I I ;••"••! t ftlHSNKI WE!- Ss&B?^ s&rr,EDAt r ,RO^E_BEI „. mc>. Wtatasaro *v Pii***a«ra_ _VSJB» D A ? S x c m 8»KII»V BV W. JrfCfiBtKO * 80K. «V- n.miJ.n: *>f. TOWS givci) Kwrtora ,61 President SSho %iefPr«Site>i »J She «*8!att 13evtl0_ l»*B*iMfi »>?(» fteaststrf $_**«>' *t&n«J*«MoViM}3 *n«*Jsi,'lfflS-fte*i , a;S«y>ia' f & S ^ b i s e , iti the-year sf «ftf Lnrfl «p tkoiieftsd *j#* huiiurefl;3lii_ :_WB(JM_!' riSs^ - T U B M S s _ * ' Pixao wc* •**? <i«Bver»d '&> *i*v_c*- e a f S w sPBSi»rt*r.H tn PtftttsJualrtt. of Torware- «dSay'jo__pai_fre tvm. as tallows: •Oissyeaf.-..•.-,.,-.. = - •• - < • • *>*$ «*x month* .• — fw <*nr*i* _*mt_. •«..,.;,.,.... -.-..-.-»,. t a g ©„_oh_ „.,,......... so BatmsrtlSttofis not paM tn advance will in 4 33liec*o3sU: uw>«'idjaf each m»)iiMiat BO cent*- 38* incmtii. I ?> *-• »w . •"W *• §: »» »e6 -3' PrpsiafMi. Glevplan-i has conveye1 to a_at>.»w< UIP injpr«f>si<.»3 that h e sfe p r » - jjared to tsfee a dmmv3^te|) regarding IJubft at the right moment. Mr. Hanaa is credited with favoring the feoe of bonds to cover the entiw* oatstssnaing smo 1 at of greenbartvs. He would prevent toiitraction of thecur- •reney by buying * Iver bullion and issu- ing tareasnry net- s similar to we 9her- _ a n notes egain- i the <;_ price of the aaetat. Henry vYattereon saye that a promin- ent EOnilbjnation of *ound money Demo- crats wifh Eppubhrans is impassible, dwkigto the advocacy of protection hy the latter. It is too bad, of course, byt even the 1 pr-sppct of permanent asso- ciation wjlth ihfcir recent esteemed allies, who renolered Buch signal service in the light for jiaond mo-ey and good govern-. mei_ .w»M not tempt the Bepublicaas to abandon thegratd old policy of protee- tioD. ,. Boston Journal Washington nays that ithe free silver Repubiicsms who went over to Biyannsve mapped out a plan for the S5th CJongreas and the re- liiainder of the 54th whjch puts out of Jjhe qnestiBri aby proposition toconciliatt" ^ltni to general Eepublicao policies. Nu «on of e|lv«r legislation short of free and unlimited eotaage will be considered by them latod they will also serve notice ^bat-theDiaeley bill or any tariflf legist lation, is not to be passed by this Con giresB, FBAKK S, WITHERJBEE. Aai article in the Albany Airgus of yes- terday, tepnhlisheil on onr first pag^i recites fac% tending to show that Frank E. Witherbee, so well and favorably known in this section, has become, through the force of circumstances, an ieflucntial factor in the Republfcan poii • tics in this State, ICbii'Btatement, baaed « upon fact aie it undoubtedly is, is very giattfy ing;to IHr. ^WJtherbet's many ad- imlrers in Itlorthern New York. Mr. Witherbee haB been a hard worker ic the Bepnblican cause for many years, a quiet, unassuming, unselfi hbnt effective 'weifeer. WJiile not in any sense a f ac- - tionaliet, he has been recognized as an organization man, and a trust-d and valued lieutenant .of exrSenator Pia't. Evidence of the estimate at headquarters *of Mr. ^ithstbee's value as a counselor and worfcer is f orhisbed by bis promotion to be a member of the advisory commit- tee of the State committee. The na- tional convention made Mr. Witherbet-'d intimate friend the candidate for presi- dent, and another intimate friend and irasinesB partner, Mark A. Banna, chair man of the national committee. i The fact Of Mr. Wifherhee's promm- lence to the organization, coupled with Ins intimacy with the national heads of ithe party, furnishes jnsrfiable ground for the assutnption that hin influence with the McKinley administration wil be considerable. If all of President Mc- Kinlpv 's advisers are ot equal wprth and disiaterestedness, he will indeed be forr tnnate. The residents of this, Mr. Witherbee's home district, have a justifiable prid- in hie political eminence—an eminence secured by faifibi ulnese to his friend* rnd to his partyi- rj —«.'vfct** fl 'c--t^^-^*£*--««»^iyi-t ^«"-»~<S»»i:--cctI'->it-'*-t*'"a5'ltS>»»*«P*-»»-f»«'«k** i * 1. IMAtrWts. I 1 -^.ammmimm;^^mm^^m.^^^^£^ »i ~ B ' ft i'iSi •-??•„?" |gilll§ifli^5sig§gi|ggst§alpl wy*:*^ 1*1 •ft •'*CL 'ft! 1ST m 53 -^ lJSSI5£^»iSJSSwS2iStSSis a^^^^i^^i-ssmi MMthilL K«Mft««»g- .••.'«»Jf,liMi»«.. !•.»*« •RMIVMifC'tllrtT'VTC : r. ttr*tw. *. tufas'.« it If. »«*« KD ttiw*. .... jfc -... j>»T.^t<iiwij r « . ^ t :*-ya«. L- . I«icfcW(Md, -M»»«n»-f».i.iW>iy^.>.y~)'»n"l.'iiii'iI>.i •••!;*! w,'-fry'>** h " fc r*: , ' JMM, '-* w '*' TiBuWif"-' -nwnw ^,^^l^^y^**^^«^^^ H. ^ r r ^ ^^.^gif i^iiii;iffgig§igigggii^iy.; y**y- * * . . * * " ~ * » ' * " - *'' r,'rv« e5Sgg£^g«gs-ga ot^g»sy2gg^S*«£lijMl4»S i Herman 0. Armour. ^ S a S S a J j g g l « ^ r y fliprett.- Smith Pine. si -J I r mm^^^^^m^BmmsM^^i^^^ I |:t*©ew^SSfBSggg«|gS?£ -*3SS«SlE:«^fe!ii- 3 g!- 3 S i' Alnbeua Potts. §! SS«9»^se8S&SEMS8w^2-jSSS»SIgpg3S.aili^.§aS. I Archfl>ald..Kogeps- II SSi»»»S^^SgaSg«S^asSe«SSgSg g S|ri S il-»sJ JamesA. Burden. iris • •• • -^°^^il§iil-l§§§|lagiigg£ll§gg#§apal "WlIHam Easton. SB St gsH^gaMiisi^siiaigigggiisggi^isl. 6 ^^^- 81- gs^fgillliliSSlllailisiiSiiliMsi -^ Mes^slSliMSill&MiliSI David H. Botrell. 5»AS«*5iS3» n.w Gharles M; Dickinson. g§3 S s5|g§.§Sl§g||g^§S§g§Iil§S^I^M^ 1 ^^° a*** I sS5Sg?i8iSSPif£la3SSeS«g83* e ll sssiiiiifgsgss^igi! Franklin "D. Sherwood^ liiio B. Olin. •lilt mmmmmmimmmmmzm ________ 11 ggH^.§II§|gII§S_I^gg S lgIlgg g i§- 3 i B _ 1 ^es G. Outie, IIl|H^||iii|l^g||.^SM|IIS2#||ig| Christian KHnck. ?5e|PlitII| s 5_g-S|i|li-#^S Sl George tTrbitn. Jr. _t 0-S^||iP|iMa|.^i,§gi^a g H.I^-) «eor gBH .W tt te r 1! s., as:;-cjglsils^- s _ a 33 ggsaggggssSasps Robert T*. Bush. ^„Sr5__Ii&_Ss_StS£?§3S.S5'-f_§-git5iffit Benjamin Wood', i-ridP--*- a -:'*_sr=g=ss i »o»SS*i >».-»_ _—aifefcOflo--* -lg.g»CRtO*^-- _°'g_-t^^'a_g;ggSgg£g •^§§S^g»-^----B 3 *- O •»'&'_« _g ? -£SfA_il^?^ ___?£_ I J o h n ^ Maiadep. reossJSass^ee Andrisw MoLean. James Bnrren. a oc o s w aoHiig I ._»?. ^ I _c*2c*-.f.W-3io «_b_2.;—*to— 2 S3a-l<-.fc«_:c5ffloc3-fr05^M^"-lteipaD [ Sa_Ulel S. Whit^UoiJSe.- a.wfeg>^.> SBS-o«° *2 __»M? _r»- MarHn H. Doane. "^j^yiJohiLEnnis.. a_rtf - Bg_gfe_a-£ £sjg^gsgaga^a- »|; _ic*uE.W4isli. r£,£'gk^-gaSgiiai£.gsiga_;g|s.grggW^§3 1 _£_st_ag§gIgs^^s^g a gg5^^saSasi5ig aiaarice B. Blinaen_aL x fess^^3&s_B--8gfc_^8_gg'ssg.^ig^afeqsg ; l |1 tm^i_-lF^ _%¥-jLs^a_|g^-lp§5g_a _ William Randolph Hea,r»t ; Henry Guenther. §; _^*s3r?is&_ sKgffsitgaggsgssEg _igs mm%- William £.. Brown. LaiijJ-3jgfc-^ga^gsg_.sag8^ 8i sp John McQuad*. .•tfcS'Sgfca-ii j c t f o r f - s j . a «aio> • John Briaben Walker. = i «=s:9o_-l-5'SK> 3__ ?_ 2.S7.- 8$g|{g8S__gagS5iSS!iia_g|g 11 ? ^l^^p=Il£_§M____ll__ti__?-gt He_ry F. Chadeayne, J William D. Brinnier. Uavid iSlbrey. S.^gag-gsSS^_gS55-gSi 3_. N.Nolan. •su J_ f_.* j-1 w>pr» A_i*on. I5^^1#j#«to •*:_**' a » * _Mat»ttm i : j.,; fj WaltridJfi. 0»Bb»r|||. •_________________±i_ m±mi±fc2tia 1 J<»ep_ D. Bewsee. ' fi .1 Tho-iasCrlmmiafi „.,.,, . ..... IPtin-y. Boberte. •*. ct3_I^__ A- v °£ : iiii j Jamee F. Eaaoh, 1 -jBjjwBr SODneryiUe. ".»it i Hf>>>r> Waldmann.' 1,' Henry SchiaMtelmann. '.I -MaatKoriter. ' ~ S-K,4fio- • -• T i^.ew. f--:,^.,.: i*t ;"T-: ; T' .»*• i,.?,.'"<!-' : 'J,.;1 ^ohn K Marrin. C-j fit; - 1 ;:',» ,«»M* «'«»{'t^y yl.'f,f •,-< '.vr.'^".' 1 ,,', t.,'JL}__£______J__y » 1 **»t "• _T"r" «r. fi__ft?_-i. 1 t , 1 i Ko^uicr. I Benjamin F. Keinard, L.,.!^......,. ||,| I.H.- lrf..,L-|l »,T ..••.• )f.,.l,-_- nf I,,.. _.„..., |1 1 It, yi Sit ,Ww'»ie»..wtKM^,.jJ*«**.,.>»)*-i. : w.' -H|!t ,'Bobart.R Bnab. »w>>»! a>p>'»* '•'—•«? _ftc"^.- ; _.f' *r*It; Bem_—ftln Wo<|d -<- »TW__L K)>0_3>_-tJ^. JMsjjtls^lajfcati «,_• :_tttrj. to. John P. Maflden. »KO»st es<.t» me*: JMIC! _.:>-» t Andrew Mcjbean. ISB*B*BW. »tp*vo»ifc»oi-'; •* _H»w^ coKf—J.I w.ea? .tt»_i:.'%»4. , MI Jitrt— Burrcll. >.,_»0«. ae*-tc. teat _n».f. B»- .«a Samnel S. Whitehonse. iKl-t—Ki- tc*IC * 'OBJ. '«>»j *<c^ _'l Martin H. Duane •^»->^0». to^-gq. •• ,ttfc»* _»*•; »•' '<- I vJCoBn "Bnnfe *.**»»; ca*.«?."t teioo;.._<cT to'.>lf John —. Walsh. < _._»«. co*-_- ccia- «oK) j <,t ^ j; Wtjiram McM.'SpefE i».-l-M»>fe. -to*-eer _CQ. •_><>« _THich_l Fl l.yohfc~ )^*^*C.W- ^81—Cg> i».-^to^« tgifeo*-: _ _ f' John Jordan. o»t»: •»«»•; o,; _ i- MauriceB- Blnmenthal. » » . «,«• 'S! H k »*LLi J J_'»*_*—'_______ »*._.• j M M - HCtO- _ I *wmiam Randolph Hearat n w- s »»*.ee^»»*i S-,»..^.K»a*. «*.«. I «jeo'j;«neti>»' H> 1 -ggnry Gurtitheft t o — • „ • , * « » — - -» - *••»««!• ea*-«6-' BB».. •»» » JCr^Qifc.S»».»^». »»*1_1__±1. "_bfc«i _I . gii >fi>A -; *.; .>»_•*_ «_»yf '?•.-**» _._.>6'1C* xo^«»» 5- b,;!_ I 'WtHiam L. Brown. -**;.*^.»i »* y. # . _ » o j a . CO*».<«i. '8l4tf _3iS ^3_L____J »JK>- I Jojin Mc<jnade. ' _| John Bmsben Walker. t»:C8:;.'">6ie t»t ,^Cf fleiiry f- Ohadoyne. "WiHiani D. Brlftnier. _tjo».e»iK*et_v .«h.w,«6ao. «9iik. lis WOC- WJB*fW. ^1 Pavirt Morey. ,«.ce> WHO.-. :eo> ,-t MibhaelN. NoUn. : t •»»;»«*; » : _ f Hejiry Van Bergen. nits- B *.:»Wt6*><^ J, *.__»• co^-ca- w r »^ I John W. Olmstead. 1U. _H3_<ajg-»o**» *s-i»o»c- ee*.t»<. «-.»—•• »>;>;; 4= Hj-j. Joihn p-fell wa».a»J»M; »r:t. »rnM»»y _nn.jw» ; ***** y^'i. 8 ' 1 '' ^^ Charles D. Moore. _ g{*i_4 n»__CB*.«O—- t •» _.>xto»e- '_*•_>.. <g_»».._»fcP: It. -iaKi»*<a—'»-u i- >• at>M._>i8*' _>*-»<• > m l ^;t -pratio P. WitherHtlne- »»»> I _#•-,! Jafen P. tMerrill. ~ SI 1 »4cc-S ; ; r ^oic—-s^ifa.'te^; •- ^ *^— —no.; oo-^ao;'f._rj»* .te»c*;f.e»^,-^* I. 0eorKe Freeman. u__ JJ.10».W-WM. gj-t « .*. _ o«^.o;.. ccea• >oirf. am C. Swarts. gflJ ; ; wtc—.»—•le**;**'^ •t-i—'—t'; ofeea-. ..etat». tw^jwi -t-*.! HtjseaB. Rockwell. -•• - -^c^.^Mir)^; _.| glitch_ti_ell. Wta_-a>*-W- *.—:M—• c c * - — gl~: «eto — _ « . « —• * * « * * - * » « «*V ir^ »DtC<-C»*.-»0_ tKlt». _*•'—- joyli ^y; |_.">. a 1 Wjalter B. Dnffy. _»:_»;'•»' H.J Jacob Wtern. * . — « 0 _ • M*-_.• f.t.n_.___»^s**9-' .- r.-. --.-r-.-T-V .-TT - ^ - JL^S-iJ < a-L3fej»** t ,, ; . ff > * > *?^-"fe i - •»;>»; Ajpj»-am J. Ellag. ^.t, _ 1 David g. WrUt-t. ELO_______ IMteL. vflBH ^L y^^wfw—B _. — , , ^... n a n jwwwws ^^M^^ra HKywrv. * TnwnW»»tfi»tlfty-ftTg, I . >.,M_i^r»iagty»» ftftr-flte. B_!ry iNW^tred ffl^-ltt, _»_a-nMriwM _ty-«WK €»r_MMt»t4 flttT4lt« I trtiyw««*redfirty-ftr«i . , W.. AT«& rf«*r_ «fty-«**, I^BIBTL t%«rw«eM(>t. ' , WHhKi [ X. Oww twjeltwl 4ftr8?«» HiMrh ('. U_»t reorirerf fiftyAr*. L Joh-*.»I*_B<(fe*(*oMr«iaftT-«'rfe, ' - JtAji n l b w - e t Y*e*««x«t Btt* _t*. | Kd«an i H. U«t«btm_ recebwi -ftyJUre. JohnP .MKmm^eMlvetf-fltBv*, - Itrd«r dt *. WHeetar n N t M fortr-*™**. _oflin i th*rt Batiks rM«i«e_ f<srty-tftre*," Taenry IP, Jtandai reotftwt tortytfow. " JrVe*-!Ki "n $h TS_t_ rw*t*»A tony-four- J»_* tyturs nst*!*** ftWcy-fOtfr. ' Frsuk *«p«* «<«M««4To*ty-?OTtr, Jrthn B w«y rec*£v«d t<*ty-foiir» I Jol»ttBc-*«rr«t*iredf<»tt-fottr, . Jawt«: X X_rttal<l <welve_ rorty-fonr, John OSover raNrfwd for»r-f<**t, (4wrjt*|B,RiIH^dr««i¥«lf«rty-/o«r a , John Ihrnerwotlred fortyvfow. -ift1<^jCam_i_«reo«tt>M r<*t!rTfo_, J«hti MoK«c«jo«lre«l fc*tyf««t, -' W _ a « i T . WardweUt<w*trtf«irty-f<mr. Sr«n<* X,Ho«_<»dr<w»ltwl lowy-ftinr, Alft«sd Cr Manlererrweitli* fgtty-foflf, J«*e B. Padurtiin received forty-foor* chhtttth' Brook* neeejred ftirty-font,- , w#lt«r FarriiMtton Teeelvtsi tony-four, H, Ciaj Basoom rewry«d fOrty-»»nr, DeloK J. Broolw renelrwl forty.fottr, Xiwrge W, JReyftold«,w»elT«dforty-fotff, Willian i I t JPlaoe woelfed forty-fdnr, _»d FJ HewMc reoetfedforty-fonr, Daniel W. QmM reoelved forty-four, John Bl Down«r rtepoired fortyfoor. i Frank D. Faroe received forir-four. John Ghsen »oet*w.T<orty"foar, JCart»nb..BtaHtreoelTedforty-f«iW, Joim Hi Haberreeaired forty-four. Hear* c. Lo<*woo4 rewsit-ed forty-four, Benjattln C. Montromery received forty four, JaiMa JfcSfell reoetyed forty-four. JoMpbH 8h*ar«rreoeH-«d forty-four, TriU_4 H. Siwrry rewHred fortMouTi George Abelson rweltedtttrelvo, Homaf J> Hurphy received twelve, ' Abrabdn Shapiro rebelled twelve, Ctti WlmAelstein reoelved twelve, OttoRa_ reoeirektwelve, I WalmML B. OMMUr McetveA twelve. .Taoob napeire reogh-ed^welre, * (JeowrejS. 