Team Green Machine White Paper

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    Team Green Machine

    Rachael Saylor Larisa Vodar Michelle Barthle James Rodd

    University of South Florida

    Green Construction:

    Building Projects That Incorporate Sustainable Ideas

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    Content________________________ Pages____

    Cover Page 1

    Table of Contents 2

    Executive Summary 3

    Introduction 3

    Previous Approach 4 5

    y Going Greeny Green History at USFy What is LEED

    New Research 6 11

    y Green Report Cardy Office of Sustainabilityy Sustainability Initiativesy Green Construction

    Discussion 12 15

    y USF Dos and Dontsy Comparisonsy University of Floriday University of Central Floriday University of Miami

    Conclusion 15

    Sources 16 - 19

    Table of Contents

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    Executive Summary

    The purpose of this paper is to help in evaluating the level at which the University of South Florida is

    implementing Green initiatives. All across the United States, universities are implementing Green

    strategies. The movement toward more sustainable methods of construction, water usage, power

    consumption, and recycling waste has indeed shifted into high gear among our nations institutions ofhigher learning. In order to assess how the University of South

    Florida is doing in this regard, Team Green Machine will answer

    some of the following questions. What is the Green movement all

    about? What is Green Construction? What Green initiatives has

    the University of South Florida been implementing in the past?

    What is the University doing now? What are other Florida

    universities doing, and how do they compare? The results of our

    research are quite impressive, and are sure to make an indullable

    impression on those who read this.


    As the sun rises on a new day at the campus of the University of South Florida, it is sure to be a Green

    day. No, not a rock band belting out music and lyrics, but rather the sounds of construction crews

    hammering out a sustainable future for the University of South Florida. Throughout the United States,

    the Green movement is now in high gear. We hear words used

    such as Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Shift, and

    Going Green. People everywhere, are changing the way that

    they think about how they live, because of how it affects the

    world around us. Private citizens, businesses, citygovernments, and of course, universities are joining this


    The University of South Florida will be the focus of this paper.

    Our team will take an in-depth look at what, and how, the

    University of South Florida is doing to further the Green movement on the campus. We will look at what

    the university has done in the past, present, and what is in store for the future.

    To better understand what the Green Movement is all about, our team did extensive research into what

    methods and technologies are being utilized around the country to further this movement. Once you

    understand the depth and scope of how far reaching these efforts can be, then you begin to understandthe long-lasting positive effects that can be achieved by going green. Green construction of buildings is

    at the forefront of one of the ways that people around the country are minimizing the impact on our

    environment. This is of particular interest to our research, as we will be discussing how the University of

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    South Florida is utilizing Green Construction and other sustainable methods to improve its overall Green



    Going Green What Do You Mean?

    So what does it all mean, this Going Green movement? To many

    people, it means recycling more. To others, it can mean finding

    better, more efficient sources of energy. Overall, it really represents

    the changing of how we utilize the resources we have, so that future

    generations will be left with a planet that remains a

    viable source of life. In order to do this, we look at our

    own area that we reside in. That could be aneighborhood, a community, a city, or in this case, a

    university. So with that said, we will consider what the University of South Florida has

    been doing to further the Green movement.

    A Little History Please..

    USF incorporated sustainable concepts into campus development practices years ago, because it was

    the right thing to do.

    USF has continually sought to improve upon sustainable goals and practices, which have been described

    in the USF Tampa Campus Master Plan and its continuing updates since 1995. The commitment to

    sustainability extends to the off-campus community as well. In order to provide continued enrollment

    growth, the Campus Master Plan embraced Smart Growth, a major concept in sustainability. The plan

    promoted using infill development, increased density, and parking lots as development sites in order to

    reduce sprawl, traffic, utility extensions, off-campus light pollution, and minimize increases in

    impervious areas while preserving undeveloped land. In addition, a 125-acre cross-campus greenway

    was created to protect wildlife, link habitat islands, provide for passive recreation, and aggregate storm

    water ponds.

