Monumental Inscriptions The Church of St Mary and All Saints Stoughton, Leicestershire Transcribed by Members of the Family History Group of Great Glen U3A Compiled by Jane Moelwyn-Hughes and Toni Smith Photographs by Toni Smith Produced with kind permission of The Revd. Jon Barratt © August 2008

Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

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Page 1: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

Monumental Inscriptions

The Church of St Mary and All Saints

Stoughton, Leicestershire

Transcribed by Members of the Family History Group of

Great Glen U3A

Compiled by Jane Moelwyn-Hughes and Toni Smith Photographs by Toni Smith Produced with kind permission of The Revd. Jon Barratt © August 2008

Page 2: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Index of Contents Page 3 About Stoughton Page 4 The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton Page 5 Pictures of the inside of the church Page 7 George Anthony Legh Keck Page 8 List of Incumbents and Patrons of the church Page 10 The Medieval Cross in Stoughton churchyard Page 11 The Churchyard Plan showing the sections of graves Page 12 Key to gravestone type Page 13 Pictures of the church and surrounding grounds Page 14 Section A monumental inscriptions Page 16 Section B monumental inscriptions Page 18 Section C monumental inscriptions Page 24 Section D monumental inscriptions Page 28 Section E monumental inscriptions Page 34 Pictures of the Graveyard Page 35 Section F monumental inscriptions Page 39 Section G monumental inscriptions Page 41 Section H monumental inscriptions Page 44 Section J monumental inscriptions Page 49 Section K monumental inscriptions Page 49 Index of all the names that occur on the monuments both inside the church

and in the graveyard

About the Project The recording of the monumental inscriptions inside and outside the church was undertaken by members of the Family History Group of Great Glen U3A. All care has been taken to ensure accuracy of the transcription, however a visit to the church or churchyard to check with the original inscriptions is recommended. Words from some inscriptions were unable to be read for reasons such as broken stones, writing worn away through time etc., and so some blank spaces may occur in the transcriptions. The aim was to record the words exactly as they are found on the stone – so variations in spelling are a common occurrence. Some of the very old gravestones and floor slabs were transcribed and published in 1798 in a book called ‘The History and Antiquities of Leicestershire’ by John Nichols and this can be seen at the County Record Office. Where the script was found to be unreadable, a few words may have been taken from these transcripts and identified in [] brackets to help the researcher. These recordings are also posted on the Leicestershire Villages Web Site – under the village of ‘Stoughton’.

© Copyright 2008 – Great Glen U3A Book compiled by Jane Moelwyn-Hughes and Toni Smith

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the authors

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Stoughton The following information is taken from

• John Nichols – ‘The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester’ Vol II Published 1798

• Arthur Mee ‘The King’s England’ – Leicestershire and Rutland – Stoughton, Published Sept 1948.

In ancient writings, Stoughton was referred to as Stoctone. It was an extensive Lordship, within the parish of Thurnby, and contained 1,500 acres. Amongst the free tenants was Richard, son of Walter de Stocton Stoughton lies in the hilly and wooded country a little east of Leicester, in pleasant lands that once belonged to the abbey where Cardinal Wolsey lies. In 1391, there were two mills at Stoughton – a water mill and a wind mill, valued at £4. In 1557, the value of the manor of Stoughton (distinct from the Grange) was £433..15s..8d. and in 1564 there were seven families living in Stoughton. Sir Thomas Beaumont died in 1614, seised of the manor of Stoughton (worth £4) and the rectory of Stoughton and Thurneby, and Sir Henry Beaumont was the only resident freeholder in 1630. Stoughton continued uninterrupted in that family until it passed by marriage to Mr Keck. Four persons only were polled from Stoughton in 1719, and by 1722, not one freeholder occurred. By 1775, Anthony James Keck Esq., is the only name, being the principle landowner of the whole lordship excepting about 300 acres, which was given to Henry Smith for charitable uses. The Mansion House which stood in a low situation, had a Gothic appearance, and the occupier at that time carried out extensive repairs. The large grounds afforded fine pasturage, and was used as a park for deer. The grounds were extensive and enclosed with brick walls. A large sheet of water ran by the side of a long walk, which extended from Stoughton Hall almost to Evington – the length of ¾ mile, on each side of which grew some lofty trees which shaded the passage.

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



The Church of St Mary and All Saints

The (almost) 700-year-old church, dedicated to The Virgin Mary, consisted of an embattled tower, (in which were four bells), a handsome rocketed spire, nave, modern chancel, a north aisle separated from the nave by two round and two pointed arches, the greater part of which was railed off with wood painted blue, as a burying chapel for owners of the Grange; a south aisle separated from the nave by four pointed arches; a south porch, a north door and a church-clock. The church has many other memorials. There is a fine tomb of Thomas Farnham, (referenced in this book as J8), Teller of the exchequer under Mary Tudor, showing him as a solemn bearded man with a chain over his armour, his wife by his side in embroidered gown, ruff and cap, and their two sons and three daughters below. One of these daughters appears again on a wall monument, kneeling with her husband Sir Thomas Richardson, Speaker of the Commons in a Parliament of Charles the First, and set up this monument.

Others of the famous Leicestershire Beaumonts who have marble memorials here are Admiral Basil Beaumont, who was drowned with all the sailors of his flagship when it floundered on the Goodwin Sands in the Great Storm of 1703, and Sir George Beaumont, friend of Dean Swift and MP for Leicester in nine Parliaments. Swift came to see him at his manor house and may have preached there.

Peril on the seas – Rear Admiral Beaumont is lost

on Godwin Sands.

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Inside the Church

The Royal Coat or Arms

The Altar

The Font

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Ref: J8

Tomb of Thomas Farnham and family

with plaques to the Keck family on the

wall behind

The Church Organ The Pulpit

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



George Anthony Legh Keck

Taken from a wall hanging in the church, and is an engraving by Charles Tomkins

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Incumbents and Patrons The Parish of Thurnby et Bushby cum Stoughton

Incumbents Patrons

Anglo Saxon period Four Anglo Saxon gravestones indicate a church but there are no known records

Earl Ralph

Immediate pre Norman period


C1110 No recordings Robert 1st Earl of Leicester

No recordings Bossu 2nd Earl of Leicester

C1142 No recordings Radulphus pincerna de Leyestria

VICARS 1143 No recordings Abbey and

Convent of St Mary de Pratis Leicester

1220 Phillip ,, W? ,, 1249 WILLIAM on death

of W ,,


John chaplain on death of W


? Richard Maulore subdeacon resigned 1281


1291 John Friseby subdeacon


1310 William Hickeling chaplain



William Burton poor clerk


? Walter Kirnington priest


1331 John Scraptoft------priest by exchange


? Richard…. ,, 1349 Richard Hurthull on

cessation of R ,,

1350 Robert Gamell of Thurnby priest


1361 Thomas Schulton ,, ? Peter Duffield ,, 1380 John Schirard –by

exchange ,,

1380 Robert Pollesworth—by exchange


1382 Andrew White—by exchange


Incumbents Patrons ? Robert Nelot ,, 1404 Richard Flexor

chaplain ,,

1406 William Ayleston chaplain—by exchange


1410 John Wylchar chaplain


? Peter Overton ,, 1412 John Tudde—by

exchange ,,

1415 Thomas Randolphe—by exchange


1416 John Thomasson—by exchange


? Nicholas Ramsey ,, 1434 John Perkyn priest on

resignation of N.R Abbey and Convent of St Mary de Pratis Leicester

? Roger Campyon ,, 1454 Roger Cowell priest ,, 1454 Thomas Tungstall-by

exchange ,,

1454 Christopher Crompton on resignation of T.T


1480 William Bradley priest


1518 Thomas Simmond ,, 1526 Thomas Somers ,, 1538 Ralph Dakyn priest King Henry

VIII 1534 King Edward VI

1547 Queen Mary

1553 Q M and King Philip of Spain

1554 Bishop of

Lincoln 1558 1562 Ralph Dutton Queen Elizabeth

1558 1580 Roger Crossley ,, King James I

1603 Sir Henry

Beaumont Kt 1605

Sir Henry Beaumont Kt 1614

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Incumbents Patrons 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of

Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby

Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646

1681 Richard Seale Sir Henry Beaumont 1676

1685 Richard Bradgate ,, 1686 John Needham ,, Sir Thomas

Beaumont Bart 1668

1707 Gervase Bradgate Sir George Beaumont 1690

1715 Thomas Matthews King George I 1722 Jarvis Bradgate Sir George

Beaumont Bart 1742 Thomas Foster Anne &

Arabella Beaumont 1737

1746 Tobias Mathews ,, 1764 Robert Coulton Anthony Keck

Esq and Ann his wife 1754

1773 William Carrington Newton

Anthony James Keck.Esq

1795 William Freer Anthony James Keck Esq

Incumbents Patrons 1796 John Farrer Peers Anthony

Keck Esq 1804 John Allison George A Leigh

Keck Esq 1820 William Evans

Hartopp ,,

1825 William Boultbee Sleath D.D

George Anthony Leigh Keck Esq

1832 John Roberts Redhead


1872 Theodore John Redhead

Harry Leycester Powys Keck Esq

1908 Percy Bone ,, 1911 William Seaver ,, 1917 Alfred Metcalf T C Leycester

Powys Keck Esq

1919 W Nevitt Westmore ,, 1922 W J Clarke ,, 1928 Alfred Ogilvy by

exchange The Martyr’s Memorial and Church of England Trust

1936 Travers Stoney ,, 1942 Herbert John Cooper ,, 1953 John Cyril Meers ,, 1962 Robert Willis

Madden ,,

1967 Ernest George Brown ,,

The above list was extracted from the wall hanging inside the church

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



The Cross in Stoughton Churchyard Those who seek the church will first encounter the 14th century cross in the shade of the limes of the churchyard. It has been called the most beautiful of all the county’s crosses, and there is something in its fluted slenderness, and the elegant simplicity of the shaft with its sculptured capital, to justify such praise. It stands like a warden over the simple memorials of simple folk, surrounding it.

Churchyard crosses appear in the medieval period. According to one author, these later crosses were ‘intended to both sanctify the churchyard and to provide a corporate memorial to the anonymous dead of the parish’, at a time when individual gravestones were not the norm. The most common form / shape for the top of these crosses was a tabernacle, but there were also cross heads and wheel heads and needless to say, many surviving examples are now without their uppermost parts. There is another good example in Scraptoft churchyard.

The Cross in Stoughton


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



The Churchyard Plan

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton

The following is a guide only to the description of the type of monument described in this booklet. – We are not geologists, and this is our best


Key Description

MC Marble cross MHS Marble headstone MP Metal plaque SFS Stone foot stone SHS Stone headstone SLHS Slate headstone WC Wooden cross SC Stone Cross headstone STFV Small stone flower vase BMHS Black marble headstone GMHS Green/grey marble headstone WMHS White marble headstone

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



The Beautiful Churchyard

The crocketed spire

The Porch

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Section A - Monumental Inscriptions

No Inscription Type/Mason A1 In loving memory of ROSAMOND LEONA beloved daughter of JOHN H.S.& J

WAGSTAFF Born May 12th 1899. Died May 1st 1900 Safe in the arms of Jesus


A2 In ever loving memory of our dear father and mother JOHN H S WAGSTAFF who passed away July 2 1923 aged 72 and JESSIE his wife who fell asleep January 22nd 1930 aged 71 Their end was peace


A3 No inscription SLHS face down

A4 No inscription SLHS face down

A5 In loving memory of SARAH the beloved wife of WILLIAM HORNBUCKLE born October 16th 1856 died October 21st 1906 Therefore be ye also ready For in such an hour as ye think not The son of man cometh”


A6 In loving memory of NELLIE SMITH born 11th June 1879 died 31st January 1957 also her son ALFRED BERNARD LESLIE SMITH the beloved husband of VERA died 16th December 1957 aged 56 years, also VERA CRANE the beloved wife of LESLIE died 12th September 1959 aged 57 years

GHS with kerb

A7 Peace In loving memory of GEORGE WILLIAM SPENCER died Sept 24th 1955 aged 71 also LEAH beloved wife of the above died Dec 5th 1973 aged 75 Reunited In loving memory of WILLIAM SPENCER 1929-1989

SHS with kerb Small plaque

A8 To the memory of THOMAS WATTS son of GEORGE and MARY WATTS who died FEBRUARY 8th 1860 aged 77 years. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” Verse Timothy C 1st V 15th


A9 In affectionate remembrance of JOHN WILLIAM only and beloved son of WILLIAM & ELIZth WATTS of Oadby who died March 11 1860 aged 14 years. “Mourn not for me my parents dear I am not dead but sleeping here Short was my time, long is my rest God takes them first whom he loves best”

SLHS J Priestnall Leicester

A10 Erected to the memory of MARY WATTS daughter of GEORGE and MARY WATTS who died February 11th 1844 in the 67th year of her age She loved peace and quietness That near this stone doth lie Whose soul we hope has gone to rest To live in heavenly joy.

SLHS Bettoney Oadby

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason A11 Respice Einem

Here lieth interred the body of ANN the wife of WILLIAM MEADOWS she departed this life the 20th day of February in the year of our Lord 1751 aged 55 years O! cruel death that would no longer spare This loving wife and tender mother dear Great is the loss to those who are left behind But she no doubt eternal bliss will find.