9ultiv«fl»eoeive9 twelve, Jaeob 21—ner reMhred twelve, Lotfte S^knoider reeofVed twelve, JoauUijfintQt muMiad twelve. Jama* HeQarttgrlnoBlred twelve, Joaopb B. Sweeney received twelve, Wiuikni Waffner reoelved twelve, Rewy wmm reoerved twelve, Heorr «• Botn~ne received twelve, JxankDankhoff received twelve, *erdln«nd Ht*f received twelve, _»uta Bbeekel received twelve, Roman Sobwem.Baerreeefved twelve, -. Bmll S..lNat_le received tweliW, Joseph, p. Beweecreceived twelve, TbomaMGrimmlMreoetved twelve, Krank V . Roberta reoelved twelve, CharleeiA. Vans reoelved twelve, * James T. JBwoa reoelved twelve, * Teter8*mewllle reoelved twelve, ThomaiJ. (JradyreoelVHO twelve, Henry waldmann reoelved twelve, Benry Sohlefesflmdnn received twelve, Max roHter'reoelved twelve, James Kucon reoelved twelve, » John "PdMartinraoeivedtwelve. PranotalH. Koeniit received twelve, Benjamin 7. Kelnard reoelved twelve, i AwmstWlnkelmann received twelve, i Robert P, Buab reoelved fifty-five. ' Benjamin Wood rooerred Wry-five, ' . John P. [Madden reoelved flfty-five. ' AndrewjTttotean received filfty-ilye, " .^~~_- James Burrell received nfty-flve. SamuelJ . Wbliebonse reoelved flfty-ftye. Martin H. Bnane reoelved flfty-ftve, John Eimiereoelvedflfty-flve. John B.JWalab reoelved nfty-five. WtlllamlMoM. Sfteer reoelved llfty-flve, Mich lei (F. LyoM reoelved flfty-five, John Jofdan received _ty-five, MaurioejB. Blomenthal reoeived fifty-five, WiniamjRandolph fleant reoelved fifty-five, Henry Onenther reoelved fifty-live, WUIiamiL. Brown reoelved ftfy-five, John Movoade reoelved fifty-five, John Brfcben Walker reoelved fitty-flve, Henry Fl cbadsayne reoelved fifty-five, WllliamjDy Brinnier reoelved fifty-five, B«*id Mterey reoelved fifty-five, Michael St. Nolan reoelved fifty-five. Henry ypn Beqrearveoe^ved fifty-five, John Wiplmiteadreoelved fifty-five, John O'JSetl received fifty-five, Charles p. Moore reoeived.fiftr-five, Horatio Jf, Witheratlne reoelved fifty-five, Jason PJMerrlH reoelved fifty-five, fteorjre vreeman reoelvedflfty-ave.' William 8 warte reoelved fifty-five, HwwaBiBookweU receivedfifty-five,^.. u.Mu_jBta_l reoelved flfty-five, x , - Walter t\. B _ y reoeived fifty-five, Jacob Stentraonlvedflftrfi»e, Abn__U._t—Moaive«-ty-ftv«. . DavMsJWrl^htreaelvedfifty-ave, ' — O'C^^reoelvedone, «1"A1f»ll_*t *# tW S o _ # of"Cte*»:y-C«i*»«er* •of u * cownty of «W*to* 1* rtH&iitu t* ttetet* •n«*»«*rdot<V«itijry faaV4**eptof thff C«_fy vfVimm klrlBT ftet at the oflw* «f VK tCItH. «f mf4 Cnuntv,m.t*w t*i»day ct 3d.vem&er, i*_ to «>»•»**«* S^d t#li&i.tti *i*»* ifveftfs t** *rf«ral Xtfe >** Vi*tifktt t>C «5t'18«R£y, at t* e tM_ral l£ r mti>«fefWon the-telrif^fty *>f S<w t: J- . .]WN__e*e_a|i**mMd«rH«HlB»_fi'afci*o'; §S 'rhatft«rt*ar* m w * * 'iMWlHifti 4 . ^ * _ft~? »• : t_«4 the *liofc nnmlir*--ftf 1 - , l'?*sti'lr*'* f,* tW» f- W l _i-ofMfTO?«-«f A^etftftWlBi^fftjj _ la6» _ B6 «n(l«_ed "'nwtffc-d fi* idH — ^ JJ t* «as_a iknd tbirfY-Sin^ (9,^ S6 „"<srt>tt dBakefTweiveiiii* ** (y-fivv, 35: _lrti»V.B.*rKr8err««tT#a „ t , al Sorbin rrfeived One; at Ml 'Sft » SS IhewhClenamherof votsa jdvenfot^^Blectontof !jP^iil_ta_ Vlce_e»ide*twa« 880,ttnt. At.anjeeanj(:ortheBoarapfCjQunly-^Va^^ of the bounty of Cllntop h'eld at ibe «*»»«?* the ObuntylOlerkofsaldConnty mi the JOth d*vpf a^ovemljier. i89(S. Bres6htthefoHo»in|,'membeis.- , , Jbbn^.Trninbly <: . Seraph _ Wplcotfc . Alonzo T. Dominy . , , & S . Howe .. , . lohhW-Clack Fernando J, i^ngftild; ^ .. Peter Poupore .aanies P* Cunningham .Wnr. JEL Gordon AlfOnal Ausa.bife , « Beskinantoiyn Black firook Oharaplam , AlpbeosTotts:received»ix thousand and 6Bg£a=iaSg|.|ir«t^^g^8gaSriggg5Sgsiae i J^^Berge- r, I *ra<»KSa3£g5SS5g.ig£_S%, .ao.«,j-,o-» REV. »J_. posaTi is A HIED. SI HI ^AsSK__ls_giS^S|l John W. Ohnstead. tt »*__-r =»_*•_«*__-_ ?J gg^g4^i John O'Neil. rsssassssasss^^-^^'^ 52 -^* 1 "*^^** uoa»o._g£>; 'tyOOO q.OCH I [a-Bis^ggailgiaasgSi^sggg-lgag '—-a s'tsio I Charles D- Moore. Horatio p. Wiiherstine. Jason Pt Merrill. Si 5 I- George j?_ema_ t- ^J ^,. — in 3, X JC. O'ac tp.tS-* O ^OO-S s. The r.ews is cabled from Epme that Sev. Dr. t'onaty.of Worcester, president of the Catholic Hummer School cf Amer-r iea, has been; selected by the Pope as mur of the Washington University, succeeding Bishop Keane. This honor to Dr. Conaty was not Unexpected, as hie nan e . iieadt d'. the lidt transmitted to Hoiric, snEid nuaierous espretisioDH on tbt-1 £ eu'ij-'-t ifcahiOnei the belief that 'he I g; wnuld l«* named. The citizens of this sec- % tH* wb«i met .Dr. Conaty during his- coi.se(.,on with School, work, and all others who. whethar having the pleasure of hif* acoua'ntiancp or not. arp interested in the succ'tB of the educational mov<- ment ill Cath l.c circk-f* which has mad' Plattsburfch itb'ctntw and headquarters, . will be beset by coiitiictmg em fons anent Dr. Ciona'-y's Belectiou —pleasure • that t he great honor ha* falien,upan Dr, Coaatv, whf m we had come to look upon in a ser,se -as a townsman, and wbtjse earnestneas and great intelieciual force were reeognized and admired bv . aD. and pain if the duties of the new trust -will neeessitate a sundering of iins o_eial connection with the . i Summer 8c_aol, which it is feared ] will b» the case, A movement which Dr, Oonaiy has done ao much to promote, whioh has been the object of his wat«a>£ul and uhtaring effort, cannot feutffi*ih5s^ibsence. But what wfll be , J __SchooT% r ip8B will be th 3 Univemty'* g»as. The great honor which coffees to 'tii. Ctonalyis mot undeservfiii. We*«»- ffpatk that Ms adminLs-rataon will justify |>3sselection, showing him to he.a worthy atioeeeflorto th« learned, progreeatve and SI gzagssa-g William 0. Swarts. -toseaa:. RoctWell. = S2S^^SS:HlS?^3 __^. C. Fitoh Bissell. g.^_js^d^S5sjs-;asf»3te3ssggg 05 OTX.O* rf*-^otoob a o.oc _ ta - ^^mzmzmi^zzmtmSm _Ktt_ _.6s.eaJ _i' e£, tecs ,».*»;. es,<*_ ceo CCCI. da cc _ - . : H._|'i Oswald Oltehdorfer Walter B. Dnffy- Jacob Stern, Abraham J. _lia& GUutoni . Daunennora EiieDbttrgh MooerBi - Pern : . PMtsburgh Saranac... Sehnylet falls- David S. Wright CS-- .U03.C5. .rf- CC_Ci Theodore Bacon, I Hatrlcfc J. G-leason. —».": I Georpe W. Wfagate. «"7-rr--"' ,—"^-'o^—*-*• » _ffl . f r.r-.-. r. , .___^_v_> : . I Jaines-A- Murth^, Jr. ,U»^L^.^-^*- CO y.^^,^.,^* _ i—tOJ-tP"^-^,—*tS-.. • M l i iHenfy W- $fre_ ill. )- ^."Ectwara Swianatrpro. 1 J«mes J. Stanton. *»—'. 1 fi.eorse J- Greenfield. _: I £dwjB.tpiJ- Dqaphy; »"• «» 93 Ol j to- W-^-2-**-*-*' *"•«>»** 4 5 »-»rf^»ffcei* & co , -^-ac »• -CO;. rf-.Cp-Ci _cato*' w- •*-:».» cs'tc' '.w* -rffccoa* as* .tft*^y J f*-»'*.'. *- ;it g'tf t "tJ..-*,i»%tf»t -*^tg^ ^ , OS tft; —" f-.'Ctf S=>' t4f benxry Camptiag.' ^>_: 11 ##m"jpenaat' ^>_: j t fieorgeTucker Haigrlson. ^.^J_T_2_____ £* l/jrriojh. 42 *" fc ,!!T*"** *•**''• ***' * S •**-'-tS>-*' ity >f- *•*- t p J»*^i__:^:' ' j»j_if***_*^. * 4C _.»•-* •*-rf_»^» 40 *•* « a » ^ - « j *+&.#*,*•+,&. ^__rt_i-* *? tatfr-ts*-***-*^*-*^- CQg,- CD> rf^COOa 1 jQlmB. Crimmite '.Siigdh Sie^iie j ffrederiefc Pptitec> j jRuBsell |ie&_je^> I HeijiryjU young. ^Oh^rte Xi> ^iafnesu , Q^Cftr L. ^__gy. .-- COKJ- '•>'CS_»- ot «f_6SS»':. ?v J_J£SJS*' ______*- c»2 <ff_<*_a_ufc<.« **^aJ»j&H L ifaM-*.tt'. -BtaeB^_»nit]tiHT?r »" '• 1 **-_£**!^* a * i -r*'tq*»:.tO^',iiU..tf-H*tOt V 4-*- 1 *-** f.H(^acjr-j@t^ CO't&. CO- ife.C0;O>- lift*—-*-^*^ ** «-*• yQtfe-?S>*A <—•*h»»*»&4 51 _ 'CH9- C»^ ___?*____ ,^*^^».^^*r.'fi*>,<t**g^ *.».<»•'_ CO to- Lif_!_____?^ar^*<Uiter. * t ._r i ?- v " «a-_rgs- _!•» __-* *^ _______ -«?.j*V,KB^A*^JteJ-**(a,« 5 ***** -*-»*«ai»w KSi^i »^.p-^Ulr ,»*>*_> _t T 1 _»^. Don't Worry *ig?¥t ^»^^»>- gf^P #i -i fte iD^a- M <r«JW *rf|iv eoi-^lmrr >f*«d** Wtfti jw.^B» f^«EM ^WWr " l *- " r est—*- *^Wjfc-Jtg***ift^_>-*ao,.. ..,-,...•••».-_••_ .—.J.?.-,..^,..-...,---,...-. «p--»_ti .. jSfj - .if^iPft.g?''- , • » ' ^ ^ f y ^ . ^ £ . l , l ^'^^^'^,fe^^ l *i5:* i JflhaJWbackes, l.;^fta»ar4'H,,B;ate»iiiN»t>P> ____• I ^MnKWiaGmnr '*-«:»* _____£ i»«^j_sv^»fe_' ^yr-r ; ,^; r . g^w^cttir"wQSjiifer f. fa^]jaja*ei»|>wilti, "" ^3 - *C** : * -g-«s»-^ eg? .•^s^B3o;^ -Si * ***; ; •»»«' ^"L______ • OMg— 1 - V * » — , **J»< ; t»BW .': 5 t'**f M __c -">-"-'• ^?*^gTZ^_> «_5^?X %*V«H >-.«»«. MW)*,,**^--.^;^ *'i I" ..>—««• w-iit; '••*»!.**«•« S*-n#l»***f•'•» , WarjftffCurtte flh«rJes.-<fc i ..AV:«ry» •• ' .','•' 3fs__0li^_S^S_ J?__J_____ *-r '^iltardR.Qaae.. Mmha iHayt;"' d^ateWrArcneft. ^S§_fMl____ '^^____£___* JaWMH MKIWI . ^#PfwW" J j w i y y 1 'r~3s@» r- •JWWWHW-'f^'.jfJiB^ _ _ t<_n_fcw_r« - iMi"iain -M MnNi."i">i ii i. _l ". Wallace Ttir_r On motion of Mr. y. J. _ngfeld,J*r. J,,P, 'JOmr* nlncham was elected chairman, whereupon Jtoe County ^jlertcadminiflterea to him ^he ooMtttu- iional ot th.as followg: .*'•..< . - 1 do to (emhly awear that IiwUl-supwrt the oon.^ «titutionofT;haUiiited BtatM.and the opn«tl|U- tlonoft1i9«tate of Sew York, .and that X will f__uU;rd__rKeAh«Mtie»of1hB.<Mi^^^ ther Boar i pf the Cpuiity ponvaaseMat %b&Gotm? typf Clinton according to the best of my ability. gubsdrihedand sworn t o before me thttlOth dayofiNbvember.l8fl(J. V. •: •-. . t. ' '•„ I j,F.GCra__<G_PtjCh_rmaii, H. A, WOQD,Beorefai^i' TheOfimrman:then admfnlatered the opnaWtn tibn>d^^_chil^Mh:member <if the Board a#:fot lowsi " • • - . ' - . . ' ' ' , . J. IHo so: emnly awearibstl wfll nuppprHheopii-. stitation of the United Btatjes. and the^qqnstitn- tioiof tl estateI of» e # York, ana that I wiUn^r- tprmthe duties pftheofSDe of Gpunty eanv«*er f Odrdinj'toShebjStofinysbilityi, V B.Wo;.cMrr; .'' D*rtfs 0i4SJ> ' _«;-Bbsr«,' V JoHK.WiCiaSs, W.H,<3ob)ONi \ 5..P.Hq«(yar, Av_33oiusx. , aoMfB-jflUso—ecC, y. J.X«NOTI,TJ, yiB,-3PffPK)aii, Sutjsosijea.attd swo,ra to before,me" this Jfflth 4ayofmv6mher,i396.. ._. • , .• M , ' T J, P. cammSGHATtt, Chairman. . On mot pn-of 3*r, S*"fi.. Woloott *ff ;AusaWe thfe following *esol«tiba Was adopted: . i, " fie»6ivffl?®bkt,tlt6 Official Canvass and the' de- t»rminatians made by this.BokrS of the persons elected, t eTJUhlished fftthefollovrtbR»ewgpapBr«t piattshnr <h J5eAUml< plattaburgh JBepuWcaihPt&r lie Opinio »,_ampla_ QifUmtUdrtm PlatWburgh* Ptm.a.nii bjii motwh of «(r»Kckett of Baranao thafc'thej' he allpwBd therefpr the-JHimof fifty dojlarajea _ • "1 '- 8IA333C SHTofthe Board pi ^ottnty :Oanv«*»era of the Cottnty of.etatan&rdatlo-to the votea BrvaiifcrPrelirtdehtialBlectori " »• • , . OJhe Boi rd of COulitty CwJvaasersof the Connty of Clintot havinfc met*tthe 6«ee»of the aOlerk of dWidCounty,onthewbday of JSoyember, 18*^ to CanVi and':' estimate; the votea (tiven ia the sever*! BleotJOttBfWtriota pf: aaid .Gqcuity, atiitBeGeiBralBleotllnheiaon the i w _ 4 * t o f JSovembei:. in they««r aforesaidtlo .certify as M - Ipwsi,:;' -'••--'•":'.. . ' •; cphatttjip*ear*p» « u „ eattmate/ and •maramt' thaf the v Sole, ttmnbejr of vote* idven t<x^ the <# - Smat BrtiiidehlJalBlwtol* inoludinc m battoto endtirsecl 'h_-keafprMe»afteatl»ij;'* wM.tfcrte hundred sndthirty tboOaandaeven hundred 1—l _rehfcy-aie(83flirrt)df wbleh ,•• Benjamin K. Tracy r w ^ v „ « _ thowand lahdfivh;: ' ; Idward J I. Butler received aht I .andiflvel, Garll 8. Borr r*»lyed ateO»oaa_«nd Al„__ Bobbr*»elv„atar ^fpja&'.