The Art and Science for Nursing of the Sick People

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The art and science for nursing of the sick people

The Nursing Act is scientifically founded upon the theoretical knowledges clinically needed abilities integrating personal values, verbal and non-verbal communication abilities, complete and non-repeating experiences of working with the patient, understanding the proffesor as a social mission for making the well-being.This is an commitment of every nurse by all her personality through the experiences she passed next to the patient in order to help coping in good conditions with the levels of diagnosis, treating and healing of the disease, protecting and giving back the dignity necessarry for accepting all the tests which must face during the illness.The Art of nursing is based upon the tallent and process of teaching, on science, skills and knowledge on improving of the ethical and professional behaviours in order to a better responsibility and high level of conscience.Nowadays, practising the nurse profession is made according to some high demands. Nursing is a complex activity, treating the patient in a complex way bio-psyscho-social one for having a perfect well-being as well as a psychical and social one.In the conditions of the economical, educational, social and political changes in the past decades the nursing in Romania had some changes which led to another level. The importance of the nurse became a major one, especially by the usefullness in the Romanian health system.The presence and activity of a nurse in Romania is vital for the healing process of the patients, from the point of view of physical health and psychical one, of health education for the population in preventing the diseases.The School which I am managing now, founded in 1950, the present, Sanitary Posthigh School Fundeni represents the most important state institution of education in Romania for the preparing of the nurses being at the same time a centre for a continuous forming of the teaching staff in this field.The main facilities which the Scholl offers are:-12 classrooms endowed with the most modern ways of having the education process- 12 practising / demonstrative classrooms endowed with all the necessarry equipment for ensuring the practical preparing in the nursing teaching of the students;- 5 laboratory classrooms for anatomy, pharmacy and informathics, endowed with the modern field apparatus, including audio-video equipment;- a library with more than 20.000 speciality volumes.The teaching staff form the Sanitary School is composed of 75 teachers with a hight level of qualification in forming the future nurses.-32 instructors-43 teachers, specialists in the field of mediecine, biology, psychology, sociology a.s.o.The courses in the Sanitary School are followed by a number of 2000 students who are taught for the following specialisations: General medical assistant (general nurse); Medical assistant/nurse for balneo-physio-kinetotherapy and medical recovering; Medical assitant for pharmacy Medical assitant for radiology Medical assitant for laboratoryThe Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni established cooperation relationships on international level with a series of similar educational institutions from France, Denmark, Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium, USA and Italy.The Sanitary Posthighscool Fundeni actively participated in the process of implementation some cooperation programmes with Health Ministery in Romania and a series of educational institutions form countries members of E.U. such as Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris/France, Bell College/Ireland. These international cooperation programmes had at the basis both the E.U. criterias in the nursing educational field and the tradition of the Romanian School in this field. The Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni was the only educational institution in the nursing field form Romania which was nominated as part of the international cooperation Programme PHARE for the occupational family Health and Social Protection. The Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni in the Programme PHARE VEF 950 ellaborated the curricula for all the specialities, which is used by all educational institutions from sanitary field.The Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni has also been implicated in the implementation of the Programme PHAREVET 2002 / OO0586 based upon ellaborating the curricula for the medical assitant in pharmacy specialisations, balneo-physio-kinetoteraphy and medical recovering nurse, general medecine nurse, medical assistant in radiology, medical assistant in laboratory and hygiene medical assistant.The Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni was also implicated in the Programme PHARE RO 2000 /IB/OT/01 which had a big importance for the educational nursing