Introduction Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College London) joint work with . A. Richou (Universit´ e Bordeaux 1) Advances in Financial Mathematics, Paris, 08-01-2014 J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

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Page 1: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs

J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College London)joint work with .

A. Richou (Universite Bordeaux 1)

Advances in Financial Mathematics, Paris, 08-01-2014

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 2: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

IntroductionFrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Stability and convergenceLinear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Numerical StabilityDefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 3: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)


IntroductionFrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Stability and convergenceLinear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Numerical StabilityDefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 4: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Backward Sto. Diff. Eq. - Markovian Setting

I Decoupled Forward Backward SDE on [0,T ]:

Xt = X0 +

∫ t

0b(Xs)ds +

∫ t


Yt = g(XT ) +

∫ T

tf (Ys ,Zs)ds −

∫ T


↪→ b, σ, f and g are Lipschitz functions.

I PDE representation: Yt = u(t,Xt), u solution to

−L(0)u = f (u, L(1)u) and u(T , .) = g

where L(0)u := ∂tu + LXu and L(1)u = ∂xu.σ.If smoothness,

Zt = L(1)[u](t,Xt) and f (Yt ,Zt) = −L(0)[u](t,Xt).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 5: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Backward Sto. Diff. Eq. - Markovian Setting

I Decoupled Forward Backward SDE on [0,T ]:

Xt = X0 +

∫ t

0b(Xs)ds +

∫ t


Yt = g(XT ) +

∫ T

tf (Ys ,Zs)ds −

∫ T


↪→ b, σ, f and g are Lipschitz functions.I PDE representation: Yt = u(t,Xt), u solution to

−L(0)u = f (u, L(1)u) and u(T , .) = g

where L(0)u := ∂tu + LXu and L(1)u = ∂xu.σ.If smoothness,

Zt = L(1)[u](t,Xt) and f (Yt ,Zt) = −L(0)[u](t,Xt).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 6: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Non-linearity and finance


The stock price is given by

Xt = X0 +

∫ t

0µXsds +

∫ t


The price of an european option with payoff g , assuming different ratefor borrowing (R) and lending (r) is given by

Yt = g(XT ) +

∫ T

t(−rYs +

µ− r

σZs + (R − r)[Ys −


σ]−)ds −

∫ T

tZsdWs .

↪→ These are the dynamics of the value of the optimal hedging portfolio.

I Non-linearity coming from f (y , z) = −ry + µ−rσ z + (R − r)[y − z

σ ]−

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 7: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs = Yti+1 +

∫ ti+1

tif (Ys ,Zs)ds (1)

I For the Y -part:

Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:

Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 8: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:

Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:

Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 9: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:

Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:

Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 10: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )


↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:

Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 11: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:

Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 12: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:

Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 13: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti



Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 14: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 15: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Deriving the scheme

We are given an equidistant grid π = {0 = t0 < ... < ti < ... < tn = T},define h = T/n.

I Start with: Yti +∫ ti+1

tiZsdWs ' Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti ) (1)

I For the Y -part:Take conditional expectation, Yti ' Eti

[Yti+1 + hf (Yti ,Zti )

]↪→ Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

I For the Z -part:Multiply (1) by ∆Wi := Wti+1 −Wti , take conditional expectation:


[∫ ti+1


]' Eti


]Say Eti

[∫ ti+1


]' hZti , =⇒ hZti ' Eti[∆WiYi+1]

↪→ Zi := Eti[HiYi+1] with Hi := h−1∆Wi .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 16: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)


I The Scheme: given the terminal condition Yn = g(Xn), thetransition from step i + 1 to i is

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

↪→ The curse of computing the conditional expectations.I Goals:

(i) Prove the convergence of the scheme (using a first notion of stability)(ii) Understand the behaviour of the scheme in practice (using a second

notion of stability)

I Remark: for this scheme, convergence has been proved by Zhangand Bouchard - Touzi (2004) and Gobet-Labart (2007).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 17: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)


I The Scheme: given the terminal condition Yn = g(Xn), thetransition from step i + 1 to i is

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

↪→ The curse of computing the conditional expectations.

