From the Rector Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R. Staffed by The Redemptorists Lent has begun and as always, on the First Sunday of Lent we are brought into the desert and contemplate Jesus’ struggle with the power of evil. We are reminded in the scriptures that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are except, unlike us, he did not sin. Jesus entered into the desert to begin his confrontation with the power of evil, it is a confrontation which will bring him total victory on Easter Sunday. Lent challenges us to confront the power of evil in our own lives, in the Church, in our society. Each of us struggles with the power of evil in our lives, while we have the best of intentions to follow Jesus Christ and live the gospel, we find ourselves doing the op- posite, doing the very things we had promised not to do. Pride, selfishness, and anger sometimes seem stronger than we are. Certainly, we have all been struggling with the power of evil in the Church, the abuse crisis has made us all conscious that sometimes, those who lead us in the Church are not exempt from falling under the power of evil. As a society we struggle with the evil of gun violence, the evil of inequality, the evil prejudice and racism. Lent calls upon us to confront the power of evil on all these lev- els, to become better Christians, to fight for a better Church, and to help create a more just society. However, we do not do it alone, Jesus Christ has promised us his Spirit and is ready to reach out to us with mercy and compassion. Lent will eventually lead to Easter and the assurance of ultimate victory. The second reading last week from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians says to us: “But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ”. First Sunday of Lent March 10, 2019 Weekday Masses 7:00am and 12:10pm Saturday Masses 8:00am and 12:10pm Vigil: 4:00pm, 7:00pm (Haitian) Sunday Masses 9:00am,12:30pm, 5:00pm 11:00am (Spanish) Sacrament of Penance Monday-Saturday at 11:50am Saturday 3:30pm Wednesday Novena Service 12:10pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish), 7:00pm (Haitian) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 8:00am to 5:00pm

Staffed by From the Rector The Redemptorists · 2019. 4. 24. · From the Rector Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R. Staffed by. The Redemptorists. Lent has begun and as always, on the

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  • From the RectorVery Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R.

    Staffed byThe Redemptorists

    Lent has begun and as always, on the First Sunday of Lent we are brought into the desert and contemplate Jesus’ struggle with the power of evil. We are reminded in the scriptures that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are except, unlike us, he did not sin. Jesus entered into the desert to begin his confrontation with the

    power of evil, it is a confrontation which will bring him total victory on Easter Sunday.Lent challenges us to confront the power of evil in our own lives, in the Church, in our society. Each of us struggles with the power of evil in our lives, while we have the best of intentions to follow Jesus Christ and live the gospel, we find ourselves doing the op-posite, doing the very things we had promised not to do. Pride, selfishness, and anger sometimes seem stronger than we are. Certainly, we have all been struggling with the power of evil in the Church, the abuse crisis has made us all conscious that sometimes, those who lead us in the Church are not exempt from falling under the power of evil.

    As a society we struggle with the evil of gun violence, the evil of inequality, the evil prejudice and racism. Lent calls upon us to confront the power of evil on all these lev-els, to become better Christians, to fight for a better Church, and to help create a more just society. However, we do not do it alone, Jesus Christ has promised us his Spirit and is ready to reach out to us with mercy and compassion. Lent will eventually lead to Easter and the assurance of ultimate victory. The second reading last week from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians says to us: “But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ”.

    First Sunday of Lent March 10, 2019

    Weekday Masses7:00am and 12:10pm

    Saturday Masses8:00am and 12:10pmVigil: 4:00pm, 7:00pm (Haitian)

    Sunday Masses9:00am,12:30pm, 5:00pm11:00am (Spanish)

    Sacrament of PenanceMonday-Saturday at 11:50amSaturday 3:30pm

    Wednesday Novena Service12:10pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish), 7:00pm (Haitian)

    Exposition of theBlessed SacramentWednesday 8:00am to 5:00pm

  • Mar 09 Saturday 8:00am Kristiana, Martin, Dale, and Alan Heins 12:10pm +Claire Burke Shrine and Purgatorian Members 4:00pm +Josephine P. Jerome 7:00pm Purgatorian Society

    Mar 10 Sunday 9:00am Special Intention 11:00am +Milagros Santiago 12:30pm +Michael Yaras 5:00pm Margo and Family Mar 11 Monday 7:00am Mass Prefect 12:10pm +John J. Malone Mar 12 Tuesday 7:00am Mass Prefect 12:10pm +Rose Hicks Mar 13 Wednesday 7:00am Margaret Keane 12:10pm +Luna Fuchsen and Family 6:30pm Purgatorian Society Mar 14 Thursday 7:00am Mass Prefect 12:10pm Christopher Patrick Nicolas Jacques Ralph Nicolas

