Task IN- 02 GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 Earth Data Sets (Task) Presentation IN-02-C1 (Advances in Life-cycle Data Management) Satish K. Srivastava (CSA/CEOS) IN-02-C2 (Development of Regional /Global Information and Cross-cutting Datasets including socio-economic data) Michael Abrams (JPL/US) Koki Iwao (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST/Japan)

Task IN-02 GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 Earth Data Sets (Task) Presentation IN-02-C1 (Advances in Life-cycle Data Management) Satish K. Srivastava (CSA/CEOS)

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Task IN-02

GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014

Earth Data Sets (Task) Presentation

IN-02-C1 (Advances in Life-cycle Data Management)Satish K. Srivastava (CSA/CEOS)

IN-02-C2 (Development of Regional /Global Information and Cross-cutting Datasets including socio-economic data)

Michael Abrams (JPL/US)

Koki Iwao (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST/Japan)

Task IN-02

Key 2014 Outputs (C1: Advances in Life-cycle Data Management)1. GEO Best Practices for data management approaches that

encompass a broad perspective of the observation data life-cycle

2. GEO Strategy for the long-term preservation of Earth observation data

3. GEO Strategy for data quality assurance (QA4EO)

• Decided to refocus QA4EO activities for making concrete progress to demonstrate it to stakeholders

4. Data and Information Interoperability in CEOS and GEO

• Interoperability test sites has been identified • Cal/Val Portal (Operational collection of CAL@CEOS)

5. A general Earth System Spatial Grid ( ESSG ) for GEOSS data long term registration, cloud management, sharing access, integrated analysis and SBAs application.

focusing on Session Theme

Task IN-02Key 2014 Outputs (C2: Development of Regional /Global Information and Cross-cutting Datasets including socio-

economic data)

ASTER GDEM•US and Japan progressed towards a global, coordinated and integrated Digital Elevation Model (DEM), facilitating interoperability among existing Digital Elevation Model data sets. •Develop wide area dataset of ALOS PRISM DSM (Digital Surface Model) and its validation (by JAXA). JAXA is developing validated wide area dataset of ALOS PRISM DSM (Digital Surface Model).

Global Map (ISCGM 1km-500m resolution)•Efforts were launched to foster the use of Global Map across Societal Benefit Areas.•Global Map V.2 (Global Version, GLCNMO and PTC) is released•KML files for browsing Global Map V.2 (Global Version) with Google Earth focusing on Session Theme

Task IN-02

Key 2014 Outputs (C2: Cnt.)OneGeology•The OneGeology project continued to build momentum around the development of a dynamic digital geological map of the world•An increasing number of full and open datasets were accessed in a usable and editable format.

ISRIC Global Soil Information (Harmonized world SOIL DATABASE)•Collaboration with the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET) enhanced access to European seas’ data. Work continued to ….support the development of a global soil information system incorporating data from global, regional and national soil data projects (led by ISRIC).

New:•CSIRO, Australia, with support from the ASTER project, produced and released the first ever continental mineral maps.•The series of maps for Australia were registered in the GEOSS Common Infrastructure.

focusing on Session Theme

Task IN-02

Cross-Task Activities (pls propose 2-3 activities along with practical actions)

• ID-01(Data Sharing QA) -IN-02 C1 QA4EO

(share progress)• SB-04 URBAN - IN-02 C2 Urban Map

(Provide data for analysis/comparison)• SB-02 LANDCOV- IN-02 C2 Urban Map

(Consistent in Urban categories/ Share validation data)

Task IN-02

Challenges, Issues, and Gaps Hindering Progress

• How to demarcate (collaborate) with GEO-like activities?

C2 Development of Regional /Global Datasets

⇔Ex. the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global

Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) http://ggim.un.org/projects.htmlUN MAP?

Global Map (ISCGM 1km-500m resolution)Efforts were launched to foster the use of

Global Map across Societal Benefit Areas.

Task IN-02

Challenges, Issues, and Gaps Hindering Progress


GEO Sec tries to communicate with OECD like organization but very limited activities related to Socio-economic data development is registered to IN-02 C2

• How to recruit the data registration to GCI/Data-Core?

What is the incentives/motivations for the data providers to register their data?

High reputation data are commended by GEO and get high priority to be funded for LTDP?

Task IN-02

Time series of my presentation on Data Management since 2010 (Pretoria)



• Not registered to the GCI --- Need GEO Literature Database?

See: https://gbank.gsj.jp/geolis/indexE.html

• Long Term Data (PPT) has been preserved, thanks to Rik!

« What Worked, What Didn’t » with (previous) GEO Work Plans

Task IN-02Challenges and Issues

(evolution since 2012 Work Plan Symposium)C2: Comments from IIB…• Most of the data/projects existed without GEO

– How to develop new dataset under the framework of GEO?

Global Land-water mask?– How to coordinate the each SBA’s High rank priority data development? Eliminate

the duplication,….• Essential socio-economic information…

– Missing socio-economic information such as population map

AIST plans to develop the map collaborate with CIESIN, ISCGM, U-Tokyo

• Enhanced information extraction from historical, current and future source data.– Earth Data should include not only map but also in-situ, historical…

• to support improved simulation, modelling, and prediction capabilities for each Societal Benefit Area and across multiple Societal Benefit Areas– Are these global maps meet the user’s requirements?

Slide from 2013 WPS?

Task IN-02Challenges and Issues

(evolution since 2012 Work Plan Symposium)Data or Services mentioned in the 12-15 GWP are already registered/searchable to GCI or


Each coordinators are requested to check the attached excel sheet

Slide from 2013 WPS


Task IN-02














KeywordsConsistent & ValidatedGEO Baseline?

Base. Land MaskMSL 0m (DEM) Elevation, Area

Land Use and CoverLULUCF ClassificationClassification class system Ontology

Natural Vegetation relatedPhenological Eye’s NetworkLAI, PAR, Phenology…

Socio EconomicHigh Resolution Urban MapPopulation DensityGDPEnergy ConsumptionBlack Carbon

Time-SeriesTime series land cover

Miscellaneous Soil MapRoad MapWatershedGroundwater…


Land Urban





Department store of Global MapsPut other data on backorder

Issues (key impediments to progress) and Gaps (2012)

Slide from 2013 WPS

Task IN-02

Ideas for Accelerating Implementationfrom Infrastructure Implementation Board

• Common Data Management Principles will be prepared

for future Plenary (similar to that of Data Sharing Principles)

Such as…–Encourage•Data development..•Life Cycle Data Management/Preservations..•Data Quality..•…

Slide from 2013 WPS

Task IN-02

Current Practice/Approach to Data Management

• Started to establish Data Management Principles based mainly on IN-02 C1