    In the first 10 years of the 1995 plan, the university planted over 2,000 trees. To reduce off campus

    traffic congestion, the university implemented a free off-campus shuttle system (powered by biofuel

    technology), negotiated free regional transit use for students, and substantially increased the quantity

    of on-campus residence halls. The university has consistently worked to construct bike lanes and

    sidewalks to improve on/off campus pedestrian and bicycle access/safety. USF has provided a

    community recycling site since 1990, available to everyone on the campus perimeter, and increased the

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    number of containers in campus buildings. Energy conservation has also been a major priority since the

    early 1980s, from replacement of light bulbs to major central plant chillers. Over the past 10 years, USF

    saved approximately $10 million with the Greenlights replacement program and, despite continued

    growth in high energy demand research facilities, electrical consumption has been reduced by

    approximately 3% in the past six years.

    More recently, USF anticipates several buildings to

    be LEED certified: Dr. Kiran C. Patel Center for Global

    Solutions, Tampa Campus (under construction);

    Interdisciplinary Science, Tampa Campus (under

    construction); Science & Technology Building, St.

    Petersburg Campus (completed); USF Polytechnic

    Phase I, Lakeland Campus (in design); and Wellness

    and Nutrition Center, Tampa Campus (in design).

    Theres a Question I Will LEED With.

    What is this LEED you speak of? LEED is an internationally recognized green building certification

    system, providing third-party verification that a building or

    community was designed and built using strategies aimed at

    improving performance across all the metrics that mattermost: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions

    reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and

    stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

    Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC),

    LEED provides building owners and operators a concise

    framework for identifying and implementing practical and

    measurable green building design, construction, operations

    and maintenance solutions.

    LEED is flexible enough to apply to all building types commercial as well as residential.It works

    throughout the building lifecycle design and construction, operations and maintenance, tenant fitout,

    and significant retrofit. And LEED for Neighborhood Development extends the benefits of LEED beyond

    the building footprint into the neighborhood it serves.LEED promotes a whole-building approach tosustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health:

    Dr. Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solutions

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    sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor

    environmental quality.

    New Research

    Looks Can Be Deceiving

    Where does USF appear to be?

    Based upon the College Sustainability Report Card for 2009, USF has a green grade of a C-. This is

    based upon the areas including administration, green building transportation, share holder involvement,

    climate change, food and recycling, student involvement, endowment transparency, shareholderengagement, and investment priorities. USF is ranked lowest in the areas of shareholder engagement,

    green building and recycling. The highest ranking is in investment priorities (USF Report Card).

    USF is comparable to other public universities in Florida. The University of Miami has an overall

    score of a C+, while the University of Florida has a B+ and Florida State pulls a similar C- (Compare).

    USF is comparable to other Universities, yet a score of a C- needs up-grading. Yet the Green Report card

    is not the most accurate of the Green rating systems. The Green Report Card 2009 is based on data

    submitted in 2008, which was gathered in 2007. The data is obsolete by the time it is reported. Another

    problem with the Green Report card is the direct comparison of private and public institutions. As one

    of the rating points is endowment transparency, it would be worthwhile to note the endowment size.

    USF being a public institution cannot be compared directly to a private institution such as Notre Dame

    with a large endowment (Wells). While USF has not entered many rating systems, USF is in the process

    of entering a rating system called STARS. This may be one of the best rating systems to date as it is

    based on fourteen points, compared to the eight qualifications of the Green Report Card (Galayada 2).STARS may however still have the time-relevance issue that of the Green Report Card, as the data is

    being entered this year, but will not be graded until 2011.Where is USF actually at?

    As previously seen, USF appears to be at a slightly below average level of sustainability. But is this

    accurate? Appearance may not be reality.

