Teaching 3-Digit Addition Facts Column addition, partial sums and place value method are three strategies to teach students how to add 3-digit numbers. Addition is the combining of two or more numbers. In the early days of school, students are asked to add single digit numbers and are given objects such as buttons to aid them in the process. By the end of grade 2, students begin to add numbers that are not easily added with objects because the process is time consuming. Traditional adding method of carrying is common, but new methods are available to assist students. Partial sums, place value, and column addition method are three strategies for students to learn addition. After students have been exposed to all three methods, they will chose the best method for themselves. Partial Sums Method Partial sums method has the student focus on one place value column at a time. This method allows the student to see how much the number is really worth. Before this method is introduced, the student needs to understand place value. It is best to allow students to work with base 10 blocks to illustrate numbers. Adding with partial sums is a two step process. In the example 384 + 147 = Add each place value separately. Start always with the left side and work to the right side. Add hundreds (400) + add tens (120) + add ones(11) = add partial sums (531) Question can be written horizontal or vertical.

Teaching 3

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Teaching 3-Digit Addition FactsColumn addition, partial sums and place value method are three strategies to teach students how to add 3-digit numbers.

Addition is the combining of two or more numbers. In the early days of school, students are asked to add single digit numbers and are given objects such as buttons to aid them in the process. By the end of grade 2, students begin to add numbers that are not easily added with objects because the process is time consuming.

Traditional adding method of carrying is common, but new methods are available to assist students. Partial sums, place value, and column addition method are three strategies for students to learn addition. After students have been exposed to all three methods, they will chose the best method for themselves.

Partial Sums Method

Partial sums method has the student focus on one place value column at a time. This method allows the student to see how much the number is really worth. Before this method is introduced, the student needs to understand place value. It is best to allow students to work with base 10 blocks to illustrate numbers.

Adding with partial sums is a two step process. In the example 384 + 147 =

Add each place value separately. Start always with the left side and work to the right side.

Add hundreds (400) + add tens (120) + add ones(11) = add partial sums (531) Question can be written horizontal or vertical.

Column Addition Method

Column addition method has the student focus on regrouping, also known as carrying. Students must understand place value to be successful with this method, which is a two step process. In the example 384 + 147 =

Write the equation vertically in wide columns separated by vertical lines. For this equation there would be 3 vertical lines, with a vertical line separating ones, tens, and hundreds.

Add each column separately and place the numbers in the appropriate column. 384 + 147 = 4/12/11

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Next step is to regroup the ones, tens, and hundreds. Simply add the digit to the number to its left. At the end each column should only have one number. Start with regrouping in the ones and lastly the tens.

384 + 147 = 4/12/11 = 5/3/1 =531

Place Value Method

Place value method has the student focus on place value. Students will need a place value chart, hundred blocks, ten rods, and ones. Before beginning, students should be introduced to the different manipulatives. For example, 10 ones represent one rod, while 10 rods represent a hundred block. This is a three step process. In the example 384 + 147 =

Do each addend separately and place the appropriate manipulatives in the the place value chart.

384= 3 hundred blocks placed in the hundred place value, 8 ten rods placed in the ten place value, and 4 ones placed in the ones place value.

147= 1 hundred block placed in the hundred place value, 4 ten rods placed in the ten place value and 7 ones in the one place value.

aAdd the blocks, rods, and ones together beginning with the ones place value. For place value, only 9 or fewer are allowed in the place value columns. Example:

Student counts the number of ones and removes multiples of 10 and trades them in for a rod equaling 10. Rod is then placed in the tens place value.

384+147= 4 hundred blocks, 12 rods, 11 ones 11 ones is too many, therefore 10 ones are traded in for 1 rod and the rod is placed in

the tens place value. 384+147= 4 hundred blocks, 13 rods, 1 one 13 rods is too many, therefore 10 rods are traded in for 1 hundred block and it is

placed in the hundreds place value. 384+147=5 hundred blocks, 3 rods, 1 one= 500+30+1=531

Teaching 3-digit addition is not always an easy concept for primary students to comprehend. The traditional method is easy for some students to master but other students need to be exposed to other strategies. Partial sums, column addition, and place value addition are good math strategies to teach the concept of addition.

Copyright Debbie DeSpirt

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Page 3: Teaching 3

Teaching addition to children: Tips to teach carrying and borrowing

by E.M.Robinson

Created on: October 22, 2007

Manipulatives are the best way to demonstrate the mathematical concepts of "regrouping" which is really what you are doing in adding and subtracting rather than carrying and borrowing. Regrouping is more accurately based on place value, so children can more readily master these math skills.Regrouping means that if you add a column and get a sum that is greater than 9, you must regroup due to place value.

Manipulatives such as place value rods are excellent ways to demonstrate to the child that you cannot have more than 9 in a column. If the sum in a column is ten or more, you only write down the number in the ones place. Ten "ones" equal ten.

