3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r -^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to Protest' Exe- cution ol Sacco and Vanzet- ti; 300 Police and Detectives Guard United States Embassy <Dy Tlip Av.0C'laIC(l I’fCMi GENEVA, Auk. a - A heavy ihuii- k tltrslorm nnd tlrvhchlni; rain tthlcli MurtMl some llmc nller 0 o'clock: to* nlghl led to thf dli[>cnml nl Icul tciiiiwrurlly of ii lurgc crowd oubld'- ot Ihc Amurlcnn cuni;ulaic cnllKTCd In {ifoiwt iicalrust llw Sncco-Vnnr-tJl cx- f tcuilons. Most ,of Uic members ol itif I , mot) Jltd Into doorwnys for Mii'Ucr. L .. . 1 .... . - jr h o biilldliiti In whlcli the Airicrlcnii tonsulale L? sliimtcd was cainiilclclj- oeciijilcd tonlKhl Ijy i.omc 3M pollec nnd dctccllVM, BcKliinlnR Intc t)il:, nfiernoon the police tnnilc tliclr hend- (limricra ol the Mock cxclmngc on the Kroiind floor. I'lrcnicn niiaclitd two _ . hofc llnca lo a hydrani In Iront of the r - IwllillnR. .................... I.lnwlv conKTcsnlcd, «omc rcnl mnnlJejlnntn, M Hcll 03 mnny curloiu byslnndrt*— UloKn Try to Force Ilnr* Suddenly lhe Icndlm; Holers bcgnn nn allcinpt lo force the police llm-s.| shotiling Imprccntlons agalnsl llic C United Slati'.s. A pollec eaplnlii calUil oi upon tliem to dl-'pcrse. 'Hic cliallrn^e ni wns rcfu.wd. whereupon lhe pollcc K charRcd nnd ftrreslccl nboul n dozen fl persons. • At tlic ramc time the firc- If men lurncd strcain.i of 'wnler on llic mob nnd caused ll lo (nil back bul nnt tl 10 dbpcrsc. Ji In llic mcanllme dcicctlves. by llonlng prLioncrs. koi the names ot “ jome of iMl niKlil'fl rlol lenders nnd. " mlnslInK w lilr lhe mob. picked up “ -■iome men whose nnmcs had been men- ‘ ' iloncti, Tticso were hnndcufJed Imme- dliitely and led lo the coiunUlc build- , Inn whleh vlriunUy hnd been trattsfcr- j| red Inlo pollec hcadauarters. , The consulftte wn* closed thU nfier- “ noon ai a precautionary measure when Hiwh II, \Vll!vbn, American mlnbler to -• ' fltrltterlanil.-who Is-hef« loMlie In'^r- i natlonftl imnsli confcrence nnd 6. " f Pinkney Tuek. Amcrlcon comuL nsrccd , lhat ll would be _^fnlr’ lo _n»k em- (Ogntinued on Tnse T^'O) "1 BFFifirBOD! » flPLlLfiir Authorities Seek HarryHill,22, in Connection With Death of His- Mother in Windy City. CHICAOO. AU([. 23 i,?|-T he move- menu ot llnrry HIU, 22. sourIU follow- ln« the dlNCovery of hU mother's body nt Sirealor. Illinois, today, were traced to lhe home of n Chlcnito friend where l'» spenl lasl nl«ht. lie dropped Irom sIkIiI after lellliiK the Irli-nd, William Bryctgcs, hc was koIiik to n barbi-r (Jiop. Mrs. Mary Ann Hill's body woji lound burled under the brick floor of ilie basement of her home by her csimnKcd R liiitbnnd, Dr. U. C. Hill, wi-nllhy oculist of Sireator, nnd n pahy ct -ottlceri. u She had lasl been seen three weeks a«o. Klllnl by Kullel In llrain I An ftulopv revculcd ihnt ibe woman, [ who was 55 years old, hnd been »hot, a pistol bullet picrcini; her bmln. An ^ Inquest will bc held tomorrow. 1 ChlcaKO police followliiR the trail ol Ql youns mil alter,hc lell Sircaior yesler- -------•jianiiominR mina-thnt-hc droi'c hcrc; vlilled Ills lormer cmploycr and spent . lost nlghl wllh llrydRcs: Drydftes wld hr hnd known the Hills In Sirealor. •The absence of Hr*. Hill did not cx- cllc her nelshbors, aa she was »ome- whnt of a recluse. L u l nlghl her hus- band went lo Uic home wllli a Iricnd dli and during a tearcli ot Ihe bou>.e no- no tlced the dltlurbed condition of llic iw basement tloor. He notified ibe pollcl- JU and they found llie body. Tlie nuthorl- nu tirs then MURhl lo quMit^n the son. llo who had been seen at me hnunc since ng the mother dlsoppcnred. He could not In be found. co: COST OF MASSKS IIOUIU.K ne. MADRID, AUR, n (,?,-Keeltns Hint dr the high cost of llvim; nttecl.t the ih< • clerey os well u tha Iniiy, the bWiop w of Madrid ha« nuthonied n doubling »r of llie cost of mawcs. Hr s.iy«. bow- « i ever, that should parishioners bc re- lucuint to mcel the Incrra.»e, priesU should Rive ground rather llian pro- voke confllela wlUi Uiclr Hocks, . PLANES OFFERED FOR S.M.K f,";! ■WASHINOTON. Aur, 23 OT-Nine rebuilt Dc Havlland nlrplanw now be- " ing UMd In the air null ser^’lce were , ' offered for sale today by PostmMler "" General New because he will have no use for Uicm In a week or lo nller the --------- Utt-KOvtmmcnt-openit«d_ftlr_inall V rcule thal, bclttwn New York and ®’' ChlMRO. Is turned over to a private ccntractor. ^ TIVO NICABAGUANS KILLED WASHINOTON, Aug. 23 (/p)—Two f*'’ _____ KkanigiKvns were killM HnHng im >n . go: ^ counter wllh a detachment of nmrines v Augwl ID. the navy depanment was »dvL«d today. The marinea. under an command of First Serjeant Bruce, suf- an fered no cuuiltle*. cci Tffi S - T -W J : ' ,\ssoL'iATi:r> i'HKs-- , . . 5 Airplane Drmie Turns. On Battery of LiRhts 111 p m s D O n a i i . I’u.. auk. u m -TllC noisy hum of- un airplane, 11 a thousand feet In the uir, to- Ifi night closed the-.swuch that U lighted n bant; of flood lights nt " Bcllla Ilcld, MeKec!i»Drt. in the tln>t demonstration ol ihe sound- sensitive nutomallc lUlulnR ngcncy '0. developed by T. S|)ooncr, reseurch engineer of Uic WrjiinKliouse Elrt- il. trie company. Merle Northrup, pilot nllached lo Bcllbi field, comjilelcd the ex- lierimcnl by bringing the plane lo llltf ground In llic glare iiI powcr- Sy - ful light* lumed un by ihr sieady throb of the .ship's niolurs. Tlie dcvlce. In rlloci, u«'s lbr drone of the a'lriilnnu lo eonlrol in- elcctric enency. From u Uny cur- ;ch rcnl at first, this conirolled energy 10- Ll Increased In |wwit by ijmpllty- ut ers until- ll la Mrong enough lo Idl- throw n good sized lighting switch. nn rm i 81 Pl d- hc -------- EJ Famous Trans-Atlantic Flier ,iv - Dedicates New Airnort in Na- tivc-State; Thousands Cheer.ji an n.\ ST. PAUL. Aug, 23 i>Pi-Coloncl he Clmries A, Lindbergh, airman extra- , hI ordltury. lodoy cnnie home to Mln* 50 ncsoLi. the sU le which hi- lell ft scant , cc !0 years ago to become nn uiiLMandlng ' cn figure In lhe world ol nviailon anil , c- inicmattonal.tio<xl will,, he Touching home soli fnr the flnl int Umc slncc hts specuculur New Yorl: tu Pnrls Iilght of three montlis ogo. I Colouei Undbergh lantltd In the early -t aflernoon nt Wold-Chmiiberiiln Ilcld, ' lrt Mlnncapollj, nnd then jiroceeded by nutomoblle lo dedlcuie the new Sl, ' Paul airport. AtcUimtd by Thouuml. ,1 Driven swiftly over a 30-mlIe ccurse , “■ from the Minneapolis flying field. Uirough lhe mill clly. thence through: ... downtown St. Paul, the young Mln*, nesolan was Bcci&Imcd by Uiousands. I ,n Mrs. E\'nngellne Undbergh, the col- j oncl's ipoUier. rode-In Uie parade; r ’ Ihrou^i tlie two“ c!UeTbui-djd noi 6e- > cupy liie m ie car.. Bh« Joined, him » t' , , his hotel loier and ptvudly Ml beside I him at a clvle banfjuel lonljht. "LImly" will rest tomorrow preparatory I- lo vlMtlng Llllle Palli, his old home. Thursday. Memorial Services for II Lafe Rudolph Valentino II ' HOLLYWOOD. Atljl. !3 prcislvc memorial sen-iees were rcndueted nt Uie Bles.%ed Sacra- ) menl church here today tor Ru- . dolph Valentino, scrcen idol who .1 died Jusl a yenr.ngo. Solemn high reouiem nin.u was aald by three y vlililng Italian clcrRymen. FaUiers . aalll. Towelll nrid PillolL n ie churcli was. fairly w;cll filled with iiersons prominent tn the pic- s' lurp colony. a.i well A nmny who K* hold no exalted poeltlon In Uic film world.. Few piclurc slam were ^ present, bul oil were represented In Uic wealth of llowers senl to the _ Hollywood ecmctery. where Uur ^ Ilim lover's body lies In n mauso- Icuni crypt. iDISTRim ilTOR iH iSMBLELEnEI ,n ^ _____ ■i Communication by Julian Com- pany Olllcial MafPave Way' to Recovery ol Many Millions. (- 1- LOS ANOELES, Aug, 23 M l-T lie id (llstrlci attnrney's olflce today on- 3- nouneed discovery of a leller wTltlen le two yenrs ngo by an official of Uio Jlillan Petroleum corporaUon which 1- may pave the way for recovery ot itill- n. Uons of dollars through civil suits :c ngainst pool lenders who parUclpated 3t in the allempted rcflnancin* df the corporation'prior to ita.ea[Iapsc, -- - T h e lctter.-Kigned -by C. T. Conroy. secretory of the company, and od- il dressed to a focni bank, uubllshcd 1C the fact lhal J, O. Bennett, now being ip sought on felony indlctmenta. wo.i a Ig financial rcprcscnUUvo of Uie oil eon- ctm . Civil suits Oitainsl Uicse iendew. mony ct whom hnvo been Indlcled for U usury- and more serious cliarscai have been held up becouse Dennett, who wa-t on ojsocinle of E. 0 . Lewis, in- dicted president of Uie corporaUon, cculd not be found and deflnlle con- .. necllon between lender and corpomUon fJUbllsllfd. UtMrlci altomeyg InveaUgotors u ld the letter would make UiU connccilon 03 a basis for civil suiu totolini op- ' proxlmotely »00.000.000 and probobly ,, would result in virtual obondonmcnt ol-lhe naUon-wld#-*earch.for-B«in*«. - " .\GIIEEMENT8 HEACnCO DOISB. Aug. 23 ypj-OooperaUi-e agreements on the rtsuloUon ot inter- ■g ttote iralllc between Idoho and Ore- V gon on Uie Old Oregon TaU hijhwaj a wwmiimiwl-todojr-iiv-poyeu^y - u rred W. Lukens. tecretur of lUte, er ond commissioner of Uw enforcement, f. ond T, J. Rofterty. ehieT tralflc otti- ccr of Orcjon. 'E ONLY ASSOCIATED i IN jFA TWIN FALLS, ID .-M IO . CDOLiFilPJR iim FIMI liim ipi Grandeur of America’s Wond- erland Surrounds Nation's Chief Executive; Long Round of Applause Greets Party. iDy The A.vioclaled rrcs.ii YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Auk. 23—Tiie gmndcur ot thib wun- deriand ol Amcrlc:i surrounJu: Pn-M- dent Coolldge tonkbt as i,u t-tiled down in the plciurt-sque Old rniiiitul inn rtlier a M mile drlvr uilo the nt a n^loii ol ui\,ullkil ri^turv. Hh arrival nl the Imi with .Mr>. c Coolldge nnd Ihclr son Julm wi>s the r signal for a long rounij_ dl npiiUu.i.^ iis.they 'prbccedeiPniruuiiir Uil- pine / rallered lobby and again n.i llic presi-. ^ , dent set out nfter lunch on n Ilsliing g expedition nearby. i Chief I'pirla i'retram j f n going lo Flic HoU' creek Ior a! few hours ot nngllni: Mr. Coolldgi- • aguln upsel Uic .cardulli'.pniJiirciLuttt^ l^Jil^'l'^M n CMhdKe^in^ - I upheld Ihls end ol iiie iitncmry. i I The pre.ildeni did nol |.ui on ilir. I high rubber boob h r \M-nrs when: ' fishing hi the Ulack HllK Hc u<irr ir' ' dnrk gn-y buslnr.i sull and IHl lial.' 'jll. M, Albright, suj>erimendrm ri ihi-' ' pnrk. curried the IWilm; Ucklc and ' I went lo the creek wllh. him. Mr. ' CoolldHc had been lold tlmi belter ; ■ (Continued on Page Tivoi | ^DiiTtPllili ri ■,iM§SDiS[Tj ’ Oovcroor BatdridR:c, AddiaonT. | - i] Sm ith of Twin Falls and R. B. I ' I Shepherd of Jerome to Speak. | i S0I8E, Aug.'33 bP>-Formitl ded- r,;__lcailQn_of the American Palls dam I ahd reservw-'co'piible ofliiipound- l . inir 1.700,OM ocrt fm 'V it watc.-. ‘I will bc celcbmWd al Aanrlcan i . Foils WedncMlay.'September 38. \ '*• Ihc SlatKrnan wns lnfornie<l today i f . by apcclal correspondence, j , Oovcmor H. C. Ooldrldge luui 11 promi.sed lo tpeok ond Senator > ' William E, Borah will bc Invllcd J I lo deliver on address. Other s|>cak- | bi I er* to be invited Include Represcn- i il tatlvc M. M.'Crompton ot Mlehl- lc< iianrchalrmnn of the house coin- 'c mliu-e on rcclomollon. Congres-i- ja ' mnn AddLwn T. Smllh ot Twin fli Falls, R. E, Shepherd. Jerome. * president of the Idnho stole cliam- p; ber ot commercc. ond F. A. Dank^i, di Unlled States reclamallon service i pl engineer nnd builder ot lhe dom. |\r AN UNUSUALLl \ u : i i II / I / ^/if, D PRESS, NFAVSPAPER i ALLS 10.-WEDNESDAY MOKNl [] “Choose” Is Added " ‘To Famous-Words ju \\><8mN0T0N. .Mis, 'ii 18 Wien I'rMldciil Cotlidgr announced ilui hc did nol clioou' in slaiid K nijaln tor the pn^ildcncy. and .icnt f the counlry to the dlcuonory to ^ Sludy dcllnlllon-. f.t the word I "cho34o.“ ho joimd the rank of presidents who lui'i- msdr wordji famous, tl- l‘re.'.ldeiit Hnrdliii: gave prcsllge lo F "normalcy": Prra!il<Til Wilwn inndc , S "u.at:|ilul wolttnK" till a new place In the language; lll)a^evell giive irj hi.MlnB \-oguc Ito ."'irenuuu-s" nnd i oliicd the Icrm "luiurc faker.v" * y nml Grover Cl0''eUiiil wn.» resiwml-. • ble for "innocuou:: rtr.'.uciude," ; In some liwtuiico presldentlnl ' u.’jigc has merely «iilov,cd on ordl- | nary. v.ord wltii nnv jiKnitlcance. i K. but iiomo words ihui. iwpubrtzrd < 11- ha'.c become lhe knnoies of party I! ll- iiluKniis, llko Hnnliiin'» "Unck lo nor- ' ed iinilcy." Wilson's 'T»x( proud lo b ul IlKhl" and Roolcvrli'.- "Sprak soflly • " lie ind Larry -• nil _________1 = J . ^ = = ! ; " Shell-Shocked Veteran ■ ! Z Of World War Wanders ;E « 65 Miles Into Desert ili 1 ------- : P I A rm y Flior Finds Ex-Soldier, u: Cut and Bruiiicd Wilh Pistol ifl Hnnd, Fur From Home. l>H0ENIX..Arl?.. Aug. 23 (,?)- l< AilrTd Z.-^tennrU.-'klicll.ihockcd v tl I war veleran. whu waniiered Inlo N Ihr desert to "li;;<' blmselt" om: ll ' ‘L. ’^ci-k ngo. W0.1 tound loday, hug- 15 : Kiird. cul nnd bni:srd, le.inlng i \ ''•; ngiilnsi n mes<iuit(.' buih with u .n pwul In his liond. « mlle,i wwi ol ii "I Glciulale. AViz., by Cciilnln C, O, ir If- Rcyonlds. Kelly FlrM. Tex.is, nrmy « fllrr, . - I Captain flcynold> siwtted Mcn- !• .ird fro mlhe nir ns he cl[fled over _ •>, th r dejerl looking tor Ihc wun- j C d'.-rrr,-. .' ' , ' ‘ • ij I The nrmy flier liiimrdlilcly camc '[ T ' down and made a rsle landing on { ! till- rough desert. A.i he i>lcp|K-d i I frcm the cockpit ot his heavy i . transport plone he faced Menard, - I snggiiiif ajainal th t mcsqulte bush, g r. I - weary, hnggard ond disheveled nnd I holding In one hand an ormy uu(o- j ' matic pistol. ' I Captain Raynolds look the weap- on awny frcm him without ony protest from Menard, nnd the two - prepared to await the arrival of-a ------ party under fil'^'^'f Adams from Glendale, j Broken Gasoline Gauge . IHalts Plan for Hop-Off [ SOUTHAMPTON. Aug, 23 (,?i-A I broken ga.iolinc gauge. diKovered ot I Ihc la.li moment, lale today ncct^nluil: led pofllponeinrnt of the hop-off of ICaplnIn Prank T: Courtiiey. Hrilbli j aviator who plans to fly to the Unlled fltalM by way ol Uic Aiorcs. Ciiplain Courtney and hts Iwo com- panions In thr projecled Illgbi hnd dunned their tlying aulbi and the air- I plane had been tilled wllli gosnllnel |\7hcn the broken gauge was dircovcred.l ,LLY fruitful season for EAF Ww~~' vre oiiyr>^v49Br WAKEVfti l -cwpn^o*.« f2 IN TWIN FALLS COUN DATT NING. AUGUST 24.1927— "liriiEn i cy18 BOD IES i IGOio .p n i! I _____ 1 1Remains ol Two Italian Radi- 1 ; cals May L ie , in State in = I; Principal'Cities .of, East if ; ' : Plan Meets Official Sanction. 1 I _____ 1 1 Illy Thr Aiioclaled I’res.ii n 1 I UOSrON, AUK, 23-A llinn In hnfp l , the bvdlcA of Nlcolu Sacco ond Uur- r . lolomeo Vutuclll lie In slnlc In n-iiuin- r I ber ul Uie principal clllcs ct lhe eiuM j; .wns leniutlvely outlined-today by thej c Sacco-VaiiMlti dctense commlttri-. It* - ii'oi iiimouiiri'd ihal Die first pbrr 'i'r I would be the commlllee hcadquaru•r.^| M |on Hniunrr street In Ure north rnd.'citlM [ | !ip.iton. The cummltlcc wos nol pre-l*^ I part'd lo-jiay .uluil Uie illiicrar.w_ttuuld . S be, Iln members gnve r.jJiifonnntlonijl J I n:i lo Iiuw ihi'y would ollc f^l lo obtnbi i IJN I I pcrml;jlun ol civil nuUiorillcs tnr ihelr j 11 :plnii. They had not yet tonmilaied' C piling lor Ihr tunerab. i j 1 Formal Claim for Bodies i Q f ^ A formal claim tor the bodies ut the; today ul the northern morlunry. whrre; V U'sy^w«r£jnke:t wllJi-Uittt of Celeslino I Madelror nfler the triple execution oil Ihc sl.ite prison enriy today, An (^uil Boston underiaker claimed Uie body ot ,, I Madelror on beliitlf of his mother nnd .Ulld that Mndclrut' luneral would be prc liild in En.1t Uo:ilon nt an imdeier- jwr mined date, jpj, Mrs, Olen’dower Evans, nssoclaled ihr •IConllnued on Pago Twoi l>r» r op jsm:M[niM[ H TDPIl(l«[iNJi!!i:EIIIs Sociotjr Promises to Expose v Conspiracy Which Sent Two api Men loDoalh;PlanMcmorlal, BOSTON. Aug. 23 M>)-A call tor a national confcrencc to be held , " ------ In -Nev-Yorfc-ncn-floturday-and—I Snnday to create a Socco-VanzetU iBague^ fof luiUcp'hi* bem Umed by orgoiiitaUon.^ who were nctlve . in the defcnoe ot'Nlcola Sacco and e . Bartolomeo VanieUl, f This decision wn.i reached at a * conference held by Uie Socco-Van- »ctU defense commlllee, the clU- fic A lens'nnUonnl commltlcc for Socco iS I* nnd Vomelll ond other bodies nfler 11' t ' the cxecuUon of the two men eoriy j >' today.. In.n sUUmeni.issued.to,- 1 . nlRht Uic obJecU of the notlonol 'j o conference were net forth i« tol- v lows; , To EsUbllsh Inngcrnee r " ’T o catnblUh innocence ot Sncco I ond VonKli^ to expaw the con- ! b 1,1 {Continued cn Page Two) ' ^ EARLY WORMS I , ^ ______ I ......... I. I-ll ' I . ■ ------S t®nr^rnmr ' - _ goo t des tui I ' ClOf ,,'C.ySy L 7 \ I" Kill. /T I wll “ wm? \ t ■» /y w b Por IfCT ffi V mn 1* I tin ; m r, br-nu Ke* Tort Tnnme, Z d& Uie I UNTY Cirtus Elephants Gel ; I’rivale Car at N,mrpa :>',\MP.a.- Aug. 23 “ (,P^-Whcn Bell 'u!.'.k^’r,lec, dLiirici rur/JlMri-' biiur :i,r the Oregon Shon_ Line 'iiiilrunii Vllh ofilcci In this city. «;i.s rnli'ii'j lo spot a car to be liMili'd ,rjtli eleplinnf: and caineb, 111- It olf hgliily us u Joke, - He v,i:. '.:tl,l tiut urdurs were or- d>r., ird he did ns lie wns told. n allll,:u>:li Hr ilecbird '.hnt he did nul Vn'ji' clciiliant.'. and taniels , f v.m- r.'.irrii: Ila- pliilili (il Ihli .v-ciK.n i-: 'llr country.' ' I. Ullcr, llr Irainrd lhal iiii '•ovri- land" ciicia ho.i bem \l>uinx;‘Uiall towns m lliu sectliin and that llir nnlmab nrr hrrdrd frum luuii to ■f lown. While on tlielr way lo Ihr . next slop lhe elephants nnd cam- els became Iooir*rc nml rrlUM-<1 m t proceed luriher, lleni'e tlir iir- ej ce.ullj ut rail trnii"piirlatloii. iDllEiK siitniwiEfli llj _____ I Crop Estimates Show Produc- ri—tion of-205 Per-Cent of 1926 “I Crop: Other States Hard Hit. lj - '— 5 HOISE, Aug. 2,3 (,?i-ldaho upplc P producers wllb an Indicated crop 205 - JX.T ccnl ol lhe IMS producllnn. are scheduled-lo havo.a good year, dnc-tn. 1 the wrloiis r<-duclloii«I npple croiu In pracile.illy nil eastern stoles nnd Eu-j roiif. .M. L, Dean, director of plant IndiiJiry, onnouneed lodoy. Cro(vi of eatlern stnle.i range from 37 lo 5J per ccnt of lii-M yeal's production, while . the fullrc Euic|>ean coniincnl .Miowta reduction ol M |«r ce'nl-ovcr a TttttI ago. Other Stale*' Proipecli Poor ! Washington, probably the largest ) apple producing slalc. has on indlcoi- cd producilcn of 92 per ccnl while ' New York's crop, usually Uie fcwond largest In Uie couniry.^ will be 55 per eenl of lost jw , OUier npple produc- _ Ing MniM have Indlcaied percenUge produclloni oi tollovvs: l>cniuyTvanla, 55 per ctni; Wcljlmn. 50 pw cent: VlrBlnln.’37 per-'«ni: Colorado, (Tl per cent: Uioh. A3, ptr cent: Oregon., 65 per eenl; Collfomla. « per ccnl. ond Moiilnna, 70 per ccnl. Seven-State Conference I F a c e s Im p a sse a t Denver 1 DENVER. AUK.. M .f,P).^The . 'scven-slole conlerence being held hcrc to allempt to Iron out dlf- ferencea regarding the Colorado river wos faced with nn lmpas.ie j lonlRlil. Cahtornia nnd Aririjna twth have prc.wnted ihelr views ! to Uie general conference and prca- , cnl appcnrences nrc lhal nelUier j proposal is sallsfaciory to the I olher. I Oovcmor C. C YounR of Cali- fornia today prtwnled whal he termed the "in.il word" of Uwt slalc I.T on ailempi lo compromise wllh Arirona. Repre.wnloilves of- Arizona did nol reply to Uie Coll- fomla UlUmatum, pleading they •needed more time to Mudy the pro- poMil and lo draft a reply.. lICAlfiOROF W fills Italian Minister of Foreign Al- - fairs of Giolotts Cabinet Ad- dresses Instiliilc of Poliiics. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mivsa,. Aur, 23 (,?) —Tlie Vatican's virtual nccepinncc ot the league ol naiioiis ai on ln.itrument through whlch-lniertiailciml pence and good will moy !>••' bnmght obout was described a» o i>o*rritil imjietus lo the cause of .peace by Counl Carlo Sforsa. lullon rolnisur ot lorHgn atfnirs It) the OioIolU cabinet. In an nddrcM be- fore the Inatllute of PolltlM tonight. -N o recent aeiiou, hn said, lias.Uuo-in such weight mtci llie balancc for i>e.uc ns Uie speeches of the two papal nun- cios cn the first dny of this yenr prnLi- ln« Prance and Oermany tor ihelr w-ork in Uie furUierance of pcace and ex- cxpreasiiig the desire of the holy r.ee to collabomte In that direction. In seeking lhe rriu.()iui which prompt- ed the Vatican to .'how ncllvc sympathy wiUi Uio work nt Geneva, atlcr with- holding lu apjiruballon for six years. Counl Sfonft said: "During tlw c f.ix yean Genevo hn.ii lived, which l.i o Breni deal for Uie votlcon. and whnl Is still more, with the entry of Oermnny it has grown. Tlie Homan rhurch already haa ihewn herself aware, even before the oratorical manlteaiallons-ln Berlin aud Paris, Uut the dllicrenl nniional'sms rooking European life so dittlculi might end by becoming o (longer to the edu- cation of those nev grncmilons which, nol having seen the war, hove Uie km- preaslon Uiat it was a glorious adven- ture in which Uiere »iO» everything to gain for one's country ood self." - —R«iie'»-dmd-cf-«rne*ir*appettrinc type of caihoUciam also hod lu iufluence lo Ute decision in favor, of Uie Oenera otraosphere, accordinc to the stittsmin, EW-S= ----------- PRICE D C E N T S r - iPimiFLftlESLEi' iif i i i Oil- SE iCI FillfllOiS Air Craft stationed in Hawaiian Islands Despatched to Scan Slopes ol Mauna Kea and Probe Rcports“ of“ Slgnalsr~ (Uy Tlie As.wlaltd Preii) SAN KRANCISCU, Cal., Aiu;. 2 3 - Phaiitom lliires and Imiir-; urcw the tlloru ot Uir Unii«l Sintei nrmy ond niivy furlhiT over the I’.ulllc ocean tcday In search Inr the six mrn ond une womnn, losl In cuniirction with tbe > S3S.OOO DoJr air rare, "I While icveii destroyers were deployed ) along ;:i miles acrais the Rreat cirele |stenmi.-r lane between Ban Francisco (md UawalLond.tlii.' nlrplonc carriers. .. Langley nnd the olr crall lender Aroo- stook senl out to sen nnd land planes to scout nn 80-mlle patch ot sea, nrmy nir crall stationed In the Hnwallon Lslonds wrre despatched lo scorch Uie rlujies of Mouim Krn, on the'island of ' Hawaii, Several pi-rsons reiwrted Itav- g ing seen a green Ilnre rise nnd die out aboufwrnneentpTmthrTtiinrtdiTioun'T" ^ tuliislde Sunday nlglit, i>lane> Will Hearch Island - MoJur~Ocnrml-Edword-M—Ltida.___ c licorliiK the reporls, ordered three of (5 the anny's Dc llnvlland nlriiloncs lo - .„ I leave Lukr field. Honolulu, lodoy nnd I M-arch ovcr the Liland ot Hawaii, uslnf. ” the Hnle Mnu Mnu Inndlng field. Ho* " wall, as Ihclr base. Tliey nro cxpectcd ' I-! tl return lo Luke field lomorrow, '' • TllC green flare on Uie mounUiliKlde “ waa regordi'd as on encouraging note. •*' Aficr nscerlolnlng thnt no camping lc parties would be In the vicinity where » the m re was seen. Captain E. R. Block. KI commander of Uie Kllouca mlliUtry camp. Informed Major Oencral Lewis Oi the llghla, 11 was deemed possible lhal one ot tho Dole plonea might have M swung souUi of lu counc and. ynawarc I- I-. had readied the Hawaiian cluln of le lhe Islonds, craslied ogainsi Mouna ,d Keo. the lotUcst peak in tho islands. ^r i:.000 feet high. :• Injured tir marooned on a crag, the IHers^'Jld only call help wllh U«tr a, flnrea, ' , ' nc*jdenua»llUoali4i»p6rtAVcln« Cf the flire, a green light Ihnt rose from 35 Uie niountahulde, glimmered and Uien id died in about 20 seconds. BISlflBr Development of New Method of Treatment of Ore Is Still In Infancy but Pays Dividends. SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 23 {/Tl- Minlng thr world ovcr has rcccivcd incalculable bcnctlts by lhe devclop- meiii ot Ule art' ot flotaUon. WorUi*' less ore dcposlu have been converted Into enormous bonanias. Mllllotts have' been paid In dividends. Great armKs of men receive employment, all Uirough •• the agency of flolotlon. while the de-' velopment ot Uils method of treatment la still In lu Infancy. Tills W0.1 the gbt of lodoy's db- 3 cu.islon at the sessions of the Amcrlcon laiiltutc of Mlnlilg ond Metallurgical cnglnccis regional conlerence. In con- junction with Utc annual mecUng ot the westcm dlvblon of Uie American Mining congre.i*. J. O. Ellon, man- ager of the Intemationai Smolting company nt the momlng sciiion and i Galen II. Clc\enger. Doiton consulting * mctallurjlii,- presided In the after- ). Iinpre«tlrr Array of FaeU . Speakers produced an impressive nrmy of focU ond slollstics to illus- [>, Irate how. wlUi the dwindling re- }t serves ot direct smelting ores, the )i mining and smelling industry liaa been id saved. In tho iniermounioin territoiy, IS from ruin, by flauilon. le Valuotle ^UcuMlons nf a technical n. iiaiiirr tegnrdlng the problem.^ ari.iin{ ,r) In the tietd of pyromclnllurgy. frora ?- Ihr nrccMUy of smelUng an In- crciv.ed amount ot conccntratea. were n runirll;ule.i-by -W.-R.-Eardley,- axstst-— •e nnl niftnager ot the United Statca !• Smeltlnj;. Itellnlng nnd Mlnlrur. com- »■ p,iny; Illclmrd A. Woaslnlf, assUtant .monar.er ot the American SmelUos '• ntid Rcllnlng company ond A. D. Young or the Intermountaln Smeltlnj , company-. = Loi • Angeles wa.i selccicd as tha 5933 rcnvcnUon clly. *' FLIER IIAS NARROW ESCAPE , S.UJTA MONICA. Cal, Aug. 23 (ff)' ^ thousand feet above Clover ' k field hcrc Uie plane of Al Wilson, " slunl filer, burst Into flames today*. By skillful maneuvcrlnj ond a “Ughl ^ aplrol" he brought his plane to earth H a lou l wTtck. Uiough unscaUied h in - IS ________________ I! KIWANIS CLUD ELECTS OFFICEBS . SPOKANE. Aug. 33 (#)-A rthur h. MarUn of Ooetir d'Alene'. Idaho, wU" elected lieutenant coveroor ot tlis 0 Pacific northwert dbtrict of KlwtnU at the eJn«in/ eessioh ef the tenth u - c nual-Mnv«nUoo-«^-lh«-«iSvUtaUoa— 1 here today. A. H. H. Slretion ol 8j»- ,f kane wai elected dbtitet- gotoraor. 0 AboVeen. Waihington. vm elected as . : U>e itse tanrectlon d t;.'

Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

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Page 1: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

3 t 1 e- VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r


ClIiPGlflCrowds Gather to Protest' Exe­

cution ol Sacco and Vanzet- “ ti; 300 Police and Detectives

Guard United States Embassy

<Dy Tlip Av.0C'laIC(l I’fCMi GENEVA, Auk. a - A heavy ihuii-

k tltrslorm nnd tlrvhchlni; rain tthlcli MurtMl some llmc nller 0 o'clock: to* nlghl led to th f dli[>cnml nl Icu l tciiiiwrurlly of ii lurgc crowd oubld'- ot Ihc Amurlcnn cuni;ulaic cnllKTCd In {ifoiwt iicalrust llw Sncco-Vnnr-tJl cx- f

■ tcuilons. Most ,of Uic members ol itif I , mot) Jltd Into doorwnys for Mii'Ucr. L

.. .1 .... . - j r h o biilldliiti In whlcli the Airicrlcnii tonsulale L? sliimtcd was cainiilclclj- oeciijilcd tonlKhl Ijy i.omc 3M pollec nnd dctccllVM, BcKliinlnR Intc t)il:, nfiernoon the police tnnilc tliclr hend- (limricra ol the Mock cxclmngc on the Kroiind floor. I'lrcnicn niiaclitd two _

. hofc llnca lo a hydrani In Iront of the r- IwllillnR.

■.................... I.lnwlvconKTcsnlcd, «omc rcnl mnnlJejlnntn,M Hcll 03 mnny curloiu byslnndrt*—

UloKn Try to Force Ilnr*Suddenly lhe Icndlm; Holers bcgnn

nn allcinpt lo force the police llm-s.| shotiling Imprccntlons agalnsl llic C United Slati'.s. A pollec eaplnlii calUil oi upon tliem to dl-'pcrse. 'Hic cliallrn^e ni wns rcfu.wd. whereupon lhe pollcc K charRcd nnd ftrreslccl nboul n dozen fl persons. • At tlic ramc time the firc- If men lurncd strcain.i of 'wnler on llic mob nnd caused ll lo (nil back bul nnt tl 10 dbpcrsc. Ji

In llic mcanllme dcicctlves. by llonlng prLioncrs. koi the names ot “ jome of iMl niKlil'fl rlol lenders nnd. " mlnslInK w lilr lhe mob. picked up “ -■iome men whose nnmcs had been men- ‘ ' iloncti, Tticso were hnndcufJed Imme- dliitely and led lo the coiunUlc build- , Inn whleh vlriunUy hnd been trattsfcr- j | red Inlo pollec hcadauarters. ,

The consulftte wn* closed thU nfier- “ noon a i a precautionary measure when Hiwh II, \Vll!vbn, American mlnbler to

-• ' fltrltterlanil.-who Is-hef« loMlie In'^ r-i natlonftl imnsli confcrence nnd 6 . " f Pinkney Tuek. Amcrlcon comuL nsrccd ,

lhat ll would be _ ^ fn lr’ lo _n»k em-(Ogntinued on Tnse T 'O) "1

BFFifirBOD! »

flPLlLfiirAuthorities Seek HarryHill,22,

in Connection With Death of His- Mother in Windy City.

CHICAOO. AU([. 23 i,? |-T he move- menu ot llnrry HIU, 22. sourIU follow- ln« the dlNCovery of hU mother's body nt Sirealor. Illinois, today, were traced to lhe home of n Chlcnito friend where l'» spenl lasl nl«ht. lie dropped Irom sIkIiI after lellliiK the Irli-nd, William Bryctgcs, hc was koIiik to n barbi-r (Jiop.

Mrs. Mary Ann Hill's body woji lound burled under the brick floor of ilie basement of her home by her csimnKcd R liiitbnnd, Dr. U. C. Hill, wi-nllhy oculist of Sireator, nnd n pahy ct -ottlceri. u She had lasl been seen three weeks a«o.

Klllnl by Kullel In llrain I An ftulopv revculcd ihnt ibe woman, [

who was 55 years old, hnd been »hot, a pistol bullet picrcini; her bmln. An ^ Inquest will bc held tomorrow.

1 ChlcaKO police followliiR the trail ol Qlyouns m il alter,hc lell Sircaior yesler-

■-------•jianiiominR m ina-thnt-hc droi'c hcrc;vlilled Ills lormer cmploycr and spent . lost nlghl wllh llrydRcs: Drydftes wld hr hnd known the Hills In Sirealor.•The absence of Hr*. Hill did not cx-

cllc her nelshbors, aa she was »ome- whnt of a recluse. L u l nlghl her hus­band went lo Uic home wllli a Iricnd dli and during a tearcli ot Ihe bou>.e no- no tlced the dltlurbed condition of llic iw basement tloor. He notified ibe pollcl- JU and they found llie body. Tlie nuthorl- nu tirs then MURhl lo quMit^n the son. llo who had been seen a t me hnunc since ng the mother dlsoppcnred. He could not In be found. co:

COST OF MASSKS IIOUIU.K ne. MADRID, AUR, n (,?,-Keeltns Hint dr

the high cost of llvim; nttecl.t the ih< • clerey os well u tha Iniiy, the bWiop w of Madrid ha« nuthonied n doubling »r of llie cost of mawcs. Hr s.iy«. bow- « i ever, that should parishioners bc re- lucuint to mcel the Incrra.»e, priesU should Rive ground rather llian pro- voke confllela wlUi Uiclr Hocks,


rebuilt Dc Havlland nlrplanw now be- " ing UMd In the air nu ll ser^’lce were , ' offered for sale today by PostmMler "" General New because he will have no use for Uicm In a week or lo nller the

--------- U tt-K Ovtm m cnt-openit«d_ftlr_inall Vrcule thal, bclttwn New York and ®’' ChlMRO. Is turned over to a private ccntractor. ^


— _____ KkanigiKvns were killM HnHng im >n . go:^ counter wllh a detachment of nmrines

v Augwl ID. the navy depanment was »dvL«d today. The marinea. under an command of First Serjeant Bruce, suf- an fered no cuuiltle*. cci

T ffi

S - T -W J: ' ,\ssoL'iATi:r> i'HKs-- , . .

