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1.Cila nga fjalt n vijim nnkupton shprehje komunikacioni?2.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht karakteristik pr qytet?3.Cila nga fjalt n vijim ka kuptimin e njsis pr kohn?4.Cila nga fjalt n vijim tregon vshtirsi shndetsore?5.Cila nga fjalt n vijim tregon dekorim feste?6.Kur m dhemb stomaku them:7.Kur ora sht tet e pesmbdhjet minuta, themi:8.Cila nga shenjat matematikore n vijim sht shenj e shumzimit?9.Shenj qyteti:10. Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht karakteristik fshati?11.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht shenj feste?12.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht term komunikacioni?13.Prgjigju ka do t vijoj pas ksaj fjalie: For Christmas we usually buy_______.14.Kur dshirojm t drgojm letr shkojm n: ________.15.Plotso fjalin: _________ stops those cars that drive fast.16.Kur dshirojm t shohim piktura artistike shkojm n _______.17.Prfundo fjalin n vijim: I can`t walk. I have _______.18.Shprehja nnt e tridhjet minuta prshtatet:19.Prfundo fjalin n vijim: There are many animals ______.20. Plotso fjalin: For Easter we make ______.21.Prfundo fjalin n vijim: Ben is winning the race, he is _______ place.22.Prfundo fjalin n vijim: The big cities usually have problem with _______.23.Prfundo fjalin: I am sending her a ____________ on February 14th .24.Prfundo fjalin: I love sunbathing in _______.25.Prfundo fjalin: I cant hear you, I have ______.26.Kur dshirojm t shohim film n ekran t madh, shkojm n:27. Shprehja ora dhjet e dyzet e pes minuta prshtatet:28.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht ndajfolje kohe?29.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht mbiemr prshkrues?30.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht emr numror?31.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht numr kryesor?32.Gjeje fjaln q tregon ndajfolje kohe?33.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t treguar se dshiron t lexosh libra?34.Me ciln shprehje do ta kishe filluar pyetjen: Sa miell t fus n tort?35.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t thn se kt mbrmje do t shkruash detyrat e shtpis?36.Prgjigju pyetjes: Ku ndodhet posta?37.Gjeje fjaln q tregon numr rendor.38.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t thn se do t bhesh avokat?39.Me ciln shprehje do ta kishe filluar pyetjen: Sa libra ka n tavolin?40.Pyetjes: Kur do t shkosh n pushim? Prcjelle prgjigjen:41.Si do t pyessh: ka do t bsh kt vikend?42.Si do t kishe dhn urdhr?43.Si do t thuash se nesr shkon n kinema?44.Si do t thuash se msimi sht argtues?45.Pyetjes: Ku sht libri? Do ti prgjigjesh me:46. Cila nga fjalit n vijim ndrlidhet me knaqsin festive?47.Cila nga fjalt n vijim nnkupton njsi pr kohn?48.Cila nga fjalt n vijim nnkupton ndotje?49.Prfundo fjalin: I cant speak, I have a _______.50.Plotso fjalin: My dad keeps his ______ in the bank.51.Prfundo fjalin: I love skiing in the ______.52.Plotso fjalin: My friends and I are going to the _______ to see the movie.53.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht emr jo numror?54.Pyetjes: Ku ndodhet vetshrbimi? Vijon prgjigja:55.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t treguar se ke plane n mbrmje?56.Me ciln shprehje do ta parashtroje pyetjen: Sa sandui t marr pr n piknik?57.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht ndajfolje vendi?58.Pyetjes: What are you going to be? Do ti prgjigjesh me:59.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes n vijim: What are you doing this weekend?60.Pyetjes: What are you doing tomorrow? Do ti prgjigjesh me:61.Ciln folje ndihmse do ta prdorsh pr t thn se rruga mund t kalohet vetm kur ndrion drita e gjelbr?62.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes n vijim: Would you like to go to the cinema?63.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes n vijim: What are they doing this evening?64.Cilin emr foljor do ta prdorsh pr t treguar se dshiron t lexosh libr?65.