1 ! ' / ?! ' i A5D 11ME& SUCCESSOBITOTHE L. M?R8HON k CO., BlLlSHED EW VOL.. X WILLIAM WESTERVgLT, LEpAD, EDW'D WOOI Sfeiwliiai S a w * M T a, p/;em !>j- e ItabwkV M follow*; ti Alton><7 ud Conmellor >t MOKE, WAWHSOTO.-f, *ftd j HjO,9:1Ca. rn.. 1:47. twlf Stop onBridge Sti, I OfKT.U. atlTW 1 :»lii mj-.it *U liX. ibfeesoa, 2S. 'J!. Swpcise irea la .Piansjffrini iciij- nffcctm JL feaijf,, ciiu 4 i'GUST HCHNEI Ei iCIihami, fcwu, t •*^- j LA/WB BKKAI), Fxs( ' PlB BAKEII, »W Main Blrwrt, Katiwijj)', X. J( 2|«(fl..-,? Kgiti si;cffi-.i- , 7:20. I At 1Ui, r,A% ,'», 1*0, 10:47. a. rrt. 5:*!. Wedding*. Pirtlei, Picnics and (aroUhtd on (be »hort*»t notice, o'doekj Onfcru «olieite<t anil p i aiHC^ iu.;>') jut luu ft, R I. In ui ti. ji; iia (• wi'it in aj!;!;i'jU7.i:ii f.;- J\afii:« ii. ;- f-'.nss fcti ia :»•.« if,, b. m.Wfi, 1:47, 2'A I *!, 0*7, 7^<!. ji. m. S COl'NSELWRH ATIJAW. Boomt, • * & Kirtunjc liuti- c,t Liuiiiirjii;. i S, 12 25, 1*"), 7>00, fe>/i, i ELYS a. in. 12«, l-.«, 2>%, pHAMBERLIN'S I i, 0:07,7:14,7-Vj p. a. Sur. 7 i«j_ »-«Si'- ; f«ti;.-.? v.uuiisx piaiitofi CBEAH BALM im * HBTIITELT RAILROAD KAIIWAY. K. 23, a. rn. l>>i, 7:14. PARK, 12^5. 7«), Tliip Haute is conveniently located foi l bli :tt, 2,50. S:#, 5:U. COT, (jA7AK2n. C6II1S 15 THE H2A2XEAT- iiL'ea ;>tn .:L' HUE iinniiiiu Sy riii:i^u);:i h-S -uutiil i-uli-- JTiVtf i3 ; //f. '"'Jim p the traveling public. d H '•: 4- Cj - : FEVER CATAKP.E.1L HZA13 nOBES' 15 JUi.lL. g Added to this Hotfl for tbc of the! public is a I LUNCH ROQ> meals are served at all lioura A'i, 2:50,' 3:!C, 5:1*, in. Sunday?, 10:ZJ a.ii. u-, ) p, r n * pi. T-.f.r: lii:fl-.met:.T.« K jmuc Ljua.. 1 ;i!cO:nr5Hi Permanent Boird and Lodging for Oen b k tlemca by the week. | ROOMS FOR FAMILIES. i te'S «ra£ If aLUrrl by t»» idre and S-tatioL* x.'-,''V.' 'V ,--V ; " itr.r.its^B-fiC^aziBiiiJi. ig BraDUt ISsi! Kcu..a \ii.! Apjj ht. :•->;.-:> «:tii icr;.; Ujer. i Billiard Room and S t i l e carinccted ,8:13,8-50,8:41,6i J. WOOSTE.H, WM. S. C H A M B E R ^ , livop. '.',i~hi in. w'jiuii lu! !iiir.iiir'iii -rui p.: tla-"! ., j . !j««!i 'lii! fui; JIU,I..:IJ .-.if' jii E"ii:!iu"Uii:n »; /J)'.[L:::.T ii"; irn^i Li LTTT. \ T'jw aj.:iaL r r .".n;i:il i:c vim ;i:i:iii fi JLrn' 'A 'J.111 Fi:i;.:iiuii: lius aH7;»:!HARMESS 1ADE TO ORDEIL :40 a. m. 13:15. i'~.*'<, 7i< HARLES A VERY, fadcitail hues - SI mil Mif -mr DEALER IS Ladies', Gents' and Children's GOOD W0RElU55inP. 3, S i * .fe:41. It >». 1 0 * , 10 A'} a;U'.i ia CimuiiL Oil. di!:: Jil." '?:: -BOOTS ANDSHOES.— K). P-tn. Sandays, "2:15, ~ff>. irfaiTii' .«_. .'_ fLun:iii-!"'i T: ' ^l! 5D A. i . L:-V!, -:f ^ ! J Cherrj- Street, RahwaJ, X. t ,2:45,5i*,Cf«>,6J>:>.7j:O, :40,8:» S i», 8.41.& i», 10 i>j, 10 A-. a. m. 12: 20, G: 0,635. 020,1120,p.m. Sc 1050, 10:40. & m. ,1-2:13, 4>>- T)A ( irp-i / v j i rr 7, ll^p.m. BUOl^ A M ) k> pHRISTlAX EHRIilCH; ^ No. 6S Lnriso STREET, MANUFACTURER OF ij it ud Retail D«jtler q Ali th«Iwit brands of hone diunf«|tiire i MAIN ST., NEAR MILTON AVE.* | ortrd Se?nr?, Tobicco, Snafl, <ftc Aid Kaok- BBOoki.TX, K.V., ai; throujfc tri^i-; at I Jersey City witi U:<-.u .:. ex " afftniin? dlitc: triji^ p •r* articles oi all description*. A Z&^i Srank <JL G«as V.trnS;li: WASHINGTON BALL BUILDING :..:iHJE-3KL tali!!!'!. J '. v IJUXJ, J-|i::(i:uiil: ;:ni!;.(i/; AGENT FOE OERMAXIA BtfBE AXCE COMPANY OF NEW flORK CITT. and Ifrc-m Fxiiton Mrc-c'.. .'ii.'i. 1 . u.i-tb^ j-.7'!!i |i.':i;i; Uf i T'lf f'.-:"':.H:'<:i: liii^i U: i\:t;: jfc ::i J,;i i. ( T:i:rl ii!i::;i;"ii .m x •Jilin :-i;i:i:.".ljjir ui: i:::..:!i'ji::ii|i : .S fe ferri3Jje aid journey acrcfii 7ZU.11S1 T --- -=--" ™- 4 ' i t - n tL* &:«!( CliLIE HOT AIR FCTCiACtS, j EAVE KEW YOES FOR RAE Fire Place Ranges, Tin Roofipg, Ac 0, * i * . 4:10. i iX>. 5*X 5:1'.'. ST Ijftln Stmt, Riiwiy, H. J. 50, 6:10. 6 £0. 7 * } , 7 JK>. s 5. IliXlp. n.liJV.^LL. S- ^T"FAI2 VTi5^ , Si>0 t EL lit). l£0., I .... sisjr: ) p. m . 12li>r.-:_-L-. GECT*" CALF CROLTIJS, i AOEST. • ' 0HDER3PR0MPTLY ATtENDEDTO. c to tiki- StjuiLr.-r :•£ ill wiiiii arJuDi; :.i x !:iLuai:« if ec'JJii ii:?.! in :c 1t.i.iii! .a .JJJII! •:i uci- jun:t4 j;i!r w'jl H:(1 I!!H.-IM lure PnfirroJi u *-:* "h,^ u:a -^j ^.^^ ;^^> ; jrpres triitu. E;; s::;; .3.: i- 11* ohlicttl to tiit i Orders can be left daily at L. Boigmcyer j un to some point wLfo; tie- « rt--ulsr su- TUOMSOX. G«T .1. I). Ik-liiier's. J. Ii. Lamtww's orathl* , ^ , tM Essex Street. ! f pp J. JL. WHITE. ! Jione Juuuiiiii!;..! STABLISHED s^x^ Milton Lake Ice. i:L"!:/!:ij;il ~>j rj.o Dmi\:iiiu;j '-U! oriiiii. ilia : ?f:irjji!:a. H j era sivuhhwr; La *:ii! iniiuirri ti.'ri ui ji: BEHT E. PETTIT, Ss; LINUS HIGII—|— orcessor to J. J. 4 L. lish, is CiWJioiMiTnuiLv lips, i r m . if POST-OFFICE. rrrtii totmy fan c* tjw Ci'j cr LiuicL'i will- Ui! 3i-aii!t-3i- .:i: j'linii: ha TO TAK9 EFFECT OCT, 31s* 1831 j i,- -izytetiz,:*:-. C-x- Prcpri^r ;J! I New York Tirue. ; n _•_.. n ;i nJ 'ff ..f xi"i'iiii;yTTu»T':ii!(L !-:r t iinpiuruui ijivt Jjiil a.: iji; Oi! 3,-j :' Her in •' W'J_J:!1 xtut; jr:c inti kiisu r:iii^._'d ' kin!. T liOHMILLER, -| I MAILS AK1UVE. W Y<|rk.Korth.Lu:.it i mumui: ilut ijtjiiy ..; orncr. : 1 RESTOESCI; I P. O. ADDRESS iBOX !SK , MATTKK-ISES A! t'iidett:ikiiic in till its btjmchcs. XiNn ASII nKr\}nnio u 1 MAIN RTllEKT, liAHWjjv,'S. J. ire 1 kui mi? ;hfltur» i Tin! Hisr'I Du'V'JisiLiir.'i. Cw aii-ut.fil ixl- ±1! :-utainiu:r :n fuutji-f ra; uff xc Ui! ana ii-i.i lie Di.-. 17. G. H-i-ja L hi; r.'yimrs'.i liiu -ie'-'.-rjil pu-liij :!.- in :ili! jr.-Kwr JUMIJIIU wiiiii! ;1, T'ji! y.-iiiiir :• 'i'A x Ujc^'ijjir H!mia£ij.ii. 111 i :L 'iliiti Uu TV.- pm"j w.T!- u'jniiii Huajii. \v-_L ':i; itlcc aad Penh Acslvy,T i"i '" llL-i! '.-J;-"l. :iiu ;ii :::n;n-."iu'.;:'ti •: ^ui| v)ia!;;lunir, x.n! 'j-.ijuiiiii! in! c:ii-|'|i|_: J.'ilili ii nf ,;I»H!| -.vii")! -riii: ;nii'u:(i;: :ua: u. :ui\ r-,;,! Tlii Luri Di.'>vuilk.l-: --vjl Ju l-j-at'l'.i 'J L:t.' ' I i i i ' f j c lilu riimiiuilt!! 1 jt Ji::' if|' iiiil i:r San ff!.-uii.-ih:L-. llwljtpha <usd S^;:h. ts;.j Ui!il iiuj U-.-i 1 ?iui 11 !.-UIU:K:L-. t' 1 '. 1J1 J j —a_i c.r^i(!i-!::mi7 'Ji" r '.-!i! ;«iiinir; i);u> ;';'.'* ! l !i.".!u XL'ui.-muiiiiiiii'i ij" 'lii! Viij-'L't-viiiii-m (i ' ( r.'..':'.. Rris'.o'.. 1 W«t Jtrstr. tzd ^ ^ Hanliarv. liswar* wjj. x 'Jirt'! x-til.'urr .Jf C.'n:i: Kauu. us «Tl«mi«t»_S.u^5nS,_ w . ut f , ;)? r a ; - w -i,,, w .^ i: jt .jmc .j L . via tu.-c' vuiiiiii: un.Ti tliui Iliiifi tji: S Nl(U»OT|jATKI>. frcsn K ; .5i'.\',h. ><•••'- wii T'irii.; Ui! il CHUU]l|>! ll' (>K|.-i('V*!-Uiit>in SO, Siilith Building J (Vrtliuitll $ljvvt. New ; jij-v.'i-i'.I xu •Slilii. MAILS Cl.OSR JfV<t;hAtv.tw, I •>$ .' U< w j r i ^mj)i!ii''iilir ]:'!i.'!.'Jltl'.-t'.i:ilM .'ll Eiiirr-i'li :;rl; .vc 11 t'ijiiduri L'lii'- viluicii. mi I FJS1JH liUl'TOX, ' i^v-vrssr.i.i.nu AT I KW1S< AYKKS, I crfli:K!"} lln'"! ii!'.:a pittlud 'ij.: t ij \ ail! 1, 'd AT:t.A.\"V, I 1 , t^fi'i Lrt-r Purb'i AIvin:!an-!ii;iii:j: .*iiL'!- Rii/i-15-' jiiuiv fc xiu<!!.:£ $-'. : xaii c«.i»t3 : a tJui Muituii!. Siiv Ciiiiwi 1 ,' iv M .lt .li.'H; ;(•".': : 'jiu; risiiit' ")i l liiu itiuiiraiiu! iiJiL'itl:n j£ liiiii inlluuuill: xs 11 r':-il-' >i MASONS CHART JARS $1.25 0DQ2L tt'iiciiiii- I.'JI iXjiiiji"u.'tH Jii.! jinil r.^r n ? « r bitf) ^sJetia*.- t-;m uiii. riifJ» li:wjii{ atoiiii iiiiii ni'.i!Pt |i. ! V-' .'aiiitluai'ii 1 LU.il w»rri •)£ L'fi-li Jiiit. Lx : i!u--7 iiii|:"i 41 :)pi7-uliai.EJuit Lnbii wjjml \v-ui i,nir".-!i in •:i'i>l•maiuKali ami pr'jui; am i:;":. *jiii!t witll. 1 !j"ii! i?£ tili:. U<;IU.T !ii A"i «i;' 'Jiui; Ulu ami j illii fc>'!a 'li 'ccmmit-juii.-alu ! Wt sail liir aallif caiiai;<J :llait lOi.-M CH.I. ILUII. " yu at^juu. •] i it aiTCL'iLriay: tiWE til! •wiium. t|w t-'mfjer-juuu CLX"V l)irvj iii£ iSiJiiaistftt V iiismft tiwij: v:'jiijd(.-!i!iii.-t.-.' Tin: ppiJtiliirdunisi) y i): dii'vu Ulut f.tu/j uihoa," IUJ. trill . T,. M A1W1I & RYNO, !•-• t;w i\ .„ . Srnn..«;mii liuiiuf la ua 'Jj BiuKin -' : fiflr * "w^-iaii; ^ v - T -- , J;l TUIJ: .LimiilJU. t'fic ,in muhiit'jj-.' \<u: dsikv iKuumiwtt cilut tills f a i r ia xujsnuUl' •J'.JUL- MAIM STRUT jfj tai-j cuurs vtt W*1V: «*•'• tfi-viiud li !iii-.ri purUwn. ut tau tun. • '' ' i» apirSiiMiBi-alkiijuuilliiui xra 1 1 l 1 ' : S U,(, ITS AUK, > m ; MONEYORDERS- s «sk«i». i ^ s t j f e *5 nutty itauiL- , iin(a<«llii£i3 v 'i:uiLi;y oi' 'rili: puittp'- 1 p ia Sii! -;ii ii;-? u.- 1 latiL'iu ':u:r tm;.'ii;!Li -aiiL'" i.;':' 'vili; K U Sit'icu yrsw.'iuiy jBt-HJOB went ] iLiJ intotJw a raur.; ui p aS JtluauuUtir Ell ia Din tint* SW- S«Jt~ji«ff mxt *;tdi; of tiium. wem ^'.vugc tar wi>iirt. iiniim- An- ITuii unit 4{rilLEimcjliiu» i Ii 'Cliu ^TiiiuSi»..u p ua i «njt*tiuiisuiiij ai «vj j>i»y«W\>ta {tv&X Wfaiym\ tW 'ti. X. TvJliii:ill!l- MX 1.1.1 iT.-illl ti wanniai: ita tiin «4j!iurt;a£ f t «un CJ,5ia«t^i^r* j iil ftsm "i tui Js iuuii.

s^x^ Milton Lake Ice. Published Semi.' 1W W. L. 87, MlaRSH j, JIIB n BubMrtf uon, BmglaOnpiM, THE Wl/VTKKI lIOAKft OABEJ Juit aa1 wo | prcmo C< praji >iirt liijs granted, (I

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Page 1: s^x^ Milton Lake Ice. Published Semi.' 1W W. L. 87, MlaRSH j, JIIB n BubMrtf uon, BmglaOnpiM, THE Wl/VTKKI lIOAKft OABEJ Juit aa1 wo | prcmo C< praji >iirt liijs granted, (I


• • ! ' /

?! '



L. M?R8HON k CO.,



EDW'D WOOI Sfeiwliiai S a w * M Ta, p/;em !>j-

e ItabwkV M follow*;ti Alton><7 u d Conmellor >tMOKE, WAWHSOTO.-f, *ftd jHjO,9:1Ca. rn.. 1:47. twlf

Stop on Bridge Sti, I OfKT.U. atlTW1 :»lii mj-.it *UliX. ibfeesoa, 2S. 'J!. Sw pcise

irea la .Piansjffriniiciij- nffcctm JL feaijf,, ciiu

4 i'GUST HCHNEIEi iCIihami, fcwu, t

•*^- j LA/WB BKKAI), Fxs(' PlB BAKEII,»W Main Blrwrt, Katiwijj)', X. J(

2|«(fl..-,? K g iti si;cffi-.i-, 7:20.I At 1Ui, r,A%,'», 1*0, 10:47. a. rrt. 5:*!.

Wedding*. Pirtlei, Picnics and(aroUhtd on (be »hort*»t notice,

o'doekj Onfcru «olieite<t anil p

i aiHC iu.;>') jut luuft, R I. In ui ti. ji; iia(• wi'it in aj!;!;i'jU7.i:ii f.;- J\afii:«


;- f-'.nss fcti ia :»•.«

if,, b. m.Wfi, 1:47, 2'A I*!, 0*7, 7^<!. ji. m. SCOl'NSELWRH AT IJAW.