    According to Dr. Christian Wells, the director of the new Department of Sustainability, USF has a

    lack of advertising for its

    initiatives. This is howeverchanging since 2006, when

    student involvement

    increased awareness. The

    provost even signed a

    Climate Commitment in

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    order to ensure that USF is on the right track to improved sustainability (Wells).

    USF is making great strides to Conserve, Recover and increase Renewables. For Conservation,

    USF created the Green Light program in the

    1990s which was a precursor to Energy Star

    and is no longer in practice (Devore). Other

    conservation efforts include sensors for

    efficient lighting, new heating and cooling

    systems, and LED lights (Wells).

    Beyond conservation, USF is making

    efforts to recover energy through the use of

    reflective white rooftops (Case). In the effort

    to increase renewables, USFs engineering

    department is making alliances with MOSI to

    increase solar energy use and creating custom

    solar energy golf carts. With all these initiatives

    USF is actually making great efforts toward a

    sustainable future. The main issues include

    CO2 emissions from using TECO electricity anda lack of awareness (Wells).

    Goals of Green Construction and Sustainability.

    In order to discuss Green construction and its sustainability we must first define these terms as they

    pertain to USF and the findings we will present in this white paper. Green building and sustainability

    encompasses the policies and practices of USFs adoption and use of high-performance green building

    design and materials. This includes the adoption of campus-wide green building policies or guidelines,

    integration of green building practices into new construction projects, and the incorporation of green

    building design features into retrofits of existing buildings.Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future

    generations to meet their own needs. Are these considerations guiding how resources are managedin USF campus operations?

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    USF Sustainability Initiative.

    The USF Sustainability Initiative was begun in January of 2007 with the appointment of the Associate

    Vice President for Academic Affairs and Strategic Initiatives, one of whose tasks to develop a campus-

    wide Steering Committee to address how to green the university and to co-ordinate and facilitate the

    multiple sustainability activities on the USF campus. The first achievement was celebrated by PresidentJudy Genshaft signing the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment in March of

    2007. Many major research universities have sustainability offices that focus on reducing waste and

    resource consumption on their campuses. They integrate the academic side of the university with

    facilities, operations, and planning. They are the main center of information for students faculty, and

    staff for on-campus environmental activities, on-campus service learning, and programmatic elements

    such as sustainability meetings and conferences. It is the desire of the University of South Florida to join

    the other universities in the country in having an Office of Sustainability. The size of USF, its impact on

    the environment, its economic and social importance in the community, and its ability to lead significant

    cultural movements make it a logical setting for a sustainability office.

    In 2008, Governor Crist made a significant policy change in Florida by developing a series of

    sustainability aimed at reducing greenhouse gases and developing renewable energy. In addition, he

    challenged all state agencies and local governments to find new ways of conducting business in order to

    reduce greenhouse emissions and expand the states green economy. Many faculty and students at USF

    have assisted state and local government in these initiatives. In addition, the university leadership has

    responded 1) by identifying sustainability as a key area in the Universitys Strategic Plan.

    There are several specific goals of the USF Office of Sustainability:

    1. Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Enhance Water Conservation, Green Space, and Campus

    Ecosystems. The Office will work with USFs Facilities/Planning Office and campus stakeholders to

    coordinate efforts to develop alternative energy sources, conserve water, enhance green space, and

    improve ecosystems on campus.2. Coordinate Environmental Activities on Campus. The Office will work with faculty, staff, and

    students to coordinate efforts to green the campus.

    3. Coordinate Educational and Community-based Initiatives on Sustainability. The Office will assist

    faculty and students as needed on educational and community-based activities related to campus


    4. Seek and Coordinate External Funding for Sustainability Related Campus Activities. There are a

    growing number of funding sources available for campus research on sustainability. The Office will seek

    funds to help support initiatives.

    5. Coordinate External Evaluations for Campus Sustainability. University campuses are evaluated by a

    number of organizations for their sustainability efforts. This Office will coordinate reporting as needed.