SLHS J Lewin Fecit

A12 To the memory of WILLIAM MEADOWS who departed this life the 8th day of Dec’r 1771 aged 75 years


A13 Here lieth the body of GRACE relict of BENJAMIN SIMPKIN and wife of THOMAS SPENCER she departed this life the 9th day of August 1747 aged 57 years A loving wife a mother dear A faithful friend lies burid here My time is past my glass is run My children dear prepare to come


A14 Here lieth interred the body of THOMAS SPENCER Junr who departed this life the 18th day of November in the year of our Lord 1764 aged 65 years


A15 To the memory of MARY HOLE who died the seventh day of July one thousand eight hundred fifty four

SLHS E Ward Oadby

A16 Sacred to the memory of RICHARD HOLE who departed this life the 18th of June 1814 aged 75 years also of ANNE, his wife, who died December the 8th 1815 aged 87 years.


A17 In memory of THOMAS son of RICHARD HOLE by ANN his wife. He departed this life the 27th Nov’r 1773 aged 4 years 11 months. Of such is the kingdom of heaven

SLHS Lumadge Sculp

A18 In memory of SAMUEL OLIVER who departed this life August 1. 1786 aged 85 years

SLHS Lumadge Sculp

A19 Near this spot is deposited the body of SARAH OLIVER the last survivor of the children of SAMUEL OLIVER. whose remains are interred in the adjoining grave; She closed a long and exemplary life on the 6th day of Dec’r 1825; at the advanced age of 87 years Universally respected

GHS Kirk

A20 In loving memory of WILLIAM HOBBY who died Ascension Day 1913 Grant him O Lord eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon him Also CLARA wife of the above died Jan 11th 1934 Faithful unto death

SC J Bland Uppingham Le’ster

Section A In the churchyard

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Section B - Monumental Inscriptions

No Inscription Type/Mason B1 In loving memory of LETITIA SMALLEY who departed this life May 20th 1904

age 64 years “She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness”

SHS on marble plinth

B2 In loving memory of SARAH ELIZABETH SMALLEY who departed this life March 18th 1904 age 73 years “Thy will be done”

SHS on marble plinth A Pratt Nedham St Le’ster

B3 In Memorium WILLIAM GARNER passed away March 20th 1902 aged 67 years also EILZA GARNER wife of the above who died December 9th 1911 age 81 years O God, our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Be Thou our guard while life shall last And our eternal home


B4 In loving memory of WILLIAM SMALLEY who died May 18th 1892 aged 88 years also of MARY ANN, wife of the above who died March 11th 1870 aged 75 years “They are not dead but sleepeth”

SLHS Marshall & Pratt Le’ster

B5 In affectionate remembrance of JOSEPH EALES, late of Evington, second son of JOSEPH & HANNAH EALES who died January 22nd 1874 aged 21 years, also of SAMUEL, son of the above who died in his infancy , “I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me and heard my cry”

Psalm 40h V 1st

SLHS E Ward Oadby

B6 Near this spot are deposited the sacred remains of Left PHILLIS wife of DAVID BRAKE who departed this life April the 7th 1848 aged 77 years Right DAVID BRAKE who departed this life April the 30th 1828 in the 58th year of his age

DSLHS I Bettone Oadby

B7 To the memory of MARY daugh’r of DAVID and PHILLIS BRAKE, she died the 28th of June 1817 aged 16 years

SLHS I Bettone Oadby

B8 In loving memory of WILLIAM RICHARD son of JESSE ELIZABETH ARCHER who died Feb 15th 1904 aged 2 years “Suffer little children to come unto me”

SHS E Haycock & Sons Great Glen

B9 THOMAS BIRD died 7th day of April MDCCII aged 42 years


B10 Sacred to ye memory of FRANCIS WATTS who departed y’s life the18th day of October 1757 aged 93 years “Lo!Here he’ll lie till trumpets sound And Christ for him doth call And then we hope he’ll rise again And die no more at all

SLHS J Lewin

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason B11 Here lieth interr’d the body of ANN the daughter of THOMAS SPENCER Senr

by MARY his wife who departed this life 15th day of April in the year of our Lord 1771, in the 64th year of her age


B12 Here lieth interr’d the body of JONATHAN the son of THOMAS SPENCER by SUSANNA his wife. He departed this life the 18th day of August in the year of our Lord 1760 in ye 43 yr of his age

SLHS D Kirk Sculp

B13 Here lieth interr’d the body of SUSANNA ye wife of THOMAS SPENCER SENr: She departed this life the 20th day of July in the year of our Lord 1761 in the 88th year of her age

SLHS D Kirk Sculp

B14 Here lieth interr’d the body of THOMAS SPENCR Senr who departed this life the 20th day of March in the year of our Lord 1755 in the 86th year of his age

SLHS J Lewin Fecit

B15 Here lyeth intered ye body of MARY wife of THOMAS SPENCER who dep’d this life NOVEMBER 14th 1711 in ye 36th year of her age All you that come my grave to see I am now so must you be Make much of time make no delay I in my prime was tooke away


B16 Here lieth interr’d the body of JOHN SPENCER senr . He departed this life the 2nd day of May in the year of our Lord 1768 aged 70 years


B17 Here lieth interr’d the body of ELIZABETH the wife of JOHN SPENCER Senr she departed this life in the year of our Lord 1773 the 10th day of Aug’st in the 80th year of her age


B18 Here lieth interr’d the body of ELIZABETH the daughter of JOHN & ELIZABETH SPENCER Senior’s. She departed this life the 15th day of October in the year of our Lord 1760 aged 38 years Afflictions fore long time I bore Physicin’s were in vain Till God was pleased and death did seize To ease me of my pain.

SLHS D Kirk Sculp

B19 Here lieth interr’d ye body of RICHARD BUNTER. He departed this life the 13th day of August in the year of our Lord 1758 aged 20 years

SLHS D Kirk Sculp

B20 Here lieth interr’d the body of ELIZABETH, the daur of JOHN SPENCER Junr by ELIZABETH his wife She departed this life the 9th of Jan’r in ye yr of our Lord 1760 in ye 2d year of her age The great Jehovah full of love His angel bright did send To fetch this little spotless dove To joys that never end’’


B21 In memory of ELIZABETH wife of JOHN SPENCER she died June the 3rd 1796 aged 72 years


B22 Here lieth interred the body of JOHN SPENCER he departed this transitory life the 8th day of December 1793 aged 73 years


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason B23 Here lieth interr’d the body of SUSANNA the wife of WILLIAM DUFFILL she

departed this life the 14th day of September 1773 aged 59 years In grief and pain, I did complain And sorely was oppress’d Til God in love did me remove And took me to his rest


B24 Here lieth interred the body of DIANA the daughter of WILLIAM DUFFILL by SUSANNA his wife she departed this life the 23rd day of January in the year of our Lord 1746 in the 7th year of her age Here lies embalm’d, in careful parents tears A virgin branch, cropt in her tender years Earth hath her body, Heav’n her soul doth keep Her friends the loss, and here her dust doth sleep Rest then dear soul, till Christ returns, while we mourn below, and long to come to thee

SLHS W. Kirk Sculp

B25 Here lieth the body of WILLIAM DUFFILL he departed this life the13th day November in the year of our Lord 1772; aged 68 years All you that come my grave to see/ Think on the glass that runs for thee

SLHS D. Kirk Sculp

B26 To the memory of JOHN SPENCER son of SAMUEL SPENCER and ELIZABETH his wife. He died 22nd Novr 1792 in the 3d year of his age also of WILLIAM son of the above he died 9th April 1792 aged 5 weeks Tho’ short their worldy race The longer is their rest God always takes to him Those whom he loves the best

SLHS Bonser

B27 Here lieth interr’d the body of CATHARINE the wife of JOHN KIRK she departed this life the 3rd day of June 1771 in the 32nd year of her age Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians were all in vain Til death gave ease as God did please To ease me of my pain


B28 Left Here lieth the body of JOHN KIRK he departed this life the 16th day of May 1766 in the 69th year of his age He loved peace and quietness / Who here interred lies/ Perfect bliss and happiness/ We hope his soul enjoys Right Here lieth the body of ANN the wife of JOHN KIRK she departed this life the 27th day of Novemb’r 1752 aged 57 years An humble wife & neighbour just Submit to God’s all wise decree And here lies mould’ring in ye dust Til Christ her Lord shall set her free


Section B

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Section C - Monumental Inscriptions

No Inscription Type/Mason C1 Erected in memory of JOHN WATTS son of GEORGE & MARY WATTS who

departed this life the 18th of February 1829 in the 17th year of his age Dear mother go home cease from your tears Here must I lie till Christ appears Until our saviour Christ shall say Arise dear Saints and come away

SLHS Neal Burton Overy

C2 Sacred to the memory of JOHN INGRAM Gent who exchanged time for eternity the 23rd July 1799 aged 66 years Dear Reader, mark perhaps now in thy prime The stealing steps of never standing time Thou’ll be what I am, catch the present hour Employ that well for that’s within thy power Flat foot stone J I 1799

Slate slab flat

C3 Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH INGRAM wife of JOHN INGRAM who died the 26th of April 1794 aged 61 years Reader, whoever you are,whether young or old High or low,rich or poor Prepare to die For it will soon be thy lot Flat foot stone E I 1794

Flat slate slab W Kirk

C4 In affectionate remembrance of GEORGE WATTS, late of Oadby, who departed this life the 14th day of march 1858 in the 84th year of his age. Also MARY; relict of the above who departed this life the 19th day of May 1860 in the 81st year of her age While on earth with heads so hoary Dying mortals call’d us old Yet our lives were but a story Short and feeble quickly told Would’st thou meet death without dismay Seek Christ to take its sting away Erected as a tribute of affection by their grandson W W Watts


C5 To the memory of JOHN JELLEY who died February 28th 1787 aged 35 years Afflictions sore long time I bore Physicians where in vain Til death gave ease as God did please To free me of my pain


C6 To the memory of ELIZABETH JELLEY daughter of JOHN & ELIZ JELLEY she died October 31st 1782 aged 6 years Short was my time The longer is my rest God call’d me hence Because he thought it best


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



C7 To the memory of ANN JELLEY daughter of JOHN & ELIZABETH JELLEY she died 13th August 1805 in the 24th year of her age Why look on me with curious eye Consider reader you must die For that prepare without delay Least sudden death snatch you away

SLHS Kirk Wigston

C8 Sacred to the memory of MARY relict of GEORGE WATTS who departed this life February 23d 1818 aged 83 years From this hard journey here on earth Her soul has took its flight And gone a journey of more worth To meet the Lord of light


C9 Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WATTS who departed this life March 28th 1812 in the 77th year of his age


C10 In memory of SAMUEL WATTS son of GEORGE & MARY WATTS who died November 10th 1794 in the 22nd year of his age Young men prepare yourselves to die For life is short and death is nigh In health & strength put not your trust The strongest mortal is but dust

SLHS W Kirk Sculp

C11 Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM son of GEORGE WATTS by MARY WATTS his wife who departed this life the 1st of Novem’r 1787 in the 19th year of his age. Also to the memory of JOHN son of the above GEORGE & MARY WATTS he died June 23rd 1785 in the 15th year of his age


C12 Sacred to the memory of SARAH wife of JOHN JOHNSON and daughter of GEORGE & MARY WATTS who departed this life December 9th 1813 aged 39 years May angels guide thy sleeping dust Till God is pleas’d to raise the just Then mas’t thou wake with sweet surprise And in thy saviour’s arms arise

SLHS Bettoney Oadby

C13 Here…..interr’d the body of SARAH the wife of WILLIAM NOON and dau of ELIAS & MARY SPENCER she departed this life the 24th day of November 1766 aged 24 years To mourn for me dear husband cease/ I’m call’d from you to dwell in peace/ In virtues path my child direct/ And God above will you protect


C14 Erected to the memory of ANN WATTS daughter of GEORGE & MARY WATTS who died November 1st 1829 aged 65 years My soul do thou look down and view/ This hollow gaping tomb/ This gloomy prison waits for you/ Whene’er the summons come

SLHS Bettoney Oadby

C15 Left side Here lieth interr’d ye body of WILLIAM FREESTON he departed this life ye 3d day of June in the year of our Lord 1751 aged 96 years Right side Here lieth interr’d ye body of ELIZABETH the wife of WILLIAM FREESTON she departed this life September the 4th 1750 aged 89 years They are come to their graves in full age/ Like as shocks of corn come in, in their season

DSLHS J Lewin Fecit

Page 21: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



C16 Here lieth interr’d the body of JOHN the son of WILLIAM WATTS by MARY his wife he departed this life the 5th day of January 1767 in the 38th year of his age Farewell vain world I’ve known enough of thee I value not what thou can’st say of me Thy smiles I court not nor thy frowns I fear All’s one to me , my head lies quiet here What faults thou had’st seen in me take care to shun And look at home there’s something to be done

SLHS W. Kirk Sculp

C17 Here lieth interr’d the body of SAMUEL the son of WILLIAM WATTS by MARY his wife he departed this life the 30th day of January 1767 in the 27th year of his age I in the flower of youth resigned my breath Snatch’t hence by early not untimely death Therefore to youth and beauty ceased to trust For youth and beauty will be laid in dust

SLHS W Kirk Sculp

C18 Here lieth interr’d the body of MARY BASSETT daughter of WILLIAM WATTS by MARY his wife who departed this life the 17th day of May 1767 in the 35th year of her age In grief and pain I did complain And sore I was opprest Til God in love did me remove And took me to his rest


C19 Here lie the remains of MARY wife of WILLIAM CLARSON (relict of THO’S WATTS ) who departed this life the 12th of March 1814 aged 74 years A virtuous wife a loving friend Free to give and free to send Ever mindful of the poor Nor turned the beggar from the door