Boomt, • * & Kirtunjc liuti- c,t Liuiiiirjii;. iS, 12 25, 1*"), 7>00, fe>/i, i ELYSa. in. 12«, l-.«, 2>%,pHAMBERLIN'S I i, 0:07,7:14,7-Vj p. a . Sur.

7 i « j_ »-«Si'- ; f«ti;.-.? v.uuiisx piaii to fiCBEAH BALM im*HBTIITELT


KAIIWAY. K.23, a. rn. l>>i, 7:14.

PARK, 12^5. 7«),Tliip Haute is conveniently located foi

l bli:tt, 2,50. S :# , 5:U. COT, (jA7AK2n. C6II1S 15 THE H2A2XEAT-

iiL'ea ;>tn .:L' HUE iinniiiiuSy riii:i^u);:i h-S -uutiil i-uli--

JTiVtf i3;//f.

:£ '"'Jim

pthe traveling public.

d H'•: 4- Cj- : FEVER CATAKP.E.1L

HZA13 • nOBES' 15 JUi.lL.g

Added to this Hotfl for tbcof the! public is a


meals are served at all lioura

A'i, 2:50,' 3:!C, 5:1*,in. Sunday?, 10:ZJ a.ii. u-,

) p, rn * • p i . T-.f.r: l i i : fl-.me t:.T.« Kjmuc Ljua..1;i!cO:nr5Hi

Permanent Boird and Lodging for Oenb ktlemca by the week.


i te'S «ra£ If aLUrrl by t»»idre and S-tatioL*t» • x.'-,''V.' 'V ,--V;" itr.r.its^B-fiC^aziBiiiJi.ig BraDUt ISsi! Kcu..a \ i i . ! A p j j h t . :•->;.-:> «:tii icr;.; Ujer. i

Billiard Room and S t i l e carinccted ,8:13,8-50,8:41,6i J. WOOSTE.H,WM. S. C H A M B E R ^ , livop. '.',i~hi in. w'jiuii lu! !iiir.iiir'iii -rui

p.: tla-"!., j . !j««!i 'lii! fui; JIU,I..:IJ .-.if' jii E"ii:!iu"Uii:n»; /J)'.[L:::.T ii"; irn^i Li LTTT.

\ T'jw aj.:iaL rr.".n;i:il i:c vim ;i:i:iiifi JLrn ' 'A 'J.111 Fi:i;.:iiuii: lius

aH7;»:!HARMESS 1ADE TO ORDEIL:40 a. m. 13:15. i'~.*'<, 7i<

HARLES A VERY,fadcitail hues -

SI mil M if -mr


Ladies', Gents' and Children's GOOD W0RElU55inP.3, S i * . fe :41. It >». 1 0 * , 10 A'}

a;U'.i ia CimuiiL Oil. di!:: Jil." '?::-BOOTS AND SHOES.— K). P-tn. Sandays, "2:15, ~ff>.

irfaiTii' .«_. .'_ fLun:iii-!"'i T:' l!

5D A. i . L:-V!, -:f !

J Cherrj- Street, RahwaJ, X. t,2:45,5i*,Cf«>,6J>:>.7j:O,

:40,8:» S i» , 8.41.& i» , 10 i>j, 10 A-.a. m. 12:20, G: 0,635.020,1120,p.m. Sc1050, 10:40. & m. ,1-2:13, 4>>- T)A ( irp-i / v j i rr

7, l l ^ p . m . BUOl^ A M ) k>


MANUFACTURER OF ijit u d Retail D«jtler q

Ali th« Iwit brands of hone diunf«|tiirei


|ortrd Se?nr?, Tobicco, Snafl, <ftc Aid Kaok-

BBOoki.TX, K.V., ai; throujfc tri^i-;at I Jersey City witi U:<-.u . : .

ex " afftniin? dlitc: triji^

p•r* articles oi all description*. A Z&^i Srank <JL G«as V.trnS;li:


:..:iHJE-3KL tali!!!'!. J '. v IJUXJ, J-|i::(i:uiil: ;:ni!;.(i/;AGENT FOE OERMAXIA BtfBEAXCE COMPANY OF NEW flORK CITT. and Ifrc-m Fxiiton Mrc-c'.. .'ii.'i.1. u.i-tb^ j-.7'!!i |i. ':i;i; Uf i

T'lf f'.-:"':.H:'<:i: liii^i U: i\:t;:jfc ::i J,;i i.(T:i:rl ii!i::;i;"ii .m x •Jilin

:-i;i:i:.".ljjir u i : i:::..:!i'ji::ii|i:.Sfe ferri3Jje aid journey acrcfii

7ZU.11S1T - - - -=--" ™-4 ' i t - n tL* &:«!(CliLIE


Fire Place Ranges, Tin Roofipg, Ac0, * i * . 4:10. i iX>. 5*X 5:1'.'.ST Ijftln Stmt, Riiwiy, H. J.

50, 6:10. 6 £0. 7 * } , 7 JK>. s 5.IliXlp. n . l i J V . ^ L L . S - ^ T " F A I 2 VTi5^, Si>0 t EL l i t ) . l £ 0 . , I .... sisjr:

) p. m . 12li>r.-:_-L-. GECT*" CALFCROLTIJS, i

AOEST. • '

0HDER3PR0MPTLY ATtENDEDTO. c to tiki- StjuiLr.-r:•£ ill

wiiiii arJuDi; :.i x !:iLuai:«if ec'JJii ii:?.! in

:c 1 t.i.iii! . a .JJJII! •:i uci- jun:t4j;i!r w'jl H:(1 I!!H.-IM

lure PnfirroJi u *-:* • "h, u : a -^j .^^ ;^^> ;

jrpres triitu. E ; ; s : : ; ; .3.: i-11* ohlicttl to t i i t iOrders can be left daily at L. Boigmcyer j

un to some point wLfo; tie-« rt--ulsr su-


.1. I). Ik-liiier's. J. Ii. Lamtww's orathl* , ^, tM Essex Street. ! f pp

J.JL. WHITE. ! Jione Juuuiiiii!;..!


s^x^ Milton Lake Ice. i:L"!:/!:ij;il ~>j rj.o Dmi\:iiiu;j '-U! oriiiii. ilia :?f:irjji!:a. H jera sivuhhwr; La *:ii! iniiuirri

ti.'ri ui ji:

BEHT E. PETTIT, Ss;LINUS HIGII—|—orcessor to J. J. 4 L. lish,

is CiWJioiMiTnuiLv lips, i r m . if POST-OFFICE. rrrtii totmy fan c* tjw Ci ' j crLiuicL'i will- Ui! 3i-aii!t-3i- .:i: j ' l inii: ha

TO TAK9 EFFECT OCT, 31s* 1831 j i,- -izy tetiz,:*: -. C-x- Prcpri^r ;J!I New York Tirue. ; n _•_.. n ;i nJ 'ff . . f

xi"i'iiii;yTTu»T':ii!(L !-:rt iinpiuruui ijivt

Jjiil a.: iji; Oi! 3,-j: ' Her in •'

W'J_J:!1 x tut; j r : c inti kiisu r:iii^._'d' kin!.

T liOHMILLER, -| I MAILS AK1UVE.W Y<|rk.Korth.Lu:.it

i mumui: ilut ijtjiiy ..;

orncr.:1 RESTOESCI; I



t'iidett:ikiiic in till its btjmchcs.

XiNn ASII nKr\}nnio

u1 MAIN RTllEKT, liAHWjjv,'S. J.

ire 1 kui mi? ;hfltur»i

Tin! Hisr'I Du'V'JisiLiir.'i. Cw aii-ut.fil ixl- ±1!:-utainiu:r : n fuutji-fra; uff xc Ui! ana ii-i.i

lieDi.-. 17. G. H - i - j a

L hi; r.'yimrs'.i liiu -ie'-'.-rjil pu-liij:!.- in :ili! jr.-Kwr JUMIJIIU wiiiii! ;1,

T'ji! y.-iiiiir:• 'i'A x Ujc^'ijjir H!mia£ij.ii. 111 i

:L 'iliiti Uu TV.- pm"j w.T!- u'jniiiiHuajii. \v-_L ':i;

itlcc aad Penh Acslvy,T i"i '"

llL-i! '.-J;-"l. :iiu ;ii :::n;n-."iu'.;:'ti •:^ u i | v)ia!;;lunir, x . n ! 'j-.ijuiiiii! in! c : i i - | ' | i | _ : J.'ilili i i

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iii 'fjc lilu riimiiuilt!!1 jt Ji::' i f | 'iiiil i:r San ff!.-uii.-ih:L-.

llwljtpha <usd S^;:h.ts;.j Ui!il iiuj U-.-i1 ?iui 11 !.-UIU:K:L-. t'1'.

1J1 Jj —a_i c.r^i(!i-!::mi7 'Ji"r'.-!i! ;«iiinir; i);u> ;';'.'*! l!i.".!u XL'ui.-muiiiiiiii'i ij" 'lii! Viij-'L't-viiiii-m ( i ' (

r.'..':'.. Rris'.o'..

1 W«t Jtrstr. tzd ^ Hanliarv. liswar* w j j . x 'Jirt'! x-til.'urr .Jf C.'n:i: Kauu.us «Tl«mi«t»_S.u^5nS,_ w . u t f, ; )?ra; - w - i , , , w . ^ i : j t .jmc . j L .

via tu.-c' vuiiiiii: un.Ti tliui Iliiifi tji:S Nl(U»OT|jATKI>.

frcsn K;.5i'.\',h. ><•••'- wii T'irii.; Ui!il CHUU]l|>! ll'

(>K|.-i('V*!-Uiit>in SO, Siilith BuildingJ(Vrtliuitll $ljvvt. New ; jij-v.'i-i'.I xu•Slilii.MAILS Cl.OSR

JfV<t;hAtv.tw, I•>$ .' U< w j r i ^mj)i!ii''iilir ]:'!i.'!.'Jltl'.-t'.i:ilM .'ll Eiiirr-i'li :;rl;.vc11 t'ijiiduri L'lii'- viluicii. miI FJS1JH liUl'TOX,

' i^v-vrssr.i.i.nu AT


crfli:K!"} lln'"! ii!'.:a pittlud 'ij.:t i j \ ail! 1, 'dAT:t.A.\"V,

I1, t^fi'i Lrt-r Purb'i A Ivin:!an-!ii;iii:j: .*iiL'!-

Rii/i-15-' jiiuiv fc xiu<!!.:£ $-'.:i« xaii c«.i»t3 :

a tJui Muituii!. Siiv Ciiiiwi1,' ivM.lt .li.'H; ;(•".': :'jiu; risiiit' ")il liiu itiuiiraiiu! iiJiL'itl:n

j£ liiiii inlluuuill: xs 11 r':-il-' >i


tt'iiciiiii- I.'JI iXjiiiji"u.'tH Jii.! jinil r.^r

n?«r bitf) sJetia*.- t- ;m uiii.riifJ» li:wjii{ atoiiiiiiiiii ni ' . i !Pt |i.! V-' .'aiiitluai'ii1 LU.il

w»rri •)£ L'fi-li Jiiit. Lx:i!u--7 iiii|:"i 41:)pi7-uliai.EJuit Lnbii wjjml \v-ui i,nir".-!i in•:i'i>l•maiuKali ami pr'jui; am

i:;":. *jiii!t witll. 1 !j"ii! i?£ tili:. U<;IU.T !ii A"i «i;' 'Jiui; Ulu amij illii fc>'!a 'li 'ccmmit-juii.-alu !W t

sail u» liir aallif caiiai;<J :llait lOi.-M CH.I. ILUII. " y u a t^ juu . •]i it aiTCL'iLriay: tiWE til! •wiium. t|w t-'mfjer-juuu CLX"V l)irvjiii£ iSiJiiaistftt V iiismft tiwij: v:'jiijd(.-!i!iii.-t.-.' Tin: ppiJtiliirdunisi) y

i): dii'vu Ulut f.tu/juihoa," IUJ. t r i l l .T,.

MA1W1I & RYNO,!•-• t;w i\ .„ .

Srnn..«;mii liuiiuf la ua 'Jj

BiuKin - ' : fiflr * " w ^ - i a i i ; ^ v - T - - , J ; l

TUIJ: .LimiilJU. t'fic ,in muhiit'jj-.' \<u:dsikv iKuumiwtt cilut tills f a i r ia xujsnuUl' •J'.JUL- r»

MAIM STRUT jfj tai-j cuurs vtt W*1V: «*•'•

tfi-viiud li !iii-.ri purUwn. ut tautun. • '' ' i» apirSiiMiBi-alkiijuuilliiui xra

1 1 l 1 ' :

S U,(, ITSAUK, > m ;

MONEYORDERS-s «sk«i». i ^ s t j f e *5 nutty itauiL- , iin(a<«llii£i3 v'i:uiLi;y oi' 'rili: puittp'-1 p ia Sii! -;ii ii;-? u.- 1 latiL'iu ':u:r

tm;.'ii;!Li -aiiL'" i . ; ' : ' 'vili; KU Sit'icu yrsw.'iuiy jBt-HJOB went

] i L i JintotJw a raur.; ui p aS JtluauuUtir Ell ia Dintint* SW- S«Jt~ji«ffmxt *;tdi; of tiium. wem '.vugc tarwi>iirt. iiniim- An- ITuii

unit 4{rilLEimcjliiu»i Ii

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«vj j>i»y«W\>ta {tv&X Wfaiym\ t W

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tiin «4j!iurt;a£f t «un


iil ftsm "i tui Js iuuii.

Page 2: s^x^ Milton Lake Ice. Published Semi.' 1W W. L. 87, MlaRSH j, JIIB n BubMrtf uon, BmglaOnpiM, THE Wl/VTKKI lIOAKft OABEJ Juit aa1 wo | prcmo C< praji >iirt liijs granted, (I


Published Semi.'


W. L.87,


j , JIIB n

BubMrtf uon,



Juit aa1 wo |prcmo C<

praji>iirt liijs granted, (I

1,00 PirV


arc leal-ltHoHuo writ

damiu «i piled for by tlio bu rings It ttllutlonto comix I tbo <|lty to ptijiho Watardeficiencies of flart year |tt thoUnfortutiRt«ly,|tlio oplul(i) dicldo, an 'TO lntlmnted it 'Of weol Bmight n6t, DI to tho sup if or die rn4tcrthese (wcurltlw over tije impbonds. iltDltijplydccldu that tl o cturnIs inadctiuntti dven to rnli«|tliat qi es


l c " i i -

Wo miggest to our city wulliorllthoy Htlll porel^t In rcfufiluj; to rciogas their ftuty to! place thotBtlmntw d(

tax lovy, an rutupon ; that j qu

entlal jprorcqulklt<

In t icdecision

clcstivoIsany sctUemantogrco vrilth UB

of lin&n

of the flint.n tills [Kill t.

thoy wUl not concede thisof all concerned to obtttlnrnomeul a judicial adjudThe' Supreme Court Is i ow III BO isionTlio Wiiter Bonrd has mfilo Itstho Cotjucll of the deflcleti

They musIf Ithckfon

It in tht)nt tlJo

cation up*

cies fo:1 th1 Is 0)D09

course by the decision in tliiscasithojbe required to insert lost 5 ear's deflciein the tax levy df this year. Clearly iauthorities -will not ndqpi this dufigetheir professed attempts td settle! area pretense and a sham. ! 1 -

repi rt tcen

d tcBuingyear. MthoCountputting the amount in theltax lory I caihold a special meeting ^njl resolve taatwill not. insert li. Then ty inslr lctinL' tincity attorney to join in any proceldinjthat will at the earliest moment jbrlnjj thmatter before thie court in 3uch ajway6ettle this vexed question the niatte:be submitted at the present term land 1cision will bo rendered in November.


The proceedings in the House bf R< ire-6entatives were interrupted on W|ednei dayby an angry altercation I between Ji dgKelley and Mr. White' of KentuDuring the consideration; of thd Leg sla-tive Appropriation Bill; Itr. White as erted that testimony had bean offered bea Senate Committee shoeing that a >ar-.gain had been made between Ju^ge K( lleyand whisky meni to procure the iassag ! ofthe bonded Hill.: No such testimonyoffered, and Judge Kelley po infojined Mr,Whitej but that jentleman persisted in th(charge, when the Judga | said, with {reatexcitement, "Idenounce!the stiicmei t asthe raving of a rjianiac or la deliberate ie."To which Whitp retorted!, "Yoji ma ' bescoundrel enougji to maki that staternc at.This Colloquy efceurred \fhile tile pawere standing wSthin a few feet ofother, and prodi|ced intense excliemetthe floor. Tho 'offensive | words j werdered to be taktn down,land, after 1read by the Oletik, Mr. Springer jpresc iteca resolution, delinanding liho Spoiiker t> reprimand both parties to itlic cootrov rsyAs the Speaker jwas aboijt submittinj th<question to the jlouse, Judge Kelley oseand, iri a voice rind manner thai eh<he waa deeply rrjoved, spoke as follow




t ie

"I desire, to sny now jhat whjn I1 in a fevf brief months to; tho <'s allotted period three-score

forwardof man'sten; when I remember Iliabears riiy name, land other children t idwife I liavo honored for ttearly a thlrdjqfcentury; when 1 have stood hero payday ami week fljftcr weetber of Congressof me by the titli

jsing itr

I have* son

hearing n t



nnme, spen tingof the high offloo I

won by over twdnty ycarsiof Congresslife—I remember that, until this time,reputation for honesty apefidelity! to tho tjusiness pi

fair doallnjtho Hotim has

been "unchalleniled. Itai lembcring 'hawas due to my children, nty wife iuid myself, I (eel that 1 had a justification in for.getting] for a ihoment, U'liat was di e tothe House. I tjius frankly acknowli dgemy transgression;, I do notjput in n nli 1 ofmercy.! I do \egret tliat J should l|aveBhockcd the eartfloor aid tho s(nsc of propriety! ofcountry!; but In (olng this I say this,I am an old wan |uid a nn n of fletwe;I will tolerato, II, vlolatiw

my chnracter andlly wltuout resei ting anthis is l i words."

