TEXAS WATER COMMISSION Paul HopJiins. Chairrrwin John O. liouchins. Commissmnpr B. J. Wynne, HI, Commissioner AHr-fl Bcinke, fx UIM Dnrttu.tr J. D. Head, General Counsel Michael E, Field, Chid Examiner Karen A. Phillips, Chief Clerk June 13, 1988 Mr. John D. DiFilippo, Jr. P.E. Project Director Roy F. Weston, Inc. 5599 San Felipe, Suite 700 Houston, Texas 77056 Re: Pesses Chemical Superfund Site Comments on the Draft Remedial Investigation Report Dear Mr. DiFilippo: Attached are the written comments by the Texas Water Commission (TWO and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pertaining to the Draft Remedial Investigation Report submitted for the Pesses Chemical Superfund site in Fort Worth, Texas, If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact Gerardo H. Garcia at (512) 463-8572, or myself at (512) 463-7798. Sincerely, Greg Tipple y s Remedial Investigation Unit Head Superfund Section Hasardous and Solid Waste Division GG:bt Attachment cc: Ms. Cynthia Kaleri, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency P.O Box 13007 Capitol Station ' Aw AI«MHI. F -sa 7ll 3087 Area Crete Styto&l 001041


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Paul HopJiins. ChairrrwinJohn O. liouchins. CommissmnprB. J. Wynne, HI, Commissioner

AHr-fl Bcinke, fx> * UIM* Dnrttu.tr

J. D. Head, General CounselMichael E, Field, Chid ExaminerKaren A. Phillips, Chief Clerk

June 13, 1988

Mr. John D. DiFilippo, Jr. P . E .Project DirectorRoy F. Weston, Inc.5599 San Felipe, Suite 700Houston, Texas 77056Re: Pesses Chemical Superfund SiteComments on the Draft Remedial Investigation ReportDear Mr. DiFilippo:Attached are the written comments by the Texas Water Commission(TWO and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pertaining tothe Draft Remedial Investigation Report submitted for the PessesChemical Superfund site in Fort Worth, Texas,If you have any questions regarding these comments, pleasecontact Gerardo H. Garcia at (5 12 ) 463-8572 , or myself at(5 12) 463-7798.Sincerely,

Greg Tipple y sRemedial Investigation Unit HeadSuperfund SectionHasardous and Solid Waste DivisionGG:btAttachmentcc: Ms. Cynthia Kaleri, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

P.O Box 13007 Capitol Station » ' Aw » AI«MHI. F*-sa» »7ll 3087 » Area Crete Styto&l


Poor Quality Original


LocationTable of ContentsSection 9 , 3 . 1Table of ContentsTable 9-4Table of ContentsFigure 3-5Page 1-6Pa. 1, S3Page 2-5Pa . 2 . 4 . 1

Page 2-6table 2-1Page 2-7Pa. 2 . 5 , S2

Page 2-11Pa 2 .6 , Sub Pa 1,S3Page 2-11Pa. 2 . 6 , Sub Pa, 2,S3Page 2-11Pa, 2 . 7 , Sub Pa, 1,S2Section 3 .2

CommentThe word criteria is omittedfrom the title of the text.The word of is misspelled.

GPR is abbreviated as QPR.

Attachments 1 and 2 should belabeled as Appendices A and BA map depicting the surfacedrainage described in sentence twowould be helpful in this section.Avg. monthly high temp should bechanged to avg, monthly low temp.Does this sentence refer to rain-fall for calendar ysar 19877 If so,this should be stated in the text.The word this is not capitalisedin this sentence.

The word as should be changed to istwice in this sentence.

Recharge occurs primarily from pre-cipitation on the outcrop not ofthe outcrop.Tha surface from which the wipesamples were collected is notIdentified in the text ( i .e . , werethe samples taken from the walls,ducts,or floors).

Figure 3-2A Where is DH-05 located in the dia<gram?