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes n vijim: What are they doing this evening?66.Si do t pyessh dik a dshiron nj got me aj?67.Kur dshirojm t japim urdhr q dika t kryhet menjher, themi:68.Pyetjes Where is his house? Do ti prgjigjesh me:69.ka themi kur dshirojm t shprehim paknaqsi?70.Cilin emr foljor do ta prdorsh pr t thn se leximi sht gjja e preferuar e imja?71.Prfundoje fjalin: She keeps the apples ___________.72.Si do ta prshkruash dhomn e shokut tnd?73.Pyetjes: What are you doing at the moment? Do ti prgjigjesh me:74.Cila nga fjalt, n vijim sht emr jo numror?75.Si do ti prgjigjej pyetjes: What is your sister studying for?76.Si do t ishte urdhri ndaj t gjithve pr ndrprerjen e ndotjes?77.Cilin emr foljor do ta prdorsh pr t treguar se dshiron vizatimin?78.Pyetjes: What are you doing the next weekend? do ti prgjigjesh me:79.Kur dshirojm t krkojm informat pr drejtim apo kahe, themi:80.Kur krkojm falje, themi:81.Ciln pyetje do ta parashtrojm nse dshirojm t krkojm numr telefoni?82.Kur dshirojm t falnderohemi, themi:83.Cila shprehje tregon ofert?84.Kur huazojm dika me mirsjellje, themi:85.Si do ta pyesim dik sa sht ora?86.Kur dshirojm ta prshkruajm qytetin n t cilin jetojm, themi:87.Si do t pyessh vall shoku yt ndjehet mir?88.Kur dshirojm t ftojm dik n ditlindje, themi:89.Kur dshirojm t shprehim knaqsi pr at se kemi par dik, themi:90.Kur dshirojm t kemi informata pr kohn, pyesim:91.Kur dshirojm t pyesim dik se si ndjehet, themi:92.Me ciln nga shprehjet n vijim mund t pyessh: Ku sht libri yt?93.Si do ti kishe ofruar shokut tnd sandui?94.Me ciln shprehje n vijim mund t pyessh: Kush sht kngtari yt i preferuar?95.Si do t pyessh ku ndodhet muzeu?96.Si do ti dshirojm dikujt pushim t kndshm?97.Me ciln shprehje n vijim mund t pyessh: Pse je kaq i mrzitur?98.Si do ti dshirojm dikujt vikend t kndshm?99.Me mirsjellje si do t kishe huazuar pallto?100.Si do t thuash se vendi yt i preferuar sht Mavrova?101.Si do t pyessh shokun si vjen n shkoll?102. Si do t jepje informat pr vendpozitn e hotelit?103.Me ciln shprehje mund t pyessh si bhet mblsira?104.Me ciln fjal mund t pyessh ku do t shkosh pr vikend?105.Me mirsjellje si do tiu kishe ofruar mysafirve kafe dhe mblsir?106.Me ciln nga fjalt e m poshtme do t thuash se nuk ndjehesh mir?107.Me cilat nga pyetjet n vijim do t pyessh cila sht lnda jote e preferuar?108.Me ciln nga pyetjet n vijim do ta pyetsh shokun tnd kush t hidhroi?109.Si do t pyessh pr vendpozitn e plazhit?110.Si do t thuash se n qytetin tnd m s shumti ka reshje shiu n vjesht?111.Cila prej fjalive ka kuptimin e shprehis n shtpi?112.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes How about going to the cinema tonight?113.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: How many hours a day do you watch TV?114.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: What would you like to drink?115.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: Where do you do your homework?116.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: What is your favorite sport?117.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: When is your birthday?118.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: How do you go to school?119.Prfundo fjalin: Lucciano Pavaroti is a great singer, ______?120.Si do t thuash se shkon te gjyshja n do uikend?121.Si do t thuash se ora sht 7 e 30 minuta?122.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: Who are you waiting for?123.Si do t shfaqsh dhimbje?124.Plotso fjalin: What _____________ do this weekend?125.Si do ti prgjigjesh fjalis: What are you going to do on your summer holiday?126.Si do t kishe thn pr obligimet e prditshme?127.Cila nga proverbat ka t bj me konsumimin e ushqimit t shndosh?128.Si do t kishe thn pr plan n t ardhmen?129.Si do tiu prgjigjesh fjalis. Sa vjet ke?130.Plotso fjalin me shprehjen adekuate: Sarah doesnt know________.131.Cila nga fjalt n vijim ka kuptimin e shprehis n prditshmri?132.Prfundo fjalin: The Lakers are a great basketball team, _____?133.Si do ti prgjigjesh pyetjes: What are you?134. Si do t thuash se nuk shikon mir nga shkaku se ke dhimbje n sy?135.Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and adrawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas.Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candycorn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter,it would be my favorite holiday too. Pr ciln fest gjyshja bn cupcakes?

