Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas BITalino Sensors

Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

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Page 1: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


Page 2: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

BITalino•  h/p://bitalino.com/

•  Bitalinoisasmallsensorpla8ormwellsuitedforworkingwithphysiologicaldata•  CommunicaAonviaClassIIBluetoothv2.0•  Availablesensors:

•  EMG•  ECG•  Accelerometer•  Light•  EDA

Page 3: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

BitalinobaseboardMicro-ControllerThe micro-controller unit (MCU)block converts the analogicsignals from the sensors to adigital format, and samples all ofthe channels. The MCU providesaccess to theBITalinoanaloganddigital channels,aswell as to theperipherals.

PowerThe power management blockprovides energy to all the otherBITalino blocks. Thismodule alsohasabuilt-inchargerthatcontrolsthe ba/ery charging. Charging ismade when the device is turnedoffbyconnecAngapower supplyto theMicro-USBport.Thisblockalso provides access to controlsignals

BluetoothA Class II Bluetooth v2.0 with arangeupto10m

Page 4: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


The sensor is capable of performingelectromyography (EMG) measurementsusing bipolar surface electrodes (plus aground lead), and monitors the muscleacAvaAon.

Page 5: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


The ECG works mostly by detecAngand amplifying the Any electricalchangeson the skin thatare causedduringtheheartmusclecycleduringeachheartbeat.

Page 6: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


T h i s s e n s o r c a n m e a s u r eacceleraAonsrelaAvetofreefallandthe model available is capable ofdetecAngmagnitudeanddirecAonofthis same acceleraAon, as a vectorquanAty. This resulAng vector canthen be used to sense posiAon,vibraAon,shock,fall,etc.

Page 7: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


Electrodermal AcAvity (EDA) can bedefined as a transient change incertain electrical properAes of theskin,associatedwiththesweatglandacAvity and elicited by any sAmulusthat evokes an arousal or orienAngresponse.

Page 8: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


A pho tod iode i s a t ype o fphotodetectorcapableofconverAnglightintoeithercurrentorvoltage.Inthis case the output is given involtage.

Page 9: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


TheLEDmoduleconsists inasimpleLight-EmiUngDiode(LED)thatturnsonwhentheinputsignal ishighandturns off when the input signal islow.

Page 10: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

BitalinoEnablingSoftware•  OpenSignals(r)evoluAon

•  SoWwarefordataacquisiAon,visualizaAonandprocessingwhileusingPLUX’sbiosignalpla8orms

•  AllowstheusertoacquiredatafromoneormulApledevices,setuptheexactacquisiAonparameters

•  Save standard ASCII text format or in the more efficient Hierarchical DataFormat(HDF)forprocessingbythirdpartytools

Page 11: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

BitalinoSoftwaredevelopment•  MulApleProgramminglanguages•  Java(Desktopandandroid)•  C++•  C#•  BonsaiLibrary•  LabVIEW•  MATLAB•  Etc.

Page 12: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

BitalinoJavaAPI(versionPriscilaAlves)•  Pre-Requisites(JavaWindows)•  JavaAPI•  EclipseMars(recommended)•  Bluecove-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT(bluetoothcommunicaAon)•  PCwithbluetoothdevice

•  PairBitalinodevicewithcomputer(pass:1234)

Page 13: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well








Page 14: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well






Page 15: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

BitalinoClass•  MainfuncAons:•  Open–bitalino.open(StringmacAdd,intsamplingRate);•  Start–bitalino.start(int[]anChannels);•  Stop– bitalino.stop();•  Close–bitalino.close();•  Read-bitalino.read(intnSamples)•  Write–bitalino.write(intdata);•  Trigger–bitalino.trigger(int[]digitalArray);

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Page 17: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

MyFirstBitalino•  BasicExample•  Connect•  StartandStopStream•  CollectandShowdatafromdifferentsensors

•  SimplisAcrecognizer(EMG+LED)

Page 18: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

MyFirstBitalino1.  NewAndroidApplicaAonProject2.  ImportBitalinoTest3.  ProperAes->JavaBuildPath->Libraries->AddExternalJars

I.  bluecove-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar;4.  OrderandExporttab

Page 19: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

MyFirstBitalino•  Imports:

importBITalino.BITalino;importBITalino.Frame;importBITalino.SensorDataConverter;[email protected];importjavax.bluetooth.RemoteDevice;

