Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise

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  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise




  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    Cardiovascular changes during muscular exercise

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise



    The blood flow of resting skeletal muscles islow (900 ml/min). During exercise, the flow is greatly increased to as much as

    20-fold. Exercise produces increased H+ ion, excess

    metabolites, excitement, adrenaline-secretion,

    rise of temperature and so on these factors alter the activity of the different systems bytheir central and peripheral actions and regulate theirfunctional level according to the needs of the body.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise



    The cardiovascular changes produced areeither: general

    or local

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    A) General effects

    I. Heart rate: Heart rate is increased and may reach 140 to 180 beats per

    minute or more.

    The increase in heart rate is presumably due to: irradiation of impulses from the higher centers (cerebral cortex,

    respiratory center etc....) to the cardiovascular centers (CVCs).

    The rise of temperature and increased acidity stimulate thecardiovascular centers further.

    The increased venous return sets up the Atrial stretch reflex. Also the muscular system (through the muscle spindles and the other

    proprioceptors) sends impulses to the higher centers via the sensorynerves.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    A) General effects

    I. Heart rate:(cont.) The net result of all the discharge to the CVCs is to produce

    marked depression of vagal tone and increase of thesympathetic tone.

    There is only one factor which tends to slow the heart duringexercise, namely the rise in the ABP, according to Mareys


    But the vagal neurons of the CVCs become so inhibited by the

    various mentioned factors this may be explained by assuming that during exercise the

    baroreceptors become out of function

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    A) General effects

    II. Venous return This is increased by about 5 or 6 folds due to:

    the arteriolar dilatation in skeletal muscles

    the increase in sympathetic venomotor tone

    the activated muscle pump

    the thoracic pump action

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    A) General effects

    III. Cardiac output The cardiac output is increased up to 25 L/min. and in very

    well trained athletes to 35 L/min.

    The mechanisms responsible for this increase are : increased heart rate

    increased venous return and stroke volume

    The heart muscle contracts more forcibly to achieve asmaller end-systolic volume, i.e.

    EDV is increased while the ESV is decreased.

    The chronotropic and inotropic effects on the heart are dueto increased activity in the noradrenergic sympathetic nervesto the heart and the decreased vagal tone.

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    Heart rate





    ESV (ml)

    Non-athleteRest 5 70 70 130 60




    Diff. (*3.4)

    180 (*2.5) 120 (*1.7) 140 (+10) 20 (- 40)

    TrainedathleteRest 5 40 120 200 80




    Diff. (*6.2)180 (*4.5) 200 (*1.6) 220 (+20) 20 ( -60)

    Cardiacvariables at rest & at maximum exercise for non-athlete & trained athlete

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    A) General effects

    IV. Blood pressure: In spite of the marked increase in the cardiac output, there is

    a fall in the total peripheral resistance due to vasodilatationof the exercising muscles

    Consequently, systolic blood pressure rises only moderately,whereas the diastolic pressure may remain unchanged or even falls

    Evidence of such vasodilatation is that:

    CO increases five times but the ABP is increased only at the most to

    two-folds. ABP = CO X Peripheral resistance

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    B) Local effects

    I. Local blood vessels Vasodilatation takes place in arterioles, capillaries and

    venules in the muscles. Many capillaries which were collapsed at rest become

    patent. These actions are caused by :

    O2 lack increased CO2 and increased H+ ion concentration in skeletal muscles. Potassium is another substance that accumulates locally and has a dilator action.

    A rise in temperature exerts a direct vasodilator effect. Adrenaline dilates muscular vessels

    it is secreted from the adrenal medulla exclusively. Noradrenaline is secreted mainly from the noradrenergic postganglionic

    sympathetic fibers and a little from the adrenal medulla.

    The net effect of all these local changes is to increase the

    O2 utilization

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  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    B) Local effects

    II. Tissue fluid and lymph: Tissue fluid formation is increased because the capillary

    blood pressure rises, and the filtering force is increased.

    The dilatation of the capillaries increases their permeabilityand so more lymph is drained by the lymphatics.