LocationFigure 3-2B

Page 3-7, Pa. 3 , 2 . 4Sub Pa, 2, S6

Page 3-7, Pa . 3 . 2 . 4Sub Pa 2, S3

Figure 3-4

Table 3-3

Table 3-4

Table 3-5 , 3-6, and3-7

Table 3-7

Page 3-26 , Pa. 2, S2

Page 3-28, Pa . 3 . 5 . 7 , S 6

Comment. , - ... --H-^,,-^ - -

A footnote should be included ex-plaining that BD-01 was taken fromthe baghouse and that CY.-01 wastaken from the cyclone filter.Where is BD-02 located in the dia-gram?The total volume of water does notappear to be consistent with themeasurements of the sump.Does the water level indicate thedepth to the water from the topof the sump or does it indicatethe height of water within thesump? In either case, it appearsthat the volume of water in thesump is greater than 17 . 2 gallons.Where is the location of TS-01?TS-04 is on the figure but doesnot appear in TaMe 3-4 ,footnotes should be added to thistable to reference figures desig-nating sampling points.This data would be easier to eval-uate if the sample locations werelisted in the same order as Table3 - 3 .A footnote should be added to citea map depicting the location ofsampling points.Where is TS-01? This point is notdepicted on Figure 3-4 . Where werethe composite portions for SS-99Acollected? A footnote should alsobe included to explain sampleabbreviations.The word covered is misspelled inthis sentence.Large pits have not beenhistorically identified at thePesses site.



LocationPage 4-2, Pa. 4 . 2 . 1

Figure 4-2

Page 4-5Pa . 4 * 4 . 4Page 4-5Pa. 4 . 2 . 3 , Sub Pa. 1,S3

Page 4-5Fa. 4 . 2 . 3 , Sub Pa, I,S4Page 4-6Pa. 4 , 2 . 5 , Sub Pa, 1Page 4-9Pa . 4 . 3 , S4Page 4-9

CommentThe title for this section shouldbe changed since samples SS-37through SS-42 are east and north ofthe Posses warehouse and are dis-cussed in the text.The fenced area should be moreclearly defined in this figure.Figure 4-2 is labeled as off-sitesurface soil sample locations.However, these sample locationsappear to be on-site samplelocations with the exceptionof SS-56 through SS-58, SS-53,and SS-49.This section should be desig-natod as 4 . 2 . 2 .Figure 3-2 does not exist in thisreport. Figures 3-2A and 3-28do not depict significantlevels of cadmium as referencedthe text.The word disposal should be deletedfrom this sentence.

Figure 4-2 should be changed to 4-3in the text.The word organi.cs is misspelled.

Please prepare a map Cor eachindicator chemical which plotssampling results for surface soils.As was discussed during our June 2meeting, the maps may be colorcoded to depict ranges in metalconcentrations similar to Figure1-5. Please also include in thissection a map depicting the areawhere surface soil concentrationsfire above background.Table 4-1 footnotes are needed to explain thefollowing symbolsi * --



LocationTable 4-2

T&ble 4-3

Table 4-4

Tabl« 4-5

Page 4-22Notes;Page 4 *23PiU 1

Page 4-23

Page 4-27Pa. 2Page 4-27Fa. 3

Page 5-1Pa. 5 .2 . 1 , sub Pa. 2

SS-46 sampling location isdescribed as western metals inthis table and as pesses/westernmetals outside fence in Table 4*1 .Table 4-4 describes the locationas pesses/w.m. Please make thesample locations uniform. Afootnote should indicate whattype of blank was taken Corss-99 throuah ss-102,A footnote Is needed to explain themeaning of an * and BDL*A footnote is needed to explain themeaning of D, HP, and *.A footnote is neaded to Indicatewhat typo of blank was taken forSfi-lQQ, SS-iOi, and SS-120.A footnote should explain themeaning of BDL.la it A .M. Bowkor or A.H. BonXeras in Page 4-97The parenthesis should be delatedfrom the reference.Xt is more useful to depict ihequantity of samples which are abovebackground &s fractions rather thanpercentages ( i . e . , 3 out of 10) .This would be more representativeof tha data than percentages.88-_ _ should be completed.

The EP toxicity concentrationfor caoraium should be statedin tha text.The d^pth of the intermediateborings and the location ofsamples which were collectedshould b* spacified.

