2011 Annual Report

TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE, TRUSTED SOLUTIONS...2 For more than a decade our organization has grown steadily. Our ability to provide our customers and government sponsors with the technical

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Page 1: TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE, TRUSTED SOLUTIONS...2 For more than a decade our organization has grown steadily. Our ability to provide our customers and government sponsors with the technical


2011 Annual Report


2011 Annual Report

Page 2: TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE, TRUSTED SOLUTIONS...2 For more than a decade our organization has grown steadily. Our ability to provide our customers and government sponsors with the technical
Page 3: TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE, TRUSTED SOLUTIONS...2 For more than a decade our organization has grown steadily. Our ability to provide our customers and government sponsors with the technical

Our Mission

Riverside Research’s centers of technical excellence move science from the laboratory to the field for the benefit of our nation. We build teams of recognized experts to deliver effective, efficient, high-value solutions and services to our sponsors.

Page 4: TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE, TRUSTED SOLUTIONS...2 For more than a decade our organization has grown steadily. Our ability to provide our customers and government sponsors with the technical


Ashwinkumar Sampathkumar, PhD

Richard Bartell

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2 Letter from the President

5 Our Transformation

6 Centers of Excellence

8 Airborne Reconnaissance

10 Biomedical Engineering

12 Cyber

14 Electromagnetic Sciences

16 Radar

18 Technical Intelligence

20 Core Competencies

24 Our Strength is Our People

28 Financial Results

29 Corporate Governance

30 Our Locations

Page 6: TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE, TRUSTED SOLUTIONS...2 For more than a decade our organization has grown steadily. Our ability to provide our customers and government sponsors with the technical


For more than a decade our organization has grown steadily. Our ability to provide our customers and government sponsors with the technical excellence and trusted solutions they require has expanded dramatically as well.

Our success comes down to the technical strength of our people, and our commitment to providing excellent value and service. As we grow and evolve as an organization, we never lose sight of these basic principles.

A little more than a year ago, Riverside Research implemented a major restructuring and rebranding effort to better reflect our changing role in the marketplace. We continue to function and build upon our heritage as an academic not-for-profit research institute, but we also play an increasing role in helping our government sponsors identify solutions to the challenges they face. It is in this role – a solutions provider – that we see the greatest demand for our services.

The restructuring we implemented last year was designed to emphasize providing solutions and better leverage our in-house technical and scientific expertise. Toward this end, we have embraced the concept of investing in well-defined Centers of Excellence, each supported by research-focused laboratories and technically renowned subject matter experts.

Our six Centers of Excellence are Airborne Reconnaissance, Biomedical Engineering, Cyber, Electromagnetic Sciences, Radar, and Technical Intelligence. This report is designed to showcase our work and our people within each of these core areas of expertise.

We take great pride in the high quality of our people. Many are nationally recognized experts in their fields who play major roles in advancing and guiding defense and intelligence technology choices, strengthening America’s security as a result. We also invest in independent research and development. Our biomedical research, for example, has played a pioneering role in developing and applying advanced imaging technologies. One of our colleagues, Dr. Kaiser Alam, was named a Fulbright Scholar this year for his research contributions in the field of biomedical ultrasound.

We have also strengthened major areas of activity that we define as our core competencies. These areas include Analysis of Alternatives, Education & Training, Modeling & Simulation, and Program Management. These enabling competencies cut across the organization, and we apply them throughout our customer base.

An important platform for future growth relates to our status as a not-for-profit research institute – a status that gives us a unique standing in technology evaluation and acquisition. Our ability to combine true independence and impartiality with world-class technical expertise and exceptional programmatic support has positioned Riverside Research well in an increasingly competitive landscape.


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It is no secret that federal defense and intelligence spending will be constrained in the coming years. However, we have been fortunate to retain all of our existing contracts over the past year and are well positioned to provide our core services to a broader spectrum of clients. Our work in evaluating and advancing sensor technologies, for example, can be applied beyond warfighting and other current uses, to include border monitoring and weapons of mass destruction sensing activities. Our expertise in photo acoustics and optics, ultrasound technologies, cyber research, and advanced radars and modeling can also be leveraged for new critical infrastructure protection systems, national security, and other non-defense purposes.

The pace of technology advancement has never been faster, and staying a step ahead of a changing landscape is the great challenge for our government sponsors. Riverside Research is uniquely suited to provide the best solutions based on independent, unbiased approaches and the strongest possible technological expertise.

We ended our recent fiscal year with more than 520 employees and nearly $90M in revenue – representative of a decade of steady, organic growth. It is also a validation of our culture of commitment to constantly improving the value we deliver to our government sponsors and business partners; their mission truly is our mission.

Richard Annas President

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1951• University Environment• Basic to Applied Research• Funded Grants & Studies

1967• Independent Directorates• Applied Research/Program Support• Niche Technical Market

2011• Collaborative Organization• Solutions Focused• Diverse Technical Market

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Rebranding, Renewing, and Refocusing: During 2011, we executed the company’s single largest transformation in over four decades of operation. This deliberate transformation began in early 2010 as we assessed our organization and capabilities against the current market trends. As successful as our business had been over the past decade, we recognized that we needed to restructure and rebrand to better serve our customers, provide greater opportunities for our growing staff, and thrive in a highly competitive environment.

As the year opened, we began operations under our new organizational structure which included four new Groups – each led by a new Vice President –and three new Directorates. Through the hard work and dedication of our expanded leadership team, the goals of this reorganization have been realized. The result: greater attention on business drivers, increased collaboration between Directorates, and more opportunities for staff development and advancement.

