THE ACTS AND LETTERS OF THE MARSHAL FAMILY: MARSHALS OF ENGLAND AND EARLS OF PEMBROKE, 11451248 www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13003-6 - The Acts and Letters of the Marshal Family: Marshals of England and Earls of Pembroke, 1145—1248: Camden Fifth Series: Volume 47 Edited by David Crouch Frontmatter More information

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John Marshal the Elder and Younger 53

William Marshal the Elder 63

Countess Isabel 185

William Marshal the Younger 195

Countess Eleanor 311

Richard Marshal 317

Gilbert Marshal 337

Walter Marshal 395

Countess Margaret de Lacy 449

Ansel Marshal 451

Countess Matilda Bigot 453





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This collection of documents represents the surviving output of theclerks of what became the most powerful magnate dynasty in England,Wales, and Ireland in the thirteenth century. Its greatness did not lasteven half of that century, however: the Marshal earls were powerfulat court and in the various Angevin realms in Britain and Franceonly from 1190 to 1245. But as a result of the Marshals’ spread ofinterests and marriage alliances the charters and letters edited hereembrace a remarkable diversity of lordships and societies. That factand the central place the two Earls William Marshal held at the courtof the young Henry III between 1216 and 1231 give this collection aparticular interest for medieval historians of Britain and France, moreso perhaps than for any other contemporary magnate family.

Work on this edition began as far back as 1985, with the award of aLeverhulme Trust research grant held at the University of London’sInstitute of Historical Research. The British Academy by a varietyof grants allowed me to accumulate further texts in Ireland, France,and the United States, where the Huntington Library’s award of afellowship in 1993 led to the discovery of a number of important andunsuspected Marshal acts. I gratefully acknowledge the assistance ofgenerations of archivists and librarians in the accomplishment of theproject, too numerous to mention individually. The project has alsobenefited from the collaboration and advice of many scholars overthe years, and here I particularly need to acknowledge the generousassistance of many people at various stages in advice and support,and in providing Marshal texts unknown to me. So I offer my sincerethanks to David Crook, Hugh Doherty, Marie Therese Flanagan, EricHemming, Florent Lenegre, Kieran O’Connor, Jean-Francois Nieus,Daniel Power, Raymond Refausse, Richard Sharpe, Brendan Smith,Colin Veach and, above all, to Nicholas Vincent. I also acknowledgethe kind assistance of the late and much-lamented John Bradley.

For permission to publish the various texts in this volume intheir possession, I am grateful to British Library; the NationalArchives (Public Record Office); the National Library of Ireland;the National Archives of Ireland; the National Library of Wales;the Bibliotheque nationale de France; the Archives nationales deFrance; the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford; the Warden andFellows of New College, Oxford; the Dean and Fellows of ChristChurch, Oxford; the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin;

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viii P R E FA C E

the College of Arms; the Representative Board of the Church ofIreland; the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey; the Deanand Chapter of Salisbury Cathedral; Guildhall Library, London;the Marquess of Bath; Mr Henry Hornyold-Strickland of SizerghCastle; the Mayor and Corporation of the City of Kilkenny; theHuntington Library; Glamorgan Archives; Hampshire Archives;Northamptonshire Record Office; Somerset Archives and LocalStudies; West Sussex Record Office; Wiltshire and Swindon HistoryCentre; the Conseils generales des departements du Nord et de laSeine Maritime; the Bibliotheque municipale de Rouen; and Duchyof Lancaster copyright material in the National Archives is reproducedby permission of the Chancellor and Council of the Duchy ofLancaster.

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Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales: Penrice and Margam charter47 (166); Slebech MS: 247 (179).

Antony House, Cornwall: Carew-Pole MSS: Pole’s Charters (199, 201)Birmingham Central Library Archives: former MSS 351057 (143);

351058 (144)Cambridge, University Library: Pembroke College MS 299 (87)Cardiff, Glamorgan Archive Service: CL/Deeds I/3658 (250)Chichester, West Sussex Record Office: Ep VI/1/5 (204)Chippenham, Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre: 9/15/1 (36);

9/15/6 (17, 112); 1300/159 (229); 1332/Box 1/12 (73)Dublin, National Archives of Ireland: MS 2011.1.30 (50, 51, 52)Dublin, National Library of Ireland: MSS: D 41 (94); D 49 (32); D 46

(47); D 47 (48); D 50 (32); D 63 (130); D 71 (160); D 72 (138); D 88(139); D 105 (126); D 123 (215); D 124 (211); D 148 (274); D 167 (138)

Dublin, Breamor Park, Representative Church Board Library: MSS:C.2.1.1. (135, 157, 158); C.6.1.1 (42, 134, App. I. 13); C.6.1.2 (54, 103);D.6.1 (42, 43, 103, 133); D.6.3 (43, 132, 133); D.11.1.3 (81, 82)