-i CharteeA and four Robert A. I andfpui. »*nei«-S < . i. andfon*. . ^ oinatta. "five,- , Archibald Ro«er« reoelved six theiuand and five, I . '; * James A. Burden received six thousand •' ahd'flve,. | ".'"-- •' WilliamOBaston reoelved six tbouaandand John 8anford received BIX thousand and .five, •'. ' j f " - Win»or Br'Prenob? reoelved *ii thooaand and flVe, •}•<.' l&MfagLXi BJowlahd received alx thoa- aand and five, -'•• George B: gloah reoelved six thonaand and - five,.' J. ..• David H. BarreilTeoeived six thonsand and "fiye^ • •' -"1 ' :M ' • • Charle»M.l>l^fiUK>n reoelved alx thou- sand and five: v . .. lymBuC..Smithreoeivedi_tho__dand .. .^„ v _.^„,.„, .'•. Ave, •_,}''. ' WiHiB_.. W e v e r | # ^ ° w * Pti<*wire_de|ved alx thon- * ^SignorP.Jloiaati . ,^.'.J)at~Clark, eived six thonaand and v.«4 and atoore reoelved aik tbouaand 6_rk?y veetfved a— thonaand WlUia_i rioelved abt tbow_il and sand and five Mlld._.:01hii;3 •. Ave,. ' . James &. Cutlerreoeived nix thousand and . -_*•••. _ i-'. ."""-: ^ Christian Klinokreoelvt>diix tbouaand and ;fi,Ve, ',•.-• {. ; -• .'" Georee Urban, |Ir., received alx thonaand -iandSve, .! Geoqte H. Witter reoelved «lx thonsand andAve, . - I • "BpbertJP; Bush received three thonaand and nineteen) * , i ^3a*ih-:WpMreoelwid iyxtee -thousand andeUthteew. ':- ' " T JolmPi jsraddea reoelved three thonsand si*nd.elifhteeni AndjreW Kgleahreoelved three thousand and«Urhteen,' . I J»j^BurreJlr«>eJyM.thrB» thonsand and .elkhteemj • '. •. v «. r BamuelS. JK|hitehouaere0etved threethon- . Hand and eiphteen, ; .Martin,.—; DjWne reoebreathree thousand andievshteen, .•'; ;• t - JnihjBuniaiepltyed three thousand and •Mghteea..-:" -1 '••••'• -1 Jbhti R. WjflgW ieoetved three thonaand landeiBhtBen,! ' W^Ao##eefcMBoeiv»a;tliree thou- , ;»|^andelffiteeh, r • ™ - michi^lRLyoiaxeoelVedthree thonsand -and eighteen.! • ; - :i ' Johd>Jora»iiTeeeIv»dt_eethongaad. and _lffut_6ti r i * ifaittrloe B, Blhmenthal aweived .three thousand audjeiKhteea;- WiUMw^at^olbffHearst received three _th(»nsa.nd andreTjthteen,'; - , ' < SenryGaenthetr(toeive4 thr«e thougand _jai[dBljjhte_..I'-1 •; •'. John Moautobeoelvea three thousand ^fl-e}«|hteeiy .. .. JbteBciahen wja^erteoelved three thoa- Henty^Chiaepie reoelved three ihov.- iWOllamD; Bfnijierrfioelved three thoa- :aafld_d^e¥tee4i " S*,yldMovey ilefciyedthree thonaand and »eventeen, i ^$J^*l^*&1•hm• : mwuaa _*, "?!_^ T ^ _ ! _ » _ « e e l v _ three'thon- * John W, Qln_e^reoelved three thonaand *1rtVii_e« 3 ^ F, ** Wft * h * w,ad *** P ^ ^ M ^ ^ W ^ e d t h r e e tbouaand. Jne received three 6,006 6,006 '6,006 6,006 6,005 6,006 6,005 6.005 6,006 6,006 COOS 6,006 6,005 6,006 '6,00s 6,006 ^,005 e,oob '8,019 *,018 8.018 i !»,oi8 8,018 3,018 S.018 i«,0l8 8,018 i 8,018 i 8,018 8,018 8.018 'i.018 $,018 S.018 8.018 '8,018 8,017 u *',OIT 8,W7. fcOlT 8.01T *0J7. 8.0W 8.017 8,017 *MT 8«7 » 35 '4* m * * 41 A* 44 4* 44 44 H M 4* M "M .44 44 .44 44 •it 44 44 4* _ 44 4* 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 1*1 IS IS fil n 18 *r 12 •12 _ Vi ii K m 1% 12 12 12 VS V2 - 18 ia 12 1* n is is 12 12 13* IS IS 1* 56 55, 55 55 5* 55 55 55 55 ,55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55; 55 55 55 55 56 *' %»s alas trh, ' fhir- ftj«S 1 jf%?> *h. , <lc number of b«Hntc «»Tnr*fJae"niasJv- •rd for Uk'ntSffcaifrm" and pouated ?r.r iho 4 s t!fre of » robw «f Afcmot}'. was tw*hty-«ev¥n. s? Tije Ati> , »li>-j2«>n?«>r of baRrttsi^ossitj-.t artd r< v - Jti'-i-wf As "* J fli)<i". was nTit* h_*h*d"elje?ity-*-tac, J**S Vfowtiiy thfe «fatet!io»t **• t^rtft. 3»d huve caused the sitme tA be.attf«ted by the ?f£tia. tore«arthemetnl>i't»of thJ* Boai'd, there twin* altthfe members in said Board, tbt» TOtk day «f Kuveinbtr A D„ one tltonsKAd eight hunercdand nf!ftety*ix« «fd*HT8.'ftt_Hf.Y. B. tt-HowB, A. 'f, Do^Hift. J.W, CtATl^, F. J. idUfbrgui, P,_P0t'Wt»K, J. PvCryfisitrta**. W, H. Goanpif, S P. MOJMvAX. Dxrrs CIJLAK, Vf. _ WKVBK, E J,PlfKr,t*, VVAWAPieTcitJiteH!, STATBitBX't 1 of the Board of Comity Canvassers ofthe County of CllnTon Jp relstioii to the vote* «he* forCOttfttyOftWrs, f lie Board of County 0*nv***ersjof the County of OlltitonhaviWit met _ th*o_tse 0f the Clerfe «f said Coantj\ on the Jtth day of Xovemecr. 1896. to Canv«» and estttnate the votes )?lvcn in the several ElectlotiDlstrtuts of said Cattnty, * t t h e General Bloctlon held on the third das of Sfovem- ber. In. the ^ear afore«ald d» <*ertiry as fellows; I'hatltaDpearaoi* auirU ttrtftoate and canvass that the wJwle nnmtierwf ve>«<« g\ven for the of- fice of Ctiunty Judfttik ineliMhnr all balfou en- dorsed "marked for tdenr,lfi«afion" v»a» nine thousand and fortylhrevi CB.04SV of which iHClen L. Sneddon woaWwl sis thousand Wtmirt*-tnreewi.< , «.03S Hatvey §, Half noMyei ihWthousknd ten, »,010 «. _ , 9,045 '1'he whole n«mh«rof,l»altet«flOiinted as "mapk- fidforWcat*noaMo» , ''AiM n omtn.Wl for the office of conntv JuditK, w«* twenty-seveH. 2? The wliaiCnnmher of ^allyts counted and re- jeisted as 'void". Was one hundred eighty-six. 186 of Cotratr Treanuwr. iwcHadrnlr all ballots en- d o w e d -"marked f»«f ^d'-htt!^eat^Ola , ^ was nine thousand and forty $,OJ0) of which Andrew W_«&* received alx thonaand fif- teen, 6,015 Daniel H. Bren_ reoelved three thousand tweirty-fiv^, - . ' 3,025 \ 9,040 The whotetinmberof hallot#ooontedas"msrk edfor _entifidatio« n and oounted tor, the office oLCounty Treaanrer, was twenty-aeven, 37 The whole number pf ballot* counted and re- jected at •'volaV? was ono hundred ettrhty-six,. 186 The whole number of ybtea Riven for the ofitoe of Superlntendeatof the Popn inoludinc all bal- lots endorsed "s_arked for Identification", was nine thousand and thirty-six (9,086) of which William D. Skvate reoelved six thousand thirty-seven, - 6VS87 Baward Brno received two thousand nine hundred ninety-nme, «,»99 _ t ** 6.086 The whole number of ballots counted as "mark- ed for Identification" and counted for theomoe ot Superintendent of the Poor, was twenty-seven, 27 The whole number of ballots oonmed.and re- jected as "void," was one hundred eighty «rx, 186 The whole whole number ot rotes given for the office of cprofter. includm* all ballot* endorsed "marked for indentlnoatkw," was nine thousand and thtrty-jttx {9,068) of which Benjamin F.JJowdass received five thousand nine hundred etgnty-five, 5,966 Joseph H. LaBooque reoelved three thonsand and fifty-one, S.06I # Thewhole number of ballots as "marked for identification 1 ' and. counted for the office of Coro- ner, was twenty-Sevte, «? The whole number of ballots counted and re- jected as "void", was one hundred eighty-six. 186 The whole number of votes «iveu for the office of School Couualssioaer. including all ballots en- dorsed "marked for identification" was nine thou- sand and forty-three (8,048) of which Seth S. Allen reoelved three tbouaand three hundred thirteen, ' 8,418 Bentley Turner received one thonaand seven hundred eighty-seven, 1,787 -tfred- Duffy reoelved two thonsand stt- hundredseventy-seveaf •- A 2,677 Bdward Hoiririns jNweMdtme thousand two hundred slxty-alxf^/ ijS« The whole number of ballots counted as "mark- ed for Id4ntifloatlon" and nounted for the offioe ot Presidential JEle^tor, was twenty-seven, JJ7 The whole number ,of ballots ennuted and re- jected asf'void", was one hundred eighty-six, 386 We oertlfy this statement to-be correct, and have canted the same to be attested by the-sijtna- tures-ofthethe members of-this Board, there-be- ing aUtw members in said Board, this 10th day of NPvenJberA,D., o w thousand eight hundred *•* J. P, Cvxxncetux. W. H. GoanoK, S. P. MOBGAN, DATOS ci4aK, > .W^t.WiyiK: B. J, PlCKXTT, '-six. OMBLV, OTT, and nun JOHKB. S B, WOJ B. S Ho*i, A. T. Boiorr, JOHJ? W. t _KK, F. J. fOtNBFKLIL P.E.POOI_ET J. P. CDXHIS61M.1C W. H-flOEDON, S. P, MOBCAW, DATUS CCAUJC, y W.J,,-WXV«B, B, J.-PICKKCT, Wj__CX TCXRTEtt. STAOrBMteNT of the Board of County Canvassers of the County of Clintoninrelatipn to the votes given for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Rep- Tresentatlve In Congress and Associate, Judge xtl the Coufct of Appeals. The Bo#rd of County Canvassers of the County of Clinton having met at the office ofthe Clerk of said County 1 , on „ e 10th day of Bovember, 1896, toCanvasji and estimate the rotes given in the several BjeotlonJttrtricta of said County, at-the General Bleotion held on the third day of Novem- ber, the yfcar aforesaid do certify as follows: Tl_t it appears on such estimate and canvass that the Whole number of votes given for the of- fioe of Governor, including all feaHots endorsed "marked lor identification," was nine thousand onehundnedandeighty-nine(9180)of which Prank S. Black reoelved five thousand nine hundred sixty-six, 5,966 wuburirJ-Borter' reoelved three thousand _da_ty-tour,- 8 064 Daniel G-. Oriffia reoetvedflfty-nine, 59 wilham \^, smith reeeived forty-two, 42 Howard HalkainTeoei ved tweTve. ' It Wllb_P,»^irterreoelTedforty-fiivei , 45 8.M. Weejireoelved one, ^ , l , " 9189 The wadrn number of ballots oounted as "mark- ed for identification" ana counted for the office of Governor was twenty-seven, 27 The whole number of ballots oounted and re- jected as -f void", was one hundred eighty-six, 186 The whole number pf votes given for the, office ofJJeutenhnr.Governor. inoluding all ballots en- dorsed "marked for identification", was nine thousand one hundred ana eighty-five (9,185) of. which > j ' ; ' Timothy Zj, Wpodruff received Ave thousand nine hundred seventy-seven, !' 3,977 PredertcklC. Schraub reoelved three thou- sand and'forty-seven. 3,047 Prederusw. Hiurlchs received fifty-eight, 58 CharletrE (Latimer received forty-three, 48 Prederlck pemiets received twelve, ' _ PredC. Schraub received forty eight, - .48 JOHtT B. TB0XBI.T, B. B. WOWOTT, i K. 8. _ovnt, A. M>a_KT, J. W, C_KK. P. J. _Narxu), i P. Et POCPOJIB, 8TATBMBNT Of The Board of County Canvassers of the Countjfc-of Clinton in relatirtn tothe TOIes given on the question 4n relation tp the Amend- meat tothe ConstJtntkm, < The Board of County Canva-sers of the Gounty or Clinton havinrf met at the offioe of the Clerk of said County, on the 10th day of November, 3896, Jo canvass amd .estimate the -votes .srfyenin the 9,048 Thewbole nnmber of h_ots<oounted as "mark- ed for identification" and oounted far the office pf School Commissioner, was tweuty-sevea, 87 ITwwbol&iiumbBrof baBota counted aad r* jeoted "roht^sSs _ s huadMd e i g h t y ^ . 186 We oertlfy this statement to be oocceeeVand have caused the same to be attested by the signa- tures of the members of thts Board, there bebir all tbemembersln said Board, this 10th day of November A. D., onethousaad eight hundred and, nlnety-tdi. Alt Bet Tile— Hap|»| K.