Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi

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  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Research Report


    Analyzing Market Trend of Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry in

    Bangladesh A Co!parati"e Analysis bet#een Coca$Cola "%s &epsi Cola

    Sabyasachi Bosu

    ID: MBA100160887

    'ORT()R' *'I+)RSIT,B A ' - . A D ) S (

    July 2011


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Research Report

    OnAnalyzing Market Trend of Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry in

    Bangladesh A Co!parati"e Analysis bet#een Coca$Cola "%s &epsi Cola

    Sub!itted To

    S/M/ Akteru00a!an

    Senior Lecturer in Marketing

    Department o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration

    #ort$ern %ni&er!ity Bangla"e!$

    '$ulna (ampu!

    Sub!itted By

    Sabyasachi Bosu ID ) MBA*100160887

    Department o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration

    #ort$ern %ni&er!ity Bangla"e!$

    '$ulna (ampu!

    Date of Sub!ission 1uly 234 3255

    'ORT()R' *'I+)RSIT,

    B A ' - . A D ) S



  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    I $ere+y "eclare t$at t$e t$e!i! ,eport on 6Analyzing Market Trend of Carbonated

    Soft Drinks Industry in Bangladesh A Co!parati"e Analysis bet#een Coca$Cola "%s

    &epsi Cola7 !u+mitte" in partial ulillment o t$e aca"emic re-uirement or t$e

    Department o Ma!ter o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration .rogram o #ort$ern %ni&er!ity

    Bangla"e!$ /'$ulna (ampu! $i! report $a! not +een !u+mitte" +y me +eore or any

    "egree3 "iploma3 title or recognition It i! per!ua"e un"er t$e !uper&i!ion o S/M/

    Akteru00a!an3 ,eport Super&i!or3 Department o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration3#ort$ern

    %ni&er!ity Bangla"e!$ /'$ulna (ampu!


    9Sabyasachi Bosu:

    ID ) MBA*100160887

    Department o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration

    #ort$ern %ni&er!ity Bangla"e!$

    '$ulna (ampu!

    .etter of Recognition


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    I $ere+y certiy t$at t$e pre!ent 5ork entitle" 6Analyzing Market Trend of Carbonated

    Soft Drinks Industry in Bangladesh A Co!parati"e Analysis bet#een Coca$Cola "%s

    &epsi Cola7 in t$eulillment o t$e re-uirement! or MBA i! an original contri+ution to

    t$e ei!ting +e&erage in"u!try kno5le"ge carrie" out +y S/M/ Akteru00a!anun"er my

    gui"ance an" !uper&i!ion #o part o t$e $e!i! ,eport $a! +een !u+mitte" or any

    "egree3 "iploma3 title orrecognition +eore

    e i! permitte" to !u+mit t$e ,e!earc$ ,eport I 5i!$ $i! e&ery !ucce!!in lie



    9S/M/ Akteru00a!an:

    Senior Lecturer in Marketing

    Department o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration

    #ort$ern %ni&er!ity Bangla"e!$

    '$ulna (ampu!


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    9ir!t3 I epre!! my "eep gratitu"e to t$e Almig$ty o" 5$o create" an" nurture u! in t$i!

    tran!itory 5orl" an" gi&ing me t$e !trengt$ an" ena+ling me to complete t$i! !tu"y 5ork

    5it$in !$ort time an" limitation

    I epre!! my $eart*elt re!pect an" countle!! gratitu"e to my re!pecte" lecturer S/M

    Akteru00a!a4Department o Ma!ter o A"mini!tration3 #ort$ern %ni&er!ity Bangla"e!$3

    '$ulna (ampu! or $i! &alua+le gui"ance3 care an" keen intere!t at e&ery !tage o 5ork

    In act3 $i! con!tant encouragement ena+le" me to my complete t$e pre!ent 5ork in "ue


    I am "eeply in"e+te" to my re!pecte" teac$er! .roe!!or ABM ,a!$i"u;;aman3 ea"3

    Department o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration3 an" #ort$ern %ni&er!ity Bangla"e!$3 '$ulna

    campu! or $i! &alua+le a"&ice3 in!truction!3 an" in!piration!

    I 5oul" like t$ank! e!pecially to re!pecta+le Mr Sye" A+u are- Sake+3 Sr erritory

    De&elopment Manager3 '$ulna %nit o ran!om Be&erage! Limite"an" Mr S$a$ Su

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    More t$an a +illion time! e&ery"ay3 t$ir!ty people aroun" t$e 5orl" reac$ or +e&erage!

    or rere!$ment All aroun" t$e 5orl"3 "rinking +e&erage i! like an entertainment or

    people Sot "rink! are con!i"ere" a! con!umer pro"uct! All roun" t$e 5orl" 5e can !ee

    a "ierent marketing p$a!e u!e" +y t$e +e&erage pro"ucing companie! +ut in Bangla"e!$

    it i! a little "ierent $e companie! "o not "irectly !ell t$eir pro"uct! to t$e en"

    con!umer! (ompanie! !uc$ a! Sot Drink! /Coca-Cola3 .ep!i3 ,(*(ola3 %ro*(ola3


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    ollo5ing t$e intro"uction in 146 o a 12*ounce +ottle Initially price" at 10 cent!3 !ale!

    5ere !lo53 +ut 5$en t$e price 5a! !la!$e" to i&e cent!3 !ale! increa!e" !u+!tantially

    it$ a ra"io a"&erti!ing campaign eaturing t$e

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    AML G A+"ul Monem Limite"

    BL= a+ani Be&erage! Limite"

    SE G Strengt$3 eakne!!3 Epportunity an" $reat

    MBA G Ma!ter! o Bu!ine!! A"mini!tration

    (SDG (ar+onate" Sot Drink



    ISEG International Stan"ing Ergani;ation

    BSIG Bangla"e!$ Stan"ar" o e!ting In!titute

    Table of Contents


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Contents Pages

    (o&er .age 5

    itle 3

    Letter o Declaration >

    (ertiicate ?

    Ackno5le"gement! @@ecuti&e Summary $

    Li!t o A++re&iation!

    a+le o (ontent! $52

    Li!t o a+le! 55

    Li!t o 9igure! 53

    Li!t o ($art! 5>

    Chapter-1: Introduction 14-19

    11 .ream+le 1>

    12 Signiicance o t$e Stu"y 1>

    14 Literature ,e&ie5 1>*161 E+0

    44 arget Market an" Market Segmentation o (oke &F! .ep!i >0*>2

    4 Segmentation >2*>

    4> Marketing Mi >>*102o 4>1 .ro"uct >7*62

    H 4>11 Bran" #ame o (oca (ola an" .ep!i 64*7>

    o 4>2 .rice 7>*78

    o 4>4 .lace 78*1

    o 4> .romotion 2*101

    o 4>> .ackaging 101

    o 4>6 .roce!! 101

    o 4>7 .eople 101

    o 4>8 .$y!ical @&i"ence 102

    o 4> .olitic! 102Chapter-4: !na"#sis of the )tud# 10-120

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    1 SE Analy!i! 10*10>

    HSE Analy!i! o (oca (ola 10

    HSE Analy!i! o .ep!i (ola 10>

    2 ue!tionnaire Analy!i! 106*118

    4 ypot$e!i! e!ting 118* 120

    Chapter-.: /indings Reco,,endations 121-12.>1 9in"ing! o t$e Stu"y 122*124

    >2 (onclu!ion 124*12

    >4 ,ecommen"ation! 12*12>

    +i("iograph# 12-12

    !ppendi3es-!: uestionnaire 128-129

    .ist of Tables

    'a("es Pages

    a+le*1 42*44

    a+le*2 4

    a+le*4 7

    a+le* 8

    a+le*> 8*

    a+le*6 a+le*7


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    a+le*8 8

    a+le* >0

    a+le*10 >1

    a+le*11 60

    a+le*12 62*64

    a+le*14 7>a+le*1 78

    a+le*1> 7*80

    a+le*16 8>*86

    a+le*17 0

    a+le*18 0

    a+le*1 1

    a+le*20 1

    a+le*21 2

    a+le*22 2

    a+le*24 4a+le*2 4

    a+le*2> 6

    a+le*26 6

    a+le*27 8

    a+le*28 8



    a+le*41 102

    a+le*42 106

    .ist of 67

    9igure*6 679igure*7 68


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    9igure*8 6

    9igure* 6

    9igure*10 70

    9igure*11 70*71

    9igure*12 72

    9igure*14 79igure*1 76

    9igure*1> 84

    9igure*16 8

    9igure*17 8

    9igure*18 8>

    .ist of Charts

    Charts Pages

    ($art*1 >

    ($art*2 >>

    ($art*4 >

    ($art* 60

    ($art*> 7



  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi




    5/5 &rea!ble


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Analy;e t$e marketing tren"! o !ot "rink in"u!try in Bangla"e!$ pro&i"e! u! a

    tran!parent image a+out t$e in"u!try $roug$ t$i! report 5e can kno5 t$e pre!ent

    !cenario !ot "rink! market an" t$e inten!ity o competition Be!i"e! 5e can analy;e t$e

    perormance o "ome!tic companie! in t$i! in"u!try along 5it$ t$e multinational

    companie! an" t$eir marketing policie! an" !trategie!

    5/3 Significance of Study

    $oug$ all o it! limitation t$i! report play a !igniicant role to analy;e t$e marketing

    tren"! o !ot "rink! in"u!try in Bangla"e!$ $i! report pro&i"e! u! kno5le"ge $o5 t$e

    !ot "rink! companie! !elect t$eir target market!3 !egment t$e target market!3 market

    po!itioning an" "e!ign t$eir marketing mie! In t$i! report 5e try to mea!ure t$e

    competition le&el in t$e market an" analy;e t$e -ue!tionnaire an" tran!late t$e "ata

    t$roug$ &ariou! !tati!tical mea!urement!

    5/> .iterature Re"ie#

    $e !tu"y o Marketing .lan on (oca (olaK /20063 perorme" +y M" Mo!a""ek

    o!!en3 anima rina3 So$el Ma$mu"3 Sa+rina ($a5"$ury o In"epen"ent %ni&er!ity3

    Bangla"e!$ 5a! carrie" out t$e inormation regar"ing t$e o&er&ie5 o (oca (ola3 it!

    mi!!ion an" &i!ion3 policy an" !trategy a! 5ell a! it! all o&er marketing acti&ate! It i!

    al!o analy!i! t$e competitor=! acti&ity in t$e market +ut it! not enoug$ an" con!i"era+le

    or my !tu"y

    $e !tu"y o ($annel o Di!tri+ution o (oca (olaK /20073 pre!ente" +y t$e Sounak

    ($akra+orty3 A+$i!$ek Sa$u analy!i! only t$e "i!tri+ution !trategy an" c$annel o (oca

    (ola in t$e contet o In"ia3 Bi"a"i .lant o Bangaluru3 But it can not pro&i"e any

    me!!age o t$e "i!tri+ution c$annel o Bangla"e!$

    $e term pro

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    $ere 5a! a report pu+li!$e" +y Ankan"$k3 title (omparati&e analy!i! o marketing

    !egmentation3 targeting !trategy +et5een .ep!i &F! (oca (ola in A!ia /Bangla"e!$K $i!

    !tu"y i! little +it clo!er to my !tu"y +ut $e only analy!i! t$e !egmentation3 targeting

    !trategy +et5een .ep!i &F! (oca (ola +ut in my !tu"y I analy!i! t$e market tren"! o +ot$

    companie! along 5it$ !egmentation3 targeting !trategy

    $e !tu"y o Di!tri+ution ($annel o .ep!iK /2003 pre!ente" +y Ak$il upta3 Am+reen

    9atma3 Su+$ra

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    o analy;e t$e attitu"e component relati&e to t$e (E(A* (ola [email protected] (ola

    5/@ Scope of the Study

    Stu"y o t$i! report i! conine" only t$e comparati&e !tu"y o marketing tren"! o (oca*(ola &F! .ep!i (ola in Bangla"e!$ market In t$i! report 5e analy;e t$e target market3

    market !egmentation3 po!itioning an" analy;e t$e "e!ign o marketing mi o +ot$ cola

    $roug$ t$e collection o nece!!ary "ata an" inormation rom re!pon"ent! 5e mea!ure

    t$e current market !$are an" !ale! analy!i! in pre!ent market $roug$ t$e !ur&ey I

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    1: (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola "o not u!e market re!earc$ to !elect t$eir target market an"

    market !egment


    At >O coni"ence le&el

    0: Analy!i! t$e marketing mi o (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola to "e!ign t$eir marketing


    1: Do not analy!i! t$e marketing mi o (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola to "e!ign t$eir

    marketing !trategie!