C20 Here lies interr’d the body of THOMAS WATTS son of WILLIAM & MARY WATTS who departed this life the 30th day of Nov’re 1778 in the 46th year of his age My time is come, next may be thine Prepare for death whilst thou has time nd that you may prepared be Live unto Christ who dy’d for thee


C21 Left Here lie the remains of WILLIAM WATTS who departed this life the 28th day of February 1776 in the 73rd year of his age Eternal God guide thee the mind/Of those that I have left behind/And grant the power of thy word/May teach their souls to serve the Lord Right Here lie the remains of MARY the wife of WILLIAM WATTS who departed this life the 30th day of October 1774 aged 75 years A loving wife and mother dear A faithful friend lies buried here My time is past my glass has run My children dear prepare to come


Page 22: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



C22 Here lieth interr’d the body of RICHARD son of WILLIAM WATTS by MARY his wife who departed this life the 13th day of April 1768 in the 30th year of his age Beneath this stone his body here remains Free from the sorrows of his lingering pains And may his soul ascend with soaring flight Til the bright regions of eternal light


C23 To the memory of JOHN NOON he died the 18th June 1791 aged 85 years and of MARY his wife she died the 9th Oct 1791 aged 93 years


C24 In loving memory of GEORGE THOMPSON born July 24th 1833 died July 19th 1897 Thy will be done Also SARAH wife of the above died July 22nd 1914 aged 83 years At Rest

SHS Bland 2 Kent St Le’ster

C25 In loving memory of THOMAS WILSON who departed this life April 26th 1896 aged 50 years He is not dead but only lieth sleeping Also SUSAN ELIZABETH wife of the above died June 15th 1936 aged 83 years “Life’s work well done” Also of ARTHUR son of the above killed in action in France Oct 13th 1915 aged 25 years

SHS Marshall & Pratt Lester

C26 Loving memories of a dear husband and father CHARLES WILSON passed on 27th March 1940 aged 53 years “Resting in Peace Divine”


C27 In loving memory of JAMES PICKERING PRESTON died Dec 30, 1901 aged 62 also of ELLEN ANN his wife died Oct 10. 1904 aged 71 and of FREDRICK NEEDHAM PRESTON son of the above died Sep 25. 1901 aged 34 “Peace Perfect Peace”


C28 Here lieth the body of JOHN MEADOWS he died the 31st March 1782


C29 Here ly’s y body of MARY COBLEY wife of THOMAS COBLEY shee died ye 11th day of April 1700 aged 25


C30 Here lieth interr’d the body of ANN the wife of CHARLES RILEY who departed this life the 12th day of May 1773 in the 39th year of her age. Also here lieth the body of CHARLES the son of the above CHARLES and ANN RILEY who dyd July 28th 1773


C31 Here lyeth ye body of MARY HURST who departed this life December ye 8th 1717 in ye first year of hir age


C32 To the memory of JOHN, son of NEAL & SARAH COBLEY he died March the 25th 1777 in the 3rd year of his age Of such is the Kingdom of heaven

SLHS Firmadge Junr Fecit

C33 In memory of CATHERINE COBLEY daughter of JOHN COBLEY and MARY his wife of Evington who departed this life the 23d August 1776 in the 24th year of her age

SLHS Kirk sculp

C34 Here are deposited the earthly remains of JOHN COBLEY He resigned this transitory life the 24th of September 1781 aged 71 years


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



C35 Sacred to the memory of MARY COBLEY relict of JOHN COBLEY who died April 30th 1799 aged 84 years. She. A faithful virtuous wife/Spent all her whole connubial life/Unto her children no less sincere/ With maternal and prudent care. Also of JOHN son of JOHN & MARY COBLEY he died February 15th 1805; aged 45 years


C36 Back MARY ANN MAUND who died 9th July 1925 aged 65 years Front NORAH HEATH who died June 17th 1942 aged 76 years

Marble kerbstone

C37 Here lyeth the body of CHARLES GILFOARD, Chirurgeon. Who departed this life ye 23 day of December 1707 in ye 77 year of his age


C38 Here ly………ered ye body of JOHN DARKER who deceased Octo br 22nd Anno Dom 1715 in ye 52nd year of his age


Section C

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Section D - Monumental Inscriptions

No Inscription Type/Mason D1 In loving memory of BARBARA DOROTHY HALL died 18 Oct 1998 aged 67

years beloved wife of BERNARD & mother of GERARD, JONATHAN & CAROLYN

GHS Fishers of Unit 16 Maidstone Rd Le’ter

D2 In loving memory of ELLEN ELIZABETH MOTTRAM died 22nd Nov 1989 aged 68 years also HAROLD ROBERT MOTTRAM died 10th Dec 1999 aged 83 years

MHS LCS Ltd 511 Welford Rd Leicester

D3 In loving memory of IVY MAY DAVIES beloved wife of HAROLD and mother of DAVID died 19th Aug 1966 aged 60 years. And of her father HENRY WHATTON died 8th Jan 1938 aged 83 years

GHS G Collin Leics

D4 In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather ALBERT DONALD PARKER who died 19th September 1991 aged 83 years also his beloved wife MARGERY much loved mother and grandmother who died 16th February 1995 aged 84 years “At home with the Lord”


D5 No grave

D6 In loving memory of CHARLES RICHARD CALVERLEY died April 4th 1937 aged 49 years.. Also ANNIE ALICE CALVERLEY died Jan 15th 1968 aged 83 years “A door opened. The voice said Come up hither” Rev 4 verse V 1


D7 In sweet loving remembrance of our darling MALCOLM COLPMAN fell asleep 3rd Sept 1951 aged 11 years “In heavenly love abiding” In memory of MALCOLM

G kerbstone F V

D8 In loving memory of REGINALD COLPMAN died Aug 25th 1981 aged 66 also CLARIE ELIZABETH COLPMAN devoted wife of the above died Aug 5th 2001 aged 87 “Together again”

GHS Fishers Unit 16 Maidstone Rd Leicester

D9 In ever dear memory of MOLLY LYMBURN who died at “The Byways” Stoughton March 9 1939 aged 3 years


D10 In loving memory of AGNES E EATON died June 5th 1936 also GEORGE P EATON died 20th Dec 1938 also ERIC EATON died 25th July 2001 aged 81 years Loving husband and father “Peace Perfect peace”


D11 In affectionate remembrance of MARIA LOUISA dearly beloved wife of WILLIAM FIFIELD MARKS died 29 Feb 1929 aged 58 years, a devoted wife and mother “A kind friend to those who had no helper” Also of WILLIAM FIFIELD MARKS who died 25th Mar 1932 aged 60 years, a loving husband and father “I have finished my course I have kept this faith”


Page 25: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason D12 In memory of WILLIAM HAMER who died August 13th 1849 aged 44 yrs also E

ANN his wife who died April13th 1847 aged 43 years.


D13 Treasured memories of JANET BEAUMONT a most devoted wife and mother who passed away 28th Sept 1949 aged 67 yrs and of FREDERICK WILLIAM dearly loved husband of the above passed away 2nd Jan 1951 aged 75 years

SHS with kerb

D14 In memory of EDITH MONK daughter of JOHN WALKER of Newark who died May 1st 1938 aged 92 years

S Kerbstone

D15 Treasured memories of my dearest husband LEONARD DRAGE died 12th Nov 1963 aged 62 also GWYNNETH ADELA MARY DRAGE died 24th Jan 1993 aged 94


D16 Treasured memories of WALTER EDWARD RIDDESTON who passed away Nov 16th 1962 aged 65 years

Kerbstone with open book

D17 In loving memory of JAMES RIDDLESTON who passed away Sept 6th 1929 aged 76 years “Thy will be done” Also his beloved wife MARGARET who passed away April 23rd 1946 aged 90 years Reunited

SHS with kerb

D18 In loving memory of MARION FRANCES MAUDE VAN DIJK 14.12.1893-3.10.1983


D19 Sacred to the memory of CLARICE HANNAH DUNN died July 19th 1939 & her mother AGNUS MARY DUNN died November 23rd 1943

SHS with kerb

D20 In affectionate remembrance of ESTHER ANN BROOKS who fell asleep April 5th 1932 aged 58 yrs


D21 MARY ELLEN daughter of JOHN & ELIZA WALKER of Newarke died July 18th 1932 aged 91

Kerbstone Fishers

D22 In loving memory of Major EUGENE CHRISTOPHER WHITEHEAD R.A.M.C. died 29th April 1942


D23 PETER COLLEY SYLVESTER BRADLEY 1913-1978 Creative thinker, geologist inspiring teacher and father and his beloved JOAN EVELEEN MARY 1917-2002 wise friend, family maker librarian, lover of mountains. Love is a light of mankind , a light which shines in the darkness and which the darkness can never quench

SHS with slate front

D24 In loving memory of WILLIAM MOXON CRANSTOUN KATHLEEN MARY CRANSTOUN a beloved sister 1883-1973 In loving memory of SARAH CRANSTOUN October 27th 1856 January 21st 1921 BEATRICE beloved child of JAMES & SARAH CRANSTOUN August 7th 1887-December 14th 1914 “Until the day break”

2 Granite Sarcophagi in granite kerb

D25 In memory of JOHN FLETCHER who died Feb 21st 1913 aged 50 years “Of the midst of life we are in death” Also as a token of respect from his former employees at Leicester

SHS A Bland Stoughton St Leicester

Page 26: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason D26 Loving memory of ROBERT SHELTON died January 29th 1909 aged 58 years.

Also of SARAH his wife died March 31st 1919 aged 67 years, also CECIL son of the above killed in action in France July 31st 1917 aged 24 years. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest


D27 Here lie GEORGE ERNEST NEWILL of Leicester who died 27 March 1933 aged 73 years and LUCY ELIZA his dearly loved wife who died 21st Sept 1933 aged 74 years also their youngest son BASIL FREDERICK NEWILL who died 30th July 1955 aged 60 years

GHS with kerb

D28 In loving memory of THOMAS CHARLES LEYCESTER POWYS-KECK of Stoughton Grange born 12 August 1871, died 4 April 1931


D29 Left Major the Honourable HENRY LITTLETON POWYS-KECK born 29th March 1812 died 10th July 1869 The Honourable MARIA POWYS-KECK died 8th March 1902 aged 82 Right HARRY LEYCESTER POWYS-KECK Esquire born 16th October 1841 died 20th April 1912 Around the tomb O grave where is thy victory The hour is coming in the which All that are in the graves Shall hear his voice and shall come forth

Pink Granite sarcophagus

D30 C.S To the dear memory of CHARLES SEDDON born 8th August 1874 died 28th April 1920 and to his dear wife KATIE AUGUSTA born 19th April 1880 died 10th Feb 1960 KENNETH SEDDON 1908-1977

SC with kerb G Collins Gent St Le’ster Slate plaque

D31 In loving memory of MARJORIE ETHEL WARD wife of Dr GERALD LIPSON WARD 1908-2004 also of Dr GERALD LIPSON WARD 1907-2005 Rest in Peace


D32 Left In loving memory of a wonderful Father and Mother God bless you Right NORMAN RICHARD NICHOLSON 1909-1987 ERNA NICHOLSON 1911-2005

BMS Open book

D33 Treasured memories of Left WILLIAM JOHN TOOLEY 1938-2006 Much loved and loving husband, father and grandfather Right No inscription

BMS Open book

D34 Cherished memories of Left DENIS HEADLEY 1937-2005 Husband, Dad and Grandad. Always loved. Right No inscription

Marble open book

D35 In memory of ANNIE BELLA WRIGHT died July 5th 1919 aged 21


Page 27: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason D36 In loving memory of our dear father EDWIN LEOPOLD CLELLAND who

passed away August 31st 1945 aged 74 years. Also our darling mother HANNAH CLELLAND who passed away December 10th 1940 aged 67 years Reunited In loving memory

Granite kerbstone FV

D37 In loving remembrance of our dear MARY ANN PHILLIPS (“BRIGHT”) of Bursleden, Hants who died November 26th 1905. A devoted nurse, a faithful friend, beloved by all Well done good and faithful servant “Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord”


D38 I H S In loving memory of WILLIAM JOHN BELLVILLE Who died Aug7th 1891 aged 61 years


D39 In loving memory Left GLADYS MAY DAY died 24th Sept 1979 aged 74 Right FRANK DAY died 5th May 1982 aged 76 Rest in Peace

Stone open book

D40 In loving memory of CHARLES OBADIAH DIXON died 4th Nov 1932 aged 63 years

Stone kerbstone

D41 In loving memory of FRANK COOKE SCOTT who died August 27th 1930 aged 63 years also EMILY ANNIE wife of the above who died January 8th 1936 aged 69 years Vase Mother at Rest

MHS with kerb

D42 In loving memory of JOHN CARTER died August 18 1930 aged 54 Rest in Peace

MHS with kerb

D43 No inscription Iron cross

D44 ROBERT BUTLAND who died March 17th 1917 aged 69 years Also SARAH ADA the beloved wife of the above who died August 2nd 1821 aged 69 years “At Rest”

GMHS with cross

Section D

Page 28: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Section E - Monumental Inscriptions

No Inscription Type/Mason E1 In affectionate remembrance of SAMUEL WARD who died February 14th 1858

aged 39 years also of THOMAS HENRY infant Son of the above who died March 27th 1855 aged 6 months Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord


E2 In affectionate remembrance of Left HENRY LEATHERLAND who died October 5 1868 aged 64 years A hand almighty to defend/An ear for every call/An honoured life a peaceful end/And haven to crown it all Right ANN wife of HENRY LEATHERLAND who died April 5 1865 aged 59 years I know that my Redeemer liveth No sins or fears disturb’d her soul Nor terror from below No worldly glory stopp’d her flight Or made her loth to go


E3 In affectionate remembrance of MARY ANN HARRIS who died Feb’ry 2nd 1855 aged 24 years Let not your hearts be troubled; Ye believe in God’ believe also in me In my fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you. John XIV 1 & 2 verse


E4 Sacred to the memory of Left ALICE wife of JAMES CHAPMAN who died January 27 1853 aged 71 years Right JAMES CHAPMAN of this Parish who died March 12th 1860 aged 83 years “Behold. He taketh away who can hinder him “ Job C9th V12th

DSLHS E Ward Oadby

E5 In ever loving memory of my dear husband JOHN KIRK of this parish who departed this life July 19th 1912 in the 84th year of his age. Also of JULIA KIRK beloved wife of the above who departed this life July 16 1915 in the 80th year of her age. Also WILLIAM KIRK father of the above who died Dec’r 4th 1858, in the 69 year of his age. “The Lord gave, the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the name of the Lord”


E6 Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH MARTIN of Caunton Nottinghamshire ,late of Stoughton who departed this life April 7th 1848 aged 61 years Ye know not what shall be on the morrow For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away James Chap 4th verse 14th

SLHS E Ward Oadby

E7 In loving memory of JAMES OSBOND who entered into rest 13 Feb 1924 aged 63 years Until the day dawn

SC on plinth

Page 29: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason E8 In loving memory of ROBERT SHELTON son of JAMES & LIZZIE ANN

OSBOND who died Feb 24th 1901 aged 6 years and 8 months Earth holds one gentle soul the less. And heaven one angel more

SC on plinth

E9 IHS In loving memory of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of ROBERT CORNER who entered into rest December 3rd 1893 aged 68 years Sorrow not as those that have no hope Knowing that them also which sleep in Jesus Will God bring with him Rest in Peace thy work in life is done


E10 IHS In loving memory of ROBERT CORNER who entered into rest September 3rd 1879 aged 64 years I reckon that the suffering of this present time Are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Thomas viii.18 Also of ALICE daughter of ROBERT & ELIZABETH CORNER who died August 31st 1859 aged 3 years & 6 months and of ELIZABETH ANN their daughter who died October 23rd 1863 aged 1 year and 9 months Suffer little children and forbid them not Come unto me for such is the kingdom of heaven


E11 In affectionate remembrance of RICHARD BICKLEY of this parish who departed this life August 6th 1876 aged 66 years Behold, he taketh away who can hinder him, Job C 9th V 12th And of ANN his wife who departed this life November 23rd 1904 aged 89 years

SLHS E Ward Oadby

E12 Sacred to the memory of Left GEORGE HALL who died March 29th 1862 aged 80 years Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Right No inscription

DSLHS E Ward Oadby

E13 No inscription Fallen possibly plinth of 14

E14 In loving memory of SAMUEL HALL who died June 29th 1910 aged 89 years also ANNE wife of the above who died April 29th 1911 aged 72 years


E15 In affectionate remembrance of RICHARD SWAIN of this parish who died March 12th 1870 in the 68th year of his age For here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come. Hebrews C13th V14th

SLHS E Ward Oadby

E16 In affectionate remembrance of ANN the beloved wife of RICHARD SWAIN who died February 7th 1869 in the 57th year of her age Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him, who will say unto him, what doest Thou-- Job C9th V12th

SLH E Ward Oadby

E17 Sacred to the memory of JAMES HANDLEY who died at Staughton Grange the 22nd day of January 1858 in the 28th year of his age after a long affliction A lingering sickness did he seize And no physician could give ease He sought for help on earth in vain But death we trust has proved his gain

SLHS E Ward Oadby

Page 30: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason E18 Sacred to the memory of MARTHA COOPER who departed this life on the 8th of

October 1832 aged 30 years She lived many years as housekeeper at Stoughton Grange and was much esteemed for fidelity and respectability of conduct


E19 In affectionate remembrance of GEORGE CHESTER BEESON who died February 20th 1892 aged 81 years. Also of ANN, the beloved wife of GEORGE CHESTER BEESON who died August 4th 1874 aged 66 years Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life Rev C2nd V10th


E20 In affectionate remembrance Of MARY ELIZABETH third daughter of GEORGE CHESTER and ANN BEESON who died December 15 1855 in the 5th year of her age also of HENRY BEESON 2nd son of the above who died in his infancy


E21 In affectionate remembrance of ANNIE beloved wife of THOMAS KENDALL (late of Stockerston) and eldest daughter of GEORGE CHESTER BEESON (late of this parish)who died Nov’r 22nd 1883 aged 36 years In the midst of life we are in death


E22 In affectionate remembrance of MARIA beloved daughter of JOHN & MARIA WILKINSON of Leicester who departed this life May 17th 1878 in the 15th year of her age She is absent from those that have loved her Twas Jesus that called her away She is gone to the Lord who redeemed her From night to the splendour of day


E23 In affectionate remembrance of JOHN WILKINSON of Leicester late of this parish who departed this life May 8 1866 aged 36 years This was erected by his affectionate wife Nevertheless not my will but thine be done Also LUCY ANN infant daughter of the above who died Jan 12th 1861


E24 In loving memory of ANN WISDISH youngest daughter of JOHN SADDINGTON CHAMBERLAIN who died April 20th 1893 aged 76 years, also of ARABELLA SADDINGTON niece of the above, granddaughter of J.S CHAMBERLAIN and youngest daughter of WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN late of AYLESTONE who died January 19th 1897 aged 52 years “I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come” “What time I am afraid I will trust in thee”

SLHS J Hilton Waterloo St L’ester

E25 “Until the day dawns” In loving memory of JOHN COOK, of this parish who departed this life Sept 1st 1894 in the 86th year of his age

Broken S C on plinth

E26 I know that my redeemer liveth In loving memory of SARAH the beloved wife of JOHN COOK of this parish who died October 28th 1880 aged 74 years

SC on plinth

E27 In loving memory of ARABELLA eldest daughter of JOHN SADDINGTON CHAMBERLAIN late of AYLESTONE who died August 17th 1889 aged 78 “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake, with Thy likeness” Also of SUSAN CHAMBERLAIN her sister who died June 26th 1903 aged 88 years Her end was peace


Page 31: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason E28 Sacred to the memory of JAMES PAUL who died June the 17th 1833in the 4th

year of his age May angels guard, thy sleeping dust Til God is pleas’d to raise the just Then may’st thou wake with sweet surprise And in thy saviours arms arise


E29 Here lieth interr’d the body of THOMAS the son of THOMAS JELLEY by ANN his wife who departed this life the 3 day of June 1772 aged 6 years The great Jehovah full of love His angle bright did send To fetch this little spotless dove To joys that never end


E30 In loving memory of ELIZABETH eldest daughter of THOMAS WILKINSON born Nov 18th 1833 died Dec 5th 1903. Also SARAH daughter of the above born May 20th 1837 died Jan 20th 1915 “Until the day break, and the shadows flee away”


E31 Here Left Lieth the body of ANN wife of THOMAS JELLEY she departed this life the 26th day of May 1805 aged 72 years Right Lieth the body of THOMAS JELLEY he departed this life the 3d day of June 1779 aged 60 years A tender father and a mother dear Two faithful friend lies buryd here Our time is spent our glass is run My children dear prepare to come


E32 Left Sacred to the memory of JOHN WILKINSON who died at Bank Hall Lancashire February 21st 1857 aged 58 years. He was upwards of 45 years a faithful and trustworthy servant to G A LEGH KECK Esq Released from worldly cares and earthly ties Beneath this stone a loving husband lies Short was the warning quick the summons flew Ere scarce his weeping friends could say adieu Ye, who pass by look humbly on this sod And heed these words prepare to meet thy God Right Sacred to the memory of MARY the wife of the late JOHN WILKINSON who departed this life at Leicester January 23rd 1862 aged 65 years Submissive to Thy just decree We all shall soon from earth remove But when thou sendest Lord for me O, let Thy messenger be love.

DSLHS Ward Sculpt Oadby

E33 To the memory of JAMES son of JOHN & MARY WILKINSON. He was born Sept 3 1817 and died March 28th 1818 Lord, what is life, its like a flower That blossoms and is gone We see it flourish for an hour With all its beauty on But death came like a Winter’s day And took this pretty flower away

SLHS Bettony Oadby

Page 32: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason E34 In memory of ANN WILKINSON, wife of THOMAS WILKINSON and second

daughter of WILLIAM & ELIZABETH DALBY who died August 3rd 1844 aged 41 years. Also of SARAH SNEATH wife of JAMES SNEATH third daughter of the above who died the 5th of July 1846 aged 41 years Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord


E35 Sacred to the memory of Left CHARLES DAWES who departed this life the 25th of December 1822 in the 63rd year of his age Right AMY relict of CHARLES DAWES daughter of THOS’ and ANN JELLEY she died Janr 19th 1827 aged 52 years As for man his days are as grass As a flower of the field so he flourisheth For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone And the place thereof shall know it no more Psalm 103 v 15,16

DSLHS T Bethony Oadby

E36 In loving memory of THOMAS WILKINSON (late of this parish) who died at Kibworth February 24th 1895 in the 87th year of his age. “Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season Job 5 26

SLHS W T Jee Leicester

E37 In loving memory of LUCY wife of THOMAS HERRICK (of Hunt’s Lane DESFORD) and third daughter of THOMAS & ANN WILKINSON (late of this parish) died May 16th 1880 aged 43 years. Erected by her loving children Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and staff they comfort me Psalm xxiii 4v

W T Jee Leicester

E38 Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of THOMAS CHARLTON who departed this life August 28th 1831 aged 29 years O death could thou no longer spare A loving wife and mother dear In love we liv’d, in peace she dy’d Her life desir’d but God deny’d

SLHS Barrand Leicester

E39 In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM HENRY NUTTALL WAYTE son of the late JOHN WAYTE who died November 11th 1878 aged 25 years “Clouds and darkness are round about him righteousness and judgement are the habitation of his throne” Ps XCV11


E40 In affectionate remembrance of SARAH ANNE second daughter of JOHN and ANNE WAYTE who died Dec 18th 1866 in the 16th year of her age. ELIZABETH the third daughter Sept 28th 1868 in the 14th year of her age “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right” Gen xvii v25


E41 In affectionate remembrance of JOHN WAYTE who died June 25th 1862.aged 39 years Also ANNE widowof the above who died August 21st 1884 aged 57 yrs. Also of JOHN infant son of the above “And they shall be mine saith the Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever”


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/Mason E42 In memory of JAMES HUNT BANKART of Leicester born March 9th 1867 died

Jan 9th 1949 Stone kerbstone

E43 Here lieth interred the body of ELIZABETH the wife of THOMAS JELLEY & dau of JOHN & JANE DUFFILL who departed this life the 1st day of June 1763 in the 29th year of her age. Afflictions sore long time I bore Physicians all in vain Til death gave ease as God did please To ease me of my pain


E44 Here lieth interr’d the body of JOHN DUFFILL who departed this life the 29th day of July 1762 aged 33 years Farewell the joy and comfort of my life He was the best of husbands to a wife Whilst here on earth no rest I ever shall have Til I am laid within the silent grave Also two children of ye above JOHN DUFFILL by SARAH his wife who dy’d in their infancy


E45 Here lieth the body of THOMAS DUFFILL son of JOHN and ANN DUFFILL who departed this life Decembr 2nd 1717 in ye 16th year of his age


E46 Here lieth interr’d the body of ANN DUFFILL relict of JOHN DUFFILL Senr. She departed this life the 16th day of November in the year of our Lord 1719 in the 80th year of her life


E47 Here lieth interred the body of JOHN DUFFILL Senr who departed this life the 21st day of February in the year of our Lord 1727/8 aged 67 years


E48 Here lieth the body of WILLIAM son of JOHN DUFFILL by SARAH his wife who departed this life the 10th day of April 1774 aged 16 years Farewell my friends of ev’ry kind Whose lot it is to be left behind Prepare in time to sleep in dust That you may rise among the just Prepare in time make no delay I in my prime was call’d away My time is past my glass is run Dear mother prepare yourself to come


E49 Here lies the remains of SARAH the wife of JOHN OLIVER and relict of JOHN DUFFILL. She departed this life the 17th day of December 1800 aged 70 years All her afflictions she with patience bore Nor was surprised though Death was at the door For in her maker was her only trust Hoping to rise in Glory with the Just


E50 Here lyeth ye body of THOMAS SWANSON who departed this life December the 2nd 1724 in ye 27th year of his age


E51 Here lie the remains of JOHN OLIVER who departed this life on the 16th day of February 1825 aged 84 years


E52 Here lie the remains of ELEANOR relict of JOHN OLIVER who departed this life on the 25th day of February 1838 aged 83 years


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Section G

Section E

Section F

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Section F - Monumental Inscriptions

No Inscription Type/MasonF1 In loving memory of STUART JOHN HERBERT a beloved son, husband and

father 18.7.52-18.2.97 A warm and truly wonderful person Forever in Our Hearts


F2 In memory of OLIVE MURIEL PERKINS a kind and dearly loved wife and mother died 3rd September 1984 aged 74 years also her husband THOMAS LEONARD PERKINS a very dear father died 20th April 1989 aged 86 years Dearly loved parents of MYRA