135.Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I gota new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. Ciln fest e preferon autori i tekstit?

136. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume.Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter,it would be my favorite holiday too. far kostumi do t ket autori kt vit pr Ditn e shtrigave?

137.Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Sa banor ka Ohri?

138. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Sa kisha ka n Ohr?

139.These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! ka blejn fmijt kur dshirojn zmr prderisa ndodhen n shkoll?

140. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! far sht ushqimi t cilin e blejn fmijt prderisa ndodhen n shkoll?

141. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! ka i plqen autorit t tekstit?

142.Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better. Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Hermother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school. Kush nuk ndjehet mir?

143. Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better. Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Hermother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school. ka i ka dhn nna Sars q ajo t ndjehet mir?144. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is veryskinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Petar loves when its time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Petars parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Ku jeton Petar?

145. Usually I wake up at 6 oclock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 oclock. I dont understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesnt have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesnt have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. Pse zgjohet autori n ora 6 t mngjesit?

146. Usually I wake up at 6 oclock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 oclock. I dont understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesnt have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesnt have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. ka mendon motra e tij pr at se vllai zgjohet n ora 6 t mngjesit?

147.Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. ka bn gjyshja pr Krishtlindjet?

148. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. ka fitoi autori pr Krishtlindje vitin e kaluar?

149. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. ka mbajn veshur njerzit pr Ditn e shtrigave?150. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. ka shpreson autori t fitoj pr kt Krishtlindje?151. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. ka bn gjyshja pr Pashkt?

152. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. Pr ciln fest autori nuk shkon n shkoll?153. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Ku ndodhet qyteti i Ohrit?

154. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Ku jetojn nj numr i vogl i njerzve?

155. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Kush vjen pr ta vizituar qytetin gjat vers?

156. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Ciln prmendore kulturore m s shumti e vizitojn turistt n Ohr?

157. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Ku gjendet Kalaja e Samoilit n Ohr?

158. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Si duket Ohri n dimr?

159. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Si ndikon ushqimi jo i shndetshm te fmijt?

160. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! ka do t ishte m s miri t ngrnin fmijt n vend t ushqimit jo tshndetshm?

161. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! ka sht m s miri t pihet n vend t coca-cols?

162. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Pr ka nuk jan t prgatitur fmijt nse konsumojn ushqim jo tshndetshm?

163. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! far sanduii dshiron m s shumti autori i tekstit?

164. Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better. Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Hermother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school. ka filloi ti ndodh Sars pasi u zgjua?

165. Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better. Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Hermother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school. ka zbuloi nna e Sars pasi ia mati temperaturn?

166. Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better. Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Hermother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school. N ka insistoi nna e Sars pasi ja mati temperaturn?

167. Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better. Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Hermother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school. Pse Sara at dit dshiroi t shkoj n shkoll?

168. Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better. Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Hermother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school. ka vendosn t bjn nxnsit e shkolls pr Sarn?

169. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Petar loves when its time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Petars parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Si duket Petar?

170. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Petar loves when its time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Petars parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. ka thot nna e autorit pr shkakun se Petari vazhdimisht sht i smur?

171. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Petar loves when its time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Petars parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend. Cili sht ushqimi i preferuar i Petarit kur vjen n fshat?

172. Usually I wake up at 6 oclock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 oclock. I dont understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesnt have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesnt have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. Si e kalon kohn motra e autorit?

173. Usually I wake up at 6 oclock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 oclock. I dont understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesnt have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesnt have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. ka kan vendosur t bjn prindrit?

174. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Si duhet vepruar turistt pr t arritur te Kalaja e Samoilit?

175. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. ka bn familja e autorit pr do dimr?

176. Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is onthe hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. Pse autori i tekstit pr do dimr shkon n Ohr?

177. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! ka mund t prfundosh nga teksti?

178. These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! ka iu porosit n fund autori i tekstit fmijve?

179. John is 18. His parents celebrate his birthday with buying him presents. This year, because he is 18, he got a new car from his parents. But John is not a good driver. He is not careful and does not respect the traffic signs. He needs to drive with his father in the car. His father always tells him to be more careful when driving the car.Pr cilin rast Xhonit prindrit i blen automobil?

180. John is 18. His parents celebrate his birthday with buying him presents. This year, because he is 18, he got a new car from his parents. But John is not a good driver. He is not careful and does not respect the traffic signs. He needs to drive with his father in the car. His father always tells him to be more careful when driving the car.far vozitsi sht Xhon?182. John is 18. His parents celebrate his birthday with buying him presents. This year, because he is 18, he got a new car from his parents. But John is not a good driver. He is not careful and does not respect the traffic signs. He needs to drive with his father in the car. His father always tells him to be more careful when driving the car.ka e porositi babai i Xhonit n lidhje me vozitjen?183. My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Petaris visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Petar loves when its time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Petars parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend.ka mund t prfundoni nga teksti?