    At >O coni"ence le&el

    0: Analy!i! t$e +ran"! o (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola (ompany

    1: Do not analy!i! t$e +ran"! o (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola (ompany


    At >O coni"ence le&el

    0: Analy!i! t$e market tren"!3 current market con!umption rate an" market !$are o

    (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola

    1: Do not analy!i! t$e market tren"!3 current market con!umption rate an" market !$are

    o (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola


    At >O coni"ence le&el

    0: Analy!i! t$e ($annel o Di!tri+ution o (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola

    1: Do not analy!i! t$e ($annel o Di!tri+ution o (oca (ola an" .ep!i (ola


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    5/ .i!itations

    (ertain limitation! are ace" 5$ile prepare t$i! term paper i! P

    Due to time con!traint I coul" not collect "ata properly an" make t$e report a

    more re!ourceul one

    During t$e ill up t$e -ue!tionnaire mo!t o t$e re!pon"ent may not gi&e t$e

    proper inormation

    Due to money con!traint I coul" not collect "ata properly an" make t$e report a

    more !ucce!!ul one

    .olitical con"ition 5a! !o terri+le !o I can=t go to t$e company to kno5 a+out

    t$eir inormation.


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    O"er"ie# of the report

    3/5 Background of the report



    O"er"ie# of the Report

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    9oun"e" in 18863 t$e coca*cola company i! t$e 5orl"=! lea"ing manuacturer3 marketer3

    an" "i!tri+utor o nonalco$olic +e&erage concentrate! an" !yrup! $e company=!

    corporate $ea"-uarter! are in Atlanta3 5it$ local operation! in o&er 200 countrie! aroun"

    t$e 5orl"

    Alt$oug$ (oca*(ola 5a! ir!t create" in t$e %nite" State!3 it -uickly +ecame popular

    5$ere&er it 5ent Eur ir!t international +ottling plant! opene" in 106 in (ana"a3 (u+a

    an" .anama3 !oon ollo5e" +y many more o"ay3 it pro"uce! more t$an 400 +ran"!

    More t$an 70 percent o it! income come! rom out!i"e t$e %S3 +ut t$e real rea!on

    (oca*(ola i! a truly glo+al company i! t$at it! pro"uct! meet t$e &arie" ta!te preerence!

    o con!umer! e&ery5$ere

    3/3 Mission State!ent of Coca$Cola

    ,e!pect or la+or an" a $uman rig$t i! t$e un"amental to Coca-Co"a (ompany=!

    principle! or con"ucting +u!ine!! aroun" t$e 5orl" e treat our employee! in more t$at

    200 countrie! in 5$ic$ 5e "o +u!ine!! in airne!!3 "ignity 5it$ re!pect Er +ottling

    partner! an" 5e operate in accor"ance 5it$ local la5! an" contri+ute to t$e communitie!

    %ltimately3 a company=! i"entity i! mea!ure" +y $o5 it connect! 5it$ people an" 5it$ t$e

    5orl" aroun" it $at i! 5$y $e (oca*(ola (ompany=! mi!!ion i! articulate" a! a


    The Coca-Co"aCo!pany e;ists to

    Benefit and refresh e"eryone it touches/

    All o our !ucce!!3 +ot$ pa!t an" uture3 i! a pro"uct o t$i! promi!e Eur gro5t$

    $inge! upon our a+ility to +uil" an" nature relation!$ip*5it$ con!umer!3 cu!tomer!3

    +ottling partner!3 !upplier!3 go&ernment agencie!3 communitie!3 employee! an" !$are

    $ol"er! 9urt$er3 a! 5e $elp to +uil" t$ri&ing communitie! all aroun" t$e 5orl"3 5e !eek

    to en!ure a $ealt$y an" !u!taina+le marketplace or our +e&erage!*to"ay3 an" ar into t$e


    + i s i o n

    All o u! in t$e (oca*(ola amily 5ake up eac$ morning kno5ing t$at e&ery !ingle one

    o t$e 5orl"=! >6 +illion people 5ill get t$ir!ty t$at "ay an" t$at 5e are t$e one! 5it$t$e +e!t opportunity to rere!$ t$em Eur ta!k i! !imple: make (oca*(ola an" our ot$er


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    pro"uct! a&aila+le3 aor"a+le3 an" accepta+le to t$em3 -uenc$ing t$eir t$ir!t an"

    pro&i"ing t$em a perect moment o relaation I 5e "o t$i! i 5e make it impo!!i+le

    or t$e!e >6 +illion people to e!cape (oca*(ola t$en 5e a!!ure our uture !ucce!! or

    many year! to come Doing anyt$ing el!e i! not an optionK

    Motto of Coca-Cola:

    $roug$ out t$e $i!tory o t$e 5orl"=! mo!t popular !ot "rink3 a"&erti!ing or Coca-

    Cola $a! ollo5e" t$e tren"! o time/ Coca-Colas a"&erti!ing !logan! are

    memora+le an" create la!ting impre!!ion! Since t$e ir!t !logan 5a! intro"uce" in 1886

    QDelicious and refreshing= $e o&erall t$eme $a! +een rere!$ment* one o t$e plea!ant

    t$ing! in lie3 "i!tincti&e an" a&aila+le nearly e&ery5$ere Motto ollo5e" t$e lea" to

    make Coca-Colat$e +e!t kno5n !ot "rink in t$e 5orl"

    o"ay3 motto or Coca-Colaan" t$e company=! ot$er pro"uct! are careully aime"

    to5ar"! in"i&i"ual ta!te! 5$ile un"er!tan"ing t$e uni&er!al appeal o rere!$ment An"

    &ery appropriately3 t$e company $a! glo+ally launc$e" it! ne5 motto $eme P@n

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    B e l i e f s $

    $ere i! muc$ in our 5orl" to cele+rate3 rere!$3 !trengt$en an" protect $e

    (oca*(ola (ompany i! a &i+rant net5ork o people3 in nearly 200 countrie!3

    putting citi;en!$ip into action $roug$ our action! a! local citi;en!3 5e !tri&e

    e&ery "ay to rere!$ t$e marketplace3 enric$ t$e 5orkplace3 protect t$e

    en&ironment an" !trengt$en our communitie!

    e are a local employer3 5it$ re!pon!i+ility to ena+le our people to tap into t$eir

    ull potentialN 5orking at t$eir inno&ati&e +e!t an" repre!enting t$e "i&er!ity o t$e

    5orl" 5e !er&e

    e are an in&e!tor in local economie! an" a "ri&er o marketplace inno&ation3

    5it$ a re!pon!i+ility to act a! a goo" !te5ar" o our natural en&ironment A local

    citi;en3 un"er!tan"ing our re!pon!i+ility to contri+ute to an impro&e" -uality o

    lie in our communitie!

    Strategic -oals

    )hort ter,

    o create Quality, Service, Cleanlinessan" Value in their current product

    5ong ter,

    o ac-uire t$e po!ition a! a market lea"er o t$e +e&erage in"u!try in Bangla"e!$ +y

    pro"ucing !er&ing $ig$*-uality an" $ig$ &alue*a""e" !ot "rink



  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    Boar" o go&ernor!

    ?ice ($airman an" c$ie operating


    @ecuti&e ?ice .re!i"ent!

    Senior ?ice .re!i"ent!

    ?ice .re!i"ent!

    $e $ierarc$y o (oca (ola (ompany i! a! ollo5!

    (istory of Coca$Cola International

    (oca*(ola @nterpri!e!3 e!ta+li!$e" in 1863 i! a young company +y t$e !tan"ar"! o t$e

    (oca*(ola !y!tem et eac$ o it! ranc$i!e! $a! a !trong $eritage in t$e tra"ition! o

    (oca*(ola t$at i! t$e oun"ation or t$i! (ompany

    $e (oca*(ola (ompany trace! it=! +eginning to 18863 5$en an Atlanta p$armaci!t3 Dr

    Jo$n .em+erton3 +egan to pro"uce (oca*(ola !yrup or !ale in ountain "rink! o5e&er

    t$e +ottling +u!ine!! +egan in 18 5$en t5o ($attanooga +u!ine!!men3 Ben

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    e ir!t "i!tri+ute!K (oca*(ola +y carrying it in a R a gla!! at a !o"a ountain in Jaco+C! .$armacy in Atlanta

    +y illi! ?ena+le $e ir!t yearC! gro!! !ale! 5ere >0 an" a"&erti!ing co!t! 5ere 746

    $e original ormula inclu"e" etract! o t$e Arican kola nut an" coca lea&e!3 +ot$

    !trong !timulant! (oca*(ola 5a! one o t$ou!an"! o eotic patent me"icine! !ol" in

    t$e 1800=! t$at actually containe" trace! o cocaine


    In 18883 A!a rigg! (an"ler +oug$t t$e company rom Dr .em+erton Later t$at !ame

    year3 Dr .em+erton "ie" By 113 (an"ler $a" ac-uire" a ortune o !ome >0 million

    Ba!e+all $all o amer (o++3 a eorgia nati&e3 5a! anot$er early in&e!tor in t$e company


    Atlanta entrepreneur A!a rigg! (an"ler ac-uire! complete o5ner!$ip o t$e (oca*(ola

    +u!ine!! or 23400 it$in our year!3 $i! merc$an"i!ing lair $elp! epan" con!umption

    o (oca*(ola to e&ery part o t$e nation In t$i! year (oca*(ola pro"uce" it! ir!t



    $e tra"emark (oca*(olaK name an" !cript are regi!tere" 5it$ t$e %S .atent an"

    ra"emark Eice Dr .em+ertonC! partner an" +ookkeeper3 9rank M ,o+in!on

    !ugge!te" t$e name an" penne" (oca*(ola in t$e uni-ue lo5ing !cript t$at i! amou!

    5orl"5i"e to"ay Mr ,o+in!on t$oug$t3 $e t5o (=! 5oul" look 5ell in a"&erti!ing



  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    (oca*(ola +egan a! a ountain pro"uct3 +ut can"y merc$ant Jo!ep$ A Bie"en$arn o

    Mi!!i!!ippi 5a! looking or a 5ay to !er&e t$i! rere!$ing +e&erage at picnic! e +egin!

    oering +ottle" (oca*(ola3 u!ing !yrup !$ippe" rom Atlanta3 "uring t$i! e!pecially +u!y

    !ummer Jo!ep$ A Bie"en$arn3 o5ner o t$e Bie"en$arn (an"y (ompany in ?ick!+urg3

    Mi!!i!!ippi3 ir!t +ottle" (oca*(ola


    (oca*(ola i! no5 "runk in e&ery !tate an" territory in t$e %S * A!ia (an"ler


    $e (ompany outgro5! it! acilitie! an" a ne5 +uil"ing i! erecte" at @"ge5oo" A&enue

    an" (ollege StreetTlater to +e calle" (oca*(ola .lace $i! year3 t$e (ompany enter!

    t$e market! o (ana"a an" Meico


    Large*!cale +ottling +ecome! po!!i+le 5$en A!a (an"ler grant! eclu!i&e rig$t! to Jo!ep$

    B $ite$ea" an" Ben

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Aroun" t$i! time3 +ottle! u!e" +y companie! in t$e !ot*"rink in"u!try are &ery !imilar

    An" (oca*(ola $a! many imitator!3 5$ic$ con!umer! are una+le to i"entiy until t$ey

    take a !ip $e an!5er i! to create a "i!tinct +ottle or (oca*(ola3 one t$at anyone 5oul"

    recogni;e3 e&en i it 5ere elt in t$e "ark A! a re!ult3 t$e ,oot la!! (ompany o erre

    aute "e&elop! t$e genuine (oca*(ola +ottle 5it$ t$e contour !$ape no5 kno5n aroun"

    t$e 5orl" It replace! t$e !traig$t*!i"e" +ottle3 gi&ing (oca*(ola a "i!tinct packaging

    a"&antage o&er t$e imitation!