    Mar 15 Friday 7:00am Klatte Pierre 12:10pm +Martha Kreckler


    En Español

    La Cuaresma ha comenzado y, como siempre, el primer domin-go de Cuaresma nos lleva al desierto y contempla la lucha de Jesús con el poder del mal. En las Escrituras se nos recuerda que Jesús fue tentado en todos los aspectos que somos, ex-cepto que, a diferencia de nosotros, no pecó. Jesús entró en el desierto para comenzar su confrontación con el poder del mal, es una confrontación que le traerá una victoria total el domingo de Pascua.

    La Cuaresma nos desafía a enfrentar el poder del mal en nues-tras propias vidas, en la Iglesia, en nuestra sociedad. Cada uno de nosotros lucha con el poder del mal en nuestras vidas, mien-tras tenemos las mejores intenciones de seguir a Jesucristo y vivir el Evangelio, nos encontramos haciendo lo contrario, haci-endo las mismas cosas que prometimos no hacer. El orgullo, el egoísmo y la ira a veces parecen más fuertes que nosotros. Ci-ertamente, todos hemos estado luchando con el poder del mal en la Iglesia, la crisis de abuso nos ha hecho a todos conscientes de que, a veces, los que nos guían en la Iglesia no están exentos de caer bajo el poder del mal. Como sociedad, luchamos contra el mal de la violencia armada, el mal de la desigualdad, el mal prejuicio y el racismo. La Cuaresma nos pide que confrontemos el poder del mal en todos estos niveles, que seamos mejores cristianos, que luchemos por una Iglesia mejor y que ayudemos a crear una sociedad más justa. Sin embargo, no lo hacemos solos, Jesucristo nos ha prometido su Espíritu y está listo para alcanzarnos con misericordia y compasión. La Cuaresma final-mente llevará a la Pascua y la seguridad de la victoria final. La segunda lectura la semana pasada de la primera carta de Pablo a los corintios nos dice: “Pero gracias a Dios que nos da la victo-ria a través de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo”.

    Reflexión“ Y ahora yo traigo las primicias de los productos del suelo que tú, Yahveh, me has dado “. (Deuteronomio 26:10)

    Esta línea del Antiguo Testamento ofrece dos desafíos. Prime-ro, ¿le das a Dios de tus “primicias”, lo mejor que tienes para ofrecer, o das de lo que queda? Segundo, ¿reconoces que todo lo que tienes te ha sido dado por Dios? Pídale a Dios un corazón agradecido y generoso, todos los días, en cualquier circunstan-cia.

    StewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipStewardshipReflection“I have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you, O Lord, have given to me.” (Deuteronomy 26:10)

    This line from the Old Testament offers two challenges. First, do you give to God from your “first fruits”, the best that you have to offer, or do you give from what is leftover? Second, do you recognize that everything you have has been given to you by God? Ask God for a grateful and generous heart, every day, in all circumstances

  • Reflection


    Daily Lenten Devotions BookletThe Redemptorists have released a daily book of prayer and reflection to guide you through the season of Lent. Free copies in English and Spanish are available at the back of the church and Rectory Office. Donations are appreciated to help cover the printing cost.

    Second Collection This WeekendThis weekend’s second collection will support Catholic Charities of Boston. At a local level, this organization serves the needs of over 185,000 neighbors through youth programming, food pantries, refugee and immigration services, adult education, temporary and transitional housing, child care, and utility assistance. Your support of a mission to build a just and compassionate society rooted in the dignity of all people allows Catholic Charities to serve those who need assistance and have nowhere else to turn.

    Evangelization WorkshopsForming Disciples in Mission, a workshop in evangelization, is offering workshops this spring. Visit disciplesinmission.com/formingdisciples to register. Also, a workshop on leadership, Forming Leaders for Mission, helps discern your gifts for leader-ship in your parish, family, and community. To register visit: disciplesinmission.com/formingleaders.

    Transformed in Love Marriage PrepTransformed in Love for engaged couples is the Archdiocesan program for marriage preparation. For upcoming 2019 dates, locations, and registration information, visit bostoncatholic.org/transformedinlove or contact Liz Cotrupi at [email protected].