5 Airplane Drmie Turns. On B attery of LiRhts

1 1 1 p m s D O n a i i . I’u.. auk. u m -TllC noisy hum of- un airplane,

11 a thousand feet In the uir, to- Ifi night closed the-.swuch that U lighted n bant; of flood lights nt " Bcllla Ilcld, MeKec!i»Drt. in the

tln>t demonstration ol ihe sound- sensitive nutomallc lUlulnR ngcncy

'0. developed by T. S|)ooncr, reseurch engineer of Uic WrjiinKliouse Elrt-

i l . trie company.Merle Northrup, pilot nllached

lo Bcllbi field, comjilelcd the ex- lierimcnl by bringing the plane lo llltf ground In llic glare iiI powcr-

Sy - ful light* lum ed un by ihr sieady throb of the .ship's niolurs.

Tlie dcvlce. In rlloci, u«'s lbr drone of the a'lriilnnu lo eonlrol

in- elcctric enency. From u Uny cur- ;ch rcnl a t first, this conirolled energy 10- Ll Increased In |wwit by ijmpllty- u t ers until- ll la Mrong enough lo Idl- throw n good sized lighting switch.


r m i 81 Pl d-hc --------

EJ Famous Trans-Atlantic Flier ,iv - Dedicates New Airnort in Na- — tivc-State; Thousands Cheer.jiann .\ ST. PAUL. Aug, 23 i>Pi-Coloncl he Clmries A, Lindbergh, airman extra- , hI ordltury. lodoy cnnie home to Mln* 50 ncsoLi. the sU le which hi- lell ft scant , cc !0 years ago to become nn uiiLMandlng ' cn figure In lhe world ol nviailon anil , c- inicmattonal.tio<xl will,, he Touching home soli fnr the flnl int Umc slncc hts specuculur New Yorl:

tu Pnrls Iilght of three montlis ogo. I Colouei Undbergh lantltd In the early

- t aflernoon nt Wold-Chmiiberiiln Ilcld, ' lrt Mlnncapollj, nnd then jiroceeded by

nutomoblle lo dedlcuie the new Sl,' Paul airport.

AtcUimtd by Thouuml.,1 Driven swiftly over a 30-mlIe ccurse , “ ■ from the Minneapolis flying field.

Uirough lhe mill clly. thence through: ... downtown St. Paul, the young Mln*,

nesolan was Bcci&Imcd by Uiousands. I ,n Mrs. E\'nngellne Undbergh, the col- j

oncl's ipoUier. rode-In Uie parade; r ’ Ihrou^i tlie two“ c!UeTbui-djd noi 6e- >

cupy liie m ie car.. Bh« Joined, him » t ', , his hotel loier and ptvudly Ml beside I

him a t a clvle banfjuel lonljht. "LImly" will rest tomorrow preparatory I- lo vlMtlng Llllle Palli, his old home. Thursday.

Memorial Services for II Lafe Rudolph ValentinoII ' HOLLYWOOD. Atljl. !3

prcislvc memorial sen-iees were rcndueted nt Uie Bles.%ed Sacra-

) menl church here today tor Ru- .’ dolph Valentino, scrcen idol who

.1 died Jusl a yenr.ngo. Solemn high reouiem nin.u was aald by three

y vlililng Italian clcrRymen. FaUiers . aalll. Towelll nrid PillolL

n ie churcli was. fairly w;cll filled with iiersons prominent tn the pic­

s ' lurp colony. a.i well A nmny who K* hold no exalted poeltlon In Uic

film world.. Few piclurc slam were ^ present, bul oil were represented In

Uic wealth of llowers senl to the _ Hollywood ecmctery. where Uur ^ Ilim lover's body lies In n mauso-

Icuni crypt.

iDISTRimilTORiHiSMBLELEnEI,n ^ _____

■i Communication by Julian Com- pany Olllcial MafPave Way'

“ to Recovery ol Many Millions.(-1- LOS ANOELES, Aug, 23 M l-T lie id (llstrlci attnrney's olflce today on- 3- nouneed discovery of a leller wTltlen le two yenrs ngo by an official of Uio

Jlillan Petroleum corporaUon which 1- may pave the way for recovery ot itill- n. Uons of dollars through civil suits :c ngainst pool lenders who parUclpated 3t in the allempted rcflnancin* df the

corporation'prior to ita.ea[Iapsc,-- - T h e lctter.-Kigned -by C. T. Conroy.

secretory of the company, and od- il dressed to a focni bank, uubllshcd 1C the fact lhal J, O. Bennett, now being ip sought on felony indlctmenta. wo.i a Ig financial rcprcscnUUvo of Uie oil eon-

ctm . Civil suits Oitainsl Uicse iendew. mony ct whom hnvo been Indlcled for

U usury- and more serious cliarscai have been held up becouse Dennett, who wa-t on ojsocinle of E. 0 . Lewis, in­dicted president of Uie corporaUon, cculd not be found and deflnlle con-

. . necllon between lender and corpomUon fJUbllsllfd.

„ UtMrlci altomeyg InveaUgotors u ld the letter would make UiU connccilon 03 a basis for civil suiu totolini op-

' proxlmotely »00.000.000 and probobly ,, would result in virtual obondonmcnt

ol-lhe naUon-wld#-*earch.for-B«in*«. -

" .\GIIEEMENT8 HEACnCODOISB. Aug. 23 ypj-OooperaUi-e

agreements on the rtsuloUon ot inter- ■g ttote iralllc between Idoho and Ore- V gon on Uie Old Oregon T aU hijhwaj a w w m iim iw l- to d o jr - iiv -p o y e u ^ y - u rred W. Lukens. te c re tu r of lUte, er ond commissioner of Uw enforcement, f . ond T, J. Rofterty. ehieT tralflc otti-

ccr of Orcjon.



CDOLiFilPJR iim FIMIl i i m i p iGrandeur of America’s Wond­

erland Surrounds Nation's Chief Executive; Long Round of Applause Greets Party.

iDy The A.vioclaled rrcs.ii YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK,

Auk. 23—Tiie gmndcur ot thib wun- deriand ol Amcrlc:i surrounJu: Pn-M- dent Coolldge tonkbt as i,u t-tiled down in the plciurt-sque Old rniiiitul inn rtlier a M mile drlvr uilo the

nt a n^loii ol ui\,ullkil ri^turv. Hh arrival nl the Imi with .Mr>. c

Coolldge nnd Ihclr son Julm wi>s the r signal for a long rounij_ dl npiiUu.i. iis .they 'prbccedeiPniruuiiir Uil- pine / rallered lobby and again n.i llic presi-. ^

, dent set out nfter lunch on n Ilsliing g expedition nearby. i

Chief I'pirla i'retram j fn going lo Flic HoU' creek Ior a!

few hours ot nngllni: Mr. Coolldgi-• aguln upsel Uic .cardulli'.pniJiirciLuttt^

l ^ J i l ^ ' l ' ^ M n CMhdKe^in^ -■ I upheld Ihls end ol iiie iitncmry. i I The pre.ildeni did nol |.ui on i l i r .

I high rubber boob hr \M-nrs when:' fishing hi the Ulack HllK Hc u<irr i r '' dnrk gn-y buslnr.i sull and IHl lial.' ' j l l . M, Albright, suj>erimendrm ri ihi-'' pnrk. curried the IWilm; Ucklc and 'I went lo the creek wllh. him. Mr.' CoolldHc had been lold tlmi belter; ■ (Continued on Page Tivoi |

DiiTtPllili ri■,iM §SD iS[Tj’ O o v cro o r BatdridR:c, A dd iaonT . | - i] S m ith o f T w in F a lls and R . B. I ' I S h e p h e rd o f J e ro m e to S p e a k . |

’ i S0I8E, Aug.'33 bP>-Formitl ded- r,;__lcailQn_of the American Palls dam■ I ahd reservw-'co'piible ofliiipound- l . inir 1.700,OM ocrt fm 'V it watc.-.‘ I will bc celcbmWd al Aanrlcan i. Foils WedncMlay.'September 38. \'*• Ihc SlatKrnan wns lnfornie<l today i f. by apcclal correspondence, j ,

Oovcmor H. C. Ooldrldge luui 11promi.sed lo tpeok ond Senator >

' William E, Borah will bc Invllcd JI lo deliver on address. Other s|>cak- | bi

I er* to be invited Include Represcn- i iltatlvc M. M.'Crompton ot Mlehl- lc<iianrchalrm nn o f the house coin- ' cmliu-e on rcclomollon. Congres-i- ja 'mnn AddLwn T. Smllh ot Twin fli Falls, R. E, Shepherd. Jerome.

* president of the Idnho stole cliam- p; ber ot commercc. ond F. A. Dank i, di Unlled States reclamallon service i pl engineer nnd builder ot lhe dom. |\r


\ u : i i I I / ■

I / ^ / i f ,



[] “Choose” Is Added " ‘To Famous-Wordsju \\><8mN0T0N. .Mis, 'ii 18 W ien I'rMldciil Cotlidgr announced

i lu i hc did nol clioou' in slaiid

K nijaln tor the pn^ildcncy. and .icnt f the counlry to the dlcuonory to ^ Sludy dcllnlllon-. f.t the word I "cho34o.“ ho joimd the rank of presidents who lui'i- msdr wordji famous,

tl- l‘re.'.ldeiit Hnrdliii: gave prcsllge lo F "normalcy": Prra!il<Til Wilwn inndc

, S "u.at:|ilul wolttnK" till a new place In the language; lll)a^evell giive

irj hi.MlnB \-oguc Ito ."'irenuuu-s" nnd i oliicd the Icrm "luiurc faker.v" *

y nml Grover Cl0''eUiiil wn.» resiwml-. •• ble for "innocuou:: rtr.'.uciude," ;

In some liwtuiico presldentlnl ' u.’jigc has merely «iilov,cd on ordl- | nary . v.ord wltii nnv jiKnitlcance. i

K. but iiomo words ihui. iwpubrtzrd < 11- ha'.c become lhe knnoies of party I! ll- iiluKniis, llko Hnnliiin'» "Unck lo nor- ■' ed iinilcy." Wilson's 'T»x( proud lo b ul IlKhl" and Roolcvrli'.- "Sprak soflly • " lie ind Larry - • n il _________1 =

J . ^ = = ! ;" Shell-Shocked V eteran ■! Z Of W orld W ar W anders ;E « 65 Miles Into D esert ili

1 ------- : PI A rm y F lio r F inds E x -S o ld ie r ,

u: C u t a n d B ruiiicd W ilh P is to l ifl H n n d , F u r From H om e.

l>H0ENIX..Arl?.. Aug. 23 ( ,? ) - l<AilrTd Z.-^tennrU.-'klicll.ihockcd v tl

I war veleran. whu waniiered Inlo NIhr desert to "li;;<' blmselt" om: ll

' ‘L. ’ ci-k ngo. W0.1 tound loday, hug- 15: Kiird. cul nnd bni:srd, le.inlng i \

''• ; ngiilnsi n mes<iuit(.' buih with u .npwul In his liond. « mlle,i wwi ol ii

"I Glciulale. AViz., by Cciilnln C, O, ir If- Rcyonlds. Kelly FlrM. Tex.is, nrmy« fllrr, . -

I Captain flcynold> siwtted Mcn- !• .ird fro mlhe nir ns he cl[fled over _

•>, th r dejerl looking tor Ihc wun- j C d'.-rrr,-. . ' ' , ‘ ' ‘ • i j

I The nrmy flier liiimrdlilcly camc '[

T' down and made a rsle landing on {! till- rough desert. A.i he i>lcp|K-d i I frcm the cockpit ot his heavy i . transport plone he faced Menard,

- I snggiiiif a jainal th t mcsqulte bush, g r . I - weary, hnggard ond disheveled nnd

I holding In one hand an ormy uu(o- j ' matic pistol.' I Captain Raynolds look the weap­

on awny frcm him without ony protest from Menard, nnd the two

- prepared to await the arrival o f-a ------party under fil'^'^'f Adams from Glendale,

j B roken Gasoline Gauge . I H alts P lan for Hop-Off[ SOUTHAMPTON. Aug, 23 (,?i-A I broken ga.iolinc gauge. diKovered ot I Ihc la.li moment, lale today ncct^nluil: led pofllponeinrnt of the hop-off of ICaplnIn Prank T: Courtiiey. Hrilbli j aviator who plans to fly to the Unlled fltalM by way ol Uic Aiorcs.

Ciiplain Courtney and hts Iwo com­panions In th r projecled Illgbi hnd dunned their tlying aulbi and the air-

I plane had been tilled wllli gosnllnel |\7hcn the broken gauge was dircovcred.l

,LLY fruitful season for EAF

W w ~ ~ ' vre o iiy r> ^ v 4 9 B rWAKEVfti l

- c w p n ^ o * .«


D A T TN I N G . A U G U S T 24.1927—

" l i r i i E n i cy 18 BODIES i IGO io .p n i!I ■ • • _____ 1

1 R e m a in s o l T w o I ta l ian R a d i- 1

; c a ls M ay L ie , in S t a te in =

I ; P r in c ip a l 'C i t ie s .o f , E a s t if ;

' : P lan M e e ts O ffic ia l S a n c tio n .1 I _____ 1

1 Illy Thr Aiioclaled I’res.ii n1 I UOSrON, AUK, 23-A llinn In hnfp l, the bvdlcA of Nlcolu Sacco ond Uur- r. lolomeo Vutuclll lie In slnlc In n-iiuin- rI ber ul Uie principal clllcs ct lhe eiuM j; ■ .wns leniutlvely outlined-today by thej c

Sacco-VaiiMlti dctense commlttri-. It*- ii'oi iiimouiiri'd ihal Die first p b r r 'i 'r

“ I would be the commlllee hcadquaru•r.^| M |on Hniunrr street In Ure north rnd.'citlM

[ | !ip.iton. The cummltlcc wos nol p re - l* ^ I part'd lo-jiay .uluil Uie illiicrar.w_ttuuld .

S be, Iln members gnve r .jJiifonnntlon ijl J I n:i lo Iiuw ihi'y would o llc f^ l lo obtnbi i IJNI I pcrml;jlun ol civil nuUiorillcs tnr ihelr j 11

:plnii. They had not yet tonmilaied'C piling lor Ihr tunerab. ij 1 Formal Claim for Bodies i Qf^ A formal claim tor the bodies ut the;

today ul the northern morlunry. whrre;V U'sy^w«r£jnke:t wllJi-Uittt of Celeslino I

Madelror nfler the triple execution oil Ihc sl.ite prison enriy today, An (^uil Boston underiaker claimed Uie body ot ,,

I Madelror on beliitlf of his mother nnd .Ulld that Mndclrut' luneral would be prc liild in En.1t Uo:ilon nt an imdeier- jwr mined date, jpj,

Mrs, Olen’dower Evans, nssoclaled ihr • IConllnued on Pago Twoi l>r»

— rop

jsm:M[niM[ H TDPIl(l«[iNJi!!i:EIIIs

S o c io tjr P ro m ise s to E x p o se v C o n sp ira c y W hich S e n t T w o api M e n lo D o a lh ;P l a n M c m o r la l ,

BOSTON. Aug. 23 M>)-A call tor a national confcrencc to be held , "

------ In -Nev-Yorfc-ncn-floturday-and—ISnnday to create a Socco-VanzetU iBague fof luiUcp'hi* bem Umed ” by orgoiiitaUon.^ who were nctlve . in the defcnoe ot'Nlcola Sacco and

e . Bartolomeo VanieUl, f This decision wn.i reached a t a* conference held by Uie Socco-Van-

»ctU defense commlllee, the clU- ficA lens'nnUonnl commltlcc for Socco i SI* nnd Vomelll ond other bodies nfler 11' t■' the cxecuUon of the two men eoriy j>' today.. In .n sUUmeni.issued.to,- 1 . “ nlRht Uic obJecU of the notlonol ' j o conference were net forth i« tol- v

lows; , To EsUbllsh Inngcrnee r

" ’T o catnblUh innocence ot Sncco • I• ond V onKli^ to expaw the con- ! b 1,1 {Continued cn Page Two) ' ^

EARLY WORMS I ,^ ______ I......... I. I-ll ' I . ■ ------S

t ® n r ^ r n m r ' - ■ _ goot des

“ tu i

I' ClOf

,,'C.ySy L 7 \ • I" Kill. / T I wll“ wm? \

t ■»/ y

w b • Por

I f C Tf f i

V m n1* I tin

; m r , b r - n u Ke* T ort Tnnme, Zd& Uie



■ Cirtus Elephants Gel ; I’rivale Car a t N,mrpa

:>',\MP.a.- Aug. 23 “ (,P^-Whcn Bell 'u!.'.k ’r,lec, dLiirici rur/JlMri-' biiur :i,r the Oregon Shon_ Line

'iiiilrunii Vllh ofilcci In this city. «;i.s rnli'ii'j lo spot a car to be liMili'd ,rjtli eleplinnf: and caineb,111- It olf hgliily us u Joke,

- He v,i:. '.:tl,l tiu t urdurs were or- d>r., ird he did ns lie wns told.

n allll,:u>:li Hr ilecbird '.hnt he did nul Vn'ji' clciiliant.'. and taniels ,

f v.m- r.'.irrii: Ila- pliilili (il Ih li .v-ciK.n i-: 'llr country.' '

I. Ullcr, llr Irainrd lhal iiii '•ovri- land" ciicia ho.i bem \l>uinx;‘Uiall towns m lliu sectliin and that llir nnlmab nrr hrrdrd frum luuii to

■f lown. While on tlielr way lo Ihr . next slop lhe elephants nnd cam­

els became Iooir*rc nml rrlUM-<1 m ■t proceed luriher, lleni'e tlir iir- e j ce.ullj ut rail trnii"piirlatloii.

iD l lE iKsiitniwiEflillj _____

I Crop Estimates Show Produc- ri—tion of-205 Per-Cent of 1926 “ I Crop: Other States Hard Hit. l j - '—5 HOISE, Aug. 2,3 (,?i-ldaho upplc P producers wllb an Indicated crop 205- JX.T ccnl ol lhe IMS producllnn. are

scheduled-lo havo.a good year, dnc-tn.1 the wrloiis r<-duclloii«I npple croiu In

pracile.illy nil eastern stoles nnd Eu-j roiif. .M. L, Dean, director of plant IndiiJiry, onnouneed lodoy. Cro(vi of eatlern stnle.i range from 37 lo 5J per ccnt of lii-M yeal's production, while

. the fullrc Euic|>ean coniincnl .Miowta reduction ol M |« r ce'nl-ovcr a TttttI ago.

Other Stale*' Proipecli Poor ! Washington, probably the largest ) apple producing slalc. has on indlcoi-

cd producilcn of 92 per ccnl while ' New York's crop, usually Uie fcwond

largest In Uie couniry.^ will be 55 per eenl of lost j w , OUier npple produc-

_ Ing MniM have Indlcaied percenUge produclloni oi tollovvs: l>cniuyTvanla, 55 per ctn i; Wcljlmn. 50 pw cent: VlrBlnln.’37 per-'«ni: Colorado, (Tl per cent: Uioh. A3, p tr cent: Oregon., 65 per eenl; Collfomla. « per ccnl. ond Moiilnna, 70 per ccnl.

S e v e n - S t a t e C o n f e r e n c e I F a c e s I m p a s s e a t D e n v e r

1 ■ DENVER. AUK.. M .f,P).^The . 'scven-slole conlerence being held hcrc to allempt to Iron out dlf- ferencea regarding the Colorado river wos faced with nn lmpas.ie

j lonlRlil. Cahtornia nnd Aririjna twth have prc.wnted ihelr views

! to Uie general conference and prca- , cnl appcnrences nrc lhal nelUier j proposal is sallsfaciory to the I olher. ’I Oovcmor C. C YounR of Cali­

fornia today prtwnled whal he termed the "in.il word" of Uwt slalc I.T on ailempi lo compromise wllh Arirona. Repre.wnloilves of- Arizona did nol reply to Uie Coll- fomla UlUmatum, pleading they

•needed more time to Mudy the pro- poMil and lo draft a reply..

lICAlfiOROF W f i l l s

Italian Minister of Foreign Al- - fairs of Giolotts Cabinet Ad­

dresses Instiliilc of Poliiics.

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mivsa,. Aur, 23 (,?) —Tlie Vatican's virtual nccepinncc ot the league ol naiioiis a i on ln.itrument through whlch-lniertiailciml pence and good will moy !>••' bnmght obout was described a» o i>o*rritil imjietus lo the cause of .peace by Counl Carlo Sforsa. lu llon rolnisur ot lorHgn atfnirs It) the OioIolU cabinet. In an nddrcM be­fore the Inatllute of PolltlM tonight. - N o recent aeiiou, hn said, lias.Uuo-in such weight mtci llie balancc for i>e.uc ns Uie speeches of the two papal nun­cios cn the first dny of this yenr prnLi- ln« Prance and Oermany tor ihelr w-ork in Uie furUierance of pcace and ex- cxpreasiiig the desire of the holy r.ee to collabomte In that direction.

In seeking lhe rriu.()iui which prompt­ed the Vatican to .'how ncllvc sympathy wiUi Uio work nt Geneva, atlcr with­holding lu apjiruballon for six years. Counl Sfonft said:

"During tlw c f.ix yean Genevo hn.ii lived, which l.i o Breni deal for Uie votlcon. and whnl Is still more, with the entry of Oermnny it has grown.

T lie Homan rhurch already haa ihewn herself aware, even before the oratorical manlteaiallons-ln Berlin aud Paris, U u t the dllicrenl nniional'sms rooking European life so dittlculi might end by becoming o (longer to the edu­cation of those nev grncmilons which, nol having seen the war, hove Uie km- preaslon Uiat it was a glorious adven­ture in which Uiere »iO» everything to gain for one's country ood self."

- —R«iie'»-dm d-cf-«rne*ir*appettrinc type of caihoUciam also hod lu iufluence lo Ute decision in favor, of Uie Oenera otraosphere, accordinc to the s tittsm in ,

E W - S =----------- PRICE D C E N T S r-

iPimiFLftlESLEi' i i f i i i Oil- SEiCI FillfllOiSAir Craft stationed in Hawaiian

Islands Despatched to Scan Slopes ol Mauna Kea and Probe Rcports“ of“ Slgnalsr~

(Uy Tlie As.wlaltd Preii)SAN KRANCISCU, Cal., Aiu;. 2 3 -

Phaiitom lliires and Imiir-; urcw the tllo ru ot Uir Unii«l Sintei nrmy ond niivy furlhiT over the I’.ulllc ocean tcday In search Inr the six mrn ond une womnn, losl In cuniirction with tbe

> S3S.OOO DoJr air rare,"I While icveii destroyers were deployed ) along ;:i miles acrais the Rreat cirele

|stenmi.-r lane between Ban Francisco (md UawalLond.tlii.' nlrplonc carriers. .. Langley nnd the olr crall lender Aroo­stook senl out to sen nnd land planes to scout nn 80-mlle patch ot sea, nrmy nir crall stationed In the Hnwallon Lslonds wrre despatched lo scorch Uie rlujies of Mouim Krn, on the'island of ' Hawaii, Several pi-rsons reiwrted Itav-

g ing seen a green Ilnre rise nnd die out aboufw rnneentpTmthrTtiinrtdiTioun'T"

tuliislde Sunday nlglit,i>lane> Will Hearch Island

- MoJur~Ocnrml-Edword-M—Ltida.___c licorliiK the reporls, ordered three of (5 the anny's Dc llnvlland nlriiloncs lo - .„ I leave Lukr field. Honolulu, lodoy nnd

I M-arch ovcr the Liland ot Hawaii, uslnf.” the Hnle Mnu Mnu Inndlng field. Ho*" wall, as Ihclr base. Tliey nro cxpectcd 'I-! t l return lo Luke field lomorrow,' ' • TllC green flare on Uie mounUiliKlde “ waa regordi'd as on encouraging note.•*' Aficr nscerlolnlng thnt no camping lc parties would be In the vicinity where » the m re was seen. Captain E. R. Block.KI commander of Uie Kllouca mlliUtry

camp. Informed Major Oencral Lewis Oi the llghla, 11 was deemed possible lhal one ot tho Dole plonea might have

M swung souUi of lu counc and. ynawarc I- I-. had readied the Hawaiian c luln of le lhe Islonds, craslied ogainsi Mouna ,d Keo. the lotUcst peak in tho islands.^r i:.000 feet high.:• Injured tir marooned on a crag, the

IH ers^ 'Jld only call help wllh U«tr a, flnrea, ' , '

nc*jdenua»llU oali4i»p6rtA V cln«Cf the flire, a green light Ihnt rose from 35 Uie niountahulde, glimmered and Uien id died in about 20 seconds.

BISlflBrDevelopment of New Method of

Treatment of Ore Is Still In Infancy but Pays Dividends.

SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 23 {/Tl- Minlng thr world ovcr has rcccivcd incalculable bcnctlts by lhe devclop- meiii ot Ule art' ot flotaUon. WorUi*' less ore dcposlu have been converted Into enormous bonanias. Mllllotts have' been paid In dividends. Great armKs of men receive employment, all Uirough •• the agency of flolotlon. while the de-' velopment ot Uils method of treatment la still In lu Infancy.

Tills W0.1 the gb t of lodoy's db-

3 cu.islon at the sessions of the Amcrlcon laiiltutc of Mlnlilg ond Metallurgical cnglnccis regional conlerence. In con­junction with Utc annual mecUng ot the westcm dlvblon of Uie American Mining congre.i*. J. O. Ellon, man- ager of the Intemationai Smolting company nt the momlng sciiion and •

i Galen II. Clc\enger. Doiton consulting * mctallurjlii,- presided In the after- •

) . Iinpre«tlrr Array of FaeU. Speakers produced an impressive nrmy of focU ond slollstics to illus-

[>, Irate how. wlUi the dwindling re- }t serves ot direct smelting ores, the )i mining and smelling industry liaa been id saved. In tho iniermounioin territoiy,IS from ruin, by flauilon. le Valuotle ^UcuMlons nf a technical n. iiaiiirr tegnrdlng the problem. ari.iin{,r) In the tietd of pyromclnllurgy. frora ?- Ihr nrccMUy of smelUng an In-

crciv.ed amount ot conccntratea. were n runirll;ule.i-by -W.-R.-Eardley,- axstst-— •e nnl niftnager ot the United Statca !• Smeltlnj;. Itellnlng nnd Mlnlrur. com- »■ p,iny; Illclmrd A. Woaslnlf, assUtant

.monar.er ot the American SmelUos '• ntid Rcllnlng company ond A. D.

Young or the Intermountaln Smeltlnj , company-. =

Loi • Angeles wa.i selccicd as tha 5933 rcnvcnUon clly.


^ thousand feet above Clover'k field hcrc Uie plane of Al Wilson," slunl filer, burst Into flames today*.

By skillful maneuvcrlnj ond a “Ughl ^ aplrol" he brought his plane to earth H a lou l wTtck. Uiough unscaUied h in -IS ________________


MarUn of Ooetir d'Alene'. Idaho, wU" elected lieutenant coveroor o t tlis

0 Pacific northwert dbtrict of KlwtnU a t the eJn«in/ eessioh ef the ten th u -

c nual-Mnv«nUoo-«^-lh«-«iSvUtaUoa—1 here today. A. H. H. Slretion o l 8j» - ,f kane wai elected dbtitet- gotoraor.0 AboVeen. Waihington. v m elected as . :

U>e itse tanrectlon d t ; . '

Page 2: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

v \ r -

i ■ I i ' ■ ■P ogo Two

- p « i l F T

; i Two New Types Befng Sliown: • - • '■rj Sport and Mornimi Wear;

' ' Styles Change-V.cr.y Little.

I'AraS, Allt:: Zt r ,V i-A llrr ;lu' 1 ; «il licallilriiiii'm l l f l ' (nun iln- <lr.- \

iiiiikllii! wlierc JinK n ' lininlri il iill Ui:ii"i'r: III ii.iijtmil tnoilvli. llii'lr unilcr Mvlc ■irllrciitin,, iin' i » ! licrls can Mlilliirr llott-ii l l i f r.liliiit-r j ( / for lu-xi |

; Tlicy Ill'll IttiJ ly|K". of rlciilu'> ii. .ii ,| Himvii. h ir M nrl, >iiorl nntl mmtiiiiv:! ■.•,c;ir V.i-I".. ll.lVf lllli fllllllili'd .:nltll|( xiTpt llllll i'klrt-'i nri' frcm nnr m r.'<ij Intius |oiii;ir, liflla nrc ii Illllc iii:l.'' i [ ntiil lilKlicr mill Iiibricr have cli,iHi:t<i.; •

--------------Iiui-Jur_alLtniiKiiuaml_(;'/-iiiM;: __.ii!u(k- IS (jiiUc lUlft'K'iil.

Ill Itic limir-i III llu- (lav anil ni lin ' '\ lir ii Ihcy ni’i i l 'n ii: l>c •jim ' I iimII'-, i

' illr.sril, lumifll u lll w.:ir Iiivi'l-;i ! Clmllo..

I Skirls nrc fdiiulijiic., main >.iit!( iirouilii. Manv cvciilni; rlrc-;' -Iiii'l

llu lil mile IXKllc-.-i ;i:, Mini: ;i'- clil-l.r li- Iciictl ijaMiiiM. AlKTnixm ili.-t-- nrc rich, lllld Irlmliiii'.lv irnniii'ci ui .ull.i^•

■ ' IMK in nil, V.-lv,-i <i-.iniii,ii..s i-u-ry- "» • ItlUlR MCC|I1 Wliir. II cvillIirc:tk5 lull) ili.li sjiliiTf 111 llic 1mm til [

I Jackcls aiitl 'c ' ! ' Ii;r iivnf iMth im>. , , . nnd tl inc-ji l i ;ci‘. - i i i i t

Tlie fruKih tif"kirl-. i . mi i.irliQ Illar 1|(| nt noiiian t.iii c\tii-.c Ihtm-II (nr ui-.u- H|||[ ini; skiri.i ol llic uruni: IciiKili nc.M M-a- ;.on. i ’arU .'-ay.i '■rhimsi' llic lllll^l l i f f

— r —rtm iinj ~ hj.lylc iif ymir iiinvii. "

I I Walslllrii-s fnlUm’ iiiiicIi lln' j~iinc ; ■ I • •riili', - TilrVnvrTplnrnl-anpi-Iit'ftcJruiii-

Ihc lili>'., a.i. nmny,cl' ihcm niv at , liicrS, ll ' tinilcr ih t arms, cmiilir M>lc, ar {’.nil IMIrcl flioivs Ihcm tin ;tiiiii' <il 5 liLs niodi'ls. n il- n il .iml Mylc t.l gii- .

'— [^niiTftl rule is llm l milalllncs aic Jusl Tli'■ LliKhlly kctou'Ihc norniol ]>(>siutiii. h i

Slt'fvw liavc' a wny (il ihclr tmn in tlci' I " Ihc new Mylt-s. They arc ollen fInriiH: f«ij on co;il slylci, iSir Irlmnilhi; nn Sli

.'licvr.i In wmc mwlcLs rwchr;; to Iho pn ’ dtxm' or wen iitMitr 11, In u rillil |iii(l

I V HI pouelinl line. Tulloretl Kurninits re-*1 mln Ihc ccnvcnilcnaUIcevc,-but aller- of.1' nciin (Irri.'-e mnke llic lr uwii rules. clu

II Several (lre:jiinakcr> ^hoiv j-leric.-. m i- lltl |.' I’fclclcreil or ornanicnlcd iwii.lluiiU dI nr: ' ■ lliclr Icnmh- rcKardlcn nf v.liellier llic nn

i.Iccve I.- ln:hl <;r :icml-loiue, Milcli am trlnunln': nnil roll (lrn|ierv nrminil ihe da

j li.init 1.1 nlso, •-V nil

I defense committeeASKS FOR BODIES OF i '

i I SACCO AND VANZETTIr ......... ......... ...............................- ViiiI (Coiilhitiril I'rcin PnBf Oi 'p>

— . . — _ - — ..* 11 u llll lhe(Irfrnrc, ftiinoimfril lhal ilc.itli' ' uk.nmtks-nf 3.\n-j anil V.iiuetll aiiultl be f,,,,f)iRilc .mil jniny co|ilu <llAirll;iii(tl. ye.n

. Medical nxanilncr OeorRe 11, McOralh Hm,1 iKTfcrnicil Ihc cu*onmry BUlopr.icr to- mi! duy Dhl) illil not eel n llmc (or the rr- |,j

leiv.se of lhe bcdlrs. n l;■; ) ' .‘JjmpalhlrcrB I’ay Hne« ;,IH

----- ^Morc lhan■ISO’ Saccci.Vnhiflli i.yiiT “I ' .-'maH fhiw In thc mil- Q * r ' iilclpnl foiiri today tnr vloblhig chy1 [I oiillnnncr. by picketing ywtfnlay In T : I (rnm nt Ihe suic liDit.iic nnd tnd nltihl

•, in llie Clinrle.Alown dL irlet. A fc.v, whoAveie tinixl UO cach. appealed. •

j Arihiir OartlelU Hav;. of New York. “ ■;—I r Ihclr coiiiwl. nniiniinewl lie would lakeI . thc ca.'c. In llic Miiireinr court to lr.»l "TtI (lie city (inllnahre iiii .Miinterlni: anil \e illj' •[ l&itenni:. Hit;

I Hny: Illf.) m iiir knnun lhal licwinilil depai t .ipply to: n v .n rcl hnbr.n.i CL'rlm in panii

llic eiw ol I’.nver- Haiitftiod of I’ ll I i- nK,-u( Iji-rKh. «lu> 1-. Iriiur held In tlic psyeiio- .ind ' p.illllc hn.siilliil Inr tibirr^alfon follon-. ■ inc hh nrre.M llir i lie ,lilili lime In eon- licclinn null Hacrn-Vnnretll prolcMr-. of til

----------------------- rcpre

I Apple Tree Is Bearing Varieties of F ru it

I OLKNCOVK, N. V.. Ann. '£1 f;l‘i -A I . Iccal appll' lr- ', MiUJcrl of nmny icrall- =

Illtt o|icmii(iiu, iriiiny i.« bcnrhit: V< i — vnrlrllct- ct iipiilcs. aeetidlni;, to the A rliilm of Jniiic' lltillim n^ In whose M i cielmrd ll .'iniitl' *' M

, I Piir years Mr. Hiillotta\ '.s hnlitiy Iin: H i I .1 been cit|>cniiieiilim; nllh Ireo iiratllni;.

j! He planu-d ins irce trnin a m'dhnK I ' years nsn iijiil unce then tins iiralird lo

i lls shoot' Irein differen' apple Ircvr,

!■ r ~w\

■ ■ I ■


G ffeeI jastilieTlglitfimor-

I 60U ) bXCLUSlVELV DV U3'. ||| Order by T<t( licn(

: Iji , ; • , Phone ros



' S l a t e s: | .

I:i V


r i f t .II'ICI.SIIH.ST fHOl.lIICt: rxtrnilfil 10. vj I ('iuii|>usllc*|il<liirr kliotvi (lie Tro l 'n I faniiiui. rr)*rr i>l Ihe pirk.


■N oibing-D iJiu ilcJJiv ic ii qn^V nhic! 1 o f E B tn lc ; ~E afim iito8 P fo iiH ' ..

, $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .;

MINKOl.A, S. V, Al*!, 21 t - l 'i - • vThe wiiliiw und luo married dniiKh* - '■It IS art- principal tji-nrllcliirli-s un- Itier lh<- will rf KIbcrt II, Onry, v(tinner chairinaii nl Uic Unlled > Stftie,-. .Sirel cnrptirallon, (lied torproUalc at Ihi- ^Miniy r-cnl <it hl-i tcoiiniry lioine here lodny. |

The »UI maki'.s i.peclllc le{iuc..u 1of. more llian $2,500,000, hiehidlni; Icliihl ot tiO-OOO caeh, for tlic csIiUj- rill>hini:nt nt -Klbeii II. Oary .•cliol- Inrahlpc" nl Mjialler coIIcki';. and . Innlvci'Allle.i, aiul nnc ol Miiiilnr iamoinii tor ni:il:ilt-nnnce ct Ihe . 1(laiy Mrnuirlal ehurrh nt Wheiilon. 1 nIllinnU, I

No detlnllf liitllcillon U.RUrn ii;. ; p s10 thc iDlal value of lhe csialc, iIjHalilch vnrloii.sly ha.', licrn csllninlinl tat Ironi S. .M)0.000 m $tO.OOa,D(>« jn fi

H a v ln tt^ ile llii' 'lM'titlc.,1’ aiul ?) i provtili-d tor dlHslen of tiic revenue .•e(iiliilir‘bt[fac'h 'ili<"itld(iv.—;iiUI--------damililcr:,, Mr. Oary ilevouti iin v

.'intlru u'ctlun ul tUc lU-pucc liucii- ,-niincht lo RlMiiK to Ihe benctlclarlc;, |;(rMiiind iidvicp italned from hU many j'oryear/t In buMncss. It u ovldcni |au-Ihnl lhe indutlrlA) letder. iilia died |mr111 Nil'," Yorh city AufUM 15, nouulu - to prevent llic dlitipallun ot ihc. m a le ihioiish imwH; hivt-.-.imrni!;

_;in j..iin 'j ^ i n d j ^ l c j r i ^ ___ ______


-------- |f«-iCcnlUiuiHl I-'rom r.'iie One) |I< 'i

fplrncy which w nt tluni lo tlcalh. |i.Ml "To brhifj'aboul n ^enaIo^lnl In-

vrillKaiiiin of llio dcjuriim'nl ol Jii?-]’''' ' lire; U) i'jni|R‘l the opniln'! ol lhi-: = depariiiieiu fllcn: and lo tlij.elu.'c tlii-li)i-o partlcliinlioii ot tiluif iiiid ti-dci.al nKtnclc.' in the •(rame i;p’ nl 'S ana ,jo-, and Vanzetti."

'T o M'l up a coinnili.':cn.'fiiiiip.iscd ]. ol t-dUMlorN. piibllcbt-v ntlciiuys andi Vat rcpri-senl.illxe;; of labor, In Innulre'Uiln lhe tli-cLslon of Oonnior Ful|c; | nnd llie ri'iMirt of IiL adviMiry eninicll.- "To r \ |x » r tlic vicious iiiiili'r t-flveri U actlvllle^ of prlvntt nnd uuvcrniiicntal! lii'U deiffllve nucnclfs-'ohd ol iinenis— i.i?v'

MORNING SHQ W Sl^ Joe K says:-

We Imvc otii-n lu niieictl Jiim pavnitll'.!,. EU wliat?