The House ren) onded to

ogywailie wou

of my brethren \ on

order and demands froni tho prleskofficer qf U1I9 Hi use, no fuch outrngt

tho fair t wno of nky f

p p , arid vtltli a hiartlneas wlclearly 1 liowM tlut Its syri: patby wisttho Pen lsylvnnia momtxt. Mr.of Marj land, U101 ight Judf

manly 1d not

1st mwimprovoked and unKellty iustlflodUtYiie his name t\remarkJ of botli

for tMr. Mill


ef alrflho dpcli red

8 speech and mdveitho resolution

thoso j ontiometgreeted With ktilftUM. j r . Whlt|ma statorj ent l i dblanatlon of Innandoloiodwjthinipoloj/ to tho jiltand JudgoKellojjwltbdra xa.

Tho tabotiug(for som^ tlmd 1of thetrenltlamoot y) u ft

be expopeople. •tixneTbeHtdionly wl

h&Tg ^

of moiwy to iliaijtithorltleiof AmUlusl \U>d d I I l rt^lt|tjyded InThij

Ivlcg 01lorn ofiwant adoer

of all rule

««t I cin,|

rosolujtioiof Tetasthat ihc

attack or Ju

when i laresolutlon ras

lawes In! )paln ha> 01 sen[ greatly I oci. wifforit}

Duodtlrt tight. Bit .ohhrcachetl that tho^ov

K to furnlili largo





law deitmiIICCOUB

1 an exM plfollowd I9




RAflWAY itlFTY Y^AltB j | 00 ."I1

In »''QtzettAet and Hbtory oft ie Sfa U>of Mew Jeney,' written by Th<m« f.Gordon and pulUhcd by Daplol Font mat Tretltgn, In 1684. we find »n Intwertl igMcount of the Ifohway of lhat time. Ticfollowing ooadoBwtloii from tlmtl articlewill prpre intending to our readore. Ki Iway ittliattlme:consisted of fottrjdcUuhed village*, R&bway proper, north bf Id bltuoD'l branch, Union, Bridgetown ojdLoeivUle, on the | aouth. This din rulty ofttamct, tho report oayi, lod|to tome Irrcj"larlty in tho tradilt of letters to tie tov n,and Induced a With to change IW nanfc;•onto proposed " Athem" for aTbe town'contained about 380 djvclllijgsand 8000 Inhabitants, mostly of Nland oflgln. Tli (a, it was remarked, wouldgive a greater average number of inhallt-anU to a house thaniany other distrlpt in hoState, There wa» "an elegant PrwlChurch built In 1831, a Methodist, liapt st,an African Episcopal Church, aid twoQuaker Mooting Houses, pertaining to heOrthodox and Ulxlte parties. The :Itlzcu<with lilxirallty worthy of high common 1A-tloo, have established a library compiuyadd a Bunday school assoclatt^, w lich mserected a commodious house, sup posed tobo tho first designed exclusively for Sunday

iyt«r an



schools In the world." A secondschool house was about to bo buMethodisU at tliut time. A jo!company had reared the " Alhenii n Academy," spoken of; as a " noble bu Iding 68feet long by 80 feet wide, two stori ;s high;"thd cost of which was $5,000. It was firstopened for literary exercises on the 12thday of August, 1888, by a "neat and ex-citing" address by tho Prcsiden: of theBoard of Trustees of the Inslitu ion, Mr.Robert Lee. The tutors of this seminary

had fixed salaries,and the numberIn the first week of Its existcuce

Sundayit by theit stock

f pupilswas 100.

Besides this institution, Railway! had sixcommon public schools and a very jarge andcommodious literary institution t?ui)t anddirected by Mr. Samuel Oliver.? Therewas also in the town a bank called the"Farmers'and Mechanics," incorporatedIn 1828, with an authorized capital pf $200,000, of which $60,000 had been pt id in tothat date; a fire ongine; a mutual i lsurancecompany; a printing office, from which theRAHWAY ADVOCATE was issued; ! :5 stores;4 taverns; a large building cqlled the"Taurino Factory," originally (designedfor the manufacture of coarse* cfloth andcarpets from cow's hair, but then about tobe employed in the coloring and printingof silk; the "Mammoth Saw Miil, said tobe the largest in the State," beloi giug toMr. Joseph O. Lufbery. The author suitesthat for the supply of this mil! for themonth of September, 1833, "there was inthe river more than $30,000 worthand oak timber;" a 6teauiboat ompany," whose operations will probably

«JOMT of >of

- * . - ' • ' T ' ! ' J * '•

NEWi M wimvifViw [ft

iJ9*pondcntof tlie Newark AdtftUfcwlltttwl it m Hie ccnenl Hut, mi de i rpGomml«il"on Dudley, the folio rln(•ton roll of "L~ f ' "**'- -*•*'•*'ThewritcjiAt the InsUix 0 of CongrOM, the

- i

Vetnionn has hod t rci«the number of ieoi


• » :

Cdidn l«-

onijpoit thn I rol s, tbo annual value prolls mid thuj amount actually paljl,(iiudlng Biireai», for the year entember 4, |1(<6 , and aim sbowinjMated by BtAles and counties.

iy counties hi eachAs a matter of 1;


rengcrncnt islonal dUirfct.following) utix'tnent forgiven:

No, of AimualjPcnsloti- value of! ers. - Petition*.L 4«)i . 04',. 829:. 142.. 108.. 1.V2



Pav'mt nt,with ar -V

Cntnden.!,...Cnpe Ma>|...Cumberland.Gloucester...SalemAtlantic.; . .liurlington..MercerOceanMiddlesex...Momnout))..U n i o n . . . . . .Huiiterdon




Somerset . . . ; . . Hi100104


Suasex...Warren..Ikrgen,.Morris..Passaie..Essex . . .Hudson.






T H E W J : U , S COMET. -Succct fill oilvations of thf Wells comet have jcei n ad.at the Dudley' Observatory at Alljai y, NY., at the tiKjridian transit. T h i n g s ii:tcresting fad; ascertained is that thit comehas a real nucleus. On Sund iy t iis mclem was clearly heen as a brieh ."perfetllround, and sharply defined Hit. c of lijdiIf aotronomcrs elsewhere confirm this ;dicovtry, it will fetttlc the mooteyas to whether, a comet has a realat the centre \>( its mass. The a:ameter of thijs nucleus is aboutters of a second, or, after allowradiation, ubout 200 miles. Tltion of Iloijday shows that HiBtill increasing in brightnos, auVapors which surround the nucleicoming more'dense and abundan!




• ! 2 ,


qtsoli I i ,parx-n^ drei-qdia

rig 1 fw 1i 1


i tha< tlius irei

of pine

xsuperseded by the Jersey railroad now naking;1

5 lumber and coal yards; 1 soap : .nd candie manufactory; 3 bakeries; 2t watch-makers; 4 millinery shops," and extensive manufactories of hats, shoes,boots, carriages, cabinet fumitjire andclothing for export; clocks, earthenware,coach-lace, plated ware for carriages," etc.,etc. On the Rah way river some distanceabove the town, were extensive cottonbleaching and printing works, employingabout 100 hands. The author states that"the amount of capital vested in manufac-tures here and in tho neighborhood is es-timated at $350,090 and the surplus product of the towif at from $1,000,000 to$1,200,000 annually." It is also remarkedthat new stimulus would be givqn to theactivity of the place by the railroad "nowbeing made from Jersey City to NewBrunswick, which will pass through thevillage, and thus bring it within on hour'sjourney of New York City." The villagehad before the railroad was built communication thrice dally with New York bystages and steamboats, via ElizabethtownPoint, and by other conveyances. Thepopulation of Woodbrldge towtjship in1880 was 8,809, and that of Railway township 1,988, making in the two townships inwhich tho village was situated a populationof 5,052; this population, the author states,was thought to have increased li 10,000,in 1833, which, however, ho feared wasoverrated.

ea an'wclv

Tho Khedive has expressed the hope that18,000 Turks will be shortly on their way toEgypt. ATter the reception he liqld Wed-nesday ho informed the Europeuun that heiad divided tho town in districts and hadnade an officer responsible for each. He

said 430 ringleaders of Sunday's riot hadeen arrested and would be placed onoard ship in tho harbor,where thoyiwoulde well guarded. The Turkish vessel which

arrived Wednesday brought Osraaii Bey,Aldodc-Camp of tho Sultan, with ij^tow-

ons for Dervisch Pasha. .A&hThil Sey-nourhas seized the sfenmer Meraiigo toarry fugltivexfrom Egypt Tho numberif Europji»fns killed on Sunday is no v esti-

Many were thrown into thearc being" daily washed a<ihoro.

les Wednesday and five TJiurs-aywerlthus recovered. All the bodiesoar marks of bludgeon or bqyouet

wounds. Bcveral witnesses of Sunday'slot assert that tho rabble) were preceded>y a detachment of gen d'armes;, whorow up in tho middle of!tho sqimrt and

ooked on when tlio lnasiicro begai 1 andiftorwards took part in it. i

Our Canarllan noighborjs aw entitled tolly 0110 on tho score, of makiug a iu IBO IU

ho world, a Now York flrm hwvliigcd, by furnishing to mi ijntcrprislug luru-Jor concorn of tint section what is,\s wo aro nwaro, tho largBst stoam ^hJ«JJon any Indtiatrlnl MtMj||ilim!mUij theWflrld. TliU •wj gtfb'.* Which fltiuulfj fourh»t nlno,-HpfTo9 high, IIM ft k i l t venty

dlumotcr, and is nltnchcil 0 thoby a fottr-lneh counectloui It Is

William Dtnni.-.on. ex Goytrncknown ' as the "War GovenThursday in Columbus, in the C'bistige. In 18^0 and 1801 he was GOhio, and w/is very active in <troops for thq suppression of theHe was chairman of the "' Ohiition " held in 18C2, a delegate tomore Convention of 1SC4, of whichosen Prtsijlenr? and in 1861 hPoitmastcr (Jeneral |n PresidentCabinet, which position he aftc-isigned. In lb74 he wns appoint!the ConmiLssionera for the govtithe DiMrict'of* Columbia, retaposition until July, 1878. His Innnce in public life wus n dtlegiHepublican Kati0n.1l Conventionago, iu 1880. •

The Prince of Wale- has set hireviving the gayely of London, aiwork as if he meant it. Everymay be seen lit one or more thea!morDiug flailiing along the caubis low phaeton, every afternoondriving in the Park. He evidethe i?reat want of life andthe dullness which has been eatinvery heart of,trade and remlcriiudie clacs j>opi)lation so completedent on eacli Dther that the uppeibeen regarded its of uo use in tlmovement. The Prince aims

or,"t h y tor 0

g{etiell• Conhe B:h lie: liecLiurfwardsd OIK

it apj'jcai'Ie to j tin:it Chic

lion,r into

classegei: nota

else than to rtstore the balance, and re ult=the upper ten as dependent ontrade aa hitherto been dependent

Kentucky has one connectingthe ante bellum days in the sha[:grant law which "enables herperson for the term of one yearbe convicted under it. WcdnseHanson, a colored man, was thu;into bondage. He was put upauction and brought the magniliof $2. A great number of nc%present, and their comments onwerfl very nmusiug. One old daifrosty hair remarked: "Look (folks, look out; you start elis heaagin and iheic'll'be anothtr 'belliiAnother, said: "Why dat ui;coimt; I wouldn't give live centsI'd consider n nickel frowd away

The funeral took place at Al.'xamVa., Wednesday last of Colonel WilR. McLean, who had the singula furto own aod reside upon the field.- ofRun and Apponiattox when the tmet at those places at the beginend of tl* war. After Bull Hu.paling continued hostilities in thborhood.he bought a farm nearpoinaltox river, to which he renfamily. It was on this farm thatLee completed the.formal act of;Colonel McLean formed Generaacquaintance there, and ever tilwas Ins warm political supporter.

The Brewers' Convention, \vhi<Chicago sonic time ago, resolved.|>os« woman, suffrage everywluwavs." The theory that " wl/las'tlit ' "libitioiirewcj

and t

1:ballot .she will vote srflkl" is the ground tuleiias a reason for tlWlr rtwoman's vote in rlvans

of Oiii





nighes, c

•ewajridinitly i

thill id

trtid: ason1 tl em.

inkof a

•> t e l l

vholay Jdelivit p i•entoes \the

key Till:ut1 busi•11, s u

unii'tforon h.







h in

ollcrmado entirely of composition (bronte), nndis highly flnlaliod all over. It Will ;n quirei liberal battery of bollur* to sup|>!jr thosteam for au oxttiuded j'toot,!- w j thomtule will undoubtedly s^und chatji |ug—tnmaditHApo, Weheajrtlly ayrnjpkhUe

ho live ti i thoIbis v,hU Jo Is

dianiiiwhere the twentv-twor Ifensc and 2,420 aliiiuSt it,

(leuef tlmt their point' is wLJiif't rc«)lutiou is highly complto woman anil is a new and streugai


ioUitrille,en v. 1(11


tnctit iu favor of giving her theSuffrage.

Josh Billings and wife nreUtkiufashioned journey, having started8 to drive, in their own carriage ftYork Citv to the White Mountain:reached Littleton, N. H., the otand stopped fe>r u few elays' reswill then harness up and drive 1Glen House, where thoy intendthe summer.

A largely attended ConventionCd men of Kentucky has just elosislon In Lexington. KcsolutioadopU'd declaring tlmt colored meiuid eijual cltixoiis of the Uuhetl Sentitled to idl tho priviloires enjihoirwhitu brethren;also, that thion for tho education- of coloredu iumlcijunte.

Tho death is aimo'inced in Emtho ago of 102, of John Moorinijtho now few survivors of the"

whichtho Tl

a few months ago lie rctaiuirccollcotjlon of all tho events of thOrablt) djiy,

C. Dickertjoi), a resident ot_.tnv J«rseyJ died on Wednesday,drophobln, me result of lielng bitrobld dog about nl.i week* ago.

A nionument was unveiled in (•last week to the memory of Colo;incc M. Cornya, the!" fightingtbo Tenth Missouri Cavalry.

If 'tho AUanla Conttitulion sp< ikIf !tho Atla 0 M w n sptwctlj, more reaperi hare beonOeonrlathU je«r than tbo «atir|)belt poaaeisea one year ago.


•Tl to

if ico or-es-




and, HtOfOf

vasuullt -er.

c carit








¥ or-al


, no 4D<9|*,-1815.jl||el»fit"181. ij

iad p»rjdric«f " Uujlhrfot w U


w*ririi boiW l

iad p»rjdric«f Uujl w*r.... a r, or charfot, waa Ufcen at W Herl<»udlwi»tamolM to the VHaee B« gent ofIng! at d. 1/y wli nn It wa« fioM to 1 IT. Bol-wfc f)f $12^«). Iter«kB«illyf<raDdiUmy tc Madam* !TtJ**»udV Wax-w »rk Ex-ibiiloi, I-ondwt, wliereh may Mill beten This yetf ctrrioud ano coi renlenbar (A of the ;F5r« Kmp«fr/rjwa» /uilt byymoris of I!nU»tli, for line «u*i tn cam-sign, and Is iaijtpttd for1 thelTaii >us pur-

bmc 1 of a pan ry awl a kitchen, for It ha»lac * .for JioItiDg and preparing refresb-lerfi, whlcli, 1<y the aid of a: lam ?, could* heated in tbt carriage. lt«!rredalKor ji bed-roomj a dre««inir-rooin, au office,

(ttc.i: The «al l i idirided ftto two I y a par-jjitidn alwut sixilncbcs hifb. The exterior6f this ingenloujsivehicJe 5 of the f Mm antt intensions of jojur large coaches excepiha); It L&g a projection In front of a *>ut tw<etl tl»e right half of which La o{* D to tb(

jnsjdc to receive (he fe«t,thus form; ng a betrljile the left hpnd half contained, a storif! varic/u» ui*f til things. BejOEdj the proeitinn in froBtirtnd neartr to th,(is the et-at for the coachman, iag'Jntrived to as ip wtvent the dn

horses,eniouil.tat from

iewing the IdttrioT ofthecarriage.au-(t so placed ak: to afford those Wilhin:lear sight of iiie horses and ofllhe fcur-funding cotmtjry. Ikrneath th iska t uCaptaole for a: box, nbout 2f feet In lengtitid 4 inches detp, containing a fjtdtttac»f polished steel, which couW \>e fitted u(n a couple of minutes. Over \ht fronvindows ia a roller-blind Of strong! paintee4nvas, which, when pulled out, iicludet•a1 in, wbilcwt tidmitled »ir. friiiis miglfjt an advaiitngtous appendage toi our ]IKidntcar windows as well as carriages) Ohe ceiling of (lie carriajjc i» a het-worreir c;irr)'ing small traveling rtejuiijitej. 11 recess there WLS a secretaire 19 by 1itches, which contained nearly a'hundrcirlides presented to Napoleon I. py Mari;UiuUc, under who^e care it was intted up

every lulun' and convenience thai.•ould be imagiucd. It contained, besides(be u-.tial' requisites for a dres+ing !x>xkno=t of ivliich were of solid : gold,hitigiiificent breakfast service, with plates,pandle-sticks, knives, forks, BDOOIIS,-plritlamp for making breakfast iIhe carriaire, gold case for Napoleon's, golWiishhand basib, ft number of esteuce lx)ilc*, perfume*, und an almost infinite var

jety of minute articles, down Jo piu=,' ? , thread and tiik. Each of, these ar

gs, wa« fitttil into recesses most ingenotlsly contrived, and made in the soliea-uod, in which they were packed! close toether, and many one within the other, i

tueli a narrow.ipace that on seeing therirranged, it apjieare-d imim&sible for them?vei to Ix: put into so small a coinria&s. Ahe bottom of bis toilet-box, in divided re•esses, were found 2,000 gold N|ipoleoii7,700); on the top of it were wriiinfr maeriiilM, a lookinfr-glat-->, combs, etc., a lujuoian- which had 'two bottles, one of Mulaj;tvine, the other of rum; 11 silver sjmdwicl)ox, c.'intainint! a plate,: knives, i\Hy<mlepjier mid talt-boxes, inu«t8rd-];>ot, de•anter, gla-^ei, etc.; a wtrdrobe, writinjr-e>k. nia'|ps tele-.Tt-opes, arms, etc. ;;a largeilvcr clinnioiiK-ter, by which the watcheif the army were regulated; two merlinnattrts=cs,"(i given velvet traveling dip,ils'i a diainoucl head-dress (liard), hatwonl, uniform, and an imperial mantle,:tc.

