Boyko Oleg Arranger, Composer, Interpreter, Publisher, Teacher Ukraine, Chernigov About the artist Oleg Boyko borned in 1976 in Mariupol. After ending of Chernigov musical college the name of Revutsky, in 1996 entered National Musical Academy of Ukraine, which made off in 2001 (class of the professor Mihajlenko). From 1995 year actively takes part in international festivals and competitions: Warsaw (Poland, 2 prize), Berlin (Germany, Gran-pry), Parma (Italy,1 prize), Lyon (France, 2 bonuses), Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany, Gran-pry) et al. Studied at Summers Schools of Bach, Saltzburg (Austria), Dusseldorf (Germany); at High Schools of Music, Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany), Rome (Italy). Studied in master classes of prominent guitarists of world: Manuel Baruecco (USA), John Willams (Australia), Stefano Cardi (Italy), Carlo Marchione (Italy), David Russel (Great Britain), Aniello Desiderio (Italy). Oleg actively tours on the countries of near foreignness and Western Europe. His programs include different styles – from a baroque (J. S. Bach, G. P. Telemann, D. Scarlatti, G. P. Handel) to modern music (J. Rodrigo, F.Kleynjans , R. Dyens, L. Brouwer, N. Koshkin); from Spanish and Latin-American music (I. Albeniz, E. Granados A. Barrios, A. Piazzolla) to jazz and blues. Comes forward with different bands, strings quartets, symphonic orchestras. Working as a me... (more online) Personal web: http://www.boyko.cn.ua/index.html Associate: AACIMH About the piece Title: Studying by Playing, volume II Composer: Oleg, Boyko Licence: Boyko Oleg © All rights reserved Publisher: Oleg, Boyko Instrumentation: Guitar solo (standard notation) Style: Classical Comment: 20 easy solo pieces, 20 duets for pupil & teacher or for two pupils + audio tracks Boyko Oleg on free-scores.com http://www.free-scores.com/Download-PDF-Sheet-Music-oleg-boyko.htm Contact the artist Write feedback comments Share your MP3 recording Web page and online audio access with QR Code : This work is not Public Domain. You must contact the artist for any use outside the private area. Prohibited distribution on other website. First added the : 2014-04-18 Last update : 2014-04-18 08:59:28

Studying by Playing, volume II - Sheet music · Boyko Oleg Arranger, Composer, Interpreter, Publisher, Teacher Ukraine , Chernigov About the artist Oleg Boyko borned in 1976 in Mariupol

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Boyko OlegArranger, Composer, Interpreter, Publisher, Teacher

Ukraine, Chernigov

About the artist

Oleg Boyko borned in 1976 in Mariupol. After ending of Chernigov musical college the name of Revutsky, in1996 entered National Musical Academy of Ukraine, which made off in 2001 (class of the professorMihajlenko).From 1995 year actively takes part in international festivals and competitions: Warsaw (Poland, 2 prize),Berlin (Germany, Gran-pry), Parma (Italy,1 prize), Lyon (France, 2 bonuses), Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany,Gran-pry) et al.Studied at Summers Schools of Bach, Saltzburg (Austria), Dusseldorf (Germany); at High Schools of Music,Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany), Rome (Italy). Studied in master classes of prominent guitarists of world:Manuel Baruecco (USA), John Willams (Australia), Stefano Cardi (Italy), Carlo Marchione (Italy), DavidRussel (Great Britain), Aniello Desiderio (Italy).Oleg actively tours on the countries of near foreignness and Western Europe. His programs include differentstyles – from a baroque (J. S. Bach, G. P. Telemann, D. Scarlatti, G. P. Handel) to modern music (J.Rodrigo, F.Kleynjans , R. Dyens, L. Brouwer, N. Koshkin); from Spanish and Latin-American music (I.Albeniz, E. Granados A. Barrios, A. Piazzolla) to jazz and blues.Comes forward with different bands, strings quartets, symphonic orchestras. Working as a me... (moreonline)Personal web: http://www.boyko.cn.ua/index.htmlAssociate: AACIMH

About the piece

Title: Studying by Playing, volume IIComposer: Oleg, BoykoLicence: Boyko Oleg © All rights reservedPublisher: Oleg, BoykoInstrumentation: Guitar solo (standard notation)Style: ClassicalComment: 20 easy solo pieces, 20 duets for pupil & teacher or for

two pupils + audio tracks

Boyko Oleg on free-scores.com


■ Contact the artist■ Write feedback comments■ Share your MP3 recording■ Web page and online audio access with QR Code :

This work is not Public Domain. Youmust contact the artist for any useoutside the private area.Prohibited distribution on other website.