In February, Riverside Research formally rolled out its new logo, mission/vision statements, associated market branding, and website. These represented the outward manifestation of our transformation, conveying our renewed commitment to “technical excellence” and “trusted solutions.” We remain true to our not-for-profit research institution heritage while instilling a new culture of delivering value-added solutions to a diverse and growing customer base.

A major part of our rebranding/reorganization was a renewed commitment to research, providing “solutions that matter.” We significantly increased independent research and development (IR&D) funding and created a Research and Engineering Group to align our diverse lab capabilities. To us, the labs and their research accomplishments are the “engine” of our future growth.

In May, the newly established Strategic Planning and Development Group delivered the Strategic Planning Foundation as part of the company’s first ever deliberate strategic planning activity. This document laid out the guiding principles and strategic objectives for the company that formed the basis of our initial Strategic Action Plan, which was published in September. Our inaugural strategic plan is intended to help guide our business pursuits, investments, and enable processes and practices. By the end of 2011, our strategic initiatives were well underway; we are now executing our plan.


Delivering Radar Assessment ToolsAn exemplar of our transformation is the progression of our radar engineering capability. In existence since the early days of the company, this group has largely been involved with radar programs through studies, testing, and acquisition advisory support. Now we have applied this expertise in developing a suite of tools, primarily with internal funding, and formed a Radar Assessment and Development Lab (RAD Lab). This initiative leverages our decades of radar expertise and user-friendly radar assessment tools to benefit the customer.

Solutions that Matter

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In order to unlock the full potential of our people and provide a more compelling offering to current and future clients, we have established six Centers of Excellence to emphasize our core technical capabilities.

A Center of Excellence (COE) is grounded in an area of science, technology, or engineering. It is focused on expanding knowledge—either theoretical or applied—to serve a national purpose. Defined by its discoveries, insights, and the work it performs, each center is structured within Riverside Research as a multidisciplinary team that leverages academic investigation to advance solutions aligned with the interests of its sponsors. We provide clear problem definition, analytic visibility, effective management, and value-added integration to our sponsors through these COEs:• Airborne Reconnaissance• Biomedical Engineering • Cyber• Electromagnetic Sciences• Radar• Technical Intelligence

The technical excellence of these centers is maintained by a series of interconnected and collectively managed laboratories and a vast “reach-back” pool of leading subject matter experts. The Senior Technical Expert program (page 24) also serves to amplify the impressive capabilities of our COEs. Additionally, our IR&D investments enable our labs to deliver solutions that meet the rapidly changing requirements of our sponsors and position us as a leader in emerging technologies.

Solutions that Matter


Collaborating for Technical SolutionsOur Radar COE teamed with our Technical Intelligence and Electromagnetic Sciences COEs to perform an integrated Cobra Dane Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Through performance monitoring and collection assessment, this AoA facilitated rigorous technical solutions and aided management in determining the best tradeoffs with clear decision points and defined impacts.

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John Morris Chief Scientist

With over 40 years of experience, John Morris has established technical leadership credentials in a variety of positions and settings. He is currently or has previously served as an international aerospace leader, rocket

engineer, remote sensing expert, DEW specialist, intelligence analyst (MASINT, SIGINT, IMINT), acquisition manager, former director of central MASINT organization, and trusted advisor to all intelligence community

leaders (e.g. DNI, USDI, DCI, NGA, DIA, NSA).

“Our Centers of Excellence enable effective customer decisions.”

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As in past years, airborne reconnaissance was a critical component of ongoing military operations in Afghanistan, Libya, and other areas of conflict during 2011. The ability of airborne reconnaissance systems to persistently locate, track, identify, and target adversaries makes it essential to the national security strategy and protection of U.S. and Allied Forces in distant theaters of operation. Every day, reconnaissance platforms and the aircrew who operate them are called upon to fly difficult missions and collect highly reliable and actionable intelligence information. These missions are as diverse as the platforms used to fly them. As diverse as their individual roles may be, many airborne reconnaissance platforms have one thing in common: they’re all kept current by Big Safari, the USAF’s program for the sustainment and modification of specialized aircraft.

According to Mr. Michael Donley, Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, Big Safari continues to be the model alternative acquisition source for high priority, rapid-reaction, urgent Combatant Commander needs. Its success is attributed to integrated program strategies and an unmatched culture of responsiveness, developed and forged in the Cold War, which continues to evolve and adapt in our current operational environment. One adaptation of note is the recently approved cooperative RC-135 program between the United States and United Kingdom which allows both countries to reduce costs while mutually enhancing future airborne reconnaissance capacity and capability. International partnerships are a key component of our national security strategy and enable our ability to improve collective capabilities, operational performance, and tactical interoperability while sharing resources, responsibility, and risk. In particular, this RC-135 partnership represents an unprecedented approach to improve airborne reconnaissance integration and will serve as the roadmap for future international partnerships. It has already garnered significant tactical success in supporting U.S. and Allied Operations in Afghanistan and NATO operations over


Harvesting the Hyperspectral Investment

On behalf of the Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), Riverside Research is leading the system engineering efforts on an end-to-end tactical system for the collection and exploitation of hyperspectral data named the Airborne Cueing and Exploitation System (ACES HY). This Visible Near-visible Infrared/Shortwave Infrared (VNIR/SWIR) sensor targeted for integration with the Predator MQ-1 was sponsored by the Defense Department and assigned to ASC during fiscal 2007. This past year, the system successfully completed development testing and is now being evaluated by an Operational Test & Evaluation team where senior USAF operators are developing procedures to effectively employ this capability.

Solutions that Matter

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Klaes Wandland ACES HY Chief Engineer

Over the course of his career, Klaes Wandland has contributed to many areas of the intelligence field, including time critical targeting, image chain analysis, sensor development, and integration. Originally contracted by the ASC to

execute their image-quality efforts, he was later reassigned as Chief Engineer of the cutting edge ACES HY program.