M. Koustan, the newly nppointtil >Iin-hter'of P'rauec to the t'niteel States, ar-iveil in New York Thumiay morning inhe- ttcamer Labrador, froni Havre.J Alumcroui party of gentlemen, includinghe French Consul and Vice Consul GenMl,1 met him at Sandy Hook with a steamug chartered for the purpose, and brought

him up to the city, whe^e on landing hewas warmly welpomed bv !M. Max Oulray,whom he sucooet'j ,«t. Yifaslkington. Theparty then entered carHages and wereIriven to the Brevoort House, where thtliui.-ter will remain a few days prior t<iis departure for the scat of Government

A VEXED 'CLERGYMAN.Even the patience of Job would 4)eeomc

xhausted were lie a preacher »nd endeavor-ng to interest his nudicnoo while they wcri

Keeping up an incessant coughing, makingIt impossible for him to l>e heard. Yet,low very easy can all this l>€ avoided bySimply using Dr. King's Now Discoveryfor Consumption. Coughs and Coleh. Trialliottk^s given away by all Druggists.

In oue let there are four calves and inanother two young men with their haiparted iu the centre. Haw many calves inall !

" BUCHUPAHUA."New, (juick, complete cure 4 days, urin

a'ry affections, bmnrting, frequent or difti:tiou, kidney disea.'ts. $1, at drugsists.•rejiaid by esiiress, •1.25, 6 for | 5 . "E. 8VKLI.S, Jersey (Sty, N. j .

Toiled criticism: First ludy^—"Denr menever faw Mrs. Potts look so pale." Stcml lady—" Xorl ; .'he's probably bet-u oul

the Tain without an unvlia'lln.'

! HO, FOR THE COUNTHY.! At this season Of the year when people

IIJV l>eginning to think of ; the relaxation"om the trying labors;of the past year,:i|id "take tfieiiiH'lves'.' io the country,lonntnins, or seesidc, there is one thing,iey should not fprgct, tuiil that is to pro-

mle ihemsselves with a sypply of IPONU'SXTKACT. In vdry manyj ca^.s acilidcutsill happen, sultlen atliicis of _si(:kneill occur, wouujls, bmi? : j . Hprniiii, Ax ,ill be n-cdved, find for Well Po.sn'fl Ex-fi.M>T is the tine great rt-e.

ises.nf diarrhifit and et service.

A pirn1 ofii

p j p ,vn, puintiug ;to a dritjkiug st'enii. "1Id rather cajl it denjijohnre swue, '

g specitic.ofic it is also of

paiiit.ina;," reitiarkedd i j k i 1

levelation sui^esls th.11111 comes thu powe'ill's head." The wo:

idea that: fromto " bruise the

its take 11 n«wiug to-day since this |s precisely whatLyiiia E. Pinkbam'a iHumedies do forhysically distjasetl pati eut. Her Vego

Compouud.es of the evil.

R'aches the ultimateIts nc iuu is gtutle uhd

less, but is more pcjirerful than theof Hercules.—&i:ar.

To Edwin S. Eldrielge.lr| lt;i-, his wifo. 15y vi

Court of Chanceryr tiid

ti( lany of Nawatkdjtl


on the day of the (ate hcreei,wherein The Merc iwits, Insurance

Nk l

und Murllia L.rtuo of an orelerof N wyjr«.>y.

reof, in a

complainantslondauts you are


gtieityou.'atvclose aimorj-

ti LEli

ou and others an- de.0 appear, pUad, inswer ordemur

bill of said tfireplaii: ants on or lieforviL-1 Inetecnth dnj of July next or thje said1 vill be taken as confesetl agiunsiyou.Ti e said bill is filed lo breel

irivcu by Tlkimtis P vutisX. Preutis, his wife, to the coniplain-under the njanut of Tlio llertjuauts'lal Iiisuruiu^ C'ompi ny datcdi April

on' laniU in the City of Hahway.1 vcorded iu the Clerk' 1 Office of I Union'tlfty.in Uwk 2^of niorti ages,pag»j 70 etc.

* , Edwin a. Eldrii jre, are made aItfeitUnt l)ec!tU» you lippear in the

H)id as the owner of »ii I prejnis)»; andMartha L. Hdridce, «re mude a de-int because tou as \ht wifo (iof saidn & EldriJw m»y (laim an Inchoateof dower Tb »i*d 1'reraises. Dated

TtrswoHT a * MAUSII,• Bolrtof Cowpl't,

St, Kewark, N. J.


nun;what pafticalaiU o * BrtTMts

It willysi$, Dropsy,lumption, Vyt]


ill cure II cart Viitise,Kilney

and ill umilar

I u wonderfu

limply becauue

richel the blood

the foosditioD,

t t e system, driv

h Lad; CuredBajiimor


Efcn.jcaittljr t atevl to myJ axa new miam tminindutifully n

I cassotan. Mo.

people art adrfagtroubles 6good for..

,F*nl-Dvs«ast, Con-

, Khttinntran,

powtr uii purifjei and en-thui bcgmtuii^ it

ind by bnildiDg nprsout allditcate.

of Rheumatism.; Mi., M»T J. '«*=.

whra I .rcn Billcn. UM I

UUlie tiiird btxxle ind I

ura.jth d i r .

y tvi each in

Kidney Oiseae Cured., Va., '&<•


Goods Store.and CHERRY Sis..


1 - SPRING AND SUMMERDiress (iobd


5.000 yds. bf dresd goods, !fc.,; 8 c ,• 5,000 " I I" : " r |I5e..

All Wool puitifigs, 2-5t, 2{jc.,i3-JC.,<-Jrs.4<tc.,5Oc.,C>c-JTIJC., aud SDcja yavitcd, al«o a splendid aaiortmejut «f EUI

3 • Department.

0c., 12t a y d18c., 20c., 2-x:., a yd.40C. DuubkfoM CiJiti;cre VA IiLi:id, splendid value at each price, comfmet cloakin;:s acd fancy CaEuc!:.

Calicoes, Camt rics and Momies.j10.000yds. oifcaljto«-,5c.,to,7l.,8c yd, 5.000Ciiubne aadMoa.feat lfe, 12!

5c., t yd. Fjimitiire calieotit 8cj, 0c 10c. Cretoac-i loc. 22c., t>c, b«. &o^,.

So(fcri.-.g Uom Vi£n*T dlcnefrom wti<i I c^Jd e « no niirf, IHied hiuvTf j Iron Eilwn, vhkhciirtd cc c^afictcly. A cl3d olmint, ncar<nci froa icanet feTer,had no appetite and did nst KCSI tobe aUe u eat it all. Ig»»eh«alreaBiittn »iih ih: hapj-ieH reuJtt.

J. Krtx tiusiux*.

Heart Disease.


Vte St., Hairubunr, f*.Der_j, .Mi.

frer tryitj differed phjridaistasd iLacy re=td^i Ut paSfiaiiaxcf tie heart: witfceut rauinaf aajrtoKfil. I was adrjed to o r Brmrn'iItza Bitten. I hare t*od t>ra l « -tlcs aid teter tund aljihilg thai£a«e nie so uuch rtliel

l !n. JiMtll Hiss.

For the pectdiar troublei to whichUdies are subjea, BROWN'S Ito.HBITTEKJ is invaluable. Tiy it.

Be sure and get the Genuine,

<-acb. Pillow mil- ius mdl fhattir(^s —n , —t e d unWeachtil. Tabk ' anJ ttair 4ilclol^i. uli i te and colored.

a ' Gent's

«fc LACES.

Lwlica' Gents and aii ldrc-ri i l loitcry, latest style 5c., » pi i r to 50c., £o\\-~ i:il is le thread, lace tfa t ad silk frotc 10c-., up. W e keep the bon tou kid glove audh ld h f ver 5 years ; (bey amno t be beat for tl.c price, o tuitions SlW

fi t i t of b i and n b r i d r i « C)ur i to t of

lisle thread, lachave told them for over 5 years ; (bey amn4 Imttons $1.20. A, fine aasortmeit of bcei and nubruidt-ri«.toods-art thfl fiuclit. shottu io Ijalinay.. the pattered are tewlowest. j j

C)ur itot* of tatd the pnei-i

j j



$0.76. $1.OO. $1.25.1 i

Our Unlaundrij-cl Shirt pt |$1.00 i? the best article in the market.


Carpets,2,000 yards of

OUclotbs.; Mattings, Druggets, and Rugrs.ngs j w t 0 itiud in While, lied Check iudFuticit?. /roni 15c. to

>y the pidce. A good white Jlattir.:: $5l«j uprice touched vi-!. .O;lclo:h.«. the Li^tit s!

arJ. D.-u^r!.-, Ki;_.,



uv for env.- of tLe l^rpt-t Cr i i t t HIMto order thri-'.iL.:li !

1845. 1882.i.t ie


MUTUAL BENEFITLife Insurance Co.,

MEWARK, \ . i.

50c. ]Kf janl ; a r<iliu tionof 40 yntd-i. This i- thetown, "4-4, 54, C 4. 6-4. from 25c. to 50c.

| Door Mais in grtlt Variety. jI CAI5PETS.—I tin tolling-agjriit for[in New York. Tto><:- who wanf a goo<l carpet, it will jay thtm to ortk-f You are suru lo get i fn-rh cii|pri[ because they cjiuio: jrivt me old itixlioulj {.'•'•ods that nrt- iiiuking iu'tht IWJIUS til tin- time, mid (-11 W- ui^tcluoue year. I t t l l ; at New Y<irk| prict-i. and guar-intu- l ie price Ui-.- lowest furpxKls. The U i t : E i t m Suj*r. All-Woo! Ingrain U S-JC. a yard. If >ULI K*V.:etirptt liiiuk- it cf<-ts oc. a \farj for making. 1 can get the t-arpvt for \ on t'..<than vuii can go til Xcv.- Y'ork'.anil get it. You ta\e >uur fare. e\i'C-u~t.-, a^d in,-jand i deliver"the'c-.irpet to jour home fret of «;•«*.• c'.uf^\: tt:u-.~A~ Caij6.3c, M e , and 01.CO [ t r yard.!

(.'ill and K-t- jmy tainpU*. ;None but gcxxl goods sold from £.:Li;-!.-. t i . : .I kn.-l> iu Stock at 2-jjiu. J HOci, 3-x-., tflc., and 50c. per \ ard.

Agtut for Butttrick'fi PuMertjs. Dclidedtor, 15c. Large Fa^liiou Bo.iU^i-x-. CLj'uud lujnthly tht-ets free, |by calling at the Store

; in-1.1

AMZI DODD, President.JAUE-S B. PEARSON. Vice-l'rrtidf^:.EDWARD L. DuBBIN>, i-icitliry.


: f j r

t i .e •


Pa id Pol lcr - l lo ldem «ince Organl ta-lion lo 1845:

Policy Claims *33.W2.393 SIDividends 28,0^.510 07Surrendered Policies 9,200, HO 04

Corner Dry Goods Store, Main and Cherry Sts.A. WALLACE, Proprietor.

Total $71,183,051 «

The Befelpts for Interest hare be«n \?14,655,015 21 more than enough to jp»> all expenses and mien. i

AsseU, Market Value ^»,6W.4OC ^3 jLiabilities, New York Stand- j

ard JO,C*5,20O 40 1


THE PAINTER,Surplus $.3,158,100 77

Why ran the risk of forfvitcrrJ as why* tru;*. t,.,the unceriainties of the L'seiticil I'jn* 'whec JH-JCan gl't ABSOLUTE1.V KOX-ruIJ-LlTABLB Es l lUMtat tie LOV,-£JT s t r tv^r in Tui: MITCAL HtNtyirLIFE lx<caA>cECOXPAXT. of Ntwirk. New Jir.-.'>.

A paily insuring it age Sj en U.c lunciJ lift jUn,can hJTc:

Oviui 4 TEAiti' injuriuct fur 2 *Bir--p.'ciaiui.>.OVEJ; 10 YEAKb' [nsumt.ee fvr 5 TEAR=' p-i:ni

tlEU.Ovra 2 0 viiKi' insatuce (,,.- 10 YIAIIS' ),n

niiuuw.An yvu imurtj f If no:, leek ui«a the [jtcturo

af a fimily brunght up in comfort, nhos; ti^^ai..!and ftither his died, ainl left tl,,m flee 10 fice v^iiijK)verty «M1 want; and then look Ui«m thjt o'.h,:ilicture, whc»« lite tuitaud at.il fatl.i r his pat u:fe

HMll portion of his imi.ii'.e, »nd Irfft a l<'licj fur85,000or JW.OOO. Whirh I.- Hit tti^litcr i Ictcre.Uid whicb v&s Uie nobUr nun! Am \vu ii.tuu 11Who can Riy 110, and not fee! tljt one uf the ^K\\t-t duties of life hij U.xl\ left urduUe?

JOHN D. 1IOF1', UUIrlcl Aceut,l lubua), N. J.




Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging.

To tlie Citizens of Railway,THE UNDERSIGNED

ishea to iufonn the public that he lias:tkeu charge of the

Tin, Slate and MetalRoofing Department,•f Mr. W. II. C'loke's biisini^ and willa-rcafter conduct it uuder hi* own personalsupervision. Having worked for UfttvliI't'Urt at tbe Tinning and Roonfifj busincstii|K>n the Vanderbilt. Attor and LorillardMates, he feels sure that in even" case heA'ill l>e able to give the most completeiltisfaction. 'flic buiiuess will be casriediu at the store foruu-rly occupied by'liiliji Browu. at

151 & 153 Main Street,here he -will t>e pleased to we anv ouusving work in his line.


paired at short uotice and a oon&pk-teline of repauis for thea> articUs alwiy-3 o«hand. Lawn Mowers and Macblntirj' ofall kinds rtpaireU.


I IFii>t chijfs work jit na-utialilc rat* -.


Joardway,!t ofliabU

saidc iu-


Xolico 19 hereby given Uliat theif City Assesiors for tlie city of RailwayHire-completed the Assvsslnent L:tad Estate aud Personal Propertyto taiatiouin said city, and that thtvsscasment list will be open for puiilBpcction. examination and correctla is,Ueflfflce of Mid Board, in City llallDN THURSDAY, THE 8TI1 DA1

; . JUNE, 18S8,Wtweea the hours of 3 and 5 o'and every day thereafter betweenhour* (Sundays excepted)JjNTIL THURSDAY, JUNE29TH


, N. X, Jane 9,188?


A lirsc itutkJJ KITCHEN alud TABLEW A R E uuj- bi- (oand &t ktiv jirlce*. ]




fiithoif-Phiiu. lpecoi-utcHl o r Gild.A uioe »««ortiai.>at of '

; MAJOLICA WARE,; ir.d a full line of





Mhich \yill nbcomr lth 'all a, coal stove canwifholit heating the UQase

A FULL LlilEOI- CftANITE WARE.m u s MtisAoa wuts.

SHADE nZTPESS, TOTS, AC.j A lartje lotpf useful articles . n the Fire

Cent j Counter, i


EARS MILLION!Po5ltir«ty Restores the He»rtnj, md b the Only

AbsoluU Cur« for Dtifctss Known.

OXDILITII0 H 3 " • I t s T i r t 0 «


IMesl about ihe jtir H10. Iu curt. »«,•*«,,,„

tire Bnp:rc > ua aK beamo 10 amitml th*: 5or

Hear What the Deaf Say.I h±* P* r fonned

k» mirack in «IJ ca«.

I hite be*n grvai

itjXECUTOK-SSETTLEMEST. Notice: j " is hereby given, That the account of«ie subscriber one of the Eiecutore ofJoanna H. Edgar, deceased, wUl beaudited and Mated by the Surrogate, andreported for settlement to th« Orphan*Court of Uie Gjunty of Union on Wednei"

* t


> yf'

r >


Ti. .. • ' !


ti.'.- 1..-.;

t Li' V,




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A t;-;-otr..::; fo:-

11:11 oil T 1nTlI:I

Arvivt-i 1Fi.n- t

L T t y . f O ;

ton. ^!..'fri'in otlit-.Wiie r . i ' . •

' lirfore 111the Or.iu It:C CX)HCfur theirMf.lt Ot! I


Page 3: s^x^ Milton Lake Ice. Published Semi.' 1W W. L. 87, MlaRSH j, JIIB n BubMrtf uon, BmglaOnpiM, THE Wl/VTKKI lIOAKft OABEJ Juit aa1 wo | prcmo C< praji >iirt liijs granted, (I

- I

i . i-31




( 1t J,


Ivo moreYclrk M1<1 Loitha Pennnylvi

Ja 1 on TUWKIce Jlarrlma

Phcrt arc


trains to run t,ig llrnncli ate toUIR Itollrond'nox

liomiw Hi^llWiui WMay for mintingIn tlio dlochargo

wo more blnyit'happy jiowwworit liclna Mgetl, noli of tho ]Usv, J, A,

[Tlio plcnl<:D. ii Hi

lnilny.l l

and nthletlv (Afwwktlon wl

Tlio occivloiilni: one.


rjoorce I5r6wn, of Paterson,atloi) with purticN In Moturlimitic n of tho U'hlgh nnd I'ehnuwi y«, for tin) cutuhllshinciit otli:ro.

krry rot*, 0 . A, K., 1*1(Her*1 plot In HiiMlwoof

ptktwl In cxotlleut order. ItVery liciit njipenrntifif! whennlK nre all innilc.