I Goals:

(i) Prove the convergence of the scheme (using a first notion of stability)(ii) Understand the behaviour of the scheme in practice (using a second

notion of stability)

I Remark: for this scheme, convergence has been proved by Zhangand Bouchard - Touzi (2004) and Gobet-Labart (2007).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 18: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)


I The Scheme: given the terminal condition Yn = g(Xn), thetransition from step i + 1 to i is

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

↪→ The curse of computing the conditional expectations.I Goals:

(i) Prove the convergence of the scheme (using a first notion of stability)(ii) Understand the behaviour of the scheme in practice (using a second

notion of stability)

I Remark: for this scheme, convergence has been proved by Zhangand Bouchard - Touzi (2004) and Gobet-Labart (2007).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 19: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)


I The Scheme: given the terminal condition Yn = g(Xn), thetransition from step i + 1 to i is

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

↪→ The curse of computing the conditional expectations.I Goals:

(i) Prove the convergence of the scheme (using a first notion of stability)

(ii) Understand the behaviour of the scheme in practice (using a secondnotion of stability)

I Remark: for this scheme, convergence has been proved by Zhangand Bouchard - Touzi (2004) and Gobet-Labart (2007).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 20: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)


I The Scheme: given the terminal condition Yn = g(Xn), thetransition from step i + 1 to i is

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

↪→ The curse of computing the conditional expectations.I Goals:

(i) Prove the convergence of the scheme (using a first notion of stability)(ii) Understand the behaviour of the scheme in practice (using a second

notion of stability)

I Remark: for this scheme, convergence has been proved by Zhangand Bouchard - Touzi (2004) and Gobet-Labart (2007).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 21: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

FrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)


I The Scheme: given the terminal condition Yn = g(Xn), thetransition from step i + 1 to i is

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

↪→ The curse of computing the conditional expectations.I Goals:

(i) Prove the convergence of the scheme (using a first notion of stability)(ii) Understand the behaviour of the scheme in practice (using a second

notion of stability)

I Remark: for this scheme, convergence has been proved by Zhangand Bouchard - Touzi (2004) and Gobet-Labart (2007).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 22: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration


IntroductionFrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Stability and convergenceLinear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Numerical StabilityDefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 23: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Designing more acurate scheme, Y -part

I We want to find coefficients (aj), (bj):

Yti = Eti


ajYti+j + hr∑


bj f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

+ εYi

with the truncation error εYi = Oi (hm).

I Observing that:





cYk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm+1)


[f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

]= −


cYk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm)

we end up matching coefficients to cancel terms...

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 24: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Designing more acurate scheme, Y -part

I We want to find coefficients (aj), (bj):

Yti = Eti


ajYti+j + hr∑


bj f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

+ εYi

with the truncation error εYi = Oi (hm).I Observing that:





cYk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm+1)


[f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

]= −


cYk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm)

we end up matching coefficients to cancel terms...

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 25: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Designing more acurate scheme, Z -part

I We want to find coefficients (αj), (βj):

Zti = Eti


αjHYi ,jYti+j + h


βjHfi ,j f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

+ εZi .

such that εZi = Oi (hm)

I The following expansions hold true:


[HYi ,jYti+j



cZk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm)


[H fi ,j f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

]= −


cZk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm−2)

where Hi ,j = 1jh

∫ ti+j

tiϕ( s−tihj )dWs for some ’special’ functions ϕ.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 26: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Designing more acurate scheme, Z -part

I We want to find coefficients (αj), (βj):

Zti = Eti


αjHYi ,jYti+j + h


βjHfi ,j f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

+ εZi .

such that εZi = Oi (hm)I The following expansions hold true:


[HYi ,jYti+j



cZk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm)


[H fi ,j f (Yti+j ,Zti+j )

]= −


cZk (ti )|jh|k + O(hm−2)

where Hi ,j = 1jh

∫ ti+j

tiϕ( s−tihj )dWs for some ’special’ functions ϕ.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 27: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Linear multi-step scheme

Definition(i) To initialise the scheme with r steps, r ≥ 1, we are given r terminalconditions (Yn−j ,Zn−j), Ftn−j -measurable square integrable randomvariables, 0 ≤ j ≤ r − 1.(ii) For i ≤ n − r , the computation of (Yi ,Zi ) involves r steps and isgiven by

Yi = Eti

[∑rj=1 ajYi+j + h

∑rj=0 bj f (Yi+j ,Zi+j)