    $e (oca*(ola (ompany i! !ol" or 2> million to Atlanta +anker @rne!t oo"ru an" a

    group o in&e!tor! oo"ru 5a! appointe" pre!i"ent o (oca*(ola on April 283 124

    an" !taye" on t$e >$e !ame year3 t$e (ompanyC! !tock i! ir!t !ol" to t$e

    pu+lic at 0 a !$are Ene o t$e!e original !$are! 5a! 5ort$ a+out 67 million at t$e en"

    o 18 /a!!uming all "i&i"en"! 5ere ,ein&e!te"


    $e (oca*(ola (ompany e!ta+li!$e! a manuacturing operation in 9rance %S Supreme

    (ourt Ju!tice Eli&er en"ell olme! rule! t$at (oca*(ola i! a !ingle t$ing coming rom

    a !ingle !ource an" 5ell kno5n to t$e community


    ,o+ert oo"ru3 !on o @rne!t oo"ru3 +ecome! pre!i"ent o $e (oca*(ola

    (ompany i! in!i!tence on -uality an" more t$an !i "eca"e! o lea"er!$ip take t$e

    +u!ine!! to unri&ale" $eig$t! o commercial !ucce!!3 making (oca*(ola an in!titution t$e

    5orl" o&er In Marc$ 1243 (oca*(ola 5a! !ol" in a 6*+ottle carton or t$e ir!t time in

    #e5 Erlean!3 Loui!iana o"ay3 pro"uct! o $e (oca*(ola (ompany are con!ume" at

    t$e rate o more t$an one +illion "rink! per "ay


    $e 9oreign Department +ecome! a !u+!i"iary later kno5n a! $e (oca*(ola @port




  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Annual +ottle" (oca*(ola !ale! ecee" ountain !ale! or t$e ir!t time Al!o t$i! year3

    (oca*(ola make! it! ir!t Elympic appearance 5$en 13000 ca!e! o (oke accompany t$e

    %S Elympic eam to Am!ter"am


    Sity*our +ottling operation! are locate" in 28 countrie!3 !prea"ing rere!$ment

    5orl"5i"e Al!o t$i! year3 t$e ountain gla!! i! a"opte" a! !tan"ar"3 an" $e .au!e t$at

    rere!$e! ir!t appear! in t$e Satur"ay @&ening .o!t


    $e automatic ountain "i!pen!er i! intro"uce" at t$e ($icago orl"C! 9air By !imply

    pulling a $an"le3 !o"a

    En June 23 eneral D5ig$t @i!en$o5er "i!patc$e! a ca+legram re-ue!ting a !$ipment o

    4 million +ottle! o (oca*(ola an" complete e-uipment or +ottling3 5a!$ing3 reillingan" capping t5ice mont$ly


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    @"gar Bergen an" $i! !i"ekick ($arlie Mc(art$y appear on t$e ir!t li&e net5ork

    tele&i!ion !$o5 !pon!ore" +y $e (oca*(ola (ompany


    $e 10*3 12* an" 26*ounce king*!i;e an" amily*!i;e +ottle! are intro"uce" 5it$

    imme"iate !ucce!! An" 9anta3 an orange*la&ore" +e&erage3 i! launc$e" in #aple!3 Italy

    It later +ecome! t$e tra"emark name or a line o la&ore" "rink! !ol" aroun" t$e 5orl"


    Metal can! like t$e one! !ent to troop! "uring t$e 'orean ar are no5 a&aila+le on

    market !$el&e! e&ery5$ere Al!o t$i! year3 $e (oca*(ola (ompany purc$a!e! $e

    Minute Mai" (ompany


    Sprite3 t$e lemon*lime "rink3 i! intro"uce" to t$e pu+lic


    ItC! t$e ,eal $ingK make! a come+ack


    oung people rom aroun" t$e 5orl" gat$er on a $illtop in Italy to !ing IC" like to +uy t$e

    5orl" a (oke


    (oke A""! Lie campaign i! intro"uce"


    $e uni-ue contour +ottle3 amiliar to con!umer! e&ery5$ere3 i! grante" regi!tration a! a

    tra"emark +y t$e %S .atent an"


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    $e (oca*(ola (ompany !ell! (olum+ia .icture! to Sony (orporation


    orl" o (oca*(ola3 an attraction eaturing a $i!torical an" uturi!tic look at (oca*(ola

    a! 5ell a! a c$ance to !ample $e (oca*(ola (ompany pro"uct! rom aroun" t$e 5orl"

    open! in Atlanta


    M Dougla! I&e!ter i! electe" pre!i"ent an" c$ie operating oicer o $e (oca*(ola



    (oca*(ola !pon!or! t$e Summer Elympic! in t$e $ometo5n o $e (oca*(ola (ompany:

    Atlanta3 eorgia An" t$e (i!nero! Bottling (ompany3 t$e large!t !ot*"rink +ottler in

    ?ene;uela3 !5itc$e! rom .ep!i to (oca*(ola


    orl" o (oca*(ola La! ?ega! open! complete 5it$ a $un"re"*oot*tall (oca*(ola

    contour +ottle $e (oca*(ola (ompany !pon!or! t$e inter Elympic! in #agano3 Japan3

    marking t$e 70t$ anni&er!ary o t$e (ompanyC! Elympic partner!$ip #e5 pro"uct! (itra

    an" Surge $it t$e market An" M Dougla! In&e!tor i! name" c$airman o t$e Boar" o

    Director! an" c$ie eecuti&e oicer o $e (oca*(ola (ompany e i! t$e tent$

    c$airman o t$e +oar" in t$e (ompany=! $i!tory

    ( i s t o r y o f C o c a $ c o l a i n B a n g l a d e s h

    @&en +eore our in"epen"ence o Bangla"e!$ t$e Coca-Cola(ompany $a! !tarte" it!

    operation in Bangla"e!$ Coca-Cola!tarte" it! operation un"er a ranc$i!e agreement In

    Bangla"e!$ t$ere are t5o ranc$i!ee! con"ucting operation on +e$al o Coca-Cola

    (ompany Ene i! Tabani Beverages Company Lt" an" t$e ot$erbul !onem "td#


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    BL i! re!pon!i+le or "i!tri+uting (oca*(ola in D$aka3 t$e capital o Bangla"e!$ an"


    "i!tri+ution in t$e ur+an area! o Bangla"e!$

    a+ani Be&erage 5a! e!ta+li!$e" in 164 at 2>73 e0 B.M on an" acre lan" area Ater in"epen"ence3 in 1723 t$e plant 5a! $an"e" o&er

    to Bangla"e!$ 9ree"om ig$ter 5elare tru!t un"er t$e mini!try o in"u!try 5it$ t$e

    increa!e o gra"ual market "eman" in 18> tran!erre" an" ne5ly in!talle" t$e plant 5it$

    an increa!e" capacity o 2>0 B.M at Mirpur on !e&en acre lan" area In 14 a ne5 plant

    5it$ >00 B.M capacitie! 5a! e!ta+li!$e"

    ' ,a$man (ompany In 187 t$e company ma"e an aggre!!i&e mo&e to epan" t$eir

    market $ey in!talle" ne5 ' +ottling line along 5it$ an" in!talle" capacity o >0

    B.M at (omilla 9urt$ermore t$ey company e!ta+li!$e" anot$er plant ($ittagong $e

    !tate o t$e art +ottling plant 5it$ an in!talle" capacity 600 B.M i! t$e mo!t mo"ern plant

    in t$e country an" i! e-uippe" 5it$ t$e !traig$t*line*tec$nology rom 'S erman A+ul

    Monem pro"uce! t$e .@ Bottle!3 (A#S an" LASS Bottle! o a ne5ly intro"uce"


    $e main (oca*(ola (ompany i! only re!pon!i+le or en!uring t$e !upply o t$e

    concentrationK o (oca*(ola to t$e!e 2 +ottler! o Bangla"e!$ rom @gypt An" it i! t$e

    re!pon!i+ility o t$e!e 2 +ottler! to collect t$e re!t o t$e ingre"ient! rom (oca*(ola=!

    Appro&e" ?en"or Li!tK (oca*(ola al!o pro&i"e! t$e!e +ottler! MMI /Ma!ter Miing

    In"e to en!ure t$at t$e ta!te o (oca*(ola remain! t$e !ame all o&er t$e 5orl" $e

    purpo!e o pro&i"ing t$e MMI i! to remain! !ame in all o t$e country3 +ut ta!te o (oca*

    (ola "ier! rom t$e original (oca*(ola=! in Bangla"e!$ like ot$er Mu!lim country "ue

    to t$e $alal ormula o (oca*(ola In Bangla"e!$ up to 4O alco$ol i! permi!!i+le3 (oca*

    (ola !trictly ollo5 t$i! limit

    3/? Missio n S tate !ent of & epsi Cola


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Our Mission and +ision

    At .ep!i(o3 5e +elie&e +eing a re!pon!i+le corporate citi;en i! not only t$e rig$t t$ing to

    "o3 +ut t$e rig$t t$ing to "o or our +u!ine!!

    Our Mission

    Eur mi!!ion i! to +e t$e 5orl"C! premier con!umer pro"uct! company ocu!e" on

    con&enient oo"! an" +e&erage! e !eek to pro"uce inancial re5ar"! to in&e!tor! a! 5e

    pro&i"e opportunitie! or gro5t$ an" enric$ment to our employee!3 our +u!ine!! partner!

    an" t$e communitie! in 5$ic$ 5e operate An" in e&eryt$ing 5e "o3 5e !tri&e or

    $one!ty3 airne!! an" integrity

    +is ion

    .ep!i(oC! re!pon!i+ility i! to continually impro&e all a!pect! o t$e 5orl" in 5$ic$ 5e

    operate * en&ironment3 !ocial3 economic * creating a +etter tomorro5 t$an to"ay

    Eur &i!ion i! put into action t$roug$ program! an" a ocu! on en&ironmental !te5ar"!$ip3

    acti&itie! to +eneit !ociety3 an" a commitment to +uil" !$are$ol"er &alue +y making

    .ep!i (ola a truly !u!taina+le company

    &erfor!ance #ith &urpose

    At .ep!i(o3 5eCre committe" to ac$ie&ing +u!ine!! an" inancial !ucce!! 5$ile lea&ing a

    po!iti&e imprint on !ociety * "eli&ering 5$at 5e call .erormance 5it$ .urpo!e

    Eur approac$ to !uperior inancial perormance i! !traig$tor5ar" * "ri&e !$are$ol"er

    &alue By a""re!!ing !ocial an" en&ironmental i!!ue!3 5e al!o "eli&er on our purpo!eagen"a3 5$ic$ con!i!t! o $uman3 en&ironmental3 an" talent !u!taina+ility

    &epsiCo +alues F &hilosophy

    Eur ?alue! .$ilo!op$y are a relection o t$e !ocially an" en&ironmentally re!pon!i+le

    company 5e a!pire to +e $ey are t$e oun"ation or e&ery +u!ine!! "eci!ion 5e make

    Our Co!!it!ent


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    e are committe" to "eli&ering !u!taine" gro5t$ t$roug$ empo5ere" people acting

    re!pon!i+ly an" +uil"ing tru!t

    Ehat It Means

    Su!taine" ro5t$ i! un"amental to moti&ating an" mea!uring our !ucce!! Eur -ue!t or

    !u!taine" gro5t$ !timulate! inno&ation3 place! a &alue on re!ult!3 an" $elp! u! un"er!tan"

    5$et$er to"ayC! action! 5ill contri+ute to our uture It i! a+out t$e gro5t$ o people an"

    company perormance It prioriti;e! +ot$ making a "ierence an" getting t$ing! "one

    @mpo5ere" .eople mean! 5e $a&e t$e ree"om to act an" t$ink in 5ay! t$at 5e eel 5ill

    get t$e

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    9rito*Lay #ort$ America an" 9rito*Lay InternationalN t$e +e&erage +u!ine!!e! o .ep!i*

    (ola #ort$ America3 atora"eFropicana #ort$ America an" .ep!i(o Be&erage!

    InternationalN an" uaker 9oo"! #ort$ America3 manuacturer an" marketer o rea"y*to*

    eat cereal! an" ot$er oo" pro"uct! .ep!i(o +ran"! are a&aila+le in nearly 200 countrie!

    an" territorie!

    o"ay3 Bran" .ep!i i! part o a portolio o +e&erage +ran"! t$at inclu"e! car+onate" !ot

    "rink!3 t$roug$ t$e merger o .ep!i*(ola an" 9rito*Lay

    ropicana 5a! ac-uire" in 18 an" .ep!i(o merge" 5it$ $e uaker Eat! (ompany3

    inclu"ing atora"e3 in 20015oul" entertain t$e li!tener 5it$ t$e late!t mu!ical !election!

    ren"ere" +y &iolin or piano or +ot$ $e ne5 name3 .ep!i (olaK3 i! "eri&e" rom t$e t5o

    o t$e principle ingre"ient!3 .ep!in an" 'ola #ut! It 5a! ir!t u!e" on t$e Augu!t 28 At

    t$at time3 Bra"$am=! a"&erti!ing prai!e! $i! "rink a! @$ilarating3 in&igorating3 ai"!


    ropicana 5a! oun"e" in 17 +y Ant$ony ,o!!i a! a 9lori"a ruit packaging +u!ine!!

    In 1> ,o!!i pioneere" a pa!teuri;ation proce!! or orange +y re!earc$er!