system in Romania which objective was of recognising on the international level for the nurses diplomas The Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni is also a Training Center for the instructors in the sanitary field. In our School are organized yearly the final (definitivelly exams) and level II exams, psycho-pedagogical courses and speciality ones for all the teachers in the country in this field. Between 2008-2010 the Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni was implicated in Leonardo da Vinci Programme Intimate Partner Violence, together with similar institutions from Finland, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia.Between 2009-2011 The Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni, in cooperation with the Universitary Hospital Bucharest, Emergency Hospital St Pantelimon Bucharest,and the Oncology Institute I.Trestioreanu Bucharest had the programme Nursing the Convergence of the Medical Preuniversitarian training in the Active Life project financed from the Europeean founds it was the first innovating programme at the levels of practising internships in the sanitary field in Romania.The main target of the project-Nursing The Convergence is of increasing the working aptitudes in nursing of the persons being in a transitary situation from a posthighschool to a active life, ensuring a better insertion on the labour market. In the mentioned programme, 800 students from our school being the firs target group, have some innovating practising internships, thus creating a better insertion on the labour market. Another relevant activity from the project is the acquisition of supporting ellements for the optimisation of practising internships for the students. It has also been done (more ) 5000 guides for practising standards, which are free distributed not only to the persons from the target group, but also to the other students who are going to do some internships in the nursing field.At present, the Sanitary Posthighschool Fundeni , in a partnership with 7 sanitary schools from the country, come to help the students from this field in another national project of improving the internships and orientation and advice in the profession: SOS Medical Field! Pilot Project for optimising the internship and insertion (together), corellating with national campaignes of promoting, orientation and advice, for diminishing the deficit of medical personel. This projet is co-financed from the Social Europeean Found by the Sectorial Operational Programme of Developing the Human Resources 2007-2013 Investing in people, developed between 2010-2013; the Multiregional Programme and the OAMGMR Programme had been both projects with training activities for a great number of nurses selected from all partners hospitals, who took part at professional forming courses with an authorized supplier in the field; afterwards, students had been awarded with diplomas.The persons who are guiding and teaching the activity of students during the clinical internships are the tutors, theirg guides among the difficulties of both learning and real working as professionals.In choosing the places for internships, the management staff form the School has to keep in mind some factors:1. The Clinical education for students nurses must have, in general, and educational value therefore it is necessarry to have a great number of qualified personnel for ensuring a satisfactory quality to the nursing activity; It is necessary to have satisfying conditions as places, instruments, apparathus and materials used for nursing of the sick people;2. In all the services in which the students nurses are assigned during the internship must be in any moment at least a diploma graduated nurse who can provide surveillance and enough personnel of other categories for avoiding the situation of giving the students tasks without any educational value.3. The nurses with diplomas form the services during the internships must cooperate at the surveillance and forming of the students being as the responsibility for the nursing school teachers.The tutors activity: Offers opportunities to the students for getting accustomed to the organizing culture,to fufill the roles and interacting with the other members of the nursing team; Introduces the students in specified activity in the section/ward organizing the useful resources offered in their forming; Establishes confident relations and reciprocity support between tutor and student; Preparing in forming for nursing ; Realizing the activities in forming for nursing; Applying of the methods and techniques especially in forming for nursing; Evaluating of the participatns in forming for nursing; Marketing in forming for nursing; Projecting the programmes in forming for nursing; Organizing the programmes and internships in forming for nursing; Evaluating, revising and providing of the quality for the programmes and internships in forming for nursing.

