Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Work shop, Kraków - Poland Structure of Scalar Mesons Structure of Scalar Mesons f f 0 0 (600), (600), a a 0 0 (980), (980), f f 0 0 (1370) and (1370) and a a 0 0 (1450) (1450) Denis Parganlija In collaboration with Francesco Giacosa and Dirk H. Rischke retische Physik Goethe-Universität [Based on arXiv: 1003.4934 [hep-ph]]

Structure of Scalar Mesons f 0 (600), a 0 (980), f 0 (1370) and a 0 (1450)

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Institut für Theoretische Physik Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Structure of Scalar Mesons f 0 (600), a 0 (980), f 0 (1370) and a 0 (1450). Denis Parganlija In collaboration with Francesco Giacosa and Dirk H. Rischke. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Structure of Scalar Mesons Structure of Scalar Mesons ff00(600), (600), aa00(980), (980), ff00(1370) and (1370) and aa00(1450)(1450)

Denis Parganlija

In collaboration withFrancesco Giacosa and Dirk H. Rischke

Institut für Theoretische Physik Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

[Based on arXiv: 1003.4934 [hep-ph]]

Page 2: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Motivation: Effective Theories of QCD and Linear Sigma Model

Description of low-energy hadrons (mesons)

Generalisation to T, μ ≠ 0

Linear Sigma Model:Treats chiral partners on the same footingVacuum calculations → calculations at T≠0Degeneration of chiral partners above TC

Page 3: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Motivation: Structure of Scalar Mesons

Spontaneous Breaking of Chiral Symmetry → Goldstone Bosons (π)

Restoration of Chiral Invariance and Deconfinement ↔ Degeneration of Chiral Partners (π/σ)

Nature of scalar mesonsScalar states under 1 GeV → f0(600), a0(980)Scalar states above 1 GeV → f0(1370),

a0(1450) – additional scalar states under 1 GeV required (tetraquarks?)



f0(600), „sigma“ f0(1370)

Page 4: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario I: Scalars under 1 GeV

Nf = 2

Scalars →

Pseudoscalars →

Vectors →

Axialvectors →

(980)),600( 00 af



(1260),(1285) 11 af



Page 5: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Lagrangian of a Linear Sigma Model with Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons (Nf=2)

m12 parameters


Page 6: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB):

Shift: Shift (Diagonalise):

Renormalise Pseudoscalar Wave Functions:

[R. Pisarski, hep-ph/9503330 (1995)][S. Gasiorowicz and D. A. Geffen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 41, 531 (1969)]

1 1

)( ),( 31 hZZgZZ 11 parameters

wff 11

waa 11








1 Z


Page 7: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Parameter Determination

Three Independent Parameters: Z, m1, mσ

MeV )246.0640.0(][1


][ 020.0218.0],,[ 11




Angular Momentum (s wave)[NA48/2 Collaboration, 2009]

MeV 652 1236521


2 321


2 ZhZhhmm

~ Gluon Condensate Quark Condensate


Page 8: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario I – Results

Boundaries of mσ ← scattering lengths

MeV ]477 ,288[mMeV 332 44


020.0218.000 a

MeV ]356 ,319[mMeV 332 13


Page 9: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario I – Sigma Decay

Γσ→ππ state! tlypredominannot )600(0 qqf

[J. R. Peláez et al.]

MeV )255460(2


[H. Leutwyler et al.]

MeV )272441(2


small too width decay )600(0f

Page 10: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario I - Results

Our Result Experimental Value

MeV 640.01


exact ],[ ],,[ 22 01hZgZΓ af

MeV 640.01

a(NA48/2) 218.00

0 a218.000 a

0454.020 a (NA48/2) 0457.02

0 a

MeV 33730

aAdeg) 5.041.4 :angle mixing ( η'η

[KLOE Collaboration, hep-ex/0612029v3]

[D. V. Bugg et al., Phys. Rev. D 50, 4412 (1994)]

MeV 33300


MeV 33300


deg41.8 :angle mixing 0.50.2- η'η

Page 11: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario II: Scalars above 1 GeV

Nf = 2

Scalars →

Pseudoscalars →

Vectors →

Axialvectors →

(1450)),1370( 00 af



(1260),(1285) 11 af



Page 12: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Decay Width f0(1370) → ππ

MeV )500200(

MeV, )15001200( :PDG







qqf tlypredominan as )1370( favours data alExperiment 0

MeV 1309)1370(0fm

[D. V. Bugg, arXiv: 0710.4452 [hep-ex]]

MeV 325)1370(0 f

Page 13: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

The Rho Mass Contributions


)]()([2 32


2 ZhZhmm

21.067.1MeV )246.0640.0(][1


ZMeV 721],MeV 592[ 54

12911 mmm

m indominant condensate Gluon

Page 14: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario II – Scattering Lengths

Scattering lengths saturated

Additional scalars: tetraquarks, quasi-molecular states


Page 15: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland


LSM with global U(2)R x U(2)L invariance: scattering lengths, low-energy meson decay widths

General phenomenology in agreement with experiment (ρ→ππ, a1→πγ, f1→aoπ, a0→ηπ decay, ππ scattering lengths)

The f0(600) → ππ decay width fails to match experiment ↔ quarkonium structure of f0(600), a0(980) excluded

Quarkonium structure of f0(1370), a0(1450) favoured, f0(1370) → ππ in agreement with experiment

Scalar states under 1 GeV required for correct description of pion-pion scattering lengths

Page 16: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland


Consequences of Global Invariance up to 4th Order

Chiral Models With Three Flavours Mixing in the Scalar Sector Extension to Non-Zero Temperature: Study

Chiral Symmetry Restoration Low Energy Constants of QCD p, d Wave Scattering Lengths Include Tensor, Pseudotensor Mesons,

Baryons (Nucleons)

Page 17: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Spare Slides

Page 18: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario I – Sigma Decay m1 = 0 → mρ generated from the quark condensate only;

our result: m1 = 652 MeV


MeV )600250(:PDG (total) 1a

Page 19: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario I: a1 → ρπ Decay

MeV )600250(:PDG

[M. Urban, M. Buballa and J. Wambach, Nucl. Phys. A 697, 338 (2002)]

MeV 500 ifMeV 160 m

Page 20: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Scenario II: Parameter Determination

Masses:Pion Decay Constant Five Parameters: Z, h1, h2, g2, mσ

10,,,, aa mmmmm


)(MeV 1.0)(149.4 22 Zgg )(MeV )13265( 22)1450(0Zhha

ZZa MeV )246.0640.0(][1

)small ( 0 3,21 hh

free )1370(0fmm

Page 21: Structure of Scalar Mesons  f 0 (600),  a 0 (980),  f 0 (1370) and  a 0 (1450)

Denis Parganlija (Frankfurt U.) Meson 2010 Workshop, Kraków - Poland

Comparison: the Model with and without Vectors and Axial-Vectors

decrease values

vectors Include