Dublin, Trinity College: MSS: 525 (131); 554 (28, 43); 578 (30, 31, 32);654 (135, 163, 246)

Kew, National Archives (Public Record Office):– C115/74 (279); 77 (60, 61, 62, 63, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 279); 83 (62,

217, 220)– C145/16 (80, 81)– C150/1 (44)– C52/12/23 (98); 18/ 24 (App. I. 3); 21/9 (App. I. 5); 21/10 (App. I. 4);

25/1 (87)– C53/2 (App. I. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); 5 (App. I. 14); 8 (App. I. 13); 18 (140); 20

(181); 30 (203); 37 (256); 56 (10, 11, 12); 76 (248, 249); 83 (85); 93 (233,234, 235, 266, 267); 110 (21); 118 (46, 145, 146, 147, 212)

– C54/36 (170); 42 (58); 43 (175); 47 (214)– C56/85 (46, 145, 146, 147, 212)– C60/32 (App. I. 15); 34 (213)– C66/40 (58); 45 (184, 208, 209); 175 (83, 261); 211 (22); 225 (246); 227

(131); 273 (15); 302 (46, 145, 146, 147, 212); 312 (95); 363 (21); 426 (46,145, 146, 147, 212); 514 (46, 145, 146, 147, 212)

– CP25/1/73/3 (49); 1/242/20 (254); 1/243/20 (257)

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– DL25/108 (27)– DL41/10/12 (38, 104)– DL42/5 (239, 273)– E36/274 (202)– E40/315 (277); 5938 (App. I. 1); 8006 (13); 11128 (276)– E159/21 (203)– E368/1 (39); 3 (57)– E372/48 (87)– JUST1/48 (141); 1250C (141)– KB26/72 (113, 114, 115, 116, 117); 83 (25); 115B (207); 121 (222); 159

(189)– KB27/31 (26); 92 (168, 255, 257); 93 (255, 257)– SC1/1 (102, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125); 1/2 (109, App. II);

1/4 (148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 275)– SC8/259 (231, 264)Kilkenny Corporation Archives: CR/D1 (55, 161)Lille, Archives departementales du Nord: B 1007 (110) ; MM Fonds

Godefroy (111)London, British Library:– Additional charters: 8411 (129); 8412 (206); 8413 (243); 19616 (173);

21164 (89)– Additional MSS: 4787 (162); 4789 (246); 4791 (103, 134, 169); 4792

(161); 4796 (81); 6041 (262); 14291 (232); 15314 (7); 29436 (100); 47677(216); 49996 (45)

– Arundel MS: 19 (180, 233, 234, 235, 266, 267)– Cotton MSS: Nero E vi pt 1 (178); Otho B xiv (72, 99); Tiberius C

v (230, 231, 263, 264, 265); Tiberius C ix (98, 252, 269); Vespasian Exxv (107, 173); Vitellius A xi (1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19); Vitellius C vi (167)

– Egerton MS: 3031 (107, 173)– Harley charters: 46 D 38 (271); 46 D 41 (272); 51 H 2 (21); 83 B 38

(21, 240)– Harley MSS: 7 (254, 256, 258); 391 (98); 1708 (107, 173); 1240 (262);

1885 (35, 183); 2101 (App. I. 2); 3763 (207); 4809 (236, 252, 268, 269)– Lansdowne MS: 203 (201); 418 (53, 56, 163, 253)– Stowe MSS: 665 (199); 925 (1, 2, 17, 18, 19, 20)London, College of Arms: charters 181 (210); 747/1 (142); MSS: Glover

1 (13, 201); Vincent 103 pt 2 (21)London, Guildhall Library: MSS: 25122/151 (164); 25122/298 (165); St

Pauls Liber A (164)London, Lambeth Palace Library: MS 1212 (App. I. 12).London, Westminster Abbey Muniments: WAM no. 3137 (14); WAM

Book 10 (128)Longleat House muniments: 3415 (228); 3417 (174, 195)

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Northamptonshire Record Office: Finch-Hatton MS 170 (App. I. 2);Stopford-Sackville MS 2200 (270); Westmoreland of Apethorpe, Box1, parcel 1 (223)

Oxford, Bodleian Library: MSs: Dodsworth 10 (21); Dodsworth 19(74); Dodsworth 59 (180); Dodsworth 68 (App. I. 2); Dugdale 18 (App.I. 2); Dugdale 21 (23, 77, 224, 225, 227, 259); Dugdale 39 (24, 78, 79,105, 108, 176, 198, 224, 223, 247); Rawlinson B 484 (231); RawlinsonB 494 (33, 34, 187,188, 244, 245, 246); Rawlinson B 499 (29, 30, 31,238); Rawlinson B 500 (30, 31, 136, 137); Wood empt. 10 (8, 90, 91,92, 93, 177)