Page 20: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

MyFirstBitalino•  Somevariablesneeded:publicstaAcFrame[]dataAcquired;//setofframes(nSamples)privatestaAcfinalintACC_MIN=208;privatestaAcfinalintACC_MAX=312;//Accelerometerconverter

Page 21: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


Page 22: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

MyFirstBitalino•  IniAalizesensorBITalinodevice=newBITalino();//finddevicesVector<RemoteDevice>devices=device.findDevices();System.out.println(devices);//connecttoBITalinodeviceStringmacAddress="98:D3:31:90:3D:C2";intsamplingRate=1000;Intsamples=2000;device.open(macAddress,samplingRate);

Page 23: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

MyFirstBitalino•  Acquiredata:




Page 24: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

MyFirstBitalino•  Closedataacquisi.onandbluetoothconnec.on:


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Page 26: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

sEMGsensor•  "Electromyography(EMG)isanexperimentaltechniqueconcernedwiththedevelopment,recordingandanalysisofmyoelectric signals.

•  Myoelectric signals areformed byphysiological variaAons inthe state ofmusclefibermembranes."

Page 27: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

sEMGsensor•  Typicalbenefitsare:•  EMGallowstodirectly“look”intothemuscle•  Itallowsmeasurementofmuscularperformance•  Helpsindecisionmakingbothbefore/aWersurgery•  Documentstreatmentandtrainingregimes•  HelpspaAentsto“find”andtraintheirmuscles•  AllowsanalysistoimprovesportsacAviAes•  Detectsmuscleresponseinergonomicstudies

Page 28: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

sEMGsensor•  HowmusclecontracAonworks?

Page 29: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well


Page 30: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

sEMGsensor•  sEMGsignal

Page 31: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

sEMGsensor•  FactorsinfluencingtheEMGsignal:•  TissuecharacterisAcs•  Physiologicalcrosstalk•  Changesinthegemoetrybetweenmusclebellyandeletrodesite•  Externalnoise•  Electrodeandamplifiers

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sEMGsensor•  HumanAnatomy

Page 33: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

Howtobuildarecognizer•  Capturingthesignalofadatastream•  WindowingandOverlapping

Page 34: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

Howtobuildarecognizer•  Pre-processingthesignal•  Bu/erworthlow-pass,high-passandbandpassfilters

•  Frequenciesdependonthesensorused•  Helpsfilteringunwantedsignalsandenhancethesignalquality(e.g.Noisefromotherdevices,etc.)

Page 35: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

Howtobuildarecognizer•  FeatureExtracAon•  Derivedvaluesfromthesignal•  Transformlargesetsofdataintoareducedsetoffeatures•  HelpsclassificaAonalgorithmstofindpa/ernsindata•  ExamplesforEMGsensor:

•  Waveformlength,RootMeanSquare,Wamp

Page 36: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

Howtobuildarecognizer•  Classifier•  IdenAfyingtowhichofasetofcategories(sub-populaAons)anewobservaAonbelongs

•  SupervisedLearning


100 200 300 WristFlexion

150 200 400 Closehand

400 100 100 Openhand

... ... ... ...

Page 37: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well




100 200 300 WristFlexion

150 200 400 Closehand

400 100 100 Openhand

... ... ... ...


150 200 400 ?


FeaturesExtrac@on ClassifierCapture

Page 38: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

WEKAAPI•  WekaisacollecAonofmachinelearningalgorithmsfordataminingtasks•  SVM,RandomTree,BayesNet,etc.•  h/p://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/index.html

Page 39: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

WEKAAPI•  DataSctructure//DeclaretwonumericaWributesA]ributeA]ribute1=newA]ribute(“firstNumeric”);A]ributeA]ribute2=newA]ribute(“secondNumeric”);//DeclareanominalaWributealongwithitsvaluesFastVectorfvNominalVal=newFastVector(3);fvNominalVal.addElement(“blue”);fvNominalVal.addElement(“gray”);fvNominalVal.addElement(“black”);A]ributeA]ribute3=newA]ribute(“aNominal”, fvNominalVal);//DeclaretheclassaWributealongwithitsvaluesFastVectorfvClassVal=newFastVector(2);fvClassVal.addElement(“posi@ve”);fvClassVal.addElement(“nega@ve”);A]ributeClassA]ribute=newA]ribute(“theClass”,fvClassVal);//DeclarethefeaturevectorFastVectorfvWekaA/ributes=new FastVector(4);fvWekaA]ributes.addElement(A]ribute1);fvWekaA]ributes.addElement(A]ribute2);fvWekaA]ributes.addElement(A]ribute3);fvWekaA]ributes.addElement(ClassA]ribute);