"Wlifrc Ihr- niE l-irliirr. |-Uy"

I ' -N O W SHC

I The Wcirld’s Grei

N O T E :— M iitinot; slmwh b iu r l 2:1G P . M. S h a rp . Xi^'lil nhow.ii 7 :0 0 m ul y :;iO ,P . ,M. S liarii. M( ninK lit 10 :0 0 A, M. Slim

A Metro-75oiawyn=

m m m m a im m m


:e s w o n d e r s o f y e i--------------------- '||ITII|->»U III I I II I

' -

nrrrwiwH-TTtiiiiuutiCJiBVBWaiaaagagsg:var.Kfoji (0 fnelKilc a rWt (o <he uonifi 'm l, .Mr i. Ciiiiliilte. jikI the, menilirr> nt

D ese rte d -V illa g C 'iiu l. Ln E ast Sdltl a t Auction

-T h is tli.ciii^l Ullanc wcnl on i.i.- iiuviun 1)1'.V. io;|.iy, 'Ab.mdoiied in l»:;i by it. u. and It, Knlcl’.l. ' g„ luturjiiirnii-ii. and U.iiletl .ihice by a dfva'it.nih!; fir«., U ifwm ipj4i>a-d— ir iltl rc .jiw r r tv iijniJsllj)!; of 71 __ a

“ fieti.'.c?:; iFrie'niTlI:.. a hrnc Inrm, wood tracts and mraduu- liind, u'eui iiiid'-r Ilic liainmer to the ni UlRliesi hldiliT. Many ot 11l^housc» were 'iiltl lotlay, but llie nilll.i will ^ iitit be Mild uiilll tuniprron',

Vllf Vlllaue Mn:, I.mnded In IB2I! I S. ky Ihc II. II. und n. KnIiiht. Iiicor- I di po~itc(l, tor nianutiicturlnK I>ur* i tli pa.«-s and hll.i btrn rcbiiilL alnee. 'It u'nr. a thriviiitt Indiutm l com- - niiiiilly. nnill 1B3I when llie pan |'.var eolluiiM' fnrcrt! the closlns ol j »•' Ihe mills, ! “

It wn.s e.sttmaleil llial the nalc ot : the pan-els, ciil.sldf of the Ihrec I mill':, will brini: Ji0,000. ]

liPIIifKrilliDEr :i W L I J g n m J

WASHINGTON. Aiie. :n (,I'(-l*lliilo-; .,J mi'hlnn nnd f^i|i-r>praiUni( - of nil' ^ uni.nj airesled in llie iiiitinn:il capital or a major violniloii ol the pruhlbltlon,»w wa.1 derldctl lijxiji by ihe irollee dc* i.irliiieiil loilay. I A p

ExplnlnhiK i» rpcclal nriirr lo ih l s '" ’'' ' Ifctl, .Mujtir Edwin U, Hi-.ve, pollcc f " iip.-rlnumlcnt. .said U had It-eii tound iLsi:iiaii’,tQ.oljtalu.a-cumplcii;-rccord.\°-.‘ I nil law vlolatnri and faclliiati' In-isticmion.i; ....... ..................\ .'fAi"Iliiin runncrr. iiftcn RMdiinto Inio, ST.

:lii-r i.vnrif lit crlmlmil-.," he .said, add - ' —A 117 Ihai in tlie jwsi lhe fvillec have eme mnd thal n Ilnurr prim nnd photo- Lap rnphle recrrd "w-oiild have In-t n of h i- ' -itrn; .silinable vnliit' In locnilni; a criminal zont' ho fi)rnicrly had been arti-'ird for H, I u-il;Uii; the liquor law," , natt_________ __________ - - tivlf

rovDcaiciin In the Iranie up sj.'.teiu.■ To c-,uillisli a fund Iur llie i-n-1 til

o-tnu-ni ot Mri. Sacco anil ln-r child-'I'll. ■ ; ••'To crc.ile .i :;-.c.;;:rlnl Iur Saceomid ^

'nnrciil" ' 111

• S c o rL '.'ii:j/i; M ir r o nUlll- fidii't! .•^tiilia.;iriii,v iii-l's [lara-

nlle ml..... .. IiT-M-.irehlkliix. Tbu j7V rci|llli e<l 1.1 i:i> llll ll miIM Illiir.v W


-I v.'liy they call liuslnllriicn'..s, c.i.y

, -AD M ISSION S- I Lvcnini:'. i ' f I Adernntink . . . . 2 ^ and .'lOe

Jlornlnss . .........15c and 11-

O W IN G -

eatest Picture!

1 ^ ^ :


^ l o r . ; R e n t e A d o r e e ,

» n ’- L a u r c i i c c S t a l l i n g s ]

• n'flovlDoa 3

p M a y e r - K c t u r e : : - ! — ------------i ■.




i i l 8 3 ] < ^ 3 2 S S B S h « W 'r a l

' ■ i - * . - - S

w m m i- I g

j H u j r i S H■ ' I ......n .r"i> ii.i..M iii_M .

tomfer.^ of Vr(foir.t(one N'atiunal parli. A . nt ilu-lr party vlcwlni Old rallhlul, it '

Clu'' ...... .........

-------------------------------- :------------------- nnn


■_____ t ' l '

S a c co .V n n seU i- S y iiip irth izc rs , .^ E n i lc a y o r in ir to F o rm P ro c o s- r^n — sion-B rinff O fficera In to A ctio ir “

I.ONIJON. AUIT. M*.-Forty pcr:on.s, IneliidliiB ftuir wiirnci* were injured tonliihi near the Marl'lc Arch, when nioiinttxl and tl-’l'

, lool pnliee eharncd ii crowd of laki I S.ieco-Vflnr.elll nynipallil.-.drfi cn- Iroi I deavorUiR to tonn u pmccr-slon hi :on I tlcflanee ot fwllcc orders. [whi

Whnl Ihc sympatlnrer.i callcd a ; j meiiiorlal nicclInK w.v: held In Hyde | ' “'"' 1 park, nml the- iriniliU' oecurrcd I ^ i when Ihosc wlio attended thc 1 J"'l : iniMllnjt began lo march, i prc:i It Is dtclared Uie proecMlon WM j I lo iiioci-ed to, tlie American cm- ! ba.'.iy, Thc pollcc, with drawn K"'

batoin, wiided Into the demon- .ilratoM, tt-lw. In jckcrnl hiiiancrj, [•*"-’ aliacked the iwllccmen nnd tlii-lr I F hor.-o:; wllh jllekj, Ilc.wrves u rre I lls Ihen callcd out and ilu-y di-ove llie tom nwnlfe.danis from the stroi-ln nnd w-al made n number of arrmts. . ihe


■ UEVEnLY. N. • JS AUK. 23 i,!* )-' nr« Bnlhcrs here warn lo discard nnclent,. t restrlcllons nnd ciijoy al least one Mn HOod su-lm before Ihe numiner Is cone,' (nl A l>clltlim lin.1 been placed bt'forl ths nt town eommlv.loners Mklnc r«j>cal of (ow un ordlnanrc ol lfU7 v.hleli prricrlbcs • can balhlns i-ulta "feiiehlni; Irom tlic neck ' jror tp lhe knees."______ ___ ,, i<,( ,


STOCKHOLM, .Sweden,.Auk. 23 W>ij ^ —A Ilylnu aiiibiilancc to irari-sixirl proi enierKcncy cnsc.< Irom Ihr tt-a.ite.i of i nrc LapUnd to lluden. Qwnlen'!i chief; con .itrniiKhold on llie edue of the Arctic M?d rone. linvliiK proien btncfklal. Oscar H, H lM h. InduMrlal maKnaie. lias do- nati-d n new inachlne •'tfler ihrec ycari tlvlnt;. n i e flrsl was considered obso- Ptti >c>c- • ,Iori:

------------------------ ilforKc'AjW'int Adi rcacli ilie jicoplc you i-, i

wl:h lo nllracl. hen

-T O D A Y -O N E I

.illalinee and Evening

- O n co - in u v e ry - lo n g tim e , th e n p ro d u c tio n so t r u e an ti h o n e s t, so fu ll o f th e jo y s n n d lh e d rn m i

th o h e a r t o f th'i

The .l-'amous Novel by . Niiw a G reat

AS A N O V E L -h a ile d by

____ m illions a s a■■■fflaslcrpiocc!...................

“LOVEY■ A .Metro-Goldwyn-t

A NOTABLEL o v cy M a ry ...........................................B illy W ig g c ...........................................M rs. W ig ffs ..................................... ..M ies H a r e y . ........................................M io s .B c l l .................................................T o m m y .'........................................... .. .. ..B n b y T o m m y ........................................E n r c p e n n .................................................Ae! i ..................................... ......................A u s t r a l ia .................................................K a t e ............................................................S tu h b ii^ s ...................................................M isa E ic h c r n ........................................

__________ ’ Also i-B efl ^ IS E CRACand Tnplft of thc Day—A Shoi


IH m iS s '

O rd e r C a lls fo r P a y m e n t o I-F ce - i

. _ t o C s u r t R e ce iv e rs in M a ri ta l |

C o n tro v e rs y , hy C om ed ian . |

1X3S ANOELES, AUK, 23 (,Vi-An ap- I ptal over Juduc Walter Oui-rinsawnrd I or HiXfOO to court rccclvcrs. W. I, Oil- B bcrt and Herman SplUel, fur ihi-Ir H Meward.ihlp of Clmrlle Chnplin's prop- Q crly durliiK hts mnrltal Iroublcs waa promlLetl tcdny Iiy Atlornvy Kenyon I-t-c, rtiirnentlm ; I.lia Ort-y Chaplin,

A.s ‘the ortV r Mands, Clinp^n Is dl- ’ lected to pay. the rrcclvcr;i' It-i-. but th"IciUrl wn.i Informed that .i p.ir; of lhe ( t$iG3,000 properly irf-rileimn: rlfccltit f- iiictween the comcdlan and hl.i wife rr- I li.ued him from paynit nt of iiiort* Ihnn I $10,000 lo rccelvem and ubllttatcd Mrs.; Chaplin 10 |iay the reinaliider. i .ludte <ir3nt« Itriiirsl —j Olf llie rccni:,t ct Alloincy Kciivoii iT.fv, Judi;e Oucrln Kraiilnl a ;.iay t'f I t-xccutlon ot thc order fu.-IS d:iy.s. Al I Ilio same time lhe Jurist losk under nd- viscmenl a reiiiic.U b',- OllL'crt lhal the order (or payincnl of ihe receivers bi- nnde n jiart ot the Ini.-rloculory de-

A!- ilie decree nlri-adv is Mirncif, If It were nmendeil by tlif Jurni Mrs. ClinpUn wiu not be trrc a year frcm yt.sicrday. but n year from the dny Ihc nmendmenl Is mnde. t_ A s matterr. were belni! clearcd up in lhe-fljtTjm-‘iTnk ll<>FCh»|dln-<i »-«udW

jby his frlend.'i today to lx.- prejiarliitt p I i j slip nwny ftir ii le».' dny;.' resi. At ;; Hie sliidio 11 wns mJiI no preparall^ini * ' linvf been liiiiilc ro ri'.suiiie tilt''flliiilili; " J t t'f "Thc Clri'u.H." lii!crrnplisl nlmr.,i a I year n':<i by hl.s domeslic dltfmllles.

£ O O L m E E S - S T J R J O B - - : - . _ J

N iG H T AT FAMOUS INN ,:vki^____ via

(Continued From P a ccO ncf. am

(l.ililntt nwallcd him nl Yellcivslomr “ hn lnke tomorrow but on his wnv licre ma from .Maminotli he' lanuhl slehi ol

|:om e vacallonen ra^lUiK In die sticiim I which (lowed by tils muior Inll and JR /J :iie could nol wlth.itand Ihe leiii|iia- I linn tn do .some (ishln^' liaiist !f. [I From hbi room in Old FaUhfuI Inn I Just before he set out fnr Ilslitnst. thu I president wntched the tanmii.i -.;i'vser, ,I Old FaUhtut, .spurt a Mream of Meam- jliitt water 200 feel Inlo thc nlr. It Kiished out of a smnll eniier furlou.'.lv berry, and threw a nie.sh like ipniy hii-j of ni:

[the wind. tiirc .I For oncc. a t lc. -.t. Old Faliliful la-.t uear

lls aiimetlon tor ilic hundred.s of Wo loiirlsw who crowdi-d Ihe Um. Tlii-y lotlny walled laitcad In ihe hn:e lobby fur Wliri the pre.ilrienlJn^npiH-nrjuid.wlicuJii; wirrr walked Ihrouith the dmible Itne. n the 1 burst of "IWIo" and hand clapplnu own Kreetcd him. nway

.' Tlie raid which the president and ____Mrs. Coolldec Uwk to reacli Old Faith-

' tul Inn brouitlil ihcm ihroutth a rrKloii nt superb .sfencry. On every hand lowcrlns mounlalns eInd In pine or Ilr

:came Into view nnd now ai|d Ihen (rom out of tlit' lUllsIdo rose u wreath

lof «iott7 mill (rouullie liDl-sprlncs . tscfiUMlered nuiuni; the plne.i. Snow gtlll wlui vkllle bn'Minic ot thc ‘

I Tlie trail wimnd upwnrdi a.1 the d>y proitrcMfd, each, linur brlntilnK Hie

I prc.ildenl and liLs parly closer to Ihc icontlneninl divide which wlU be cros*!«d lomorrov,'.

t'ATZO W I S ^ • WILKF^IlAIiUK. I>n,. Auc, -n tA'i~

Ptic Laiai (•.! i^cranion, Pdinsylvanla.I lormcr wi ljei'Aelnhi cliamplDii, won I Irom Joey Oiiiis itf Allentown on a foul I-. Ihc elRhili ruund uf n 10-roiind HkIH here loniclii.

H I M l J ^

i: D A Y 'o n l y - ,ing—lOe—2.5c—30c

h e re c o m cs to th o s c rc c n a !St, ao m o v in g in ila a p p ea l, a m a o f life , l h a t J t r c a c h c s r th e w o rld ! . ^ '

ly Alice H egan Rice

}at Piciure

AS A F IL M -w ill goS t ra ig h t to

.........................y o u r h e a r t!

MARY”n-M ayer Picture

ILE CAST................................B e ss ie Love

.......................... W il l ia m ' H ainca

... ...............................M a ry A ldcn..........................f . . Vivlft Ogden..........................M a r th a M a tto x.............................J a c k ie Oombs

............................... .F r e d d ie Cox

...................................G lo ria H olt

....................M a ry J a n e Irv in g -.................... A n ab e lla ' M a;^ncsu ^.............. .. ..............E ile en P e rc y %. . . . . . . . .R u ss e ll S im pson

.......................... ....... .R o s a O ore

:r a c k e r c o .\» n )vShaw You Wlfi Snre Enjoy

w i m i i t f —.a . ' ,

ILST 24:' 1927.

■ GETS $152,000 I

' I

.............. ___________ ail,i

i:VKI.V.S imENT. • movlnr picturc ri star. K pox*cs.sor of SI52.000 In cash and serurullei ami a divorce, award- u:

_ f d hrr by Anseles .courts upon oi lirr divorce trum Ilernard Flneman, u movie cxecutlvr. 3;

- ■ ................... .............. ll


MULDEIIRY. Ark,. AUR. 3 M W lm ,JncLson.' .special olflcer. wxi dend nnd ^Henry H.imni. clly innr.ilial ot .Mul- j.berry, nerloiisly wniindi'd, na the re.siill f(or nn aUernitlon with a travethiR pie- btiirc .show man on BIr .Mulberry crcek 0near here lonlRlii. h

Word had reuchetl tho ofdccrs lale " lotlay lhal n tourist li.ad been robbed.Whrn the show man w-.-w ordered to H'wirrrnilt'j;.. }ie. .knocktxl Jhe , nun Jrom 3 the hnnd ol Hamm, then pulled hb (i-A'n Kun, iiliot both men and drovenway In hls au’omolille. w

West of tl:■ — tlic ijrcaf / ' l a j ^ o u ; C o ast n a 'c r tnor£ m t

C ool,rcfrc»hinR days and a tdtiic b rcc :c from in c o c a R olfcoursesiscorcs o f tn o u n livc'ry sp o r t a n d rccrcation ii

Y ou r finest vacation, you'l ove r th c d ircc t O verland Ri V ls itJcw c lcd L a k cT a h o ch i o n to S a n F ra n c is co , cosm by th e G olden G.'itc, fam ous restauran ts , C h in a T ow n am

I t Cost* NcFrom San Francisco, 10 tral

to Loj Angeles. Y ou c an go 1 Francisco ac n o a dded fare. P any o f th c ro u te s co v ered i lum m crfa rcss

F r o m WLotAsgel«e

bothwiTtvU . c Stn FrinelKo

$40.00 San FrancUco


W0.OOT ickets o a s a le dally; good i

S o u lta n

<I-S«.-M«ln-8t;'H .U I

JIJiESLIIFJIfflD;.,.In O aso o f A cc id tfn ts, P ro m o te r

— D o e s - n o t—R c lish '-O a n c o U in f— B o u t f o r L ac k o f P a r t ic ip a n t s

BOSTON, AUB. 23 (/Pl-Jack Sharkey ocCTn-tralnlnff'im tiU •citytotlay in ' order to be In* fln l class shape as an allcrnatc (or cither principal o( the Tunney-Dempaey championship bout at ChlcBRO 'September 23, 'Jolmny Buckley, the Boston boxer’s managtr. amicuncfd tonight.

Sharkey alarted tralnlnjc ot the rc- (|uest of Tex Rickard, Buckley said. uddhiR that while Uie promoter do« not expetrl anytlilns will prevent thc appearnnco of elllier Dempsey or the cliamplon a t Chicago, he doei not rcl- •5I1 cancclllntf the-bout (or lack o( iarilclp.inu.

Rickard also communicated an ofter to nialcir Sharkey ORalnsl Phil'Scott, the BrUbh lieavywelglit. a t Modlwn !i|i>arc Oarden ihls fall. Buckley sUil-'■•..Hr^iaid-ta would not ae{ on th r-----■tier .untU- after the ClilcaRo fight lexl month, . . \


CONSULATE IN GENEVA(Continued From Paso One)

ployes to cnler and leave the bulldlnc Tlic palace of thc leaRUc of nations,

ns well as Ihe American consulate, was

Rent nnd mlliuxry forces.•nic fedcrtU Rovernment a t Bemc.

Rrcatly aRllaicd by last night's riot- Inu when one -man was killed, and ivUidcws In thc leaitun of nations pal. ncc were Mnar.hcd. uffied the Oeneva Rovernment to caU out the mUltla ser-Vlyc iQ-urotcct HfejtniLnrQ Pctiv.^tIm ------i,amD-timelilni!njfU«l-li-mlght-9end------rcRiibr federal troops otherwise.

However: tlie Oeneva government, cn thc promise of soclallsl members of tin:.local IcRlslatlve body that Uie soclall.sl party would nol Join any an­archist dcnioiiitratlon-s, decided to con­tent lueK by ordering the mllltia to hold tlicimelves In readiness a t their hemes (cr Insunt service, the mob cull to be sounded by fire bells.

LOVE SUPREME ' NEW YORK. Aug. 23 M>)-'niC news ot the dny InteresUi Uie .typical Ameri­can SOUR poet not a t nil a.f subjects for the lyre, returns for a contest beliw eonduclcd by iho Associated Olcc clubs of Amcrica Indicate. Llnd- - bereh figures only once ond aviation iiM the theme of only (our offerings.The hlith rankings went to love, mostly uiireQuliicd. wllh 53 entries; flowed 3 ond home and mother n . _

New.’. Wnnl Atl3 rcacli Uie people you 'wlsli lo ,attract.

- T V

tie Sierra) u n d o / f h c P a d ^ c ' h t i t in g f /ta n now .

d n ig h ts . Sandy beacKes,:can. G re a t cidcs; f iunou i in ta in and scasidercsorts. t i s there .u'li s a y .T n v e l w estw ard R oute, L ake T ah o e Line , h ich In th e S ie r ra . T h e n m o p o li ta n w e s te rn c ity us fo r its tl i e a t r a , shops, ind L atin Q u an e r.

<?o Morerains by day o t over-night0 to L os A ngelc t v ia San . R c n jtn sa m e way o r via1 by fo lIo w lo B red u c e^

tVcIlsL m A n g e le s

one war vi* Sin FrancUco:. return via Lai V rp i

• 4 % 5 0

S t a P r a n d s e ed railtvU '

■ PonUnd$ 6 2 ,1 5

d u n tiIO c to t> e r3 I .

■PadticI. Soolh«n raeUlc Lines 1 U ke City, fU h . • ............................

Page 3: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

: ilH E S P

' - - - - i W i l l l

E arw ood S t a r t s on M ound fo r;

T w in F a l l s , - b u t Is T a k e n !

F ro m Box E a r ly ; W alte rs !

S te m s O n sla u tjh t.

(Bs-The A iOCi lIl l 1’fCS.M [■_____ ___ IDAHO FALLS, Alic. l-'J-Wllil iill! i

Uiircl'B Twill I'nili Uriims liwk tln' ,, rpciii'r of tlif i^Tlivi irdin ilu' Siw;!' ,

. licre llll.l nlU'riKiuii, 7 Id G, lii :i IU>iii<: iiliiK batllc. F-invoixI Mariitl on liu '', iiictiiicl tor tliL' Ilniiit:: Uu; v.:i.s li:ii:i-|!

t mtTcd iKirtl until lur w,*.-; .vunkril In,., lavor ol Wnlli'f.i. whu lirld ilii' ajiudi| ■ !•' two Jilts, omr ni tlm n a lirmir lj>- ' BlIl'U. ‘TWIN I’ALLS- AH R H I>0 A K * Hucdj-. cr ;< ■: 2 :<■ 0 0 iGnrtlliR'r. II) 1 1 2 11 0 (JK(elpy„M . . .. < I 1 J 5 I Colrmiiii, rl .4 0 0 4 0 U

. Wnlurs, |i.3b . 4 0 1 S I oiI'cHTs, II 4 J :! 1 0 oilI>(»tlU'r. i;tJ . . . 4 I J I 4 l | r

‘13kT?;V. ... 5 0 2 5 -0 0;cK.rttOC(l. |) I II U it It 0;(.Llnl. Jll 4 U U U 1 0 7

T“ ........Tcl.ll.',...... .... 311 7 imm II

* IDAIIO FALLS- Ail U II I’O A Ki Iliilton, I’l) . 4 I I 5 0 n J

■ .. _ C i ' i m i ^ ----------------.-I 1 -I ■|.--|..i<i , t______ liiirKi-, II . ’ i ’

Ciuiiln, 3 i r ~ ~ 5 0 b I 0 U;ITiuii'vich. cf . 4 I 1 ;; 0 o ;rI'-.iiKuraUI, rl . . :> I I 1 u u .1I'liia, c :i 1 I i; I o|.>CalltiKliim, Ib - 4 v 0 10 2 (I cNi-»l;lll. !• . . 3 0 0 I J n |i

ToUlls. '. . 37 C U JU b I ljScore by Imilncr.:

Twin FalU ::2ii 010 OOI l-TId;ilio Falls .......... 015 OW 000 0-C

Simiiimrj'; Unmt run—ailvii; tlin i-- ba.so llils—ni;c(J>'. Tlalil"?; tuo-l/i:.-lilts—Hiitioii, ICcj'ly. i'liiliUr: Micnlii-^ CliltwColliiii, Sllvn, Uin-ay, Kivli'y Z. vV/altrn: doiiljk- j)!:,} —I’faliltr Ici K iv •

'l iy 10 Oiirdliiir; struck oiit-I)y Wal- itm S, by Nowblll 7:.bu^-^ cn bull.', - rOir Kiirwowl 2, off W ii l tc r i ;o n New- ,.bill 3; wImiliiB imdiur-Wall.Tr.; lo»- ,li;« iillcliiir-NoublU. Time ot Kamc- ,J'liourj, Uinplri'.s-Dnvl.'i and Ware. ^

SAI.T I.AKK a: OGDKN 4 OODEN. Auk. a Krl-Sall-Lakc.won

the opcnlnu i:anic- uf the scrlc\ here f i today, by cloutliiu the cftfr iu p o( i " Lluyd Tooini'y hnrd. Tlie’ '.'•■core •\l•a

, D 10 4. Hollcnon, un Uic slab lor SailLik(>, H'M Kirncly drnpll)' Uip fact (hat ■ lie WlU latlercd for 10 lili.v

Ssll iji i ;o - A» II n r o A i: Smackcr, cf .. . . 3 1 0 3 0 0liall, l b ..................... 4 0 0 10 1 0ftardiier, rt ............... 5 1 a ,.L 0 fl

• Cnflcy, ir . 5 - 2 2 0 1 0 . , . J fw e ..« ...................... 4 2. :i I U 0

Ndlrrii, 3b , 3 I I 2 I 1. Mollc, 2 b ................... 4 0 1 3 4 0

Ilo'v.ird, c ................4 I I 7 0 0Kolicr^oii. |) . 4 1 0 0 0

TolalJ ....... 3C a II 27 9 1

ORden- AH n I l i ’O A KFmrlcr, It . . . 5 1 4 2 0 0Dean, . . . 4 0 1 3 1 1McCniiley. cf . . • 4 0 fl 2 P 0Wllr,on, c ■ 5 0 0 C 4 0Siradley. Ib .. . . 4 0 0 C 0 0Vcntfi. nb . . . . • 3 1 2 3 2 0Contc\ rf . , 1 0 1 1 1 0Hllfili, 2b .. . . 3 1 2 2 2 1Toomry. p 2 1 0 0 1 0Mlllpr, p . . . 1 0 0 1 2 0Ilakcr X . .. . .. I 0 0 0 o o

■ Totals ' 3:. 4 10 20 13 r.I xnatlNl for MllIiT In nlnlh.

Scorc by Innlnss:' Salt L ak e ...................... 050 040 000-!1

OKlIfn - .010 000 201—1• 'Bummary; Home m n. NVllvn; tlirrc-■ bajc llll, Vcnrcs, Frailer; lwo-ba\e

' ' A

:H; S i o n m e r E x c u r s i o n

F a r e s

E A S TD aily l o S e p le m b er HOlh L IM IT O C T O B E R 31ST

W v cree R o a lc s S topovers .

T r a v e l

T f i ie L u x u r i o u s


i i W A Y _

n . II. WAGXEB.Tlr*el Aeent .

'rhone 621 Twin FaIIi

I T ., o m i u .

PO R T SQi j l i i i i i l E. j .

hll. , Cittfoy 2, Cardnii-, J..:,., ■ al:IlItl•l• llll.s, .Vell:.-.'li. n.Ml.. .!■ iiblv

' f I>lr.>:„ Nel':;-ii K. M d .' Tv,;! Jiu I; , '.Itii l.Viin to .Sliiullf>; •.iiiK'.; n-ii. ;>v ' '■ |l l c : i r .m 7. l.y To=i,« > .■ , , m u,,.

, 1 ; ll,i .^ cn iMlU, Ml . :i , -|...i.jTutiiiiiy 2; riin.'i rv>jwi.'- • T.. -i- 1... cy 7. lidllerun 4: Iflt mi .. .,,■!•' LiV.;- I, Oiidcn'lO; hi; tiv l).i'<

, K bv Mc’kT-.Dii miil;<'ri; ;ir;i I i:,; iii;,.1 0 P ) " - Ofiv.tilra ;ii.'d J’ri.i

, J . {•(Xr.XTKUI.O I .o i ; \v i oj I.OIIAM, Allk-, 2J i-V ItMl.Mlli; ill0 lhe nliiili lo M'L-Ufi' (c.;:r nii, . Uie I'c- 'ij'iH 'l'o iJannoikn deliMii;! iiif i.r-Mn

' OiCMti'iii.in', In 'a brilliftif (.r b.' i -' OUjall hill- I 'lh iiflelll-iMi, l.v ....... rr -t

‘’ |7 10 4. loi.’an liad d :i 1-'.,|* ' .lliutiKli'Ul llic. i;an:e iiiitii l^.' |.|ic.| •llniilnv.1- p<',ca',i.ii<-- ■ Ai: 1! H iTi An!Hcn).inilii, 2b ;; o i o

1 iil'Mer, :ib___ 1u i r c i w . rl u : f l l 0OlOlM'n. 11) 0 1 M 1 '»uljeiiM'n, r l •; (I 1 U fl '10 Lsrherf. M ( I I 1 ;i 'I0 O Connell. c . . 1 0 ti o I 0 n ll’iTtman, 1) :i l i l 2 0

- i’hllliii'.. I) u 0 n fl I 01 iDiinuivlcli X . 1 I, 1 I) 0 0

- J nu ilr . .41 7 ]•' 27 15 0xlliiiled fcr i’or'.m.in iii nliiili.

U 'lian - Ai-. i; i i i ’O A i:Ii- cie.irri'ii, c f . . :i 2 :: 4 ii o2, Wcicd'iim, c 1 1 0 m (J 1

Cellin'';i. If .1 n (i o•‘I- Di'.novan. :ib •! o 1 2 :i o

Ciimtlll, tb . . . (1 I ll 11 ;iitd-enli-Ti:, .k;. -1 I) - . - n i ltx'pcni, r t 2 0 1 1 'j0',‘ !i"a, 2b . 4' [> 1 0 2 n

’• MrMiirlry, | i ........... 4 (i (i o 2 1

Tolals ’in 1 11 27 u •;Hrrrp bv Innliic?: ......................... -

'■f Pi>ca-.elli> ic;i flin n i 7f l lAjir.in -:')y uio i w - i

Siimtiwry: .'^nrrilire h.S . C'.iintlll._ — --------------------------------------—

A"; 4 ^ m i»:

m: ■ »

C a d i l l a c ^ ^ 10c ^

W (

W n i . A . S t i c l m e y

C i g a r C o ,

_ j _ _ S a l t X a I t c . a t y ^ t H a

a s k t h e m w i


)FADAYf_______________________ i>


1’ IIII.ADL‘I.I’HIA, Allir. 2.1 i,i‘ •'Mie' Kl.-I.’.i:i% i::i;ill!l.ili iir.il ;; ii',.':;,. lilil' -c' . . I l l l l . .i;>i a:,;l iiiud.- a il.-all,

Ult' .-..in-, Aiihu„' I'liilUi t bv wiiiirM:, i:i I.l :i. -iV.i-, fa tc rii.! , Itiail'' |.,i;r li>i;;;r :ii|,- liitrlli,; i!i« *hrrt-4»«-HlM'Mti.l,-Hiilev

Irliiiu li ' lupi.'i Illll' in ni;li 'iiiitiu: j'.-.lici Uiev ;.cw d I'ti;h( riiiv.. lialey’.s ! nul JirhillileV c ;'rh lui.|»'i ' il uiUi h^o |i;u n -;i l';.-i-;. il;iv I'.l.icli' !, • iti ■ r.r [ lii:mi- llin of .111.' I..I1I1" 111 the, : 'Tim..!' iiiiiliif, Ku'iv C.iiiliiiil 'I! till- lineii;.

l.'Cilvd ll Itill Iir t..ii,|., ;:i„t iTi ■]<! Ihf oiiH- ii!ii r . hit

The KriTc: It. II. i:.'Luiii ! .1 3 U ;i

l'hi!i'.ii',l|-:iui . 3 11 2L.ill'.’-i-.-' S"lieiilH Sehtill- alul

ni:r:\;;r-Tir,ncTr. • N:.nr:ii;ii leaiiue''v';;;inii'. lKKl.,.,tinl iitl ........... .i| lui'i :I'., Nil iiIIht i:anii- -"li'iiiited m ihls'

' ' \Vl: hl:l .iii|i-l).lii',l. .•\t;,.il(.,iiliMi:iie ;; i.aine, i>.Jikiiic.! wi ii.dniiil i . :,,iii. !; ::u Oltui- rdL.illllcd III ll'.h,

.......................... .. 1


i l l ' At I.OS Air'''liv-: No C(Hn; i:anies .-•lic r- loilav; .Ml-mn- mid I.in Alr-ichs' II'trav. llmr,•-I m -' 'rnrr----------: i i - i i . - E ^■ t Hi'llv."v:il '7 1,,.:(<,;kliiid 'JO 4'„ i; llalUri:..; ll"he v and Miiii.hv; I),...

,l:'.ncv nnd ni'.iil. i..-[ i'h.' 'l.ir.':' !t !> K.j■(j.Siatlle 7 12 r

;ii',.;_.K<lward'i :uid .' t h ;:ilt|i;! .'.nd .Met.-n-.i, • 1

' : Ti: ' •:o r': II. II. K.'' I Til Illd * ll 1;

,l ll ;lir.Heili-.; •li.iiihn ami V.-ll. ; Cul’lu |

''■il'.i'.'-, im'l Koehler,0 ; _______________

i ic t i r i'(isTi-(ixi:i)' ' I [:i,i;Vi-l,Ar.n, .Mn:, 2:1 (,T ,-llaln late - jlK liiy CMI.. cl ;ir ■ li"in'm"iil I.ue Ui- 0;iiii;lil (.1 Ihv l2-ruinil clminiui ir.lii;>

ll"':it biru-n-ii Mick'-,' Wnlk.t. irlddl. - ,.'"v ivh i l:i:i';. e.ml Wil^.ri V.hIhi. ln-.i: '• luijro iiiix.r. I’KiIiHitiT- '.:ild th - Ildll;

'I-'^k I l'::i:i'.'io'.v iiarlil,'i , i . '.u h r r T„..-;iiliiiiii:. j

i i , ’.V.-.r:il-r,n r, Leperrl: i.ldliii b , i i / i i - l 1 .1 itirii, .Jen in ; Iwo-baM- hit':'. Sclim;';! ‘ ‘j 1;: Uiree-biije hit.';, I ’orliilaii. Daver;^ n bi-.'s on lull-., oft I’urlmun 2, o l'!1 'I ’liii:!!)'. 1, lift NJrMiiriry 2; ,'.i i ik 1; leii.j

• -;b-.' MrMiiriry 'i; double plr.v-, ()l'en.|- •; tin.i'.'Mdl, .^cherf lo OIm'ii, Si-|i'-:I to ’ - tU n n ii i in to OSren; hit bv piTh'T, byii 7;I ’c:rimiiii 2; riiii-s re?poiisible fnr, I’ori-I

-lliiu in 4, MLMiirlry 7; lime I 'lU; .i:ii-| l l . iiif. '., .M'Qtiiil;.n anil Ilnnil. j

p l i

'h e n um ber o f q u a lity sm okci America. w>«/ be growing. For Wcl lopubrity continues its steady iner

i’. J L Mt e n t o / t w e n i

H Y T H E y _ ’ R _ E / s M O K


^iHiLEJW EOirJ M H O i l B m

/INI Ni:w v om c , AUn, 11 ',J')-I--oiir iHj.i:o;i;Li:, v.vic ulwckid oal ;n ihel U D ;,„,i;,r all In n linie i;iiine be -'

.tv.f'.n Ihl- C.irtJIiiiils aiui I’lidbe:., llic I .ll tin- (-liibs bi'niir idle -v. a re-i

i;,,i.,.MilI of cji.-n dali-'i nnd rain Thf Yankfl I'.-an ''l"l- I'way,mUi an open dale and roi;,,l,i u inni- •lV,i-,liaii;ii Inr br.a^inn •|ti;'.l. : li’ 1 ban- nil,; ner nulik i»l 5ii. Ai; lie- Hii;;niin ImVi; ;iiiii nim--—■■-im.-. to. [itiu n'.L.iniliitlmi; u mur 11'-. Ill'' lialH' wllh III-, in. ent loial oT ey’.s 411 Viill have Ui ball'.: .i l;i(lp biitcr1..0 av.TiiL-«' Ui.in 11 lioiner eiiiv u o Kameri r.; ' to etiual lib oiilMnlldln-' in-erd.■lill-.!' nmui' runs wenl lo Il’.ule-. Hlurdi-l. leii;. ilnfo ' and lieliiible fl tb'-Cmdr. v:. Tlie UiiUi-dilirlR 'iiiutin,;

0:u t.i.■ i: • I'l.n.-d IIi'liU'v.s

:i Ituth, i!)2l . I.M M 2 Itlllll, 10:7 - 'K'ii W

anci ■ tii-lin,:, 1W7 . V.-)’ :19 '

sjyiN[nii[fiL[MEsJOPIEPllEGilGiCiPihh , B illy G ibfion D e p a r t s From L ak e

1 I 'tc a s i iiil lo M jh o P ru p n n i- 'I tio lis Tor O hiiinp In Cily.

TS; .SPirULATOR, N, Y . Au,r. 23 1,1‘i - : Illlly tiilnfin, nmniu'.fr cii ceiie Tun- ' he.v. heavywclKlit cluiiDiiliin ol the

. '. world, left Gene's tralnlin: camp hero ‘ ,011 Uike l-lnisunl lodav [or ClilcaKO.