“Hyperspectral sensors provide the warfighter a multi-mission intelligence source readily adaptable to our adversaries’ changes in tactics and procedures.”

Libya. Riverside Research employees provide Big Safari with technical expertise in the areas of program management, engineering, logistics, maintenance, and administrative support.

In addition to our Big Safari efforts, Riverside Research staff also supported the Aeronautical Systems Center’s ACES HY and SPIRITT hyperspectral programs. Our engineering team assisted the Air Force with engineering development, platform integration, testing, and fielding for these two advanced sensors. In conjunction with the ACES HY sensor development and integration effort, Riverside Research staff also supported efforts to design and develop the complementary ground exploitation system, which supports real time operations. Riverside Research also equips and trains exploitation analysts to effectively produce intelligence products made possible through the effective use of hyperspectral phenomenology. From acquisition through operational readiness, our impact on these systems demonstrates our holistic approach to achieving the nation’s dominance in airborne spectral intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.

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The Frederic L. Lizzi Center for Biomedical Engineering has been undertaking research in biomedical ultrasound since the 1970s. These studies have involved ultrasonic detection, diagnosis, and evaluation of disease, and ultrasonic bioeffects, safety, and treatment of disease. During 2011, the Lizzi Center pursued several exciting on-going projects and initiated new projects of medical significance while it simultaneously established a foundation for expansion of its research activities into new areas including the addition of optics capabilities.

The funded research undertaken by the Lizzi Center in 2011 included the following projects:• Detecting cancerous tissues that have spread from their original locations into lymph

nodes. This project shows great promise for improving staging and treatment of cancer.• Combining the Center’s advanced ultrasonic methods of imaging

prostate cancer with similar advanced magnetic-resonance methods. Success in this project can lead to marked improvement in guiding biopsies and targeting treatment of prostate cancer.

• Integrating the Center’s ultrasonic methods of imaging prostate cancer with an existing ultrasonic instrument for treating prostate disease. This project will enable high-intensity focused ultrasound to be directed to cancerous tissue without damaging surrounding non-cancerous tissue.

• Developing advanced methods of ultrasonic identification of cancerous breast lesions. This project potentially can reduce the number of unnecessary breast biopsies and improve treatment of breast cancer.

• Fabricating annular transducer arrays using innovative polymer-film methods. This project permits generation of high-definition images over extended ranges.

• Sensing lithotripter fields with novel polymer-film arrays. This project can provide superior characterization of lithotripter properties and hence can improve treatment of kidney stones.



New Optics Capabil it ies

Studies underway in the new optics lab include:• Combining optoacoustic methods with our

existing purely ultrasonic methods to detect cancers in lymph nodes.

• Optoacoustically targeting ablative treatment of breast cancer, e.g., with high-intensity focused ultrasound, and monitoring the effect of the delivered treatment to assure its completeness without allowing damage to surrounding non-cancerous tissue.

• Detecting and characterizing burns, pressure ulcers, and friction ulcers, and for distinguishing cancerous from non-cancerous prostate tissue using purely optical methods.

“ I have the unique opportunity to improve public health while getting to play in the lab and create advanced technology every day.”

Solutions that Matter

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Jeffrey Ketterling, PhD Medical Ultrasound Research Scientist

Dr. Jeffrey Ketterling received his PhD in mechanical engineering from Yale University in 1999. Dr. Ketterling has made invaluable contributions to formulating the priorities and determining the directions taken by the Lizzi Center for Biomedical Engineering. He is internationally acclaimed as a leader in high frequency ultrasound physics and ultrasound-transducer technology. He is very active

in leadership roles of professional societies such as the Acoustical Society of America, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. In recognition of his research accomplishments and technical expertise, the

NIH has invited Jeff to serve as a member on several of their proposal review panels.

• Investigating the properties of ultrasonic microbubble-based contrast agents at the high ultrasound frequencies being used in the latest ultrasonic medical imagers. This study has provided insights into microbubble physics and has identified commercially available bubble types that are best suited for high frequency use.

• Assessing the feasibility of using ultrasound to “push” medication into the brain. This method would overcome the barriers to infusing blood-borne and catheter-injected medications to targeted disease foci.

The addition of optics capabilities to the Lizzi Center enables our researchers to integrate advanced optical and ultrasound technologies. This initiative already has produced proposals for funded optoacoustic imaging projects and is providing pilot data to support additional proposals.

Kaiser Alam, PhD

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Cyberspace is the DOD’s most rapidly evolving, and most pervasive domain, intersecting all warfighting, government, and private sector elements in the sea, air, land, and space operations. Riverside Research established the Cyber COE to expand the knowledge and application of cutting-edge cybersecurity technology in support of government and broad national cyber goals. We are aligning customers and positioning ourselves to be at the forefront of the cyberspace landscape by developing world-class capabilities.

The goal of the Cyber COE is to provide highly skilled scientific and engineering support to customers involved in research & development, vulnerability assessment techniques, education & training, and the deployment of cyberspace security methodologies, tools, and products.

To accomplish this, the Cyber COE works with the government, industry, and academic customers to identify technologies, products, and services required to address requirements. Once identified, Riverside Research compiles a team of highly skilled subject matter experts and system engineers to perform detailed analysis and conduct research to create, develop, and deliver cyber security solutions.

Cyber is widely recognized as one of the major business growth segments in the security market and is designated as a strategic thrust for Riverside Research. Cyber is an area in which we have historically provided technical and SETA support to the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Software Protection/Anti-Tamper program and the Air Force Institute of Technology’s (AFIT) Center for Cyberspace Research for a number of years. In order to increase Riverside Research’s presence in cyber, we are beginning new cybersecurity initiatives, such as, “Cyber Homeland Security” and “Cyber Defense Integration,” through our partnership with Louisiana Tech and the Louisiana Cyber Innovation Center. We have

also made a significant investment in our Cyber Research Lab. This investment leverages the tools and institutional knowledge we have gained through our work at AFRL, resulting in intellectual property that we can market to new customers either through a traditional SETA role or through a commercial model.

