Template Jurnal Untuk Tugas

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  • 8/13/2019 Template Jurnal Untuk Tugas


    Click here, type the title of your paper, Capitalize first letter

    First Authora,*, Second Authorb, Third Authora,b

    aFirst affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, CountrybSecond affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country


    Click here and insert your abstract text.

    Keywords: AAAAA, BBBBB, CCCCC

    1. Main text

    (! pt" #ere introduce the paper, and put a no$enclature if necessary, in a box %ith the sa$e font

    size as the rest of the paper. The para&raphs continue fro$ here and are only separated by headin&s,

    subheadin&s, i$a&es and for$ulae. The section headin&s are arran&ed by nu$bers, bold and ! pt.

    #ere follo%s further instructions for authors.

    1.1. Structure

    1.1.1. Bulleted lists may be included and should look like this:

    First point

    Second point

    And so on

    'nsure that you return to the 'ls)body)text style, the style that you %ill $ainly be usin& for lar&e

    blocks of text, %hen you ha+e co$pleted your bulleted list.

    a* Correspondin& author. Tel. -!)!!!)!!!)!!!! fax -!)!!!)!!!)!!!!.

    !mail address author/institute.xxx.

  • 8/13/2019 Template Jurnal Untuk Tugas



    1.". #ables

    All tables should be nu$bered %ith Arabic nu$erals. #eadin&s should be placed abo+e tables, left

    0ustified. 1ea+e one line space bet%een the headin& and the table. 2nly horizontal lines should be used

    %ithin a table, to distin&uish the colu$n headin&s fro$ the body of the table, and i$$ediately abo+e

    and belo% the table. Tables $ust be e$bedded into the text and not supplied separately. Belo% is an

    exa$ple %hich authors $ay find useful.

    Table . An exa$ple of a table

    An exa$ple of a colu$n headin& Colu$n A (t" Colu$n B (#"

    And an entry 3

    And another entry 4 5

    And another entry 6 7

    Fi&. . (a" first picture (b" second picture

    '8uations and for$ulae should be typed and nu$bered consecuti+ely %ith Arabic nu$erals in

    parentheses on the ri&ht hand side of the pa&e (if referred to explicitly in the text",

    $t % K P % &'.(" )*&.+" - 1'./ )1

    They should also be separated fro$ the surroundin& text by one space.


    These and the 9eference headin&s are in bold but ha+e no nu$bers. Text belo% continues as nor$al.


    :; 1ouie # , Burns ''' S$art ?rid @eb ortal.0nnoatie Smart 2rid

    #echnolo3ies Conf. uro4e )0S2# uro4e 3!!6, .

  • 8/13/2019 Template Jurnal Untuk Tugas



    :3; an der ?eer D, #anraads DAD, 1upton 9A. The art of %ritin& a scientific article.5 Sci Commun3!!!1636E.

    :4; Strunk Dr @, @hite 'B. #he elements of style. 4rd ed. e% Gork