In our system of arithmetic,based on tens, a sum of more than ten moves you to the left as you move across a math problem requiring regrouping.A bundle of ten ones or units equals one ten. Ten tens equals one hundred, etc.

You can purchase or borrow Base Ten blocks or Cuisenaire rods to practice this skill. It is also good for sharing in pairs or small groups. You can even use inexpensive household items such as paper clips, dried beans or macaroni, or any easily handled item. Adding involves trading in ten items for another different item, representing 10. Use four columns,moving from right to left:ones, tens, hundreds, thousands. Using poker chips, "beans" or other item, place them in the ones column. Show how you must move them to the next column when you have ten or more. The student can see how many items are remaining in each column.

Another effective technique is using pennies, dimes, and one dollar bills for the ones, tens, and hundreds place. Ten pennies get traded in for a dime and ten dimes get turned in for a one dollar bill. This use of manipulatives uses visual and tactile senses as well as thought processing.

In the absence of these manipulatives, you can also create your own from cardboard. Graph paper with large squares works well. The "ones" is a single square. A rod or column of ten is the "tens" place and a 10 X 10 block is "hundreds". The graph paper, colored, if you like, can be glued to a cardboard backing of equal size.

Regrouping is a trading skill. Ten "ones" is traded in for a "tens". Moving on to the next column from right to left, if you have ten or more rods (a line of ten), you then trade 10 in for a block, 20 in for two blocks, etc.

Using these manipulatives helps the student understand place value and that is the key concept in teaching regrouping, formerly taught as "carrying" and "borrowing."

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RINGKASAN JURNAL: PENGUASAAAN SIFIR DARAB DALAM MATEMATIK TAHAP DUARingkasan jurnal oleh DragonizerPenulis asal: Agnes Voo Tun Chuan

Pencapaian rendah di kalangan dalam Matematik di sekolah-sekolah rendah berpunca dari kegagalan pelajar untuk menguasai sifir darab. Kegagalan pelajar dalam menghafal sifir dan mencongak di depan rakan-rakan mereka boleh menyebabkan mereka menghadap math phobia. Satu kajian tindakan melibatkan murid tahun 5 yang rendah pencapaiannya dipilih. Pelajar-pelajar ini didapati tidak memahami konsep operasi darab, tidak belajar melainkan di sekolah, tidak mahu belajar, tidak sedar tentang kepentingan pendidikan dan belum menguasai kemahiran membaca dan menulis. Tinjauan awal melibatkan temubual dengan guru dan murid, semakan profil murid dan ujian awal. Didapati sample terdiri daripada anak pendatang, tiada dorongan/perhatian ibu bapa/penjaga, ke sekolah tanpa sarapan pagi, bekerja di luar waktu sekolah dan jarang hadir ke sekolah. Setahun kemudian, satu lagi kajian tindakan diadakan pada kelompok murid yang sama, tetapi melalui rombakan kelas. Pra-ujian diadakan semula dan didapati hanya sebilangan kecil sahaja murid-murid yang dapat menguasai sifir darab dan ada juga yang tidak dapat mendarab dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Temuduga dijalankan dan didapati hasilnya pelajar dimasukkan ke dalam tiga kumpulan iaitu; 1) tidak tahu (dari segi fahaman konsep, kaedah belajar, membaca dan menulis); 2) tidak dapat (status ekonomi keluarga, kekangan masa, aktiviti lain) dan 3) tidak mahu (tidak minat belajar).

Seterusnya diadakan perjumpaan dengan ibu bapa. Pengkaji telah mengadakan sesi bimbingan di mana perkara-perkara seperti kepentingan pendidikan dan keperluan belajar, kepentingan matematik dalam hidup, sifir dan kegunaanya disentuh. Kelas hari Sabtu diadakan untuk belajar semula konsep asas operasi darab, latihan congak setiap hari, ujian dari semasa ke semasa, perjumpaan dengan guru semasa rehat/selepas sekolah dan pelajar digalakkan membantu antara satu sama lain. Aktiviti hari Sabtu bertujuan membolehkan pelajar memahami konsep operasi darab melalui aktviti hands-on untuk mendapat konsep, menulis sifir pada kadbod untuk ditampal di dinding, menulis sifir pada kad kecil yang boleh dimasukkan dalam saku, a x b = b x a dan mencari gambar tersembunyi dengan menggunakan sifir. Pelajar juga diajar menghafal dengan menggunakan teknik lipatan kertas selain latihan mencongak secara lisan dan Mad Minute (jawab soalan operasi

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darab sebanyak mungkin dalam masa satu minit) semasa kelas Matematik. Berdasarkan Ujian Pertengahan Program dan Ujian Post didapati keputusan dai kedua-dua ujian ini amat menggalakkan. Pengkaji menyimpulkan bahawa kerjasama antara guru-guru lain sukar dibina, kanak-kanak memerlukan perhatian sepanjang masa; perlukan intensif untuk belajar, tunjuk cara yang berterusan sangat diperlukan, latihan congak mesti diteruskan; permainan Matematik sungguh popular dan murid-murid biasanya menghadapi masalah dalam sifir 6,7 dan 8.


