Strikes PPT

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  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    STRIKES & LOCKOUTSThe Right To Protest : How Where and How Much

    !n O"er"iew #$ %$otica hasin

  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Mani'estation o'Con(ict

  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Rights and )uties

    E"er$ right co*es with its own duties+ Most ,ower'u-rights ha"e *ore duties attached to the*+ Toda$. in eachcountr$ o' g-o#e whether it is de*ocratic. ca,ita-ist.

    socia-ist. gi"e right to stri/e to the wor/ers+

    i' this right is *isused. it wi-- create a ,ro#-e* in the,roduction and 0nancia- ,ro0t o' the industr$+ This wou-du-ti*ate-$ a1ect the econo*$ o' the countr$+ Toda$.*ost o' the countries. es,ecia--$ India. are de,endent

    u,on 'oreign in"est*ent and under these circu*stancesit is necessar$ that countries who see/s 'oreignin"est*ent *ust /ee, so*e sa'eguard in thereres,ecti"e industria- -aws so that there wi-- #e no *isuseo' right o' stri/e+

  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Lega--$ S,ea/ing2

    The right to stri/e in the Indian Constitution is not an a#so-ute right #utit (ows 'ro* the 'unda*enta- right to 'or* a union+ !s e"er$ other'unda*enta- right is su#3ect to reasona#-e restrictions. the sa*e is a-sothe case to 'or* trade unions to gi"e a ca-- to the wor/ers to go on stri/e

    and the state can i*,ose reasona#-e restrictions+

    In theAll India Bank Employees Association v. I. T+ . the Su,re*eCourt he-d.4the right to stri/e or right to dec-are -oc/ out *a$ #econtro--ed or restricted #$ a,,ro,riate industria- -egis-ation "a-idit$ o'such -egis-ation wou-d ha"e to #e tested not with re'erence to thecriteria -aid down in c-ause 567 o' artic-e 89 #ut #$ tota--$ di1erent

    considerations+4 Thus. there is a guaranteed 'unda*enta- right to 'or*association or La#our unions #ut there is no 'unda*enta- right to go onstri/e+ Under the Industria- )is,ute !ct. 896 the ground and conditionare -aid down 'or the -ega- stri/e and i' those ,ro"isions and conditionsare not 'u-0--ed then the stri/e wi-- #e i--ega-+

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    )e0nition o' a Stri/e

    Section ;5

  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Causes o' Stri/es

    )issatis'action with co*,an$ ,o-ic$

    Sa-ar$ and incenti"e ,ro#-e*s

    Wrong'u- discharge or dis*issa- o' wor/*en

    Withdrawa- o' an$ concession or ,ri"i-ege

    Retrench*ent o' wor/*en and c-osure o'esta#-ish*ent

    )is,ute connected with wages. conditions o'ser"ice

  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Prohi#itions o' Stri/es

    The ,ro"isions o' section ; O' the I) !ct i*,ose genera- restrictionson dec-aring stri/e in #reach o' contract in the #oth ,u#-ic as we-- asnonD ,u#-ic uti-it$ ser"ices in the 'o--owing circu*stances *ain-$: D(a))uring the ,endenc$ o' conci-iation ,roceedings #e'ore a #oard and ti--

    the e@,ir$ o' da$s a'ter the conc-usion o' such ,roceedingsA(b))uring the ,endenc$ and ; *onths a'ter the conc-usion o' ,roceedings#e'ore a La#our court. Tri#una- or Fationa- Tri#una-A(c))uring the,endenc$ and ; *onths a'ter the conc-usion o' ar#itrator. when anoti0cation has #een issued under su#D section 5a7 o' section 8G !A(d))uring an$ ,eriod in which a sett-e*ent or award is in o,eration inres,ect o' an$ o' the *atter co"ered #$ the sett-e*ent or award+

    The ,rinci,a- o#3ect o' this section see*s to ensure a ,eace'u-at*os,here to ena#-e a conci-iation or ad3udication or ar#itration,roceeding to go on s*ooth-$+ This section #ecause o' its genera-nature o' ,rohi#ition co"ers a-- stri/es irres,ecti"e o' the su#3ect *attero' the dis,ute ,ending #e'ore the authorities+

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  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Wor/ to Ru-e

    Work-to-ruleis an industria- action in whiche*,-o$ees do no *ore than the *ini*u* re

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    Jherao in Hindi *eans to surround+ It denotes aco--ecti"e action initiated #$ a grou, o' wor/ersunder which *e*#ers o' the *anage*ent are

    ,rohi#ited 'ro* -ea"ing the industria- esta#-ish*ent,re*ises #$ wor/ers who #-oc/ the e@it gates #$'or*ing hu*an #arricades+ The wor/ers *a$gherao the *e*#ers o' the *anage*ent #$#-oc/ing their e@its and 'orcing the* to sta$ inside

    their ca#ins+ The *ain o#3ect o' gherao is to in(ict,h$sica- and *enta- torture to the ,erson #einggheraoed and hence this wea,on distur#s theindustria- ,eace to a great e@tent+

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    When wor/ers are dissuaded 'ro* wor/ #$stationing certain *en at the 'actor$ gates. such aste, is /nown as ,ic/eting+ I' ,ic/eting does not

    in"o-"e an$ "io-ence. it is ,er'ect-$ -ega-+ Pic/etsare wor/ers who are on stri/e that stand at theentrance to their wor/,-ace+ It is #asica--$ a *ethodo' drawing ,u#-ic attention towards the 'act thatthere is a dis,ute #etween the *anage*ent and

    e*,-o$ees+ The ,ur,ose o' ,ic/eting is:

    to sto, or ,ersuade wor/ers not to go to wor/

    to ,ersuade wor/ers to ta/e their unions side

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    Does the Employer have the right to lock out any Publictility Service!

    Fo e*,-o$er carr$ing on an$ Pu#-ic Uti-it$ ser"ice can -oc/out

    an$ o' his wor/*an :

    5i7 Without gi"ing to the* notice o' -oc/out ,ro"idedwithin wee/s #e'ore -oc/ing out+

    5ii7 Within 86 da$s o' gi"ing such notice+

    5iii7 e'ore e@,ir$ o' the date o' -oc/out s,eci0ed in an$ suchnotice+

    5i"7 )uring the ,endenc$ o' an$ conci-iation ,roceedings#e'ore a Conci-iation OBcer and da$s a'ter the conc-usion o'such ,roceedings+

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    ! Stri/e in ,ursuance to a-- I--ega- Loc/out isLega- des,ite the 'act that there was no ,riornotice o' stri/e gi"en+

    ! Loc/out in ,ursuance to an I--ega- Stri/e isLega- des,ite nonDco*,-iance o' statutor$re

  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Wages during Stri/es Loc/outs

  • 8/9/2019 Strikes PPT


    Fo Wor/ Fo Pa$

    an/ o' India s+ TS Ke-awa-a 89N9 LLR ;NSC

    Princi,-e o' Fo Wor/ Fo Pa$

    E*,-o$ees to c-ai* wages 'or stri/e ,eriod*ust show that the stri/e was -ega- !F)


    I' Loc/out is -ega- and 3usti0ed. the e*,-o$ersha-- not ,a$ the e*,-o$ees sa-ar$ 'or the-oc/out ,eriod+