< Ua* Rt - Of Miss Alitr \ dnms- « H it »02 Meiand-r >, RocliMtfr, > \ pleassnifr at SiK A! x »• : - _L« Al|tce Twtnp. 'v':-. ; • • diiltth«j0d Shp |>ad bm-n -••-.. age f»f pain ffoni i' ; ineiabpting the time tl, - -'•• fprrd pain or ai aes u. LMtfpvs. Many w^rp t ; TOfistlreli&f, hilt th< r, ; tot her case atii slw *••;•;, i . tire,* thwi along romc« •"• to osjpfclolje, D<i.in * K..'.-. half box released the-K.;, :-.," . the aches and bams: 4•- .;-•- herself A slitve "to pajn v . eonttwted U3^ 'Sh**sa\w. relieved of all rhv«iffVti\, pcrffictl,t giron'c;, h*.-*-!''' 1 ' " S o t v i l l d j'*ni u4ke i f - • Young was sskod by •») • •., She tijilkd th'il she f=.;. ;>. wtplicifly, 3fes Vouns/fi tuatady affected her, sav . •. , were: "Stooping, bpultr,' •- or standing an* length ..: gave inc a pain fn the m- I bad;-a pain in ithe kiiin. and if I cauglrt t nHA >•' : settle thW&f the, pain 1 •>. a very cxhau«it|iBg na-r-u: conW only lie fii'it cai mv !•-.. \ positioH caasfng paitt am] -•. nerves passing «ip my fe<-k : > and thislbrougbt wiaj it tf\ •:•• hut as I said before, Doan *• •lift%'e rcihoved all psin «HI I firely and I never felt belt-1 in toy life," Bean's Kidney Pills arc f r ^fe dealers, priw Sit cents, m.Ai'.-; 'ST $% Tifilburn -Co., _\iiJHIo* JX. \ , >,4, tor the United States. by ', >»'j ' Si t!»{ - a^ 'f w | " hi" '"> a! '•»(• i\.''tnpj(-l '.tfrrj^l "i beat M5S44 _2 _2^ v iP<^> O C_ Bromley i % Myi , 102-104 ^Hi^garetSfc mmtia -ft, 'Wit ' thoueadd and i, W^h^ i »«mr«_v^t__thc*_aud J*^«^i_slvadtlsr»»UMS_u_»a4 Jjgnas w_,_t_«» tfuwMH M1T ___ ip„ The whote number of ballots oounted as "mark- ed ft* identification* and counted iot the offioeof Lieutenanl-Goveraor was twenty seven, 27 Thewhojenninber of ballots wanted and re- jected as "Ivoid". was «ne hundred elghtv-hix. 186 The who|e number of vtotes given for the offioe of Asspoiafie Jndgeof the Court of Appeals includ- ing all ballots endorsed "marked lor identifica- tion," wasjnine thousand one hundred eighty-nve X»j|5)ofwfich _ vmgG.Vknn received fi?e thousand nine -hundred feighty-five. 5,»B5 Kobert C. Titus received tifree thousand and thirtr-onfe, ^ - 3,081 Spenoer Cilntor received Ity-eight, 58 Btlas Kootrecelved fprtyM-ee, Theodore P Cunpr«oeii«ssrT;w«gre. Xawrence J.JCcPaHin r*#«tt>«dfiftyHrix, The wholjennmber of balkrta'oeunted a s " m _ E „f'Tld_tlfleatk»« 1 »«ud(oo«ntedfortheoflice " Assooiate Judge pf the Court of Appeals w twenty-seven, i rr The whole nnmber of ballots oounted and rL Jectadas^oW",was<a»ehundredJrightysix, I M r The who^ number of votes given for theofllde of Representative in Congress, inoluding _ b_- Ws_iM "marked for identification 1 ', was six thousand tw,> buadrad and. eleven <«,2ll) of wtaloh f I Jr., reoelved s/x thousand / I - «, ' 6,105 HW^Woajvedifty-Iv;*, 35 -Hatred fifty, . w rsoalvedooe, ' - i WallaoeT, one hi 4Wln«eld . DeMymB. WU__ * " * _^i_l_ii/z^ ' , ; ', 1 " " * 1 t*J - *.* ,.a_t -.' '<: <w! 6JJ11 auMher of ballots oounted as'msrk- ttk>e"ando nntedfortheoffiea<>f mConrreas wastweoty-seieu, ft « 0 D _ e r ojf b _ o t # < ^ n t e d a B 4 r*J#pt- W4*4MMSS_lMd«fiity^_ F 1«6 -Ma f^htmatt^ Wsot. j£S saaMtoWatuatedbythes^na- ia asM Board, tssa u*k _yo5 J. rjfvmmmum, T''/ fc J__*> several.ElectionDistrictsofsald County, jat the General Bleotlon. held on the third day of Novem- ber, m theyear aforesaid, do certify ^follows: That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given in relation to the^iuestipn; ' Shall the proposed amendment toAeotlousevon,'of article seven of the Constitu- tion relating to'the forest Preserve become 'a ^••f'^aoludwgtheballots endorsed "marked for identification.?' were fourthouaand'eight hundred eighty-four Of Which 8> Two thousand 6ns hundred thlrty^teven 8,187 werejriventothe affirmative on the niies- iioK_'Shall the proposed amendment lo seoQon seven of article seven Of the Oonstl-, tntlon relating to the Porsst Preserve be-' comejflaw?" and of which Two thousand seven hundred forty-seven JS 747 ^ereglvenin thenegatireonihe gdestiou: —1— 41384 'Shall the proposed amendment to section seven Of article s e v e n s the. Constitution relating to the Forest Preserve become a law}" The whole number of ballots endorsed "marked for identification'' were none. The whole number of ballots oounted and re- jected as "void" were twenty-seven, 27 We certify this statement to be »orreer and have caused the same, to be attested by the signa- tures of-thamember* of this Board, there being all the membersmsaid Board, this 10th day of November A. D„ one thousand eight hundred-and- mneiy-six p JOBJJ B TROJIMT, J , P . CnWHINGJtAJl, B:B ^OMOTT, W.H.GOKDOS, E. S WOWS, S, P. JtoiWJAS, AT.D0WINX, DATOECliJlK, -I- y-_*»— w. h WKVEII. P. J, LBNGrjJMJ, B . J . PiCKBEP. P. B. Poutw„. W_>i,*(at r i'_KKi». After CumpleOgg thecahTasa thefollpwing res- olution' wan adopted: fc Whereas. 'I^e Board of County CanvH^ers of the CO'wiy of Clinteh having canvassed ihe vol „ oast m tie several election districts of'sai<i Couii- lof.mb^l?96^ U011 h m oa 3^ ^"of uolwr^ycertiry, determine and declare that Everett O Baker, by the greatest a S e r of vor« was duly elected Memfcer of Assembly in f audforsAid-oountyitJiiat tucieii. L Sliedden. bv r ih« greatest number of TTMPS, was duly ejected County Judge in and for slfd county; that Andrew Williams,, by the xreatest number of votes wa^ duTy elected County Treasurer, in and for'said *ountyj that Wilham IXfiavaVe.byrteSeateTt number of vetes was duly eloped Superintendent ofthe Poor in and for said coiSnty; tlJat Benjamui 5iP 'if 1 ! 3 r th * wwiestntunher of votes was Sell 6 i W «in°h^h* m mA fo i' ai<J ««"*««_ beth B. Allen by the greatest number ofVotes was duly eleotel Schwl Commissioned for M £.' r * t ^°,", ,m ou< £ Ws*]?^toa^torshid coun- ty; and that Pred E Duffy, by the greatest nmn h^of vot^ twidulv elected^schoo?ctsSuSton- er for the Second ComtmsslonVr District lnAnd ' for^aldcoiinty. and ihatcerUfied copies of such determinations be issued accordingly. Joa*c B. Taojoiiy, j. p CpjuuhOH*M. B.«, flows:. & p. MOBOAK, J. V, C-VKK. W. JL WI:VB«: F J. X*NG*_». E. J. PrOKjBJ^ P.^PocTOajg,, WAi_cKTomo5a. ' .„ . B°a*d of County Canvassers , Dated Noremher 10,1896, 3 ^«»»»«Bers. There being 110 further business before th« Tss&RfiSSgg. Kr - «c_r«wssdar H. A. WOOD, Secretary. '^—«—• . -*_ y Hew'ij^ltfs't " * < _2f»3?_£S5;f_if l,r ^ 1 *X>l f ***_w«rti for M y, w*?al'iP^S__I_ 9?"* ""fZ*"•• Toledo S>. _?!S_¥_.*i __*« «_^W?_ Oh ifdon'tyon know 1 the,olaoe to go. Where smiles you'J lajways meet On every face 5 you'll find the>lace, 1 0 2 Margaret Street* We have-Crockery rare; beyond eoinpaf£$| WhUihno one can deny* With ^Groceries chea^,-SVery line cbmpW To fuBy satisfy, ,' Bach customer's tasifc and without wa8t|f We try to fill each call. For "Us the desire, of Bromley & Myers To gain the good-wfliof •«_' And you will find, Fruits of many kind, With Nuts and Candies sweet, BgK8*nd Butter fine, on whicih todihe, 102 _ar*aret streei. Etifffene Browi * Bn. «|UV1S8TBBET. Undertaker and E_DaIi W ANrED.-PhyfeieJan ».-. for ofil "o, with or « ii:.': location, vvm t <ke 1 m*' ' in block. Dr. Melvilie, '." J Falls. I'phoistcrine in alii its Erase ALL WOBK GUABANT1KD, WAITED. »_- Announcements p/ not tiwrr than i t Air this head, 25 ets.f&rmt iav «"/*. '"* atkd-thOOforaieeek.auihtoacamiia'.i, thee W ANTED.- S> Rfone Ma^ > at tb« new Pulp am, c. McCaghy & Llnelwn teO-«iM "\TrANTK0—At the f-t.r"-- T T Street, lior-e- to h-,. T w o frood men at, c_eiuk--i - to ollpplng oor&es- TO kE.NI sA# i-nnoujAcmenih of nut nuf tfgrlhit hfad, 85 etn. /orOTICOOJ. . '•>• uad Jl.OO for a week, eanh Co a*' '•••'. T>OKEST.-A luse «,.',u'. : JL Termb redoond^Ie. AM WSUpf •p«OE KENT 673-tf T«u!,"»a •'* 'Ad'-'.' -_ . ,:hrtlQ - • -• \-% "'53 >VOB •ir*'. 1 ' FOR SALt. t=!w ^InfwuTi«mt^n/v> «,/ >*>•' *> " d*r (kf*fe(Wl,a5 c t * . for«nr tiai. - «»Ki 81.00 firr a ice-rk. canh .h i- • F Ofi SALS--. —\ bU. 4 M , , toedsL. liiquli,- ai I-; l Second-Hand YVi'nJt)"*.-; A NUMUER^of «.!-.,.•• gooil cuuditi 1 'f --. cljpaiir. inquire d.t iiii" •,,.ii _ _ u V i _ i _ SSSS^J^_*•_!!<»»»• *nd nn- __«^M»-S^S1S _ J ^ B ^s^r*8W W^S^P V P P flPW _^S^s|. WHEN IN w *'•; BRASS OR STKIN . DO SOI Kill Ti, -it- IS. £_. M A MIS M. A. UIA/. 4 BCHlTECTawlinn 1 „ "V. Hew Blot* u i u i _ M..-.- rum H%W AWvewtisfi "TEMPER Aitui •_*««C««d »* «**' C »* ,i ' "^^ A t-aK' ^Vl,^^^^U i.£^. .^B^HI A"^H ''r^^kV 1|' *»,*.,"••••• - _E. **. * HE Jit *• *• * ' K. i*,£ EC *»i*•"*•• iSfe « ? « *"••• tt£ »r,*.» S| #*•-« pssr f HE Jl'DCf ? ,$fee i»ert«io» in *. Jfefftfe thn* ag^ " $i0 tor t,hi> best «>«.,£ J»4o«t«^ Edit!** - fit* local artist ,, IBttiftccatteBtanfe.; »»« wer* »ubtnitte<3 n> th* Judge*. *fise ^ehtiensen s»>l the merits of y the '*' Ju SI. W « B » . H XV fftit^ig^ and 11.. fhedewgtwwere »ui injftwitjineld. fcacii sat_4 tonsicler^ all fully* forming their /_• dnawingit froni tiaw> _ well as «,jp< tbfe^ttrpoee required. to if€*t between two < aftiw _ve judges r ^UrtiBfaTor^it'tfte. hf -**fc» E r a L, thorefore entitled to t - Her4e*'gaeaih*<h* flgur« holding a wr SqaWBlattve of our «Dd _ the upper righ ^ * jtftat of threa local viev in half fconeengravtn* »e psile yellow a n d gr» fh«sd«iign has beet gravers, «_d when fli 1m able to ptifih the< 4 5 Q_l»letioti. The ed pwtly Sf'i) fine i|luat*i i. -. 1 I'-'.r Town —P*veral afeittera « on Nogmal lak0 jestet -^F<wt Bdw*t4 * iblrlty-five oenb per h y_ty to * number of —There will he a th# town board of au *t» o'clock. —About *fi|i^ yo s pUswwOy entertaine a€_r. s_d_re, _, Sf -J$b6 A. O* P. ht log *t fiH>»r rooms ' f s _ n _ b _ i n « w w a s •* —Urn Wool has -to i r t barn, oa t^etae <*i_»»dhrhe*«Ko:. —There wfll ».ot * gtanday school tes cfae Jfco-_feh^, Mrs. {5amt '2fewYcrk. —Anew variety of _ adapted to be placed < water, being forced th hjy «fir jBtwatft' —The Woman's tifc^r «re planning a * " * for the evening of P * i i l be fiijren 3ater. —Secretary August - 1 -' »i»teprl8oacom_lsBl' Jnepecq'on of county em part of the state. —A special Jena of * _r "Warren county *t Glens Falls, Judj ^DI* _enry, presidins —The ffteamer Ghat decidedly winter app large icicles having paddles from the spra —No actiost was I chant8 > meeting at th* last evening, and at tanen antil Monday e The Ladies' Aid tiat church cleared | r > fair and apron ,_:• parlors Wednesday »' *ng. —Crowding a ' ^ : ' inch space '• *••* "' Jcec ball into a p^t is liable to burst. ' - vertiser. > — A t the M'-U.-.i!.' the pastor will \ >> a. w., and K»-.v. 'Mi siding elder of tht- .u- 7.30 in the ev»*ni ^ —Don't tiegitct (• - of Colorbat liief.-.ui J! bavefyour •siil.x .u.-'t^ ' wait" by the •••.noi.i.-d artiftts, special) r v «'!•*; »> i~A gnod jtaiii'r plased tins fafuM theAthletii gn.ui.i' plains and High '*"''-' of the game »hou,i neae this c >n tei-t —Miea Evelyn l> drilling a uu'uit.« 1 , > tike part m t-i • •••'• "Little Ked KM' / fij-:- ghusn-at the l'"i- ••< .f<^;''»tvBi.of Colm> .1 ' K^X tre, •J^V -' •^IXesierduiy 11..- r IV'". J®apopan\ .pia. ;• 1 ;;'."- Which CAM- "i' 1 '- '"' ' ' ^" ductors. Kail, 'ti'... rS.;.,. ' a M 'the pn « 1.- 'i'» i;&-. atrip. Tins wu.i '"• ^\ *E»*elUtig put'-!• «,i V-',*... gieelate thus _.?»!>•"" •rK'" : ' -~The' eniert t:i . V- ; ;r 8. Burdett lar-t ^ : v ,/'-; St*eet tht-ati> »s"' ->» * : ., lit *bo attends 1 i