The results have been seen by improving the cooperation with the nurses in the hospitals partners for the practising of the students starting from the beginning of the school in 2009-2010 their preocupation for the practical activity of the students being improved.The selecting and forming of the tutors is a complex process, of duration which need personal investments in time, but also financial investments supported, in the present conditions, by our School.The Didactic methods for teaching learning which can be used by tutors are:1. Traditional methods (classical) Explanation Euristic conversation Observing Demonstrating Exercising Practical activities

2. Modern methods Case methods Role play Learning on simulators Programmed learning Brainstorming or other stimulating methods for creativity Group activity

1. Explaining is the method by which the tutor checks the understanding and clarrifying of some notions of casual connections between an intervention nursing and the obtained results. Themes : Symptoms of some disease , preparing the patient for functional exploring;

2. Conversation is a talk or dialogue which takes place between the tutor and students, by which is stimulating and guiding their activity of learning.Themes: Preparing the patient for examing or for a set of blood analysis;

3. Demonstration is presenting and doing in front of the students of an intervention for a technique /nursing procedure, in order to get some information and being accustomed to the correct doing of the special action. This is followed by the exercises done by the students the tutor following the eventual mistakes already done and their verifying.

4. Observing is a teaching method for noticing the training students in direct knowing of the reactions and behaviours of the ill people/patients or doing some interventio nursing;

During the internship the students have to note down these observations on the daily activity sheets. The results of these observations will be discussed by tutors with the students.

5. Group activity is establishing and maintaining of some cooperation relations and also competitive between the numbers of a group or more groups of students for solving the learning tasks or practical activities during the internships.

6. Practical activities make the students to do by themselves, under the leading, surveying and guiding by the tutors of different procedures of inverventions nursing, for consolidating the knowledges, abilities and skills. The show the professional gained competences;

7. Role play is a teaching method which can use different tecniques: simulating,dramatising or socio-drama. In the training of the future nurses by using of these technique, some subjects are rellevant and available, there is a possibility of doing a conexion between the theoretical notions and the real situation. The students can notice the usefulness of the obtained knowledges, abilities, capacities and professional competences. At the same time, students observe that the gestures and the speaking of the people can be differently understood and with unexpected cosequences. The role play makes easier understanding, analizing and performing of the patients situations of their relations but also with the other members of the nursing team. It stimulates the creativity and communication between the students.

Themes: Discussion patient-nurse, discussion nurse- a family member;

8. Case study, in forming for nursing, means the presenting of a patient in an important situation in order to be analized and valuable for teaching. The tutor, a student or a group of students who had a task to propose a case study will show it to the other students. The case presentation can be done in a verbal way or can be shared to the students the data gathered in a written or xeroxed form. When the interview with a patient was filmed or recorded, the case elements can be watched or listened.The tutor explains the working task and establishes the time being enough for solving the case. After the finishing of giving time, one or many students present the solving of the patients case. During the presentation, the other students cand interfere or even make some addings. The tutors role is that of leading the analysis activities, debating and discussions. He must sustain with ability and discression the process of analyzing and synthesizing of the received information of discovering and formulating of correct interventions, adecquate and personalized ones,which will lead finally in regaining the well being for the patient. Finally, the tutor can emphasize and evaluate the discussions between students.

Case study III-rd year

Module : Puericulture, pediatrics and specified nursingTheme: Nursing of a chickenpox childObjectives : Students to be able to do the nursing process of a chickenpox childTime period : 30 min.

Gathering imformation:On March 20, 2012, presented at the emergency room in the Victor Babes infectious-contagious hospital, Mrs R together with her son Mihai, 10 years old. After the interview taken to the mother the nurse from the emergency room in the hospital there was established the erruptive disease started 3 days ago when her son had T=38,5 C.Second day, Mrs R observed on her sons body, especially on the trunk and heads skin, some erruptive ellements. So, they presented at the contagious hospital, for a speciality consult /checking and also asked internment in the hospital, in the case of a contagious disease, because she could not isolate her son at home.So, on March 23, 2012, at 10 oclock after a clinical examination very attentivelly done, she was hospitalized together with Mihai, her son, having the diagnosis of chickenpox with erruption in the second day.

Antecedents Parents are healthy Negative TBC epidemical hepatitis in the family Pathology: smallpox age 8General clinical examinationPale teguments, pale facies, an erruption maculo-papulo-veziculous on errimatous fond, prurigenous with a centripete character still existing on face a skullss skin, easily general alterated status. The mouth mucous is hypereriatus and edemic.Respiratory apparatus: - patients has 19 respirations /minute- normally confirmed thorax- vezicular murmur on the entire pulmonary zone- vocal vibrations and bilaterally transmitted

Cardio-vasculuar apparatus -TA 130/70 mm HG AV 72 beatings/regularly/minute-not having pathogenical breathings;

Organs of sense :-normal visual activity-normal auditive sens-normal olfactive sense