    Anticipated 5-Year Outcomes for the USF Office of Sustainability

    1. Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

    2. Coordinate Environmental Activities on Campus

    3. Coordinate Educational and Community-based Initiatives on Sustainability.

    4. Seek and Coordinate External Funding for Sustainability Related Campus Activities.

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    5. Coordinate External Evaluations for Campus Sustainability.

    Green Construction and problems with uniformity

    Problem 1: Different Donors have varying requirements for the use of their money.

    Public universities in Florida have been facing issues of budget cuts. These issues have beenlargely a result of the declining economy and reduced tourism, as Florida does not have an income tax

    (Wells). Most students have noticed the impact of the tightened budget in class room sizes and the

    combination of small departments. Yet the smaller budget does not seem to be affecting construction

    on campus since the school is able to build beautiful buildings like the Marshal Center in Tampa and the

    Science and Technology Building in Saint Petersburg. USF has worked diligently to attract donors to

    fund construction. Thus, having various donors creates problems with uniformity as individual donors

    may not desire LEED certification or green construction (Wells).

    USF has completed the construction phase of an LEED certified building in the Science and

    Technology Building in Saint Petersburg, and is in the construction phase of two more certified: Dr. Kiran

    C. Patel Center for Global Solutions at the Tampa Campus and the Interdisciplinary Science at the Tampa

    Campus. There are also two buildings which are in the design phase which will be LEED: USF Polytechnic

    Phase I at the Lakeland Campus and Wellness and Nutrition Center at the Tampa Campus (About).

    These buildings and their designs are a credit to the dedication of the University of South Florida and its

    donors in creating a sustainable campus. In order to ensure that this continues and donors understand

    USFs commitment to a greener world, USF must continue to retrofit buildings and uphold its

    requirement that future buildings be LEED certified (Devore), and increase advertising efforts for green

    building solutions.

    Existing-Solution: Retrofit existing buildings

    The engineering students have

    already created ideas of ways to retrofit

    existing buildings like the Marshal Center.The Marshal Center, while it is not LEED

    certified already has some green initiatives

    including the recycling of the air-

    conditioning condensation (Wells).

    Buildings that are retrofitted will never be

    completely LEED certified as that starts at

    the inception of the building, but anything is

    better than nothing.

    Future-Solution: Convince Donors of the

    benefits of Green Construction.

    There needs to be an increase in advertising on the benefits of green construction. It is obvious

    that donors are giving the money and should thereby have a say in how the money is used. If USF

    increased general advertising for green initiatives and green construction then perhaps donors could be

    persuaded by their own accord. The Patel center is an example of an LEED building, in which the donor

    desired the building to be as Green as possible (Wells).

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    Also, increased advertising of green buildings could be an incentive for a donor, unless of course

    the donor wanted their name to be anonymous. Yet, it would seem that many donors want their name

    on the building or the name of a loved one, thus increased press for their building is a benefit.

    When advertising, the marketing team should consider potential reasons people would be against

    green construction and target them. Examples include: green construction is more expensive, green

    construction planning takes more time than tradition construction, green construction is new and

    therefore risky, or LEED certification is too costly for the benefits. These can be easily combated with

    the knowledge of future savings outweigh the cost today, careful planning today prevents future

    retrofitting, new projects are not necessarily risky and there are many past examples of successful

    construction, and the benefits of

    LEED certification greatly impact

    institutions for the better. The

    main incentive of LEED

    certification is notoriety, which is

    most clearly demonstrated

    through advertising. An

    organizations participation in

    the voluntary and technicallyrigorous LEED process

    demonstrates leadership,

    innovation and environmental

    stewardship (Intro).

    Also to be considered,

    donors are probably successful,

    opinionated individuals who

    have political ideas surrounding

    the idea of going-green. Thus the topic should be approached with clarity and openness.

    Market wisely: advertise where donors will see. Students who read The Oracle might be aware ofsome of the benefits. But donors probably do not regularly read the Oracle. Do not assume that every

    donor will be at the alumni meetings.