•su J Mat»ttm - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1896-11-21/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · I I ;••"••! t ftlHSNKI WE!-Ss&B?^ s&rr,EDAtr,RO^E_BEI „

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; • • " • • !


ftlHSNKI WE!-Ss&B?^

s&rr,EDAtr , R O ^ E _ B E I „ . mc>.

Wtatasaro * v P i i * * * a « r a _ _VSJB» D A ? S x c m 8 » K I I » V BV W . JrfCfiBtKO * 8 0 K .

«V- n .miJ .n: *>f. TOWS g ivc i ) * « Kwrtora ,61 P r e s i d e n t SSho % i e f P r « S i t e > i »J S h e « * 8 ! a t t 1 3 e v t l 0 _

l»*B*iMfi »>?(» fteaststrf $_**«>' *t&n«J*«MoViM}3 *n«*Jsi,'lfflS-fte*i,a;S«y>ia' f&S^bise , iti the-year s f «ftf Lnrfl « p tkoiieftsd * j # * huiiurefl;3lii_ :_WB(JM_!'


- T U B M S s _ * ' Pixao wc* •**? <i«Bver»d '&> *i*v_c*-

eafSw sPBSi»rt*r.H tn PtftttsJualrtt. of Torware-«dSay'jo__pai_fre tvm. as tallows: •Oissyeaf.-..•.-,.,-.. = - •• - < • • *>*$ «*x month* .• — f w <*nr*i* _*mt_. • •«..,.;,.,.... -.-..-.-»,. tag © „ _ o h _ „.,,......... so

BatmsrtlSttofis not paM tn advance will in4

33liec*o3sU: uw>«'idjaf each m»)iiMiat BO cent*-3 8 * i n c m t i i .

I ?> *-•

»w . •"W * • § :

»» »e6 -3'

PrpsiafMi. Glevplan-i has conveye1 to a_at>.»w< U I P injpr«f>si<.»3 t h a t h e sfe p r » -

jjared to tsfee a dmmv3^te|) regarding IJubft at the right moment.

Mr. Hanaa is credited with favoring the feoe of bonds to cover the entiw* oatstssnaing smo1 at of greenbartvs. He would prevent toiitraction of thecur-•reney by buying * Iver bullion and issu­ing tareasnry net- s similar to w e 9her-_ a n notes egain- i the <;_ price of the aaetat.

Henry vYattereon saye that a promin­ent EOnilbjnation of *ound money Demo­crats wifh Eppubhrans is impassible, dwkigto the advocacy of protection hy the latter. It is too bad, of course, byt even the1 pr-sppct of permanent asso­ciation wjlth ihfcir recent esteemed allies, who renolered Buch signal service in the light for jiaond mo-ey and good govern-. m e i _ .w»M not tempt the Bepublicaas to abandon thegratd old policy of protee-tioD. ,.

„ Boston Journal Washington nays that ithe free silver Repubiicsms who went over to B iyannsve mapped out a plan for the S5th CJongreas and the re-liiainder of the 54th whjch puts out of Jjhe qnestiBri aby proposition toconciliatt" ^ltni to general Eepublicao policies. Nu «on of e|lv«r legislation short of free and unlimited eotaage will be considered by them latod they will also serve notice ^bat-theDiaeley bill or any tariflf legist lation, is not to be passed by this Con giresB,


Aai article in the Albany Airgus of yes­terday, tepnhlisheil on onr first pag^i recites fac% tending to show that Frank E. Witherbee, so well and favorably known in this section, has become, through the force of circumstances, an ieflucntial factor in the Republfcan poii • tics in this State, ICbii'Btatement, baaed

« upon fac t aie it undoubtedly is, is very giattfy ing;to IHr. ^WJtherbet's many ad-imlrers in Itlorthern New York. Mr. Witherbee haB been a hard worker ic the Bepnblican cause for many years, a quiet, unassuming, unselfi hbnt effective 'weifeer. WJiile not in any sense a f ac-

- tionaliet, he has been recognized as an organization man, and a trust-d and valued lieutenant .of exrSenator Pia't. Evidence of the estimate at headquarters

*of Mr. ^ithstbee's value as a counselor and worfcer is f orhisbed by bis promotion to be a member of the advisory commit­tee of the State committee. The na­tional convention made Mr. Witherbet-'d intimate friend the candidate for presi­dent, and another intimate friend and irasinesB partner, Mark A. Banna, chair man of the national committee. i The fact Of Mr. Wifherhee's promm-lence to the organization, coupled with Ins intimacy with the national heads of ithe party, furnishes jnsrfiable ground for the assutnption that hin influence with the McKinley administration wil be considerable. If all of President Mc-Kinlpv 's advisers are ot equal wprth and disiaterestedness, he will indeed be forr tnnate.

The residents of this, Mr. Witherbee's home district, have a justifiable prid-in hie political eminence—an eminence secured by faifibi ulnese to his friend* rnd to his partyi-

rj —«.'vfct**fl'c--t^^-^*£*--««»^iyi-t ^«"-»~<S»»i:--cctI'->it-'*-t*'"a5'ltS>»»*«P*-»»-f»«'«k** i* 1. IMAtrWts.

I1 -^.ammmimm;^^mm^^m.^^^^£^ » i ~

B ' ft i ' i S i •-??•„?" |gilll§ifli^5sig§gi|ggst§alpl w y * : * ^

1 * 1 •ft




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53 -^ lJSSI5£^»iSJSSwS2iStSSis a^^^^i^^i-ssmi



.••.'«»Jf,liMi»«.. !•.»*«


: r. ttr*tw.

* . t u f as ' . « i t If. »«*«

KD ttiw*. . . . . j f c - . . .

j>»T.^t<i iwij r « . ^ t : * - y a « . L- . I«icfcW(Md,

-M»»«n»-f».i.iW>iy^.>.y~)'»n"l.'iiii'iI>.i •••!;*! w, ' -fry '>**h" f cr*: , ' J M M , ' -*w '* ' TiBuWif"-' - n w n w

^ , ^ ^ l ^ ^ y ^ * * ^ ^ « ^ ^ ^ H. ^ r r ^

^^.^gif i^iiii;iffgig§igigggii^iy.; y * * y -* * . . * * • " ~ * • » • ' * " -

*'' r,'rv« e 5 S g g £ ^ g « g s - g a ot^g»sy2gg^S*«£lijMl4»S i Herman 0. Armour.

^ S a S S a J j g g l « ^ r y fliprett.-

Smith Pine.

s i -J

I r mm^^^^^m^BmmsM^^i^^^ I | : t*©ew^SSfBSggg«|gS?£ - * 3 S S « S l E : « ^ f e ! i i - 3 g ! - 3 S i' Alnbeua Potts.

§ ! SS«9»^se8S&SEMS8w^2-jSSS»SIgpg3S.ai l i^ .§aS. I Archfl>ald..Kogeps-

I I S S i » » » S ^ ^ S g a S g « S ^ a s S e « S S g S g g S | r i S i l - » s J JamesA. Burden.

i r i s • • •• • -^°^^il§ii l- l§§§|lagiigg£ll§gg#§apal "WlIHam Easton.

S B St

gsH^gaMiisi^siiaigigggiisggi^isl.6^^^-8 1 -gs^fgillliliSSlllailisiiSiiliMsi - ^ Mes^slSliMSill&MiliSI

David H. Botrell.

5 » A S « * 5 i S 3 » n.w

Gharles M; Dickinson.

g§3Ss5|g§.§Sl§g| |g^§S§g§Iil§S^I^M^ 1 ^ ^ ° a * * *

I sS5Sg?i8 iSSPif£ la3SSeS«g83* e l l sssiiiiifgsgss^igi! Franklin "D. Sherwood^

liiio B . Olin. •lilt mmmmmmimmmmmzm ________ 11 ggH^.§II§ |gII§S_I^ggS lgI lgg g i§- 3 iB_ 1 ^ e s G. Outie, I I l | H ^ | | i i i | l ^ g | | . ^ S M | I I S 2 # | | i g | Christian KHnck.

?5e|PlitII|s5_g-S|i|li-#^S S l George tTrbitn. Jr. _ t 0 - S ^ | | i P | i M a | . ^ i , § g i ^ a g H . I ^ - ) «eorgBH.Wttter

1! s., as:;-cjglsils^- s _ a 33 ggsaggggssSasps Robert T*. Bush.

^ „ S r 5 _ _ I i & _ S s _ S t S £ ? § 3 S . S 5 ' - f _ § - g i t 5 i f f i t Benjamin Wood',

i-ridP--*- a - : ' * _ s r = g = s s i » o » S S * i

>».-»_ _—ai fefcOf lo- - *

- lg .g»CRtO*^- -

_ ° ' g _ - t ^ ^ ' a _ g ; g g S g g £ g

• ^ § § S ^ g » - ^ - - - - B 3 * - O •»'&'_« _ g ? - £ S f A _ i l ^ ? ^

_ _ _ ? £ _ I J o h n ^ Maiadep.

reossJSass^ee Andrisw MoLean.

James Bnrren. a oc o s w a o H i i g I

. _ » ? . ^ I _ c * 2 c * - . f . W - 3 i o — «_b_2.;—*to— 2 S3a-l<-.fc«_:c5ffloc3-fr05^M^"-lteipaD [ S a _ U l e l S . W h i t ^ U o i J S e . -

a .wfeg>^.> S B S - o « ° * 2 __»M? _r»-

MarHn H. Doane.

" ^ j ^ y i J o h i L E n n i s . . a_rtf - Bg_gfe_a-£ £ sjg^gsgaga^a-»|; _ i c*uE.W4i s l i .


1 _£_st_ag§gIgs^^s^g agg5^^saSasi5ig aiaarice B. Blinaen_aL

x fess^^3&s_B--8gfc_^8_gg'ssg.^ig^afeqsg;l | 1 t m ^ i _ - l F ^ _%¥- jLs^a_ |g^ - lp§5g_a _

Wil l i am Randolph Hea,r»t;

Henry Guenther.

§; _^*s3r?is&_ sKgffsitgaggsgssEg _igsmm%- Wil l i am £.. Brown.

LaiijJ-3jgfc-^ga^gsg_.sag8^8isp John McQuad*.

.•tfcS'Sgfca-ii j c t for f - s j .a «aio> • John Briaben Walker.

= i « = s : 9 o _ - l - 5 ' S K > 3__ ?_ 2.S7.- 8 $ g | { g 8 S _ _ g a g S 5 i S S ! i i a _ g | g

11 ? ^ l ^ ^ p = I l £ _ § M _ _ _ _ l l _ _ t i _ _ ? - g t

He_ry F. Chadeayne,

J William D. Brinnier.

Uavid iSlbrey.

S . ^ g a g - g s S S ^ _ g S 5 5 - g S i 3_. N.Nolan.

•su J_

f_.* j -1 w>pr» A_i*on.

I5^^1#j#«to •*:_**' a » *

_Mat»ttm i : j . , ; f j WaltridJfi. 0»Bb»r|||.

•_________________±i_ m±mi±fc2tia 1 J<»ep_ D. Bewsee. ' f i .1 Tho-iasCrlmmiafi „.,.,, . .....IPtin-y. Boberte.

•*. ct3_I^__ A- v°£: i i i i j Jamee F. Eaaoh,

1 -jBjjwBr SODneryiUe.

".»it i Hf>>>r> Waldmann.' 1,' Henry SchiaMtelmann.

'.I -MaatKoriter. ' ~

S-K,4fio- • -• T i ^ . e w . f--:, .,.: i*t ;"T-: ; T' .»*• i,.?,.'"<!-':'J,.;1 ^ohn K Marrin. C-j fit; - 1 ; : ' , » ,«»M* «'«»{'t y yl.'f,f •,-< '.vr.'^".'1,,', t.,'JL}__£______J__y » 1 **»t "• _T"r" «r. fi__ft?_-i.

1 t , 1 i Ko^uicr.

I B e n j a m i n F . Keinard, L.,.!^......,. ||,| I.H.- lrf..,L-|l »,T ..••.• ) f . , . l , - _ - n f I,,.. _ . „ . . . , |1 1 I t , y i


,Ww'»ie»..wtKM^,.jJ*«**.,.>»)*-i.:w.' -H|!t ,'Bobart.R Bnab. » w > > » ! a>p>'»* '•'—•«? _ftc" .-;_.f' *r*It; Bem_—ftln Wo<|d -<-

» T W _ _ L K ) > 0 _ 3 > _ - t J ^ . JMsjjtls^lajfcati « , _ • : _ t t t r j . t o . John P. Maflden.

»KO»st es<.t» • me*: JMIC! _.:>-» t Andrew Mcjbean.

I S B * B * B W .

»tp*vo»ifc»oi-'; •* _ H » w ^ coKf—J.I w.ea? .tt»_i:.'%»4. ,MI J i t r t— Burrcll. > . , _ » 0 « . ae* - tc . teat _n».f . B»- .«a Samnel S. Whitehonse. i K l - t — K i - t c * I C * ' O B J . '«>»j *<c _ ' l Martin H. Duane • ^ » - > ^ 0 » . t o ^ - g q . •• , ttfc»* _»*•; »•' '<- I vJCoBn "Bnnfe * . * * » » ; ca*.«?."t teioo;.._<cT to ' .> l f J o h n —. Walsh. < _ . _ » « . c o * - _ - • cc ia - «oK) j <,t j ; Wtjiram McM.'SpefE i».-l-M»>fe. -to*-eer _ C Q . •_><>« _ T H i c h _ l Fl l.yohfc~ ) ^ * ^ * C . W - ^81—Cg>

i» . -^to^« tgifeo*-:

_ _ f' J o h n Jordan. o»t»: •»«»•; o,; _ i- MauriceB- Blnmenthal . » » . « , « •

' S ! H k » * L L i J J _ ' » * _ * — ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » * . _ . • j M M - HCtO- _ I * w m i a m Randolph Hearat

n w- s » » * . e e ^ » » * i S-,»..^.K»a*. « * . « . I «jeo'j;«neti>»' H> 1 - g g n r y Gurtitheft

t o — • „ • , * « » — - -» - * • • » « « ! • ea*-«6- ' B B » . . • » »

» JCr^Qi fc .S»» .»^» .

» » * 1 _ 1 _ _ ± 1 . "_bfc«i _I . gii >fi>A -; *.; .>»_•*_ «_»yf • '?•.-**»

_._ .>6 '1C* x o ^ « » » 5-b , ; ! _ I 'WtHiam L. Brown.

- * * ; . * ^ . » i » *

y. # . _ » o j a . CO*».<«i.

' 8 l 4 t f _3iS



I Jojin Mc<jnade. ' _ | John Bmsben Walker .


t»t , Cf fleiiry f- Ohadoyne. "WiHiani D. Brlftnier.

_tjo».e»iK*et_v .«h.w,«6ao. «9iik.

lis WOC- W J B * f W . ^ 1 Pavirt Morey. ,«.ce> WHO.-. :eo> ,-t MibhaelN. NoUn.

: t •»»;»«*; » : _ f Hejiry Van Bergen.

nits-B *.:»Wt6*><^ • J , * . _ _ » • co^-ca- w r » I John W . Olmstead.

1 U . _ H 3 _ < a j g - » o * * » *s- i»o»c- ee*.t»<. «-.»—•• »>;>;; 4= Hj-j. Joihn p - f e l l • wa».a»J»M; »r:t. »rnM»»y _nn.jw» ; ***** y^'i.8'1'' ^^ Charles D. Moore. _

g{*i_4 n » _ _ C B * . « O — - t •» _.>xto»e- '_*•_>. . <g_»».._»fcP:

I t . - iaKi»*<a—'»-u i- >• at>M._>i8*' _>*-»<•

>ml ^;t - p r a t i o P. WitherHtlne-»»»> I _ # • - , ! J a f e n P. tMerrill. ~

SI 1 »4cc-S ; ; r ^oic—-s^ifa.'te^; •- *— —no.; oo-^ao; 'f ._rj»* .te»c*;f.e» ,- * I. 0eorKe Freeman.

u__ J J . 1 0 » . W - W M .

g j - t « .*. — _ — • o«^.o;.. • ccea• >oirf. am C. Swarts.

g f l J ; ; wtc—.»—•le**;**' •t-i—'—t'; ofeea-. ..etat». tw^jwi -t-*.! HtjseaB. Rockwell.

-•• • - -^c^.^Mir)^; _.| glitch_ti_ell . Wta_-a>*-W- * . — : M — • c c * - —

g l ~ : «eto — _ « . « —• * * « * * - * » « •

« * V

i r ^ » D t C < - C » * . - » 0 _

t K l t » . _ * • ' — -

joyli ^ y ; |_.">. a 1 Wjalter B. Dnffy. _ » : _ » ; ' • » ' H.J Jacob Wtern.

* . — « 0 _ • M * - _ . •

f . t . n _ . _ _ _ » ^ s * * 9 - ' .- r . - . - - . - r - . - T - V . - T T - ^ -

JL^S-iJ<a-L3fej»** t,, ;. ff>*>*?^-"fei-

•»;>»; Ajpj»-am J. Ellag. ^.t, _ 1 David g. WrUt-t.

E L O _ _ _ _ _ _ _

IMteL. vflBH ^L y^^wfw—B _. — — , , ^... n a n jwwwws ^M^^ra HKywrv.