F3 Left STANLEY WORTHINGTON died Dec 15. 1974 aged 55 At Rest Right ROSE MAY WORTHINGTON died Dec 7 2003 aged 88 Reunited

Marble open book

F4 In loving memory of a dear wife and mother EDNA MAY WARREN died Aug 12th 1971 aged 61 years also THOMAS LEONARD WARREN beloved husband of the above died June 12th 1975 aged 70 years Re-united


F5 Sacred to the memory of EMMA COOK died 22nd December 1969 aged 73 years “She gave all” Also her loving husband ARTHUR JAMES COOK died 15th May 1984 aged 87 years


F6 Left In sacred remembrance of RICHARD WILLIAM SARSON of Old Hayes son of the late EDWARD SARSON of this place who died May 7th 1841 aged 36 years Just as a flower full born at morn Lies dead before the setting sun Just so in bloom of life cut down Was he who lies beneath this stone Right No inscription

DSLHS Bettoney Oadby

F7 Left In sacred remembrance of EDWARD SARSON of Kilby and late of this place who died January 6th 1841 aged 61 years The memory of the just is blessed ANN wife of EDWARD SARSON who died October 27th 1865 in the 87th year of he age Right No inscription

DSLHS Bettoney Oadby

F8 To the memory of EDWARD son of EDWARD and ANN SARSON who departed this life the 29th April 1822 in the 6th year of his age also in memento of four children sons and daughters of the above who died in their infancy

SHS Bettoney Oadby

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/MasonF9 Treasured memories of my dearest husband GORDON BRIAN GULLIVER

died Dec 26th 1963 aged 30 years also his father GEORGE RICHARD GULLIVER passed peacefully away 17th Feb 1979 aged 69 years Front In loving memory of RICHARD ERNEST GULLIVER died 13th April 1989 aged 57 years Back Loving memories of our darling son BRIAN REUBEN GULLIVER died May 14th 1959 aged 5 days Right ANNIE ELIZABETH GULLIVER died Feb 25th 1983 aged 71 years

SHS Stone vase

F10 In loving memory of RUPERT JOHN PATRICK BARCLAY June 10th -15th 1959 Gentle Jesus meek and mild/Look upon this little child


F11 In loving memory of LILIAN LYALL and VICTORIA LYALL At Rest Also JOHN P LYALL Reunited


F12 BRIAN J CHAPMAN of Bushby House beloved husband of VALERIE ,father of GILES HENRY & ARABELLA died 16th June 1982 aged 48 years He will remain for ever in our hearts


F13 In loving memory of PETER FINNEMORE 1957-1960 aged 3 years. GORDON FINNEMORE 1922-2004aged 81 years. MARJORIE FINNEMORE 1925-2005 aged 80 years Beloved wife and mother MARJORIE FINNEMORE died 14th November 2005 aged 80 years Treasured memories of PETER FINNEMORE died Feb 9th 1960 aged 3 years

MHS F Vase

F14 In loving memory of HAROLD WILLIAMS died September 9th 1960 aged 63 years also ADA WILLIAMS his beloved wife died May 7th 1962 aged 61 years “Reunited”


F15 In loving memory of Left A dear wife and mother FLORENCE NEEDHAM died 12th April 1967 aged 84 Right A dear husband & father JOHN NEEDHAM died 25th August 1976 in his 93rd year “Reunited” FLORENCE MARY NEEDHAM died 12th February 1997 aged 86 years

Marble open book

F16 In loving memory of Left A dear wife mother & grandmother IVY JESSIE WELLS died 28th November 2001 aged 76 . Always in our hearts “Nanna” Right A dear husband father & grandfather ARCHIBALD WELLS died 26th September 2003 aged 81 Rest in Peace Re-United

BM open book Marble vase

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/MasonF17 MAURICE LOCKWOOD died 19th February 2007 aged 78 years Wooden cross

with metal plaque

F18 In loving memory of WINIFRED MALINS a beloved wife and mother died 23rd April 1978 aged 76 years and FREDERICK ALFRED MALINS a dear husband and father died 9th Dec 1981 aged 82 years. Also their beloved daughter MARGARET JOYCE CROWTHER a dear wife died 3rd Feb 1992 aged 67 years


F19 In loving memory of Left A dear wife & mother ELLA NEEDHAM died 25th March 1978 aged 71 “Rest in Peace” Right A dear husband & father JOHN WILLIAM NEEDHAM died 9th May 1988 age 83 ”Rest in peace” Together again

Marble open book

F20 Memento Mori Here lieth the bodys of EDWd ANTHONY & MARGt ANN SILVESTER’S. EDWd ANTy died Octr 21 1764 aged 4 years. MARGt ANN died May 14 1768 aged 1 years The great Jehovah full of love An angel down did send To fetch these little spotless doves To Joys that never end


F21 In memory of WILLIAM CHAPMAN he died the 22nd of Jan’ry 1743 aged 40 years. Also of SARAH his wife she died the 23rd of April 1784 aged 84 years


F22 Here lieth the body of ANN the wife of RICE CHAPMAN Sen’r who departed this life the 15th of Octobr 1745 in the 80th year of her age


F23 Here lyeth ye body of RICE CHAPMAN Senr who departed this life ye 15th day of March 1741-2 in ye 76th year of his age In love he liv’d In peace he dy’d His life defind but God deny’d

SLHS Ric Stretton Sculp

F24 Here are deposited the remains of RICE CHAPMAN he died the 19th of February 1782 aged 72 years


F25 Here lieth the remains of MARGARET wife of RICE CHAPMAN she departed this life December 3rd 1795 aged 84 years


F26 In memory of ANN CHAPMAN ( Spinster) she departed this life Dec the 6th 1787 aged 83 years


F27 To the memory of JANE daughter of RICHARD WHITE of Tilton she departed this life the 6th day of August 1775 aged 66 years


F28 Here lie the remains of MARY the daur of RICHARD WHITE by ELIZABETH his wife who departed this life August the 5th 1774 in the 68th year of her age


Page 38: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/MasonF29 Here lieth interred the body of DOROTHY wife of JOHN CARTWRIGHT she

resigned this transitory life the 5th of November 1780 in the 34 year of her age. Also THOMAS son of JOHN and DOROTHY CARTWRIGHT he died the 5th of Novr 1780 in the 4th year of his age


F30 Sacred to the memory of JOHN CARTWRIGHT who departed this life the 24th day of April 1806 in the 67th year of his age also of ELIZABETH CARTWRIGHT his wife; who died on the 10th day of April 1786 in the 37th year of her age


F31 In this place lieth interr’d ye body of JOHN DARKER who departed this life Oct the 22nd 1715 in the 52nd year of his age. Here also lyeth interr’d ye body of ELIZ: DARKER wife of JOHN DARKER who departed this life April the 16: 1742 aged 79

SLHS flat

F32 Here lyeth interr’d the body of MARTHA HOPKINS daughter of JOHN & ELIZABETH DARKER who departed this life Nov 30th 1742 aged 37. Here lyeth interr’d the body of RICH’D DARKER who departed this life July the 18 1747 aged 53. Here lyeth interr’d the body of ELIZ CHANDLER widow of JOHN CHANDLER & daughter of JOHN & ELIZABETH DARKER who departed this life March the 1st 1748 aged 59. Here also lies the body of Mrs ELIZ JOLLAGE wife of Mr PAUL JOLLAGE & relict of RICH’D DARKER who departed this life April ye 6th 1756 aged 55

SLHS flat

F33 Here lieth interr’d the body of MICHAEL DARKER .He departed this life the 5th day of October 1770 in the 66th year of his age

SLHS flat

F34 Sacred to the memory of RICHARD TAYLOR who departed this life December 16th 1839 in the 46th year of his age. This stone is erected by his affectionate widow A loving husband and a father dear One whom we hope the Lord did guide and hear A patient suffer’r one who feared his God And whom we hope his steps in faith he trod But now alas our dearest friend is gone And we are left behind in care of ONE Who can protect us through the vale of death And make us not too anxious here on earth

SLHS J Firn Leicester

F35 In affectionate remembrance of SAMUEL son of the late SAMUEL & REBEKAH SELBY who died March 11th 1863 aged 37 years

SLHS Jee.Leicter

F36 In affectionate remembrance of MARY relict of the late RICHARD TAYLOR who departed this life September 21st 1864 in the 75th year of her age Forget thee? Never! To the latest breadth We shall remember thy calm bed of death What humble trust! What holy hope! What joy! Mid dying pangs could every thought employ Yes; in that moment, thou didst seem to be? At peace with God, and God at peace with thee

SLHS Hill. Syston

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/MasonF37 Sacred to the memory of REBEKAH wife of SAMUEL SELBY who departed

this life 29th day of January 1837 aged 43 years also of THOROTON their infant son A faithful wife and mother dear Her soul to God in peace resign’d Hopeing in glory to appear Before the judge of all mankind Eternal God guide thou the mind Of those whom I have left behind Let grace and virtue join on earth To make them happy after death

SLHS J Firn Lester

F38 Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL SELBY who died Dec’r 17th 1859 aged 74 years The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness. Prov.C.xvi V 31


Section G - Monumental Inscriptions

No Inscription Type/MasonG1 PHYLIS MARY WHEELWRIGHT 1912-1995. JOHN GILBERT

WHEELWRIGHT 1911-2004 Happy Memories


G2 In loving memory of ARTHUR JAMES COOK a devoted husband & father died 29th June 1993 aged 74 years also a dear wife & mother ELSIE LILIAN COOK died 3rd march 1998 aged 81 years Reunited


G3 In loving memory of PETER MAURICE FIELDING died 26th May 1993 aged 28 years and of BARBARA JOAN FIELDING. A beloved wife and mother died 4th January 1997 aged 70 years and of MAURICE HENRY FIELDING a beloved husband and father died 10th December 2001 aged 78 years


G4 In loving memory of MARGARET E ETHERINGTON died 2nd July 1991 aged 81 yrs also her husband JAMES ROBERT ETHERINGTON died 6th Dec 1994 aged 87 yrs

G5 HELLA SPERRY died 2nd September 1988 aged 57 with Christ which is better by far Phil.1.23


G6 A well graced actress has left the stage in loving memory of a dear wife and mother ANN TOOLEY who died 19th Jan 1988 aged 47. Loving you always, forgetting you never.


G7 In loving memory of MARGARET DRUCILLA GREWCOCK died 5th April 1987 aged 67 years also her beloved wife of WILLIAM HENRY GREWCOCK died 29th March 1989 aged 68 years Forever together

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/MasonG8 Fondest memories of a dear uncle NORMAN ROY BLACKBURN who died

February 22nd 1987 aged 80 years At Rest


G9 Treasured memories of Left A loving wife and mother MARGARET JANE TOMLINSON died 5th

Dec1985 aged 70 years Right And of a loving father JAMES TOMLINSON died 18th Jan 1991 aged 79 years


G10 In loving memory of CAROLINE daughter of WILLIAM HENRY and MARY BROWNE who died March 5th 1925 aged 48 years For ever with the Lord


G11 Front In loving memory of MARY wife of WILLIAM HENRY BROWNE who died October 7th 1920 aged 74 years “Until we meet again” Also of WILLIAM HENRY BROWNE who died October 26th 1929 in his 90th year Left Also MARY their daughter who died 18th October 1875 aged 5 years


G12 In loving memory of JOYCE KATHLEEN much loved daughter of SYDNEY and FLORENCE WILBY who passed from life to higher life September 16th 1926

S Cross with kerb

G13 In loving memory of my dear husband GEORGE HENRY REEVE died April 2nd 1955 aged 71 years. AT REST Also his beloved wife STELLA died April 13th 1981 aged 88 years

MHS with kerb

G14 In loving memory of JANET EMILY KNIGHT died 6th Sept 1954 aged 70 years also ALICE SARAH her beloved sister died 15th Feb 1971 aged 85 years also FRANCES ELIZABETH PARSONS NORMAN her beloved sister died 13th Novr 1963 aged 69 years


G15 In loving memory of JANE RUTH the beloved wife of JOHN JOSEPH WALKER who died February 5th 1924 aged 62 years also of JOHN JOSEPH WALKER died 31st December 1955 aged 91 years

M Cross

G16 In loving memory of DAVID JOHN HERBERT a beloved husband and father 5.6.28 to 17.11.04. a warm and truly loving person. Forever in our hearts DAVID JOHN HERBERT died 17th November 2004 aged 76 years

SH Brass plaque at foot

G17 In loving memory of GRACE ETHEL GREGORY died November 30th 1949 aged 64 years .At rest


G18 In loving memory of HENRY WHITWORTH PERKINS 1906-1999 and wife WINIFRED HENRIETTA PERKINS 1907-2002


G19 In loving memory of GLADYS IDA SCOTT 1911-2000 and her husband GEORGE HENRY SCOTT 1912-2006


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



No Inscription Type/MasonG20 In loving memory of ERIC A BEASLEY beloved husband ,dad and granddad

passed away June 2nd 2001 aged 69 years In loving memory

MHS Vase

G21 In loving memory of a dear wife and best friend STELLA MARGART HUMMEL. Born 20th March 1933 died 29th June 2002 Resting with her Lord


G22 In loving memory of JEFFREY GRAHAM JUHANI SOMERTON 1962-2002 A wonderful husband, father, son and brother passed away on 26th November 2002 aged 40 years Forever in our thoughts