184. Usually I wake up at 6 oclock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 oclock. I dont understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesnt have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesnt have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. Si sht ndje motra e autorit ku prindrit e saj ia morn telefonin dhe i kan ndaluar t ulet para kompjuterit?

185. Usually I wake up at 6 oclock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 oclock. I dont understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesnt have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesnt have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. ka ndodhi me motrn e autorit pasi filloi t ushtroj?

186.Cila nga fjalt n vazhdim ka kuptimin e qytetit?187.Cila nga shprehjet n vijim sht shprehje matematikore?188.Cila nga fjalt n vijim tregon shenj komunikacioni?189.Cila nga fjalt n vijim ka kuptimin e fshatit?190. Kur m dhemb fyti them:191.Kur sht gjasht e pesmbdhjet minuta, themi:192.Cila nga shprehjet matematikore sht shprehje e zbritjes?193.Cila nga fjalt e theksuara sht pjes e dits?194.Fjala q tregon qytetin sht:195.Kur m dhemb koka them:196.ka do t vijonte n thnien vijuese: For Easter we usually buy ..197.Kur dshirojm t shohim kafsh shkojm n:.......198.Plotso fjalin: We usually cross the street at ..199.Kur duam t drgojm letr, shkojm n.......200.Prfundo fjalin vijuese: I can`t eat. I have..201.Shprehja gjasht e tridhjet minuta, i prgjigjet:202.Prfundo fjalin vijuese: Ka shum kafsh n.......203.ka do t kishe ndjekur n shprehjen vijuese: . For Christmas we usually buy ..204.ka do t vijonte n fjalin n vazhdim: For Christmas we usually buy ..205.Kur dshirojm t shohim fotografi shkojm n......206.Plotso fjalin: We usually stop if the traffic light is ..207.Cila nga fjalt n vijim, sht emr jo numror?208.Gjeje fjaln q tregon ndajfolje vendi?209.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht ndajfolje kohe pr t ardhmen?210.Cila nga fjalt n vijim sht emr numror?211.Gjeje fjaln q tregon ndajfoljen e kohs.212.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t treguar se dshiron t luash futboll?213.Me ciln shprehje do ta fillosh pyetjen: Sa sheqer t fus n aj?214.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t thn se kt mbrmje do t shikosh televizor?215.Cila nga emrat sht jonumrore?216. N pyetjen: Ku ulet shoqja jote Sara?, vijon prgjigja:217.Gjeje fjaln q tregon numrin rendor.218.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t thn se do t bhesh msues?219.Gjeje fjaln q tregon ndajfolje vendi.220.Ciln fjali do ta prdorsh pr t thn se dshiron t luash basketboll?221. Me ciln shprehje do ta kishe filluar fjalin: Sa lapsa ke n antn tnde t shkolls?222.N pyetjen: What are you going to be? do t prgjigjesh me ose:223. Si do t prgjigjesh n pyetjen n vijim: What are you doing this weekend?224.N pyetjen: What are you doing tomorrow?Do t prgjigjesh me:225.Ciln folje ndihmse do ta prdorsh pr t thn se nuk guxon ta kalosh rrugn kur sht drita e kuqe?226.Si do t prgjigjesh n pyetjen vijuese: Would you like to go to the zoo?227.N pyetjen: What are you doing at the moment ? do t prgjigjesh me:228.Cilin emr foljor do ta prdorsh pr t treguar se dshiron t luash tenis?229.Si do t prgjigjesh n pyetjen vijuese: What are you doing this evening?230.Pyetjes: What are you going to do tonight? Do t prgjigjesh me:231.Si do t prgjigjesh n pyetjen vijuese. What are you doing this Friday?232.Pyetjes: What are you doing now? Do t prgjigjesh me:233.Kur dshirojm t krkojm informata pr drejtim themi:234.Kur dshirojm t krkojm falje, themi:235.Cila pyetje sht informat pr numr telefoni?236. Kur dshirojm t shprehim felenderim, themi:237.Cila pyetje tregon ofert?238.Kur dshirojm t pyesim sa sht ora, themi:239.Kur dshirojm uikend t kndshm, themi:240.Me ciln shprehje nga t prmendurat mund t pyessh: Cili sht libri yt?241.Si do ta ftosh shokun tnd n koka-koll?242. Me ciln shprehje nga t prmendurat mund t pyessh: Cila sht lnda jote e preferuar?243.Si do t pyessh, ku gjendet posta?244.Si i dshirojm dikujt pushim t kndshm?245.Me ciln shprehje nga t theksuarat mund t pyessh: Pse je aq i lumtur?246.Si i dshirojm dikujt uikend t kndshm?247.Si e kishe lutur t krkosh hua nj laps?248.Me ciln shprehje nga t prmendurat m posht mund t pyessh: Cilat jan xhinset e tij?249.Si do ti kishe ofruar shoqes tnde sandvi?250.Me ciln nga shprehjet e prmendura m posht, mund t pyessh: Cila sht knga jote e preferuar?251.Si do t kishe thn se ke or t gjuhs angleze seciln t premte?252.Si do t thuash se ora sht 7e 30 minuta?253.Si do ta pyessh shokun tend , pse sht i lumtur?254.Si do t kishe shprehur dhembjen?255.Si do ta pyessh shokn tuaj se pse sht i piklluar?256.Si do t ishe prgjigjur pyetjes: When is your birthday?257.Si do t kishe dshiruar obligim t prditshm?258. Si do ta kishe prshkruar qytetin tuaj?259.Si do t kishe treguar plan t ardhshm?260.Si do t prgjigjesh n pyetjen prej nga je?261.Si do ta pyessh shokn tuaj si shkon n shkoll?262.Si do t thuash se do t premte ke or n piano?263.Si do t thuash se ora sht 9 ?264.Si do ta pyetsh shoqen tnde pse sht e mrzitur?265.Si do ta kishe pyetur shokun se cili sht numri i telefonit t tij?