Page 5-2Pa. 3, S3 Why is table 5-2 referencedrather than table S-i?



locationPage 5-2Pa. 4, S3Figure 5-2

Table 5-2

Table 5-4

Figure 6-2

Page 6-4Pa. 6 . 3 , Sub Pa. 2, S3Page 6-7Pa. 6 . 5 , Sub Pa. 2, S3

Table 6-

Table 6*2

Page 6-11Pa. 6 .7 , 34Page 7-2Kfe. 7 . 3 , 54

CommentPCC is misspelled as PPC in thetext.The location of the site is notclearly indicated.Explain the meaning of symbolsA,B,C,D,—,and BDL in thefootnotes.This table should contain afootnote which refers to a mapthat indicates the samplinglocations.The table should also indicate thedepth at which each aample wast&iwm.The location of the site is notclearly indicated.Tho location of the site is notclearly indicated.It is not clear which buildingtho text in addressing?This sentence should be amendedto indicate that it refers to oneparticular sample.Please explain in the footnotes whythere are sediment a amp lac whichare duplicated but do not appearto bo duplicates. The title of thechart should be changed.Explain the meaning of DDL in thefootnotes. Please express the unitsfor all parameters.Can you explain in the text howsample SW-03 was lost?Define the terms H10SH and A.CGIH inthe text.

Table 8-1 Explain the meaning of RPD in afootnote.



LocationTable 8-2

Table 8-3

Table 8-4

Table 8-5

Page 8-88 .7 , S9

Paga 9-3. 9 .2 , S4Page 9-3fa . 9 . 2 , 85Page 9*6Pa. 3, 31

Page 9-21Pa. 9 . 4 , Sub Pa. 1

Page 9-21Pa. 9 . 4 , Sub Pa. 3,51Page 9-21Pa. 9 . 4 , Sub Pa. 6,52 and S3Page 10-2Pa. 10 . 1 . 3 , Sub Pa. 2S6Page 10-4Pa. 10 .2 .2 , Sub Pa. 3Page 10-5Pa. 10 .2 .3 , Sub Pa. 2

Comment«"«i*4**n«""l!»***"* *

Explain the meaning of C&DL, RPB,and HSR in a footnote.Explain the meaning of N/A and * ina footnote.Explain the meaning of * in afootnote.Explain the meaning of CRDL, RPD,and HSR in & footnote.Table 8-4 indicate* that semi-volatiles are complete totboth water and soils.This aontarvc« should bo delated.

Ths first two words in this sen-tence should ba daletod.Contamination can not be directlylinked to waste piles locatedoutside and in the warehouses.The conclusion stated in thistext ia not supported by therisk assessment,This sentence should be deleted.

These two sentences should bedeleted.

This aoncenee should be deleted.

Please express percentages infractions ( i .e . , 5 out of 10) .Please express percentages infractions.

Page 10-5Pa. 10 .2 .5 , Sub Pa. 2 Please express percentages in(fraction*.



LocationPage 10-5Pa. 10 . 2 .6 , Sub Pa. 3Page 10-7Pa. 10 .4 , Sub Pa. 1S2Page 10-7Pa. 10 .4 , Sub Pa. 3SIPage 10-7Pa. 10 .5 , Sub Pa. 2S4Page 10-10Pa 2, SI

CommentPlease express percentages in£ructions.The word marl is misspelledin this sentence,

The word there is misspelledin this sentence.

This sentence should etate thatthis statement applies to oneparticular sample.Surface soil contaminants can notfee directly linked to waste pileslocated outside and in the ware-house .

Page 10-11Pa. 1, SI The words "to" and "the" aremisspelled in this sentence.



Mr. Jerry GarciaTex^s Water CommssionP.O. Box 13087Capitol StationAustin, Texas 73711Dear Jerry:Enclosed, please find comments on the Pesses RI Draft Report. Theseconsents Include Input from the Agency for Toxic Substances and DiseaseRegistry (ATSDR). A few general comments are as follows:•' - ' *, - * '