    Market wisely: Partner with green agencies. The USF Office of Sustainability is currently

    partnering with thirteen organizations to grow efforts in all green areas (Resources). Perhaps these

    alliances could be used to help increase advertising and awareness at a more rapid pace.

    Problem 2: Research buildings are necessary, but not green as can be.

    Another green issue influenced by a decreased budget is the construction of energy sucking

    buildings for the purpose of increased research grants. It is a rather vicious cycle. Research is required

    to fund the university, research requires experiments, experiments require costly buildings with

    continuous lighting that meet safety regulations, then to continue funding more grants must be gained,

    requiring more buildings, and so on and so forth. These buildings are by their very nature are costly

    due to the amount of energy required to complete experiments in labs (Wells).

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    While the LEED

    certification applies to a wide

    array of building types. This

    certification is beneficial, but

    does not necessarily ensure a

    low cost in the building

    operation. For example,

    laboratories often require

    massive amounts of energy to

    keep the lights or emergency

    safety systems on all night.

    Less-Effective Solution: Find alternatives to research funding.

    This solution is limited, but it is worth considering what other alternatives to research create both

    advertising and funding. USF is building its athletic department to create buzz, but the funds this

    department generates will always need to be reinvested in this department since new athletes will need

    to be constantly pursued.

    Moderately-Effective Solution: Make non-research buildings so green the research buildings do not

    negatively effect the environment.

    This solution ties in with USFs current initiatives. It is impossible to tear down all the buildings and start

    fresh. Thus USF is retrofitting, making lighting more efficient, creating solar panels and painting

    rooftops. However, while these initiatives can reduce USFs overall carbon impact and electricity cost,

    these initiatives do not tackle the problem at hand.

    More-Effective Solution: Create research buildings that are as green as possible, research ways to

    make them more green through retrofitting, and run careful cost/benefit analysis for each researchproject

    This is a multiple step solution. First, create research buildings that are as green as possible. The Patel

    Research Center in Tampa and the St. Pete. Science and Technology Building both include laboratories

    and are LEED certified (About). Second, research

    can and should be done to retrofit existing

    buildings. There are 240 existing buildings that can

    be retrofitted (Devore). One example of this

    retrofitting is new white rooftops (Case). Third,

    decisions about the benefit need to ensure the

    most helpful research is being done. This should

    not limit the amount of research projects done, so

    as to limit the amount of research, but quality of

    research should be ensured. Factors that should be

    included when evaluating projects include:

    Who/what will benefit from the knowledge from

    this study? What challenges does this study

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    overcome? What the monetary costs? What the costs to the environment?


    So, What Does It All Mean?....

    What is USF doing to make a completely sustainable campus?

    Advisory Council

    USF has a council that advises on and/or implements policies and programs related to sustainability

    Green Building Standards

    USF currently does not have any LEED certified buildings but 3 are in the planning.

    Buildings that meet LEED certification criteria but are not certified.USF Physical Plant and USF Facilities Planning and Construction has identified SIX buildings that are likely

    candidates for LEED certification with only moderate effort.

    Energy-efficiency technologies which have been installed to retrofit existing USF buildings.

    y T8 lamps and Electronic Ballasts installed in over 95% of fluorescent fixtures, estimated at over120,000 lamps

    y Motion Sensing lighting installed in 90% of classrooms and 50% of conference rooms estimatedat over 400 count.

    y Heat Pipes for energy recovery installed in 50% of air handling units with 100% outdoor air.Including current project, we will have installed heat pipes in BSF, SCA, MDC, MDL, and NESbuildings.

    y Replaced 3-way bypass valves on chilled water coils with 2-way valves on 80% of campusbuildings to improve temperature differential between chilled water supply and return, thereby

    improving energy efficiency of the central chiller plant.

    y Highly reflective roofing installed at the re-roofing and in new building construction. Estimatedcompletion for 20% of campus major build

    y Installed economizers on boiler stacks to recover heat from boiler stacks to pre-heat make upwater for boilers. 90% completed on campus boilers by natural gas usage.

    y Installed vend-mizer a motion sensing lighting and energy control technology for vendingmachines on 90% of vending machines

    Energy Conservation

    An inventive project initiated was the ConservABull competition in student dormitories , where

    dormitories competed against each other for the largest percentage reduction in energy consumption in

    the dormitories.