. Ill- iilims (o im'pnn' Inr the chain- I 'p l'iii uliere'the final dai.-. of iralninK

'will 1h' pa-'cd In |>fepar,iiioii for the I ) ,,..‘'hiiii'Dlon'hIp bout wllll Jack Demp-

I lev next immlli,I,' j Tiinnev plani; to Ii'a\e fur llle ivci.t

|tH;! Till' ehamptun's inilnliii; todny cnn- I ' i.'.i'.tcd ot .'.evcriil inllK cn the road In I K .'the iiiiirnlnt:, tlirci- rouiidi with the

i;bau5 In the iiltcniwui, I.)',l»\vcd by ; Ihrre r.iiindr, of fixirnmr wiili I’niil

I’lu I Cavalier and Ihe same number wlili Illlly Vlilabeck,

1.,„. Baselmll ScheduleFnr Masons’ I’icnic

J'.'.j; In IT.linr'rli,111 witii ill! nlllllllli iilcnic , 1.1 be hi'W mnicr aii.'-iilie-. ot Ttt'hi i

r,,, ;ra!l-i li..|ee, A. !•’, A A. M, for all I 'IMaMini lind tliclr taiiilllc.i on the i

__li-i'iiiily talr irroiinils nt Klli-r next Sun- I— ]ilay, iirrani;ement.i nre beluK worked i / 11-iniit fcr n Iw.'iebnll Knmc that promi.ifs i Illll 10 Ix- lilciily .nniu-'.lni:. and a procrnin er;-nf rare^ anil names for llltlr folk.i Imn i oI'llM-en nrraiiKeiL ll wiu annoiinccd In.'l i I'll, j evenlni,-.en.j' lla.'ki-l picnic lunch Ls to bc mveil lo ’ai l ;30i!, ni. Ice cream, lemonade ond byjc:r:e.-w ill be fiirnlsliKl*

111-1 Nccs Wnni Ad-1 re.itlt the pcotnc you , jwl'di In fttlmrl,

) k c rs , in

W e b s te r

n c rc .is c . '

iM m m ]'W m S ’i i l

w ■ '

p J I I j l f 2 fo r 25o

t e r

a w n V E C E N T S ,

D K I N G . W E B S T E R S



a o . iBJ;°' .'MII.TO.V ALIIKIIT SMITH of W»sh- /"■-- In ita n , I), f , 1C jMr» old. liiild-. ., ” »urld'» cndurin.-c rccord fur bloi'ir

rid lnj, l l r krill prdalhiR for 'tU houn anil I j iniiiulr.. KcUInc a loU l'

I c j p i i i i t E i i r ] :^ WES 3i BULLS E!ES|nil

G eorge W . O n rd e r o f O lU o-N a-i— tio n a l G ufird M akca G rc iii; S h o w in g in P r a c t i c e S hoo t, I

CAM!’' I ’EimV. o.. AllK, 23 nIc Capuln aeor.'e W. Cnrilcr of Ulan-;-)., >'hi clie.ster. Ohio, ot the I47lli Intnnir}', all Ohio national Kunrd rifle team, imi 3B, ,|,, lhe con.iccullve bnlLi eycj Inlo the I0C0| i,.i in- foot tm -et lodity, In pnicllcc tor the . th ;ed nailonal rllle and [ilslol matchcs, w-hleh! ^ fifs o))cns hen- Inniorrow, imn Teaiiu. from vurloin wctlonr: of tliL'ifn inn United Stalc.s continue lo arrive (Inllv!]{i n.'l nnd prcimn- for the m nlc te , T lieini

Unlleil SinlrtJi rlfli- ennlnrers leaml i-ed frum Fort Dii|)ont, Di-lnwarc. arrived i ” ,nd UKliiy. ; eo

W enihcrtnmliuonj pomilitlii|T.'wor'ii]tn on Ihll llrlnK line In Ilie Jnnlur rltlu'wi

i’OU ■■■■_____. . .

I/ >

J p o & t

M lS h e l l “400more air,lew m ileage! ^ S time, the full oriiescomplei



rT \ii. ii) . \H ( ) i , i : \ ( in :flub ______WC!1 '---l-P .'-

- r rr ,itill. i— r - j , n;|-S.lll l..il i- . 'Jl HI ■ ..M'iI Onden • I'a in :,n(TWIN' l Ai.iis Itl -:i ,n:.lU w i l . Ill Jl .W!M-iIhi 1 .ill- . . !7 Jl .th

N'.\TUi\,\i, m :a (;i ' i :Club-- Won IaM IV!

Chlrairn 71 -ll .i;i7

•Sl. i.<'iii'. - • (17 -111 ;.iu(New V.iii: . 07 .VJ .:.r,.iiCiiieiiiiiiiti ;ij i;:i .-Vij;i!im i';ivii_ .I:i nil .4ii;i u i i i . i i , 47 Cli .ik;l l 'iilla ililiiliu 74 .:if,2

I • " i i fiH AN i.i;A t:t'i:I Club - w.m l.oil Pel.Neu V.lll; Itj ;17 .(i1'»

. |).'iii.u i;i; 411 .-iHi;Was!iiiii:ii"i iii: ,r,yiJ’hi!a<i.-Iii;n., iiiiciiu'ii;.! :,,, a ,KWClev. l l ll . l , tu .^2J

Iic.iim ' :n; 111 :t()i;

; r A c in c COAST i i iA iii' i;j C inb- Wi.ii Ul I IV[I ‘ (),ikl,iiid '.U fit ll’71 jSe.illl- 11'. Ill .M.I

'San I-Tflliei-n) .,..ia Q-. ,’,McKi'i ranienUi 7.'i 7ti -I'.i7i l ’nrlliliul » 7.'i 7i: .4UTHollynoail (13 Kl! .4,'i4

! ;Ml:,flons CH ftl -Cll■ jl.ei Anirvle-i fu ll'i Jr.7


.MlNNKAI'OI.ln. Anu, 21 /,Vi-l!nliby ; .Iiine.% chamiilun irolfcr. shot a C7 her.*'li^lHe l<\ Hi..-I;i.-Mii.n...l..lfiiiiii'.i' HITlord und to Ii-.id Ihe field tn the na-

= I III ii-'l. 'iniiileur i;iill luurhamciit wllh i

i Hobby jliowed^tr^' sli;n today uf re- , Ietieeritii; hti ii:irH i> n.itli>n,il iinuiti-nr I (.olf fhampuin frem Otoine Vim Klm,

P I iicni \.liiim he kl ;ii it In I'le ItnOr. i-iu J .jin rs ai;o iin'1 to u-liiun he lo.t l l h 't “ iyi-ar. Vun Klm wa.s strunKllni: lo iri'i

I a 76 10 iiuiillly ivllli 134,

i i ; noxK iis susi’KSi)i:iij TOi’EKA, Kan., Auk, 23 (,ri-S in - I peii'liiii uf Itoy Ilunrnr, Dodirc City

“ iKnii-Mis. and'JIm -Tiny" Ilpniian, I’orl- '‘• j hind. Orc;;oii, lienvyB-cldil buxcr;, wai

'anrioiinced today by Leslie K. K»l- ■ mondu, .-si-crciary ol Uie Knnsii-i alli- Ifllc cominl.sslun, wlilch hivcf.llKalcd

“•'jth r rcccnt bout between Ilie p iir al Kminaa Clly, Knii.ia.'". The tefi-re'-

'declared the Iwui a "no conleiil" al- I'- ifa Ir afler the nlli-Rcd knockoiil uf ‘Vi Herman by Uiinisr'ii flr* l punch In I'-iUie fecond round,

; corp.i niatchi-.t. will ccl nnder way to- rk]tnorrow; nniirt'K i.iy siOii|icd 'ouid'jor Iu ‘ wotk of the Uiooicrs,

W i m


it increa : i £ E A Ctoo” w ork^ best ori a lear 2 ssg a s7 ^ 'p iis means ecori

SHELL'‘'400" g iv e s y o u ,

u U p o w e r o f B a s o l in e ; b e e

p l e t e l y a n d c o n t i n u o u s l y t c


UIST a ! 1927.

Former Clinmpion Is,Forced to.,' Abandon Plan (dr RoacJ Work

V-' and SiibstiUiles Exercise.

' CHICAGO. Auir. y I.i'.-llnrd :alnn Illlll,; Uie nlr'i: mul early lulav

li;,H;illi-d llll- l.tneiiln l i ' ld . Mee (ouri-e 1,; ti.tu ll Chilly, tiiiiiivumi: j.lau- for Jiick

, iJi iiili eV U»i;iy. A-. a le.MlIl, lhe fdrn.t-r ; eiiaiii];uiii •,v,ts Inui-d Io aUiliilon hl'i ' l.l.ii',.. I'll’ iiT-il Wlill:, bill 111' nialHiirril 't . i ;lel 111 a lir'.ii' ll::i,I (-inr;;:e. IJniip-

,,,ji;"y, 11-111'! a v,.itliliiir exi'til'.er, a df'vire iiu iiia r !') a rri-,idiiilU, fliiuiid that hu

. “ 'hulled ll ab.ml Ihr.e inlli.. wlille liiek- lllli: hi-. liTt u|i and l.iyln:: them down

;!;I|.;;:iln lai till: nmini’ance, Uc al«a ,;]! M ini Uirouch .'oiiic lunbcrlns u;> c?er— ■“ -’r.'-P:. before i-alliiii: It a d.iy lur liLi

woit;iiiii :n imiii|i '" 'I llrii;|i*e.v Il.i^rr tn Work

I The cliallm-iiT wis i-.ii',.-r I'l i;et lo I V i.ik In Ibe form of Mx-klni; the K-aUicr

•'I " l„ i: lliul slMiluw b.uliiii, but «■hl•n^vet 1 iiMlier mierf.-i'iil, -,;o-. ild ol Jiimc 0l tl.i- eari’rni-j.. liy lii'iii;;; ill.- i-ari). iiien

■’ll ll. I.i'.v.r the Ilni; in whleli lie will do '.'7 .1:1. boxinK and ulliL'r -.-.nrk lo uroiiiiil !i:,li-.el.,'i4 ■ Oenipi.ry discovered the ring was :il/liiil( t lliree /eel off llie iirouiiu, |iie- r.7heiiiln i; n Miuatlon lhal niliihi catuie

| i ii ' Injury 11 he :hould happi-n to be.I >;i,M:l:ed (iiil of the rlin; or lall oul uti l i . or linntk liln ^plrrln!; ,ii:irincrr. imi__•I-f llie ehclttMiru ii:i lie did nl 8aratb<:a.

IT llIe donneil tils resular camp reRalla. j i'.n s ljin i: of Millie tromcrs.white s l i l t l . iriiiiTvh iie sweater Jiick't. He looked the plciiin- nt laipreme conillllon In Ihln T. I ,ii- [| i .ii'pi

• ■ I i:.i;arai::erl/i-d Iiu iiUl-Hini- rlni; days,•'** 1 T lik f l Sale .Slartj■* ’ W lill lJ.'iiii)s-v removcil lo lhe (julet- f'?.r6f-t!nl'oft-Kerdvmurb-ur-U^

'■* j ii-re.-l In the f lr lit ccnii-red on llic nnlo 'T t:f ucketi U»Jay. Tex Rickard was " ''i; l;n k liii: iiround hli lieailiiuarters, very ^‘'liM ich in lildlni!. I-:vcry llmc hc show*

• ' li'nii eif lie 111 ailackrd from all sIdM by ■'''jp::nie:. who want ihli or that concc.i-

I l(.:i. or Jiave im jliirlc who once_iluf: — j;;i;ld--aiUi-Tci.iip4li.Ala4ka,.and-U«irfl—

ti re flKuro they nrc enllllcd lo a couple ul frnnt i-uw tcat-s, - ' ^ *. •

III- ■________ __________:ly r- - ~

™ LIVE STOCKJ :, r . r .S.i,

' ' ll ' ^ l•e Lamb-!, Feeder Lnmbi, Drcetl- ; Ini: L'.vm. Ilampihlrc lUinui

ll- ' WANTEDuf I’luitnrc fnr 60 Cattle; Small P a - ,In lurc for Ran«; lo Conlracl Dcel ■

i Top Pii.ilurt,

IT.' J .D . Ritchiew ri (ilflre 5C3 " niONES n« . 7Sa


k y * |a st s e si Em m ix tu re -- nom y—m ore u, fo r the first jc au se itv ap - to a “d ry”gas.


A a t M M liq u ld p ar tid c s i H / h B B « A .w u cep o w et B S

Page Throo ,

Page 4: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

j i' -P u g e F o u r - . ,


— ri— fc?"iS5>. -...........

Is « & w M j r « i r 5 - & j r si : .................1 i, 'k n l '

, i |[ • . j i i ;m i;i:ii <irI ■' Ti,,- ,\.;-.dalr.| IT

. ' ' J S ' l t i 'S H ?(AD irirAlu Aoocl.ai'.l i

1- --------- r.....................................................

. i ' ' : ; i i i S 'S .S r SNu rfsj-inpll.Illty In ....... l..r rl.'

• ■( S / : 3 S r t



) A iTDii;> cif f;i;iiIiil;iio vvi-11 mrriltiu' ^' i Ilic fnvornblr roiiMilrr.ilinn <il llii'i

illiirlci'r. clcrlcir.-; lia.-. birii iu>mlii;ilc-il j , f ' 10 fill Ilic Ihm- v:.r;ilirl(> in llu-T '.uir

------ -- Kails liirtMMKli'iii .•Wi.>o!.,ili:.inri Iraninl nn (-i.'dinii i in : TiKviI.iy. |

HRPdfV. f.lTKlttUtr ton OIIL- ) l.TMl j !■ 10 tlll'mit lhr liliCMiira! KTlil c'. i;. U ,'’;

[ ' JoIin.'(iii. ri'si^iiial, anil t:. i'. MrChiiiil^’ aiicl s. 13. Tcrrlnr. rnnclidiitcs lorvihr.'c .i)

• Kar:i Icnii.s, ' IcMf.~~5ywH7;.-oae—UiiuL-Wj'isf—uCl-b

I Falli «/id Sarmet tircs}tinn « ' ‘: lliir Idalio sinic public iillNllrs coin*||‘, I ' mlMloii, liM been n tc.Uilcni of T« !ii ,v

riilLi for ncnrly iwciuy jm rs nmi\i>- ' ' ^ n o iv MTvini: as Twin I-'iilh '''

I io rn?F ~ irr'irnT ra 'in irir"orttip ; unt-r,.;‘vrrsliy ol Mlclilcaii ai;:l nflcr lil 'ld :

1 snduntlon !crvci1 for wmc llmc ni nil cr 'j liiiimcior lor nn imtiiinioii ol liiirlirr ]' Jmrnliie In llu- Male of Wnsliln-itnii. j', i; ,- Mr. McClnlii, one ot thf Iir.i :<-til.I crs pf Die Ttt'ln FalLi rounlry.

wrvMl iwlce us n nicmljcr of Tuluj*''' l-'all^ Khool board, Imvln;; liccn nji-j

i jwlnicd one of the mciiibcrj of ih - |{ bo.ird ulicn Dil' Indepcmlcnl dhirlctiwj

I I «-a,s orcnntzcd Iv/rnty ynt> uko. niitlim j later bcliiR callcd Into -w ire on l l i d '' '! I board from uhlcli lie retired itto yoars'^I.

. .neo................................................. . |m'' Mr. Pcrrlne. who nho Ins been lileii-liil HfletJ «-Hii ,'Uic Tn-(ii fn ill coi/itirj ' from 11.1 bi'Kliinlncs. Li non- a incnilx'r|{?,' of the .school boanl. | t,-

'Scr\'lcc n-nclcn'd by Mr. McClahilln j' and Mr. Pcrrlnc m nu-inU-m of ihr-i’l' •i school boirtl, nnd Ihelr fnnilllariiy

I I with the dntlM of Ihe office, coiniiiciid i I' ,thclr caiKlldaclcs to all voters who arc Ui I- - fanilllar ttUli Ihcm. while Nfr. Swce- j |l ley’* uniuiial fiunllflcallnns maki- his 1 j candidacy cne In which Uic clljl'ricl

may mcII lakc jirlile.' 1, None of thc.ic cnndldfttcs arc vnl- j.jp I I uiilar>- a.'|ilrants tor tlic ofltrcs fo r|nn I wlllch llu-y have U-cn nonilnatcil. but,IdaI mUicr, Ihcy h.uc bci-n prcvnllctl iiihiii

by frlend.s of the schools to Uiclr .scrvlcci at the dL'pw.il ct ih? aiv dWrlci. til,

j Each one of ihi'in may bc dc'i>cmlc<lii[)on to brniK to liu- ofllcc, In nldl- l/oii w unusual (]OTlif(cntlon-'. n Vm- j',[ ccn- puriwc lo M-rw Ui- diilrlci. noti(;*i:; for Uic tiirilirrjnfc of any. s]>cclal in- trre.sl or ix-n-onal binv bul to Uic rml Uiai Ihc affalri of ihc dlilrlct mav be ndnilnLiliTnl cciirvinilcally and for the best inierrsij ot more Ilm i Ihrr? I thou-and pii|ills ciiwllnl in TulnVaII.-.'r,.i tclioub. ' jui

! The fan lhal camllilalrs ot Ihl.s lyp-J : have brrn Iirrutrhi hirward .'lioiild bc ‘’ -'

, ! [ a m « .tcro tK r.iillK -.iio n io l« -n ,a .il-j" '^ fcstid by Kriieral iiipport al Ihc cli-c*;inc

i tlo... jr ,r

I .\MKUU'.\N Oi’j;il,\ SINfiEHs iSlflII The mansKcr o! ihr ClilcaBO Civic ;vrr;

• Oixrta Conipan.v. cn hir, return from ' •I Eiiroixr ihr ether d.iv. iiniu.nnccd U al

, «h!lr J!f K.U aliK.il he lud ctiHKnl 'u n two <ltMin-iiii'.li.'<l ,M.un'.: ln■,-e s f..r':<vi Ihc coiiihii: .T..-.,,!. l.-.b is,,|!,iir a - - " ‘- normal ihUiK f.-r r.n r-ivra maiuuicr J:;; to dn. Thr imuvial fr.iuirr of the s i catc -i"

‘arc Americans :oI Chase li.uo!;:c Sikc.s, known vliilc^*''-

.'.insinK V.1II1 Ihl- Ll oprra m ii'i'' Milan a.' Cr.sjm- li n native ;ncof Mlchlcaii and a rrailiiaie ot ihc fat Umvcnlly ot Michl:;an. The c:l'.rr|''‘-''f,' American f.ln^cr Li l.ronc ICniio, also j.,-i;*

| l a naUve of MtchipAii. ,& Amcrlcflii oix-ra coinjramp.s havf an Ik-?II • cvcr»lncmslns lls i'u f native .slnRcn. j! on Uictr rolls. Some, like J.Jarion Ta’l-I , ley. have achieved their firJi srcai ].p|' 'l fame In thclr native I.and. OUicrs, like tlvi li the (wo booked In E jropc this )>iimincr. I’nl I have bctiT first rcCoKnlrcd abroad and

■U-------Juvc had ££veril.£ucceisIu}.£C2iiins G iI! forclen fltai;es before slnjins in

.............—Atnerlca, — . . . . . . .j j . In either caje. Uiclr ability ha,-, been I - well proved ,ond ha.s_ helped lo -nd- 7 ^

■f------ -.TanarAratrtca*s-prr5tice in 'the■of music. Apparently. A m crlan soil Prt

and cllinate are nol Inimical (o the blrUi of floe wlces or to their artlsUc development. LO

lIsOCIETHi «* lillUd bv

. iMi«-1:. IJ- Williams•i'«m I ■ I'liaie 2v'fl

led fU-i lit he

In hen wiio 1.

y iinnir :r whirl .s. 'niu-,I

■ . nil-I'lH ill .iniii:i ;i m iiiir honurri1, I-Vili- r Uoivir


i-fc laid md twu -rt lira.-;

• !-'.Ir<!’,''-,',’[r in h ! : r i i i J n i m J ^ £ L ! u ^ iirts <il

111 pinl; and n-d. I-‘c]I»wlrn:

....... ‘■I'lir. Mr.. <■ r . umicr of Fcrt-, IlMI'.'

'n i l n: iiiuii Mrn. c.impbrll

>rilI c i io w n s , \ r - m o p a iw h k -

rniililaho ih rairr uln-ir the Mtlro-C.uld- jjin-vn ruiKT-lratiirr, 'T he Ul|! I'ar.id'-." - |l.s iiiiiyiii:: a .■.•\ril-<liiy enKaiirmrnl.

Whlli- llir prrr.s Ijr-ci; Klves John Cil- r-''M)rft credit fur lu-inK the Mar thrrr arr

Ic ih rn traliirrd in tlir picture w-h(> i:ivr „r him a rirs,- riin m keen ih?, lignpn.l

- 'fo r KnrI IJ,inr. llir bi|; iron worker, jiind Tciia O'Urlrii, the DoKcr>’ b,ir

" ‘ Itrndrr, Uic otiirr tw» of ih r irti> ill ,^rum)d wliriii itir ;,:nr!,- is laid, arr Is very rood in lln-lr part nnil fiiriiLh

[. iiiasi III thr nitiic'dy rrllrf durlm; Uir . firit lllllf <if thr iwiiirc, Rriif Adiirrr’'■T,-;. -lTiV‘iinirFf[n?inafiriisinr-i'rrTil--jilifllrull roir 10 play and nlvn at; an rxcrllrnl rxhlbltlnn of i.rrrrn ncUn;:

T hr uhnk' ihu» ii belni: p:r-;iil'-:!■ wllh .siv.-d:il mii.Mnil arraniirmmt.i and

I).-.ck r'aKu rlfix!-, makln;: Ihr .s’lw more rrallstl'-. 'Hi'-rr rfmain Jiisi fmir

.T.-; dftvs more ot llu- iiiii ot "Tlir IHk Pa- _ -

‘’’ I "l.OVHV .MAUY"T hr kind of a itlrliirc you h;iir b.-n

ct|\valllllK f'T raiiir to tin- Orphriim liir* itlln lrr indnv, "Liivi'y Mary," «hlch 'u ii i,„:<Iiri-ricd by KiiuT Uamuilt, ri'iirrscnt.N .

loiicllicr nrhlrvriiirAl for Mriro-Ould* , wyn-Mayrr, whifli .srrins Io have nr- j

m ilrrd Ulc habit cl HirnlnK out i;o«I ,n-lp'c'i'f<"^'

IJr/.slr J.oir. »ho .-rrjji^ dr.slUipd In j ' ibrrnnic onr ot thr irrr.Airsl whlni.-.|ral i

*rharar;rr aclrrv.es of lhe scnvn, mid . I William Halnc.'. have Ui? imdhiK rnlcr. i

hilln th r Jilm. u'hlch wa.i ndaiitod from ,~ |th r >l(in- of the r.amr name by Ahce .^ ..Hriran Hire, Tlie Mtl^fartory r-.is! In- ’ rhiclcs nu.«eH Simp cn. Martha Mat-

' ' ' lor;, nctsa Oore,'. fjim.-hinc Hart and ri- Ihc child, Jnckle Combi. - . \

!; ANNOUNCEMENTS ;; TllC Wcincn'.i Forcljin Mlvslunary sn- *' I- clciy of Ihe Mrtho<lM rimrch will * ir|iin-cl in the church P-'Uurs on Tliurr- t,'d ay afirrnoon a l 2;30 o’clock. Tlic iilElrls' Kiiri'i Ueraidr «ii| br,i;ui-5l.i of . i l h e 5ock-iy and havr cliarso of Uic i ‘ IprcKnmi, As this 'is mile Ixu oprnhin- dny all mrmben nrr arkrd to brniR

their inlic boxes with iht-m. •-<1 --------

Th- Wnmen’s Prcurrv-lvr rlitb will mrel nt Ihe home t-f M:^. Wallace

"i.tvtnE?.loii, Wednwday allrrnoon, Au­'l Ki;r,t :t.

; AOOITIONAL MABKETSn (IllCAOO I.IVE.'nTOCK- j CHICAOO. Aug. J3 I ,l',-c ,i i:le -l ir - •'•■r.-ip;'; n,'V30: most klllintr rh 's -c .;’fcc

|;.1 2. r luwer: low Rualiu(-.l nailvr ...kr.-ir-.y ami .short' fed ■irrr.'. .•cailm;' ll.'n pj'.ina> dnnrn, 2ic In ,vv in-icr in [/fi.-.M{l.-r,s than JilIC Iv.: «rr)c; be.-l

■(rlern Icday }H.<5: yrariiiirs SN.10: •;incrl fal sirors 111.25 lo J13; .sirrnble

Iriirinklim: Krrcn kinds snr.o to ?11: iMrrVirrs and feeders $750 to M li:;ir.i I urav, cows $0 to $1; cra.'s lielfers '!T 10 5S :5: emln fed kliul | 8 o to |SIO; ll,-;!it ycarllnj hclfcrs opa-ard tn

I'.eavy sausage bulN up to S7; r,vralrrx »14S0 to Jl.litl,, i IIck:*,-Hecrlpts M,OOH: m;irkrt ini-

;fv<ii; heirs 210 iwiihdi ilii-*ii. lOr 'o ‘ iL’.'c packlnc sow-s steady to 15c1 IivArr rn iMo tlccllnc, biiti-Jirrs J.io to r-:<vi i.riniiH talrly netlvr ,.ri ^hlplllnK , .arc-onni. Mrady lo 1 top. S'.oTii; hi;Ik de.'lrabic IS.' m :-r<i inunds ^ $ 10i:. In 510.60; 325 ir> ;jo pounds- fP ,-0 rn SltnO; 2G3 to 3C0 p..-.i,;ds $859

weight biil.'iiif. onwii :o mas; packlnc w .:. S7.7j to

J j ' i r i ; Ikht ttclfc-hts U|t to $ ii« ratly: ..siansMi.- piKi uneven, b-irrr crades

' arnund riradv; common ami mrdium :nc r r mnre lower; llbCMl .supply hall

; tat plr> to 59.2$: shlppors took .irKvOfi; cMimaled holdover C3M ' I y iierp-nrcelpts 2(k000: fal lamhs 'i-.’jc- to r.Oc loi-er; hulk naiivr.s j u la

$i:i:'i. -Allh nicdertRe Io hr.v,y sort,;1 iK-M sripftlom up to413.5(1; mrdlum tji KC.od Iambi do-a-n to $12.50 ;md belW:

cuts arnund JO; rancfn ::rr-,v; fc- • s.air.1 $13.25 lo $13J0; best wcsiernri ' held abave Si3.(>:>: slieep weak: fat nn- : tlvc e-Afs (G to J7;'feedins iamli; firm:-. bulk Ut Io 70 paunds (13 tn $l3.jO,

!J Good News for ’ . . - P re tty Skins .1 MHUXD-GLO Isftwonderful ncwiliad: .

-yo-jUi color. Per»plr»ilon lurdiy af-

1. feciaJlt-ftad-li »IU-noile«TetM?km '' 'd ry and drawn. Try this nc™ Trrnch 1 Proce.« Face Powder nnd enjoy Its ; mar%-elous beauUfylng qualltifj, sticks

; WTlI. stayj on lo n g ^ and docs not c i^■ the pores. You w iriu rely love MEL-

LO-OLO. Fisher Drug Co.-Adv.

■ TWIN f Xl LS

JT D i s t u r b a n c e o t P c a c e .I) O f W a r B r i n g s F i n e

^ rirlils 'AH.S finf^~slo Tucsdnybv Puller .liidKr 11. D.! Head for dLs- lurblni: Ihc pcacc ot Ihe UTcat baitlr tirrnr of ••Thr HU Parade" Mondny

__ ninht. Arthur IVlrn, the police offl-Ur ci-r;, who loA Mrlds Into cuilodj', Itlis lltl a driuiialic ;.!ory of Uic Inddcnt. itl- Field:, cho .si-rm tn have-bcm-eelc-

l, hiatinw. c;.m.' m srvi-ral times on Ihi i„. .-.Inirr nt Ihr ir,ir d Ihc thcutre, Whrrc li.|i Jix- i: M.S.'. nliriKlliii: to Utf noise mak- [j.,, ltnr fnr ilu- '.v;ir H-rne.s. Diirlni; th r r,., b - t Kriat baiilr. vticn Joc K. with a Iin ijiK pi-,tnl flrim; blank cattridues I,, l'f a lant" rulibrr at a rapid rate,

F.riil! ii;;ul" a final effort to i;o over liir li;ii. .loc K .started for Iilm ivliii till' b:;: ii!>i('i In his hand. Flr-Idi rx-

^.);|rrwi''d a rapid rctrojiradc f,lraKi;lc „i,!iiimcuiriil. In ih r meantime Olllcer ild il’r iT . had Ui-n nollflrd nnd camr „ii|fliivin;: down ihr alley. ' Fields, who ,,.;iwa'. loiikini; bark to protect liLi rrar ...~lr!i:ii<l. dill not i.rr Ulc poiiceman unlli j„ . , l ii ' nimiiy-d Inio the car nnd lor n „( .Muun-iit W1V.S iinrli T the lmprr?.slnii

'i l i . i i hi- had rnn Into n lank. Hit- iimnxTary nvaium of roLsr in con- , jji-i-r/w) U'lih i>iirMin« sJirlls /rave Ilic

... ! 'i:ilieiicr ll ir Impn-vstnn lhat the ar- ,r : i i i; rry tnd irnrini hold of a eon.'liin- . llin iriit nf -diiil'.,-'


, fl -------f Iinprr.-.lvr fiinrrol scrvifcs for Har­

riet Kvam-rlijir Vndon, 11. d»*hle r ot Mr. and Mrs. m n i : Vadon. who vvcj kji’rd in jiT) 31II0 nccWent Sujiilny.

k w rrr rciidiirii-d -l-iirsduy nftcnioon nt llie irnt 111 'nilrd street nml Main i.vrnu.' I.IM by lielrii CampU'll. child rvan:;,.||..t. rLT .K.r.l l,v n V l...Urir.

. ^ fliT !r!lcv.ii; ;''irirl cl.i.vinlntes of liar- rir- iN.in.'c-liti" v.rrr pall bcarcrsr E v r-!.

; lv:i M<-ri.-, IVarl Mll^c. I-;vrlyn Callrr-I ' .• whilr, Huth llurprr. Ilia Turner nnd: .„ Uuili I'luivrr br.arcrs wirr Riiih ,. , I,(.cklv, .lp.ssir Riibrris, Marilcia I ^ k ly •


MAKE WORK FOR POLICE ,'■ Without cblminif lhat ftll vlolalcrj!' 1 u f-.liafili-uu ;uu ij0ns hv Twin KiiIIrr:J ' hive brrn bronchi lo bank, police h rrr j '• laM rvriiln;: piiinled lo rccord'i .stioT. I

ini; lhat a t:utxl dral b Ix-lm; drmr by ; liir oliicrr:; K, rurb traffic offrnM-s.i ‘ Thesr rccflrd.s ^huu'rd a tolal ct P2 '‘ arrrsts thi.s intinih for vinlalioni ofK ;};<■ JM.'nr rr.nrliK Irmn wrfhi:)-'

paikln.! 10 runnmi: r.f r.iop iicnaU and *’ ^pel'dlllt:,


' bi:i!ru-l fouri -viIl cnnvrnL' hen- Sep- - letnber C, with Jud^r IIUKh A, Uaker C

prrjldlnc JutlKr. Arratiinmenls will a ' lakr placr ami niolinns nii:l dcmiirrcra '*' will lie nnrni-d durliiK Uu- first wrek.

I hr Jury «HI b? call'd f?: Mondny. ’ Srpt.-nilKT I?, jcidje W. A Unbecek ° [ har. inTii ralird as cpimnl.s.stoner lo a.'- u ' ^l;,t thr nipri-mc cauii. b'.'klnnhiiT In ^; __________ 1!


JldWARD-I'unrr;!! services for Jnck T Hr-\ard. ninc-ycar-olil .son «l Mr. nnd tl ?,fr>. W. JI. Howard of llan 'rn , who li <iu-d Mc'iidtty cvcnlne at Uie Iicnic uf w liL. par<‘ni.\ w-ill lie ccnducird al Iff S n'f/ofJr Ihti morii.’jii- nt fJif aro-.-iin.iH rtini>el by Rov. Valmllni- Delch of llaiiren.

------------------------ llTENNESSEE PICSJC U

Sept. 2S, 10 n.m..FairKfouiids,-Adv h


W lM - ’il¥ «


■ SI'v ir%. ^

voa^M «/ I


^ ^ r e v i t T e s______ llcfc..on-Btulness-I_i3_Ciunmlniri,-sdny inanum'r of Ihc Dolsc 'Cmdeiflla phoji, dLs- 13 In Twin l-'iJb u t ba me-c.

a ltlr ■Iday Cel Marrlace LJrrn.r-W , I’arka and offl- Oolda Rltt»r, both uf HiKvnnaii.-ob- Itlis tallied a marrtacc lln a 'c hcrc Tue.'i- lent. day.reic- - —- ----------------------:—thi I.r.-ivfi for nnmr— Mrs. Elliabctli

here num, of Wallace lell Irr h rr hcmc lak- nii-^iay after a vLs;i uiih Mia. K. K. Uir oslnuidcr.

VWi in D rnter-M r. and Mr:i. Wil-i llam Tottan and ton Itiinald, arctiai-i

" t)}’ Mfcs! BfairrJi IVn.’krr. Jeff,!x" Turr.dr.;- for Denver t' \M t rclatlve.s. I

Siio-.Jionc ShiTV" Cuevl-C. f, I r.hi«los. Iwal agent ol ilir liiaho I’oi'.-;

'"'V er cutnpany nl Shn-.hnnv, naa lirro] rl-ar

f, ■; Jlepubllcjn Chlcf lu C llj-Jch n M e Miirriy of 0.\klcy, riiairman of thr republican slate crntral ccjininitirr?!

", v.a-; irans.acUng basmr-.s nnd .vtsitln:; | fricnid in the city Tu-<fay,

'•"• r;,drrr,oes Oper.niim-Mr!-. P, 11 Slo‘, e!l wa.s reported l.' i rvenliiK to br iiiakini; a saUsfactcry rrrovrr^' hi a Udir.r hospital, wiicr.' :hrr ;.ui)niltir;i Suiiday to it sinus opi-nilion,

IM — ■—SJal.r Ilrirf VIp.II-W, 1). Vinernt.

'nr ‘■''nnnlssloncr nl i-<lucallnii. imtl■ .Vrs. fiiicrnt with Join; f{. Ault. .sM(r

,1, . pariiii. ottleer. stojiiK-d hrrr Tur^day Ior a sljort time en rniiu- lo JloL-e.

1 ■ ^;mllcl^oll PasjM .\u.iy—A In ter rr- , rilvi-d trom O. A. Jlr.ld of 0rr;;im by

,-1, Im; ,sl-.ler, Mr*. L. C. Hnlt.s. slates that^i)TnmTr;»miTOn7:tfr,--rn--;ai. \mr. m r.

I 'n i- I>raiu fomerlv lived hi Twin

fliild Hreak% Thiim!.—The lli r r> |i V,,- .'•'••'■•'lltl daiiKhlrr nf Mr. and Mn. \V.

’ A. Jlnnrfiel. 302 Third i.xrniir ■nnrth,|i jbruVr her thumb Tur.Mav nftrnitxin.''

- ■ ^ • ir i t waK-faupht in-a-t)«!lH.sv«.rm^. i;rr. 1

3 E | Had U'ater lireak-A 'hurry-up ral! < iMonilav evcnlmt brcuirht Harley Rav- i

--.j'hiirn. mrrei nnd wai.r rupr-riniendenl, ( H .,iui U;ii-cdKO of-lnuii-in-lhul:-li(H -iiU •rv i l>f'''trn pipe cr'm ain , b id ’ a brcltrii n .i-.lho.-r, i>^ .\ ----- , Itr.., H-re I-rrm Wi-CDnsiii-Lciii-; Ni'l oii U o-i'hanker nnd cnntrai'.rr of Jtaclilf, \Vl.s-|'i oJji-rnsin. is here. areo;im,.nled by lil,. jjj.j-.vifr. vl'Uliitf hb uiiili's. JiidKr J.,;iw. I iid 'frnec Hansen and J.ilin I-', Han.sen,

and'oihcT rcblivcs. jb

Fall Ifl Jtelnm C.-.r-TliP Drive ll r 'E Ycursclf company li.-.s reported to the

pcilco Ilmt IWO men and a woman, il IJ. ^rKlsieihiR a i Mr. ami Mrs. .Jninn i: cr Ci'ilcn Wld M. J. Kanr. liad laken out 1)1 n J-ord m lan. Ilecn'r number 2UPO. f

und tailed lo rrturn ll. j

y Strip Jllpirv C ar-T hc uuio m -,w \ '-k by y. C. JlijjJry of n u h l .sioirn M cn-,£ , . day nlcht, wn« fcund Tuesday by ofli-io j„ errs ihn-e miles ucst aixl halt a niilriei

iiorih of the- F u r Point;; r.tore. mimi-. lire:; nnd ccll. . An effort had bci-n ‘ mnde to take llie b.itl'-rv, c

----- ------ ■ dMake TUIenili-il Trlp-M r. and Mr.i.,'-'

-k Thr.m:us M. RrI.cri.-.rn rriurn'-d Tiie3--c; Id dny nflernnon Irrm Jl flav^• molor trlpI 10 10 Pcrtland an.l ir-attle and rrinm bv! uf way of Spukarr and thr Nonh n n d |" lft Sruth hichw-av m the virlnhy nf noL«c 11' ,n tllll) ilifiKv lh/-r!Ji-)i Sln/jJcy JJj.iJji.. ^

Iteani Atr Hfait'hy-Tli.il bcani ^ the Twin FnlLi dlilflct nre eompnra-ltc lively free frnm divnse so far a.i /Oie T

V h.is yet lnve.<l--a!cd Is the italcnicni. n


•. i - , r o i M i u f - '

I • fM k

f s m r 'M

k / y I

t ' J ' lil. iZ i i

-O opyil«hl, IW


siilH S M lhits,--------


Picnic at Buhi Park lo Be Fol-. “ ^ ,1 “ lo m l by Junior Day Obscrv- ;■ r ’i.; ance on Fair Grounds. ■

,VI|. . MAitOA. AiiK. 23-Tlie Maron Wo- t^ii.|i'n?n's club, held un annu;il plcme nl j(,.ft. JluW/wrjf j;bj swiJ,-!)-. TiiiTi- wju a ; ..i Ibiir. ret dinner and the club furnlslieU i

I tcu cream. Ir, .1 n i r Maroa Women’.s dub v.-|ll hold ••

oi-..'|3n annual junior, day at the lalr d ji,-j.l(:rcundr; iTxt Tliunday. The ccmmlt'iu: III, . Ice ill charvc b compu-.rd c( Mc;,danirs,

Oia;.slnsrr, r . . i i ............. ............... ‘r‘— |T5ll'.'hannn and Cobb. Therr v.-lli br n Me- I'all cauur and various contest:; b<-- ilir ti'K ’n Ul" children. '

Mr. onil 'Mr.s. E. J. Malonr nn-| -1,1- :hcme from a tnur of yrilW tione paik.'