* TnwnW»»tfi»tlfty-ftTg, I . >.,M_i^r»iagty»» ftftr-flte. B_!ry iNW tred ffl^-ltt, _»_a-nMriwM _ty-«WK €»r_MMt»t4 flttT4lt« I trtiyw««*redfirty-ftr«i . , W.. AT«& rf«*r_ «fty-«**,

I^BIBTL t%«rw«eM(>t. ' , WHhKi [ X. Oww twjeltwl 4ftr8?«» • HiMrh ('. U_»t reorirerf fiftyAr*. L Joh-*.»I*_B<(fe*(*oMr«iaftT-«'rfe, ' -JtAji n l b w - e t Y*e*««x«t Btt* _ t * . | Kd«an i H. U « t « b t m _ recebwi -ftyJUre. J o h n P .MKmm^eMlvetf - f l tBv*, -I trd«r d t *. WHeetar n N t M fortr-*™**. _oflin i th*rt Batiks rM«i«e_ f<srty-tftre*," Taenry IP, Jtandai reotftwt tortytfow. " JrVe*-!Ki "n $h TS_t_ rw*t*»A tony-four-J » _ * tyturs nst*!*** ftWcy-fOtfr. ' Frsuk *«p«* «<«M««4To*ty-?OTtr, Jrthn B w«y rec*£v«d t<*ty-foiir» I Jol»ttBc-*«rr«t*iredf<»tt-fottr, . Jawt«: X X_rttal<l <welve_ rorty-fonr, John OSover raNrfwd for»r-f<**t, „ (4wrjt* |B,RiIH^dr««i¥«lf«rty- /o«r a , John Ihrnerwotlred fortyvfow. -ift1<^jCam_i_«reo«tt>M r<*t!rTfo_, J«hti MoK«c«jo«lre«l fc*tyf««t , -' W _ a « i T . WardweUt<w*trtf«irty-f<mr. Sr«n<* X , H o « _ < » d r < w » l t w l lowy-ftinr, Alft«sd Cr Manlererrweitl i* fgtty-foflf, J « * e B . Padurtiin received forty-foor* chhtttth' Brook* neeejred ftirty-font,-,w#lt«r FarriiMtton Teeelvtsi tony-four, H, Ciaj Basoom rewry«d fOrty-»»nr, DeloK J . Broolw renelrwl forty.fottr, Xiwrge W, JReyftold«,w»elT«dforty-fotff, Willian i I t JPlaoe w o e l f e d forty-fdnr, _ » d FJ HewMc reoetfedforty-fonr, Daniel W. QmM reoelved forty-four, John Bl Down«r rtepoired fortyfoor. i Frank D. Faroe received forir-four. John Ghsen »oet*w.T<orty"foar, JCart»nb..BtaHtreoelTedforty-f«iW, • Jo im Hi Haberreeaired forty-four. Hear* c . Lo<*woo4 rewsit-ed forty-four, Benjattln C. Montromery received forty four, JaiMa JfcSfell reoetyed forty-four. J o M p b H 8h*ar«rreoeH-«d forty-four, TriU_4 H. Siwrry rewHred fortMouTi George Abelson rweltedtttrelvo, Homaf J> Hurphy received twelve, '

Abrabdn Shapiro rebelled twelve, Ctti WlmAelstein reoelved twelve, OttoRa_ reoeirektwelve, I WalmML B. OMMUr McetveA twelve. .Taoob napeire reogh-ed^welre, * (JeowrejS. 9ultiv«fl»eoeive9 twelve, Jaeob 21—ner reMhred twelve, Lotfte S^knoider reeofVed twelve, JoauUijfintQt muMiad twelve. Jama* HeQarttgrlnoBlred twelve, Joaopb B. Sweeney received twelve, Wiuikni Waffner reoelved twelve, Rewy wmm reoerved twelve, Heorr «• Botn~ne received twelve, • JxankDankhoff received twelve, *erdln«nd Ht*f received twelve, _»uta Bbeekel received twelve, Roman Sobwem.Baerreeefved twelve, -. Bmll S..lNat_le received tweliW, Joseph, p. Beweecreceived twelve, TbomaMGrimmlMreoetved twelve, Krank V. Roberta reoelved twelve, CharleeiA. Vans reoelved twelve, * James T. JBwoa reoelved twelve, * Teter8*mewllle reoelved twelve, ThomaiJ. (JradyreoelVHO twelve, Henry waldmann reoelved twelve, Benry Sohlefesflmdnn received twelve, Max roHter'reoelved twelve, James Kucon reoelved twelve, » John "PdMartin raoeived twelve. PranotalH. Koeniit received twelve, Benjamin 7. Kelnard reoelved twelve, i AwmstWlnkelmann received twelve, i Robert P, Buab reoelved fifty-five. ' Benjamin Wood rooerred Wry-five, ' . John P. [Madden reoelved flfty-five. ' AndrewjTttotean received filfty-ilye, " .^~~_-James Burrell received nfty-flve. Samuel J . Wbliebonse reoelved flfty-ftye. Martin H. Bnane reoelved flfty-ftve, John Eimiereoelvedflfty-flve. John B.JWalab reoelved nfty-five. WtlllamlMoM. Sfteer reoelved llfty-flve, Mich lei (F. LyoM reoelved flfty-five, John Jofdan received _ty-five, MaurioejB. Blomenthal reoeived fifty-five, WiniamjRandolph fleant reoelved fifty-five, Henry Onenther reoelved fifty-live, WUIiamiL. Brown reoelved ftfy-five, John Movoade reoelved fifty-five, John Brfcben Walker reoelved fitty-flve, Henry Fl cbadsayne reoelved fifty-five, WllliamjDy Brinnier reoelved fifty-five, B«*id Mterey reoelved fifty-five, Michael St. Nolan reoelved fifty-five. Henry ypn Beqrearveoe ved fifty-five, John Wiplmiteadreoelved fifty-five, John O'JSetl received fifty-five, Charles p. Moore reoeived.fiftr-five, Horatio Jf, Witheratlne reoelved fifty-five, Jason PJMerrlH reoelved fifty-five, fteorjre vreeman reoelved flfty-a ve.' William C« 8 warte reoelved fifty-five, HwwaBiBookweU received fifty-five,^. . u.Mu_jBta_l reoelved flfty-five, x

, - Walter t\. B _ y reoei ved fifty-five, Jacob Stent raonlved flftr fi»e, Abn__U._t—Moaive«-ty-ftv«. . DavMsJWrl^htreaelvedfifty-ave, ' — O'C^^reoelvedone,

«1"A1f»ll_*t *# tW So_# of"Cte*»:y-C«i*»«er* •of u * cownty of «W*to* 1* rtH&iitu t* t t e te t* •n«*»«*rdot<V«itijry faaV4**eptof thff C«_fy

vfVimm klrlBT ftet at the oflw* «f VK tCItH. «f mf4 Cnuntv,m.t*w t*i»day ct 3d.vem&er, i * _ to «>»•»**«* S^d t#li&i.tti t « *i*»* ifveftfs t** *rf«ral Xtfe >** Vi*tifktt t>C «5t'18«R£y, at t* e tM_ral l£rmti>« fefW on the-telrif^fty *>f S<w t: J-

. .]WN__e*e_a|i**mMd«rH«HlB»_fi'afci*o'; §S 'rhat ft «rt*ar* m w** 'iMWlHifti 4 .^ * _ft~? »• :t_«4 the *liofc nnmlir*--ftf1-

,l'?*sti'lr*'* f,* tW» f-Wl_i-ofMfTO?«-«f A^etftftWlBi^fftjj _ la6» _ B6 «n(l«_ed "'nwtffc-d fi* idH — ^ — JJ t* «as_a iknd tbirfY-Sin^ (9,^ S6 „"<srt>tt dBakefTweiveiiii* ** • (y-fivv, 35: _lrti»V.B.*rKr8err««tT#a

„ t , al Sorbin rrfeived One;

at Ml

'Sft » •


IhewhClenamherof votsa jdvenfot^^Blectontof ! j P ^ i i l _ t a _ Vlce_e» ide*twa« 880,ttnt.

At .anjeeanj( :ortheBoarapfCjQunly-^Va^^ of the b o u n t y of Cllntop h'eld a t i b e «*»»«?* t h e ObuntylOlerkofsaldConnty mi the JOth d * v p f a^ovemljier. i89(S. Bres6htthefoHo»in|,'membeis.-

, , Jbbn^.Trninbly <: . Seraph _ Wplcotfc

. Alonzo T. Dominy

. , , & S . Howe .. , . lohhW-Clack

Fernando J, i^ngftild; ^ . . Peter Poupore

.aanies P* Cunningham .Wnr. JEL Gordon

AlfOnal Ausa.bife , « Beskinantoiyn Black firook Oharaplam ,

AlpbeosTotts:received»ix thousand and

6Bg£a=iaSg|.|ir«t^^g^8gaSriggg5Sgsiae i J ^ ^ B e r g e -r, I *ra<»KSa3£g5SS5g.ig£_S%, . a o . « , j - , o - »

R E V . »J_. posaTi is A HIED.


^ A s S K _ _ l s _ g i S ^ S | l John W. Ohnstead.

tt»*__-r =»_*•_«*__-_?Jgg^g4^i John O'Neil.

rsssassssasss^^-^^'^52-^*1"*^^** u o a » o . _ g £ > ; ' tyOOO q .OCH

I [a-Bis^ggailgiaasgSi^sggg-lgag

'—-a s'tsio I Charles D- Moore.

Horatio p. Wiiherst ine.

Jason Pt Merrill.

S i 5 I-

George j ? _ e m a _

t- J ^,. — in 3 , X JC. O'ac tp . tS- * O ^ O O - S


The r.ews is cabled from Epme that Sev. Dr. t'onaty.of Worcester, president of the Catholic Hummer School cf Amer-r iea, has been; selected by the Pope as m u r of the Washington University, succeeding Bishop Keane. This honor to Dr. Conaty was not Unexpected, as hie nan e . iieadt d'. the lidt transmitted to Hoiric, snEid nuaierous espretisioDH on tbt-1 £ eu'ij-'-t ifcahiOnei the belief that 'he I g; wnuld l«* named. The citizens of this sec- % tH* wb«i met .Dr. Conaty during his-coi.se(.,on with School, work, and all others who. whethar having the pleasure of hif* acoua'ntiancp or not. arp interested in the succ'tB of the educational mov<-ment ill Cath l.c circk-f* which has mad' Plattsburfch itb'ctntw and headquarters,

. will be beset by coiitiictmg em f o n s anent Dr. Ciona'-y's Belectiou —pleasure

• that t he great honor ha* falien,upan Dr, Coaatv, whf m we had come to look upon in a ser,se -as a townsman, and wbtjse earnestneas and great intelieciual force were reeognized and admired bv

. aD. and pain if the duties of the new trust -will neeessitate a sundering of

iins o_eial connection with the . i Summer 8c_aol, which it is feared

] will b» the case, A movement which Dr, Oonaiy has done ao much to promote, whioh has been the object of his wat«a>£ul and uhtaring effort, cannot feutffi*ih5s^ibsence. But what wfll be

,J__SchooT%rip8B will be th 3 Univemty'* g»as. The great honor which coffees to 'tii. Ctonalyis mot undeservfiii. We*«»-ffpatk that Ms adminLs-rataon will justify |>3sselection, showing him to he.a worthy atioeeeflorto th« learned, progreeatve and



William 0. Swarts.

-toseaa:. RoctWell.

= S2S^^SS:HlS?^3 __^. C. Fitoh Bissell.

g.^_js^d^S5sjs-;asf»3te3ssggg 05 OTX.O* rf*-^otoob

a o.oc _ ta -

^^mzmzmi^zzmtmSm _ K t t _


_ i ' e £ , „


,».*»;. es,<*_ c e o CCCI.

d a

cc _ - .

: H._|'i Oswald Oltehdorfer

Walter B. Dnffy-

Jacob Stern,

Abraham J. _lia&

GUutoni . Daunennora EiieDbttrgh MooerBi -Pern : . PMtsburgh Saranac... Sehnylet falls-

David S. Wright

CS-- .U03.C5.

.rf- CC_Ci

Theodore Bacon, I Hatrlcfc J. G-leason.

—».": I Georpe W. Wfagate.

«"7-rr--"' ,—"^-'o^—*-*• — »

_ffl . f r.r-.-. r. , .___^_v_> : .

I Jaines-A- Murth^, Jr.


CO y . ^ ^ , ^ . , ^ * _ i — t O J - t P " ^ - ^ , — * t S - . . • M l

i iHenfy W- $fre_ ill. )- ."Ectwara Swianatrpro. 1 J«mes J. Stanton.

*»—'. 1 fi.eorse J- Greenfield. _ : I £dwjB.tpiJ- D q a p h y ;

»"• «» 93 Ol j to- W-^-2-**-*-*' *"•«>»** 45 »-»rf^»ffcei* &

co , - -ac »•

-CO;. rf-.Cp-Ci

_cato*' w - •*-:».»

cs'tc' '.w* -rffccoa* as* .tft*^yJf*-»'*.'. *-;itg'tft"tJ..-*,i»%tf»t-* tg^ ^

, OS tft; —" • f-.'Ctf S=>'

t 4 f benxry Camptiag.' ^>_: 11 ##m"jpenaat' ^>_: j t fieorgeTucker Haigrlson. ^.^J_T_2_____ £* l/jrriojh.

4 2 *"fc,!!T*"** *•**''• ***' * S •**-'-tS>-*' i ty >f- *•*- t p •

J»*^i__:^:' ' j»j_if***_*^.

* 4C _ . » • - * •*- rf_ » » 40 •

*•* «a»^-«j *+&.#*,*•+,&.

^__rt_i-* — *? tatfr-ts*-***-*^*-* -

CQg,- CD> rf^COOa

1 jQlmB. Crimmite

'.Siigdh Sie^iie j ffrederiefc Pptitec> j jRuBsell |ie&_je^> I HeijiryjU y o u n g . ^Oh^rte Xi> ^iafnesu ,

Q^Cftr L. ^ _ _ g y .

.-- COKJ-


o t «f_6SS»':.

?v J_J£SJS*'

______*-c»2 <ff_<*_a_ufc<.« **^aJ»j&HLifaM-*.tt'.


» " ' • 1**-_£**!^* a * i-r*'tq*»:.tO^',iiU..tf-H*tOt V 4-*-1*-** f .H(^acjr-j@t^ CO't&. CO- ife.C0;O>- l ift*—-*-^*^ * * «-*• yQtfe-?S>*A <—•*h»»*»&4

51 _

'CH9- C»^

___?*____ ,^*^^».^^*r.'fi*>,<t**g^

* .» .<»• '_ CO


*t._ri?-v" «a-_rgs-

_!•» __-* * _______ -«?.j*V,KB^A*^JteJ-**(a,« 5 *****

-*-»*«ai»w KSi^i »^.p-^Ulr ,»*>*_> _t T o» 1 _»^.

D o n ' t W o r r y *ig?¥t ^ » ^ ^ » > - g f ^P # i - i f t e iD^a- M < r « J W *rf|iv e o i - ^ l m r r

>f*«d** Wtfti jw.^B» f^«EM ^WWr "l*-

" r est—*-

*^Wjfc-Jtg***ift^_>-*ao,.. ..,-,...•••».-_••_ .—.J.?.-,..^,..-...,---,...-. «p--»_t i

.. jSfj - .if iPft.g?''- , •» ' ^ ^ f y ^ . ^ £ . l , l ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ , f e ^ ^ l * i 5 : *

i JflhaJWbackes, l.;^fta»ar4'H,,B;ate»iiiN»t>P>

____• I ^MnKWiaGmnr

'*-«:»* _____£ i»«^j_sv^»fe_' ^y r - r ; , ^ ;

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flh«rJes.-<fci..AV:«ry» •• ' .','•'

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'^iltardR.Qaae.. Mmha iHayt;"'


^S§_fMl____ '^^____£___* JaWMH MKIWI .