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    at t$e %ni&er!ity o 9lori"a or t$e !c$oolC! oot+all team3 $e ator!3 atora"e i! no5

    t$e 5orl"C! lea"ing !portC! "rink

    $e a"&erti!ement o t$e .ep!i c$ange! to3 ou got t$e rig$t one +a+y3 %$*u$UKit$

    t$e eten!i&e u!age o t$e !tar! in t$e a""!3 t$e popularity o .ep!i increa!e In 12

    .ep!i*(ola orme" a partner!$ip 5it$ $oma! J Lipton (o o"ay Lipton i! t$e +igge!t

    !elling rea"y*to*"rink tea +ran" in t$e %nite" State! Eut!i"e t$e %nite" State!3 .ep!i*

    (ola (ompanyC! !ot "rink operation! inclu"e t$e +u!ine!! o Se&en*%p International

    .ep!i*(ola +e&erage! are a&aila+le in more t$an 10 countrie! an" territorie!

    &epsi Be"erages Co!pany

    En 9e+ruary 26t$3 20103 .ep!i(o complete" it! merger! 5it$ .AS an" .B to !trengt$en

    it! #ort$ American +e&erage +u!ine!! $e #ort$ American +ottling operation! o .AS

    an" .B are no5 an operating unit o .ep!i(o kno5n a! .ep!i Be&erage! (ompany

    .B( operate! in t$e %nite" State!3 (ana"a an" Meico an" encompa!!e! approimately

    7> percent o .ep!i(oC! #ort$ American +e&erage &olume .B(C! "i&er!e portolio

    inclu"e! !ome o t$e 5orl"C! mo!t 5i"ely recogni;e" +e&erage +ran"!3 inclu"ing .ep!i3

    Mountain De53 Sierra Mi!t3 A-uaina3 atora"e3 SoBe3 Lipton3 an" Amp @nergy .B(

    al!o manuacture! an" "i!tri+ute! t$ir"*party +ran"! in key local market! !uc$ a! Dr.epper3 (ru!$3 ,ock Star an" Mu!cle Milk $e operating unit i! $ea"-uartere" in

    e!tc$e!ter (ounty3 #e5 ork ,ea" more a+out t$e .ep!i Be&erage! (ompany

    .ep!i(o i! name" to t$e CBe!t (ompanie! or Multi (ultural omenC li!t +y orking

    Mot$er maga;ine


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    .ep!i(o $onore" 5it$ C,e!pect A5ar"C or it! commitment to "i&er!ity +y t$e ay3

    Le!+ian an" Straig$t @"ucation #et5ork /LS@#


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    .ep!i(o launc$e! it! ir!t lig$tly car+onate" ruit*+a!e" +e&erage in Bra;il3


    Aunt Jemima +ran" cele+rate! 120 year!

    .ep!i(o i! a5ar"e" !e&eral 200 +e&erage inno&ation $onor! "uring Drinktec

    tra"e !$o5

    Sa+rita! an" .ep!i(o Meico Be&erage! recei&e t$ree @ie Cop Marketing

    (ampaignC a5ar"!

    rue #ort$ epan"! oering! 5it$ t$ree ne5 nutFruit com+ination!TApple

    (innamon3 (itru! Bur!t an" Almon" (ran+erry

    IVV@ Sparkling Juice launc$e! at .an"a @pre!! re!taurant! acro!! t$e country

    .ep!i(o Bra;il !ign! ple"ge to c$ange marketing campaign! to c$il"ren

    .ep!i(o !ay! it 5ill orm ne5 +ottling unitN @ric 9o!!3 27*year in"u!try &eteran3

    5ill +e (@E

    .ep!i(o 0 .lace! $ere omen

    ant o orkC +y $e ime!3 an inluential %' ne5!paper an" online pu+lication

    .ep!i(o i! recogni;e" at t5o e&ent! or it! "e"ication to alent Su!taina+ility an"

    "e"ication to A!ian American employee!T200 Be!t (ompanie! or A!ian

    .aciic American! rom A!ian @ntrepreneur3 op 10 (ompanie! or A!ian

    American! rom AMBA

    .ep!i(o again name" to Do5 Jone! Su!taina+ility orl" In"e an" Do5 Jone!

    Su!taina+ility #ort$ America In"e


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    .ropel !upport! Brea!t (ancer A5arene!! 5it$ it! $openo5propelle"K 5e+!ite3

    !pecial packaging an" pink cap!

    (on!umer ,eport! maga;ine name! uaker ($e5y 0 (alorie ranola Bar

    among +e!t "uring a ta!te te!t on lo5er*at !nack option!

    %nite" #ation! A!!ociation o #e5 ork $onor! 9rito*Lay or it! en&ironmental


    .ep!i(o rank! among top companie! on (orporate Social ,e!pon!i+ility In"e +y

    t$e Bo!ton (ollege (enter or (orporate (iti;en!$ip

    .ep!i(o !ign! a! partner o ne5 Mea"o5lan"! Sta"ium3 t$e uture $ome o t$e#e5 ork Jet! an" #e5 ork iant!

    .ep!i Bra;il 5in! t$e top !pot or C$e Mo!t A"mire" in Bra;ilC +y Bra;ilian

    +u!ine!! maga;ine (arta (apital

    .ep!i(o name" C(orporation o t$e earC +y Sout$ern 9lori"a Minority Supplier

    De&elopment (ouncil or it! "iligence3 commitment an" legacy o "i&er!ity

    $e @uropean %nion appro&e" t$e propo!e" merger! o .ep!i(o3 .ep!i Bottling

    roup an" .ep!iAmerica!

    .ep!i(o ope "eli&er! more t$an >03000 ree3 $ealt$ier !nack! an" +reaka!t! to

    Dalla! c$il"ren

    9rito*Lay recei&e! t$e %nite" #ation! A!!ociation o #e5 orkC! 200 Annual

    umanitarian A5ar" in recognition o 9rito*LayC! accompli!$ment! in

    en&ironmental corporate !ocial re!pon!i+ility

    .ep!i(o ,u!!ia !ign! t$e ,u!!ian A"&erti!er! A!!ociationC! ple"ge to eliminate

    a"&erti!ing to c$il"ren un"er 12

    .ep!i 5in! C9oot+all .romoter o t$e earC a5ar" in #igeria or it! in&ol&ement

    5it$ t$e "e&elopment o gra!!root! oot+all

    .ep!i(o an" (al+ee 9oo"! (ompany announce !trategic alliance to make an" !ell

    a 5i"e range o oo" pro"uct! in Japan


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    ame!a*uakerC! Stila +ran" name" CBran" o t$e earC in Meico at t$e 6t$

    Ana$uacFAI ,ie!

    Marketing A#ards

    IVV@ +ran" launc$e! ne5 la&or o !parkling

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    (on!umer ,eport! name! uaker pro"uct! among it! top c$oice! at !upermarket!

    in t$eir Creat @&ery Day .ro"uct!C article

    $e %S @n&ironmental .rotection Agency a5ar"! .ep!i(o a 200 @nergy Start

    Su!taine" @cellence A5ar" or it! energy eiciency program

    .ep!i(o announce! intention to ac-uire it! t5o large!t anc$or +ottler!3 $e .ep!i

    Bottling roup an" .ep!iAmerica!

    .ep!i(oC! orri +ran" recei&e! t$e Call o 9ame o uatemalan Bran"!C a5ar"

    rom t$e American Marketing A!!ociation

    .ep!i(o intro"uce! t$ree ne5 pro"uct!T.ep!i #atural3 .ep!i $ro5+ack an"Mountain De5 $ro5+ack3 all !5eetene" 5it$ natural !ugar

    .ep!i(o Irelan" i! recogni;e" a! one o t$e C>0 Be!t orkplace!C +y $e reat

    .lace! to ork In!titute

    .ep!i(o ($icago Su!taina+ility (enter ac$ie&e! L@@D .latinum certiication

    rom t$e %S reen Buil"ing (ouncil3 making it t$e i!t in t$e (on!umer

    .ro"uct! !ector to recei&e t$e pre!tigiou! .latinum "i!tinction

    9rito*Lay launc$e! 2 line or con!umer! !eeking &alue

    .ep!i(o In"ia launc$e! #im+oo; +y 7%p3 a +e&erage in!pire" +y In"iaC! a&orite

    lemona"e "rink

    ropicana intro"uce! rop>03 t$e ir!t orange

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    A-uaina launc$e! t$e @co*9ina Bottle3 t$e lig$te!t 5eig$t +ottle in t$e market

    9rito*Lay intro"uce! ne5 Smartoo" popcorn clu!ter!

    Dorito! SuperBo5l WLIII a" ranke" num+er one +y %SA o"ayC! A" Meter

    AM. @nergy un&eil! t$ree ne5 line eten!ion!TAM. @nergy Lig$tning3 AM.

    @nergy 5it$ Black ea an" AM. @nergy 5it$ reen ea

    .ep!i(o !core! ma0 A5ar"! an" Di&er!ity Lea"er! (onerence

    Spit; Bran" $a! +een name" one o (ana"aC! C>0 Be!t Manage" (ompanie!C +y t$e

    #ational .o!t

    .ep!i(o reater ($ina open! ne5e!t +ottling plant3 ($eng"u .ep!i Be&erage (o

    Lt" in e!t ($ina

    .ep!i(o name" C(orporation o t$e earC +y Sout$ern 9lori"a Minority Supplier

    De&elopment (ouncil or it! "iligence3 commitment an" legacy o "i&er!ity

    atora"e In"ia e!ta+li!$e! ne5 training center or mo!t*talente" cricket player!

    9rito*Lay #ort$ America a""! more t$an 13000 uel*eicient &e$icle! to it! leet

    .ep!i(o announce! a multi*year "i!tri+ution agreement 5it$ ,ock!tar @nergy


    o!tito! +ran" cro5n! !i %ni&er!ity o ea! an! a! t$e c$ampion! o t$e

    o!tito! C,ace or t$e Bo5lC competition an" a5ar"! t$em 2003000 or t$eir

    !c$oolC! !c$olar!$ip un"

    IVV@ Sparkling Juice +ecome! a&aila+le at SamC! (lu+

    9rito Lay urkey launc$e! it! !econ" +etter*or*you !nack3 ($eeto! ,ing!

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    @le&en .ep!i(o ($ina +ottling plant! are $onore" a! C2008 @nterpri!e o

    @cellence in ater Sa&ingC acilitie! at t$e 2008 ($ine!e Be&erage! In"u!try

    A!!ociation annual meeting

    &epsi Cola in South Asia

    In A!ia3 t$ey !electe" La$ore to make t$eir regional oice $i! 5a! "one in 170 $i!

    regional oice i! monitoring all t$e operation! carrie" out in Sout$ e!t A!ia A! in

    .aki!tan3 t$ey only entere" +e&erage in"u!try $ey $a&e ele&en +ottler! co&ering 5$ole

    .aki!tan $e plant operating $ere i! ,ia; Bottler! /.&t LD $i! plant 5a! e!ta+li!$e"

    at La$ore in 17 $e total capacity o t$e plant i! 403000 ca!e! per "ay $ey $a&e our

    illing line! in t$e plant operating on t$e t$ree !$it +a!e! @ac$ !$it i! o eig$t $our!

    $ey $a&e permanent 5ork orce o 7>0 people an" t$ey employee approimately 1000

    people more on temporary +a!i! "uring !ummer !ea!on

    (istory of &epsi Cola in Bangladesh

    .ep!i(o i! a 5orl" lea"er in con&enient !nack!3 oo" an" +e&erage! 5it$ re&enue! o

    more t$an 4 +illion an" o&er 18>3000 employee! 5orl"5i"e in 200 .ep!i(o $a!

    attaine" a lea"er!$ip po!ition a! +eing to net to (oca (ola in a !ot "rink +ottling $eir

    +u!ine!! proit i! increa!ing rapi"ly "ue to a $ig$ !tan"ar" o perormance3 marketing

    !trategie!3 competiti&ene!!3 "etermination3 commitment3 an" t$e per!onal an"

    proe!!ional integrity o t$eir people3 pro"uct! an" +u!ine!! practice!

    .ep!i i! one o t$e ol"e!t !ot "rink +e&erage +ran"! in Bangla"e!$ !ince 176 an" came

    5it$ t$e cola*la&ore" .ep!i3 t$e clear*la&ore" 7up3 t$e orange*la&ore" Mirin"a an" later

    intro"uce" t$e mango*la&ore" Slice an" citru!*la&ore" car+onate" !ot "rink Mountain

    De5 .ep!i i! manuacture" +y ran!com Bangla"e!$ limite" in Bangla"e!$ $e

    company i! t$e eclu!i&e .ep!i(o 9ranc$i!ee or Bangla"e!$ ran!com Bangla"e!$

    Limite" committe" to "eli&ering !u!taine" gro5t$ in Bangla"e!$ an" mo&e to5ar"!

