Thank You! 2015 PEI 4-H DAIRY TEAM SPONSOR! L-R: Connor Mann, Maddie Stewart, Dominique Arsenault, Kyle Bouma, Grace Hughes, Alex Bernard, Denis Arsenault, and Jamie Hughes.

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2015 PEI 4-H Dairy Team at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. Sending thanks to our sponsors!

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Thank You! 2015


L-R: Connor Mann, Maddie Stewart, Dominique Arsenault, Kyle Bouma, Grace Hughes, Alex Bernard, Denis Arsenault, and Jamie Hughes.


PEI 4-H Office

P.O. Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7N8

E: [email protected]

P: 902-368-4833

F: 902-368-6289

W: www.pei4h.ca

Amalgamated Dairies Limited

Green Diamond Equipment Ltd.

Island Dairy Services Ltd.

Western Holstein Dairy Cup

Eastern PEI Holstein Club

Central Western Holstein Club

Kensington Agricultural Services Ltd.

Dairy Farmers of PEI

Port Hill Trucking Ltd.

Red Isle Dairy Services Ltd.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 17

Reddin Equipment Ltd.

Tri-County Dairy Services Ltd.

Island Grown Sod

Wellington Construction Co. Ltd.

Bruce Wood

Gorman Controls Ltd.

Merrick Franchising Ltd.

Malpeque Bay Credit Union

Wellington Esso

Shur Gain Feeds

Hughes Home Ventilation

Clarence Farm Services Ltd.

J. Glen Murray Professional Corporation

Summerside Animal Hospital

McCain Foods

Kensington Co-operative Assn Country Store

Summerside Superstore

Shur Gain Feeds

Summerside Sobeys

Wayne Easter

Rice Construction & Renovation

Connor Mann - Pleasant Valley 4-H Club

My name is Connor Mann and I was part of the 2015 PEI 4-H Dairy Team and I am currently a

member of the Pleasant Valley 4-H Club. I am 17 years old and this was my fifth year attending

The TD Canadian 4-H Dairy Classic. This year I attended the classic with Eastside Double Caramel

she placed fifth in her conformation class. I placed first in the Intermediate Showmanship Class

and also received the honour of being Grand Champion Showperson. Without our sponsors this

all would not be possible I would like to thank you for your continued support and helping to

make this possible every year.

Denis Arsenault - Evangeline 4-H Club

This year I got the opportunity to go to the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair in Toronto with my sister.

It was quite the experience. We left early Thursday morning from the Charlottetown Airport.

The flight went great. Once we got to Toronto, we waited for our luggage and after we were on

the way to the hotel. Everyone was looking out of the window because the traffic was unreal.

Once we got to the hotel we decided to go to the Eaton Center to grab lunch. Once in the barn

everyone helps out in every aspect they could. I had a great time a the Royal Agriculture Winter

Fair and Id love to have the opportunity to go again. A big thanks to everyone who helps us out!

A big thanks to all our sponsors!

Connor Mann 1st in Intermediate Showmanship, Grand Champion Showperson, & 5th in Senior Holstein Heifer

Conformation with Eastside Double Caramel.

Kyle Bouma 5th in Intermediate Showmanship with Weeksdale Brokaw Charla.

Maddie Stewart 17th in Junior Heifer Conformation with Craggen Lucky.

Jamie Hughes 16th in Senior Holstein Heifer Conformation with Extondale Freeze Fiona.

Grace Hughes 20th in Holstein Summer Yearling Conformation with Extondale Embargo Jasmine.

Alex Bernard 12th in Holstein Junior Yearling Conformation with Lexis Brokaw Maybelline.

The team also placed 9th in the Group of Three competition!

Dominique Arsenault - Evangeline 4-H Club

This year, I had the opportunity to attend the Royal

Agriculture Winter Fair in Toronto. We left early Thursday

morning from the Charlottetown Airport. The flight went

great and we had no issues. Once we got to Toronto,

we waited for our luggage and after we were on the

way to the hotel. Everyone was looking out of the

window because the traffic was unreal. Once we got to

the hotel we decided to go to the Eaton Center to grab

lunch. I was pretty excited to see the New York fries and

the other food stands. After we had lunch, we had to

wait for the boys because they decided to go shopping.

Once we arrived to the grounds, we started to clean our

section and start getting ready to put up the display.