]Zi = Eti

[∑rj=1 αjH

Yi ,jYi+j + h

∑rj=1 βjH

fi ,j f (Yi+j ,Zi+j)

]where aj , bj , αj , βj are real numbers.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 28: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

A pertubation approach

We consider a pertubed scheme: Yi = Eti

[∑rj=1 aj Yi+j + h

∑rj=0 bj f (Yi+j , Zi+j)

]+ ζYi

Zi = Eti

[∑rj=1 αjH

yi ,j Yi+j + h

∑rj=1 βjH

fi ,j fi ,j f (Yi+j , Zi+j)

]+ ζZi

set δYk := Yk − Yk , δZk := Zk − Zk .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 29: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Definition: L2-Stability

DefinitionThe multi-step scheme is said to be L2-stable if


E[|δYi |2



hE[|δZi |2

]≤ C


0≤j≤r−1E[|δYn−j |2 + h|δZn−j |2

]+ h




h2|ζYi |2 + |ζZi |2

])for all sequences ζYi ,ζZi of L2(Fti )-random variable and terminal values(Yn−j ,Zn−j), (Yn−j , Zn−j) belonging to L2(Ftn−j ), 0 ≤ j ≤ r − 1.

i.e. the overall error is the sum of the error done at each step +initialization error. C will depend ’dramatically’ on T and Lip(f ).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 30: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Main result

Recall the scheme:Yi = Eti

[∑rj=1 ajYi+j + h

∑rj=0 bj f (Yi+j ,Zi+j)

]Zi = Eti

[∑rj=1 αjH

Yi ,jYi+j + h

∑rj=1 βjH

fi ,j f (Yi+j ,Zi+j)

]TheoremAssume that f is Lipschitz continuous and the following holds

(H) The coefficients (aj) are non-negative,∑r

j=1 aj = 1 and for1 ≤ j ≤ r , aj = 0 =⇒ αj = 0,

then, the multi-step scheme is L2-stable, for h small enough.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 31: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration


I Stability + control of truncation error =⇒ convergence

I Possibly high order rate of convergence, if smoothness

I Scheme initialisation: use one-step method: Runge-Kutta method!

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 32: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Example 1


In this example, we work with d = 1. The decoupled FBSDE is given by

Xt = 1 +

∫ t

0µXsds +

∫ t


Yt =X1

1 + X1+

∫ 1

tZs(σYs −


σ)ds −

∫ 1

tZsdWs , with (µ, σ) = (0.05, 0.4) .

A direct application of Ito formula yields that (Yt ,Zt) = ( Xt1+Xt

, σXt(1+Xt)2 ).

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 33: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Graph Example 1

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 34: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Example 2


In this example, we work with d = 3 and X = W . We consider thefollowing BSDE

Yt =ω(1,W1)

1 + ω(1,W1)+

∫ 1

t(Z 1

s + Z 2s + Z 3

s )(5

6− Ys)ds −

∫ 1

tZsdWs .

where ω(t, x) = exp (x1 + x2 + x3 + t). Applying Ito formula, we verifythat the solution is given by

Yt =ω(t,Wt)

1 + ω(t,Wt)and Z l

t =ω(t,Wt)

(1 + ω(t,Wt))2, l ∈ {1, 2, 3} , t ∈ [0, 1] .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 35: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

Linear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Graph Example 2

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 36: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


IntroductionFrameworkBTZ scheme - (implicit Euler)

Stability and convergenceLinear Multi-step schemesL2-StabilityNumerical illustration

Numerical StabilityDefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 37: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Some questions to answer

I Many possible schemes, some better than other? (with same orderof convergence)

I L2-stability, convergence: asymptotic result when h is small... Whatif f has a big Lipschitz constant? Stiff problems.

I What if T is big?

I Will the scheme always return a reasonable value? Are there someconstraints on h?

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 38: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


We will discuss the two following schemes:

I BTZ-scheme ’Implicit Euler’:

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi ,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

I ’Semi explicit’ Euler:

Yi := Eti[Yi+1 + hf (Yi+1,Zi )]

Zi := Eti[HiYi+1]

I Eti[Hi ] = 0, Eti

[|Hi |2

]≤ Λ, for some given Λ > 0.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 39: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


I f (0, 0) = 0 =⇒ (0, 0) is solution with terminal condition 0.