#PfwW" Jjwiyy 1

'r~3s@» r- •JWWWHW-'f '.jfJiB^ _

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- iMi"iain - M M n N i . " i " > i ii i. _ l

". Wallace Ttir_r On motion of Mr. y . J. _ngfeld,J*r. J, ,P, 'JOmr*

nlncham was elected chairman, whereupon Jtoe County jlertcadminiflterea to him ^he ooMtttu-iional ot th.as followg: . * ' • . . < • . -

1 do to (emhly awear that IiwUl-supwrt the oon. «titutionofT;haUiiited BtatM.and the opn«tl|U-tlonoft1i9«tate of Sew York, .and that X will f__uU;rd__rKeAh«Mtie»of1hB.<Mi^^^ ther Boar i pf the Cpuiity ponvaaseMat %b&Gotm? typf Clinton according to the best of my ability.

gubsdrihedand sworn to before me thttlOth dayofiNbvember.l8fl(J. V. •: •-. . t. ' '•„ I j,F.GCra__<G_PtjCh_rmaii, H. A, WOQD,Beorefai i' TheOfimrman:then admfnlatered the opnaWtn

tibn>d^^_chil Mh:member <if the Board a#:fot l o w s i " • • - . ' • - . . ' ' • ' , . J . •

IHo so: emnly awearibstl wfll nuppprHheopii-. stitation of the United Btatjes. and the^qqnstitn-tioiof tl estateI of » e # York, ana that I wiUn^r-tprmthe duties pftheofSDe of Gpunty eanv«*er

fOdrdinj'toShebjStofinysbilityi, V B.Wo;.cMrr; .'' D*rtfs 0i4SJ> '

_«;-Bbsr«,' V JoHK.WiCiaSs, W.H,<3ob)ONi \ 5..P.Hq«(yar, Av_33oiusx. , aoMfB-jflUso—ecC, y. J.X«NOTI,TJ, yiB,-3PffPK)aii,

Sutjsosijea.attd swo,ra to before,me" this Jfflth 4ayofmv6mher,i396.. ._. • , .• M ,

• ' T J, P. cammSGHATtt, Chairman. . On mot pn-of 3*r, S*"fi.. Woloott *ff ;AusaWe thfe

following *esol«tiba Was adopted: . i, " fie»6ivffl?®bkt,tlt6 Official Canvass and the' de-

t»rminatians made by this.BokrS of the persons elected, t eTJUhlished fftthefollovrtbR»ewgpapBr«t piattshnr <h J5eAUml< plattaburgh JBepuWcaihPt&r lie Opinio »,_ampla_ QifUmtUdrtm PlatWburgh* Ptm.a.nii bjii motwh of «(r»Kckett of Baranao thafc'thej' he allpwBd therefpr the-JHimof fifty dojlarajea _ • • " 1 '-8IA333C SHTofthe Board pi ^ottnty :Oanv«*»era

of the Cottnty of.etatan&rdatlo-to the votea BrvaiifcrPrelirtdehtialBlectori " • »• • , . OJhe Boi rd of COulitty CwJvaasersof the Connty

of Clintot havinfc met*tthe 6«ee»of the aOlerk of dWidCounty,onthewbday of JSoyember, 18*^ to CanVi t» and':' estimate; the votea (tiven ia the sever*! BleotJOttBfWtriota pf: aaid .Gqcuity, atiitBeGeiBralBleotllnheiaon the i w _ 4 * t o f JSovembei:. in they««r aforesaidtlo .certify as M-Ipwsi,:;' • - ' • • - - ' • " : ' . . . ' •;

cphatttjip*ear*p» « u „ eattmate/ and •maramt' thaf the v Sole, ttmnbejr of vote* idven t<x^ the <#-Smat BrtiiidehlJalBlwtol* inoludinc m battoto endtirsecl 'h_-keafprMe»afteatl»ij;'* wM.tfcrte hundred sndthirty tboOaandaeven hundred 1—l _rehfcy-aie(83flirrt)df wbleh ,•• Benjamin K. Tracy r w ^ v „ « _ thowand lahdfivh;: • ' ; Idward J I. Butler received aht I .andiflvel,

Garll 8. Borr r*»lyed ateO»oaa_«nd A l „ _ _ Bobbr*»elv„atar ^fpja&'.- i

CharteeA and four

Robert A. I andfpui.

»*nei«-S<. i. andfon*. . ^


"five,- , Archibald Ro«er« reoelved six theiuand

and five, I . '; * James A. Burden received six thousand •' ahd'flve,. | ".'"-- •' WilliamOBaston reoelved six tbouaandand John 8anford received BIX thousand and • .five, • •'. ' j f " -Win»or Br'Prenob? reoelved * i i thooaand • and flVe, •}•<.'

l&MfagLXi BJowlahd received alx thoa-aand and five, • -'••

George B: gloah reoelved six thonaand and - five,.' J. ..•

David H. BarreilTeoeived six thonsand and "fiye^ • •' • - " 1 ' : M ' • •

Charle»M.l>l^fiUK>n reoelved alx thou­s a n d and five: v . ..

lymBuC..Smithreoeivedi_tho__dand .. .^„v_.^„,.„, .'•. Ave, •_,}''. '

WiHiB_.. W e v e r | # ^ ° w * Pti<*wire_de|ved alx thon-

* ^SignorP.Jloiaati . ,^. ' .J)at~Clark,

eived six thonaand and



atoore reoelved aik tbouaand

6_rk?y veetfved a— thonaand

WlUia_i rioelved abt tbow_il


sand and five Mlld._.:01hii;3 •. Ave,. ' • . James &. Cutlerreoeived nix thousand and . -_* • • • . _ i - ' . . " " " - : • ^ Christian Klinokreoelvt>diix tbouaand and ;fi,Ve, ',•.-• {. ; -• .'" Georee Urban, |Ir., received alx thonaand -iandSve, .!

Geoqte H. Witter reoelved «lx thonsand and Ave, . - I •

"BpbertJP; Bush received three thonaand and nineteen) * , i

^ 3 a * i h - : W p M r e o e l w i d iyxtee -thousand andeUthteew. ':- ' " T

J o l m P i jsraddea reoelved three thonsand si*nd.elifhteeni

AndjreW Kgleahreoe lved three thousand and«Urhteen,' . I

J»j^BurreJlr«>eJyM.thrB» thonsand and .e lkhteemj • '. •. v «. r

BamuelS. JK|hitehouaere0etved threethon-. Hand and eiphteen, ; .Martin,.—; DjWne reoebreathree thousand

andievshteen, .•'; ;• t -JnihjBuniaiepltyed three thousand and • M g h t e e a . . - : " -1 ' • • • • ' • - 1

Jbhti R. WjflgW ieoetved three thonaand landeiBhtBen,! '

W^Ao##eefcMBoeiv»a;tliree thou-, ;»|^andelffiteeh,r • ™ -michi^lRLyoiaxeoelVedthree thonsand

-and eighteen.! • ; - :i ' Johd>Jora»iiTeeeIv»dt_eethongaad. and

_lffut_6ti r i *

ifaittrloe B, Blhmenthal a w e i v e d .three thousand audjeiKhteea;-

WiUMw^at^olbffHearst received three _th(»nsa.nd andreTjthteen,'; - , ' < SenryGaenthetr(toeive4 thr«e thougand _jai[dBljjhte_..I'-1 •; •'. John Moautobeoelvea three thousand ^ f l - e } « | h t e e i y .. • .. JbteBciahen wja^erteoelved three thoa-Henty^Chiaepie reoelved three ihov.-iWOllamD; Bfnijierrfioelved three thoa-

:aafld_d^e¥tee4i " S*,yldMovey ilefciyedthree thonaand and

»eventeen, i ^$J^*l^*&1•hm•:mwuaa _*, " ? ! _ ^ T ^ _ ! _ » _ « e e l v _ three'thon- *

John W, Qln_e^reoelved three thonaand * 1 r t V i i _ e « 3 ^ F , * * W f t * h * w , a d *** P ^ ^ M ^ ^ W ^ e d t h r e e tbouaand.

Jne received three





















8.018 i

!»,oi8 8,018



i«,0l8 8,018 i

8,018 i







8.018 '8,018

8,017 u *',OIT










» 35

'4* m * * •

41 A* 44 4* 44 4 « 44 H M 4* M

"M .44 44 .44 44 •it 44 44 4* _ 44 4 * 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 1*1 IS IS fil

n 18 *r 12


_ Vi ii K m 1% 12 12 12 VS V2

- 18 ia 12 1» 1* n is is 12 12 13* IS IS 1* 56 55, 55 55 5* 55 55 55 55 ,55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55; 55 55 55 55 56

*' %»s alas trh, ' fhir-



jf%?> *h.,<lc number of b«Hntc «»Tnr*fJae"niasJv-•rd for Uk'ntSffcaifrm" and pouated ?r.r iho 4st!fre of » robw «f Afcmot}'. was tw*hty-«ev¥n. s?

Tije Ati>,»li>-j2«>n?«>r of baRrttsi ossitj-.t artd r<v-Jti'-i-wf As "*Jfli)<i". was nTit* h_*h*d"elje?ity-*-tac, J**S

Vfowtiiy thfe «fatet!io»t **• b» t^rtft. 3»d huve caused the sitme tA be.attf«ted by the ?f£tia. tore«arthemetnl>i't»of thJ* Boai'd, there twin* altthfe members in said Board, tbt» TOtk day «f Kuveinbtr A D„ one tltonsKAd eight hunercdand nf!ftety*ix« «fd*HT8.'ftt_Hf.Y. B. tt-HowB, A. 'f, Do^Hift. J .W, CtATl , F. J. idUfbrgui, P,_P0t'Wt»K,

J. PvCryfisitrta**. W, H. Goanpif, S P . MOJMvAX. D x r r s C I J L A K ,

Vf. _ WKVBK, E J,PlfKr,t*, VVAWAPieTcitJiteH!,

STATBitBX't1 o f the Board o f Comity Canvassers o f t h e County of CllnTon Jp relstioii t o t h e vote* « h e * forCOttfttyOftWrs, f lie Board of County 0*nv***ersjof the County

of OlltitonhaviWit met _ th*o_tse 0f the Clerfe «f said Coantj \ on the Jtth day o f Xovemecr. 1896. t o Canv«» and estttnate the votes )?lvcn in t h e several ElectlotiDlstrtuts of said Cattnty, * t the General Bloctlon held on the third d a s of Sfovem-ber. In. the ^ear afore«ald d » <*ertiry as fellows;

I'hatltaDpearaoi* auirU ttrtftoate and canvass that the wJwle nnmtierwf ve>«<« g\ven for t h e of­fice of Ctiunty Judfttik ineliMhnr all balfou en­dorsed "marked for tdenr,lfi«afion" v»a» nine thousand and fortylhrevi CB.04SV of which iHClen L. Sneddon woaWwl s i s thousand

Wtmirt*-tnreewi.< , «.03S Hatvey §, Half n o M y e i i h W t h o u s k n d ten, »,010

«. _ , 9,045 '1'he whole n«mh«rof,l»altet«flOiinted as "mapk-

fidforWcat*noaMo»,''AiMnomtn.Wl for the office of conntv JuditK, w«* twenty-seveH. 2?

The wliaiCnnmher o f ^allyts counted and re-jeisted as 'void". Was one hundred eighty-six. 186 of Cotratr Treanuwr. iwcHadrnlr al l ballots en­dowed -"marked f»«f ^d'-htt!^eat^Ola,^ w a s nine thousand and forty $,OJ0) of which Andrew W _ « & * received alx thonaand fif­

teen, 6,015 Daniel H. B r e n _ reoelved three thousand

tweirty-fiv^, - . ' 3,025 \ 9,040

The whotet inmberof hal lo t#ooontedas"msrk e d f o r _entif idatio«n and oounted tor, t h e office oLCounty Treaanrer, was twenty-aeven, 37

The whole number pf ballot* counted and re­jected at •'volaV? was ono hundred ettrhty-six,. 186

The whole number o f ybtea Riven for the ofitoe of Superlntendeatof the Popn inoludinc all bal­lots endorsed "s_arked for Identification", w a s nine thousand and thirty-six (9,086) of which William D . Skvate reoelved s i x thousand

thirty-seven, - 6VS87 Baward Brno received t w o thousand n ine

hundred ninety-nme, «,»99 _ t ** 6.086 The whole number of ballots counted as "mark­

ed for Identification" and counted for theomoe o t Superintendent o f t h e Poor, was twenty-seven, 27

The whole number of ballots oonmed.and re­jected a s "void," w a s one hundred eighty «rx, 186

The whole whole number o t r o t e s given for the office of cprofter. includm* al l ballot* endorsed "marked for indentlnoatkw," w a s nine thousand and thtrty-jttx {9,068) of which Benjamin F.JJowdass received five thousand

nine hundred etgnty-five, 5,966 Joseph H. LaBooque reoelved three thonsand

and fifty-one, S.06I # Thewhole number of ballots a s "marked for identification1' and. counted for the office of Coro­ner, was twenty-Sevte, «?

The whole number of ballots counted and re­jected as "void", w a s one hundred eighty-six. 186

The whole number o f votes « iveu for the office of School Couualssioaer. including all ballots en­dorsed "marked for identification" was nine thou­sand and forty-three (8,048) of which Seth S. Allen reoelved three tbouaand three

hundred thirteen, ' 8,418 Bentley Turner received one thonaand seven

hundred eighty-seven, 1,787 - t f r e d - Duffy reoelved t w o thonsand s t t -

hundredseventy-seveaf •- A 2,677 Bdward Hoiririns jNweMdtme thousand two

hundred slxty-alxf^/ ijS«

The whole number of ballots counted as "mark­ed for Id4ntifloatlon" and nounted for the offioe ot Presidential JEle tor, was twenty-seven, JJ7

The whole number ,of ballots ennuted and re­jected asf'void", was one hundred eighty-six, 386

We oertlfy this statement to-be correct, and have canted the same to be attested by the-sijtna-tures-ofthethe members of-this Board, there-be­ing aUtw members in said Board, this 10th day of NPvenJberA,D., o w thousand eight hundred

*•* J. P, Cvxxncetux. W . H. GoanoK, S. P. MOBGAN,

DATOS ci4aK, >

.W^t.WiyiK: B. J, PlCKXTT,

'-six. OMBLV, OTT,

and nun JOHKB. S B, WOJ B. S Ho*i, A. T. Boiorr, JOHJ? W. t _ K K , F . J . fOtNBFKLIL P . E . P O O I _ E T

J . P . CDXHIS61M.1C W . H- f lOEDON, S . P , MOBCAW, DATUS CCAUJC, y W.J , , -WXV«B, B, J.-PICKKCT, W j _ _ C X TCXRTEtt.

STAOrBMteNT of the Board of County Canvassers of the County of Clintoninrelatipn to the votes given for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Rep-Tresentatlve In Congress and Associate, Judge xtl the Coufct of Appeals. The Bo#rd of County Canvassers of the County

of Clinton having met at the office ofthe Clerk of said County1, on „ e 10th day of Bovember, 1896, toCanvasji and estimate the rotes given in the several BjeotlonJttrtricta of said County, at-the General Bleotion held on the third day of Novem­ber, the yfcar aforesaid do certify as follows:

Tl_t it appears on such estimate and canvass that the Whole number of votes given for the of­fioe of Governor, including all feaHots endorsed "marked lor identification," was nine thousand onehundnedandeighty-nine(9180)of which Prank S. Black reoelved five thousand nine

hundred sixty-six, 5,966 wuburirJ-Borter' reoelved three thousand

_da_ty-tour,- 8 064 Daniel G-. Oriffia reoetvedflfty-nine, 59 wilham \^, smith reeeived forty-two, 42 Howard HalkainTeoei ved tweTve. ' It Wllb_P,»^irterreoelTedforty-fiivei , 45 8.M. Weejireoelved one, ^ , l

, " 9189 The wadrn number of ballots oounted as "mark­

ed for identification" ana counted for the office of Governor was twenty-seven, 27

The whole number of ballots oounted and re­jected as -f void", was one hundred eighty-six, 186

The whole number pf votes given for the, office ofJJeutenhnr.Governor. inoluding all ballots en­dorsed "marked for identification", was nine thousand one hundred ana eighty-five (9,185) of. which > j ' ; ' Timothy Zj, Wpodruff received Ave thousand

nine hundred seventy-seven, !' 3,977 PredertcklC. Schraub reoelved three thou­

sand and'forty-seven. 3,047 Prederusw. Hiurlchs received fifty-eight, 58 CharletrE (Latimer received forty-three, 48 Prederlck pemiets received twelve, ' _ PredC. Schraub received forty eight, - .48

JOHtT B. TB0XBI.T, B. B. WOWOTT, i K. 8. _ovnt, A. M>a_KT, J. W, C_KK. P. J. _Narxu), i P. Et POCPOJIB, 8TATBMBNT Of The Board of County Canvassers

of the Countjfc-of Clinton in relatirtn tothe TOIes given on the question 4n relation tp the Amend-meat tothe ConstJtntkm, < The Board of County Canva-sers of the Gounty

or Clinton havinrf met at the offioe of the Clerk of said County, on the 10th day of November, 3896, Jo canvass amd .estimate the -votes .srfyenin the

9,048 Thewbole nnmber of h_ots<oounted as "mark­

ed for identification" and oounted far the office pf School Commissioner, was tweuty-sevea, 87

ITwwbol&iiumbBrof baBota counted aad r* jeoted a« "roht^sSs _ s huadMd e ighty^. 186

We oertlf y this statement to be oocceeeVand have caused the same to be attested by the signa­tures of the members of thts Board, there bebir all tbemembersln said Board, this 10th day of November A. D., onethousaad eight hundred and, nlnety-tdi.

