder icial sive and Mo/ the

    e a er.

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    rMo n is rical tion that ady

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    t stability of elecMo alloys

    3.4. Contact The d

    erformed wrocedure sudrop) of dis

    Figure 12 theetermination

    For ngle values

    s 96.30 whichIn c

    hosphate mangle is 15uperhydrophelation with bngles the bio

    3.5. MicroharThe V

    eterminationwith Buehler

    for 10 secoVickers units

    The lloy was 46alue 310 Hbtained valardness due

    Adheetermined aevice for det

    Pull- off adheProte

    y determininStrength) wh

    ttached withiameter) waurface coveromponents

    Henkel). The 2 hours at r

    with the speeBy co

    dherence teoated CoCrnd 2.69 MPoating layer

    4. Conclusio

    SEM lectrochemichosphate m

    Diffraction amineralogical uorohydroxy

    An esing ele

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    rdness and Vickers test ns of metallicequipment b

    onds and was(HV). obtained va9 HV. ComHV accordinue is highe

    e to the coatision of saccording totermining thesion AT-A ( Dctive coating

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    (epoxy-patcadhesive wa

    room temped of 0.875 Momparison tests [26], tMo samples

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    analysis procrysta

    yapatite and Cefficiency evctrochemicats and we

    masses electe stable in ysiological N

    uoridated phosp

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    oxy resin adhch-907 Hysas allowed torature. Tests

    MPa. he literaturethe obtaineds are modesy due to the form.

    analysis cond for deoCrMo is effoves the elline phCaHPO4 as wvaluation wal and

    found thatrodeposited both electro

    NaCl solution

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    the contacd the averagaracter. h fluoridatege for contacevidence thophilicity is ismall contac

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  • D.Covaciu Romoni, G. Voicu, D. Ioni, I. Demetrescu / Stabilitatea maselor fosfatice fluorurate pe aliaje de CoCrMo 291

    The mechanical properties meaning microhardness and adherence are better for nanosized coatings as well.


    The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/ 159/1.5/S/134198.


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