    "ominant Be&erage (ompany3 "elig$ting nouri!$ing e&ery Bangla"e!$i3 +y +e!t

    meeting t$eir e&ery"ay +e&erage! nee"! !take$ol"er! +y "eli&ering perormance 5it$

    t$e purpo!e3 t$oug$ talente" people an" !ucce!!ul marketing !trategie! $e #e5


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    ,ule! o Marketing an" .,: o5 to %!e Social Me"ia3 Blog!3 #e5! ,elea!e!3 Enline

    ?i"eo3 an" ?iral Marketing to ,eac$ Buyer! Directly3 2n" @"ition

    A completely re&i!e" an" up"ate" e"ition o t$e Bu!ine!! eek +e!t!eller on eecti&e3

    mo"ern marketing an" ., +e!t practice! $e #e5 ,ule! o Marketing an" ., !$o5! you

    $o5 to le&erage t$e potential t$at e+*+a!e" communication oer! your +u!ine!!

    9inally3 you can !peak "irectly to cu!tomer! an" +uyer!3 e!ta+li!$ing a per!onal link 5it$

    t$e people 5$o make your +u!ine!! 5ork $i! ne5 !econ" e"ition paper+ack keep! you

    up*to*"ate on t$e late!t tren"! #e5 ca!e !tu"ie! an" current eample! are inclu"e" to

    illu!trate t$e &ery late!t in marketing an" ., tren"! It completely up"ate" to relect t$e

    late!t marketing an" ., tec$ni-ue! u!ing !ocial me"ia !ite! !uc$ a! 5itter3 9ace+ook3

    an" ouu+e It inclu"e! a !tep*+y*!tep action plan or $arne!!ing t$e po5er o t$e

    Internet to communicate "irectly 5it$ +uyer!3 increa!e !ale!3 an" rai!e online &i!i+ility

    Da&i" Meerman Scott i! a reno5ne" online marketing !trategi!t3 keynote !peaker an" t$e

    aut$or o orl"5i"e ,a&e3 rom iley $e #e5 ,ule! o Marketing an" .,3 Secon"

    @"ition gi&e! you all t$e inormation you nee" to crat po5erul an" eecti&e marketing

    me!!age! an" get t$em to t$e rig$t people at t$e rig$t moment*at a raction o t$e price o

    a tra"itional marketing campaign

    3/ &roducts Beat !o"a

    6 Be&erly

    7 (anning!

    8 ($eer!

    16 Lemon .aeroa

    17 Lit

    18 Lit plu!

    1 Lilt

    20 Man;ana Lit

    21 Mare ,o!!o

    22 Mello ello

    24 Me;;o Mi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    46 it

    47 'ia*Era

    48 'inley

    Table 5$&roducts of Coca Cola

    ?ariou! +ran"! o .ep!i are a! ollo5!:

    1 All Sport

    2 A-uaina

    4 (aeine*9ree .ep!i

    (ry!tal .ep!i

    > Diet .ep!i

    6 atora"e

    7 I;;e

    8 Ja;;


    10 'a!

    11 Man;anita Sol

    12 Mirin"a

    14 Mountain De5

    1 Mountain De5 AM.

    1> Mountain De5 Li&e

    16 ire

    17 Mountain De5 MDW

    18 Mug ,oot Beer

    1 .ep!i

    20 .ep!i Blue

    21 .ep!i (appuccino

    22 .ep!i Ma

    24 .ep!i E#@

    2 .ep!i Sam+a

    2> .ep!i arik

    26 .ep!i 5i!t

    27 .ep!i Ice

    28 .ropel 9itne!!

    2 ater

    40 Sierra Mi!t

    41 Slice

    42 SoBe

    44 Storm

    4 eem

    4> ropicana .ro"uct!

    46 ropicana 5i!ter

    Table 3$ +arious &epsi Cola


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    Analyzing Market Trend of Carbonated Soft Drinks

    Industry in Bangladesh A Co!parati"e Analysis

    bet#een Coke "%s &epsi Cola

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    Analyzing Market Trend of Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry in

    Bangladesh A Co!parati"e Analysis bet#een Coke "%s &epsi Cola

    >/5 Analyze Bangladesh Market

    Bangla"e!$ i! a country o ri&er3 5$ere mo!t o t$e people are relate" 5it$ agriculture In

    t$i! country people +elie&e in "ierent religion an" culture Dierent religion! $a&e

    "ierent e!ti&al! (on!umer Be$a&ior i! "irectly relate" 5it$ religion in term! o

    pro"uct! t$at are !ym+olically an" rituali!tically a!!ociate" 5it$ t$e cele+ration o

    religiou! $oli"ay! an" occa!ion like @i"3 ,ama"an3 .u0

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    (oca*(ola an" .ep!i*(ola are t$e ma

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Department3 /ii Sale Di!tri+ution Department an" /iii A"&erti!ing .u+lic ,elation


    >/> Target Market and Market Seg!entation of Cokev/s&epsi

    Supporter! o t$e a"aptation &ie5 conten" t$at3 regar"le!! o glo+ali;ation3 con!umer! in

    "ierent countrie! continue to &ary "ramatically in t$eir geograp$ic3 "emograp$ic3

    economic an" cultural c$aracteri!tic! It i! !en!i+le to imply t$at3 5$ere t$ere are

    "ierence! in pro"uct preerence!3 pro"uct u!e!3 attitu"e!3 !$opping pattern!3 income

    le&el! an" e"ucation3 a +u!ine!! 5ill nee" to a"apt it! pro"uct oering or communication

    programme" in !ome !$ape or orm By careully !ingling out t$e mo!t !igniicant

    "ierence!3 organi;ation! can tailor pro"uct! to !uit local ta!te! an" con"ition!

    .ep!i $a! attempte" to "ierentiate it! pro"uct! rom (oke=!3 +ut 5it$ little !ucce!! In an

    attempt to "ierentiate it! pro"uct! rom (oke=!3 .ep!i !$ite" it! ocu! to t$e gro5ing

    American teenage market in t$e 10!3 5$ile (oke continue" to target +a+y +oomer!

    .ep!i targete" t$e teen market +y orming eclu!i&e contract! 5it$ American !c$ool! an"

    "e&eloping a"&erti!ing campaign! !uc$ a! $e #et enerationK an" Joy o .ep!iK3

    eaturing Britney Spear! Bot$ (oke an" .ep!i $a&e mo&e" to t$e mi""leK in recent

    year!3 $o5e&er3 a! e&i"ence" +y t$e mo!t recent .ep!i campaign3 9or $o!e $o $ink

    oungK3 to attract an ol"er con!umer3 an" +y (oke=! mo&e! to mo"erni;e it! packaging3 in

    or"er to appeal more to younger con!umer!

    In In"ian Su+*(ontinent t$e target market !egment o +ot$ .ep!i an" (oke are not

    "ierent +ut t$ey +a!e" on t$eir lie !tyle3 !tan"ar" o li&ing t$ey

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    re!taurant!3 $otel! an" a!t oo" !tore! 9or t$i! rea!on3 t$ey al5ay! !pen" $uge amount!

    o money to compete 5it$ .ep!i in ac-uiring contract! 5it$ uni&er!itie! to $a&e !ol"

    repre!entation o t$eir pro"uct "i!tri+ution coca cola cu!tomer! are mainly teenager! an"

    young a"ult! +et5een t$e age! o 16 to 4> (oca cola al!o ma"e "iet coke or t$o!e 5$o

    are !uering rom !ugar pro+lem!

    Target !arketing of &epsi

    $e rea!on 5$y .ep!i*(ola $a! iercely targete" t$i! market i! +ecau!e it i! t$e large!t

    among it! u!er! Market !egment proile! $a&e !$o5n t$at t$e ma00ml3 1L3 1>L an" 2L pack (ola in Bangla"e!$


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    9amily !i;e +a!i! i! al!o a +a!e !egmentation or (oca (ola In our !ociety3 5e $a&e

    amilie! 5it$ "ierent amily !i;e So (oca (ola make! a &ariation in t$eir !er&e" +ottle

    !i;e into many 5ay! !uc$ a! >00ml3 1L3 1>L3 2L pack .eople can ea!ily c$oo!e a

    !uita+le pack +a!e" on t$eir amily !i;e

    Seg!entation of &epsi

    .ep!i !egment! it! market in !e&eral 5ay! .ep!i3 mainly !egment t$eir market

    "emograp$ically a!!uming age3 income an" amily !i;e .ep!i=! +e$a&ioral !egmentation

    $a! +een a key to t$e company=! !ucce!!

    Age i! one o t$e mo!t !igniicant part! o t$e !egmentation o .ep!i .ep!i intro"uce!

    .ep!i "iet or t$e people 5$o are !uering rom "ia+etic an" or t$o!e 5$o are likely to

    a&oi" !ugar an" or t$e age" people !pecially 0 plu! .ep!i mainly pro"uce! t$e .ep!i

    cola t$e main cu!tomer o .ep!i cola i! young people 5$o!e age i! 10 to 4>

    En income +a!i! .ep!i al!o !egment t$eir market +y making little pack $ey oer a

    competiti&e price range to all cla!! o people $ey con!i"er t$e economic !ituation in our

    country So t$ey intro"uce .ep!i in "ierent price or "ierent t$e people 5$o!e income

    i! "ierent $ey t$ink a+out !tu"ent3 poor people3 an" mi""le cla!! people economic

    con"ition or t$eir pricing Becau!e t$e income o a rick!$a5 puller i! &ery little !o .ep!i

    intro"uce! t$e 200ml +ottle an" t$e price o t$i! +ottle i! 12taka3 !o anyone can ea!ily

    "rink .ep!i +y !pen"ing 12taka .ep!i al!o !er&e! 2>0ml3 >00ml3 1L3 1>L3 2L pack .ep!i

    in Bangla"e!$

    9amily !i;e +a!i! i! al!o a +a!e !egmentation or .ep!i In our !ociety3 t$ere are many

    amilie! 5it$ "ierent amily !i;e So .ep!i i! !er&e" into many !i;e 2>0ml3 >00ml3 1L3

    1>L3 2L pack .eople can ea!ily c$oo!e a !uita+le pack +a!e" on t$eir amily !i;e

    &ositioning of Coca Cola

    $e main t$eme o coca cola i! open $appine!!K coca cola !pen"! a+out a +illion o

    "ollar! in trying to inluence t$e ne5 generation an" young +oy! an" girl! +y gi&ing

    &arietie! o a"&erti!ement an" ta!te I anyone put one coca cola an" one .ep!i in ront o

    u! a+out 6>O o people c$oo!e coca cola +ecau!e o it! ta!te3 it! packaging attract! t$e

    young generation &ery muc$ @&ery year coca cola !pen"! lot! o "ollar! to make a

    "ierent creati&e !logan or targete" people 5$ic$ t$ey 5ant to !er&e (oca cola plan! to


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    urt$er creati&e po!ition! t$at 5ill gi&e t$e pro"uct t$e greate!t a"&antage in t$eir target

    market! a! 5ell a! t$e .ep!i ,ecently3 coca cola $a! pro&en t$at3 it i! t$e $ig$e!t !elling

    col" "rink in t$e 5$ole country an" a+o&e t$e 5orl"

    &ositioning state!ent for Coca Cola

    o all3 5$o 5ant! +e!t "rink! to -uenc$ t$eir t$ru!t3 coca cola i! one o t$e +e!t col"

    "rink!3 5$ic$ pro&i"e! t$e +e!t -uality an" ta!te in an aor"a+le price

    &ositioning of &epsi

    .ep!i(o main !logan i! P eneration #etUK It !pen"! +illion! o "ollar! in trying to

    impre!! t$e young an" nearly young 5it$ t$e "ierent creati&e !logan in e&ery year

    .ep!i(o plan! to urt$er create po!ition! t$at 5ill gi&e pro"uct! t$e greate!t a"&antage in

    t$eir target market!