.’.rr. ami .■\frs. S. O. niefiJ at::! Adti'i •. Mae Diehl nnd Mr. nhd Mr;;. L, II.­II llrown nnd family arr li.mic l:om a

,b r f^inipln; mid flr;hln;: trip on tlic Jltit _I .X Smoky, L

Mr. and| M.-3. R. H. Wiliams, and -son a;id dauirhtcr. who luvc bren vis- llinir at the L H. Drown home, li-i'. I l''riil;iy lor ihclr homr In Arlronn via;

,iui Portland and Cnllfornla.;i(r .''fr. and Jtr.. I). T. eii.irji ar.il Jtil/ili Jay ohnrp nnd Mr. und Mrs. F.sIhiKrr nnd 1

family ec.nipi-il nt llnKcrman t'rld.iy;.,„ nik-lit nnd Saturday. j',"

r r . Ml.'.i Vnn nur;rll, umvcr>lly cx lrn -: by Mon dcmcn*tralirii »Ki-ni, will lalJt toj

'Ut ihe member;i of Ihc Maroa Wnmen'?,;,! r ^ ^ r ' -.iOf ^ - tW .’ctitjm iii)u.o 1'Hd.iV !iin n ^ ‘

n. H.‘ tlallfy Wft.1 i;i>TTai(ii on to r '‘“ , api'indlflll;. Wrdncsdav al thr couniyl. '

r > iirniTal lio'pital. - "\v .Mlln and Orah; S;vw.er vir.llcd tlielr Ui,|unclr', Charies J’rycr, a t Han.-cn, last

IM.' Mr.i. L. F. n.-Ql':i_iinti.-rlnlnrd,wjlh n [parlv In huntir ot her ^on W ftlu/'o iT f'' his birthday aiimii':;,ary la.sl J'-ruiay

.ll! cv-mnK. GiieM.s mdudcd Misses V e-,^“ ir ia und Waii.da I’allcrron. M axine,''"

ril, Oardnrr, lV;ryi Lovr and Ethel O ru rd -1; ’ ..„.Lu{i-cIJ:-‘lcr.ahd-Mbifis,vlrehib.Sny-.!J”, viiidcr, 1.1.1. Slerrr and h n Uliiklev a n d |“ ,

iMr:tsrs. Harold lllaklev, olcn Bean,! • lOemld Mmrr. Wade. Floyd and Ralph!*' I |;;)iarp and Paul and tl.r.j .Moseley

l.s. I'Ptii- huslcf-s r-rrvrd a liinrh.1,1. Mir.i I.urlle Jennlne:/ has returnrd w .'lrc in a tew weeks' vi.li m C.iilfornia. •n.I.mir was ncciimpanliil hnnir by he.-

'b;-, 'her. Cedi Jennltik-'. who is vi.slllni: llll.l parents. Mr, and Mrs. S. Ci. Jcn- f ' ;

II nhiKS. ■ l,e liomer Rim-ever and L. II. llrown lU, drove to Nevada J-'iiilay. where Ihev,ri luirdiar^d .■Jiicp. '’f 'lit _ • f*-'

BIG WHEAT CROP AT EDEN' A iirld of H acres nt Dlcklow wheat

I'd ' crown this M';woii by Boy Cordon nt pi| II-,Eden yJrIiJiiJ a rwp of J2I8 buiJieb, i- io r 87 bii.'heb per ;ure. U wns report- lie,eti hrre l.tst evenin,:.

------------- -------------------------- ---------- kcicf M ta Hnr.-nre llrdiir.i nf the federal dcinrinii'nl of plant inilusiry. hrre in- '

-1, vesiiKailtiK Ihr crnp. Tlib Is corrob- 3..c ra llu ' of.Mair tnvr;,iUaiors’ rrporla. .

DV i <‘on(rr on Malntenauce — Tltrce 1(11 members ol lhe Twin Pnlb Cnnal Co! JC; i-umpnny brard vlsllcd the Onwn f’f

Jllrcn.'j rnnch in the Snake river can- fjjWon on bu'iiievi Tuesday relative to hew inTadJuslment.ol back maintenance, snld i - l to asKffitair several thousand dollars, *' je Tlie m atirr will come up for consider- ''"'i la ntion ni the nexi rccular meeUns.


I . cm

' ' 1


' / ■ / • Ihe

'"al( . . r,m I'i 1 I jK ^\ ' / W ' *

.I'Y ;; ' ‘"I'l

r S 0 ! I '

=f e t t U r ■............

' / «

•________ • J • rior, 1W7. by Th* K*w York THbano, lae.



Llheyeather..n j I(I.alm: UnsrllleJ with laeaJ thun IU dcrjt«rmi in mountains fOolcr.

HlKher lhan the Monday, mnximun rti und lower that] Uie inliilmuin for Uvyi-., ,-----------prevlniis 24 hou

■- ih'ricfl; Ihe-t^mparaiiire for 'I'ueidn:

^ - J f i iwcs. »uatn»t 0,'0- ? U v I / Mcnday. .'Hie mli>nt hnuui for tJie per

, a M wai -IR. will!

C> ‘“ ’" fDid •- ■' nilnhnum' wa.i -11flir di-KrcPi. Mulaiions of llie .-ort nainci it-|uri- common Uib jeaioii.

a r a f l hI icimfsii

D ea le rs R e p o r t S e v e ra l T ra n s -

Ij; le r s o f O w ncrsiiiii o l Biiiii

“ I C o u n try P ro p e rty .

•;! 1 nUIIL. AUE. :xi-Dl- .S-wlf .llU' tom- ■•’ jimny. Ti'ally concern, aimnmice.-. the

ifoIlowinR sale of land hi the West end ‘■jlasi week: A. R, Qulrlry of Rase- ,, 'worUi purclia.sr,i ,ii,. 30 acre ranch on j^ ie-aiiam fotrit-row l-fw rtinl 'bT-n.-flcl'

jllcadi for a eon'ideralian of S13.'i p:r

"J: Nfd .Leland purchased the J/ml.i- |Mendino -iJ, Uiree-foiirih:, cl a mile

,| incrihttfst ot Duhl, T hu land has no J. nnprovemenLi.

Joe Ccrmak t f Greelev. Colorado, b the ne-.v ownrr of Uil- C..W. ^Llnhl_

■•pp>tt~->n-afrign- r .-.ilry r^ .T fr'C ei^ik , paid $6000 for the land and will tal:-.- Ipaye-ssion at once. Hr came Irom

. , ’Colorado two nionlli.s hku.I ', Mr. nnd Mr,i. JJarrj' Webber and

.. |M1M Adu Ripley returned .Sunilav from jv:a v.iraiions-nt Ev.inys Ho: SprlnRs.I, j Mrs. Kveri'tt nal>cwk. .-fho hai been .[Jn patient in n Twin FalH Iio-,piiaI tor ., .-.'-vrral -iceks MitferltiK tmm injiirle.s ' ' rrctlvcd 111 ft fall from a fnilt tree, re*. ,il turned home Tiie.sday, ' - j

Mr. nnd Mrs. Carleion Elhart left I Ti;es</sy inoiTiJas for Aslifr.nd, Oregon, i whrre Mr. Elhart v.lii Jnln a brutiier

I nnd enter buslneii. .Mr. Elhart Iia:• held the pv.lUun of nianncrr ol the

mcn'.s doihliiB deiiarimmt of thr Golden Rule slcrc tur rome time nnd i

• bolh ynunK pcep’t w e:e prommciit :o - ' daily In Uuhl. !

J Invltallcns have hrcn Iviurd lo fiO V Kursii for n luncheon Tliiir.sdny nt J

o'tlurk nt the Park hotel in Twin Falls by Mr,s, C, A. linttcrs. Mrs. Olcn Frltchir und Mr*, 'riicmns FYildier.

' Mrs. Jime.s rr, Slildds. Jr.. Mra. L. P. Runyon, Mr?, Charles JJu.smnn nnd M-s. F.irl McOralh will bc ho'.lrsr^-j

r .Seplember 2 at n lundicon nt Uie 1 home of the former,. Mr, nnd Mn, William SUmpIe nrc . Ihc parent.' ot a daucliter born Sun- , day. AUKU.M 21,

tn PrrsliylrrJan Pulpit i The Rrv, James Miller r f I.a Pn.-te, ,| Colorado, will till the pulpit ot the „ Presbyterian church for two Sundays.. Rev. Mr. Miller l.s n candidate for a n new mini:,lerlal pa.liion nnd may lo­

cate In Uuhl.I, Mr. nnd Mrs, W, H, narrclt nnd . daiiKhlrr ct Denver nrc nuesls nl lhe

Oeorre Wnti Iwme.Mrs. Ilallle WlLsoa and dniiKhlcr

’ .Mb.s neriha V.'ijson returned Satur­day frcm Portland. On-Ron. ML« Wll- son ha.', been ms.iKrd In public health wcrk in Mi:iimnuih. OrcKon, and plans to Irave lluhl e.arly' in September for Clilcnr'i, -.vliere .she will tnke up n courre nl srudy.

Fjioch Wnll ot Wnll nnd Ilawllai «ni in ^^vhl Falls Mondny on bu.sl-

Mrs. E. J. -Dalev and Mrs, A.- ^V. McCalium were liojtcsics Snluniay af­lcrnoon at the home of the former, compllmenuiii: Mra.. O, S, RiUcr of P.--.-adena. Callfcrnla, 'Hie afternoon was iipeni' joclally nnd refrcshtiienis were »erved nl the do jc cf the nfter-

- nocn. Oiie.<i« ui.re niembcrs o t Chap­ter S.. P. E. O,

Members r t the N. D. D. chib enter- ishifd nt a picnic dinner Sunday at lhe Filer fair Rroundi for members of llieir famlilL-s.

SuperlntemiiT-t M. M. Van Pallrn . announces lhat Uie Duhl sehoob will oprn. September 12, .A tew iradirrs , are reiumlrn a n j oUitra are cxjics-ied n-xi vcfk.

Misj 'Nf'.sie t:ieaier who siihmltlrd IsM trek la tin rperallon fnr appendi­ng-. SI a Tv. Ill Falb liesiiiia]. Is rx-[,-c’.e<1 ii- ii.r tl:;, *PfJ[,

O f j L 'y rJon M o n u m e n t jA I...;': . J,. I.I.M. «.i< r r n l |

r r I.. I..;- • . .-I, 11... If.'.il nrr .it |\r>-A. ir « . I.) ." ir i-iiri- jlorher .lc falt'J'J* prriaiert. !*M-.- r . l .S t . l ' i iu V rallie- |dr i -t-.i ........... . l.riiUTlful h'llrri.il'.-r ........ ur» (<• U- fuund Innin’ r I I f . I.f 1,1,Irr Ijmdon. The n .« ,;.- ',-i i.fsr the nnrii.'emlDi l-'i t'n I ' . I

O id S c e n e in SAyHnrlriK .; rnliujnrni #t Jlerefori

Eajlimil. n rriunrlrnlilf upednde wai •ei u In II,e ^i.y. suildrnly tlm heavy dou 'l. .iTiN,.d tn pnrl. ond a Imc# mudiiE iiall .,f ineanil.‘«cent llKtU »vb* •reu, Uih Mc.-k rlouiK lifinc I 'tu i 'l’ tiainl a* If [ry n urarv-lillsht. For n Oio- iiirnT it ni.i.rnrrd to he alnllnnnry. Ilien II >ii;'Uy_„nk tmlil It vapinbed beliliiii llir liillj.

Lake Long U nexploredCreai Salt laiie fln t mcDtloned

I'J Huron l.a Hnmna In 1C8P, wJio had lirard Ilf It frnju u,o indlini, Jnmei nn.lEfr wns iipi,srentlj Iho flmt while'!mar. la m i l . In JE4. U wAs flrrt « • 1rlnrnl ami <le«crlbe<l hy Fremont In

I. . ,

LEGA' advertisements..


un- Estale of Lyman E. Prothero. De­ceased,

,.,n Nollee b hereby itlven by Uie tindcr- .V i;lHm-d exK-utrU of the estate of Ly- “ - man E Prothero deceiised. to the crcd- „ Ilon.of and all pennons Jinvins clahns . ■ ncaiitit the said deceased, to exhibit1..1,th em wilh the •neces.snrj' vouchers,

within fix montlis iifier the first pub-i” ' lleatlon, of this notice, lo the aald n" uiidcmlKni-d. nt the offices of Hnrry

1 Ucnolt in the ,lVln Fulls Bank Trust Co. BldK., Twin Falk. County of 'I'ftln Falb. State of IdaJio, ihls

t/ic first place ttued tor (he *'* tmn.wetlon of the builneis .'rr.id ct- “ 1" tnie. • a

Dated AuKUsl 23rd. 1037,AMELIA PROTHERO,

. .VaUce is lltrcby Given:

i n Tliat the Mnyor nnd Council of the Clly of Twin Falb. Idaho, will /ecMvo

l y :.ri>!et} bids am} profmaLi far the (Jol/it: of Ihe work nnd the furiibhlnt; ot thi.- iMierinls re<iulred tor the Improve­ments licrraflcr described, nt miy time

iS* pilor to the hnur of ftve o'clock I’. M.jon Ihe ath day ot Seplember. 1027.

Illll Ail hlds and propa'-als shall bc nc- ! rjmpanlcd by a certified check in Uw I nmount ot 5 ikt c rnt of such bid or- ! proj>o.s.aJ made payable to the Cily of I ■fK m Idaho, nmi no Ijld will bo . r -cdved unle;.s accompanicd by sucli

, • dirrk. In ca.se,',liic conlrnct for ftny uork bid u(X)ii I:f iiwanfed to such bid-

*" drr and hc fnib or refuses to enter ^ into the contract and Klve the, bond

! ] fpf|'.itri.;1 iln'ri".vHli‘“ I be forfr'lti^ 10 Uje City. '

I A Kciiernl ilescrlpUoii of the kind 111 I and amount ol wotk t/j Ik- done, nnd lie I the maierUil !o be funiLshikl lr; e.s no folio-xi.:

lo.l Dhlrlct Nn. 53. P a n pf V/alm’n in L su m — u n d ih 'o ^ 1 m^IwtW1}^^T^II— ikf fecl, WWIJj of Ijfiproranent 30 fert,

Quanliiy travd 75< cubic yards. Ditch in cras.siiu;. 35 feet. Contractor lo remove

•surjiliis dirt.

m District No. 51. Part of Ililrd Street' NorUi. ‘ LenBth of'lm provc-

rn menl 1350 fm . Width nf Improvr- jr mini 30 feel. Quantity nf cmvel T.’3 MI cubic yards. Contractor lo remove sur-

plus dirl,

ft! DUlrlet No. 55. J’.aft IlIi Avenue n .| »>st. 4tJi n/td flth Strcct-s tVe.st. Letwth ?r of Improvement 2174 feet, -10 Ic-el i ; wide, .and 5B0 feet width of Improve- ic nieiit 30 leet. Quantity ot i;rnvd 1B771., cubic ynrds. Contmctor to remove i jl sunilus dirt.

District No. 50. Pnrl of Slh Avenue Fjist. LenKth of Improvenjent Hoo

1 fret, « feel wide and 805 fw t 30 f.-ei '1., wide. Quantity of ^irnvd US2 cubic

yards. Contractor to rtiniove siirpiu.s dirt,

DKlrlcCh'd,"57. Part of Seventh Ave- .3 nue East. Lcncili of Iinprovemeiil 07:'' n, feel. Width ot Improvcinrnl 30. fcfi.

Quantity of Kravcl 525 cubit: jard.i, Dllch cro,'.sinr, nnne.-Contractor to rc- niove i.urplus dirl.

District No. 58, Part of Olh Avenue p Fasi nnd Elm Kireel, Liiiitlii <it Im- ip provcmi-iit iBffl feet, WKlilu of Im- , pmvement 30 feet., Qiianiity of cr.ivrl ft I0I8 cubic yard.1, Dllch rrowlni; 65 ,. Cc-titractor lo nrrnove tiirjiiiis

IP The lcrm.1 of paympnt .sh.ill be;The work and Improvement jirovidnl

,f tor In cadi ot the dl.sirlcf; ,siiall be ,. ronslticred and dealt wllli ns a i^jia.I_ rate nnd dbllnct .section, nnd i>aymrni J, therefor shnil be made upon Uie cer-

llflcate of the Clly liislneer of salts- If fnclorj- compldlon ihrreof. nnd uliall „ be made by warrant, or warntnis, ot

Ule r.ald local Improvemeni dLslrlct In and for «Ji?eJi tfie said Improvement shall *havc been m.ade,

Plaai and Hiiedfieation.i fnr Uie , work to be done nre on fllr In Ihc of.: fice Of Ihe Cily Clerk, nnd are hern . refem'd to for mnre detallwl hifor- I ination,

Blib shall bc sealed nnrt filed In U ie - , offlcc of the Cliy Clerk nl th r Citv , Itnll In Twin Fnib. Idaho, on or lie- . fore liic time Jierelnbeforc drsli-naled,

llltli will bc oprnrd and cmisideretr" by the Atayor and Council nl a spe-

' rtal or roKulnr mceelInK nfter tJie , time fixrd for fllhiB. and ncllon there­

on Uien taken., 'n ir Mayor nnd Coundl reserves 11,c , rliiiil lo reject ony, and. o r all bids

Dated lit Twin Falls. Iduho. thbI ~nd day of AuRUst, JD27.___ __ _ _' O. M, UALUI ' . City Clerk,

i T ra in SchciJijlc


: No., DepirtaI m . 12:«p,m .-i - l i j -----------------------------5.35 . . . . .


KO 1:15p.m.

I EASTBOUND» a ■ 7:t0 a.m.

6:00_p. m.


3 « 4:03 p.m.


WESTBOUUND- -‘m in .Vo, - - noJliurTime

,f° J : ; l6 p.m.3:I8p.m.

EASTi!ot;r.TJ • --------------Train No. cioslns Tlrno355 irOOp.m,

■! fi»- ■ 5:S5p.ia.; ' WESTBODTTO

Train N a .........................339 13:18p.m. •

Page 5: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

' 1 fELItiiT fiiiT iir

iirapiissiEsN ew P a r is M ajaz inD Is ■ D c-

. v o te d to N ew s C o n c e rn in g C a l

T r ib e a n d I t s B iped F r ie n d s

a n d B irtti a n d D e a th N o tic es .

iBy Ttic AMoclntcd Pn■ 3) I’ARIS, AUR, 23—A foclcty column tor

f'.’ij.'i Iin.’ bw-n JDcludril In llic new ___________Paris inoRtizlnc. '•The Feline World."

irnrj'. nrtlille, Kicniitic nnd olhrr news fcncirnlnK tlic fcllni! tribe nntl li;i liilird JrlendJ,"

aiiort storlM. vcne, nnnounccmcnLs d ' wcdtllnBJ, ljiril».s nnd ili-nllw amom: Ihr {oiir>(oo:i-d (urritl untl slinll;>r

I Ijifcmmllon l.i inibllslii'd In llil.i newI nionllily. mIUkI liy 'The C.H.Wiilr«u' ll Nnme."

i Einlin.'lll cal lovers {Ilscii.na "vvliftlicr ,• linlinnk’ r.i:ffcrlni;s eiitiltc llioiii lo

crmpensallo:is in anolher life." cut ;>,'}cJjolo;7>’. pJaw Sot o. I r r t unlmal lior.i)li.il nnd hkir Mibjecu.

r b n r I.ImIt I i 55 Tom I*AniS. Aub- 23 f/l’j-Co:nnierci.iI alr-

|rl6iit.s clKtil or <cn times n:iflun;e a;; lluM! non- bulll nte (iracllcnl. aiiys Leon Klrtle. nn expcfl. Beyond tlial. ho be-

Klri.ir','! e.ilciilittnns ivcre prwenicd ii'ci'iitly Ifl ll»! Ac;idcmy ol ScUnccs. He di'Uuccd Hint Ihc llmll of iirncilrni Idn l MelKlil of ll fully loaded eoniiner-| clll! alr^h1!l U M'lo:is. 71ic load Ihnlti Iia'i pm III ft Illlle ninrc ilinn nine lon-v

.III- t-Mlmaied the pracllcnl flylnR M S t i ;*--------- ^-njrnrnrrnniniTanibW TO CKniuicir

Kmrr l>cnclimen nuy'ffarH " i I’ARIS. AllK, 23 (/Vl-Tlic FrcticUmaii,!

l)icnu.M; of the tcoiiomlc crbibi. Is a|i- j ' . iiarcntly pitiilnn If.vi surllc In liLi mcw. i

The irndillonal Gilrllc Fair, one of • Ihc-evrnla of thc yenr In the Tours

I;iim, h;is Jii.n rlo.vd. ll w.u much' llvfller Ihim ii'unl. Qroiveni expeciri!’ Il heavy sale. Tlio crop was ubuiitlnni j ■liul |irlci'.s ivrfc low. vnrylni: from 25; r.-' SD cent? a JjimiJn-tl bead, nccnnllnj:] l>' piiiiin'ncy.. Dili while there w w l liU'iity of fiKTtntors, there were fc r 1 buyer;., and only in finnll Int.s;

Iluytr* Iiavc Clonrr Vltw <if Slcdels i •• I’ARIS, AUK, 3 (,'r,-13eniiiy f.land* 1

nrdx Inr IMrls mniinit)Ulivs huve l;ecn Id ralr.ed In the pa.il few years lhal irm r of lhe K’Irlr. would now tio crcdlt (0 the flrsl row ol a Zlettfcld Follies, Md.« of llie cuiitoiner*. ihcfctorc. ap-

L piovc Ihc closer view which Li nlfordedIhrm by the Krealer liillnincy ol the Mulein ;ilu)ivrooin.i,

i One dn'A.'fHHkff lua ripped onl Die * Ililtf Ihniirc which hai been n chnrnc-

Ic.-rbllc cf hl.i Mions, nnd siibslllniod ll lontc loa- runway which i>crmlui clor.ci' vlirw of Ihc slylfi. Tlie clianKC, made i>; lhe Micrlllce of*M wats, Li nrci-';.ii- l:ilrd, he r-iys, by lhe new mttlcls, who ic(|ulre '.tr)' elosc scrutiny Ior mcxl- i;iiim npiircclallun,

I)rvl;.c» .Siiurler •'I.onchanil"•, PARIS, Auii. 23 (,?i-S hnrlrr •'liiiiK-

Ir.nd-" Mid to Le nilaiilable to all lan- i;uaKi"t. Ll cJfered by a bimd l-'rtnch*

liany. Wlnilct} -aO' year.-, «;;n, r.ny,s hln cxperlnicnlal ifnchUn: ha.’; prnluced In two ninnlhs' Mudy ntenoR- , raphrrs capable of v.tIIIiik IIO lo 180 ii'ord;; a inlniilc. ,

Remy drfrltjf.i his ^ystt■nl r-. belm: . fi.iTilamrntally thr ellmlnailnn ol all :

] vuwel.i. the ure ot ordinary iPttrrs fo.' ;1 t onr.onatils anti the .■'ub:,tliiitlon of p t- '' r‘c<l';. accrnt-1 and Wnillnr mark.s 'Jo;-

dlphthonKs and whole ^yUab1cs,

(irntte Jurlct Illamrd J PARIS, Auk, 23 (,Vi-Srnttmcritalj J.irles nnd Fn-nch rympalhy wllh‘ • "erlmrs of p«ilon" crc cre.itUir. 'iullc

11 .M)r nmoiiR 1hK.e who Ihlnk a few f r^cciitloni nnd plenty nf Icm: prl.ion

■ lerni'i wouKTni.ilte life m !'T,II U even wiRKc.itod thal murder

■ cniM l>c takrp from Juriei and trietl by ;jiiilKr.', who Kcncmlly |uy mnre nttcii- llnn lo lhe law nnii lhe vvidrncc than

M IIV IIIflllM IH V Trill

' l l i M

; W h i c h c o f :

. I i s t r u l y t h

'■ m o s t c c o n (

; A n y lim e you d o n ’t I

; d ie m ost econom ical i

; y o u rs ta icm c n tto y o u

; . H c re tu rn s yo u r mon

; Y o u ke ep th c coifcc.

I W c p a y h im .

Schilling----------- ----- ; T c B tio S P ic e iO iE x tra c t

' i - - - i

ends | T ^ ' ' fr -

h for : Wi «. V

jrld." SHIP.S p r KVKHV SlZi; comb lln

news rlih l: Joliri Awtey I’edUr. Mih I llil uccupanU of Ihe Mlsi Doran, mi

nenLs II Ihty do lo the ajiRuWied ln-;iri.ihrob

■’" ‘■‘f ilha i move miiny,'" ’'’■I J, II, Rosny. novglW, I.-, amoilK thos

who fed Frcnch criminal )iiri:iirut!nic lhu;i about bruktn du’,vii. June;!, i.ay lla.ncy; cllhib' rccenl instuncei, nr

' more lenient loward llm-..- who kll , than thow who wfluml, lie jrive; li a 'inial f,(j olMcn’ot/on iJinl is wor,

u-vcrely punLshcd than iiiunli-r, cn tin Hverjue.

Slime ilcfenders of llir Jury .ly.stcn air- frequently nciiuii bt'Cftii.',c lh(

c a'l r-fnaltltj nrc li® ht^vy. uiul ihnt 51 ihi juries could fix the .-.inii-ncei; thej

I be. would convlcl oflcncr,

!ll_2, ----------'T a fin iaiST ST rv rn rr'’—I,led I’ARIB. Aug, S3 (,V.-»iv.-r baihlnfi ncc3. In the open Li forbidden m I’arla. bul tiral only ime'y l''arju'd thatllfr-i Ihey nrc cnfcrclnu a dc-tref ul Loui;limit I m v . adopted In ICBfl, ,ons I W icn fl K’om«n.a/ifJ Jicr fiw.ifa.i/id, m..nlboih In batliliir mill--;.

lerntly. thc loud protc.'.ts ihi-y ri'Hisicrcd C3used the authorlllt-.s tn iit); up the

------E n h a n c e thcyWtre.ciiliircini!,I llic police had orilrr.-< iini lo iichnlt I hRthlnn in the Illver Seine, but they

“■'•jdld nol know why. Tlicy know now I lhat thc rule Is nbsoliite and ihal cos-

f 0 ' I itimc has nothing lo di) with ii.- ■■<•;-! - In -5corc3-of- entirely -cnrinri'U'batn: '*' '1 houses olonR the river, lioivevcr. Ihou- “ ” ';;.andi bathe dally. Much family linen litni I In ihe clorcn.n cl bh; Imindry1,-^lboaUi moortd lo the banki m.the ccnlet

c : IJic cl!)'.* t r t ' l _______________

' iT O ! Cllf M I S ON IN

^ S m O F P W G P Klhalcdll -------lies, S c rg lcv o in M oscow P ro v in c (“P; T h r iv in p Villfigc- o f 1 6 ,OOC0 , . I s R u s s ia 's N u re m b e rg .

D ll'. SEUaiEVO, Moscow I’rovlnce. Auk me- 22 (/I'i-Scrrlevo, a llulc city of IS.OOO lli'd Inhabluinls. Li n "olty ot loys." Rus Qf.fi' .'.la's NuremberB.I"'*’' Tlic Krcatcr pari o f lu population, “ 1* ILI well as lhal ot lLi cnviroiii. is cn-

n.iKCd In prodiicln? lhe widely known handmadt? Ilu.v.lan wootltn toys and Ikniw, Whole famlllei for .w cm l Kcn- i-rallon.1 arc enKa>:eil hi Iho .buslneu. which was Marled 300 yrars ago by monks of the once we.illhy and vtn-

nn- crable TroiUko-Semlev.ik mona-Uco". '=**• now partly a mu.wuni, partly a mill-

tnry Kliool, i/.’O. xiie demand for (icoiH has fallen

Rreally durlnit Ihc last years, nnd prices ot toy* anil other articles hnv: declliicil. bul the population, hnvlnn no other vocation. stlck.i to lu nmnu- fariiire. alihoujh the e.imliiRs ot a

• tamlly ot six mrmbers rarely aunia-vi , 50 to CO rubles, or $2i lo » 0 a monlh.

The kind ot articles produced, which a re 'to be seen In nearly everj' city and village In the .Soviet" union, cui' v'nrnLsh'rd wonien siioons, plates nnd

.1,11 dhhe.-i ot vnrlnus shape and rieslRn .,11, nrti.itlcally made dolls and wooden

nnlmals. The production - nf carvet [c„. woixten powder-boxes wlU> cameos on .ion rover*, rmiraved on Ivorj'. ha*

been abandoned In view of Uic rldlcu- tlc- lously low iitirri obiainablc—rarely by more Uiin 15 ccnU cach,

on-lan s u r s c n io E f o r t ii e N E w a

n i i iM v i i t i r r v iM iM i .

io f f e c ;

t h e ;

i n o m i c a l ? ;

jn ’t th in k S d iiilin g j

•ical o f g ood coflecs • ■

jy o u rg ro c c rb e n o u g h . •

m oney in iu n t ly . j

Ifcc. " I ■

i g X l o f f e e i



J , - ' r

lhe I’acltle ocean btlMeen San Kranri.sro

lildred Dorjn and Vilr» Kiiok. Hie thrrr mhilnc plane In the Dole rare.

S B tkE FI iiSK.raiGlhe„ „ Siimhes, Musical Numbers and ;l;: Joint Debate Are Features;

Twin Falls Takes Part.

“R A very lart:e crc.vd atti'iidi'd the ' “J meellriK of Kimberly Rruine Insl eve-

nlnj!. The Twin Falls Kmiine was in- '“5 vlled nnd many altcndcd. A Joint de­

bate between rcprescniativo-'f ot thc tro Rronges was n feature rrnd mem bm of

■•7 W )th -pnrtlc lp !ncd-im T le~?liirrF T ^ u! “™'"-The program follows: nH Music by the McthodLsi nrchcsirn. icy r(,mpoJcd ot D. E, Dc Liijii). Howard uw IJriiiu, Mis* Elhcl Taylor nnd Mi.ss XI. Ruth Kiiripton.

Solo, Klmcr Henderson, of Twin Falls n- -rntniTcniKomp.inicni-uy-hi.'niiDtncr: lU- .Mrs. A. E. Hendcr.wn. cn Talk on dniryhm by W, T, Leslie, iry Tnik by W. J, Dyriie, otilclal cow- ier le.itcr, on Importance of hnvlng cows

JfsfctJ.Solo, O, W. Bice, Twin FallJ. Kraniic,

plnno accompaniment by Md , IIi-Mdcr-

D iialo: ‘'ncsiU'ed. ifini Ihr car U n 'p drlrlmeni to clvillaitlofi." Atllrmnllve \ tneiikers were EllMbcUi McCliiin und .U Kt'iih Rutherford of T\vln Falls; ncifa-

live speakcra were Harvey Wc;od und Ciurence Klmpton oflKiinbi-rlv. There

CC were sU JudRcs nnd the c.iuri divldetl BO three r.nd three In lUi dccl.-.iun.

Icc cream and refreshmi-n'..'. were i.irvttl al Ihe closc.


UJ. "Pickup'^ fo r CollectorAfter ri'iiiijiliis for nmny wi-i-Ls In

)n. Illf windcnv of n khop h, ijfinni, n- land, nn old lilut'-nnd-wldlc rIh j-t Jur, »'n wlilcli iniiiiy ctdleclori) I'xauiiiii'il mul

refured tu buy. wax ihuillT mid by "* the di'uh-r, for M. T lif piirtli,i*.'r dl-*- jj • l'0«ed t.f it lo Louis Until, lit llic- Mde

of wlinse eollwihm ll hrmislit f:".>,.VKi. ry, Il Is olw nf lliu "rurcBi huwilioriui J;irs 11- In alxtciiee."

A nti M ake Long Tunnelv: A K'lfMllllc.fxpfdlilnn In !<i.*ith

Aniorlr# Ikix dlRrovered n tunnrl ihrn' li- mlIi-1 lonRiMid nevernl Indirs In tllniue- a lor. niiKit- nntl UKril recnlnrly b.r iiiiIn.

M Befortlli);iiiilien<'nrliorri In.lrpeiident.

----------------------------------------- -ty N arrow Seaw ay

It Ik poislldr to 1’“ Ireland frcim KnRlimd on n clear ilay

in rou llli: narrowtT imrla of Uie Irliii etl '


7 m Lovely oAdrance SModeU

For (Autumn

N ow Is th e (imc to freshen your ward­robe w itli rwo or tJircc. sn v v t frocks 10 a n y you througli until cold [w eather y comes. I f you tnake ^ diem yourself diey ft wiil cost b u t litde ^

_ -1----------- and ..tfie.possession_____o f them will add much to your en- jo>Tnenc o f th c last days o f sum m er and the first o f au tum n.

P ic t o r ia l R e v ib ' P k in t b d PATrElU>


BROAD PACIFIC ' l i i H i f f riii i ii i iE r

Through Careful Breetiing Orig­inal Green Color of Birds Has Been Changed to Bright Yel­low; Industry Acquires Fame

<13y Tlie Aasoclatid I’re.Mi. DERMM, AUB. 'il-(lerm any, the

world's mnrkcl Jor cuimr)' bJrds, an- rKro nually Milps ftbout 500.M ut thc little

h rrr I Shiee Ihe brnlnnlnK ot the sixteenth .century, when Uicic r.oiiKsien wety

_ _ IbrouRlit from the Canary islands, thcj'----- have been rarcfully and extensively\ j bred hi Oermany. Within the last ¥ century the "Ifarzcr HuIIits" In the I Harz moiintahu huve ;u-iiiilrt'd world­

wide fame.ijiri I TlircuKh careful brt-c-ulnK the orii:l- III _ ;n.il Rrren color of the birds ha.i U-en ly y changed to a britfhl yi'llii' '. while In-

Iceuarit and careful truiiuni; ha.s iriark- (cdly enhanced ihelr oriKUuI ninn'elour.

, vocnl (tualltlcs.3/?U Tlie ftatiirc.i or Che eanarj' bird ex-

hlbltlrns rcKularly held m Uerlln nrc 'OS I the "conit icumament.i." al which tin.'

!blidi' voeal abilities arr caretully ap- [praised by rxperi breitlen, who have I madr the -lurprislnR disrovrry thal the

— ' 'Hilton Wrls—TWmWit!i: lu'lOTfiftttcTF „,„|w lld tropical proRcnliors-aro freinienl-

eve- fb'Ri'fs than their yellowbrelhren.

dc- --------t ro Aid AAked In .Vilvinrt-

1 uf ■_llE!’JJfI-Aug-a3-tJ!.-Tlinit;ih-Pf<’«- ifo-' idcit von Hlndenbiin:'s flKliticth

bhthdiiy h still two nnd one-hnlf iiicnih.. d l . hlil otilfcs are floodttl

;irn. wllh re(iuc5t.i fcr .'lUpjitirt trom the vard Hlrulcnbitrx Rlrlliday fund, kll.is The tund was etnried in June, llic

junderlyiiiR idea Is 'th a t those desirous F^llijnt Bho.i'hii! their iitfcciloa for Llie ven-

Itrnhi from iltcwcrinn kiIP- upon him, but .-hoiild ccntrlbute hi;tead 10 a fpe-

ow- elal Hlndenbun? Birthday fund, the ows iir iw ds ct which arc to l»e dLitrlbul-

« f anicnf /iid/Rent war xcicmm and ini;r, otherr. in dire dlstre.v^ Danks anri rier- ether public inslltutloiu w acceptlns

coiilribu:icm to lhe t’liid.Li n Contributions have Ix'en ralhcr nica-

illve i:re in proportion to-thc.number ol rc­und 'quests fer support. The pre.sidtnl's cifa- werei.uy has been compellrd to Ir.-.tic a “>‘d jiubllc siatement iha i all bi'iiKliiK let- here recelvi-d now musl into thc Idetl V,'0.116 b:i. kc;,

'' Ijy« Aside (ilovrsIIERLIN, AUK, 23 il/Fi-IIalls Rrcllcn-

jttfjurr. imfll rtrcenlJ,*' Oernwn Jiravy- welRhl cham]ilon, wlil soon cxcli.inRC hit boxing glove.', and lot;s tor 11 tninrt culaw.iy and Rpnu. Tlien. In Oerman Inililon. he will bow and ;.ay "Malil-

Jill', ^.’I f to thc patrons of his tailn'r-ln* mi'l law's restaurant 011 historic Wilhelm- by Mrassc, ..

dll- "Ulond llan.i," as hc la tsmlllnrly Mlli: known, was the idol of German llap- .VKi. ])ers, Tlie race to: lii.t heart w;is won ];ira by thc pretty daui;htcr of Pnul f-iuer.

prcprict(-r ot "Laucr'a." a ft-v,- stepi Irtim Untcr den Linden, Tin- rc.slaur- a;il ha.1 flthlevfd hbtorlc Jwiie throuBh the tact Iliat. (hirlMR Ihc revnlutinn ofl

„„b lOlB. President F^berl ntid mrmbrn ot the Oerinnn cabinet airiRlcd out "U u- er'.r ni the only public rcstauranl to

I ivhlch they decmrtl It prudeni 10 itu durinn Ihate troubled Umes,

Uri'ltcnstmeler plans to relieve his taiher-ln-law ot a l.irRC pari ol his work,

of llfiJflLas lo n a te ImlUuIr ' t'i,r nERLIN. Au;:. 23 (/I>)-An liHlilUl; lih lor nictilcal rcir,irch Li • planned In

JlleldclbPt^, It Is intended M a bmnch


M l

IBW A ) “TJ°- !RNS / / L n.

I 11 I I



■nlh . . T ' - . ' ----

‘."J! GIIAVE Fl:,4ll.'< arr fell tor Jark'For»t i.jly In the I’jdlli-," Thclr plane In the

------- - — IM." . -“ 1' (it the HnJ-,,.r Wilhelm Buclcty ti.r Sci- p

fiillllc Pfoiiioticn. 2, Protf%Mjr l.midir Krehl. the head ot

Ihl- Ilfldelb,-n; Clinic for Iniernal n i - 1 ” 1 ,.,«l, 1. nre to ciMipmio in conducthis ihc new I

lour "J'lch »!«“ »i'Ul-' elberK laboratories for cancer and nl- ,

bunien will br im-rBcd, '* A tcmpurnry vorklng fund of 780,000

mnrks has been npproprlali'd by the Oerman iiovernmenl, and thc Kal'-rr;

* V/llhclm iin-ieiy hns OKrocd to defray! oil rumiliik' fxiic-nsfs,ii,'M[r I,)'" nimirili-,,

U^^JpuHtj ul lU'ldilbim mil'contribute ihc | i

Ilow ------- , f' Iturlrd .\rilh Imperial I'omp ' DER!.i;J. Aug. 23 (il’j-W lth .ill the

military pump ot hniHTlnl dayii, Prhne .. Frtiylrlrii a t >>nw>a. wvml- '_

[gll, nent aermnii sportimun, wn* laid to,.i( rc.1t In the Inmily vniill In the jwrk ot 0,l,,l Ollenlckc. ni-ar I’olJtlam, Tlie daihhi;-; C

cavolry officer of the World war wa;, hkllli'd nt the eiiuestrlan toumanieiil hi <'

m e b.Qyj, The funeral ccrcmony wns attended ■cn- **5' von HlndcnburB. who op- ‘--p.. p tJr£d-ln-U iu..full-drcij-unifonn-oI_;.

field marshal, wllh balon aiid'helmtl, pyj All the members'of lhe funner royal ||

family were present, nm l. Tlif hcarie was drawn by ,tcur ^

clmrKers dnipcd In aiiecpl;n{ bliirk cloth benririR llu; royal coal ot .arm.''.. Above three nlrplanu circled r.louly ’

, wllh Ions blaek irallcn. Inimitliaiely IPJ. behind the hear.w lhe fuvorlle hone ol rc. Uic deceased.'"Sacred Spear.'‘ v,-all:itl

n i's ^

let. llerlln lloldi Exhibit »thc BERLIN. Aui:. 23 I^ i-A n exhibition ll

of more th.i'ft lOOO works of arl deiiict- nihm ph;i:x5 ot the World war wa.i open- ped In the ZooloRlcal cardcn with an la

„ inautfunil iiridrcrji by Profe.uor II.an:> ilS f “ i" " " - »tiRC cxlilblilns MW acUve ni

"hi" | S•in* I lm- a

irly 9 i t T m w r r m v w TTi»i'* 3 S S w T B S l l ^ l a S I

111 flE B fiiiv,ur- [V

« H ' W ll i l i Y S S f \

i:u I -i r. B ftg .

his I

3 I I /

in 3 ..- nch U - -"j

I ' . Oltho.younff folks

Properly ou or tlie s-ratles, is Our Dry Cleaiiii

| ‘ ■ will solve-it easl!