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    Recycling ofTraditional Materials

    USF currently recycles all of the


    y Cardboardy

    Glassy Papery Aluminumy Plastics (all)y Other: Light bulbs, yard waste,


    Recycling of Electronic Waste

    y Batteries - 100% vehiclebatteries serviced at the USF

    vehicle shop are recycled.

    y Cell phonesy Computers Based: computers, light bulbs, based on invoices for last fiscal year, we recycled

    20,491 light bulbs

    y Printer cartridgesy Other E-waste : printers, monitors, televisions, keyboards, microwaves, scanners, etc. 169

    items. It should be noted that a large percentage of the office equipment on campus goes

    directly to the vendor.

    What USF is NOT doing to make a completely sustainable campus

    y USF has not made a commitment to reducing GHG emissions by a specific amount.y USF has not achieved a reduction in GHG emissions.y USF does not generate renewable electricity.y USF does not have solar hot water systems.y USF does not purchase electric energy from renewable sources or renewable energy credits


    y USF s campus landscaping waste is not composted or mulched only the botanical garden iscurrently doing this.

    y USF currently has NO LEED-certified buildings, although 3 are planned.y USF currently has no buildings that meet LEED certification criteria but are not certified

    although 6 buildings are likely candidates for LEED certification with only moderate effort.

    y USF currently has NO buildings that are ENERGY STAR labeled.y Automatic Low flow urinals: USF has not standardized and installed auto sensing 1gpf urinals in

    30% of campus buildings

    y Automatic low flow faucets in sinks: USF has not standardized and installed auto sensing lowflow faucets in 30% of campus buildings

    y Automatic low flow toilets: USF has not standardized and installed auto sensing toilets in 30% ofthe buildings.

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    y USF does not offer a bicycle-sharing/rental program or bicycle repair services.y USF currently does not have: Alumni green fund

    Revolving loan fund for sustainability projects

    Single-stream recycling

    Compared to..

    USF versus other Florida Universities:

    The following is information on what other universities in Florida are doing in the area of green

    construction. The University of South Florida must be compared to these other state universities with

    similar needs and challenges in order to determine whether or not USF is fully doing its part to become

    as environmentally green as possible. Has USF done many things in the past to better the environment,

    and do they need to improve their efforts with regards to future construction projects when looking at

    comparable universities?

    University of Florida

    The University of Florida has created the Powell Center for Construction and Environment. This center

    was designed to implement green building practices at the University as well as teaching these concepts

    so that they can be utilized by others. The center also focuses on doing research in order to advance

    their knowledge on the subject. Some of the research they do is in the areas of green building materials,

    reusing deconstruction and building materials, construction ecology, and sustainable architecture. From

    this research they have been able to publish many books, thesiss and dissertations on green

    construction including: Sustainable Construction, Greening Federal Facilities, and Construction

    Ecology & Metabolism to name a few. The University of Florida also created the Office of Sustainability

    in 2005. Their mission is to make the University of Florida - in its operations, education, research, andoutreach - a model of sustainability, integrating the goals of ecological restoration, economic

    development, and social equity.

    In the past UF has installed green roofs on campus. This type of construction serves several purposes

    and has many benefits to the environment. It helps to create a habitat for animals in a place where one

    had currently been taken away with the construction of the building, reduce the amount of dust and

    smog in the air because it is absorbed by the plants and dirt on the roof, and it works to create a

    microclimate in the surrounding area of the roof. It can also reduce rain water run-off, reduce noise

    levels, and increase the roofs life expectancy.