    2019 Catholic AppealThank you for your generous support of the 2019 Catholic Appeal. Thanks to your generosity, we can continue to advance programs for evangelization and pastoral outreach in our parish communities and schools, and in the lives of those who turn to us for assistance. For those of you still interested in making a pledge to this life-changing work, please find a donation form available in the back of the Church or visit our website at bostonsbasilica.com/catholicappeal2019

    St. Vincent DePaul SocietyThe Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organization, which is deeply rooted in Christian love and teaching to serve the poor and needy. In March of 2012, a conference was established at the Basilica to serve the poor of Boston. Volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year and support is given on an as needed basis in areas of housing, heat, meals and tuition. Learn more by visiting www.svdpmissionchurch.org

    Pregnancy HelpPregnancy Help is a pregnancy resource center sponsored by the Archdiocese of Boston to provide alternatives to abortion. Trained and caring nurses and case workers are available to assist any woman experiencing a difficult pregnancy. Pregnancy Help provides free pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, referrals, material assistance, and ongoing support. All services are free, confidential and available for English, Spanish and Portuguese speaking clients. For assistance call 888-771-3914, text 617-903-7960 or email [email protected]

  • MUSIC PROGRAMEntrance Hymn: The Glory of These Forty Days

    Responsorial Psalm: 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15

    Second Reading: Romans 10:8-13

    Gospel: Luke 4:1-13

    Profession of FaithI believe in one God,the Father almighty,maker of heaven and earth,of all things visible and invisible.

    I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only Begotten Son of God,born of the Father before all ages.God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;through him all things were made.For us men and for our salvationhe came down from heaven,

    and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,and became man,

    For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,he suffered death and was buried,and rose again on the third dayin accordance with the Scriptures.

    He ascended into heavenand is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again in gloryto judge the living and the deadand his kingdom will have no end.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,who proceeds from the Father and the Son,who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,who has spoken through the prophets.

    I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sinsand I look forward to the resurrection of the deadand the life of the world to come. Amen.

    First Reading: Deuteronomy 26:4-10


  • LITURGY OF THE EUCHARISTPresentation of the Gifts: On Eagles Wings

    Recessional Hymn: From Ashes to the Living Font

    Preface Acclamation

    Memorial Acclamation

    Great Amen


    Reunión de Lectores

    Todos los lectores que prestan servicio en las misas en español se reunirán en la Sala Heritage después de la misa de las 11:00 am del domingo 17 de marzo.

    Regulaciones de Cuaresma

    Abstinencia: los católicos mayores de 14 años están sujetos a la obligación de abstinencia. La abstinencia se debe observar el Miércoles de Ceniza (6 de marzo de 2019) y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. En los días de abstinencia, la carne no se puede utilizar en absoluto.

    Ayuno: los católicos mayores de 18 años y hasta el comienzo de sus 60 años están obligados a cumplir con la obligación de ayunar. Las comidas del Miércoles de Ceniza (6 de marzo de 2019) y del Viernes Santo (19 de abril de 2019), suficientes para mantener la fuerza, se pueden tomar de acuerdo con las necesidades de cada uno, pero juntas no deben ser iguales a otra comida completa. No se permite comer entre comidas, pero se permiten líquidos, incluyendo leche y jugos de frutas.

    Con respecto a otros días de la semana de Cuaresma, se recomienda la participación en la misa diaria y la observancia voluntaria del ayuno. Elogiable, particularmente durante la Cuaresma, es la generosidad a los programas locales, na-cionales y mundiales de compartir nuestra abundancia, las tradicionales devociones de Cuaresma y toda la abnegación resumida en el concepto cristiano de “mortificación”.


    Samedi 16 Mars 2019, Journée de Recollection/ (Retreat day), pour les Haïtiens

    Déjà avec le Mercredi des Cendres nous sommes tous déjà dans le Carême ; le temps des quatre “Ps’ : Prière, Pénitence, Pardon et Part-age. Pour vivre mieux le temps des quatre “Ps “ dans notre vie come chrétiens, nous aurons une journée de recollection, le 16 Mars 2019, de 8:30 AM à 2:00 PM, pour toute la communauté Haïtienne. Nous com-mencerons avec les Laudes, fais un effort pour être à l’heure. Se sak fè nou gen you kou labib, chak dezyèm Madi, a 8:00 PM. »