Page 40: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

WEKAAPI•  Trainaclassifier//CreateanemptytrainingsetInstancesisTrainingSet=newInstances("Rel",fvWekaA]ributes,10);//SetclassindexisTrainingSet.setClassIndex(3);//CreatetheinstanceInstanceiExample=newDenseInstance(4);iExample.setValue((A]ribute)fvWekaA]ributes.elementAt(0),1.0);iExample.setValue((A]ribute)fvWekaA]ributes.elementAt(1),0.5);iExample.setValue((A]ribute)fvWekaA]ributes.elementAt(2),"gray");iExample.setValue((A]ribute)fvWekaA]ributes.elementAt(3),"posi@ve");//addtheinstanceisTrainingSet.add(iExample);//CreateanaïvebayesclassifierClassifiercModel=(Classifier)newNaiveBayes();cModel.buildClassifier(isTrainingSet);

Page 41: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

WEKAAPI•  TesttheClassifier//TestthemodelEvalua@oneTest=newEvalua@on(isTrainingSet);eTest.evaluateModel(cModel,isTes@ngSet);//PrinttheresultàlaWekaexplorer:StringstrSummary=eTest.toSummaryString();System.out.println(strSummary);//Gettheconfusionmatrixdouble[][]cmMatrix=eTest.confusionMatrix();

Page 42: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

WEKAAPI•  Usetheclassifier//setclassaWributeunlabeled.setClassIndex(unlabeled.numA]ributes()-1);//createcopyInstanceslabeled=newInstances(unlabeled);//labelinstancesfor(inti=0;i<unlabeled.numInstances();i++){doubleclsLabel=cModel.classifyInstance(unlabeled.instance(i));labeled.instance(i).setClassValue(clsLabel);}

Page 43: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

References•  DavidCostaandCarlosDuarte,"FromOnetoManyUsersandContexts:aClassifier

formarmandhandgestures",IUI'15,Atlanta,USA,2015•  MakingMuscle-ComputerInterfacesMorePracAcal.T.Sco/Saponas,DesneyS.Tan,

DanMorris,JimTurner,andJamesA.Landay.Proceedingsofthe 2010SIGCHI(Atlanta,GA,April10-15,2010).CHI'10.ACM,NewYork,NY,851-854

•  EnhancingInputOnandAbovetheInteracAveSurfacewithMuscleSensing.HrvojeBenko,T.Sco/Saponas,DanMorris,andDesneyS.Tan.ProceedingsofACMInteracAveTabletopsandSurfaces(Banff,Alberta,Canada,November23-25,2009).ITS'09.ACM,NewYork,NY,93-100

•  EnablingAlways-AvailableInputwithMuscle-ComputerInterfaces.T.Sco/Saponas,DesneyS.Tan,DanMorris,RavinBalakrishnan,JimTurner,andJamesA.Landay.ProceedingsACMSymposiumonUserInterfaceSoWwareandTechnology(Victoria,BC,October4-7,2009).UIST'09.ACM,NewYork,NY,167-176.

•  MakingGesturalInputfromArm-WornInerAalSensorsMorePracAcal.LouisKratz,T.Sco/Saponas,DanMorris.ProceedingsofSIGCHIConferenceonHumanFactorsinCompuAngSystems(May2012).CHI'12.ACM,NewYork,NY,1747-1750.

•  RecoFit:usingawearablesensortofind,recognize,andcountrepeAAveexercises.DanMorris,T.Sco/Saponas,AndrewGuillory,andIlyaKelner.ProceedingsoftheSIGCHIConferenceonHumanFactorsinCompuAngSystems(April2014).CHI'14.ACM,NewYork,NY,3225-3234.

Page 44: Técnicas de Interacção Avançadas - Moodle-Arquivo · digital format, and samples all of the channels. The MCU provides access to the BITalino analog and digital channels, as well

• Documentsanddownloads:• h]p://@nyurl.com/h63a7bn

• Contact:• [email protected]