G23 In loving memory of my dear husband GEORGE RIPPEN DENNIS died March 3rd 1950 aged 72 years also MINNIE dearly loved wife of the above died March 4th 1954 aged 78 years Re-united Rest in Peace


G24 In loving memory of WILLIAM ATKINS late of this parish who died May 23rd 1912 aged 68 also ELIZABETH wife of the above who died July 16th 1927 aged 82 The memory of the just is blessed


Cremation Plaques – Section H

Plaque Inscription H1 In loving memory of NATHAN CUTLER 22-8-1980 to 12-1-2006. Darling son, brother & uncle

Will always be in our hearts

H2 NINA HARVISON dearly loved Born NINA MARY LITTLEPROUD 1920-1992 Live in eternity’s sunrise

H3 In memory of JACK COPPING 1911-1996 Churchwarden and bellringer

H4 In loving memory of JUNE NEWITT 5-6-1940-12-1-1997 Rest in Peace

H5 ERIC BENJAMIN BOWERMAN 1913-1937 Your love and devotion will fill our hearts forever

H6 MICHAEL PURCHASE 24-5-48 to 6-7-98 Mick much loved husband of CHRISTINE. Now at peace

H7 In loving memory of a devoted husband ALFRED GOSTELLO March 1912 to April 1993 In heavenly love abiding

H8 Treasured memories of YVONNE L DANIEL 26-9-1963 to 19-7-1996 Vonnie loved and remembered always

H9 ARTHUR S WATSON 1905-1984 ROSA A.M. WATSON 1904-1997 In loving memory

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Plaque Inscription H10 MARJORIE ELIZABETH CLEGG beloved wife of Captain ALBERT HADLEY CLEGG R.N.

mother of PATRICIA ANNE Rest in Peace

H11 In loving memory of NEIL THOMA BOWMAN 1945-1999 Sadly missed

H12 In memory of a devoted wife and loving mother PATRICIA MARY RICHMOND 26-4-1932 to 27-9-1972

H13 In memory of ALFRED SALT and MARY SALT 1968 “Christ is Risen”

H14 In loving memory of MARGARET E KEAY born 2nd December 1890 died 23rd February 1976 “Thy kingdom come”

H15 In loving memory of HENRY and MONICA MARTIN May 1920-Jan 2007 Oct 1921-Sept 1982 Forgetting not eternity

H16 MARY & CHARLIE LEIGHTON 1925-1984 1918-1989 Together always A much loved Mum and Dad

H17 In memory of TOM JORDAN DENNIS lived in this parish 16-9-11 to 21-8-90 Rest in Peace

H18 In loving memory of FRED MEASOM 1909-1985 Rest in Peace

H19 In loving memory of FRANK POLLARD June 1908 to March 1985 Loving husband & father I am alive for evermore

H20 ARTHUR HOPWOOD 1928-1998 Churchwarden. Loving husband, father and grandpa

H21 JESSIE MAUD BOWERMAN 1914-1999 memories to treasure of a kind and gentle lady with a heart of gold

H22 JOHN R PHILLIPS 10.5.1926-23.1.2000 DORIS PHILLIPS 21.10.1928-14.11.2005 Treasured memories

H23 In loving memory of HAROLD LEES HALKYARD. A dear husband, father and grandfather 1st February 1927-14 Nov 2001

H24 FRANCES JOAN MORRIS. Dear wife, mother & grandmother 13 April 1928-19 December 2003 Always in our thoughts

H25 LOIS MAY NEWBERRY 1920-2002. Loving wife and mother So sadly missed

H26 KATHLEEN GILL VAN DIJK. A loving mother and dearest wife of JOHAN 31 Dec 1927 to 29 July 1976

H27 PERCY & GRACE WARD (Reunited) 1893-1976 & 1894-1986 Treasured memories of a dear father & mother

H28 In loving memory of a devoted wife & mother HILDA E MARLOW born 25th Feb 1903 Died 13th Feb 1979

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Plaque Inscription H29 In memory of a loving wife & devoted mother RENIE E SEATON Born 17th April 1914 died 8th

January 1980

H30 REGINALD THOMAS SEATON. A very dear father and loving husband 27th May 1909 to 5th Oct 1983

H31 NORMAN HAWLEY Beloved husband and father All is safely gathered in

H32 In loving memory of ELLEN ELIZABETH MOTTRAM 1921-1989 Always loved and remembered

H33 In memory of HAROLD E MARLOW. Husband, father and grandfather Feb 1904-March 1998

H34 In loving memory of IRIS HUTCHINSON. Devoted wife & mother. Born 26th September 1921 Died 12th January 1989

H35 With loving memories of JOHN WILLIAM SPENCER. Will be sadly missed and always loved 1921-1992

H36 In loving memory of ERNA NICHOLSON 14 July 1911-23 April 2005 God bless you

H37 MAURICE GOODWIN (Postman) 16th August 1931-6 March 2005. Beloved husband, father and grandfather

Section H – Cremation Plaques

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Memorials Inside The Church – Section J

Grave No Inscription Type & Mason J1 Near this spot the interred remains of ANTHONY JAMES KECK of

Stoughton Grange Esq who with unsullied integrity represented in Parliament, for many Years the Boroughs of Leicester and Newton in Lancashire, and both in publick and in private life, justly acquired, and retained the Respect and Esteem of all acquainted with him. To these his loss was severe, to his Family irreparable; he departed this life aged 42, and was deposited Feby. 28th1782 in the adjoining Family burying –place: near the remains of his lamented Mother, ANNE, Sister and heiress of WILLIAM BUSBYof Stoughton Grange Esq. He married ELIZ’H second daughter of PETE’R LEGH of Lyme Esq and by her had six Children of whom PETER ROB’T ANTHONY died an infant and was buried here January 11th 1768. ELIZABETH, who died also an Infant, and was buried here February 5th 1773. ANTHONY PETER BEAUMONT, who died young and was buried here, March 14th 1777

Marble Plaque

J2 Also, PEERS- ANTHONY KECK of Stoughton Grange Esq’r who died unmarried aged 28, and was buried here March 12th 1797. Emulous of the bright Example bequeathed to him by his Father; he was snatched from his Friends and the World, in the early exercise of genuine Benevolence: But the tender Sorrows of all who knew him, of a surviving brother, and of this neighbourhood: which could well appreciate his many excellent and endearing Qualities, will long record the sacred truth of this mournful Testimony

Underneath J1 Marble Plaque

J3 Within the…and the…rest the…….beloved by him in the …are deposited the mortal remains of GEL ANTHONY LEGH KECK Esq of Bank Hall in the county of Lancaster and of Stoughton grange in this township. He represented the county of Leicester in nine parliaments and the long continuance of this delegated trust sufficiently attests the confidence of his constituents during that most eventful period between the years 1797and 1831.When uprooted thrones and desecrated altars convulsed other countries and endangered the safety of our own. Amidst such times he evinced an unshaken fidelity to his King his country and his God: and in 1831 relinquished all public duties save only the command of the Leicestershire Yeomanry Regiment which he had held from the date of its original formation in 1802. In the more congenial scenes of private life brightened by an approving conscience he calmly prepared himself for another and better world: humbly hoping for future and eternal happiness by a steadfast faith in the mercies of God. Through the mediation of our redeeming Saviour Jesus Christ Ob’t Sept 4th 1860, aetat 86. “Blessed are the dead that did in the Lord” ---------------------------------------------------------- In affectionate memory of him whose patriotic and useful life is here recorded. This church was restored from the foundation of his nephew Major the Hon’ble HENRY LITTLETON POWYS KECK

Marble Plaque

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave No Inscription Type & Mason J4 Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH second daughter of ROB’T

VERNON ATHERTON Esqr of Atherton Hall in the county of Lancaster: and the beloved wife of G A LEGH KECK Esqr of Bank Hall in the same county and of Stoughton Grange in this township Obit 21st January 1837 aetat 63. Exemplary in the discharge of every duty she lived without an enemy and died universally lamented, leaving a memory mournfully embalmed by the sorrow of a bereaved husband: and of very many surviving friends with a deep conviction of religious truths she enjoyed the hope of a blessed immortality through a firm faith in the atoning merits of a crucified Redeemer and in the mercies of Almighty God . Oh reader may we emulate her bright example and by a corresponding faith and practice here may we participate in her hopes of eternal happiness hereafter.

Marble Plaque

J5 In affectionate remembrance of Major The Hon’ble HENRY LITTLETON POWYS KECK of Stoughton Grange late 60th Rifles founder of The Soldiers Daughters Home at Hampstead. Fifth son of THOMAS 2nd BARON LILFORD and his wife HENRIETTA MARIA eldest daughter of ROBERT VERNON ATHERTON of Atherton Hall Lancashire Born March 29th 1812 Died July 10th 1863 Also of MARGARETTE MATILDA his wife, 2nd daughter of JOHN BANCHO ESQ’r who died June 21st1845 and was buried at Eglish in Ireland -------------------------------------- “The Lord knoweth them that are his” ---------------- In the church-yard lie the precious mortal remains of this true soldier of the cross ------------------ The fight well fought, the victory won ------------------- Noble in bearing, impetuous by nature, he learned to know himself and his great captain and submitted as a little child to the humbling doctrines of the Gospel ----------------------------- Strict in discipline, his heart was tender, his love strong as death. In all the trials of a soldiers’ life, duty was his single aim and his joy. And when called to a position of wealth and influence he endeavoured only to let his light shine before men that they might glorify his fatherwhich is in heaven. ------------------------------------------------- Many mourned the sudden quenching of that light many will rise up and call him blessed when “The trumpet shall sound and the dead be raised incorruptible”

Marble Plaque


In affectionate remembrance of HARRY LEYCESTER POWYS-KECK of Stoughton Grange and of “The Knoll” Kingston Hill Surrey eldest son of the HON’ble HENRY LITTLETON POWYS-KECK and Sheriff of Leicestershire for the year 1871. Born 16th October 1841 died 20th April 1912

Marble Plaque

Page 46: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave No Inscription Type & Mason J7 In loving remembrance of THOMAS CHARLES LEYCESTER POWYS-

KECK of Stoughton Grange B.A.Oxford. Late 7th & 5th Battns The King’s Royal Rifle Corps eldest son of THOMAS BANCHO POWYS-KECK 60th Rifles and grandson of Major the HON’ble HENRY LITTLETON POWYS-KECK 60th Rifles of Stoughton Grange Born 12th August 1871 Died 4th April 1931. ------------------------- Loved by all who knew him. A kind and generous friend a true sportsman, he played the game Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the live and he that believeth in me shall never die”

Marble Plaque

J8 Here lye the remains of THOMAS FARNHAM Esq Teller of the exchequer in the Reign of Queen Mary, who having purchased this mannour of Stoughton left it to his daughter KATHERINE (afterwards married to Sir THOMAS BEAUMONT Knight) died September the 4th 1562 and HELLEN his widow daughter of ROGER CHALONER Esq and lastly wife of FRANCIS SAUNDERS of Welford in the county of Northampton Esqr. She died January 8th 1569. In grateful remembrance of these their worthy ancestors this Tomb decayed by Time & defaced by sacrilegious hands was re-edified & repaired by the direction of ARABELLA & CHRISTIANA BEAUMONT & WILIAM BUSBY 1739

Large alabaster tomb with effigies

J9 In affectionate remembrance of THE HON MARIA POWYS-KECK youngest surviving daughter of Admiral Sir JOHN GORE K.C.B. and widow of The Hon HENRY LITTLETON POWYS KECK lord of this manor she died 8th March 1902 aged 82 “I know in whom I have believed”

Marble plaque

J10 This monument is erected to ye memory of Admiral BASIL BEAUMONT who was lost in the Great Storm to ye inexpressable grief of his relations to whome he gave the highest proofs of friendship. He was a publick loss and universally lamented, never was found in any one person more virtues & perfections than he was blessed with. He was the fifth son of Sr HENRY BEAUMONT Bart borne in ye year 1669 Lost Nov 27 1703 This monument was put up by his sister ANNE BEAUMONT 1738

Slate and marble Plaque

J11 Sacred to the memory of Sir GEORGE BEAUMONT Baronet descended from an Ancient & Illustrious Family to which he was a new ornament by his own distinguished merit. He represented the town of Leicester in nine successive parliaments and bore publick offices in the English Reign of that excellent Princess Queen Anne. But, not, changing with the times he lost all but his seat in Parliament. The reward of an unbiased attachment to the Interest of Britain disinterested, Just, Steady, Intrepid. He possessed every virtue that adorns a publick station. Easy of access, affable, humane, beneficent , he exercised all the qualities amiable in private life.Of an understanding quick & lively, of a judgement clear & penetrating. In conversation 0bliging, polite, entertaining. A Patron of the Poor, a friend of Humane Kind. He lived beloved and dyed lamented April 9th 1737 aged 73 His sisters ARABELLA & CHRISTIANA BEAUMONT & his nephew WILLIAM BUSBY, that so noble an example may be remembered & imitated, have caused this monument to be erected

Marble monument

Page 47: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave No Inscription Type & Mason J12 Neere to this place lyeth interred ye body of SR THOMAS BEAUMONT of

Stawton in the Co of Leces: Knight who dyed the 27 of Novemb: 1614. Dame KATHERINE his wife, daughter and heire of THOMAS FARNHAM of Stawton aforesaid Esqr (she dyed the 10 of May 1621. Leaving issue 3 sones and 7 daughters) viz. Sr HENRY BEAMOUNT sonne and heire, married ELIZABETH daughter of Sr WILLIAM TURPIN of Knaptost : FARNHAN BEAMOUNT second sonne: THOMAS BEAMOUNT third sonne: ELIZABETH wife to Sr JOHN ASHBURNHAM , after wife to Sr THOMAS RICHARDSONE Lord Cheif Justice of Ye King’s Bench FRANCIS wife to SR WOLSTON DIXIE, ANNE wife to JOHN DILLON: HELLEN lived unmaried: ISABELL wife to HUGH SNAZELL: JANE wife to WILLIAM TEMPLE: MARY wife to RICHARD PARAMORE This monument was erected at the care and cost of the Lady ELIZABETH RICHARDSON Baronis of Cramond there eldest daughter:Ano 1631

Black plaque

J13 Sacred to the memory of JOHN WILKINSON who departed this life on the 21st February 1857 aged 58. He was for 45 years a most faithful and respected member of the establishment at Staughton Grange this tablet was erected by G.A.L. KECK Esq. In grateful remembrance of this unwearied services and in testimony of sincere grief for the loss of so true and valued an attendant and friend

Marble Pl,aque

J14 Here lieth the Body of ANNA KIRKE Daughter of Mr JOHN CUTLER she departed this life 3 of August 1744 in the 85th year of her age. Having lived 56 years in the LADY BEAUMONT’S family greatly esteem’d.