I f is Lipschitz continuous in Y (uniformly), i.e.

|f (y , z)− f (y ′, z)| ≤ LY |y − y ′| .


yf (y , 0) ≤ −lY |y |2

where LY , lY are non-negative real numbers.

I We also assume that f is Lipschitz continuous in z (uniformly) i.e.

|f (y , z)− f (y , z ′)| ≤ LZ |z − z ′| .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 40: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


I f (0, 0) = 0 =⇒ (0, 0) is solution with terminal condition 0.

I f is Lipschitz continuous in Y (uniformly), i.e.

|f (y , z)− f (y ′, z)| ≤ LY |y − y ′| .


yf (y , 0) ≤ −lY |y |2

where LY , lY are non-negative real numbers.

I We also assume that f is Lipschitz continuous in z (uniformly) i.e.

|f (y , z)− f (y , z ′)| ≤ LZ |z − z ′| .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 41: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


I f (0, 0) = 0 =⇒ (0, 0) is solution with terminal condition 0.

I f is Lipschitz continuous in Y (uniformly), i.e.

|f (y , z)− f (y ′, z)| ≤ LY |y − y ′| .


yf (y , 0) ≤ −lY |y |2

where LY , lY are non-negative real numbers.

I We also assume that f is Lipschitz continuous in z (uniformly) i.e.

|f (y , z)− f (y , z ′)| ≤ LZ |z − z ′| .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 42: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


I Things can go wrong already for ODEs: y ′ = f (y) withf (y) = −ay , a > 0.

Explicit Euler scheme satisfies: yn = (1− ah)ny0

if h > 2a and n is big, we get NaN!

h = 2a is a critical value.

I For this talk, numerical illustration done using binomial tree (or

trinomial tree) for brownian motion (W ).

↪→ The terminal condition is given by cos(WT ).

↪→ T will be big to get a sharp characterisation of thestability/unstability.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 43: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


I Things can go wrong already for ODEs: y ′ = f (y) withf (y) = −ay , a > 0.

Explicit Euler scheme satisfies: yn = (1− ah)ny0

if h > 2a and n is big, we get NaN!

h = 2a is a critical value.

I For this talk, numerical illustration done using binomial tree (or

trinomial tree) for brownian motion (W ).

↪→ The terminal condition is given by cos(WT ).

↪→ T will be big to get a sharp characterisation of thestability/unstability.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 44: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Some Definitions

Let ξ be a bounded terminal condition (random).

I Numerical stability: We say that the scheme is asymptoticallynumerically stable if there exists h∗ > 0, such that for all h ≤ h∗

|Y0| ≤ C ||ξ||∞,

where C is a constant that does not depend on T .

I A-stability: if, moreover, h∗ =∞, then we say that the scheme isA-stable.

↪→ In practice, we could expect 2 regimes for the scheme:

I h < h: scheme returns a ’reasonable’ value

I h > h: scheme is unstable

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 45: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Some Definitions

Let ξ be a bounded terminal condition (random).

I Numerical stability: We say that the scheme is asymptoticallynumerically stable if there exists h∗ > 0, such that for all h ≤ h∗

|Y0| ≤ C ||ξ||∞,

where C is a constant that does not depend on T .

I A-stability: if, moreover, h∗ =∞, then we say that the scheme isA-stable.

↪→ In practice, we could expect 2 regimes for the scheme:

I h < h: scheme returns a ’reasonable’ value

I h > h: scheme is unstable

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 46: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Strict monotony (lY > 0) and one dimensional Y

TheoremAssume that

1− h∗|LY |2

2lY− LZh∗max

i|Hi | ≥ 0 (1)

then the scheme is numerically asymptoticaly stable for the Y part.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

√h ≤





a− b

a> 0 .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 47: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Strict monotony (lY > 0) and one dimensional Y

TheoremAssume that

1− h∗|LY |2

2lY− LZh∗max

i|Hi | ≥ 0 (1)

then the scheme is numerically asymptoticaly stable for the Y part.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

√h ≤





a− b

a> 0 .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 48: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Strict monotony (lY > 0) and multidimensional Y

TheoremAssume that



h∗ + LZ√


2lY≥ 0 (2)

then the scheme is numerically asymptoticaly stable for the Y part.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