Once the trailer arrived everyone helped out as a team

to put the display and get the calves cleaned and settled. We would take turn to stay late at

night and then the next crew would come earlier the next morning. Every morning we would

wash the calves and make sure our section was clean because the judges at the Royal

Agriculture Winter Fair would judge us. We would help out getting the calves ready and we

would try to practice with them. Every member showed their calves and did great with them!

It was very busy on the grounds; everyone was in the cattle barn to visit all the calves. There

were around 372 4-H calves. We had a lot of people asking us how we got the calves to

Toronto and how we travelled there. We also went to eat at the Hard Rock and Jack Astor’s.

We also got the chance to visit all the little stores around the grounds. I had a great time

and I am thankful to have been able to participate in the PEI 4-H Dairy team 2015.

Thank you to our 4-H leaders, chaperones and everyone who helped out and sponsored us.

A big thank you to ADL, our title sponsor!

Maddie Stewart

Dunstaffnage Marshfield 4-H Club

Last week I returned home from the TD 4-H Classic

held annually in Toronto as part of the Royal.

This year was my first time attending the classic.

Traveling with the team and rooming with members

of the team were some of my favourite memories of

the trip. The dairy team got along very well in the

competition and on the whole trip. It was definitely a

memorable experience that I was very thankful to be

apart of! This trip would not of gone as smooth

without the help of many sponsors of our team this

year, so thank you to all of our sponsors!

Jamie Hughes - North River 4-H Club

This was my first year ever going to the Royal, and I will have to admit that it was quite an

experience. There was always something that you had to do so you were never bored and

always went right to sleep when you got back to the hotel. The first two days was mainly

just getting stuff ready and doing chores with the calves. Saturday, we started clipping and

then Sunday was a morning filled with feeding, clipping and getting ready for the evening

of showing. Monday was jam packed with showing and hardly sitting down. The next

morning we were all happy to sleep in. Over all it was very exciting and I hope to go many

more times. Also a great load of thanks to our sponsors as this trip would have not have

been possible without you.

Alex Bernard - Evangeline 4-H Club

My name is Alex Bernard. I live in Richmond and I'm 19 years old. Tthis is my tenth year

in 4-H. I have attended the Royal Winter Fair five times as part of the PEI Royal Dairy

Team. This year I attended the show with Lexis Brokaw Maybelline, a junior yearling born

and raised at Bernadale Farms. I am very happy to have been able to attend the Royal once

again. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend a week working with your friends and also

making new ones and it's always a lot of fun. I would like to thank all of our sponsors

because without them, our great trip would not have been possible. Thank you again for

your continued support - it is greatly appreciated.

Grace Hughes - North River 4-H Club

This was my first time going to the Royal Winter Fair, and

based on the experience I had this year, I’d love to go again!

The first two days were a little less busy, and we had time to

look around-- but once Saturday rolled around, we worked

pretty much non-stop! Everyone had a job to do, and we all

worked very hard. Prior to the show, I tried to get in as much

practicing as I could because my calf has quite a history of

not cooperating in the ring! Usually, since she’s much bigger

than me, she gets away with little things like walking too fast...

or not walking at all, but thanks to the help of some of the

older members, she learned that I’m the boss! Sunday was a

full day, even though no one was showing until the evening,

a few of us went earlier to wash and fix up the pack. The rest

of us (including myself) got to sleep for a little while longer,

and although it wasn’t much more than an hour, it made a

big difference in our moods! Up at the Royal, even just ten

minutes of shut-eye can keep you going an extra hour longer.

Because Sunday was going to be a long night, after half of us

were through with showing until morning, we washed our calves and went back to the hotel for

some sleep so we wouldn’t be super cranky the next early morning. Monday was a very long day.

Everyone got up early to get the calves’ toplines set and prepare Connor’s calf to go in the ring

for Grand Champion Showperson. Once that finished, we all focused on getting each calf ready

in the order they’d go in the ring. All of us did a great job and we worked very well as a team. I’m

excited for my next trip to the Royal and hope it’ll be soon!

Kyle Bouma—Pleasant Valley 4-H Club

Attending the 2015 TD Classic 4-H show as part

of the PEI Dairy team was a great experience. I

had the opportunity to meet other 4-H members

from across the country along with many people

from the general public. As for my results at the

show, I placed 5th for showmanship in the inter-

mediate class. This year’s dairy team was a great

group to work with and we all got along very

well. The trip to Toronto was very successful for

our team overall. I would like to thank all of our

great sponsors for helping us with the cost of at-

tending such an important and worthwhile

event. Thank you.

Connor Mann receiving the Grand Champion Showperson award (center).