I ■ Last yea r’s3 colors lirifi:htene(I , ized a t a very srI money and add r

I .Send theil- 0I ready when need

| - " l

GUST a . 1927. ' .


I -

■'or»l llettl aiul (leidon Seott, "Mime plan I the Hole r.tr<- K >itl»vliii:.

S l H i i iBIN i l l CliiS[fIII- _____

Growtli tinii Inriticucc of Cham MO bcr of Cointncrue Muitiplicd ■I"' and Ntw Po.’ti la OreiUcil.M'r' --------

WASHlSfl'rON... Aiii;, 21 ij'i-T li-

hi-| the chaiiibn cp( I'f^mniprte ct the Uiiili'i I siate.s ha.' Ml ;:iiililplil.'<l the Ui:k i>t II-

{■Itleirr ;;iiii u;i;'li'veri prrj-iiiil'l lli;i Ihe new pri. ltj-m, Le'*-U R I'l-:-'in 0

,i Nl w Yoil;. Ini', crt-alctl the ti" l m ■' , aisi.stiint tl) llie prc.'-ldeni to rwirdmaii

, ilr. wide:;|ire,iil i tlorl.’;.__to _Tii (111 lhal p o s l 'f tm n m ic 'rn -m i ol or llle eh:iiiili(T';; youn;;rr e;;e;-i;live:' ii;- Chaiincpy I), Hnow. wim m ;r'Veii ye.ir

h o i iji-u-liiped Ihe to:< li:n .-';niin-ic( deparimi 111 UiSn u hitthly t"r!iil ai:eni'\ lor Amer!r:m bii' iiier.i, liiteriiretiii'; am;

i,.,i brhuilm: uut thr slitnlflrarrT-rl irrnd- ,, iibroad. Thr;;tich lilm I’rrsldent I’ier-

fcn ixpect'i l:> ^Mabll.-;h a elit'.e i-.-l.i- •“Hioininii7ivi'. 'rn.7iuniirra' otrieir.L ; and Ihe i:ic,iii ami tieparlmrninl oii-ru-

Uvr-. .s iu>-.v l)ri)iii:hi Io 111''eli-i:ut»'r ll ID20 II lirnad esjicrlencf with ti relf! cirmiui-rce.

Afier i:ra',:-n'.lni; nl ffar/.iid 1:1 m i !)• wii.i ;i ;-l;il liive.Mli:f.tor 111 I'liroiH

..il. ll r the bureau f.t f(ircl|;n ulul ri lutiiu cr.mnierci’, Durlm: the war lie v.a-i ;i:,

, flilnni dtreclor r t th" bufcaii, and ii iai9 v.a.1 r;,:.l;-ni-'l lo llie I’aris

jfnice. Ainiini: the most iiromlnc-nt ar: on the i,i;irlllu'.».- pahiler.i Cl;iui IlerRei ct- nnd I’refeurr Willy Sioewcr, the 'iriirt n- paliiifr Pri:t("-*i)r Hnm llohrdt, ihi an !and:ca|ic palnler Protc jor Matttch.ir.5 in:, ihe tamuus poitniltlsl.’; Pfolrjior Mni

Habes. Prctf-'.nr Hu(;i> Vci;t'l unt Ive nlhrr,,


Only tw o more wcelis Iks will s ta r t on another

outfitting: them for eolle , is an im portan t problem ining servicc, if you wiil asily and eeDiioniieally. "

r’s suits o r dre-s.ses can I :ned, and tlicii;arm ents th 1' small cost. i); y Cleaniii id months of wear.

il- o u t f i t e ^ u.s this week ; ceded. • "

, .h ist phnne anrt our dvii’cr will call


^ i f e s m n q s t i

% one66 TuiiHfa

jiiffp ic ir '— NEIIlEII'CiiM[l-

F o r F i r s t T im o in V oar nnd a.H .ilf All P ’-oihicta G row n .pn F a rm A rc E qunlly V n luab lc, ■

! WASi’INGTO;-;. 23 (;T,-For the tim: ;ii a >*'.ir ;i;;d a Imlf, farm

] lali'i”! I'.ir.i iiir.tilh i .w d ttiward a com- li.-.-)n level Im ali prnducb,! Cnlc;:; Hie 'r'-nri ehul'Ke-., uovcnt- ! iiii-nt rh ar! . iiulte.xle a n iiiii nt don- .

liofore 103aIi^mp.iraiiii' i ;j ii;;'; m ,ia!m,iry. 1020;

. mil II imir-11, i;i;iiii. iiu ai milma!.-! nnd ;.:i i:;iiuii', 1 i i;i;m niiitiiie:.-, hi-ld nl

above the jUliiIflH, •.

I..,.. - 11. i;ny dl-rupl tha ^iiiiciiii- .-/IUI':;;' at i-,() jit-r rent

'!( Ja:m.-iry, t;re or lew

— iau!d.toto^:^i;;L!LM ruc::.a.u(.mi 10 ner een: ::eni.i ;i nii.ii 111 I)ieeiii1>cr,

; produellon*''' reecid low

l)<;ilt,“ miary'. 102*,■in etilliiii iirlic'. iinii:!;'. ilit-tr way back lo

iior:r;:» In I-Vbriiiir',-. i.iul by ,luiy had J l l ''UHIVII H I»r e .n i liiiir.tre over tho . ; |in--war le-,',-1. Immediali-ly; federal

n I .-tatlstie:;, e.;:imailin: Uu- 1327 crnp at ^f] ir-<ni.000 balei le-i lhan the previously

I ’dieated yield, ^eIll prlcrr. Miaruic, ■\ui:u:,'. tiirurfii nnv slmw u r.mic.il de.

in- -M.iiion fro niilie July tniid, cd Ora!ii. after i.teadlly rWiii; Jlnce

Miiieli uf thi:, year, driipped one ixiinl i:- July, ’ iri litr deeiincmay be cir- emnvented |)y the t-ariy Aiikli:,t stimii-

12'j"m June' to 131 In Jiil)’ whlle^aU I ' crouni ot tarm prsdiiet’, lakeii-com^.

i' j |M-.ii/'ly, remahic:l a*, the Jmic level

ale ‘Rubber Crcw '.h ^ e f ln 'c le d

-nr- •- 'rii—i t . - —.>ud-j»iu’.i. ivltI.j|..|.r.,ihir9T '■e:. riit.her tM 'v in a narriiw l„-|i „f the-T- IV..|-J,|, iilililii nil- iI.-;;rei-H tiorih ood

........ - .......... .Id'- Q uality of AmusemcntM

AtiiiiTiii'*'iiI>. un- III \lriiie.- f—! ir - l- iIm: -Ihiiiie; -i;enUi"

I,lie- uill. full ll. bill >.iruir.: unes willin ;.'1l ll ...................-I'..

It-n .________

I D A N C E I T o n ig h t


S K M B E R LYir.5,

■"ll Howe’s O rchestra ■

l e r ^ j

s and Ir term of school. . |

lese, hi^h school |1 a t this tim e, b u t | i mako use o f it, |

lie rciiev.-ed, tlie |;horou,ti‘hly steril- finjj will save you f

; and llioy -wilM c ' |

^ ■ ilW CO , , •. I

S i o a : ' ' . ^ J -

W s ______________ j

Pogo F lrd

Page 6: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

— P i i D [ i i i H i - ~

1 • . . _________.................

! P iay c ro u n fl W h ere S p c a k tr s Acl-

' v o c j l in g V ario u s P o litic a ; .R c . •

lig ious a m i O th e r C auses Ad­

d re s s P u b h c in London.

iDv The A.wo:lalcil I 'n /.t' i.oN'no;;. auk. inr-r.i'-lill ' pjiiu.ti i;l Hyde iiaik i; i:im!.'Ci'iU' ol iiiui'li mi'rriiiiciil. I; i. llwi nilvocalliii: v.irimi'. ;)«• lillc.il, rt'llt:lnii:> mul mlnr- nn; i-.______

f.iii’li ir.ciiitjiT;. ul lliu [iiiblh ;i'. I'.in' i''

"Milil,Ull. do cjiHiV' i:.i :ii;)i.il;rr ;it ii iritiloiir :ki

IririipU'tl 111!. -(HrVMiLi-; . vi;. iiiuil'-i—— >•(111 nro Ilfl! ill Inmii- ii-i'.' " r i r n

I At a ilm ibr Knllirnii,' n;:c' (i ;;'miiti. fJ IiM tn tliu ailliU'tUi' MJflii|llrntlyal)li nl U • \llllll llllc:riiiiliil till' :i' U L . IriiKlli a Ijiitlv i)i)llirtii.iii, iniliti ■'! I!n‘ili-Iiiilli <il Dll' (.iilr.liir... Ixi'U.il lii:ii, J lOlll nf iLo cTiHxl • ' ! 'A.1 III till’. 1 Ic'oiintry/Jiu U L

•'1 ilarc .MV v 'l "■•■■■■" ' ‘l'l !i n il 'l l '’wcrkmaii, ' iini li a ral li;.. lalti ii'. tn |Uiu m rn Iliry am i Iiimii,t, ’ , ]

Melll (0 .\llrml Srriin.i.ONnoN. Aia:. ::i _

■■ ‘ ■nrfi\iinrii‘T(:iT^'"rnrir tv;iy iililf S!ii'|i- p /,,.i ; ticril-, Iln'-h 1-,1MI|I111. n iimvl.' rUlMI . llir,itrf. Ill a •■Vali'iiiliHi MniKirliil StT- j- I vin-," iM-rJorimil In ii "T-'iniili. nl lt<- t i l l

iiii mbniiu-u'' nn Uii' :i!ai:r, '----- »—Thi.: "ti....Mlf" •t'.-.l -i-D^ini- .-.■n-r..

nnd l.ill randlusUcki on ulUwr llll■ ol n rilltith, Un' Imvfr Mcii ol wlilrli wai S p f

; tliTonitcd nlth thu "it. V." A, Inrci' laiirol wri'.iili rcM. il aiiatii'.t it.

I On 101) i‘ Isntc pictiirt' nl Viilrn- ^tlno. mil! till- Iinllan Ibn. i

The "MTVlco" W(ui CJiiidiK'li'cl Ijy th" ^[ Emill-ih film Mar Ivor Novpllo, ttliu .si|„n„. ' •• ntlpr placlne a Intneh o f ml'rniu." m |,;^„ j, ! Ihu •'Irniplr" di'llvrmi n'Miotl ^I)•l•^h, ,I A Ipnor vocnll.ll *ni'iK Ma.-.fiic'ff "{•Hu- ,

Itlp." Women w p l, l„,. |Two fllmi tturu Uicn t.himn. Oni' ,i|.,',tctn

was Vf.lonlhio'i; "Monili'ur llraiicaln'."Thu Olhtr was cntlllfd "Henilnl'eeiifr; i,..',,.; ij ot VnlcnUtio," qh ,.

I’layi Crllo for O utili "jJLONDON. AtiR. 33 (/Pi-Prlricua«>rt:u (h,. ji:i

hn.1 cariied n nnme n.i an "ftitcrlalii- any mt(.r" II n-ns nl one of ih f "Do-sinnc- olher:thinR" parties [wpillnrlrcil by Mn. Vrr- "Ix'l.non Lewis, n Ncn- York Iiomc.i.i , in the tn Anuhotel Miltc of (hc Mahnriijah ot ttnj- thlm; |i

' ^ Iph, In (irlViAfter dinner the mnlmrnjnh mi> (hnC.i i

uotmeed Hint Instcnd ol the niiial mii- - i-leal enturtaliiificnl lieforu the dnnclii/. botan, fvpH' one of hli Rm-<t.i wouldhnvc to nmiribute MimuUihvt KiMird J'KRlthe fete. ,Tlie klUK"'' ihlril son b:r- I’rr-’lderoweil n cello nnd plnv«l ix .mlo, then iwatedl:rhnn«d l6 ft clnrlnel nnd did the Kills l>iwmc- <-li!hllel

OM Interipllon Found , be pU-.i;' • LONDON, AiiR, l,1'i-\Vncknien '

fir,mini! the outside of till' uiMi end cJW c'tirlivter nbljey foiind aij lnlrre.it- "

■ InK hrcrlpUon nbovc the west nniduv.' ^thftl U t«(. centuries old. . . “'. ''V

Tlie letters are; ”A. H. Oeorge IL A,D. MDCCXXXV." ^ n

Tm'nilaiMl It means "In Uie elrhtli , , Ivear of KhiK Ofnr(:r IL Anno Domini I Z l 'Z ' >■71" - Tlih rrtrr> 1« J r t.'tnrntlcti n; WeMniln. tcr abhry at tin ' l i

Dean .Jw pli Wilerx-ks fompletrd till' n1'I)fv iiv the ndihllnn iif thc livo wcm- oni lowers, Tlie In-.nipUcn conimem- w , , ora;cjthe^.ork, herit ih

rnpuUlInn Shnns nefreaM- l/)NnON, Aui:, Z.\ (,1'i-Tlie ri'llre .' HERL

m-nl ol Mt.■ Kcmm, «ho u.r; lor 2'J Ins a . years reKMrar <'l Mrlhs tiiiU ileallii, wnrkerN' brciiKbl out the faei Uutl lhe |xiptila- Ourniiiii

• tlcn ol llie (;lty of London lias ilu- Kiul. m ere.wd from 50.000 when she took bvrn crt over lo her Job lo n.nno nnw. Miv,i . . — of the people have mli:raied lo ad- „ , „ JolnhiK miinlcliialitlfT u h lc h . i;o lo ni.ako up iiu-lroimUUin L<iiidon. ’ '____ tianin;n;

Work for Vnlform Voltage .'hlP '.I.ONDON, Aus. :rJ (/»>I-Tlie flrri ,

move hai IX’cn made In Hritaln's c lc - 'n trlr.il ruvnliition. Tlie chaniie will ra iv llie volt;.t:e in We.it London to ^2,003, four iiiiu';. Itl pri'vioiis power. T'*’'

I ' A ihoif.and intis of maehtiii'rv tM'f 'riiiiilml to iii.ikr ;liu chanKe.' NV>v

------ I.11S-J0- w kp-tn.-'*”- '-''''!'ITTMter k.1,1. . A yr.,1

Tile cln;ii:e hai Ix^n made iipei' ;- |''i"’‘"> ■' .•ary bv Uiu InU'rlmViiii: of iwwer Ma- tlons (leeM'id by the electricity act ol •I''' 1W5. Tliu vhn'e o[ l.Miilnn's .'iipply h to !l:ii!.hrt|lrnl al 22.000 volts. irrival.

.\n I'l'iidUl'!;. arv iio'.v, Ixiniloii':. ;__h(iiiri'iMvi'\ Iiml Illfl: (lu-trli: Irnni. —

. i'iir>r.'. ,ind »:l;rr iipiilianers uspIis ',V.nen itiuy .--jve 'r^w one dl,trlcl to nnotli'T. K'caur.o uf the dlfferi'nl voll-

Slilp In Ilf llrokrn Vp i nLONDON, AUZ :3 ..? ,-"O tn -ami

San %afaelMilitaryAcademy

A sciiooLiom ioTa . ; ______, riou6YtAnsoFAGn L~

Outi!i)orn;ikliclr»in- jL to-nfdinitfd with •P uaueriitr-ifcieditnl j . n ichalirihip. DrlicSlful ,j J - i j tliinile.Onfliourfnjm

8»a I'rindtfo.»^F»U .Ifrra op<ai Slh.

f j m l A.LSTiTAirJt^iir^1 ■ ■ * V P W SAN RAPABL

MIUTARyACADEMY DintJ ] ^ | ttfKjKLC4Unt>

_ j_________________________________ _______

! . Pnffo six ~ ■ '

-------------- A £ e .v 5 - -M v F U L ^ —/•NICE P^P, TO AHj r.O;.‘,Q GACK AW' OA

vou ALL SO SE' \ r;i,?rA' Afj' spry! \ l

■ ■ A g m

um ftiCE II I- i i H G m i f'aui Simmel. Well Known

»!•:European Hiimorlsl, Draws

andCartocn Ratl?or-Ttian-Scliinq-Ji' ,fi SpacQ UsDclior Advertising.


HEIll.IN, Alik-, a (,V,-A -board vurMi nci. Ill uiM.i'iid llerllii Ll ducoralKl i}<!\ lew tuch wuel: with cnrloons by Paul ran.i. !inmi-l, one of Uiu Jie.sj knmvii_0,cr.:..i[Quai an himiorhts. fromSimmel did nm like to see Uie board Hit i neu ehillered up wllh unly ndvurlls- nn o ;:. lie oUerud lo furnish carloonn i.rt li ■putlm: liurllii Itlu instead, Thu own- thorlt .1 ittcupii'd, and Uiu drawliii: u :- Oold: ael bU- cruivil' every week, 01n.itOne hli-Mru plctiiri) slinws luo e.ab- cover: en and wlial iiiifporta to be n linrsu nrl,111 cub. The eat) l/i dllaiildaliil nnd .u n:u: Mi nis ready lo tiruak doivn ll< ly momenl. One cnbni.in says to ihc j)i;i

'rnts I"U'l_ me lel) you somclhInK; to fly „ncc

Amerira In an nlrplnne l.m'l nny- .ixwrr Im; lo mnke a fii;.i over. Ihit to try mx n drive 10 IMlsdam willl my L lalc— fnr U

nl's rtal nrl." Pii-.svl l i e 'i

To Iteerlvr E»t»le I 'e rvIlKRLIN, Alic. n M ',-T ll0ll«h ' JlJIli', T.'ldent von llinaeiibun; hw r c - , atedly exprc.i.*cd the wlsli.^Jhnl no ' lls U- showered lijwn him on Iil.i ,inin !hllelh blrlhday, OcIhIht 2. Uitrc Is ,Mr„(• «lfl which. It L< believed, lip will ynr-i" pU-.1 e l lo accuiit ; '

rile vuicmas' socirtlr.i of Ho.’.enbcrK sn,„j imty. 111 wesiurn will prc-al lilt wldler-pre.-lilent ullll llie ' fjf ale of his fore-fnlln r.s al Neiidcck,'If e.<lalc UM Riven to Coloncl O lln ' nlerlek von IllndeiibiirK, nn nn- ,lor of Ihc prc.ililem, by Kreilcrlcl: , , :■ Oreal. flt lhe ccneliMlon of thc .nl" :oiid Sllf.ilaii wnr il7:’2-l7<Si;‘ IIind-- q, bun.-'* . Hramlfnlher, Otio LudwlR uiitph II limdcnbiirK, rtcuived the catatf o,,- ,, ■111 his fnllier In iMl, j° 'w m\t Nciideck the iirujldml's lather, ■ I'ert, was bom In IRlll. Ilc wns the ,|ip irtli ;on. however, imd did nol In -,,no ,, j rlt lhe csinlc, ,^ ,5 „

• ----- OermiWnrkers Orcaiilir tlfpiildle llcrlln

lERLIN. AllK. 23 (4’i_Oemiiiny now “L'O I a Juvenile rcpubllr. .Some iOOO ''"®“ ' rkerN', elilldrrn from nil purls of ^ rniiiiiy Imvc been iiswnibleil nenr ■•I. on the Dahlc ilinre, nnd have ■n criTnnlrcd as the •'Klmlerrepubllc ^

• " ------------------- ------------------of Millie-,," as lhe snllurs nflecilonntcly mer w led the otd MllUii: iiilr.vion r,hlp 20 ye: nin;iiy, Ls noa- in the i;ia\eyanl of wiilte- 11-.. called.lier a servicc of mere lhan 50'hab it rs in the ArcUc, the 2C0-ton vessel' Ine n

biTii J.old by the Moravian Mis- Tlie i;ir\ .'releiv, lo be b:(il;i n up, **nc In In- Ilarnuiiiy wns Ihu la.-; ol n .me- “ nm •it)i, l'l H.imiony thlpi •vliich railed '* ;i:: the to.ast.1 of Uic Arctic, tarry-1• Miiipli.-, sinc« m i , ---------------------------

ye.ir ano lhe Unrmmiy left Oari- C ,i:h h r her l.vst voy;u:u to th<- trad- si.illt'iii of Labrador, K orU iela.it-

I- '.lie F.'kImM came oi;!. ►lint off ‘.V aiul made a canilval :ii;;e of heri pf'-^'n ival. . 1 rlvoil I

D iviiip IIc;ilinK Sc*rvi BriiiK S ick to be

H E L E N C A IT h c W orld ’s Ymin>ce.‘tt

AT THE BIG llilin and T h ir Intcrdcnom ina

B A S K E T PM a s te r M tisona 'a n d th

Sunday, A ugust—at Uie—

F a i r G r o u n d s , F i l;_______________ Drlng Clips and Silver «

Callcc, Ice Crcam and i fiimLilicd free by Ui

Dinner a t 1:30 P. iL Sharp,




.........g a ;

' M p i

S j■ f j / j (V>,l

I'kniiip" 'Cliililiun's Oru;iii Camp. 'I ’n t ' •piiljliii. ■ rhe proji ri «.t ili'vLsud by lliu (Jur- 1)( in lal>r>r uiiUiiiv Tlte chlldrtii uru to Joy four wnl;'. uf Miniihhic, nir, and ll water liathlmi. Some 150 lent.',,»<• Inell urteim! lo accommodnlo Pin nml ilieir cnrelakem. Thirty ikerN’ wnr, frum Kltl have volun- •red to llr) the cooklnR.

Ih ll iluli'Mte Irom ench lent. E:ich khm- ll has ii-s mvn lix.-al Kovenimcnl. 'I hu b;

rrman-Aiiirrii'aM lIiilvrr»H» ('ourke i;iiinl 1!:KMN, Am:. 2.1,(,Vi-For the Ill. l i;. ;,iiire tliu world wnr. n Germnn d un Ameriean tmlvcrslly urc. itiv- : a jnlnl eourM.'. "l'Iirder.a“ Bill!nnrf-flnp:ftrl.i_nt Ne*: Hym ' tk Unlvursity Is conduciins a .luni- r M's.'ii)ii at ilerlln n;i pnrl of thu nmer ^^ll«ll held by lhe Ocrmnn ,l)tiitc for ForulKiiera of Uio Uni- Tlie Ally of Ilerlln. f lu ilitleveniy-five Miident.i, mnjiIy Amerl- of Ni 1.1. nre emolled. Tlicre are al.vi ,y[[i| i jaiii:ii:.JlilU;l«rx-aud..a jp r ln k lln i:.- .. . m other iiailnris, Tlie piirpo.ie of,

coiirnr. Is to afford ihc ntudeiiis, fl oppirtiiiilly of .Miidylnit O unnaii' Cnii In Oermany.’ l/'adlnR Oennan nu- ||„|,]

ritlis. nmom; Uiem I'rofcMors Adolf ld!fhmldl. Max FVludlnendcr, Cnrl i.ier, nnd W, nii7.Itr, Blvc courses erlim lilt' whole lilslorj- of Oennan

Ilerllnrr* Slime Llklnj for f a h ■ • g l l i iKIlLIN, AUk-, 23 (/J’l-A cmre for Is notieeable in lU-rlln, The do? c hnd Uic* mnnnpoly. E\’cn the rest people checrfully paid Ihu hiRh nf fiO marks for Uic first don. DO lllc r.ccnnd and 120 for llic third.

■sy has comc Into her own iiliicc rec en l.t ll exhililllnn, at which fnncy prlce» acru paid for ani­

ls nilfd M mruly beniitlftil upccl-

dvertl. lnft hiu led niu.'l cnl-ownem' lay more ntlenllnn lo Uielr po.vics- Li tn Uie hqie that he or she may 1 oul to b«‘ n vnhiable "Imtf-An- »" or "hnlf-Mnllcse" or hnlf somc- 11! cl.'c. for which .Midi desirable •13 were paid,

Oerman Hears Talilolil Operas EBLIN, Aub. 23 t.Vi-Darhln Mll- d, French eomiviser. set n new rcc- for brevity In opern diirimj lhe rc- =

"Modcrtf Chamber Music Fe,iU- ' al Bnden-naden. He* pro<litceil opera of righl rcenes, cnch of =

:h Wenl over lhe boards In cxnclly mlniiie. 2llliaiid's nenrc.1t eompclllor wm I lliiidemlUi of Frankfort, one of mosl promlncni of yoiiiiiicr Gcr- 5

I comiJosew, who'e o|)cmllc skelch =: nbout II 1-2 minutes. Two o lhcr-vg mnn com|>os«r*, K un Welll of = lln nnd Ernsl Toch of Mannheim, ^

dcmouMralcd Ihc pr.Mblllllc.s of ^•I opera by rendcrlni: u-orks IB and g inlnuici IcnB, respectively.

Kemarrlc^ Former Wife ERLIN. AllK. 23 U ^-K arl Neher. one of thc btsl known cliaraclcrs (imlcli, has married airain his for- - wife, from whom lie wns divorced

yenrs ago, E 'cryonc knows the e-hnlred nea«pn|icr .seller, who i.i >d Uic "Cuckoo" l>ecausc of hts s t of ImltntlnB thnl bird on enter- a restaurant lo .lell his pnpers.IP weddlnft, which u a i n i>opular In cveo' resi>cct. lasled from noonI well after nildnlsht. I'rce b « r liberally donated by. the Loes,'Cn

•er>'. . ,

j o f 'Along lV<(Aou{ Z e ro :io Qreeki and lloiaans did uoi

n leru hi tlieir iiuim’niK Uur unt nyhicm wlili tliu i’uni wn.i du.II rnim Uini of Ilu- Aralii. ;

v ice T o n ig h t e P rn y cd fo r

M P B E L L.it E vanR clist

i TENT ird E ast lational

> I C N I Cth c lT T o n ii l ic s

t 28, 1927

iier, IdahoWith BukeU

1 tim ’ofvflile’ • ■Uie lodje

D ont.fall to coinc... — • Committee. ■



r-T E LL-M E -T H lsA O'iWELL! aOODNGSS S h ' ' ' ‘W / ^■xcious HOW VOU ^. 0 ‘. 0E5'. LIKE^A ^

S i ” f' W M i I

ren-Cent St(»re C ards f ~ Delight Swedi.sh R uler ySTOCKHOLM, SAudrn. Aub, 23 (,Vl L _

-Wlitncver Dnron llvHidc of Sweden (>.•'. lo i'TBland, Iiu .-.viidi back lo.:i:;c Oii.stav some playliii: cards from , , ^V

T n 'r i? i!.j'i!T h: . . ............ .N nil n ilthk' a t his dullght with lhe cards, s|;.i,n. hu baron, uho owns a beautiful cslutc jnrblil =2t:Sii'ckliu!m;rhaa.UierHlh8Tt>W;fr'.‘“ Orwo llllll i:ueM, und c:i lili inajcMy's lu-st »ir,s, lill, hc remar(:cd upJii the beiiutlfiil Ki iiiillly cf Uic baron'.i brldKc cards, llarun Uuiidc ua< creatly niiai.scd Mury:;

tid.lie remarked iluit the deck camu TroUc cm a London flvc-r,nd-tcn-ccni store.. m. Fo---------------- . - S i i i r i

E a r l ie t t W a ie h e i ^Tlie Urtl wiitcliuH wuro made unrly . £fl'i«li

ll llie Slslreiilli euiitiiry. IVtur llulo ham, f NureiiiburK, (luinuu'iy. In crcdlltd ,'IUi tlio luvi'»l!uu...........................................^ ■' ' I'AI?

R a d io ‘F r e e s ’’ C o n v le ta Mo :CiiiivletK.ni !l.ir.uii« prlhuii at Jnt- .

till], Iiunuiark, h:ivu uiiuigilelu free- iim 10 roam over liurnpi.—u* far na i.;ikc;' :idl<> mil (tlvc llii'Ui fruuilDiii. They ' Uns, I re iilliiiveil to luillil ilu'lr own lein. Myrlli


youj skliI souI y o u


W l l

toytablyouS tiU

of > you

...............■ witl

is w mos thir


S A L L E Y -R A ^E L 'S B /



' / W V W U OOM'T M E f lM ^ U O TWlS I “ ■TO-SW mft.T'S-GJlLETTE- -tUPLEJCUS,



-------- ----------------------------------------- J Lr-ke: F

/ 4 i l i e | - T o i e l j^ ^ A, W ,7•' ■rnncl

------- OklahoiP E nniN E -II. WnbAin, CllicsHo: T, )]

I. Adkllw, Fort Worlh, Tcxus; Fninl:

.ftan.ion. Mrs. Claude C, Oilllians.'*: y* nrbldKc: Wllda Hyde. U Orande. >rRron:-..nd«nr IVrry, Salt U ke; cchmell ir.s. V, C. Dlllo. Still Frunclsco: M, f,..i i „ Kcyfcr and daliKlitcr. Suit Lakt: “ ! z . 'v nnlt VanderTilile. I«abellu Snfftrn, j,,u] lury:;vl!le, ,Tcnnus.'.cc; Mary liiibulle hm vrr' Toiler; Coal City. Illlnob; Mrs, 1. Mr‘„,i(l I. Fowler and dauKlilur...Cj Wrii(h'-. \y all Lake; Mi's, Dc.^hmnps-tinB fam—'Kcjjprt'- y, Si»kane: W. S. DrlKlmm. ulfe unu i c nd daiiKliter, Sail U ke; Mrs, F. J, pocalcll BiiKlcr. Paris. Idaho;' Nonnn Dine- , am, Oiiden: O. T. liuhaiinon, Ralon, ew Mexico. ^^OH

___ Mr, nndR. Dot!

I’ARK-B, M. llilxion, Knnins Clly. lo.: Fjnli Lehman, Milwaukee, WU.;

S, Ciimmliim, Uol.ie; John Urelt nnd J- .mlly, Klamath Fulls, Ore.; M. T. Smith, arce, Wvniidnitc: W. S, Hoiiw, Hall Clalrt, akt; E, E, Ziiijmeniinii, O. w . Raw- l-ikc; I ns, IJoIsc: Mrs, I), F. UlodKelt, Ml:-s and Mr lyrlli- Him. Ml.u I.oiiLm. Hii.vi. S.ill.Mn. E.

You -1927OUR coniple-xion pcrfect

lent, your eyes snappy, I'our haiuis m anicured like ; ikin fine, your fee t trim , you ;ound . . . and from inside ,'our tastes splendidly 1927! -voi'ld and its advertiseme: iVhen you move, sw iftest eo :o your l)idding. W hen you e; able comes to your plate. Whi ’ou sleep, exercise, play—t itands servile, yours to comm; if your living, and it is advei ’ou so.

Herid” the advertisem ents. I’ith sane judgm ents. They ec s w aiting fo r you to enjoy, a nost w isely when it's yours, hings—here—in these colun

A dvertisem ents brinj

world from whicI

may choose

ST 24.1927. . ' ■ ■


- . , z'cvZToN 'iiJLU5, HI5 r c ^ m ju u REM,^iOU. O lU illE OF SKEEZIX ATIMTO BACOAJ V DIPP'ENT AOEAOC LAS' / V 1 ____


' ' i l '

;ke: F. W, S. rvoy. Dr-iivi-r: C Hawkej, E. J rs, U. I’cnrson, Snll Uike: J. C IXck- and . Pocaltllu; Mr, nnd .Mr... J. II. Sinn- He; irU and r.cn, Carl C, Kilchni, Liilw: luiu W, Tliompson, Ownru C. Oreen, S an ' H. / anclsco: Joseph H. I’ui>e nnd «on, , on slalioma Clly; R. O. llr.mdley. Salt fj, ' ikc; W, H. Noland, Uulie; Juhn Wood gchi id wife, Pocnlello; W, A. Mnlhe.wii. ni„( E, Uorc, flcnttlc; E C. Mnync, J, N, nnf, I*oc3triIi*, Piatik Kiicii,H, McDavlu and family, Fort Worth.

■xas; D, J. Murray. Sail Lake; W, ivcrs and famllv. Sealllc; L, hmelllnK. Idaho F'nlls; C. I*. KilllnR- 7 ! “ ' illh. Hoise; Leona A. Utrc, Snn Fran- co; W. V. Wnrd nnd wn, Dolse; Mr. | “f’ d Mrs, R, E, Chlelu^tur nnd wn,’nver; Donald Forsyih, I’rovu, Ulnh; r,' nnd Mr». L. F. WriBht, Salt U ke;..W. ,Oppcnhlcm. BoUe; R. E. Allen. Yor) ibert-Kr-Tttlcnr-Provo, Utah; -MU* BdL’ Illh Cooper. Seattle; O. W, nurscss, E. J ealcllo. • Aek(

________. Mr*.^OOERSON-L R, Syuit, SenlUc; Jp"’, nnd Mrs. C, M, Wlllls. Salt Uikc: T. j,

Uothwlck. Pcc.-Hello; C. S. Bolll- Osdi lelil. Pccalcllo; A. A. Suiile, Port- Id; J. W. Elliott, Twill Fnlls; F. I), llth, noise; A, il, Meader, Enu lire, Wis,; J. H, Bluiinrlein, Salt kc; B, M. Rom'. Idaho FalLi; Mr. Tl d Mrs, J, E. Driimmey. Mr, and “l'l*' a. E. H. Dnimnicy, Mr. nnd Mrs. eium

7 model'ect, your tee th exeel-

py, your ha ir.g lossy ,;e a patrician’s, your ' your .health .and body • de out, your clothes, . !7! The best You the m ents can produce,

conveniences spring u eat, the m ost delec- When you work, when '—the world’s la test nmand. \''ou a re lord Ivertising th a t m akes

its. They equip you y educate you to w hat

and lielp you use it rs, Read o f-th e good lumns today.

ring you the '

hich you


" >

m z j . . /_____- ..


£ _ y . '

Ik. ri...,. _________ I

. A. Driimnicy, T. II. Drummcy, Mr, . Ild Mrs. A. U. Terry and soiw. Seal- 4- c; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Maced. Hcno- llu. T. II,; S, S, Cheevtr..Sall Lake;. A. Vinccnt, Porlluiid: Alice Jolinn- in, Frelda Hebe. Hollywood; Mrs. M.. SlecIc, Oshkui)). Wis.; Mrs. A. :hunekel. Innn Thlul, Mildred Tlilcl. ipon. WU.: y. W. eiroschcln nnd ifc E,irl .H. s tro icfteln and wife. .,<i ^rliiiR. Idnho; Rev, A. CrSVo^ nnd mlly. Sail Lake;' D, E. Stephens and Ifc, Moro, Ore,; Ellen Stoddard. 1,5 ,-j randc. Ore,; Mrs, Jos, Sloildnrd, Ba- fr. Ore,: L. W, Bnrkdull. Salt U ke; arry S.ibln. Boise: R, T. EllloU. Scnl- e; H. L. Williams, penvcr: R. R. nilh. Pocalcllo; P, E. Raiiucy. Pori- iid;. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0 , J. Flynn, New ork. world tour: M. W. I. Coldlroii. . Dbe: D. Peln. H. Fcln, Chlcano; H.. A ckernian.'J.T .—Acktmii\n.-A .-J:^z::— :kcrman, Ln OranBcr, 111.; Mr, and r*. J. MTTiFljbs. Cotly: R, .M. Robln- n nnd ivlfe. Sentlle; Robert P. Pen- n, Sacmmtnlo: C, J. StrlnRhani.

M, Rend. Snlt. Lake; IL C, Flietl. , jden; Mrs. R. H, EnKcr. Eljto, Ncv,; rs, R. H. Wlldman, Caldwell.

A p p ro p ria te NameThu lurm '-iln<ri or i:ii;:liiiid" In ipllnl 11. Warnii l;.lilru. lliu mlilille lUiity Ilf Kt.illiiiiil.

-------------- ►

___________ ^ ______________I J _

- T

Page 7: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

i L

I m x p e b e T ^- -D O iT ll|iV IIE S

Market Develops Considerable Weakti'esrD'elpilo Firmness'

I___:__Due toTrosland Rust Reports

! - CinCAOO. AUC. 23 (/n -W h ra t (If vplojwd conildernble w paknm ttxjnj' ilcjplle'eirly llrmncw due to rcccn’. frost and rust dninaiic clnlms. Morr bffurlsh wllnmlea rrsnrdiiig the wlirat uroductlon o( the Uirc« CBnadlon prov. I hicta w u chlcfly rMponilblo Jor the I dr.nntiim In values. At ilic flnWij v.hcnt showed a net loss of S c to ’.c, corn W2S Uc to ,Se hlKher. oaLi Sc tol \ c up ;ind provtjlow varied from ii'j advance to IJcdfcllnc. ‘

v.aa due lo reports of frost In rotithirii Manitoba and on Apnttcrrd buytni;. Wlnnlpcs failed lo heed lhe frost re- l>orl4 and dc\'clo|itd a w eakniii whicii V.04 soon rcflcclcd on tlic markci licrc.