√h∗ =


a− b


More restrictive condition.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 49: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Strict monotony (lY > 0) and multidimensional Y

TheoremAssume that



h∗ + LZ√


2lY≥ 0 (2)

then the scheme is numerically asymptoticaly stable for the Y part.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

√h∗ =


a− b


More restrictive condition.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 50: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Numerical illustration f (y , z) = −ay + bz , b = 5

Yellow = unstable, correct Y0 value ' 0.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 51: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Strict monotony (lY > 0) and multidim Y

TheoremAssume that


Λ− |L

Z |2

2ly≥ 0 ,

then the scheme is A-stable.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

1− b2

2a≥ 0 .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 52: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Strict monotony (lY > 0) and multidim Y

TheoremAssume that


Λ− |L

Z |2

2ly≥ 0 ,

then the scheme is A-stable.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

1− b2

2a≥ 0 .

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 53: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

One dimensional Y , possibly lY = 0

TheoremAssume that that

1− LZh∗maxi|Hi | ≥ 0 (3)

then the scheme is asymptotically numerically stable.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

h∗ ≤ 1


J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 54: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

One dimensional Y , possibly lY = 0

TheoremAssume that that

1− LZh∗maxi|Hi | ≥ 0 (3)

then the scheme is asymptotically numerically stable.

↪→ Scheme based on binomial tree, Linear case: f (y , z) = −ay + bz .the condition reads

h∗ ≤ 1


J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 55: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Financial application

I Consider the model with two different interest rates and thefollowing ’plausible’ parameters:

r = 0.03, R = 0.06, σ = 0.4.

I then (for binomial tree), we get

- Implicit scheme: A-stable!- Semi explicit scheme: h ≥ 12.

No worries, at least for d = 1...

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 56: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Financial application

I Consider the model with two different interest rates and thefollowing ’plausible’ parameters:

r = 0.03, R = 0.06, σ = 0.4.

I then (for binomial tree), we get

- Implicit scheme: A-stable!- Semi explicit scheme: h ≥ 12.

No worries, at least for d = 1...

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 57: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Numerical illustration −ay + bz , b = 5

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 58: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Von Neumann Stability Analysis, f (y , z) = bz

I For k ∈ R, ξ = e ikWtn (binomial tree),

Yi = yieikWti


yi = λyi+1 with λ := E[(1 + b∆Wi )e ik∆Wi


I The scheme is stable iff |λ| ≤ 1 i.e. (after some computations)

h|b|2 ≤ 1 !

I Remark: observe that the dimension of b (so W ) impacts thestability of the scheme.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 59: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Von Neumann Stability Analysis, f (y , z) = bz

I For k ∈ R, ξ = e ikWtn (binomial tree),

Yi = yieikWti


yi = λyi+1 with λ := E[(1 + b∆Wi )e ik∆Wi

]I The scheme is stable iff |λ| ≤ 1 i.e. (after some computations)

h|b|2 ≤ 1 !

I Remark: observe that the dimension of b (so W ) impacts thestability of the scheme.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 60: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Von Neumann Stability Analysis, f (y , z) = bz

I For k ∈ R, ξ = e ikWtn (binomial tree),

Yi = yieikWti


yi = λyi+1 with λ := E[(1 + b∆Wi )e ik∆Wi

]I The scheme is stable iff |λ| ≤ 1 i.e. (after some computations)

h|b|2 ≤ 1 !

I Remark: observe that the dimension of b (so W ) impacts thestability of the scheme.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 61: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Numerical illustration f (z) = bz

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 62: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Numerical illustration f (z) = b|z |

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 63: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Numerical illustration f (z) = sin(bz)

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 64: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler


I Above results hold true for US options.

I Convergent method for BSDEs with unbounded terminal time?

I Numerical stability condition for other schemes?

I Numerical experiments to run with other methods to computeconditional expectations, in greater dimension.

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs

Page 65: Stability analysis of approximation schemes for … Stability and convergence Numerical Stability Stability analysis of approximation schemes for BSDEs J-F Chassagneux (Imperial College

IntroductionStability and convergence

Numerical Stability

DefinitionSemi-explicit EulerImplicit Euler

Non-linearity is beautiful!

Thank you!

J-F Chassagneux Stability of approx. for BSDEs