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  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    1. Blood flow in skeletal muscles of the legsshould increase tremendously during vigorous


    Which of the following mechanismscontributes to increased skeletal muscle blood


    A) Local metabolites dilate skeletal muscleblood vessels

    B) Resistance of the veins and venules


    C) Total peripheral resistance increases

    D) Circulating epinephrine constricts skeletal

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    2-The increase in blood flowing throughcoronary vessels during exercise is largely

    due to a regulation involving:

    a) Adrenergic relaxation of the tension

    exerted by myocardial fibers.b) Increase in coronary pressure due to aconcomitant higher aortic pressure.

    c) Oxygen dependent mechanism.

    d) All of the above.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    3-In muscular exercise, cardiac

    output depends primarily on:

    a) Heart acceleration.

    b) Smaller end diastolic volume.

    c) Greater end systolic volume.

    d) Marked increase in strokevolume

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    4-During exercise, total peripheralresistance decrease because of the

    effect of:a) the sympathetic nervous system on

    splanchnic arterioles.

    b) the parasympathetic nervous system onskeletal muscle arterioles.

    c) local metabolites on skeletal musclearterioles.

    d) local metabolites on cerebral arterioles.

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    5-During muscular exercisetachycardia is due to all the

    following EXCEPTa- increase arterial blood pressure

    b- impulses from skeletal muscles.c- increase body temperature.

    d- increase venous return.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    6-In a healthy subject, running is usually associated with adecrease in the end-systolic volume of the right and leftventricles and with an increase in their stroke volume.

    The mechanism for this response is probably thefollowing:

    A) Starlings law of the heart

    B) Decrease in sympathetic tone toventricles

    C) A Decrease in venous return to the


    D) An increase in pulmonary and systemic


  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    7-Local metabolic activity is themain factor determining the rate

    of blood flow to all of thefollowing except:

    A) Heart

    B) Skin

    C) Skeletal muscle

    D) Brain

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    8-Each of the following tends toincrease lymph flow, EXCEPT:

    a) Increased plasma colloid osmoticpressure

    b) Increased capillary pressure

    c) Increased muscular activityd) Increased permeability of the


  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    9-All of the following factors can cause

    an increase in cardiac output EXCEPT:

    a) exercise

    b) deep inspiration

    c) Ischemia of the cardiacmuscles

    d) Arteriolar dilatation. e ncrease n s ro e

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    - e ncrease n s ro evolume which results from

    greater diastolic volumedepends primarily on:

    a)the initial length of myocardial


    b) increased coronary blood flow

    c) decreased aortic resistance

    d) parasympathetic nervous system

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    11-Which of the following are

    incorrectly paired?

    a) loss of blood: hypotension.

    b) increased cardiac output :exercise.

    c) increased total peripheral resistance :


    d) adenosine: coronary vasodilatation.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    12- Venous return to the heart isfacilitated by:

    a) The amount of blood filling thecirculatory system

    b) The tone of sympathetic system on theveins

    c) The activity of skeletal muscles

    d) All of the above

    13 The most important variable

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    a) Impulses from cardiovascular centers

    b) Compression of abdominal muscles which

    reduces the vascular bed by a purelymechanical effect and raises the meansystemic filling pressure

    c) Increased myocardial contractility due toincreased circulating epinephrine

    d) Increased metabolism of muscle that

    13-The most important variablewhich increases cardiac output

    during exercise is the:

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    during moderate exercise:-

    a- Heart rate.

    b- Cardiac output.

    c- Pulse pressure.

    d- Total peripheral resistance.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    15-During exercise, all of the

    following increase EXCEPT:a- The total peripheral resistance.

    b- The systolic BP.

    c- The stroke volume.

    d- The heart rate.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    16-The increase in blood flowingthrough coronary vessels during

    exercise is due to:

    a) Parasympathetic mediated


    b) Direct sympathetic stimulation of

    adrenergic receptorsc) Increase in coronary pressure

    d) Local accumulation of vasodilator

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    17-Venous return to the heart is

    facilitated by:a) The tone of sympathetic system on


    b)The negativity of the thoracic pressure

    c) The activity of skeletal muscles

    d) All of the above


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  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    1 Bl d fl i k l t l l f th l

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    1. Blood flow in skeletal muscles of the legsshould increase tremendously during vigorous


    Which of the following mechanismscontributes to increased skeletal muscle blood


    A) Local metabolites dilate skeletal muscleblood vessels

    B) Resistance of the veins and venules


    C) Total peripheral resistance increases

    D) Circulating epinephrine constricts skeletal

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    2-The increase in blood flowing throughcoronary vessels during exercise is largely

    due to a regulation involving:

    a) Adrenergic relaxation of the tension

    exerted by myocardial fibers.b) Increase in coronary pressure due to aconcomitant higher aortic pressure.