    &ositioning state!ent for &epsi

    o ne5 generation3 t$o!e 5$o 5ant t$e +e!t ta!te in "rink!3 .ep!i i! a col" "rink 5$ic$

    ga&e t$e +e!t ta!te3 lo5 at in a rea!ona+le !pen"ing

    >/@ Marketing Mi;

    Marketing Mi i! t$e !et o marketing tool! t$at t$e irm u!e! to pur!ue it! marketing


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



    $e mo!t +a!ic marketing tool i! pro"uct 5$ic$ inclu"e! pro"uct "e!ign3 -uality3 eature!3

    +ran"ing3 an" packaging


    A critical marketing tool i! price ie t$e amount o money t$at cu!tomer! pay or t$e

    pro"uct It al!o inclu"e! "i!count!3 allo5ance!3 cre"it term! an" payment perio"


    .lace i! anot$er key marketing mi tool An" it inclu"e! &ariou! acti&itie! t$e company

    un"ertake! to make t$e pro"uct acce!!i+le an" a&aila+le to t$e cu!tomer Some

    actor! t$at "eci"e t$e place are tran!port acilitie!3 c$annel! o "i!tri+ution3 co&erage

    area3 etc


    .romotion i! t$e ourt$ marketing mi tool 5$ic$ inclu"e! all t$e acti&itie! t$at t$e

    company un"ertake! to communicate an" promote it! pro"uct to target market

    .romotion inclu"e! !ale! promotion3 a"&erti!ing3 !ale! orce3 pu+lic relation!3 "irect

    marketing3 etc

    $e!e ir!t our .C! are t$e parameter! t$at t$e marketing manager can control3 !u+/@/5 &roduct

    In marketing3 a pro"uct i! anyt$ing t$at can +e oere" to a market t$at mig$t !ati!y a5ant or nee" It i! o t5o type!: angi+le /p$y!ical an" Intangi+le /non*p$y!ical Since


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    !er&ice! $a&e +een at t$e oreront o all mo"ern marketing !trategie!3 !ome intangi+ility

    $a! +ecome e!!ential part o marketing oer! It i! t$ereore t$e complete +un"le o

    +eneit! or !ati!action! t$at +uyer! percei&e t$ey 5ill o+tain i t$ey purc$a!e t$e pro"uct

    It i! t$e !um o all p$y!ical3 p!yc$ological3 !ym+olic3 an" !er&ice attri+ute!3 not 0ml gla!! +ottle! In a""ition3 t$ey al!o $a&e 1> liter o pet +ottle

    an" in t$e recent pa!t t$ey intro"uce" into t$e market 2 liter pet +ottle coke It $a! al!o

    2>0ml o can coke

    $e (oca*(ola ormula i! $e (oca*(ola (ompanyC! !ecret recipe or (oca*(ola A! a

    pu+licity marketing !trategy !tarte" +y ,o+ert oo"ru3 t$e company pre!ent! t$e

    ormula a! one o t$e mo!t clo!ely $el" tra"e !ecret! e&er an" only a e5 employee! kno5

    or $a&e acce!! to$i! (oca*(ola ormula appear! to +e t$e original ormula to (oca*

    (ola It i! rom t$e +ook 9or o"3 (ountry an" (oca*(olaK


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Ingredients of Coca Cola

    6hat7s in a Cca-co"a

    (ar+onate" ater

    ig$ 9ructo!e (orn Syrup

    (aramel (olor

    .$o!p$oric Aci"

    #atural 9la&or!


    $e company (oca*cola i! a multinational an" it i! not limite" to one pro"uct $roug$

    t$e year! t$ey $a&e in&ente" an" intro"uce" many pro"uct! t$an t$eir main cola "rink!/

    (oca*(ola (ompany keep! t$eir pro"uct clean $e cap i! co&ere" +y cellop$ane $e

    logo i! eactly Bangla"e!$ language


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    &epsi $ &roduct

    $e .ep!i*(ola "rink contain! +a!ic ingre"ient! oun" in mo!t ot$er !imilar "rink!

    inclu"ing car+onate" 5ater3 $ig$ ructo!e corn !yrup3 !ugar3 coloring!3 p$o!p$oric aci"3

    caeine3 citric aci" an" natural la&or! $e caeine ree .ep!i*(ola contain! t$e !ame

    ingre"ient! +ut no caeine

    Coke v/s &epsi$&roduct

    A! !een a+o&e +ot$ t$e companie! (oke an" .ep!i $a&e a num+er o pro"uct! Many o

    t$e!e pro"uct! are inno&ation! +ut t$ere are al!o many pro"uct! 5$ic$ are +roug$t out

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    intro"uce" to t$e %nite" State! in 161

    Diet (oke or Diet (oca*(ola i! a !ugar*

    ree !ot "rink pro"uce" an" "i!tri+ute"

    +y $e (oca*(ola (ompany It 5a!

    intro"uce" in t$e %nite" State! in July


    Diet .ep!i i! a lo5*calorie car+onate"

    cola It 5a! intro"uce" in 16 a! a

    &ariant o .ep!i*(ola 5it$ no !ugar

    9 a n t a i ! a ! o t " r i n k + r a n "

    o5ne" +y $e (oca*(ola

    (ompany I t i ! p ro"uce" an"

    " i ! t r i + u t e " + y $ e ( o c a * ( o l a

    ( o m p a n y C ! + o t t l e r !

    M i r i n " a i ! a + r a n " o ! o t

    " r i n k M i r i n " a i ! o 5 n e " + y

    .ep! i(o


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    S p r i t e I c e 5 a ! t $ e i r ! t l a & o r

    e ten! ion o r $e (oca*(ola

    ( o m p a n y C ! S p r i t e + r a n " ! o t

    " r i n k

    .ep!i Blue i! a !ot "rink ma"e +y

    .ep!i(o an" launc$e" in mi"*2002

    Mountain De5 i! an energy "rink

    manuacture" an" "i!tri+ute" +y

    .ep!i(o It 5a! intro"uce" in 1

    M a a ; a i ! a ( o c a * ( o l a r u i t

    " r i n k + r a n " m a r k e t e " i n I n " i a

    a n " B a n g l a " e $ S l i c e i ! a l i n e o r u i t * l a & o r e "

    ! o t " r i n k ! m a n u a c t u r e " + y

    . e p ! i ( o a n " i n t r o " u c e " i n

    1 8


    Table$> Coke "%s &epsi$&roduct

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    >/@/5/5 Brand 'a!e

    Brand 'a!e of Coca$Cola

    (oca*(ola a! +ecome one o t$e mo!t popular an" 5i"ely kno5n Bran" pro"uct in t$e

    5orl" It $a! $ig$ +ran" e-uity3 an" +ecau!e o it! $ig$ +ran" loyalty3 name a5arene!!3

    .ercei&e" -uality3 !trong +ran" a!!ociation an" ot$er a!!et! !uc$ a! patent tra"emark an"

    c$annel relation!$ip $e (oca*(ola +ran" i! &alue at 70 +illion

    Brand )le!ent Choice Criteria


    +rand "e,ent Criterion

    Brand 'a!e (oca*(ola can +e ea!ily recalle" an" recogni;e"

    Slogans (oca*(ola @n

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    .ogo F


    It! logo !ym+ol i! uni-ue an" "ierent rom it! competitor

    Table @ Source HTabani be"erage .td


    +rand "e,ent Criterion

    Brand 'a!e (oca*(ola i! glo+ally accepte" Bran"

    Slogan It! Slogan i! ea!ily accepta+le t$roug$ out t$e 5orl"

    1ingle Jingle i! tran!era+le accor"ing to t$e culture o t$e $o!t country

    &ackage .ackaging color an" !tyle i! attracti&e t$roug$ out t$e 5orl"

    .ogo F Sy!bol Logo an" Sym+ol i! attracti&e

    Table Source HTabani be"erage .td


    +rand "e,ents Criterion

    Brand 'a!e Bran" name i! lei+le an" can +e ea!ier to c$ange" or

    "e&elope" o&ertimeSlogans $e !logan i! ea!ily mo"iia+le 5$en nece!!ary

    1ingles Jingle! are a"apte" 5$ile operating glo+ally

    &ackage .ackaging can +e re"e!igne" accor"ing to !ituational


    .ogo F Sy!bol Logo !ym+ol can +e ea!ily recogni;e"

    Table Source HTabani be"erage .td

    &rotect ability

    +rand "e,ents Criterion

    Brand 'a!e $e name (oke i! legally protecte"

    Slogans It! !logan i! al!o legally protecte"

    1ingles It!

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    &ackage All M! copy rig$t! are o5ne" +y (oca*(ola company

    .ogo F Sy!bol $ey got t$e I. rig$t

    Table Source HTabani be"erage .td

    ere 5e are "ealing 5it$ to5 mo!t important situational factors* @ternal Internal

    actor! Some important "eterminant! or t$i! !ituation analy!i! are a! ollo5!:


    situational factors

    3terna" /actors


    Demograp$ic i! t$e !tu"y o people=! &ital !tati!tic! !uc$ a! t$eir age3 race3 et$nicity an"

    location It i! an uncontrolla+le actor in t$e eternal en&ironment Demograp$ic i! &ery

    important or marketing manager! Ater !ur&ey 5e in" t$at teenager! are t$e prime

    con!umer o Coca-Cola pro"uct!3 rat$er t$an t$e people at t$e age group o 60 Coca-

    Cola "oe! not $a&e an eecti&e an" a!t "i!tri+ution c$annel in t$e &illage! oBangla"e!$ $eir competitor! $a&e an upper $an" in t$i! ;one 9rom t$e "emograp$ic

    point o &ie5 5e $a&e "one a !ur&ey on t$e population 5$o con!ume more Coca-Cola

    !ge 5i,it Percentage of Consu,er

    Belo$ %& 10

    %%-%' 20

    %(-)& 24



  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    )%-)' 18

    )(-*' 1

    *(-+' 11

    +' and above 0

    TOTA. 522

    Table 52 Source HTabani be"erage .td

    Social actors

    $e mo!t "iicult eternal actor! or marketing manager! to oreca!t control or

    incorporate into marketing plan! i! t$e !ocial actor Social actor! inclu"e our attitu"e!3

    &alue! an" lie!tyle Accor"ing to t$e company=! mi!!ion !tatement or ot$er !tatement! it

    i! clear t$at t$ey "o not u!e any !uc$ ingre"ient! /eg Alco$ol3 5$ic$3 contra"ict to our

    perception3 &alue! o I!lamic religion or any ot$er norm!3 an" +elie&e!

    olitical .nfluence

    In Bangla"e!$ $artal i! a part o our lie Like all ot$er t$ir" 5orl" countie! 5e $a&e

    political pro+lem! too $e marketing manager o (oca*(ola (ompany generally !ell!

    (oca*(ola 83000 ca!e! /1 ca!e G 2 +ottle! per "ay +ut "uring $artal time t$e company

    ace! a great lo!! a! t$ey cannot tran!port t$eir pro"uct! to t$e market Et$er t$an $artal!

    t$ey !eem to $a&e le!!er pro+lem! regar"ing t$e political con"ition o Bangla"e!$


    .ep!i i! a &ery po5erul +ran" name an" i! one o t$e +igge!t competitor! o Coca-Cola

    $ey compete 5it$ (oca*(ola t$roug$out t$e 5orl" an" it i! no "ierent in Bangla"e!$

    At t$e current moment MEJE /(ola i! a &ery +ig +ran" name in Bangla"e!$ an" i! t$e

    greate!t ri&al or Coca-Colain Bangla"e!$ Mountain De5 i! a ne5 +ran" an" i! a t$reat

    or Coca-Cola#MEJE +e&erage! 5it$ t$e +ran" image t$at A'IJ $ol"! in t$i! country

    MEJE +e&erage ea!ily +ecame a +ig competitor or (oca*(ola MEJE=! market !$are i!

    increa!ing 5$ic$ in not a goo" !ign or Coca-Cola#Mineral 5ater !uc$ a! ,( (ola Mum3


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    9re!$3 A(M@ al!o a competitor o Coca-Cola# Dierent kin"! o Juice al!o compete 5it$

    !ot "rink!

    /overnmentCoca-Cola$a! +een in +u!ine!! in Bangla"e!$ or a long time +ut !till to"ay t$ere i! no

    recor" o t$e company +eing in any conlict 5it$ t$e go&ernment Coca-Colaal5ay! trie!

    to ollo5 t$e go&ernment rule! an" regulation an" t$ey al5ay! pay! t$e go&ernment t$e

    tae! an" tari! 5$ile +ringing in t$eir ra5 material! rom t$eir .arent (ompany

    Interna" /actor

    0uman 1esource !anagement

    uman re!ource management reer! to t$e !y!tem t$at inluence! employee=! +e$a&ior3

    attitu"e! an" perormance $e role! o t$e uman ,e!ource in Coca-Cola(ompany are

    a! ollo5!:

    ($ange Agent!

    ($oo!e a Strategic .artner

    @pert A"mini!tration Bo"y

    ,ecruit Skille" an" @icient @mployee!