Penulis membincangkan mengenai aktiviti Kajian Tindakan yang dijalankan terhadap pelajar yang gagal menguasai sifir darab. Penulis pada akhir penulisannya juga berpendapat bahawa guru-guru perlu memainkan peranan yang lebih positif dalam menerapkan pengajaran pembelajaran sifir darab kepada murid-murid berpencapaian rendah. Berdasarkan sejarah perkembangan pendidikan matematik di Malaysia, kandungan isi pelajaran matematik telah beberapa kali mengalami perubahan. Dari segi kandungan sukatan pelajaran, kurikulum matematik yang dilaksanakan sebelum tahun 70’ an memberi fokus kepada matematik tradisi. Dalam kurikulum matematik tradisi, matematik sekolah pada amnya disusun sebagai himpunan kemahiran dan konsep mengikut hirarki tertentu. Objektif pengajaran yang berlandaskan kepada teori pembelajaran tingkah laku telah membuat matematik terbahagi kepada ratusan bahagian, dan setiap bahagian diajar secara berasingan antara satu sama lain (Asiah Abu Samah, 1982).

Dalam sukatan ini, kemahiran asas dalam ketepatan dan kelajuan kira mengira diberi penekanan. Segala pengiraan atau susunan algoritma (seperti dalam geometri Euclid) mestilah mengikut prosedur atau tertib tertentu. Pendekatan ini adalah selari dengan teori pembelajaran tingkah laku yang pada keseluruhannya berasaskan kepada objektif tingkah laku. Fokus teori ini adalah kepada bentuk atau jenis tingkah laku berulang manusia apabila dipengaruhi oleh b eberapa rangsangan. Pendekatan pengajaran pembelajaran begini sangat berkesan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pelajar dari segi mengulangi algorithma atau prosedur matematik, tetapi tidak boleh digunakan untuk menerapkan pemikiran matematik yang lebih luas(Noor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali, 1996).

Matematik pada ketika itu dianggap sebagai ilmu kira mengira. Segala fakta, petua dan hukum mesti dihafal oleh murid-murid. Maka pembelajaran matematik menjadi satu rutin menerima

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pengetahuan, menghafal pengetahuan dan membuat latih tubi supaya meningkatkan penghafalan (Ibrahim Md. Noh, 1995).

Berikutan dengan reformasi pendidikan yang berlaku diseluruh dunia ‘matematik moden’ telah mula diperkenalkan di sekolah -sekolah di Malaysia. Dalam sukatan pelajaran matematik Pilihan C yang dilaksanakan pada awal 70’an, unsur-unsur matematik moden dimasukkan dalam sukatan pelajaran (Asiah Abu Samah, 1982).

Pendekatan pengajaran yang bermula dengan pemahaman konsep, tanpa mengurangi kepentingan mengira, berasaskan kepada penghayatan struktur matematik telah dilaksanakan di sekolah. Guru-guru digalakkan menggunakan kaedah inkuiri dalam pengajaran mereka. Murid-murid mula didedahkan kepada proses matematik untuk menghasilkan sesuatu keputusan matematik dan bukan hanya terhad kepada penggunaan hasil matematik sahaja (Noor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali, 1996).

Murid akan dilibatkan secara aktif dan guru memainkan peranan sebagai pemudah cara (fasilitator). Berbeza dengan peringkat awal tadi, di mana guru hanya terlibat sebagai pengajar (instructor) (Ibrahim Md. Noh, 1995).

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik telah mula diubahsuai supaya lebih menumpu kepada memberi makna kepada matematik yang diajar. Di peringkat sekolah rendah, Projek Khas telah ditubuhkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan untuk tujuan menyediakan panduan untuk guru-guru berasaskan sukatan pelajaran yang sedia ada. Di peringkat sekolah menengah sukatan pelajaran matematik moden (atau matematik Pilihan C), berpandukan kepada bahan-bahan hasil projek Scottish Mathematics Group (SMG) dan School Mathematics Project (SMP) telah digubal dan mula dilaksanakan pada 1970. Penyusunan kurikulum matematik dalam era matematik moden telah dilakukan dengan kaedah yang berbeza daripada era sebelumnya.

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Rujukan:

1. Noor Azlan bin Ahmad Zanzali (2003) Modul Pengajaran “SPS 4823 Pendidikan Matematik”

2. Nor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali (1996). ‘Isu-isu Berterusan Dalam Pendidikan Matematik’. Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan, 14, 19-40.

3. Nik Azis Nik Pa(1992). Agenda Tindakan: Penghayatan Matematik KBSR dan KBSM. Kuala Lumpur : DBP

4. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (1988). Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah.</span>

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