    c) Oxygen dependent mechanism.

    d) All of the above.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    3-In muscular exercise, cardiac

    output depends primarily on:

    a) Heart acceleration.

    b) Smaller end diastolic volume.

    c) Greater end systolic volume.

    d) Marked increase in strokevolume

    D i i l i h l

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    4-During exercise, total peripheralresistance decrease because of the

    effect of:a) the sympathetic nervous system on

    splanchnic arterioles.

    b) the parasympathetic nervous system onskeletal muscle arterioles.

    c) local metabolites on skeletal musclearterioles.

    d) local metabolites on cerebral arterioles.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    5-During muscular exercisetachycardia is due to all the

    following EXCEPTa- increase arterial blood pressure

    b- impulses from skeletal muscles.c- increase body temperature.

    d- increase venous return.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    6-In a healthy subject, running is usually associated with adecrease in the end-systolic volume of the right and leftventricles and with an increase in their stroke volume.

    The mechanism for this response is probably thefollowing:

    A) Starlings law of the heart

    B) Decrease in sympathetic tone toventricles

    C) A Decrease in venous return to the


    D) An increase in pulmonary and systemic


    7 Local metabolic activity is the

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    7-Local metabolic activity is themain factor determining the rate

    of blood flow to all of thefollowing except:

    A) Heart

    B) Skin

    C) Skeletal muscle

    D) Brain

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    8-Each of the following tends toincrease lymph flow, EXCEPT:

    a) Increased plasma colloid osmoticpressure

    b) Increased capillary pressure

    c) Increased muscular activityd) Increased permeability of the


  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    9-All of the following factors can cause

    an increase in cardiac output EXCEPT:

    a) exercise

    b) deep inspiration

    c) Ischemia of the cardiacmuscles

    d) Arteriolar dilatation. - e ncrease n s ro e

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    - e ncrease n s ro evolume which results from

    greater diastolic volumedepends primarily on:

    a)the initial length of myocardial


    b) increased coronary blood flow

    c) decreased aortic resistance

    d) parasympathetic nervous system

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    11-Which of the following areincorrectly paired?

    a) loss of blood: hypotension.

    b) increased cardiac output :exercise.

    c) increased total peripheral resistance :


    d) adenosine: coronary vasodilatation.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    12- Venous return to the heart isfacilitated by:

    a) The amount of blood filling thecirculatory system

    b) The tone of sympathetic system on theveins

    c) The activity of skeletal muscles

    d) All of the above

    13-The most important variable

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    a) Impulses from cardiovascular centers

    b) Compression of abdominal muscles which

    reduces the vascular bed by a purelymechanical effect and raises the meansystemic filling pressure

    c) Increased myocardial contractility due toincreased circulating epinephrine

    d) Increased metabolism of muscle that

    13-The most important variablewhich increases cardiac output

    during exercise is the:

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    during moderate exercise:-

    a- Heart rate.

    b- Cardiac output.

    c- Pulse pressure.

    d- Total peripheral resistance.

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    15-During exercise, all of the

    following increase EXCEPT:a- The total peripheral resistance.

    b- The systolic BP.

    c- The stroke volume.

    d- The heart rate.

    16 Th i i bl d fl i

  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    16-The increase in blood flowingthrough coronary vessels during

    exercise is due to:

    a) Parasympathetic mediated


    b) Direct sympathetic stimulation of

    adrenergic receptors

    c) Increase in coronary pressure

    d) Local accumulation of vasodilator


  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    17-Venous return to the heart is

    facilitated by:a) The tone of sympathetic system on


    b)The negativity of the thoracic pressure

    c) The activity of skeletal muscles

    d) All of the above


  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise


    18-The general effect of exercise onarterial blood pressure is to:

    A. Raise systolic and lower diastolic pressuresdue to an increase in peripheral resistance

    B. Lower systolic and raise diastolic pressures

    C. Raise systolic and lower diastolic pressuresaccompanied by, and partly due to, a

    decreased peripheral resistance

    D. Raise both systolic and diastolic pressuresaccompanied by, and partly due to, a

    r ri h r l r i n

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  • 8/2/2019 Tbl Cardiovascular Adaptation to Muscular Exercise
