ST1 x10 Lunge to balance alternating forward and back x10 Pushups x10 Jump squats with a floor touch (10 reps) x5 I, Y & T fly series (5 reps through) x10 Lunge to an overhead press (10 reps each side) Lunge to balance Start in a lunge position, drive your back knee up and then in front of you keeping the foot flexed. From there take that same leg into a forward lunge. Reverse the motion. Push ups on the stability ball Hands on the ball, feet on the ground. Beginners should start with the ball up next to the wall. Jump Squats Make sure you bend your knees as you land. Always land toe to heel. Keep your chest lifted at all times. If you can’t touch the floor without sacrificing form, then just reach down as far as you can. I, Y & T Flies Use light weights for this one. Raise your arms straight up over your head (making an I). Lower your arms and repeat movement but now bring your arms up wider (making a Y). Repeat a third time but lift your arms out to the side, straight out from the shoulder (making a T). Each round counts as one rep Lunge to overhead press Do this as a single leg exercise to really fire up those glutes. Place your back foot up on a bench. Squat down until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Drive up through your heels and your glutes as you press the weights overhead.

Strength Training

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Four suggested workouts for strength training

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x10 Lunge to balance alternating forward and backx10 Pushups x10 Jump squats with a floor touch (10 reps)x5 I, Y & T fly series (5 reps through)x10 Lunge to an overhead press (10 reps each side)

Lunge to balanceStart in a lunge position, drive your back knee up and then in front of you keeping the foot flexed. From there take that same leg into a forward lunge. Reverse the motion.

Push ups on the stability ballHands on the ball, feet on the ground. Beginners should start with the ball up next to the wall.

Jump SquatsMake sure you bend your knees as you land. Always land toe to heel. Keep your chest lifted at all times. If you cant touch the floor without sacrificing form, then just reach down as far as you can.

I, Y & T FliesUse light weights for this one. Raise your arms straight up over your head (making an I). Lower your arms and repeat movement but now bring your arms up wider (making a Y). Repeat a third time but lift your arms out to the side, straight out from the shoulder (making a T). Each round counts as one rep

Lunge to overhead pressDo this as a single leg exercise to really fire up those glutes. Place your back foot up on a bench. Squat down until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Drive up through your heels and your glutes as you press the weights overhead.


x10Tricep dips, tempo - down for 3 counts, up for 1x10Single leg deadlifts with a hand weight (10 reps each side)x10Alternating side lunge with a hop (20 reps)x10Diagonal wood chops (10 each side)

Tricep dipsKeep your back up straight and your elbows behind you.

Single leg deadliftsFor better balance hold the weight in the hand opposite of your standing leg.

Alternating side lungeHold a weight across your chest from some extra resistance or add a hop in between sides to make it more cardio intensive.

Diagonal wood chopsYou can use a medicine ball, hand weight or a cable machine. As you rotate your torso make sure you pivot your feet so that your knees stay in line with your toes.


x20Hip rolls on all fours (10 forward, 10 back on each side)x15Donkey whips on all fours (15 each side)x15Lateral leg lifts (15 each side)

Hip rollsYou want to make large exaggerated circles keeping the motion slow and controlled

Donkey whipsStart with your leg out straight behind you, hip height. Bring the leg around to your side keeping your foot flexed. Hold for 1 count and return to start.

Lateral leg liftsDo these on the floor (since youre already there). For an extra burn turn your foot slightly so that your toes are now ground facing.


x15Stability ball knee drive (15 reps)x15Ab crunches (15 reps)30Plank series (supine, side, prone, other side) (30 sec hold for each)

Knee drivesBegin with the plank position (you can rest on your hands or your elbows) and bring one knee in at a time in a slow motion until it almost touches your elbow. If you really want to target your core, lift your butt up slightly as you bring your knees in.

Ab crunches: Begin lying on the floor with your knees bent and your hands behind your head.Exhale and curl your body forward, and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold at the top and slowly return to the floor.

Planks (for a real challenge do these back to back with no rest in between)

Supine plank Lie face up on your mat or floor. Plant your hands beside your hips, palms down. Push up into full position, planting your feet flat on the floor. Your legs should be stretched out in front of you. You may also choose to start in a seated position if you find that more comfortable. Avoid pointing your elbows outward when rising into the plank. As much as possible, do not arch your back or lift your hips towards the ceiling. Imagine that there is straight line running through your body.

Side plankLine up your arm beneath the side of your body and rest either on your hand or your forearm. Next, dip your hips toward the ground in a slow and controlled movement, before raising them back.

Prone plankLay down on the floor and rest on your forearms and elbow. Next, lift the weight of your body using your feet and legs, holding the position.