An additional Cyber focus area for Riverside Research is Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP). Cyber intrusions of these systems


Neutral iz ing the Cyber Threat

With the sole intention of developing a secure framework for U.S. cybersecurity, Riverside Research has invested IR&D funds to develop an initial prototype of an advanced persistent threat detection and reaction tool suite. This tool suite integrates powerful analysis tools with unique interface capabilities and proven analysis techniques to quickly identify vulnerabilities and suspicious code, empowering cyber analysts to rapidly identify and neutralize cyber threats. The end result is a sophisticated suite of tools, built by our professional reverse engineers and security experts, which arm today’s cyber warriors with the tools they need to identify and defeat complex cyber threats.

Solutions that Matter

“ The rules of the game in the cybersecurity landscape have changed with the introduction of Critical Infrastructure Protection.”

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Juan Lopez, Jr Cybersecurity Research Engineer

Mr. Juan Lopez, Jr. has over 27 years of experience in tactical communications and information assurance. He conducts research in Critical Infrastructure Protection, Radio Frequency Identification, and Electromagnetic Interference

modeling of 4G wireless systems. He is an avid Morse code operator, a mentor at the Dayton Regional STEM School, and a Riverside Research Senior Technical Expert in Cyber.

continue to occur at an alarming rate. Critical infrastructure and key resources such as the power grid, transportation systems, oil, gas and pipeline, water and wastewater treatment are vital to national security and contribute to the stability of the nation. At AFIT’s Center for Cyberspace Research, we are supporting the development of curriculum in CIP for graduate level education and performing applied research to deliver security solutions. The education programs are designed to provide the skills necessary to meet the cybersecurity workforce needs of the public and private sectors.

Riverside Research continues to make significant contributions to the cybersecurity community and the federal government. The Cyber COE and the Cyber Research Lab provide a multi-disciplinary team that leverages staff and capabilities from across Riverside Research, to develop tools, techniques, and procedures to arm the cyber analyst with the tools and knowledge they need to operate effectively in this rapidly changing and expanding domain.

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The Electromagnetic Sciences COE is at the forefront of industry in understanding complex electromagnetic (EM) interactions and phenomenology. We excel in developing highly efficient large-scale EM prediction and analysis codes on high-performance computing platforms, in implementing practical multidisciplinary design optimization tools and techniques, and in creating user-friendly and intuitive interfaces. This COE is supported by two Riverside Research laboratories: the Electromagnetics Laboratory (EM Lab) and the Computational Science and Engineering Laboratory (CSE Lab), both of which draw upon our staff of highly skilled subject matter experts with technical expertise in physics, engineering, computer science, and mathematics. Electromagnetic Sciences maintains a state-of-the-art, high performance supercomputer system to support a variety of customer applications.

Our EM Lab creates optimization tools capable of realizing practical designs that meet or exceed performance requirements not in months, or even weeks, but in hours. It also develops and deploys high-performance EM computational kernels and associated user interface and support tools, providing EM domain expertise to government and industry clients. Our EM Lab staff is well-versed in all aspects of developing these robust design and evaluation tools, including concept definition, code architecture, theoretical advances, novel algorithm

development, software implementation, efficiency improvements, testing and validation, and program management. The EM Lab has developed a large suite of signature prediction and design tools that advance the operations and technical achievements of numerous government and industry programs, including fullwave, approximate, and hybrid signature prediction codes and advanced optimization methodologies. Its tools are highly modular and extensible to facilitate their use with customer proprietary capabilities, improve reliability, and reduce maintenance costs.



Results Made Avai lable in Hours, Not Days

Our recent work to develop a state of the art computational electromagnetic (CEM) capability for large targets is based on the Adaptive Cross Approximation. This methodology allows us to routinely solve CEM problems previously deemed to be intractable on even the most powerful computer systems available. We can now solve a problem with one million unknowns (largest case shown on right) in less than 1.5 days using our SGI Altix UV computer, which would have taken over nine months to run on a Cray supercomputer just a few years ago. This result is even more striking considering cost; the Cray system is approximately $5M while the Altix system is under $100K. More recent improvements allow us to solve this same problem in less than twelve hours.



n Ti




Number of Unknowns







10,000 100,000 1,000,000

Dense (Cray)ACA (Altix)

Solutions that Matter

TASK 18-20

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Frank Falco, PhDDirector, Electromagnetic Sciences

Dr. Falco has over 30 years experience in electromagnetic scattering phenomenology, antenna radiation and signature predictions, multidisciplinary design optimization, radar data processing and analysis, and

signature control research.

Our CSE Lab is dedicated to developing, advancing, and utilizing high-performance, multidisciplinary engineering design tools that support design, test, and development of complex components, systems, and system-of-systems. The CSE Lab is a collaborative initiative designed to augment our industrial and government sponsors’ ongoing research and development programs and provide their researchers with unprecedented control in specifying and prioritizing application code features, research objectives, and functional capabilities. Our mission is to develop state-of-the-art multidisciplinary computational kernels; enable simultaneous, multidisciplinary design and optimization; provide physics based, system-of-systems discrete event simulation; develop a robust, supported, and widely used codebase to which proprietary and niche capabilities can be added; significantly lower recurring, development, and support costs; advance research in computational algorithms and high-performance computing methods; and transition existing and emerging research capabilities into high-performance production-ready tools. The CSE Lab combines contractual investments from multiple government and industry organizations to develop software products and provide support services. Functional and software requirements are defined by the client and implemented within the lab’s modular and flexible software framework. The end result is a validated and robust codebase that supports vastly different computational algorithms and engineering disciplines and computationally-intensive high-performance computing. Clients receive source code and training, as well as installation, user, and application support.