\* .Several tables and figures lack footnotes and legends*, only, the more obvious oraitions *re referenced under tha specific-•comments attached.2. Section* 3 through 7 could have been condensed by deferring all. . -QA/QC discussion to Section 8, The validated.data eou\d haveb?«n presented In.a summarized form with narrative highlight* ofSignificant data findings.f Hawevor., due to tJtt time constraintson this project, rewriting these section* is not appropriate.Instead, we need nor« discussion on what was,found In *ach areaof the site and any correlation between the areas which was. jhscovared. If no correlation WAS found ."then a statement to.. . tM».effect would c*y> the ret^ff from .trying lo make one on his own.-- v - - ' - . - " -3. 'The term DQOs Is used out of context througbt various sectionsof the report. ' (I have forwarggd a copy of the EPA Guidance.documents to Weston as requested In our meeting on June 2, 1988.)Precision, Accuracy, and Completeness are*Q*/QC Objectives — onefactor which helps us obtain DQOs. Meeting DQOs Is obtainingthe quantity and quality data necessary for us to make soundenvironmental management decisions. One example would be thatground water detection limits be set low enough for latercomparison to appropriate criteria. Also, the placement ofwells and adequate number of samples will determine aquifercharacteristics.

1 apologize for the delay 1n formal comments. However, most were discussedIn our meeting last Thursday June 2, 1988. if you require further consulta-tion, please contact me at (214)655-6715.Sincerely,

syyaot, 1)r T


DATE |i r

Remedial fKnclosyre


.JSUl^T.lL>,roject Mani. . . . i

v —lger*(6H-ST .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Pesses RI Sraft^ReP_o.r.t - Comments, J6_jjojyis

*"*-* Typographical Revisions, Necessary:i

Comment., No-

.*- 5




. ReferenceSection/Page1.2/l-rlO

Comment,or Notethe

F,1gure 3rl" » . _ ' * * ,

3.1/3-1S2-Figure 3-2B

. -3.2.2/3-2

Table 3-4S5"Table 3-33.S.1&2/3-28

PI ease, sumrajr.! 2e ;-tha^dat a,- s.ite as a ighole ,tq"*pull .together;individual 4^P/tption$;3.tsted. '_ should'*scope,T out the. purpose ofleading Into Ihejpext 'section: Qver^ig^ iaf •- -Report. •-* '" -•* *"• ' ^^-TMaarsprevious vSBnraent. This section need''not redefineScope of rWark^ but rather presonts-an

Do we have -an average nutnber and frpquehcyof 'detection for cadmium In surface watec?' Cd. " rv*'The label forcoliimn 2 Should be *ei14, pot "High". -

'this map.correct? Discrepancies exist"the preliminary map given to ourEmergency Response group.

CY-01 apparently represents the dust samplefrom the cyclone separator. However, this isnot referenced.Dust on the walls (wipe samples) are notdiscussed as outlined on page 3-1.No units are Included. -TS-01 and 02 should specify liquid units.The phrase "require disposal" in paragraphs1 and 2 is not appropriate. Rewording,similar to that on page 3-27 for the volumewhich ais present" is acceptable. ^ ;Also, "probably" hazardous is not relevant toTWC/EPA's decision making, please state yourassumption that this volume fs hazardous ornot hazardous based on the information available.



r ReferenceSection/Page"s^th errorj^the ,sM^gs>$rfi^oth^_^ ;;igure 4-2 ^if.-,*-. ,*t.* Mbear *«

l.forntH-ie^kJs*. .,&r" 74-^-dlipnced?f ,.^wjor--*SIFTvv *epA/v " '*1, ^ IE - *.4.4.1&2/4-a3 ,.* l o^fiithp ^&a4er jA^Srenc,-V»" -^%v^27t 5-15 (i^7'f 9SM^fop4^j!w- ^ -;>* " --.-•£• K*r*wW 711^^p|cify-<tner%U^ . v,v^ •*.-.-«.*•> *iWv ^^^^^^^^iH.^esies^lin^ urban

fc i ^^L i-i' ^ ^.00-ppfflJ(s3ibrJustified. PJJB$;-^ l ^^f*. !^^ -•? •*/. . - T^,-vjl4


^ ^ - i rj'-i• •y- .* >»- .-, c ;r ~« L ,^f"4 ' Bl -" • " ~" '

^."ISkV^^'f-:-' " ;D :

-.zJW^3£3?* 4r -u^ ... i-v:A--

15•**" •

"Interval, shallow and Intermediate." '

5.3.4/5^23,30 .HCL'Gs >re used In establishing HCLs.-.yet* "* " -,^hou^d. not -be cojfjsidered ARAR£,&1nc% they\ ?- «x ' "" ho^ enforceable." Even if criteria, aslsuchire-exceeded, the term "of poor-quality" isPlease rephrase^ thU^last