Oxford, Christ Church muniments: DY13 (a) (23, 76, 77, 205, 224, 225,227, 241, 242, 251, 259, 260)

Oxford, New College: Liber Niger (70); Newton Longville charter 27(70); 52 (237)

Paris, Archives nationales de France: J 387 (106); J 399 (84); J 622 (172);L 969/357 (197); LL 1541 (97)

Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France: ms latin 5430a (192); 5476(196); 13905 (101)

Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana: Register of Innocent IV (200)Rouen, Archives departementales de la Seine-Maritime: 8 H non cote

(40, 190); 9 H 1753 (186); 19 HP 1 (96); 24 HP 22 (65, 191); 24 HP 24(64); 24 HP 76 (66, 67, 68, 69)

Rouen, Bibliotheque municipale: ms Y 13 (40, 41, 190)Salisbury, Dean and Chapter muniments: Press IV, Box OE 1 (88)San Marino CA, Huntington Library: BA 13/1149 (182); STG MS 1

(75, 105, 171, 193); STG Box 5 (71, 185, 194)Sizergh Castle, Westmorland: Book of Charters no. 1 (9).Taunton, Somerset Archives and Local Studies: DD/SAS/H/438

(16); DD/WO/Box 1/MTD 1/4 (86); DD/WO/1/3 (6);DD/WO/62/9/1 (5)

Wells, Cathedral Archives: DC/CF/2/1 (3)Winchester, Hampshire Archives: 13M63/1 (159, 170)Worcester, Worcestershire Record Office: 705:349/12946/486029 (37)

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All printed works cited more than once appear in the text as abbreviations, areference to a work is given in full in the footnote if it appears only once.

AM Annales Monastici, ed. H.R. Luard, 5 vols, RollsSeries (London, 1864–1869)

AnF Paris, Archives nationales de FranceAnnales Cambriae Annales Cambriae, ed. J.W. ab Ithel, Rolls Series

(1860)Barnwell Memoriale fratris Walteri de Coventria, ed. W.

Stubbs, 2 vols, Rolls Series (1872–1873)BL British LibraryBnF Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de FranceBodl. Libr. Oxford, Bodleian LibraryBeaurepaire, ‘Chartes’ C. de Beaurepaire, ‘Chartes relatives a

Guillaume le Marechal et a Jean d’Erlee’,Bulletin historique et philologique du comite des

travaux historiques et scientifiques, annee 1906 (Paris,1907)

Bernard, ‘Dignitas Decani’ J.H. Bernard, ‘Calendar of documentscontained in the Chartulary commonly called“Dignitas Decani” of St Patrick’s Cathedral’,Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 25 C(1905), 481–507

Bernard, ‘Duiske Charters’ J.H. Bernard, ‘The charters of the abbey ofDuiske’ Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 35C (1918), 1–188.

Book of Seals Sir Christopher Hatton’s Book of Seals, ed. L.C. Loydand D.M. Stenton (Oxford, 1950)

Brooks, ‘Irish Possessions’ E. St John Brooks, ‘Irish possessions of StThomas of Acre’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish

Academy, 58 C (1956/57).Brooks, Knights’ Fees E. St John Brooks, Knights’ Fees in Counties

Wexford, Carlow and Kilkenny (Dublin, 1950)BrutT (Peniarth) Brut y Tywysogyon: Peniarth MS 20 Version, trans. T.

Jones (Cardiff, 1952)

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xiv A B B R E V IAT IO N S

Cal. Correspondence Wales Calendar of Ancient Correspondence concerning Wales,cal. J.G. Edwards (Cardiff, 1935)

Cal. Ch. Rolls Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public

Record Office, 6 vols (London: HMSO,1923–1927)

Cal. Cl. Rolls Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public

Record Office (London: HMSO, 1892–)Cal. Docs France J.H. Round, Calendar of Documents preserved in

France, illustrative of the History of Great Britain,(London, 1899)

Cal. Docs Ireland Calendar of documents relating to Ireland, preserved in

Her Majesty’s Public Record Office, 1, 1171–1250,ed. H.S. Sweetman (London, 1875); 2,1285–92, ed. H.S Sweetman (London, 1879)

Cal. Ormond Deeds Calendar of Ormond Deeds 1, 1172–1350 AD, ed. E.Curtis (Dublin, 1932)

Cal. Pat. Rolls Calendar of Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record

Office (London: HMSO, 1891–)Cal. Pembroke Deeds Calendar of Ancient Deeds and Muniments preserved in

the Pembroke Estate Office, ed. anon (Dublin,1891)

Carpenter, Minority D.A. Carpenter, The Minority of Henry III

(London, 1990).Carrigan, Ossory W. Carrigan, The History and Antiquities of the

Diocese of Ossory, 4 vols (Dublin, 1905)Cartulaire normand Cartulaire normand de Philippe-Auguste, Louis VIII et

Philippe-le-Hardi, ed. L. Delisle (Caen, 1852)Cartulary of Bradenstoke The Cartulary of Bradenstoke Priory, cal. V.C.M.