“Our highly efficient optimization codes provide robust design solutions in hours, not weeks or months.”

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In 2011, Riverside Research continued its long-standing track record of supporting some of the most technically challenging and important projects in the radar industry. Possibly our highest profile project was Cobra Judy Replacement (CJR), a $1.7B acquisition program that brings to bear many of the key engineering services we provide: specification development, system integration, sensor performance evaluation, independent verification and validation, system troubleshooting, whole life engineering, acquisition support, transition and transfer planning, and technical advisory.

CJR, easily the most sophisticated, capable, and flexible national investment in a technical collection radar ever fielded, is carried on board the USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM-25), a 534 ft long, 88 ft beam, approximately 10,000 ton custom-built vessel. The Lorenzen left her construction shipyard in Pascagoula, MS and arrived in Ingleside, TX on June 20 for installation of the S- and X-Band radar system and communication equipment. On behalf of the U.S. Navy PEO IWS 2I, Riverside Research provided almost continuous, direct oversight of the radar mission equipment installation and integration at the ship.

Concurrent with this activity, members of the Riverside Research CJR test and system engineering team pored through and analyzed terabytes of recorded data from in-string equipment testing

as part of the ongoing independent Verification, Validation & Accreditation (VV&A) support to the U.S. Navy. In the process, the team developed robust data analysis software tools that will benefit the program and operating community for decades to come.

Riverside Research was also called upon by the end data user agency to help guide the development of software tools that will facilitate all aspects of CJR mission planning and post-mission data processing, in time to support Technical Evaluation and Operational Evaluation throughout 2012-13. These new tools are urgently needed because CJR provides significant collection flexibility with dual-band independent phased array radar control for the first time, which captures orders of magnitude more data than any of its predecessor systems.

At the same time, our engineers supporting the Technical Sensor programs made vital contributions to the legacy CJ system. Riverside Research was the government’s sole-source provider of technical support throughout the original CJ system acquisition and remains involved in the system three decades later. We continue to support the operating community in virtually every facet of system sustainment and operation, from on-site technical advisory support during mission execution to detailed troubleshooting of the newly integrated Radar Electronics Modification (REM) equipment and software. Riverside Research provided field engineering services on board the CJ USNS Observation Island in 2011 that helped the CJ REM configuration successfully achieve Initial Operating Capability in June.


Keeping CJR on Schedule

In 2008, the U.S. Navy tasked Riverside Research to lead the verification, validation, and accreditation of the Cobra Judy replacement simulator. With over 14 terabytes of digital and radio frequency injected simulation data, our RAD Lab analysts evaluated the fidelity of all aspects of the simulator. We identified numerous issues with the simulator and worked hand-in-hand with the prime contractor to ensure that it will be a credible augmentation to live event evaluation during the formal development and operational testing in 2013.

Solutions that Matter

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Philip Chorman Associate Director, Electronic Systems Directorate

Mr. Chorman has over 25 years experience in multi-mission radar and radar guided missile programs that span the complete systems acquisition life cycle, from specification and product development through system test, sustainment,

and modernization. He is nationally recognized as a subject matter expert of the AN/FPS-108 Cobra Dane radar system, which deployed the nation’s first operationally certified Ground Based Midcourse Defense Radar System.

“ We are involved with the most powerful and capable radar systems ever created.”

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INTELLIGENCEThe Technical Intelligence (TI) COE is one of Riverside Research’s most critical and influential COEs. TI tactics are used to help mitigate technological surprise; they also provide significant support to environmental monitoring and disaster recovery, treaty monitoring, and homeland security. TI encompasses the processes and systems by which strategic information on adversaries’ foreign weapon systems are obtained and used.

As part of our TI COE, we provide a range of services in support of measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT), geospatial intelligence (GEOINT), and advanced geospatial intelligence (AGI) systems along with their associated tasking, processing, exploitation, and dissemination (TPED) infrastructure.

Riverside Research’s key contributions to the MASINT discipline for 2011 are once again substantial. They include:• Serving as principal advocates for MASINT programs to designated U.S. Air Force and

Army MASINT functional managers.• Leading systems engineering design and execution DIA’s MASINT portal information

gateway project. • Expansion into nuclear and forensics technologies by leading the Mobile Nuclear Air

Sampling Functional Solutions Analysis and the MASINT Enterprise 360 efforts.• Integrating MASINT into the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS).• Sustaining USAF systems critical to maintaining U.S. preeminence in radar-based

collection system readiness. • Leading systems engineering and independent validation and

verification of a MASINT TPED system being acquired for the nation.

Our support to the GEOINT community included the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps, and Army across a broad array of individual sub-disciplines to achieve great gains in the areas of overhead persistent infrared (OPIR), hyperspectral, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR).

Riverside Research’s efforts throughout 2011 have been a key enabler of the growth and strength of our nation’s OPIR programs. Our efforts included:• Supporting NGA’s OPIR Integrated Program Office (IPO)

as the NGA Liaison to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

• Assisting the government in managing NGA/IPO and NASIC OPIR 2011 budget portfolios.

Tools that Support Satel l ites from Cradle to Grave

Our Modeling and Application Development Lab (MAD Lab) developed the Automated Collection Planning Tool (ACPT), a customizable planning and analysis government off-the-shelf package that supports space based mission planning from cradle to grave. The ACPT’s flexible framework supports design analysis and acquisition strategies while the satellite system is still on the whiteboard. Once the system moves from the design to the manufacturing stage, the same ACPT supports capability assessments and the development of collection strategies. Finally, once the system is in orbit, the ACPT assumes the daily operational planning and scheduling responsibilities.