Previous frosl dnmnco rcpcrtji wcrrj mlnlmlifd today by o ri'porl from a;

• ,kftdlnii crop expert imvolInK In tin I I C.madlan noriiiwest. He .raid lhal llic fm

production In ihc tlirce pralrlc prov> _ ipcrs should mnke « 0,000.000 bu-nhrls „ of wheal with iwo or three wcekn of M rood wrnlhcr. Hc bawl his report on (he belltl that Alberta will produce iro.000,000 bushels ntid Manitoba 3a,- OOO.ODO, Tlie approximntlon Is based

llo u ia Buy on Decline Tt

1)U>1ni; on the dccllne, bul trade •.lasj I''* nol larHc. rorccast waa for wanner, ' weather In Canada and rislnK tem- IKralurcs In Ihe Amrrican northwcii, with no rain of consequencc cn cltlier ' Hide of tlic inlcrnDllonal line. Euro- *’0

, pcan weather condilions conilmic un- ■ fnvorable with continued good export..... .... drniantl, with «al« of 000.000 bushels csl

olliiUIlA! In.all..pa\ltlons a t Uic tea- ' . - board. = 1 "Tvc

Com v;as firmer early, only lo ciisc ' olf under sclllne and then rccover 'i.omctthBl on reporu of frosl In parta ___pf Mlnncwla last nlcht. wlih n fore- CAM (ur llRhi f ro t toplRhi in lowlands 111 north central Iowa nnd pnrtj of MlnncMia nnd WLicon.«ln, Wcl and O'

— cool wrailier prevailed over the corn cclp bell of the central wc.'l. which was re- Iw a yarded ns delaylnR ninturlly of th e . pick cron. I lew

OBU were alfected by the acticii ofi r.dd tlh c r Rralns. i jom

Pmvisloiw were dull but the umler-1 c ; tone firm despite nn easier lous In bulk ’’'X'S' _____ JlCC)

•W heat-Open. High, Low. 'Claie, nan Scpl, $ l,4 l\ $1,^0', $I,40V ffjr.Dec; . l ,« !.«■ , l.iV , „i,,,March l.«*i 1,43\ ■ !.«■, 1,«7\ c\.

C o rn - ,. Sept, l .iJ ', i,ia-; u i » i I.13-. '* 7

D ec ... l.Iff, 1,17 I.IG I.1U-.f l MArch . l.iO-:...M8?i I . I0 \

I O tits -. .‘?cpl. .. .4B?i AS\

Dec........... £0^ J0 ‘. JO’i n;>Inrch J3>^ J 3 \ . 5 3 i3 'i.

OASIt OUAIN !j” jjCHlCAaO,’‘Aui;. 23 W=)~Whcal-No. Mon

3 red to $1.43; No, 2 hard icp»1.41'.- to tl.11, in $

Corn-No. 2 mixed M .ll'i to J l . lS ',- tISfl No.’2 yellow $1,13’, to jl.M,

, OuLv-No. 2 while « ' . c to 50c; No. .—.3 while 17 '.c lo «c .

nye-N o, 3 »1. T)Barley—75c to 87c.

‘ Clovcr secd-II8,7S to $20.75.

. O.MAHA GRAIN l,„IOMAIfA, Alli;, 23 (/Pj-W licnt-No, I ii,',!

haid SU3 lo $1JC; No. 2 hard I ■!«'to 8U a; No, 3 hard $1J0 lo tlX-i, j "'V

■ • Com-No. 2 BThlle $1.03; No, 2 ycl- ril,Jow'»l.01>-, to$l,0i!s, (U<

I Onl.%-No. 3 white « '; c lo 4Cc; No,i white « 'j c to «c . ------

I’OnTLANI) OIIAIN : PORTLAND. Ore.. AUR. 23 l/l’, -

• W heat-BBB hard while, hnid whllo BS Baart. $1J5; Pedcratlon soft whitr.

' w slern white, hard winter. S IJI: »CRa ' norUietn i>prlnR. ltJ 2 ; w rilem red. ‘•'fl"

JUO. Heav------- Coai

TOLEDO HEED TOLEDO, Aug. 23 (/I>)-Whc.H-No, vmI

t . 3 red $I3B'v to $ I .« .', YearV'A Ccrn-No, 3 yellmv ll.to to $1.17. s,,ru

-j Oaw-No. 3 white « ' , c lo 50Cc, '■‘t Rye-No. 2 $1.01. ■ ,/ i - Clovcr-Caili Imported $11: October 1 I S1C.80 bid; December imported $11 bid: r J l,;

Deetmber domestic $10ii0.____________

" M S.\N FRANCISCO PHODUCK p[°}{■.'§ 3AN rrtANCIflCO, AllR, 23 ( ,ri-N c l Sprir

- wholesale price*: {5„ritm Uutter-82 scflrc. 45c: M *corc, •i:c. sWc’r a E w »-U . 5. No, I exira.i, 31e; ditto "■■»; n'cdlum. 26c: dllto unall. 10c. ,

Cliecse-Cftlifornla fancy flat.r 31c. ;

f f 'i CHICAOO PRODlTi; f’®' 'CHICAOO. AUR, 23 ( ,? ,- ! lu ltc i-

Hl«her: receipt* 12,005 lub.i; cfeamcrv IW extras 43c: jtandartJ* 40c; extra I ln u „ ,

10 'ic to I t 'i c ; flrsU 37';c lo 3R'rc; “ “J ' •‘ .«ct)ndi-35e to30‘jc .- •

•KBji-UnchaiiRcd: recel|Hs 13,700

M ■ Poultry-Alive, steady; rrcdii:.'.' 11 C ■ car*: fowls loa to 23Sc: Bi»riiu:.i 3ic u '-.me 9(:- 23c; brollera 31c lo 23c; lur|(ey^ 25c; p . rwMler* Ifl'ic; ducks IBc lo 21c; rcc.-.'' ■, tac to20c . Dlckl

PfcUlOM-RecclpU Dl cars; cn track Fedei 230; toUI United su te* alilpmi-ni* Sa) B.irle can : tmdlnR »Ior* matkel nbnui Dran,

ij steady; New Jersey ucked IrWi Cob- Bran blcrs 150 pound »acl» t j J s ta J3J0; Stock K anu .1 and MUsnurl sacked Irlili Cob- BtocI: blcrs $1.C0 lo $1.8}; Ncbnuka lackcrl

, Irish Cobblen |3.• . , |.etiif

flllCAOO CnA.SS CATTI.K Oran CHICAOO, Aug. 23 (^ ,-W w te rn Slrat

cr»M run sr.iill, mostly she *tock:'boih Cant; steer and .ihc stock irtde ISc to 25s Wale lower in sympathy .wim decllns nn Potw gnuv.'iy and short fed native steer*; Cam cows and hcilerj trade very slow a t Csbb

. dnwntum odd loU western sra&i cows Lelli: j-T k ’inr-i*’«iittit-m-Tiiia'-B2j.“ URhTer Hsau

kinds $7J0 to 18, lliete belns on heifer- Demi ' cUe order; stwker* nnd feeder* moslly

native* and Dakotas with a sprlnkllna Dutti or'M ontanas klllnif largrlv a t J75J ButH la m s . SfZt

• :ix ---- - ■' ■" - ' ..... ..


: J , - k J' ' I■ { &'I i — '! ■ ■' / W i f i -

' i j


. NEW YOKK; ' jBlscks-IrrcBUlar: Uiiiinl Stnlcs ■

gi>.»i un II/.W l.nblJond»-<3tilcl; .Missouri,

TtXM flvc-1 nl new JiIrIi, rc.'

Rucsc rscudo nt year's low,Cotton-HlBher; bullifli RinnlnR St;

statistics. . nuausnr—Stt.idy: firm hwi markci. huColfci.'-Lowcr; c.uler Uriiahan ,wn

rciwrti. ;wn, CIHCAOO; 1 ;

Wheat—Easy; Inrctr Canadian coi cstlmatw.________________________ Uhl

Ctim-SSci'dy; prcdlctluiis.culdtr. ,ali -T vcather,-^ _ ‘ ' ' 1

Cjitlle—IrrcRular. po Hors—Easy. •____________________ du

___ sill

OCDEN LIVESTOCK OODEN. Aui;. 23 i,T)~H ii;.'.-nc-l“n

celp:.i 300. Includlnfi 39 lor nmrki't. 171 e-t local packers and 87 San KraiicK-i ,-„j

.packers; stc.idy to shade ;;ii;hir nii.nr, !few Inl-vof llKht butchcr.i al $10.113:,I cdd lots pacUie.jow.-, $7-'i0 to Jfl; j:ar nfi i loM jr.iooth W ^ > (fcol3bli‘ amund $11. n,-, I CaHl^x•Rrtfipta )l3. nil fcr markel;

bulk liRlit fal r.nd^ feeder hi'lli-rs anil steers; niarhet steady: Ic.id miilluni Krade around 950 pound s irm $831' ■ pan lond smooth JiclfcM J7J5; Iw i arr. pcund slockers JO.75; few vi-al; calves stendy nl $5.75 to $10,.'lO.

Shecp-IU'cotpIs 0275, bulk Nevada 1 ’'V lambs. hicUidlDR 4877 to SU Joseph;303 ChlcAfto, and 1098 to D\ivcr mar- kets; only few head on kiIc. ^

DENVER SHEEP DENVER. Aur. 3 M’l-S h rep -O f-

fcrinKs mostly fives: iioihliiR .sold j.sn carlv; InlkhiK rteady In weak; fill [Tli lambs (|uotnbli’ nround 25c lower; lateiyo Mondav fnl lambs SOc to 7r>c lower; |t i icp $13.10. frelnni paid; oiher.s $12.50 lu ' in $13; feeder Iambs innstly $I2J» to n ' tI205; Mendy,


TIiMf |>flfp» nrr uMiilnra dallj- at 1 1 o'<l<K-k )ii ttm iiflfrnoon an.l »r" lOcIII'";!'''’ 1 1•hcirl |>er|ii.tn offi-r iimro (linn IIik I 1 iltimcl prlf-it no ••tfcirt l« tnn.Ii.lo In- I 2

s H S ' S S K :fliciln« eilrcmr. nf cKIior Mill or :»w price..

Paid to Producen o;*

The' Twin Falls tnarkeU yesterday k, , »cro u follow*; jioJ

I Uvestock poiHcri ...... ................... ......... ......... 110,00 ThLiRht Heavy Hoes ........................ 8,00 icnHeavy H ogs................................... 7.00 NtCoa* .................................$4.00 to t iM >htHelfera.............................$5.00 to 0.00 Tt;Slecr*.............................. $S,OD to 7,00 <»aVcal Calvcj ................... $3.00 lo 7.00Vcnrllnss Lam lis............ $8.00 lo li.OO8prln« Lnmba ........................ 11.00 7 '

FnitUHeavy hcai, 4 'i pound.s and up ..., 14cLlKhl hens, imder 4 'i pounds...... lie .Lcslior;) hens ................... ............. Oc ^

£oclx___________________________ sc i SBroilers (colored, l ' i Ib. lo 2 Ib.f 14? ™ Broilers (LcRhorn. l ' i lb. to 2 lb.) 13c “-‘iSprings (colorcd) ........................ .. ,14cSprlnft* (Lejshom.') ...........- ........... 10c *S tags............ . . . loc

Live Turkey* J'.;iNo. 1 turkeys .................. ...............20cNo. 2 turkej-3 ................................. I5cNo. 1 old toms ............. ................ 15c V „ 'Ducks Be " iOeese Be

l»><ry mliEutierfat, r.weet . ............ 43c v,.-Dutierfnt. viiir -• • ‘39cErr* tcashl . , ................... iVcEsb5 (local stori') ........................ 20c

Surar—\Miolesalo ucs-Cane . . . . . $7JJ toBeet . . . - . .........'..............$7,53 f(rn

Wheat and Mill Feed Dlcklow wheal, No. i or better, $1.02 Federallan wheal. No. 2 or better. J«c 0B.irley, cwl.....................................' ..$1J 0 ce|rBran, cwl......................................... CliS toBran. 500 lb, lols .......................... $140 210Stock food, JOO lbs........................ $1.73 $10Block food, 800 lb. low ..........$1,70 tc$i

neU ll Price*l^mflll^ dew.......... •............................ Me $e.2OranRcs. dor. - .........- ..... - JO e nnd OOc CStrawbfTTle* ..................... ............ 12i*c chocantaloupes, cac h .... - .....10c and 12^e cihiWnlerroclons ................................... 3c lOcPotatoes, new stock, 12 Ita.......... ,, 25; uneCarrou. bunch ................... ......... .....10c fccrCsbbase . .................. - 3 'ic andLellucc. head (CnWomla) I2‘4e m « H sauhfiriranttj — ...-.™ t=:=;_“ --Sc cho:Demiiida Onions, pound - ................ 7c em

Prodoc# $a.7Butter (ranch) .....................- ..... 40c rullButter (e ra m c r j 'i.........;.— 'iSd IcpE*li ................. .................._ _ _ _ _ 20e enK




Nt:w YOltlC. Atic. ■

rc.iulicil In only tcnipcmry liitcrrup-j

miivtmcni. Heavy l.i.vlnt: .it bt;iles HIcel (^rnrnon, which udv.iiice;!; more lhan two potn’i lo n ii"v, ururdi Inch of 110’. for lhe prc.-.m ■.•we] - wn,i the huiiviiiual. fw.iur.-, •’TailiM'j ,, wn;. hicdcmlcly hcavv In votiim.-,

Moncv rates conHnucd a w idtli concc.Mion.% ’, of I per r.-ni uikUT!Ihc o(llcl.-U3‘i per ci-ir. rail r-.'-.- iiv.ill-|’—allk. iiuJic. "fliii?Ji>;uiiarkci,:;___________

Motor Muircs nittUi prcM'PioJ !.cv<Tali. Iioinu of streni;lh. ulihoiiwli July pro- ^ ] [luclloii flKurcs, made public today, Jhuwcd fill output cf 3C3.4n« car^ ns ’ ' ?.Kalnr,t 313.083 in June nnd 354J04 In 1 ,luly. ID;’(3. Oencr.il ?,:o!oi;i cld M<Kk ''Ai atlJincd a nrw lop ot r i5 ’,, but la-l J ” ;ill 113 Kaln. , Chry.slcr iind I*acl:ard IN.'j LTtabllslicd new pcijk prici"i :it 5S'. n iitid 11', . rc.siuctlvely. I'Irrcc .X rifov 'tc lirdcrnd broko more ihnn fnur pninw mq n. 49', and Vcllow Truck prelerred,^ficr louchhiK a,ni-v. low ul Rl, ral- p ,i lli'd to 33 for n nel M ln 0.' :i'.. ;:-)ln:n:

. ■ ilmNEW YORK. AUR. 23 i,!’.-Cal! wv;

tuiincy -Slcady, all loans eli)lii{:t~^ ijId 3'.-; time lonns steady; mixed laicral UO to 00 duys 3 'i to ■!; fmir ic l * , »1\ luHntlis 1’, lo .1 \: prime m ':i';i;-j Ulc painT 3 ', lo 4. '

-------- | l AI.IUKIITV IIONDK I ai

NEW VOKli. AUR. 23 </4')-l,1lK rij i bonds cluied:l'..s ,. -.$101'. WPint 4 '.s . . !o:iflSrccnd 4 '.s . . •. I't.iS —nurd 4’.« . . . . , I0I.3k-oiirth 4 ',s . . . . . 1U1.1Ll. s. lrca;,ury I ' . s . . liriO p,J . .s, irra.sury 4s . . .. ina.inJ . K, treasury 3 \ s .................. lO.Ufi " ,J. 3. treasury 3 ’-i, .................100:!!ij|" j

.MirrAi.s 1;';;;,,•NEW VOHK. Allt:. (,1>)-CupiiLr-I .i- y; ckctrolytic ^pot nnd futures!

;13.I3';, , ITiii-Qiilci; ipol nnd nenrby nnd

3ciebi'r $C3.fi2'-.. •1rcn-Stc.-idy: unrlmnccd.U ad -r irm ; spot SS.75, •Zliic-Dull; I-iisf St. Louis siwt nnd I il

uluri-s SC.30 lo i631. HcrAnllmnny—Spov $ IIJ7 'j. two

-------- IM, , HOSTON WOOL , 'xld

BOSTON. Auk. 23 {/I’l-T lie slrcnRlll * )i lorclKn crnvsbriil wool Is re(lecte« , 11 recent Imports nf 1.100,000 pounds ” . ' [tci-'y conibInK wcol.-. Imported nl Dm- , , un ln.sl week: nver onc-half or 011,000 wunils was uf Rrade from 3tts to lls, nieliirce.sl iwrlioii «ns of Soulh Amer- cnn orlBlii, nhllc .sUenbIc quantilies of ■It X Zenland nnd KriRlLsh wools wllhln L( ho riiii,i[c of rrndcs were entered. n « ( rtadlnR in croribrcds. however, re- ly s iinliB ralher slow, bccausc n number of n i nllL'. npparenlly cuvered Uic Bulk of :urrcni needs before the rcccnl price idvnnce. Dealers nrc holding ihcir . ,7 ; tccks firmly at 'he higher levels, *

SffiA ltNEW YOHi:,.Aui!, 23 r/J>)-The raw cun,

iii;nr mnrkct was more nctixc todnv, t^.’tr 'd u u advnncea 1-32 oi-.i ccnt to-tl?e ia;U of 4i2 for Cuban duly paid, sh lales Included about 33,000 bnRs of choli 'hilipplnc.s, due early nrxl month at ,nfd] •4!> nnd fully fiO.OOO bsRS o r Philip, [o «, iliiM nnd 175,000 b;iKs of Cuban nt .'i2 to refliirrr. nnd opcralorTi for Au- 11:,t and f^cpleniber i.hipment liicic.-i.MHl iiciivliy in the ipot mw-

ft imd cx|)cclailons of lower Euro- can licet Miwr crop estimates fto.-n ninvomble w-athrr. c.iurcd a (Inner SC-SO ulink’ In llic raw .i.uRar futures mar*

thnnwlihdrnwalB nt refined su ja r on old *

oniracts wrrp incnc liberal nnd some nprovemcnl was noted In new busl- cs.'i. Prlcen were unchnnRcd nl 5.7[> ' f ’**- J .I.M wllh nil- refiners said lo bc « ’>' Irm at llieir H l prlccs.

OMAHA MVESTOCK JjiJ'iOMAHA. Auk. 23 (>P)—1{ors-Rc- •;;;5

clpis 10,000; uneven: mostly steady ) IPc lower; Mow to packcrs ICO to 10 iKund nvrrnses $10 lo $10J5: lop ‘“- f ' 10,25; 210 to 2C0 pDund butcher* $9.25 , “J! 5$10; 200 10 300 pound butcher*5,75 to $9,3.‘-; welRhty butchcrs down 1 $8 40; packiiii! .sows moslly $7.75 to !,2i;, Jincoih hRht sows tip to $8J5,Cattle—Rccelpls taoo; good and

iinlce fed slecrx nnd yc.irllnR* stronB; .r.. ihcw slow, r.tcndv; she-siock Activc 3c to 15c hidhcr; bulls steady; veals ncven nround $1 lower; stoeker* and ' •ericn (llliv sieiidv; rlaiiRhlcr Jletrs nd yenrllnKS $11 Ui $13.2- ; (cw Iciidi "n t icdlum wclKhts up to $14.10; Hrlcll" lolcc'tofr itt tr lln ir tll .io rT K f tie lf i :— r* $11 lo $1225; Braa lielfers »7J0 lo 1.75; Rnu> rows-so to $7J5| bulk kll iitlen 54 60 to $5.50; practical real •'lan :p 12: few sclcclcd lo ti to Indcpctid- pnH' nla $12iO to $13.:0: heavy calvcj $9.50 mntit



'■WE G U M P S - T H E

t L l Iw . . ; i m M y ^


PER INSERTIONI ------------------------------- --------------- 5-11

I All Wanl Ads nllve and aetlve a n d - |‘|5° '

I- “ COANS ■I ------------- x:---------— ------------------- I’lI ?AR.\I LOANS. C'/r. SWIM .V CO. l7"i>EirCECT CITY. L 07ns“ WIM I'O'1r-AKM A.>;U CITY' :,0.-VNS. rW JN | !.“ J^'alls Title atKljVbJlnicl C<i. _ j ,iN.'riviulMENt lo' a n s - k eu CJc ed j —

n.lc, no stocl: lo buy, Artliur L Owuii p f

.MONfiYTX)TOAN-^Al{.SlTHDT-^ KOf properly. I’otter. Hcai tn a te , I v ln til

^ ____ ___________ mci)MONBY'roil bTiiAlOHT LOAN8 ON . modern housc.s In Twin Falls. Ar- FQI Ihur L. Swim Co. •„ __

[MONEY TO LOAN ON KAK.\TWl HA'I clly property. Some prlv.iic.TntJncy; cx

I In sums uf from S500 to $-'>000 tiu'.v un:I hand. Irrigated Luiids Company, Ho-1 ' lel Pcrrlni'. llfl Shosliotic tl, west, j piiin I T a m ■ol'i-EillNG'A " VEIlV CHEAI' iW ! and desimble fnnn loan. 1 tUInk It br j the best Inmi loin proiwlilon ever uf- cow, icrcd o;i the Twin l-plLi imct. I t will jrjjy pay yo;i lo wc me belore placing your j.i -,.111. C. A. ItJblnson, ..tiii-

to 5lo:,0; ycaihnR storkcrs $9.40; lc:d- en $9:in; ,.m(• held a iw c $10. l'

Ellecil-Hcrclpls 25.0IK); killlnR el.i.'.ie', i ma,:ly $12.10; top $12.75; fa t eu.v, u ;r* ^ ‘ ; 10 ‘li.:'-.; bulk rantrc fe'dini; lamhs 513,

|t-i $I3:.(I; Icnlliii: yc.iilmc' $9.50. fn-;l-, 'o, lllli; eives $4..'>0 to $,'..115; no Mncllv' IchDlee j'oiinj: cwrs liu-ludcd.I _ _ _ I dumI nniE D n iu iT S

.’.•KW YORK. AUR, 23 M -,-D ri«I! i.mr,_____ I CAI'

S.1N rilANCISCO LIVESTOriC ! , J a I HAN rn A H c iac o , au«. ;u (,T .-:sho!HcRs-llecplpLs. 700 din 'd , 2C0; slr. dy; | -----two lo;id< 180-iwund Idnhos, $i:i; I.kkiI r IM ti> 205-|>oiind Nobrii;knn,s. $i:.7.S:l ' <xld iiit.i 275 to 300-i)ouiid balch^r^, ?lol 'iv $ n ,

Slivcp-Noric: hoUli^vcrs, 500; 5 cnrs'74 to 711-poiind iitrllu-ni Cahftirnlai, 1 FOU bid $12 lo $1255; (Iffk CO-i>ound fn 'der, v.J lamlis, $IOiO; K00<1 ir.i's nb.sent. ipicjtcd Hini

o o i

I.OS ANfii:i.l-:.S LIVESTOCK ' Gwci LO.S ANOELK-5. A.u;. 23 l>S-J-I!c(;r- : I’lAl

Rccclpl.', COO; holdti'.i rs 300: slow; ear-1 pli ly sales 15c lower: two londs 109 171 pound butcher.' lopped nl $12.8’.; two londs 200 10 207 |wund welch!.-. ra: $12.25; mixed mcdluiii wclRhis 511 lo] buffi $11.60; pnckliiK rw s I8.C0 lo $0. | rock'

Cnlllc—RccclpLr JOd; steady; to;n-im nn men ItRht Arlwna venrllnR steers iC.25, Phor lo $0,60; bulk f.he.'!ock $0 to $7; iillJ — cullcra $3 to $4.7:i: bull.s Inrsely $5.75] C tQ;tl25; calvcs,-lw^^^l()wrtwth1t!!^^Dlfl^-^' . c a r l j - r ' ■ • 'p o n

Shccp-Rccclpt'. none: medium 10: choice Inmb-s fiunled $10,75 to $12.75; ,rp;j medium lo ch.iirr wooled cw k $3 2,1 lo $0,75. -


rORTLAND. Aui; 23 M '-C n tl lc - Rccc;pl.s K5; r.ulv rccclpLs .•nor,tly lower Rrndc biiicUcr r.loek scllhnc r.i l-'OH SC-50 dnwii: th i;!* nbout itcndv a; Rvi Mcndny’a c lc« or lOc to I5e Inacr "o” ' thnn week's opcntu'i: nil cltv-vscs show-: HOO cd fair cicaranci;. lalc Mondny p in ! tic load plain stccr.s lu ld nround $8: fri.'lPhon medium fleshed l;nlls $5.50 lo 35,V5;ji.SDR vcftlcrj (luotnblo $13; calves, rc-p »cl: ccIdU 10. I Phon

KoRs-Rccclpls .’.-i; fairly active;! - ~ steady al Moml.u •, advancc; enrly c n hulk dcilmbic lii-h-. welghb $12 to ' “ $12.25: whh tmall lot* $13iO: medium wclRhl nnd heavy butchen larsely $ lli0 10 $12; (cv packlnir sows $8 „?'i! to $9. ‘■01

Sheep—Rceedit-s 2 :i; very llttlcrin;i?; ook* sieady; dii-l; thin fleshed lnmbi l!^2*

held around $3:o; nol sold; cwcj OLD! quolBble S4 to filjo.____________________102

________ _______ Auto

Esyplhr, P a n o l, . ™Tlif pnrrois of E:ypt scri* Hr«i met Dr. T

•vlib hy ,.xiil.'rer' of Jh« llouiilns In ovEJ..............of Miti>. They nrc grny par- nlttrul* with VUII,' (llllle und n llitft yellow cludli-m thrir pliir,- .:-. gd>r

01d''PtoveTb-A m tnd«d------ "A fool jinil hll nioncj," quijli'd O.iil.

.Man Wnyliack, nuiendlnRly, ••are »oon , tjj{, pnrted,- ci.pcclnlly wliCn ' I l ‘Iiin-t' Ills ^ R nmticy to p.irt wllh." Mac#



- . ■ / FOUbt_• • . .p R o u c

,;■ V4HEE1--------------------------- --. HERo-

■ X l ■ - U N

l#7\ ' iifc

M k - ‘


FOR S A t.l!-M U ljnhN ^R 0bV -flU N --roK cahnv. (urnacehe.il, (30 Main north. _ j , j ,

5-HOOM HOUSE hXJU HALE BY r o l l , owner. T.niis. T. O. Boyd. I’hoiif .shh'i i ! i _____________ ________________ F o ifORCHALAIIA III AKllFo CLOSE IN nill<

lind well huliroictl, (or wlc al $3000, . . .w . TirntM, Rwlni C<i. ve.i' CI?blCE HAN(:r!fa ON THE TWIN Mock,

Fnlls nnd Snlmoii. G. M. Emerj’. ^ouT owner, Noriliwood. lown. • um FbR“ SAUr-^(i-itOOTsrHOUaE. MOD- WHl«

wn eXL-cpi heal, on ImlC-ncre lol. 10 lblock.1 from cciiirr of tDR-n.'Titl-knvk ^ jbo;irinR fruil t r m , Plinnc 1003. inum*!,vrst jlnRS. Courloy to rcnllors. ■_______ l/,piT

f o F s e n t - a p a S e n t s " ' i‘“

im 'R £ > r i '^ 7 ia E E '* i r o o . \ t " f u H- muiii nluhcd npnrtinenl. Bunjalow Apiin-

mcnta. 2nd nve. ciwl. ________

FOR SA L E — M IS C E L L A K io 'u S S S

H A '^ T E R fra 'i^ fro R D S ? BTcT ^ i Ran I ex. 0 . Havens _BnUcry Co. _ j fellow i i'.'iC’ELClS' I’liOUUCTS. 'EXTiiACiy.l ! splcc-s and lullct preparalluiu, elc : “ ''J Plume 1382. WlscaI'Oit SA L irSu -I'KAUE-lr'YEAR OLU FOII

be.in culler, extra fharc.i, for youiin or 1 cow. bred. Ikiw2l. rare News, a n d lr u i r s a tE r c x m i r r a m S s r i m i T B

Mountain';, St. Andrcar.burR rollers. '* -■.‘niters, 55.00, M.-*. A. J. Newman. Hho- J*-’?

jd r jc . ■_________, _ _ - »[iP YOU WILL HEQUHIE BEAN

bacs. fcainlcAi. Calcutta', or Iwlnc.■ Rel our p rico before biiyim:. Twin, r.ilb Hour Mills. --------IOH KALE—USED MACiHNEIlY A8

folkws; One (iflccn lon Rlchanlson pbilom i ic.ilc; one wairhotuse scale; SACK

;(.:ie five hor.so c lK tri: motor; (me *tcel _Jdal dump body (or Ford truck; one Fair- IlOO.v bank-s five lon plaKomi (nrm r.ciilc. 459 Pik?tl te.'i.sonablc. E, O. WriRhl, Jcr- i.nie, Idahn,CAFE FOR SALE OR RENT. CHEAP h ,n «

If laken a t once. Al.w r I of offlcc ' IlxturcT for snie. Dnn's Plnce, 305 soulh - - ■Slmtont.

FOR S A L E -F U R N IT U H E _ ^

FOR SA I4>^$375^'r(rfnoiX cHE'AP . . , ^ ’1onjcr.ua.; P h o n e __________ ^

FOR 8 ALE-RUO AND ELECmiC ' v.sshtnc machlnc. 435 Main nve. west. ‘

niniic_5W-W^____ _________ _______COLU SEAL ilU bS AND FU X IRL.-^-

coverliis Mid cn ea;>y payments.Gweefs Furniture Stnrn ,PIANO TOR SA L E -H iall ORADE 7!

planu, will ucrKlcc; IcaMnR lown. -- '' y-o 2nd nve. north. Plmnr 9J0-W. »‘EFO >U liN ITl;RE-PIA N O , MAJESTIC

raiiRC. beds, malire.wc.s. (lres.«n, „_:„L buffet, clilt(onler. bed sprlncs.' chairs, rockcrs. book ca.se, library tnble, nnd ‘ .-- — mnny other IhlnRs, 559 2nd North. THE ■ Phone 02C-W. ' _


rioOM and"BOARD? CLOSe' u J .H sI . _ -1 • TAKE 2nd nve. nonli,_______ ._________ _UOARD AND ROOM, 222 5TH AVE. r|nl nl

c .u^ Phoj« 03J-W.______________give pifX)R H E N T -Jtoni room and KamKC. double

clasejn, inodcm, Phone i m _ doiiu. lidoM FOR T\VO. LIGHT HOUSE- >03 mi kwTHni: If desired. 220 Kih North, ]FOR HENT-FUn.NlSlli;» ROOMS.

nonh. Phone 204-J. . ,,^,,^81ROOM FOR RENT - FURNACE tiR-noi

tlconi heated. 411 3rd Ave. W at. Bood.Phone 107. Rajt 11I'SDR RENT-ROOM FOU HlOH -

school itudenu; will luriiMi board. FORPhone 220-J,.430 Blue Lakes Hiv'd. • ____

------------- ------------- • FORFOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES

....___________ _______________ _____KROUI'ORD TRUCK f o i : SALE. 237 MUth tor 1

BhMhone. Phoshc FOR SALE CilEAP-ESSi:.\ ' FOUR 7 7 ^

tourlna car In good condlUon. Phone HCL 1!32‘W.bLlisMOBILE s i x IDE LUXE COAClf. ___

102(1, fully cqulppwl. $n.V Jenklni f o r b i

TOR SALE-AT A SACltlFICE, AL- w rU etmost.new Onklnnd I.andau scdnn. Americ

Dr. Parrott. Detroit3VEKLAND WHlPl*i.T''«ni)AN. 1020 '= —

nimoii like new. fully cquipiwl. In* Sl:ludlns heater, $550, Jenklus Auio Co. _ ____31dimohlle denlers. OIRL

^ ^ LOSL, -______ toBn.1.0im-^B7iAOK''TnAVEilNG 3A 0 3 ye#n

between Filer and Twin’Falls. NoUfy ilder 1 R. Carter. Paico. Wash., or M. J. Mr*. P.

^Jaca*, Filer. Reward, , Deliver;

fST 24. 1927.____________ ^

Y i

7V4E BWTLE OF I.IBER'tV HAS- BEE OUCjHT a n o l o s t — ANOtWER iOUD ML'ART CRUSHED OM U iE •4E.EL O r '^ATRIM ON'f - 'IWf YOUf ERO'*TKAT ~S\‘VQlt£~ H £ - WOULD - _ c R 5Ui’.« i:N D !iR /;i— r. ' Ti N O WMG IN G OUV K v ~ <} W lllTf. I W


FoiC?i A u r i i T , ; ilijjS iT in F f M ,_ J._D. Rltclile. f'lwiio 503 oTIffC: "FOR SALE^a'lJUilE liilLT) HAMP'-I

.shlr^rain laiiils, I'hone 203-J-I,J__ jFOR SALE-WEANLINO Plo's. 'j

mile en-st 3«1 tiotlh of Waters corner. HAMPSHIRl-ritAMS. 3 VEAR OLDS.

yeurlliiRs and rum latnbs. Bobl, Bla- -ftocl^Filer, -Wionc i l - W . .______iOR.SAI.E-lW') HEAD CHdSS-URED

Ulnh brivdini! cwcs. Inquire Mr. V^u-Rnr. or Mr. Ilaich, Pcrrhic hold. *’ n .IN lll-rli.MSFi). OltAlN 'f e d , r e o -

k l'ln il XamlHAillletHiiiLS- Or.o mllf ivrst, I ' j mile.routh Kimberly, i’hone _ I/,per Sh(vp C^. 5n-il-2, Twin I'alls. U. SHEEP FOR SALE, 33 HEAD OF J t

bred ewes, or any part; Five dollars each. R. C, Hyde. 2 miles ca.sl. 2'': c ,rx)uili_of Kimberly. ____I'X>» SALD-3 TWO-YEAR ‘OLD '

purebred bucks, Hninpshlrc; 5 buck Inmbs. Rrades. icood oner.. Kobcy Churrh. 31. miles soulh of Soulh Park, FOR SALE-FIVE THOROUGHBRED _

Ramboulllrt buck lambs, biR choice At fellows. Inmbcd In lh6 last week of January. 1927. I mile west of Kimberly and I S saulli. Phone 28-R-2, Fred !-W lscn v cr.____________________FOII SALE-IN CAR LOAD LOTS. XZ

or mute. 2000 InrRc tyiw desert (me " nnd iK'o-ycar brocdln? cwc.s; will con- . Iract cwc.i nnd Ininb* bnck In pairs “ (or April delivery If buyer wishes Io. AV.0 have 100 ycarllhR cwcs nnd 100 =; 2. 3 nnd 4-ycnr old cwcs for talc. W.W, Wldoc, Pcrrlne Hotel.

. . - - - ............. ^ r, _= 111

MISCELLANEOUS _FirKE’^ m r T w T ia^ lincT ^ WAV.32a North Mnln. ^3ACK? AND "rWINE. SEE US FHlS'f. “

Idnhb Junk House, _____ ' __llOb.M AND BOARD. PIIONEW o'W. CI

459 Sccond tvvc. nonh._____ _____ 1t'Ua'WEyiVINO, 50c p e r y a rd , m rs , w'

Scollcld, Polk sl.. 'Twin Falls. 1:>ia.S TX) TfUD E FOR DEAN CUT- ^T

ler or barley. Phone 51J.J.1I, jOODfNO c oI C egeT w k u j y a n , —

Idalio, Icnlli anniversary catalcR (recoyo-j. Write today, __________ ~.<AiSuMINlNO, PiTim'lNQ AND PA- ‘

per lianslBS. P. A. Rowan; 237 CUi „„ive. east. _phon_o M2-J, ]______ *=WANTED-UOME lX)R"lidY FOUR- u /

lecn years old, where he can work • ' Hid RU lo Khool. Addicij Y. cnrc ~ 'Jews, w,i . 'b : iC EU iO aoT ^'EN T l-dirLA Tr. J

mcr'i Ancnatfl of. Load for spray W.nntcrlaLi, Call phone 650-W. P. 0 . J Jox 751. 3M Jnd ave. north. . W, ,lEroRE “ iJUYlNO YOUR ' DEAN J

baits, tcam lw , Calciiitns or lalne. rcI W, lur prices. We would npprcclatc the ■ ipiwrtunlly of quolinc. Twin Falls Idi -lour Mills. ___________HIriiE ca m S u o S e ' r oom s u n d er '

new mMiBgcment, have been newly Sl<cnovBled and newly (umbhed. Rates Vfimoderate. Old and new patrons solle- jled, Mrs. H. M. »nllr- I'nm. Phonf 33149. _________ __ ^ _ wAKE THE "IF" O'irf, OF L I F ^ {Life Insurnnce juar.mtees your (Innn- p))

Inl plans for the future. Our iwllcles ^ Ivc proleciion as loy n-, $7.44 n $1,000;nuble nnd triple hideiiiiiiiy for nccl- „ ‘ onu. lotnl dLMblhtv frnlurcs; over 09 million dollars m.'n; n:ce in forcc;lurc Ihnn nine mlllien iljllars claim: 1aid; 30th ycar.opcratiiu! in 19 .stn'-cs; wh^000 policyholder'- I.l'.cral aRciicy 053ontmcU (or Ihi.s ex-lc'.t srlllnK life leisurancc on the m.irket lodny. Good cLrritory op ta . Addtcs< L. D, Under- maocd. General ARcni. Hurley Idnho. pti'a n 110. ___________________

=0R rent- uiI fuS ished

OR He n t - c-r oom m o d S inhouse,_M3i0. A. N. Lnnc. Phone 45. —

riidUND FLOOR ■0Fi-ICE'"8l‘AtE FOfor rent, close to ecriir^ Main and ^

hoshonc. Swim & Co. w>

H E L P W A N T E D - J I A L E O R ' s J

________ _ Xi?ORBION WORK-YOUNO MEN JN- P UrtMlcd in Rolng in South Amcrica. rite a t onee for full p.vtlcuhn. South LA' merlcan 8ent|ce Bureau. 14000 Alma, tl ctrolt, Mich.__________ __________ Pal

"^ iT U A flW s wa7nje^IR L ^A "N ra*"oE N E R T L 'lioU SE . of ' work. 0 a l ^ 3 ( J 3 . J - ] , _________ ____O f lm o N -A s - i ib u s E i^ P E B -by- —widow u-lih 3 children, oge 10.3 bikI -years, .country prefertwl. Will -con- . •

der small w se* , and good homr, FOIrs. F. Blunt, Jerome. Idalio, General cttllvery. plai

P ago S o v o i l ,

t E N ^ , , ~

i t k JU N ^ ---- '


------ ______________

T s

m m --------- PROFESSIONAL


\V." L"DU N N -l^w ''orflCc»-Iloan» i nnd 4. Bmltli-Rlcfl BuIIdlnc. _

K».VU_UUUmNi'Jtuom* 4 and t , B jh t• iimTTnisra ldg . Phonour ------- r—U. U. H A tl/-O ver cfc#' Book bwro. joil.N W.‘ ai£\nA.Si-la»7e"r, Baait"fi

Tm st Bl£c. .Phone B35-W. 'SWEELEY o i t i ^

Idaho Power BuIIdlnc.


I iN 5 im A N c i~ ~ ~ ’~ ^

AUTTTlNSURANC&^Hre^ cny, DanuEt, Public Liability, a & Poller, Real EsUlc. Phone 374 _ .


WINDOW bl,AR^WIndsiael"d*l net, work. Moon's Shop., Phona t .


EBniiiiAriT " iie a t i .nq" c b . ww m1253.4 C 0 . _________________

U051E l’LU.1tBlN0 * IICATUJU c a New location, 135 3rd ave. cast.