    Like all ot$er companie!3 or Coca-Cola3 tec$nology i! t$e mo!t important actor Coca-

    Colau!e! &ery $ig$*tec$ mac$ine! or it! pro"uction In 14 a ne5 plant 5it$ >00 B.M

    capacitie! 5a! e!ta+li!$e"

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Strategic le&el: $e .ro"uction .roce"ure3 ,M3 Store3 9inance3

    uality (ontrol i! all un"er $i! control

    ec$nical Le&el: $ey are re!pon!i+le or t$e a"mini!tration3 pro"uction3

    !ale! "i!tri+ution o Coca-Colapro"uct! %n"er pro"uction "epartment

    t$ey $a&e -uality manager!N un"er +ran" manager t$ey $a&e +ran" oicer

    an" marketing oicer

    Eperational manager: $ey are re!pon!i+le or t$e "i!tri+ution o t$e

    pro"uct! an" are re!pon!i+le or al operational acti&itie!

    inancing Capacity

    9rom t$e inancial report o 2002 an" 2004 5e can conclu"e t$at t$e company $a! a &ery

    goo" an" !oun" inancial capacity Coca-Cola$a! a &ery $ig$ le&el o income Moreo&er

    t$ey are !ucce!!ully con"ucting t$eir +u!ine!! all o&er t$e 5orl"

    !ar2eting Department

    All t$eir "i!tri+ution !ale! promotion all! un"er t$i! "epartment Coca-Cola(ompany

    $a! t$e marketing intelligence $ey "o a !ur&ey in all o&er t$e market !ituation an" t$en

    t$ey "eci"e 5$at !tep t$ey !$oul" take During t$e o !ea!on! t$e marketing manager!

    take! !ome promotional acti&itie! an" u!e! e5 !trategie! to maintain t$eir economic

    gro5t$ rate $e promotional !trategie! t$ey u!e are like gi&ing git!3 coupon!3 !cratc$

    car"! etc

    Brand Building )fforts

    Relationship Building Efort

    A! t$e 5orl"C! large!t +ottler o li-ui"3 nonalco$olic rere!$ment3 5e operate in market!

    5it$ "ramatically "ierent con!umer preerence!3 pro"uct "eli&ery !y!tem!3 economic

    con"ition!3 an" marketplace opportunitie!


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    De!pite t$e!e &aria+le!3 (oca*(ola @nterpri!e! meet! t$e nee"! o local cu!tomer! an"

    communitie! t$roug$out it! "i&er!e territorie! 5it$ a !trong commitment to local3

    community*+a!e" marketing an" !uperior marketplace eecution $e!e concept!3

    com+ine" 5it$ our irm +elie in a "ecentrali;e" operating !tructure t$at place!

    re!pon!i+ility an" accounta+ility a! clo!e a! po!!i+le to t$e cu!tomer3 clearly

    "i!tingui!$e! (oca*(ola @nterpri!e! rom ot$er +ottler!

    +ui"ding a"ues

    $e people o (oca*(ola @nterpri!e! are t$e $eart an" !oul o our +u!ine!!3 +uil"ing

    relation!$ip! 5it$ our cu!tomer! an" our con!umer! in t$e communitie! 5e !er&e By

    putting people ir!t3 5e $ope to create &alue or e&eryone touc$e" +y our (ompany

    e !tri&e or an atmo!p$ere in 5$ic$ all employee! are comorta+le +eing t$em!el&e! *

    oering i"ea!3 making !ugge!tion!3 epre!!ing &ie5!3 an" appreciating our !$are" an"

    un!$are" "ierence! * regar"le!! o t$eir age3 race3 gen"er3 nationality3 et$nicity3 religion

    or !eual orientation

    Chart 5 Consu!ption rate of Coca$Cola F other brands

    #o matter $o5 $ot or cool t$e la&or eu" +ecome! t$i! !ummerN (oke 5onCt +e

    !5eating it too muc$ (oca*(ola up 40 k to 0 k3 t$e 5orl"C! large!t +e&erage maker3 i!

    !till comorta+ly perc$e" in it! !lot a! t$e local market lea"er3 accor"ing to Be&erage

    Dige!t (urrently market !$are o pro"uct (oca*(ola i! 24O (omparing to ot$er

    +e&erage! (oca*(ola i! t$e market lea"er pro"uct +ran"


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Strategic gap

    Strategic gap

    Strategic -roup Map of co!petitors in the be"erage industry

    Chart 3 Strategic -roup Map of Co!petitors in the be"erage industry

    .ro"uct! in a"&er!ely aecte" !trategic group! may try to !$it to a more a&ora+ly

    !ituate" group ere in +e&erage in"u!try entry +arrier i! lo5 t$at=! 5$y too muc$

    pro"uct are a&aila+le (urrently (oca*(ola3 .ep!i3 ,(*cola3 ?irgin cola !tan"! in !ame

    !trategic group ere (oca*(ola i! t$e lea"ing pro"uct o t$e +e&erage market in"u!try in

    +ot$ market !$are an" re&enue generation .ep!i $a! 2n" large!t market !$are +ut it!

    re&enue generation i! le!! t$an ,(*cola ,(*cola $a! lo5 market !$are comparing (oca*

    (ola an" .ep!i +ut re&enue generation i! $ig$ In Be&erage in"u!try upper 103 ,( orange

    are t$e 5or!t re&enue generation pro"uct Mum mineral 5ater $a! "eman" +ut t$at=!

    market !$are i! al!o lo5 comparing to (oca*(ola In t$i! igure u !ee !trategic gap #o

    company 5ant! o reac$e" t$eir pro"uct in t$at po!ition +ecau!e it i! not po!!i+le lo5

    market !$are 5it$ $ig$ &olume o re&enue En t$e ot$er $an" no company 5ant! or a

    pro"uct 5it$ $ig$ market !$are +ut lo5 re&enue generation

    Brand )le!ent of &epsi Cola

    Bran" element con!i!t! o eig$t t$ing! $e!e are:

    X #ame


    Market Share


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    X Logo

    X Slogan

    X Sym+ol

    X ($aracter

    X Soun"!FJingle!

    X (olor

    X .ackaging

    o "o t$e +ran" element mi an" matc$ 5e $a&e to con!i"er t5o t$ing! 9ir!t one i! a+ran" element !uc$ a! name3 logo3 !logan3 !ym+ol3 c$aracter3 !oun"!3 color an"

    packaging En t$e ot$er $an" 5e $a&e to !elect ($oice criteria !uc$ a! memora+ility3

    meaningulne!!3 tran!era+ility3 a"apta+ility an" protect a+ility


    .ep!i /188 P .re!ent


    .ep!i logo /u!e" rom 106*14 in !e&eral !lig$tly "ierent &ariation! .re!ent .ep!i

    logo rom 11*18

    .ep!i i! one o t$e 5orl"C! mo!t amou! +ran"! muc$ like it! ri&al (oca (ola

    .ep!i (ola 5a! originally calle" Bra"C! Drink ater it! creator3 (ale+ Bra"$am3 a

    p$armaci!t rom #ort$ (arolina .ep!i 5a! a car+onate" !ot "rink $e create" to !er&e $i!

    "rug!toreC! cu!tomer! $e ne5 name3 .ep!i* (ola3 5a! ir!t u!e" on Augu!t 28 $e

    .ep!i logo i! a !imple glo+e 5it$ t$e .ep!i color! in t$e +ackgroun" an" t$e 5or" .ep!i

    in t$e oregroun" .ep!i $a! c$ange" it! logo an" it! !logan! a num+er o time! !ince it!



    ItC! clear in looking at t$e !logan! o&er t$e year! t$at .ep!i $a&e &ery "ierent targeting

    !trategie! (oke i! touting it!el a! t$e original3 t$e aut$entic3 an" appealing to a !en!e o


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    tra"ition3 po!itioning it!el a! an integral part o "aily American lie .ep!i3 on t$e ot$er

    $an"3 i! promoting it!el a! !omet$ing ne53 young3 an" $ip3 5$ic$ !eem! a little o"" ater

    o&er 100 year! But (oke 5a! ir!t3 ater all .ep!i $a! al5ay! targete" t$e yout$ market

    more aggre!!i&ely t$an (oke Slogan! o .ep!i are gi&en +elo5:

    52> * @$ilarating3 In&igorating3 Ai"! Dige!tion

    52 * Eriginal .ure 9oo" Drink

    52 * Deliciou! an" ealt$ul

    55@ * 9or All $ir!t! * .ep!i*(ola

    55 * .ep!i*(ola * It Make! ou Scintillate

    532 * Drink .ep!i (ola It 5ill !ati!y you

    53 * .ep! ou %pU

    5>3 * Sparkling3 Deliciou!

    5>? * ,ere!$ing an" ealt$ul

    5> * 5ice A! Muc$ 9or A #ickel oo Li!ten

    5?> * Bigger Drink3 Better a!te

    5? * $y take le!! 5$en .ep!iC! +e!tY

    5@2 * More Bounce to t$e Eunce

    5@2 * $e Lig$t ,ere!$ment

    5@? * ,ere!$ing it$out 9illing

    5@ * Be Socia+le3 $a&e a .ep!i

    55 * #o5 ItC! .ep!i3 9or $o!e $o $ink oung

    5> * (ome Ali&eU ouCre In t$e .ep!i eneration Li!ten

    5 * .ep!i .our! It En

    5 * ouC&e ot a Lot to Li&e an" .ep!iC! ot a Lot to i&e Li!ten


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    5> * Join t$e .ep!i .eople 9eelinC 9ree Li!ten

    5@ * a&e a .ep!i Day Li!ten

    5 * (atc$ $at .ep!i Spirit Li!ten

    55 * .ep!iC! ot our a!te 9or LieU

    5> * .ep!i #o5U

    5? * .ep!i3 t$e ($oice o a #e5 eneration

    53 * otta a&e It

    5> * Be oung3 a&e 9un3 Drink .ep!i

    5@ * #ot$ing el!e i! a .ep!i

    5* Dil Mange More

    5 * $e Joy o (ola Li!ten

    3225 * $e

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Chart$> Mi; and Match the Brand )le!ent

    Current Market Share F Co!petiti"e Scenario

    $e competition i! &ery muc$ $ig$ in !ot "rink in"u!try [email protected] (ola i! operating in a

    oligopoly market 5$ere t5o or t$ree large competitor! control t$e lion !$are o t$at

    market $e market !i;e o !ot "rink! in Bangla"e!$ i! aroun" '800 (rore per year

    Among all !ot "rink! company3 (oca*(ola i! t$e market lea"er or many year! It 5a!

    popular in t$e pa!t time an" !till it $a! popularity among t$e large population o

    Bangla"e!$ It o+tain! 41O market !$are Ater (oca*(ola3 .ep!i 5a! t$e !econ" oneN +ut

    ater emerging ,(3 t$e market !$are o .ep!i $a! +een re"uce" to 22O ,( $a! +een a+le

    to mo&e it! 5ay up an" or t$e la!t t5o year! it $a! +een $ol"ing t$e 2n" po!ition 5it$

    26O o t$e total market $e ot$er! like %ro (ola3 ?irgin an" Suncre!t eac$ $a&e market

    !$are! e-ual to or +elo5 10O $ere i! anot$er player Mo

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Table$55 Current Market Share of "arious Brands

    Chart$? Market Share of "arious Brands

    >/@/3 &rice

    In economic! an" +u!ine!!3 t$e price i! t$e a!!igne" numerical monetary &alue o a goo"3

    !er&ice or a!!et

    .rice i! al!o central to marketing 5$ere it i! one o t$e our &aria+le! in t$e marketing

    mi t$at +u!ine!! people u!e to "e&elop a marketing plan

    .ricing i! a +ig part o t$e marketing mi ($oo!ing t$e rig$t price an" t$e rig$t pricing

    !trategy i! crucial to t$e marketing proce!!

    $e price o t$e pro"uct i! not !omet$ing t$at i! ie" En t$e ot$er $an" t$e price o t$e

    pro"uct "epen"! on many ot$er actor! Some time! t$e price o t$e pro"uct $a! got

    not$ing to "o 5it$ t$e actual pro"uct it!el $e price may act a! a 5ay to attract targetcu!tomer!

    $e price o t$e pro"uct i! "eci"e" keeping many t$ing! in min" $e!e t$ing! inclu"e

    actor! like co!t incurre" on t$e pro"uct3 target market3 competitor!3 con!umer +uying

    capacity etc

    Coke - &rice


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    (oke 5a! a company ruling t$e market! +eore .ep!i entere" @arlier t$e price o coke

    5a! co!t +a!e" ie it 5a! "eci"e" on t$e co!t 5$ic$ 5a! !pent on making t$e pro"uct plu!

    t$e proit an" ot$er epen!e!

    But ater t$e emergence o ot$er companie! e!pecially t$e like! o .ep!i3 (oca*cola

    !tarte" 5it$ a pricing !trategy +a!e" on t$e +a!i! o competition #o5a"ay! more

    epen!e! are !pent on a"&erti!ing my !ot*"rink companie! rat$er t$an on manuacturing

    (oke $a! +roug$t in a re&olution e!pecially in In"ian market! 5it$ t$e ,! > pricing

    !trategy 5$ic$ 5a! &ery amou! It 5a! t$e ir!t company to intro"uce t$e !mall +ottle o

    (oke or $i! campaign 5a! &ery !ucce!!ul e!pecially 5it$ t$e price con!ciou!