    The University of Florida is currently working on 3 projects. The first project named the cotton club isworking to restore an older building in the community that can be used later as a museum. Green

    building practices are being implemented so that this building will be a sustainable structure in the

    community for many years. The second project is named the Depot Avenue. This project is planning to

    redevelop the Depot Park in the Depot Avenue area while solving environmental issues the community

    has with this area. The third project, the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, is to build a new Summer

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    House for the gardens using sustainable design concepts. The new summer house will allow the gardens

    to better serve the community by having the facilities to offer educational programs focused on the


    University of Central Florida

    The University of Central Florida is planning the opening of the first green student housing complex in

    the United States in August 2010. The complex is LEED certified because of its energy efficiency and

    waste reduction. The entire building and foundation is made out of organic compounds, 75% of which

    are recycled materials. It also uses 21% less energy than the typical apartment building.

    The University of Central Florida has also

    created construction requirements that are

    presented in their Energy and Sustainability

    Policy. Some of the requirements include

    being registered with the US Green Building

    Council. All buildings must also be able to begiven an LEED Silver rating once they are

    completed and meet a minimum of 13 specific

    LEED credits that will help them in their

    commitment to be more energy efficient.

    University of Miami

    The University of Miamis Clinical Research Building is the first energy efficient and sustainable high-rise

    building in south Florida. Some of the energy efficient features of the building are its raised floors for

    better air quality, light reflective roof, floor vents that allow for better airflow, and lights that turn

    themselves off. They have also created a Sustainable Building Policy that applies to future building

    construction projects and any significant renovations to already established buildings. Along with UCF,

    all new University of Miami buildings must be able to obtain a minimum silver rating by the LEED.


    In conclusion, the University of South Florida has made significant advances toward a greener campus.

    The Office of Sustainability has played a vital role in identifying and implementing ways of creating a

    more sustainable campus. There are many obstacles that can deter progress from occurring in this ever-

    growing movement. One of which, as stated, is the lack of funds to continue growing a moresustainable campus at the University of South Florida. Thus, USF needs to continue to work diligently in

    the area of green construction and take multiple solution roads. Has USF has made enough progress in

    attaining the goal of a completely green campus? There remains much additional work to do, to achieve

    the goal of a greener campus. Will university leaders, faculty, and students continue to work together in

    order to continue the advance toward a greener campus? The answer is not yet entirely clear, but the

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    implementation of the many diverse initiatives outlined in our white paper will go a long way in

    determining the outcome.Sources

    Works Cited

    About: History. Office of Sustainability. 16 March 2010. University of South Florida 2009.

    Case Study University of South Florida. Preformance Roof Systems, Inc.

    Compare. The College Sustainability Report Card.

    DeVore, Jaclyn. How Green in USF?. 6 January 2008. The Oracle.

    Galayada, Jaimie. Yudelson, Jerry. Benchmarking Campus Sustainability. February

    2010. Yudelson Associates.

    "Green Building. Sustainable Endowment Institute 2007-2009.


    What LEED Delivers. 16 March 2010. US Green Building Council


    Resources: Partners. 16 March 2010. University of South Florida 2009.

    USF Report Card 2009. Sustainable Endowment Institute 2007-2008.

    Wells, Dr. Christian. Personal Interview. 17 Febraury 2010

    Whiteford, Linda. Executive Summary of Sustainability Report. 19 October 2009.Sustainability

    Steering Committee.

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    Annotated Bibliography

    About: History. Office of Sustainability. 16 March 2010. University of South Florida 2009.

    This is a brief overview of the history of USFs Office of Sustainability. It also provides

    excellent information on the current green buildings.

    Case Study University of South Florida. Performance Roof Systems, Inc.

    USF is reroofing the libraries using a sustainable system that creates less waste thanks

    for Derbigum systems. This system is consistent with the green approach since no waste

    is caused when re-roofing and the new roof reflects an amazing 76% of the sun's energy.