Solutions that Matter

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James Schmitz, PhD

Senior Engineer Dr. Schmitz has over 25 years of experience in the research and development of sensors, satellite operations, detection

and classification algorithms, data processing, and imagery analysis and interpretation. He has co-authored 15 technical papers on sensors system operation, phenomenology, and target recognition techniques and algorithms. He is also

recognized for his expertise in OPIR, GEOINT, and remote sensing.

• Providing program planning, budgeting, and manning for AGI and MASINT programs. Providing operations and maintenance, acquisition, and research and development cost modeling.

• Developing inputs to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Program, the General Defense Intelligence Program, the Program Objective memorandum and over-guidance documentation and submissions.

• Evaluating proposed TPED systems and sensors, for national, commercial and DOD applications to determine their potential to satisfy current and future intelligence program objectives.

• Ensuring a major GEOINT TPED system was fully on line and ready to process new asset data. • Providing validation and verification of system readiness for new GEOINT sensors. • Standing up of OPIR capabilities at the Marine Corps Intelligence Analysis Center and using that success to bring OPIR

tradecraft to the US Army’s National Ground Intelligence Center.

Our TI COE expertise is directly supported through Riverside Research’s Modeling and Application Development Lab (MAD Lab). The MAD Lab manages and performs key modeling and simulation functions necessary to encourage cooperation, synergism, and cost effectiveness among our TI business activities and corporate components. With more than 40 years of resources available in nearly every technical discipline, the MAD Lab supports advanced mission critical technology delivering a diverse range of life cycle services and solutions from design to development and implementation. The integration of world renowned technical experts, highly skilled support staff, and savvy application developers was combined to create a TI COE that exemplifies what Riverside Research brings to the defense of our nation.

“I have the unique opportunity to work with data from some of the most technologically advanced remote sensing assets every day.”

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Analysis of Alternatives Our commitment to remain the DOD’s preeminent source of independent, unbiased technical support for the conduct of AoA and related feasibility and trade studies was evident throughout 2011. In fact, the Air Force Office of Aerospace Studies was so impressed by our innovative and novel AoA development approach, Riverside Research became their benchmark for addressing complex performance measures. Required before any major investment and before each decision milestone, the AoA is one of the most important steps in the military acquisition process.

In 2011, Riverside Research served as the primary technical support contractor to the Air Force for the Mobile Nuclear Air Sampling Functional Needs Assessment and Functional Solutions Assessment, both part of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System process leading to the development of an AoA. These assessments addressed sustainability and modernization issues being faced by the aging WC-135 Constant Phoenix aircraft. We were also the lead contractor for the Air Force Acquisition Category 1D Ballistic Missile Technical Collection AoA, as well as technical lead for the recently completed Cobra Dane AoA. Due to our extensive modeling and simulation capabilities, Riverside Research helped the Air Force address critical questions, identify key shortfalls, mitigate performance gaps, assess overall mission value, and ultimately support acquisition milestone decisions.


Through our core competencies, we provide our customers with best-in-class systems engineering, advanced research, unbiased technical assessments, practical engineering solutions, senior program management support, operations and maintenance support, and leading edge continuing education within our fields of expertise. Our four core competencies are: Analysis of Alternatives, Education & Training, Modeling & Simulation, and Program Management.



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Education & Training Our Education and Training (E&T) core competency was clearly displayed in the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) technology application race when we received a $400K contract award from the Unmanned Applications Institute, International (UAI) for the development of five Technical Intelligence curriculums to support the growing UAS programs of several institutions of higher learning in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Additionally, our E&T Directorate also expanded into a new business area with a contract to develop a training curriculum in open source intelligence (OSINT). The OSINT effort not only showcases our ability to provide a completely new curriculum for entry level OSINT analysts, it also underscores our desire to support workforce development. Our E&T course developers also made significant contributions to a hyperspectral certification program for a government customer.

Another major achievement in E&T was the retention of two significant contracts with the AFIT: the five year $23.5M Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract for Project Support Services and the five year $18.3M MASINT Advanced Engineering and Science Technical Requirements Offering supporting the Center for Technical Intelligence Studies and Research.


Howard Evans, PhD

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Program Management Our not-for-profit status enables us to provide independent and unbiased technical advice and program management support throughout the entire lifecycle of a program to ensure a seamless transition of technologies from laboratory to operations. In 2011, Riverside Research provided the Aeronautical Systems Center acquisition management support for the Broad Area Surveillance Sensors Program Office that resulted in frequent recognition at the General Officer level. We also supported the realignment of core capabilities within AFRL to ensure a smooth transition into their new organizational structure after the conclusion of the Software Protection Initiative.

Riverside Research is the NGA’s on-scene System Program Office representative at the ODNI. As such, we provide critical representation of NGA’s equities on requirements documents, architecture studies, modernization plans, and alternative analyses. In 2011, we coordinated the Joint Spectral Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and the OPIR Enterprise ICD through the IC requirements process at ODNI—foundational documents driving the future of OPIR. Additionally, Riverside Research was the principal architect of the capabilities requirements process used to justify all major systems acquisitions within the Intelligence Community.

AFIT was another beneficiary of our continued program management support, leveraging our academic technical services and management expertise to increase external sponsor funding for a wide array of research projects.



Kelly Allen & Colin Bliss

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Modeling & Simulation Our Modeling and Simulation capabilities provide significant value to our customers involved in acquisition, development, testing, and training of complex systems and scenarios. We use models and immersive simulations to produce live, virtual, and constructive environments that support requirements analysis, design, development, and VV&A. Our expert staff channels these capabilities to address our nation’s most challenging security and intelligence problems.