North door Slate slab

J15 Here lieth interred the body of WILLIAM BUSBY Esq’r son of WILLIAM BUSBY Esq’rr by KATHERINE his wife, daughter of Sr HENRY BEAUMONT Bart by Dame ELIZABETH his wife who departed this life the 2d day of June Anno Dom 1742 aged 35 years

Slate floor slab

J16 Here lieth interred the body of CHRISTIANA BEAUMONT youngest daughter of Sir HENRY BEAUMONT Bart by Dame ELIZABETH his wife, she departed this life 28th day of February MDCCXLV

Slate floor slab

J17 Here lieth interred the body of ANNE BEAUMONT second daughter of Sr HENRY BEAUMONT Bart by Dame ELIZABETH his wife she departed this life the 29th day of September MDCCLIII

Slate floor slab

J18 Here lieth interred the body of ARABELLA BEAUMONT sixth daughter of Sr HENRY BEAUMONT Bart by Dame ELIZABETH his wife she departed this life the 7th day February MDCCLIV

Slate floor slab

J19 Here lieth the remains of Sr GEORGE BEAUMONT Baronet who died April 9th 1737 aged 73. Here also was interr: Sir HENRY BEAUMONT great grandfather to the above named Sir GEORGE who died in April 1646 aged 62

Slate floor slab

J20 Here lyes the body of the Lady ELIZABETH BEAUMONT widow of Sr HENRY BEAUMONT of Stoughton Grange Bart & daughter of GEORGE FARMER ESQ who departed this life the 30th of September Anno Dni 1727 in the 80th her of her age

Slate floor slab

Page 48: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave No Inscription Type & Mason J21 Here lyeth interred the body of ELIZABETH BEAUMONT eldest daughter

of Sr HENRY BEAUMONT of Staughton Bart by Dame ELIZABETH his wife who departed this life Feb ye 5th Anno Dom 1726 in the 56 year of her age Sir THOMAS BEAUMONT great great grandfather to the above named ELIZABETH died November 27th 1614 aged 58 & was buried here.

Slate floor slab

J22 Here lies the body of Sir THOMAS BEAUMONT Bart who departed this life the 5th day of December 1690 in the 27th year of his age

Slate floor slab

J23 Hic jacet DIANA BEAUMONT tertia filia HENRICI BEAUMONT Equitis et Baronetti et ELIZABETHAE uxoris quae obit quarto die Novembris MDCXCIV

Slate floor slab

J24 Here lieth the body of HENRY BUSBY son of WILLIAM BUSBY Gent & KATHERINE his wife who deceased June 27th1713 etat one month one day

Slate floor slab

J25 Here lieth the body of KATHERINE BUSBY daughter of WM BUSBY Esq by KATHERINE his wife ,daughter of Sr HENRY BEAUMONT Bart by Dame ELIZABETH his wife she departed this life May ye 10 Anno Doni 1725 in the 18th year of her Age

Slate floor slab

J26 Here lies the body of Sir HENRY BEAUMONT Bar’t who departed this life the 27th of January 1688 in the 57th year of his age

Slate floor slab

J27 Hic jacet Dom THO: BEAUMONT Bar.et Paterfamilias Dec AUG ii AN: Dom 1676

Slate floor slab

J28 Hic jacet GULIELMUS BEAUMONT immaturus ob’die May 14 AN.DOM 1675

Slate floor slab

J29 Here lies ELIZABETH BUSBY daughter of WILLIAM BUSBY by KATHERINE his wife who departed this life April 22 Anno Dni 1726 in the 17th year of her age

Slate floor slab

J30 GEORGE ANTHONY LEGH KECK died 4th September 1860 aged 86

Slate floor slab

J31 ELIZABETH LEGH KECK died 21st January 1837 aged 63

Slate floor slab

J32 PEERS ANTHONY KECK died 2nd March 1797 aged 28

Slate floor slab

J33 ANTHONY JAMES KECK died 28th of February 1782 aged 42

Slate floor slab

Page 49: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Miscellaneous Memorials - Section K

Index of all names that occur on the monuments in the

Church and Churchyard of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton.

Grave Surname Forenames B8 ARCHER Elizabeth B8 ARCHER Jesse B8 ARCHER William Richard J12 ASHBURNHAM John (Sir) J4 ATHERTON Elizabeth J5 ATHERTON Margarette

Matilda J5 ATHERTON Robert Vernon J4 ATHERTON Rob't Vernon G24 ATKINS Elizabeth G24 ATKINS William J5 BANCHO John

Grave Surname Forenames E42 BANKART James Hunt F10 BARCLAY Rupert John

Patrick C18 BASSETT Mary G20 BEASLEY Eric A J10 BEAUMONT Anne J17 BEAUMONT Anne J8 BEAUMONT Arabella J11 BEAUMONT Arabella J18 BEAUMONT Arabella J10 BEAUMONT Basil (Admiral) J8 BEAUMONT Christiana

K1 Brass plaque on vestry doors

This vestry screen was placed here to record the outstanding service to church and community of MARGARET ELIZABETH KEAY C.B.E M.A, Lay Canon, County Councillor, church-warden of this parish and benefactor to the diocese of Leicester Consecrated 23 September 1979 Vicar M G Brown M.A

Church-wardens J Copping. F Pollard

K2 Brass plaque on bell tower door

God be praised for the life and work of PETER COLLEY SYLVESTER BRADLEY 1913-1978. Professor of geology in the University of Leicester 1959-1979. In whose memory the tower clock was restored in 1979

K3 Lectern

A Thank Offering for Peace after The Great War 1914-1919

K4 Organ

Glory be to God for the Life and Work of JOAN SYLVESTER BRADLEY 1917-2002 Good and faithful servant of this church and village for 40 years in whose memory the organ was restored in 2003

K5 Brass Plaque on bell tower door

The bells have been restored with the help of the family and friends of the late JOHN RAYSON PHILLIPPS who lived in this village 1963 – 2000

K6 Bench outside East Wall


Page 50: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681

The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave Surname Forenames J11 BEAUMONT Christiana J16 BEAUMONT Christiana J23 BEAUMONT Diana J12 BEAUMONT Elizabeth J21 BEAUMONT Elizabeth J15 BEAUMONT Elizabeth (Dame) J16 BEAUMONT Elizabeth (Dame) J17 BEAUMONT Elizabeth (Dame) J18 BEAUMONT Elizabeth (Dame) J21 BEAUMONT Elizabeth (Dame) J25 BEAUMONT Elizabeth (Dame) J20 BEAUMONT Elizabeth (Lady) J23 BEAUMONT Elizabethae J12 BEAUMONT Farnhan D13 BEAUMONT Frederick William J19 BEAUMONT George (Baronet) J11 BEAUMONT George (Sir) J28 BEAUMONT Gulielmus J12 BEAUMONT Hellen J23 BEAUMONT Henrici (Baronet) J26 BEAUMONT Henry (Bart) J10 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J12 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J15 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J16 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J17 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J18 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J19 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J20 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J21 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) J25 BEAUMONT Henry (Sir) D13 BEAUMONT Janet J8 BEAUMONT Katherine J12 BEAUMONT Katherine J27 BEAUMONT Tho J8 BEAUMONT Thomas J12 BEAUMONT Thomas J12 BEAUMONT Thomas (Sir) J21 BEAUMONT Thomas (Sir) J22 BEAUMONT Thomas (Sir) E19 BEESON Ann E20 BEESON Ann E19 BEESON George Chester E20 BEESON George Chester E21 BEESON George Chester E20 BEESON Henry E20 BEESON Mary Elizabeth D38 BELLVILLE William John E11 BICKLEY Ann E11 BICKLEY Richard B9 BIRD Thomas G8 BLACKBURN Norman Roy H5 BOWERMAN Eric Benjamin H21 BOWERMAN Jessie Maud H11 BOWMAN Neil Thomas D23 BRADLEY Joan Eveleen

Mary K4 BRADLEY Joan Sylvester

Grave Surname Forenames D23 BRADLEY Peter Colley

Sylvester K2 BRADLEY Peter Colley

Sylvester B6 BRAKE David B7 BRAKE David B7 BRAKE Mary B6 BRAKE Phillis B7 BRAKE Phillis D20 BROOKS Esther Ann G10 BROWNE Caroline G10 BROWNE Mary G11 BROWNE Mary G11 BROWNE Mary G10 BROWNE William Henry G11 BROWNE William Henry B19 BUNTER Richard J29 BUSBY Elizabeth J24 BUSBY Henry J15 BUSBY Katherine J24 BUSBY Katherine J25 BUSBY Katherine J25 BUSBY Katherine J29 BUSBY Katherine J1 BUSBY William J8 BUSBY William J11 BUSBY William J15 BUSBY William J15 BUSBY William J24 BUSBY William J25 BUSBY William J29 BUSBY William D44 BUTLAND Robert D44 BUTLAND Sarah Ada D6 CALVERLEY Annie Alice D6 CALVERLEY Charles Richard D42 CARTER John F29 CARTWRIGHT Dorothy F30 CARTWRIGHT Elizabeth F29 CARTWRIGHT John F30 CARTWRIGHT John F29 CARTWRIGHT Thomas J8 CHALONER Roger E27 CHAMBERLAIN Arabella E24 CHAMBERLAIN John Saddington E27 CHAMBERLAIN John Saddington E27 CHAMBERLAIN Susan F32 CHANDLER Eliz F32 CHANDLER John E4 CHAPMAN Alice F22 CHAPMAN Ann F26 CHAPMAN Ann F12 CHAPMAN Arabella F12 CHAPMAN Brian J F12 CHAPMAN Giles Henry E4 CHAPMAN James F25 CHAPMAN Margaret F22 CHAPMAN Rice

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave Surname Forenames F23 CHAPMAN Rice F24 CHAPMAN Rice F25 CHAPMAN Rice F21 CHAPMAN Sarah F12 CHAPMAN Valerie F21 CHAPMAN William E38 CHARLTON Elizabeth E38 CHARLTON Thomas C19 CLARSON Mary C19 CLARSON William H10 CLEGG Albert Hadley H10 CLEGG Marjorie

Elizabeth H10 CLEGG Patricia Anne D36 CLELLAND Edwin Leopold D36 CLELLAND Hannah C33 COBLEY Catherine C32 COBLEY John C33 COBLEY John C34 COBLEY John C35 COBLEY John C35 COBLEY John C33 COBLEY Mary C35 COBLEY Mary C29 COBLEY Mary C32 COBLEY Neal C32 COBLEY Sarah C29 COBLEY Thomas D8 COLPMAN Clarie Elizabeth D7 COLPMAN Malcolm D8 COLPMAN Reginald F5 COOK Arthur James G2 COOK Arthur James G2 COOK Elsie Lilian F5 COOK Emma E25 COOK John E26 COOK John E26 COOK Sarah E18 COOPER Martha H3 COPPING Jack E10 CORNER Alice E10 CORNER Elizabeth E10 CORNER Elizabeth Ann E9 CORNER Elizabeth Robert E10 CORNER Robert E10 CORNER Robert D24 CRAMSTOUN Beatrice D24 CRAMSTOUN James D24 CRAMSTOUN Kathleen Mary D24 CRAMSTOUN Sarah D24 CRAMSTOUN Sarah D24 CRAMSTOUN William Moxon A6 CRANE Leslie A6 CRANE Vera F18 CROWTHER Margaret Joyce J14 CUTLER John H1 CUTLER Nathan E34 DALBY Elizabeth

Grave Surname Forenames E34 DALBY William H8 DANIEL Yvonne L F31 DARKER Eliz F32 DARKER Elizabeth F32 DARKER Elizabeth C38 DARKER John F32 DARKER John F32 DARKER John F31 DARKER John F33 DARKER Michael F32 DARKER Richar'd F32 DARKER Rich'd D3 DAVIES David D3 DAVIES Harold Robert D3 DAVIES Ivy May E35 DAWES Amy E35 DAWES Charles D39 DAY Frank D39 DAY Gladys May G23 DENNIS George Rippen G23 DENNIS Minnie H17 DENNIS Tom Jordan J12 DILLON Anne J12 DILLON John J12 DIXIE Francis J12 DIXIE Wolston (Sir) D40 DIXON Charles Obadiah D15 DRAGE Gwynneth Adela