    The cost savings are also significant since the old roof does not need to be removed.

    This is relevant to our paper as it is an example of what USF is doing to retro-fit already

    existing buildings. It is obviously not possible to tear down all the buildings and start


    Compare. The College Sustainability Report Card.

    This is a comparison search between different Universities and their Green Report Card


    DeVore, Jaclyn. How Green in USF?. 6 January 2008. The Oracle.

    This article highlights USFs past initiatives including The Green Light Program, using LED

    lights, Recycling efforts, sustainable design awards and solar energy research. This is

    relevant to our paper as it is describes what USF is doing to be green beyond the green

    construction intiatives. While our angle is green construction, in our paper we want toreflect upon green construction as a part of USF's overall "Green" initiatives. In a very

    broad context the relevance of past green initiatives at USF gives us a perspective in

    history upon which our paper can start and build upon.

    Galayada, Jaimie. Yudelson, Jerry. Benchmarking Campus Sustainability. February

    2010. Yudelson Associates.

    This is a comparison of the various raters of sustainability. The pdf has an excellent chart

    displaying all the various types of raters, including STARs, Green Report Card, Campus

    Environment 2008, Green Honor Roll, Cool Schools, and Americas Greenest Campus.

    This has relevance based on the necessity to gauge where USF stands in comparison

    with other Universities in Green initiatives.

    "Green Building. Sustainable Endowment Institute 2007-2009.

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    This is an excellent website which compares USF to other schools in Green Building.

    The College Sustainability Report Card is the only independent evaluation of campus

    and endowment sustainability activities at colleges and universities in the United States.

    This site reports previous results so that we can compare institutions on an equitable

    basis. This has relevance to the paper, as it compares USF to other universities and

    gives a basis for where USF is in the spectrum of green initiatives.

    Intro: What LEED Delivers. 16 March 2010. US Green Building Council


    This provides a short introduction to LEED certification and why an institution would

    desire it.

    Resources: Partners. 16 March 2010. University of South Florida 2009.

    This is a list of organizations that have partnered with USFs office of sustainability.

    USF Report Card 2009. Sustainable Endowment Institute 2007-2008.

    This is the rating given to USF in by the Green Report Card system.

    Wells, Dr. Christian. Personal Interview. 17 Febraury 2010

    Dr. Christian Wells is the director of the department of sustainability. The interview

    covered the general history of USFs green initiatives, along with issues of green

    construction; including some of the problems withUSFs funding that make it difficult to

    go green. Dr. Wells helped to direct our paper ideas and sort through some of the

    information on green construction. This is extremely relevant to the paper as it is our

    specific angle.

    Whiteford, Linda. Executive Summary of Sustainability Report. 19 October 2009.Sustainability Steering


    This is an 8 page report outlining what USF is doing and what it is striving for. It points

    out alliances with Governor Crist and initiatives of other universities in Florida such as

    UCF and UF on pages 2-3. Page 4 outlines the goals of the Office of Sustainability within

    USF. The budget request is posted on pages 6-7.


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    ENERGY STAR - Energy Star is a program developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    as a method to identify and promote products that are energy efficient.

    GHG - Abbreviation for green house gases.

    Green - Adjective used to describe something which is created or used to help the environment.

    Green Roof- A conventional roof that is covered with a layer of vegetation.

    LEED certification- Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design certification-the US Green Building

    Council grades new buildings on a merit scale of four levels: certified, silver, gold and platinum (Devore)

    Microclimate - Localized climate conditions within an urban area or neighborhood. The climate around

    a tree or shrub or a stand of trees.

    RECs - Are tradable, non-tangible energy commodities in the United States that represent proof that 1

    megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource(renewable electricity).

    Renewables - Energy from sources that are self-recreating, one example is solar energy

    Sustainability- The general effort to create efficient solutions to reduce, reuse and recycle, in order to

    protect the environment and limited resources for future generations