Requested by the University of Hawaii’s Space Flight Laboratory, Riverside Research supported a NASA grant to create the Comprehensive Open-Architecture Space Mission Operations System (COSMOS). COSMOS will offer a flexible architecture supporting many types of satellites and sensors empowered by the ACPT. Fortunately, ACPT is easily reconfigured to support many different satellite programs. Additionally, our Enterprise Collection Research Tool and Satellite Nomination and Planning Portal will be incorporated to provide customer interfaces for feasibility analysis and collection requirements submissions, respectively.

As a customizable remote-sensing system that supports mission planning and analysis, platform and sensor modeling, target modeling, collection-strategy development, and collection visualization, our ACPT also helped to transition the Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) from a purely research satellite to a much broader mission. Despite not being used operationally since 2003, the operations team and original designers not only succeeded in nursing the MTI back to life, but also made design improvements that enhanced its capabilities and imaging capacity. MTI now plays a renewed role across several communities.

John Ploschnitznig

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At Riverside Research, our greatest asset is our people. We begin by selecting employees with proven experience and superior skills to meet our customers’ needs. This provides us with a ready talent pool of highly educated and experienced technical, engineering, and management staff with recognized expertise in their fields.

Our people also exemplify our core values. We believe that excellent employee relations and high morale are essential to achieving superior performance. For over four decades, we have built relationships of trust and respect, high expectations, and shared rewards. We foster a culture of sharing ideas for breakthrough solutions in a collaborative team environment.

We are focused on meeting the needs of today as well as building for the future. Our Centers of Excellence are staffed by a growing team of researchers and solution builders with an eye on emerging technologies and the creation of knowledge. Included to the right are some notable additions to the Riverside Research staff, each of whom brings a specific expertise that significantly enhances our knowledge base and capabilities.

Senior Technical Experts Because of our highly relevant, well known, and respected subject matter experts, Riverside Research is a name synonymous with technical excellence. Our status as an industry leader is evidenced by the fact that many of our people regularly speak at the world’s most influential technical conferences on national security, homeland defense, and public health issues. In order to maintain this position of community leadership, we have established a program that allows our Senior Technical Experts (STEs) to maximize their effectiveness within their fields of expertise while cultivating a new wave of “household names” through focused mentorship.

The STE program enables our most recognized and sought after senior experts to influence the technical direction of the company through our Centers of Excellence. With oversight from our Chief Technology Officer, our STEs serve as a technical resource for business development in proposal development, IR&D projects, annual technology assessments, and strategic planning while developing candidates for future STE positions through focused mentorship. STEs also enjoy ample opportunity to further advance their disciplines through publications and conference presentations while simultaneously demonstrating the technical excellence of Riverside Research.


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2011 Notable Hires

Ashwinkumar Sampathkumar, PhD Dr. Sampathkumar joined the Frederic L. Lizzi Center for Biomedical Engineering in May 2011. Coming from Boston University, he brings an extensive knowledge base and expertise in optical systems, photoacoustic imaging, acousto-optic imaging, non-destructive evaluation of thin materials, and thin film characterization, all of which are directly related to the diagnostic and therapeutic applications currently being explored or pursued by the Lizzi Center.

Lawrence S. Turnbull, Jr., PhD Dr. Turnbull joined the National Systems Directorate in August 2011 after spending over four decades conducting analysis of foreign nuclear weapons programs in academic, industry, and government settings. Starting with the application of seismological methods to monitor for nuclear tests, Dr. Turnbull utilized technical collection sensors and all-source intelligence tools to analyze the full range of foreign nuclear weapons related issues. He has worked in both the CIA and the ODNI .

Jason Raber Mr. Raber rejoined Riverside Research after two years serving as the Technical Manager of the Assessment Science Team at Wright Patterson’s AFRL. He established and leads our Cyber Research Lab which is developing an integrated suite of software security cyber analysis tools. With over 15 years of cyber, reverse engineering, and compiler development experience, Mr. Raber is widely recognized as an expert in the reverse engineering field.


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Board of Trustees’ Award Winners At the Board of Trustees’ meeting in April, Riverside Research pays tribute to the legacies of two historical company leaders by recognizing the outstanding individual achievements of the prior year with awards given in their honor. The Ralph J. Mastrandrea Memorial Award, named for the late Executive Vice President, recognizes the significant achievements and practical devotion to Riverside Research over the past year. The Lawrence H. O’Neill Award for Sustained Excellence, named for the founder of Riverside Research, is presented to those individuals maintaining a superior performance record over a period of several years.

Recipients of these prestigious awards embody the “country before self ” spirit and exemplary work ethic of Mr. Mastrandrea and Mr. O’Neill evidenced by an unparalleled devotion to help Riverside Research deliver effective, efficient, high-value solutions and services to its sponsors for the benefit of our nation.

Ralph J. Mastrandrea Memorial Award The recipients of the 2010 Ralph J. Mastrandrea Memorial Award are:

Mr. Juan Lopez, for his vital contributions to the CIP research arena as lead advisor to AFIT’s Center for Cyberspace.

Mr. Trevor Burbank, for his outstanding leadership which was instrumental in winning the Daytona/Dover II follow-on contract at the NASIC.

Mr. Andrew Shepherd, for his creative efforts to forge new business opportunities in the ever increasing arena of STEM.

Mr. Randall Borah, for his exceptional level of support and dedication across multiple radar programs essential for homeland security.

Ms. Karin Joiner, for her exemplary professionalism and significant contributions to the rapid response requirements of the Air Force Big Safari organization.

Ms. Amber Thompson, for her selfless dedication supporting the Air Force’s SENIOR SCOUT ISR and Reconnaissance program.