First added the : 2014-04-18 Last update : 2014-04-18 08:59:28

Сольные ПьеСы Solo PieceS

Короткая Прогулка Short WalkДорожка - 01 Track - 01


Тёплый Денёк Warmy DayДорожка - 03 Track - 03


Открывая Глаза Opening EyesДорожка - 05 Track - 05

Песня Куклы Doll’s SongДорожка - 06 Track - 06




Весенний Ветерок Spring BreezeДорожка - 07 Track - 07


Оранжевая Шляпа Оrange HatДорожка - 09 Track - 09


Весёлое Путешевствие Nice JourneyДорожка - 13 Track - 13


Я Сегодня Уезжаю I’m Leaving TodayДорожка - 14 Track - 14


Давай Помечтаем Let’s DreamДорожка - 15 Track - 15


Загадочная История Mysterious StoryДорожка - 16 Track - 16


Глядя В Облака Looking into the cloudsДорожка - 17 Track - 17


Вдвоём Под Зонтом Together Under An UmbrellaДорожка - 19 Track - 19


Былица True TaleДорожка - 20 Track - 20


ПьеСы для дуэтов PieceS for duetS

Здесь Так Светло It’s So Lightly HereДорожки - 25/26 Tracks - 25/26

3Тетрадь ученика - стр. 57 Pupil’s book - page 57

На Цыпочках On TiptoesДорожки - 27/28 Tracks - 27/28

4Тетрадь ученика - стр. 58 Pupil’s book - page 58

Утренняя Песня Morning SongДорожки - 29/30 Tracks - 29/30

5Тетрадь ученика - стр. 58 Pupil’s book - page 58

Маленькая Жига Small JigДорожки - 33/34 Tracks - 33/34

7Тетрадь ученика - стр. 59 Pupil’s book - page 59

Давай Поиграем Let’s PlayДорожки - 35/36 Tracks - 35/36



Тетрадь ученика - стр. 60 Pupil’s book - page 60

На Дальних Островах On Distant IslandsДорожки - 43/44 Tracks - 43/44

11Тетрадь ученика - стр. 62 Pupil’s book - page 62

Где-то Есть Волшебный Замок There is A Magic Castle SomewhereДорожки - 49/50 Tracks - 49/50


Тетрадьученика -стр. 63

Pupil’s book - page 63

Зовут Меня В Поход The Campaign Is Calling For MeДорожки - 51/52 Tracks - 51/52


Тетрадьученика -стр. 64

Pupil’s book - page 64

Моя Маленькая Песенка My Little SongДорожки - 55/56 Tracks - 55/56

17Тетрадь ученика - стр. 65 Pupil’s book - page 65

Горные Вершины Mountain PeaksДорожка - 57 Track - 57

18Тетрадь ученика - стр. 66-67 Pupil’s book - page 66-67

Как Ходит Дождь How The Rain Is WalkingДорожка - 58 Track - 58


Тетрадьученика -стр. 68-69

Pupil’s book - page 68-69

Я Видел Единорога I’ve Seen The UnicornДорожки - 59/60 Tracks - 59/60

20Тетрадь ученика - стр. 70 Pupil’s book - page 70

Официальный сайт Олега Бойкоwww.boyko.cn.ua

Ноты на сайтеhttp://www.boyko.cn.ua/notes_ru.html

Страница на Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/olegboyko.ua




«Учимся Играя» I частьhttp://boykooleg.musicaneo.com/sheetmusic/sm-


Сопутствующая информация о сборникеhttp://www.boyko.cn.ua/method_ru.html

All rights reserved © www.boyko.cn.ua

The use of any materials from this book, without synonymous permission of proprietor, is FORBIDDEN.

Ukraine 2014




Oleg Boyko official web sitewww.boyko.cn.ua

«Studying by Playing» I parthttp://boykooleg.musicaneo.com/sheetmusic/sm-


Supplementary information about the manualhttp://www.boyko.cn.ua/method_en.html

Scores on the sitehttp://www.boyko.cn.ua/notes_en.html




Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/olegboyko.ua




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