    In"ian con!umer!

    In Bangla"e!$i market t$e +ottle o (oca*(ola i! !ol" Tk/53 92/3@ *S dollar: an" it i!

    &ery muc$ popular non*alco$olic !ot*"rink! among t$e general ma!!

    @&en to"ay mo!t price! o (oke are "eci"e" on t$e +a!i! o t$e competition in t$e market

    &epsi K &rice

    .ep!i again "eci"e! it price on t$e +a!i! o competition $e +e!t t$ink a+out t$e company

    .ep!i i! t$at it i! &ery lei+le an" it can come "o5n 5it$ t$e price &ery -uickly $e

    company i! reno5ne" to +ring t$e price "o5n e&en up to $al i nee"e"

    But t$i! ri!k taking attitu"e $a! al!o earne" .ep!i lo!!e! $oug$ lo5ering t$e price

    5oul" attract t$e cu!tomer! +ut it 5oul" not $elp t$em co&er up t$e co!t incurre" in

    pro"uction $ence cau!ing t$em lo!!e!

    $i! 5a! t$e !ituation earlier +ut no5 .ep!i i! a ull*le"ge" an" gro5ing company It $a!

    co&ere" all it! lo!!e! an" i! no5 gro5ing at a rapi" rate

    In Bangla"e!$i market .ep!i*(ola t$e price o .ep!i*(ola i! Tk/52 92/3> *S dollar:/

    &r ic ing o f +ar ious So f t Dr inks

    Product Ite, uantit# per pac& Price


    2>0 ml

    >00 ml

    1200 k

    4000 k


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    1>00 ml

    22>0 ml

    >000 k

    6>00 k


    >00 ml

    1000 ml

    1000 k

    2000 k

    Se;an 0 ml 1>00 k

    .ran 0 ml 1200 k

    T ab l e $ 5 3 & r i c i n g o f " a r i o u s s o f t d r i n k s

    >/@/> &lace

    .lace i! a term t$at $a! a &ariety o meaning! in a "ictionary !en!e3 +ut 5$ic$ i!

    principally u!e" in a geograp$ic !en!e a! a noun to "enote location3 t$oug$ in a !en!e o a

    location i"entiie" 5it$ t$at 5$ic$ i! locate" t$ere

    In marketing3 place reer! to one o t$e .C!3 "eine" a! t$e market place It can mean a

    geograp$ic location3 an in"u!try3 a group o people /a !egment to 5$om a company

    5ant! to !ell it! pro"uct! or !er&ice!3 !uc$ a! young proe!!ional 5omen /eg or !elling

    co!metic! or mi""le*age" amily men /eg or !elling amily car!

    Coke - &lace

    (oke i! a multinational company an" it $a! it! market aroun" t$e entire 5orl" $i! can

    +e !ai"

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    o a!!ociation an" collecti&e +argainingN "i!criminationN 5age! an" +eneit!N 5orking

    $our! an" o&ertimeN $ealt$ an" !aety an" en&ironmental practice! #e5 agreement! 5it$

    !upplier! re-uire compliance 5it$ our S. e $a&e communicate" t$e!e epectation!3

    traine" !upplier! an" !tarte" a compre$en!i&e au"iting proce!! In 20073 5e con"ucte"

    13414 !upplier au"it!3 a 28 percent increa!e !ince 2006 e $a&e al!o 5orke" 5it$ our

    +ottling partner! !o t$at t$ey $a&e !imilar principle! to target !upplier! not co&ere" +y our


    Our Custo!ers

    e !eek to +etter un"er!tan" t$e impact o t$e (oca*(ola +u!ine!! along our entire &alue

    cycle an" partner 5it$ our cu!tomer! to a""re!! area! o concern an" a"" &alue +eyon"our +e&erage pro"uct! Eur cu!tomer! inclu"e large international c$ain! o retailer! an"

    re!taurant! an" !mall in"epen"ent +u!ine!!e! e 5ork 5it$ t$em e-ually to create

    mutual +eneit oget$er 5it$ our +ottling partner!3 5e !er&e our cu!tomer! t$roug$

    account management team!3 pro&i"ing !er&ice! an" !upport tailore" to t$eir nee"!

    Eur cu!tomer! are continually looking or 5ay! to re"uce co!t!3 impro&e !ale! an"

    proit!3 an" "eli&er +etter*-uality3 more "i&er!e pro"uct! to con!umer! e 5ork to create

    a""itional &alue or our cu!tomer! +y anticipating t$eir "eman"! an" intere!t! an" to

    proacti&ely "eli&er &ia+le !olution! or t$eir +u!ine!!e!

    Coca$Cola Retailing Research Councils

    In Arica3 A!ia3 @urope3 Latin America an" #ort$ America3 (oca*(ola ,etailing ,e!earc$

    (ouncil! con"uct re!earc$ on i!!ue! aecting t$e retail oo" in"u!try $e re!ult! are

    communicate" t$roug$ a colla+orati&e 5e+!ite t$at allo5! retailer! to gain inormation

    nece!!ary to !trategically re!pon" to t$e c$anging marketplace

    Collaborati"e Custo!er Relationship &rocess

    Eur (olla+orati&e (u!tomer ,elation!$ip proce!! $a! +een reine" in t$ree lea" market!

    ** Japan3 Meico an" S5it;erlan" ** an" i! no5 +eing implemente" 5it$ key cu!tomer! in

    ot$er market! aroun" t$e 5orl" e 5ork 5it$ our cu!tomer! to impro&e !$opper


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    marketing an" !upply c$ain colla+oration an" to accelerate inno&ation in or"er to pro&i"e

    !uperior +e&erage !election! to e&ery con!umer on e&ery !$opping trip

    (oca*(ola MeicoC! (olla+orati&e (u!tomer ,elation!$ip program 5a! recently

    recogni;e" +y Eo3 a con&enience !tore c$ain t$at $a! >3700 !tore! in 40 !tate! in

    Meico $e program $a! pro&en !ucce!!ul in un"er!tan"ing !$opper nee"!3 "ri&e! an"

    preerence!3 an" migrating rom a tran!actional an" commercial link to a colla+orati&e

    an" multiunctional +u!ine!! relation!$ip

    Custo!ers De"elop!ent and Training

    e pro&i"e !upport to !maller cu!tomer! to $elp make t$eir +u!ine!!e! more eicient an"

    proita+le In Latin America3 or eample3 5e $a&e e!ta+li!$e" cu!tomer "e&elopment

    training center!3 t$e large!t one! in Argentina3 Bra;il3 ($ile3 Meico an" .eru

    e al!o 5ork 5it$ cu!tomer! to +roa"en t$e range o +e&erage! t$ey oer3 pro&i"e

    nutritional inormation an" en!ure our +e&erage! are markete" re!pon!i+ly

    Coca$cola Distribution Channel

    $e company 5ill e!ta+li!$ an eten!i&e "i!tri+ution c$annel or all +ran" o coca*cola

    company to make it a&aila+le t$roug$out t$e country It 5ill +uil" !i "i!tri+ution center!

    /Agent in t$e !i "i&i!ion! o Bangla"e!$: D$aka3 ($ittagong3 Syl$et3 ,a

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Distribution Strategy adopted by Coke

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    03000 people inclu"ing !upplier! an"


    Be&erage!* .ep!i3 7 %p3 Mirin"a3 Mt De53 Diet .ep!i

    Distribution Channel of &epsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    ,e!taurant!3 .an S$op!3 'irana Store!3 (onectionarie!3 .ep!i on 5$eel! all t$e!e are

    !ome eample o t$e act t$at t$e pro"uct .ep!i i! u+i-uitou!

    'u!ber of Inter!ediaries

    Intensi"e Distribution

    .ep!i (ompany ollo5! an inten!i&e "i!tri+ution !trategy o !upport t$eir u+i-uitou!

    eature! t$ey 5ant to place t$eir pro"uct in a! many outlet! a! po!!i+le

    Increase !arket co"erage

    Co!peting against Coca$Cola and other local co!panies/

    Ter!s and Responsibilities

    &rice &olicy

    Distributors4O to >O i! t$eir proit margin!

    Retailers10O to 16O i! t$eir proit margin!

    Territorial Rights

    Di!tri+utor! are gi&en territorial rig$t! an" are not allo5e" to 5ork +eyon" t$eir


    Conditions of Sale

    .ayment "one t$roug$ +ank or ca!$ Eption o cre"it !ale! remain! at t$e lo5er part o

    c$ain uarantee o "amage goo"! pro&i"e"



    Marketing Sy!tem


    Marketing Sy!tem




  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Marketing Syste! of &epsi Cola

    Channel Me!bers and Roles

    &epsi Cola Co!pany

    *A!!ign! a territory to t$e "i!tri+utor!

    * A!!ign! !ale! target acc to region an" !ea!on!

    * @&aluate! perormance t$roug$ pre"eine" parameter!

    * Sale! Incenti&e!

    * .romotional Eer!




    Inter!ediary Statistics


    ran!com Be&erage Bangla"e!$ Lt"*D$aka Manager! +uer or 10 "ay! an"

    u!e! ALL an" @W(@L !ot5are


    ($o5"$ury $ole!aler! .ri&ate Lt" Manager! +uer or 10 "ay! an"

    u!e! ALL an" @W(@L !ot5are


    A+"ulla Store3 Mir;apur

    Table$5> Transportation cost4 +ehicle Cost at each stage is borne by inter!ediaries

    -eneric Channel Outputs


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Spatial Con"enience

    * ig$ A&aila+ility

    * Strong .re!!ure

    Shorter Deli"ery Span 9ti!e:

    Channel Manage!ent

    .ep!i (o $a! lot o control o&er t$e c$annel

    * Inca!e o .ep!i to aut$ori;e" "i!tri+utor to retail !$op! /"eine" territory to


    * .ep!i a!!ign! a particular territory to t$e "i!tri+utor un"er an agreement

    * #o inter&ention into ot$er=! territory 5it$out company kno5le"ge

    * ,etailer! accounta+le to t$e aut$ori;e" "i!tri+utor!


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi



  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    T ab l e $ 5 ? T op f i z z i n g b r a n d s

    In act in t$e net grap$ you can !ee $o5 many program! are !pon!ore" +y cola

    companie! an" t$e lea"er among t$em i! .ep!i Mainly .ep!i i! t$e company !pon!oring

    mo!t cricket teleca!t! $appening in In"ia an" Bangla"e!$ an" !pen"! mo!t o it! re&enue

    in t$at iel"

    Chart$@ Cola Sponsored &rogra!s

    HInclu"e program3 9eature ilm3 Sport! .rogram3 @&ent! etc

    #o5a"ay! +ot$ (oke an" .ep!i are going in or Bran" Am+a!!a"or! to promote t$eir

    pro"uct $e!e +ran" am+a!!a"or! are amou! people 5$o u!ually people i"oli;e an"


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    people can relate to t$em $e ollo5ing picture! "o not nee" any eplanation a! people

    are amiliar 5it$ t$e cele+ritie! an" can t$u! -uickly i"entiy 5it$ t$e pro"uct

    A li!t o (ele+ritie! t$at are +ran" am+a!!a"or! or t$e cola companie! are a! ollo5!

    $e!e cele+ritie! are not only a!ke" to 5ork in t$e a"&erti!ement! +ut t$ey al!o $a&e to

    u!e t$e pro"uct promote" +y t$em an" t$ey !$oul" not u!e t$e company=! ri&al=!


    Ce lebr i t y 9 Mega St ar : )ndorse!ent o f &eps i F Coca$ Co la

    &epsi Coca$Cola

    Sac$in en"ulkar Sac$in en"ulkar

    Amita+$ Aamir '$an

    Soura+ angully Anil 'um+le

    Beck$am ,o+arto 'arlo!

    S$a$ruk$ '$an Ai!5ariya


  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    M" A;ar %""in3 A

  • 8/10/2019 Term Paper- Market Analysis Coke vs Pepsi


    Sale! promotion i! generally a !$ort run tool u!e" to !timulate imme"iate increa!e in

    "eman" 9re-uently (oca*(ola u!e! !ale! promotion to impro&e t$e eecti&ene!! o t$eir

    promotion mi ingre"ient!3 e!pecially a"&erti!ing ,e!earc$ !$o5! t$at !ale! promotion

    complement! a"&erti!ing +y yiel"ing a!ter !ale! re!pon!e!

    &ublic Relation

    (oncerne" a+out t$e pu+lic image!3 (oca*(ola oten !pen" large !um o money to +uil" a

    po!iti&e con!umer image .u+lic relation! are t$e marketing unction t$at:*