UALLANTYNE PLUmIIINO * UKAT<Ine Co. For heatlns Iroubles, Pbm t

_23l-W ,____ __________________


C R O aE R TRANSFEB CO? PtOM SU CraUns. storase and U ^ t y CotL

WAlUlEUO fjiANBFKIt AWD BTOR- nRo Co. Coal nnd wood. Phono 141 -

M\NTcri()L.S TRANSf-Eir^ bTOBAdl^ —Garbage Imiiled dally. Phone aOQ.


.MODERN WobbMEN OF A JIE IU ^ meets In I. O. O. F. hall ovcrr tecood nnd (ounh Wednesday._________


ter. Phone 1103.W.WANTED - a'M D'I 'T I 0 U S' 'YbUNO '_ mim with car. 151 Main east._____\VANTED TO TRADE—TWO CITY

lots (or plnyer-plano. Phone 25Q.J-3. . WAliTED 'r o BUY—MErfALB, RA&3

and machlnen'.'old Ures and (ubcar Idaho Junk House.HIOHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR

used (urnl'.ure nnd ranges. Sweet'sStore. Phone 1205.________________ -iVAJfrtH 'r o UUY-ALL KINDS OP

poultry; highest cash prico. Phoaj 328. M. 0 , C ^ d o . . .WANTEIJ-DRESSNIAKlffa, ‘CHIL-

dren dresses nnd coats preferred.Phone 710-W. 534 2nd Ave. Nortli.

buy cn Hh? market. Darrow 2roa.Jccd Sl .Supply Co.. T w bJ^Ib^Idalio . :VANfm-TO"TRADE R U M E li 10

ll. p. Steam engine (or tractor or whnl have you? Ocorsc Woods, Phone )53-J. Twin Falls.iA V iN G FOU DENVER THURSDAY

or Friday, In Chevnilei coupc. Wanl nan na passciiKer lo share expense.’hone Kimberly 25-R-2, - - -------------------


'OR SALE-CANNINa BEANS. 107n t 2n b c l^ b lv d ._ ___ _ • .

.V A l^E D -FR K II STRAWBERRIES a t j h c Popp)\________________ ^

ib o D EMMErr m elo n s , edVnncc. Public MarkcU

iPRICOTS. PLUMS AND CRABAP- , pics. Phone 513-R-12. 3 miles soulh,

; c a i^ r i s l end orMohV__________jiT E CHEimlES FOR, SALE ON Uie tree. IS miles cBAt of Twin '

•alU on Kimberly Road.■OR SALE^PEACHES, ONE DOL- iBr. BrinR containers. H. J. RIr-

crt. one mllo north, one mllc e*« f WBShlnston Khool. ,

7FOraLE-'OR'TRADE'^ ^dlTSALE OR TRADE FOB UOHTcar, one' ArroU’.hdl-W lcfl'liM Unir............

lonC W. A .Patitck."PhoaelM 5,

Page 8: Tffi UNTY t eS - T W- J IN jFAA L L S DATT EW -S=newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...3 t 1 e - VOL. 10.' MO. 119. ‘r-^JliERSIlMDS' ClIiPGlfl Crowds Gather to

^ “

I ' ^

; ■ i E i i i s I ■ n-PLflCEDIiiii-

j ^Nominations o( E. M;Rwoclev,; for One’Year Term anil C. E.

McClain and S. D. Perrlnc lur Three Years Terms on File..

• ■ I

• T":ii i''.'!!' m'Iii-:! i> .i;i!

IVr ;ii ' i::.' ''

•Ilir'c K -m : M r' S,>M-I,y, raiKllcIi.t,. [„;• .v . .v,.u P

li. llil III.' iiiii\i)ir.'.l I.-iiii ;V I

:.;;il H i;. IVirllii-. caii-.lul.ilc-. i.Mi-rj

ii;;-. Iwcli a r<Milrnt -<1 Twin r.;II' lu i,. \rars (ir h'ki;.'. ;

I Mr. .‘iuivU'v. ciiif-iini.’ '^ l.l 'r .iiu iiiiil r.iniuT ii.-r ul,

llli' I(l;iliii .sl.ili- litiblii' iilililli; fi.iil-

filV llUDriicv il'c- !• ;i i;r;i(luiiU' cl j Uiuvrr-uv III .Mirlm;.'iii mul ' ' " l '

Inr il llllll' ;i!ti'l irr,Kill.Illiin :IU lll 'l '■ .■lim-'.rr ul 111 Ifnv:ij'|‘

;ilUl lh,' W.::lllll)'M1 -Mil' .•.•llv~" I ‘

......... ’ lliVl'iviril ulirU ilii-'~innf-|ir-;iilr!iri‘i''-

S'lii,: fli-ciiil :n:4iii U> ri'lirc ill ttii' ' I cviilnilK'ii o( ;v M-roiid triiii iwa ywrs H'I iii;i)

Mr. IVrrli!" U n iiK'Hiln'r of ilii- iin-i' !''■ . n il bo.iril, -.'liosi' Mill I'sinri- lit '■'f'

- ■ llu- Unu- 111 llir clt'ctloii. i-'|' SIsiirn. <ir"IVIIlloii» '" 1

Tlic in'tiiiii:i lor tuiininiiiiiiii nl M r-|h ' ■Kiu«-Jci- iM.N \h:mtl Ijv J. IMul TJjo- Kil mull, 1>. [t TuIxt. WiMii A. Wilson jMii E. 11. Jiihibiiii. Itarrli'll S. Wlbon, l!iT. dv lln O. Mnr-.-, Alvlii-lUrlwur, S, lU b i

• ■/— K7i>irr-nTi.t„'ii 'A'. T.rlTOmm,- ^ t ■ !lMiivM'll. J. W. llcniiflmm|i, Miirllin cnDi'K' . L. O. Klrkman. Iliirrj- Hrnt'll, tiuJiiiip Cravi'M -Si'iitl. ai-on:i‘, W. Hiim- Ol

I moiul. Cii'onip I-'- S(irm:ui', ilii-^f M.* \Vll!llm.^ T)

Sit’niTN ol lill' urilltnn fnr iit'mlivi- 1« ' llmi rfiM r, MfClain " it.- KilMlii A.

Wlboii, R. n, Jiilimnii, S, II. KnyliT, ltdlK-rl A. I’arroll, O, P. nuvall, OroiiJe

j K SiiraKni', P. 11. TiibtT. ifprilm O,Morw. Juiii’ Crftvni Srnii, Mnrllm <'lt

• IVlM. J . «','t{fiinc(nimii,..Mr!i. .f. M,I Mftxwrll. Hiirr.- IJcnolt. Hiir.'l II, I'-

Iry. Alvin llnrboiir. L. Cl. KIrkiimii. D. n , Alvortl, lliirrlPtl S. Wlbnti, Claintf W. IlnliimotKl. H iw M. V.’llllniiir Hi'

Mr. PmltU'‘.i iirllUoTi uns sluiuil by ii» J, Pftiil lliomnii, P. H, TabiT. O. P. l'f niivall, F<lwln A, WiSoii, K. 11. Jotin- Ii'l sun. Mrii, J. M. Mnxwrll, Ilobi'ft A. ]i~ P.irrotl, Ilnrrlrit S. Wlbon, R. II. Kny- Ih Irr. Ilnrn- IIciioll, J. W. Ilriiiiclinnii)/ u June Cmvrn Sroll. Hiirol »..awprU'y, of I., 0 . Klrktiinn. Ilcc.'t* M, WlllliiinJ. wl Marllm Dclyj. n . 1). Alvonl,_________


Vrnlli'i of not i:nii;y wxi uroiu^lii in Tu1 late Tiir:iliiy iiflrrnoon by llir Jury Mi

Ul i!ir iiriilwie rourl III Ihr r.isr oIiko I Ardilr Ca|iron, wlio «vm chariinl uiili iiti

HWiil |!tv'M'\slnn (if a lllnl ol lli|iior, Alttlilcli WiiliiT Whrldon. tli'imiv rhrrlff nr.nro l-ni, salil lir boiii;lil Irom tin- dr- Ui, {i-ml.nil. Till' ili'lrn"'. rnmliii'tn! byjii;! Atlprm-y .!, \V. Taylor, bfnan lliii sit;iiKinilniT. Ililli wmii' 10 wilnr:.;*-:; Irxil- ir lini,llm l tiny wiw Caiiron nl anollirr wc )i1nre nl th r hmir Whrlilnn dvolarril lir ill- boiiKiii till' Imkvu,

F air Griiund.s Road ; I To l!c JIadc B etter K

Tlir road U-iidinK Irum ilir Olii Ore- ^ j inii Trnll liliilinay io tlir county fiiir

lirdiiiiil.i nl H lrr b j o Imvr ^onlr «ork i dour on it bi-lcrr ilir fiiir oiH ii':, ll b ! Ir.inii'cl Ir<iiii thr fair olflclaU. Tlir

M-nrlfliT L". to lv run ovrr il and rl- Inrt. will bo imiil.' to Iill iiii liir nmny

'r liiirk iiolr:. ll roiitainv U will l»- I .'IiTinldi'd ilallv durinx ilir (wriikl llirI f.irr b Itl im<.rr«-v'. I( r.ikl.

()STi:oi‘ATIIDr. \V. T. AllKoii 1]4 Miiln iif>rlli

— - Mccnnati iiMi-.^T'lionr bH ^-A iIv. - i

S tb ror a ^

Io x t t t h d c r k .

j • hcuti th j i jijtif n ind

! & m h

I '•: fivxz I


___________TW IN FALLS ]

I \VVillic Willisj IIV ItniiritT (1UILLE.N

n'' r.

•V . \ ____ -

I. 'l 'n ; 1...11I11I « ' .<• havr a. tloc fishl.i

p.,.' ImI ilV to Lr rruri Inj..Ii'iii,il. .>11' hi< n liK> Illf fcir mlnr!

^r.'ii)!:,'ii!- I'ulili.'.hcrj Syndieiilei 1

W l ■ i m I : | FH I K D P f f iS i

rl I Moveiin'iil of Enrly Crop inj l'f. Twin FuIIk Country Oooc For- i

wurd Slc-wly, Daily.J l ' VVjii) itic }>rirr of curly jiot.-itor;.

talinliK Uliiiilt t)U CI'IICI lc llir cruvvrrs.,,,, ililimuitt of-till' .'aily.cruiJ In lhe Ttt In

[Ki I1,s I'ouniry h inniiK lorwiinl iii ihr ,,,i;i tr nl Iriim onr lu bvu car.i divliv.,j iKil'iar V. tiiii.-iin, (ii.^trlrt llortlciiUiiral

5. Uri;..ruimliu:-ai.liii;li.oi.200.iudQ . pir

I,' IJiUKUin nntl markct.iiR of llir iroi>. r<, In Mr. Cii|i'<in'.s uiilnlon, would bv ar-

o'liTiil.'d iiiiil'Tir.tly by'lncrrn.sr in Ihr (. (iHii- lo Miounii $1.25. Mail of thr ,t i-TiiAi'ra, lir slalrd. ure (Irla)lm; dii;-

iilni: 111 Uir lioi>i' uf obtalninft a hlKlirr prlcr l.HtT 111 Ihl' :fa.son,

Slilpiiifnl of fivr cnrloads-of r.trlv r.. |H■acllr. , -ttii.i ciimplrlpd- Moiidnj—al 11

KiiiT, tiir lll.^^H•llor slau il. Mu,I nfj, ;i tiir Inm I'amr Irom tiir Sfiiilrri or- 1 •• I'lurd.i tlml wrrr liikrii ovrr tiii.'i yr;ir ; U bv.lliL- ivn iiiir Qrctinril.i foinimiiy. II t.H-Sii- wmin'rd iiiid jmciiFd iii 10-|)ouiid i m cralr.s in llir D rratur compnny iinrklns 1 I, huimc.i. II ttn.N in»rkctrtl nioitiy in 1 i. Oiimlin nmi CiiicaKO, • 1 ,t, ------------------------

I- |R , T. I’um phrey | Gets B etter I’ost 1

!C -------- '1, ll. T. I’iinii>!irry. tnnnni;i?r', of the •in rlcllilmi driiartiiirni of TiiiH'viiilM dr- If. luriijiwji iiHff for IJyp jjidjiDj,! ’

i.'. to Iravr hrrc wilh Iiis family tirxl ‘X v.irk-Ior Catdwfll. wlierc lir l.ikM llic ;;r m:inni:rmriil of liir 'niiKwall More ]

lliiTC. Tiu‘ nrw poHitlon b .1 blit pro->y motion mill uhllr Mr. Puniplircy Mntci ,l>. lie rcRrcl.% 10 ii-nvti Tu'in Falb. !ir j1- Irlt duly Iwund lo tiikn th r ndvnncril {A, pr.>lilon In Midi a iiri)8rp!v.<lvc city n i jr- Ihr Canyon counly »rnl. JIp Ims brrn ;]),' u rr^ldriit of TVln Fiiil.t for a number jy' of yrars iind wm lomirrly connrclcJ ,.5. wllh Ihr Itood-Vnn EiiKclen Ooldfn ,

Itiilr More. I

HONEYMOON HIKERS BACK^ Mr. nml Mra. C. J. Flynn, lioncv-

mwn hikers, retnnnil i:ui evrniiiR to in Tum I'Vlb, doubling b.ick to llcltna.•y Menlana, 10 kcI lll^ r.lunnlurr ot liin .'IiKOvrrnor th rrr, Tliry i;oi the slnni\-]! h lurr of Oovcmor llaldridkV ill DoIm' , r, Altrr Aecurins till liir Amrrlcnn ftovcr- ‘ ff nr.rj lliry Irnvo for liir old world In ‘

llirir niund the onrili triii. Oovrrnor ! lyillaldrldcr in the foriy-lirst novrrnor lo b Slt;n, Mr. Hynn, whn li a World wnr ' I- vrlrran. .«av.i lie nuM nrl iirounil ihc IT world Ijv June 0. IPi5. In which fisc 'd hr drdarr.t lie will c n $:,S.OOO.

JUST nECf:ivi:i> iA >hii>nirnl of ciiolrr Kmmrlt enn- 1

trl(iin)i-.\ nnd tt-ntcrmrlons. W Vnncc’ lir I'liblii- Mnrkei.—Aiiv, 1|

f- ............lr ' '

1M E

I , W c h n v c ju s t rci-cived a 1 ' now .><ii.a(i(.'s oi' Inn c iilisk i I '•Kri.'mily F iv e " ;ti i- iv o Dolli I woilii b e a t f o r f it, livk.-; an il

Barber 1NrXT TO (



To OniliM'.^ from Good roiltion ftt

Write for (ull

T i n k T b u s Inand Secreu



l i l i i s fiiiflLyiEieoE)(I|Slf[ JEPMGAll S tri ic l iire s A re O verhaiileclj!

W illl a View of T a k i n g ’C a r c 'i

I -o f Increa 'sc ti E n ro fm e n l a l

I O pening of N ew T e rm . j

1.! • —"i .-H-luKjb ol till- Twui Falk disirlct ‘‘jail i)i:ni; put m cundltlun frum 'ii.irrit ,

M.I u 'l l;if lor [lir rcmlnt: -sciiuol irrin.' ;d ; miTth in ihi- iitdliiaiv wav. ofl,

';,'!r.min;; iuul d f'iiirrciini;.. hm v:-ti •■ i:;.iiiv iib.st.imuil iiniiruvrmriii:. Mill!:

";:i.ii'V.;uiuii.s. i'l.ms'workril om Iiy i l i r ; ' '.III.,Ill b ’uril III i'.ill;il>ornllon with Hu- I paiiiirnilrnt w. II. .Smith urr t«iin:| liMricil Intn cll.vt One d im looi.i is

' [ailili'd 111 tlif hii:li M'hool, in nntu-iii;i-l ) Iki'H ..I Ill l,,l c•(: l1llnuiancr on opcn-

I Iniimivrs Au.iilnrlum:ll A iir» 11.OV hi:. Iic.ii in^i.lli'd on

illll- sla«r air.l in the frunt p;iil ol Uir ii.l'dllorliiiii u'lll Ihr jU.i;r lu bom,; ul-. UTrd uii'i iinpr.ivi'd, l l i r work In liii- n;f,- IS iHiiu' doiu- by Frlix PU'^tlno aj;d il. V. Jlln^^, ai.'.txtcd bv Wllllimi A,

. Kri.y. jiuillur ol Ihr Illdtcl .uhixil. who I 1> u tarpi-nirr, . .

Till' hifli nml junior hliili sc(io<il b;:r,viiii’iit‘. arr brlnii caldmini-tl nnd

i pulnKd limi thr floors.nrc imlnicd by trank A. llmvan. Mcini wrntlirr f-irli)-

■ p:n); Il.l.' hi'i’ii piJl (111 ail llle windows .,11 111- ii„rth ,11) 1 of tlll • iiinior-_ l.iKh Mlii-i'l. |<

liiNtall lAirlier Doon> !ii[ Fivr hutiilrrti door.i linvr b m i in-hi

.Sliillrd un thr I'lckrr.H In th ‘- lii':h|t. :.cl.<Mil biillihnii. Htudrnb arr lo liir-.ti

■ I.llll llii'lr uttii liK'k.s nnd kcy'n. mui i'.,ti■ I. brllrvi-(! ih;r. in tliln wuy |>rttv ilit-fl,

wcn.%iiiimllv CTrmplnined nf, f:in be ,,' rliimnitcd . Tiic extra cliiss rouin mrn- ;|i;onr<! aliovi' is uihlevrd by rrinodrlinr■ nwf ;i Jiirifr cJfHJo;»lr;iIioj:

room fur iiml pur|xi'r . ConMilpralilr :iu'rc;i.sr In rmuilmriit b iinticltnlrii.

Slrpi have liccn ti’kcn lo rlliniiia;r mmplaini n'>uit muii In wrl w ralhrr ‘} llllll slippery romiiiion.1 in time ot hard H

I fnilt by .nib.,iltullm: f-nd for dirt in Ihr lurkiiii; behind .lliv iunlor iiti;h (, v.hrrr Ihr truri;' a rr Iwulrd and un- fi l«:u!rtl, Slid |UiltllIi: 300 cublr frrl of siiim un th r Uiicnlii and nicKvl .‘.diool ,. k'toiinib. Mixst of th u 1.1 jtii; mi the j,

. lilckd Ktoiinds, w hrrr fondilliiri:i wire p worst. Nr'.v rools hav.; virci pul on Ihr .

■ juniur lili;h nnd \V'ushhyto;i .'.clioob, , , Kiiii-M Whllr, ciiniraclor, iia> plm'id

ill'# copiUK on lhe Wiu'iiiiKtOii rdiDC.l, A ncv diiillo Miiirwny li.iii btvn In-

, suillnl In Ihc Lincoln M-hool. i.iid n ”. niaijlr fiuor hai bet'll iiulullrc' In the ^

hallwiiy on Ihr U'ccnd f iw . Worn *': Iloor hi four rooin.s In ih r Ulckei 'I I idiooI-,lms U'rn rrpliienl, Thc Iwo, ixirtiiblr Khoob ul llu- Lincoln rind ih r li; Iwo nl tile HlcV.rl havr brrn 'e imln'r .l n' insldr mid out nnd oihri-u bc Improved oi ll^Jllrrs ii:ivr been coin- ovr.- by i.xprrt.i c , iuiil rrpalrs tnadr. Two miw nutonmilc ' .Mi'krrs Imvr bivn insialiid in Ihc hl|:h' nnrt Junior hiKh bulldinn. ullowlnu iho c

lirr ot ;.l;ick coal nml siivliiii furl con* 5Mimptien-nnd cost........ ..............................

' WOMAN SUFFERS CObLAPSEI Or. O. C, Unilry. cnunly phyr.lcinn.

v>n.i callcd hnrrlrdly Tueidny nflemoon ; to Pcavcy cn account of ihr sudden jCullniLsi- uf M u Jauiri, Harp who, wllh iirr hu^bnlld, wn.i rmpluyeti in the Hui;h Smllh urdmrd. II was reporU'd on th r .ilreet tha l shr Imd droppeil

, dead. Tlir ntlack wiu only lomiiorary.however. Mr. und Mrs. Harp urrivr',1

. la.st wrek from Rockyforil. Culnmilo.

■ SMALL GASOUNE FIREA smnll bucket of Ra.'ulln;r qnuitht

llrr n: .S o’duok In.M rvrnliiK a l thr ' IiUihu Clranen and Uyrr\ e.>labibh- ilm rni. II was exilnmn.she<l by thc fire 'company with liuic Io«,

5 N ! ■I llirce .-ihipm ent o f lilacR au il kin o.xford.t o f o n r la tnn iH il l i i r s - fo r f n l l . . -T hey . ii ;u e . th e - I .II w e a r f o r th e m onry .


PE N IN G DATES IBER 6DAY, SEPTEM BER 12im U N K « me*ia »ftt a Good S4Ui7«--------------- --------- -ill InromuUoa; ' '

VESS eO L L E G E ” ^ '!iari»l School •. Idaho - •


1' A. A. A. Gain in • id a h o Leads S tates

I 1 _Id ;i!iq_ra;|ks_l|rr;i_ in_iii'anbaihip j I iH-iri-iilaiir i;ain In llie Anirrlran Aulo-• U uicbiii-i.--^<w-lnllan (iiiriitt:-llie Iitsl-Blx

mcmhs, Walirr K. .' aiUli, Uital reprr- i n :"llli'ilve,.wn.', Ddvliil Tiirsdiy by J,

O n NuIjIi', mam.iirr i-i tii.' i.latr u-'iiQ- U;iili,:i, wiiu -,viis iuie Irom Hobe on • t)ii-;iir.is anil callin-; cn mi-mbrrs iit 111'' oiKaiii,'.itlon.

l;;.iin uf NOO |>cr criit .'.mrr lii.n Murdi. TC ill lar thr ,•rl'all• •. w in in any itf the

;'.*iiii e lllii lliroiiiiliuut tin- luuiitry." al He alio briniir ihe report liia i the ]

liI.ilio MclorL^t. th r iiflinal iiublicatlcn , !;• the dub, would l>i:i' it'i inlti:i1 nr-' j ran Dll September 1 nnd Ihiit th rtr- i i i f t r r ' it ivcaild br b ned niontlily. j

... Mr, Ndile wa.s mi his wav lu Hiil-r i ‘ ! lifter u vi.'.ll to Huhl. wlierr hc iidiirrs- | ' I ' ll ! a nlfrllnB cf the eiiambi-r.ul com- I 'fiitiercr. Ho wnn ncc.rriH»iiied bv Dl V. j

iMcCiovcrn, publicity dmctor of lhe ';,,.i.'urlalion, who ha;. Iki'ii tn onil out o| .

------- 5;u- _____ __________ '

Imm mm |r lO BUilffll

Three Arirfitional CommiinilicsIio

To Exli.ibit-as-Unit:-Mer-}Sj chants to Display Vftrcs, f; ; — ' - f lor'_ Thp.lOmbcrlf-or.-.r.g.-'^»li(t-Murininrtrr-

jiuiiimunllv and th|- S(;rih SUlc uninBc * Icit Goodlmr ull urr lo havr exhibit!, ut “•

n -|ilu ' Twli. Fulb coumy lalr thb jenr. >l , ‘:h |i{ niau-d. Ihus nitilim; nmtrrliiily to !' If- jthe 'e \h ib iis , us theve fommunlllr,; ‘ ''•Iiiavr never cxhiblird a,s a unit Ix-forc.

Frank J. Keenan. Ii'ilr v-crrinry, re- Ii.)rf,nic b finillnt! :i irrrai intercut in i

"■ the fair l l i i j year and Umt tlib inter- i vst covers n wide imitury. ;,(i hr b „ inliclpalliu: one uf (fie finest fiiirs < 'ter hdd In the M.itr. i:

|;i, Hr e.viM'cUily looks for nn excci-dlm?--^ rr l-'tnv rxhlbition in li ir irtr.*.Totk' T rd line uml iiays the iirovldltiK of frrc I in stall.1 und no entry frr ts meellns with ;h f,ivur ns is nlso l i ir ns^iirnncr thnt n- fi-ed will be provided nt co.'.l.

Onr ot Uie'fcaluris of the fnlr. this yeav tlml i.i nn Innovailon b the ex- .,i hilnt;. by county uurdmnt.i. A- lent c fi'ixlM ii.ii been |>rovldrd for th w ex-

, lilblLs nnd of the :* ^paces In ll. only n .six'remain tmsold and querlc.s liavr o

L b:cn mnde concerniiii: tiirin. ^■' -nic mcrclianls {ihii oh JiinJii/it; Ihb c'.

trn l onr cf lhe ni(v,t nltrnciivc places t|, |,„ ai the fair ond rtimr rxiieri tlreoniloi.s j,

imve brcn enRah’rd to afmniic some uf y ■ cl Ihc exhlblb. ll I:; learned. uvo Mnny ot Ihe.concrvsluiu for tiie fnlr c: hr havr nlrrady liecii caiilrncied ami quite e.l n frw iM-npIr an- raillnic dallv at lhe a sl otflre nt lhe .'ccrrino'. wlHi a view o f , c rts dasln:i on the reniulnlni: ones. [o:lc ------------------------ TlIth Gel a llmntwirk rnrlnble for yon.'jii ho camp, ftl Unib.iui:ir«. Il iO dotra. I l i f J j n* twr week.—Adv ____ ' ii

! p ■311 I I— ' ■ '

;i! YOUR CH*'*! DejH'nd iijwa your goo

vcar;, do nol let lliem il;tm in diiiahtyxl, llnv

■J'; iH-forc tiiry slart iinol■ may mn.n Maws or fn

years. Wc make u s| ehildtrn'.s eye.i,

Parrott Opticj;: T w i n :[rr Pormannittr'loeuod li


M T h e B a n k o f Per

Business I Have Choi D Bank, E

T h e y hn v e rccoKnlzc ■ tioa link ' « ’ith a bnnki:

j h a s m a tle a s tu d y o f U a n d problem .s o f com r Q A ff i l ia te w ith us, nn t

• ‘ -------n - r v e r - r c n d y a n d ab le Ion fin iiiie ia l m a tte rs t'V i'iy biisinc-HS.

n The Twin falls ICapital and Sw


J l l B i i i l l =iiS E onifirr- ' . ■ i:ri J, ------- -------- . . iai

Oli Mrs. Blanche M. Hai.nes Finds 1' Welfare Work Being W^F^v Jl Looked-After in Gem State. SL-ii, (In:he -------- Un

Mr^. a inndie M, Haines, licnd ot the do •'>' Unltrd HtulM buic.iu ol dilld wdfnrc *oi °n v.urk, e.xprcMcd .herself ns hlulily

p:ca^cd Wllh the manner in which pub- '<'• he health work wns-ijrlnK C.-inleU on I I

in th b su te . I,he Itifnriiwl Dave Bur- ill I-r reli. cominlMloticr of piibllc wtUftre. on Dl f’- hrr rcccnl visit here, it was learned m- Irom Mr, Durrdl Tue.-iday durlne hb V. stay In th b clly.

Mr, Burrell b nmklPK ft irlp over the ol >oinli;pM(Tn' pacl_i)L .lilt-iU l£ju_lli" _

)rli'rwl.i 0/ "‘ii-aJDj HWllr/>. jwu) par- ifculjirly to .see Hmt Iiir fnlrs wnidi pi Wire lo conduct bnby clinics were tom- t l lilyhiK w-iili Ihe requlrrments pf the de- partmcnl of wcllarr.

"Wc U'snrd these dlnlrs as nn lm- pirlnn t purl of the .stute health work."

rs rcid Mr. Burrdl. who addol, "Tlib. will !>• 'h e fourih yenr ii im.'i brrn curried on In till* coumy and there have been • i .'ctne happy und mlmculous rcsulU j|y from it. os I liappen to know.

Results Hrinr Fivan. cai. ■Tlirae re.suldhave biuuijht Ilifcllnie '!/!

. into favor because liiry have been rc- r - pcn«|-|n-thH-nnSMhat-nelBhbnrhoodr

unrt mothers,.wim re;:nrd Ihe licallh of Ihcir chiltlren the most Imporlanl Uiinit f " in the world, arr lakins advnntaKc of " " l!'c.se dinlca in increnidng numbers,

, ‘ 1 ledernl J J foi- baby Worl; under ttie *>C(fc-heiiparii-Towner uct. and until that «rr

,1 lime II Is of especial lmi>orlance thal ofmothera lake udvantat;r of ihcje din- sd

. ® I f and Kci all the |.a«lblc beiidll they. ,ve: ' ' cAn from ihiii aui,"- Hr. Burrdlsay*hralihdoiidllionsKfe * "

pirily fnlr over tlie slatr, bul ihcre arc R|errtaln-ioialtties In wlilch coiwlde.-nble _

■f- werk must be done to hrinit comliiloni up to normal, bin he rr|)oru findint

'W (tndillons.very KOOd on tiie Twin PalTstract, I”

--------- , ” = ■ — e '-0 LINDBERGH TICKET SALE '■ ;l; IS TO CLOSE AT NOON

____ da:

n;* Those Ui Twin Falls who wanl to “ ■t- nit in at the LlndberKh dinner a t the l'l Owyiiec holel In UoLse Sepieniber <.

will Imve lo slep lively and Bet In bv ily noon today I f the)' desire lo be iiurc '■r ol a r.cal. ll wna italrd Insl cvenlnij by

Newell S- Wisht. .sccrclary of the c.’ianiljcr 0/ «)/n«icfCc-. k/io takes or-

M ders here, Mr. WiRht snid that he wUl Jend in the number who make rejcr-

“f vatioiu for th b town nl noon nnd tho.« wanllnn iltkcii lnlcr must lake

llr dmnee.i.'e In ft letter lo th r chamber here ’j,He A. Hnrailer, nmpaiirr of lhe Boise ‘'f ' dmmbcr of commerrc. said: "A block

(ot tlcket.1 for outside towns b beltii; •reserved to be on sale besinnlnit Au­

ii.'I KUst -Jl. none to be sold afier AurusI i f J i l . T lib block of tickets will be sold

10 those fir.'l npplylnK,”

F~CHILDREN' good Jiid/:mrR!, In atler :hcm think you neitk-clcd Hnve Iheir rjcs exanilncd

iinolhcr school year, ' II,3r failure to tliem in later u 5|)cdahy, ol i-xnmhilnn

) t i c a l C o m p a n y

’in F a llscd In TWn n i l i H y#»n.


PprH onal, S c rv ice

SS Houses losen This Because

nlzcd th c w isdom o f Iink in i; in .stitu tio ii th n t I o f th e fin n n cin i needs

o m m ercia l in s t itu tio n ? . IUa n d you w ill f in d Uii Q

ile to c o n fe r w ith y o a ,— n -------e ra th a t com e up in I

is National Bank nSurplus $167 fioo

i I

GUST , 2 4 , 1 9 2 7 .

Service Club Dance "• T o Be (Jala A ffair

_Tlic-JoInl-«>rvlce-<'luU ouuloor-dane* • 10 be held Thur.'dty nlKlil of thit - f“l-

i:rctjnii:,' sivcs jircmivi or bfinij thP iartcit u ttnidrd in p 'vi-r lield. in the

1. tounty. It li dcdaii'd Cy ilie commlt- ‘S tec In charye,,j. -T lie -4 tc ;M.v-.ai-J-liLl'-2Hia,.d iibi ,ol II Twin Falb. Ulini und I'ller nrr com-

lilninu in the .-.wl.-.l nlfah' ;ind pi.ia on }. maklnK it an nniiiui i vrm, A blK

dnndm: flctn', tliat has U'cn-fciorW al Uie fulr Kround;;. b nuw bchiB pul

IP down for thi; daiae wlvldi b to be rc followed by a dinner, l y ---------------------- ^

EiEFLimi : GQ[STyi[LEf

Entomologist in Charge ol In­vestigations Here Will Attend Meeting and Give Talk.

'd -------• Wiilter Carter, in ciiarnr of whltr

“ Ily Invcstiinitions. Irft last iiWil for Berkeley. Cnllfonila. wlirre hu wlil canter wlih university and .state ulfi-

, cinl-1 on the subject of cxjilcratlims for 1. parasites of the white Ily. The ex-

Ptoiyr.who. hiu.been tn ArKtfilne for Hie fast .\oven rnontlis fms-/a>ern re-

called nnd a conference will determine Ihe ne.xl plnce lo ivhlrii he will be senl,

c Whlje „ln„ nprkdey_Mr^CJflrr has K CccnTnvltrd to nddrcjs th r laciilty and .1 «raduate udeni.s of the deiiartinrn; it of entomolcKV Ihere on -some of the

sdrnlific wpects of llm white fly in- y..'«ili:»tlons^_________ ____

I ^ E A iT E S f A f E ^ T R A N S F E R S

^ Monday. Ausu«l 22V fca-SUeriH lo .M, Orove JJiJl.SO

pl W ’-j SW SE I-I0-I4.Quil Claim Decd-M, Oroye to E,

E. Von Houtcn SI pt W '; SW SE 1-10-H.

J New Dninnrlck Ilei'onu every Tliun- day ftt Umbiujh'tL—Adr.

0 • ' ------------ f ■

G o l d e ik

Amd Hos fo r Now a t

W e Wclcome The Customer Who I s J iu t Looking

The cujiotnef who Ii 'ju it ■'looking itound" *lwsjri re­ceives a cordial vielcome In our nore. We (eel llul men wnl women ;»iuuU look round be- I..ie Ihry buy lo .Iniute their peiilns jiinilatd qujiity coo>lj nl a Uriiiff. anil oiir ulf'peopte are alwayi pleued lo ihow or expUin our nitrch*nil!je.

Many cuslom»r» do not know emctlr wlui they *Jnl. and hcrr It where our eiMrmout liii)ir.{; resQureei are pirticu* jjrl.'helpful. Our Kew,Yo;k biiyerj are con'tinil/ iMrchinjc for freih merchaniliie in order th it the imall lown may hate the huylnK sdvasttffu o( tha

— — ^larffe eily.-----------------------------Don't be afraii! to drop in to

•look around.” W« are glid to Kcyou.

— . a , .

High ShoesF o r B oyi

M othe rs \yill w an t tc see ou r N o. 1669, a boys’

“ " 'liT g h 'sh o ^o f solid ta n c a U " le a th e r ; G oodyear w elt

■ and ru b b er heel^ Excep-■ tio n a l values— ’ ,

Slxe* 2Vt to BV{. .^3.88 Suet 1 2 V s to 2 ...R 4 9

G row ing G irFancy ;Gra

S^Ie, comfort lod q u l- I tr in footwear for Ihc ^ r l or mill. Of patent leather witb {tncjr grain calf tin- derlay: loir walking heel /• with robber la^ An ex- / ceptional ralue. Siiei 2'/i t

— to-7.—Low pricri**---------- ^

• $2.98

Bl CllllC !"fiEWiSIIEIlf ■ . . . . ----------- —lir • ~ —

”■ Chairs and Rockers to Replace “ Benches; and Other Conven '

Is iences Added for Mothers,atul --------

Wldcs|irc.id Intcrcii In the baby dlnlc September 7, H und 1) at Uic Twin l-'alls county Inir b rcpurird by FranU J. Krciuin. srcntary, who announces thnt butler,neconmiodatloiu for han-' diliii; thi! babilT untl looklni! after Ihc comfort of the mothcr.i nrc lo be pro­vided this year, •

1/ Thc bulidinit, 40x10. In which tlie I clinic b 10 be held, b undciiiolnif some j vurthwhlle dituiKcs. which were rec-

ijrnincndrd by Dave Burrell, commb- “ TraierorpilBlIITTfcIftlTrrTrho-ims-lier.—

'I'ucsdiiy nnd made un insiwctlon nt Uie !• fnlr grounds to see thnl hb plaiu were

brUiK carrlcd oul.I'J Chairs und rockers arc to replace the

benches thnt hnve been used In pasi yiars. Mr, Keennn staled, ’riii're will b.- rufis on lhe floor that will be deaned lv u vacuum ck-,»ner daily; rli-ctrlc fans have brrn ordered and. in fact,

tr hc assures, thc.bulldlnit will be made or lonvcnient nnd cumfurtnble.111 A ch<.-ck of lhe secretary's books i- i.howed lhal last yenr 500 btibirs werr or tw mincd. .‘.onir of '.vhich were brouRht %. h ire n dbtnnce of o'.'cr a hundred or miles, irvynil of thrm comini! from f . fitro.s.s Ujc linelH .NVraJa. '1C Sdirdule Appolnlment*» The'clinic ii to be from 0 a, m. In

p. ni.. on llio la. 1 three days, and ” -muUius.',vi5lilmr to takr.advnntnKr ot ui i f will be isiurd cnrtb stattnipihc tln ir— nj l'l U- pnt.rii:, nnd U will be iieci-s- le s.-.ry that these npiiolnlments be kept I- In order lhal Jii.sticr may lie dnne nt

tho cxuniumtlun, ll b said.Mrs. Hidmnl II. SmUh ot T w ln .^ lb

•*-i*rtt)nntjr*Tl«itmnp ol -tiic-dinic-aiKi -• IS riKbtmrs hnvr been upjiointed in all

Uic county tuwn: und nomc ot the sdiool dblrlcb.

Dr. n , V. Kouch. stale medical ti'd- VLMT, will br in c/Ircct cIiarKr of the dlnlc lind will be n.s-ibled by .Mrs. 8, J.-

E, Kwcn-dncf nurse o U l 't Mnle public iE -,'.clfnre di'(i.'irlmrnl. Counly phy.ilclnns

hnvr b<'rn called upon lo nsr,1st In thc eNamnmtion.i nnd nrr rrsixindliiK nobly

ra- to lhe fa lb made u|ion thrm, statei Mr, liecnan.

HATtON‘W D E f % V S T nV T /O N ‘ i ^

1EY&en Rulo

f I M 'isiery Ideas .rad E arly Fall.

| 2 5 i h - A n n w e r s a i T i |

Modish Oxfordsf o r G itl .

M is s Twelve-lo.Twtftiy will like our «napny Fotir- Eyclel Tie* wilh the imart fancy leallier trim. The cor- reel jhoe 'fo r jporl or ilrcet %'car in cither (an or gun* tneial, S i i t iS j^ lo S .

$ 3 . 9 8

— | 2 5 A - A n n w e r s a r y |

Sturdy ShoesO f T u i E lk

An ever)'tlay ihne thal will ■liand the Riff," Slurdr ■ leaihcr (ole and hali rubber heel.Man'*, 6 io U . D, E..S3.49 Day*'. 2 H to S H , D .. 2.9B Yp.olb*', 12H l e 2 ,D . . 2.Q9

r ls ’ Patent Pump'ain Trimmed