[Ail entertlilnnicnt will 1»FJrat M. K, Church on TIICBJ!

ixt, I t tr , Adam Ohntiiberntltt! " Pilgrim's VtogvvkH," inNJ Iiiugfmn) will render imimic, An iidiiilRsioii fee of1) charged.

'.D, Hartley, of Wcstflcld, ii, committed suicide In Vf

since. Decensed wiw;>nt ten days ago. Hejiadn]) y g

position, nnrl tlio last placeIchgtU of tllnc was nt Flei;

• w|w a brother of 'Sijuire Kacll<

C. II:J imior Vice-L'ominiimlcr Plili

Harry Prtst, will aiteudEncampment of the Granditcpublic which wll|»bc heldntxt week, they helng med:^iifl.

i An adjourned meetingholders of the Union and Midjtiies' Mutual Agricultural As:hbld ycatenUy, at 'J p. m., oulof the Association, to ieeej|committee appointed Junepkirp

ioac of

' off the flouting fndebte.dij

• The Mayor elsewhere publishes his proc-lamation against allowing mjnuz/.icdto run at large. "Purps" i.•ill thereforeeither appear in full summer llress or rj-tirelif secluded summer reports i'nr from.thehjuinU of man. There is a!|o a proclama-tion which deeply concern* tin; win!! "H k in reference to regulul on dre.«l| forbathers.

I The Clerk, of 'the Board


, plaeo|

WC«K, j

the (Jo<

f l l /

liggett,! jili'd

tuts (if thetnko (Inco

jubt m I tw

* in milit!




igb|<rr of

wdrtJlid 1




;cd st'Viclaiid ii Wcsl

Miller:> II. Tiie Nat

Army o!i Daltiiliiers ol!




I*by(/fiiindijM'JS iinilhiutdurirf


the si >ck-lesex 0 mnelation i Wiishe groundse rcpoijt ofid, for

stock siiliscriptiois tod b d j


inissioiier.i lijus been busy th'I blowing ojit " the hydrantiiiig the city water cousidciiirjot know if this was donethe suggestion iu our issutjlist, but if s|i we acknowledge with thjnnks:|ie prompt

: Wnjcr (!om-past wci k in

, thus purifylily. W : do

iu response loSaturday

attention the rtfallcr hafj


on4 this willkind lx:forcf

re-cbived, as, ijideed, il necdedjj

' J ', ' the |aus-rJicea of thettrian churcjh will lie heldlin the Lecture

'hursday cveniijig, Junebe the last iisstmblftge of thethe departure j of the Pistor

for Europe, jit is expected tlliit there will besi large attendance. The 'Church (jhoir•il l give Bpme musical (elections, i Ice(jrf'm and- other refreshments wil 1)0irved . Admission fee 10; cents. EoorsOpen at C o'clock. i

j-Tlie strawberry and ice| cream festivalgiven hy theWom'en'sChristijanTeinpennceUnion on Thursday and Friilny of lost weekmore than succeeded in aaipmplishing theObject for which il was hajkl, namely theObtaining of .enough moneyi to pay for anorgan for the room. This object wnj, ac-complished arid a neat surplus remains inthe treasury, The rooms ;wai beauti ullydecorated by the members (or the occa ;|oii.The Union desires to express its than! s tonil donors aadalso to thosuwho patrol zedthe festival. , i

An excellent sign that (letter timci arein store for our city is (he fact ol thescarcity of houses to rent; Several :aseshave come to our personal kuowledgclutely in which ixsrBons Have declared It(tlmost impossible to find houses M lilchthey c(/"ald ii:nt. A comparison In tli s re-aped with the city of a (jew years ago Isgreiitly encouraging. Aivd tliere ti noJcasoil'iO doubt thnt, wcj)2 the matlerofOur city debt satisfnctorllyooltled, Ila|iwayWould soon prove one of tlie most prdiper-<ms cities In our State.

The programmes of (ho " Child rcu'Bt)ay" observances In the MetllodistChurches of tills city, OJI Hunday next,Will hi! very interesting, tthat of tin fiecOticl Church will lucluddi in the mci'iilngService approprinte. singiilg and add: essesliy the pastor of the'euurch and I Prof.llillmiin. A floral soryicif will be hi Id In(he afternoon, at which aj address viill liedelivered by Hov. 8, N. • iobout, of j New-iirk, a former member ;of tho Hj mlayBchool. Iu the evening there- will b< sing-ing and rccllntlons by Hit scholars (f tliojchool, and a brief addrijss by n roil rendgentleman from New Yoj-k,\ Tho shower Thursday ;-.afternoon fvns aVery refreshing one and_ \i(i\H luully



i l ivcryiiiicl.aid |wan





inirikm iIn n•rnt1)0

JO cth<!


!ils(:u*lofiid tolMom


ildeoce iti 'Orange, .11

c»mo from Irel(m(iIn Springfield, Un!

)) married a widow win Tuesdny hi* flfBt w

huco, having com* OWTHlhco then Imth WornIrynn, i»>oled (licir; HIUsc to irmko il worrn IA Ron of 14' yfrafg, nodiy hii flrtt wife, ;

'iilsu/kon In »t(itlnX that PlaTork <:l(y were ndw «ephoiifl Hud, IM rippen' it; note from tho Plai

ilcplioiie connection wiin rut yet un accomplished fi ct

i Knhpny cotcmpornr'nofwltfifitandiiig. T

ovoutly to lw wished orw (la.VK, liowevcr.

[ihouoinplnlnl of tho Chrt l lU (

efpnrttnent ngnliist lUt'i: (fo.iliitereliiirgc.s of tlln i:<>chief,"Wt

i Iftkcn ipl

, g j"Water Oirntriitlee of tjlsday night. The w.-ssipnlasting until 11^50 p. Hi.,of tnlk WHH indulged In,

ided, mid (he meeting nd-vening. The m|b-

gain taken up, find aflerl i i d

plie meeting was

i fi)d.

kg g )

ay I'Vening of next week.

MIl|. J'iAKK'tt SCHOOL.lmv(j hccji requested to publish the

losing aoticainnati-Amhis Week'j

TlU cloijingniiliH-Aijieric,


quit* welliuid (• ern: Kli.keas I'crc

ic(msMlpi;di:ttiis duod ; the ijMl*>sefUdiesi

tliejixercjitos. Singing, "Fre ih t j t "

Ayrcswhd arewnf renil

The baluilitoryellcitqd deserve

Sagi;," hj!iy Jjjss M]




|o unilersta1 of! the Iell.'f by M


pleas]iy '

iidcri as \Mies '>mmf

Iiied von Her GMills watiinucatid f tylo; of da<:cu t wcjre a]

of (he closing exerrise* of

:ricnn Hchool. It LH taken


•xorcIsM of Mrs. Kline's,n Hchool were hctd at (he1 Tuesday evening, iifnd

attended by both Airier-nc. Tho " March " of Mint•M well rendered on (lie.11 her other musical pieces

Street, N'

of hats in

aiding ofllie'lst Psalm'ibyid Mills, the two y/jilngtlie first graduates of the::rcd clearly and distinctly.[by Miss Emma L. Ayres

applausL-. Ileeitaliotns,Miss h. Calhouu. and the

y Milk and WM-i M. FUhei sireet, Pi

etprwi, tl.%tf.J.Jeftey Cfty,

two phyilckw ««eodtat Z&mud fin-\m, the otrwnao, fa«T« Imwd % c « *certifying (IAt be i» coBfttrf lo bittedwifii tvphok Ittttt, tad tin t, " oader themotrt f«yofs! le clrctuwduice I, b« will notbe Able to u, mrnenca trwnir.g for.tlw ocxtip mrtlA '

1M)NT ME IN THE HOUSE.A«k drug? i«U /of " lUmai 109 lUts," It

clmrs out iU«, m!t«, beal^tds, roticto,vctmin, die, ants, insect 15c. perbox, ^ !

The most ensible people • A the countrylive at Lansing. Mien. A latcberabop inthftt place be irs the Slan, " C lowd till meatgeU cheaper "~Ph0addpkia Neat.

Many won ler how Parker' ijGrnger Toniccan jwrform nicb varied cur it, thinking itsimply ciwci)» of ginger, wl en in fact it ismwtp from r wny valuable msdicines whichact Ixmeflcifi Iy on every d iaeaaed organ.Bee other- col umn.



Malaria, C uills anil Fevei and Biliousntincks pos tlvely cured -with Emory'sSdmdnrd Cere PillB'-an infalible remedy ;m ver fail to cure the mo?t obstinate, long-Manding cn.(

remedies hi^l faileA "They: are preparedexpressly h<

twostrong cat'coaled; clramsingmild and

whert Quinine and ail other

malarious (•ect'ions, in doublekinds cf Pi!!«, containing a

linjiic and a chill breaker, sugiir-ain no' Quinine or Mercury,griping or purging; they are

'efficient, certain In their action

Don't f|>r el Bayley has the largest stock

DR. K I Mmarvel o:All fits

riudired Iu herWlo, by Miss M(inn, "l)<r TuAy're;, Was auo(plete masteryQern an JaugiMiss M. Hleanof^elii gly irendc

duet bnd chorus(tife[let l|s cheij

coiiTty graduate^


Vi;r cjtrd Eoceiveturncjd hep- than]

appnlie ghiduates v,itftleu


|LI everything grctin liad_ll| •gun to tafcje on njlusty covering. Tlio llghindig and l\ undericcompnnylng It were shn| p and heaVy, andhough not much dainngo was dono, timidiiersons wore rather iiftHghtcd. i. tele-graph pole iu the vicinity of the denH winit ruck by the electric lluldjaod consld erablyjurnetl, while tho llghtiil ig played 1 roundn Mr. D. n , Dunham's cjin'ingc fiw) ory In1 miumcr whicli frightened tlio wotkmen,put did no damage. Oil 1 (if Iho p( leu ofHie Tclophwie Company J1 Milton w; is alsoktruck and damaged. No withstanding thoheavy dlschnrgcs of electjlclty the iitmoi-phcre-seemed still laden with It, nr 1 this•wind vent in the light sh nter of th evenng, Tlio fttmospliero yiistcrday d | ! not

keem to have liecn mnde n uch cooler^ b

The following circular] IIM beenrom tho H«adquarter» Department!Jersey, Onuid Army of tjfe Il«piibll(


Trenton, iA special Grand ArmyJ

^rain for tho National HBrand Itectptlon at Baltfrommodation of this Dofrun on Tiustdny, the 2011

> l/cavw Jenny CityNowurkKllwibothlUhwayNew UniMwIek,TrenUin


11)0 18th, ,uv».or tha Rdbubllcncam|)ine(ft I|more, forartment,l f

he no-111 lie

dies ^rhoihnve s|ry of thisiigen.

r| HillmrniM H p IlfehSbhoil, »ssistedTMrs. Flake, and Dr. F. W.Oliver with hisllluto dispensed (ho swi-etnbtcs accompanied by,Prof. Bcllosa, violin-llHt, al


Hoili:(•jitio;(hu siIliegliulud ttic

iciat on of

and nbiliu

n I. Iilpli, of Elizabeth, nextcx-iiate^ in German and WHS-d with the prompt answers,iiigratulaled lioili • youugr instruclre.-b fur Ilk-irllJecilsitioii '.* S"l•l• nidi! furmicli," Ijy Ihe Misses Un-•II rendered us lljougii :lhf-ere real Germ;iA-, mill .iicir accent, cmilil not disimsucli. Heciliiiiou " Das:)cke," hy Mi« M. Eiu.morii])plaii(k-d, nud her poiver

live-ring the same, and ,th" .reciated by those who weri-)id the German.

I'e-tev_i made, Emon'a Little CatharticPills, ph2ri|iing;or iiv misail Strerl

WAN"at GilbyCherry s,

liittcr^l:-yV. T

TIMMopen for

If youler's Liltlyou ner,'dyspcplii:

! hie and tji

Beforefc> Bayleystock nt

and Iiarmle-* in all cases; they effectuallycleanse (he 1 ystem and give new life andtone lo th > 1 ody. As A household remedythey are 1 n( fjualed. For liver Complainttheir toui .1 ! 9 not known; One box will havea wonderfu effect on the worst case. Theyare used an< 1 prescribed by Physicians, andsold by Kn ggisU everywhere, or sent bymail, &>uv SO cent'boxes. Emory's LiUleCs.'liartic I ills, best ever made, only 15Cents. 'Fajidard Cure Co., 114 Nassau


tfe city'iat low prices.

E'S Great Xerve Restorer is thee age for all Nerve Diseases,

pod fret. Send *o 931 Archidelphia, Pa.

:int lo take,"•11 Iv 15 cents aI ' S d d C

tngar-coated; noof Draeeist*

Standard Cur;: Co., 114~Xa»-ew York.

MD, 50 pairs of common pigeonsFulton Pish Market, No. 17

.tt.lalcnl hummock'for hale at Bay-them, and yo-.i n ill use no other,

•liter piece, " T h e Lay. ofss Jessie V. fjlassford, ivassual excellent style. Pianoy Mills, was fine. Hc-ciiacher,"- liv Miss Emma : L. jher evidence of the c<jm j

if that young lady of the i,'e The Valedictory, ,by jMills, was 'beautifully and j Dni2!;i>tJ

ed, and as in the ease; of j H'aluVdin•dilate," Miss Ayres, was j it does alBisjer gri . . .

d tluLjespectution of the Germau

EuzAijiJTii, N". J.—Mekrs. Ely Bros.,Oswego, N. ¥i., your Cream

r.s from all otherpreparations, &sou claim for it. I have been

yj s^Spealiing Iporudn of the audience. Then ' ' ' " Freut euch des Lebeus,"

sh) was excellent and gen-ted.Miss EmmaL. Ayres and

Mills, presented, tliiotl^'sou, a very handsome hil-to Mrs. "Flake, who res feelingly for this kind

tier pupils. The essays ofrro another evidence of theies of those two young 'la-i successfully obtained themost beautiful of forejgu

Principal of the

cured ofI)li!

.dMissFliehtire cujrriuiit be

t |c ^nujualeswins appijiploilllLS jisiin, Prcsj, (11 well

lessful c(untes, dfoundc

lipcoiilhlg to lidotrgai izijng thatjMri'sc ut 'perfect,(DiTloimi, " ' '

l|y MIsjIGrove!May Mijls, andtijna toi Ihe otnud u-inj well ivi 1)1 ilojjiie,

Jlissfs L'nderlMills

kke, pianist.lertainnii'iit was nmre treat

source of gratification; tond Mrs, Fluke, ns it ajr-iciiitcd bv those present,ere awarded by Rev. Win.:lent of the Board of Kdu-choaen remarks, praising

umpletion of the studies bynd congratulatory to thtmof the school, Mrs. Flake,the praise she deserves for

school and bringing it 10 itson.

eilchon, Hoscnund Lilieli,". Miss Annie •Miller, MissMiss Llllic Hyno, was fullyer parts'of the programme,iplauded.Iolmatlis Hesuch," by (lieill, Miss Emma Ayres, Missi iilli H d Mi

y ,liss ijillic Hyno, aaid Miss

ilxttlln; n d Messrs. Win Mills, F. V.%, itnd Mi iter Alex. G. Spencer, wnsnlj good and the dllTm-nt ones «e?(1 tliems lives In 11 manner that was

<jerliijlnly very lltiUcring.




le, With tlionirs iu

, u|0(,'.!Hc.doilMHtlllg of

xptiisoS by uMth clmructil:i|ouiicod tlmt <

lout,, as fdllowi;at IMlJP.ii,



lAirlvus at Baltimore , , . , . . . „ _Faro for' the round t< p: from Jern«f

tody, M; ftjnin Newark, %M\ froinTreq.tea, f»,00i from Phllad Iphht, |),40; orfrpm other ilncei mentio od nboyiAt tho

l e n t o , Tlokbtigooi Jorolunonorbifore the With Instant. All met >b«ra ofit a Or»nd, irmy f rom thh I)op»tiHientw|llfa Bip«ot*! to take thin ti i n, wljd h U runf<r twlr «p»W ttccomnv hulon, | Depart.|niwitOfflMri»iid Staff w luke 0 Utwln,Inj ijwlthjtgi dlPK Any pi ivloiui rr»pg»-'fflijtat*, By oqmmimd of


• , ,)W

Qmmmn, | m

aim gavefa Gcimaiivotilngto (hose

* Of th(jijhis4«xi)rcise


n, gnvo tring the 1]

a reception to the memlieisl-Amerlcan school last Thijuslilch proved a very pleasantwho shared in the enjoy-occasion, Except a siugle

n the early part of the eveii-k was ignored and tho yoiinguno of mitturcr age, iwt*e(lnoclftl couvcrsntion, inutile,A bountiful I'litcrlniniiuMil,tho chief delicacies of thest to tho other pleasures.;uceptlon Mrs. Flake- icpoi'ted

receipts at the closingschool hud exceeded ihe

mini of eighteen dollars, iijnd,Istlc dlHiiuercstcdiu'ss, an-IO money would bo givcij-tol ioucd l , ..

i Id 11 t|i|n pro) used monument to Hov. vr,t li« dai», lor j vhkli fimdf are Injing tol-

1, ,'Amoi g the Invited guests presentd lotifed I la Honor, tho Mnyor, thores dcl t of (Jo Hoard of Eduention, jiud


f the High School.


i,v ITB«.—An the Fourth:)hlng, It limy bo wel to

(hut thuLeglalutuiuat Its lastan act making It n mlfde-

. liavler, exolmngo, ot loiu , or'or to sell, barter, or pxehango, orninnuni j)l»lj>l, toy pistol, or otlmr li«-In thisHlatti, lo any person undeijiho

if l)(t|wn|yoan, It In «1KO imluwfui "lit wjdoj that »RO to buy, carry or




nnmetl,'in'coUiifluQof $100 or t|iionmont, orjlwlli, (it;thoCourt, •} ;


Id Ciinioron tho ltc|Mibl

e«a your deur olilsnul,: noiy liTn't the curtwheol; bee4vi»e

d with H and (ometiiuMy he u tnd with Hi and t ,,0 forgets liinwlf, and thoe« nnd oniHlie* lila little tody

W more ot Umt |mlivjdu«l fly,



liy its useiike inaaiiState Barjli

My exrand wousufferers

|X3' Ice Cream,1; suison.