267.My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Kush e dshiron shum festn e Pashkve?

268. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar. Ku jeton Janko?

269.Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar. Cili lum rrjedh n qytetin e Shkupit?

270.Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad.Ku jeton Elizabeta?

271.Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad.Sa semafor ka n rrugn deri n shkoll?

272.My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Kush sht shum i zn pr festn e Pashkve ?

273.Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar. Cili lum rrjedh prmes Shkupit?

274.My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Kush dshiron vez pr Pashkt?

275.My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors.Cila sht festa e Elizabets?

276.My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Me ka sht e mbushur shporta?

277.Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar. ka sht: noisy city?

278.Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Sa kopshte zoologjike ka n Shkup?

279.Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Sa lloje kafshsh ka n kopshtin zoologjik?

280.Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.Ku sht kopshti zoologjik?

281.Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad.Si shkon Elizabeta n shkoll?

282. Elizabeth lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She walks to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad.Kur ka polic trafiku n udhkryq?

283. Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy food every day. His favorite food are vegetables. He likes carrots very much. ka do t thot: healthy man?

284. Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy food every day. His favorite food are vegetables. He likes carrots very much.Babai i Darkos dshiron:

285. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors.Kush dshiron vez t gjelbra pr festn e pashkve?

286. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. far vez dshiron nna e Elizabets?

287. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. ka ka n shport?

288. Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar. ka ndodhet afr lumit Vardar?

289. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Kush sht shum i zn pr do fest t Pashkve?

290. Sara is going to visit her doctor this afternoon. She has a headache and high temperature. She is not going to school tomorrow.ka do t bj Sara kt pasdite?

291.Sara is going to visit her doctor this afternoon. She has a headache and high temperature. She is not going to school tomorrow. Pse Sara nuk shkon nesr n shkoll?

292.Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy food every day. His favorite food is vegetables. He likes carrots very much. Kush ushqehet me ushqim t shndetshm?

293.Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy food every day. His favorite food is vegetables. He likes carrots very much. Sa shpesh babai i Darkos ha ushqim t shndetshm?

294. My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. far ngjyre kan vezt n shport?

295. Sara is going to visit her doctor this afternoon. She has a headache and high temperature. She is not going to school tomorrow. Pse Sara nesr nuk dshiron t shkoj n shkoll? Cila prej ktyre fjalve nnkupton mngjes?

296.Cila prejktyre fjalve sht emr numror?297.Cila prej ktyre fjalve NUK sht ndajfolje vendi?298.Cili prej ktyre emrave sht n shums?299.Karaktersitik e muzeut sht:

300.Cila prej ktyre fjalve NUK sht shprehje matematikore?