Mary D15 DRAGE Leonard E34 DUFFILL Ann E46 DUFFILL Ann B24 DUFFILL Diana E43 DUFFILL Jane E43 DUFFILL John E44 DUFFILL John E34 DUFFILL John E46 DUFFILL John E47 DUFFILL John E48 DUFFILL John E49 DUFFILL John E44 DUFFILL Sarah E48 DUFFILL Sarah B23 DUFFILL Susanna B24 DUFFILL Susanna E34 DUFFILL Thomas B23 DUFFILL William B24 DUFFILL William B25 DUFFILL William E48 DUFFILL William D19 DUNN Agnus Mary D19 DUNN Clarice Hannah B5 EALES Hannah B5 EALES Joseph B5 EALES Joseph B5 EALES Samuel D10 EATON Agnes E D10 EATON Eric

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave Surname Forenames D10 EATON George P G4 ETHERINGTON Margaret E G4 ETHERINGTON Robert J20 FARMER George J8 FARNHAM Thomas J12 FARNHAM Thomas G3 FIELDING Barbara Joan G3 FIELDING Maurice Henry G3 FIELDING Peter Maurice F13 FINNEMORE Gordon F13 FINNEMORE Marjorie F13 FINNEMORE Peter D25 FLETCHER John C15 FREESTON Elizabeth C15 FREESTON William B3 GARNER Eilza B3 GARNER William C37 GILFOARD Charles H37 GOODWIN Maurice J9 GORE John (Admiral

Sir) H7 GOSTELLO Alfred G17 GREGORY Grace Ethel G7 GREWCOCK Margaret Drucilla G7 GREWCOCK William Henry F9 GULLIVER Annie Elizabeth F9 GULLIVER Brian Reuben F9 GULLIVER George Richard F9 GULLIVER Gordon Brian F9 GULLIVER Richard Ernest H23 HALKYARD Harold Lees E14 HALL Anne D1 HALL Barbara Dorothy D1 HALL Bernhard D1 HALL Carolyn E12 HALL George D1 HALL Gerard D1 HALL Jonathan E14 HALL Samuel D12 HAMER Ann D12 HAMER William E17 HANDLEY James E3 HARRIS Mary Ann H2 HARVISON Nina Mary (nee

Littleproud) H31 HAWLEY Norman D34 HEADLEY Denis C36 HEATH Norah G16 HERBERT David John F1 HERBERT Stuart John E37 HERRICK Lucy A20 HOBBY Clara A20 HOBBY William A17 HOLE Ann A16 HOLE Anne A15 HOLE Mary A16 HOLE Richard A17 HOLE Richard

Grave Surname Forenames A17 HOLE Thomas F32 HOPKINS Martha H20 HOPWOOD Arthur K6 HOPWOOD Arthur A5 HORNBUCKLE Sarah A5 HORNBUCKLE William G21 HUMMEL Stella Margart C31 HURST Mary H34 HUTCHINSON Iris C3 INGRAM Elizabeth C2 INGRAM John C3 INGRAM John C7 JELLEY Ann E29 JELLEY Ann E31 JELLEY Ann E35 JELLEY Ann C6 JELLEY Eliz C6 JELLEY Elizabeth C7 JELLEY Elizabeth E43 JELLEY Elizabeth C5 JELLEY John C6 JELLEY John C7 JELLEY John E29 JELLEY Thomas E29 JELLEY Thomas E31 JELLEY Thomas E43 JELLEY Thomas E35 JELLEY Thos C12 JOHNSON John C12 JOHNSON Sarah F32 JOLLAGE Eliz F32 JOLLAGE Paul H14 KEAY Margaret E K1 KEAY Margaret

Elizabeth J1 KECK Anne J1 KECK Anthony James J33 KECK Anthony James J1 KECK Anthony Peter

Beaumont J1 KECK Eliz J1 KECK Elizabeth J31 KECK Elizabeth Legh J4 KECK G A Legh J13 KECK G.A L J3 KECK Gel Anthony

Legh J30 KECK George Anthony

Legh J5 KECK Henry Littleton

Powys J2 KECK Peers - Anthony J32 KECK Peers Anthony J1 KECK Peter Robt

Anthony E21 KENDALL Annie E21 KENDALL Thomas B28 KIRK Ann

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave Surname Forenames B27 KIRK Catharine B27 KIRK John B28 KIRK John E5 KIRK John E5 KIRK Julia E5 KIRK William J14 KIRKE Anna G14 KNIGHT Alice Sarah G14 KNIGHT Janet Emily E2 LEATHERLAND Ann E2 LEATHERLAND Henry J1 LEGH Peter E32 LEGH KECK A H16 LEIGHTON Charlie H16 LEIGHTON Mary J5 LILFORD Henrietta Maria J5 LILFORD Thomas (2nd

Baron) F17 LOCKWOOD Maurice F11 LYALL John P F11 LYALL Lilian F11 LYALL Victoria D9 LYMBURN Molly F18 MALLINS Frederick Alfred F18 MALLINS Winifred D11 MARKS Maria Louisa D11 MARKS William Fifield H33 MARLOW Harold E H28 MARLOW Hilda E H15 MARTIN Henry E6 MARTIN Joseph H15 MARTIN Monica C36 MAUND Mary Ann A11 MEADOWS Ann C28 MEADOWS John A11 MEADOWS William A12 MEADOWS William H18 MEASOM Fred D14 MONK Edith H24 MORRIS Frances Joan D2 MOTTRAM Ellen Elizabeth H32 MOTTRAM Ellen Elizabeth D2 MOTTRAM Harold Robert F19 NEEDHAM Ella F15 NEEDHAM Florence F15 NEEDHAM Florence Mary F15 NEEDHAM John F19 NEEDHAM John William H25 NEWBERRY Lois May D27 NEWILL Basil Frederick D27 NEWILL George Ernest D27 NEWILL Lucy Eliza H4 NEWITT June D32 NICHOLSON Erna H36 NiCHOLSON Erna D32 NICHOLSON Norman Richard C23 NOON John C23 NOON Mary

Grave Surname Forenames C13 NOON Sarah C13 NOON William G14 NORMAN Frances Elizabeth

Parsons E52 OLIVER Eleanor E49 OLIVER John E51 OLIVER John E52 OLIVER John A18 OLIVER Samuel A19 OLIVER Samuel A19 OLIVER Sarah E49 OLIVER Sarah E7 OSBOND James E8 OSBOND James E8 OSBOND Lizzie Ann E8 OSBOND Robert Shelton J12 PARAMORE Mary J12 PARAMORE Richard D4 PARKER Albert Donald D4 PARKER Margery E28 PAUL James G18 PERKINS Henry Whitworth F2 PERKINS Myra F2 PERKINS Olive Muriel F2 PERKINS Thomas Leonard G18 PERKINS Winifred

Henrietta K5 PHILLIPPS John Rayson H22 PHILLIPS Doris H22 PHILLIPS John R D37 PHILLIPS Mary Ann H19 POLLARD Frank D29 POWYS-KECK Harry Leycester J6 POWYS-KECK Harry Leycester D29 POWYS-KECK Henry Littleton J6 POWYS-KECK Henry Littleton J7 POWYS-KECK Henry Littleton J9 POWYS-KECK John Littleton D29 POWYS-KECK Maria J9 POWYS-KECK Maria J7 POWYS-KECK Thomas Bancho D28 POWYS-KECK Thomas Charles

Leycester J7 POWYS-KECK Thomas Charles

Leycester C26 PRESTON Ellen Ann C26 PRESTON Fredrick

Needham C26 PRESTON James Pickering H6 PURCHASE Christine H6 PURCHASE Michael G13 REEVE George Henry G13 REEVE Stella J12 RICHARDSON Elizabeth

(Baronis) [sic] J12 RICHARDSONE Elizabeth J12 RICHARDSONE Thomas (Sir) H12 RICHMOND Patricia Mary

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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave Surname Forenames D16 RIDDESTON Walter Edward D17 RIDDLESTON James D17 RIDDLESTON Margaret C30 RILEY Ann C30 RILEY Charles C30 RILEY Charles E24 SADDINGTON Arabella H13 SALT Alfred H13 SALT Mary F7 SARSON Ann F8 SARSON Ann F6 SARSON Edward F7 SARSON Edward F8 SARSON Edward F8 SARSON Edward F6 SARSON Richard William J8 SAUNDERS Francis J8 SAUNDERS Hellen D41 SCOTT Emily Annie D41 SCOTT Frank Cooke G19 SCOTT George Henry G19 SCOTT Gladys Ida H30 SEATON Reginald Thomas H29 SEATON Renie E D30 SEDDON Charles D30 SEDDON Katie Augusta D30 SEDDON Kenneth F35 SELBY Rebekah F37 SELBY Rebekah F35 SELBY Samuel F35 SELBY Samuel F37 SELBY Samuel F38 SELBY Samuel F37 SELBY Thoroton D26 SHELTON Cecil D26 SHELTON Robert D26 SHELTON Sarah F20 SILVESTER'S Edwd Anthony F20 SILVESTER'S Margt Ann A13 SIMPKIN Benjamin A13 SIMPKIN Grace B1 SMALLEY Letitia B4 SMALLEY Mary Ann B2 SMALLEY Sarah Elizabeth B4 SMALLEY William A6 SMITH Alfred Bernhard

Leslie A6 SMITH Nellie A6 SMITH Vera J12 SNAZELL Hugh J12 SNAZELL Isabell E34 SNEATH James E34 SNEATH Sarah G22 SOMERTON Jeffrey Graham

Juhani B11 SPENCER Ann C13 SPENCER Elias B17 SPENCER Elizabeth

Grave Surname Forenames B18 SPENCER Elizabeth B18 SPENCER Elizabeth B20 SPENCER Elizabeth B20 SPENCER Elizabeth B21 SPENCER Elizabeth B26 SPENCER Elizabeth A7 SPENCER George William B16 SPENCER John B17 SPENCER John B18 SPENCER John B20 SPENCER John B21 SPENCER John B22 SPENCER John B26 SPENCER John H35 SPENCER John William B12 SPENCER Jonathan A7 SPENCER Leah B11 SPENCER Mary B15 SPENCER Mary C13 SPENCER Mary B26 SPENCER Samuel B12 SPENCER Susanna B13 SPENCER Susanna A13 SPENCER Thomas A14 SPENCER Thomas B11 SPENCER Thomas B12 SPENCER Thomas B13 SPENCER Thomas B14 SPENCER Thomas B15 SPENCER Thomas A7 SPENCER William B26 SPENCER William G5 SPERRY Hella E16 SWAIN Ann E15 SWAIN Richard E16 SWAIN Richard E50 SWANSON Thomas F36 TAYLOR Mary F34 TAYLOR Richard F36 TAYLOR Richard J12 TEMPLE Jane J12 TEMPLE William C24 THOMPSON Sarah G9 TOMLINSON James G9 TOMLINSON Margaret Jane G6 TOOLEY Ann D33 TOOLEY William John J12 TURPIN William (Sir) H26 VAN DIJK Johan H26 VAN DIJK Kathleen Gill D18 VAN DIJK Marion Frances


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The Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton



Grave Surname Forenames G15 WALKER Jane Ruth D14 WALKER John D21 WALKER John G15 WALKER John Joseph D21 WALKER Mary Ellen D31 WARD Gerald Lipson H27 WARD Grace D31 WARD Marjorie Ethel H27 WARD Percy E1 WARD Samuel E1 WARD Thomas Henry F4 WARREN Edna May F4 WARREN Thomas Leonard H9 WATSON Arthur S H9 WATSON Rosa A M C14 WATTS Ann A9 WATTS Elizabeth B10 WATTS Francis C1 WATTS George A8 WATTS George A10 WATTS George C4 WATTS George C8 WATTS George C9 WATTS George C10 WATTS George C11 WATTS George C12 WATTS George C14 WATTS George C1 WATTS John C11 WATTS John B16 WATTS John A9 WATTS John William C1 WATTS Mary A8 WATTS Mary A10 WATTS Mary A10 WATTS Mary C4 WATTS Mary C8 WATTS Mary C10 WATTS Mary C11 WATTS Mary C12 WATTS Mary C14 WATTS Mary B16 WATTS Mary C17 WATTS Mary C18 WATTS Mary C20 WATTS Mary C22 WATTS Mary C18 WATTS Mary Bassett C22 WATTS Richard C10 WATTS Samuel C17 WATTS Samuel A8 WATTS Thomas C20 WATTS Thomas C19 WATTS Thos A9 WATTS William C11 WATTS William B16 WATTS William C17 WATTS William

Grave Surname Forenames C18 WATTS William C20 WATTS William C21 WATTS William C22 WATTS William E40 WAYTE Anne E41 WAYTE Anne E40 WAYTE Elizabeth E39 WAYTE John E40 WAYTE John E41 WAYTE John E41 WAYTE John E40 WAYTE Sarah Anne E39 WAYTE William Henry

Nuttall F16 WELLS Archibald F16 WELLS Ivy Jessie D3 WHATTON Henry G1 WHEELWRIGHT John Gilbert G1 WHEELWRIGHT Phylis Mary F28 WHITE Elizabeth F27 WHITE Jane F28 WHITE Mary F27 WHITE Richard F28 WHITE Richard D22 WHITEHEAD Eugene


Page 56: Stoughton - The Booklrfhs.org.uk/documents/gartree/Stoughton_Book.pdf · 1633 Samson Davnport John Wigfall of Oadby and James Sherwood of Bushby Sir Thomas Beaumont Bart 1646 1681