Garden is now

•e nervous or dyspeptic try C:U-Nerve Pills. Dtsptpsia makesi,s, and uervGiisjpjess mokes youeither oue renders you'miseia-

i>e little pills cuit both.'on go away for |the summer, gofor a trunk, asihe has a largew York prices, j

|c|jtarrh of several years standingFor cold in the head it worksE. H. SuEBirooD, National

rience is similajr to the above,recommend tLJe remedy to all

om catarrh. E.:S. DAVIS, Firstank.Nationa1 JJ

Elv's (Jrcam Balm gavel me immediateu-lief. I rjjconimend it. FRAUK C. OGDEN,17 Broad Street. Mce 50 cents.


Iu the bast two months > there has beenmore thah 500,000 bottldof 8HILOH"SCURE SOLD. Out of tho vast uumber ofpeople Who have iiscd it, more thah 2,000cases of CONSUMPTION have been cured.All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitl3yield at once: hence it is that everybody'epeaks in ils praise. To this who havenot used ji| let us say; If you have a Cough,or yourlife, donSide or (Bold by Xand Oliv|

A full

•jiild the Croup, and yon valueil fail to try it. For Lame Back.hfst use Shiloh's Porous Plaster.)r, F. W. OLIVER, corner Grand


no of hats, caps and gents' fur-nishing i(j<ids at Bayley's, 43 and 44 Irvingstreet.

(if a hoigrief wli|nwny. 'runningCroup 0Comsumi

MOTHER'S GRIEF.GThe p|i[lo of a Mother, jthe life and j,oyI U U I I I L ' 1 , J l i l _ ^

her children, hence her11 sickness cnterajand takes them(ke warning Ihqi. tlial you arc(errible risk,if th^y have a Cough,Whooping Cough, which lead totion, if you do upt attend to it lit

once. BrfiLOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE|s punnaiW'ed to cure them;. Price 10 cts.fiO cts nijijl' $1.00 Fur lamp Back, Side orChest, UTO Shiloh's Poroui Plaster. I*riceM cts. (iold by Dr. F \ t Oliver Cor of.Grand aiji) Oliver Sts.

has a large stocW of straw hats.Givchinj !a call at 43 and jH Irviug street.

IlOJlV TO SECUREi HEALTH.It seens strangei that any one will suffer

from tin many derangements brought onliy nn imijure condition of the blood, when8l0VlI.l4l8Al(!<AfAltIU,A JlK(ir Hi.ooperfect h>Itisindejito take, aiHLOOD Pially curl:

aiin ; allBilious Ceating ailLi KH

AND LIVER Stkup, will restoreilth to the physical org^nizatiou.Il o 8trenj;theulnt »yruft pleasantid has proven itsejlf to bi the BEST

ever discovered, effectu-g Scrofula, SypWHtlc disorders,"of the Kidnoyi "Erysipelas, Mai-Nervous disorders anu D«Witv,implaints, and all Diseases lmu-iinpnre 'conditu a of the Blcxxl.

Liver] K^dno'ys, Stomachl 8kiu, etc. Itcorrects idlcostlon. A single bottle willtifovo to ou its murita as « health reuewcr,for IT AP » LIKK A CUAUM, especially whentho com] nUit ts of an t«Jmut»tlve nature,having » tendency to lesien the naturalVigor of t ,o brain and uen oua system,

Dit.InstantlySeorei ion

BAKKBJinn am!Internal I,WALKli! It \» eu

IH as cli'irt

VW'KTASIB WORM 8tBvrund remove* thelestroys worms

which causo th<


ijandruit,qolor, fttv

I,joad an1

have donKftlviimyour 4ri»jrVnt«d,Mile AgeTBNTOW,


cures p*iu inFor uak externally and

LEAF IIAU RESTORERrely illS«r«nt from all other*. Itas water, and, ai> its name indi-

f V b j H i Rperfect Vegetable Hair Rmtorer,X} will lujjneiUatoly free thfs h w d from all

q , f p 1 ; tlias fftlltnj off. It doet not l a . u y m*nn«raffwt thij Health. Which S l h S fL d | | Ni t S

Men dayitoa

restore gray halproduce*a newff It do

to ita natural1 ;rowth where It

Iphur, Sugw of'er pr«pw*i)oai

Itwlllchangd light or fftdod

. WhihNitrate ot Sll

k Philadelphia,New Yorl.

»hoe eijpgrtttm, 48 u d

irSHfefc-S'. .art WMI per-r to &u outIt k e&ttelj

knew oi.* ricejff. OHref, Cor.

j '

(He back} iDoespfiain

€mHmette'» Flreadiremedy whlck wffl


A fnl|Goods.

/un> fuaiore TO

3,.E(osiery and JTancy


Rahwa'in forrJ

Section I. No:n the ciiy (ff

of Jimeaadtllarge id1st day

in eachlzled orjso asany peand itseize nis;oiD<r inot lie'any do.iuy pe

Mayoropinio;to l)eiHIP &ror not,the imfoundmuZ2l(]priK-lain at fjin theing plo aldestro_aforesu

linhj HiL'b,!, prochup tlli


year.wiWms lid :bi

j Tecttiiillvl tosoo frotn|bein|shall bed kill :iai| i-jic

[r whicu s>.:>n or a:i

Sec. I / / / . - I t

Usemeior by



THE MAYORiyic of the Cfty offoilowio<r ordinance

ihall be suffered to go|Raliway. b£twe«n theie lit day of October,being properly: muz-

f- a Icliain or string,preiveat danuje Co5 bi|tKii by siidiid'jg ;

fpr any per*a to.•I:; to ruimiii; or

the period a.foiteii(i.Ii.-<£ :ui afun-^iiii'l, M

ilti- ur ailempt !'<> I>:11.-

h i l l ! b e , b u f u l f . j f t i l t

n [ t l i e < : i t ; , a ! : a n y J ! i n < , - v - h ' - n t n h i -tile pub! c u'v'id fi-i|iiin-.-! ihiiSnni'

:)iiti, whet i'-f Kvitijiu tlie perio<! \\.jt stt-thin nf jhi> jordiuan::e IUIUM.|lo l ^ue lii i [irudaijialiuu authofi/ inglifcrimiiut.• d'jsirnctinn nf .UI d^>^-[roing at l ; r ge | i n jth*; city, wl tdherI or led M i ^

uatjiou kh;iast one olitv ont." wtekbffellt:d Bliall

personsilny S it( g


,t as afore^rdtr of thV. Any, qr attempt \prevent

any ojfrom being carried

to a penalty off Fi

^ i|bs-

res j id or u<*. .Suchfortliwitl.•r* pfintf

[it !(j:Li!, iuid upou IM;-


pa ju.-v.in'cntioariuy kilt ory

putjii at3le pmi such proclama-

tion si all' reihain inl forjee. Such prock-mation shall; rec laonj in | force until thesune t- jail be pubiicly revoked by adver-

aid.j eitlier by thi2 Mayor,

die iiro\|Lsiois df this ordinance" • i • • i r - 1 fft b l l b eatd

Datijd Kahwayi Ju

TCJ;i /.—Thiit

iideceutly ejtpo:'lane, bank;af

uader aIh offeiuse. \


shallstreet,thisfor eadh

Sec.swim itthis cijyin theing, oij



Luiu3 Hi,f, prcKjlaid:

bathe inbetween


dwellu^g-house, oi" " ntly


Railway, JjuueLIN

effuct,e Dolla


n Council. ;ho shall binder,

jiuder or privent,

e ljith, lS8iMi for.

THE MAYOR|)r of the City oflowing ordinance

CE ORDKAlSCE.pierson or parlous

ie t(ieuiselves on anytre»m or highway of

p^naljty of five dollars

in ;pr persons shall•atijrs of or boundinghours of five o'clock

ai|d tt • 0 jclock in the even-jed yards of any

at ao r other time, bein-'under the penijty of

five dolllars for ea);h cjffeiise."S HIGH, Mayor.

!15dh. 1883.

SUMMERGo totwi



umtr ft" hurt

antltles which unj|«* 01

»t grenluid Sunporcen]'qua.h*Yc Wca Wanted ithe tell •which I as txxn securjil b.tud wl!lodcoi

500 pi <«» of Wool |


reductions.ijirgo iiuautitiiw of; Go

| to ths Tvdy Spr

inhe tot oce yet

:. t * 1PC.

" i^juttfactiirvw," »:M to accumulate largu

|h<jt circiuwtance* wouldUyo and h u sectuslutml(v »icrifl«. A numbei of

th? above gAmiM firmt, MuudAj, Jaut m h .

;, If not sold before.

Uuoti»g, reduced

mire, rwluctd fr*ra 90«:.

edaced frou IV.

Bfl4;t Check Prtw Hood*,

^jue, tvJucoJ fnBn I5c.

Sun llubrallu In Silk


g sold oo. e»tn exkW»0B

'*!- = ' ' -j ':_'••?

J Snyder »&


$0 jBIJY

The i-argestD2T GOODS STORE



Call and Examine

143 MA.


EVERYTHINGUsually found in a first-class

Dry Coods Store can\ be found,[WITH THE


727 & 729 BBOAJ) STREETS,Adjoining the Post Office,


To the Citizens of Rahway!NOTICE.

THE UNBEKSIGNEDWishes to iaform the public that t c

' HAS REMOVED HIS BUSINESSTo the Store formerly occupiedJiy

Phillip Brown at

151 & 153 MAIN STREET,Whert he is prepared to canyon hk

old business of

PliMiii, Steamft&as KtHni.SPECIAL—I also wish to inform

the citiztn.i that I willtite thr;ir Stove.;down in the Spring, Etore them in a. dryroom, cli:aii tlieia, und put them up inthe Fill, for the sum ut $2. Specialamngemeati mxule where there is inoi ethan ouu Stove, tlaving rmidc a studyof furnaces and heaters for the Ust tenyears, and having secured a jjood tia-nian, I am prepared to do tile publicjustice ia my line.

I am ilio prepared to repair LawnMowers.and Machinery of all kind*.

Respectfully,W. H. (:LOKE.


Is pruparcil to pat dawn DRIVEX WELLS it alow figures ati can be mode, lie giiaraiite-ja gouiiwcrfc or DO pjiy.

EEFEKEDfiCEs: E. Laiiy, Miltoa A»e., WJI.loke, tlie Plumbtir.

CAtao uninifliccii--M of tta bost POTORETTE.







CLOSING UTwinter stuck at greatly reduced prices, for


Ihe cwt price.

JUST RECEIVED!A new lot Of piwe IKWIH. Such w CLCJT1IS,



A Full Llie tf Gents Fnninklu Goods,sucji as Blu< Flannel ind Fnaci Shirts, White

Shirts, CulUn, Tk'U, 9<xka, Hosiery, Jtc.


BAGS, SATCHELS OF ALL KINDS.Any thirji?. uot iu stock wjll be ordered at

short notice*•Special uttentkm ^iven to

ORDW^ED WORK;ill our goods CUT uid MADB tn oar owu Pilot.

RKPAIRISO. AL'fBBUitJ twU CLEANINGdouti tu tho Shoi>, at


: 108 MAIN 8TRK8T.

* f t / t P t r WMt can tx> tudo is a-aj local-S u l l liv. So iethlnst entirely new for

r»i». |3 oMtltt free. U. W. 1N6KAHASCO lto HCO» i . |3 oMtCO., ltostuo, Ht».

WANTED.Hands toj l«aru to oj>trate sewioe ma-

climes. Ajiplieatioa way be made atRosejibuuin & Stein's shwt factory, onItviug streoi andUie u«w eoiployea willbcput to work; as soon as the new factory attbe coruer <if Elizabeth avenue and Grandstreet U finished, 'which will be aboutJuno 1. I ,


CLOTHINGi Establishment of




Workiaginen of Rihway iwd vicinity,to ;W« me » caU ttod. eumiaebefore you go slsewhenre, awl

•efforyottfselvea that I caa^ot be uwter.


X»h Stmt,

Cleaned, I > M 'Pwesed todshort w<k«. i ;

[Dyed and CuriedJ






my Stock andiSfe fir Yourselves, at



Office at the! ]STajtional Bank.



NY of Manthaster, England |ROYAL INSUKANCE COMPANY, o


Brooklyn, N. Y-, I

Capital. Assets.

$3,000,000 00—i«.3S0,352 40500,000 .00— i5,77U,806 32

1,000,000 00—Paid np.

10,104,963 40

1,000,000 00— 2,T3J,C5-4 10

r ,ar ftimut urj

"fttirMitf-^Te ye»n lo. m»rfMn. lam uatar ftimut urj lISJOJT Toalc iocs. la maar casss of Nerfaus Etostr%£ fno)r«laiie<l aiaittaaa at t&s uaad. mis peeriew rtmeJr, 1 «CMCA t%«t^*y»h«iW^ inm»rf"nl*Ttifliit frt'it**^*! ph7sl£j i

l d I tiD I l & U & i. mis p

CMCA t%«t^*y»h«iW^ inm»rf"nl*Ttifliit frt'it**^*! ph7tile remedy. I pnsctiDe It la wx&smca Ui l»I &oaumuHAJBU'SlioyiOlitCbknecuatrrUinrpn

ItfimnlortofJkaa t u a l AtattVWC

BT. LDCIH. Mo.. y<T. aahTtan.

. nx? practli:i!. aad In in 4LXnt nm:e«CJilug to give the results Uut Ua. H-iaTK3%

1 «3 In mj haada, mode tome vaml«Hul ccrrm.j ias. haTB ylelilmt ti fhtw gxe*tanillQcampszw

pinttun mtde. tn fact, sura t camsouutX DB E0BEKT SA3DIEXS


I Parker'singer Tonic

tui&iitts.delicious ccmbmatiia cf Ginger. Eui.hu,\c, Suiiicgw. and. many Oiiicr cf ihe beatB mediaues knuw i. cures Female Cuci-Riieriinaasm, Netvausaesi. W^k' fulceiS,

disorders Q£the boweis, stomach," livcr% kui-d juna.

lfy tiha^clLityjut aj:p«titc imi are luvt <piriiau,orsun ring frum age, cranyiniinnity, take Parknr'iGingc Tunic. ] It will satagthen haia and btxlyaad £i c you arw liic and w^or.

100 DOLLARSbr anyt! ing injmimi* £31; nd ia Ginger Tanu:,failure ccltcip or cure. Try it cr aJt yjur

Iliam 5 - , N. V.tU tlliCQX &. Co






MENDELSSOHN PIANO Co.Grand Offer for the n4xt 60 days only.

$850 Square Grand Piantj fori only $245.9 1 I l i l a w 2 p»tirut vaiitanut »ijriili;v3, uurBcw ptiBiil ovcAtrHiw *:iur, btuiitifu! citted

m, hiM»)i wriKUtlno and liiri{« Ixkii-j mvaiiingi. full i vu frumcj Fxuuh Ciraiid ActuMi.UnadllaAUuen. l» fulct, maty iuiyron-HR'u! wblcll cui in aii» waj< Wtid to Uio pviifiKtiouof th.; iu»tiriuioat hisIjech added, tV*0ur \-rux fui ttiit lu^rqaitat, boijd mill dvU.vviejl 0 i i < f t C > y l C n f \buoWcan At JSem YurH. with, lu» Pduio Outer, SttiA /uti. Book, | u n ( j _ 3 4 S * # O « WJu.« rwluci'd fn.'mour bte whulosale. fiictotj: price. $S»,fuf UO Uaj« onN. ;Thl» U mnv, bj far. th*

; b«nj»i* ev«t uffen-'d thehiiulcd vijiUiu. L'upre«ed«iiUid nutci-isl! /FKniend'jui ileoumd forlet S«i(diu.juur onlmaloiicu. uiniuc low thianNU'iportuslty. Thl4flanowtHbe»tat»ntwt triHl. tWaM rxuii Nfenm« if jfou do uyt netld uiotoj with <$r<L*t. fttbh nsut with otdmrtvfuudett tad freight cBiu«es imij by |« both w»j» If Vlspo in coi

othtTapwtalBurgaiiu: VWW, $l'Jt>up. Dr»-t 13.1V0 iuttw, iuid not w .fait; ta write ti> m txfore bajlUif. U3iui»ou)«: Ulautrttted flauo I 'utalogmj

She«* Mwlc Bt uue-Uurd fticfi Caialoiiticiot i.')W thoilco pie:«» of poi'MK.NDK1JSI5OUN PUlhO t H . P. O. '

ju>er. Doa'tL\8i»lagthehigh-1 Kt 5 jciin.ent for 3c b

How York


Cor. Milton Avei &ta addition; to our uiwll stock df Yiav

Gnx eriea, •wtMhaveiutujdwed a Nt-jv Artici«j ot Flour, ijiaaufaclujrttl from tinwhe*t !UKl wjiuld rtctmmtud it t

j u ,whe*t, !UKl wj mmwlioiwe ^rakuu Rrwijl ijsiu Mud tfafttt ajuythiuglieitft

it t

| (j,iwlity of


thoseuer of $83.