Alt Bet Tile— Hap|»| K.< U a * Rt -Of Miss Alitr \ dnms- « H

i t »02 Meiand-r >, RocliMtfr, > \

pleassnifr at SiK A! x »• : -_L« Al|tce Twtnp. 'v':-.; • • di i l t th«j0d Shp |>ad bm-n -••-.. age f»f pain ffoni i' ; ineiabpting the time tl, - -'•• fprrd pain or ai aes u. LMtfpvs. Many w^rp t; TO fistl reli&f, hilt th< r, ; tot her case atii slw *••;•;, i • . tire,* thwi along romc« •"•• to osjpfclolje, D<i.in * K..'.-. half box released the-K.;, :-.," . the aches and bams: 4•- .;-•-herself A slitve "to pajn v . eonttwted U3^ 'Sh**sa\w. relieved of all rhv«iffVti\, pcrffictl,t giron'c;, h*.-*-!'''1' "Sotvi l ld j'*ni u4ke i f - • Young was sskod by •») • •., She tijilkd th'il she f=.;. ;>. wtplicifly, 3 fes Vouns/fi tuatady affected her, sav . •. , were: "Stooping, bpultr,' •-or standing an* length ..: gave inc a pain fn the m-I bad;-a pain in ithe kiiin. and if I cauglrt tnHA >•' : settle thW&f the, pain 1 •>. a very cxhau«it|iBg na-r-u: conW only lie fii'it cai mv !•-.. \ positioH caasfng paitt am] -•. nerves passing «ip my fe<-k: > and thislbrougbt wiaj it tf\ •:•• hut as I said before, Doan *• •lift%'e rcihoved all psin «HI I firely and I never felt belt-1 in toy life,"

Bean's Kidney Pills arc f r ^fe dealers, priw Sit cents, m.Ai'.-; 'ST $% Tifilburn -Co., _\iiJHIo* JX. \ , >,4, tor the United States.


', >»'j ' Si

t ! » {

- a ^ • 'f w |

" hi"


a! '•»(•

i\.''tnpj(-l ' . t f r r j ^ l " i beat

M5S44 _ 2 _2^

v i P < ^ > O C_

Bromley i % Myi , 102-104 ^Hi^garetSfc

mmtia -ft, 'Wit ' thoueadd and i,

W ^ h ^ i » « m r « _ v ^ t _ _ t h c * _ a u d

J * ^ « ^ i _ s l v a d t l s r » » U M S _ u _ » a 4

Jjgnas w _ , _ t _ « » tfuwMH M 1 T

_ _ _ ip„

The whote number of ballots oounted as "mark­ed ft* identification* and counted iot the offioeof Lieutenanl-Goveraor was twenty seven, 27

Thewhojenninber of ballots wanted and re­jected as "Ivoid". was «ne hundred elghtv-hix. 186

The who|e number of vtotes given for the offioe of Asspoiafie Jndgeof the Court of Appeals includ­ing all ballots endorsed "marked lor identifica­tion," wasjnine thousand one hundred eighty-nve X»j|5)ofwfich _ vmgG.Vknn received fi?e thousand nine

-hundred feighty-five. 5,»B5 Kobert C. Titus received tifree thousand and

thirtr-onfe, ^ - 3,081 Spenoer Cilntor received Ity-eight, 58 Btlas Kootrecelved fprtyM-ee, Theodore P Cunpr«oeii«ssrT;w«gre. Xawrence J.JCcPaHin r*#«tt>«d fifty Hrix,

The wholjennmber of balkrta'oeunted as"m_E „f'Tld_tlfleatk»«1»«ud(oo«ntedfortheoflice " Assooiate Judge pf the Court of Appeals w twenty-seven, i rr

The whole nnmber of ballots oounted and rL Jectadas^oW",was<a»ehundredJrightysix, IM r The who^ number of votes given for theofllde of Representative in Congress, inoluding _ b_-W s _ i M "marked for identification1', was six thousand tw,> buadrad and. eleven <«,2ll) of wtaloh f I

Jr., reoelved s/x thousand / I - «, ' 6,105 HW^Woajvedifty-Iv;*, 35 -Hatred fifty, . w

rsoalvedooe, ' - i

WallaoeT, one hi

4Wln«eld . DeMymB. W U _ _

* " * • •


' , ; ', 1 " " * 1

t*J - *.* ,.a_t

-. ' '<: <w!

6JJ11 auMher o f ballots oounted a s ' m s r k -

ttk>e"ando nntedfortheoffiea<>f mConrreas was tweoty - se i eu , ft

« 0 D _ e r ojf b _ o t # < ^ n t e d a B 4 r*J#pt-W4*4MMSS_lMd«fiity^_F 1«6 -Ma f^htmatt^ W s o t . j£S


ia asM Board, tssa u*k _ y o 5



several.ElectionDistrictsofsald County, jat the General Bleotlon. held on the third day of Novem­ber, m theyear aforesaid, do certify ^follows:

That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given in relation to the^iuestipn; ' Shall the proposed amendment toAeotlousevon,'of article seven of the Constitu­tion relating to'the forest Preserve become 'a ^••f'^aoludwgtheballots endorsed "marked for identification.?' were fourthouaand'eight hundred eighty-four Of Which 8> Two thousand 6ns hundred thlrty^teven 8,187

werejriven to the affirmative on the niies-iioK_'Shall the proposed amendment lo

seoQon seven of article seven Of the Oonstl-, tntlon relating to the Porsst Preserve be-' comejflaw?" and of which Two thousand seven hundred forty-seven JS 747

^ereglvenin thenegatireonihe gdestiou: —1— 41384

'Shall the proposed amendment to sect ion seven Of article s e v e n s t h e . Constitution relating t o the Forest Preserve become a law}" The whole number of ballots endorsed "marked

for identification'' were none. T h e whole number o f ballots oounted a n d re­

jec ted as "void" w e r e twenty-seven, 27 W e certify this s tatement t o be »orreer and

have caused the same, t o be attested by the signa­tures of-thamember* of this Board, there being all the membersmsa id Board, this 10th day of November A. D „ o n e thousand eight hundred-and-mneiy-six p

JOBJJ B T R O J I M T , J , P . CnWHINGJtAJl, B:B ^ O M O T T , W . H . G O K D O S , E . S WOWS, S , P . JtoiWJAS, A T . D 0 W I N X , D A T O E C l i J l K , •

-I- y - _ * » — w. h WKVEII. P . J , LBNGrjJMJ, B . J . PiCKBEP.

P. B. Poutw„. W_>i,*(at ri'_KKi». After CumpleOgg thecahTasa thefollpwing res­

olution' wan adopted: fc ™ Whereas. 'I^e Board o f County CanvH^ers of

the CO'wiy of Clinteh having canvassed ihe vol „ oast m t i e several election districts of'sai<i Couii-l o f . m b ^ l ? 9 6 ^ U 0 1 1 h m o a *» 3 ^ ^ " o f

uolwr^ycertiry, determine and declare that Everett O Baker, by the greatest a S e r of vor« was duly elected Memfcer of Assembly in

faudforsAid-oountyitJiiat tucieii. L Sliedden. bv rih« greatest number of TTMPS, was duly ejected County Judge in and for slfd county; that Andrew Williams,, by the xreatest number of votes wa^ duTy elected County Treasurer, in and for'said *ountyj that Wilham IX fiavaVe. by rte SeateTt number of vetes was duly eloped Superintendent ofthe Poor in and for said coiSnty; tlJat Benjamui 5 iP ' i f 1 ! 3 ^£ r th* wwiestntunher of votes was S e l l 6 i W « i n ° h ^ h * m m A f o i ' a i < J « « " * « « _ beth B. Allen by the greatest number of Votes was duly eleotel Schwl Commissioned for M £.'r*t ^°,",,m „ o u < £ Ws*]?^ toa^ tor shid coun­ty; and that Pred E Duffy, by the greatest nmn h^of vot^ twidulv elected^schoo?ctsSuSton-er for the Second ComtmsslonVr District lnAnd ' for^aldcoiinty. and ihatcerUfied copies of such determinations be issued accordingly. Joa*c B. Taojoiiy, j . p CpjuuhOH*M.

B.«, flows:. & p. MOBOAK,

J. V , C-VKK. W. JL WI:VB«: F J. X*NG*_». E. J. PrOKjBJ P.^PocTOajg,, WAi_cKTomo5a. ' . „ . B°a*d of County Canvassers , Dated Noremher 10,1896, 3 ^«»»»«Bers.

There being 110 further business before th«

Tss&RfiSSgg.Kr- «c_r«wssdar H. A. WOOD, Secretary.

' ^ — « — • . - * _ y

Hew' i j^ l t f s ' t " *

<_2f»3?_£S5;f_ifl,r^1 *X>lf***_w«rti for M y , w*?al ' iP^S__I_ 9?"* ""fZ*"•• Toledo S>.

_?!S_¥_.*i __*« «_^W?_

Oh ifdon'tyon know1 the,olaoe to go. Where smiles you'J lajways meet

On every face 5 you'll find the>lace, 1 0 2 Margaret Street*

We have-Crockery rare; beyond eoinpaf£$| WhUihno one can deny*

With Groceries chea ,-SVery line cbmpW To fuBy satisfy, ,'

Bach customer's tasifc and without wa8t|f We try to fill each call.

For "Us the desire, of Bromley & Myers To gain the good-wfliof •«_'

And you will find, Fruits of many kind, With Nuts and Candies sweet,

BgK8*nd Butter fine, on whicih todihe, 1 0 2 _ar*aret streei.

Etifffene Browi * Bn. «|UV1S8TBBET.

Under taker a n d E_DaIi

WANrED.-PhyfeieJan ».-. for ofil "o, with or « ii:.':

location, vvm t <ke 1 u» m*' ' in block. Dr. Melvilie, '." J


I'phoistcrine in alii its Erase


WAITED. »_- Announcements p/ not tiwrr than i t

Air this head, 25 ets.f&rmt iav «"/*. ' " * atkd-thOOforaieeek.auihtoacamiia'.i, thee

WANTED.- S> Rfone Ma^ > at tb« new Pulp am, c.

McCaghy & Llnelwn


"\TrANTK0—At the f-t.r"--T T Street, l ior-e- to h-,.

Two frood men at, c_eiuk--i -t o ollpplng oor&es-

T O kE.NI sA# i-nnoujAcmenih of nut nuf

tfgrlhit hfad, 85 etn. /or OTIC OOJ. . '•>• uad Jl.OO for a week, eanh Co a*' '•••'.

T>OKEST.-A l u s e «,.',u'.: JL Termb redoond^Ie. AM WSUpf


673-tf T«u! ,"»a •'*

' A d ' - ' . ' -_ . • ,:hrtlQ

- • -• \-%

• "'53 >VOB


FOR S A L t . t=!w ^InfwuTi«mt^n/v> «,/ >*>•' *> "

d*r ( k f * f e ( W l , a 5 c t * . for«nr tiai. -«»Ki 81.00 firr a ice-rk. canh .h i- •

FO f i SALS--. — \ b U . 4 M , , toedsL. l i i q u l i , - a i I-; l

Second-Hand YVi'nJt)"*.-; A N U M U E R ^ o f «.!- . , . • •

gooil cuuditi 1 ' f --. cljpaiir. inquire d.t iiii" •,,.ii •

_ _ u V i _ i _ SSSS^J^_*•_!!<»»»• *nd nn-

__«^M»-S^S1S _J^B s r*8W W^S^P V P P flPW _^S^s|.

W H E N IN w *'•;

BRASS OR STKIN . D O S O I K i l l Ti, - i t -

IS. £_. M A


M. A. UIA/. 4 BCHlTECTawlinn 1 „ "V. Hew Blot* u i u i _ M..-.-

rum H%W AWvewtisfi

" T E M P E R A i t u i • _ * « « C « « d » * « * * ' C » * , i ' " ^ ^ A t-aK'

^ V l , ^ ^ ^ ^ U

i.£ . .^B^HI

A"^H ''r^^kV

1 | ' * » , * . , " • • • • • -_E . * * . * HE Jit *• *• * ' K . i * , £ EC * » i * • " * • • iSfe «?« *"•••

tt£ »r,*.» S | #*•-«


f HE Jl'DCf ?

,$fee i»ert«io» i n *.

Jfefftfe thn* ag^ " $ i0 tor t,hi> best «>«.,£

J»4o«t«^ Edit!** -f i t * local ar t i s t ,, IBttiftccatteBtanfe.; »»« wer* »ubtnitte<3 n> th* Judge*.

*fise ^ehtiensen s»>l the merits of y the '*' Ju SI. W « B » . H XV

f f t i t ^ i g ^ and 11.. f h e d e w g t w w e r e »ui

injftwitjineld. fcacii s a t _ 4 tonsicler^ all fully* forming their

/ _ • dnawingit froni tiaw> _ well as «,jp< tbfe^ttrpoee required. to if€*t between two < a f t iw _ve judges r ^UrtiBfaTor^it 'tfte. a» h f -**fc» E r a L, thorefore entitled to t - Her4e*'gaeaih*<h* flgur« holding a wr SqaWBlattve of our «Dd _ the upper righ

^ * jtftat of threa local viev in half fconeengravtn* »e psile yellow and gr»

fh«sd«iign has beet gravers, «_d when fli 1m able to ptifih the< 45Q_l»letioti. The ed pwtly Sf'i) fine i|luat*i

i. -. 1 • I ' - ' . r

Town —P*veral afeittera «

on Nogmal lak0 jestet -^F<wt Bdw*t4 *

iblrlty-five oenb per h

y _ t y to * number of —There wil l he a

th# town board of au * t » o'clock.

—About *fi|i^ yo s pUswwOy entertaine

a € _ r . s _ d _ r e , _ , Sf -J$b6 A . O* P . ht

l og * t fiH>»r rooms ' f s _ n _ b _ i n « w was •* —Urn Wool has -to i r t barn, o a t ^ e t a e <*i_»»dhrhe*«Ko:.

—There wfll ».ot * gtanday school tes cfae

Jfco-_feh^, Mrs. {5amt '2fewYcrk.

— A n e w variety of _ adapted t o be placed <

water, being forced th hjy «fir jBtwatft'

—The Woman's H« tifc^r «re planning a *

" * for the evening of P * i i l be fiijren 3ater.

—Secretary August -1 -' »i»teprl8oacom_lsBl'

Jnepecq'on of county e m part of the state.

— A special Jena of * _ r "Warren county

* t Glens Falls, Judj ^ D I * _enry , presidins

—The ffteamer Ghat decidedly winter app large icicles having paddles from the spra

—No actiost was I chant8> meeting at th* last evening, and at tanen antil Monday e

The Ladies' Aid tiat church cleared |r> fair and apron ,_:• parlors Wednesday »' *ng.

—Crowding a ' ^ : ' inch space i» '• *••* "' Jcec ball into a p^t i s liable to burst. ' -vertiser.

> — A t the M'-U.-.i!.' the pastor will \ >> a. w . , and K»-.v. 'Mi siding elder of tht- .u-7.30 in the ev»*ni ^

•—Don't tiegitct (• - of Colorbat liief.-.ui


b a v e f y o u r •siil.x .u.-'t^ ' wait" by the •••.noi.i.-d artiftts, special) rv «'!•*; »>

i~A gnod jtaiii'r plased tins fafuM theAthletii gn .ui . i ' plains and High '*"''-' of the game »hou,i neae this c >n tei-t

—Miea Evelyn l> drilling a uu'uit.« 1

, > t i k e part m t-i • •••'• "Little Ked KM' /

fij-:- ghusn-at the l'"i- ••< .f<^;''»tvBi.of Colm> .1 ' K^X tre, •J^V -' •^IXesierduiy 11..- r IV'". J®apopan\ .pia. ;• 1 ;;'."- • W h i c h CAM- "i'1'- '"' ' '

^ " ductors. Kail, 'ti'... rS.;.,. ' a M 'the pn « 1.- 'i'» i;&-. atrip. Tins wu.i '"• ^ \ *E»*elUtig put'-!• «,i V-',*... gieelate thus _.?»!>•"" •rK'": ' - ~ T h e ' e n i e r t • t : i . V-;;r 8 . Burdet t lar-t • ^

:v,/'-; St*eet tht-ati> »s"' ->» * : . , l i t * b o attends 1 i