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Education Outreach Riverside Research understands the importance of educating and training the next generations of America’s technical workforce. The varied Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs throughout the nation present an outstanding means to excite youth about technical career fields. The company has been proud to facilitate successful internship programs with Sinclair and Clark State Community Colleges in the Dayton, Ohio region with at least 20 past or current interns obtaining employment in technical fields during the first year-and-a-half of sessions. Our electronic-textbook (e-Text) program currently supports college courses and high school STEM & Medicine (STEMM) programs with topics including remote sensing and geodesy, with additional topics under development. Outreach activities in 2011 included Tech Fest, Air Camp, Students Open to Aviation Research (SOAR), Aerospace Adventures (A2), and the Chaminade Julienne STEMM Gateway Academy Summer Camp.

Due to the notable accomplishments of our STEM efforts over the last several years and the successful completion of a related IR&D effort, a new STEM Program Office was established under the E&T Directorate.

Lawrence H. O’Neill Award The recipients of the 2010 Lawrence H. O’Neill Award for Sustained Excellence are:

Mr. Robert Davis, for his prolonged effectiveness as a primary consultant to the NGA College for academic outreach and curriculum development.

Mr. Rodger Menozzi, for significant contributions to several sponsors’ projects as well as lasting impacts on Riverside Research’s internal projects as a renowned expert in engineering construction management.

Mr. Ray Howell, for his unwavering commitment to shape the future of MASINT and AGI.

Andrew Shepherd, PhD

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RESULTSFiscal year 2011 saw Riverside Research’s revenue reach $87M, representing over 4% growth from fiscal year 2010. The company’s pattern of growth has resulted in an increase in revenue over the past five years of $29M, a compound average growth rate of over 10% per year.

In 2011, we successfully retained our core contracted business by winning all re-competes. In addition, Riverside Research won a number of new program contracts which have positioned us well for continued growth.

Fiscal year 2011 ended with a record fund balance of over $28M. Fund balance represents the value generated by Riverside Research’s business model. We continue to maintain a strong balance sheet which provides us with ample resources to make investments targeted at increasing our capabilities and delivering trusted solutions to our customers.

Below is a breakdown of revenue per Riverside Research Directorate for 2011.









Electromagnetic Sciences

Biomedical Engineering

Education & Training

Airborne Reconnaissance

Intelligence Operations

Information Dominance

National Systems

Electronic Systems

2011 Revenue by Directorate







2011 Revenue ($ millions)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

2011 Revenue by Directorate

2011 Revenue ($ millions)

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CORPORATE GOVERNANCESince 1967, Riverside Research has operated as an independent not-for-profit organization. We are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and believe that a sound governance structure will support our mission. Our structure includes a Board of Trustees, which consists of distinguished public servants and leaders from the academic, legal, medical, and business sectors. Thomas G. Pitts serves as chairman of the board. Robert A. Calico, James M. Mungenast, and Leslie W. Seldin serve on the Board of Trustees’ Governance Committee. Riverside Research also has a written code of Business Ethics that applies to all employees.

Riverside Research Corporate Officers Richard G. Annas, President Richard Greenwald, Treasurer Roslyn Raskin, Secretary

Riverside Research Board of Trustees (Back Row, Left to Right) Vincent J. Coyne Leslie W. Seldin Thomas G. Pitts, Chairman James M. Mungenast Robert A. Calico

(Front Row, Left to Right) Richard G. Annas, President Robert I. Bernstein, Trustee Emeritus Stephen D. Brodie

2011 Revenue ($ millions)

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Corporate Headquarters 156 William St., 9th Floor | New York, NY 10038 Accounting/Finance: 212.502.1756 Contracts Administration: 212.502.1724 Human Resources: 212.502.1705 Information Technology: 937.427.7008 Security: 937.427.7062

New York Research Office 156 William St., 9th Floor | New York, NY 10038 Research & Engineering Group Electromagnetic Sciences Directorate & Electromagnetics Laboratory Lizzi Center for Biomedical Engineering & Biomedical Engineering Laboratory Phone: 212.502.1725 | Fax: 212.502.1742

Boston Research Office 70 Westview St., KILN BROOK IV | Lexington, MA 02421 Electronic Systems Directorate Radar Assessment and Development Laboratory Phone: 781.862.7020 | Fax: 781.862.7161




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Champaign Research Office 1902 Fox Dr., Suite D | Champaign, IL 61820 Computational Science and Engineering Laboratory Phone: 212.502.1761 | Fax: 212.502.1764

Chantilly Research Office 15059 Conference Center Dr., Suite 110 | Chantilly, VA 20151 Strategic Planning & Development Group Modeling and Application Development Laboratory Phone: 703.908.8361 | Fax: 703.378.4288

Washington Research Office 1400 Key Blvd., Suite 1200 | Arlington, VA 22209 National Systems Directorate Phone: 703.522.2310 | Fax: 703.524.0025

Dayton Research Center 2640 Hibiscus Way | Beavercreek, OH 45431 Intelligence & Information Systems Group Cyber Research Laboratory Education & Training Directorate Information Dominance Directorate Intelligence Operations Directorate Phone: 937.431.3810 | Fax: 937.431.3811 National Security Group Airborne Reconnaissance Systems Directorate Phone: 937.252.5340 | Fax: 937.252.5861

Huntsville Field Office 7027 Old Madison Pike NW, Suite 108 Huntsville, AL 35806 Phone: 256.799.0205 | Fax: 256.971.2227

Melbourne Field Office 3000 N. Wickham Rd., Suite 9 Melbourne, FL 32935 Phone: 321.622.8573 | Fax: 321-622-8604

Tampa Field Office 400 North Ashley Dr., Suite 2600 Tampa, FL 33602 Phone: 813.712.8727 | Fax: 813.712.8780






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