O'dOiSJ. IT 6top». 3 S«t(kildou TfL'^uo Bcnb, aaij





r r - 1

brattd« Tojcethtr withof >

remedy fct tlie S[«redy. p« -iiadsofs


iDounby Biiitjar "au

Strwt,be f (xmd

Page 4: s^x^ Milton Lake Ice. Published Semi.' 1W W. L. 87, MlaRSH j, JIIB n BubMrtf uon, BmglaOnpiM, THE Wl/VTKKI lIOAKft OABEJ Juit aa1 wo | prcmo C< praji >iirt liijs granted, (I



! ill


. ! J.i



. t\



Jfoery Eunin

get U ttptt

• c i











261 Grant Street, "AT n J.! SbOJREW

to direction!We now


Thnt the I'n

SKiiltlvi'lv nlack, Hclntlllwaso of

lion of tliuCatarrh ot '111 I ho Bark,In fart nil iOrtfaim. \i\otherwlfli1.

noyr, ninil'ilj)

,1, ;|in K iI'rliif,in Hi


her c.<


nboTo nurarq

»<wp, lucM.lhliiiUnmtliin <

in, IlljiUlCiH'J.'it'H, NvtVtn

* .< tlio 1 tailu i idcd bkr i

. Ocru



CttllllrFrailerrciv on

fo-nad'. .... wheiU«<1 toco JltiRTCI r time

ub'.lnr'oi a tin«l


0 mi l !h« Kic1 tjl>«k«ml H



tain ¥>]&f tin

BE CUREDWlUioiiUwJllowtni lu-.ncouiinefllcli eif, l>y.»wcring || | I ij L



Aik yourfHBNCII Iha rim nottho l'rnl by


cured me olOoMllXl 1«curnlilo. 1)

^M H i r •» * * • *

" I mitten

dmcalilt for ... . , .IDNK1 PAD, «ndot It, mnd »*0Qiuiluru A .11. IaoKii, s rnox • H I


it glYisiring »l

BY iAtisohiTio;

Ho othr

mMWiTr" ii In thr*eI,\nnb« ;o In thrt>« i ™». •••»>• —/

it glYisi op hy tht> l> • t ' >ortort I In;i l thli tlnW - " - — i » tni'i

iiuucii for tit*© yo>KMnoy 1)1* «if, «n I oftenerntchei, ],' *«• er '"'" *'»f l#r wc«rli* 1'rof.fonr wockii,

' Irely and p<i inlluwtto'i n

'•BQUlTujk C, M OTT, Sylvwli


op hthli


HMtinflorir f

rive mo oily

n.lllInowkjlnwlam >



for i

* • • : •


with l«e» ornnft or Mil

nil 'If' or

,«, n,,alix»n oji

DKot tl)) flr»to|;Iwnofi from It ii

tthe !w


t Kldiwy




wiponry r









We iKOBneod CarMt% I n a n i s )«orae«whol*W««k,5<TTOta>tndl>jptrUraluJy tboae who tore TKn,Cold Hmdf tad Feet, tad irlloStrength or AmHtVm. Tioe PiEaJt<nt«,tST»8tRBgtiito (be Eoiy, fcr!t«


glrep, Enrkh «Bd ld a d P t f r t n U Cottfa*Hood,«adPntfrtndBd^fenU e Co n-

ttoton. Tfaerican ft^tolion ot tbe Bo rt,h i m i i TrrtrtftM-HgToa» HMdac%

id tdforHatjbea-

i ilrwffiWfi or







II ji Po«Ulre Cmer»ui£r

HHMH vllleurt rating? tk» vont fwia

vllicW, fcU ovirkiB tiDttUM.*TliIluiittUill<>ation, ItlUnf tlid I>l»|itaetliK8U, aoit lh»tplml WMkim, UMI l« fvtlcutoilj »d«Obiug* ot life.

II will AIMOIT* tni wrp»l hunon from tlxi

II i«»Tt«f»latw«k*«hiJwc]r, 4ntrvr>> IR ut>it« •tlouUat* taA nitenavmkttai uf tin tt>U r**rM Bh»tlDf, BodogbMi Ktnou fs wtr tlouOurtl PtUlit/, UntHwm, Dfpnt*>» u»l '^'

llvUlataJlUatauil udwiUtircuatt mikMSKiT »*Ui * • •»»• ttal l o n n Ik* rtu

FoMt»n»ot kldMT OoapWBt* ol titter i0aantuiii41iiu>uti<*M«4. I

LTDU K. I'lNKU&V^ TRQETABJLtPOrNDli |<iT|>«m> rl t3 ud »» \TM(«ea A

- • -- - " "" ~ ut b;tkthAfDfm ox pQb, nbal&UM form Qllv ccwneelpt •! prk-*. | l pwboj. (orttltlnr. Mr . Pu.

M. iddrea u ll>o<«. Jlnl-iw IM« J

IMimllr >tio«ld IK wlUtout LTBH E rHVWt riIJA ttif.T «lr» cowUl Uoft. 1tfd tondrftty i'f *S»llT»r. 15 rvutj |-rr bo

Mr Snlt! liv nil Druc^ ta 'V '




Dealor in Books, Jewelry, Paper IIWindow Sbailes, Pocket CuUer,

aud Ftuicy t?o<HK [

Tho >ubKrlb«r tbiwks hit cnalomett«lie In genonO for tbeir i>wt lairouni-rtUnd, *od •ollciw t co«uuu<ui« of lueitaltntw MtAblUhmt'Utt No. I&^INVU ttpoblto will find M oil titucA &t uiy stw* &of (omit In w ; d«putin«nt. 1 O«T» IMtortmeat of the imwe «nd jweikald*rd wtktn to berevnd In tti« elij, i«f the text beoki wnuk>jNl In th« uit»d »njthlug not In Hock tui t» hiraUlkt the thwiMt notice. l^v«( book* iboth CMholle Md ]>raMi«MiT, &r» » «|>

In p«i*? htnslnM I f*n ihow the julh«l*Mlngniuittt«elcr«n of the coant!«»•»» wi()«<i>o<bi«io»««ajwoi' — -WIB4OW u»4e* 1 MX« »Itkt vu . .

- ^ ^ f T l o f f l S d U



ar£ A»('" |l»ri!vt)



A latseiTMWy ofpfcluw frtuxattaauy on band, In jilt, Wntk-walui 1.

O l f i U

M the 7fcrilliant

t, sas4 tneigrtree* in t tfe pafk,

saitied wdlhetisiwlKWe vs;»etf; cheeks ino ianse for tjle v«3tSou* ni•wad fheie—a.flnsh t&atilight-iy!A an' old ge^tlemar3 W the ioom,a tbrn, w i j fmad, wh< > walked on cnttclts,who looked-an if bis yeameant y«a ami n«".

KeTerthelest, Vivian 8]me^t LittJ, arwi whtn hedown, cirenseft his wrinMcoaxingljr.

"Ilaven't you thonghtit, jwan'lpa ? I do want it M>

" I haven't thought of iIt's sheei nonsense, Vivian, iof .yonra. You don't need


ru, m which


WhO-l y j;»I . on


that ncthJ^ n e d i ^



tosat! th:

er granIfhat didCfeyou handed

: jUoaway kthe iftj

Wafren th<raght,» sny^kini aolovelj

i eting fliuL aijt<i pare pallor

4se.was very

:nt word »ller thanks."

al,, grand] )a.could neyer u

nice Httfe giiti," Mr. KingHiproringly. iStelfe Warrea kdid to h

ivian was a 4a«er.

d m * any more than a wago j rieecto j , ,fivawheels. It isn't threewe<!f9tince 'yoq hsA the one you havp oi .f1 i

'^1 know, grandpa,'* she sa ;<i, iwith |aftWwrfrHttle persiitent way, Kfcnt 11can't wear a velvet dress ttj iJIrs.Lonwon'j-I need somethirj* light O L F f 1 ^ " « >• l"« n ^ ^„„.! . : „ « _x.:.,. u~;.n - I w ^ . - . W€rt *) broken down a;?! thia.and airy, A white fJ9rus, | parjdpa,with whijtt jet and white satjinj ril-j-,. ,.bons, li wouldn't coat ten poiands i .arlaltcrgethitr."

"Ten ponnd* ! You eKtr ijragantlittle woman. Do yoaauppifeitammade of .endless ten-ponnfl T dtes 'f

He pinched her rouad whi ;e yristplayfully, but there was a. re 4nilesfr-nesi ih his manner that Viviajd mighhave nnderstoo'L

" Then I can't go, r she's: iii with |a bewitchins little poat. " I'venothing decent to wear, and I won'tgo if I ran't have a white

" Theis voa will most a

nbh:-'-at all.

I St.

a j new |j

. - . , I migh t aljmosi have kr.ijwnfin nse*i to be SA thi&uahtfnl, al-fi'\ I do

I c ui' pet to Vlo."

[ f_i

»), the sewing was through y ill.

ristie Con way" j lodged np iatoj. JV 'iirren's grave, pitJf al 'fare,, and

e y heact ached to jiee what thatand a Tialf of: married miii*ry

Idone for her. " ' 'heard you were-in diatr'

bat I di'l! notl dream \

[e itoaehed her thin, slender lit|ttei gently rocking thf

. le in-which hernniijtfor old iu;iby LiiT—A pale, peny

ij; p-eatare, witn big daxk eitH mother.

' |I don't mind for myself," :

i to

stay at home, my clear," Mr 'Kings- jley said,! with unruffled g&oc -humor." I haven't the- money to *• i*.rt forsuch norisense a-j white jet aii<I whitesatin. Hallo, Stelle'r' ,

As if by magic the poat ai <! frown J;on Vivian"; pretty faoe var iKhed atsonnd of Stelle Warren'* m aid anilsight of him; as he came ihto theroom—3 tall, splendid fellow, onwhom Vivian Kingsley had \ tfsmore thiought than was alfor her peace :of mind

"Ph . ! Mr.; Warren," ssmiling land dimpling, andthat gt-ntleman think ttwas a more"are von'going to Mrs. l.oniion'sbreakfait-party 'i'"

'' I certainly erpect to,swered, •" and my errand n }\vbeg the honor ami,, pleasurevonr escort—unless some luckier;

ion.'* j 'A delicious little blush an 1 a.swift j •

yfellow lias won your permis




y< ravelv, w hat- wh«n I look



p.nd realize how delicate shewhat I might do for heir ifeoald afford tt."

rebellion.-- motiher-cears starteil,eyes.

.hint you ought to take Jierh h ld

;i)gether j


.UIL LU1UH. LLICIIT u o c i , ~ , , , I li !\rIchannins lit e ladv.i I ^ hc ten pouml* that old! Jlr.

lpfcley sent you and go abroailfor

•g la.shes iM Mr.j1

:haa the \accept- i


outuowiLietJ and:

j utterly!oatriage_ Yoa'd!

Christie, '•ranting iuJ, while!this—to!

Ishiuingj(tnd she•tlw old:o» hii

upward sweep of Vivian's loof dark golden-brown assiWarren more eloquentlyhalf-shy, wholly dtliglitcance.

" I lvoiild be so glad."And then Mr. Kiugsley

spoke np :*' Bv-tke-way, Stelle, did

that l>Iake Conwuy hadleft his widow and her bubdestitute? Didn't I say thatwould never turu oat wellbetter go down and seeVivian, and tiud out what'sand have it sonii to her. Ayou're about it, g\\e hertiijlt' lu-r ovt-r a little while.

He lutndod Vivian soveragold pieces—-ten of tlu-iu,took them obodienf.lv, usgentleman hobbled awaycrutch and oiiiiio.

•' It tloesu'ti seem powtblttie Christie Conway is incuinstances,": Mr. Warr^u : suidgravely, " Whv, it's onland a hiilf ago that shf »a:in graud style to Conway. .a ntothor-^-iu a destitute ciPoor little woman—she wand gentle." i

" Wiv; she?" Vivian asklittle r<lttctant(y. "She

liowv isu'tj she? I >vtwell acquainticil with her.know iff Mallei Thorn isMrs. Lcimson^r

So tlijo conversation drilto the grand centre of Yivuley's ulinbitioii, and Mr.stayed i» half hour lonjikT,left N'ivian with the ten igold iuiher lilainty littlt) vjet friujge pwket.

" I tljiink it is too meanthing i i grandjia," shehand ijawssiui; the shitiiti

I,yisomewhere where you would

comfortable than yoa lire

[e: looked arouad at the plain,iiiirtless surrouxtilings.I)on"c talk to me like th.it,"' fhe

[ jiir.-iioaiit.ely. ' ' - I might a* wellto* bath her in li^ai ' l pearl, or•A jlier in cloth-of-goM. Shei will

ie biicause her mother tun DOCno ugh ci'i'DOy to nouri.-h hur

tEit- dainty, tentptinu fooJ sheh "

:svkin looked conipassionatdly atp:.lo. pitiful fac<i| pare x* if curve '


Ijhat be, Christie.

sent you, and go abroadlfor:W weeks.".'hpistie looked at him aniozedly.•Hut Mr. Kingpley has not sent

He has not seat it':' Whv, .did

that lit-!!iich

; \"ivia.a KLagsIiiy brins it ta you.•tii-rday'r"; M'iviaa Kin^sley wiis here yes-Jijy, and left me a bowl of jdlly,I ti bottle of port wine, and a 11'O.s-

i| off apples."surprised, and; u-i.s

lf-c< f':r a ni'jttK-'iit.r'lfhat i* strung?—very stranft,"

J s;.)id. iu a curious t'J-ne of vij'.-e.>at it need maJte no diffenjtci.-.rujtie. You and I are old fi-wili'l-.I vou will not r t f ee the invitation

mother sfcniU—to bring yvrirT ile- white Iillio and visit mi at

irrt-n Grange, until we de.ei'.le yourtine for you.'*L gT.ish of passi.itiate tt-ars strnun-.l;>wn her pale fac*.You aro a saia*. ! Ob, Stello, I

.lilvinot refuse for iuy baby's i;ik.<-:.iif wo both get, well and sti'oug.

j 1 cjaij so ousily eirti enoagU tu payI \|ci|.i pack."

|A.|week later—the day of J l rs .•Juiiiou's <jrind affair—and \ ivui ;


• heg

ht) tadn't atiyypare, but I know wtU *>n

it i s j l t uonsii'iiH'. He ecumo a nyw tlrvs*every day oif ht> tljiought k>."

She l)(H>k miti tlie money,the siolijl in a shining array

a, year | ;nijirried

iidftiou ! i '

:il Hist a |;j dark, I j•)u'< v e r v jI r t * I

j 1K> y o u :to

; di buckii K'ngs-• W a r r e n ;

ami tlietii>utuls iti |•ivitt and I

: iIf Mr auy-

vjgltt. her^ P i e c e s ;UK'iney to


' laidhit-r vel-

Il>To jiltiuk I <x>uld buy w ^ t jl wanti i W)»at a nieau sjhaine it is

that grandpa jis so awi'vjl,a(K>\tt never allkiw'us; uierajy regular aUi>wa«ce of~fVM\% all thje first vall first

y ! strict

If Imakes

go vifhout'uutH it j» «i

weeks—uujtl 1 momh I i lif

* jajjain.i»r(utarly

jdrvss »» much I in n»yhjtveit. Ste|lw

l I!


I! want t« d.(>if 1 cjouldtt'i \^>

a tMrtuight J I's, aud Mjrj Oouway JI

to wait isuiwr a Utt|e M 1 ul

frwit—ajai grtuwljia? ; - ;

ncxta th* next





t ouh

ljl^ky, radiant as a fairy i^tteii,•M. before her dressiug-glass tuiil-^t the elur iuing rerl«ctiou tliiet-e-

• 1 never luoked sa well, LU.HI Ijder if—tn-nighr.—he will ujd telltliat he loves via ': "

•\''.i beautiful face was all a-dml:.t i-sparkle as >Iic U-isr_rely iJlrew!ier white htce-topptJ. kl.l gli.(\es,

Mattlittg for the roll, o.f the carriagevl ol'ls that meant Stelle Wam' i t 'had•<> ill; for her. !

3en IUT maid Eutntled her a iijote,iu Ij disiTeetly redreil while Viyij.ii

this: " :Mi-s KLM.'.NLHII,—I must h^ tuxcusyd from Attending yij'ii toI.ouisou's, fof two reason-i. Out1,

ve learned you are nut tin}:girl'^h honor and alwotute trui)lji.S;iU-1 thought you were. The ii>tber,be t ro tb t J wife. Mvs. t'lffiistievay, uaturully c'jiitits my *tten-

liJji from this tittve.

Si> the lovely wltiu* Swiss toilet,:l its gEistetiil).iT Hnmwy jet; anddug satitt, wan a ruinous ijtvtst-

i«4tt.t,' aud to Yiviau 'it was ai robeoif Mackeloth ever after.


yiciaus *av it c^uitsuc* all tllijti of cv«riiy ftft'tu^uous tuuic


pyttt«iHetiie. l|n,)\vu's

uml , tb«>J

r, John Milter, d S\\\w ViiUj ^u* t ia t he wa» eurvtl by the usf.'j

j of teu years sUmliqg, !