6.5/6-7Table 6-17-2. 7, 28Table 7-3Table 9-6


lableTable 8-4

TWC'-ldtschafcge to inland waters* relevanthere? .This comparison appears better suited

An'^pianatlon of the subscript A/lfjiaeded,

The Te'xas &\r Control Board has a toareappropriate set of jcriteria fqg coaqarisonpurposas: tht Effects Screening Uyeli (ESLsJ.Although ESls for many compoufids are the sameas TLVs, some are more stringent than thelisted TVV's. See attached list.Footnote is missing in explanation.Footnote * is missing in explanation. ,



.'safer rU £!.,*, **^-•- r-'«%.«-• - i. "

^ssessawnt Conmervts

.Tables" : 4 . 5

_^ I Reference.'*^'; .ectj o'n/pjige .^^Tjr.iHg

:a^orreiaf,on. . n_ trganicirvecsjisDrgaolc u.ality^Coqtroj Data andr* 3norgani c -versus i)r9afttc jQuajlty^Control

> 9.2/9-3

in thkSptej>. Stt(tiByt Persist-^nd -Mobil I t yV s h o u y a c e e n used -to(Indicatorlect.the cohtamln.

is Ilst«y*1^enttflipat1on ofth* ' " -^ '~ • -.-, These23

i^l*1 given. •^6sphiCheiaic^V^|JOuld be^ td«taj;Xf ierf as -either aicarcinogea, potential^carcinogen, or noncar^inogen as based upon the£^oali$y''apd jquanJt{ty 6f-toxic1y;y data available'in tne literature. This classification shouldoral routft separately fromi. For,example, the last sentenceunder-the Cd paragraph, aitempts to aUress both-and inhalation in one statement. Thiscon'fusing to the reader,-who may not beof the differences in calculation ofrUJUU iee also Conmentjo. 28."24

.revise,- the wording here to 8qual1tat1vely"assdss/the groundwater route of exposure.The maln^etnphasis here should be:- ~ - - - - " ^

1. .groundwater > 100 feet beneath site and2. metals have not migrated below x. feet3. petals are not expected to migrate belowJTfeetAlso, since the reader has already beenreferenced to previous sections of the reportfor spatial distribution of contaminants, thelast two sentences are unnessesary.



..en* • Referenceo.v r"..Section?Page,2/9-5 -• ..The surface w^te^iroute should be discusseii;;/^qua1itatively;(asMone); please delate yie


1*, • - ' ,r ** J . _. .. .V .

DQes, all surface water flow Into the stormain&ge? HPlease" specify "majority8 here.* ' ' ' " * " " " "not be referenced for surface'1s not ysed as a drinking v^aterto the SPHEH (p. .34,142) -for *r«ference. Tnblent tfater Quality* riteriaJirBe,ap_propriate/ , • : " . . - "• f*j**JT - »^^a . • .-. *S- -*'-'- - * t . **r only.orje scenario has been --d» ^push.bojih average ajyirfik's JireHisted 1n Tables 9-1 andthe -maximum results are referencedPleqse discuss the "average .and 'the two exposure, . x ) r« source releases, an Ingestlona'latl on -route are discussed. Please


appropriately. Also, "s>u¥ptlons should be discussed 1n therepont.• -sM" . ' . - . . . "

p.ecify;jf,the geometric mean or if\. ~^l is used 1n Tables 9-1 ,2 ,7,or the.geometric mean, were detection£pjk the.^opndetected compounds?tn "Table 9r£f0V'ThaiHum, the mean Is greaterBtaximufii? Fqr Cadmium in Taole 9-6?

28 Table 9-6 |e.Yeral isjttndar.ds used for comparison areno't appropriate for Risk Assessment purposes.andAdditionally, the EP Toxiclty Test Standardis used £trictljf for.disposal purposes. Pleaseomit this comparison.due to tnappropriateness.for risk assessment purposes. This should be

29 -9.3.2/9-16 Hazard Indices characterize noncarclnogeoeticeffects of-a toxicant. Please delineate betweenShe HI and CD1 approaches and Justify anydeviation from this In the discussion here.