London (Wiltshire Record Society, 35, 1979)Chartae Chartae, Privilegia et Immunitates, Irish Record

Commission (Dublin, 1829)Chartes de Longueville Chartes du prieure de Longueville de l’ordre de Cluny,

ed. P. le Cacheux, Societe des historiens de laNormandie (Rouen, 1934)

Chartularies of St Mary’s Chartularies of St Mary’s Abbey, Dublin, ed. J.T.Gilbert, 2 vols, Rolls Series (1884)

Christ Church Deeds Christ Church Deeds, ed. M.J. McEnery and R.Refausse (Dublin, 2001)

Close Rolls Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 14 vols(London: HMSO, 1902–1938)

Colker, ‘Margam Chronicle’ M.J. Colker, ‘The “Margam Chronicle” in aDublin manuscript’, Haskins Society Journal, 4(1992), 123–148

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CP Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland and

Great Britain, ed. V. Gibbs, 13 vols in 14(London, 1910–1959)

Crede Mihi Crede Mihi, ed. J.T. Gilbert (Dublin, 1897)Crouch, ‘Gilbert Marshal’ D. Crouch, ‘Earl Gilbert Marshal and his

Mortal Enemies’, Historical Research, 87 (2014)1–11

Crouch, ‘Last Adventure’ D. Crouch, ‘The Last Adventure of RichardSiward’, Morgannwg, 35 (1991), 7–30

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Gwent’ in, Gwent County History, 2, The Middle

Ages, ed. R.A. Griffiths, T. Hopkins and R.Howell (Cardiff, 2008), 1–45

Curia Regis Rolls Curia Regis Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office,20 vols (London: HMSO, 1922–2007)

Dignitas Decani The ‘Dignitas Decani’ of St Patrick’s Cathedral Dublin,ed. N.B. White, Irish ManuscriptsCommission (Dublin, 1957)

Diplomatic Documents Diplomatic Documents preserved in the Public Record

Office I; 1101–1272, ed. Pierre Chaplais(London, 1964)

Domesday Book Domesday Book seu Liber Censualis Willelmi primi

regis Angliae, ed. A. Farley and others, 4 vols(London, 1783–1816)

Early Charters of St Paul’s Early Charters of the Cathedral Church of St Paul,

London, ed. M. Gibbs, Camden Society, 3rdser., lviii (1939)

EHR English Historical Review

Flanagan ‘Angevin Ireland’ M.T. Flanagan, ‘Defining lordships in AngevinIreland’ in, Les Seigneuries dans l’espace

Plantagenet (c.1150–c.1250) ed. M. Aurell and F.Boutoulle (Bordeaux, 2009), 41–60

Foedera Foedera, conventiones, litterae et cuiuscunque generis acta,

ed. T. Rymer; new edn, I, pt 1, ed. A. Clarkand F. Holbrooke (Record Commission, 1816)

Gervase The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury, ed. W.Stubbs, 2 vols, Rolls Series, (1880)

Harrison, ‘Tintern’ J. Harrison, ‘The Tintern Abbey Chronicles’,Monmouthshire Antiquary, 16 (2000), 84–98

‘Haverfordwest Documents’ ‘Original documents of Haverfordwest’, ed.anon., Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th ser, 10 (1879)

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xvi A B B R E V IAT IO N S

Heads of Religious Houses The Heads of Religious Houses: England and Wales, I:940–1216, ed. D. Knowles, C.N.L. Brooke andV.C.M. London, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 2001);The Heads of Religious Houses: England and Wales,2: 1216–1337, ed. D.M. Smith and V.C.M.London (Cambridge, 2001)

HDNRA Histoire des ducs de Normandie et des rois d’Angleterre,ed. F. Michel (Paris, 1840)

HGM L’Histoire de Guillaume le Marechal, ed. P. Meyer, 3vols, Societe de l’histoire de France(1891–1901)

Howden Chronica Rogeri de Hoveden, ed. W. Stubbs, 4 vols,Rolls Series (1868–1871).

HWM History of William Marshal, ed. A.J. Holden andD. Crouch, trans. S. Gregory, 3 vols,Anglo-Norman Text Society, OccasionalPublications Series, 4–6 (2002–2007)

Irish Monastic Deeds Irish Monastic and Episcopal Deeds, ed. N.B. White,Irish Manuscripts Commission (1936)

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