•VYhiU-kil! wuBi*«.i c i l b hvt

lie cau u.tjvw <Jv«. !

eJM fiwd bv ate o;cim . . .


^•oNwiWto a J\atoo««l w nwittw

O ^ f 1


ta din by oar helKpttye) iloae, bac W*J| onBed

Kolfiuwn, B Rvery dtawen nu case

Holy aeon,Thin KM » very iliuwoiHgo nt Innff sianilinj, nutor -iptlviia. '

Dr. ' HmiiiBl Vf. Jtdwritffl aw lUn'wifa ba»one of tie waatdaea r.

Dr. Ajdanur is now iKwidiottt a. fliilnne in: iido«e (toes ferfieC relief,cjire tne worst ciaes in B

PricB'JlDer bottle.W amnn'a EraifEiniiori

j two hodtl,ia

, y5„lean cutwl t r )* *P e 9HIB knowu * » n i .

sin(3e awe; THe secondfflim ISTO DO-UITW tactJus

I J J B Phy iidon anil SlurgMri C.S.A-l B >r aale »S &*>• ?- Brown

uj 1 and oil drnqgiBtn.

Jsd, 176 Main-'you wlH flat! ii .ifioti ii scrtmcut of Slea'a autlEijja1 Hats anil Cups in the Spriag Style..


CLOTHnTG- CLEM TED aail EEP ATKEDat ahor, arxux.

We. of Co Bve'Ctiii'. « titat c;dll ami mini!times irjvc to cnunpH ;

But •when you. com ui buy a Iiat. b« aun

DISPENSARY.ErtaHialiaiia57'*tl2ir. Sth-Strost, 3 1 LEw, HO.

fTTiniPliysicianBiQ ciinr^«-]f Una nUlanit w«U kai^raX iHBtiUitian ar*» r"a!iiui* (fr.-uiuuu 9 iii nuftlcma and

anr-'cry t t t u a of 3jFjjerl>TTiffp in Uiu tnuitnuint! otQiroiUc THTWf tiuvit matla fauir sMf ami aiality*j mui;lL3iineritir,ui tiiut nfilin onliunP; iinwHUixniir,timi ihf.v Uiire iicjnir&t a uiuiuiml rupubUun- UIT^UIJJIflimr Ixe'atumnt a !

kSSSSSSSkfiirj 'ir P-Jiwmuilfl MedlcUitui.Uujsfl of miiiiiiii aan wtui iru

autfbriiii frirn. liut enlictu of allwat t^Sn^aSl^ia rlctunrt inr bunman ornuUTiiigtt,purnumtmtlv curtat, at mutiW'rU*)

naraotui ooniullimun.» p r , WKSSLut of aiioitciai io be untKrctl. UY pHiitUi. 4euniig taudlfcd &»B (a aap sldima aa i4)]riitaJloti. :

CPmiK MlIMinr fhm auQUim huuid «ml lfaririddiM,k4nd Aarn M««UUtar Ui Uulr wlnniiivn. IU» • • t i i r t m , ^C l t i n c i l v ^nitliiisJ nd Kuld he MUTM«1

Ranady fur ttia u

!!*. i i|>4Ui< * -m.il 1) O: Hn. 3 Uifl

GUTTHISOUT!Wehavt is i iores lnIS leading Cities..Mr F:tcturiiw dX'l Priwnioai l>tfict!!4 are inKritJB P'j~ SiJtiil. t:ir niir Jiu^v ^ 'l i tvi tTiy'i**- imi




Euvi: nnw QBUH tiitir S|irjnr taaiJUrtntim. eijCurciiLji in S'iw jiU't ^LrfciiUi- ti'i^ii^iiii aflit (.'L'iiJrumtaJiitt Uit I;ticJi;r. X'ini2tf Ui'uuirf aaii Lihrii'ii:*;

li-iyaL Wiit-jDH, li;i(fiiiJi. it'jti L'- mtibtiL', of tiiibi:.*ti 'i-miiCi-, ta DL-W and Hiip-'tiur JL-huruM. EnrT::i:lL ami A:u*ni::;:i Iinm!-«:i». lii uttrii.tiy c^jiiliitn|;^L"J:ru« and txls.r1*. Tatjualtr-iia aud Uvrr^iwi ulli!'.; Ui'.trt ai.'pn'jv;d iu:i!i::^. U'iii-lu Cury«!;;, Il'iDfiMuLh, L'lJ(JH.tilH» itlbO CiillUilJ; M LUIlifH, i lil!l Hilt

^I'liMXL 50TI<:ii-5 trjaitt Buiiy Erui^rl;.

uint l*i:U/!'.'Il; wjlfrint'Ml ft UK: v:ry I.1--C ij.i[;iilly iu

BROADWAY, cortier 19th St.N E W YORK.


In tl)<; m.il,Uir of •!ivi;?i--t.v o: Lm'i.- u -i.-

tli'.' iipplii.-aiiou of J •W.I L. Fvi /"' . .

By virtii'; of »:i on.li.T |i:;i'J'i !•; Ill': alji".ii.-it|i;r by T!n.'U!:i.-i i'. M.'.'<'i.'i'tiK<:li. Kwj'.iir'

Pri;i)ii.iiuyr JuiJiv i.'f ill'.- C'Url i f t'ljiiDw'!'.'i|.s vt L liij.'ij t'oun'.y. '.o i:.i ilirt'tU'il, w

slialj1. txi-'Oiw; k e saN." al [ <:'.|}i- vuiiilin.-. :

N ' j * J'.-1-H.'y., liu

HA.UFJUL.Y, A. D. li*

;ii. tlie U'.uit- of two o ' d o c k iji th'.' iifturuiiM-IJf w i d iluv, tbi; (..'l!owii|^ i.UHcri'.'i;d tr.i'•.if liirjJ. siiUiHu i'J t.hi; L'ilty uf l!a.bw-,iv, itUi.- t'outily vf I'ui'.-ii aii'l Stiati; of N\'W

tV^uii i in^ at tlie li'ji'lljt^ujt e'i:rui.'i' ufHVH;\ and '.Lafayviti; *lr>.-i:i,jj tlieuee run-tHug tttsttrlv-iilony lljf liu1.' of LnJ^vel!.':struet forty \-vt »i-\ iut-fatis. W.'jrt or lei*, to

No. 150; tlK-tKV torllwrly aJi.nj^ theLine ef suiii Iut No. 17J uiiiyLy-scveu" fv.-t.aioru or less, t> lot No. Ui), tlk'nee westerly

g theliae of lot NM. 901 forty fret sixiuebes. Uiort or. k-s,s, to Ejsv.t Street; thtiiieealuUg tbtf liut' of •stid strict sowUieriy uiij'.'-

u.ori.' or K's», ta thu cortK-c of

iDie i.iri;oii«cs 5*iii dowu au<l_ a Map Kuvtv bjy; K. W. Biiu

ley of the 5!iotwell proper.W, ii* lyl; J»o.IUW, nod is 'also the sairnt wljieli were-eou--

k 8ym.byl.!eorxv 1\ Webbwife. lv dwd dated AtrU 1^, ISSi),Rcorittil in tUe offive o< l ie fleck of

on Oouijty, iu ix>ok y of IX-eds fotKiid(.Vtiutv, i t tittxv HI.



leEHTSi '*«-».




DraniHafiWj UPaul, ttiliiOiu.ffamaKa t

1'ALBHJrrjLEfAi IT««! and Direct dim-* wi

kadjuui Vacantly hiwniapjaITr!uUiiSiw]iurt »d^a Ol aaauga,;Ju

dtin «tiil.dr, P:alt ainllnidimiAil I 'UHt'aiitf ii Euuafcmjtijrai TJ

^i'iC.icl* far aaiij at uilpuit

'Phr'itH-ul^ nu'uffinia-.ua,,!?

-i.•» ;uu!a«up-:st Titlcjs Qflli

Viia-fris.. i Uau I tl'iir.


ijidniajftnir^:.13. Iraim-il miii{«n, S4.

BililM null! fJS' CSJIl-Bl*. LOlll:



if fora oJ

ltt .u-

• tilia 4ilIJJw:L ami !M:ip:i *

'im tlni f«nttH. Tl»« iiuill jmi. <ii: u un:.1 ,L.-_ i. UuuiL aud ailinr inimui aia::ir.

,il aw:t? Jinii tliiH :uurfuU imtiiiir .-•* U:it*-:

an jputu iW bttid, autl cuiKil tilt-v b>: s 'V,!, iWr, irfru-nireil. auU nuver Wfpt -n, Muy wniii;.-ui

unliurm. Bucniiflir.u*tacau:riC. tiir1 j - a r* , an; t^t;deatl mutton* af y t u r u w n 1)oaic» curt «if »."•' i>*:r i;i-ratiua and napiratnm aaiL 3ini^:---t- "V'.ia ULI:IIU.:

Summer aft*:r rtuainiL-r but •H:-UII; im-niljr:-,.^i amily sweated J U Una r.uuu b«-ii; tan \A:\ •rjnn caiiWiH Ilia (ticUa^s, aud peraapH 1^ aiuiu:i:u ^HIIH, y/iiiEvnnnizctiildicn liava aiupt an .r, uni j»i-d td tu foiif ciimhiuiitinnritJiii itiil nior* d::-j'ii*rin^azcxcUnuf) <if tiiuirbmlies. On taia f.ml zuu-* J mlie ; the w.innth and muieenn: <t( i '/iir b^iiu-i rxi:-intr itn canatunt decampa-nam :uui ii;niii*iii:i::iiii :«nviiitf illicit its ftiiii utaat-'S .'tnil txniuintr *:iv.:n :n '"j-ij-Sict witll, autonlvt l iu lump and ai^tctiir. -, !)•:-wiiU every ahaor-JiH^ptirs m yaur butr-v.

ENT* Sur Bin, WHipq , * illi

Ail I fir la onulOcia' B U

ililiuillv. Jalidiar, Haisiui; Di«ia« s.rnpli: clrpy lil cm

, E S . '"•i unit'. 3 i M ami ill, w.iilir umL til

L":.f at I4iwt»t prii:1

un iiiulirery,




uh i s

ad, wisiis u, dail, Bopru. a ecstaTe,dail

tmiitaaH aiflar eui;

u esertica cf

Du!iaaeaii(. ^

seniiutiun. in thr t ia Sttouldiintc, witii ». cunrChciiy on minii

^Phta tHhitaerag i t tHY l l Ski;ta tiaSirat tea «^ea, Yellow Ski;

:dU'1tfUte gsnarallT «»ir the eightuieaa, wiiii tiiJhii drsnouv li^hiOrina, andCONSTIPATION.

T adapted t

UTTS HAIR DYEI A Y H A : 2 o n ^

i'-ii I)--' i iinij



UII r-jcfijii :ifT . .

aupiy vii

J f.:r.t:-UK eiivil U priiuuinatlbpi, uinauimatma ur c pacauiiti of auvulupmnat far miin: P'lt^at uui i ;Maumtul Hivcr Uutumirf call L'dienit:!-*

li 7(ia want tu avoid tfli: dauil':rt r-.i STf:'.! ;*i .Ultl iillilVd, ^ct y.mr iJt'W n-'uuv:ili".iaadciiiaa.-:^ t illlctlJiam. ]irtli:::.«. i_L >>!ili:iiiiatt •alisLuu.-s j - rmuvi.-d frnintUe iLuill. i;a>;ii ilhri c i)urau;:i . '-ioa mai'ji:ilcuruiiuuii, auui'a^im; un.-. i!a:lL-ii.:-iii 'frnm uuu^innt Iu <mi!-iiuif. L.aipo

Dlli ' l ' l iOYS ALL l l J T l i - iar liuililit./ til Ultti

l " i l i

a.l :!;•ar liuililit./ til Ulttiit J ;smuiulu "saiuil, (irumuiim aiuiMij; m:w f-.a-n;'lauRiuy relii:Tiutf liuiu»:Ui.t:p>:n f.-'^n nmna ::a:::'i..-liinat i l iur !IL".1M. In fatt. IL » !:-.i:r;;':i:n;: •-•»- '-: -a.

d fS Our wirii t:a:ili "pun : •litu u idu ruuwoiva a imiu; uur laci l i l icUiku rind recirn Iji-'iia um aand [taul^ f-ir a ^ , r i j r

Onlyliidmiinu Piili

p3 Per

Wli:i Lili: Ut'ii.^ ^ Wu wiii-raiii. piirfi.'ut -unt?

ahur^f!. Wii would respBC'-Mil;touurailDll and s«« till! miitllmi:BuijilillH-* -'"* ' ' " ' ' " ^ ' i " ' ^ - A. j iAl i^ . . ' - .

"i3 Main ^i . . l"i!l i"'.' »

JU :and >



I. C. Monroe's Remedy,Without the use oftjauiine.

WARRANTED A SI EE CURE.Which m.xo.j Pruni iaeal iitLiBiw

C M Testify.


Brocki!/n,N. Y.SFJSD Fi.'I

t-ifi.rrsMlnu mil ^

1 I

Immerse Sales! Beys Wanted!F'lll aii'/'i' Cjuijii Cunuj)..-;f.iinr wi ' LAL'ii.'ir

iii'i'inl«!lt>Uir.''-!i1l-.-ir"'ii'.'Uv' '.!• " v i s , -j'ii'ivAm" :-V. 'fuiiii :IL":III::'.




N'l i ITU KA^T L'l.iI-LS'bi: 0 ?

I Main St. and Milton Ave..

J; ,-:••- V ' ! iiiifliii:'.-.

i \ hliii':..':; w.-iir .r• (>ii

: l \ p \ ' H < th<:y v<;.: c i . ! : C

•?.:•;.••).- tl:.i; •u :n . - ij . jy ik -

M;< c.\ |- |- ' |-!i r l l i i!"! ' !- . !.i.(

<>>.'•< i!iii.ii.li':>iii-y l ) l | . i v ; I

Price )N i . i ! f . \ I N - A . M . i I ' l l U E : i I ' l


ii1. UH! .%'•-/ Ji.-i-..i;y ; m,,ri i.i-..,,rl',M.. :-..'M,,'•..,':,

f u:!'l ri.''..:ru y'.'i:;- i

' ' . ' ' i ' il;ira;i:, ii:t V>: !

v , , - , | . [., W i ! ' | . , . l :v\ I ' ' ( ^ , ' ! n ! i N' . , .Milii. V •• i i" l" ,V!- ' i L,

:Mi l:i:i! i;;; . ! | ; . A A ' ' . . ' i - l i n ' l \A. V. >!J ' . 'T,V 11.1.1.,

1 t . • A I.'' !'i;'.'.T\V||-|.L,

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• i i i ' II. - > \ k i l

I ' ' I : i l ' i t .



H e a l isV>r X. V. \ V . , i „, ^ , . I V I - | I

-V i|ii;i:i;|i: f'.r Ii vhl'Ji'u. .-,

N. J i

Th . ' . ! t V i i i ; - . i i j

V.I:.. nj;:i!^:,ti.-.•!!<--r ii.i:::.il;|' liy u>:

Wealth.: 0 3 T.HE MQ8T TaVGiABjLE XEEJI3


mu.EJ4 Mm' , \UY IJ* A.NJVtWUI

I1- - ; Aipurlii;» nm;' |ir-..(..r. f!i,j nl ;.|e in gf Uajiwir

uf i Ui.'mMilvi.., ,,f' 'i":i1..°f!i!:!i,':','V ^ | l"'ai ivaiu!wi•lim'K'ijty, I|iYiilu;ii'ary • olf'jPiU !JW tiiis iu.-r-ij 'uii

t.ii'i:* |.y Jii,:.i:rv. uf.*:iv , u.ln( j ' l , . t t , j | . I. Hi: lju.l W!]Jlir-: I- ll'lif. '::i.-n.-1. Ktm:!| U'X «.li l ; | ; j |» ujm jlwlltU'Dp.-iii.iii m l . UniMl'W.fr ;i b>4i. IJ,- nut ' u r ilvi» d u l .r : :ill Isv iiin.'l. )irt|)u;iJ i(u Hi.-uipl. gf pnuii . Wu

«.-i.'!9i.x bu.v.» l')i.--j*.i:iii.'< tanu. tvii.li (mth.j i ! | ! j I l

Will I


j i |>i.- it<iil»f>. >V'i

uf Ul-u.ul mill (H;ifllrl ! i '

(!. Tlk'r)', AtL:i|Notivt is ij'.'iii

lUUctSuji.-Dt al

credits, |UJ4(.•!)a.Ut'l<s, lai><!.•*,: ii.iu.|i,,

uivat& of nil Att'i. i|t, (i:j.

ou.t of tijw.- S t w Jtbe tiftb) J \v oH •tuxttAblij UJJUI ryi

Mi-y tbc tj:


XXIV, A W.-V'ti: iitty-'s Kit!



.'.I'm. iiyvumpanludUiu |min:liui«ir "iir

, X J . . i

CT. IF>auU.vs. Albert!fiisu. ITliui a. writ uf j

l aUis- (righto


crai Bail

Caii»4r«i|{ 'Iciun«jnuiuiil


rvt tile rteu»« ,(*ft« ana initfll. :


Ctfdita- ' : n t x > ^ e Qui*iT!i». tftj wtuiyt, oil

l-WSt- I

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a!H ill tila lujhifc u> Ubt.


t 'oait on I

i)M> CX'irt d'xly ex


H«!..'f [ibtfJOouuty of i BROWNE DRLV, ^fflSE.Ui'x-r .A. D . i — —


:*||)is i,IKjo.. S

K. L E E . I ;:i HIMrurtKBi; K«

||fj «!»»«• in' BurnI

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