    Du 31 Mars 2019 au 6 Avril 2019; « La Mer Rouge » (RED SEADieu a vue la souffrance du peuple Israël qui était en servitude en Egypte, et à cause de sa miséricorde infinie, a tout fait pour le libérer. Vous pouvez vous rappeler comment il a permit à Moise de traverser la mer Rouge avec le peuple. Aujourd’hui, nous vivons tous des situations de servitude dans notre vie, de ce fait come le peuple Israël, du 31 Mars 2019 au 6 Avril 2019, chaque jour à partir de 6 :30 PM, venez tous par-ticiper à notre « Mer Rouge » dan la basilique Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours, sous le thème « Bondye ki te libere pep Izrael la, se li kap Libere Nou jodi a. » Ex 3, 7-8


    Basilica Memorial PlaqueHonor a loved one with a permanent memorial inside the Basilica. A limited number of engravable metal plaques are mounted near the Shine and Purgatorian altar for donor contributions of $1,000 or more. Your gift directly benefits the Basilica and the on going restoration work that is continually needed. A 1” x 4” metal plaque can be engraved with up to 20 characters on each line, up to 4 lines. Spaces and punctuation are characters.

    Masses and EnrollmentsThe Basilica’s sacred altars and presence as a spiritual home for over a century provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the liturgy for your intentions. Masses for living and deceased can be offered throughout the year. We also have special perpetual Mass enrollment societies that provide daily and weekly remembrances as long as the Basilica endures.

    For details visit the Rectory Office or our website,www.bostonsbasilica.com/shop

  • 1545 Tremont Street • Boston, MA 02120www.bostonsbasilica.com


    Rector/PastorVery Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R.

    Parochial VicarsRev. Robert Lennon, C.Ss.R.Rev. Francis Sullivan, C.Ss.R.

    Rev. John Furey, C.Ss.R. Rev. John Lavin, C.Ss.R.

    Rev. Philip Dabney, C.Ss.R.Rev. Pierre Desruisseaux, C.Ss.R.

    Rev. Mr. Alfred SarnoDeacon

    Director of Religious EducationMr. Joseph Twiner

    [email protected]

    Healing and Restoration MinistryOffice: 617-442-2008

    Prayer Line: 617-442-3938

    Society of St. Vincent DePaulOffice: 347-776-0371

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Our Lady of Perpetual Help Prayer Groups

    English - Mondays, 6:30pm in Parish CenterSpanish - Mondays, 7:00pm in the Church

    Our Lady of Perpetual HelpMission Grammar School

    94 St. Alphonsus Street • 617-442-2660



    The Redemptorists welcome and invite you to join us throughout Lent as we are re-minded of the Paschal Mystery in Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. During this season of preparation, Lent helps to deepen our faith by our individual and common

    acts of prayer, fasting and sacrifice.

    Lenten RegulationsAbstinence -Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the obligation of absti-nence. Abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday (March 6, 2019) and on all Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be used at all.

    Fast – Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash Wednesday (March 6, 2019) and Good Friday (April 19, 2019) meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices are allowed.

    Regarding other weekdays of Lent, participation in daily Mass and the voluntary observance of fasting is recommended. Commendable, particularly during Lent, is generosity to local, national and world programs of sharing our abundance, the traditional Lenten Devotions and all the self-denial summed up in the Christian concept of “mortification.”

    Stations of the CrossFridays during Lent7:00pm

    Every Friday evening during Lent, we invite you to walk the Way of the Cross with our priests and parishioners in the Basilica for Stations of the Cross.

    Lenten Day of ReflectionSaturday, March 30, 20199:00am - 5:00pm

    Fr. Dabney will lead a parish day of reflection to focus on Lent as a season of heal-ing and hope in the Parish Center on Saturday, March 30th. Save the date and join as we come together as a community.

    Lenten Fish DinnerFriday, April 12, 20195:00pm - 7:00pm

    Our annual fish dinner will be held in the Parish Center. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children (12 and under). Advanced reservation is required, no walks ins or payment at the door will be accomodated. To make reservations, call 617-445-2600. Reservations will be taken until Monday, April 8th.

    The Gift of One Hour Please remember that we depend on your weekly offering to con-tinue the ministry of our parish. We ask that you consider giving the equivalent of one hour of your weekly salary. It’s a goal that would strengthen the offertory to be in line with current expenses. If you can not commit one hour at this time, we ask that you contribute at least $5 as a minimum offering for the upkeep and mission of the church. Every gift will be used wisely and carefully. Thank you for the sacrifices you make for this community!

  • For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Boston, MA 841

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